Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 26, 1855, Image 4

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mmwmm the detection of crime in»
",me W 931. 6m 15f ”veiling 5 Imm:
- Ml gull! to his’ wife; ‘ A
! My“ t vevcré trial o'f my foiilings
in linking such I gingham-e Ruling the pro
grel'l of I recent anportmt case whore the
mlil‘robbav' vfu in possessio‘ix of I mgihkey,
by: man: of whiclr‘ ho’hud committed cxtcn:
1“ sin Jépredtfious. . "c was at longtlf‘dctoc
, 136, md'hu hwy entered upon n ton ycua'
99" ln'alo Stile prismf. ' “W"
, On his Irredt hd mayifpslcd much solicitude
to: Na wife, [gluing the intelligence of his
“tuning! wmhd overpmrer"'hcr. “She is in
{oi-bf» mm; M. boat,” said be, "In! I Mu
'lfi'lid this will kill her." .
h In: Wary. .however,‘ “a; I should 1
m horin order to got ‘lmsgession of Rome
finds, vpurt of tho‘proceeds of the robber
iol, which her husband had éommittcd tuber
keeping. Furnished with a written ordGr
Troll the firisoncr, and lo ving him in’lhc'
Mar-hur- custody. I prpc leglto‘cflton the
'iuulid. lick“ my brain lilac}! ghgrwgy
to her to. Inc fbr some rode of commu
nion“); e u'uplcnsmt tru h which should
dilclo'so‘it Im}! ; and spun: her focljngx ‘
“much t pouib‘if J
oam, in] at (he, Marding-housc the
note wujcpl'to the ludy’a' mom. It my]
a Mlown‘: ' W .- '
“My dem- Sumn: Will you land to ling“
luau-6r . roll ‘of buik notes which} 1m with
m. ‘ Cmmw." -
‘ Thu lady won mad» her appearance. Sh‘c
whim. rather proposscasihg, Ind e'vi
(1011“, In delium hcélth._ Finding that I
W the hum of the note. she Iddrcsscd mo,
expressing mt surprise that h'ér hush-mil
Jud ”at ulnq‘iclt no quuzmnl: mm] with An
air of independence observed that she did
305 “E 13636 131 m! 'p'aging ot’c? many “Pd"
,luch circumstancg-a ‘ an entire slnngyi‘."
‘ Depiring not to m'orlil'y her uuuec'cuarily
3’] m‘king‘lexphnMions in the presence of
others, I reg ed hqr to step into u vacafl
room nur I;.E‘lnd, Indtluflcr closing‘ the
door, I aid in low wfil‘, . ‘
"It in nu ext. mely painful thing for me, ‘
to comply with your lmsbnnd't order, I must ‘
Ml you pldinlyl‘ that the money was taken
from the mulls by him 'l'hcrcis no mistake 1
’ Ibout it. He has lull a mail key which]
hi 6 jut moovudl, and has made n l‘ull lO
knowlcdgumcut' of llis numerousjlcpwdr
liotu. [heféfliuu to but this dreadful
new: with fortitg e, No o‘fie’fi'ill think less
of you on tenant‘s! hi» dishonest conduct."
l W to the poor wo'nnn flint
imam mtl' ‘ mentally prepucd my- {
Rel! by every one y‘f,hut, I moment If
tcf, I shouldluve be more likely to have
MIDI Mo um oomli ' xi, if astonishment
309!“ cur produce nu ll on clhct; for us
um‘u [lnd flni-hcd but 1 Was saying;
Ibo 0M it possible, to wet thnn- be-
M, and with some “DIE: her eye, and one
In “mm," the rep id in a spirited
Jan-n: . . ‘
.ulm’fit'fi‘o‘ In: mini? he'iTHifincdl
fool to on “—1 woulch't .m . A
- 56'9” up the money, howéver, soon .r
-.m, and Although the mklmnm displayed
"iTth W‘l‘hfiwe quot!!! Ind to mix:
it plough um shc yu il'nplimtcd in her'
huubmd’l guilt, it uncanny appcu-cd that 1
thin exhibition a! 'lpunk‘ wu due to the im 1
pulse! of I high spirit“ and excitable na-
Inn, which sometimet, u in the present in-
I‘m, brake on! from oontml, nnd went.
‘ hey-Id lb W ufdooomm. '
' mmooumonrn nun.
-Mpctceivo ,lhe cironmmngu ‘.- '.-
tho dial in Chlricflnn. S. 0., between Ln
0 u and Donnulp. are widyly Ind~descrv
anquhd, ucviming uranium: debexmi
ufionflund coollno'ss. The uccond “as about
giving tho Kohl, when Danni-VIII discovered
wwim “°"h::::,::::‘..'z:$:$:
dellhmbly drew his knife from his pocket‘
Ind cut down the smm: um-r‘which tht
leéond 615 (Sr. word, “Gentlemen, lre you
mad] 3" At this pmnflut ‘l‘ Oreo informed
")lr. Donu‘nvam he wu not holding hil pis'tol
" pmpcr, to which Donnaran replied boldly,
“Dog- um unit you, Mr. IA 01cc?" Thl
Second give ‘the word a’gnin, {‘Gentlemeu,
m you randy 1" to which both responded in
tho mm; L: GM and Sunni]; «-
. m the mnzmenmd, 311913251; 3291129912'
v'n am his Intngonlst down, killing him
install]. ‘
In the “Maths-‘1 House." I tale of Wuflh
: m lilo, theta 15 1 description of I dualrwhicl.
“mils-Em 13¢;miT'fifiixmBF,
not only for a» vivid runner it is given, lg
1139 Is n dinyhy of [be highest éou'rugc.
The renter must undeTuTlnd flu! Mildmny,
7er hi- quicrholfiu. ruled under the mum
{luau h the public mind that he would not
‘ fight. and, Wong. his opponunl “N: u
'am hit an. and union shoot him down"
When the plrficl arrival on the field, 1! e
drcripdon sou on u follows. "' "'
"Tho principal were u. their pinata, (I c"
wéupom i 9 their hunk. Colonel hmME.
3W5 second, ‘lud the ordering of an
preliminu'icl, Ind with prufcasionnl wlcmni
'l] moid- ' » ‘
“ ‘WW ' n, no you may?” W
“W 9 us may Y" Wu mutually replied.
“M, 3mm." Mid Colon-M Inc} with
I load vpfioe. "upgn my rppeagnl gljn thy
question. ‘Are you ready 1' you at to mmwe:
Blot.” i ,uhlll than my an,-ooe~twb—
(ln-M." - ' '
‘M h mum Mlldmny, who was standing
“muffins in thq hollow of his Inn. to u“:
“kl-lent of All present. dumped the I:qu
m Illa-gourd, mad sfid: ' .
Auction-I he. I dagin some inform-Hon)
0M My(Mfldmy'l second.)le
warn gloourpc 60mpc|l¢d pa be a ailenl
7W. 18V {'hickmq come om- him,
Awmmy nppouod thin no unnecessari?
y minty-apt the ptocccdingl, while A 10th
d man :Iguifimnco W between
Wk kinds, “chimp wlfispering.
mm'lm to faint." , \ ‘
\' umdunmnwmw 1...”...
m» flit/ilk um turning mm
" W9l “amt-ad .ficp‘mmx L...-
dd My. «(firm~dectedw lbw Q
Was!y§"'thnt [can fire at auy‘ ti Mlmm
Lhamunts‘of 'onefi-twg—thw “
‘ “'You cm, a}; k' ansfié’rcd‘ Golbncr Lea,
iv'n-ing his hand ‘ym/autlmfly. ,_ .\
vUpou hegini'jfihich, 'Mndmw eeiyslowgy
“Doped Min; ma {inching hp some ihyy
dung, betweenfit‘ho‘ sll“ng and fore-finger of
his right hand; without Speaking, signified
the he undcmqod fly; nymngcmmt, null iu-r'
sandy usumcfi hits Proper position. '
General BIA-(lace. \vllmn- confidence in Milrl‘
may’s firmness luul been so torrilvlyfilmkun,
by th upward to be his ill-opportunod
iutc’rruplion, {usually caught inqdogp in-_
tout ol‘ Mildnmy‘s question, [lnd tho “man
u)! lain- uppnruut’lluairu to_ Term)? hlu tinge:Z
“pins: the possibility of gllppihg mull; Im
gov x ’lt flushed upon llhg,‘ like lightening,
that it was 11l lo derangc Morelon'q calculg;
WOT}? obiml. Milmay's making I; quic'k fire,
‘nnd Gonornl Blcdsou, \vlmso hem, : moment
before. \[ts near collapsing with fcnrywilh a ;
thrill of hdmlmtion, could haw‘with difficulty
rcfmlu from fulling on Mildmly,s neck and ‘
bursting lnto tears, W. _w l
3615' Motown infi‘Mildmay now Mt. con- \
sclona that the instant of action Ind-arrived, ‘
fol- tlloy simultaneously nnd corluously ruined ‘
llxcix Impons, an il'“pmsentingnrnw." .091-
and Leo thin, in n solcwn volcv, Inked:
‘fficntlcnlcn. no you r’endy T? ' I
"_le éouibnln‘nts simullnnmunly unsu'orcd: ,
"ll'c m w Trim and cox.__r;oo: ~
Thp numeral hld hnnlly escaped the lips of
Lee, byfon- th’o crnsliinglnound bf Mildmdy's
rifle echoed fur and wide, and Momlou. with
hil weapon undiahprgcd, npmng'porpemlicu
hirly it! the sir. and than full lumlx-ring to
the muffin; for m instant, his body tumbled
like um impel) lent ; he essuycd to n'isc him
self, Ind. Imid gurgling squads. could be
“My disfinguiahed the won!» :~ My wife- |
my chihlfvfi!" and lhgrwith a loug‘druwn 1
sigh, be full luck—n corpse.
Mildpmy, still landing in his place, gazed
'ndly at the pong now knoaing thank the
lifdess form oT‘thc once splendid Mr. Mqre
ton ; and (hen, binding '1“! 'wemon to tho
Gcncnl, who could spam: conceal his cxul
umm I! Um resultt‘ne memnuicmy mo'ved
toward his horse. ‘
Gib: ”finrmcr’s Qcpurtment.
Now let-us soc whnt there is for farmers to
do in winter. In the first plnco, November
is gcncnlly one of the best. working month:
in the your, yet we judge you ore dischorg—
ing all your bin-lingo, male and female,'fmm
the way they ore flocking into the city.
Why nb‘. keep them At work I Let Ni nee 3t
what. “Upon land thlt require! to .beclelrcd
oIstom: 30 Ind. dig them up. or gothsr loose
ones together It) thit when I slight snow
fills you can do 151 ch h‘nuling in one full fill
day‘thun you could in three days upon/dry
ground. During the winter you will have
'Tfifi‘am $3313.? fitfia‘fi‘x‘fflfil‘r’fi)
trim your one-Inn) : 3nd upon‘ iiwst of your
him}! good 1 month IS nny 1086! 9‘“ he“.
eitherl {with Ihldc or timber, Every good
day in ‘qum‘ber abolxid- bras“? by ’every
owner of Joy land in plowing. lmcnusc ex
posure of the soil to the winter {mm is In
good Mir. m.- dreuing ofmnnnre.
An): rumor 'vrho‘ suffers ChriMmu so come ‘
upon him before he Ins got nn ice‘housc ru-‘
(1 ' ' ‘. ' v-..“ ..
> y (9; (he first gouLhme to fill It, I} Inclung Muwmxa “w" T —Koorrcaponden.t
good cummon sense- There no but few . .
f in Aim-‘5“ whl‘n m . I would of the Home ullurut plunked 160 trees In In
- A , ' - orchu'd of very good but dry mil. All were
not be u oth dunblo the coat. of filing Ind
.Efiiin'g in rcpnir, andintmt upon the cost.
The vyprk that Hhould be dam: in Winter,
but i. no“ neglootad. in getting home And
cutting up mflunnncx Iggy of wood. , To
economy, Getting out and hauling fencing
Ann'h .mulmr kind Mm Wint- nun-ll ‘
All the lumhu lnuling Ihould hedonc in
snowy countries upén Um dad. but it in often.
neglected, because the fmncr has no herds
mnn. Most of the fence-building should
be don. in Winter, it it .‘mud “work that
is most negleclul, because unntocagn'ry to
within attic. We conLcndAMWbarn
should my be _bum ‘wiuuouc u cell“, yet
ninety-nine of every hundred)m no built.
To remudy (but. go to work-kn Winter .nd
dig ufi'd “lifi‘j'iiiif'fiai'fi‘iéflnm. An noon I 8
MWO’. go toflhem method om}
.lig I ccllu' in that. Ind haul t portizjn of it
to your new barn cell", 00 compost with
your manure hcnp.
_llnulingmnmja mama: kimloilin‘" I
work; but mind and not dmp it in little
helps to’plemh Ind nod: through snow luul l
ruin. Pile {t wtp no as much us possible“
shed ruin, in some couvenicnt upot, to hull
upon 1h: field whcu y'o‘u Imm. it. ‘
Egg); bum, too, should 113 ch I cingogn. }
ifintt-r in the time to dig it. Of course you \
hdwo one now st your house. If you hnuv
not you "‘0 unworthy to In culled 3 good i
funncr. ” w - ‘
. - If you need 3' We“, Ind mos} tumor: do
need one more, dig it in winkr. Dig. 100.
Every um‘o‘ifier éxcautlon that will be
needed in WWW*"~L—~‘ ~-——
:‘Mihjngsrdi; much “Wile.
for draining had, wherever you on do it
without too gulch cxponuro in the 575'” in
luul»; wetthcra A . .1. n " ,
Cutting bushes. trimming up woodland.
luking out “blips; blasting rocks, prepuing \
compdst. he-pI, digging holes to let ou”t_frult
coca, piepuing root grafts, going to mill-ml
getting home}. good supply of flour. men]
And horsp feed w‘cu'ry you through the
Spring work, cpd and alwuld be dono igWin- ‘
tar. / ' ( 1
A If wobgyé no: pointed out Work enough to
Ebay you that you' ufikoop your Summer
him-lingo through the Winter, we will ‘try
spin. But we think we hive,"§ud w miter,-
zw (hit it in, y'our duty, In good formers,
good ciduru, good Ohfintim, who would do
unto other: I. y’c'woutd mu should do
unto you, tint on should ltudy how you
Inn], lf' noé mfinbiy, yet without positive
loan to your-glam 11nd cmplOynent in Winter
for Inch lobar-era w you require in Summer.
[full woulddo s'o. it would relieve this city
«2' god. burdeu. ~New York ’Tnbuuc.
* It is very important familiar with
this subject, becwgo pois Ons are frequhntly
taken by mistake fur medicines, and are often
no rapid in thl-jt- cflbotg 05th pmducq death
heroic old can hit calléd. The stomwln [ugmp
is unquetitionublo the beat owbdiont‘ in such‘
cues.k But bqforé‘tho physicion can ho ob
taint-(1.9“: flrllowlng antidotes ’mny bu used:
For CDfOlfl'e SublimatL—Giuo the
white of an egg bvcry flu) or three minutes,
or coplous.~dmug‘hts of "I:sch ten or rice
.wutei‘, or oven wimn Gator, witli emollient
(3131;551an EW‘ fonlcntatiowi to the bowels.
Shllgflji of 7Fridli~nlv§ 131556f0~ I in
large quantities, or Wan-i With name 'Mid 11
)1, or Inge druughta of wumnuu-r: ‘ .
For Opium Luuflunum, Hemlqu, and
other Vegetable PPiuonsr—Drink Freely of
vim-ng or [cmonjuicg If vomitingjms bcun
occuiofigd by fine p‘oison, nndvthe cflorls lu'c
continuum promoto it by large draughts of
"warm. \vntgr, or Huin’grut-l. ‘ ‘
Fa; _Thrlar Emclim—Givc strong green
tea. 9a}: or willow buk, in lnrgo‘ quwtjti'cs,
to dilmud'dbfiofilposévthrmim. I ~ .
In stingi; fmm bees Ind other imaocts, bathe
with salt ind vinegar,»‘sal nmmoniw and
vinegar. ' . 7 ’ - ' ‘
In GHQ of; poison from lhc‘TfltE of venm
mans reptiles, :15ny a poultiéo of tobaicco and
vinegar. A lulu-[in emetic has great died
in ‘cxpclling the poison? . (Use with cnutjonJy
When poisoned by'dogwiood, ivngor swamp
Humm‘h, diuolro ’a quarter of‘tm ~ounco or
coprpcrm'mdphup 0111911) in n pint-ofwntvr,
and bnthg the pnrt afl'cctcd.
Where u Imrgc quantilyof opium or landm
nm hm; bean taken, lhe'pnlicnl. is ('0 be kept
in constant motion on his legs, or liy shnking
and moving his body, rubbing him ntflgg some
Him: with wnrm Inlt or othmf nhmulnting
Ipplicationa, {(3 louse lh_c_uy§tcn3 from (orpor.
Olive or sweet'oil, mixed wilhwflnfi .milk
and wnhr, sud drank pkntifully till‘it acts as
an emetic, in an Intidoto against ' poisons in
general. , ' - ‘
) P 1431010 SMALL l’orAmls.——- We luul/c
giVen no Hula attention to this subject for
nun mm : nnvl lnvo added the matter 1
cohelhsivcly 3h om; own minds, that it docs ‘
not-pny to plant-small need. For fifteen years ‘
we planted the sum: hnmclcss “rim on the“
some soil, and It “maul of that time, found
'no dotoriorgtion in tho qnllity or yield, but
nthfi in improvement. We have invnrinbly
thrown out Tron} our and all potatoes less in
size they : lion‘s egg, and also n-jcctcd those
overgrown, pithy or irregular shaped.
In 80mg favorable tic-wont, md on [urtic
ullr soils, those pnrchositl'g and planting the
small potatoes which we hue rejected, hive
ulscc} crop: cqud to or more pmliflc than
our owl): but one yen- wlth another, we have
lvcraged 30 to 50 per ggnt. hotter crops of
good potstocs, thin our amul-polulp neigh
boru.—Amencan Agricu'llunsl.
A Hm TO a: Ann'nzn m Not—Thus
'who dcfirc fresh Pancly md Thym'e. through
the winnerl have 39.1%. .1; Ear‘wWfigg
CEMlC'thc corners with I {nil or IvT-o, nnd
then cover up with boards. .Tfié'wihould
that sufficiently lo carry off [he “air. 0n
misgmild days, also Wlu'u “101'? i.“ n b ‘ -
sunshine. some of the covering should [so ‘3:
moved. W 0 llgvc followed this pnt'uce for
unny yarn, And have nlwnyu hurl an thund
mce of green thyme Ind panh'sy, fhe entire
winter Ind spring.—G¢rmanlown Telegraph.
4+ ..'ilh cqunl cue, but-A third of thun‘
Wtre mulchcd, or the surface of the grouqd
~whcnpl-ntcd bound with six inches of lib?
ter. Those thus‘trand all lived: but flfleenl
of those not mulchod died in the hot dry
\vcl ara‘ammmm:
the soil wu Imp: clean and mellow around
them i'whigh will oflcn u“: the life of trout,
} when thr] die of neglect.
Eamomfi’s auh fitittmtigqs.
[[7'A gentleman by the name of Popper,
Ind been sever-l times thrown from I spirited
young horse. Ind ins ‘relnting the circum~
suncc to a friend. It the nine time observing
am. ho had never given his horse a. Dune.
“I think," reliii'ediliafifi‘iend, “ you should
‘bi‘fl’hfm Nppmnmr"“ * *
WA mu» being awnkoncd by the capuin
of l bott with fine mmunccmcut tint he
must not occu y his berth with his boots on,
9617 Maxi-1y mphtdr—‘LQh—tho~bugs
won't hurt ’em I guess ; they're an old pu'r.
I” ’0": fin" *’ 7 I ,7: "' ' '
[l7“ A solid Irtjclc for your pm," In;
the boy said when he 11qu I briefly“. in /y
the ‘wiridow of In editoy, who wu sleeping
cogitlting over I. pmgnph on the “Qutx’os 1
on 3111991144) luul." ‘ _ \l
_yuouso Baryon—Ah, by the wny,
there‘s lligginl’ c‘uo. oThen ha- been {a
slight nfiuhko—it wu aw hound leg cut 0
Waiting Surgeon—lW of no consequence ;
_yve cm ogrp the other—so it comes to the
an“ thing. _ -
[LTUncommonly inflignt m “in coro
nex‘l Ju’ries in Min'guippi. Recently t‘wclve
pen in Wmen whnty, in that Sulfa, retumcd
u verdict thlt. “131de died by life will
of God, or some oghor ding-e, pnlmown to
the juu‘y!" “ ‘ a.“ .‘
. [l3lO see I pang Indy walking Al though
a flu. w“ biting h.” an etch hip, it in lo {w
dusting. She i; junt I. match You dundy
#3l23qu like 3n open-Winged tuxkex'ochi
bad of hot when. . ..fl -
027 A aentimentnl chnp in“Rhode Islnul
incenda to panting Cousteau fornulppropfiv
lion to improva tho chum-lab! Ifi'cpfion, so
the henceforth the ~‘ conflict-bub lavfigiuy
realm" r - :r- r.
- DA mi| boy ln.Winoomin lute), drove
of a robber by lev'clllng . humor-hm- -
It 13in). The thief i‘ weut'otf “the bundle."
[o.“ng w'hntilyou‘rmfinr' , “3013?“,
III." ' h as, um in ymierhdifiiév Mme;
but What is yam-other “mgr" “Bob,sir."
. i . . r . .
i ‘l ROSPECTUSOF ‘ " ’ ' . 80 Y‘ . '- _i
J'HE‘DEflgpflh‘A TlO WA TCJIMAN, Arrangoihvntrfor the Sulioxid Annual Collection
. n‘M mmnnnlm $1123“ m ouhln mm and‘popululiml tullmm tho «llll‘uulnn
mLBéONé'E; (‘ENTI ‘2 COUNTYI PA. uf‘Llliimluraund Art, have been oon the moat
, l ,i j .—- 7' "N... ex on! mm; on . f _ .
THE omm omm DEMOCRATIC PAPER Amunglhuworknnlroudi align ml mimrmmmm
‘ u Ewing cuUN'I‘RY. -,,,_,J ,_ .- “UENUA a mu: Ni,“ ~
' i ,‘ ..L_ 5‘ will u origiimlly can TEN ' dusmn mm
The gubllu la m otl‘ldly infommd' [but the llrnl ,LA lS\ . m
:3“me 9" a-now $01000};an I vor‘. M be cullml ' I flli-miug llm nowcolle'oll ‘Hlm illil'ualnn M
i THE DEMOGRATIG WA’I‘UIILInXN. will human! ' “n ks (If Auiuriuuu‘Arl. npll the tueuurnguluont 'ol‘
lin Hull-funk: nbvmt Ihc 27th of Nuvonibor ‘ AI orieuu gunins‘ lmw Hugh-on m‘uxlwketl,’ Linux
-1 In nummnndlng nur umluilulxlugfiv llw (ummblo mi lons lime been issuml lu m‘nny of ”W must Illa"
cnuaklcmllon oruur Mlml-;iliznm,'lml mm pur- lllguisred Aincrlarlu Arum, “lur'wlll ommlmm
lllculllrly lo the support 01' our Ilcmmruli' lrnllucn N) no u' lln-lr finish prtuluuliunl Aiming (holy mm
of Conll’o count , u {mv wunlu, I\|.\'pluuulmy nl' um- l cu Mnrlrlu lluuln, uxuoulcd by ll“,- gromml llvlng
rommp, wlll not gum-wixlcrml uul ur pllwl‘. Itu pu- my IIIeh—HINAV l‘uu Hrs: ,-
‘llllu will bo plum“ limmruun- ‘ udmcullng Ilmu (l X nu}: \VAFllthl’l‘lll‘l, \ '
fumlmnontal (rullm pmmul Mm} l; ' llic gym! Nd" ', , 'l'lw Father of Ina waxlry:
llqnul Dqgioorullg l’urihbol‘lcvin lliul iladuchincs‘ lENJAMIN FRANKLIN, ' . ‘ '
Tumult l 0 hi \Vllélflbélllllq,\llll§)lll. respect lo‘nEc-Z’ ‘' ' “ . 'l'hu Phllnnoplmr; ll ‘ "
01‘2"“? wrut and must certain glu‘unlcu of {mum DANIEL WEBETE“. .
grouimlly, and that "my urn onlcu nicd m lulurg The Sink-mu}.
lguly.lmluun uml r-huruolcrln our (lovommenl A I‘m-aim Minn! lune Halted Europe and mule
lludor lhla boner,“ Almll Immu‘ In dorunuo 0! (lm curt-in nudjm him“! who did! bfgmmlgu work: of
Democmlio onuuo'wllh onurgy nnd uncompmuiplngl‘Arlhlmlll in Bronic Mld Mub , Blolnary Ind
flilcllty. . ‘ ('holoo l'ujutlrgv.‘
,In tho Lllmnr unQNown dupn 'tmn‘nl‘l we nlu'nll T 1" “110'" """WY “ IMHO Md anllnbln onllcc-;
ohdnnvor to {mulch 0'11: mlrum im finch mutfi-nv 'liun of l’uiuliugn mud Hlulunry, to [lo dillrlbnloll‘
ua wlll tend to olmnn uml div-mi. wall us luslrucl, rum: muong Ibo mumbcn: ul‘tlm Amoulntltm Ihr (1:0
tho olinntu and rennml, leo umlmlng nml mmnnlic Soconiucu‘r.‘ .V ~ .
We nlmll also omlonwr to furnish llu‘ Miri'cullllrnl '1 ERMS 01“ MMBIJISIIHP.
oommunlly wltll uuuh ll'oms nn'mu suit their hum. \ TllO WSW)!"- of’l‘hmu DQHIW 1‘01"!"wa any
Mil Ind dcmwdu «l. llio prclaht ll);- . ’ l (lno’u mumbor of this Amluuon. nnd ontlllea him
lmyhlf upon a Fem-mun ml figural public for . Wanker mm of tho Mlpmng Mnguihor for one
eovupcm on, prmnmln llml‘nnlhiug nliull he lo Guy-JUN] MM" ”PM! In ”10 dmlrlbulluu 01””
undone or umttlcmplcif, we [hull cmnu lml‘urq you, H'NTIL'KIM“! ‘w'lllng' ,
‘d mrowmflclvu and mu- outcry-ride upon your 5111 mlfllllmlfluuu l"lill)-“"”‘°"°“"""""r”'0
“wraith . l'ullmuugfJ llluullil ' Mugntluca: Hurlyer'a, I’lmmm’ifi
Tho Wucmmx wlll ha prlnlgul every ll’mnpg._ KDiUkUI' uukpr. illuwku'mnl'u, '(ll‘llllllnyl, (loduyl
(lay momln .on a duuhlmncilidm film-t. on néiv L‘dy‘fl 13°01‘va “"lIWJIUMAV’S‘“. ‘ ‘
‘3le 1“ lhefimst ..’]n- “f lypogrnphloul “Nuance, ‘ ‘mnuna tulunfil Ilvo 'llH'luhUl'lllllw um vnll‘tlml ll:
It lhu lzw prim: of I! no par unnum, if paid in add any “f" 01' ”‘0 “gumfln'r ""0 W“: ""‘l W“5
vulfiu than!” 82.90 will bu chn ml. ’l'Lfibfiil'fi in (he dmrihulltm .
I“,be \ 'o )ufiuu’ HAYfl In ni-l. meUUllfll‘ellVl‘l hum the HMO nl' Innu
'M , - , W” , ~ lycruliips, uru (11-mud lo thu‘puiclmsu Worlw of All
for the ensuing Your i.
Ily lm-muing filnomlivr nl‘ this Auwmimllm. um— i
In! All rurmfilfiwu \‘l'l 'l'llE Fli'lnlflYAgzlll}
in l Mhu‘w uf Merlin ' Mngunine Llh-rumro.
N2|l Em: Inmulxor ll! tunnlhiillng ltlllllnlh pur
cluulngvliuico Wurkn of Ari, which urn In lm dia
lrllmlun} nmung llwmnvhvs, uml urn Hi the sumo
thm‘ mlcnnmginghlho Ariiulu, disbursing llmulmmln
ql‘ilolluru ”INIIR I lln ugcnpy, l
l’elsunu in "uniting [um/t for nwnilwrrlilp, will
plonuu “ll 0 lhyil‘ lN‘l/‘(ll/H‘l 111/41M" m In”. ntullug
llu- nmnlli Hwy “l"h llm hjngnzlno lucummum‘v,
um] lmvu llio lcllvr rogislvrml 11l "(Emu-omm to
pn-u-nl hm; (In lhu receipt of which, flCl‘l’lifll'lllC
nl'nn-mle-hlp,lugollu'r lull! lllv Magnzlnflnlcslrml.
“ill lu- fumunlul lo my Art or the country”
Thom who“ rul'chm I‘lnmylunn nt Hmkqmm.
“ill (Wit-nu llml h)- joiulnx‘lluln Aurwlnllun. Illn/
nrrn-r III: llfumnmr :1 ml frrr Tulrl m [ln un~
111 ml lliylrrbnnqn, ul llw puma price they mm my
for llu' Illirguzino nluno
llouulifuliy llluulruln-ll (lululuguen giflng fl’“ dos
niplious, pent hum: application ,/
For Mumbcrnllip, nddnm
‘ . Ll. L, DERBY, C. A. A.
M cilln‘r nf llw principal ofllm— A
“Knlckl-iboclivr Mugiuinu" ulllooJm Dlmulwuy.
Nuw York; or, Wonturu omen. 100 WM“- ”not,
Bandung, Ohio. um‘l7-m
THE camp 0011 mm. ,_
NEW, mp AND mcsmAnLK nouns.
’l‘ho uudq mall hull jun rpm-ivml nml upruud M
hm well lnom iml cheap cnrfivr. n stock nl' wull
:lech nnd mnnhln 10115, n,- fulluws. .
Dress Silh 1 various kind», colors nnd prim-s;
Cnnhmumn, llpaomuu. Ilumlfulnu, numb mulls.
Mom! Du lmims, Cniicocs, fl uikvmhiclura'huwlu,
BulrfA, I’m” do , at moderate, icon
’ “IS (”.01 [H ' ‘ '
Conahl nf anuh, Engll-th Lunl Amcrlvnn munufnu
turn. of All hue: and uulnrs uml ohm-Imm lu mil
5 - mssmmxu,
Foreign and Domoallc—hn has n Hupcrb ”lick-mum
prinlng the “but It In AIM
Offline! “1%“, Funny Rilk‘ Yuk". Arc. ‘
~ ILATH AND (ups, ‘ ~
Grunts, scum, l‘lm 'lfi’hl Figured. Fall“ Stock",
‘llle 5 k and Funny Hundkuruhiufs
[or Inn ca. Misses and ('hihlrcn AI-m
t A f l ulorbunnl of COATS of wiridun r.m1.|...»u,
PAN IM‘VBHTS to an“ who 301 mm dull \anuuu
In?" \I cuswumn. Cmnu nml cunulnu furyvur
no vcl. A”
('nfl‘cd, RI nr, Nahum-1. ’l‘cn,('hvwvlznh‘. Spiccfi of
all kinf: unfit)! 00d u xlily, SJ“, Jun. M.
0! ovuy kind and variety. nah-emu! with much cure
to an“ owndgn'nml in u ul-iwlnbvrhwd likg: cum.
‘ , ‘ umcmvflm, ‘
M I“. kinda and dew-plum“ buckled every other
MEI! found in l‘l'Un‘ . .
.1. hips by uric! ntlcnlifin to luuincu, hunt-Hy: ln
KIND! full welsh! nnd manure, and furninhilu
gum} ‘nd uhuap uriiulu h. ram-Ive (he [mlrnnnge n!
lhfluhllc I nupocll'ullymviln II“ to oxmuin: my
3' uud Judnxwflwwlwn
-‘ ' ‘ C‘ DER“,
Corner of me Dimmnd nlnl Allc 'hcny ulrcot,
was-u hulk-finale
HECUND Donn, "ELM-z 03"] E, PA
The umlrrii Iml IMAM n: rou'ully c 4“ Hm ni
wnllon of hu o‘fd {Howls 111111.310 publia generally
to h}! I" Izaak or .
which be In: lululy rcccn ud. uinlgtwk cousins in
pm ll {ullon - .
French Merino, l'crsinn Twllln. Ctuhlucroa, Dc
Lwc-I'Muhlir Lunlro. Ftlks‘ l'lfli'll, do.
... ...-..“ mazawma. .. .. ...,
kopt in I comm, nah.
mnnoxs. TnuxMlxus, Ac.
He by an «Elk-ovum
A very lug!- llock of Lho monk aubltanlhl Lind.
d It luv pncl‘n, ‘
For I'm!!! and buys, and of every variety, vary
choc-p. ' ‘
A very cmllcnl nmrlmen'
Alvin-y: on {and All kind of Omaha. at an Inn
prloen u can he had almwhcm.
And in fact ovcrythlng ununlly LrpL Ln n Mun.
[3‘ Pumhwzrl Ira mam-many Invi'od In cull
Ind m the new (hall Evnry nltvntiun wig lnu
paid to render Indlfncliun to uuxlmncrw
Ammxruxm, up-
OTHERS lN'l‘l‘llH-IVI'J‘J)‘
The nndcnl 'ncd n‘llwclfully lufumm'mc Fanny,
on nnd Ihr puthc gvncrally ul Centre county, ”It“ .
he in now mlnufvuzhlrinx llm ‘
Ona one'Full, "ml! convuuianl. duh-UN. iuul u‘
the “mo lune. the moat guy running Ihulloru cwr
mmmmmmflc it will shall mean and drx
“MW wit-(m M 4.. M, 951431»:
ralhng (boa: mlwdm Cum.
[ii‘Wuruutcd to run uluicr lhnn Mary other film]-
le n the Unllu‘ Hum- ur cumin-re, :r the quxm
'tl{y of Com shelled pcnlny. It :- column-ml nth
two «nah. In that two prrwm on" ‘urn it, nml
the“ {toil 200 in 300 bunch: por nlny It mm nlw
ho'utlmhed [0 bone [Enter
Call and Inn them chm: pumhuing (my olhcr,
u l' unTcruin Lou will be nix-fled will] this,
\ DANIEL mum,
“0'27 Bullcfonlc, .
N I?» of tho Dlumlfind, Bollcfunlc, (Janina Go ,
I'm—Thin Inn-go Ind mnvul’lluntly loonlcd hum
hula; been mmplmaly “mauled. rupnlml and
ham, II n:7 a not] 01! Ih. wnmlnovlnliun of
Ib. publla. ’l'hc {mytlohw of thla umbmhmcuv.
mirth“: l-l’hnm h I (dumb And the publln that
he M lpnnnl nolthur pnlnl nor oxpenan, tn render
lt I dulnblu mtnmt on all who mn{ [mm hlm wllh ‘
u call, übe In daurmlnod 1.. (ll) 111 111 hi: pom” I» ‘
promo!» lhclr comfort mule mwululmm ‘
1H- Tgl: wlll dlel be lupphud wllh the but,
lint the nlq wlll Lfl’onL~ ‘
Tho Rooms are Inigo and wall wnlmnwd ‘
Th'o Shhlmg connected with the ulnbljxdmlcnt ll ‘
i_n“: Ind mollcnt. And In ohnrxo of oan-ful and
xmxfilneod [mallow
lO'llu ”outed abodn for (In: mo of cnrringen
And bugglu.
thr mo urlvl ‘ And departing daily.
In I on mlhlnxggnll he ncfloclml u: give omits.
ulllflollonto lhoao hvorlng h m wllh n I: 11.
nov27‘l! . “ Bullofonln, Pa.
cm sum. omm; wmx, 61TH
.6553. an? Loud, ~12“ Knlel,un in par.
mm ° W.
variety. JM mind And far m. by
mm ' ' KEALBII.
nus, 110 mm man, mm,
’ luul kind: Mmaludud! I 1.
no"; -' 7" '" «:3 #1133131}
To: u 01? ALLHIINDS smm
of (no . brtnda;nlno,finua‘.u u
now? 1 - I’BUNEBB.
pm 95' ‘m’mm '
[j‘Thu highest anmlulu murder] by tho Frlnklin
1 lullilulu nl lhu lntc Bxhibltion'
' The suburibcr, mo: hm Mnlflpalicnl labor Md
experiment, is Ilupennhlmf tow or to ”It: publlu A
new 923% of l’iumrvl, {an emu-ding in beauty nu]
dumhlluy nny|hing owr honing umlo. Thaw pic
(urck are not reversal, Mg ngucrrootypel are, and
muyho um. in In light. ’lhcy ulna [W Um
rurc property nl’ lulu"
mw'fusmum! !
lluing hermetically scllul lullnuon gin." plates.
winch smllug ha secured by Lenora l’utcm m the
l'nih‘d Smlcs. Great Brituin and Finn”, Mul pm
115 ml in Philadelphia by ML “001, Flfih and (.‘thl
mu a‘rvctr, nml , '
l. mzuy, Our,
_ uv rm:
Nu [2O ARCH Strut, uhnvu‘fiixth', l'lxiind'n
Thu grand nun-w: I lune ullnihud in the pn4ws~ ‘
lit-n of them- piclun-I has nlimul‘nunl tho unvy, jcul.
«my and cunning of ucnnin "Kwruun, uho not only
Iln'fmml lhv publlu hynrlling mu- cuuntt'rfl-iu. but
wlm mnrwwr use my luulu mnrk. ' Aulbmly WA,"
to furlhvr lhuir dubsnuruhlu owls, and ”mu get-ml
me. Thin nmlnu mm original-g by Mr. Culling um]
unmfifléd ‘phmm, llld nu nth-:1" WERE-perm“:
malls a picturo nu aingic glass, and thn bluuk var
mah being llulnedlntuly in contact with lbo pmlunu
must 1:: I) uhun limu unwk, null then-by Inn-rl3 than
[my it. The publiv nro'cnulhuml ngnlnn'. the»! iml»
muons, u they “ill lun‘ly In: lllllppullllcil in lhclr
pcnmwcncy. .1 will uku plcusmu m shah)"; In
Ihusc “Jun wish [ho nnhuu of ”u: [nu kinda of yie
turl-I. nfilhfiy can ju‘lgx: fur lhi'nlsvlu'n
I hm )MV u-umlrklc-l my nrrnnjzvnwml for the
.xfilnluclmn of XML ”LE F \UE l’lU'J'lHU-JH, bloat
IlllAU'l‘ll’ULLY (,‘ULHanb .
The"! pi;luxu plunge uwr{ unc, nml gin: emiro
n‘ntufiklinn, and um 11 curiae 1y u: well m I luannL
Them Amhmtflx-I nrc pruntmnrull by cmnpen-ut
judgca who Hm granules: [whirvuucnt in lhu l'hm
lugmphiu ‘Art, Inning n n-liL-f un-l clcnrncas (but is
truly nahminhing
’Hno pm miuthr in, umrwvor, tumbled lly grenlly
impnn w! }‘|Lilhit‘l, lu JuruduL'v Llano Ambxujypql
{mm ”11' \ury Humllcsl ll!“ 11)
FP'LL LIFE HIZHA 2.3 I: 30 Inches. _w
Will: all the truth or Nntum 03 Um Immune“)
..r the Inn at. plan: ghw, the lung naught fur and In
l'lmlurrqrhlr: parlmi‘nrv
AMmllli'l‘Yl'l'Z H'I'EREOSCOPES mull be soon
m ho nlTmiulcd,_dw xuuut bung fully as perfect
nu Infu
"5, my
rv-uh‘rwl pormxmenf
'J‘lusu ludnnm ufl‘u-r an mduc' mcnk It) ”105.: wish
ing In m-ml phlurestu Europe, as they any mmf
ngunmL [pa ncliun n! wnla-r, Mivln. ulimatc or Alumi
plu-re, And may be [min in water 1")! month: will:
runner:- NAVD'H'Y‘ llu ulu continuu- m nmku
A grout im nrtwumuul upon Lin: Crynlullot pa mm.
mm. by whluh pictures le “ch direct (me 111‘",
Jlmtcnlvl of vowing a Dngux-rru’uly u must he ulna.»
with lthrynlalluiy n- prom-n Xl6l nuvumsful l’hw
logmphvru ”115$!“me gum-1 “w .Thvsu Mu-Izugmphu
an: aqua] (n lhu flhcnt on ravingunul more [um an:
m deluil ’Any’numbcr‘inun .I mnglo mun .Iyrum
one In lhnmuml. mwlc ulhcr plum, tummy-find, or
L'olUYl‘ll In water 0: uil
(‘Hm-nu mu! anxl-ru nrr fmih-J (n on" at the
Gallery and (‘xnminc apeuunumol' but!) of lhuuhow
Manchu of An baton: “my [mum pinuuu clan:—
when, as they uu “lured gamma “handgun and L
. -~ Mm~- A- w.»- -~ ‘ -- “v“-
o‘lunlruouunn 1m! figh‘l to Frnollcu id ball:
the übmv pmccuu, fur Min L'AWUT‘ 1y ”porn/uni
x “my, Phohrgruphcr,
NU 120 Amh Sin-ct, nlmvc Slul),
nom 27 if
E The blulung [lnwuu {lulu fmm mirth,
Youuva houuléul {mil ”my ;
)lut arm". I p ulnrcl ovur bloom
' - Tn Inger“ ‘rfmo‘s (leeay' 1" ‘
Thin Unllt‘ry in now opened to the public, nutlor
fin) cuntrul 0! <
“I h HJ, N lMllNllAgg, 1 1! II
'1 (M'II'I cl [m I)" uurmuly ‘ {m cqufl m
or rerlmps nrvor amlfilux‘tl in Am cnuang" A sum
inn low luul, beautifully bicnulml in “th nnll uhudv;
A perfect dolmunfym of [autumn mu dupory. luul
this planning effect hmhlum ta‘ 1: judluiuul Irrungu.
mvnt u! thn MHlmlc, nm truly oluccln “army of nu
lmxnll munlitlvmlion, Like many thr hrnmhca 0T
nuicnuu,’lbu nun-l, imporhmt roquhltcl can only be
unlined by you“ of nmllcwl exporinncu uxd 9195(-
uhmranun. 0! and]! we have luul Um mlrnnm M
Thom who huvn frivndl "my fondly vhur‘fah, 1
nhould remember dhwmm may loan lny ill with-um“
hnml upnu llmm - Thu vilul Ispnrk of M“, (Inn. 10- ‘
dny lmpflrtl bright luniulpnlinns of tho fulurc, m. i
marrow may be wnnln amid fhn hut fluwing em
{mrl of umrmlfly “my nut secure our pmmruu
when N In both cxpoth-nl. nnd ouuumnfcnl to do In 7
“’0 wish not to be under the "occult; of "unit-r
-ring your inmgu'tu n llahml nurfnwo, In tho luy ‘
on men of denth. Wm anon onlled upon m
rcrfunn this and not In mummy of Ihq durum,
In! heredturdn “011!!! ”(I out; chime m lens
11m“ $lO, nor wlll (he ulcturel of Inch nu hnvo Mad
0! otmlngcous dummies Le (alum fur any ludunolncm
l'inluma indent-d In mucu nf hhnml "vary vnrlutv
of Him, 141 mm ur "nigh. Almhunm) nud (”LT
LOCK E'l'B lop! uumlnmly un bluul '
[nutmufioul iwu md'Appunlun fumilhod on
”surname tam?»
[IF-“mm. Bmkcrhox’a new, legend floor,lhllo
fnnla, Pa. . nov27-Lf
To PRINTERS m Punmsnm~ 1
W. corner of TIRED null CIIES'RN UT Streets.
Still cnnlfbuvq VI mnnuruaturu all kinda»! BOOK.
JOlLnnd FANCY TYPE, "f the bent quality, In?!
M LESS I'IUUES FOll. 1MB", thin: Any other
Yonndry in 010 Union. mm»; duper-lance In the
pnotlcul put of lhfl'bmiuenn. um! In the mixing of
moms, wan-Int him In his martian um. mo typo
of Mn mnnuflwlure, mntnhflnmuuh on r. In. In
durable as tho much (Mimic! Loppor we Tiypcu
Ho but pu hand Ind on: mm? M u vory Ihor me
flown-r1 mini. used In I r Mimi o&u,pnoh M
Wyn I'rouu,llulu. Competing it. oh, Dana and
oodan Gnlloyl,_ Bgdldnl Loy Bnuhu. Cau-V
Dig-m Eumltun, Fe. W’l‘ypo mm: In unhan
forfib‘fu lmclmon priocl at. nluo oonla, per young
nov 4 _
imnix months lhcrulmvobuen Mined ol'llwrmw'
NleMoN'va Mnyumn nrcr EJGUI‘ HUN!)-
lllll) AND ‘FIF'JW THUUBANI) mmrbu’m ~ 'L‘lte l
l’ubliahure um)v lnleiy llfpmll m "I“! (but us ML I
demo of mo urwnmllolel nml oonumnlly incu'um‘rg
success willi wli ull'fimlr (‘nlll'll lo übllulr n cliunpY
inll‘nloljvo, null entertaining numlllly lmvu Map My ‘
lauded. .‘lllicy mum the expression of lluirllitgfika
to the public fur llicir cmulnnl confldnnuu and sup
‘ purl. Mill mxcuinl? in tin: Pn-sfi for (in! submuiliul
‘ Ailing]! as n urod n mnlu'ng their vllorls (ind publl. ‘
cllll'nu ‘(mmu lo the Anu‘rlcnn I‘ncplc. ._ -
’ Ilunn ammu-ly he Li-coumy ltuuld tJrQlualrrnlum,
‘ llmt Hm plmx ufcmuluuflnfi lln-Maxuflmr, u Moll him
[#o,le mu nucvvml‘ui, Mil n-wmllnm ll “illi lll“l‘l'll'l
-1mi lnslrluily null uxuu Tlll‘ mulls xll‘ll [mlu nl' lixu
Lfrcul mum! ol‘ llm [muplu “ill ouulinuu In 'lO consul
' ml; and no lullur Ur lixl‘L’nouull lio «llnn'il in Kiw
lint-m, (‘H‘Yy lnnulh, lim lul will nlnmml ol‘ this most
inlurcalinu nml inllrucliw lllcmry mulll‘f‘ original
nnd aolouled. in llm but l'uun and at lliu Clio“?-
out nriuui Special nnd innromlud _nllumlnn wll
aim-La be given lo lhe scrotal writs of originnl
illustrated articles, dullorlyllw of American scones
and historian] incidenln, prepared by the moat pop
ulnr “rill-rs nml ncot-mlmlucd by engravings by line
but nnlalu ln llm‘llnllutl Hmlvn. In ovary llupnrl
l men: of lhn Mupmlnu runuivcd rll'url» will In) mmlo
‘ tuinnrpmm inability. ila ufllily, and its nltrmtiVC
ulpu fur ionornl‘roudcrr. . . . ,
_ Than]; it lmu nut ye éamplclwl tho ulxllr your of
flu oxisiunco, lhnmmn' MAqunn ha: a clmulnllun
grunt”, I?! mgriy llmunundl, llmn was nor nllninud
y any 0! mr lunilnr publlouliun over l-Humi in nuy
my! ul'lhu wurlrl. It in tho doltnulnnllnn of the
i'uhliulmn that it almllaominuo In morluhll nnpnr
nllulod and still imam-using prosper" V.
_-Emh~nmnber “[lllO Mugazlnunwill naulnin 141
ucluvd yngu. lu‘ llnnhln- cululunn, email your lhu»
mmprl’mngncrrrly luulluumuul pllj‘l‘fl ul (lxu clmiunnl
Mlmullunumm Liwrnluru of ling mini. _ Every Num
boi will cnnluinnnmvmuw l’luluriul Illualmlmm, ne
cumlu Plnlcu ofllw l’iwhlmm. n cnpimw (lhrouiuln ni"
Current liionlu, nnd lmpurlinl Notices of llm hu
pnrluhll Book! of llm Mouth. 'J'lm Yulumra 60m
mcnru ullll lbu {Numbers for JUN: luul Dm'mrmm;
lml ulbacriplinn-I mny (mmmon'u will: "My mlqu-r,
’l‘mmn.—-T|w Mag-imim-mny Imubluinml nf "Wk
n'ollerfl, l’uriodiunl Agvnlnmr {mm llm l‘lxlnildwrn nl,
Mam) n your, or 2.5 con“! :1 uumlmr. The Emil-un
11l l'vlumofl, mu m HIP“"Q|IV firmly lmuml ln (llullrl
art: will nl 33,00 cull, nlill Muslin ('m‘um un- fur.
ninlwd to thaw Mm “hill to limo lhrlrhm-k nulnl-mn
uuil'unnily [mum], at 2C: comm (-m'll leon‘an—
limes nu: no" muly bound ‘llnrpoxs' Hlnry Houlm‘
nml “ llqura‘ Mugnzlnu” lell be rant lu om}, Ad‘
drum, for om- 3am, for Null).
'l‘hu pnldMnL-nn “ill Pupply Specimen Nnm‘wu
grn'uiluully m ~Apenln luul l'wlmnnmn, and “ill
mnlm hln‘rnl urrnngvuu-nln with ”mm for cimulnfing
llm Mngvuiul' ’l'lwy will nlm supply (Hubs, nflwo
mrnnnu M $5.00 tryuma 0r (hr pv'mmw nt SW 00 ._
‘Jlt-ryymcn Hurlili: d n! 8200 n \‘L‘u.
4 HA £ nu: timu'rnws. Pubtiflwn‘. . .
W ITH THE Fms’l‘MONTKr (my;
UAHY) NIJ'MI!I£IL,(IHSIK,) will comifiulmu
Iho Him]: \'n!umu “r
A Monflfly l’crimlicu] nf ’l'hinytv.” (h'hn'n I‘ngu.. _
dumlml un‘lu-Ivoly (n 11n- lvvs: inn-ream ul‘ Hp-
Farmer, llm (lxmlcncr the hull (InmL-I nml
Shmk liroctlnl‘
l V A low back Vulmqm 111-mlnomb'y human, M
sle mull ‘
Am'mg rho Fuhjm-la treated in Un- Jmu'n.:l \.i‘! luv
puxuprvhemlul the fullmvlnjgo -'
'i‘lm Unldvnliun of the Sail; Mnnmos nnvl llwiu
Applicnliuu; 1)... 'llp'jml'; of All m-Immd imp) \ v d
In) Ih‘luontsuf lllylmulr)‘. dmxlyu ‘I In In “I‘m' ‘ J Ml
nhr’ivlgc lht‘ Llhur 0f [ho Mum, lbug'vzipliun" u] «ll
nrw Fruilu. Human and Trees; Pumiug mu] Hr m.
lug; Ex u-riawn‘s nf 1' minus. Huml/nrhil olun ,
Mmkv! 5b,, vrls, Planing, Suulng x-ml “mu nXiIVIV;
“ruining: (hill-:24 null (lrIILI"-(. lit .‘nnl M v' Any
fwd fur omin, (hth-ning, Hu‘ 5 H k (l mu}-
description, lmwh mull»: nl fun. yin-r. Ju , ’llu
liniry; Rovirux (I; Auxiuullluul :u d llurxi 'nltunl
Bunk-l; MnrM‘fln mi. N mun -4 m‘l ('x u'nnu and
other nubjrc‘m whinh nu- cnh-uhn-«I In iuun 'mtl
inflvrm lht‘ chm! lur Mn In no um I'nhurin ' 'Hn:
Hdilmiu‘ Dx-parlxngh’ \\Hl lhr‘h M Jx’axfifoa‘; y A
M SPANULLILI’JFH:iqh: I] L'lh‘nr “LJ I'llil‘i‘l'h"
of (he Juunml. :vqltul In‘ :L I'IHII‘CI’ 4f I'. h n?
Agrlvullnmliz'n u' d.“ n'iml Farmhm, "I'Lil : it
M (be Lune Kim". n miumry (.(j cc to My (h:
Jouxnnl dour [rum nll CM m-rul um ILJ s. um]. I»
rcmlt‘r it in n" town-h n rvlinblu palm-V.
‘A It in a great fdlnu ' to human 2!: v! u hm M iw
tllridlml Imenmfit m} ulnar 74' ml Aqriuulan
paper. [-0 nocwnnily un x i'uun Luna ll u. 11L ..'4,
U! «whim: nu] pmutiu ' M 1m 7' hk Ir .'
“ anmnl Hm rnwurnzv {pun of Agrivulluru m.)-
nuunlry, homncr Mound by nah N, u.u.,‘. cun‘h m:
poor u
“I: new] I
pccimcn numbcrn (a M] u‘
juirj, Eu. mln'luxJn mnuum uunluim-«l i'| th
qulln+.lm’ umiuing urn lhvw Um? h-nL- n 1' M
ngu Mulnp cnclnuml (a [my lnr lhu mply
(lur Trnm u/ Sulmm/lum lr’ll‘P Hm Juli/[ml
" «‘FMI'II‘IF! ”at": n/‘ u’l '
Ringlc ""59" - . 3| ()0 pm unnum
«-.‘.L'iu: cumu.,. ,- , - , LW f}: v: . ,
Ton copl' a, - - 7 G!) ‘
Twrnlv Lvnpiu. - - HOO "
AHJIIIN'rip iuzu mus! In "in \ i h lhu lav m 7.];
uumln [lf lhu whim: \alni fl c muncnu! “H. ll
_\'t'nr; nLd in (u I) c-N' Hm J‘mnrxlwi'l M r” 1 )val
M lho uplrnlinn «f llw Inm- {will {u}. Indus (he
nublunu‘iun Is P" \ilmnl} rm cm-«I.
I» . AMELL L‘MLIZN k UL. Puhli-hcr‘,
' N L' comer of ELM-nth “11:1,“ka H'n-I la‘
l‘hl'mld )hh
To whmu ‘nll cummnn’ln'iuym, ML ‘hcx ndilnyl lor
busing-n rjmuhl huuldumul. nu! 27
7 A JILHVIIN'I‘” Y 1: \ll ...,
The “(Womb Annual Vu'uum'hf flu: u fut puip
11%?an cummrncna 0n [hr 17”] day: l' .4! 1mm!” r
ho ”bcimmliu Amt-)im' H nu “Instr m ! I" .
rim“o.l{, dcvutwj rhicfly m lhr: maul Lpn'l .u I! in-
Clu um. Arts. In'llu‘lnnl :‘l'mufu’uh :- Aqudn re,
l‘aluufl [mt M; a s Luann l mu; "(I‘Zn uk » ”l J“
‘(IIf-fllllflll uhl..h (hr I.qu at D...“ ml -.1. n u nml
0 lan-d In mlmm‘ ‘
llL‘pnrl-u ur l'nitvl 9mm l’u'v 'n 1;“:‘1'1-1. :lm
Imbmhcd (-vt‘ry rm‘k including x m-I M M]! ~~ « full I
'allunl, L‘hu'um. (41‘! that with Ilchl Mad h funmti-m 1
upon Ilmumuuh of ulllvr lulqm I:
The (.untrihulors In Ilw tum-MW" .\"!":" 'LL an \
Huang the Imm. omlnrnr n hwrin: nwl mnr'luul
InonUflhn Innu- TI|I'I.II’H.I|I11‘("I‘ln 1' I' \u i-
Icpnlly nrknmvlwlgml {a 1m « m 1“: m! m h mull/l
Au». mun unmmuh-MJ . Mm; Lu [1:1 mm
[colic-my nml l‘uihfulmu ur in! Junta- um :u' {u ‘
who fenrln-Mm-ss Mlh whlr‘h (-nvu n oum': nu] and
I {also ”mulch nu mph/Jud. 1
”Mllflllh‘fl, Imuulms Illlgimv: ('hvmiim Mhn- ‘
‘ ufnz-tun-rn, AKIICI‘INII‘JII‘", and “Doyle in on ry
.[urol' in‘hfo. will and u.» WicAmrluw
l obe u! grunt value In their relpcuuu c dun . luv
- . a nmfmmmwl—mfhrfn humfloflmf
dullurn nununlh, Ilclitlt'l nfl'unlhlg themnrnnllnuml
munm uf know‘u-dgv. llm uxpcriunm- of “Inch i 1 110-
ynml peegminry ullnmlc
’l'ho iirnlilic Aim licau it "11:! fixed nnce n Wm k.
mon numln‘r ('unlumng UI'JII (lull lu INKWI, funn
ing unnuully n cumplclu luul Huh-mm! vnlumu Uhm»
LIAM MIL-Hum! hundred origin»! Eugmvinga.
7 *‘NF‘w‘lnn-n mph-a Hun! flfim! ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “
KHfSr—Sh: la auhn-ri Mom 3: n our, or 8|
{or six months; g" copies Ilur lix munlgs 8!, for In
your.“ - _ ..V...
For [urlhor Chub rules, and for alulemunt of tho
fuurtcon lumo Cl5ll l'riu-wtfurul hylhupu bluhcnu
non Svienliflu Ami-rich" --
RUulhrrn, \Vuntvnunml Unnmlmmnnoy and P
Oman Bio-ml]- mkuu nL imr fur nulm-rimiuus,
Lunar- n muld be diruulcd, ptNl-lml'l m (
Ml XN & (‘0 , "
123 Fultnn Htrrol, New Yurk
110 27-3 t
y "131857 A NEW BOOK (,‘l)MiNU,——-Wo have
i (in: pluusum of unnoum'w‘ um he «have in plan,
nn-l nimll puhlhh nbnul. the m of Dwambcr, :1 mm
wuxk of flcliun, rntiliml _
The hut wurk, and lint cuniinuuus halo of brii
Hunt luul fuminnling Audion”, ”Ruth Hull,"
milhwmi n “30ch unuxnmpiml in tho nnnnh of lot
torn. 'Yfi tho Iwmh'iumiing periqii’cni, 11.
”émnictl more )mfuuml s‘onsnliun than any which
ima hem inucvi «luring n (“Ith of n ounlury."
Liiuf it in nlmouensnry in u uda w Illa mill 0!
_“ ‘LIIHLJJNL'I Judging from a!“ number of 0»le
wu imvll mini, my juvi‘h that every bmiyvin the
United RIMQLIIM rutulflt.‘ An respect! Um wtwk wu
imvu mm in prov-54mm CLAIIK. we can only my
that wn u-gnrd it. IL, in ovary nm cut, n grcnior,
hotter work; and um confident it will nut onhymua
lnin, Imt own inurouuu lilo repulmiunnf its iulin
“llidilmi nutimn-M We have rrmmnn l'wr thinking
“ limo Clark." will umku n gnaw! INMIUDH Um"
did " Bull: Hull." ~ ~
‘ It will {um an oiuxlnl 12mm volume of over 400
1 Engels. l’rioo ill 15, on recoil? of which aoplul will
omm by mail. pesky-Aid ’nbiinlmi lw
i nav2l~4t " Now York.
——Umloful for Hm pntmnugo no llhumuy hu
anod “pan hlm by a gpuemul community And
hon-a by girl I. nthnuun (n hullneu, to~ nhmyl
00 lnuogamoqm Ibo nlppmbntlan of an npproclulng
public. , [q Inform. h n nlonlln,~wltnmuru, untl tho
{mum xenon“ (lust ho In propnrfied to furnish
ham, M M! wolfinovm stand with «very vnrlety 0!
()BOUHRIES that may bu ‘cnllod fur. Venom
.wlnhhfi to anomlm wll} plump" and what unh
urooo on 0 mo, as} am dounnlnod w glvo Inm
mum to a . '
mm. . . .mmm “10th
_h H M
~ by [will " WALSH
l I ‘ l l ‘1 , . i
OPERATE by tlmir‘powml’ul influence on tho
iutrrnnl vlucrm Impurlfy the blood and lili’l‘lh
lntov it into hmlghy ‘uotitm. Th? remove the
obntmtinnn of thn ntnfuuch, bowoln,i rur uni other
omm» of the body, in d, by rosinrinflltholr irregular
nation to health, correct. whatever t 0y hilt. such
derangement: n: are the flint mum of dilouc.
An intensive trial of their \‘lmnlpby Prom-Inn.
J’hydclunn, Ilml l'ntioum, has nhnwh cure. of dun
gcmua dlwnuon nlmuut‘bcyond bent-f. Wpru they not
aubunnfluli‘d by‘ponohn ohsuch exalted position
riTul character as to forbid tho anallyicion of untruu._
Their certificates nm publiuhcd n my American
Almanac, I'hll‘ll ibu Agt-utn bolm' Mined no
planned to fumlnh (You to all lmplirlng._
Ahncxod we film Digectiam or their use in tho
complaininwhic i they run been found to euro.
Fan Cpamnmzsa.-—’l‘nku one or two Pills, m
such quantity us to gentlg' mm the bOWI-ls. Con.
tlvcnms i frequently t o agar-"ting muss of
Plum “s’:th euro 0! one cumplnint in the cure
nth}lr. , n qmm‘ can foal well whllu under a
coamflmbh (il' hotly. Homo it should bu, an u
can bé, irompily rrlmmi. «
F 01! burn-nu, wblch in Imnotimou tbo can",
IJnf (lumvuma, mul nlwnyn uncomfurtnbla, tnko mild
down :- from 0110 to (our - to Itimulutu the ntmnm-h
and liver into healthy nvrlun. 'l‘lmy will do it, and
the Ilmrtburn, borlybum, nnd :oulbum of dynpupxig'
will r-pldly dim want. When it hu gone, (1011':
for at what cuml 30“. >
~ #or n FOUL H'rmrmn, or Morbid huh-lion of 1).;
Ilamoh, whiclrrrodncoq Ennaml doproulon oi iho
I iriu uni hull imlth. in o from four to ei ht i'lll.
all first, and mmllor dnucn nflnrwnrdn, until‘ncllvity
and strength in restored to the nyutom.
Fun Nnnvouamtnn, “unmimmu, Nun“.
I’qiu in (In! Stomach. nut/i, m‘ Sula who from rum
to sigh; yills on going to bed. If ll)? do not 0 cr
rn-to c cnlly, lulu: mnrr the next 1y until 31on
dO. Them romplninh will in! elm-pt out from lho
system. Don't wear these hnd illuir kindred din
order» bocaum yuur ninmnrllin foul.
EunScmvaA, Nih’du'fl M. and a” Dina“.
oft/m SM”, take the i'ill-u frocly nml frequently. ta
hoop the bowels npnn. Thu qutinun will one!"
Ally noon begin in diminish nnd (Isnmeu'. ‘ltlmn'
dreadful \llL‘t‘l’n uml mm hnm Im'u cult-d up by
the [Surfing nhll pnriMmz cflh’t of (ht-nu Pills, and
,9 mo dimming dint-Mm whirh acomrd to uturnie
[£o whole uynmn have anuplcuzly yluldeuxm thvir
luiiuouuo, lensing llu' uulforvr ‘lu prrfnct health.
Putinula! ‘ynur duly in whiny forbidn that you
gnu“!!! pnmdn vnurnolf around the world covnrd
with plmplul, fieolcho‘l. ulcers. some, uni all or Any
of the unvlvnu (linmw I. at ihc akin, because your
Iyntmgwnum rlmnniug.
1v IMn mr. rum-u, In“! mu "mun: ”mu
tlna mcr dinedm-n‘d 'l'ln-y uhuuld be taken {reply
and fnqul'nih, onll llw impurities which now the
sccda bf incumhli- iliuxm-n mll ho nwopl out of tho '
a 'skl‘m llkc rlnll lii-fur" llir ulml. By ihin propony
they do 114 mmh gum} in prcwnlinu nicknmn u lty
tltc n-nl'iukublu cum; “high Lucy arc making every
Ln‘ru Cum-MINT, ’JM'chn, and all Dalum
'Afl'rdum: miwc from mum dcmngmnmt—mthcz
turpidin, cnngculion, or übatmctionl of the Lnrr,
Tomidity and congestion mim- |ho blla And n-ndrr
it unlit for digestion. 'Lhia in dilmltrous In lhv
hmlth, and (he wmtitufinn in {rcqm'ntlg' undu
mined hf no other mun. " illdhu-ntion is I o nymp
to lelruvlion uf Hm dun which eruption the
11' no the nmmnrh muu‘n 11m bile to overflow
hn blood, '1 hi: produce» Juundico, with a
l and dnngcrnus train Inf Mia. Continue-m, or
altornntcly cmtiwncau and din-thaw, prcvnih.
‘Fcron‘uh Iymplumu, lungnm, luv u iritu, ravine“,
n-ntlmuncsu, dud mohnchuiy, wit}? Domain“ in
ability 11> sh‘qi, nml mum-time: t-It drownincu;
mmrtmwn thon- i-I Acvon‘ pfiin—in El: Ride; Iha akin
and the “like of (hp r) on brooms I greenish yellow;
”12 Manual): .m‘ul; 1h:- hom-lu nunv to tho tenth;
the whole :91qu Irritahh‘, \vllh n tcndcnr tn fever;
whivh may turn hi luliml-I frwr, hiliuuu roflr, lnlinun
dimhurn. dvnrnlvry. Sc. A mrdium done of three
or {our l'illu tnlwn nt night. followod‘h two or
lhtéo in 1110 nmrmnu. luul rcpcntnd u few Jun, will
mmovn the (nuns of u" thew txouhlu. It in Wicked
‘ tn nuflbr Inch pdm'when you can cure them fur 25
Run? uni, (13711, and all Iqflamnuuory Fe
_ua‘n urn rnpimy Cum! by "I 0 punfy‘lng efffl‘h a!
then l’lll- upon {he blond and tho Ilium)!" which
they nfl'unl to thn vitul principle of Ulo. For
thou and All kiudlL-d rumylninu Hwy nhould be
mn inflmd down. to move “I: bml- gently, bu!
‘AIII Dunn; PILL, (Mn h be“: AMI. And
nlofnL N 0 Pill run he made more plots-n: my!"
und certainly uona bu been made more ufl'cctlnl In
0m purpom tor-Much - d_lnnsr pill/b employed
J”. 0. Am,
Pmcllcnl and Analytic-I Che-m,
LOWELL, mum. '
AND new av
A. "I“ I‘TMN. ~
um I MILUS. §n lhlymc \
(3.“ "YMAN. Murmur". -
w. \mmm. mm [MIT’ ”‘
WJ'. lll'\l';\‘\' A} (1-,. Mullhenn. i _
"‘JOHN‘ Ill‘qh. I'M!!-
l 1." "WINNER. h‘unl\di'c.o‘¢".‘lt M ('a
Junr ‘27. hm, n N
‘v . 1
: I ' L I: a '
N» L'U .squl: Fourth SL, l'laih
_J ~| \ou.u mu nu l "LIIIAUI m’
‘. l'lfil- Slr(-u-,,l'nda) "mum
Urlfl‘lflbl' lbth. thl | \
’ v’l\.\t~ A; WATSU.\S SA! \
' «j MARIAN! SAFL“ 'l‘Jill 2:
,Y‘NAN'I'. A 3 'l’lH‘.\’ AI
.‘ wux ARI-3 \\lll..\~ I'll
'_. ‘|‘() '1 I”: TLS'I‘.
‘ I
" I’ngliwna-un. Du. 15:, Int»!
Mn It In Hum A; hulwu, Ru. 20 buuth Innl ‘
SI l'lnl.|u€o',)lul,
(37x15): \n V »--\\'l- [Mar mm h'plt-a-un- in I“ m
mrmllm‘l-vg ’unr Mlhummll-r Safe! [0 Mn- I, .x, -
.uul ukutmuLumeWfimmmm ;,
lheir haul”. pnx en fin . hum m, "mg m..- w
pmrMfi-omymi lbmnm 160mb! 15mm tu
pvt-M‘lv(d our l:l)1)kl.[n]>¢"l. and unit 111 111 gen-d ‘
nun-Imm. an We) now whrn pm ”’0 I|,‘borun'll
JUNII I'm- on lhrl lunnnng. n In: bin Mrnycd lhv u
url: bII-v :- 0! thl nga mmcr m cm mum and l m
Art-vhf ‘l‘hv «hum mh‘ wan m usu- m on! on!“
nll (lw alvnndvflnm rul uur hmldnng, fmm wlm
plaxu u [rll inlu tho ra-lluAnd'rumlumd [MW “1‘
ul Ihd 'n‘v’ warnm: ‘an Hm: wu Ihl'll rummul
and uucm H In lhc prucucc nf'ul luv! 1000 [WI-"II"
who wnnmud flm gum! mfinmfl‘mmmcnu
WIN 3"" pica" ham Ihr Safe at d Lunkl “‘[mnul
:13 \u: lull-In! In [ml 1! 111 nu: :gtu'n. having pen I
(.uhflduuLt'l m nu flru unofqumucn.
You”. lh-pcmmlly. ' "
LACY a: I'l'llLLu's‘
Evan! a Wunnn lulu: film-um In rerqumg (‘u IL:
full-mung. nmnnu tho many hundreds who Inn-Hu-vl
Sift:- 11l usole. H. Mam. Hui-1.; F-Al'llll'llnlll‘ N'
clmnwn' Hank. Plum; snmuel Allen. [lqu . Hm"
Shenfl'. I'Mhm John N. Hrndorwn. (I'll! (10mm!
lcr; Caleb Go up. 41‘ 00,. No. |63Murkul N 1 : “I' h
2M Norm a; lion. Locomotive bulldl‘rl. I’hdnd‘l ,'
Bauer“: J: Sella". Mum-um. comer lfllh 7"“
Jumu lit-J an‘k‘fin'l-‘lre lnuumm-o Co . PlnLulL
Pcnnqlnnin lhilroud (20.. PHIL; Lurydfi WNW?"
comer MI and Mlnor 8m; sharplru Bro . N" “5
Bomb 80mm] BL; Jnmu. Ken! (2 Sanlw. N" ‘3’
,Nonh 'l'hivd an; w. u. Ilammnn .9 Sam. M "l
onh'l‘hml S( t Hmllh. Williams urn/TNH‘“ ‘
Mantel SI ; J bßlOrna, No, It” Chrunul El
‘Wnrgo allotment al'lhl'Qbovo Sufi-I "‘
on hand (win-mad lo nlnnd grin-'0! 1 l" L‘ m
"gore Em than any llenlngl m: n i“ "3"?“
InNANS «5r WATSON elm "MIN“ .mw Judi-“ 591.1
for unla‘lrun Shuunu. lrnn Duh: Iml "0" 5"”
fpr mnhng flu: mu! Van!“ for banh. fl”'""- PM"
ligand prlvnlo fibuldmgn. Bealnnd LolllvrlTOl‘y3"g
liq-en: wl'ulenl Slum Lined 'Rcl'rignnlmu. IN"
l‘lenw [two on: ullnu No. 20 50th Fourth 51'
April ”.1351?” , ‘ <
Zulu: wiinsfin-«ru BEST
“I! hlnnlwumc mm, of Mom I"! un-WL‘I
In the India. Mulupomy Wonud, Cunm
$323131 fialrdfinmh ‘kalux Canon. WW“
I ‘
’l:va - ‘5», “not: myr'kuknsgll'fi 1
HW' mrmm
com-aw on hnnd And fox lulu Izz-
JAS. 1h WEA 'l3:]:
' Mil hurl!
_V ....H_.._. _____ ,
D to” on hand uud (Err 3qu by ' ONIONS,
Quail @3335 a sum:
5 I: Bl
" ’1 wwwmba
, [lo-burg
W n 43:32] nifimflsu'fi. “z