:411t Stivs pAE;RIER'S ADDRESS THS D*MOCRATIC WATCHMAN, ,-.l.ll,lltAitl 1, A. D. 100. Another year, passed to oblivion's shade . , 4 With alLits , sorrows in the . ' l rave is hill—. With joys to soothethe aching heart of man' We feel, admit, baits events must Thou oh, arouse Great Goddess of the Ituso, And teach us thy grand preeepti to peruse Teacfi us to gaze on nature , in her dress, earthWpride and noble happinessl- Ttsch nti to icnow dna as wo live, wo fool, Thero , s sorasitlking higher than individual „ . • SoMething that m*kee ench'num a sovereign The aukkot Only of sweet tear : . —4_ The muse will sing, ng the win & ring out, The requienfof The year— - And tunes its voice to n merry shout; As the nett one cloth p.ppear. Yet Time moves on with i.tnrdi• strides In his path of triumphs grand. TIo heeds no winds, nor surging tides, Tof•knows'no clime or land, lib; Mighty arm, with a Riaut's grasp, his crashed full many days, And•ho will march, with aest to clasp, Thu sun's last dying rays:, Oh, who can gaze on the past and feel, :That sorrow's cups o'crllow— And turn with pain from the' thonghts that steal "Across the trouble(' soli". Let him arouse, for the future's light - Sheds - lustre on his pnth. Let him awake, for the tjAy is bright(' Nor fear misfortune's wrath. If sorrow coma—chase away tho tear lore— • And read thia truth—you should never fear TIME ' S A ROME OF LOVE ABOVE: We.pze upon the past in wondrous awe, To view the chimps grand to mind and time, And (eel tho teachings of their truth sublime. How mighty are the deeds which now disturb, The awakening passions or , the eastern world, Where slave% in bending to a tyrtutt's tnee., Sigh for the moment that shall ms)eimillient • free, ,yfhere silken fraud, 'math base corriivt.i?n's , ~iecuredy lives from indignation's harm— And stalwart men, oh shasne, senile& groan In toil and sweat, 'neath - every tott . ring throne. How long gill man await the brilliant hour, That gites to-hisa his destined Godlike power, Which, wirkhstnoqy in courageous fight, Inspircs him onward for - his freedoWn sna though the battle may be lost or won, 'Tie freeditisn'sbattle and has just begun ! • And why should Europe not be free, oh say, Chnius of Truth, thy answer now we pray.? lifie answers Yin! AU Europe mud be free, ifecwowe - Vrfrart of Europe li deidiny ! Siwwill-be-feer,-beeausethegnieetiffiod, -- - Calls forth a sohlisr from each rock and clod, 'She must be free ! Who questions the de 's OM' / When God's-with right— and God is rictory.' While sweet Italia groans, and. in her tears, Hungary, Time's Njobe, would hido her fears. While France, once pfnuU Jd native truth and Ulla" ' • Bows har_sytn head into the servile dust— Agml G tiniest it:aiming, crud in lesion's tale, Join's in the requh f ut of the solemn wail Out from the East the cries of. vengeenee pour, j, . Ilk- drown tho surges of old Oman's roar. A Moslem cry—tinehreked by Russian pride, A mighty spirit, that all storms betide— Will, theugh.it issues from a-heathen clime, Beget its votaries in all future time. A heathen heart unbars its life and wealth, And guards thetnkeenly w iths tiger's stealth. A Turk, to Christian's ondein'abject fool, °Relate Christians the profoundest school- 1 Where in the teachings of heroic good, Ile finds religion in religion's Clod ! --Betr-tenrire-Srivto oar own - happy rind; Where prsee'sid plenty in abandaneo reign —Whower%.V— Ub .it,,,Kruht-mter'rriOm Where Ulan ix Man, and independence's sway Glo w s in each heart through all the livelong day— And Right, the sovereign guardian of the free, 'Tunes freedom's harp 'to sweetest melody. Atykerica ! eath heart must still adore, 3.llispresdigg Albumslid vastterrilisig short,— And ILS we gaze upon thy Piesent might,' We hope to see thee elnunpion of the right _;ti ;ht for the world, and right for all to come flight for the son's of our dear native home ii. re let them come, sad pilgrima of le day Flnsinz,froiarpsuita and from bleak dismay 'lo died where honor has a safe retreat, 'Tim honor's work a brother there to grret: To DIVE,t3I:t CALVES OP V&RSIDI.—II nr,ela happens that calves become. - covered will t vermin, causing them to Anw and look -very dull. To clean the mill is a rrry elissgreeabbt pike of work; but it the fullowiug•rootpe , is tailored to, they will become stein wit.h.a Part littitt trout', le. Give the eulf a table epoon full of brim. rtone fin; three mornings in Imo:session; if tine trial does not completely rid the cart, the s aeownii will-neves fail. I have tried it several times and once hts boon enough in each instance. PROFITABLE Wool. QaoWINO A. Ifertars, of. Mansfield, raised this year thirtyllve lambs, from twenty-ono ewes.— Antoog the L93:000f are fourteen pair of twins, iveighiog nearly one hundred pounds the pair. Tip wool lies just been takes from the ewes, averaging three pounds °motet per head - The sheep aro a cross of native with south-down breed. Mr. Barreiro ha. bargained the twenty -five lambs to A Vrovidtoce .buteber for $l2O. . lie takes excellent care of his Hocks, keep ing skew always in good order, by which - he seldom losses a lamb. tll - 111011 4.111.1 r 11#11110115, —Ati %Immix RAT Deus.—Last summer ,jkiti . L. crossed the Atlantic to spend a little ,time and ii-good_deal of nu ttey-in looking at the women and wander; of the -World. Among the wonders which ho took along, " just fur the fun of the thing," was, a small sized snapping - turtle. Having - It: week's leisure in London,' poi) took his tram; and went. over to Ireland. The • first night ho spent '.' on the sod;" was at n little road side iunfont fifteen Milcs from Dublin. Hiving, parliikim of a supper of bikini and eggs, Bob walked into theidnir and placed the . turtjkon the !lei - in The first one to notice the "crit ter," was Mr. Flynn, who kept the house. =And whin do you call that 7" Tlidt is an AineriCan rat dog." • " A irliativ, An American rat dog." • 4.. .Musha, go along—and 'do you call such a spalpceda dog I" " I do, indeed, And ho is' worthy of his =me." " Will he fight ?" 4Ves sir, not only fight, hut' Will 'whip any eight pouitutiloein iyeland." • Will you hold nib icuTihillings on that 1" " 1 will.? C. Enough tonal. Barney get the 'vitae pup we bought of Sheridan yesterday, and fel: him out."' 4 Barney did ns desii(sl. The brindle pup purchased from Sheridan was Brought The !pup took a look, and then •he made a plunge, The turtle caught him by -theeriose. The pup then gave one yell and put for the doim When last seim he tyro rushing to wards Dublin as if he had eight tip cup's tied t 9 his tail. Whether Flyer.-gave' up the Money Without getting a mhelalah to act as umpire, will l kiio~cu when the nest steamer arrives. - A Down-east paper givesilke.744ne Iliquor law a-thrusf after the following fash ion. A friend of Ours, it says, had arrived late at a hotel, and asked for some spirits. Stranger," said the landlord, V you for get I guess, you're in the State of Maine. We've no sprits here, but we have some tar . ustiou fine lemonade." , The lemonade wag neecteded to, brought add tasted, The lemonade wan half whisky and water. This 1.4 rather powerful letiv44 4 " said our Eritna.. -Why; yes it is, said the landlord: but yomeee, stranger, the weather is hot; stud to keep our lemonade, we ark obliged to make it cruel strong." I oftrota Sonnic-tt..--At a late etamination e College of surgeons, a - candidate was asked by Abcrthney, what ho would do if a man Wig blown up by gunpowder. IVlty,'"coollY replied the tyre, " wait until he came down again." " True," said, Aberthnvy, " and suppose I kicked you for such an impertinent reply, what muscles 'should I put in motion ?" • Why," Implied the young man, " the flexors andextensonutpay_juin t fori = . floor you directly." , wits once alccleritig that - she coal not tinder:demi ho* gentlemen cod smoke, "It certaioll shortens their lives," said Rhe. don't know that," replied &gentleman. " The i r's niy father who smokes every blessed day, and is now seventy yearii old." "Pell," was the reply, ' if 1f had never smoked he might have been eighty.",' A 11g511.31 1 4.ANC4. — " COL - W. is a fine look ing man, ain't li6 f" said a.friend of Ours, the other day. " Yes.•' replied another ; was taken for him mire." " lion! why, you're as ugly as sin !" " I d o n't mire for that ; I wilt taken for him ; 1 endorsed his note. and was taken for hiut--hy ttte sherd." ry-When a young man confidently tells yeti that such and such a young lady, "has no heart," you may be sure that he has been trying it on. and has failed in making a fa vorable itimrcalum ri - , - --The best - Men of weight was Ayen an Indian, who when asked how much he weighed, replied, pounds,, knit when I am • mad I weiqh a ton.'' It IN TPA the'fal;e teeth which should lie objected to: but the rabic tonio* behind them. The former is a matter or conve nience, but the tarter is a serpent in disguise. .1;7- There is i< woman it the bottom of every mischief," said Joe. " Yes," replied Charley, " I used to go into mischief,, my mother was at the boacini of ape.'' r i - Frienibi Ire "like tumblers in frail weather, are apt to fly at the touch of hot water.. 117.1 coquette is !mid to be a perfect in carnation of Cupid; as she keeps her beau in- a quiver 9 - 7 here aro -it)ols who cannot keep, a secret. exce'ssive gieendeas, like that of now wood, makes them split., The dilfereneo between &Christian and a cannibal_ is, that, Me 'enjoys hh0... 1 ( and. the other unjeya other people. was Attain the swiftest runner that ever lived,? Because he was first in the human race. . - [I:7•A wag says thatilr..Kane tried to get . -the-Pole to deposit his vote ; but tho ice. berg faction prevented htm. Q 7 To leave your son a fortune—educate him, an&teach him how to finish his estuca tiorrNmself. • ryTinich says poverty must be 4 woman —it is ao fond of pinching a person. ga-j1 coeslrbreakiast and an her eoAt.irill kOep A map dry all clay. • ' • 0:711te spice of true wit leaver turd in brevity. lanittesrPtpartnient. . NAKING÷ITAMS. As this is about the period of the year t whop most families lay down their - meat fifer winter use, a few suggestions on the 4sibject will be deceptabb3.o many.- PORK HAMS . .—.Wiea t,lloaefit is per reedy cold, after being killed, it is ready to he Belted., The salt, should he of 'the beatiii quality,/ , -4elnr itivnpo ted, ground fine, is, perhaps, th e best nd— and to cv cry pound of it ()gamine° f floe white Niger ' should be . ..a de'd, ; e rr / hams should he laid upon ainble or nch;smil every part, carefully rubbed,wfth this salt ; then they should be laid fi ery tub until the neat day. The aatne operation should In re , pasted every day fig four days, taking care 'm turn the`hafns in the tub every., time they Ore laid down. After this, the opera tion may be repeated. once every two days fig a . week, when it will be found that the meat hoe absorbed suffiCient salt to preserve it. for family use. Aftei this they may be slightly sm'oked, or hung up to dry. 7--- Haw intended for sale should be once rubbed twee w it h the salt , - as described, then packed in Lstrong pickle. This pick le shetild-he'mi&of tilifheiftep. TOTbs. to the 1001bs. of pork, with one ounce of sugar-to the pound added, and half an Mince of saltpetre to the ten pounds of salt, all boiled foe . abput fifteen minutes, and the froth skimmed off; it is then set aside to cool. ' When told, the hems may be placed in thie.piekle and left for three weeks. They should then be lifted; hung up, for three or four,ditys to drip, and are then fit to he smoked. Fnr family use, instead of smoking the' him after theyare salted and dripped, if they are simply rubbed over- with black pepper and hung up fur a few days to dry. the meat acquires a very bit: flavor. A mild smakr-site-mitrire-givrtr-ttritarf without smoking them,ipy simply smoking the barrels in which they are to be laid down in pinkie, This is a good' . plan, because the- taste of the smoke—which some persons like—is given .to the meat without, discoloring it. Sides pf pbrk should be treated in the same manner as hams laid in the pickle ; bet for home use, during linter, by merely rub bing the tides witli salt every day for 'a week or ten days, thee "hanging them in a moderately cool place to dry for use, the meat is much sweeter than that laid 'down in pickle. This'ioformation we have de- 1 'rived from 000 long engaged ,in curing I pp*, and we have satisfied ourselves, Egan %wally, of its correctness. The teeount ofi salt fur rubbing on the meat does agit, re- ; quire to be'-stated; no person can gowning by rubbing on too great a quantity. The sugar is used for the purpo*o of nullifying i the b ',te r taste of the saltpetre, and also that o f any bitterness— sulphate of mag nesia sulphate et soda- that-.may be rn the salt. 1 Ifehts.--"The finest beef hirins arc made by cutting out. the entire bone of the hind-quarter, then rubbing in the salt and sugar, the same le described for 'pork hams,, turning them over and rubbing them evoi - y day for one week. After this they are hung up to drip in a nerd dry eerftwrthree days. 'rimy are now tabu down and rubbed all _flyer on a fable v ine - - oencb, with some fine dolt, black pepper, and elms, All fmngsl,..together. About one ouncehiltliiof 384,50 pepper, and 14 leu ounce of cloves are sufficient for thirty pounds of Meal, but tile exact (pau city cannot he given:, No' person can go wrong if he rubs evety part of the whole eurfa• co of the harmer/kb some of this salt and 'pepper composition, The haul is now fit to be rolled. This is accomplished by rolling it jute a cylindrical \f l ,rou, swil ling it ron - nd from a trarriiWo the thick .cat end, and hanging it up to dry fir about ten days before it is used. It, is -en-t in - round alines fur frying by commencing at the butt end, A hoot c ,ped ia oa(al_to swill, or tie such hams, aud it • must be I looped or turned under on both.eides along the coils of the 'cord, so as to have every coil firmly bound and held in place when the bam is being out in slices for daily use. Hams made in_thismannei are the finest in the world—a luxury. Smoked beef is to,be found in abundance in our tuarketit,obut it is a poor eatable of the meat kind in comparison with beef prepared as described. We hope some of our (ureters will make some such beef tamutifisjaillovamily - mat; - My - Vitt not keep Ili, %minter wcutbeir so tri,ll um ' lit stini- 7 -blit•tif t - arc; aro not 'certain. • LIST OF JURORS, FOR ,TELitirUAltY TERM, ISTWI, • Gluten— Be//efoote—John C o ttl e floggs—John iturkert, Daniel Bible Firrg 11-qurt—lV tu Murray. Gregg—Po4cr Wilt/on, J. G. 6 (toldinun• Migia—John H Homan, UriMW Lytle, R. Ito Leek ham. -bale, John Irwin, Cleo. Jack. n • Half 11100 n— W Ileorge GAK. Ara . n—W frolmen /11,4t--Sem'unt Prank. .••• !'alter—Dnvid Gahm, II Kluueort Rarich, Peter Kenn, 1.:1(ne Kean U Jcaaph Smith, M. Wegner , • Wolker,—Wm. Pennington. • Benmer —Jaoob 140liburn, Thomas Roomy, Solo mon Krebs. Bellefonte—W C Welch 'l'. Burnalile. Bagge—Wm. Marks ~Andrew Fetter, Jo. Like. Fergotron—Hugh Motiolligin,VenriDi Arai HenryKrebt, ' • •‘.. Gregg—Henry Duck, John koClintock. „froward-344011m0 Ailama,Wm, Idoetgomory. Ifarriß—John 8, Boni, Jacob Jobnalonhougli, J. IL Mitckett.^ • -•"" Hointor- 7 Wllllans Storer, Jamb Thomas, George 3talloway. Half Airion—Jolna L. Gray. • Httaton—john B Meek. Liberty—Samuel BriZkley, .liflles--John Reyna* Henry Norman. Milerburg—Jamenilleen, Wm. Boggs. Marion—Robert Logan Penn—Henry Fidler, John Miller, William L. Musser. , - Posner—William Burmide.JamphJordan, Jams. Paris, William Smith, Jr , Jernee C. llogd• Rush—C B. Polder NnotorAo•--Thews Mays Spring--Jonathan Yokert, John Barnhart, bavid Kaufman. Union—Andrew Thompson, Wm Underwood, Worth—Eliu Tamar: Watkor—Thomas newton; Thomas Beet, Thomas Lesh. . • T _MOS WANTING 'OHMIC - Mg ) Awl SiUt hfitte and 0 lovosi Mei ttry &0., will please sill and examine tho ya day at nov77 KEA Lfill 'B. TAINT AND LAP EICINGLEB, ON itp hand and An' bale cheap at tho store of the sub scriber. J AR F.' WEAVER, dect2 Mllomburg CIALT, Frei AND PLUM-- On head fbx by Ati W 1;1AV ER,, • don A Response cross our CoSempornries. Compliosents Which we oppreelnos. With no disposition to boast, we repub lish the 'following, showing the - manner 'With which the Democratic 'Watchman has been zeceived by . our brethren of `the press in Pennsylvania and crflier States, we transfer to our columns the following highly coniiiii mantarliatices. be seen that the Watchman has been cordially ..received by men of, all parties, 2s a consefvative intro. cats of sound Democratic priheiples. First, the Washington limos, the 'great orthodox orgaitof National Democracy, thus greets our enteTprise ; Tuve W.s•rottditdc —The Mach wan iu the title of I C I know Democratio paper established in Boßelton... Centro /minty Ponca,, by Item,: Hey& Enid, The p_urohase of the old .Domocratio Journal by the Know -Nothings, and Bit) oorwrequont defeat of MirDom°. pirtyln Centre',Monty. rendered the eidab lieluntint there of an orthodox paper nomoonny ; and frotu the tone and Wit). ofthe Wureirmau welt. tt no doubt it will Matto op to the expectationn of the people of that flourishing region. Mr. Days is a young man emulous of orning good and of tieing in. the pnthauion of journalism, tool we think from the speohnon before un that he sill summed. We wish Into moth success. Tist DEMOMATIC WAT , 11.11,0.-111ii in the tilln of a now paper published In Bellefonte, Centir enmity, Pa, by henry Bays, Lag . formerl3 sue of the publi.thess of the, Lancaster Mono," Thu flint number giver evidence of ability, and n dram mination on 'the part of dm editor to pubio.l. Just cache. mar, aastguto Dearoorway Centre at' Ihie limo need The Centro, lhqmorrat was bought by the Know-Nothings-010 party *BA consequently left wit houtfin organ in the county. The il'efek ramu wee started with the clew of taking the place ortito Dtriarcreit, and wo aro glad that Mr Mays commences his career', in that county tooter snob favorable auspices -141 hating roceired, In the yourse of a-few IlaPq, one thousand subscribers tilluoCAß to 00 enturpako , Tium 140101 . 11ATIC WAVILY% Ile Is the tide of a new paper just started in .lefOnte, Ventre county, bfr Henry flays, Es,l . formerly, we believe,. of , this Ally. The first number which is now be fore um, presents n meal and btkinema-like - olpperir• mice. end the editorials Filo erldenhe of ability and tact. We wish the editor illef Nil in the enter prise, mud tntst float the petnneracy of Centre vomit, nit) feel it to Ire nirif dory to .lofittlitl MO true 11110 - I gout of the party, to thn lho ph norm prnmkes . he. to the utmost of their ability IVe extend. to DL. /tart the right hand of fellowship, andaretentite hiry no a oodaborer in tits glorlojigrestoof of Ute.limaipla..-- r ihoornavie WATl'llfits it ,the nameof )ll paper just Marled at Bellefonte, of which Me hate reeeked the *wooed number The paper looks bright and hopeful. The &Mora seems to have the asaistance of able peon in their neigh berhoml Winn we took) may the sane for flits Wert rhm,"l The enggrdion of the rdttorn to hold on editelial conven tion In Bellefonte in op exyellirt one, and we tiro in for it strong, proildul it is tit ben generadthing, ir respective of party Rural editors can do much to hotter their condition. if they will only unite an ft ientlet and make an effort to brelik doing the party bigotry which has be, furred o n them by lend ce. tc,i via,, , IP re u THE Dot 10, en * WATCH VVI —We have terrier,' the first number of a new Demouratio paper with the above title junt commentiell in Bellefonte. Centro co , Pa., by HENRI* likrit, Em Centre has been without an Englirh Darnoeratio paper fir a year past the Democrat was bought over to flhe !torte Lantern party, and ie now doing the bidding of the Abolition leader, of that party. We have learned from Rev Mr. Meek, that the IVatehoton corm/need with a subotription lint of upward,. of 1,00 rultatha tlal subscri bore, and that the Democrat/I - Iwo moving in Solid column to lid the county of binetiv Nut hing tam at tho next eli, non—that they will set dept i•h thict purpose we hare not a clottlit The Iral, 41,4 7 , 1 in tainted on new type, and la ably col:allded Thy ',Moe nays the paporwill earnestly and utillint•ll ingly advocate the moo aid measures of the Dew, cratic_pArty. and ultrau knew-Notlii.l4lAlll, and every other •oi no eundary to • the pat% o.ad ilitrit of tide - , publican Itinl•t weal" ‘Ve rid! look fur reel liens from CE•iiire next fall --littittingdeit • ••1110111EMOCIIATfl' WATI 1114 tY Zeitung, tiaa etudiaite Organ der I)l2l,l.lu:die t out •tit re COllll. ty, in ilellefoute guilruekt, welehe beans. ihre Eradieluntet g•nnaold, 11111`8 'tier ,dirensten and beteen pdiliseh,n Zeißibriflen hi Pet naylva. nicii Dor `Mat/llama ' wind voliallrn iirenv MVO beruttligegelpituttel toll tutaidtgen Redo dam 7cagefttairt, ate, iudente war ale keno.., hand in hand alit dem.llerishter 'lto Acitinkratiache tlrnnn aatesa tied inkwr prrehr xertbetittnn wittilon ducker enlia/h-lesende Demokrat u t thititit v rents: dio hes Mail nehmen, end silo nurgileho lintiiratnetanng demsellien angel/meld werden, liretitir,•ll Centre , entn• !y wicttor in seinen goteu alum estp' dintrokrati• molten Stood gehrucht werden kat. Cilueek re dem Unteruolunen —l.l.noA t th.der Jts tee 14.mocit Atie A7clot —We were ;rooted with the appo.mraimer on our tab)le of ' lllll lllllOl. number of a handeoine paper bearing time ahoc caption, timqateti to the eier-c,lortorta pritmclple,mf thernocrecy, and published at lb 11, tout, Pa , l•y 11 , Ilayir • A , Immatiot.l ahililyy le d,gdnyed In ila edit.- feat contents. unit time brome r. t ry of Cent.: mummy congratulate thentselm,s on hat in.; a hrtn nod able ,Lt~,ltl>_.lVatr/weer. laikAl Ike liberty tiro .l.Y.llrince it advocates, tsi my Its r Inc• ever upward nut) ontranl.—Jit,ia thtten GrLo Bewut•ltertr paper has lieen started nt Bellefonte, by II Iluys, Ent The firm timelier wax Win il on the ;Nth ultimo ninl gnus evhlenee ol talent and kilt both in the edit., Oil m o t ni ee lia iii eal lielailnhilier deter,. slll,e 11114 iu the liana+ af thebillearany of Centre we IlOtr he will renlite at —Leltiquern 11,,,mrvat NYOCHATII . W 47( . 11110f —lVe greet with great pleasure the arrival of the first number of a III%IA lienineratio paper, established in ll , lletinte, by It Hays, who is evidently a vigorous writer. We are not only pleased to sea that our Detnocratle neigh bors have now a reliable organ, but we are gratified to learn that It starts with a suhveript ion lift of user a thousand. Thil Inimoerata or Catlin, hate re solved to redeem their county from Jacobin away, ahil the Wcitekinnin will proven valuable auxiliary in the good undertaking —,ffolli,/,y,,burg dna • TAM DR WneflATIC WA 1,11 1 4,15 a nee po. 4iiiieset-Flepairy , 11,H. fordo, Tetuan unit pledged taa suppirt the oaths at boars ..IVith the -44iti in , rt ' n Junia Jess, awl tie -yeretTnt i v.: weenie. we limo nolvdit In do li r piing hope• to haul it the true friend of 4 s /llnd mornlifT , mint `nn etueNple of eourtosy both in and fOCIRI anti also the able and iineomproin 'oho. Of leutperinice 'f be i dinar •Mr Henry-if:aye, wae •ngaffof I for &lime in the printing oilier' of the linaaatei, an Philadelphia, ahem, an foiand him itt , tanninislating, titrietly attentive to ills binaural, and illtepread to everything jieu right Snell ginalitios the Defhourate of Centre bounty, (and 'lien of oilier partlee, also,) many of whom WO know poi .on'olliy. I will he able to uppeeciatte —Pre.thytrrian lialoter I .4 4/IVOACLAC. Toe Decormaric %Yarrow/I,v —This ler Lilo title of a now paper about starting in this borough. Tho typo and tateree have already avived, and the paper wilt Lemke its trot appearancs-nee week. - It w 1 I la edited nod publishigl bylfF . Tfeary Days, late of j'hiladelplits, who will, eo doubt, on te furnloh the Democracy of Old Centre with on in teresting and readable paper Laming isulitiem out of the question, we 'wish (Mr new brother fiIIOCOMI -- 1 Ird, tg • ll' to have reems ell the second number of The Dimorosatir IVistro}mlll l published by (leery Hays, Reg , formerly of thin Omit; nt Itellefeets, V,entre County, l'n It make, a nc4t N.'s. is printed on doublelneOuto shoot aid should receive it liberal pollen:mu from tbp community In which it is located Wu nulice that Wien Forney, ELI., ahm formerly of this county, Is aan iodated with Mr. limy. ill tie editorial department of 11111 j'aper - We I mall them nuQetai fn thO'ClttuTprige —Callnibea Spy. • - Ter DEIIOI 4 RATIC lV.t7mranV 4 the title of id new Deetouratie paper not snarled et Bellefonte, Centre county, by our old Mond' and °lnce-mate Henry h ap.. The number, before en In neatly 5 0, ton up and will no doubt he an trivalualdn nuriluuy to the cause it eoponned. Ile her our best wished, Mariettiaa Marietta I'i. TM* DigOOLIMIC IVAircilso le the title ors new Democratle, paperfnet startled at Bellefonte, Contra county, by Henry lisp. It ?manta a remarkably 'nit:appearance, an&^girei eiridetwo of having a man to condeet it We hope the Watchman may reteeeed t ea to ha - success purge Old Centro of Know , Nothlngietn and he organn.—Lyromeing Ga. setter. tar We ha,ve receive te number of new paper prietint at liollefoo d ta, h l fanry a Itaye. It is a batuisiono sheet, well printed, displaying editorial talent, and c. upend Demouratiu paper—Just stub a one as hae boon wanted for nom Pane past by the DePeorley of Centre county May mecums crown the nen , Deznooratio organ Ihntrille , • , • ~,... Wo have resolved the brit number of a lino I yg Di:anon:idle paper published ib Belfefeuto b (fermi Ifsytt. IL io wull printed. on good •paport fairly • edited, and-sosindly I) ocratio.-BrentSury ift/4. pIIMOCUArIe WATCHMAN. Mb< 1 , 1140 titiCi Ora TOW Drnnoonstio piper just started in liollefonte by 11. lisp. It is a Mat shoot, and judging fray the And number, wi!Liro ally condneted -We eghrti. our host orisheit to kho optor.—Nrsolierliu Tim < 3, TO THSOITI272IB - OF (ERSTRPCO.-- ritospurrus OF THE DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN,. TCP DK pupt;iamacp, wx.r.lux B(" BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PA. , ONLY ENOLIPII DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN TIM COUNTRY. ' The public to reepootfully Informed that firgt nliinber of n now Penton-idle papei, to be called TnE inotocxATte WATCHMAN, pill bo honed nellefontu about the 311.11 of Noyornber, . . In emintiendiog nor undertaking to the favorable ennoble; ation of our fellowmitisons, hut more par , tic Ma ly to the aupport of our Democratic brbthrcn of Celine 00110ty, a few words, explanatory of .our loom se, will - t/1 110 Clnitilderod out of piano, Ito po litico will be NM P. 1.1 1110/0(711ATIC advocating the fundamental Truths prolutilgatod I; t r , the great Ni.. tholud m neouratie Party, behaving at Its cinetrined furnish to the whole country; without reopoat to ace the ottreot and mustaerluin guarantee of future prooperity, and that they arc calculated to insure ingnity, position sail character to our lanVeropient, "Illtilor Mnid belief we stall battle In deface of olio Ikinooratie vane° with energy and uncompromising To the Literary nod NIINT/1 Alepart moils re S'alit eilpeilvoor to furnish nutpatrons with ,Pach mattere tend te,chartu vat 4brerl,us well aletstruot, themliasto mei telliceil, thy Amusing and romantic, We Anil oleo endeavor to furnish the Agricultural community with ouch items as may suit their inter ests and deznando at the preseid day. Relying 1111011 A olteroux and liberal public for eo-npe anion ;' .that mulling chall he left undo., iiipittenintei ,we shall email balm, you, and throw and our enterprino upon your - . 'fho'\S'avcawte alit lie printed vitt" , Wednes day northing, effi a doubialnediutp /hea t pa fibw typs, ITT the best Style of typographical eleellehug, at the lost prier of $1 50 per annum, If pail in' tali ounce, otheivise 62.00 will be charged nor.T/ )113 4 fItY MAYS. Tao Mtwara Vrtr Wti'rnllAN the name of yew weeklypaper, published at Itellefouta, Centro county,- b y B eery Rays, fernierly publisher of the Drown-rat or this The find tiumber,altlinugh isAled molt, all the disadvantages of fitting tip a new establishments looks well, and we have no doubt the liro Frit auto will be smorm(lsseSest us la gi 0 Batts faction to the riennicracy of Centre The editor save he is manta gelling an excellent 'likeness of Thomas Jelletson. Ate will Fil.pemrairectly over his desk, and which will have the effiter of inspiring. hint with glorious recollections of the pont, ,iIAI keeping him (wall coming lime.' in lilt true 1 Democrat ie path It h^ says, he should ever be at loss for n vubje,t, one luok at the glorious author 1,1 the Wel.tration of Independence sail sowano his itim7,lnation. that It wilt Lu impoosiblo for Iris pen, Aussi r etint4 Asyut mfte lerireoFllsos tiTtellowin g thoughts If he lesehes the Demoerney of Jciferenn, our friend of the Watehrnln will bn on the Info track, Rita modern Sleun Demooracy will not (feet-with wall rater at hislintele; but bow ha enn render a neartj And idgemmt support to the present national iiministratien" of Dhow, Douglas, titrfngfellow fit , while drawing his editorial impiriittion from the lertinil - of the glorious author of the Deelarnthin of ndepentioncs, is n mydery which we been for 1)11111U numbers of the Irate,' rasa to wilye Dot we know friend Hayti to ben good printer, an'enterprin. tog and industrials publisliv, and he 10(4 to be pretty honest politician-1111d we have no doubt tlint he will not only look at the portrait but be led by the principles of J elTerson.—Ln newsier Expreis. PEUOCHATIC WATCHKAN.—This itt the title of h new paper just starlet! In Bellefonta, by II Hays the first number of which waiters received. It in very neatly pithtell, well edited, and the beet - of it is, it in a sound Democratic paper, We vrisb It sue. (fens —Tyrone Dem. DE 110C/UTIC IVATCPII MAK is the titlef X new Denwierntiepaper recently started in Bellefonte. Pa. by Henry Hap!, Esq It is neatly executed and edited with spirit and nbtlity, It ilphound to suc ceed —./nevey Shore Nitre Letter. „ In cm! AP CORM NEW, CHEAP AND DESIRABLE GOODS The undernigiked ban just received anti opened At hie volt linovitt and await corner, a stock of well. mi;leeled and neoonoble godk. no follows . • FOR r.Aurls APPAITEL. Dress Mile. of %MIMI, It 11111 M. 1.11911/1 and. prior*, Corlurolo+, llowliaretts, Moor De haloes, Palo 11, 00 lkor o lo o i r , Shawls, Scat Is, ,te , AC . at ino.1,•rolo priers CI,OIIIB f'orukt of French, Arocrienp rummfoot lure, or all Luca and odor, „a 4 of a Le x tur o ufitift, t;AS: 4 I.IIiaIS, Foreign and iteivi 'tie —hu hoe it siverlt hrtiele coin prising - tho tattirriniteg Also VEST 'l3laL k Nntin. Flom/ Vvivnt. Ac. - • IrOSTVItY OF Al.l, INDS 11. ITS AND 1:A1', 4 ,* entente Soul's, Plain and Figuro:l Satin Stocko, end Finley llntelkerehiete 11(101'li AND 1 4 1110 ES, For I ittiliee. and Children Alen Emir-M APE (LnTIIINa ir m i l ., ..x;r \ t ! , E w s n i t, ,i or to e s r ui t:r ol s . l o o4l-ioua n f 7 l ,: l ? nit us , b.. ' !us of u urtumerei Come awl -- izaw n i :143 fur your- MEM VolTec, Pugar, Molasses, Ten. Clwn! stir. t 4 pices of no ,1 or g ood q uoit", sap. Ae . Ac. (21.'1.:INSIVAII. - }: A D cuTLEitr. O. every kiwi and Titriety, reletnett with much mire to tioit every demand 111 it neittlitvorbood liku murk. 11ARDWAItE, of nil kinds and descriptions, LeadJos ereg other article found in a plate I hope by strict uttontlon to business. hi:meaty in giving full itei_dit owl measure, and furnishing good and cheap artides to residua the patronage of the public, I rego•etfullyinvit.e all to ealy➢ine toy goods and judgo for theinsolt es . C finit, Corner of tho Diamond and Meghotly otreet, noy2B-t( itollefouttt.. (TALL AND SEE THE NEW GOODE!! N, W CORNER OF THE DIAMOND, BECONI) DOOll, BELLEFONTE, PA The undersigned would resnoctfully call the at tention of his old friends AIId the public generally to his new stank of FALL AND IVINTEIt (1001)14, loaclo lie has lately received His stock consiala in part an font.• LADIES DBMS (1Q1)11„1,, French Merino;Tiiilivn Twills, Cashmere', De Lanes, Moolonlr Lustre, Silks, _ n. A eLrl-anrtv -11110 a full assortment of such as are usually kept in a country stole 11113.80N51, TRIM M [NOS, kr. lie has on endless variety • .11001 . 8 AND 5110E8 A very large slack of the moot substantial kind, and at low prices and AND LAPP. ' For men and boys, and of every variety, very cheep ItEADY•MADE CLOTHINiI A very excellent seecittnerit. GROCERIES Always on hunt all kind of Groceries, at as low rives as can hd heel elsewhere. HARDWARE, QUICENSWARE, And in fact everything usually kept in a dove E - V' Purchasers ate respeetfuDy Dirtied to sail and P 4.43 the new Oasis Every attention will Le paid to render satisfaction to oustemont • nov2B . JOIIN R -AWL .„, • - - DENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, S. W. COB NER of the Diamond, Itelletonte, Centro Co , Pa —This large and conveniently located bowie tiering boon ecutpletely rcnnrtdled, repai I eel and lIIIPM/Mil is now opened for the imetitioniolnlion of the pitlalle The proprietor of thin mitotstioirtgetit espeatfugy informs las frientlx and the pablia that_ he lies aphroil neither pains nor expense, to render It a desirable retreat total *ho may favor trim with weall, as Isa is determined to du all in his power to promote their comfort awl Genrantonee IftetTable will always ho supplied with the beet that the othintry will atlhril The Butane are largo and well ventillated 'the l'ilabbnig committed with the ettiphliabgtest-br forge and excellent, and In obarge 01 oureful and experienced htiitlers lie also bat erected sheds for the use of carriages and buggies. titageo are arriving and departing daily. In abort nothing shall be neglected to give entire satisfaction to these'lavering bin) with a 1.41111. • B. I) novett Bellefonte, rOILIIEITAIIM,'CANDLE WICK, OUN IV Cape, Mot, Load, Pan Knives, eau pur chased cheap, of • nov2BPRUNER.• LLANCEQUILTS. - lIMANDLD varlgty., Jut, rooelnal and (or male by nov27 ir,V41411.• BEAM, ,HOMINI%, WOE, RitiOrn, liati•of all kinds, joltreueivod and for Mlle by not 27 PRIM KR,. rtio4ooo Or ALL UNDO, IMMO J. of fiiite brands) also, ibutr, n0.v27 WROUGHT SCRAP IRON WANTED by inor27l KEALBII.. COBIitOPOLII'IN LILTIABOOOLITIQN. smorm yaka. .- Artangernenta for the Second Annual Cooolion i t i, of this - new and pepufar Institution for the d eon of Literature and Art, harp boon made on 311305 t extenive scale- • Amongthe work. al featly engiged talk° farktmed f'tIENOA. citucinit," e . whiti, originally coat TEN THOUS ttNli b )L -1,A103, In forming the new cellootion; the dithirton of works of American An, and the encouragement of Amerioawgenitlic bare not boon overlooked. ,Com missions hare boon issuedlto many of the most dis tinguished Ateeriean Artiets, who will oontributo nano of their ducat, productions. Among them are three Marble limits, ocoeutod by the greatest living ecalptor—litnAm Pow anti t I.4EtilltiE IVAtiIIINGITON, The Father of his Country ; DiNJAhllft FItANKLINL, The, litilosopbori DANIEL WEBSTER, . . The Ellalegman. A. epealal agent has vltitod Europe and made careful end futliciatte 'Weeders of Foreign works of Art, both in Dronto and Marble, Statuary and Choice ,Paintinge. • The chute forming a large and valuable Collec tion of Paiotinge and Statuary, to be distributed rnerc onfong the memberiof the Association,for the ";ccopil 'Nor, TERMS Op hifiIifIIERSIIIP. The payment of Throe IThillins'eonstitutes any one a member of this A RPOaintilln. and entitles him to either one of the following Megatirien for one year, and -al;o it ticket in the titstribAlon of the Statuary nod Paintingn. - The Literature homed to subecriberseensiste of the .following Monthly Magatlnes: Putnnm'e, Knickerbocker, Illackwood's, 11 am's, tledey's Lady's Rook. and Household Worrdd s. Persons taking firer memberships nre entitled to tiny Are of the Magatines for one year; and to SIX TICKETS in.the distiibution. , The net proceeds derived Prom the mile of mem humid's, are det Mod to the purchase works of Art for the ensuing year. TILE ADVANTAGES SECITITEP; By becoming a member of this Association,are— -7rrfßAll persona RECRIVRIIIR FULT, VALUE Ue SUJIb AT THE START, in the lap° of sterling Magazine liiterattite. .2.1. Look Reuther is contributing towards pm:- chasing choice Work. 4 of Art; which are . to bb dis tributed among thefiteivii cc, and ore at the came thus encouraging tho Artists, disbetaing ilionsands of dollars through fix agency. Persons, in Irmittio.;fuhrl. for weitillernhip, will picnic girk their poit-ofhet ',dr/rect.', pill, elating the month they wlab the Magazine to commence, awl lance the...letter registered at the post-edam to fret nut loss, en the I ccelpt of which, a certificate of ineWiliFrzhip, together with the Magazine desired, .1611.110urivranled to any part of the oeuntry Those who purchase Magazines at Bookstores, will observe that by joining this Association, they nester the Iltitiprzt,,r and tire 7'triet mu the tin him( dittrihntit,,,, at the same price they now pay for thn Magazine atom , Beautifully illustrated CataleFuen gii fug full des etiptions, sent free on application Membership, iiddress C. L. DERBY, C, A. A. At either ofrielainelpal offices— "'Knickerbocker Magazine',' 011ice.3416 Broadway, New York; or, Western omen, 106 Water sheet, Sandusky, Ohio. not 17-0 t 1111,MME1313-PATENT A3II3,IIOTYPEB The highest Premium awanled Vase Franklin Institute at the late „lixhibition ' The ettliserilier, alter lug dial patient labor and xperlment s hi now etobled lu ofild to the pliblie new style or Ithituiee, far exceeding in beauty and durability anything el er before made These pio• tures ale not reversed, as Daguerreotype,' are, and may be atoll la any light They also powees the rare property of being - tAI lt AII " Being ilOrnlelti0:114 Huard between glnv it aairs which semin g is Immured by.Littieri l'Atott in the (Jnitot fitment, firunt lit leant artel Primula, JUNI prne eiini t IThitaielyhin by Mr Itoeft, Falb and Chest. nut o.reeta, and I ItVAIN, (141. T 1111,11114 = 121 J Alit }I tisreet, abort Sixth, PhiMA's, Tto+ great NU5171,04 I but a attained In the ',milli, lion of these IniLtore+ hint nl iniidaled the vtity, jun!. -unity and mining of certain ofneritor. who not 8,1113 defraint inathe by selling 1111.1.: ettilitterri lir, but who jlO IVO% I_ I 11110 lIIy trodr..mo 1 '• Aw brotyp( unifier their dlelinuortilile ends, and On. toe,'his franca MIS originated by My (' nninl; noel tuytelf'nal.tgnute uur (legible utimerited fordwrte, mut no (ether,' The.e fwfste,l , make a Meters Mt toworle gtaint and the Ilia - Stir, lseing innuediately in etniam t will, the furanre. in II short thee ei.tek, rind flier( Ire II trnTAt i mnik oiotleme.i ligatt.st iliefe ;11 - j - - trill y{, as they will surely br disappointi.(l to their pertionienty I will Igike itletianre isi 'hewing thorie who with lilt the two kinds of plc. lures, sisal they elm judge(or Ihniu.eli I have now 4,111)400i niv arrangement. for"tlie Troduction of DOI FACE PICT Ult ES, most BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, Theca pieturer every flue, rind giro entire suitiefuetton, and aro a curiosity an well MIA a portrait Thee .Itnbrotypen are pronounced 1,4 compelctit juliges to be the grandett ochierement rtn the Plitt t,graph to Art, having IL relief a n d alearlaNlll that la truly matoninhing The proprietor Itt ntoreoter, 0.0110e,1 by gieofly imprutuLL rietlrLiett, to'wprotinwq thestr Ambrotypoi 11 , 1111 tilt' Yel y tittttlie•t to, to Ult It LIFT: I ZI:•- 30 indo,4, IV jib nil the 'loth of ;gracile, aint Elie peruttuienej of the fiitestldote glinft,,th, loog nougltt,for.ets.l iu Photogrinpltin Itertroittire. STEItEt./l 4 (I01'.Eli moot Int peen to be appreriatetl, the relief 'bring fully n 4 ',Wert a life [ [Or'llexuerrettlypes copied into Anibrolypet, atni rendered eennitnent These [net sires offer no indlieetnent lo It n n wash• ing to send violet es to [ . ..melte, an they are pant against the nation of wait, , aeids, ulhnate or stilton [there, and uttLy.,[te ',mist for ittontlut with PLILIECT NAIA:11. Ile also em)tilluei G. Itink4 24.EZZOtt1tAPIN FROM LIVE A great improvement upon 1/111 Cr) ,w -eans, by which pieturen an, made altreet flew ' lile. insteadorropying . a I)aguerreetype its initial he denswith the Ceystalinty's! Imre. All Ill1 , e11,141(11i Plane tiwnipliers employ this 11 , r tnigr.ilnh a Ann shoal Ell the fittest etigr.in ling ,a I Tony . , 111'41. Ell detail Any limber froth in Win t ;ln• i; mien; Inn en 01111 it/ 1.1101.11111111 b niacin CIE EEler ruff°, I hvei, colored tn - arater or oil. Citizens and !tramtivqsre int ited lo . aaq at. tbs. .ttn7nllrifk - ainiso speerthaz tif both of tile alnoc branches of Art beforn (hay tinware pleturex where, as they aro assured of ttolite attention and Inperiorplature. t_as:/pstruedlops and ',gilts to practior In Troth the abov e procezzez, for elle to worthy opelratots. ItEll N, Photographer, - No. 12 Arab Otect, novrT•tf Philadelphia. JIMO DAM:TARE/1N GAT.T.T243,y, J.,j The blushing tlowere fade frtanoarth, Youth's beauties p.m away ;- But Barnhart'e pictures over bloom, Tti monk at Time's decay! This Qallery is now opened to tlm„puldic,Auttler tho control of . . • With facilities fur baguerfnutyping rarely equalled ur perhaps never serposrvi lathe country A exft, mellow roue, bruutifully.blenderi in light and shade; a perfect donne:filen of features and drapery, and the pleasing offset ingident to a judicious Orange. sent of the attitude, ate truly object, worthy of no small oonsidemtion. lake many other breeches of science, the most important requieltes can only be attained by years of practical experience and ulnae observation Of such we have had the :Vivant/4cm Thofle who have friends they fondly ohertell, should onneunbcr disma., may $l,Oll lay its withering hand upon them The vital spark of life, that to. lay imparts bright anticipations of the future, to. morrow may be waning &odd the last glowing em ber!' of mortality, Why not secure your pictures when It is hot expedient and econymtcal to do w ? Wo wish met to be under the neeearday of (rounder xinngg oaf image to asthma of death a Ver h e c . d Z u n if e au arier f i n u ti pr me rn I'3 Z perform this s,ul act In memory of the departed, but hereafter in so cAse will our charg e be less thou $lO, nor will the plutures of such asintve died of coutagoous diseases Ls. to.kon fur sny lnduoninont, whasnosr, PlasreSkisrtell Iq °swell of Almost pirery varleAy of she," shape or finish Also, GOLD and UM? LOCIL4TB kept ocmstantlynn bond. Inernotionegiron Lad , Apperstus furoishod on roasonshln tonne Erltoota,llrokorliolf's Row, ilocund door, folio pole, Pa. - - nov2f•U TO PRINURS AND PUBLISECEML PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY, N. W. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT /Brenta. L. PELOUZE • Still continues to manufacture all hinds of BOON, JOB and FANCY 'TYPE, of the beet guilt il y, And at LESS PRICES POE OAR!, thok any other Foundry in the Union. Ills long importance In the praotield part of the business, add In the mixing of metals, warrant hip in, his nsaeftion that the typo ,it haj, nu,nuyantnro, containing much copper, am aa. duyabje as the much talked of Copper - Face Typo. He NA on hand, and can supply at rely short no. tic°, A ss used in a Printing Oleo, such as Type, Presses, Rules, 00114)0110g Sticks, Drone and Wooden °alleys, ;Bodkins, Ley Brushes, Cases, Chases, Furniture, do. Old Typo takon In exehenge for now at specimen prices at nine cents per pound nov2 trAIIPIERVIIBI9IIOIIIrpiLt A16114E.—.4 NEW VOttleq-- .Xturing the huff, six months there have been leaned ofiLoaratt'n , Zia* AffINVILY MAOAZINR over ItIUII ] ( 111x1)• RED - AND FIFTY ni 3 OURAM) numlbors Publishers may safely-appeal to this face' as evi dence of the unparalleled and constantly inetestsleg encases with which thilr efforts to pnblisit n ;beep, Instructive; and enterlaining monthly have been at tended. They reney the expression of their thanks t theoblio for their constant confidence and nip. port and enpeclally to the Press for the subntautial aid it hen offered In melting their effitrte and publi cation known to the American People. It tam Nagel) , be neetowary to add the suanutanee, that the phut of conducting Iliofilagazinb, which boa proVed or, oreensful, will be tandinutui with Morena. ed assiduity and care The wants end finite •of the gram, pouts of the people Will centime to be emend- Jed ,; and no tither or expense will be spared to giro th em , try plumb, the. largest amount of the most interesting and instruetir e literary matter origionl and selected. In the best forni and at the cheap o pt price,, 14preini nod inerenned attention 0111 always be Kitten to the !tavern'twice of migioil illustrated article'', tirscriptirmer'lifiVillfin ilostien and hinlorionl ineldents. prepored by . rhe molt pep. ular writern, and romompeined by engratittga by the boat artists in the United *Men + 1 .44x 1 .• input or the Magazine tenewed efforlawill bo mai« to Immo° Its ability, it, utility, and Ito attracitivm none for general readers Though it has not yet completed the sixth year or lie oxintonoa, illlll`lllllle4o.llA7 INK hen a circulation greater, by many thousands, dour woo ever attained_ by any other sintiltu ptibliention ever leveled in any part of thy werktrlJ Is the determination of the Publisher/ tbai3t Anil continue to meritahisunper Whiled and still Itwrensing prosperit i tanii nun bar of the Magerine wll contain 144 0 ,3t.e0 page" in double columns, each year than empriding nearly two Mumma pages of th e choreal ittaeellatitebe Litoraturo hf the day F;iery Nuns. her will contain mint emus Picrtorial lit uat rations, tre. curate Platte of the Fashions:. copione Chronicle of Current Everitt', and Impartiathrotioes of the Im portant nooks of the Month. Tho Volume' Om. nonce with the Fumbr,n rorJunt; and Ibeeauera; but aubrariptions may 00111Illenefl with any number Tratro.—Thellingnzino may be obtained of Book sellern, Veriodient Agents, earner the Pubilshen at $3,00 a year, or 25 mita n number. The BCIIIII-111, nnl Volioneo, en completed, neatly Intend in Cloth, are sold at 12,00 each...and Munlin (overo ore fur nished to therm who wish tolinve their back numbent uniformity bound, at 25 Conte "each. )'coven Vol timen ore now reedy hound - 'llarperieNtory Boas' and ..liarpere fillignrine" will be sent to one Ad• &eon, fur one rm., 1;4.55,00 Th.4puhliefurswill rnpoy ppeelmom gentuiiensly to Agents nod l'unitruiStrrs. and. will mukr lib e ral arra ngt , inuntit wit It tha n for elretafatiug the Magazine They will n'sn •rtifiroti Clubs, of inn pursuits at $u Oil a year. or tr er en n o n s at 11}05Q,,7--, Clerglineri supplied ni r 2 00 a year. HARPER it 111101'11E1N Pubrisbers ATl'zirriON FARMERS , AND ALA ' , OTHERS INTERENTEIi ' r()R X .VE1,1,14:N! The ouolervigne , l reopeallolly htfursue the Farm• en and the toldh , getter.,ol . r 4 Contre awn/0411W. he 6 Writ' to intifteTnrin the ' 1611:4111 A\IICORN tine of the hest itaatt eons eniont, durehle, ithd AL the same time, the most ea%) running spellers et , r offered to the !midis. It win shell green and dry Corn. ei,nnlog the oohs crow VIM' to vod; and oepflo rating them horn Oho Corn. x i-Wto null col to run r wier than any (Alm Shel lrr in the 1:olttoi !tulip' or elaewhera, for the gaun• ti ty of Corn rheliled per day. it, it aonatetwated with two cranks, ao that two venom. Call tars it, and .hell (non 2011 fn Inoirl, per day. It can *IAA 1.0 ttftarhed to luuc ,ower r.,11 toil eve them before joirelooiez any tither, in 1 afn ta.it.un ;do udil La patialled *nitric • DANIEL DERR, Bellefonte lEMB ITH THE FIRST MONTH, (JAN. I" Alt Nll atlltat , ilh:a.t,) will uounnanca the Sixth 1 01[1111r or FARM" JOVIINAL, A Monthly Periodical of Tbilly.tyin °deli Pavia, dc, nnvl eveludit...ly to the beet infertile of the Partner, the hardener the Fruit Grower and Stook Breeder L'ef•A few batik Vollmer; handist6iltlx : likilllA;al" 11, ttt each- ' Among the elil t ieele treated lu the Journal will be comfit . . hooded' the following— The Vnitisation of the ' Mentwea end theii Applloation brieriptione of all new and improved 'dements of II wanted ry, deepened to facilitate and abrithie the labor of the Farm, Renter; tiers of all new fruits, Flow, re and Treem; Pruning and (Iron ing, I.:linen:wide of Partner, Rural Architecture 1 I%l:abet Itgports r Plowing, Sowing and 'Unveiling: Pratiling, tiraili and (imam; Et/potent Roots ae foil for Celtic; dardening, Live Stork. of eTarY dereription. breed.. modes of fattening, ke ; The Dairy; itelieos or Agricultural real llortieultural Books; iturnl 11 chit. , M enures /I tai Cite cuic and other rubjeete whlrh ere calculated to interest and morello the CUM for allow we are laboring Tho Edit, rid Department will than be by A M SP.1N 1 111,1•111. ti,: original pljtor and l'ruprietur of the jouinal, eels:eel by a number of eminent Agrienituridiete anal pritethil Farmers, making it ott the name time, a printery Object to keep the Journalclear from all solliateral• Interests, and sender it lo all re..., tr a reliable paper. f a t e wear 1141 L to Millnivtgikar, WharlAilarm.a 4101 Ld.ou.eaaaaaa JJJ JJ l llllibe editor at an Awriewelltetral pap v. he nee.. .testily iallintetoe ordwintlinti - lit jail - widen " '• Without the enuouragement of Agrienlifire. any I . ollloly, 11011 C, 0 r bleated' by nature, mud onettinua par" We vend etwebben nombent In all applicentibi gratin—and will anowet iitympUy all letter" of In quiry, ke . relating to metiers enotained In the Journal—net omitting crust tines that hare a Poet' etenip entilesed to pity for the imply goo !Perm: of :I!theerturpon :liner hie Joisradi aothits tAs reach of an, Single ear, • • $1.170 per anew , Neye ooknino, - • 400 6 , tren copies, ' • • 7.50 Twenty copies. - 14 00 CARR, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE Subscriptione roust begin with the Ist or 74L1 somber of the solutno which commences with yho your, and in esesyearia_tho Journal will bi stopped at•lhe expiration of the lime paid Lae, uulen the subseription is previously renewed. SAMUEL EMLEN A 00.,Pnbilehere, N. E. owner of &Sqab suaLl4arket *reels, - • Phlladelplass. To whom all ocronnunioatlons, whether editorial or business should be addressed. s nov 27 ippRIITIEJL'S CHEAP GROCERY STORE —Grateful for the patronage as liheenll7 be atoweil upon him by a gonemito commtmlty anti hopes by Oriel, attention to huelneas to &Inapt continua to merit the appwthation of an appreelatielli public, Ito inform! his fritinda,'euatimgorii, and the public generally; that he la prepared 'hi furnish_ them, at hie well known stand with every 'satiety of ItOGIMIEti that may he called tbr. Pomona wishing to etionotalas will please nail and select their linsmrioa of mo, as I am dotermined-to give Audis- . faction to all nov27 WILLIAM PlttlI4ER. rpft) THE LADLEIL—A SPLENDID t3onvetErt - T or cons" uodarolibereiMiserr Ildkte., Thread Lanes, snd Prints or tie beta Janis and eolsr; wokniated. Cali and erstalne•tho dilat ant varieties, it Iner27l KEALSII'I ZPKYR WO:ST 10.-11131 Bite find handsomest variety of oolois ever offered to the ladles. Also; Tapestry Worsted, ewes Porforotod Bowl, Frenoh Working Mann, Cotton Floes, Bilk Floss, and Linen Floss, at novil KRA1,131113. FAMILY FLOUR, oonstantly on hand and for sale by J'AS. F. WEAVER, rirnl DAPPLE, PELOHEB, MO" Li so., on hand awl kr male by ' JAH. F. WEAVER, - Mtlesbart 1 . 1 =OMB & &away the. vory loWest, prim, for as by. YAS. Y. MUM( • 14114,1210 --r cfeet2 TATANTEDLWOOLLEN RAI3B, . VW it Ntivi2l K 1 /441113
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