, nisTORICA4 80.CrE7 Or, 7E' NN . StLVANIA. • SJ a resoh . ooh-of ike &misty, adopted Janus!" 14th, 1858, tkin6.follotring _report was ordered to be furnished-to the vario newspapers whlished in the State, with s statement - of the ittuattondition of the Publication Fund, and the naries of the Trustees of the Fund ) and the ofilucre of the Society Il~'.. - c • "The Committee to whom was-refe rred timeKturamuoics i tion of ,our,fellow membir, Charles Miner, of 'Wilkes Barre, in relit. Aito to the organization of auxiliary onunty ~eoeotlz, Ilia members ,of sitieh should fity se annual onntribution to the Pekin aglvania Hritnripal Society permanenq establiabetlat Philadolphia; atudiaattiliaries to reqeive to returmcopics Of the pithhca t,iona or 6,i. Society - tespect fully report That they hate givon to the cerumuni eation the texpeutfel and careful eeueidera - lion Atm to tiro suggestions of a gentleman rot well knowo to WI am Mr. Miner, as an ahlt - cialfuut and successful intestiottor of Pennsylvania hitters-. . That Viby occur with him in believing rhos-it-io t.lw duty *i u prosperous fell.* citizens throughout the State, to give hearty itud active aid to snob oreaselVma shall b- necessary to tranpiitt to posterity a knowledge of the details of out history. The extent of the territory of oar commonwealth,, be, numerous and issisisl o g pppulation, the variety and en/T -otted• of its reeouroos, and its relations to the Svpoblio, must give peculiar And grow tog importanos to its dowser ; The -princi ples upon wbioh its institutions were found- tad, and arbicli are anw for the most part common to the other States of our political union, are exhibited in our owl, annals with pectuliar:advnittage of illustration. In every department vi the public' service Peonsylvaniano lave oontributed largely to the materials - of our get:teal history aural,' tone of us could revotamplate with out•paie the prospect of ourannala becom• in` obscure through the neglirnee of itiotie upon whom rests the sacred obligation to tram/mit • clear reelrd of them to future The arrangements by which wo can se 4, cure a steady oollecti9o, digest mod publi _Wad= of. the materials awaiting our ef forts, out tif course be adopted After care ful Consideration of the special difficulties of the .ease, the nature and situation of them materials, the degree of our necessa ry depredated upon voluntary aed gratui lOU. serviced, and the instruction derived from expe rience in other communities, as well Miff our own. To be effieient, our manbinery of organisation should be as simple and permancut as possible, so as to be to the smallest practicable extent de pendent thpon4ho fluctuations of local inte rest, or of periodical pacuniary support.— The hods open which we aro to rely abesidboltrottoliti with the least practica ble-deduction for empanel, of -eolleetion • and• udminietration, and their application bets() directed as to coneentrite,tina --iddlasterm ottka.motirearabieh. ara_to -stim ulate the oollectoer of historical material ' ihnsfllitimtikr..._._ll-is with sigh views that the Historical Society of Pennsylvania was mods Si emaciation for the State rather 'Rau fur the city iu which, on_ account of its origin . and the special advantages there available for literary labora the- meetings of the members bare been held. Its priv. 'laws bare *kip been open to all-reun sylvaniase, without respect to residence, 1,144 they are of a ellgrackr to eminent. Iy Weed to all dtio choose to enjoy them according to the original design. The contributions to its literary roeourcee have emote Prom every quarter of the Stale, sod it now enrolls in iis list of members many of OW snort eminent and useful citizens.— In accordance with tho patriotic liberality of its phis, the Society, regarding it as a duty to place within reach of every reader at the earliest opportunity the fruits, of its aconutulatioum, has Laid tho foundation. of a Truk, Fund, the employment of which, so limited by the terms of the trust, prom• key to give the earliest and largest effect to the legitimate purposhi of the society. T}iti fund is composed of subscriptions of twenty dollars each, for which each sub. scriber is entitle, iiiriug his or her life, to receive a copy of every publication of the Sae:juts. Thu principal is invested as re- 1 and the yearly revenue therefrom issippropriated to the objects of the Trost. ;try:pereowttay shoe wi re _iurscuumit interest in the Society, and a right to; par ticipate in the beat fruits of its labors.— The advantages of such a oonnection which it has been properly recognised; and al- id ad y nweenur eubaeriptiour have been texpetied out nuly from oilr own iffthrior mroutim, , Mit from-oaawr States, or which urn base contributod to the Fund. This grcartninifestation ui iutercsz appears ree. ~unable eouirgh when , . we consider how olor•ely the - events which belong to oar Io rut annals are often related to the greater ~velattious of American history; and how awry occtonous lung arise for publishing ogratitcs in which the oitizeds of other r!oursuonwesltha are oonceioed. The re noting has-ludnecd the 4.9ociety Jo tellers thoTrurt from re*trietions athieh might ..tberwire beyp appeared proper in respect roltrwildity of its subjects. Those so. ?cations of .the materials to be printed hu I,ceu guarded by making indispensable the co rn ball & of •buth, the Trustees and the So ciety.. With soot a-plan, and with a fund . which haw smoauts to nine thOUirind dollars, and eke increaser of Which is rapid, your Com mitter satinet doubt the success of the ' Society; and they share the gratificatiou of • thykr,Opllow members upon the welcome give* by the public to the first work thus atria to the press—the pristory of Brod • 404's expedition, by Winthrop Sargent. they have lear;ted with pleasure, from officers of the Society, that numerous men motive of local historical character, some of-them clearly date, hive been received liana different sections of the Steal ; and that other valuable materials fur the pew • 'of &tura authors are promised to us. It Olfinot be doubted that the incentives t 'altered will be mush more efficacious ally which can spring from the routine of ' ry oorrespOodence between, the titriety Nod county ; and eel.. tainly the-expenses and difficulty of main. will be much less. lf, stimulated i l /It N ; and other views, our fellow chi na 10 any of the counties shall become sufficiently interested in tae plaid work to form so sasooilition for ite batter pro- I motion, th'e,wny will be 'always open end the inducements willinfne,btedine stroll e, with esoh augmentation of the reeonrons of toe Publication augmen tation Upon the wbutk t iliertfore, your com mittee are of opiate! that it is moat expe dient tlw the Society to talc° early step& ,to inform nut eititens generally of the plan no& Pros Peals of the Fund, uod of its cunveni enee and important:rns au instrument for '_tha production of n haluit blo histerinat lit erature in our tnide4 WILLIAM BIGLER, of Clearfield. Gkonemetimunigs,ofOliamboriburg S i Am vat Bazolk; of Philadeldhia. • - - The Publication- Fend is oompsed of subscriptions of twenty dollars each, the payment of 'which by any person. entitles him or - her for life to a oepv of 'all the pnblicatioes of the Society, This Fund is of recent eetablishment, its increase has been- rapid and; steatlyP and it already amounts to nine thousabd dllars, --Resi dents in all (ratters of the Staol and oyeti, in other Staten, have become subscribers to it.. The selection of tbo works to be published iirdeterinined by the concurrence of both' the Society and tbo Teustees; eith, etlaningAtiegafivenp9 the eels f the other in ihie respect. niriirek' - 6-au= sued is the iliatary of Braddorles by Winthrop Sargent ; a hantleoeue octavo volume - Of 420 pages, with valuable maps' God engravings. The interesting' ' work hoe been very favorably rectived by the public. Nearly live hundred copies have' been sold in addition to the dllitribu. Hon' to the subscribers to the Fund. Un- I der a resolution adopted for the purpose, persona who shall become subscribers to the Fund infore thte Gist day of May next, will ho regarded ai mild - a:AD a ropy of this Hieteey,. Letters contaieingsubscrip lions to the Fund are to be addressed to the HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVA NIA, PIIIILANELIMIA. Subscribers should give barfly trotieeef-- buy -delay- lc the-re. %mini of their books. Tho Society being designed for the whole State, and its memberships being open to our fellowreitizene of every county, every available opportunity is embraced by us to invite their ye-operation in the collection god preservation ormeterials for ibi history of our Commonwealth, and for scouring a jolt tribute froin posterity to the memory of oitisens who have been in any way die tinguiabed by local or general serviege.— kis hoped that hismitical . notices of towns and celerities, memoranda or remarkable facts, biographical and genealogical notites, and letters, diaries, and other manuscripts, will continue to be eetit to the Society.— It is auggested that, in` all eases of contri butions of such materials the contributor should.furnish therenith, acfar as practica ble, a statement of such facts as may be requisite to establish the genuineness and authority of the documents, as the name of the donor, and any information respecting the archives are recorded milled by the Society. - - Proaidint—eThinzas Stndtartr,"" Vice.Presidente—George Sharewood, J. R. Tem, William Duane, William Currespadieg Secretary—Horatio Gates Reconliog Becretar3'.:-IFrank Trustees of the Publication Fund —Gem.- go W. Norris, Sixteenth and Locust streets; John Jordan, Jr., Manufackurene dnd Plecanies' Bank; Ilan' , Cooraa,'No. 123 North Thii d Street. 'rreasurer--CLarles M: Morrie. • Librarian—Townsend Ward. Signed by order of the Society. THOMAS SIEWEANT, President. Attest-PRANK N. Etrtwo, Bee Seo'y January 28th, 3856. ICT A Yankee and in Englishman were recently disputing, when the latter remar ked— " Fortons,tely the Americans can go to further than tho Pacifio shore." The Yankee searched his pregnant brain for an instant and, then triumphantly re plied z a Why, good grecions, they're cutting down the llocky Mountaina, and•cartiog the dirt out West; I had a letter from my cousin, who is living only two hundred mike west of the Pacific shore—on 1n ade land. Lea)) Year Derelopntents.—Wit cut the following from the Reading Journal of last week and commend its example to certain person - tbat-b - wot:of:" grmui Leap Year Party was given to the young gentle men of Reading, by their lady admirers, at the Odd Fellows' Hall, on Tuesday last. The affair was managed exclusively by the ladies, who issued the card, of invitation, eeoorted their male friends to the Hall, se /voted their p , artuess,-served up the refreab moots, entertained the company, gallanted their beaus home, and to crown all 4 , footed 'the.bilf' in true leap year style. We hope Co record many fruits of this leap year gal lantry under cur matrimonial annoupoe menu, before the year is over." EIOUTY YEARS A PRISONER.-A tough and hardy old ftliesr recently Passed through Lyons, Francs, on hie way to Sa voy, his native 'country. No less than 80 years agof *frau ho wee 41, he was beaten• ded to the French galleys for life for since crime. At the commencement Of the Rev olution, being then a middle aged man, he wee abut out from the world. The other day he was released, at .the age of 1.21.—, No tittle is assigned; bat the proLabilit that he had worked out more thaU a .atu. ral life in the galleys, and thatle w , e past doing any,hartn. It is said that be has little property in Savoy, the iatere t on whtuli has been &cumulating eSsetly 100 years, ur since be arrived at the age of twenty one. The old fellow enjoys perfect' health, although be etoope so much that hie face nearly touches hie knees. Mammoth Love Letter. —A New Eng land gentlemen in California, who donna ponds with a young lady of Fall River. sent to his friend a letter, which arrived in the mails of the George Lasr,'on the 28th ult., and which comprises one huedred and forty-six payee of letter paper. Relies of the Revolution --Gun barrel' hive lately been found on the field of Hub bardtou bottle ? in Vermont, some of which after being buried more than seventy-five years, contain cartridges that exploded with considerable:violence, when tbe—barrel wee heated in the fire. , , lank Nit.ptittfor' 0 TEM arum Yawns co.- . IT ? pRoSpk;CT OF TIIE DEMOCRATIC s IVATCIIMAX, TO es TuittellßD witErcuT IN BELLERONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PA. MOVIFTLYAW/A . WOMB. - CORRECTED AND REVISED EVERY'WEEK.I,TtIE ONLY ENGLISH DFAIOCRATIC PAPER I - IN TILE OUNTRY. PrOP PR Bunks marked thus Or/ there are °thus— TholMlallo Is rot pecteully irnibrmed thal the Brat eountorfeita by Filtered note* of various denomint• natubor ofd now Dom.:natio paper, to he milled pens in alionlatiou THE DEMOCRATIC IPATCIINIANwiIIie issued' WTllB' YAM* nE all Dahks' on witioh wo omit iu Dellefonto £bout the 27th of NoVornticr In commending our undertaking thu favorable quotations and .subnfitute ti dash, 1-111.16 reJoeted consideration of our foliow-eitizons, but more liwg 7. , by the biokensof Philadelphia. f - ,tiontarly to the support of our Democratic brethren VirNtime , orkwightlit—Danks. as troll 11111 those pf Ciintrif county, a for words, explatuddry of our coulee, will not be oOnsidergVut Of place. Ito po -thai hate goeiwmut_of_egiotopoe, oho omitted. !Dimwit!. be rrILLLT Dr *On ATI!, advocating the DANES IN PLITLADE/,PiIIA. fundamental truths rnmolgatod by the "groat Na. Nairn. • Discorrr. (loyal Demoorat lo Potty, believing tont its ilimtrines furnish to the whole country, without respect to sec tion, the sureet teem oertalti guaranteu.of future prosperityi and that thug are calculated to insure dignity, position and charaoter to our Government. 'Coder this belief we shall battle in defenoe of the Demooratio oauae with energy and unoompromising fidelity. In the Literary and News departments -wo shall endeavor to furnish our patrons with ouch matters as will tend to charm and divert, trawali_astostruct, the chaste and reflood. the amusing and romantic. We ehall alm-endeavor to furnish the Agricultural community with such items as may suit their inter mitslind demands at tho present der Relying upon a gencrmr+ and iiGurel public for oo•oporation, promising that nothing shall be deft undone or unatlempted, wo skull conic before you, am' throwwnqp.lves and our onterprino upon sr -liberality. '' Tho IV•oveithiN will lie printed .overy Wednov day morning, on a dolible-inedium sheet, ou- now typo, in the boat style of typogrophi,oi oseellowno, at tho levy price of ,!61.10 per annum, if .paid la ad. Bank of dontrnotno, late Moyamensing, - •, , par . Bank of North Aninrioa,* - - - - • par Bank of Northern hiborthecar par Bank of Pennsylvania,* . par Bank of Penn Tironahlp.. . par Busk of the United MAUS, A m. . - • • faltrod CoinneroialPankTePon* ,. .. llr " ' * - Par City Bask, • • - - ,- ' ---- par Conaolidation Bank, • • ' ---- pa Farmers' and Mouhanloa' Dank,*';' -, ',-- - . par tilrnrd Bunk,* -'- ' - - - - - ---- Par Bennington Bank,* , par `Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Bank,* - par • Movhanive' Bank,* - - • • - • - • par -Moranaanaing Bank, row Bank Cornmeinc,* par PliNdelphin Bank,* - - - - • - - • , pnr Subualkill Bank,* • par tiontliwark Bank,* • . - - . par Tradeamena' Bank.* • par Woatorn Bank,*• par . . . • BA N1:9.- COUNTR LOCATION =EEI333 Allentown( Timm* Danvitio, • Chainbergaurg, Alettyeburg, Pittsburg, Weal Chaster, Ohm's, Garmantown, - Middlanyan, Narristown, New Castle, Norlitumborl'd Carlisle, - Columbia, Pittsburg, , Allegheny City Allentown Bank • • - Anthracite Bank i • - Bank of Dantille* • disdk of Chambersburg 4 Bank of tieUyabure • Bank of Pittsburg* • '- Bank of Chester Co.* - Bank of Delaware Co. - Bank of Germantown - Bank of Midtiletown a - Bank of Montgomery Co. Bank of Sigy Castle - of Northuttihrrtaml 4, Carlini° Depwit Bank . - Columbia Bank* - • - Corporation of Pittsburg City of Allegheny) • County of Allegheny* • Dauphin Dopoeit Bank* Doylestown Bank* • - Aaaton Bank4).._, Do tlarrbberg, Doylestown, Pittsburg, - Erie, Brie. o Easton, Xzehinge Bank• Erie Bauk• - Edo City Bank Farmers' & Mo'os Wk. - Farmers' Wk. of gobsyl. kill County* • - - Farmers' & Drovers'llk* Franklin Bank &tali liven Wayueiburg, Washitigtolt Farmers' Ilk of Burka Co Farmers' !intik_ of Lau• canter* • - Farmers Ilk of Reading* Harrisburg Bank* • - Lanossttr, Reading. Harrisburg. Honesdale, Lanoadt4, Honesdale Bank* Lancaster Bank• DO • Lebanon. Lock Haven, Mauch Chunk, Pittsburg, Do boncauter County Bank• Lebanon Bank* - • - Look Haven Bank , - Mauch Chunk Bank • - Meithanics' Bank - - - Mechanics' & Nitwit. Bk. Miners' Bk of Pottsville Monongahela Dank of Brownsville* - - - Pottsville, Brownsalle, Harrisburg, Laminar, Reading, Otnoeof Bk PonDaylvinia Do do Do do Do do Warren Count; Dank West Branch Dank Wionsiog naafi'. - York Dank.' • - Enslox, 111=1 Williamsport, Wilkesbarra, York, York Ravine flank York County Bank Weller Notes; raggai Towanda Rol of hag no pie in•Phileulaleka THE GOVERNMENT OF THE 11. S. EXECLITLVE DEPARTMENT. FRANKLIN PIIICE, Presidest. I , Vixtrast L. MAncr, Secretary of Slate. JAMES GIMLIRIE, Sec. of the Treasury. IMITERSON DAVIS, Secretary of War. .TAMES C. DOBBIN, Secretary of the Nary. _ JAMIM CAMPBELL, Postmaster General.. ROBERT MCCLELLAND, See: of the interior. CALEB CCSI/INO, Attorney-General, STATE DIPIUMMIEST. Consists of one Secretary•, ono Assistsp) Secretary, one chief-clerk, twelve associate clerks, ono translator, and one librarian ; of the Diplomatic and Consular Branches ; the Bureau of 'Disbursement, Translation, Ap pointments and Conimisaimis; of Rolls and Archives; of Authentications and Copy Rights, of Passports and Pardons; the For eign Correspondence, Ireaties, Despatches, Laws, and the State Library. Employs but seventeen persons ; and is one of the moat simple yet powerful implements of government in the world. • TREASURT IMPARTMENT. Consists of one Secretary, ono Assistant, o Comptrollers, s Commilaioner of Cue , tow, site Auditors,* Treasurer, Register, Solicitor j and Deards for the light houses sod, COSA surveys. ,NAVY DRPARTMENT Consists of eine'N —. ;eti)Wry - ,. - aalWltUres47l —of Navy Yards and Docks; of Construc tion, Equipment and Repair•; of Provisions and Clothing: of Ordnance and llydrogra• pby, and of MAicine and Surgery. The Force of the Navy Department num bers fifty-five. POET 9FItICJI.DAPAZINILNi Consists of one , Postmaster General, and three Assistants; of Demeans of Inspoctors, Appointments, ContraCts and Finance. There are ninety-one persons engaged in the . General Post Office Department. DIPAIITMVerOP TIM INT/MOIL - Coniists of one Seassterryrand Bureaux of the Public Land!; o i f Pensiorul .; of Indiana ; of Patents, tncludhilrAgrinultnre. - This Department has charge, also, of the business of United States Marshals and At torneys ; clerks of United States Courts ; the Mines of the United States ; the Public and Penal Buildings of the United States in the District of Columbia ; the urrettledboundary Pes between the BtAtesi; Territories, and .rdering nations. The number of peraciv- employed is the ITerfartniont Of the Interior is steadily increas ing. It may be,ettiriutted at three hundred add fifty. ATTORMIT GINIZAVB DEPARTIIIIIIT Consistirtif one Attorney Oenersl, a chief clerk and eight assistants. The total number of persons oonaposing the servants of the people in all these Depart ments, ii ono %bowed and.filly;orte. The number of persons employed in can t/m(10u with the Treasury Department to Washington, is four himdred and rerenty-on WAS Consists 9f ono Secretary, having 'woe' - ted with him the Commanding General, Quartermaster General; the reminder 0, end, the Commissary General, the Surgeon General, the Engineer Bureau, and the Bu reaux of Topography and Ordnance. The' number of persons occupied in the War Department is one lit4 L ndred and seireu 1:13131 LEM TUX DieNOCRASLO WATennlx,—Thisie nen' p.. Wield paper s establiehed in Bellefonte. Penne , and pi - edged to support the name it bears. With the aper's political anti's and ismr, awl its party at Moon's, we have tumgq,to do. We Shall hope to find it the true'friond e a nand morality, and an example of oourteey I and social life, end aim the able and oncomprom . oate of romperance. The editor. Mr. Henry Hays, Our engaged for a time in the printing- office of the Danner, in Philadelphia, Where we found him ac commodating, strictly attentive to hie Maine's, and disposed to every thing jilet right. Snob qualities the Democrats of Centre county, (and mon pf other parties, aim,) many of whom wu know personally, will be able to appreciate —/'rerhyrertau Banner and Advocate. Tut WATCIIIIIAN.—T¢O IVar,hmott le the title of a new Demooratio paper established in Bellefonte' Centre oounty Penna .by Henry Mays, Enq. The purchase of the old Dettionratio journal by the tnow . plothiqa and the consequent defeat of the Demo. orate perTYsriitlfw ebtlnty. rondetatt - the <mat. lialunlint there don orthodox paper necessary; and frotathe tone and ability of the Witiehisan we hare no doubt It will come op to .the expectations of the people of thatelleurishing region. Mr. Mays is a young man emulous of doing good and of riming in the profession of journalism, and we think from the tecimen before us that he will gummed,' We wiehhiti Much suottem Washing- ton Union. I Tee ihr.IIOCRILTIC WAITIDIAX..—This is the title of a new paper Just started in Bellefonte, Centre county, by Henry Hays, Erg . formerly, we believ e of this city The first number which le now be fore us, presents a neat and business-like appear ance and the editorials give et Wenn° of ability and tact. We wish the editor Amens in the enter prise, and trust that the Democracy of Centro ccrenty *ill feel 11 to be their duly to sustain so tree an er gen of the partyas the IVoirh man promises to be, to the utmost of ' their ability We ettend to Mr. Hays the right hand of fellowship. and welcome him u tasnichthererr in die glorious cause of the people.- I,(lnatater lottello.R.rnrer. 10,wornsrte IVArt Ha Vi is the name of a new paper Just started at Ileliefonte, of which we hate received the upend number The paper looks bright and hopeful. The editors seems to have the assistance i;iif able pens in their neighborhood. With we could say the same ter this Irirrehnurst. The Inggestlon of the editors to holdliten editorial vent en lion in 11•Ilefonto is an otqelle,st ono. and ma go in for it strong, provided, it to to be a general-thing:lr. reepootive of party. It oral editors can do netch In better their oomiltferi If they to only unite as frientlsand make an Abet In break &mil the panty bigotry which bass been rowed on theist tw "death ing politicians. A Ifflefief... IVO g1,419V144, --L.aC /lotus. - par par par par "Tar - 7'161 DI(10011.4tle nhavo Mucked the ant number of a now Devitt - wrath] paper with the above title Jun tom:penned in Bellefonte, Centre so., Pa., by I I *Mete' 41orutb-Kon-6.44.4ru has been witbont an English Demooratiu paper for a plat past the Derrioerot was loggia °ter to the dark lantern party, and it now doing the bidding of the tholition eaders of that party IVo hate-learned from Rip litreMeek, that the IVarehowto uototnerroal with u subscription (hi of nrosortit of 1.500 snicenn tial stbeenhers. and Hint the Demncrats ore moving in sol i d column to nit the enunly of Know Nothing at the nett nlectbm—that I try wilt otne - otnplillt Oder purpose we have not a dou hi, The I l'a tenni 411 It printed on new typo, anti is ably t•noluetti printed sip °Om paper will eirlitstly and uldinhh• (ugly ads oetto tho men and mitaatiret of tho Demo °ratio part. and oppose Know Nothingtim i,, Vouff Harlem. and Pm cry other .14 en, allot earl . tl MILL and aplrit of nor reptibliaan i net i Ws shalt look for good news fromrkle r —lltontzngdon Glodt - 'Tan DeuncnAric Wnrcnsjx( -- -Diese Zeitung, daeonglisho Organ der Duman ratio on Cent re Coun ty, ty, in Bellefonte gedruckt,'welehe hereilst Otto vier !. Erseheinting gennatlit. let eine. der nchcensten and beaten polltiplien Zeitseltriflon in Pennsylva nien. Der "Jratchman" nird von lint liannr Hera hoorrigsgeben unit votwtuochtigon Redsotau ren gefothrt. die, Wien." wir roe kronen, hand in hand mit dem lierw-hier die demokratlache Orund. solsen trio and ohne I;,rhe rorthehligen werden Jederenlisa-lesendo Demokrat im County sollte die. tee Blatt nehmen, owl oils nvoglielle Unterstuctzung desuselben tugebracht werden, ...lurch Centre eoun. 1,1 wieder in semen guten often ground demokrati. schen Stand gehmeht woolen kluti I l Meek au dem Unternehrsen.—;Deme.eralttehe Ilersekier vi e DZIIOCRATIC WATVITYLK —We were Mgt , nit greeted with the appearance on our table of the number of a handsome polo, hearing the shover, caption, devoted to iho ever•glormite pi inciples of .Democracy, and publiolied at Bellefonto, l's Ay II Hays. A marked *Wilily is displayed in Ito edito rial contents, and the beiniail,wy of Cot,. tiv i y congratulate themselves on baring a Ann and able adrosato In the Irttehirta, Like the liberty pro. serving. doetrinca it sal.vccm.. may its career be orer u pwari and oaii . .tr4...—Jeit it •toreil Et..":o . A DCSIOCRATIC viper lies boon Iltartol at Bellefonte, by II Hays, Eiti Tins find number wee issued on the lath ultimo and gives uk idiniuo of talent and skill hulk in the editorial mid mechanical dypartmsliste Th• publisher deferret sumous, end. lasi'. bands of ass bemwermoy of Centro we (stow la Lrill reklizo IL—Lewistown Dornaerat DIIMOCKATIC WAITHIMAN.-WO greet with 'treat easure the arrival of the first number of ■ nest )emooratio paper, established in Bellefonte. by II Hays, who 1 evidently a vigorous writer We are not only pleased to aoe that oar Democratlo neigh bors have now a reliable organ, but we are gratified to learn that It sisals with a subscription lift of over a thousand. The Democrats of Centre have fe. solred to redeem their county from Jaenbin sway, and the Watchman will prove a valuable auxiliary In the good undertaking —liolltdaysbarg , State• Bard. Tds DVIOCIIATIC WITCHMAN —This is the title of s. new paper &trout starting in this borough Tho type and (alarm have already arrived, and tho paper will make its first appearance nest week. it will be edited and published by Mr. Horny Ifays, late of Philadelphia, who will, no doubt, endeaior to fiirnish the Democracy of Old Curare with an In. terming and resulablo paper. Leo lug politica out of the question, we wish our new brother mimosa.— I trh Lir We have received tho second number of'reia Damerratio IVarchmon, published by Henry Ilays, Esq., formerly of this place, at Bellefonte, Centre County, Pa. It makes a 'Wilt appearanch; is printed on a double medium sheet and should receive a liberal patronage front the community in which it is located. We none, that Wien Forney, Esq , also formerly of this county, Is &Newland with Mr flay, la the editorial department of the paper We wish them success in the auterprise.—C'edueebio Spy. Tee Ditarocusvir'Wstroux t• I. the title elf new Demooratio paper Just started at Itellefon cent,i, , county, by our iild (dotal and othomm Henry Ilays The number before em is neatly go ten up and will *doubt ho an Invaluable anitliary to the cause It espouses. He has our beet Waits— Maria/elan, Marsala. Pa, Tut Denotaarrt W.Vrttortm is 010 Miller a 1161 V Democratic_ proarjuat btarted Hollefonto, Centre county, ifenry Hays. It presents a remarkably neat appearance, and gives evidence of having a awn to conduct It. We hope . the Watchman may 'named and in Ile aueeeas purge Old Centro of Knowallothingiem and it organs —l.yeuming zeal!. Lir We have reoeivest.the ilmt number of a new paper printed at Delleitintc, by Ifonry Hays nle a handsonso sheet, moll printed, displaying editorial Wen,' and a sound Demooratio paper —Just snob a one as has been wanted for some time past by the Democracy of Centre county. May succor crown the new Damostraflo orgin. Danystle hotolli gtAte.r. Wn received last meek the 'mond catcher of the Desiteratie Ifrepterh man, a ocr Democratic paper init. started in Bellefonte, by Henry Hays, 'The first first number never reached ns. There bee been uo Deniouratio paper published in English int:mitre count; for more then a year plat, the old Centre Dentorrar; having been degraded Into an organ of Know Nothingistn , The ,Tira fejt lean, Judging from the number before us, will be well worthy of the support of the patty, Talle editorials are well written, and the mechanical prt out excelled by any.pepoi MTh° country - With_the aid of such emotgap, it Is safe to predict *that Centrivotnity will soon ho again whit it has boon berottlforo—our, of the strongest and most relb I&do Denmerutio sonatios in the State. W e eta I ploaserl to loarnslhal the offorto of Mr. Buys are liboly to ho properly approcid by i tto party in Ilia county, and amt, he will no t e al wed to lark fdr aid" in carryiag on hi enterprise 'rho Democrats in Clinton are also giving him a hamiscino sopport. —His Eat in Lock Ilat on is one of the largest and Ins( within, tho delivery or the Poet Mire Welmartily. rejoice at Ids prospect of suaoess —I,OrL Haven Democrat " • , Tits Bnitoquaric WirenMAN.—Tbil it the title of a newapaper, published in Bellefonte, Centre county, Pc, - Itay Henry Hays, Esq.,formorly one of the publishers of the Mu:toaster Democrat. The first number givis evident:re of ability, and a deter mination on the part of the editor to pubitah juat suoh d paper u the Dcmooracy Ai Centre at, ,this time need. The Centre Democrat was bought 13y the Hnow-Xothinge— . the party was conmeinently left %about an organ ID the county. The Watch man Was started with the view of taking the place of the Democrat, anif Via ' ILTO glad that Mr.-Hart comnieneee lint career in that county under moth farorallle auspices—ho haring - received, itt the course at a few days. ono thousand stitmerihors. Success to the enterprise —liarrsehorg l'atroot. TUC DEIOCIt ATIC ATI 1111.1 the of it near paper juil starter.l ithltellefonte, Centre en by Henry Hays, Pirp, Merit-A nuadar propntga neat mod buorne4l4 ikon ppeoridwo, nutJ line editorirda give evidence or ability and tact. We vrioli tko odi- Deniocracry of Centre county will feel it to be thier duty to sustiner , true an organ of the party, is the hatch man premises to be,t o the utmost of their a hid. by. We extend to aft% flay& the right hand of fellowship. and welcome him as a colaborer In the glorioua cause of the people.—Aprristeseor Watch. man. M2MUI Tue DlLittießATld yr sccsuan.—.Henry Hays, • contmefted thepublication of • new Dem ocratic paper in ItelleronteXentre'norpty; • above appropriate eogoolnen. Our friend Wien For ney, wo are pleased to observe. appears with Mr. Hays. as Associate rditer. The Demorrolie IVortAnkitt is • large and handsome abaci, well tilled and ably condunttal. As it is thn unit/ huh Demooratie paper. in Centre. its establiahment there is as opportune as tutumera 'ls (wiggles—re- Itinsdin Degwerat.' ri m i4 We hero received the first number of ► new Democratic paper just started in Beltribute. by liasnit Hors, entitled the Demeeretse Watch men. whieh Ic fruly a large and handsome shed. The Watchorim Is purby 'Demneratio—and is just amlay►lror u deser.e■,_aud will no doubt revels. a !Marty support; riven the Dcalacnary Old Elmo tre.—Fraw the Clearfield Repuitliettn. •NEW RAPICH.—We hayo received the first nom her of the Drmorratir JVatrvl men, publishnl In Bellefonte. It Is neatly printed and looks well We holm the editor 'will realise a handsome :profit from lie undertaking.—From the Clearfield Rnfts luau's Journal. X. IV -We became acquainted with Mr. Raja, who was about starting • now old line Democratic paper to be called, ti3e 41/esaocrolir ilrateAman Reappears to be do energetic, man, anii,Uving • Mixing faith In Democracy, will, we hope,AalFe old Centre re. deem itaelf. Ur , The Dewnra ATic WATCIIIVAN, ie thectille of a new paper winch has recently been slatted In edited by 11. flays, who in &racy writer We extend our best wishes. and hope it may adhere am an ailhesise plaster, to the principles now espou sed —J. Shore Repriblinsn Tua DESlortltTir WATCIIWAN —1701111:11.1h0 the of anew papet just started in-Bellefante, by II flays, the first number of which we baye:reesised. It eery neatly ',Hilted . well edited. and the best of It is, it is a sound Democratic paper. We wish if Nie ce'. —Tyrone DPIII ." • WATC4IIWAN to the title if a new Demowratic paper recentle.started in Bellefonte. Pa. hy •Ilenrs hap, tag ft is neatly executed and edited with Piiirit and ability. It is Esinad to cur rent —Jersey Shore Neter Letter tr . We have received, the tir.tnineber of a ono opt Deninevitio paper published' in - Bellefonte I,y Henry Hays It is well printed. 4711 good paper. fairly edited, and stiandhs Dernoetsitis.--Stitattry fltnrettr „ LOCIIATIC %V trettv..s.—This is the title of a race-Detnentatic paper just started in ltellefont9ev It. flays. It is neat sfiCei., -- tmill judging fm t he fled fit•t. nutpbsik will be ably continental ii extend our best wu ee to the editei Br* T see. DEN'ARYLVAIIIA H 0248. W. COR - J. N,Elt of the I tiamontlAfellefonteXentro Co . Pa —This largo and e leniently Lon' boon, Built ; been cow* eeni.btled, repaired and improsed. is rimy wed fur the aennatteetation of the piddie the” proprietor of this establishment rrsintlfullT,iest - ms hie friends and the public that Ire hns 'Tared neither nalns nor exp.:mac, to render it a Oidirnbic retreat to all who may &for him with await. twins to determined to do all m his power to promote their comfort and eonvenience ilia Table will alwave he supplied with the hest that the country will afford . . Thin Room+ are larke and wictryntilialeil -The Stniiionn , ennnetted With ilia ertabliliment in large and exce'llerd, and In charge of carotid and experienced 'hostler,. Re also hu created 'beds fur the ace of carriages and haggles. tong ro neat lal litaps are arriying and departing daily. In short nothing shall be neglected to give entire satisfaction to thane &raring him with a call. nov27-t TEE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. - ELS VENTH YEAR. SPLENDID EMMA VINGS AND PRIZES. - The Eleventh Annual Volume of this useful pub lication commences on the lith day of September The "Scientific American" is en Illnstrated Pe riodical, devoted chiefly to the promulgation of in formation relating to the various Mixhiinte. an& Chunk...An, Industrial Manufactures. Agriculture, Patents, Inteutions, Engineering, Millwork, and all interests which - 111e light of Practical Science is cal vitiated to advance Reports of United States Patents granted, also Published every week , including official copies of all atent Claims, together with news stud information upon thousands of other subti urw. The annthimaare to the_ • Amicrigazi. • among the must eminent scientific and practical men of We time.; Tht 141torial department is utd rtq;.:ll; nekuowle.!zd to 1, conduuted with great ability, end to be distinguished .41 Ohl; for the ci eellency and truthfulness of Ito dleenstions, but far the fearleasamervvith-mhieh error is combatted cad titan tl eoncs arc a xplodrtl Methenle, Immature, Engineers. Clioniista, Man ufacturora, Agrieulturalis's. and People in every profitesitm in life, will Owl the Heientrfie American to be of groat value in their rospeetiro mailing' Its eounaels and suggeir inns will save them homier& of dollars tumidly . besides affording thew a ematintiod source of know e dge, the experietam of which is bo yond pecuniary estimate The Scientific American is published once. week, ovary number containing quarto pages, (tinn ing annually a complete and splendid volume Him tested with several hundred original Engravinp. 1/0-Spoclmon copies' sent gratis. TERMS--Single subscriptions 82. year, or $1 for ale months; five copies (for cis mouths $l, for a year $9. Per further Club 'rated, and cur statement of the fourteen large Cash Prises offered by thetpublialmrs, ikie Eldenlifie American. . - Southern, Western sad. Canad a name; and P Office Stamp! taken at par pit subseriptlons. Letters should be dlreeted:'pontliaid. to MUNII h CO, n0v270k.., 128 Fulton Street, _New York. -•• TEE ?PAWLS'S . STORE! ' JACKSONVILLE, PA WIA , AIiiitISON, Jr, would respectfully thank thepublio for the,very liberal patronage heretofore conferred upon him, by doing a fair and honorable badness, bong to merit its ooutinuansie I have Just returned from Philadelphia and opened for in spection, a very large assertnien( of It EA DT -AIA UK OLOTIIIIIO, BOOTH, /MORS, HATS, CAPS, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Woollen and Cots ton Undarshirts,Cravata, Collars, Looking (Mussel!, Notions, he lIAILIVARK, QUEENSW ARE, OROCIMIRS, In abort every thing usually kept in a ooiantr) ett e. L t r The highest price paid for all kinds of Pro dues in,exchange fur goods WM. ALLISON, Jr., JaolmorWilic: Also, ARTHUR'S SELF-SEALINg lINUIT CANS at manufacturer's pripie All mbrolmaits in• Centro county will be supplied by sending their or den - though the mall. • den.l6-Sni. PR's CHEAP G ROCERY STORE —Grateful fur the patronage no liberally be slimy' upon him by a generous community and hope,' by itriut ottention. to busincrus, to alwaye continueln, merit the approbation of au eppreciating public!. lie inform; his Mende, tenement, and the public generally, that ha is prepared to runtish them, at hie well known stand with every variety of ROCERkRB that may be called for ' Per 6e shim to eoonomiee will plOyeeall and select their moyrtee of um, as i nin determined to give aatie (motion to all: nor 27 W EJ,LI 451 PRUNER. COMIPCILITO ART. ASSOCIATIOIL SECOND YBAIL Arrangements for the floutritd Annual•Cellection of this new and popular Institution for the dimmon of Literatare and Art, here been medoon the matt extensive eoalc, Among the works shawl, engaged is the far-famed "GENOA CEUCIFIX," ••• , Whirdi originally soot TES tND DpL LARS.• In forming the now collection, the diffusion of 'Works of American Art s and the enomangement of American genius, have not been overlooked , ' Com. minions line. been issued to ninny of the most dis• lingnished American Artists, who will contribute -some of their fittest productions. Among them are three Marble Busts, executed by the greatest living soniptor—lfinAu tus • GEOROE WASHINGTON, The Father of his Country; BENJAMIN FitArourrT, - The Philosopher; • DANIEL ' , I V EBSTER , The Statesman. -' • A special agent has visited Europe:and mode careful and „ludicioue seleothspe of , Poreurn works of Art, both in Bronse• and Marble, Statuary and Choice Paintings. • • The whole forming a large- and valuable celled don of Paintings and Statuary, to bo distributed razz among the members of the, Association ter the Seeoud Year. • TERI.R MIIItiIIERSHIP. ' The payment of Throe Dollars oonstltults any one A member ‘ of this Association, and oftitles , lim to eitber ono of the follaninis Magnentn for one year, and also a ticket in the distribution of the Statuary and Paintings. The literature lewd tosubsoriberseonalate of the Colton in 4 Monthly Magazines . liar pteeg:Putnnm'e, kei, - 111,tek wood's, tiralinnVe, Otidey'a Lady's Book. nod Household Words , Persona taku,. fir memberships ego entitled to any fir ref the Main ties for one year, and to SIX TICKETR , iti the dm Maim, berships, are deed the purchase works of 'Art for the ensuing year TILE AOVA AOES NECUItED, IDy becoming a illemhor of this Ann Iciittion, are-- Ist. All persons RECF,IVE TIIE FULL VALOR OF TIIEIR AT THE START, in the shape of sterling Magazine I,Jterature. -2d. Each member ,e contributing towards.pur abasing choice Works of Art, whirh arc to be die s . wasp thinnagiree, and are at the same time encouraging the Artists, of dollars threhgh its ngeney. reran .11u re eni te ;I fri ride for inembelehlii, will please giver their pn,t-ruWee euldrr.v in' bill. stating the nimth they wish the M, aline to conolleUcc., and have the letter re - Al gi.dered et the punt-offloe.to privent Tom: on t b o r#eetpt of which. n certificate of inefebendaii, together with the hinge:int, desired. will be forwanlceto any pert of the country. Those who - purchase Magazines at ihiekstores, wilt,nio.crre that by jeining_thts Ateneiution, then 'verify the 21t0,7,, vitt and f ree l'ieet in the rnr inrnl at tho name price they how pay for the Magesine alone . • Reautifidiy.illuattnied Cstale-ues giving full des criptions. sent free on ""appTication Fos Membership, addrese C 1, DERBY, C A A- At eitbCr of the principal °thins— "Knickerbocker Magasine" °Aloe. 318 ilrondway, New York; or. Western office, ifin Water street, Sandusky, Ohio . novl p*onns-PATENT AXuarins Li . Th e highest Premium unlinked by the Franklin e Institute, at the late Exhibithur The subs: riper, after Iring anti patient labor and experiment. Is new enabled to agar to-the pahlic new style or Pictures, far exesuding in beauty and ilttrability.nnythMg.ever before mode Theta pie tures are not retinal, as Daimon-I.4itypes are, and may he seen in nay light 'they alai possess the rare property of bein g • I 11.Phat ISIIA lILE ' ' Rein hermetinally leaded Initwecn Oita tlatex, whieb atralrna kwured by JLetiers Pittent m the United tityites.Tifent Britain and France, an "trip tined in Philndelilin by 31i nod, Fifth aydChest nut sitreebt7Tard" r rturrr,o,Lx, z or vie: , 7 A:UERICAN I; ALLI:ItY OF PBOTOttit ABM,. No AItOJI Street, ptaive (Bath, Philatra Tito great nuenewi v yrdre Attained the modne• ti.miairibPieTietur in% 011mi:hated 1.C3 Jeal ousy and ounnirnrnf certain operatorx who not 41111 ilofrinod (ho ptAdic by 'wiling ham' imuntLrfe:l4., hut who more er one my trade mod.. '• Uu hmt vmi." to furl r their d a on , ifo',lt• taxi, mid (hut tivlrwit.l me his name IC, 01o,:,iliattil 11) Mr fluttirq and • fi.elf to denignnte our double glno., h erinu l l e o lt s 13011101110,1 pi Ausib suM oo other The'n in.rwicr utakun polure on mingle g 11•., 11114 till Id nigh hr mg IMlll3o , lintely in rant iol n itGl hr, pl,ture; malt{ it , a .46rt 11 , ...s.ypApk, o wl then, , hy otteily din." troy it The mil . d e or" cautioned ug mint their tiny ntil .more br olisniirunind in fliedr permoovory I sill tn6r pleinnin• in Allowing to theme who wish, the 110111 re of tho tun kinds of pie (i.ren, and they •0171 fly them,lN es • , have now complete I lay nernogemenln for the Production of 11111-ItI,I:J'ACF: PICTURES, moot lii A 17111.1 1,1,Y owntm) Thry pietures 'deem ct illy ono. and give entire sotilfaction, and are a eureelly on well as a portrait The, Amiirolypes are proolionced by oumpelent judge* to be the penitent achieymnent in,the Noe lographio Art. haying a relief had clearness that Is truly osionishint; Tito proprietor is, moreover, enabled itY &really improved facilities, to produce these Atobru4,tpcs from the cry smallest Mtn to • -PPM., LIPP, RIZP-24.-4y :10 irchea. - • With all the — trillih tirNature, mill the perinancoeg of the flneet . pl ng , ale glom, the lo sought fur rod in POotograptile portraiture: - AMBROTYPE STEREOSCOPES must he been to be appatetatted, the relief Whig fully as I,oduct u We. K. D. CUM. 1111.103, Dellefbnte, Pa 14 0- Dagut rreotypes oopiod iu4o Ambrutypes, and renderm! tu , rmanent. Therm pictures offer en induceMent to those with ing to send pictures to Europe, , as they arc proof against the action of water, climate or ;Limos phere, and may he lain it. water for months with PRIM F ELT Y AVETI" . lie aim, yOlOlllllOl to make M EZZOG RAPIN FROM LIFE, A great impmernout upon tho Crymtallotype pro cess, by whiuh pictures are nisile•ttireet 110 M hasten.' of copying a Daguerreotype a. innAt 41.iC with pie Crymtallotype pn - mvta All Isueresidul Pho tographers employ thin proeett Theme Alezzograplis are equal to the tinustiengrat ing, and snore accurate iddelcil. Any number imam it mingle milting. from in one to thousand, n& tither ',lain, retouchd, ur colon/slut water or oil Citizens and strangers ore inn ited to call at the Gallery and ermine specimens of both or tl abase branches' of Art before they procure pictures' else -where, . :Fre,politc-attt-ntiorternli-a euperioridet ore. Nstructmn, end rigida to praetier in bulb the &bolo prrwes,es, I )r s de In worthy operators ItPIPI, Photographer, Nu. .tich Street, 'those di vh, no§ 2-,:dfladalpitia • •• • • - EMPIRE DAGUERIMAN GALL - SKY. The blushing illnliatafagla from Garth, Youth's beauties piss away ; Hut Barnhart's pictures astir blown, To muck at Tinte's decay! Tbitel/allory is now opened to the puWio , under the control of J. S. BARNHART, With . fiteilities for Driguerreetyping, rarely equalled or perhaps never nurpassed In the country A soft, mellow tone, beautifully blended in light and shade, a perfect delineation of Natures and drapery, and the plefutlngSfeet incident to a ,judicious arrange ment of the attitude, are truly objects worthy of no small consideration. Like many other branches of srlenee, the most important requisites can only be attained by years of practical experiment, and elosa observation. of moll we love hail the advantage!! Those who have friends they fondly oherieh, should tomemberdiseatm may yam lay 113 withering hand upon them The vital spark of life, that to day Imparts bright antielpationn of the fixture, to_ morrbw may bo aiming - mil the Insi gloking um bers of mortality Why net,,ivettre your pictures when It is both expedient ithrl'aeoriWinical to do no We %sniff not to lie under the nocensity of transfer nng your Image to a polished surface, in the icy embrace of death. We are nidsip. called upon Is perform thin sad act in memory of the departed, hut hereafter in no 1 . .141: will oil' charge bo lean than 810, nor will the piefures of ouch as have died of con*eous diseases 110 taken for any induaefuent whatever Picture's inserted In Mimi of almost °vory variety of sine, shape or finish, Alan, VOLLi aid GILT LOCK Mt kept constantly on hand, Instructions given and Apparatus furnished on reasonable lams g_si - Room, lirulrorloff',; Rove, second floor, Tittle fonte,,Pa.nov27-tf , , trfl PRINTERS AND PUBLismfts,_ PIIILADELPIIIA TYPE FOUNDRY, N. W corner of TUIRD and CHESTNUT &recta, L. PELOUZE Still oontinurs to manufacture all kinds of BOOK, JOB and FANCY TYPE, of the beat quality, and at LESS PRICES FOR CASII, than any other Foundry in the Uniod: Hie long experitmon In the pratutioal 'Mao( the imsinew, and In OM ratati,% of metals, warrant Lila in his usaertion that the iype of his manufactoroloontalning much copper, aro as durable ea the much talked of Copper hum Typo. Ile has on hang, and can supply at a vary abort no tine, leery le used hi a Printing Othee, melt as Typo, Prelate; Rah* ysink Blanks, Brune and Wooden Oalleye, Loy Brushos, Cases, Chew, Furniture, tie. Old Type Laken In exchange fm new at apealmen prlees at nine cents per pound. ATTENTION FARMERS, AND. nr. OTHERS LNTERESTED CORN SHELLERS The undairignod respectfu y laurnit tjtc rime. are and the public generally of°entre bounty, thus: ha le •low manufacturing .the AND READY CORN SIIJLLEIt, One of the. heat, most cons niont, durable, and at the same time, the most only running Shelters ever offered to theAmblie It will shell green end dry._ Corn,.oloaning lhr robs front and to end, and sops rating them from the Corn L . V - Warrunted to run easier than toy other Stud ler in Mate" or 01/owhore, lin' the quell tity of Corti shelled wilily. It is constructed with two cranks, so that two perepne can turn it, anti shell from 200 to 300 bushoio per day. /Loan alto' be attached to horns her. as I am Certain you will he snti r tt I with thin. DANIEL 14:11.TO liallefonte IE3I - - - i_k wEas PEW MONTHLY MAGA JL.IL /AZINE.—A . NI,IV VOLUSIE.—During the lent six months thorn have been issued of lIMIPAA'R New hifFNTIILY MAUAZINIC over EIGHT HUM? • RED AND FIFTY THOUSAND numbers The Publiahere may safely appeol lAa this feet as et I. • once of the unparalleled and Cannel antly inerrant* sueeens rich which their efforts to putilish a cheap • Ins,tructivo, and entertedoing monthly have been ni teg ((FT They renew the expression of their thablin tel, the public her their constant evrolidenee and sum port enelitepeedeelly to the Press few the substantial aid It has *Tercel in coking their efforts and pltbli• cation imenv 7 o to the . Atneel icallyeoplo .._ ___ It can Math - ai be neeessnry toda - ribTlemneeranee, that the plan of conducting the Magazine, which hl', proved no successful, will be continued with Memoir ,ad asaidulty uhf core The wean and ludo of the , great inassof the people wilt continuo to be consul tad i and n.labor err expense will be neared to give . them, co erymonth, the largest amount of the mast - Triferentkog nod iontruetive literary matter otiginal and schooled. in the best form and at the c{onivpi oat prise Special near increased attonaliso wisli always be given to the several perks of original, ' illustrated artleien, descriptive of Atilericifo seen and historical incieleinn. prepared by the one ip• eilar a rites, awl ueemiepainoil ley room in ?v the best Whites fir the United Feline.. In no deparf ment of the Magazine renewed efforts will be made Mineralise its ability. Its utility, izuel tic attractive ness for general renders ..., its yotoompleteci the sixth year of , DA existfoce,llAlll , l.lif )lAli ‘7IIF liles a cliveiLatlon greeter, by leanly thousand-, than was ever Minified by our other 'dud* wellhead ion Pier kneed ill any part of the world it is the eleterneinali ~,, of lho l'oblinherz Hort It *ball eosetnene in Mt cit 1111511M/1a • Kneeled iztai r nlill inerrenuoug proms , ' itv • Etu,e,h jpgal•er of the /Hagar/see *will - enfilAill 144 octavo page,: ril double, column,. eon' year Ilea omprining nearly two demons pages et the uhnierst Miscellaneous Literates] eof Hie elle ? Es Ore NIIIII-' leer will eventainuumemees Pictorial Illus. rations. ac curate Plates of the Fnzteiew 4, IL Clipnilln Chroulele of yurront Events. and Impartial Notice', it the im pertuct Bootie of the Mantle The Volomen collie. mence with the Numbers for ill ay nod !Memoirs : but subncreptions may (commence with ally neemlliFt. ' TERM a —1 he Maglixtn, may toe Melaka,' of mad 'colleen, Periestiont Agents, or from Ow Publishers at $3,011 a year, or 25 Celli, II Titmice r The Slllll-1111- mil Volume% nee completect, neatly homed in Cloth . are sold Tit 5201 earl, anelMseele es rovers- are foi • oisherel to thong who wishio knvo-theis book' oboes. uniformity hound ate 1 indn nieat, Eleven Vol unit,' 'lre noir renoly bound ' lierpete' Story Be e k*, and "Harpers' Magazine." well be rem to one , Alt are.. for one year, for ti", ell Ti,,' publishers well supply rpeeitneu 'Souther% gralideoluely to Agents noel l'orimnrcern, 811111 will' Maki , 111/011i1 IlifiingelinelllBo Oil limit fur rlrl . llllllllllt the Magnrine 'They ell elno Primly llnbee, of twee • pyrsona Tit $5,00 a year. or filo per.-ews at 510,00 Clerrynien supplied at $2llll R {VIII' • ll Aft fent A itimTliEltS. Pubri.lleir MILEFBURG MARFILE WOUSr A PAlttEll Ali N1IS1,1"fO11. infbrne , the public that Inc in prepared Is, der all kinds of Marble work nt the rhortest net', e nu n ( on the must rep-Tunable tennis Those Arlie reser him aid, (heir order, may net assured that aril 11 , AL - both his err tahlishment will be dour ins the lost style of work manakin. Likenesses will be executed in statue on in bast, as large as life, either in minute or plaster. iriltimesses will he caned on kirroontromts. Tumult Stones, err frominingueryean ••ars , also is braninii slipuiyery of Enamelled. Lettering with lava, on Mirnomenti, Tombstones, ihror Ac , erery'vnrietv 0 c010r. ,1 141 r- poi In by no degrees boat, arranteri to .W a d spy kind of weather As lam the inventor el this weak, it can not be performed ins any other • estairlielunent In P.ennpylvatnia than at Miloshurg There arc many orders Dnimbed of this brilliant lettenag. pennons had better call and examine fur themselves, 111111 her satisfied that Ii Ia the greateet prove of ineehunioal art that Nal tier pitted to art ins teny on monu ment or tend, Monti, and width 'will Ire a fit testi moud to the memory of a departed friend Any gentleman desirous of having a marble trust f will warrant a most perfect likeness no large as hie There will be no eharge if not a perfect pies.; of seulpture The operation of the nark is, Ist. The likeness will he taken by Omen allots in cloy, 2.1. A east or (dieter Paris 2d, Than in marble A mask eau lie token after death of any personae' that a perfect likeness Can be 1//111 any return time Undies anti go/440111qt •dcsiroine of pron.:luring a good piece of inarhlayrprit hail better send their or. siert dr Milesingg.,lgr' good work I hove no Gee*, sirs to Amid 1.1 Philadelphia to bring lanai and lige res • I rut snobs them myself 1 will ahndiFue any person in this no to exegete a better pfeoe e f enatiarair•e llll l ll We' SIMI.- -This- wlrrs4 the amebic. linew-Nothirgt•-rel haven efillilol reach Premium , ' at the Centro Vrmuty Fair kr. AINIA, wmk,leadmig S2UO, L 0 '"" ook Ito $2 lee judges had beau more of the Marble Isuniness, Haven would hale been bound wanting- As the antintly hen born llnoelVel with an Mforior attain by personie paddling the en rooted, eannienitent ly Oast win/ are WI jack.. of +dF.l urn and, ell gra% lug halo been imposed upon, I therofare demo parsons who Mali to preeuve durable work to 414 and examine my 'workmanship. nod natinfy them selves will not prover on riesorefin after times Thnnkful fur pain farm's, 1 hope by strict atten tion to talslllolll, and moderation in churgen, to CUM drilla to receive a Moral patronage - Persons demlneun of any other style of work, noula highly rnootnnienoln Mr Aunilerland it Lew- Intown, an I bare been thirty years in all the fine art of marble work, he le exteemeil 0110 of the brat judges.- I *l.ll hind myeolf to fomieb every deeeripeion of work 25 per cent. better and eheapr.o. thitp Haven A. PARTEAMIII, Ifvo dee2d '3lileaburg, , T 00K HAVEN MARBLE JLJPitEIU AWARDEb ay von CENTRE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR. To the people of Contro County. It has now be -00100 a matted fact that this Is one of the largest. , hemmed and very best eonducted establishments of the kind in the interior dr Pennsylvania. It' l l. owned by Mr ft A. (Moon, and superintended b 7 the oolchrated sculptor, M. C F. Lindig, of N. ktr. Lindig was for tunny years engegud In one of the boat establishincnts In the city of Now York, where he gained an enviable reputation as a me chanic of the tint order, We have on hand and fez sato nearly five hundred beautiful design(' of REAP and FOOT STONES, carved in the latest style of• the art, together with From% Couches, tlreeian Tomb., Monuments, Hpiras, Carved Limbs outleggn as life, end {marmot of every dederiptlop, all deslgnint and ezeouted by Mr. MmHg. Persons wishing eemetblng rare and beautiful, to mirk the ruatithg place of their departed-friends, would save money by sending their orders by.cither of toy airmita, Who will page *ivy lbw (Jaye through all the principal towue and valleys in Centre, Clinton, and Lyeaming coatittee,..aagahat e their work executed by thle world-renowned and justly celebrated artist. Lit - ' 'We have retinue(' our price' from this dais, and will hind ourselves( to deli 25 per cent below the regulaaaelling pries" of any eatablialenent foute, MilesbUrg, or Lewistown, and deliver ling work froo of charge to any plane desired R. _A. tilltfgdN, • Allitlll-411.0n OzNTRE COoNTY , Sam'l A. Htonebreaker, Wm. Allison, Jr., Jeekinn oonrille; Martin Houser, Jr., Ilquiet'q ;' Tim mas Hollhan , Boshiburg. deel24y, ZZEPHYR.W9IIB T E B_OIT and handsomest variety of Solon over =Mod to the ladles. Aleo, Tapestry Worded, •Citairium Perforated Board, French WorklAreottonoliksakm Floes, 81Ik pods, and Llnpp ?Ws, at n.vo r. ::
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