Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 02, 1856, Image 3
*Oral l'ilttitigtittf. Itamsean fdaraisio.—A fneoting'of the eltisene of Centre, Union, nuntingdegt ond•Dlair counties, woe held at Aareniburg, On' tke 28th tilt., for the purpose of deviling ladisillo g inin e r i eilo enret:im modem/sit and ou mtde , : the inistoooen itsisinn.pit;Oe Cr eak- ' : 15 dittendnnee woe unespeote ' dtfl ' ' venting tins industry 1 and the wealth otitis - , a mentioned—and the disposition thanifeatediSpaioated a oertain desire to render every aid to ,train 6 the §uoucts of this great improvement. The mooting wars called to girder by the appoint ment of (ion. Gdollon DuctlarraS, President On taking the chair, the President congratulated than , present, en the °heeling prospeot; dhleh encourage thin movetutent l ad waken* Which could not fall to bonefitygeWhqj tittitigt *lash it into pass —and the 1111'6bl - est men in the . thooting wits named* Interested in Its success, as the largest stookholder• lie said it was a public entorPriso, -and was glad thus to one the people turn out in Its support. . lion John Hasson, Thomas Malta, Win. Burch field, Dr. Ches. Coburn, Jet Johnston, Col. 1141101, Col John Rishol, Adam Winklebleitii, Miohnel (lepliert, Uuury Fidler, John' Wilt, genteel 'Haupt, John Young and Adam Shafer, Veto unanhnotisly ' appointed Vico Presidents ' . J. P. Coburn, toiirlthe'ril - Rpigerftleyet, tided as Secretaries. „ After tho organization of tho mooting, tho Prooi 'dont road an Wrenn, whioh out oorroapondont ed fa mead sui. . . S. E Millar, Esq., of Lewisburg, was then lendl y railed *rr,•sind addrmod tho 'meeting In an able and forolblo manner . Ho aloofly provod the utilfty of die road, and detuonstralgd the great hematite -which It would confer upon all oonoerned. To the poqile of the valleys, its worth would be inoalula ble. Ile also, urged the spoody bullillng of the Ty -roe° Spruoo Creel[ ltadoad i.e neither would interfere with the other; and oloarty showed, by comparing distances, that this road would •be the attlete4i: botwoen the Atltuttla . elites and the li root Woo t The amount of stank taken along, the routs WM then cattail fur and ieportsql as follow'. Lewisburg, PS,OOQ; Miftlinburg, s4o46o,s3asis tieton, 820,000 ;' Anitimbne , Millhoiin, .2241,000; Spring moti, tio,oA ; Ohl 'Fort, $20,000 ; $30;006, Pine tirove, $1(,000; Milos Township, $3,000; Franklin Township, Huntingdon County, $lB 7 llOOl Rollidnyal4(091,000; and Town. ships not ropies,ntid, 315,000 Milking a total of $310,009. — "The following committees were 'then appointed to make a prorate distribution among the counties • interestod of the whole arnzunt required along tko • line : Messrs. Prick and Halfpenny of Union; lion lleo Huai of Centre, and Messrs. Ilatlitt ago] John, son of Huntingdon coqnties. Win. C. punoan, John ilosterman, Peter Wilson, Jllllll4 Dunlap, Dr. Win. J Wllwd. 1611,7 Keller and Samuel Frank, to makaa parrata distribution among thelownitile In Contra county z Samuel lirsupt, Join; P. Wilson, Sata ° l Confine% Jam, Youpg, John Oast, Daniel / Ban/ler, Janice Moore,l3alutte,l Barber mad Dt atitWateon to make a similar distribution amoagilie townships in Union • county. The repent of the tuyentittee appointed to Amur- , lieu the wirole amount is as fellows: Union cuuntyoll2s,ooo ; Centre, 5770.000 ; Than- Gorton:l4sPb ; 950;000 ;caking $500,000, 'the amonurequired. Subscribed, 1;310,000 Leas ing 15191i..0013 to .be r.tised,whielf has-been appor: Gond( by Gm committee before named to the re !retire townshipe inseach county On motion, the respective soliciting eommittees in the different countineand townships along the line are required to report their success to the executive ecnornitteeoa or before the 13th of February next. On nudiets, George F. ;filler, Esq., of Lewisburg, wu appointed nue of tWe - truentive pmmittee 1* place of David hunean, deed. On mottos, a vote of thaults was returned by the meeting to the Methodist Congregation of Aarons burg for the use of their church On median, the moctiftg adjourned to Mort again t tthe call of the executive committee. THE DENi)CRAt 1 IN Mono, cren ingtakf,, a respectable and. enthusiastic meeting of tb beinooestio citizens of Furguson township, was held in Nriaver's School Ifouse On motion of G McCormick, Honey Kreps all called to the chair; John Writer a. is appointed ...Vise President, and William iturchfleid, Pelmets- The , ohjeat of -the =whim being stated by tbA, President, June* II Rankin, of Delisf , mte, thou addreased the crowd , urging thew as Delmont:a, tostsndline infdefsnue of their prinsipite, and to organise; sou to be vreptred for the approac.tlng itate and national eohtuala 110 was tolloirwl by Col (1. Kurtr, of 'he 111,- iektir and ?fele Forney of (ho If re, man, both of whom newoutled, tho efforts Or those present, In their efforts to. redeem Centre county from the mis rule of Know•Noth , l- °•m The following i ird resolutions were then offered and unanimously adopted . Whfrose . Tho present position of political parties to such, that it bele ores all truutlition Republicans, to units in a common effort for the prenorvalion of the. Constitution, and the sustaining of the lawn. elitd Wilier-ea. . Thu Detilocratla pirty, in all its attwasith, i rwgariloil to the o yly iwgwrionriti dovo tad Is) '`equal mid Limit justly• to oil'' litriefore, -- friit6listrf, Thai wo cid pleirgiiThiblilvell, as Ilion, to organize in sustaining true Duniocrcticprinelplrs —and that we will use every bigo t tub e ff or t t o re store old Centre to her onro honorable position among her slater Demooratic etiolatee of the Huron; that from to-night we repot% e to ptodi forward et cry . principle whin'', our crawl inpulcater • ilisso/visrl, That the bolter to curry tilt the abject of this mooting, It is noceasnry to hove a reliable central Dwaseeratic orgml—and molt nu organ we find lu the Democratic Ira fel, 141111 We i•litterfub ITrecommend as sound van orthodox, and ask nor entoorisio friends to join In giving it-a liberal cup. port. Resolved, That we rciumnine In the Dentarreffir BericAusr, the staunch and unwaveri ligll enoan sup porter of Delsocrauy , worthy both of the eolith:ace and support of the party. • The President then read the renewing letter from 11. ifi k is, Esq , um of thb editors ante Notch wan • OIVICE OP Ter. DE V OCR ;tie D'Aveittrtti; Dellefonto, Dee 211th 1854.' To Ma Democracy of Pregame', in In n du/q' iiilturrnstasu—A great itinount of innli nemvents lley ausworiug your kited invitation to late Voor tobetlng. You will hey.e,'hoerever, my "beet relit* ° for Seacese--end when the proper line arrives I will be happy, to meat you and She friends of Deutoorney. I guar - to Contra county with tho ohloot of making It, my home, and have plankod mynolf horn with all i l itM I hoping that I may grow in the conli. good will of the people ba determined devotion to the prineiplos of mate De tocitect , and Ito advocate of sunlit morality . I NOT iin ley plaZti i t my friend. mei satoelatc, Mr. Varney, who will do iellkO WU, value he advoestoo - Uteri) me gentlemen, Xptir true Mond, IfF:NRY 'JAYS, Anne Litt...reeding of thin letter, J H. M'Cormiuk wu COMX MT, and addressed the meeting in an vont noeterlyinyle • The meeting then alijournoti Aitateitres.-+l(r, Tbinum J: Taylor le now =Or onagally *painting in Cinidnvillo, and making Ana blatypea, Or picture' on ti , nee, which command the wl haltlitios of all. Mr T. locating in Belle. Atte la a short time. shall give a more et. tended notion or pictures in a future number. line DikoeiLATIC Waieltll4N.—Title le the LW* it;l 3 NW hoe i r y let stunt ti o t fi lLo t tl n e u fl a tt r cl i e=t; buggies-111i appearanee, and the editofiala to ol eof ab Ilty and toot IV° wish theadl• .., 1 ' I to the enterprnm, and treat that the uslitopreioy of Centre county will fool it to bu tiller l itt t o ld 10,21=41nm> true an organ of the party, u the WWI pronstace to be,to the lamest of thei r &bul ky. . Galena to Mr.- Maya the right hand of rViowabip, Lad welcome him us a enlaloner in the ltlorMeM solfle of the peoplo.—Nerrinown Watch.. NUM 3i r nikikaitakomequalnted with Mr. Hays, whb wail bout sithetini • new old line Domooratio paper to be called the Droovratio /fair/man. Ito appears lobe 99 IMlngetia man, and having a strong faith in Demooraol, wUl,'we hope, make old Centre :e -dam Itself. A PowerAd Appeal is Darteciigtii:4 Saline At a late , woes theeting held in Saline countYt,kliMium4' 4ll 4 IL Ilempstead, delivered an--ablo speech tigaltist Ittulw- Nethingisin, which Concludes with tholollqyr in* powarN•appeal to Democrats to adhere KC their 'time-honored .principles and, organ ization ; • "And what reason is there-1,0 leave the Democratic party 7 It is now+ the only one that Can pretend to a national organization ? On the question of slavery, of so much in terest to, the South, we have somethimg.more than prefeEision—we have practice consiStent with profession. The Kansas-Nebraska bill faithfully carries out the greeprinciple on which the bemocracy in its platforms have stood, and on which the South must stand in defence of its constitutional right& " The principle is'.fion-intorvention as ,tri tbt'very in the States and Territories—the entire exclusion of • that exciting questioV front the halls oy the National Legislature— the right of the people Of the Territories to come into the Union, with or without Slavery, as i they shall deem most expedient for their npwnterests—in a word, the right to estab liskituelt-Government, ReptibliCith in it tea tutei{, an shall seeni to them fit for. their wants. On these doctrines the National Democracy of the South and the North can .and will stand, preserve this our glorious Union, tend maintain its. Constitution Who heat inheritance Whith can be left to future getietqtions. KnOvir.Nothingism cannot do it, for Mots alredtlly weakened the bonds of society and or g ovornioontLyo uir kod its local triumphs by trampling on the•purity of the ballot-box—disregarding the rights of others —introducing, as b Louisville, riots and bloodshed —the murder of men, women, and children as s ubstitutes for peaceable and or , derly conduct In elections: Afraid to, -trust to honor, they bind each other by horrid oaths ; but as an illegal oath is not obligatory in the sight of Cud ,or man, and vglitTto lie renonneed without scruple or fie‘ittatinviet them cast oil the self•unposedi-yeke while they may, and give if they - will, a fail., open, and manly contest. ' " line inviting are the principlewilf our party? They are,'in short, eiiiialnind exact mto all men, of whatever - Btates per , religious or politi9r: the right of States and Territories to - administer their own domestic affairewithout question from any quarter ; freedonritsTismality—the sov ereignty of the people and the right of the majority to rule (t;lien their will is constitu tionally explytised : freedom of religion and freedom otthe press ; opposition to all secret pelitical organizations : the pre‘rvation of naturalization lau s ; a sacred preservation of the Federal Constitution, and no religious test for office ; respect and protection for the rights of all., This is, in short, the Detno critic creed, and ix it not flt to be embraced ? Is there anything in low-Nothingism or Na tive-A.Mericrannim, or alny other ism - that can compare with it "Our cause is just—our mission a noble one. The protection of human rights, the protection 9f Constitutional privileges, and resistance to policy that Would weaken, and, if suet:woefully carried out, virtually destroy, that Constitution. are surely 'traducements enough for every Dqmocrat to rally under that good old . ..Denweratic flag, emblemati cal of of a thousand triumphs of republican principles and of' law and order, and to de mand from him,- in' this emergency activity and vigilence, patriotism andlirtnness, against a party the most dangerous of any that ever sidling up in America." TimAiNiccimnocicaa for January is, if possible, more complete 'than any of the prOceding minibus. The einitribtillois aie of that high order whiett-hare' given it •Hominerit rank among the-popular maga zines of the ciy. and the edttortttablo over flows with wit, sentiment and poetry. No library is complete without the Knlcker bocker. COAL Tpux UP 1855.—The shipments of anthilacite coal from the PenbsylTania mines for the year ending December Ist, are esti mated at 4,562,000 tona l being on increase of 700,000 tons over the previous year. The iirgYegtte - valUe icabmit, tWelic millions of dollars. 11:7 - Mr. Appleton, the Amorietn2s . ecrefarx of Legation at London, has, in; s coneequtnee of present Iniainesi matters, iehigned. This will probably prolong the slay of Mr. Bu z chanan, sliouhl not a new , Minitr and Secretary he promptly appointed. rjr-The South Carolina Senate has passed a bill repealing the usnary laws, NAB,EXED. On the Ist inet,, by the Rev. Mr, Daugherty, Mr. IJAytior MI Ells, a Spring township, to Miss Macs It MAY/1. DIED IVY, Saturday- cernintr, !Yrs. TA of Consumption, Ai.i r St .I.IAT 11 51141_4114 041 Daughter r Mr IVELt% 7,r0 AHD, olooiden tow.hip, anti ilaugh: ter of Mr Abbrs'strr.N, or IS'ltallington Furnace, Centro Co aged about thrayears. - A TTENTION! IiA.RKEIIiEN I A 1411001'ING MATCH will be Mehl at ZION. Walker Township, Centre d^- of Ja ef;:r"anll67lTlllNl " T 41 1% XA TNT EVE It WXT vulatal at Eighty Dollars. I r Marksmon front all quarters'are tospoetfullt invited to attend. jak2-3t EPII.IIAIM EIiDLEY. inkrietder copy j • TWENTY DOLL/tint REWARD Ht rayedfrom the fityinof the aubsoribor, do. ring lent MI, seven' head acetic: gnaapatiof work• ing oxen, about•ohdit years old, whits and red ipote ted ; one red Mpftferr, red and white bao% and white fano ; ono Infinite lieiffer; one spotted den Steer ; line red Shier eith a white head and a alit In his left ear , one blown Hirer, ono red Stoor—all two yowls old, a exception of tiro working oxen. Tho above revuolt will be paid for any in'. .. retipoeting the same, no that L oan got thorn, or a proportionable reward for the information of any of the graying M. IC EPLEIt Jan 2;k. Pine Grove Mills, 11a. ATENT AIIiBROTYPEt3. ' The subsoriber now offers td t 10 public n pew style of pictures far superior to the Daguerreotype, Orystallotype or Talbotypo. They' aro termed A MBROTy pics. The precept for whieb IA patented In rho United fitatoq.. &heat grit , sin apd France, ',flies° pictures art:o4lo7od . to b b y s the post beautiful and truthful ever '2 igot the Photographic art ; are not reversed er. reotypen and may.. be soon in any ligght, ay alst i k l tessess the rare property of being PER-1,1811- Ai T' The exceeding Ammons, depth of ligtht and shade, and riehtienh of tone, is vastly superior to all dthers—they aro Without the glare of Daguerrev typetr-.-they will last for ages unchanged Put up no 101 to chow two sides, and beautifully tolosed—/.this kind of picture—for novelty and ex ceeding WWI, Is for above all !tubers by any pre.. eons wbattleever. Theee,lAkitgres are taken ON in.,ATg GLASS, sind heypedo i ttly Analed, They offer aninducement to timed w ng to send pictures to any foreign coon try; art they to proof aguinet the action of water, acids, climate, or atnionpbere, and may be laid in water for nitinthe whit Po rfoet safety, The eubsoiiber hating control of the patent for Centre county, end having received instructions in the AXISILICAX CIALIAItY on 1 1 110T012811.11T, 126 Ark liltrpoO,Philedelphia, is now prepared at his flattery hi UOl4dyttio, Centre Co , to take AIMBRO. TYPES. Boum of sitting from 10 o'clock A. M. to 4P. M. Ito' public, are Invited to call and judge for thomoellol. N. B —Any pert? or , preens infringing on the above patent to 04 0. 0 P OPOnty, will be dealt with according to la* in O la b R. J. TAYLOR, Agent, tf - And Photogsapher. usintss'scar . ' PRODUCE AND PROVISION KARIM,' • Reportedfor the Watchman by W. J. Kealsh BEVLETONTS, January-1, 1856,-- ' The market for flo'dr and wheat foi the put week has been FLOrm la worth 89a11.80• po'r bbl. WHEAT from 111.2541.871 per bus. ais to quality. RTE,,fuli weight, 871 per butt. -- -Coon, raniettiom 55 to 621 ots. , OATH lICHnIo at 88050 por bushel. 'tummy pOr buth. &los 180 per dos. ' Imam, 12 o perlb. TALLOW, 121'per lb. ~ P oinu Ohls:yrieeobt Ne*tirk auitfillidelpTit unchanged; .with a large Increase of tho teoelpts, 'll3 a)* gote Attu tor, PENNSYLVANIA BANKS CORRECTED AND REVISED EVERY WEEK L . V`On all Banki marked 'thus [al there are other counterfeit's or altered notes of various denoroloa , floes In eiroulallit. WTho notea d\ all Danko on which wo ohdt quotation • and subelktuto a duh,.[—] lug rejected by tie brokemarl'hlladalkdala. rxrNamo. , ffraudulenqanks, as well as those that hey: no out of oxlqetoo,' aro omitted BANKS INPAILADBLIWIA. atyi DISCOUXTI- Bank of Comm:p , lain Ilitopitiaaning - par Bank of North A n,* _ • • t - • . par Bank of Niefilitrn Libertine,*- par rtnitk of.ronnaylvaia* - - P • J • par Bank of Penn Township,‘ - • • • par lluk of the Unitedfitates, Odninronital Bank of Penn,* City Bunk, - - Conaolidatitin Bank, • - Fanners' 'and Moebanjo' (limn' Bank,* - • - • Kensington Bank,*- Manufaelarara' and Much Mechanics Bank,* - Mayainenslng flank, now Philadelphia Bank,* - Schuylkill Bank,* - - Southwark Bank,* a ••`. Tradestorins' Bank,* Western Bank,* MEE par par par ankle Barka: - par Bank ComOrtta,* par par pnr ar i..mavv4lll ~ pd e C Y BANKS. COUNTR I= Allentoltn, Allentown itgnk Tamamns, Danville,, _ Chintbersbnig, liclaysburg, Pittsburg, Wast flbaster, Chester, IrA=MlfM !bulk of Danvillo* Assak of Chiunbersburg* Bank of Ciettriburge - Bank of Pittsburg* - - Bank - tif Chester lin * Bank of DolArrare Co - Bank or 4; e m moro% 0 - flank of Miallerown* - Bank of Montfunnary Bank of Nov Castle - - Wk. of Northumberland* CarliAlo Deposit Dank • - - Cf . u.poratioti of Pit tabors Pity of .111eglieny* - - County or A I I egh - ll:mph/1i Deposit Bank* Doylestown Bank* - - Easton Bunk* • - - - liorrnantown, NI, Iletowi, Norristown, New Castle, Northurnborrd Cnrlidq Pittsburg.. Allegheny City Int arrishurg, Dnylestorm, Easton, Pittsburg, - . Erie, Erin, Easton, =MEM Erie 11 Lnk• P== Formers' h Irk - Flu niers' kof Schuyl kill County*. - - Fanners' h. D ro% e A ' Ilk , Franklin Bank - - I rayon Wu) Washington, BridoL_NiT_ Letnimikr, liarriebarg, Tionesta's, /Amore. Ilk of Buckt_Co. Fenian' 'flank of Lan etuiteri - • Farmers Ilk of Readitie Harrisharg Batik* - Amok* • • - Lftuea ter Lamar het Connty Bunk• Lebanon Bunk• - • • bebuivilt. ll.n:•n, tinburg, Loy l~ 11, 1111111, Maw.h Chunk Bunk Mochunies' Bunk - ;Mechanics' k Mann Ilk Mitten!' Ilk of Pottftville ; Monongahela Hank of - • - Office of Ilk Pennsylvania lio • cif) do GE= 11rol its% illy, !Incas er Ruatling, k:astOn ---du Warren. County Hank Weal Branch Bank Wyoming Hank* • WArren, Will!ainspnrt, Wilke,tharre, York Danko" York Sa ling.' Bank York Ciunti Bank Relief Notell, raggvd, 110 good • • Towanda Relief hall no ealo in NEW COUNTERFEITS Trenton Banking Company, Trenton, N J. 'U's altered from 2'.. Vignittte, temild kith a buket in her hand.. Centiaißank, Frederick, Md. s's spurious. Vignette, Female, shield, &e. Mercantile Bank, Hartford, Conn. B's spti- VignetasOteaper repoging,_ Mechanic's Bind Wdlocunsburg N. Y. 10'5 ;Herod from l'e Vignette, Sailor steering a ship Judson Bank, Ogdensburg, ,Llr. Y. fis;lo'q. and 20's altered from 2'a Vignette, a boy feed• log a horse. Roehester•Csty Beira Rochester, N. . Ithltlrrdltetted fro' Vigneite, a fonanlpm. alining, Hudson River Bank, Hudson ? N. Y. letter 1.1, varlottely fllltartrp. - Engraving mis erable Easton Bank, Easton, Pa. -I's spurious.— Vignette, Locomotive and train of ones. On right ends_ reaper asleep, aunipp left a female crowned with ' Dated SopteMbor 20th, 1856 2's spurious Vignette, an Indian Milding a bow, and looking at an approaching train of earn. On right end a deer,and on left a female holding a knoll In her righthand. Diced Sept: 20, 1865. s's sputions. Vigfatto, %On ploughing - with a yoke of own. the eel& , htrUi of Wasbington; ' and on left, denilenituiticm. Sepletnbor 20th, 1865. Boston Bank Boston, Maxi, s's spurious. Vignette, an eagle with wings atissusled. On right end.,arr Indlah female, and on left, denotui. nation. Dated July 20th, 1855."' • • City Barth, Hartford, Conn. 3's spunouei Vignette, oattle, On right end, female feeding at, eagle. Pariners' Bank of Kentitcky, 'Franfort, Ky. 10's, letter A, , Vartooply ailed op. Inspkroodou 'heavy and dark Mechanics' Bank, Philadelphia; Penna. Ws, letter It and C, variously Oiled up. Tho general appearance good, though the impression father pale. The mods Mons on astir side of the rig tint° hate too unriN white in them. Tha... B liPor PMtions of the lyre '6 thi, genuine, are shaded alike, but in the counterfeit they are different— The words "The" and "Dank'. in'ilos title, from the mannor In which they ere shaded, appear * to be blurod. flignaturett pow'. Iron Bank, Ironton, Ohto. 10's, letter B, variously flWd nyin one hand writing The en graving 'of the eyes of the °gum in the vignette, blurred. IYrVIITHBTANDOG THE : N flro in Look Maven, El A. GIBBON still non tinues to send hundreds of donate worth of ble beau tifol finished Marble through alt parte of ()entre county. A• troll:nee wee exhibitotl et. the Centre County - Fait. del -If [ITANTED Iji U CHMGE VT NOR DRY (ioB,.#!pperici, 'rugs; Boots, Shoes, Clothier', ie., . • .6000 lbs !toll flutter. 5000 " Lard. 1000 " Tallow. • 1000 Lo;, Eggs. 1000 ballets Cloyersellst d ' I or which the highest notrliet..gftle will bo paid In eidhungo for Dry Ooods. Clovorsood will bin purchased i li 4 ;o4itr at the etoro of th 6 subscriber, JAM? . 71131LItit, - doe26 _ Centreville. THE PEOPLE'S STORE! ''' JACR tiONVILLE, PA. WM. ALLISON, Jr., would ituipepttolly thank thepublic for the very liberal patronage lieretpline abferred upon him, by doing a gar and honitrable bucidoes, hoped to merit Pa oengulleme. I hero funt.roiurne4 fano. Philttdolphib y d oplued for in speetion,a very_ large aimed meet ce,HEA D Y-14 AI)E CLOTHING, BOOTH,,HIIRES, HATS, CAPS, Hosivry, Umbrellas, Celia Ittga,Voollen and Cot „thglaga/Ahatii,,Li ravels Col Wad. etUtlii tie; HARDWAHX, (11-MrAl u ll " ?, GHOCE ' IIIES, In short erely idling initially kept in a country extra Le The highest price paid for all klbda of Pro duce in exehange for gouda. WM. ALLISON, Jr., Jiteldenvide. , Also, AItTHUH'S 161:114SCALJ,Nti FRUIT CANS at inauuttiols4's priein All ntereholter in Cent" o county wilt be impplioaby sontlil ' e. their be dent Ihtough the mail. • ' _ tlee2o-firntr• )1121011 Arra, & ALL OTA ERB 1. who are engs7ed in the stile of DEMI 01: INS, anti all description of YUllifri. The subscriber beitig extensivtly engsged In the ' nutiiNEss, invites all who ha‘o pupil nrtlnins to dispose of to give him a call. ',axe the highest. tuhrkot price in cash- It would ho well for our hunter' tn,yemem her that 1 pay them °sell e them Thelitil 'rhino pf Acirklart they .I:ave t idispo.. All ooroduniestiouff promptl4 attended to, by (I, 'AL itEPLlilt, dec26 Pine Grove ESTATE OF JOHN RUPERT, DEC'D, Whereas, Letters of Administration on the estate of John itupert, deo',l, Int* 0- Liberty town ship, Centro County, line° Loon grunted to the un dersigned, all persows Icnoertng deummlves indoliteit to the B,Lpiestate, w in please bloke tinniedinto and those having charm, again,' the estuVe will present them prOpOrly Illithtt lent for sett], taunt to tilfOß E 110 Y, .fr 1t05.26-'55-11tet Administrator - (shred - par par APPLICATION FOR LICENSE.-TO 471.. the Honorable the 'lndices,the Cun of Centre tho Court 01 Quarter - eleashrne in rind for i 'rho petition of mAirTIN HT NE, "Poeltu ll Y re promento • ' That liotiippllee fors been to flair eplritnine, vi nous, 'pop, and other liquonl, at More In the pc ilellefente, according to prerrisiona 64 , iti7t4 of •Aaseinbly, oppreatil tb 4th of April, 1856, etitifled "An net to restfain tholonle of ihtnxi testing linuors " 1 dee2o-7 , 6- 36 MARTNB STONE APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. -TO the lionorahlo the Jodgea; of the C.O. of Quarter Snatione in and for the comity of yentre 'rho petition of II E N Illi • 131t00:11MR Ili or P. r,.. IZE=I 1113/1 speetfully represents. That he applies for a License to qell spiritoss, mum, malt and other liquors at is store in thi bnenugh of Bellefonte, Recording to . the u ns 01 the act of Assembly, npprol .14th .uf - A pril, 1855, entitled "An ant to restrain dr; of BROCKEIRIIIa P' par par par SAINT LAWRENCE HOEL; - CHESTNUT :111tE1T, This new Hotel in, located m C bt ion et v he twiwn Tenth and Eleventh, rnno to 1/eorg,, • street, an entire square, with and ac commodations for 151) peelons denSlf V M 8 CA:tilling., Ph/motor miutsßußG MARBLE WORKS. - A PARTERAGE, SCULPTOR, informs the public [flat hu is prepared to do ell ktaolls of Marble work at the 11110 r tel . MOB and ou thon lo 4 routonalde term , Moro no 110 fasar him w ith their ordure entry not n...mrud th st all ' , mit from his e q. lAbliqhmeill will Im (Imp' llt the bast stylo of wori,- 1 manship. Ltkent.v.en alil b.• ozoante , l . lll.o.ttue O. in bust, as larKo on alto. call, in maibl, or plse6r. Likenesses \VII I he cart 11E1 On Wm.., eta, Tomb Stollol , , AO, 110111 ilstalmrrean likatiesst , i, also a htilliunl dirouvely uL ---.04' lava, uu Monuments, TenniutAitisal, P r i;uy inovery variety 0( elder Th. ftwit put in 14 . 260 glugrotni heat, nursatited 14,A.M1111 oily kind of weather Aa lam the in% entor of lhit nark, it ear,' not he ptifltintied in any nth , r eshilllidrinent in Pelinnylyarria than at I'dileiibuix There are ninny orders finished el this brilliant lettering, perinirit r call and examine for tlien.•l%. 4 /104 1,1• r satisfied that 11'14 010 gieareot preen of ineoliarrical iti t that WWI Pier pliniell in o eeineleii, 011 111.11111- ' t went or tomb shiner, and who h will be n fit - menial to the no !limy of o 110 p inert friend Any gentleman 111 SI r 141121 Or 101, tug rr marble bull •r r will warrant a !limit portoot likene , l as large tin Me There will I.e nn ei.o rip it not n iierhiet piece of T 1,,, operation of the Se irk 14, Ist Thu 11,,liciii•1 liu t 4,401112, i hissyyation in cloy, 21 A riot of pLuiter, yaris •I, Thee 111 ITIII la, A mask van he taken titter death of any person., _that a perfect likeners can be tart any nail, time Lodi, s tool gentlemen ile•trottel ol peatoirolg a good pilau...if morblo mark hod better send their or ders to Mileaborg r, pr. good n tit, f hair no mev skill to send to Philadelphia tt bring lambs and figures. I can make them lupe It I will challenge any pets tn tit this eeiglweitlitiod, to execute 11 better pie u,f 4,1). - •ntriirti true I corp r,,, $lOO. Vol whet the marbly Hilo, Nothiag at Jests Haven cannot remelt Pientitims at It,, Centre (knnotty Fair for Maritie work. Milt shunt, $:1011, Lock II wen *20,1 11 the judges bad been airs lif the hi trifle 111111111ePi, Lock Haven would have Levu rand iielllilig As the countsj has been flooded Mill on Wert& &Mick bypm-ems peddling them round, consecotot fr thew who ars mot Judges df nalpture and an graving have been irttpo , ed apall. I therefore desire persons who wish ,tp. procure durable work to call and ezatnine, inyiaterkmartship„ and satisfy them selves will not prove un eye/tore in after tines - Thankful for past lavers, I hope by stria atten tion to intolnest and nroderiolltn 111 etotigi a, to eon thine tii receive ll liberal Palma ;go. _korions dtwitous oLurty. other style of work, I would highly rceminmenda Mr Sunderland at Lew. islowtheri I -hare-beef timer year, +6 all the fine art of marble work, be is eta ecthed one of the best judges. I will hind injself 1.1 furnish every deseription of work 25 per cent bettor Mai eheaper than Leek haven A PARTYAIA4/13 rietilpter. dec2ll , lit 111 ',burg TO. - PRIRTEBB.- -- AR. - - A fount of Isoftpareel, nearly new, of Johnston's scotch Sure. l'' A fount of lireveer, second hoed A imitate,: of diujimfotiVii !TAP bin for - cards and advertisernahri. p Two largo imposing titimelf t• A Milano. of Dross 011111irli, Uorn• posing sticks, Caeca, Stands, (!olunitt rul Bram Dashes, one pair or double itiodlum Clu ' Cuts, ..t ., and a variety of articles genet ally used 011 n tiouble =Mom newspaper For farther fihfornitit in en quire of the editors of thie paialt or ut ROBF.II.I' F CHRISTY, - Pitsviater artist, above eighth. Jan 2.—tt . PIIIIAIW.1•111A --- ----. ' lif ERP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, ALM. - that the beautiful Marble W'S'Ar, manufac tured by 8 A. I.IIIISON, of beak Haven, drew the highest premium awatded at the Centro County Fair,deoll-lf ra ' 4 ' I. OPMERIES,— • - _• such . Tea, Poles , Sugnr, Cheese, Mobuisen, het flood articles On hand sod for sato by JAM F WEAVER, deoll Illiilesburg mall7tOM I lib - ;-- -------- C I: A large. aaagyttne nt of we' ' hotel 'MI Sheekitiat *mired and doolihtf HA.RDiriatk- A tarp variety. for siiti4 cieelg 4ne. '• • QIIGAR, 00117231, .IMA, Arditegß' Chocolate, s p keei of "al kindn, Salk' i e puh, Vinegar. Apples, ko.. A d and iresitt for Bale by Diev27l " Afre WHO - HAVE HUM wsnING do wt, Ilk, them to to K44,p oupnrior STEEL ICE add,}llf,K. oleo are Just the thing fOTAIOna< . 4 " 0,14 . eoi T 0 000. A • 1311 ALL QtriaTiTy of t fsvoilte Tobaooo, which rat so pdgulsr among the chewers Wt whiter. Call lrnspadlataly and supply yourself, at , • KEA7.BIPB ti ntea.--AN ENDLESS FOGY, C wholesale end retail. obeimaile Ow °MAP* est, always on hand and Or &oink" nov2B Iti7Roireirr EMU? raoir AirtED VV . 1 0 04 7 .1 ' OOK?ID JOB Ir OFBICB. xhoblisher of 'NC DEMOCNATIC•WATCM MAN his, in connection with his Newspaper &tab- I haltniept o thp.most.exteneivit and oomplete JAI) PHEITING OFFICE', To be found lta'antral Pennsylvania, colnpoled en tirely of 1111AeF,ItrALs, And the latbst and'rnost. fashionable ‘ . llyle of Plain all Fancy Type, prepared Iv execute all kinds of 1300 K ANIPPANQY 3011 PRINTTN(I, In tho v()@' neatest style; and at thu ihortuet notice --such as , II AND inns, ornctrruth, ' POSTBItS, DILL !HEADS, .. 110118 E BILLS, PALL TICKET:3, AUCTION E1T,1,9, eAKDS, PAI4IPIILETS, nEoErr'rs, BOOKS, CIIECKIi, SHOW BILI,Ft, BLANKS, PROGRAMMICS, • Ac , he.; he. , (Ar(IOT44,HILVDIt end 111tONZE PRINTIII(4, executml in the linndlenu t rkiir. Lir' 14 lIP Tlf Ci IN C ,In ato InostlHeatt 7 tlfnl enhllnished 0 Satisfaction gttarautood in rvird to neat efienpnesA and punctuality in thu fulfilment of al: onion( 01 , 1 , 10 E TN lIROCICERHOPPS 11011 r, TIMM I''l.ooll,Erevrn, Ps rA fib . • PLATI: tiKYLIMIT - - Fionnniu . WINDOW (4LASII, PICTURE GLASS, 4ND GLASS OF EV}RT DESCRIPTION, 'Wholesale and Retail. by - J. II SPRAGUE, Nirt 33 anti !Pt North ' , CURTI( Street, Above Arch, East rile. E...z • Plate and all pther Glass delivered in ;„ , notl older in any part of the city free of sharp. clealgank. , ; •,,hq anti itto , eil tbi4 tettalitittionent for n • t inarn, 11111; II itnproveniento 811(114111 relein,e, the Jiro floor with MitrillitOrile. He lot-n. 141114 the l'at loot, Plot rootua and Chambers. inn noon], 0.0 lull I l onpuro favorably with alit liolf.l 11.. T coonill in, 11011411'14 flow open for the n.rummudn lim Of the tethit t po lee 1 9..tia OAILFORD'S ARS T I:1i F, -10 N HATS • AND OAPS, - Of all mil-Ice. of cli•gitlit finish and wurcrior fabric 158 sTREE C. lielox Sovontb 0-fit JOR v o tiktmatrbliW, at arqn and contnidd4ndo VEAN Y #O47 and LOT OF filtOUN I), STABLES, &c situnied on fikhop erect. in filo borough of Bellefonte, for merly occupied by Major .1 If Dlurrivnn, now Lept by James M, John.lon, the Temperate.° If nu, la offered for vale, WI re:l4eudile tenni If not sold before the let tiny lit February ue.i.t, it oilt he rented for one or inure yottrY elithje , t to male re 14 a (limo e for eapitali4ll to terest their Money For further parttoulat, entipme of 111 JAS. MAC,I,7tIT:, LITEE.A.R, LABOR.- - - - - k prepnrod tu forniiii, atm Abort nettoo, liedayw oil uU and every ittiltjtvt,S4lllll)ol, e l/rutiutv, Loot yew, Spocclirg, Porrni, litiyolutiorur or Publiii 3f ee ti ng i, llitltuanott, and Irrittou diituirtitione upon literary, cud political subjeeta T 1 .111 1,, 1110410ln' . Singing callers Blipped with verses at half prier f p. • All ronsmunirations ritrictlz coptitymilur A 1 1 ,11,44, JCI,r,S JANIN", lriteh vt, it 01:11ce, Bellrfonto. C.ontre couaty,• Pa. oltsclo-1)* -- _ • 117 bE CHEAP CORNER...-. ......• lIE M 1 AN 1) 1)1 , ...,q It A IlrE 110011 S Thr, 1111 , 11 . 1 . .1g h I . l. , •Clred and opened 'at a t H ch. isp rot'uel, n sleek of well awl •11:1;110 V.m. , 1 • a , 1 ., 11 0 ..5 Folt LADIES AITAELL Dr ,,,, ~ .k. .it NAIWU+ iIIIPII. m , 11,14 and prices; 28 , ,, 1 i tt4=141g 6 111 ,1, . 1, 0 , i11eit. _ll , aubazetlx, 8, liundkeruhielB, Shawle, &ark, &o , ac.Zet i Neratolrides. ' CIA Ig Cnnekrof Frowllloll.olol e l - I'vnertexn montibe• lore, of all huon loot *tutors. ..u4 or a ter.ttire tomtit Emiunaltd se*gicing CANSIML:II.I . I, rolri”o lie ha+ supori) con , ' pnxi 111,. Ittl,•lt %Iv!. Alq, of 1-non. Fancy I,lk, Vehe, otr• HOSIERY' OF VII, 1. IN ILYfd AND CM'S, Cl2l, .14 Plain inn!, Fipiri•il Satin Stock,. Ittai Is :'lllillll.l 11 prolkerelli,t , 1111 , 1It1 A !Cl/ }'or Utak« and ehtblrrn \llll I.:1(11111.m; 1 fall n "n r f 01 co vr. , , I Anima. 1 , ,‘N.1%4 • rious totes of owituxoul - e. corn. fvr.yuur ioltc Oak,. Sugar. Mo'wee. 'tea, Vherolate. Spiee'l of all 1,111.14 and of ve..l (wttily. Sell. ,te , ke. QUEP::` , IIVART: ANIO CUTLERY. Of every kind and v.o:ety, neleet.4l ail]) wools ,tiro to .itit et dyileitionit in a nule:1)1 , ollvakl Ithe outs Of all kind , and de ,, riptionv, ,mside4 every other to-GA," toiled in a storr I hop. by ¬ alfration to lotitwitir. h*mestt in Riven; rot .Li4ht - 0.1 t0..1,1p0. flit taro,littig girool 11111 cheap artwleq to rt eetvo fin of the pubho I all to examine my 1 . ; oodi and I ut theo,nolvea ESTE A YS.-- okm, fr. the premier. nr the toktioriber, lie ink on the Dahl Eagle Creek, in "logo tomtthip. atroalt the - begitlyi.v nt Itueettihel, TIVO UALY.I.2e37 - tmeux datiaLnadle uIO r, the other a light firitrille, with horns I)ie owner ii terptiente•l 4o emit, iwiene-kor•44iintly-inr.ul.--tars or they will he iliwrose.l i.t :it eel-ding In htet it 012-4. CA T(Y LINDEItMENIi EUT.INTON, & JAMES, No. 103 CillaiT• Nbl Silent, ak), 0 7kurtl. lialJurning the Franklin Hoare,)Phliti.lrlillia, hat e nen uu hand uniniiineut of 111 1 . mot 0111-attado manufactured with eat, ferrm vitt. well slianevidi which will ho sold low for rook, nod the good, war tented sound and strong, in fhr money returned rjrllrr 1,011,0119 of Centro wirownl twitting 94641 a- del in, are respeetfully Ins ited to givo them IL cell STAGES FOR TYRONE under.iguoil wiilol re ineettuil v intone the traselling publlii that he now i nu., Is dully IMO 1,1 Stage- , to Tyrinuo —ln-weekly by way of Storuistiniii and IV arriormark, and tri weekly silt Bald 1; ode Plank Road, From Ts mine on Alowdv•, M'ciltneittist mi d g r ld a y; from Ittillobante un Tne,lay, and balm day, and the following I lays onAtie OtortiVtona mad 41.0111 RA) CUMMING:4 DE • IiTISTR ~LiSSS) If II MOTHILOCK, DENTIST, will at tend to all work entrusted to luny pith promyttneits mul rare Priurts muderatem-en Cure ti4M ertica—stal all work warranted Terms CPA 11111 e. at It D. runnuniing-iAlotel, Ilellgonle, Pa 110N47 II II ItilTlfltOCK, Dentiat • .2,, itArEDICAL PART ERSHir.-0; Lll Pt)TTER, tuving associated wi th him in tho practice of niedietae, Dr. J, SIT CHEI,L, they offer their proeessinhal itervioes to the eitirens of Bellefonte ami ticinity. When of"ri bo uttUuttOtia wilt be given without additional charge ' ra r Dr. Mitchell's residence at Nrs. Benner's, Bellefonte dent '2.4f IVILLILM H. BLAIR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. RELLEFONTE, ItENN 01lira with lion. jaws T. MN., nov2fi JAMES H. HAMLIN, - ATTMINEY AT LAW, _ IMLLIFONTE, PA , Hu removed his (Mice to the room fortnorlr °con. plod by Clinton Woloh, Etsq , oppoolto the:Re/Ist or's ()thee north SNOW SHOE STEAM SAW XIII.- Thi, ealiottrilmer baying ereoted'a large Steam Saw WS, 1; prepared to saw to order Gills of shy desoription at the aborteat ootioc. HOBERT LIPTON, I_ , nov2El Milenburg, Pa. .....-- MARTIN STONE, AUOTIONEEIi will Mittel - id to the oryingot' Real Hetet° Salmi, Pablio Vattdueat ?Pa Ravin% GB4 considerable i tex perience (p.the inislnetc Ito II era hicroelf that he able togPvc Ball:fa:Owl ' noll./.lf 'ATIONAL HOTEL, ' wAsiinkolow . m: ho itilmrthor having purchase .111,4,90 Agent for the heir+ or deelo-fltllefont” ItOrER lES I! 111111. Aortar of file biameed nor2S-If iscildopte. -• =1 • LTFrrr . Es7PICEIVI f AW ARIA et ;Ws CENTRE cOUNTY AGRICULTURAL 'PAIH. To the people of Centre County. It Yes now be ciente akettled foot that HMI is one of ilk, lurgeat, cheapen and very oust conducted establiAlinwnis of the-kind In the Interior of Pennsylvania It is 6wiwil by air. 8. A. end superintended b 7 the ieciebtitteil lieflipter,Nr. C. P. Emilio, at N.Y Mri , ftgodlg Was lor many yours engaged in pnu of the: hi* iu the city la Nov Yolk, where ho gained an enviable reputation as rt Inn chanio of this first miler We have un hand and fiir ' sale nearly five limning' beautiful timpani' HEAD and FOOT fiTONES, earned in 1.1 , 0 Intent style of the art, together with French Cnuolite, Woman Tombs, Muntunents, Spires, Carved Lambs /13 large us life, and images of every description, all designed and oxeoutod by Air. bind* Pero V eonlelhinK tarn and beautiful, to math the resting place of their departed friends, would save mnney / by sending then orders by miller of my-ligentik who will pass ..vdry few LIIITH thitimili all the initimpal teens Met taller] lifflentre, Clinton, and Lyeo m ing °Quake, Old thpijr work executed hi , tide world-ronowne and justly ixilebrutcal ; have reduced etre firieek frain this dem,. and will bind efirkelves (.9 ihtli 23 par clout bylaw fhb I revilar prices ~f nny e'stablishment in Bello fiite, Mtleshurx, or Lywistown; and &dirt r the ; nod: free of ilharge to any plaint dented. t (11I'5tIS, rep eli!:71:11 Coast' / - re'l AMI obeeicer, Allidun, jr.. Juuktirl sel,% ; 3litt lin Ifu“yer, jr .„.11.owfun.M)11,_ ,1 1 1•.? Ina 3 Ilollhan,, de,11.1 . _ ONEY 1101/EY ! ! MONtY !!! J.V.le. if you t,dat to get ilio wOrA o r your money, cull at JAS IVEAVEIO3 isTIME, in the Illoiongli of SI f LESBUICLI, silicon eats ha otadtantly found a conural asstrtunnt of llltt filitibt3, 110(.71:IfIES, • QUEENdW 11AffliN1 ARE, he , 'daub will be , e014 , 11 litUn lower than the canto orwod4 can hf put havod ut any othettpliten ht - • try Rio-stook. tiond't - i. ht path of efotiirr 5t11,4, „Satin de Plaids, Al pacoat. , with an a.sortnitint or tho g i.m,, F;:timet 4 „ 3tug th.s Cada,. lons lit i 4 aolc ' , Monett, 'rid Inv, Ho liday mid fftni. es, Irak and Copt?, Boo: a and i how 010 o.tdfitortf, I:oi l ier, Carpet C4uiu, Au„ hi, 10111114 the Nariely tolt w t stoma Ile ham ales an lotortinont of READI••.\I , II/12, tfdt I. IVloith hill f o nobd ut, ytry tnooid,t, and tiltnittio fits 6t...k ..!\ 1.1 tigt 0I d Mowing gun" •Trrm,—(':t•h or lark vr1;l• in Inv,a ,1.1 2 P IV 1.: kl-1:11 CONRAD HOUSE; EELLEFON'rE,Pa. The tueletsrpota wound's Lally ennonfter to his old !110na... and the wade., generally, thnt hr inu thu Laze ttononutlioutt wow donee near the 'Monona. Allegheny street, Bell ORA hD lidleberinslousw • • for the purpose, and ateorditr, 1.0 the rain of in most eletrent and roTret rd 11.0 ell iu the eastern port of the titans, ho ro t as confident that tt it much Letter ealeolatod for conifolt wad eons elilence than any °MOT in this r °entry Tin h e t elan r„,„1,1„•,i it In the soy best manner, sparing nu liner pains nor east to reinter it coin fort able unit gtgtec.tble lu (hoe,• feforinr hint oath their onstfon The rmtLi ~eno•ote.l with the estriblish. mow is large sad WWI un uncoiL at oar riatro Leese Prillffm 9 PW and a Alpteimitiation not to ho excelled by limy house in th section, he hopes to merit the favor Mid Wl km of the publio. Persdna vloitin Bellefonte on haziness or pteasu ro will Mal the "Conrad Ifouno' r a pleasant and cheer ful stopping plasm JIMIN II MORRISON, dee] 2 • Proprietor - - ----- TF YOU WANT TO BUY GOOD AND C CAP 000DS cell on 11 lIIRtiCkiIinCOFF, Who ha just received front Iliiladnlp liami4ge and beauttful stolic of I itsals4ousiutni of Lobe smo l t fashionable Dress (Mods for Ladies and tierttlt , lnen, spoh as French Alunnft.Alpaceas. Paratnetta Cloth, Poi,iitit Cloth, Delalnes Dohoge Silks, Pt lilts of all d• ton Also Cloths, eas.inierY Plain and Ferny' Csetstneas,. Vest logs, also a lame logs, htt7 of Dress Tronanit;,;. d 'ony, Itil ii.r, Glos, . w o ol. hen sod Cotton llonlerv7•01 , 1 a enticty of FANCY Wall/61.0° nureerotts 7n meld ton YI tnnid. of all londq, l;le wllad and:l'w. bleu Gingllmn4. kc Aloo...tilayarfra of all knvlsk 'luta and Ceps. Boots and Show, hard Intro and Iron Quelnawilre, et#, , Tot., Finakras, and all goods utast ty kept in, a qountry store _ . _ Ll{ F,jj, All i.. 71; tiuubvr mas 44 46'resirellire price Boihlionte, hoc 12, If • - - 1: 1 1tillICIS CONWAY, - tiOA l' AN It CANDLE MA NI PAeTI'IIER, No 1 un 11,7 F Pout IL : , treet 1161200111.1 n The 41111m:1,1,er beg. Ira. e to 111111011fICV to hi. fraell4 and the public, that he' has enlarged las Nflnolla tore, e 0 11.1111 . Clilarbr . bin. to hare eotLitantly ,e 1 hand, is I/1f,;) vi well 50:411,Med AP s , IThleh T 0 . 11 to be frer fmot foil oil. and It lur,tu.kt. Cher:lll.W ()UN(' Soap, (:00 WA Palm t , 011.1 , , Tudet. Itorla•r, Iralr nn4 Biwa TALLOW CA ~f Putalior filuslii)—,ll of a hit It will erll at lilt luweal emit') prior. s ni t sale 'llolow and Fat ught for ca.,11 41 , 10-2 tit 'YUONRAD HOUSE HESTAUJIANT, • (7 1:01t(1E IV rettp.•••lfultv infm-tni his oh' Rh and 1 1 1r11 , 4. 1 r11 V 11.10111.1 1 4, 1113 1 M1 11 that 11t 11'111 r 1 / 2 3 3,1 / 1 1111 r ttl d 10, stturt, under the l'ohrta 11011.0, where he mnt4 11114 kewpin3 all 041,litt %tit ts•to Ito Ire w.i tiln (nri,irl i 11 e uri, new. , 1N curry day, and he will also keep on hand a fresh supply of 6lfitfiL 018. T4l[B. . . l'Arties or furniiren plug:died at the libidinal notier revp.•ottfully 'invites his old fririglot to {;no I.ut dM12.11 LIVERY STABLE. c ..tosvi, 1571 \'UIC .litht A PLEASA A"i' It I 1.0E...4.-?L=flii-"._ nuEi,Ther into n Iht. erfte= or Dellorpnl.6 6al ) ._. a nd the ttmyllinz_jtlll2l.nzt.r.lttali, tit,tt they 11111 :11 /111 11.11,1 I/11 I,lrtiv-Ile,l ,k ) 111 azol not' 104..4 tor 1.011“. ri In n; fin rin g , oallln g on bin, et reon4 ) ll 11111 1 11, n, UgL ,O,l f MAI (Vs linggie , , 474r -11.101.0 ft.. 1t311, v ,,, Ifnm 4!1111,1111111-11‘,111111,,,L,“ .1,,11 All who wigli to ark,' mire Hari tai , t L o t,' and rata In neat and ctonthrtablr rehtelca, CAI\ a•rwannnlmlud It I/ (1.311111,\AV, CM p„x'itAYED OR STOLEN FROM THE .911113,11W] P.9111111g IMO toile ettqlof JA , IIIOII. dile. 1111010 the lill,lllll. of July hut!, SIX IlEAll of YOUNG 0.1TT1,14 Onelitter tlll . Ol, yeare old ; ono with r lyrgo Loll pit, threo year* 041, 1.1111 Sfeorff e•ig?rteet, p 1 0t11.% lind two ninell floiffors elbow one you? wilirkeil with the point (tot nfl' the tell our, awl n picov cut norm' the left car A hheral.froweirtl he gitru fop information of their viliettinltinita, oritilreetschi to ft• toilitteriber tit Walker P. IL, et-utre couuty, PA.. Marion twp ti Hoy E S T 11. A Y S . Cvme lo the plantation of the mben fiber in Feigns. ton ship, on the 20th of Ot• totter lilt, h'OUlt TIE tI) or YOUNG CATTLE two Met sof two )ear,ol•l Steens, one a white brindle, mat kelt on the right ear, the cup out oft and a lode in it, the other white and 'yea without mark; the other two are yetirlingt, one a (talk brown Steer, the other 'h white unifier The owner'or earners aro d e eo r od to come forward, prole I'v"PuriY , dry charges, and take them away, abet-also 116% will be disposed according to law tioel2•3ll ' • JACOB 14 Ettncl Ir. ESTATE OF .GEO. SHEALLER, DEC'D. Wilmette, Letters of Administration on the Estate of (lEolttlit SIIEAELER, deceased, late of Snowshoe lawns*, Centre county, Pa.., have been granted to the molereigned, all perenns knowing themselves Indebted to said estate -will please make pigment, nod those have Maims will srelleat, this properly authenticated for . settlement, to • ALARGAR.ET SIIPALLER, nov-22-ot. -• vititahtiStratrix CO BAD & SAL ON, IMP , MTPR A WII.ILL BALE DCALIMB IY • HARDWARE. EUTI,ERY, I 225 51AREET 6TRE,ET, PIIILADELP4I4 T. D. SonvEn Wll. JJ than J. D. Walla .tV C 0.,,. wilougloillAtz* TOBACCO, SNUFF AND BEGA S. No, 8 North YIFT.II &rest, Above Marktlt Street, • • ; Pult,Attlet.rui•. ACT I VOR 14.1 . - stn. i3CRIDER hio einiut 108,000 feet . of &tuned arrNia 13PARD13, et MB notfi. *Masi Noks‘ in the Little Muehntinon Creek, tehieh Ne 4,44t1 eon to aui homed to eril. notes-titik 111”ilir E PRENTVS. _FiiOM I,oob It 0100 . :61481 1 8 nit j 260, WA.NITEP to sell. in nit tinny ell" * et United t 4 iiitee. A MOST KXTRAORDINARY tit ~- VIA RIA WA NYS DISCIIIOSURKS 1- ' enth eda iion now ready of Foam Y - fe amontj !he Nor ITIOAL e-narrative of perantitil experience, by the witoofu Alonnoit rece9,4 Arota With a view 4 Salt +Aka City. thitr.littno. vole time. c $l,- I COPITI.NTM I . ' --- ... re Curiosity A wakened. Alarmed 11y.6114165g i. Thell 07111.11 toloetinc Wemerriti , rill 110 'file Midnight Anson,. Strange AdAr It• #. blsgo. ~WaValessi ' Arrival of Jo, Smith. Diptipttotoi - elt - Nriacth=i6. The hlith tuttl urn Victim. ker. ' . ," ' Female Illeratmes. , Loin to the WllliervieSi. - AlnronotrYns:mons.' Cuo rung I;) !he C.onieFire ASt lanaiPropot.itiott, A V'tte c t rrouhle ' Mr. 1A rted oil, collie liudil A Now liuti!'s,loietpte , The Young '.Vii. Ltd h-r. FfllO, ' " A Sbena st••110aVI"otke " Spitiliiat!Wirrt. -ilsw/Alikisithailo.: 44o ' A Alosioo'n Heroism, l'rui:f .yf a 0 P/u. The .11wroonon to IlanA . , 'its risk. ' An jo lOW tole% Ellen't, I\ arr.ittve,' . ..... ._. illitC....•' Alsruong Intelligence. t'tvit iteaulisorPoinentns. Arnv.ii iti4ll. Prortr•tti "he N'nollet sod hi. Vi..• I. , . hole. Sttictl.og I:1,1'1.010V, A Futhe't - SIM* hit 1)710-1. Mrs -.Merwralte..kio4t'e 4 ,-- ter.... •- - --- ,- `et., `l hs Plo•isktlai- Wife. Poirratri - nr Mnrmsn 'A Ikoseati, *quo. • --. E1.i.,„ 'l' , polklul V u tu n e. , 1 Mr. Ward'. I' ~ ._skL, l L_ Mu.in4ltis Kull :I.lras.,:e Itegul.d.rri t.ik.. "' — ren- Oa mr. geonce. • tin New,Wrrd. 1 m') Mrs. in s.4)101 Mos .0 iiiii er '1'41)11. V.t"..• • Niesus..flSlll.llll(M.l./11,1 - Death 1111111.1 I'l'l4lllM., 1 / 1 141, Ileac rilmoo or tire New Mir.. tirstlish 11"4;,..1c Sr, I..c.irittr. crew, Mr' larniliela ' d - A tinv , Mig(l4iime , 4Dilutk i tal.:Cs , . krt., *nee", , ~ Mode or rsialli (Ai. : MuraoP I,l' ()inflation's rrrlrimy. ,„. ._. 'rhe I , ol,llts's I . :1%111,1r, •rintelJOl and 1 , . PI", Poi4g.liny Ent.outn. 11, I.',..yeril the Aull.r. , '1'1, isnow re, Ito, fire limo je, pt 111 . hr Illelilly hi rote kiln. ' public Although I 1.... In tit pothlillied 11111 s frw weckm, no lees than ten etli 1.1111 110VO been 1.5111.11 It 1111141110 been r, r u , ..• lieheil in Folgland, with mill grenler 11111 . 1,, Thof !Anthill Time% Aid lontslon Utoetver to II devoLa Iwo iiifiro,ll., Ili lid ri,elemr. Snrt the Cleri.tion Irina/ Mid fqnftervr, Ch cinnon •. 'l'tqn book will Pernrc ealiesit thur artrotc.... 11'0111 11l tirlart.,—wtll Be otivvernulty read 111 it': Ll npr.o .011 HA Alm/fig a.notl we dunk t.' _voll I•Ot WI alit 01 the ini.l intpuranl, ir not the move onivtrrant. Itifttroitt n Pity tit 011It Vileillit_g_Litty_ WoFldotiltIIII1110111,111; ^ 1140 inThiiiiing to 6a .r un- • - ithser'nnin 3 • • • • nr ulmtly the, A menican.peoplt " Sap. the Ruston Dail) irtinor riot - - 1t will r..,1 RI In i Monk'. Revelation. in lII* reelteg it is ttetninl•ti 11l Mr lie. • Yetni 'Ng Life - tottog th. , Mormon.' ts no henrial expoitiptro. bat the i record refs env.," • • .1. t.. DERRY. 119 Natuntl at., Ant( lur anIU by and _,_lll.ll.l.ll4.Qpies sent b mad, wittpaid, On rsuelipt of phee • ydr lalthet 0irc,160.71. a ,ply itits4 o l.6. Dee. 1 . 1. 1N55 - IMMENSE SUCCLSS!! Tho Cliepest ALigazrno in the World EIALROU'Ir Dbj,LAR DIONTIIILY. DeripiedPr,ert,y Anwritan Home.. OIDURAGEIP by tht3 hoprecedented since.' with h thli pognier mem hly.kmat. met with,ind the rapidpy o Inch it him in. re,'" ed na cirenlation, 4116. prointlior .live relished try' make it Pin mbre liorttly p;111011Ig e of did 'Phthin athrnrible work,. A 111111.4CLE OF CHEAPNESS, is Srlinil led hi every one, Conlirinib(il orsk 110 ' nape Pi:ea or re alittg malice in rich tentuti r, being Inure tin lip, tirthe ft,irstilirs, and Imn.• volemei a )(ir of six bundled hapea e UR XI) Nag.. o 1 reading mutter ler annum, for • ()NV -DOLLAR , BAI.1.0(1 . 4 OdLt.6a AtoiTuLt l• printed With new upon lima w huts Pamr, anOj. totkel la trs,, eolly compiled and arra luodak , 'difttera - pratrthaternaniaren nubhe a• connect. cl will, he Diatom E! ,.. ea.a Ibt a.x. • feer years. pager t eel MI Ta1.1:1, aroltlM or TlllC'ekra,. 51SETtlItS, 1110GILI1 . IIILI, WIT aaU 1117&10R, from tire hest and oombt popular wnlcn 01 the cool fry. It is dlan epo rd wos a record of the ntooloe erects of Ike time. or peu I wet, al tlit..fitet• it.. IRIS Inipniveint.ot. oe. lining In etthet hero phere,lorming nureeAhle companion for aleato4 moment or Iwor,.toy w Uric, at 111.11 lie Or abroad Hut/telt heleff tompleir ip rloNf No se , t.nan tothrcts are .ohno led Into 111 page-, there are m 14,11101 I ontrnveraral devor•Tl lo rt. pet-1111U set tof eirrliteie. TAW' iltnlit 1r intandad rut " 'I I IIE miLLios, north or !tooth. east or ne n. and it infra to le brim ervir 16'1 . 16 I herb.. popular jinf gyq#l,2L . , toi.vihny yowl much,. nor riher, brother or lifiler. , l wodliTpla, ein the h toile d mil, II r , 16. it In all it. tleparttnent,e treat, nett oruitnni. and, whtt -* it porloorts to !ie, the cheapest tu.sglzine m 101 wn•ltl • A er poteon enclomng ant 4n//hr to the rreeptiele r, as bclua. nhdll rem., o 16r Nlag.“ille ror Ono yta or 10y . p.0.600 Nolo101:1 flaht euloo raw!, aorlary4 rto/Orrr, .0 one ligne, nl4Ol ree ropy M J It ), 1,1,t/ I! , l'eNloslege nod P-aopriVw Cm nor orl'immoll Bromfield Si.. Uoslob. DecerNber ' IL T lis SCIENTIFIC MILFRICkw -= 1 ; EI.r.VENTII YEAH --• 6PLCNDID EI;IDD A VllNtiti AND fRINER The h:loveuth Annual Votunic of this withal pub• heation eournioness on the 17th der or gNpter be r 13,41_" ti.uiont)gc Atuni:iszr" to no tilustsnuel Pc rhaloal. devoted chiefly to tAn iwertrulgit or Ono xelplin4.l._ Liao. %OS/AWL llaDb^• t.+. 111.1.,11'hi volimlures, Agriculture, Ilntonte. 1 o% rutmne. 1 , 04;‘ , .a...rh.g• %hewed'. eind 4111 , h0t.,‘,4.111., , .1i Ito light of Solnoon Wert L01.1t.....1 Iu u.l.alu Reports ut rnited star.* Patents granite!, also publislitil eve!) we, k, 1111'1.114g ntlicial usieles , i all 1.'0.3 r1.u.,., together with news and informed in repass thousands of maim sarts Th., contributing to the ,• among the - mositemitirost- sidentift o a 0 ..„76., ,t - meu of the limos Thejalitoriail department fs suds set-sully acknowledged to be eunduuted whit sees% ' ability, artd TO he dtatiortlihett net only fbel‘ ow , ' esitency and truth f allies, at its iihkiumiiirmit, lint atr , die fearlessness with ntiblli oiler Is combatted mot false theories are espltelid .i. itleohanies !inclining lfwgineert Cho . fee. Man- ~- : ufactojera,. Agnettlturidists, and Psi ; In every profession in life will find die S unit h e .Imerte in to lie of great value in dung lespective cislilmee. Its counsels and sege{estiops will save tin to hundradaor , jollier annual's., besides atitirdinr, diem semitinued s acre of knowledge, the eaporieneo of orbio• ie 6,0 yowl peentitisty estimate. - The Selentifir , Mlles lean In pohltahell once a week; every number containing eight quarto riga', form lug itundilly a oompleto and splendid volume illus. truted with several hundred original rograyingir F E T • `st . yeomen iednes gent gimis• l'FA . t ' hiS. —Sing lc rubs •t intone f 3 a TV an, or $1 for six months, Inc nopisa for *if mouthy Ibt, for • year 68. ±, . For further (lob refrisoand for sipternald of the - fourteel/larrOssil Prizes nffea ed $y thepubliabers, goo Ectentitia—t.mkri0nn....4_,,,,i........j"..."'.1.!" - eV","..Z." . - Flouthetii, Western and Canada nus t ay•tinti P- -- 7 - Office Stamps taken at par for aubc•rintions. Letters anduld be titrepterl. peat-paid, to M.Ctili k CO., J2R Fulton Street, New•reTk; Heller Igo— noilfl-3t • filo PANifY nuts 1.06: L. Eitel '--A Npr HOOK COML. A the plemare of arm mains that. we IPI IIign rINIIIK . lipd ehiffiplqb lid% t. the latApuppethay4.oass t *tat of lletfon, ell er ' 1 RO CLARK,- ; A ROJIANCL .. y.* li lf r. Vie last' work, an t , of brit flint and- fallfhalfftt Iml 'Illal," WWI eASOOINIM noLitamplett so litallanole af let lon.sot •1, the Imuguago of a rtloillsal, It “ersateal The. tamtbuntt an any *Molt has bee* Wulf during I of a century." But tt k 4101105100.12 to ego the merits 01 .4 Ruth at" fulliNt Atal the munfor oComaltylc, eto hate WM. we , - MO 'Ullit orst9 bey In''. ll tr. UnitelOtsateti beileattle . hoe* Stelf4tat,, SWF. thstA•"*, ilk In e‘ Witt f l ot aie eonhtl4 alit I rfl&S• tbe IA . ,ilfe hr ^still mike , ;I:1;th dell." , 1 ,.. OM tbrm en alygp,ha 11 ' iftiot4LUl , oFI t Lunt. by mall, post. AB( nor.T."-at