Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 30, 1856, Image 4
" EZ ttt pastes pepatinunt._ PA - AOPOUNTS. WO' find the following in the last "Country Gentlettiam"; It is *Orty - of 'Ptikietilar con sideration by all farmers who /rave not already ill use this business system, which sboultipievail on every. farm. It is not too late yet, to go back and com mace for this year. " It is a groat satisfaction to mosofarmers to know what it Costs theni' individually .to rulie on their firm, a ton of bay, a husgel of corn or oats, a horse or cow, o r any other produce or stock. In order to du this, we should keep's debit and credit account, the same AS WO WWI4I I I with hind men, It is Aso desirable to know as often us once yeal,..44l..fariu is paying ni for our labor, atilt 'LW - 1i the tilnole timiii.such:ni . atierii. 71y eluirgini op ace de 41. aide,te the farm, the interest on the cost of the lam, the sum paid for taxes on *the I)arni and hie stock, &o.,—the amount paid for labor on the farm, for imslinuical labor, seeds, manure, live stock, &c fur', mjscellaneous expenses of the farm, intere,t on floating capital invested in tools, stock, implements, &c.,—depreciation on harness, carts, tools, Implements, &v., fat charge all you pay out for the farm and give - the farm credit for all you sell from it, and also for iMprovcrnehti you cuakein building, ditches, fenels, growing crops; live stock', &c., on hand; or if, the above SUMS tet be tob much labor, take an inventory of tho farm in all matters appertaining thereto at the praatut time, and if you, have no other property or business t,celvo Months from this time, to the Fame thieg again, and the difference belween the two inventories will be what you have Made or lost by the year's bullhead." AGRXIILTITRAL TRUTHS. Tho fedlovVing statem .kata. ill be found oorruct as to soils long under cultism- 1. Ml lands on which clover or the graseCe•Ara'gron•n, must either hare lime in triemziatundly, or that minima must be artificially s`upplit.d. ft matters but little whether it be supplied in thi. , form of stone lime, oyster lime, or merl. 2. All permancrit huvruccmuats of !awls must look to lime as its basis. • LaMis which have been long in culture, Ito benefttlixl by the application of phosphate of limo, and it is I:lmportant whether the di liciency Ix 3 supplied in the form of bone , luet, guano, native phosphate allime, composts of flesh, or that of oyster shell litne—ormarl—if the lands need lime , alone. 4. No landa can 1.x . : preserved inn high Vito 'of fertility, micas clover and the gi 1534% aro oultivatcd in the cour,e of rota• lion. • 5. Mould is indisperaLle h every soil, and a healthy ,suppty can att:n3 he pruaerved through the, of clan:, and tact mita, the turning in of green crops, or Ly the application of cuniiiO4(ll rich in the tic dtcnts df the would. ilk All highly concentrated animal manures are increased in value, aca their iettalts prolonged by adtriiituro with plaett.r, salt, or with pulverized eharccal. 7.•beei plowing gruffly improves the pr 4inctird powers of cvEry -vark,ty of soil that is not wet. • S. Subaoiling sound land, that la, land that ti not wet, is olio eminently conducive to increased prodm Lion. U. AlEUwit land should be drained. 10. All grain crops should be harvested before the grain is thoroughly ripe. 11. Clover, as well as the grasses in. tended for hay, should be moved when in bloom. 12. Sandy lands can bo most effectually imprond by clay. When such lands re quire liming or marling, tho limo or marl ie most beneficially applied when 'made into compoot with clay. In slacking luue,•salt brine is better than water. 13. The chopping, or grinding of grain to 'be fad to stack, Operates as a miring of at 1r aid twentrilei per cent. 14. Dmining of wet' lapis and of marshes ad& to their 'rake, by making tbutt to pro aiiia Imre, end by improving the hoalth of nisighborhools. 'l6. To manure or limo wet lands, la to throw manure, lime and labor away. • HOW TO MAKE BUTTER COME. I syinrathize with an " Old Hulse; iher, " in inquiry—Why gill rot butter come 1 I halm gone through the same caps rience, trowtayeara past ; but (tr time or four years past, we have asloptta the plan of beating #re milk in alma pan rthenllrat brought: in, :to bat that. a bright scum is all over the `surface ; then set it in pans, as full as you please to have them, for the cream to HNC. Skith as you choose tither before or after souring, and churn in the usual rrey—(re have Kendal's churl.) hope to ea 'the .rallk where it will not freeze, but this wintcc . ....Oatiisipio low ieetsgeos, (roach some. We have however no difll7tilty in haring the Lulfter scale, and a rich looking sweet tuter, that deed not resemble the old ritshioned whiter butter that it i 3 exhibited in our shops. —A Saratoga County Farmer, in Country —arnityrim rill: vitiv: dibtips3likopei A quantity of tub butter WAS brought to I:whet -in the West Indies, which, on open- . was ibutO to -be very bad, and almost . stitticipg. A Wive of Pennsylvania under- Leek tit mit it, -which he did in the following aU r oi4F- lie started the tubs of butter in a n'br . t.,7le4toterf het water ; which Coon ag Ogin as poisitile;And worked It over again to shurn, and with theaddition of salt and Ilse sugar, the butter WH3 I.llldo inyt et and OW *Pia. • noermikarrs. TIOOK tilloakor, and in the dark. 'dui •,phint, immerse it in cold andset Winder the greettlunute stage; OA* w e laSthettee be from, put op the ; 41101wrIN •t n, QM the • wises ,aajrapcoadt. with, told water. is , unde! Pullman"oloeNnstozoloo, ano -- Wed cdoVire of Trost, enn *Ann , bo m a-pored-troll severe injury b 1 Ws treat -W4t. ART OF PAINTTNO, • ..,:The fairing teepee, piepared by a pm ace Painter, have been sold for a dollar, but we give ,theua to our readers for a far .ainajler sum. :/hey ocean to us-Inval uable. • I. • Oil.--In belling oil; never fill yourkottlo more than two-thirds, ur it may run over and take fire. Place your kettle on the coals, simmer your oil till It will scorch a feather, when it will be fit for,pso. 2. To Grind faint.—Put yourpaint on a largo flab stone, with a smooth face, wet your paint with oil, /and grind until fine. lk C11.11:111.1 CO grind fine, br there will be a waste of paint and ytiur work will not .look well. 8. A .215 J-tore for Drying point.—Take g ounces of sugar of lead, 8 ounces of red Wadi' 8 011110.8 of ruhar g e, .1 ounces of analievi'l make fine. put them into one gallon of eta sigma . legetimc tintliekm, glen strain, our in one pink of spirits of turpentine. Xild otie gill to one quart or paint to make It dry last. 4. Painting on flood. —ln any kind of painting your paint must be of the proper consistency, yoor,pood clean and smooth, and you must have a proper brush or you canuot do good work. It is as necessary that a painter have good tools as any other me chanic, to enable him to make a good job. I have seen houses and other things spoiled ,pith poor brushes. 5. To geoid a House White.--Mix 4 qts. of linseed 'ono keg of white lead thoroughly. Cbmtrignce at the top and theitillsix or eight Yards at oho through, using great care to lay the paint even, and smooth. In putting on three colts, stake lbw second the thickest, attain a balk! PlllBllll blue to the • last teat to make th. , %%bite more clear. he careful not to use too touch blue; and you must putty'ell the holes and cracks before the last coat to applied. li. Credal Color--Add finely ground chrome yellow to white paint, (see Nos,) little at a time till the shade pleases you. You must add yellow every coat to have a good finish. - 7. Lead Colol.—Add finely ground lamp- Limck to white paint, INo. 5,) till the color sous you. b. Blue Paint.—Prefaro a autllcient quantity or white paint, then add finely groutnl-pritssion blue in oil. "Add a little - at a time until the color is light or dark as yon% may want the shade. U. Dlaci..—ln preparing black paint, grind lattiptlack in oil ; and as black dries slowly. you should add two ounces of Labarge, to every pint of pai nt. Al ways use boiled oil fur black to give it a , hotly. , 10. Ferdigris Green. Wrap verdigris in cabbage or other,large leaves, and place it on the hearth, ovirrewhich scatter cold ashes, then corer with coals, let it roast one hour, remove, and when cold, grind in oil. This is , not so apt to fade another green, and is used I for outside. work. 11. Common Citen.—This is composed' of I nearly equal quantities of prussian blue an I chrome yellow. It must be ground very tine in od. / rho shade may be varied with white IL ad._ 1 12. Another Green,—You may purchase 1 patent green ready tot...grinding, which is beautiful if genuine ; to be ground as other paint. 13. Stone Color.—Burn umber on WI bon Oak until it id of a reddish cast.' No 1 color looks better f, a room, if well put on. 14. Stone Color of a Benutifil Gre , m Shade.—Add to w bite paint umber sufli cient to make a light drab ; tHen gran enough to make a grei n shade. 16. Om ari , e Color. —combine white lead with -ohms yellow in the proper- pro portion to make e bright straw oolor, then add red lead to tinge it to en . Rile. lb. Straw Color.:-"NMater 15 makes a straw coliir by having out the red lead. 17. /Mrk Stone Color.-Add umber to light lead color, (see No. 7)• till - the color suity..... 8. B on: Coldr. —To tillite paint add red lead or enetian red, tall the color plLase. Red Rad is the best. 19. Fies4Coior.—To white paint allchronie yellow enough to change it shade, then nem red lout and a very small quantity of black, tilt the wlor sluts. But Col a! rarnish.—Reduce 2 lbs. of copal glint to fine 'wad' r and pour it into a copper kettle that will hold 3 or 4 gallons, am! me it it over a lire ut eliareoal. When the soon it &mistily, d, add ono pint and a huff of hot llatseLd oil, haVing removed the gum from oil the fire, stirring smartly while adding the oil. When it is part!, cool, add slowly 3 qt-s. of 'spirits of turpentine, still stirring,. Caro must Ix' taken that the con tents of the kettle arc not too hot nor too cool while ambling the turpentine ; if too hot it will bike tire; if too cool it will not nut will. Strain whilst norm. 21. Carnage rani's/I.—Manage your copal as dirictid in No. 20. Use 5 pints of hot i oil that will , search a. feather, and 1 quart of turpentine and proctcd as in No. : 1 .0. This varnish it'll not crack. 22. Gum Shellac Varnish.—Put 2 lbs. of shellac gum into 2 quarto of spirits of wine, and shako occadionally a and, when it is dissolved it will be fit for use.. 'nod will not stand exposure ; it roll dill- in a few minutes, and answers well ' for cable. 23. Varnish fa Render Paper Trans rent. —shat 2, gills of apirita.iff turpentineint an earthen rest I : when •hot add 2 ounces of roifnc!inel stir until dtsSulyed. /Var nish both Jules of your paper with one coat, •ad when dry it will be clusirenough to read' through. Lay this paper on p 1 turo and mark the outlines, then cut nt out,, paint through thu hole, In this manner you 'may paint any ligfAre you may 24. Mappr Palure tarnish.—Riduce 2 oz, cacti of gum sandaraa'aiid gum 11111SliC, to goer powder, sold to-them in a glass bottle 2 Vs. of I,kg,k,ailirits of wine and half an os. of Venice turpentine, shake well, and it will be fit for use In a few hours. Try this varnish on paper, and if It strikes through, add wore turpentine to make it thinker aria it witraelolatetrfernurfico; two coats make nice gloss. 25. Red Sanders at Camrcood Stain.—Pour 3 pints of wftihkey on 1 lb. of cainwood or sanders in a brass kettle, simmer a few min utes and - add another quart of whiskey ; strain, put on with a brush, use it hot. The color may be darkened with salts of tartar. Lay on as many coats as you wish; and varnish. 28, Aqua Fortis Stain.—Put the aqua for• tit on with a clean brush that has been aseel-in oil work. The, aqua fortis must bo diluttlk with onc.fourth water. You must warm your work either beforii , or after brushing,' or the color will not a r , pear. Put on a coat of oil: whoa dry,. varnish. 21. Ursen Starn.—Thm is preparca by dis - solving verdigris in /lot waty,r, to be used hot. Vernisli when dry. 28. Purple Stain.—Pour 1 gill of soft trip ter.on 1 pound of logwood and 4 ounces of blasii wood ; boil 40 or 60 sliputeg, then briishover, after which lay oria'weak so. IMMO of pearlasti which meet be µsod with eve, for if too muoh is used It will Make ,blue 41211. Scarlet' Red Stain.—Pour 2 iiitarts of water oil 1 lb. of 'brazil wood chiptr, or cam- R e "AY wo°l 4 14 i< wPrr kettio, boil fuer , client to . exivact the coloring Matter, then 4 oz. Co( alum and strain. Use a scft brush. This is a very bright red ;, brazil le the best of thiti two. 30. Block Stain' a &motion of logwood brush several times. Mx 4.4 of galls in 2 quarts of water, macerate in a warm plato 6 days. Lay on 4 coats,'then 'dissolve 2 oz. of greemvitriotin 2 Os. of ,ra ter ; brtlxll over once. This is elltrp and makes a good black. 31. Buggy Paintrnq.—Rody—Lay on one coat of lead color : when dry stop all holes with putty very smooth. Mix yellow ochre with one third boiled oil and two thirds spir its turpentine, and lay on six or eight coats, letting it dry between each coat. Make the ochre paint tho consistency of cream. The turpentine in this quantity is to prei k ent paint from rolling up under the nibber aft it I would do if it was oil. Painters call this r ugh I 32. To Rob /Orr Rough Slung.—Take la—lrgo piece of punnet) Moue witli_O smooth surface, and apply it, keeping your troll quite wet by moduli of a sponge and soft n 'ter. ,• File out places the pumice stone to fit the mouldings. Use considerable pres sure in rubbing, and make fiequerit exami nations on the clean surface , to sec if it is smooth, When it issmooth wash very clean and let it dry. It wfar then be colored Ache following' manner: a 'l'o Color Buggica.—You eon •paint any color you wida. Use thin paint with considerable sugar of lead, a soft brush, *and hare your work clean and.ini a clean place, where no dust can get on while dryiug. Pot on tWo• or three coats, two at hest, an... when dry rub lightly with flue sand paper that has been ip.crl, so as not to Aciateli. 34. To Forms.% Ibizitics.—Put on Ail coats of bent carriage varnish, (No. 21--do not use any ot h er,) about as thick as raw linseed oil, with au extra fine ,brush, iu a clean place, and whoa it will not blister. • r. • 35. To make Rubbers.—Tiko a round Work of convenient size, and i nil a piece of old hat on in suoh a manner that the nails will not scratch. 36. To flub and Polish Buggtes.--Reduce pumice stone to a. very tine powder, and sift it through a piece of book muslin properly stretched over smell box that has no bottom. When your sgt•ntsh is tell dried dip your rubber in water then in the pumice stone, and rub tolerably hard, making frequent ex aminations to see if it is smooth. Continue Cie rubbing till all the waves are out of the varnish; wash clan and rub dry with soft muslin. 37. To Rub with Rotten Stone.—Rubbing with rotten stone-succeeds that of pumice stone, for the purpose of Tubbing out any scratches that the pumice stone may cause. The rotten steno will make a surface as smooth as glass, and must be prepared and used in the same way as pumice stone. (Sec • No; 361 • *_3B. Port.thang Bugiies..---Tako a clean linen cloth that is soft, damp with pure olive nil, and rub your work then rub with a dry silk.eloth tall the gloss appears. Furni• ture may be polished in the same may. 39. To pant Runivn: Geirsof a Wazon. 7-If you are to polish the riming rears do it as you would the body. Una, one coat of the Lad color, and two or three coats of ally other color on doiirc, and varnish. 441 Red Lead Color fur g ins.—First coat lead color. then two coats, well-pre porta in boil; d Broten.—thind fine, using bided 'the paint to bo thin, first coat, and sandpapered when dry second coat thick aq cream. 42. rendian Rid.—Proofed as in No. 41, thrioisticiot. 43. le/low Oclire.—Thin a /mid on hug gice, floors, Weirs, t Work it in the game manner as Spanish brown. (No:41.) 44 3lnne ochre.-..-This is more - Costly than yellow ochre, and•not eo much used. (;riad, mix, etc., as dirLetol in No. 41. 45. /earn Blur!. --This is the best black in One, and is luii-d to get fine. Grind first in soft water, ohm, the :eater has evapora ted, grind in oil. Blivek is longer in drying than other paints : use litharge -or sugar a lead in consider:al Ic quantities. , 4 0 1. Vernitilgon I?rd.--This tg its«l to or nament with, awl is bia iiful: it is too costly for many purports, b ing 15 tents per ounce. Grind in oil. wt. , ach an brush. 47. To nrike a Rollrr Pr ni l (;rainrr!'. —Take n piece of 4:0;U - tutor Irish I tutn, qua.. ATet, and roll it as hard as yon can betn•cui two Afll ,,, th karats nuke at about half an inch thick, and n 4 lung as your work is . 48. Cuthd Mqplt.—Your wood should be smooth and even. Lay : on two coats of cream col o r. (See No. 6 ) Prepare terra de sienna raw, by grinding in atr%ng beer to the consistency of paste. Take a clean sponge wet with beer, and lay on the terra de sienna. Make your nilltrquite wet, hold it on the itoik, by each !cull,and slide rl along towards you, giving it a backward and fora aril motion and do not lift it up, but keep it close as you can till you get to the end. You may hold one hand still and then the other, till, the moving hand has passed ea half an inch, which makes the curl Look more natural. Illy two or, three trials you will be able to imitate exactly. Wipe off the sada front the adjoining piece, where ,there is a joint, very clean, that Onay be grained the way it rune. In graining anything that is mitred, as • frame, grain one side, wipe draw to the mitre, varnish and dry, then anothi a aid°, and so on till dune—the mitres will then show. 49„; Another Color for lit:plc—Use umber instOsd of terra do sienna. Marino as in 48. 50. Extra or Fancy Colored Maple.— Make your work a light cram color and snuxAla. Raw terra de sienna,, burnt terra do sienna, vaodyko brown, and rotten Stone, must ,be ground in beer to the thickness of paste ? and put in separ iiir't-upia With a sponge ley on a strip of one, then another . Irming leas of the brown,) so as to meet—then urc your roller as in No. 48. YOU must work fast or it will get dry. When dry, put on a light top grain of raw terra do sienna. Varnish when dry.' 51. Speph Of Btyll's Eye ilfapie.—Qrouild work the same as No. 50. Lay on raw si enna ground in beer with a sponge begin jog at the top or moat distant end, lift the sponge, when through, to theother carefully, wit's!' will leave little knurla. After you have finished in this.,way, hold your fingers close together and strike their ends on the job, which tru;kes the exact imitation of the wood. A rvery little practice only is want ing. Varnish when dry. 52. Blentletr.t.—Take hard wood, inchcartong. - one inch wide, and three-fou s of an inch thick, bore two rows of holes with A quarter bit, then tic up ,badger's hair so as to itt the bolos, then dip th'e hair in hot pitch and push, the brushes into the holes.. Bore a hole in tho other side for a handle. No hair will do but badger's. Blenders may be purchased. Graiiipra.—Take some kind of hard wood and make it the/ sameshape aaa white- . wash brush, but mush-thinner, Saw spear( " in,lpaite oonitee the and . crime Lay pn tmo Whim you yke brown ; mud in beer 'To' laid the Its With a 010 plant ME in diffeAmt pima diverging f.lsm the antra so is to form a radius, the ground work showing the light part. Dip your grainer in beef,' then In terra de sienna, arid make fine marks in the same diretdion that: the grain of tho knots run to slims' the growths of the wood naturally. When this top grain is dry. varnish_ Whilao,learemg, nor a piece of Teal nitillogany,fipr a sample, and you Will soon imitate per oily. INDEI.II6.IIIINIK.—ThiA luny be uncle runeli ebeaper than' purchss , (I, as follows; Two drachms of nitrate of Nilvcri aIOC tl to four urscluns of a weal( Folution of 'tincture of galls. MILESBURG MARBLE WOR.- A. I'AIVIER I.IL 1 4 ( - ULPTriit t inforins the public that tic it i teitared to do toll kinds Of Merida work at the dactrn native nod on the 1110.11 rt.39011.11 , ,C 1.1101 , '11.14 Wha Fltor him with their orders may rent mint,. I that nll not), from his 1.1,- tatalliMelit will betim beg OtSIO of M° ll 3 . 1214131/Ihip. La.M.:11.131 311;i 1111 elevated In statue to In bust, AN Ingo W I ill.. either in Mal hie or pinsh:i Likenesses will Int in dcu Alniumente, Tomb Stones, fr In derwerte ne likent•-n l; oleo n brilliant dls...atcr) of I otancllcl Lottoti,.; stilt lava, en Itlonouico.l. Tanl.ttoans Dot r in gritty wet , y 41 color. The I tea it pot in 1,3 23 degrees he it. o.,triti.'..l to "%Mod any rata of weather As IWu the itivelr of this k, it c tre not be perforinal anytit l S'H , 4loll'll , in l'ennsybennio than it :tlibtelrir r ; Theic ;10 `unit elders fau lt,ii it ibis la Minn I, (tit, r g, p land - Letter (Intl in, 1 lamina tin• them it Is a 1 u. 11.• Iglth1110(11 that 1/ Is OW get Melt pie •c ci rat,licoic,ll art 'that tens et,cr n cemetery on !nom,- meat or tofttb Cda t, and tridth will ben fit loin monialitsithe I'r f n ddraricti Glom! 07Talitleroan of halring.46. null Me 1,101 will fibt-ant a tool perfed libel, an liege tot Ins TlKrie trill tie tin cliar4t if It a pert it pi. ,-.• of sodipture spern'tiient th -nak is, 1 m • The Ilkorress w ill It o f n k, nly pi 3 33. 11,11 in clay, 2,1 A cas t, o f l ,l e ,3 or Par, 91, Then in marble h A mask can toloat of erilt oft of nil perm - leo that's perfe •t hi coo I can future lime Latlits and go.alatten tit iron. A good piece of In aid. , trot k h I; 0 ,100 ktti'l 0,11 or• dart to Milestarr Iry :;•- , t I orb I hove PO o • . 1 *ion to loud to Iditalchthi to bring bu l bs and flinarcs I con to •Itt them m tdf, I will chsllettga ,•00 n ti 11 rrlSl. ahh,p 1. to execute n I,:tter pinta oft %Maris 1:i, ri I oin $lOO This *rittit. Iho In 't lo Itr n ; ', - atltt .7, at Lookflloron mr• r Premiums ill Iho Cenric C. Fly r.,r 6.r it ul.i • work, blilesiturg $2OO, 1.,:1, lt101) If Ih^ intipll Ital horn t ten of th, 1,.., haven wottl.l II I,uoo iiij . _ An the vomit iy 1,. been Ilv,l, I u I.h an ii.f , ri,r a r it e b. b y 1 ,,,, , it 1 ,114, 4 14, ,n rote rot I. (1.1..itt- Ily 'hog, who ~,,, not )111,: , ~ f 6 •It11,11,p• and en grat Ing have linen intpo , e-1 t ~,, 1 111.• rt iarl • &M I. pc ntuae who wish to pro,or doraldo ,sonit to a ill !!!'l t•NnTrOP. toy out lOU bl..t ip 4.14 11111.0 :110111• felTolll. ' /11l not prove 311 e l ,tertro in oft , r tunea Thankfulita psi Its ors I le l, d/y Sim, t atten tion to Itualnesv, and m , Ernirel In ellarget, to 0,0 tlouo to receive 41110,4 pltr,1•1:41, Persons dell/01111 a tttly ollotr s'yle of track. I would highly reoomnrad , Mr Sunderlier't al Lew /gown, an I born been tytrlv y. , ara in all the tine art of marble work, lie 111 , elle of The hest judges I wind:dud myself to f.lalth every d,v-rtption of week 25 per aunt bon r end dielper than Leek Iloten. A.-P ',II 1'1..11_10 E, S Litter, d er.2,15 Nltirdnlt,r, f NCOUDAGE 1 1 0111 E INDUcTRY.— 17.1 The tGl'ytrn mm to the rarmetu that toy La, purchase,' the 11 It bll,ll, A NI.JIM'S cet ir TOIL' ' !'LAVA.. - i) ,1;0 E , and now,relig I t 1.11." . 11, prepared to fun 15:1 nu ,1 I li: nhr It whi not the baok 7 acliv. Ft-tit rnachhie we can pi •it I, a 5Up041,1 . 7 (Her ni.y u h•r in a. Lino now built, for the fullowiti4 11' - Cht aeanui,t ri in I y of eou avd the foot f hot an I; ° O. , •••• / 4 ,141 he daring wl VI I. V I'IL :L I .1 mokiplieatiow of it Which maitre it work I I til 2.1. 14 1* inori aw.), e. A144,1J1 1K.5.4 31. Its tol feat tiny ~ormn no“, without b urging on iii , r , ;Fri being limber and, l- , I 1 rw, 0.1.1 rocket it torn envy 4th. Theorliet marrow JO b1.10.'1 ../1 work, in ho'!, gola I‘.A r. g ratus ',mug, e, arr., .1 er l 0 I •,1 rellwr it. 0 oravventela preltfen to .I,llrar 11,r• rule of line IoII4HOO anti for motr.i. • it has tr.: reaping apparatus ull off es as 10 •11: . 1 it to of t tangli I clover. 'ride machine is ry oP.nn'ed to cut all hinds t f Arain and ante', ea will, if nn c }at. r, thou inn he - don° with vythe or eintlitt, aa l tl, all its zarls wnr rarrted perfetet Tnitirs—lt'or Mower sr, I Its Innr nanihitiod,;llo , 1:10 to he viol on flit, thiliccity , •(1”1,14,„ Or •lo 5 , 4111 an it lb pot on 311 11l LOP I ; 911 ri Is of o,,trtbni, tun! $ ttf .I.rit6qly, P ti Fur inFlt, !Wooer $lOO s's r.twtlitt of 1/11- ; $3./ On Iho lat 0401,1, awl ;flu on the let 1 1 Jarreary, 1 1 367 atoll' markiiie lb , rn will Ir 11,1 est n knife OOP knit , .na t ion, t ben go.krtl 4 , ssreallt, oil-sae and mock-r im Aeonly a littio.4l I.u , DLer CID be built tl u •un tfie t, who ern jrl wont of the nr In Hill d well to loud In there orLer) wpm A Lir EMS MILE CHEAT CORNER. NLW, P ?0,1) I)l4))3Lit The uwiersigi.o , l jno. raeel. e. , 1 and "pme-1 1143 'fro!l known nod ontuer, a *to k of welt oolooted and so muable gonla, no 6.114/TV d • FOR 1.11111. S APPAREL. Dross Solo ni %onus hinds, colors and Corsbmores, Alpsoevc lioinbazooos, Itsmbasetta, Nfoui Po Luincs er'dooes Ilandkenrhinfs, Bhaals, Scarfs, &lin, RtH Int i 01 1119 CLOTHS Conniat of Planck, English and Amerloan manufac ture, of all buns and colors, and of a tsixturo to suit CASSIM ENS, Pordign And DOlAnflt; -lic has a sajairb &Mule, oom prislug Liao latest Myles Also KST I NOS, Of 'Mask Satin. Fancy Silk, Vellet, do. - HOSIERY (1 ALL KINDS HATS AND CAPS, Crests, tioa.rfn, Plain 01 Figured Satin Stooks, aleck Silk and Panay Nal dlicrebiol, _ - - BOOTS AND SII01:3, For Lidice, Missy. and Children 1/.0 READY , MA DE CLOTHING.- _ A full assortment of iI),VIS of various faslalnue. PANTS mai VESTS in amt the season curl various toritca of ortatoir.ors Como sod examine for your solaria. - . CODA: Sugar, litelvises, p p. Choonlrito, Brion' of all kinds and or 'pod rom , S&L, 'hr., he. QUE/flittlVAltli A CUTLEICII, Of every kind ond variety, relented wOh muoti ear. to sail orriry demand to a 11.igliliorltood like envy,. Il A NAV Alt Of all kinds ttlla.doscrtptiests; health:a every other article found in a store I hope by earhrt attention to bizzincav, hrmrnty In giving full weight and ' , measure. and foruialling Ved g 114 ultenp aril:Ave ruorivo the patronage of the public I ryspneloily jut Ito all to °tramline my goods and judge for theruboryest C 1)711n, i.Corner of the Diamond and Allegheny Street, • naiv2B-tf • I,b)lo.fonto, 4.i0 YOU WANT TO BUY GOOD AND CHEAP Hoops, cool oo II BRUCK ERIIOVV, •Who has ,just rooeivrd horn Ph dadelphla and beautiful /wo n t ( "1 °oats, oonolotiiig of the fashionable erns Com-Is fir - Ladies not Ilontlnmal such as French illoonos, Al pasugu., l'alamottu Cloth l'orsla s Cloth, Detainee, Dohego l'rinta of all deserlptios Mso, Cloths, Car:sinters, Plain 'yid Fancy Conducts, Postings, also a largo lot of 1). CPA Trimmings, Buttons, Ribbons, Olorus, Mitts. Wool len and Cotton Iloaiory, and a variety of IeANC , 410 MS too munerugs to mention. • Flannels of all kinris,Rhawls. Blotched and Un bleached Muslim!, Tiokings, Chocks, aingbams, &e. • Also, Groaarirs of all Minds, lints and Caps, Mots and filmes, Hardware and Iron, Queen:ow:lra, Buck ets, Tubs, Basks's, and all goods usually kert. In n eousdry store. LUDIIIIIII.. All kinds of Lumbof fur solo IL a reasonablu prise. Doo; 12. tf wawa vt mum warram to do we advise thew to try KEALNII'S superior STEEL PENS stud INK, These ortieles are just the thing for soltoill tAeltors. deol2 pLOCK -NAV= WILL SEND UP their eblebratea artist to Milesburg, ho can bo 'maniacal how to' prat his littera right, for the snhool boys of Qiintrifi °minty laugh at las lettering cm tomb stones, for they out do far better. jfe2o WANTED.-26,0014 P AND 14000 hint Shingles, at the store of hb2o J. B. & CO. ILII - 11 11'{'1' UI.I A C , l, or 41:ItT , Centro c) , V. -Z.l ottoce,h;E.q. tkt no and upw aide Tide Unrivalled lum chine 13 the 111..3t, 11111101t1.11t 111111 11301111 Invontion of the a go ; and it hill been worked it sufficient length Yl , tisnreel to he lliarkukghly tented upon n went vallusy kd r broh - friTljriryr , pi of ed, It hill mull nue to 'dirk:me and swill inn the raplo 6f fl a tthnle Si oils! at Ills the 1,06101 Ra ttlni• durabilt(y, ugiilliry, kdioo k rilk and !keenly still 5.11X11 it etocnies its midi. It early 10,1)00 ale ate DOW iii daily uptratt,ll tiuoli is the doinkokki that, ‘lith Jll the fadllitiott of new nod Imprutod machinery, with this help of 200.111011. it in he 610 t d i'tN(11:11 .k Co. to till ibeik orkleim These inkedilok e. ullloGr flr !lupe tot to every tither, lute pint 1,4 8 , 1, 0111111144 IN PI Ile7' A N't Elf PRO r Nl`,q, the effeat of Molls Is — lo',lt : M run with. •att noise. '2‘l, To retittiru only half the ep6rtion of the operator, fonnunly fireesmat; and Sd, To make tnetu.ran one-half foster titan before; no that with the 3:1II1P labor, To 111. THE QUANTITY UP SUOIIK CAN BE DAC 10 A I, \J. 1 1111 urn fact, 14ite I'o mu:lanes run so mach ft .'ur. mat a •atnupttsliAn much wore workAenulerts n'T taker tale:tin, InToo the publis valueless, In u‘otrui• ken own eoulti they ba had for the asking. Au ober ite•alli tiny of :Singer's machines is, that IJ3 fllllply ithaliglo4 1110 , 110 and threat", the sdtht till I . %.`,.1110 iterfetply usury variety of work, c" lute I lit e, on ninth or leather. 'the bust otortl•ite• fn f Unity no n 01 I on public 1180 1 . (4111 $2 lO Ia S - Itti a yea? c ill be elm stud byall In ,ln ttl 11 nsiog this machine, intro than flan be • ut t d bJ bat I. cis, k 4 k well to ytruf titles, as to till' of z - so,;el 's 11,11. ale, I roil infer yot? to the fel t 41 It I„ it S,.rd le ru g I's Thsaltlnes. there Is no rot vet-, ttohlt elaint ; but all other utaeldnes bolero. tCe pabli •I; ft ing•• two or 11101 eof our pntents Ihl 1•0 2:,1t .•f AI t'y tO°4 t, locos oreil n Vel .1101 ID a Stilt I ,r tsittlngenvon, ag• ttuot lhu I.•:tooleittr :tuning • II Ct.:11M11. thus unaultlishing . nur Patents Junk...! the b 41 0 6111 8 Unla pcudln+flu CIO Uliltutl t , tuics etr Cuatrt in Ploladell•lon, and also 111 Other Ctraui.s, ‘ ..againss (inn er Baker, and Iho ! hooter Al IV its NI in.tohlnt 5. n loch Infrlkr sun era I of ,turpatent, Ito . who btu t any of these inferior h• 4102; Muchitatl, will burn Inn snit. 1 Al SINOP:It ,t CO CAR 1.11,9 r, .40 t/ 21st, P4a4 her,ty I.lti fit lb t , Iroot rioiort ,no le,tate,errs prior to 1•,7 1N51., nt ar.h.trq, time 1 Tin cMlt ime•uf 1 M. r Co 'a ...:trtet,z M, tier an, ra, l 11,1 re :110,1 arr. TIM/ ue 10711hrr,tntt. that Itnv nnl iunura h,tr tor,lert-t,l to th it erten!, au • rr,r to die 1 llrrt for 1,111,1 ti doer ttr th It I T V, lt . .11111tPO! Oil the I I 14 ',roil', or vr ;iv to rare! de,r, I, it all '/ ttttret 71/ 1.•11,1 ro,ri 71, 4: t t 14 , 1( or 1 ttl .711'11. it r, ll n 117 7,''''&' it (~ -77/ :2 , of 7, t,dr 1:4 4. t.. 1.41-“, !..r e Lit a (-I,, , ttt.t. 't Iy I, 1 'l',le , /r,I. • the 1,.,1,. f, ,111. ft 1. , 3 The I te°:l,o 6. VlO Mal, 7/01 apt to 'll n'rt rol , ,Ar. 77'0 L .1.1 0, .% T Arril ',.!t I Thr rra to rvrtir'y that rrr 7: r't M t uur p r 3r• I'tlt'S t"Srlltt tt; . 16,1,1,01 yarn :17n, h • r• rtt ' 7, / "L , jle 17 , 11, le i lir II , I are r,r1,1 t lb rt sat ..11v ti r o:reactive ni-14. t'orr',l„: t r ,o 1 bort, ter fi 41. rt, i to h fir tr, .or.r.rrrrr,, to maul •r, of ig e tft • ' ("1,14 ,tad rite'- 1, .1 ^ 'rt. to . 1,, tat,,,l t 1.‘44,4 t Ti-e . fut , II I• I,_t p..t Br , 't urietrzneil ,i 1 1e,, , / tot 0 11018 I, 1-4 l l 1 4 111 A , lore 31 f 1116..1 40,, Is, It 1,11 /Mgt 4.1.1, l'o.l ~ .)1 1 , 4,11, f 'lll4 110^. 1 1 0 114 i . ,l / ;‘, •" . 1 :: •-, ifix eJII - • tJ:4 4 11 1 tlr:i uu.4 I.,trepu td II 111.1 , 1.1,A.! r etaltu.l,l . U,, If lb. '44lllO'A Mt .1 v nod 11,1,1 t r N II ~111 . 14 4.401":1.1 1110.11, # t ii k i III) OLI 111..10,1. ; .I'•4/ II t 44-1140 I '444 1 10 u pi 001 1.. 1,1'; 41..1 11 It L 1.4444111 e lln.. ,li. It • 11l hire in c lu !Lull ti.IL 9 t tit.. 1411.4 4 101141 Iho I k the y I ‘1.1!). aui .t ; ; I 5,1 Isy l 11110 Ir e ; "•.r t, , t I IV , .1 (rouble, n, 101 111311).i..4 .9 1 , ./ pet cmt I'l/4, 1 1 010 1 . 11.11,1 la wk.! I, nv, hI thd it ICANI./.11.,L, • I /0,4 r, , -i-lenoo, N0rrie , .... , ,,,111,n1ig'y et , , Pa IIY iIN'S' s 4 d nth^,•, A„; p, (Ad :I dm,/ 00K I,ND JOB PRINf INJ Orria Plih Lher of Jim I)l: , f,ct: ri, ,t7L II WI hat, inc Ilt It 21 : 1 4 t_ tt SIAA' L/2.41) 1.1.11111221, 0, 11,1 tok.4 nr-41 JOli :it; 0). EWE, :To he found it. Cot,trAl ;•,11,1 t, mpoccti an ttf,ly of . . NEW ItIAI Fit TALS, t aior lit at , LiAn4,lo et)L• of Plal.l d y Iyl. a, 1144 IR (.141.111C.1 11/ xcwutc I/1! 1,1,1.! I 11..t01t - AND I'ANCV .1013 pi:J:47lNa In the ty t.ealcht and at the slntrtest notice —atlea os lIAND RILLS, CIRCULARS, IttlAff RS, BILL BLABS, lifilirtE BILLS, BALL TICKETS, ALC I lON PZLL9, - CARDS, PAMPHLETS, It EC E I P'f BOOKS, , CHECKS, 81101 r BILLS, 'BLANKS, PROGRAMMES, &e., &o , ir,le 1/OLD, h/L VER and BRONZE PRINTING executed In the itantlenzneet manner I.iy•PRIETINO IN COLORS, In IL* most beau- Hint and finished style of the art. t Satisfaction guaranteed In regard to neat nem cheapness and punctuality In the fulftlment OL all orders orprc EV r, 117t6erRT,If THIRD FLOOR, BILLI , ETONTE, PA. • . _ Ler= or 1111G11 Wed.—Wheras. Letters of Admitiis.rottott en We Let tie of littgli bLibfanigal, late ..1 Mallon township. Centre county, Pa . boot, boon granted to tttl undertigoed. ktr*Ol 6 indolitod to hold orate aro reqty3ted to, make immediate rnunt, and those having clamile Akaitist We Non mi.aent We Ault°, to BALI) A .LIFON, Porter to t ; Clinton CO , Pa. P. MeAIANItiAL, - Marion Lap— Centro Co , Pa , a p7.-tt Administrators TRE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE for the C.uoty of tteixte te the wallet of the 115Inte of JACOB tiATIiS, deoensed. The Auditor appaili.llll' tt. *WM, ee tti,„ and ad• tree the ocomint of Jotrph flitted alai Henry (hoof, Admihhoralotig of Jaeol, tioto..d.toolthed, trill meet the partirs interlaced, for the purp,e' 3 of his np peifontrnt, at his office, on WedoemlAy, the 2,1 day of April, A 180, at 1 d o'aeek P M JAS IL It, Ni tnur3= 55 Auditor - L. STATE OP SAMUEL GRIMES, Doo'd. Letteri lectUinentary with the will annexed, A o • Oh tiIIOWN . flt i;O:11 . 1 ch!OWL Eked, lulu el Ferguson downs:Up, Conlin oounly, Pc., bays , luen iir.qtati6 tlau andeisigned acid township, all poisons indebted Co till Eitite are requested to inake plyment, and arose hiving claims till plescnt 164 n uno picperly notheuricated to 1111 ULKlt,li KIIUM,JUNt, ayadit Executors. STATE OF JONATHAN EMHICK. .I.J lierotto, lottery tea.otnentery on the cstato of Jonathan Eint i k , 1441 LA ' ftnalsburg. halo been gehited to the undepigned, all_petsuitn intro:dor' to said carte, firt , l,llll,Lca rat forw.tra and maim payment, and these havidg stains or, duet eel's against the aline, wit 'premetit thetn , witlieut delay. to kiiNIUEL tidLLILAND Evocator. nir2ll-001 , Harris Township. rZEPHYD, VirOltS TED.--THE BUST n 1 Ivindmorn,ld of v rie'y oolors ever ()Mire, to the latlion.;; Altim - Tapen•iy• %%toasted. (Janvaos" Perforated, Board, Frerteh 15 nrking Cotton, Cotton Moo, tjilk Pless,'end Linea Pions, at nov2T •. _ K1341,811'S D RUID PEAbEarAITH, DRIED AP los Pant received hod for sAltr by ,j4 , 12:f J. a AWL 4 00 M Rusars.— JUST • REM), /NA. et the Otero . 7. B. AWL A CO. . Loa Lwow iffikiout wdan. 111 . 0kIliNT PRSUPLUILA.WAAPD Br TUB CENTRE. COUNTY AIIitIOULTURAL PAM. .aTo the people of Centre thiunty. It hoe now he. conic a settled Coot Wit' thils is erittpf ttor - largest, elmapcat and verpt Wst. conducted eitabllshmentir of the kind in the Interior of Pennsylvania. It Is owned by Mr. Ei, A. 0 ilasam, anal superintended by the celebrated eamlptor, Mr, C. I', Chatlig, of N. Y Mr. latualirg was for-sonny yerata engaged in rate of the boat establishments in the oily of New York, where lie gained. urn unstable a ovulation as a toe cheek of the first order 15'n have colored stator sale neatly fare Mulch mt beautiful designs of HEAT) nod Dna t-'.'l USES, eau ved ha the latest style of the n u t, together with !Wiwi' Conelicc Omelet) 'Pemba, Monuments., Spired, Cat N VI Lauf all " larg e 1111 WO, 111111 imaged of et ere ultsailptiorc, ell &wield oil cc Cllllll 1.1 Mr. 1•111111 g. NI:101 1 9 V. Hag Fre - nothing rare end beautiful, to mink the rooting llace of their departrai flionals, omit,' Mee money ay annalitag thrit ordein by either of any tiTaintir, who, o ill puss every foe deem itilough all the_jarlueiptil toots and t alleys In (feral% eitntonontart - Looorrilag cuatntio, , sad leave Oleic !yolk - Cxcent eat *by Ono world-relent nod and juntty - culeba pled artist. iv , "WC Larva Tedlllloil our 11r1001 Cron 11d5 dote, and will Mut 011r11 1 `1V( . 1t0 VII 25 por went below the -regular selling primes of any establishment in Belle• leuia..allustioug,. tug..../..trwLstan.,...untii..„4olk:er the I work free of eh true to any plume doolreu. B. A., tilibtlitN, /1(11'N T 9 FOR 1'1' , ;T11 P. COUNTY • Falai A. tiloi,ebreitker, 111 n. Alliym, Jr ,Jnelvihn :•011,.11.•; llowor's , Thu npn, llulihnu, lioalmburg doel2-1y! VONRAT) MOUSE, BELLEFONTE, Pa AV The uudrn t iiel noutil rittipeet fully an'1 , 0 ,,,, C 0 to hit 0 1d I lietals nail the public generally, that ho hits taken the Mtge and eamtnielnins now Steno Hewn. meta the Irtainanil. Allegheny street, Belle• foutejt'n This buililing line been erected express ly for The put p.m, and au cot d tog to the plan of the must elegant lend applitVed hotel' In the eletern part of the ;Rate, he Auell eonti lent that it is much hon e! e.drulatett fe resider( Mid convenient . ° than nay other hit eirtint ry lle lino also fat ' -4 it in the Tory bent manner. spitting au r Pahl, nor °est to reinter it eciinfiii l able nud n tsvablo,to Muse filleting hint iTith their micron] The HTABLINII itont+ernd wit the estrthlielt , Inept Iv large and emiretiient, with an orteetiertS ear tinge Mine,. By strrit attention to 611 d(ltleS, lung , Irrien"• and n hotel tuintit kin nut to di lizoollod by any honor, in this e t eetiqn, he linpoti to writ the .. favor and css. tam of the tinirllo I', arms vi Ilitllefoctonn Waives or plineure linil the "Om r td House" a'fileattant and 'cheer ful stepping photo. JOHN 11 MORRISON, dee] I Proprietor . 4 TEAN UP IN MILESBURG. --TUE KJ nix , Illat , rr 4 at liVen are in giant Fiala °Lout lay inention of enfinieling !al ter, nn marl& , Iltq art , finished it ail! make all irdull work more colmpi^unnn That In n (ant ; for all lettering nut unlit lie ell,lrrneil lo the linen fil)lo and evil funned. It has oulxltllgmd ilie agop's and given them tin , fat or and nglIV• Ile ,N,l", gentlemen Slurry i fur your ninhulT miry itq4l Into ,sulec.:- ean ihn if you, if tau I'llnv Joy it, .lly iinttros, !tient in lot toting 1113Ible ortuttol flop, ll hot; Ittitntt rtn.l. and if hl.n.,..tnitig like n -- Thott. IhIII Ito ttre,led In tlitt t.itittit:, in Oro Hello Dodo r , tit , It ry, (broa nett of :11111tItt tinnltnttnnt. nuh ilitt 1`11.111,11 , 1 '14.i4 In thn het ttl the kin.l t. Aural Ida, or in 'to that tic hottr, 11,11,1‘,1 My ~ , ro •rptorlt rls 11 in fill rap' ration, and ins all or loin bill Ire nitriole.l to rt, F. too to porstrlrle.. 'Ow pr. plo .11wy r,ll irroprrrAtto ELI tr RII I lilt y obuw- It liv or•lrlin4 1) , IT411 , ttr A C11(T111 31 , 1e , bu,r;Mnrik, W ALI HOTEL, R. W. CO.ll , U,.111 11011. 1 . /11'e C CI .13 I tr ,1 10,113 It ,1 t, p-0 , .1 11. .1, T . r.p .11 1 I I• 00, •1 f t! •-, muum t 'r , ” (1 Iltii 341011.3 t,•ip 14,1 to an! tt..; 'll4' I, I •+no i r ' , .•r pit•:, v.rr rnrl‘r I. nn 'L tl tl • :D., f.v , ,r lan of - 0,1 .13 11, l• :11 , 111. 1 1 11 .1 1 ' I 111 1,1; t.tncr L„ 11111 11 /In ft : '1 Mt TAY.. tt .1! 6,111,1_ I la% tho be3' lII.° Ow ty T 1..; it 101110 nit. 111;0 al 1 wall iolVi I I a • .ctaulet_....,l 11111, %Li '.acct 'LS lII] It 1:11 , Ili f.l/..1 to il,,r&t. 0C,4, u.. , cki v , • .1 • 1 I 1" II ij ln. - 511' I 3 rar_iila 1 3 ; • +n 1, rkiriir.; Wy. n'lni• hot 111.1.; •4, LV. I o • 1 to Alvo Cntire I•lsit.•'t th.qsa favorip,4 Lim ~.1:1; it 11 1) CFNINIIAI.4. 1 r,7'( E PEOPLE'S, PA !J ALIA: 4 IN. Jr, nrtt..l , l th tt 1.1 1.0 111, r I,y 0,1. :5 [Jr n,.d h hop ,g tO titi t I h ain—t t'tt 1', 7 111^ 1,5- , , 1 , 1•.` , 1 r' 1r ir- VI •• . ton ti So ry f Rl' I.IIY-:1141 , 1' 11)'T_, P•11 , }1.-',, II CAN, Utnt, aiiae 'thqr,.. Woollen 3,t1 CGr. too Chdorshirts Crll hi, CAi WI, 1.0 41114 111 1111 , 1 110'1,•01, Ar• HA lOW ART, QULENSWAIi GR0C1711173. iu ehth I orcry thing rirrnlly kpia. In o ,tu,ton sioro. 'rho hi ;hog' pun.. HI for gll khrig of Pro. thilv in I 11 , 11 15". I Al,. A 11'1111:1V.-i t , l --1: I b (NA FRUIT C IN,'• a' In tet,i I A!! tner • 1 1 tree in iniev wall )••3 , 1101, or der. :11 elgh the trrlll de, 21-401. RUNER'S CBEAP GROCERY FIORE trot bar tha rot.n.n,”a hber b•• s'.r.sini upon Mtn by a ga 111 totrt antuntunity and hopes snotattetnion tri bii.1.11 , N3, to alovtyp .. .vjpitno. to mat it tiro apploh ‘tmlt 01 an OPP/ ,,, i ,11 "4 ifth'i lie tt.t.trtn, lit onittehp.ti, and Ilia puLht geotvallv, Ili it he is propttred to furnish them, at his wall known statal with ovary variety , of GittnETILIES that may ho called for. Parsons wishing to caolmmlse will plc.'s., call and saleqt tin tr Grocarive of me, as I nut tipicrutinnti t0..611,1a SAGA• faution to all , nor 27 WILLIAM PRUNER. OST. -- ON THE ROAD .BETWEEN _ Mile.bArgfldwarrivrlin, Tl inr ad u y a LADY'd Flat VICTORINE.' (Or Tip, N ot,) yellow and black mixed Any parson findittic rt and leaving It nth ABILATIAM . ,,SUSSMAN, flowardrilla, or T N BAIA, Ilitlesburg, or at the CONRAD MUSE. Bellefonte, *ill Ile reate'nably raitaniod. - jenli RARNIIM IS GOING TO NEILESBURO alLor lion Inuu /114 t. 1411.10 *Le lffillaord dere eovery In tho rn utuf,ot:ortn g of marble, g ed earn," turkey trurzards for Annorleau eagles and grass hopper, fir angels fob27-tf TAARDWAI3.E.- A genoral'emortment of flortlw6to and Table I`Jullery .1.01 aid. by -- Janie. 4. Yi. AWL A Co., llollofoitte., kEEP IT BEFOA THE PEcIIIE, that the helotiful Marble Wott`th , tuefoc• tared by s A Of 11 , 101 I; Q f 'Gook Hoven, trinw highest promium no aided at I hvi Centro County Fait dorl 241, 4:ll3ltrgOop'satToteArit wuDK-Vile bloom, justoreoived end PO sale by KEALBII. SBOAIN. —LARGE LOT OrTIILIPLW and Boranoo Bogard, f or Nolo by tho hot, tho e or B. AWL At, CO ALL RINDS OF PRODUCE TAKR2I bt osillaulgo' for goods for which tlio hi bust, mai 10. l price will Le paid.—Also, Ilve lona of 'oils watitivl by jan23 Jull4 BANS, HOMINY, BICE, NUS INS, Ntli, of all 'cinch', just reaolvoal and for sale by aay.l7 'QIJG/111, COFTED, MOLAGSV, 10 Chocolate, Spiet l / 2 hvf all kindel Halt, (>P8114111; Vine Apple; dia. 'A gnu.' and ficvli 914 ,, r1rneat fur tutu 1,,y aavX7l PIWNEIt. , ("C ORR' STARCH, CANDLE WICK., GUN Isi Cup, Shot, aad,. Pon Knives, can Int Ina ohaa. , l chola'', of nov,,23___ ' pituNr.rt, _ riANDIES. --, ENIAILEAS VARIETY, N../ vi,01,, do and 101.01; lalmaiwk iltan tho ohonp• as( olwaya o.) hand and for 4410 by • nov2dPRUNER. .. riiOBACCO. —A SMALL alaterti .11. of ate favorite Totioolo. which was to !molar oolong ho Aware loot wlntcr. date lonnedlololy and aittalY yourself, a ^ KRALali's • nrto-THE LADIEB.---A SPLENDID a. T*I4NT ofil Udealr L A i S n - Hdkh SU hread haeop Cg d l Print n of i th e bo s t m ake mod polar, larranted Pall and examine ilea differ. opt varretree, at . rany27l KHALSH'I3 ....,-......., ~ . - . , " - i . - ':ophdota. • .0i) praw- -,,„ ..... oi 7 , , claw itt yiseikot.--Tbisliii iiair p0.'1 , .. lit ti„..l/fpK) 4t b:: in non 01.0107.). iii• pled novo porno it DM '' - it pottrio polittOiap i f s, I tii s ou IniVe 'at,s ir3 , tne 'opte bevntrilop ft 1 , 01. to Iln It tholdtlts Mot& 0 an exattiptti of CUltltot both'in llaui-1,5 1 , 1 441 , 4 ni life, icl also thd Ali Alk a li inhiag adva- onto et T rti ompontter iit ltot, X; ilontxtilars, wan engatteti for A 411141 ff ill I 1:4 Printing. Oliflgtilf tato ltannrr j hi Pliitadetilita, vherd * o founChltNao.. coninnatatlng, stileth. tatontive to bib lit . • .llvoseit to ovoryttanol J 1010404. •• AttOlt MAos ~ Ito Demodride of Centre cOOnty, 014 von br othor.: parties, Also,) many of whom we Iniballstokodat* will be tibia to appreciata.—PE•Pilltitar and Adi , o CI& tr. -- - ~, , , TIIN WATCJIM,S3i----The Watchman is the this et,- %new Donaoorlitio pnpor entablishol-in Beßor.:into". (Nefroconnty Potion, by Homyfirs's, E. The pureliase of thu old Democratic Journal by the Knorr Nothings, sad the consequent defeat of the Damo• oval& party in Centre county, rendered the eidab lianont, thorn of sth orthodox paper necessary ; and from the tone and ability of the Watehman wo hese no doubt it will come trp to the expeotatlonsof the people of that llouriebing region. Mr. Ilaye is is young man ernulowrof doing goad wret - of ,g i.. Ihr-prntnwroie•-elb-joussuatemr.aral-. sru think from the specimen before us that he will succeed. We wish him much , sueeess..-- , Wasking-- ion' Upton. r.- Tnr: DZIIIVRATIC WATCHMAN. — This le the tttle of a new paper juit started In Bellefonte, Centre. county, by Henry Hays, E.g., formerly, wo believe, of this city. The first number which hrnow bet , foro ue, premmto n neat and business-like appear ance, nod the °tutorials F ire evidence of ability' and tact Wo wish the editor success the enter" 'prise, and truet that the Derneorneylff Centre oonnty !t to bo their duty to Regain so true en Or• gen of the party, its.the Watchman promises to be, to the utmost of their , We extend io Mr. Hays the right hand of fellowship, and vreloome Min as a co-taborer I the glorious caused the people— Lancaster Irate ligenerr. WATerdrAti is the name of a now naper jtist started at Bellefonte, of whioh we have revetved the second-Worthen The pelter, looka bright and 14°1111. The edilOrs locals to hare the anststatioc of AA° pens their neighborhood. Wish wo could say the onion for ibis IVOteAtmen: The suggestion of the editors t 0,1101,1 en etlitot tat convert lion In Bellefonte In an etteollent ono, and we go In Cur It strong, pro idea it is to bo a general thinm ir• rospez'ive of party.' Rural editors can do mach to hotter their if they will only Units as friends and make an efibrt to broth down the patty bigotry which has been Corned on them by t' load log" politicians, Antirirtift Watchman, Lork Maras Till: PCIIOCR tTIC WATCIIMAK. — We hove sleeked tho first number of a new Bevoneratio paper with thy nbuso title just common:3ml in Bellefonto, Centro co , Pn ,by HENRY, Hera, Esq. Contra has hben without an English Dotnocratio paper for RyearPast the Prmorrat was bought over to tirodarit lantern patty. and in now doing the bidding of the Abolition loader of that party. We lima learned from Bel ,Mr Monk, that the Watchman commenoed With a lilt of( upwards of 1,1:.0 *obeln tiat nu bnert hers, anribal Demo:rain are Moving in Oil I edhunt to rftThe county of Know Nothing. ism fit 'the oval mection—that they will accomplish Mier porin , so welinvo Coin doubt. The Watchman is printed non now t) F., and it 11111 p au:limited. The edit.. anyu "the paper will earnestly and unni nv h. m.s,tv men and measurre of the Demo. rt • pviy, nod appose E 1101 T .Sll/tIIIIIgIM, Abotl tnmient. 1.14 reury othur ism su contrary to the .V. 11111) .1,1 of our rupubliem ins.itutions."— WO h for go ul !lows Amu Centre neat fall. , sli.tafr.ut•lo* Wad.- • • •• t , "Pen ur irioneric Wart llMAN."—Dicie &dining, '1'14.•;, , ,‘1,111i15,: in dor Dionnerniic von Centre Coun• , iy, I gel rooki, is doh. beret sabre T i er . tale iThelnung 'roved] , , rinos dor szhoensten mil le, en poll ZoiinAlrifien in Poni.sylva ei.•ii Dor "Nlrittolim in" wird von lire. liseur lint 3.11, iitero,;illio'n end eon Ineolitigon Itelriteu• roe ir iliohrt. in.trmo wir eie kormon, Lied II) 1.,131 loft dent lie tier din demokratiulle U rund• -.iv: , 11 Tel IL end u.i 7/0 ,rerrit rerllioiligen lo 1.1 mwndrlt sin..le Dim .kr.ti Itn (lonely sollte clie• • C DI it no limo., mid nil/ enevinho Untoiztuetzung u robractit eon lon, ,robirre Centre cocte• 13 o i I. ,iu tnsu get. o Mien germ , ' domokrati• L'nU mod worlon brie °Meek zu dem Uolornolimou —Ledo(rotiaehS Berechter. WI: I,2:etetrl list wet It the 3e.ltad a urnbar of the nen. ~..tie Ir,itrlibi,in, n I,f, beinnor‘lll.l7 paper pri 8 , 11:0,I in ljelIcI0i•IV, I.) flora y, tn.,i l o sir?: I.l4lahca Lot , r roachetl. re. 'I beta Lin bean I o I letno.l . lakic, pdpar published in English in Cent re n a n y for more tit , n t year pal , 11.0 Ohl G,lOl i 3 Omor , ,dt ; h .s‘ lug bent degraded Into an organ of K we Nio Irirgiem The Irdacklll4ll, judging from the nutpbef before ca, wilt he well worthy of the rapport at the plirty Eli, cli:ori.d• aro wall arti4o, and the nieohani:al art Lot excelled by any Mbar In she eteantri.—.. p IS id) the aid of such an organ, It LI aafo to medial that C••litro county will a eiii Le. again what it has . .Jeell heretofore—ono of Iblreirongeorancd - molit !al l. Able 1/clxVvra'ie M 41.11116,1 in the Sligo. We are r i 04010..1 Li, 1.4 Ira that the .11%., to of He, H a 9 are likely 111 be prufterly I.llitre:toed by she ' rty lu It, ..,a•ey, oil Ott tin v.III nut be I‘lll.,Vre. tu lack t •r uln.s , Cll ii 111 i " In unrlylng on his °morphia,— The D41, ,, ,:r.1's In 'CIIOOII 'MO ales giving blm h mole nu mnpipirt• ' Ilia lot In Lq , JII,HIOOII IS Ono or the I ,-gcnt and boot—within the aolivory of the roil. WM.. WO Loa. lily rojelse at hie proaleeitt of .5 , 1,:i to —Lack listen banWerat. ' Tut DIt , IO , 7ILATIC Wartawstf.—This Is the title of paper. published its ltellefouto, Crintre ly, Pa , by Retry 1191, I . olllllolly one of the lob: ',hors et the L sue Ito el Demarrat. The tint numb, es et otence of ability, and it &tor e:i OLI the part of the editor to publish just 11l1:11 Is p iper PA 11)0 Deport rt-y of Celitter„ at this Limo 1,00 , 1 7he Contre Doniorrat was bought by the X 4Lie„-,s-- the party was corsequoutly It ft of bout au no.; so IN the °Allay The Wa ruls tea,/ woe with the slew of taking the plane of the Prfflorrat, and we are glad that Mr Hays e melee: es his center le that county wider suds hvoraltle uuspiees—ls• lalerlec„. received, in the Learn., of a ft. w days,- , waTTFusned suboulbere .Ittoceess to the outurprisa —llarrisburg l'atriot. AR)nvii'r Tilt DEMO,. nitric WiTCIII.IA —This is the tiU of ant' PAXer insi started at heliefouto,Ceotre oe by Henry Heys, Eeq , The first number presents neat and bueinens•liko appearance, and the editorials glee o. idonee of ability and tact. We wish the edi• tor sueoe*-in the enterpriee, and trust Wit the iismoorary of Centre county will feel It JAI be titter duty to plstufn so ieuo an organ of the party, ea the zo,,r promises to be. to the utmost of th* 4611- W• ehtand to Mr. Hays the right &and of and-weleatthe him os a eola*brer to the gluriowi iliauso or the people.--Vertletotou iretek• Tut De NOCUATIC W•TCRIIIAN —Henry Rays, , has roirinieneed the putdllsallun of a WM DORI. norAtla paper BUIN(01116, Centro Q , llllt], tinder go above upproprieMovnemee. Our friend Wien For , int, en run pleased It-observes apron wit§ Mr. Hays et Associate /Wier. The ilsesseratis Waif/VA, rn is s large end handsome sheet, well tilled and ably aonduoted. A. it Is the only Eng• Itah Decnoorat in peper In Centre, Its establishment thorn Is ea opportune as Its 11461301111 is eortalo.--Co-, in //Mir, Dorgocrat _ . ...• Lia - • We have received the 119m=nber ntloll4lll , Drmooretio paper just started in Bellefonte, by HArs, entitled the D tirtoriwtsr. {Vat tA rn,tu, *bleb is truly a l ari~ae and /laudanum 'beat Thu 'Wutuhmen is nerdy Democratic—melt- IS ,fast such frriper so deserves , and wit! 1111 doubt ebeICIVO hourlysupport from the Domocreny of Old Coo runt MA elsor,44i Esprniiierronc-- . DENOCTI4TIC WATCIIII4.IIf.—WO were lut was greeted with the appearatiet on war Wile of the fir Humber of a haVdmuse paper bearing the Oar caption, devoted to the ever-glorious principles o Democracy, and published at lgtilletnte ra,, by zr Hays A marked ability is displaf#ll in to edito rial contonte, and the Democruoy of Centre 'mite congratulate themselves on having a firm and obi - ailsbeete In the IVateheirsii. Like the liberty pro miring doctrines' it advocates, may its career be over Upward and onward —Johnstown Eskb. The. PicifOLRATIC IVATCIIIIAII, is the title of a new papes which bee reoently been started. in Bellefonte, edited by 11. Hays, wbo is 'lacy writer. We extend our bent wishes, and hope It ay adhere as an adhesive plaster, to the priheiples ow espou- Shore Republican. J. IL AWL Cis Tate Democnattc WiTORAVI.---Thin is the title oriknow paper s :just s arta(' in Bellet3etah by K. 04 ./I. fhe - erg mivnbor of whiok ere beim received. 'lt is Airy neatly printed, watt edlied t sod tins bait of it th it le n sound itemaoratio paper. We wish It euo. t nil —Tyrone Dem. •., • , DEN ocnerinni Wsrenwsw .Is the title of a new putnatitat LI oupor reooutly started in Pll by lialiry nays, En g. It in need."' exonited and oditod with spErII and ability. It Is bound to suo• etl.—JeiNnit Shore New Leto,. ' f_vs 4 Vo havo received, the first numbor og. Ana ie eking Douworatid paiwz pul)lighpd tolielloronta . I.pype p ry H go. It 14 well printed on cajd_ . ayer, rairly edited, and ipoimny Diubooilit i conrY. W 1340 E Milli BAW Thv eubserjhu having nroatri a lAN" Stamm Saw prepiannt 1181* to:01430 Msr doge ritionfat tlta abartnal not. ROBj On'Ous fiadrishos ioa nor2B-ixe, T QM:GT& - I A'A•I variety. Jusithleired and for l e t sby irro27 KHALFIII MI 115 0 •V, Jibei • ,Pa