i :.t. . v NI VOL, I. '‘• Milted Stateei.Mail. ' PonfOrowo Dthintmorr. January /0,1850 PROPOSALS FOR, • CANEYIIIIO. THE MAILS OF Tilt: 1. - Zirtla)•,STATlibi, from July .1, 1856 to Juno 30; .1860, Inclusive, In the Stele of PONI6YI,VAICIA, will be rooolved at the Contract' likm Of thirli6parttnent until 3 p. m., of 14th of April. nest, (to he decided by the 7th of 51Ny following;) on • the routes and In the tunas herein epeelfai. 3162 From leellefonto, by - Fillmore, Buffalo 114 n, Balt Moon, tlentre Line, and 1911rrior'e Mink, to Tyrone, 31 mileq and back, throe —.. times a emelt.' heave Bellefonte Monday, WJdnesday, and Friday at It a, M.- Arrive at Tylone mime days.by 5 p tn. • Lease Tyrol., Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat,. taday at It a te. Arrive nt Bellefonte same daps by 5 p - ro.' 1163 From Bellefenin, by milonbur g , Fleming, Jo , • Hun F unmet., and Port Antiltia, to Tynan', 28 and bark. litreViinvem a week. , - heave Ilelle(ente l'itestiay, 'Thursday, .envi‘ s.lturtlav at 8 tt, 111; Arrivg it 'Tyrone cant dorm by 4 p: in' • -40mivit-Trone.Merxhir4 l l4dreggirrn i ttrrte flurm 10 a. in; Arrive at ilelletinfe same days by 6. p, tn. :1164 • From Bellefonte. by Milesburg, Mpaltannon. IP and vino. Swamp, to liarthans, 11) miles and bank. twice a week. Leave Bellande Tuitrt,!Brand Thurnday nt n. ; Ani~entlCnrtltnna.vne tiny by. p; 1.; ; LaBl6. K 018 atial'Vedirtiany and 811114day/it Arrive nt Bellefonte Weinesdny by P. Proponnlelbr a third weekly trip ate invited 3365 Bellefonte, by AVnlker, Huward,..ntal Beech Cluck, to Hall, 23 miler+ awl hack, three tIMIIII4I week..- ' Loaro Mallatonte MondaY, Wednesday. and Friday at a. M. ; Agrive at Mi Ulan name d'ayn by 4 p. m.; Lenin Mill Tuesday, ThunaLay, and Sabatini , nt M 1 a. In. • Arrlva at llellorento same day* by 2 p. in 3,166 From (llonrfluld, by Corminarilie, Lathan burgh, detrereon Line, Reyouldiiiillo, Strattonvitle, Chirien, Shipnoneville, Knotath, 'Can, Cranberry, Franklin. Canal, - and Coehranton. to - - Mandefile,l'ilititte - tratidiaidr, - filaifinies a week. Logkyo Clearfield daily, except Sundry, on arrival of - mail from Tyrone—nay at t)p. Arrive at Meadville second day after by • p in. • hertro Mteadvilin daily, anon Sunday, at 7 A Oft e at Clearfield next day by A p. m: rtaparate pmpenals for relvine betwoen ilbld and Clarion, and bat...eon clarion and Meadville. lobe run in ciao connexion. wilt. be considered :i3GT From elandlaid, by Caledonia, and Ney's to 111114cway; ttnllles and back. once a week. hence Clearfield Friday at tt a m , Arrive n 6 itidermy same ilay.by R p In; • Lear e Rolitaway Satarday al R a m; A rrit a al Clenrflefil same day by 8 p in ' , revisals for twice and also for lliree-linieg-o urtgOk amine are invited. :1311g rimy tilearAelgl, by Shawaville. ' , rennin illo, Enrihmaa, Sail Link. ongl 'limb 'Aland to ikrigling. d 5 milca and bank, own a week. Learn Uloartiebrni.l.ty at 4 a in; Arrive at Clearfield pante day by tt p m Proulleals, for tbree-times-a-week acnloe to Kwtthainnarc irnilnd. ' ProraCloartfobt h'y Oraimmtnn. and Xylem- • Jain', to Alealiannad, Y7-miles amid twice a arht farm* Clearfiefil lrbilneaday and Friday . at 'Anivi. at •)deidninnan amine ilav belt, p I,enve Me,diannim Tuesdiy and Tiiardry at • 8 - a In; 'Arrive at Clearfield same 011) by 5 p m. :Lati Clearlleld, by Illooniiktna. Erbard'a Mille, and Arnoiniille, toNewWubington, Bidde' •wlll !impose , a sabedula of d!spar. - tures and arnrale, Proporrais fur twine a week rerilun_are . lnlited. YrdniClearliold liridggoo, by Animal ille,toNeir 11"itailnalon.21 . and look, odes a week frenva Clelrfleld fridge Friday it m: Arrive at S:lVailliingionantnoday by 4 rim Lease '.s4yr W 44hingthn Saturday at bunt; A,rrivaldelevfleld Bridgunnnm day by 4rtin Propneala to entamtmco EV1866E1(11 In lieu or Clearfield Bridge are Invltad 172 From AmitlCe ACT' by .fefftien, to Clearfield, . 25 mi en arid "nee n woek Leave thuith'et ?ditto Eatunlay at 8 am. Arrive at Clear(ler" sante day by s'p In; " Leave eleartlefdl FriAly at 7 , Arrive at Smith'a ?title same day by :4 p tn. XVI Frem Caledonia. by "tendert° sod nick's Run. to Seeond . l , ork, 74 nilleriand back. urea 111106 k. Leave Calaoala Friday at 0 a la ; Arrineat Second Fork rame day by 6 p m; Leave Ifecond Fork Saturday at 0 a In; A rtire at-Caledonia same flay by 6 p in. 337.4 From Crereinaville. by Lumber G t ity and Fruit to E. Williams; 22 Milos and back, ernes a week. Diddets will propose's schedule of m/par• tures and artirsla. 26 .'From Gothenburg, by P 11! Rog and puma• Wad", to ilitolokabutg, 31 miles and • beet. twine a week. Leave 'Lniberaborg Monday and Friday st • bath; Arrive Idgmickaburg Name days by 6 p Leare'Smiakeburit Tuesday and Saturday , attlam, Arrive at Gothenburg Pulle days by 6 pan .3371 , From Brookville. by Claringten, to flianon• villa, 26 - akilus And litwk, none a week Leave.ltrookville Frbluy alB a to; _• - • Arrive st Mariunville same day by 3 phi, Leave'Marionrdle Bdurday at Bann • • nmkrafte_aaine dny.by 3 p m 3377 Frotn Brookville, by Ringgold and Porter. 11 , Suileksburg, 24 miles and back, once a week, h i lls Leave Broo ille Friday at 8a m • -Arrive at ' ' onyx asonettayAl Sp in IMIVII Seale burg Satrirdav at Sit in Arrive a Ihnekvilie same day by 5 p in. 2378 From Brookville, by iitnrnersville, Kerr's Store, New Bethlehem, Oakland, and Hal Bank Furnace, to 66 taihe and back, once a week. Leave Brookville Friday at 7, a in • ' Arrive at Orrsville name day by b p in Leave Orraville Saturday at 7 a ra Arrive at Brooldkilll mime day by 5 p re Proposals for a wood weekly trip are in vited, BM From Brook . ville, by Waniaw, Alvan, Brock wayville, Hellen, to Ridgeway, 40 milts and back, once a week - )beave, Brookville Monday at 6 a rn . Arrlye at Ridgeway same day' by 7 p al. &cave Ridgeway Tuesday at 6 a in_ —... listindvtkellsoukyllie eartio day by 7 p ni. , Proposal. for tbrec.tiniee-a-essit . SerVie4 are halted -.3380 Pima New ißelhlabeto, by Leatherwear!, to • Reidab s Bl. ll talleyead /04, moo a week. Leave New BetblebCre Saturday at S a et; Arrive at Beldsburgh mania day by It am; Leave Raidsburgb Saturday at 1 y in, Arrive at New Yetblchem same day by 4 JP. m• ;MI Fr onk ..Clarion, by Frampton, Brinkarton, Llmeakme, Pbromix, Belknap, /Weisberg, • Plumville, ehd Ckambereville, to Indiana, 60 11311011 WA back, once a week. ' - Leave Clarion Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Indiana next.glity by man.' • Leave 104141211. Wednesday at 5 a in; - Arrive at Clarion next day by 12 in. I litnn From Tylersburg, by Nebraska, l'itioCatit, add 1614ward'e Run, to Perry; 21 miles and back, twice irrsof." -- brave Tyleriburig Tuesdaz sod Ilicisday ---. at.7..A.mi _,_ • . .. _ ." Arrive at Perry same day b s y Tv rn; • 16•1041. Perry Wediwaiiay and Frrday ,at 7•m; Arrivosit-Tylersburi same days by 1 p m. ,2103 From Strattoxvine, by Mellen Purnsoo, go t s o h Hill, North Fine 0 room, Morionville and. Foxbulg, to Warren, 6ff mit iles 'd 'bank, inani a Wyk, Leaye Stratbmvltre Monday at 7 a m; Arrive at Warren next day by 6 p to; Warren Wednesday at 7 a in; •..Anrbra Strattoaville next day by 6 p in. ' 2261' irOok 841pponsvllo, by Lucinda Femme and POtor‘ch, to Tyleyebes, 20 mike and bask, orlon s week. I ' '' LI ),,/ „ .' ,• 2 - 1. . , . 4 111 10 ~...---- :- .r. . - ,-. • -' ''' .-- .- ... - -'.- I':3 ' • ..- . . '' il• ,-'." ' •'. , 'l's . . • .. . . _ . 4 till .. . ill : .., ~ . , .. . ~ _ .. ' „ Leave R)dppensviile Wedbesday and Spier , da at 1 p ail • • , mg Taltobaps earns days byl is siii atilt TYletWerg Wednesday and .Eialur , day at a in to; Arrive at Hhippeneville sanlttanytcbs,l2llt: 2385 From Tionesta, by Howe ao Titlionte, 17 . miles and back, once a we ' iSk ' Leave Tionesta Moadz i tt 1 p en, • • Arrive at Tidionto as day tty 7 p In; Leave Tidionto aatne day at 8 a in; Arrive at Tionesta mime day by 12 tn. :1392 Front Franklin, by Polk, nontiarson t Perrin, -and .Sailerliold. to Mercer, 25 ninon and , bank, nix times n week; 1 ' Laura Franklin daily, except Itianday, at "'.. s,,asrit Arrive at Mercer atunt day by 12 in; Leave Alarm daily, exeopj, Sunday, At 5 a in; 'Arfive at-Fiankliqoance day nv 12m. , 3387 Fraw Franklin, Py.Cornplantor, Plantar, Ty. roll, Perry, Steam Munn, Tidibraa, and 1 . ,. vino, to Warren, 51 mile. and bank, - nix times n week, • - Leave Franklin daily,.. exaekt,iianslayoat II In; t•--.. Arrive at ¶Varrcn not diky hy.3 yp; ' Lvarit Wanen daily, except' Ilandny, at IA ' . • ' 6, ii rriVa .' ITFIF'' ItAtIYTYT of ran in ilex a by - T frin. .13,88 From Ftanklip, :by..Derapseytown, Cherry Tree, Titusville. Oil Crank. Centreville, ' Ricevillc, Illoondlabl, and Union Itlills,to Waterford, 33 MileN and batik, twice a week., Leave Franklin... Monday and Thursdny.at lain; Arrive nt Wator r tni nett day by m; • • It' rat Leave aterfo Wednesday , andlialenlay nti7 a in; , Arrive at Faanklin Monday and Ibbradar by 8 ti m. =- 3389 Fenn Franklin. by Coopennotm and Wallowe , tille, to Plum, 21) miles ant) heck. twice a week. . Franklin Monday and -Tbuniday nt ~ 7 a m• Arrive at Plum istnetays Levee ?tura Monday and Thunday at I p nr, Arrive at Franklin Wednesday and Saturday by B.p in. 3396 Fein Franklin, by Utica, French CriZ s ek. New Lebrinon„New Vernon.gbeakleyvilln i - Halm, West Greenville. and Orangeville, to Ifarlfonl, 46 m 141.41111 back, lumen week Leave Franklin Thursday at 6 a m ; ,Arrit a pt Ilartford same dayliy_ltp Leave lfarllbrd Friday at 5 a in; -„ , Arrive at Franklin same day by 0 pan Proposals to commune; at Utica, 8 tulles loin • 'dint/map, are invited. 3.191 From Franklin, by Ten4Mlle Bottom, Preat• dent Funtavq, l'ertig'N, and Fry burg, to . to Tylersburgb, 31 tunas and beak, once a week. Leave Franklin Monday sitg a m; Arrive et Tylemburg same day by 6 pm; LO/114) Tylereburg Tueedsy,at B am; • ' shire at Franklin 'amp day by fl . p m. 3392 From Perrine.by Rawly Lake, Sloe Lebanon, and Milledgeville, to Caohrantin, 20 tulles and.bnek I,easo Perrino' Tuesday and Stiturday at 7 ' - am{ Arrive at CochraiVin ;tame Jaya by 1 p in; , 'Leave Coybranton Tuoatlay-and Sater,la) at 2i p in, ... . . arri v e at Parringianicilayn b y of Ul•• 33113 From Mercer . by New Wilmington, Yew (1,,.. Cross Cut, slut 114oun . tJttokaon. to ElOl7l and Lodi, - ;a: I i etc,' a week. e Mercer daily, except ttunily. at Tam, Arrive at Ryon Valley MUM day bj 3 p ny, - except Similay, un arrival of the moil from Pitts/mitt —bay al 11 am, Arthe at 'ferret Nixie de by 7 p 3304 'Nips Mercer. hy, Delaware Grove end Jia/"Urith( to West c;recuville i l miles „:„„ Arrive at Went tllVeliVille enure day by ft pin; - Leave NV eat Greenville daily, except Sunday. ni 7 ft mt „ Arrive at Merrer same play by 12 - 339 , From Mercer, by Hermitage; Worlb,Sharom nrookfield. Obi°. Vienna, and Howland, to War a,,..211 wilco Ana641414111M--tiliNt week. .. -Leave Mercer Monday, Wednesday; and Fri day al ,t) ro; Arrive at Warren same days by 8I p m. Warren TuesdaY, Thursday, and Sai• . urday 64-: • m; Arrive at Meteor same dace by 4 m. ' 3390 From .Mercer, by Wolf Creek, Merrillville, Anandale, Murrinsville, and Maple Fur nace, to Lawrenceburg, 38 miles and - hack, once a week. Leave Xavier Tilsitlay at R a in; Arrive at tawreneeburg ean*day by 6 p Lobito iiawrencebutg Wednesd%y at IS a m; Arrive at blet-Tr same day by 6 p 11111 Yawn New Tlrdibrd, by Mart, to Pulaski . , 6 miles and haat; Olietitimaaa weak. 'Leave Now Bedford Monday, and Friday at Kam; Arrive at Pulaski same days by 12 a m; Leslie Ppla,kl Monday, Wodaeiday, and Friday at 12 m; Anil , ' at New 13edford same days by 2 p m. 3228 From Titusville. by Southwest and 11614 end, to Perry, 121 miles and beak, twicoe a week: K..' ,Leave Titurvalle Melulay and Friday at 8 a m : Arrive at Perry same day by 12 m: Leave• Perry moat/ atal Friday at 1 p m; Arrive at Tlttavilte tam* days by b p in. 3391P"Prem Titueville.4y Plum and Nagar Lake, to Meadville, mile , " and back, once a week. • Lime Tituaville'baturday at 8 • m • Arrive at Meadville ume flay - by 6 pm. Leave Meadville Saturday at 8 • m; Arrive at Titusville ',nine day by 6 p 3100 tt'itta Titueillle, by Eagle and tipring Creek, to Calutnbue, 28 miles and back, tome I week Lchtc Titusville Saturday af a m Aryitegt,Cobtebus same d ATI I/ ; (Aura Columbus Friday at A ate_ A :vivant Titusville lame day by 6 p in 2401 Prom TitusvilfiE..l4 teungsville, - la Frifg/ Crate, :its miles and beck, once a roam. Leave fitusvirle Monday at 7 a m. Arrive at Sugar @IWO lame day _ by 8 p ; Le‘re Croy"- Tuesday at a m Arrive tat - Mitr - ville inn 117 - 3102 Prom Lawrenceburg, by -iVest reedom, 21• 1 11 0 . Callesisburg, and Piney, to and back, Lathe a week LVDRVi9 Lawrenceburg Tamoday and Hatally at 1 p m. Arrive at Clarion mono days by 8 pia ; Leave Clarion Tuesday and Saturday at barn; Arrive at Livarencelnirg same days by 12 m.' 5103 Prom Lawrenceburg, by River, Agnew's Mills, Jefferson Paulus, -and Knot, to Sbippentivillet 28‘luiles and back, ones a week. Leave LawreneebtiiiiTuesday at p ; Arrive at Eibipponsv e sanie day by 9p m. • . Sbippensville WwimptilaY at 1 p m; AMA! at Lawreneeburg sameday by 8 p rit. 3494 Prom New, Castle, by Edinburg, -- TAlarelsOlll6, Ohio, sod Poland - Centre, to Poland, 16 miles aid bask, els tines week Leave Ilew Cantle daily, excapt.„,iltitiday, at . dam ; Arrive et Poland same day by 12 to; Leave Poland , daily, except Sunday, at 2 pm ; Arrive at New Castle lame day by 8 p m 8406 Prom New eastle, by Raid Brook, to liar - lonsbArg, 10miles and back, once a weak . I., er om 'New Outlet Thursday p tu; Arrive at Hariensburg same day by 4 p as; Leave liefrieusburg Tuesday at 9 am; Arrive at. Now Castle lame day by 12 in. 3406 Frain 4011046 1 Mills, by Lama:tins and Vivo Paints, to Caw, 12 Mlles slid bask, ogee a week Lease Agnew's Milk Thursday: JAY: a m; , Arrive at Case tuna day by itra m ; Leave Cass Thursday at 19 m • ArAve at Agnowle Mills same day by 3 p 340 T If vita Agnew's Mills, by End( nton, litg Rend, Clintonville. Controtown, and Iriabtewn, to igeteur, 34taUoe and-back, oncost week Lem° Agnew's Mills Saturday at 8 a m; Arriite at Mercer same day by 6 p in ; Leave Mercer Friday at 6 a in; Arrive tit Agnew's Mills earns day by S p 11408 Prom Agnew's Mills, by Rockland, to' Crab. berry, 16 tnilesand bask, (MOO !I L woak: Leave Agnew's Mills ktiday at a in; Arrive at Crantioery earns dayby 11 am'; Leave CranberiVl 7 rldaf at 12 tb ; Arrive at Agnew'', Mils Sago day by 3408 Prom Pittsburg ; by Banbanan, Sisanat's Finn, Port Perry, Coal Val/py; Mogaaaport, iyeet i 40,0181,11.11 Ell ~~_•• , rako o'week ~ B Arrive atittowessillo name day P ' in ; Leave Brownsville daily, except Bundoy at • 11.5 a tn; - 'Arrive at Pittsburg same day by 5p la. 3410 From Pittsburg, 6y Bbitrpshurg Hutton, Harmarrllin, Itonnton, Logan 'a Ferry, Springdale, Tarroduin, and Prveport, to Kittanning, 43 Indio; and bank, daily, by • railroad, at until "L' 4't, land by a nahod , uto prekriotory fn Aepurtmont. 3411' 'From Pltteburg, by filterpsburg. Houston, 14pringdide, Tax-entail", Hroe poi t. and.f3nto foielc,l4.) Fittdfltng. 14 miler and malt liner litneo nook. • Leann 1111$burg Motrinv Vl'e,l4l,, , ,iltiy, and - Friday 'at 7 p ; ' ' A rsivu Kittanning mt daYa by 12 ntr - ' /3 , 1% Tin-Any, Satorelablif - rp m, " A rain a al Pittsburg next, ria by It a in. 34f I'ruu+ Pitinburg, by Pertya‘ 'Wexford, Ogle, gelanoplo, narnfoilt. • Whitl.."n• batik, sixtiones n tril' - - • • Leave Pittabmi daily, creep: Sunday, at • 6 n in ; . ' Anita at-itrourtington atom day by 7 p 1,11 Learn Drowningtnn !Lily, C veep: Snminy. at 0 a m; _Arrive 'at Pittsburg sxmo day by 7 p w i l 3 Y/ I, lll' - PioaLurg. by I+ll,.;:ban m y, Puqum, I Cron, Talley Corey. Bakerstown,' (lind.) 2tlillB,..lltitler, Brown 'lip inKtlTOZ it ury Bock'. . Noah Liberty, Laudon, Millers. liar Ili egig, • IThefilervlllo. Custarirt, Mouiville, Wood cook, linektittle, ancil Wittulutil, to Erie, 133 inilen and bunk six Clip., a nook Leave Pittsburg dull," except tiontlayrut 94 111'; . . 4 ..llillalfthiVintT . .74drittitiAlliArilr3 II C._ My. at Erli Name day iv 7 p in, Agana; rd,), propose, Nave Ma daily, einem Putillay, at h a m ; ly trip, aro 111111,1 ' Arrive at //forcer name day bv. I 2 in; 3434 Prom Butler, by Sexariburgh Havoreille, Leave Mercer daily, except Sundnv, at 3 a m ; Fropurt, Stwarees Cross 'toads, craatord , Airjve at Pitt/Mut% Came day lo li p m Mills, Itiorrlt II ashington, and Polo Run, Heparin* prn_pooals nirson lel , b 0111,11311 ' Pit LP- to SWUM PI 110.14 43 iniirr and back, hum and Mercer, mut between Mower and , , init.,' n mit.4l: ,I - Brio, to run .iii tilos° connexion, 'till be Lent e Butler Sionday and Priday. at it a In: ren.Shlerell. ... tl. . Arrive at Salem X Rola; Mullo dtlyel by 3414 Prom Pitt/antra, by tireen Tree. If erriwinville,' '•tilt-sAi ~. ' Cannonsburgh, Wanbitighln, Clitysville, Gomel walOin k ßeads Tuesday alai a.itar• Boon Islitni), Went Aletnntler . Talley dux a 1 et aIN lime, Va./ and 'Priailelpliia, to Wheeling, .., A hipe at Butler name days by 8p to '57 when crollbaelt, ituTh. / I Pnipoons to embrane Imeebburg Mr Invited. Lens% Phonon); daily at 1; ain ; 3435 Prom Butler', by Prospeo4, Portertiville, anti Arrive et Wheeling Ramp day by s pin ; 1 Princetbm to Now - tirstide, ai mile' mid Leave Wheeling dally-lit '" a in: ' baek,bniee n wart. Arrive at Pittsburg 'out.: day ity 7 p nut l Loma Buller ThltroUTilt-O- 6 ''''', ' - 3412 PromPittsburgb3 Teniperainteviile Reining- .I, Arrive nt New Castle Auto day by 2 p m; ton, Payette, Hbirland s Narthlitar, Ba t I Leave New Cantle Friiiley-tot, 6 • IllOj ." '". -... 4 %ingtitti, Florence' Park, - anti lbillklay's Arrive nt Butler muse daply. 2 p tn. Cote. Vit , to Stpubent illo, Chin, II miles Propoaals far %second weakly trip are invite - soul bank, ,tx Iline.t. a weok 1 3135 - Framtßutier, by liattiltatt'a Milk, Ballwin ] • 'J• 0m 1./ Jirrltr 1,, .1 ore 111 , 5 , 1 and Bruin, to Lavtroneaburg. 24 miles DM 11,eatei Pittlbany,...4uil3), eteepLlatalay, at ' back, twine a week ' , tt a m; Lome Butner Ntonday and Vi at A rrit a at Steobent ilia name, tiro , 1 p nt , 9 a in, • Lea; e Steuludiville dull). ex cept Stpulsv, el% Arrive at Lawrenceburg smile /la's by 6 till for arrival or Wheeling il)h i I —to:t/ nt 3pm 1 • ~ Lena/slats rene.burg lutist I: . itin . l Tbinley Arrit eat Pill:Marx 4ute dityby II pto • ~ at.l2 tn : Frobt let .Vrirent',, on I ;I' Jutrte - • Ardis at itittletontne Jai* bt• ti_p at. Leave Pitt.ltorg daily, *reept Surwilay,- 4 1 3137 Front butler, by PoeriGuriat. Break Kruk, , 6 a to ; , , ... " - and Zeliettople, to Nilv Brighton, 29 mhos Artist. nt Stsubentille sante day lit 2 p tit= - and Intel/. once a week , Leave Steubenville doily. except Sunday, at learn Roller Priaa • 11 n sit: . • I Arrive at New Brig non *We day by .' p in; - Arrive at Pittsburg A3ll . dal' I .V 2p in , , Leave New B tigiltoo (it artky at 7 it ) yri;,, 3416 Frenn l'itimburi:..l..y lt , h Vtdiey, Walker's i • Arrive at Buller name illy by 5p M. -,.. - . hfills. I/ olikeowil, Onntlor... Itur,iett,,town.(3l33 From Meadville, by Ilnyflel,ll.lartminsburgb, C ritbit'ri' , 6. Vi,i,,4.•, 1',041...th's MM.. mid i RatalelCs. raid I/fel/owe/Pa to Conneaut- ItelevociTruro, to iitithatly, - ye , • V:iiiAie ~611 7 n m; Arito at Pothavy slice clorso p to. ' ••Lest° He:lips' ;tlf,foidit_i_• syyl Ftids_y at 7 a , Pla...,l;arg, noe flovi 81. j 3117 _Flom Pittsburg, by Isnrriek:Suriretodo 111111. I ii ill 11a11,1.11orary„ F inlay illo, Morfottita. I Bala ("PT, and ilealesvifto, m, ea book, ei,' a week. ' Leute Pittsburg Tun ay time Thursday at • Slant: Arrive nt airs, iflo erne day., lir 8 p In . l Lest 0 Heel% today awl 17tollic, lay j - Arrive at Pittsburg MIR daVal , r4 nnl 1111* From Pittsburg; by 3I•sol,1;lialoli, Mcrdwk s = tills. 11110 Priiiikfort Spritipo, to roilejen, Va.,,ginllos and brteK apse_ a week. _ 'glove Pittsburg B_xttittliCrYtt 6 a in; Arrive nt FairvioirsrealAy by 6 p in, Lem e• Fairview Friti y 6 man; • , -- Arritc at Pittsburg t mean by 6p in Proposals f'gr a second wookfy trip are int tad . 19 Front Pittsburg, by ITilito Asli.AntriintXurth Washington, Aptille, Hprinq Church, Oil. vat, West Ltlatiam, and Soutb Bend. In bticloota, It miJes atol Week (0111,1) n woak. Leare'Pi!Wairg TutAigy at 1 p no; - Arrive nt Sheloata next day by 6p m; • Leave Shebiala Monday at 8 a in; ' Arrive at Pittsburg next dny'by 12 in 3 2 11110 From Pitisatni, by Etna, CafinerviiiP. ltur acyville. Rural Ridge. and Reedit, to Saxonburg, 27 miles and bark, unto a weak Leave Pittsburg Friday at 8 a Arfila at P•asenburg same day by 6 p nr, Leave Saxonburg Tburo lay at H a ro; Arriva,st Pittsburg same day by 5 p m• 301 From -Drinningrville by Munition), Bawer Dill Thompsonville, and Upper St • l'lair, to liorriottayilie, IT rages and bunk, Once a weak Leave Dunningstillo Tidirsdny at 6 n Arrive at lierrinttoeille saino-day by la a tni Leave liorriottstille Tlittrodly nt 12 at; Amite of Ibinmogsvillo ••• wet% Say by d n in 3122 From Prownington, by.liarrifrille and W'a.m PI, to Franklin, 30 mile, and bask, etc limns P suck Arkin nt "Franklin nest day Lest's. 7, creep I a in;• Arrive nt Brownington Patna day by 2 p m. Proprwals to embrace East Sandy are invitodr also to supply said office three times a week -- strartirray. 3t23 From Economy, by New Scottsville. New Sheffield, Seventy-Six. and Perrier, to ilookstown. 19 miles and back, ones a week Leave EcooonlyFrulay. stun arrival Alf lka Vail tom Pittsburg—say at 6 a in; "t 'Arrive at liwAstewn santoday 11,12 pi; • Leave lloolutbdin'Friday at 1 p tn, -• Arrive at Economy AMMO day by 7p m ,?Tr' 3424 From Beaver. by Broth Crash, to Zelionople, 12 miles and back. emu u week. LAve !leaver Thursday at 8 a in, Arrive at 2eiletroplo anion day by 12 ni; Leave Zellenople Thursday nt 1 p in, Arrive at Brivor Came day by 5 p m 3425 Prom New Brightest -I-I.y North Sewickley, Wurtemburg, and Chun:lngo, .to New Gas. tie, 22 miles and book, three ti It week, Leave New Brighton Monday. Wednesday, orr artive• the - melt l'ittabuns—say at 9 a in, Arrive at Nuw Castle same days by 4 p Leave New Castle Tuesday, Thursday and _ , • Palarday:at 6 a to; Arrive at New Brighton aame,daya by I p el. $426 From Now 14ighton, by Brighton, ltakffir Bank, and Irjahltipple, to New Castle, 22 miles and back, three tidies a week. Leave New Brighton Aterlday, Wednesday, and Pridiiy on &Meal of The snail from Pittsburg—say at 10 a in; • Arrive at New Cantle some days by 4 p an; ,Leave Now Castle 'Cuesday, Thursday, and liaturday at 6 a in, Antic at iirightaa name days by 12 3327 Ftomm.Ktitaniu h Brattonrille, Orravllle, Ithperiburg, Curler itio, iteidsb,urg, to Clar ion, S 3 miles and bank, three Omni a woOk. • Tr' lieuvo Manning Monday, Wednesday, and • ' • Friday en arrival of ttto Mail by railroad— say at V am; ' Arrive at, Clarion sills day. by 7p m; - Leave Clarion Tuesday, Thursday, and, Sat urday ail a m; . Arrive at Eittnning same days by 5 p nt. Broposaht for alz-timea-azweek service art In vited. 342; V Mtn Kittatring, by Cowansville, Adams, Brady's' Bomb and Catfish Formula; to Iti• mersiourgh, 34 mils* and bacKais times a week to Brady's Bead, and three residue. Leave K loanin g daily, morbid Vanday;o m n ar rival of the idi, raltroadv-say at Si • in; Arrive at Brady's Bend came day ky,lft m; LetiVe-Brady's Bend - daily. eisept"'Birnday, at 71 , 1a1 • Ary, , and .mturditv at 8 ii Arriro at Wally's Brad ia*a days by 12 in. 3429 From liiituninm by Rural Vallry, Onytrin; and Bmieksburg, toaskordug, 30 miles and book, twine it weak.. , ' _Leave Ititinniag Monday end Friday at tl'a to Arlin, nt Mahoning narnedays by a p m;, Learo Dia:,oning.Theada,l' Mu, Saturday at 6 n ok; s i; Arrive nt gittaning.oame t tiny by :'; pm . ' MU From I{Blnbing, by Pine' analitp, - &rub grans, Polneyville, Pb 4 . and Nandlunt, to Punaatnaney, 45 ta 'and blink, once n week. , ' . • rove Icittnulno Friday ttt 7 eta; ArtiVinni ripixalaaniTiV day by 14 put; 1 Leary Punzatawney Vir Malty nt .7 a AITIVO nt Rittantno nerd ay lir 8 p m. 941 t ' itrum•Klitnning, by (Inc totem Mulct° A poi- . . to, 21 , IMIOII and bank, Oglev a ! m e i,. . Leave "ittanino. Wedneallor at 8 u to; • Arritri nt Apollomme_driy Irte p la, Leave Apollo Tuesday at +4 a at: :,-- , . ' • Arrive at Klrtnniorr Come day; By 5-p tit torayillo, flarlanibur ,And Looskur,;ll. to • .11ferucr, 2:0 nrll baktk, throo Ibno a nee:. trnao Itarmnrty fond, irednt.nlay, and ' • -/Arktrty at 2p m, 1 a• Arnie nt 51.0rPyr tl3lllO d abyll p LLavo 11.1Ftror , T uraday, and Sal nt • ' 4ny at 5 1)1, rr A rriyo nf Ilarmony AMMO #aya by 11 a El lii Fkom Buller, by Coullaratille. A11111'000; Dfurrinarlilc, 1511ntonvOln, and east Bandy, to lira:Odin, 42 thllot and bank, (then week. • , I,nayo Buller Friday nt rot 14; • ' Awrlve at Franklin ~' nod b G 1 ; • ;Y:...1 - 'on x acoond wool, , - 411 1 1.6!P10taa1ii4A62)4,46,A. I ' , burgh ~ . i . '' teal.. :Meadville' daily, except Sunday. at i . ban, tr 1 ~, 11. Ir/ire at COIIIII I IIO 7 I 1 11 , 1 canto day It) I in; • Leave ointiesatville liaily, exnept Sunday, I- at 1 pm. ,____ - Arrive at at eadville nitrite der br 0 trio ilia 'From 71dariviTle, - by Moil' Cerntrlikitori 1... Mille ring•tr Lake, Ningsleya, IWO Steulien, lit Centreville, :12 miles and back, twice, a I ue , •li ' j lovnta Meadville Tueialay and Thuraday a i ate, Arrive et Centreville same days by 6 p in; Lame Ceatresillu Weduesdry and Priday al. • ...7 11111, .a I Arrive et Meadville antne.dayer by 6 p m. 1 1 6140 Fropi Meadville, by romustimr - Ilartatewn, Marshall's Corneas. Turnersville, and Biala Mine, 0., to Kimono's, 28 miles and back, twice a week. , Leave Meadville Turalay_ anl Friday at ' tram; . . AfTiVl, at Kimmart's suns daps by 6 p in, Leave Nintquan's !Wednesday and , flidarday • at 6 a usr. Arrive at Meath Me aurae days by 6 put. See list emir., I of po urns r•trrs re Penntitfiea• 1 'nsa 'mho ars atsthorsted to tertify talks, solicien• ey af gua nutrias. - --- idnit arras neat sr,usra no rhansro froms-adveri. Simmers' fl/ runteirugated bit Ike laddar. r, co.nry of=j---,.st att. of propose to convey thgmail from 4ply 1,, 1866, to Juus'ar, 1860, on route Nee!--t.—, from -- to ngrnoeldy, to orthe advertiotonont of the floetmagter fleneral,..deted January 10, l&A and by the fullotetng mode of etonveystnue, viz, for the envie! cum Thii proposal is made with, full knoeriedsse of the tit atsore of the rent', the weight of the emit to Inr carried, and all other plrtienlart in-rwdrr rue, to the rants arid service, and gilt , aftsf sire fed eriminatium of the instrsteisenellrltrequite soros. (misfiled to the adrettisermat. Rated En! to titan -, undertake that, if the fOreguing bid for ear geinktohte mit'eartneireroatr; N o. t bittrer h e o h l ifil,ltr b t.; the let day of duly, ISbti, or as anon thereafter as may be, entor loin the required obligation to per- Ono the aerviee ',repeat!, with toad-rand eutlielent varuties. This at do anderrtnadina tainetty for Gbh% a'atioaa and linklotiaa-natanta by, Mnkuutor a. antler Mr 27M araitatof the art of Gong, esx.o,l 2MI frily '2, 18:16 - (Signed by two guisranttpl ) fntted • . NormnfCertiflcerb The undervigned,. postmaster of IState of eertitlex. solder Ist. otillttiLqtatty, tlillt h le epquafnted with the above gualrahtorn and kneao }horn to he men of pmperty, and able amain) good their guarantee.' , (Signed} The sufluiently of ilittrintore on_proirsals may be Certified by a title or i t rkiiiii — of redid, 1 p Elio postmasters of Vaahington tordeGeorgelown, D' C., mai by postmasters at the Moping unives, amt sot the Mato or Pr - ,:aitYLVAlni,,, - junittliketers id* ofetteo at the court•hooau eotiftty seat or euoh county, No nt Addloon, Albion; Alexandria, il ldona, Antiville, Arehbold, Arebsoring, Athena,- Hoover Meadow., Barlin, Berwiok, fifolaboro. 111airovilln, Boontsburgh, ffrowiburgh, Brady's Howl, lironehiale, Bristol, lfronnevillo, Daohanan, tonnonsbargh, Canton, Carbondale, Carlielo Springs, Catnzruqua. Catauisoo, Cloutier, Clarion, Clark,,Coatearsi Ile, thtehrattsvifle, Cul um Ida, Conneantvillo, Connelsville, Coashohookon, town, Crown, Porky, bouglassyille, Dywnitatown, I/innan:non; Duntituro, Husbote,.l.; tot Smithfield, Ebenshonik. Tidinbenzugh, Blicnlrota tewn, Knott Valley; kreildown, Fannon, inoretwo, Fountain Spring, Franklin, Preedom„Freemsns. hurgh;llon, Hernia° UAW, (lien Riddle, Croat Send, GreoaXustle, liatnburgh. Hanover, Hayford, new. town, Hawley, Hazleton, Hendook. lioges'ono. Holmosburgh. Honesdale, Hyde lark, 1 minium., Jenne/wine, Jersey Shure, Jobtnitown, Jonestown, I Kingston, .Landlsburgh, Latrobe, Lowishurgb, arty, tigonten title, Llverozol, AluCannolfsbtargh, MoKoosport,Mol'eytown. Maroon*. Matich Chunk, Meohanles,burgb, Moreereburgh, Alverstown, dlenort. Middletown, Milesburgb,lailford. Millers. town, Milton, fdinursvillo, Monongahela CPI, Mor risvllle, Mount' Plettsont, MuneyrNasardtb, NOW Knighton, Now .Castle, Ne* Holland, Nom Hope, Now Londen, NearMillord, Now Nonni. Pleasant, Newport, Newtown, finwville, New Weablogtent, New Wilmidgton, Norton Masilton, North Haat, Northumhorluna, Ooford. Paradise, Parkertburgn, I • )( ■ Y, PEIIItIVARY 1536. El (Sign, d) Farm of a Guarantee . ... ...... ~ , . • , ... t ... •,,,,.„:„........" ~., „.7.F. , ,,,,,,,,,,,0, ......3 ~ . ....1.70,.......7 7.4 ,,,,,,,,, r.,1,4•1* . A ., • • .-,• , 1 , 3 Iti ',,, k .14 } -1, 1 t 01 , 4.4 •;, ' , •••• i ,i. . . 1.0 .1 .. t. If . ' , . . 4 . . . Po villa Par,ldoeplo Ezidge,M)))2iii#4 _k 1111 e, tkrone. Pitiacoio.ftry,' P •: [ten art Xenne . Port Richmond , Portico nth,- PLii ii Pottstown, Po 110, Proxkler,eo, Qui t korlown, Schuylkill TrAtiSt,r, St. ir, SaltsbUt3ll, S , - 1 1011Sberith, Schuylkill Haven, °rental', Saline Groro, Shamo kin, Shannonsvillo, Sharon, Shipren•WrO, Shire manstown, Shirleysburkh, Silver Creek, Slate Rill Nadi:lEoqm, Slippery Rock,' liprueo Cm*, btrack bursh, Strationville, Slrondsburgh, Sigunit, Su,s riuohinnah Depot. Terrine on, Talentum„ Tempeit: aneevllls nage, Tremont, Troy,-Tank Ihnovek, Tartiarors, Tyrenii, IV,iterfortl, Vinvoily, Wayno• I. v roukh, West Oranville, West Michlivtown, 'Wont rptli.gr.l , l, wue , Baron. Within., 1 1 illianiaLinio, I AV•ancholorf, Mri ight , i lltt , ,lrrintlrat.,V , lrdloy vill”, York Fin)plitir Sr Ong+, YOtlliql me, Zoknopin ;' Link ilk, ni.i Bufhilo, N. V ; Altlinullug, '. a. ; IVylkville, 0100 For Bins en,' in.ornotforlf,.r roe otklanoe end in. formaliou of hi.kler,, son nilverli#,,,,nvil jo pamph let Corm at, Iho Po.t Outlet :1 a thy ernaint.u, enlual of Nu.li 6t . llto Bouti. nwrtlf,r ie d ' ,TAME,, CAMPBELL rAin , litil. N., ivt.ter Gummi. 7:QI!At. AND EXACT .M:STICJI .11.1. If ENR Y lIA TS. o 1V IE N 14)11N40;3 1 ' .1m • EL.I:IOISIVVE, PILVNA - 1144 a. THE ONLY RNULTSII DEMOCRATIC` NI:WS PRIt IN (ILNTRE COtNTY, : RrICAYS. TLIOI.-i—sl.so in ad% mow, or if paid width; sls tnantlax $2.00 wlll be diatwd a 11l inthsetiti flora i Inning tn'the end of tin; year. ADVEATISEMENTS and Business Nolirrq imarrts ea ut Ow usual ratoq, a n d ex ory`dcsdiptirin of .TOE 3P. rt:T 2\l" °X' TIM" 137 r. gXECT , TrI) in the toatt.st ninnnrr. ;xt ;Co loweit prieni, and with thir tilmoat des p utnh . Jim 1,9: pnrnhased a largo collodion of tube, Ivo are tall , pv oil tia Allier - the olden of inir.frlanda, Democratise' County Standing -Committee. . liellefonte—J 11 Monnisux .- Borifs--Jorix Hor. F'rrruton—J S McfnitincK Fisura. Ile.ollllB Knrtn r ife)to . P. I'ACIL6II • Hal Tomo', —J H rNT.ER liarris—LlA,lll7CL IIIyLILAVU - Jbufv•a—VrtsLEY A. Mrsic - All lezt rg—RIJECIIT Llrmv B%24JANIN Stisi.tzua. Aftirson—JOllN Allti.e-1110W411 R. Bst.t.aux l'estr--.lAces it,,,A-,-.lmsdr: L. Tex? S. Sen.Nsmur Pno rahor—Joirni T. Hou r bs 'l,4.,vlpr—AV 141 AM Mt Pl* rlvitm- 7 -flitOltOß 14-rens Wet - er—June ticuir.ol77. • 4 At a blasting ortho Democratic State Central Committee, held November lit, 1855, at the Mar ennui's lintel. Philadalphiu L tha following 11,sso1u, lion was adopted Ile,/ vet/ . That the Democratic Stotts Convention of IBA, bo hclil on the 4th day of March unit, in' Ilarritleurg, ut .10 o'clock, A bf tarporvumtow rlt thoirbr.veittetptica . . • • lion will monemblo td flarripting. for 1,4* purpose of selecting Itclegotes le the Demamatio Netional Con ventitm, and nominating a eandtbate for Canal Corn nat.talounr. Auditor General and Surveyor Unmoral. JAME.B F. JoinoroN Chairman tflate Centrott Comlultoe. if. A Ott pet, Hucretaries Jacon Zirmt,mt, &lama) pontens committed a grent,_ortur, say* the Chalon Democrat, when, in secret caitius t they deter:pined to send a clergyman to Con gress=—a nlergyinan who had put, himself forth as tho "wiiiiirman in the District, and who had done n 4 in his power to secure the neMinatiou fur that aloe at the hands of that ottsti„poies,... The fact of his , hating used foul means to attain that position which he has much degraded, should, have deterred his friend, in their effiirt; to &Sala him iu•bia de,igns. We 111111 k. DOW. since Mr. Pearce - has so signally failed in adding honor to distinction, thatjtejs hound to resign, if IF his any re— gard for the feelings 'of his' constituents . ," Having endeavored to secure the nomination at the bands of thrr Dtemocraey of the Dis trict, udder false pretences, and. then having obtained his heart's desire by leaguing with the secret foes of our Republican. govern- those principles which he was as willing to bind himself-to support and up hold MIR drat instance, he should hare been content to sustslin the hdnor confervd - dpoli and notbring dishonor upon Ma constituen cy, H 1 ctinstituency desirtijils resignation that , ibelir:triay he" enabled to send a marrof hpnor, t ptegrity l and talent to till the ri;ticion be 4.9 so Tll4l6ti.diagraCMl.' WHAT Narr.—The senseless and contra dictory grounds furnished by the watuition. -for the war they have -waged against dieted• ministristion. arc thus summed up by the People's (tlansachuitetts) Advocate: --Thee noursie.of-tha. opirseeitinia , haute& the sulininistratiou is marked with a most deplorable want of principle.... They began by dexicatuting,Ciencral. Picree. then as n doughface and servant of The soutli, then as an agitator, thou as a hunkes: wham say agitation would frighten Into Tits, ilien as a dictator to his party, then as a man of nv influence, then as cyperket. dictator then they complain because he dowlnot direct his party in Congress, and take the business of the majority Into his own hands ; and, lastly, they find fault be notl their shillings a»d turnin have &Id the effisit to ininre the dem gs cicratie chap:Zs for the presidency. Ciuvralybotly tell in, what these fellow,. went itet/{ ' THE 111(SUNTALVVIS WISTEII.--The Portland Adt , ertivi stye 4 Seemingly" to ns theisi 4 everlasting mountains' of New Hampshire never pre sented more magnificent mod glorionfriPpear ances than, they have on every fair day for the font few weeks. - Are hardly know which view of them to admire the most, daily,.kal iiropopid,is they .have been it sunrise, onefi, anti sunset ; and we haye viewed them at all these hours. They are glorious rn mini Kips. 7 - , ' 7 IlielinnAtih.nbeinneraie press 441 l ov4 . the Vivian, is whit iiirFel4tror partY — conTelous 'Of its strength and 'del. et , tniti9d2llKP victory. Pentiskleartia i 5 coh .'eteded to ho the battle gioutul, and every a• fan mill be made ty the pcinocratic cou,tt i • um, at Cinemnati, to assure the candidate ' most nicely to am the - Keystone State. We find this scntimentlitevitiling In ,all our Dentocraticerckintv papert. and admire its wholesomeness. 'Pio New York //era/d, in speculating upon thislmbject, talcini it for granted that Peuntrylvania neuriy unani mous for Mr. Nueltsrlan, Kays that this fact places that distinguished statesman in a very lernifdalde position ; - for ft Is generaily con cedtl distill order to enter intq PriNi• e !show of soccer. , nut lientocratic party, must hate. the'neistu to'inat nlion of the %me of at least one of the three great Stales of New York, Ohio, 'or' Pcimsylvanio. It iv mantfest, from the recoils of the;tit4 Fall election in Ohio. that ?di most he counted out—nOr is the prospect of it sn'tsfactory (Vi sion of the Netts York Pamoonmy In nny means flattering, judging from presont ap puaranors. liminestionahly Ours. can he no' f, J.., .• ' V " .". of f . 4No 1i11;10) i;g1111 ., vis, or oc:floral* Treadle Pierce r -It uould be about as easy tolling the Vat, Borenities to the support of Casa, Douglas, or I)ickin- Hun, as to Kling. the baralito mum:ender to Mr. Pieroo, or any candidate froni MK - Tab. inet. But, on the other hohd.. while the nomination-of Mr. Badman would give a very fair aqsurance of the I ate otPennsylva nia, ntiiiiewoult.rprobabir be bie as oily other asp battle of a reuuionof the atlhortnua of yaw Burou. Pierce, owl Morey, and the unfll*hing constitutional friends of -Daniel 8. Dlckinvou• The position of Mi. iluchauttu ; Lou . t, on etiegro questi on , though etpinunt• - 186 C; iiy sound and conserratire, is in one impor taut particular like that of. Gen. Pierce in is not committal to the extremists 'eon either side.' in 1852 Capt. Scott. of Vir ginia, addressed a lutter:Jo 301110 ft)lrLfaiijiti Wants for the Democr.ttio nomination art ring an answer from them ; oriteveral sparific goes loos 'upon slavery: They all replifil oxeArp t Oren: Franklin l'iercuri I and they all tdolitlie etretrte Southesu Tic 1 ": • I ocratic shoot: Cicii:"l'lercc, wore adroitly, • _ t. 'hi the fiar ex treruity, North and The letter of Capt. Scott was as SAW to all the rest - ea the - riflitothis was of old to the coons'aml wild cats of I. cu lucky. Davis, I)ogglas, Casa and Bright: have the burtleti of the Nebraska bill against thew among the free seilialt Nurthirn Doneract. Thiwthraamh of the paiv tw/ . enti,,r.c tilt bill.; they fluty support a caidiclatc uuhe to the bill as houtily as Douglas would endorse it ; but a man who in any oay par- , ticipated, in -the passage of that 101 l %yenta hardly be the man fur the Northern I)trav cracragaiust the Black Itcpul.licans. The party woultt be relieved of this bunion in the nomination pt Mr. Backman, tvi he pro uhl insurer as wellls any laxly else as the Dem ocratic standard hearer of the great dectrine of "squatter ilovereignty.7 Thus much for the position of Mr. Buchanan. From present indications he has the iemle track ler the Cincinnati nomination. Tiff PROVrMIALS vs A PET. -.7 -Tile West Indio Jlnirnals-are very much incensed at the failure of C.tpt. 1.'1111.11m, of the V . t 3 . ship Cyarie, to salute a lir/anti thari-of-nstr in one of their ports 1 . 511.9111 he lately entered after an insult had /ken offered to the .tnier icon hiag, which the tuLhortties Juni refu.wd to Teldrlss. Cm.:t. Fairfax nrted with I)eetnit : ins spirit and dignity eh the occasion. It is I . t t .. ArtaaMS--alt.aithith—the. ' I 1 . s rineials-throei.themselres, the Lig, wily CtOrds'thiy utter, and the profusion of natity epithets which they bestow, whenever the American Government or any of its °Meer; are so mgortunate us to wpond their pride. " Ameriesti Dutch Courage" is the title pia riling•A}nting, teroci OUR snide on the, sub* ject In the Jamaica - Journal, which abuses Capt. Fairfax, do .American offleer - anti getc: tlenum of the highest character, in the ehoic icot. eicpienco o Billingsgate. Thu t,mly ve lositris et Great Britain at'ss . .far mom, wt.. t sitire to national honor than their mitster4 et I 'Mole; and echo in every concciyaidc; variety iif yelpings, the barkings of tho big bull dog Trig,lNipts VorytT Advocate (K. N.) sys Oriit ‘, Mori , - S. 4Lagfumr.recanity chose/II:mg State Trensurer, is a member p oi the Reams Cat/wise Church!" Wonder wAmke the 4d root° got. its information i Mr. Magraw, is "the min of ie -Presbyterian Cler'grinanosuil; we hav_e understood, follows i,r the footsteps of his excellent, parent s so far pi his religious predilectioqs ire co:merited. 1 ,1 - _,711r. lames Parsons; of Vitliinia, iVhet, some time ago, was emoted at' Oollitlityp • burg, in this State; on the charge of kilupp ping, in - attempting to rebaittirc certain k gltivo slaves, saki tolieleng . to his father, without.ixtoofits, pa Provided by law—win tried' it that place, week, and acquitted. It was shoWn that he' had no design to evade the law: _ _ • Pl*. Buchanan it, a private letter to friena'in:Washingtoe, etliter hisintentioti on the irriyal of bitt aueceisOr, to set out in a tno'month% tifp. on the rervisert; ' . ;l s'7 tiatij ,141 t, •' k • gn ;AP 7 11 ' • 4+l ...,;tt ll=l iiiiiii 131. '~~ .. , f cirri • 7 46 • ' fin' p , • et ` In sttititit ,fi t, 'fa, • "" 1 4 §i.nie' D:for - th an South. tie Riolitnbtel F. makes the foAtiwincilin;ll.ile irhijc compering the itifirrii:e Mas,,achu vita with those, of North Cetplina: The conipartion cwataini bath; IY)ltticql and s(), dal moral and - we otaniend kito`.llh4c*iac' of the En7uirer tolho attention of uurreati• l We think c„\nry sets , ,ible pan t ? $ , •:All,- uhuseils, oiler conept!rin4 tilJ Urtutu vi' own State with that of North 'llaridfne, wraether he be tultuated by volfi l hi• policy pularyrd philiethroßy. will tithe from Me - , comparison; O, %arm friend of the Union ft fs. The -stutistieg oite, might, of thetimelve, induce thrbz.iiet,that •T`o7lly prOttuotni orcrainittits- and pounern. But it h4';•. 'ell kndivn, tlimpito hat „ Aux tteietatte• enlightened, in. (lust riou4 duel nera•elio. Illy eoruntcracaad Ditinufo..tturee ~upply her v,ith thy pfirtlqcts of agrieulturu. I,4,stinion tcquld cripple tfinyc re,ioureeN, owl prlhably Ifqr dustry, skill and capital, to bettel fautrketer.: and nine congeniol tlfrots. T/ic• iloplihttio;l4 of Massaelnisetls in lf.lYn_os (in . hers) a Inlllioii , that of Nort/LtAirelina, eight :adleiitH4-0:ill utiN;it l i s (rited • agit furry-live thonsaull husltels Offli;tlian galu and three million.f live huntlred • stud eighty ilre thousand hu4rl. 4 of P o ln t oe s— elfthlP I one thousand Party-tnothounanehorses ' and mules, and tiro hundred and mi. Tty thpu sadcl cattle Plic productions tiNotth oline. iu properutat to ponidationr.warly giant tun times as great. They , prodlinkil two Eittois one htmdied and bushels of' trheat, tweritylosiist rub- . hone bushels Indian atm tire minims moven hundred thousand bushels potatoeq;onertill liert eight hundred hogs. onehlin dredaad seveuty-four thousand-horses And ' mules, and • six hundred and ninetytthree thousand cattle. What a Held she exhibitor" ' for Massachusetts commerce and marulfite tures ! let she trould fare better in en to disunion ;lulu Massachusetts—for she presto 'ees all tiff necessaries•of life. atia'uk:iVat prsi duce its iu.xuries trithit4erself. The statistics of crime aud pauperism eA• hi bit TAO_ qzartling a dill , :rence in favyy ttif North,. Carolina ; and prok that, she eau end-does attend to tire looral and phyaitual cOudition of her ptevie, end needy no tore; so dear and /-.o much ntaxletk iit 31assae u setts, ix at trewitan'A darr iu sueuticluv- • 11;;;;; It tout looney, and without there are few. tin its in that State. Matt fiaciwsotts, ti 1850. tl . !re were fifteen tV6u• i one thon,and nine hundred. InMs.a („Qpinals Convicted itt se-- 'cu thousand: iu North t.unlina. -In,}lit,, in MitiS ill:11U thol,liBll4 North l'unalitia,-thirtyfour. Iq Peuititutis- • rite, to 3fasiachuietts, four hun4re4. thirty-one : in North Carolina. f',intteett. Odd _f ellows' Charities, in' Shooinehuitk , '210,000 Carhiina, 'We think tlyse statkties drserve the Atli: 1 7 htddy l Oof leery :cliristian, patriot ,and 'philautbropist lit tho Cnion. , Atayttrta Ihtornot Ammo; v5..../Phevohivo acre it op at Roclatster anotlax glue(' who claims--or ,Chum _ thst,be is the roil I)auphin of Fro,ps, son of touia•X VT. itisl .tore. is p}thhKt,cd i6' the Itocliester .I,l , iican, is a man eltotootop-- - -but too fiiarvellons lu behove. l'beoppo• Atli:0,061111A of.ltev. Elciaar Willimtp; is that likely to Ile saufliil eat. 'The tiefortutiain son of Lonii ] - VI, ${OlllV penile is Onld hAvu us Iletietr, has 114 niatty lives as a eat.. Who ity.tbe nett automata. i— Bachaarge. • ' We cony add is 1144itiOLt to the a'uore, that the laereland litr,Vd has a private let ter, in which it is ststosl that , the aged and ignorant ludian WOUlllit who', it Ls 4 been claimed. is the 14Uther Or thu /icy M. Alt* ' t .d of whunt proof • _1 t L hits boon tamporod • with sad inihmoncoe Yob to divulge tho nerd ootittoetwA with him. has, very algruad /I unittaxt tatitnovrit edgment that. M. Wl!liegi% iasply her iiiopl ted atm. Sefddos ihir, aJAttei,inia-ifeau.sta coked from Franct;'fr•lto • peofmally.lotipoo- • sildriman. whieltlaiter iM hihtthairhimaki - • distinowhed ditiiK, 11. A.; .- •, tWst. the Nvvitci pes,w4, le4elf the baaphin tvtuteunrcy etl, froaft,ite ' to a barge• on the no er to ltR, 110 BOUrikl/1 quotiatt, " .ia el to Po 44 1- uitely mattered. , • THE litiva's PAIIRLF .—The subjoined • incident iA'S'ent,to us by n Coitesi ns lit tN Nvn , the parrot was certainly a relnulle/elildAriet"; lon ape," atilt he, .11sTiartitt belonged Id a baker in Rletunond. earth tea* is 'lowed ki.inako a eertain_nprnbeiior Towee4 ehery Nay, and ',now more,' Isordeol hon nrtny etibtom'ers' In got ; 11' der bilkis "too' inich; Weviitil I 136 seftioisottrittiMireied, to de ensfhinerp. itirefidis hte!itlor'e T ta hix share one fifty, and hid de reit oh "eniutip der de emniter. poratot 'it** Tiungln' to 'tits nige: an' Seedlt all. -11initilly imtrieii •do in'speeto'r, and ' 'bPihd 'eight, and is gain' ontligin x 46111144, wheal de pm'. rot corks his eye at him and idavotitA'Dtti's taste breaa'under dr siodirr sz inspei•-. for grahe it 'cortiin' to law, aadoingica 1t pg. Well, den do baker goer to d¢- wiepy mad, and takes hitn de awl ftctios • hero a twitch or. two, and it h4l{; fh do IttoltEdbr deed. 'WOO op a oig ft iA dead oblis tneasle•.. Singeby dr peirtiLllnio• mpwl,•footiloolll:444cin,',SquA e jilft 11014 l oon ono •14.11, a t no Gep he Mop* and looks at do peg, wort/ ignltji , • 1)61 Fmk my, #4,,, tin; 1440 P' ..d , I I I+'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers