41attittitax. mit ACOCAL AND DIACTJURTICZ TO A 11.14,. IVIEN FqnNEY FO yr E, g,V.Ar4 AY, JANUARY 2, 1114142, Conabi-Nonding Committee 13•111forate-4. 11. Monnimo*, Snore. • .t./Bduux Ilor. F01,V114014.-4. A. lAcCoßmicz.. —7l —J. B:111411 1 01,• tiol eCi-i-J: ichkrz Housivi—J. P. Piciaiß ttoymoon--J. li. lOnign.. Iiteris—SAWITICL 0141.1LANn. M=Zffl=gii Lilrfrtr—J4mos Orsimu.Lis. MilCathilr---ROBERT LIPTUS -16101,08Z.VJAVVI SVIIILTZ KR (}in Pateton.-.T141.1(AS R. SELLEII3 it7tEL, 12=21MICSI S BARNHART Snow/Los-4w T *my r.a Zvi., —WILLI tx Merni . Union—Glamor, Pr.4r.ns. WO,I4...AVT4,LIANt WALKER Wilitt7-7Jour fic.nv.a*T.4 DMOCRATIO STATE : M.)O' TINA", conzifiVirE. At • Meeting of the Democratic `StateAPC'tttfill Committee, held November list, 1466, at Oa Mee- Chant's Hotel. Philadelphia, tee following. Itesele , thin was admitod Re,olred, That the Drrwelaii, Attlet.overdiett 1119 q, be heldAn thr 4th dthr 'of 3lsro next, in liarristwarg, it 10 o''illttitit, A. AL In purananon of thu above Ite.ielittion the Conven tion will aesembilt nrilitrrtamle - Inrltnr jump's° of anletiiinglielogstea to the Demonratic National Con , vrintion, end nominating a candidate foi Canal Cnal aditsiober,,AndiinfOriwnil and Surt evfir Ilroetai JAMES P. StiIINSTON • Chtd/11.11.111 State Central CatiezniUen It. A. GILD", Isec Oat it • JAVOS LIZIALIIII, - • • trJtatta County Oinventkin:ut 1. The Del:sweats of the thlierent liar aMay.: soul& and Tbserudtips trill meet at the Election Mese of each dishier on Saturday I.'llth of January neat, and shad &legatee to meet in l'ounty Conran lien on Tuesday evening 29th or Jarthary (court week). rot the purport° el eleoling a Delegate to the Ilth of March Coarention, also Sents.orial Delegates to meet Delegates of this Senatorial .hot riot, to sp. point a Reattorial Delegate to sold CdnvenUon. Hy order of tho Denweratitt County Committee. Jeut4 If Monnistm, CI: at n To Madorrs aid Correerondenl3 If is a question of da