1118 Vie To *imam 11111413. 411 lIACT JUTTICII TO .14.4. MENNE NAYS WIEN F6RNET, 34471*.j. • DELLZWONTE, PENNA. 1 IVII 1 P11.11111?Alr, ptAY 11, If4Sil. TO Reams and borroapontleatc INQtrlftnn. —" Is it true that in this State prisoners under sentence of death Aire al /aired every indulgence they asA for, (as to dtQt ,tc.) and i f out, wherec the notion I It es guile a prevalpnt Inc." 10.,e_jho &me ta/a to relar the severity of the rules in regard to the. diet allaited prisoners after sentenee of death ; but tins dors not es tenily to "every Indulgence." aLtomix;esion cause the adoption o f this prsl7s4. It is perhaps well enough, al though it has much the appappten of fats taming: up the malefactor for execution• .bitexhutliii—ll re a mrstake to suppose that cedar es the must durable of all mose4' In /hat quality it rannal compere untie tilt cr ;rem as a building poo,l. For posts sunk dn the ground, tedn,• us hr".l, and locust and ne.rt. It r, sui Taerd that the du ,rahlay ii red (Mar ;s ocosinned by the q/ the ,:am. Cr*driltring afraid to grad his ;taw we shall pail 4 . .0 alention to has twnmanication. . TUE IN swig. --On - Wednesday afternoon last, about 4 o'clock, as the paaaenger train from Williams .part was wadiag a 6 th Ringgold ntatinn, ort the Little liiroad, ten miles above l'ort Clinton, for an up train to prase, the boi ler of the locoulotii 0 exploded, instantly kit bag Edward Jbldrelli. the In man, nho was a re f Clinton, tlw baggage-min ter, had one brake:man. They were all polng, teen, about 21 e.:» of age. lho engiuecr, Mr. Jlobluig, kit the locomotive a fen minutes bofbati the accident, ( for what tense, we arc taut istfoi wed) and escaped in tiry. Mr. Ilildrtl, the fir( man, had every particle of cluttalag - tarn off except one boot. MN jaw rart broken, and the head, %hen piekcyl np, Fo-oseuteti a shoelang apectialo. The roof of the water tank at the station was also blown eft, and Ulu Ineoteoptire blown heverol rocs from ite haw. :slope of tht ra,sengers were injured, --On Wednesday afte:noon of la.4t, week, two little boys, about three years of ago, twin children of Mr. Daniel Seeman, of Up per ilacntocrnship, Berk sco ty, w ere drown ed in *so mill-race at Fisher's Mill, in the MIMIC The stream is near Mr. ..`..litetrian'a dwelling, and tint children, while playing at the water, fell in, unnotioed by any otieountil thcir dead bodies; were die covered. These of parents have now lost three children in this way, aiiother boy isaYrrag 12161 rote- the same streain anti aroaitetl, a few ytars ago. Eseentire Committee of the Penn sylvania, Agricultural Soctety, after confer.- 4111C0 with Committees of citizens and of tilt iflicgticny County Agricultural Society, have .decided upon Pittsburgh as the glacCfor the •next State Fair, commencing on the 30th of September nest. The grounds of the' Alle gheny County Agricultural Society have been chosen as the place for the exhibition. The funds necessary to secure the grounds have been promptly contributed b) the citizens of ,Pittaburgli. —Recently a family QC emigrants from near Coldwater, Mich., starti.d. for Kansas. At St. Leonia the fatli‘r 'went, in company with SOME friends, t ♦'site a place*, amuse tatent,.and left them to return to his hotel whiai'he never coached. Ilia wife remained 'with the family /4 circral days, but was unable to learn any trareof him, and started to re turn home. Near Sturgis, the constant thought. of ki.r.calimity bereft het:of reason, and throwing what money She had into the lap other r oungest child, she precipitated hersdtfinuder flip ears, and non instantly killed. -11uChi circa( ment Wan occasioned in De troit, ?day 9th, in consequence of the ,arrest of four penal!, fovirkitstion of the'DroLdbi. tory boor Law. Th4l military were called .out to preserve the peace. Dining the ex amination of the eases the t informer "was dri'Ven from the court room and chased into a neighboi - ittg house, o lush o as baseiged by, an exited crowd strend hours. Ile returacd, and the trial rrneet led with ny furt.L+r Interruption- • —.From Kimono we hale stirring news. Sherd! Jones kart hero shot lind dangerotudy wounded hy & Free State man, while ai ieniptitig itiguake arrests tinder the lairs of the Lexiolaltire. Gov, Shannon had called out the snilitory mod Mooed the town of Law n:MeV under their mr‘eillance until a number for arreota could he inside. The indications Are that bloody eviscii will yet be enacted. - -A eureaus.caso.was tried on last Theirs they in New Yolk. A:ntoptcr , olio had giv en an ay her little buy .t4J Ina uncle, +becks, a tm he has been reared and educated for nine ye rs .by that uncle, to regain hon. Judge ticelavolt, of tho Supremo Court, deckled -Nini4OLtiersisaa.. .__A now Jrnatcial Maria bail ham tensed 'iry the last Legialaturo„ composed of the , eountinapf Ciduen hot, Wyoising and Se' 'Hisao, and.we barn ibat, Guy, Polfocklias APPoit Warren J. Woodward, Esq., of Wilke-oba ab , rutudgat Judge, until neat fall's elec tion. - mostly ,persons interested' do well to note that the Illinois dint read Company cannot give valid titles to We lends until thanrhode bonded indebtedness of the Coequal/sae bon dile/urged; and I lie; lease *pen u 1 mortgages —The Direetou of the Ostetel C kVece had row last week-ate meeting fele/ to wild up its elixirs. Thaeoncern is to idly bank rupt. ' , , —Gcorge JAW lissaold &Inds suuskyta to Colt. Ono hundred thousand sista have Wino changed hands. It is said thb • they arc to be altered and adaptod for mod ern use. —New Yorki Mny 12.—The juey in the IN- cipt. - Tiieldopauih nn4 charged Yilptigtern, reeignints verdict Of 49t .fgank, TEE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Ono of the great boasts of all tette Amer ican freemeo, is that of a free press, through which the ieleas,.thc *in% slid 'princi- OP of coranmatties can harellacted: EVer since the foinuttion d the govegnment—ank Weed when self-government was regarded' p 1 an obsolete idea, the pecan developed, by. high and judicious argurnent, the -great truth, that by its freedora, justice could only be subseeved, and truth fairly promul gated. Times and eakoms, however, change with localitiete —rind it hate been reserved for a borough in Pennsylvania, to countenance brutal attempts to gag the conductors of an independent journal, beeetiao they boldlYmt tend the truth, and impartially published extracts front the records of the courts of justice. When ever any class of men, ar e rogate4o themselves exclusive princiPles of virtue, and erect a standard by which to judge the morals of their fellows, it becomes the duty of a free press to act accordingly, and narrowly scan their movements. But this right iv questioned M Bellefonte. It irs questioned by the street brawler and the cor ner bully—it is questioned and denied by the very men who are prolific in their pratings of principle and professions of piety. 'And why I not that they are convinced that the rause of temperance or morality will he ehemaged by discussion, but they aro fearful that an exposure of the rule which has dis graced Centro county for tile past few.ytern, will teed to the exhibition of their ono shame and dishonesty. The the free, bold and independent press, slime, can ae eomplish this—and whoever doubts the fact, will be at mice convinced by the desperate . conduct of those tt bo ,suffer most by the Tioni - St toiie of the uemacratic Watchman. We alluded, last week, in what we il.-'ent ed manly terms, to the manner' in nhich holy cause was being abtreetl, and justice Rubverted, in the mad rare of fanaticism for notoriety anti pay. Ter4eerance comes next to religion—Fit ibis* is that temperance of speech, that :tempemnee of conduct, and a oharite:oie temperance, which far becomes a man better than any temperance of ap. petite. We considered it a duty, becalm. the very principles vehicle were M jeopardy, and the men who were sedulously laboring to bring disgrace on the cause of morality, are the same who boast most of their own perfection in tho light of tey, but who in the dark, become darker than tho blackest Centre county has suffiTed grievout.ly by such hypocrisy—alto has been disgraced by its contaminating influence—her people have been drained of their resources by its OutYriptiem and extravagance—and as the hour of ref' ihntion approach.", the &ape mit') is hissed on, !leis stationed at the street c-rneres, M disturb the public peace, and outrage the good sense of the community, by disturbing the peaceable passage of peaceable citizens. There is more ins these asiertions than most of our readers can imagine—move real design to hide sin and shame On most men think exist—entimore of that ft 11-spirit of persecution and black guardisth, than exists in any otterr part of the broad State of Pennsylvania. The freedom of the press, so far as this humble sheet is concerned, shall be main tained with all the:spirit and ability becom ing men and•vt'e do not care where the cur , caption may be, or who may deserve public censure for a public dereliction of duty, still the freedom of the press must be vindicated. We are not to be intimidated by a small clique of Bellefonte store-lohngera, nor will we be moved by the retailers of scandal. To our militia, our delegated duty is plain—nod the people whom we are pledged to servo and vindicate are of the industry and intel ligence of the county, and have already frowned down_the_last effort to meek a free press. soT lificif.—The Frankfort l'euipan thus *Models to the devotion of thy Denworatic party to measures ? and their long, uninterrupted adheronee to, prin. plow. It appears in gratifying contrast to to the present miserable pretence of the Know-Nothing order to find in Filimoro , it triti en t platform of principles: " Measures, not men,' has ever been the .•^liivord and lista"' cry of the Democracy. •-it wtehave ;von to •ny victories—and wen for true repabimanism MR it been so. A big white father. a pair of top boo', and bri' niauleni, or a mere name, may serve our opponents for a platform, but the old Democracy despises such man-worship and idolatry. Our party is rich In names that "iie au honor., to the age and nation ; yet no one of theee, if we had our choice, would we be willing to accept as a platform, or to aeknam ledge at the ,solo embodiment of our political principles, or the Only leader who could carry the Democratic ban ner to victory. Cive us honesty and capa city iii the nominee of the Convention on the good old Detinwratic platform. and our party will certainly make him President and guar - anty his administration equal to overy emer gency." WESTERN FAAII3. —An exchange Kays that f.x -Mayor Curtis, of Chicago, bas4retired vu a farm of 3,000 a:Tea, which coat him, about thr" years ago, W 3,000. - These' Ivo the farms of the great Neat-:-namely, tre,o and a half mites square, and with fields dad yield 90,000 buahela of wheat, and 180,00 Umbels corn; and orohards of 6,000 peach frees, and 1,200 apple! TUN FlameGits rime Dar.swsite.-- 2 -At the municipal elettion held in Wilinington. Del aware, oh Tuesday last, th Damoemis elected their entire ticket by eighty major ity. Laid year the Know,linibloga 'carried by about three hundred ma .. . • MlGClfAitieB an; info'inie' that the' rneelutrikn of (fhicago are not in angle:lent numbers id meet the increased de.. mand for their labor:, and that builders halo already boen siimpellcd to send East for an stddislooral nuir*r: cstriienteeis, especially arc in dentlind., A Gam TbanAK in .Airatinutilt has wade a present of an "istunenoe Adiericao vagio" to the editor of id Louisville Joanna, and the said editor promises substantially to re leasectbe suable bird on the election - of Mr. t Filitnore talk Preajdency, That poor bird is ifOrthlehei ibr fib. - 7 • • GREAT DEMOCRATIC TRLtIIUPII IN , • - PHILADELPHIA ! , ? • We announced ; bur Telegraph, in part of • •• ltbit week's edition, the 'glorious( result of the eleotionin Philadelphiaiheid on Tuesdv, the Oth 'instant, which was ono of . he great -1,4 political revolugins Chit 'htui .evurlic- , unmake this cou n t rlY. Two years ago s the secret Know-Nothing organization, tlin 111 the height one power, carried the consoli dated city by over 8,000 majority; now eve' y candidate cm the Democratic ticket is elected by an average majority exceeding 4,000, together with a large majority of Democrats to the City Councils, Board of Health, &c. The people rose in their majesty and Blight, laid rebuked, : the imbecility, intolerance, stupidity, and wasteful extravagance of their Know-Nothing rulers, in so withering and overwhelming a manner, that the party, once so boastful of its atungth, has been complkely prostrated. ' The Demextt( &Deers, to whom the people have a on4l- d,ngly handed over the'adminiatrakon of the city government for the next tx‘yettrei have only to carry out the workyOf retrenchment and reform so impe‘rk‘ily demanded by an outraged and trr-ridden community, and Philadelphia pill ever remain true to the party in ,Whose favor she has juat decided. The ghfrious result of the election may be bridly summed up as follows. The rnajori, ties arc racial; • , Mayor.—Richard Faux, Democrat, elected overilenry D. Moore, K. N., by 4,089 ' maim*. tity solicitor.--William A. Porter, Dem ocrat, is ekcted by 4,481 majority over F. C. Brewster, If, N. ea s y routroLter.—Stephen Taylor, Demo crat, Is elected over S. Snyder Loidy, K. N., 1• : 4,123-majority. Receiver of Taxvc—Peter Armbruster, Democrat; is elected over John Kelly, K. N., by 5,020 majority. City Commimonrr.—.lnmeg M. Leibly, Democrat, is ilecy4l,4 3,783 majority over .L. O. March, K.N. - Tho "Rtimblican" ticket had 280 votes for Mayor, 291 for Solicitor, 302 for Control. ' Icr, 205 for Receiver of Taxes, and 271 for Commissioner, in the n hole city. Select Conned. —Democrats IS, Know_ NothingsB, Whig I. Common Council. —Detnocrata 63, Know- Nothings 21 Whig 1, Guariliona of itle Poor.—Democrats 17, Know-Nothings 4. Board of Reolih.—Demporsta 20, Know- Nothings 4. Prison Inspectors.—Demoorats al, Know- Nothings 4. - Assessors.—Demoersts 9% Kunst-Nothings four. Since the passage of the Consolidation Law, there have been Ave eloe4ns for City or State officers, the results of which hare been as follows. Jm•ne, .1854—Maroit. Conrad, K. N.,.2941 t Vaux, D., 20,91# Know-Nothing majority, 8,128: Demers, 1854—GovanNoll- Politck, K. N., th,817 Bigler, D., 21,9.^.G —Know-Nothing majority, 3,881. MAY, 1855—CITY TREASURER. Hill. K. N., 22,406 Sherry, D., 22,209 Know:Nothing majonty, 197. Ocroinat, 1855--Suanirr. - Megee, D., 28,319: Kern, K. N., 28,533 Democratic majority, 1,780. MA r, 18.50—Marna. Vaux, D., 29,531; Moore, K. N I , 25,445 Democratic cuajority, 4,080. - • The vote of nteaday was the heaviest ever pelted in the city. The viktirtor Mayor compares as follows with the votes of 1851 and 1855 : 1854. J. 1856. Uocernor. Sheriff. Mayor. Democratic, 24,036 28,319 29,534 Know-Nothing, 28,817 26,533 25,145 Scatt,ering, 62 281 Tollo, -83,815 54,852 55,260 FicLostOce.—" We shall govern the coun try yet as the true Dhemoaratie party. —.yen atur Wilson. After all the falsehoods circulated within eight suonthi by the Mack-Republicans, says the Eastsra Ar pia, we are not surprised that they are qualified torn attempt to steal our name., flu that (toes 'the one--we have an old peoyerb's authority for saying it—Fill do the other. Senator Wilson has Aires:4ly avowed los purpose: therefore, we hope our Denus.ratio colleagues will keep a strict watch on bun. DRATII OF' A ititicuutAtildi WumAN. —Died at Mount Uolly New Jersey, Mrs. Jorusha Palmer, (orginally Barstow,) widow of Na than Palmer, EN., and since hia death pub- Usher of the New Jersey Mirror, in the 89th ytoilr of her age: Among her living desoon dents and her gOrill • Volney B. Palmer, of the .gi)vertising ag•mcy, and Judge N. B. Palmer, Pottnvillo, Pennsylvania, her grand-daugh ter, the wife of tho Rev. Abel C. Thomas, &c. The lets Gorenior Barstow, of Wisconsin, is her nephew. - Coxemers veraut Oriccui: —lt seems that concerts are more profitable enterprises than operils in this country. Parodi'm fourteen concerts in Now Orleans are said to hare netted nineteen thousand dollars ! And in Philadelphia, if the journals of that. city ,nutyhe credited, she is no less suncesafur. Part of this great success is doubtless owing to her ministering to the popular taste by singing the Afars&lai4o and the Starfilpan gled Banner: Darin Of AN EIIINOPM ileonasic.—kfr. Thomas Rogers, the celebrated locomotive builder, who died bud Saturday at Paterson, Now Jersey, began life in New York u a carpenter, in poverty. At the time of his death ha had in hie (employ 760 men, work. ing in ono of the largest locomotive man• ufactories hi the 'world( . liewas aixty.flve years of age. ' Tax pvcir u W Jarvis; of Vermont, one oft the largest wool-growitra in OA; country;publishos an able letter in favor; offfi - e abolition of the duty on foreign Wool. 110 Lehi es such 'abolition won, benefit rittlior than injuri — the,wool-growifig interests of American faire. TIN DinfocaAriatite Central Cointnitlid aro notified, by their Cl l utirman .too meet at tho fit. Chiutes Motel; In•Pittabizrg, on Mon day the fof tide month. A till" attAmd nit* ti *nested, ori Weimar& of Kreat importance* ' : . ...or ... nit - artralirriWs AND asowra piTn.crouNPß Ir. The following ciiitoise tabular 'Statement of this Rppd . **iintThir'attii-orthrireottst- ~ ... try, conteirm qre real matter for pridelind cong-rstulationithait has eve!' fidlen uracr ,ptir notice. Ile one of. those exhibitions of . .. the real wea l of the country,' end • the strength of itsTiopulation ) which at first ap• pears almost thbalous, but which can, only be regarded as the result of a free notl TR • balanced government.. It is eminewpt wor thy of the attyntion and perund of our -readers : v rortitAino Asa 'tifstt,tii is ffizAtsitsti f1,741..cm Is 055. sialo• "eagles _ iitaidok, Alabama, 5,192 $179,283,027 /trkannas, 163,116 ~ 65,377,000 California, , - 0317,108 86,082,3/9 Chuneati it; 0393,910 Delaw • 4 713 Flo ' a, _ . 6 15 _ rete g , 103,739,830 *22,802,000 , 10,161431 sea, 241.425%174 Illnnis 1,212,917 330,376,075 Indiana, 0 1,108,771 200,110,118 lowa, 325,014 12,327,2‘;.i Kentucky, *i,lia.ses 111,1*%,193 1 Louisiana, *580,722 229,926,176 Maine, . *663,710 ' * 2 12 13 7, 5 0 3 0 7 0,1M 09 0 1 Maryland',, *601,181 Massaohiseetts, 1,138,123 618,312,286 FMichigan, 009,374 *122,600 000 blisslastipi, *723,874 *15229000 Missottri, * 3 11,605 *169,600,000 New Ilernpehir, 4337,918 *11%000,000 Now Jersey," 580,190 *170,000,000 New York, 3,470,059 . 1,102,049,584 North :Angina. 0923,876 *1114000,000 0 1 :4, *3311,011 645781,340 Pennsylvania, 1,612,060 959,384,366 Rhode Island, *160,511 ' , *84,000,000 South Carolina, *744,815 0291,700,000 Tennessee, •1,107.416 - 210,011,048 Taxes, *425812 *122,600,000 _Vermont, *120,777 78,016,608 Virginia, *1027,913 105.612,189 Wisoonoin, 152 109 , 22,012,318 Torritortn K MIMI, 8,521 Minnesota, *18,550 Nebraska ' ' 1,505 Now klexien, , *o'ol2 Oregon, *51,571 Utah, 431,288 Washington, *4500 , Itiot. of Columbia, 5:0,121 EMMEEI Total, 27,114,283, 58,825,002,172 •Fallmaled—All Whom from census and mina,. ECM Coln. takrtyr P0r1.4.441m6-1860 AND 1855, Serf tow. 11350, ' 11155 N. Eng. Males, (11 3tailoa) 2,723,116 3.000 987 Middle State., (5) a .573,891 7,320,048 H. A116611(1 9tMu, (5) 5,952,837 4,202,413 H. Western States, (7) 4303,522 5,045,761 9144t0rn If Uttar, (7) t,307,549 0,951,713 Nal& Rtalo, (I) 224,415 3 / 7 ,108 TerrllorliA (7) 02,293 186.126 Dlalliat, (I) . 57,689 68,127 —POW 2.1,323,714 27,114,287 CO,t AAAAA irg WC/A.lll-1850 AND 1855, Sldiplll,ll. 1350. 1855. 51. England States, 81,012.984,102 $1, 17 8,098,717 Middle States, , 1,491.256,929 2,387,021,621 South Atl States, 1,236,552,331 1,324,128,824 8. Western States, 1,231 873,948 1,636,126,119 IVes' cr It Htates, 879,101,529 1,926,515.1111 Paoffie Slate, 21,923,173 56.983,320 Tertiloriss, ll 486,116 19,050,600 Distsiot, _ 16,183,755 23,000,000 Total, $1,024666,886 $6,825,093,172 cniAsa —IBA AND tH33. ft4e et. her 14'.8/44. Rd. Jut. N. Epic, 275,621 6 p c. $165,112 645 16.3 r. o. 81. , 5ta100,766,746 11.6 791,234,092 49.8 BAI 816 2414,240 8 3 157,576,490 12 6 14. W 81a. 742,259 17 2 3117.252,501 30 8 W 81a. 1,554,195 28. R 1,047,111,282 119 1 P. Btato, 111,877 45 7 35,959,147 159 6 Ter's , 96,933104.9 13264,881 72.0 Diatriot, 6,140 1,2.4 8,618,244 43 6 Taal, 3,790,60 16.1 $2 601,416,286 43 1 ANOTHAR PRGIIINANT WHIG WISH Us.—lty the proceedings or th; uiiited States - senate, We perceive that lion. J. - P. Benjamin, Whig Senator from Atonislana, of i Friday last avoleedhis determination to support licmsfttr the Democratic, As the only party whose principles an him d upon the constitution. We make tom - ( ollowIng extract from his speech : "In ehndetuning the Amirican party, ht remarked that It was now ism erless, for anght but mischief and lei help the Republi can party, the contest being narrowed down between the latter and the Democracy , and the Whig party being extinct, he declared his purpose to he to join the Democratic party, and to use his utmost alerts to en sure its success, following the example of bettei• and abler men than nimself. lie pre dicted that in its triumph the Constitution Mould be secured, good feeling restored, intolera n c e rebuked. the equality of the States maiiitained, the corner stone of the governmental fabric preserved intact, and ' , met, and happiness be made to smile upon the land." WI, SRM TIIAT AItrIANGKYKKT3 have been made by which parties wig) wish to see the land of 'the Ridgeway Company can go at one time. A stage leaves Tyrone every Wednesday morning. We would suggest that persons who cannot go themselves would appoint a Committee. It will be a beatitiful any} .intrresting trip, and from all wo hear we believe that visitors will be well aatisfled and highly gratifksl. It is much better to settle in our own State, where it is healthy, and a good cast' market, than emigrating to the far West. It is claimed Unit tide is 114 good as any Western land, being limoatone Boil, and being underlaid with bituminous coal. Parties can easily satisfy themselves, and we recommend licto \ Bt,oeity! Due:L.—We learn that, on Sable day last, a duel was fought on the line of North end South Carolina, between Dr. Wil kins and Mr. Manner, a commission mer chant, tkith of Wilmington. North Carolina. On the first fire, the ball of the latter c. 4 • partbf the Doctor's ear ; the scoonil Ore lout his , ball through Ow -Doctor's het,— Nothing flaunted, the latter cooly remarked that his hat nes a new 0110—and desired that it shmild not bo aimed at. The see= coffin here interposed, mid yeti their best en deavors to reconcile the difficulty, bit with out suc'ess. The combatants then resumed, when the ill-fated Doctor was killiA , st the first fire. The quarrel originated on, politi ' eel grounds. hitzeots Ditwoottst r Drsos enivetitilos. , —We learn from Ilh that the Democrat ic State Convention which assembled in Springfield= Thursday last, nominated W. A.. Richard.= for tiorerecr. The confidence that Wvinceti in Col. Richardson by the De mocracy of Illinois is Dilly shared 'by the Densecritcyof the whole puiti; The Demo; * crate if triumph over all op Alton and all etunbluitiorua at thb comitiff election in Illinois, byantoverwhelming majority, there Oan! 'be no tressorutble doubt. The election of Col. Richardson well be the triunq r li s of great principle, with which his name hoe been, and must continue to be, osapciated. Cotonou Bone.—.. The Governor has signed tho bill pitied granting an increaoe 'of 11260,00 to tho capital of thaiCototabla Itank.• ....,.,M.' • ''' VIE BRIE RTtC, - • " W hare rcOeived the Erie Cons! itutiortat B i stro. Issued shoe the destruction of its IPitaingPflien b $ the mob, thoilleth The Extir) is titgbpdfrourt thoOkrrocr otilco, but Mr. &Mtn n, the eeltor of the Constitu tion, y in a few . da gho will laic titiw type sg and materiels, on oven k more ive scale than heretofore, when" the paper will be much culthed abovo its former dimensions." . . Thu Constitution gjves about the same version of the riot thiVt'ire,did last week: 5d the Gezet(etr the riper oriiLtt, substan tially admits its correctness. The rippers will lind that they have Made a great mit- - take in this matter. In the first place they will, we I truat, have to.pay for the destruc tion of property ; the visit of the tax-gath eret, or Slietiff, will not he so pleasant as burning law books and tearing down houses, In the next place, the Constitution will "still live," and will ho enlarged and im proved in dress. Finally, their proceedingi Ihave put the Fapsheaf on their various acts of wrong, antl leaves them without a hope for sympathy abroad. The acts of the mob were wanton and' unjustifliable in every impact. Because young Walker beat Cochran in the Consii ,tion building, therefore the Constitution nine° must be destroyed! What "a lame and impbteut conclusion I" • When LAiehran assailed tho elder Walker on the Court House -pavement, some months since, it would have een just as reasonable for Walker's friends to have torn down the Court House. Mr. Cothran and his friends made a sad mistake in their course , . Sad for themselves, it is hoped, and sad for the credit of their beauti ful city. No one dare approve their course, but one general voice of condemnation has gone up agamst them througlout the length and breadth of the land. *BOO,OOO 34(18,000 *350,000 *5,800,000 ,*7,300,000 *0,100,000 400.000 *2 ,000 000 CoxxuelAL Avvntimm.--Thd Buffido flevirdii relates that_vicently • false-hearted married rnan in' Detroit attempted to elope ,from his lan ful spouse n itli anoUler woman to Canada:` The guilty couple crossed the river in one strainer, While the injured but spunky wife pursued them in another; and just as the train. was leaving Windsor the latter sprang upon , the rear car and ran through the coaches until she found the runaway couple, quietly seated side by side. She upbraided the man for running away from his lawfully-wedded wife, ilidinitisted that he should leave the cars at& return with her. This the husband stoutly refused to do, when the wife appealed doctor, and produced the necessary vouchers of her identity. Ihe conductor, with much good sense, decided that a woman was entitled to her husband, and inforrited the man that he would be under the necessity of delivering him over to l.he custody of his better half. By thislime the passengers had gathered around, and the scene! became ex. ceedingly Itulierona. The man deelaml that be would not leave his duleinea, and she persisted in retaining him. The tears and entriatiew of the wife IS ere too much fur El . sympathetic conductor; he pulled the check • string, stopped the tram,ejected the husband from the ear, and delivered him to his wife, several passengers holuing on to the other woman, who made the most desperate en deavors to fcilintv. The man tried hard to get on the cars after they wore in motion, but was unable to do ao in consequence of the tight grasp of the wife onto his coattails. The last that wag seen of the pair they were rolling down the bank closely locked in each other's embrace. The frail lair one, who was the cause of the trouble, seas carried out of the reach of her companion, for a time at least. TIIE STATE SENATOES WllOBO terms expire ith the session of 1856, are Messrs. Eli K. Price, Philadelphia city; Henry C. Pratt: Philadelphia county; Charles R. Buckalew, of Columbia, Ltizerns and Montour ; Satnuel Wherry, of Cumberland ftEll Perry J. R. McClintock, of Allegheny ; Thomas Hoge, of Mercer, Venengo and Warren ; S. S. Jami son, of Indiana, Armstrong and Jefferson ; J. Cress:veil, Jr., of Blair. Huntingdon and Cambna ; DAYId Mdbriber, of Adams and Franklin : W. M. Platt, of Bradford, Susque hanna and Wyoming ; and J. Ferguson, of Lawrence, Bearer and Butler. Of thlildeftgl, emu are peruocrata. Yns QUICATiON whether ilogit.can reason can hardly be answered in the negative. The Netaburypor: Herald says: One day list week., a dog (lied in actual grief for the lola of his muster. The dog was over ten years old, and Mr. Pearson had always taken the utmost eery of him, giving him meat end drink with his own hand at 'certain hours of the day. After the death of his owner he went into the house and 'appeared, hs nThoh as any person there, to know the event that had taken place, and from that hour he refused to eat or drink, and went moaning about till he pined away and died without any appearance of diA.' ease. Do dogs reason / AN ARNANaNNOSNIC has been concluded be tween Mr. Campbell, Postmaster (leneral, and the British Postmaster timers!, the Duke of Argyle, providing fur the registrit.- - than of valuable letteni to and flout lima Britain. The registration fee on letters for Great Britain will be flee eents,.the sturto as on domestic letters, thus making the rate on a single, letter, when registered, twenty-nine cents. On all registered letters Itt each country pre-payment Is required. The ar ruigement goes int, operitlon on the first of May. • Tue SAI.D 4 V Tillejitraid, commenting on the call for a convention by the Gerrit Smith Abolitionists, remakrs : "The fact is, and Gerrit knows it, the Black Republicans don't won't to kill slavery at all.. As well kill tlid goose dot lays tho:Jelden egg. Do you think the'old Indian would pot the. old she wolf, so long as wolf sca l lpiibrousiit a pre. miiun at the agency ? No more do the these Bliqik Republicans *ant slivery killed, for then there would be no more scalps for them." Tip Untie of Charleston„ B. IJ., have mired $10,600 Ib'r tho puivoisopf oreethts monument .to the lofijohpi Nhowl• . . . . 4 tli'ii IRE 100 ir r 21.1434 , the 'steamship 2% merle., arrived 'at 7 . fax on 'Thursday morning, with Pverpodipiti ditch tb=the 10th thane** Posited , ' ses do. special importanee, 01000' that ri A ., more Wore current, and receitned sOmo that the Drititfh Oovertituctit was hi dined to give way in the position it hail ail trned in tho controversy with 'the United Sinter' firevernment upon Central American allairs, but the belief was that Mr. ' Cramp. ton would not ho recalled, The, London papers had obtained what purported to be a copy of the treaty of peace. The gontents of the document ac cord mainly with what has been anticipated. The Russian government has ordered the disbandonnient of the militia, and reutorod lights and buoys in the Baltic. The French army is to be immediately pl. ced on a peace footing-, The trade accounts from France show con siderable improvement. The King of Prussia hits ratified the Peace Treaty : so his the Turkish Qov- ernment in the Crimea the preparations for the de parture of tho Allied force, aro proceeding rapidly. - - Gen. Ludera and a number of4e ding Rua- Bitlpti were present at a grand review by Gen. Pelimier. The armistice has been Atlly . established in Asia Cholera-ragee Gut- of en in surgent tribe of 45,000, 13,000 bad been swept off. At a recent sitting of the French •Corps Legislatif, Df. Montalembert made • rather bold speech upon the elective franchise, In which h 6 charged that the Court of Cessa tion was en accomplice with the Govern ment in rendering universal suffrage a mockery. - Ho celled for reform in the laws upon the subject. The comfnieuiion for the reorganisation of the Danubian Principalities grill soon em inence its !ahem. A PARIS NNWSPANCR..—The Pressr, the journal of Emile do Gininlin, publishes, by way of advertisement, a statement of its circulation in each ottr of its existence. In 1836, Fix months, after it was 'lstartcd, it reached a male or 9,331, and in 1837 attained ' the flgure of 13,200. The next oar, in a s'rtiggle with the coalition a Welt united Tillers, (tnizot, Ikrryer, and . I.edru it tame near receiving its • death•blow ; its circulation fell to 2,300. Still, under the bad iif this coalition, it rose_jd_lB39 to 9 550, arid from that time steadily inert:twil l to 16,895 in 1844. Tim enlargement of the sheet the next year raiikd its circulation to 22,071. There was an increase df nearly 3,00) the next yeart and tint Popularity of its opposition to Cluisot the year after gave it 7,000 more. But it was' of till after the Revolution of February, with its abolition of the slaty tax, and the great increlyie in the circulation of all the journals which fob" lowed, thrt the Prease reached its mood mum ; its number of subscribers and par chasers then rose from 32,300'in 1847 to 03,869: In 1849, when Cavaignac sup: presged it for a tone, it declined again to 34,779; and in 1850 it , fell to 31,479. The coup d' clot reduced it 61 1851 to 21,236, nd in 1852 to less than 19,000. The revival of commercial pmnis rity to France raised it in 1853 to 22,782, and, the excitement conse quent on tho war in the I:ast and the Paris gischibition increased it in 1854 to 34,775. During that year the wbotifr.aper was daily set up five (Inca, and printed in two hours on five (our-cylinder presses. During the yen is circulation nits 42,010, and the vt hole number of sheets printed was 15,358,398, on which a duty of 1,225,805 francs was pill' 1. • ' liuA1 i uA iitraNDlNn national parlyconvontioeu. • • 1. Abolitiovi(ultra) National ConiCAtion, • Syracuse; lilay 28. 2. Dentocnitie National Convention, Cin cinnati, June 2. 3. Know-Nothing (auti-Fillmeli?) Conven tion, New York, June 12. 4. Seward Anti• Slavery Coii!Non Conven tion, l'hiladelphia. Juno 17. 5. National Straight Whig Vonvention, Loulatille, July 4. rho Abolitionists proper, it will be per ceived, heart the list in point of tint°. Ftaa.—On Saturday morning last, the large steam sawmill of J. App 4 Co•; Just above Selinsgrove, was found to bo on tire, and was principally consumed. Loss about 04000, partly covered by an insurance of .114,4thi in the Union County Company. A crazy woman in the habit ofsmok Mg, was in the neighborhood the evening previous, and had not been seen near-there since ; it is supposed she may have communicated the fire, and pevialted in the flames.—Snyder Cebu Jour/wt. 1 - - • A TRIIPIA---The Freemasons of Ness York intend building a magnificent temple, which is expee.tell to surpass anything of the kind in the world. It is to accommodate the grand lodges, chapters slid entmclls. It Is to be built of sandatone'or nitride. 100 by 125 feet, live storks high, and cost 'ROO,. 000. No DA, __ is stated in a 'Washington letter, that the receipts of the united States flovernment for the sseelt before last exceeded its expenditures by the sum of $1,400,000. Just think of that for. ono Week ! 4t the skme ratio for one year the receipts would exceed tlic expenditures $37,00%000. - Tics likuirsarowx (htd.) his 'raised the nano of James Buchanan to its mast hmd, and accompanies theitot with a abrong article in favor of his nontinatipn. MarYland will Cake herplace aide by aid k with Virginia in fiver-of the great Penititylvania stigmt- , non:. Ditt*ATlON4,,.!.no pele•noueo of wortoup of the United otlierti in Twist, in Middle bUrg, Snyder_ connty, was dedicated last' Sabbath a +week, in the presence of a very largo congregation. Rev. L. W. Craunicr, pf Ohio. preached the dedication sermon. Da.,VALEw2txs Idarr once said to a grad tinting class, "Yo* gentlemen, have two tiitutnada—* lrge One tOliokl 'lOO, atilti;sraill info for foes." - IMI ITSJIGS ON 1111ENTRAZ MIMS. lIC2‘A pod paper—The Hollidaysburg tongar4, p ho neils wheat *Op apt& is said to regkarkahly promising. porit is intid that largo numbers of French inuAnnts will all for the 11. 8., this year, The Masenetionette tegistaturobas solved not 'to elects United Stites &miter this session. 0:7-Nine bundled Mormons have Bailed' from Liverpool 04 , 10n0 vessel, for this omm. , try. '. 11:7..Mr. Everett expects to take an eaten- . sivo tour to tho South and West during the , summit.. a:7-Tho tofql amount of coal brought from the Maryland coal region for this par is 82,t80 tone. -PUNT. G. Poroival, the poet mod eseol ogist, died at'lTozolgroen, (1111in4taMin Fri day last. t _ r i rrTho Dolan - are papers report a gratify ing improvement in the appritreote d tbs wheat, mince the lato rains, ' Irr•Tho Board of Ikeda* of Norfolk offici ally contradict a foolish roprt. that the yel low fever had reappeared in that city. tla•A St. Louis man has sold for 112475 site in St. Paul, Minnesota, which be.gur chaatti for $5OO six years ago. r•Specimens of fish, with fOur legs, from Fort Beflatice, New Mexico, have been re oeived by Prof. AgasMix. 1171%s total losses by fire in Boston du ring the month of April wha Heady hilt a million of dollars. • • ()J•leasc M. Pstridge, late of the Norfolk (Va,) Beacon has became one of the editors of the Alimpiis (Tenn.) Wkw. a:7 - There are eight hundred idiots in the State of Connecticut, one-fourth of 'whom are under fourteen years of age. It - j - An extraordinary surgical operation was lately performed which killed the 'pa. tient. The physician is doing well. ?The Charleston News notices the death in that city, of the lion. Robert B. Qilehriat, ' Judge of the United States Thatriet Court. (11,-Tho State Agricultural Society hare fixed upon l'ittabiargli as the place for hold ingt,he ne(ct Fair, which is to commence on Tuesday, the 30th of September. ry-rho lath.; of Charleston, 8. C., have raised $15,500 fOr tlei purpose of erecting a monument to the Memory of John C. Il_; - "t'A bill intivelliced into the Kentucky Legislature pi °vides, that if any white per son or free negro nid a slava to escape, be shall, upon conviction, stiller death. (1) The Indiana State Sentinel ia author ized to nay that Hon. Jesse D. Brightly name will not be before the Cincinnati Convention - as a candidate for the Presidency. rryThe Zanesville Courier says it is re iitirted flint very great losses of sheep have occureill in Ohio this winter, and predicts 'that it will affect the wool crop. Ea..ites has been sentenced to I jail in King and Queen county, Va., for six months, and tined $5O, for disturbing a Methoiltst meeting. I fri'lt it 6%0 that a Yankee baby will crawl out of his cradle, take a survey of it, invent an improvement, anal apply for a pat ent twfoic he is six months 61d. Lr7lt appeais, by a statement in the San Fre:wiser) )(mold, that the total shipment of treasure for the that quarter of 1856,ainount ed to $10579 . 349. , New York Asylom for the Blind has among Its ineMbera a hand of musician., both instrumental and vocal, which are on surpa.s.sed by any in the city. irj - liiirdcners should note it down, just now, at the opening of the season, that a few plants of peppergrass in a cucumber hill will keep off the yellow bugs. IrPThe Legislature of Ohio have passed a law limiting the teem levied by incorporated towns and cities fur local purpoolee, to Ire mills on the dollar. • . fir7'A public meeting of the citizens of Ss. vent's)* has been called for the purpose of ' offering A suitable tribute of respect to the virtues and memory of the late ex-Gorereor George ill 'Croup. ir_7•The Cleveland Plat ndealer says it has yet to hear of the first failure of a field of r hs.it in those parts. The season is name*. ably promising, and the farmers and gaetlaw; era are !Amy. la — j — The linker? in Boston, the Post says, have agreed to increase the bide of their loaves, owing to the lower abet of boar. The bakers in °Our cities can now well af row to follow their example. 7'Albert Pike, late a leading Know- Nothing of Arkansas, sal s in his letter of withilriw el, that, "muter present circum stances, btil 3 .nnl Fillmore will not be able to carry a singlevolinty in the South." to the Fro. oil papers. Corßenton, who recently Wrote that be wouldn't be a cantiolate for onv officeisiviit of the Presidency, wilt consent to run tar' Governor of 741issottrl. rilernmy ()woes remarks that the man who Wears a shawl ought to be pitied lila la . either too "held up," to be ab}e to allardl tiol, boy an overceat, or too "soft" to know Oat everybody langlim at him. Owens Ia aplhil- ..„ lusopher. gr r.rCut. „,..„„A ~ , 0,,,,0.ern, to Col. rap zoont'a softer/hog the "Nark Republ " nomination for the Presidency (Win* t at oftered to bum.) Mr. Renton soya tallitliall , in-laiv, t‘Tlnty WM betray you, sit, tail oak_ your throat, air(" [l7'l"he Freud, Emperor has conceived the magnificent protect of cutting a 4.14 p (*- nal from Havre to Paris, which will be navi gable by vessels of a largo size. Thin waald OVO to the latter oity an important PoraPir dial character. ri'its an evidence of the wealth' old uotry of Minnesota, it is shown that. ,site hundred million feet of pine Jusaber la • Ais log, were put into the (lament strommels one district heat year. Good bylines tot, while it lasts. 171.7 - An old man whose hair was silvered with the snows of sixty winters, and whio said ho had traveled all the way from New: York On foot, was sent to the Mehl efsitif. order of the -Cincinnati Policoi Court, bat Tuesday, for the term of one Inongt : tf, the' charge of stealing a shovel. 11 -- ..."-To see some of the Mot, nepubilfan 'organ, denouncing the . Democratic partzf aa the pmslavory party, while they su ' Fillmorer who signed tho Fugitive t Law, and Donolson who owns sr hek' , { niggers, is rather quer consisterry., . a s kr (1:7 - Colo 'Benton, having been xunnivultid i for Governor of Missouri by hit party fleftt State, the St. Louis Republica* wit INIA4. I has sent a telegraphic dispatch to ;hat declining to run for the office. Thhf, ever, appears to be a mere rumor. - • '' 07'Adviee from St. Johns 19th ult., uy that so (twit had been pretty good, abou t Al lo ys= hafts arrived with abont.', 100, ' sede r It was feared , 'the rernainthiti of the fleet had not met wßlrtikellttedete. 97" The Lancaster intelligencer says: puchanan is now at his beloved home, 'at Wheadand. in the enjoyment of exeollent 11th and in fine nincits. ' We hover Or him look better. Ile is dailyp visitell by trOpthlt• otlxiends, all anxiouesto have fhe plettAtre of 'once more taking hill by the bodm:" • II:71,11de acotnits frit% - Talparniso melt- Lion the arrival of t‘the Atnerican _ship 1 inetia, one huSdfdd. eilienty date fin* think with one 'hundritt. 1 1 4 agglit having lost 'ninety other* •• • • num of Isar a i r on the Da041111PLI• dflppetlVinpd'ltsteer 51Cd -1 - • 41, lindietrand sixty of'rht /nth', •.• •• • n 01999. M •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers