01,01 7! k,.1 NI /UM,. 4 - t r l . =I - 110 "Nr ", ` 4 Oil lir* VOL. 1. OE ME ' c e., ' attitotag 0 ..( , - ...-", 'l' .11 ', :tint . . linrTons. tWa - 4 7 1 -- / ENGLISH DEmUcnniip, va i rit CENTI't eOll N IS PAINTED AND runislict) IN ISELLZVOICTV RVARY WADNESDArY MORNING, • ; BrilkaißY ILAYS. J-gs]lM LQ•tn advaucte, or if paid within sin diffohtbs. 54,00 'hill be charged on all subscrlp , ilabobikiinfair to 60 end of tin year. h e IdVIOI4III3EXIIINTSI and litidnesi Notices inocit -44/4 th o 4 001 rot", add coiry. description of CO 323 slitc4ryt) in the neatevi manner, Al lb; lowest ' p -and iittoe .0 deap,olll, nosing pprolassmpllArgo collection of lype, too are p ru• paredrestiefy tbo 0.(1“:Mol our I, tends ROA CANAL COMNIJE4tiIONEIV GEORGE. SCOTT,. ..•• IDF COLTI3ITqI COUNTY POR ALPIDITaIt --- JACOI3 - 111,E1f 3 .11t., 1419NTUommty couicTr. ' Fan Hritvityrog m+Vtt AL, .- 1 :1 4 110.01 1 111( IVES, ,* " -- 0) 4 POTTIIt C . OTNTY, ••• P 1 • 44 / 1 1f11100111t10 tlectoral Ticket. e•ENATIALIAL. CDA,11,144 8. DU(',ii A I,lilV, NVII,SON 14tA1iti , 41)1.1,1-$. AZPIUSSEIITATI V E. EJLIN „ 24—PIERCE 11 l;') LER, 241-.-.1 , ,D1V A It!) 11 ,111 . 1'11 AN, • Do. II NV !VEIN //o. 601-401 IN MchAlft, 00. „ --JOHN iNg ON, Do. , 7 1 4—PAV ID LAI] Bth —elf A9 4 E. IC iNnL'I:It Ds. stai--JOPT.P ERSoN, Do. 101,h—IMAA 4:NS(ER, 11111.-FRANCIi W 111,1(111IES, Co. 12,11,-TIIOD, At, Orl I Eli 1.10.1. 1 T, o. 13111—ABRAII AN EDI N ' 4 1,)0. 1 ith—BEU TIPN W I LIIE,E. Do, 15111—ovnitill; A CRA IV FOR I), Do. 140114-JAMES RI Do. 17th—I( •,l. l l'AtiLl; • ,t,,ltiLh—JollN 1). 1(01.1)y, • . 19th—JAC011 C Rl'. Do. 2001.--J A .1 );ECIIAN AN, IMt 2.116--ir I'LL( M I 1,1,71 NS , I'AMPHEI,f„ Do. 224-4110NIA: - . Do 24th—JOIE, RE I.'l'], Do 2.StL—VINCENT - - - - Deni6z,Sio Etate Cautsal Committee, JOSS W. Fun NL y, ( . ha 1, .4 . 4,1, Ciir a n 4Pko itsdfips t_a- I, itiston 11 1 1 u ~ 1 ‘.., ,t 1., J 1 I' Joh .ileurge Plitt, Alt t.. 1 t; illmwir, "NV Mani. 111441, Pi. Ir. mown., ersorae William,: Ttrlrnoß I 4 iteeasn4ittnatrual Street, Wall wt it litho. William V SiVitaan. Lilward 'IV. P a per, lieurio W Moore, Thrill.' J. Tantalus., JFastlf.lohnson Third •ilialtset—:Wllliam I 111.alie.n., A. 11 '111." .norrth, DC/Friel --iteaph iieTrilli ill, J J. ',riper filiji/iLtsprirt—J. LSWfulteo iirla %1 fli. i\ sines B,,raSLair,ict-1 f . Vintatit.i, John lint. la. • 'erpttc.l4 iS , 8 , 1-B,µauvl C h.;m übuogli, C I) (11 4 e WAY' tiwai, Jas S 31 . 3ta1”.., EigiJA Ilfittietl•-ithric 0 3f 'liil, I e y. All Are ,i HO ins, William 11. Miller, 111,lianl M'Alla.t., 1) • LI 4401uset mitt., lisury owt, W ilium P WI r — l 4 in • A iliriq —p, D 'Wavier, S.iniucl IWelli eril l'Ffeberh Welter.' 7.4 in Ditilla:t—John'P Lord, William Lilly m aneasa ii. aii,..j., filt_ : ti a air.— .....w W ii l u lacts.... l / 11 sIl kk ly . , ,r .l ig. 11 0, 1 0 ta r o g e , :e s r ikiNFailli .I),'Jil irie--0 °gigs 11 II ueber, (Inc 1.3 e lit !' '", ' k if fiturnOiallik.D.a.a;fai —George While, J Richter Jqons. U. L Dintonbseb _41 .....t... ut5ia. Diariu—lV u 3 G. Mut rdy, Thomas A X StAdra Piafriet—R W 'Wearor, Di R 11 1 hemp. • • •• ' 4ta #o oaiasita .i. k,Diattiot--Actr Lathrop, Wini.tra AI :Lej4titSA . Diltrict —Julius SherNymul, II li 1) hats. .D•istriet--Willilm i' (larval, Rol,'t hots. wearied. Magnet —Jos Doukin.a. 4) P Sloan t,r9141/tElistirset—Joinoti Al lif oil o, S M "41...1te, nef B IVils..ll TWOuly-i nd Disirtrt -Da% 1.11 I.yrwh. M. I literset, •• ' ' , T a ltriltitia Dsstr, et—Win • ‘VOrklan, Chas A ' ' arils Diiirici —George W Bowman, J felf - rxvirni-;..s Ft Jamison, Charlet! Lam ' --- Tonnoirtmi.r4 is Dl•ars4o o .A. B. Wilson, Monts.' Bowas,,,,R...hfilhir.,_. Tiaqviy-asplath Dzotnet-1: 3 1 . 1-t•nan, It. I' Ylentaltatl:' Tesoinii ieii , tA Dirtrirt-- . liftmand Reilly, 'llo` J _....,_ 'C.:. .......... ./i. /I — D NEW GooDs.-= N- ."3 13- !lT'TtP)Mr,ttr,./t_soN, ...v I" 4.. , .. 1.10T(V/I-RA.nr,C(rts rh or 1110 DIAMICIWU Alin .41.1.1ai1l Alt 1. - .'llt FAA'S, • .13 ii.ora,. • ' •-.. •.. . oI),LIILL,,IV, P(11 Ma HaT . • -IWitnllood f . atal illills•IcIpl.l•, . r hurts ~0 hi, ' ',,, ,our ti4ir„. it.,.., ILIA cr.. now Opening ow. of 1,1, . e h,.„, , 1 ~,,,,,t„nr v r' • xrzw ENS' , c ',or raNa,, ..M.2. I.int ,I ~1 1 „ A y r , !vs - 1-14RtifeVi444.11,10 GOODS, E'er, linttip Grelltro sway, Ron take Piiii me fhod tild' Out old Mend', cuatiiimirs 1114 the bbnirlinkiirieWer me -prepared:4. • ' g loev enulase.sedli for they floret had before, In the Thep! of ~ . • , - . f• C9,4'f. 1 0. , VOTti, PAI4TS, to,, ,whictitriknilktitil caotiot be oxatilleil, And havim; Peen oared wOhspecial reference to 1110 taleilt 'lad 1411104V0il fashions. Great vitro has boon A - AI Airs 60114 a Gentlemen's Furnishing ida ...in.? ~,,,Hilt.TS, D li A IV E ES, 1144 N 1)- KE .6 , SUSPEN.DERS, GLOVES, PR 3, a every ti!,,saripLiott We also Math known to the public that incitildi lion low otiuir esioneire ittook of goods we havo ,Past 4444444 i 0 laprind splendid assortment of C. 100.111,1,1, 8 tatxu,s, V SSTINI/S, ISfixttra 8, ,s,g_, it Of eary 16 arid variety Hi iliCirrilielliml work rft•oi”Nd ay parti6uter attention to oar bolsi- Pess, , rtsith ilei give . general satlafinition and re oolvW;14.01116011 0f.41.10 44 . ii 3 patronage. We rempoot fully fitt,Wfo log illkNitbing ku our lice of bust ,...,pr bit anti alarniipi our stook of goodn. e 0; , ,j moNvtomiaty Jr SOl'ir _____.---.--------- I)E,POSIT • • ov ' aumEB, Me ALLISTER, HALE * 00„ ' OX 1 C/Crrtli It CO DA. • IPROS ITS -DEC EI V 14). ar•,b().O.ANOIIUNTED.' AD NpTES DIS ' CO N DOIVNIDTIONEI MADE, AND PROOEEDS,XEI MITTED 1.11.06111 LY FXOHANGE ON Tlir Iviterr Et IItSTANTLY ON X.; . WIND. frPril-3m ns DRUB GQODS • : ' r grakt yoriety,' for so. ty Now ) , • J. rs, oori. & I TT 13110 i IfITAILI SAW mu. inborn)... hayin g *erected largo-80am „„, Order WM of any dare Alo 149114ormokiee - 11.01)ERT - LIPTON, 1:11:1t s araamdam bad, 11 ranee from /11,P -Ir, #l.lesbur, Ps. Y ~., , 7;" , lij I c .. . • ; - , • . . . •.. -1 " •v 4,..,'' . . • , ' • • 1 . - . . . ' • ' '• ^.., ....... • • . , . • 4 1 • , •,./Vom* 1-..,•, • ..,.... - e • ! . n .4. \ . , - O r . ~ . .. , . X • • 9 ' .ili ..„,,, ... 0 li j . ~ _ - - , A . '• \ , . , ' ' - IN T ; - . • .": .`,.., A ~ \ • 4 L ~.' :.,.. t ' - . t ~„.., .. .+., t .i , ,i • .. • . . , • , 4 - . , . ................"....-- -...........____ - -7-7-- -- T mt- ;:i . -;--- -- ,- -- a"' - - - --- - -•- , 'V - JUNI4 I 11 Itirili . . . • . '.. . #4IBINLCKPONTT. -El IPA.i WE ii, ••10. -...-. ' _ .._ ........ -.-__.-- - _ __ . • I cprwc.ae - -.Fg o) Acinbh:y Arigh. •;*". • i ---- shra.irri" capacity de cflyvo I tininringing it out (lohyured .ii - . it to tho mos. ' ,' ' ' i e setiget with hi 4 own 11111111.16 lia-liii-mur)“Ti• ..'llio tamink.. r ;r1 nili -t.t.r, amn,ea7 W I 4) ,i'" are z - bc - i , t on the Aliii of tinper e 1 IBM TIM' AnociEL,'.4ND rim CIIILD, IL Angel fOrtti, with brow of light ,;, ,, Watojte;4l o'er a sleeping,lnTantl,dreitm, And gaunt, as tho' his eiseitge bit ht' •, r "t- • • ,411144111P1War4114•44414T.. ,1 ‘ • ~* 1 ji "Fair obit o Aloe Is like to mine, • s Oh, cop said) "and try with me , Como (lull 61 cppinenn lb ino, Fur north Id ill] usworthy thee. ...)., ..ra ! nero perroot bliss thou comet not know Tlieutl ainidntito pleasure sighs, ATI soundn' of joy are full of woo, Enjo:nnentn are but mlnertett; t ‘ . . "Fear sialke Funklett the gorgeous knish: And the' forum) the day mew rise, It In•ds noellullliont to n close, And tempests sleep In onlmeste skies "AiMO. eitx❑ SUIPUN, tlonbtx anti lean ' Defotin a brunet, Oro 1101 thla?— And tholl tho b(ltrn,, tot of teattr Dint theta Moo oyett that !pent( of Whet No, pololong the rt-Urna of alma, Pot floin all ea - Fe,Jet tot lhogono; Kind Pro,l,tento; Anil give Moe gram, .Vor tango few years thou inlght'at live on, ' 110 N,rinourning vreodi, no sounl of wall Thy oliAloss spirit shall annoy 11. y kiaire , l shall thy absoner , li cu Slll thy Cir Ming MINI thvlD oNo c loud ou any broulausll rest, Naught speak of tombs or on,' nein there Of ',sings, Ill‘e thee, pit rg and blest, The latest hour shoed,' be meet (Mr • - lbn !mini shook hislnowi wings And thro' the geld 1:of other eyed, Whern lierten'n eternal amide ring -Mather—ulna'—thy Ma is deed! For the Donare'tztic Watehman THE 6rtat bibitst anb ci , unim siaito The Rrnthrn, Routs to Toledo—Sow/ask y City —Toledo—Mon:her)! Afirhogan—Ptetwesque Nteutry,eir In the former chapter we lightly noticed the route by Cleveland to Toledo, sad we shall i !ideal. or to ns briefly notice the Sooth e] n rout from Alliance to Toledo. Ax we insinuated in the preceding chapter, the north, ri, not: , bl, Cleveland to Toledo v%11. , a n, or; , I , 110,1)111l route. We can hero 041 ft ly ctliint that it IS without exception the drtariist cud moat lonesome road that it •na% e\ r 1.1 rt t.ce towel upon. The lneil oe a who It the roadpassett, is gen tally mai:thy, and skirted on either side by large bodien of heavy timber, principally alt and poplar. The road ix but newly made, and consequently ltsui not settled au* ciently for the ears to run over it without bounding and loaning from one hollow in the rail to :moth, r. 131 Inking the southern Tonle film Atl4 aIICX tO Tni(IIII), 3 C/It remain in the Pennsyl vania and llhio ears, as they only only stop twenty minutes a t 4‘IIIIIIICC and then pro. ceeil to Crestlin e. After leaving Alliance the road pasties through as pretty country as the State of Ohio can boast of. Well cultivated and irupruved farms lay upon each nide of the road. Beautiful towns hers and there Sot the face of the country, and somshtsve the city appearance about them, beautifully laid out with splendid buildings, -ulitirches, Amoug the principal tains are Canton, county seat of Stark county. Monier in the same county, Wooster, the Nullity scat of Wayne county, and Mansfield the Shiret on nof Richland county. Mans` field ns n flourishing place, lo [wilfully situ ated on nn devoted plain. It contains a population of about three thousand. At this pia.- c nger ; for Toledo, change cars by crossing ovtr a platform to the E.ila• dusky and Newark earls, which leave Mime diafely after the arrival of the Ohio and Pt:ozisylvanin train The distance I'lolll Alliance to Mansfield is eighty-four miles, and from Mansfield to Sandusky City fifty-too miles , north west. The Sandusky and NVW ark road in a good one. It pic.se , , through a bernpful portion of the State, emit a country that is thickly inhabited. Shelby in Richland county a,.- New lie- Veit in 'NIA, county me the 'principal ton us I along the line. The average rate of speed on this rend is about thirty miles per hour. Farmers in Lids. section of the country seem to' appreciate the ottrulaental. Their tciiiilaticeit are built in magrdlleent style, their yards nicely ornamented with ithritb. berry and shade trees, and their farms well and tastefully fenced. The soil is of a billCk loam appearance, aniphe tondo rolling with plenty of timber and water. The water, however, is .none of the best, it being' of a soft and salty nature, having a dark and dirty appearance which polor it receives from the sifil over which it ruts' Sandusky City is well laid out, and con tainir a wntriber et fine huildings, a ship yari; and is few *marfuridisilhg °stalks*. insults. it is situates; in Erie county and contains o populyion' Of 'iliput eleven thou sand. The oltrfa on an eminence and gives to the beholder u commanding view of Lake , Erie. Passengers croeS the Sandusky river nt this place upon is ferry tont and humedi ately take the Sandusky and Toledo earn for Toledo. This road is another good one; It s 'runs over an outlet of the lake one mar; wile, on the west side of Sandusky. Splits ttiti driven through the water to the earth beneath, ,upon the tops of which the rails of iostfare laid. The enrs pass over at a sow speed whilst the same on Maier side looks water, isightful. Pup Ale of spet4 upog the paistitisky and Tolhdo Itailreidi is thirty-foUsliniles per hSmr,, and the distance from the!rorreer place to I=Sl I= CHAPTER HI 'th e latter is sixty7one miles. The Country is but thit4 settled, and real balics of tiMber from, tlie_ !gimp auto Allegigint* are 1, 11 0* 3 Z ° 21.14 11 )t1. 4 ... , ;.; t again Change To cdo, passengere• again Change daking the Michigan, Southern and Northern Indiana road, to Chicago: There is, probably, no road in the West up on w filch cars not at a , greater Speed than upon this, and there le no on ' road, proba bly, that does as extenslvo a business. Their rate of speed is forly-live mike per hour, and if it needs h they emeadil ten to it per bone without increase of danger. The. Mad is - 611100th and level, the ears good and commodious, and the country through which it passes well settled tylet improved. The road runs not t 1 west to Adrian, in I,cuar vee coinity: l 2ichigan,, , where it connects With tht Motii - oepctd. The principal town along the-road ', o are 111 , Ilsdal, 'IOWAN county, Ii litKaii. Cold Writer in linen^b county. Whitt• Pigeon in St. iruseplia county, South Bend, In St. Jo4ePli county, Indiana,' end la Porte in Layorte . county, Pity, on [.adze the same county me] SUM) , All these i01111:4 show that th ey arc fullY ilrPiro With the sidrit of enterpriae, most of thcin cool riuii,g large and costly and ranging in population from one to seven thousand The country how , . ever, is not a healthy one, its general air lantrance does not indicate it. The laud l ays too'tlttt, and heavy rains falling UkKill AR surface must remain there to stagnate until the rays of the sun dry it up, muse. (locally, the valuers escaping from th ese bodies ~r stagnated water produce chills sml fever to a great extent, hendti, the couch criti.. sited report that ''they have to ring the' churdi bells in Michigan for the people to take their quinine " is in Coins lacasitru true, it not lttcrnllycorrect. Prom Miehig e nn City the road runs south around on the lake shore to Chicago. That part of the road passes through a timber country. Watt r oaks, poplar, ash and sonic maple being the principal growth. • (;rnntng near Chicago, within five mites a the e,tc limas the eye iti attrar.tid by the erast, awl picturesque scenery —the 'ante collie, - pi:Line rpou one and the deep. Hoe 1.. r tlic pas reui,es tin its, C tins , anus uponz si large txt, d 11,1 a lug glass, mai d t c ftn,l cr4, nod the licholder e hat wed 1 iv ' grandeur of t h e 6Cune can scare( ly titiri. S.; the rising emotions of his 'Kart, but (-Meld must exclaim, ot. • deliAlitful laud—this Prairie West, Wh ere ilowers to ovary hoe are thrilled , Where peasants till the rill with *Me, And near have the fruits of Wily Met feat* CHAPTERIV. -o- ll irC „ r„ - A 1. i4Nneirr 41f 'olds -llrpol, Depot Nnur,, 4fr -1 . 11 t( ling the city of Chicago the ears pass don il . Chark to the Southern Michigan Depot, which is about one mile distant from the city limits, aad situated in a very pleas. ant part of die city. The &inkia ; by4,„ - (mans the 1.4:14 tci ty nor is its location the prettiest. Onanilnises and ha-ka are here in abunilnuce to convey passengers and baggage to any part of the city, to any ho tel and ally depot desired. We would here remark that the bail:men are by no means .0 ) , :ly fair dealing set of dividers. Quite a number of them arc Irish and tlernitin, and till are ill a greater or less degree " skin ners," veil upon the motto of " take what you get, 001 posh for moro." Persons going to putt a, advise them to purchase their omn, blin tickets from the Agent Whla passes thr4iugh the ears before they reach the city, for the purpose of selling the name. This agent is employed by Partake & Co., who haye a lino of omnibuses pinn i ng to all pla,es, and hotels in the city. Passengers and I,le;ifiezi•fir lowa or Western Illinois are (YON t „ the Chicago and tlalen;!._ depot fir thirty.fivt, rentS, each with baginige, At this depot eats in ace'eltery three hours for Thrligton, fia kiln, Dubuque, and for the dffftuient points i n lona, Wisconsin, and Wester!' Illinois. If It is 1100 siretrr remain in Chicagii a fen day s, then „, we would say buy no tick ets fui using ire omnibuses; for if you do, you are sure to pay Just iloubte'price tier convoy Ali.„l:oo,l , hotels have free oni nibuses running to and from all the depots. Shim by every means those " ono, horse. shuarceksy':),u get into one of them to ride to any• coaches:" for as hotel, howev'er near, just co sure will you be tninAit, 0410 dollar "fur ~your preference. Their cOmroo ll chatge IH fifty cents, whilst 'Many of thorn have the pertinacity to ask one dollar. Legally they can only claim twenty-five cents, and if any persons arc " suckei izeilv by these hackman, their better plan is to otTer the "quartet'' and if they' ' refuse to accept it let them do Without. We have iu our " notes" a case where the "duped" happened to be too live 11 " suck. er" for the hackman, and as an illu s t ra ti on of how these has:loom proceed in cases of ' refusal to pay their chards, we will here cite it. A stout, butt 1, husky Voiced "sucker" by, accident or intention, we know not which, got aboard of one of the's° I.iaeX4i t and oat, carried iron the tialtma Depot o South ern 3llohigain, ono mile and a half. (letting oat, he intlui : ped the price;, and was politely informcd,tit %dollar. Ile offered his " two alailliDo",4* , were promptly refused, when he politely put the money in his po ken" a :fitt`requtWitl i l, l l - . Llackruaa to '''aue'l; for its A llis . i,Vo,,ttan immodiatelY 'went in search. of thn tOtaperli 01' the law,'f. In the meantime Mr. Suekei - takes is sett in the ears very nontentodly. niter in there <Amanda the 4t-4hr. The " not n, t all alFrtnetl at such " Wt.," indig• nein t glances ht the Irishintni, and Ha) s : " a. 1 - fellow tlte next time you nteet nu; you I k new' int," and to give his exprestlion a s - c—r—s- r•rnpluttie form he very politely piStits his f 1 t"t. between the iihnin onieer's eyes and he f_-al. to thy flour a" reglar and thus endretife dollar rpterition. T fi rat class hotels ih Chicago are the Frs. tx lea x lirigga, hang Antefiem, Sher-x - 71 an and , Melanielli. Each of these houses the tigint in the ears s, ifs tickets for, and -IL.-}ti. passeinrer visiiing to geto ei lifer of thews.. purchases his tictets triiiin the agent for t SOL - V' rity.tlve cents and is e 0 IIVII:,ed thereto by P.axr --- a- - rdis , d Co.'m email:ma at: Each of ilit'Ke• I'S - 01,0 S 01:11',!,,` two dollar; and a half per ( - 3 r ton tat or not They are all fl a -story builtinets and 10411 and sr-u xa t dated. , • . , Th • FA:ement" ifA§ the 'mull , Of bvithr lr " "2 i cf," hut we would 11,.11,r• the prcf••r:- enec the" lirig,gv." it iv rertainly'll 'bet tor fairririrsliCil houvr and ui as if,Vod n location iati its r-i vat. • ThE rsr.c , coini clay; hotels aro thn Gerdes City,' Amoricalt,''4 All . 2reilipll4" sell," "A'ra.ttesos," and atiburl " F.acri of these att re three story and pretty well fitir — r-rbiln:(l. Their charir Are use (101- I tar tiny for board awl' fifty cenk for I lodgiis g - .111 them , hotels aro situated near tho .r, mtreets of llifc.ago. 111. u- t hird ante hotels are ‘raterous, nod' are 113 - after some distiniiplished nem or enuntric- —o and that is the best part of They ar gent rally kept by foreign,' half- The charge is oap it ilar per -re tl‘els• locution in the outakirt , , of the ci t _ Both the second and; third 111\38 have Fr. - oinnibuses running to and from all th a • • poti and hteamboaL The- 1-u iOes streets of Chic:ipso are South Water. .u..-r - 1,1 lake. All the Ism wholesale estalai hrt. upon Sout - wo.r mid the fn,4.l._ii rcuul sclale ale on Lake. "IT I n ;,t ;; un cast paul t.,t id cumtittj urnwng which rt -re rxchauge b ank," Maine Hank ," me:it lionge" yid Ine,nra nee (Mice. The tit o 'fortnell aro four story , erected ti ith the "yellow build tog at.; _I. s;" from the F.lgin quanies, and ill our c~ ti ma/ ation they are the prettitst: . atoao for that purpose we eve/ malt. Clark and floarb.ca r-x-A are two fashionably streets of roni(ler acv - They run North and South. nu the la.- r creet the Chicago Theatre and Yost _)ft2.. - co aro to be found, both 'are f ury pretty 1,7. i I dingg. Rari.(3-A, 7. ph street, running, cast and wart corals] the Court s llonawasil aeretal of the _ among shish:is the first PreSby terian Ae of the flticl,t chnrelics in lin the westeryr - It is built in Gothic style *lid oeiat of granite, and the coltell house iv anQ'tlcr i.plendol edifice, occupying a square_ Zts4ard is encloied by oiinaineu tal r - The yard is tastefully laid out, It? a beautiful icalks, having at its four corto r z iicely constructed fountains with T • . - 17 w ide haSins, Sly yituatul.l9at and canal boat building are cm e.,1 on at an extensive - tate. All knoli marhinery arc nianneettturill in EMI i'r01......^ai,1y, the - prettiest place in Clucag,o, is Mk:l - X aK - an Avenue. Here .11 the wealthy merchaa_rs t .s - have their residenees, racist all of are buil in Cottage, t ipt li ,i their lei t_a.... - .2..s laig and Spanhatkak style.', TIN ly J'ark,Ja apoci tb4s street, are .. - 1 cartons plaeive for .1:1111116/Cr re sort. - - i- ia a: avenue running north and south, and fat- ara - opus the lake, its resident+ have, the Tent ti t of the la-L . 30001 breeze. Thera lost-, mixtten iadroacls that rent re in Ullieltgv=b wand have their depots id the follow ing Sta. it,c-aw.- The Illinois Central, Michigan Central • Y_. ,salie Shore, Chleago and Si. L 0111 4" UiliClig.D. Sa. 11(i Reek island and Chicago and La Salle Kai 1 -roads have their offices in One De. pot Iv Ili .c..- I a 1-4 Aitnated at the vast end of Lake street, vcvv-v. Michigan Avetaun, This general depot is known by the name of the I theme Central - It 18 a very large yellow stone bilii4iutss-. with patent roof, and is considortd Illicagstai , 'ea best effort. The Southern Michigan road .with branch as have thur Depot at the South end of Clark street. The Chicaga, - atid Galena, Eturlingto xi, and Quincy`, withal! their branch eB hart their depot in north Chicago upon Clark s treet. Some sad sights are oft timegprresented to Niew - -4 a - ,-irx these several DeIUAL Passen gers getting confused hurryoff their bag ra. itOng Perot and are actayeil in convey We lina_ro seen' aged men and 'Women weeping over their troubles, nut kVving whither- C. - , go or who to consult. W r eh4ve aeon iiitt - o,t.l_]iess shrieking in despair fOr lost child ar-en. Wu have twit the penniless boy, a. stranger in the city, without a pkce to go, or sfs. friehd to advise weep bitterly over lais rats fortunes. Wo have seen the rents and be:lLA:tient wife mourning civet the font of her .hutaelt_sestand, and wo have seen the by shouldlr of acorn turned grindinglir up'on thor very objects that so deeply deserircd air pity,out moneyand our sympatity tite very- - itisses--!-not inon who pride , native tnaSters . and assinfit,n4, it we titnocllAeiitandllioir,efflcial duties V&A they are Laccommodate, not to answer --ipoolitely, anti not' reject with scorn "0-Silitir - isac - *v. • 1 ES PSI twee 'cone aos , the sevrnal • I)ipcsar.....4 wave •titian more. to iiikture thei:eliintotfr "rare ••of Peg° SibrOad, Alum all other cigistaiss. • • Wo pestatlet i ints dlrta aiet _Syr the :(lefeete will he a•Soliorsitud. " ho city of Vliirtgo (retains • poiscsr - LaiMioh of over eighty thonsantl. • ITO NN CONTIM Iffii=enl OLD,F , 47IIIVIR NE A LI, 1 Fa of F4uplier ontinty, haS left a mine to ho praised awe' flaptisth in that reKionof r•ountly. iiy trade he Wait a carpenter, and before he n rok that business for the (hoioet was head carpenter to tleireral WashiliA;k- Liar a ; 411 that eels,' of the incidents u e are .IEI6 iry llt to rteor,t bring out pleasing re t_z_a ecnces of the none of teen, nlrour the shosi. - c , arid del:Oils to 'Rotor. It nae late in 1113 lir.' when Fat Inr t eagle nll4 , •00% rt( c), Mid so br at NS RH al that he qt(ll , r(red i %cl . y ua,ii (11 , 1 a to !Opt , ti , and then e.a •114 , 4 nn 19tig; people would btay to onr lurrr "N. i I ('''. lo tr, and fond of 1111111( . 1011 , RIM] .ed tho crowd that 6atliev, (I :14 up(' often 1-cut t.onn• of drew an ay itir4.2. - rion4 than they canto, for he i‘ as n ' tnan,L7o.odml only 1..) Mats,' °till r' pla nod. ilia ugly ho o k 4.4 111, id.-- • and when hit found a ,younprep h, r ii i 11,;" a r(1F.01'42,4d0t 6 aid hint lit finding. itoma_ar 1115, he said ; r'Y'ou had better Jet 'that alum.: It tr i you noire harm tiny good . and it n ill ra you lazy." Su I how can I do 1% s ubunit it 1" "Why, ao 83 1 110 : study the llibl~ ti 31 you knot% it by heart." And he had studied it 00 , thoroughly ILI Ll3l.- t he knew the leant incident, recorded i , and could cite them viliciover 'they w come In play. One tune Lit In aril a tone e t trying to prove that the people could have been immetied .n .Jordan, becauou tle t river was so small Mr a num could dia.srxs it t up with his futS. jAt the close or the yer - mon Fattier Neale got up and said . "I don't Pretend to have any great I rlL - leg : you all !snow me too n II to think of tile; but if I don't rind bo of ira.. and °Our books, flu re' I lit, Itiul that's Ilia Bible. 1 hat s I.i) I Now, our brother here says, the the kill 37 - - .11l LI I 18 50 5111511 that you way st.,ls 1t rk ith z foot. llis (rooks nifty. 1, II ur so, but 111 ti book tells toe 5.: ,, ,,(1,e1 story. I read tra. Bible how David, It hen he i; as tlytng, rrozii Absalom, had to/In:ea Doat to carry him cr-z- That's what my book tells me." The audience were very wtIL natiolied tt--qt the authority. s Without. 'knowing it, Lc nueu Borrow - e= a 1 .11. Rood thing trout a court preacher of koigl who rebuked his mast.' r by a sally people. Father Neale ma, one time prc tug on a hot day in summer, n hen the plc were outside ru crowds by the e> pc. windows as m ell aid nw tnong the latter -..% Mrs. Neale, who as so muds overcona 1. die heat that she sanl. - found, •autb intimated the tact by signs. Pabst ale beard her, arid, pain it a in his sermon, said: “Brothron on tho tintsitio thcrt., laces 1. talkfio loud; af , r7o you'/1 a ak9 It nag one of Father Neale's ileligAt to -t up the politiciairs, and he 1.11 , 1 the cilevt rly that was aph tc,tire to a man 1.7. of tioterity to 671 into the„parson ' s AtuQpghtS.ittarers WAR T hinnies brown, afterwards mered tu Florida, became - ernor of the Stair, and ri siihs there n •• •>l5 - rathuf Neale Nas spialatug of politics-s 2 and, tsallto tiii , ortak ,to ..er - mst• iotes, hit+ rye lighted on Mr ling - 'V and ivatantly went at him , Now, the' Ca I:rothcr 131,m -he ' . , q .( -1- of thou. iititallA, 1.11:1141 treatilig a rites I_tv liquor till he gets dead ih Lank. A I=l. - an cornea along, calls on rir•in n, and 1.-a-sayaciri thins, Will, you hale a Ilue field of wit there , ; the Ilea I ' ve Orel, 'Yes, it's very good wheat," an) a Bro "cavil 'wont you step up to thus side-board .13/4.13C3 ?rink something ?'' “The'mah steps lip and drinks„ and px—cs ently he says aga.in: "These sheep of yours hi the pasture arm the best I ever did seo---must be flrst-z—mat. biied I” cli'vs," 'says Brown, ever} good,Lraad hadn't you better tako another glass of ba----stani tly and a atertilo "Drinks again, and pre n sently remarks Brolvn's splendid liorse,And gets anot-Jeer invitation, and goes on praising Brown drinking his brandy till he can drink nca. more ll= All the limo the prettelier has been tAll this lieliliond story, no one has been enjoy S n it more than Mr. Brown ) who- sees hinru-sielar in the glass, and the people know the pie—. turo to be true to the life. Some of Father Neale . o rCcollections csiir never heforirApahlished, are worthy of being put on rey•oicbmid they Arc in trinsieally inure interes`tingthan many or : the anecdotes told of thatillustrions man. - Ono of Washington's 'habits he'irientiox - xe._ as brought to Mount Vernon from the ca.rnirs.- wbgto uverythlng was sacrificed to iisper...cb.._- Whenevn be r . ae,ived 4 iioto hy,,a pri reesseogtr, he ,ritv'er asked the, bcarei t.he htiutio, htTifienevilly look the , hitter Ina.i.nma iielf Wt+ the lenut• doer, and read- it, ue44r i. with, hhthead hare in tho-skeit JICA" t required a verbal reply, ho .dim-: iioiatui the bearer ;or if ho mus •- y - dually retire,tohiutßoe. • Zria vaaa , . . - I 4rather Neale states thti,:k he - siar - asse- °two • tig4dsOihg sonio'oorpen yr- - wrzele—ie cm , oilio,o the northeast windosts that iris upon the front pipaza of the imansioit si IC lifount Ver non, sati•se'veral ladies woo ICa king tea on the colonade• IVashington wia...sess walking"up and down, joining ill the rc - ! - - - csi - 7 - sversation. Oneof the ladles nskt (1 illlll ti _ . .s opinion of 00010 or the battles of Nrapolc—.- - ,7---s, the fresh fame of 0 hich ono then ririgill— t Ihrungli the world. IVashmAton'S reply, aa.....a.: heard by gr. firth., was in lhese srprds :- ` — Something , more thnrs the art or man ac- .7k...a i.r.2..ved those ball les. " . rliE Won ING ol' 'JOHN LI AX. It %WI It little note unsealed.. T he Engin: seription a ;I%lllllly firs name, her cloak' round, taw. handwriting -"Joben---a Tfalifax." Ills fingers idoiribover it convu i "1 —ahe la.-vent' kind." The vsta - tuiras died !gnat'--the , 111111 i which gra icis....c-tc_l" , ay, for more then n minute, the unopc — rim d letter, trembli . i'd like an aqprn leaf. " "SC hem is a graft ful nature," observed !VT _ .lessor, sednlonaly looking nt and speak - to me. I would nol wish it otlierwi , < - _- 1" wont.' not wish her to forget those •rt- orth she prm ' ed in her 8011.1,111 of troll'," - " I %Oka silent. Tho old lady's tonir-ex_ai likewise failed tier. Ate took off her g-T AlwiiwSl a Anger across cal) eye-lash, an.r-3" mat Ran. "Have you read your little notam- , Air. Ilali• fax !" No answer. " f will Mk amour mes sage back. She told inn what tih .tiom," bail said to you." Ay, nil the world migl t_ 7 ave read those simple lines "My dear :liar!. did not know till yesterday that ycv..a._.x !mad born been ill I have not fin - gotten Jim -ttay.tw kindyon 0 crc to my poor father I la ICI like to eorne and %re you, if you will a_ = I. • Inc - Tours sincerely, 1 tacit This was all the note I saw i r. lore than thirty years afterwards, 3 ellew saw- Corner of his pocket-book _ " Well, .that shall I say to my child ?" 4- • say"-- Ile half rose, struggling to speak -- = Ask her to come." lie turned his head tee -ec - aards the oindnw, ail the sunshine glitter i ra 14 on two great drips, ln.re.e as a c a r. MN. Jessup 'xi tit an ay And none- trot a long waited -3,:srl-ely mos.- John lay, his eyes sometimes fixed d on the lot of blue eky that tiloin (ma t. above the Iron railings twin een the abby is. Mort than once they wandered to the- 2i TAW letter which lay burled In his hairtis. TlEet felt It there-- that wit enough. My f - tP-scr came In from the garden, 16,1 settled t©. IA is after. noon dozo but I think John 'lntr-r.ka-• noticed hon—nor I. 11y poor old father Yet we were all young once -let. yout z *enjoy Its day. At length -long before T 'heard a sound -John whispered to hinasell." f --" She's cooling." l'rittla came. She 9t0041 at the parlor door 7 r--t_iisy with rivion of youth and' ramose. which blushed not, nor I zed need to Lltwh, nt any intent or act the « as auc tioned h?ttic law of God and her- o-ca-n heart. John rose to inert her Mr, Wei" 7 - 1 speak, but only clatpud lie at strung anough'for thsguists now- It hi 21r.A look she might have seen, have felt" t 2.at I told twr true. Bur teat—Let it drop =3 tlown, l'rnila March's Rear glance It never diopiwil before Then f lap w all wonlil end. arl'q voice broke i " Abel Fletcher, the thwtorli want- Hitt thee (lea n in the kitelten L' 4 7.12111A62-..rit-n, anti mile saga her green ptcmelierries aaut't half naltitt \ na our'n." My father alaatc - -- , c.. ke-t-rub .W4-tn4 eyeo —hecaine awaro of — .aa. lady"ia presence - 7 -rtibheti them again, -anti ate Attarliig. John lcd Cr,ithA s. to Cho ul.l rri ni s chair, • Fletcli,r,"this i t Mitj. Mr•rc 2z, AL friend ”f mine, ‘Ailo, liQartlig I w.ts ill, v t. uP her 1.1,01 , at --" vot faltered, Nliss Maul) 'added, in a low with ,lowneast 1.11,18 • I am, ap, oz - - - _ - ,r,azazin, and ho WAS )(Ina to thy father. " A r r. Fletcher nothing— ttilluspiid 11ii spectscice- - - - wegyed her all over—NO moddjil again, F 5 " E_ Aza m" - ky 4411 gravely, ivith a satisfied inspec- AL-ahe=en Illy - hard Kaye lingefed and noftenetiva - -- - _tarn it lin• gereA, on that young fnco, was written simplicity, dignity, truth. If thee bee A friend of John's, WelCOtria 03 , to my house." And now the room dini.„ z-Lic.cosked so that I could not sue them; b.wit their voices seemed a great way oil; smiiiim it—be chit. elren's voices playing at the old. Niesse-4311-licAtd used to sound to mo whop 1. lay -*a =mike" the brow of t h o Flit—m he dimtam.-- it.,l....,,aghtar at Endprtay. " I intend," John said, "as sc.v=s , a - a. as lam able, to 4eave Norton Bufy, and - abroad for some time." •• Whore IC - 43. Amer ica. It is the beat-country fora 3117^ - 113 Ong HMI who has neither money nor nor po sition—nothing, in fact, bat his vir=aara = -n right band with_whieh to carte' oat Kis -sencovx-totines— as I will, if I can." She mormi - St_ sr-amod some thing abOut his being " quite righcer--- " "•I'm glad you think so." But his voi•cc- _ bad. re sumed that format tomewhicliev‘m• INElLTldotholl mingled strangely with itS /ow; d t4nrer ness. "In any case, I must qua i< t England. 1 have reasons for so doing." " Wtat rta sons I" The question seemed 'to startle John—he did not' reply et - - u f.you wish, I will tell you, in order themeat,.. +should I over come back—oir if I ihoulselli want arms back at all, you, , who_ woke kinalllL.Wartootigh to lie my friend, *at lamer that IV.- unleikfuot ge away Ann mere youthitil realc-it cawasnees,'or lots of. chimp." Its.Ountinu...--.11----A.I oat I going because enrei has befallen sawakie, a gireat )Thutait;whioirWhile I Stay hers,. 3 "_casnot 11!I 4 X : 4.: .' EMI MI E NM NO., 28. I. get from or Oen:lonia._ J'4o not wish took) under it—l hail illt.U4T. 43 Illetraaidi do Iny • -snarlt -ita the world *Slit Irian ingllt. No man' hails right to Say to hialtlikk4r,i4 My I burth'en la heavier than I eau bear.' ' DO you not think so f" "I do." "Do you not think lan right in thus meeting and trying to ounquer, an inevitable ill /I' 4 "Is it inevitaltle 1" "'Nail !" John ankWered. wildly. " Don't reaten with me—you can a algo-- you do not know. It is enough , nnti,limiit, go. If I idnLY I shall hecotne unworthy mytiiqf, ttilwokhy of —. tor give me, I havo 11G right to -talk thug; liiht., yon called me friend, and I would like you to think kindly of me sanity's. Ilecitijo— beelittae--." And his voice shook—in-Ad thAW.rt utterly. "(hi I love tboe l ewd take ...like Of thee, wile, ever I re" n John stay !'' it Was but a lute, faint cry, Ilko tint% of a little lard, But h t : ti z i l o it—felt it. , In the silence of the .141 . 'n, she Ciltipt up td hi in, like a young bird to its mate,eind Ito took hei into tha shelter of his hive r‘ii es ennorc- At once, all ttlei mode' clear be tween theta; fur' whatec'er the world alight say, they were in the sight of heaven eral, and she received as nun _h as idle gave. When dud brou,da in light,, the room st,mitl to ne, ut nrot, alt in a \'•tla dakrle• Then I saw John Ilse and Ms, Mardi 4 td, intn. Holdinglier hand, he led her &Gross 1 the room. Ilia head 411.11 creel, liiir'oyes shiini—las u bolo aspect that of a hum who declares heron) all Ilia world, 44 l'lda is my own." "Eh T" said my father, gizitl at them front over Ins rapt:etudes.. John spoke brokenly, " We hove no valetas, liei• ther she nor I. iJlei's her—for oho has promised to be toy air, - And the old tuau deastsl her with tears. F. i: IVAN ITIO Y or ATTousr. vs, The following examination of et rtsan caves didate for /11.11111*..i0n to the har, takro from the, Western Law ' Journal, is a good one. The eraminer commeitcra with the following • Do you smoke 7" ilo,'sir.'' • "Have you a spare eivit:.,7" (Faternlinit &short sis.) "Now, sir; what is: tlio Arta' d cf a lawyer 7" `•TA collect fees." "What is the second 7" -To increase the number of his clieute." "Winna dues your panttscni townttl* your client cliange 3" "When making a bill of coat.." • "Firplain ?" “Whedtboy occupy the antaonlatic po• hataue, 1 assume the diameter of ptaintitrand they defendant." , "A Itutt decided, how-do - you stand with, the lawyer conducting the other lido 7" • 'Chock, by jow/.'' 'Enough, fur—you Inv:buds° to hec? me lin ornament to lour proreSiOn, and I wit you 3UCCe%i: Now, you Aro siwaro of the duty you owe las I" 'I am, uir." .Dcacnbe It 1" 'lt is to Invite pod to drink," 'But, suppuso I tlocline I" (Candidate scratching hishinol) 'Mere is no instance of this kind on record in !Is hooks ; legal answer thruineatiosit-r - are right., and the contiderino with which you make tho assertion shows that you have revel the law attentively. Let us have a drink, and I will sign yuur certi ficate " 7*//E I) YEW/ SOP:/fEE. In the memorable conflict at 'Waterleo, a aiblier, mortally wounded, ryas conveyed to' the mar , IT Anunulci, a diorama.. from the battle was laid down under slave. The dying man requested to have hie knew sack opened, that he might obtain from it lux pocka Ilihk. lie then r',:ipltsted his • comrade to read to him, if but. a Kilian purl ton of it before he should breathe his lac,. Ile wa f , staked what pittlsegc he would have read, and ho fixed upon John 14 : 27: "Peace Irmo with you, sty peace [giro unto: not world .giveth,, amo.ymi. nut your heart bw troubled, neither let afraid." “Non," said the dying soldier, die happy. I deeiced to patio peace WIN Gel, and I possess Cite peeru of died which' paeseth all underatanding." A little ,while lifter, one of the oil} erie• passed tae,r, and seeing him he each ad Ora handed /late, he /hiked bawl hew- M 1 161 4' 1 ' Ile replied, tiii.M..tilt-Ltajor„llia peace of God wldeli'paeseth all aodeertand. lug ;" and then expired. - F: ARP: YOU pOING," An anecdote is told of Finney, tl i nt rori• satist, and a ratial4,, to tho following olrecl.;„ lie was liolding`forth in Roolloater, luta in walkuut along tho- 'carol Otbe. across a boatman who was twooring, iLrM oualy. liarching noufronlo&fiint,, and abruptly asked— . - "Sir, do you know where you it. goingfl,', ; Tho unsuspeeting . quin lulpooelVdy (ha licowto going up tha CPAS' CM tit* boat ' Johnny Sande. „,,,,, -Su, mar, you emu not,' d0n1ia0. 0 14 41 14 1 303',,tt "you'artgoiemy, toti belt Niter than ikdual ' .boat can curvirey yeti." The • boatmen lookettet, pie, e t igtanisk. ~ recut fora minute, see Abet returtied.ehe• ',,, questiemq• , , .- • , i; - • , ~ e ... , : i "Sir, deyOu lige! vli iigityir . At ffuirli i , t w i t; 4 lgaliCiimee, • .. ~,; •., :No., r,`" *Awe 'ffilr ' ..1 0 104 .the time -* ;IV • 4 - tea Finney in hie erme snit *need wleNkfmi , 'tethe murky niters. where he would,. have'- dro myna/Jima tiot tieViiimoHzum releatemlithok , fished WM out. - • .., , ISM "" ~'~'" Ea BM [MEI x 1 WM NM ::
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers