Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 26, 1855, Image 3

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    finial intellégenm m
Olin-run humane md gone, gm}! wo'howJutund
on tho verge of another your. Wu are passing op.
render. ‘O, lb“ lolemn dlarnimy, no unfnlhanublo to
'lho huumn mind, and lo'lmporuul. w the imtngfili
gull. A! are gun bmkwuyd' upon the put; far
nah i 011“! moan) and hnloyon days or youth, und
thon ounlexnplnk tho ptuaentfhéw wonderoul are
the ohmgu! how mighiy tho flnodunionq or Lima
Who 1- than, ln-hl» oxnorianoo «if lilo ‘yo‘nr funk
waning, iimthml not ” nt‘llisupminu'ngnt? Who
in thlgm lhnl has not mnosyu grnvo with nfl'oo
‘tiuux tum? Fqfl, indomi.‘ _ :Aliflmvo ,hocn mov'lhi
hy ilz'uula mutationséund mlloonu’awnpo'ihb oh‘i’né J
.e- which‘ gm destined to mark lhummgn‘u of yoxmi ‘
We tnlalpfinwcvor, gcniid reader“ um." tho pull
I'M blank, lhe future may yleid Q rny:ol‘ plouuro‘
which will mall. tho frozen memory of iormv'v—or il‘ 1
it was bright», 9h.“ Roland may durkou younpuh. ‘
Nothing more appmfllm of murqoongonlul with
Ourulhonghll, could be pr‘h‘enlod, thun the following
Tilnl-I, from ope of 4muxloh'u awaited-Ind moot lub
lime gala : .. ‘ ‘
“(£3113 ' gone furovor 'wliké 3mm; wivo,
Anothoggo‘gihgibunl upon the the a
_ 0f ourlhly huing‘nml 3!: 1m low (mg? 1]
éaWMM“ mm“ éa 51w a r\.
Are dying‘h An'goho " ‘ ' ~.‘ - v’ - " ‘f‘
"""‘..‘L. ‘f'—'*“—' ‘WW"' "\‘
With ill you“. chin-ma hid gonHonc with m
loaves, m _
Ila utmoaphoro PFMea—‘ila whim clouds
[lumborlng liko‘wguphl In ihn nii—lla hlniu
Toiilng mm lam IT3-uk—nnd u. unam-
Leaping umlghouting from the. up—pilcd "Suki
To rhnfiflolenn’h who at): (he the Joy hr waves.
And Summer. wl‘dl Nylon and nhowon, hu gone,
In rainbows glowing on tho dhumtlolyml.
leo mph“: 9! the norm—m peaceful like! ,
Hmillng In (halt "out. sleep, A: if their dream:
Wm 61 the opénlng flowpn, unl budding lmon,
And ovvrhmgl‘ng liq-and It: bright mlm
Rooting; upon the mountain-00pm :- omwnl
Upfm tho heir]: of giants. ‘Aulumn, too,
Enigma ‘wkh All “I (hope! glowing-gone
With “A grub hills, Ilka slum of the world
Lining their fruit nl'eringn In their nod
"; cold finds straying 'mid the form-t. allian-
T‘: wulm their lhonnml wind-ImrpA-itn non-no
And [lon gamete pinging o'nr'lhc wont,
Like banner: [mm the hntdemontu at hMfifiw
‘ls} “Till.“ hwaningifivfien “‘9 Mount“. 56- ‘
W!- ever throbbing. liko thQJIIv/Kng heart
Of the great unlvnrm Ayn-them mo now
nu: sound» and vMom or tho put—(hph deep.
W’lltl beauty has drpnrlcd from (in: cnrlh.’
*‘4 ““9- -—° new-‘O4 hihmnhrnnn M Dean!“
" :l'llclr nolelnn haul-K lo olurnlly."
Wolml no time to NM] our rrmlorn n hnfiiy
Chrinlmu W o oonxmluintu, I houggvho wuro hlvmul
wilh-‘pleuuw. pflMand omhntmnnt, and "By all
who Inc/kml llmm, Fur the No 1! \'cnr.'mi nlk'lmm
parity and lvlcnly for All , . - ‘ '
/ ”mm-flrnwanm-mnnwu’ufi-u
‘ _lur.'('l'r|n\s of Centre cuunly, oppqnud In mo
"Jug Law." in pun-mince pf I public cnll, mmln
porno dnyl u'nco. met in pnhllu muting, in thl llnr
mrgh of Ilvllvl‘unlv. on 1110 22nd inst. 'l‘hn {mantl
nnco In} npt largo, owing‘m‘ (ho inclymvm‘y of the
weather yr! lhern I'll u mlvmwnmxinn at tho
wgahh, [he indunlryknnd [he mpoctnbilily of the
county. _ ‘ _4
0n mMinn ..r ('nqlnin IL (I Cnmnlngr, did Hool
ing as cdlciluln nrdor, nut] t
Jomt (I uunrinu'x nppuhuuul President ‘
Vluu l‘rcvidcnul, Funnel Tivlnn Ind John licllh
flocrolnry, Gem-go M‘E'ufl‘vr , ’ '
- (H 35 6: Kurt], {mm the Cnmmich on n'Holrcm
and "Domitian-j, (hon prcngnlml tho fullbwing:
I’s6me Clmnu—Sinco the fin: u uni-I'm:
'Ol Unvw’enk In Pnnmylv‘nln. [he mmfimluflng,
we. Ind use 91 epidmnm.vKMnun and malt. llquurl
hue been Infinlht-d hv Lulu undo: yvhulcmmu rc
lltrlclluns, w Im- m... In ,4...“ ... ..n. ~., ...w. .4 h.
(be Cnmmmmmhh A lurxv unumm. of onpfln} mu
invented. and - oho pnpnminn innmmw'l, citimm
confldin In the cnconnfemenl gin-u by thu lam,
amefcul {urge and cman lun- Howl's In every part
OHM country. for Um nocnnumylntinu ul‘ nruhgn-ru
and inn-"en, bmuufy‘uvg Mar riliva and hum! ul
holvy expel)». wluh» it “(fur-1M u go ,[ nml emu."
InurkM lo (ha Funurr for Mt aurplm grniml Ilul
the :- lrit of fiumlwium In." lmon [\l‘llu’wl wnhln (hn
but £1! jean—mu! with the must wrwkln“ nlyllko
In: denounced thn whulo [rm-m. as well M (hum:
who were engnguvl in it rn-g'mdlra n-l churnclr‘r nr
“AMI“; In 106.10 n AL hut. llm Loglnlulufi' MIN
tuned upon lu [mm L: [AW NII[IDIYIID;; Ilm quell-I
52:“ In Iho )OOIIIC, ITIN'IIH‘T ”Iv ur my saluvfliqunnv
llmulnl be nllowl-I inyurumlr Th; 1: u‘qyln «lrcitlv-«I in ‘
flu): ul'nnln, uh- ,I: n [unjunl v and ll"- mnllvr rlmnl-l‘
hm u rculml, unhl It.“ [n-uIJv dwuhl (Mk fur ll: pu-lmul !
Hut llwlut lmgislnmrv, \mh tlm- (”"351“ng h.-
I'urc lIIr-n, and In ullrl mulvmp' r-l llu- ow mun lmll‘
nfllu‘ pm .anlmmfln pnnp--r In pm: lhn )Jtllu/l «lull;
Lair," w‘niuh («'III‘IXVH n trim! u-v‘ rm our h'lnlull-E
Ilmkl. Ilrlnrhmg Hw'l n'mury ufllu-(‘unmmuwv lIIII‘
"In Illa" mnnuu: nl rv'n-mn-V “hivh l 1 «1 lllll‘ h "Nul-
KXI (auxin! in llqulllnllnr‘ nur Hutu lI'JII‘ amt M
the mm", ”mm :ICIHI'UIJIIIIg llu- xvnl llll'l parsnnnl ‘
rut-Io of llmw canrrmnl, uu~l \lmwh’f» largu num- ‘
her of Inbon'rr uul. uf employment wnlmut dnlng ll
[l‘llho of good The In“ Land-lure lmmg ‘lw
mveunl lml corrupt, (Iml cwr'lh-guvc-l [ln-1.0;;
L Illnlivc Hulk, Ibltlli wlmlé nlm 11. "mu-up mm. In
. Mch frnm (he rnflrrwuf ”I" I'onmmnwvnllh—‘mMul
a 1-7 “hing 111-mm-lum flvu lmmln-rl :lnllau mu II
' v- ' - ‘ - < .
M l puni'm of lIN‘ run-11. wllkll rlumhl In) A .pmprlu
lml lo pay our Slall‘ ‘ll‘h. Ilnl wlml KIWI hm mm
luw done’ Nullung, n‘n-uhlh'ly mulling. run an
ulinul WM it toll." [wuplu llmt ”my quo luul. ll
lumu Innj‘nlly in HM' [unpulnr hmm-11. win: no Imuml
luwln fur m rv-lu-nl, Ilw ”mung nnmn llul 11.
lIM rquauvul, Irv ¢ wlnlni-hmu lln- “.lugr .Sqtlrm ”
y and culling tn Ilux’rl n *l'lrllnl Inmhmyn nml prr
. Jan/Hull. nml llJA‘unpluymmllaf.l]ullv,ulllllll/alm
ru,lml lIJIVII a do» nnII Infunmm! nro culluxl all, It
In I vnlunl drcfnr-llun of lIOIUIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIC Illa I‘m-u.
ple, it Arguvl I run! 0f cmnlltlenou In them. It, nigh“
I In: and jnmluuny uf Ilmm, ll M'xm-u IIIIWIIH! [Hill‘-
“my lhvm Ivy umlnw-mlu- ya at him Its mHm'ulw,
mwfiof lIN'IH no duuh! INHIMUIL llu'ir mlrluuvnlq W
fin-3h :11. Um “In/(fur rmflrw nu Illny (urm il llul
(hero II also ”11l muting hypocrite, llm "Jilin“.
'llomlawkuu ml lumvn. who um |lm [mull-n: 0f llll<
{:fly, and uau lhum fur lIIQ‘II' own nvlllnl- )urpmrs.
cy (1&1va murul nulwiun DIIIII (unmplu, aml dclnnnnl
pilm M) polmlliun under the guivluncu nf qurr. up
aunt”, luul Iruuulv Nu . luhnlng “Lair/I',"
und by Cannlllullun and Igynlmwn, m lulwln ouch
manna" uvnry nimumsuuou, [lust oven In Irluln
- Maud by “W annlnnntlm, (hrir menu
W 0? Concrnl llmn, cvun In the Jury lldx fl
out. an mom I. thin nymm bal «am-4| mm lIIM
,1110 ohIo! Executor ul' mo ully ofihilmlulphln. llu
Instruct“ lu- mlico ufllcun, m nln the Mob,
hvomn nnd‘ool‘pw Iluusol‘ on tlng gnbhtdl, u Iplol
11nd Informant, vlglnlin llm Imlnlm-y tenuinuco
Inf by buyln Ind lII‘fIIIIIIIK lplrikma llqnorl on
U)“ dly, and fiudwilh dippln In tho lune dish,
with than ”lay an about betr- fiug. snd luv: pl’l
-1 Iwcutod by “III! ofliulnl ulnpur. lfiup trumplluu unllol’
{out tho vur lnw, qulur ()1111, wlllch II» I: bauml to
pruuwl Tau nyulem Mln Im onrriud out in every
.pan of the mus Ilylhcnu league: la ll“: nut lulnw
Minor-Inlet» rly to be deplored ’ Wu arc not the
Mvooflu of [lnwmmrmm Inn bellow Ilnt mm I"
ma nun In: butter Jrutwtml In I wholummu nanny“.
dloloul Lloemu n qum, Quin fly the Jumfiuo-trmle‘
3|an Wuhnlfi’wn dtuxlkellem Io Ibo a crime, and
null] bu punlulml u A orlmo by lenliug tho vIolu
(or ruroanlrlo \l‘hmwor lhlnlu of prmwudnillm
[lmam lh who tells the nor pinwl ; um mom Ant.
who 1011. tho dlrk or Rafi, yhloh n unml In llmol-
Ing or numbing (u do»! 11, or the drugfilrwho null! Ir
fink! or ullwrlrggqflwhich nm numl m pnlmnlngl
oono? thcrnfifrc, rennin? it (.0 be our Inherent
rI hi and connlltuthmnl pr vllogo Injud n for yur‘
' ‘llfihl WIIII. lo Ilmll on!" what wu (mull firluk, and :
whurowllll we hlmll baoludlml, in den . that otlléu,
dlflorlng will? un, 111th a fight I» huhfo‘st nr compel
the people, lgnlnnt llwlr wlll, m adapt lholr mum!
nntl Iloorom, luul Imvn full caannco ,LhM tho prob
an: Loydulnturo wlll ”pod Chl- “odlou .711? lan! "
and place It and tho tlolnkn or the l‘mugu n Ina-It'll!
the Bnlum wlwh-crnn,.flllny u mbelllou, and I!!! kln‘ l
dml lplrlfll
Rank-M. ’l'lmz petitiogn be I, In olmulnliun U 1
‘ din Loglnlnluro, for Ihn Immunlfilo mpoulxuf the ro‘
Mnlnlryc LI unr Law or hull nos-lon '
Raw rhl,q'l'lmt n whulémmo nndjudlolnun llmmo
In! be mommumlod m bu panned In Wilma wlth
the upmud will amino maple. .
"Rnolml, Thnt chow procccdlngn bu übllullen
All the Engllull “XIII (lommn papers or JIIII minty
Ann tho-mmllng oftlm thnm and romlullom,
they won ummlmounly worded, find Una muting
mUouruml. . I‘
0n Ffidny “QM, In mailman)" will: novorul of‘aur‘
Phllululphh snd Bullofouso friends, wu made A Ibo ‘
trip to Jmluonvflfo. one of am mwfiim 11 ~ fl
Vlllluu In tho county. ,Th" wonory ong the tuna
11l both [fund and striking<dnubly so In a unm
‘NL '59 bu not had ui Ipporuwlty o! gating upon
my lllllu, or tnolnk'tho noble vnlllea of Cont-to
county. Arriving ‘ut Jackwnvllla, vgo who moat ‘
hocpltnbly molvod by the What“ (he “Nl
tlontl Hoia‘l. A .short sojourn obnvlnood us, um ‘
for all tho comfortqofp mod haul, the Nacho-l on:
not be oxo'ollod, u go oln w‘oqualoa by may Ilml- ‘
hr houaci lnlhomnly. Oh the sumo oooulon, in 1
nluo had lllb filmum'éf misting our uuunvhmmo- ‘
onus r'rlendpwuynm Allluon,srr~l[o gm n 9 ch”.
hourly mac llon for I|;th his in pmvorblpl, and to:
which ho £1! pleura Mcopt our llmulu,’ [plum——
We shall [l‘ matingod, until no hnvo rbolpww
ml ] Wlsllo; m ng of Allison, to mqét uot‘forgot
lo rvl‘ur 0o hlu ulvurllacluuntuln another column.
110 hue glory; dubllshmunb, and ln' abundantly
lulllylllMl wllh ovary vulolyof goods on: random
[l3 ha! vlclnlty uhonld not full to glvo him A call.
li'rit/au'y‘ar the Damacrauc lVau/amarg/
, 'Plnnnnlhrophy.‘ ' ..‘,
Atnnmutin but: ht. t thor b a all ”on:
'Dr. E. 'l'ownsosrld Bursgoonflfintint, aylnrgo number
MDuutiltl memlflod at tho Colin 0 buildings, and
gum Addrcuod briefly by the mifi Dr. Tommmd;
Mtho aim of which, lm intrmlnoml Dr. Clark, who
had by lnvilntion [will In Now York lluntlntoomo all
the mgr l‘rum NmV, Orleans to nniighton tho l’mi‘vn
uion how in rognrll to'ooummouu (Julh Tonih,’nud
ta touch the an of plllglng them up, (he halting the
poms: of Attorney frnm Dr‘ Allen to do no) 110
says, that doubtiou n inmn speculation might. imvo
bum lmulu lny himV but iIL‘liH very mill, mixluty of
doing 30ml mythn prnfuuion, 1m roaming” nml nuw
oil'orn to give ofliuinl rights and inntrmmmm at. the
greatly reduced price 01‘ one hundfil and "(on
lq-iivu doll-n ml: to flu, mmhuudr doiiun mil
to ion, or aovunty dullnr’n ouch to twonby persons,
as n‘mom Micmnmodntiun (0 than, notdosiring to
rmlgln‘thcunioh», at Mailing tonmkc any thing more
hnn upon-ca. . ,
Home \mrf benutifulapooimrnh wm-a show! He
dwoit vor urrgnly on the Mivnnlngos of (Inflow-r
other, mmihio mmlinxvteolh; Inducing from hi!
mdhih a m or thin kind, am, which nu ma onion .
gmnl nl iy hnnl thing-q and said a grant many hard
words. “in. Hun-in or this nit now remarked, that
nbo‘m (our young 0, hu hml when instruou'nm, trim]
mimfllmi nml finillruimgnlhor, II! ”It! gumn cracked
unit rule ipw u Iboummd fr-gmunta merely by ont
inx with (hum. and that ho had imwrtmi I ma! iron
not who used (yr the purpouu of mullunting, and
than the patient. oouhl wan bolweuu times, lho 0094
tinuoul gumwork for the take ofuppuurnncu Many
other Donliuu; had the name nxporicncu with lhn pal
cnt nrliulu, And not (mo of thm city who had prrwucn
in imnuLing thin kind of wnrk, wnnid moommond it,
and lo the moaning mljmunlxi without nu deflniw
Mliom huhlg tnknu upon thin mm‘ Koncrohn, nohio,
Ind Ililinterralml lmqmniliun u .
. Philadelphia, “on: 186.5. , - . W
" (fi‘fiimssfifi
Homespun 1330 mm: mm.
Rtpoflcdfar Himalayan" by H'. J. Kealah
”inwroxfl‘n, ”member 25, 1855:
Thom-rim: Ibr flour ml wine-o fin- the put week
had been (lull will! very liti‘
Fmtl: 15 north 8010.50
Wunu‘ fn'mu 81.251113;
‘ Ilvn, full “alight, 975 pc:
Conn, very lmlo coming
550 Some um." lull )1":
OAM warm; 5! Music p'é:
"Anny 750 podmi. -
Brcxwuwn 62h
(‘l.l.\'rnnur.n 8916'“, mm: ulnring
Tluurnruun, nono uni-ring.
Yunnan “.00 pt: Mu.
Porno" 600 du ' ‘
Emu Iswmcwfim. ‘ ’
Darrin. 2“qu lb. _ '
Lad, 1250 do ”“-
Form in Kcnruc,:lxml cominuu [go-lug up {n price
and mafily bring! TI to 80. Our Mulligan of
Lcwillown mtu paying 7n7‘v~*’ "'
. It may be ofimporymoo to fnrmcrn'nm} min” to
know wlmt pnxllmo in bringihz ln Nam )ffiiky we
no About to be bmugt neuter Inthnt oily a‘léllfk
cl FEW n—Stntc cummon bands :3 12)15d.25 par
tLI up“-.. _x—~J on Ina-no ht, (1--..44’A1l
'11:“ 50 Winn—Rod Geneva 3130 ; Lnké
Hprinx an” and $2 15 {or (loncacu white. Con}!
mm!) n" n3l 30 -
Dilmqnn "0013.181. '«an dull nz DJ?" oth
IlulM'l-Zflc per Hi. 1
J u'muxumaa, Due 1531,1355 _\mé€3l.lo..
8| H 3. lbw-000 ()ntafl‘ly CoranflO. BulfchOo
per lb Bag: 15:: per dor Tallow 13¢ per lb.
pIIII.ADH}.I'I;If\.,‘DM. 24, 1855.
me'n .uu) MnAL..~—Thure has been but
‘ littlLl nativity in the Flour market since our
‘lust notir‘c. The export demand hm! been
I quite limited. and with modemto supplies,
‘unfammlule nv‘t‘ounl; from Eilrbpe by tho
i llnlgir. and nn accumutnting stock, holders
‘13:“ 0 been uoxnpelle‘d‘to submit. to ~11 dpclinc.
{sum ‘or (5000 hhls of minim mm unis,-
‘ 50 including 30(X).hbmcxtm on private terms,
land 2000 bbta do at 88,73. There ha been
.9. study dumuxd row» “pygmy“;-
era and lmnkvru within the range of these
1 prices. Rye Flour hm been dull and {Him
ihuvu modal. Sales of 200 hblu u 86,37:
, ('orn'nml hm been in modern“: request, und
l2ixlrhhln l’cmm. sold at 84 per th L
L l ("u u.~'l‘hu market continues very dull
lnnd there, is but little nhippin'j; Tho re
ceipts by (‘mml are over for the nelson, and
llm mipplice by Rnihoml urctruik: nwdcratf.
The recent uool weather has caused nthqr
yiure inquiry for city consulption. [n Bitu
minous Coal nothing doing. ‘ .
. lll'xmm ~Stlcn of Yellow And White Pi‘c
thumb at. $13316 per 3: magma nu»?
the wlmrt'ut. $1.37fin1..’)t) pcr M.
Wonk-« The market. his been very uuie
nit-nee our hut notic", both buyers Mid s -
tern being imtit'l‘erent about opentink to :
extent until after the conimencement '0! tl o
nawlcagdmfiflfiwm .l m -
GMlx.—-’ljhc receipts of Wheat dur' ';
the pun. week have ngt‘m been mm“, b
the demand has been limited; and pric
have ngnim declined 55.6 cl‘nts per bushel.
"rum" far Illa [hymn-ratio Watchman
= ,RNIGKA: .
I am composed of twenty-mo letters.
My I, 9,5, 3, is soen‘in the row
My 18, 7, 14, 10, 9,4, was I odobn
My 12, 21, 4, 12, 15, 21,is a race men.
My 3,4, 7,,JD, ILI colintry including ‘
south of I’nlestlpc. . ;. :W
My 6, 12, 21, lair; chLkhoWn build
in QlO city 0|" Philadelphil.
My 4,7, 7,9, is found in .11 hoqus.
My 8,2, 7, 14, 20, 21, is a rivet; in No:
Carol'nn. ' . ~
My 13, 7, 19, 6, 15,:15 I pnqso.
My 17, 10, 21, u,’s, 3, 21. is 6 yew.
, My whole whnt every two Dom‘ o
h) havo'in their family. ‘ ‘
JO3. G. Sroxn, 1
Silt/ting Crcélc Imm, Nov. 29,4855. r‘
mm. Gauntq Tmhen‘ Mtul,_.
The umusl mouth? of t u: (10an Gunny ’r‘smhon'
Immune, will be mid In Ifollofonw, mnumonulng
on Wadnwlfiv, tho fl dny of J gnu-r], 1850, at. 10
o'clock; A‘ a
Tho mehoru nt‘tho County, and other: anrcstml
hi lhu onuw’nf oduUMion', Mo unmouly roquulml
1n attend, an the only‘uxlmndul to bo inourrml, will
be than: nccnanary h: go ug 0.0, and mturninsf {mm
the rplnoo of nxfiqllng, tho olllhnhs of Ho] ofuntur
hmlnfi gonomufly Icmlvrml their hmpnflilioa to
those u s'3l“!»th upuu the Illumtilm Itlu nlm
W M 1) room" oncourn u no Incu
o 3%!” lvan them mogul-o but ”I
without. Iu tmlfng It {mm thrir was ,
WM. J. GIBSON, Cunnty Burt, -
[n bohtltof Dr‘ (iv-IL: HWAu'rl, President. 0 Contra
Counthlnlmuw. A ' _, 40012-30.
‘ “flank {flute ‘gljeftttor; ‘
, rfifiuvm 13mg;
WOn nll Bunk: marked mm [‘3] [Mn {ms olhé'r
éounurfem u'r dimoil‘nohn of vnflous dun<mln§«
[lons in circulation. ' . '
[lf'l‘ho notes '0! all Dunks on which .110 mil ‘
zumflnna nnd nubélitui’o n dnth—J‘M‘u rrjwtud‘
y lho bloke” of Phlludulp‘fln. ' .W
[FNnmoa or fraudulent. Banks, as wall as (how
that have gone out of cxiétellnc, nru omllwd A ‘ ~
, BANKS IN PumAnuLPmm ”
‘ nun. "“ ' mscouxr
“wk of Commerce. lMu Moyunomlm’ - - par
Bank of North Axum-Ion? - . . . a . 1,“ y
[link of Nottflum “honking. -. ~. ,_-. 4dr”.
Bunk of Panna‘lnnin “ -
Run: of Penn owmhha.‘l
Bnn uf the United States,
Goummmufl Bank of Penn,"l
(my Bun . -"- - - - ‘
fluuulidntiun Bank, - ‘- ‘ .
Funnors’ and Moolmniua' Bnnk,‘ - - -’ ~ put
(“ml-1113mm,“ - - .. - - - - 3‘ -~ - pnr
Krnaiugtonllunkfi— - - *- - - « - - pnr
Mnnufnoturon’ and Muchmlun‘ Bank! 4 par
Moolmnicl’ Bunk)fl - - -;- - . - - par
Mxynmoming Um:k._now llnuk Commune]l put
Philadelphia Hunky! -"-r -\'- - - - - par
Suhwylknlllhmkfi- - - - : - - 1 - par
Bananas]: Bulk! u ._ ..._- . ._ . ”.7 . pu-
Trmlonmenu‘flnnk." - - - - "’:.x: - pure;
Western “null," ‘ - - -.-, - - - . 7 par
cobNTnY BANKS: /‘
run or numb
’Allonlown Bnnki - -1
Amhrnclm [£ka - -
Bank of anvillo” '-
Bunk of Chambonburgfl'
flank of Uult aburg’ -
Bunk of Hungary“ ~ ~
Bank of Chm-(0|- Co ‘I -
Bunkyf Dolg'yvum Co‘ -
Bun ufuunnnntown ‘ -
Bank of Middlolown“ -
Bank otMomgumnry Co
Bank of New Castle - -
B'k of Murmumborlnnd.
Cnrlilloflh- miL‘Bnnk ~
Columbiu flunk“ . -
Corporltion or Bluuburg
(lllyof Allc bully" -' >
‘ 00‘:an of Afileghmy‘ -
,ihor‘iu Do mil. Banki‘
my «clown gnmk : r
Eamon Bank‘ - - - -
Exclwngu Bunk“
Eric Bunk" - -
Erin City llnnk
Harmem’ & Mo’cs B‘k. ‘
Fnrmon’ ll‘k. of Schuyl
kill Conn! 1“- - - -
Funuorn' a {)ruvcm‘flk'
Franklin Bank - - -
Fnrmom‘ Dk of Bnqku Cn
Eunnorl' Bunk 0" Jam;
ouwr‘ - - - - -‘
to ngily.
'.I from 503
u 02' per
Funnier! Bk 6f Reading“l
"m‘i'fib—urfl Hunk. ~ -
Hone-dale Ilmk‘ -.3
4,ancaster Bank*
Lam (foamy Buikt
Lehman Bunk~ - - -
14ml: "Men flunk - -
Much Chunk lllnk - -
Mwhtnlcn’ Bunk - .
Mochnnicn’ & Mann Itk
Mlnorl' Bk of Putt-Nile
Mavens-bell Bmk u!
Emma-villa. - - -
Omcoof Bk anullv-nln
-“ Do I)
Do do ’
. Do .do
Warren Conn! Bunk -
Wm Bunch flunk . -
Wyu'king Bunk.- - .
‘Ymnmu .. . .
York S-vigm'nmk - -
York County Bank - ,-
Relic! S In, r
IMufirw uh: lu Phlmupnm:
Trantou Banking Cbmpany, 'l‘rcnlqn, N. J.
20': ultorod [mm 2‘: Vignette, Female with n
bukctlu be: hand. _ , ._ A A _
Central Bank,_l"rt'rltric/:, Mil. s's.¢p_urwu<.
Vignette, Fomnlo, ahiuhl, to k‘
Illcrcanhh: Bank, "ml/1m), -('.mu. 3's qm
rivius. Yignetle,~llenpcr rowing.
I‘lPzthmm’s Hunk, W'llhmmburg', N. Y. 10.5
nltcrcl l'rmzl l'l Vignette, Rdlnr [fearing a
ship, “n.1,..11 . r’ '
Judson Dank, ()‘grlmuburg, N? Y. s'}; T 614:
'aifil Eli's nit-3:173 from 2': “Who, “Wi
lnu uhomx ‘ ‘ . ‘
Rachmlcr ('ily Bun/t, RIM/,tulr'r. .V. Y 1" '2o's
And 50‘: Quad from 5". Vignette, n fumnlo m
cjining. ‘ . \
Hudaan River Bang, ”whim, N. y. 5.,
. . . . n l . Mil . . I- .
erlble. ‘ ‘ . “‘
Eqslon Bank, Eaton, Pa. I’7 minim.“—
Vignette, Locomotive and twin u! nix-l (”flight
and I nupcr “loop. Am! vn left a fumnle crowned
with Ivy. Dita] Septemlmr 20th, 1855
I'l Ipurlolu. Vignette. :11 Indian lull-ling ll bow,
Ind looking It An uppmwhing (min of on; “n
right and 1,118". Ind on left It [cumin hold“): A
"50:0" in hot right hand Dated Sept. 20, 1x55.
5‘5 lpuriulll‘ ‘Vlgnotlo, I mm ploughing with a
yoke oNxm 011' right em, haul of Wuhingtun;
Mid on Mt, denomination Dual, Holmimlwr
20m, i 555 , __
Bolton Banbrfloutm, Mm. 6’: tpurums.
lenettc, In angle w‘lth wings candt‘d. 0n
dawn an Lmllqn Inmate. Minn Mt, mm.
mm mud July 20th, 1355-
Czly Bank, Hartford, Conn. 3’s sparrow.
Vignette, cutie 011 right and, lcmulu t'olcvllug
an eagle.
Funnen‘ Bard Qf Kc'lllimly, Frau/glut, Ky.
10", letter A. ‘Yufimly Iliad up. Impmmion
-» iaaank.~“‘~' ?“ ~- "I ‘
Mechanics’ Ban/r, Philadelphy, Pumfl. 5):,
10110! B find 0. “thinly fill-d up'x. mo guncrnl
afipénhnco M. though the lmprouiun rnlhor
pain The hmlolliont on utLhur side of tho vig.
maul: hue too much whila in them Tho um'x'r
puxtlom nl‘ tho,lym In the g‘unilno Ire,nhadml
Alike, but in tho cuuhtcrfult they Ara dll‘nmnt ~
The words ”The".|nd “Bunk' in the emotrm
the manner in willoh'thny in: Minded, Ippt‘lr to
lubliu‘ld Signature: poor, . w ‘
lrm Bank, Irontun, Olno. 10‘s, letter B,
Vlfloully filled up in one luunl writing Thé on
mvln. of the we: or the “urn In the vignette.
blurnd. ,
0n the 13m Inst , Mr JQHN P. Huh"; mint Mun
MAln' lion, .-. h Mnuundr wipshlp. ’
WAttentlbn Manon Mntryl—Jlou
Ire ordered lo moqh for rnmdu fully m ulp .od 11!,
the hnupo or GEORGE M IHSHH, In Cunhuvhn, on
XUfiBDAY, tho In of January, 1856, At IO o'ulouk
C l.Thu Company l‘otUohwnL Will huh: [Hand on MM
EVA 333 ml Mum” min will In) given to "no
Company 11l (1m own‘mg ur Mild day A full nb
tanllnnon of mumburu m ruqucnwll. ‘
, By order of the Captain ‘ .r
thiaburg. Ccntrannd Wane Greek
Railroad Moudu’, M AARONHIH (I unfrid'ly.
Nth December, #8655 A Irma: Ittlomlunt‘o flung
the Hun from Union, Conn-u and flunthmdnn. m
“pop-{AX}: - ' ‘ duulll-Zl
‘ K’JAttenuon! Contx‘b DmgoOmF—The
(Icnlro Dragoon. Iru roquutpd to "10094 In full uiul
nu. for Dr II and Purpdu. in the Tom: of flubloru
u ,on TUERDAY, “no In darn! Jnnulrx, 1866.
u 113 o'clock A. M ‘
yAGmnd Military It.“ wm ho glvnn to tho
"4' mpnny in an owning-CHM dny. A full attend
;an of lumber! b‘nquoatod. ‘ ‘
'3l, order of 1h!) Capt-In. . ‘
0012 . ANTIIPINY Cflg‘NER, O, S.
. , . .
WANTED IN manner: -
Dnlw'» Bobtt, Show, Clothing-j o'.
moo Im. Roll In 3r. ..‘ ‘ - .
» 50% “ Lnnl‘. '° ‘
‘ 10 "" Tallow. ' ‘
* 10001101. Eggtfi: : .
1000 bushels Ulnvcrlpflt- 1
For “*lin "to highest mmk’ol pun [All 1m )mhl
in exchange (hr Dryflmdv.
_ Clovnnwud wilil’Jao Luimhl'md mt Onlh will}: atom
of tho ufibmflpo ,’ JARED 1! IRS} EK,
(10026 - nnlruvlll‘u
Tm: r2O.
‘LE‘S rsmnnv
,V . . JAGKSbM'InLE, m
WM ALLISON, -'.lr.,"wyulil n'sln‘cllullj “milk
the yuhlh: hu- lhu vex? llhurld pnlronhzc [um-106mb
unnlcrrml upon him, I] dolng “Mr ind hunul-übltl
‘b‘uniuuba. h?!» In mmt its oonlinmfiwu l hum,
jual. rotuluc [gum l’hiludulphlp um! \nc-nml for in
upuuumn, a wry lnrgu mortmcnt 0f READY-M ADI:
hams"! W Ms“- W
cg cry. ul n: ms; at UK. , ’OO an an 'ul~
‘ gmnnhlrg, 11:11:13: Clpllunfi'l,.¥wokln (flames,
‘ o n , 4km. ILA \hum,‘ usmfiswuw.
GROUBRIES, in short. ovq’ry lhin uéuu by kept. in
nuountry «kn-c. 4 ‘ ‘ l
[3' The. highs“ price paid far All ldndu of I'm
ducu in exuhuugu {or gomlu.
WM ALLISON, Jr , Jacksonville.
CANS nb manufacturer's prlmh All mumhmnlu m
Coulxo county will he sunxliml by gammy; lhrir m-_.
(lot: though the mull. , dou26-suy’
pl 1‘
. who are ongugol in the ”In uf‘hliEil GKINH,
and all description "(FUNK Thu Muhmxibol' being
‘Lxlonlively ongnfiocl In tho ~
~- .0 , ‘ Ui‘ “URI-N EHH, >
invites nil “1m inn/'5 luul] nrtiuicv tn dispowot‘ to
iii", him A cull. - Ho pnyu thu hi hyst marital price
a cxmh- It wuuhl ho wal fimnlriuflflh‘. tn rnmcln
be jM'F [my thou null, Ami Kin: “lan thu full
inu of tho Akin: thoy hm. to 11mm ot’.’ ‘ .
. .Allponunpuiflttiom pmln )tly mtnmlml in, by ..
L _ - b. M. Imam.
(in-2|! ‘ H: ”mm M rli~.
A»——-- _...,.- »V~—- -- W7' - , ’ >~ ~:,.';=;a.
Bammpr Joni no 'l', mac n.
Whvronfl, Letters 0! Adini liluii'vll on (luv
cnmtc or Juhn liulbcrl, deu’cl, Into If Liberty lnwn—
ship, Contm (,‘nnn y, hnvu Inn-n nntvll to tiw un
(lotlignod, nll pongnu knowing th wlw-n imiohtmi
m the uitl cut-IQ. Wiil [violin Inuit lmmodintr pay»
‘ mout, And thou hnhn” olaimu n n-lt the estate
‘ will-want them pnlporiymume nilv’i filr m-tfle
‘ ment :0 - ammm lIUY, .lr.,
L DuaM-‘M-M Avimiuintmtur.
Dnnvi In.
Went Cheucr,
‘ Nun-futon),
‘ Now (Julie,
‘ Norlhumborl’d
Jlleglmny - City
the, llonoujnln the Judges of the Cuurt 0|
(finnrler Huhtha in all“ for "no (luu ty ..r Comm
’ htpolilinn of MAN-TIN STONE, rv-pmztfully Ic
‘ Tum In nfcpfics fivrn'flcem un- ' rpirknut. \‘l
noun, malt and olhur liquors. It hil «urn In Iluy
hueuukuLllnllnflmlu. weanling m the rovhlmm "1'
”no Act (If Amoldiily. nppmvecl the l<i| of Aplil,
1855, rnlillod‘ “An ml to restrain the an r of ithXL
icnllm‘; liTlor-i
demo? p. 31.
‘ at
P 5
. (r
' Do ,
hulon, .
Pitubl rg.
Eric, 3‘
I “‘6' "o"eran Hm JIIIIM or "I! (‘nurl of
anlrlel Stalin"! in Mill fur va'fillN)’ “I ('(‘mn-
The petition or HENRY HVN BIMU'UVI", H‘-
lpcz‘tfully n'prwnull' ) '
That he applivx for n lAII‘EDYIIO In Full upilhma. vi
nlma, mall and other liqunn uz hr: Mme. In due
lmmugh 'of Belivfimto, ncrnrdin‘i m l o um'iuinnn 0!
the lust (IF Animnhly, nmamvu (In: I"): —f \pril,
1855, enlilluxl “Au “431(1) mum“ the€)xi
culling liquors ” ‘ ‘
deu26- 60-.“ H BROCKERHOFF
Bchk'll llnvnn
- Honwlnla,
‘ (Lineman.
- I
Thi.‘ ni‘w Hot-x 1 In lucnlcd (n Chestnut ' n-ul, ho
lween Tenth nml I'lluécnlh. running’bfi‘ L to ”(-nrgr
atrccl, “'1 rnliw M unru, with llnplt’ mun and ac
conungdnliohs fur!” Ingram: {
(In-. 6 WM. 3 ‘AMI'BHLL, rmmor
Lock II Mon.
Mnunh Uhunlg
l’iuaburg, ""
Pawn mo,
W thmlpnrt.
Do .
-._.._~ "7.7 _v__._, ..fl..,_._ -. _.
tho lpublic that hu in ”pH-pared In d‘mll luml.~lhfl
Mu do work II; lhn nhorhwt noliu'd luul wn ‘hn ”NHL!
rrfiwunl‘lu lcnni, TMw who {nvorhhn “uh theirl
nrderu may lmt nr'llrcd that ;;',i wurk fr ."rlm w. “
ulhllalnm-ut mll In; «lam 10”!" 9,0,2 ..‘,” “l \vnrk‘- 1
f'mmh'l” ll'kAnC‘H‘fi will 1m owl-uhnhm «Mun or L
In bun, as largo 1H m, either In nmlvlv ur p! w‘cr. I
Likepcuml wll hu carved (in Munnm 111-t. 'l‘uml.‘
Monro, to, from \lnguerrgun "kt-mama, Aim 1“
Vyrll|inni (luv—mm. nt.£nmkflo¢l_hutmm,m
in em", nrivty of color '1‘?» hm: burn“ in by
250dog|um bout, wnrrnntul ln_ .Ihuul nu kimluf
weather As lAm the lmcutur ul lhh “uni, It mn
uut ho pcrfo‘nnml in any o'her m'nhlhhnn-nl in
l'ullnuyhnni-I than .ll Mlll‘ibm'g Thor,” Ira many
orders Ipithml of (hi-- hullixml lettering prymm
hxul buxtc' ml] and cmumu- lurihenlSelu-A and bu
WWI JIM.“ K 4 Hm gnaw-I pint! of thnuiml
art that wan ever plum-1| in arr-mtcw Hn mum:-
munl or tomb Hunt-4, lllfll uhn h vull 1..- n I: n .q.
muniul in the lnv'mmy of a dqmflcvl 1w “(‘1 .
Any gx-nll: mm) (lovirhllw nl' liming n nl'lx Mu lm 1!,
I “M \man A most. pvrhr‘. Nu m u n lul ' an;
lfiv Thvrn Will My nu Chnrgu if no! u [mm-ct I.lmm
nl' hulpluru Thu upurmlmf ofiihu wurk i- l<h
Tho hkvnvu ‘will be I.lka by ob! rmlmu m r! \\
‘ 11, A cut. of phutnr I'mh 3d, ’J‘hvu 1n mmhh
#xuuml A bud. van '1" tlkcn dimly Ilcw w l
1 mi inWHI-I l’nrid at nnv Hm:-
Lu‘ll‘ ' uu-l gr‘nfluulvn Ilwimnn ul' prm-min; .1
‘ owl pimm Qf mmhlu “Mk II It! lwtnr svnd thmr :I
ficm (u Milt-«bur; I'm yml var): l hum llu o(th
iiuu lo mum! ll: I‘IHHMIUHIHJ lu hnfin; lumh- mat
“gun‘s ’ I cnn [nuke them “use“ ‘ '
I W!!! «PM?» any pvu m ‘1; £th ‘ndrj'tfnhhml.
to extend ,a be u plouu of wulpl ru dual) 1 run for
3100 This whnl. llm mublfl ’(m.\<f\'mluug u!
Inwk'llrwon onnnuf rmvlL ,
W 0:1:th“: fur Mnrhlc‘,
work. lasbdrg $lOO, Muellvnlvcn 820” ll' (luv;
jmlxu hmlboon mun of he Mlébln bum-11:4 luck l
Haven mum} haw-hum found winning ' ‘1
A: "It: oun‘n‘uy lug been flmnfled‘ wlxh nu mlvrhyrS
urtlcio by venom paddling (hum mm! mm I-I'ucnt
ly [hum wit; um um. jmlgim ul' lévil Ilnu‘ and I'll- ‘
“raving [mu been infill-5m 11pm, { IL. nvl m- ‘l- mn- I
lwnvm who 'winh to moon!" dumhln mnk (u mull
nnd examine my wurkmnulhip,ilnl Maury tlu m-l
uulv‘cl will not pmvv an «Leann» ln mrr Him-:1 ' l
Thankful for paint {lnn , I‘ll!) u: by ulnr L nth n- A
“on to buslnuu, and m'lll'nll on Ll clung-H, (u Cun- '
(Juno :0 rocrivo a “but! pnlmnqgu.
l'ermnl vlcuimul 01 MW other 14on of “MIL I
would highly rwomuwmh Mr Bulu-lerlunul 11. la n- ‘
[atom], m l have been llnrly yum In All flu- mm
"(of wnrhl‘oyork, b 0 la “fluent-d mm of (hp host
lads-t, , ‘
Iwill hind llyli‘ll‘ 1.1 furnlnh may m n lipliun uf
wnrk 25 lur cI-m ln-Hvr uml (‘II-‘Alwr than Int-k
Mam. . “A. PARTHRMilgflflflpwu
dun-L") ‘ Mllclhurg
TERM Nod _
Ilvngga-filuhn' llurkufl, “MM Uibk
lQr}u.van—Wm Murm
(War W 1!!! . U. H
Jlurrup—Julm H Mom-n. (MI
can, Thou Dnlr. John Irwm. ()1
Half Alarm—U on UAML
{PI/1p “"T‘Y'W [l‘ rfl‘glmn.
Mxlr anMuul ank
pawn—DAM (mi-I'D _
{:a,ly!—l\'i{[lngp lhrlch. P!
Ru:/1~8 (? Harm-n, J!
N "lug-‘D M ’WlgnGfl
ll’uH u-}Vm Punnlpy
‘l‘vuv union—4 7'
Blgyulv-Juuh Finhb}
mos Kroh
lfllllffoulfiT—W C
gaggx—Wfli Mind
(I. 'MJHM— ll 1
Kr“: ‘ B
(Jrrgr—Honry I
_A VIII/I‘Vfthn '
u. Mil I'll.
lIUI/ fliaau
"I: "0117—. "
pauzé—wnuiun Burmidu.lpiu%| Mam, June-a
Dnvl’a, / Villlnhx Smith, Jr , James ' Ball '
Elwin—U. R. Footer. < » ‘ { .
_ Nulnulmu—Tlmnup May: 7 .
S unq—Jonflflmu licked, John ymth. Dam!
lill’t‘mnn. , , ' '
ful‘uua-Annlruw Thompson. Wméfiludurwwd.
,4Vum/w—Elinn Tun-nor. . ‘ o '
' Waller—Thom“ “union, Tmfinag Thoma:
Lush. _ 3I ' A ‘ ‘
.__~ m _ __
I fibula WANTING -m
lk Ming nnd Ulm’on, ”Minty, ~ will plenum
cull «ml wunim the varion M
110121 ’ ‘
Jomgr' ‘m m .smmm. o'rr
bun and for unlo elm-n (at tho Mono! (Ind lub
mflbur ' IAS 1' WE VP)“,
' dean ; fin luburg.
W 0...“ *fi“ __..
'-‘"*“d (’3'; hfiummtvm, w
'7“ I 3 whim-zom-
dool2 .
—.)nhn Come
oldnnu: 7"
I d. I. m, 11 [)0
I I Jfl‘i ‘
mmrl _
P tn; Kan, El'uu hula.
J‘ [uh Smith. 7
J ..
I . "‘
J rn, 'i‘bonru Rgnmy. Sol!»
«lon 1x Burullda v'
‘ Andy“; I’l“va. Ln“.
A luOonlglofleorgoAutumnal
ucix Johh MuCHnlmk. ‘
l w Admi,WM{ qulfimwrfl
. 4 110111,.1wab Johnston nugh, J
i an: Sluvcr, Jun}: Thomas, Geogo
u «Inhu I (my.
7—. lan I! Muck ‘
- HIKE] Brkldo .
J Jun uyuohln, Ifoavry kommnn.
«bu g‘dmuoq llloou, mi Bq‘ga ‘
- ar‘Unrt Logan . . "
‘I um] Fldler. John M}, William I.
_lz‘l_,_,_~_—.__—Ty-——__——A‘_ tr—WAwwf—‘gn— .~A_l,_~.~<__4 _H...._l__.—A——.— M—W——»lT “ “- * I «#4.- v. N I
W 301! pnmnxamigmq ocmgmm mum woman} 41an 1,000 To 2.099 AGENTS m
'rho-ruhll-hur nf 'l'mchmmem -\I n-11-I Jumms'r I’IIHMIU uwmuwl) In- 71m! . IVAn'rtzo lo II 'nnl ~lviluf mu [Mums
us 1n... hvoomwollwwlmmn Np M EH“; 93'3”“ (:Inux'rY AlxllrlJlrl/rumt.‘ FM" ”'"W' A no»? fiwfireflifNAnv.wm-u ‘W
Ilallluonl,.thl nmsl uxlmlllllvo III"! .I I 0 - ‘ To (Impcuplc uf (v‘rntn- "’lquy. nma non Ive- 1 MARIA VFAKD'S 9‘30 lUSU 11-18! 'l‘onlh cdl- I K
‘ 40% PlnlN/l [NU 01‘13‘.‘(“"l;. 'l' l I come uwltlml “chum: Nils In Inna-of tho llrgési, ‘ ‘i°"_"°“.’.’£9 ol'_ 1 - ‘i .1 4" I"
To In: [bunglm- 1m Cm] ll‘ltlquylvnnlul, 00 mm oilficlu-nuyn “In! very bout L‘nndmllml pslulfliflllinums (If: ” 1'0”? [ l’fi‘ («ii/I. f, ' '(fi'c' M'l “his? ..4
"WI! 0" - ’ I! ”no 'uul 111 llm lulm‘mr ol' l'ru II‘IIII‘ II 'M ' ‘1 q .' L 0 0 ‘ 9’" A' I ’
NEW MATERIALS, .I ~, » Inll'lch kg llh. S. A. llilnuu, luul :figrinlhinlml bml nagnnri- lil' um'ny thfiv‘a perm'nal n‘tpi-‘llonaniy
Am! lhé lnl-I'I'IILISIQ must. flmllloulllllu Mk I»! l‘lnln lmu wk. mm] “Hymn Mr. (2 I" anll'v. MN ‘7 Lu", no an. Mormim Elder. rcumul, Inna Umh.
ali‘:lf:rl‘oy‘lyw' 11111 la prepared to uxgculo n“ I {ln llldmlinv mm rur mnny vmurx unuuxrgi‘ll. one or \ans :- vmw nl’ sm'wae Guy. Out: ”1n... vul- '
l l . ‘ . . I v . ' 'l ‘
1300 K AN!) FANCY .mu Hummer, "m. (iit'.“~‘"ml'm°'f”,l«" "'° “W '9‘ Nk‘hl‘q‘k‘ ""'°' P"~”° 8!. ‘ .
l lyre I gumd un Inlluhlc rupuhcmn Im n nw- cg "r . r . .
In tho wry nonlcat style, and at lhu Bhutto“ uollco i 01mm, of lhn m,“ um" erum- lmlmml m“! for' . "T“ 5' ' . ; ‘ I
‘--Huch m! I . JMU mm] , live “Imam” hm.” Iy“I. i. . Crriuully A wllkt-nt‘ll. Al'lvaed‘hy lmlmgl. ‘ ~
~ . , I Ilul [I l ms l' “LAD ‘ . . .
L "A”? BILLS. _CLRLULARF. “will EOH'IX'STUNHH. umwd in Hm liilluL « vlr of ”m D 03mm! Merlmg. “Emu." 1”" "5‘ Iplulml. -
}’I¢IlI.‘?:I‘I'.IIIlr.I 1,. Illl’lJ, '.'."3g‘!"f‘,x I " ”'0 an "IKO‘IH‘I’ “m. I’m-"uh “WW,” ”AM.” The Midnight :hIIuIy- bllmllyn Allvll'u I'ur. ,1
I Al'llilJl’l)‘: [l‘llll‘l 111 ‘ (‘h\\lll‘||;\'l “f“.l‘l' < lonllhd, .‘lulllllllt‘llit, leu-n, (Llru-Il 1.:InIIIdzunlfIw" l' . :H'Wc' qI ‘ n. “N“fl'HM 'I 'll *‘
‘ 1’ Vi I] II l-"H 1‘ .. , I? ll,” 'l‘. 33.; l"H hru, nlml lmuT-sm n. U ulanipiinm.“lN"., ~ ml "'l'm" "I Jun - oth. l Illppmmcd. III; 1~. I
l 1,35“qu ‘‘ ‘1 IN: iuql' 'L , hml Mrulm-Il -y Mr? l.lm|ix, I‘m-u.” “Mm,“ I. H' Hub .4le H; \quu. lur, . .
F’ll"w‘ .Ill'l lu. " li’l“;(\'ll""i‘ II II ’lnywlldng run' mid lu-nulil’ul, [u lIIIIIk (Inf “:4ng l | vumln 111 "Dunn ll.uvr mHm M 'y’“ I“.
‘ I‘lUNlll \ I'Vi‘ls‘x' A“‘l " . . I-lzuu- uf their Ilcplrll-II him-(LI, Inn-"III unu‘flnnun) . I‘IUIHHIIII \‘fll‘lllll:"lu ' (Imulmnhqubtylu'rl-no.
‘ '(lt)l h illi‘l'l’l u. . g l“? .;5 U" «ending ”“4, "“10”, 1,), either 0, my "gm"... “I", '\ muixlm; ls'u|.o.n.un. A Wilt-WW
I}; .l) I . {and llllUN/Ju 1 [MN “All mll W“ New fr“. d" , “no“ le “'1 a". uinci ml ,Mr “'nrd our»I lmlluml A Ni-w Flou‘. IMBIV‘E- -
"mun-d ln Ilm lmmlmnncnt Imuumn ' my" .. ml ”flu , - Ll). (1 I, 1 , l 1. The You" “Win but I" ' '
lIF'PRIN'J‘ING IN COLORH, in tho Imm honu- ”mils nnl flirt]: "33:3.3??? flit-Illlptylilli‘li ' Pa 5! ABI en's nl"‘Mc¢l 'l‘lillin "
I . . ' I ' ' . ‘l ‘ ‘ ~ I I' . ' . . '
ll lIIIIIIIIIIIrtIIIILIQIIIIIIgIIIIIIIIInigIIILIItJII'IIIIIILIIuIQIIIIIIII la nut lw?.|s.gyflnwd 4:11;!)leIIII'HUclIchrMcIIl xmlsItII:I wlnl \\ a". Illa-I'll: maul; I_ V‘
- I . L ‘ I: IH: n" new llr Iriui-Q mhi III! tultl I "'m‘m cromal " "“P V V II" 'o'.
finsmflfl and hummfiml’ ln "'0 M'W‘W'“ ol‘ "-1 and l'lllh:IIII(lOurllIUlVDdlo nelllib Ear ucnllwlan‘lu i I" “NEW”: 0! Him. A (lIIIIrImII. I d V ' o
I," ,I. .I, ~ .- , rcgu nr m: 'IK [n Gl'flofulllyolln linhmonl 11l lzullcu ‘I n: ~ ‘ . . n 'o'“ «n a «unit '
“I rl'ghllllnilhifinifuloqlll‘alilsfflg‘l'lrl’lfi ROM ' fonh‘, Milulmrg‘. or anintnwn. nnll dulivcr ”1"} “In". N'"'""9v .I “l"! s
.- _I-, II II A“ (_IIIII;A «.7 0y I.— _. work free of charge to any plucc (11-sired. 1 \lulrnllng Inlcllunr‘ncc. l'lvil llcunllnnflfulnguml, .
GLAB 3_ 1 ‘ , , S. A. (HURON, Arum-I: 111 III": l’mmlncd This Pmphrluud hi- Vic
pm‘r”; 11l Aggl ‘ Anus” ron Gus-nu: (‘.<ll'\l'l" l . An .-_ . 11111. ~ I
l HKYLU‘HIT ”LABS B.xm'l A. filtnhoeker,.\Vul. Allison, jun. .lnolqon I blullllng "('WLIIIOHI. A Fall“ I Sell: IIiI Dwa
‘ l-‘LOOIIL ()I!th —. , munillcn’llnrlifl llmmvrhjr , llmmr‘u Mill; '“m Mru Murray dm-loseu INI, - -' ' \
“1‘32””, “his“ mun ‘lilllllllllpflzlqlillllrfl .ll\:l‘;:lytr,,1, , Sacral-111 . 'l‘hc l‘anllmn Wflq.
' I .- " ’ICTUI ‘4: (ll:Kl~':~'. AND _4 Mar“ --’~=v~r 77-A—4» «v <— ‘ —l -‘ ‘l’mlnnln ul’ . Illuwu Afimncuin- 5‘3 m.
- (“.M’ll‘l 011 EVERY mzscmvrm, I MONEY! MONEY” MONEY 1!! ~’ M WRHIH‘II ~ ‘ llll'uumm :Hh‘wiz '-
, Wliulcmlo 11111 l llilllliL Ily ‘- , lf vnu mun go 5n lho uorlll ul’ vuur lIHIIIr‘I‘. L an 'I :Il‘nim. » mum": Il filming.
- .~ I; n Hrlwwrz, null m JA'HJ-U WHKI l-Jll'b' va Mum; mum» “w-ul-m-rtykq VU-I- Wu .. a.Aa n.
. Nov. 33 and/AIL? Norlt‘h {I‘ULJII'I'IH Iran-ct, I; Illumxgh bfM111.11.".7"11},’1U1.l “thew cum bu colulunlly "I: lIIXGiIni'III‘. 11l ll [5" 'III'FQI Nu: 5:19;”. PM '
‘ 30H! mI, 21ml Hi 4 0, . nun ll gumb- uranr Inn: 0 ~ I . . an I ' uu- nrlno m on. I“ ‘
l, ._ I - Philmlulphln . DIII’UOODE‘, . ~ 5 ‘ ' .‘ EPIIv: . I n 310qu “me 3 ullhuu-
In": Plum 0...: "n In.” a“... dummy; ..1 “WI! unuumm-fis. l(r : npalhmn... I-nhum. mm, .. w . I-I
an -r In my pain ul' [lO any frl'l‘ 111-churn c QUEEN.“ '\l a, ' [Jen n Inn-0f lhu New Mn. Bradlnh flucnllb - ,
l «n 0.3... » . -. s__ . « I uilmvaqu. km, [M ”at“? \d cvcu. _ ,
M- —~:—: » ~v~ ”- 7 -7 ..h 1.. . m». —.~— which Ni Ibe sold u 111110 «um-rd mn llm mm» mm“ i re mi in}: s . Icn- Myucllml!‘ nllil'Pn' '
NATIONAL 11031314}. .I .. I lily of g-Juh clnnlJao run-him") nl‘lllny lllllult-r llllu .m 1‘ ("Iraqi I . "mm". .' .
, . nlfilll’MlTON. D (I. the cuuulry. Thu 5 Ick ummu 111 ’m‘mf Unth'. [Mode ul h .Iluug Lon- Munlur ul Guam-out
'l'hu lulm‘rlln‘r‘ liming pumllmltho Fumltnru (‘m’winu'r'tv Slllw. S «hm. Sn'lllolli, . Ulll‘, 'l'u cw", l 111-111. [’lul]. ..' ,
llml lunacil thin calablnluutnt lnr n term of yum, lM‘ Pl'll‘l'v "9‘1““ “Pm-": 39” “FINN“ -‘~' IA" . 'I'M l'r'nplm'n l-‘nvnrita. Dmilu} anI'FMJf-'
'thfl'm'urdlntrmiw imprnw-mnnh llnll ullumllmmV | “MI ML “M'l'immll l)! ‘HIIKIIIIIIN, Flulll‘l'l“-u MW" [il’ob gamy Elmer-I311]; Hg 4%,." lb» Mullen -,
Imp)”. I'l'hlyil‘lilh“ n"; llonr with Mnrhlo‘filu, “0- I lins. (h: 'mwg. Jil'll‘L‘V? Iqlll'k Flnum-la, Tinkiug». ”0- l. . . # .I . -.I . _
filfu'ulhing llml urlurfl. Dining-rum»! luul CIIIIIIIIIcrI'I, I "ll"? “"‘l (llnrl‘m‘ll’n “"‘U—"IWSh-I‘Vh ”‘WH "”‘l \ 41’th llmnv "W ”‘0 u"... “IMMPWM pm!“ A
ll" II lililnll‘er ”III! will compuro fiuumbly with unv ‘ W‘W'guum 0"”"hm"v ,C'Wl‘M‘“ Output (”WWI 4"] I "Nu”? hpww- ""9 PM“. Although " 1"" 0”"
~hnlcl 111 tln-uolmhy ‘ ' l lIIIIcIInIIIIg tllu lull-‘1 Inn-'ly qull in uuuhlry n urc-l ‘ I""":I;"d ”:1 " ’1“?le :3 '2‘" ”‘2" “m "d”
f ' vThv ,llmlw is nuw' , n ll ‘ 1 . eme also an namrllnl'nl n ‘ . . Imn """. '13!) m, I I an an t .
muff: llu- Wm- T'W" "”’ '3.-L'}'vs"’f.'l,“ . ‘ mmmmm-z umnnxu. ~ I-va-l m “2|qu mm «m grumwlwfi m
} II FOBDIS _7 .- -- .~_ I \Vllicll “in [W mm at vur",'uu Irmlv ”(pr (2.“ luuulqu'l'lllu'n mu] final/m ( [tuner (l-ll‘l. "17%
AK and cxmnlm: lli‘l thick Nu ulmrgm lur KllUWlng l Iwu my mum In n- renew. ‘ ‘ . ' l L“,-
lO WINTER PLQlll’l‘iS'g: ‘ gg'?‘lj 'l‘ (. ll‘ l .I I I i ‘Surfls' lhc Ulumuu Juunml. and Alvucnger. (s'l”-
I I I. .‘ I y ‘3. ' y“ rumb- ..H I m ‘.\l‘ Hinge 111 In I‘ YUM} Il—
all 51)loa.o[ ulvflnhl IIiIler: Aguilwi‘ur mm- | "“o'3 M 8 F Ivmnm.‘ i -- I‘lnl-I book In" rec-Ire Imhe-m-I'ml I'Nwli-n
l lfyll CHESTNUT S'l I: I: , .* .4 * ' 0“ ‘ ‘ ‘ " lmm u qunllura—Wlll b 1: unnrrul!y Wnd m 11%
l Below Hmrnlli‘, ll l~ " llN‘lD-M I CONRAD HOUSE. BELLEFONTE, PB,. l lopl‘ :Il m H n- AIIII-m.1..-ml W‘s Ilnulnl mu \\’|ll
-, __ ,_ _I i, _. ——..: __ - I» ~ . 'l‘ln’i qulumlgnml would "Qf‘fi‘fl‘lllt‘ mmnnnl u 1 lu come ulmwl‘mu mun mummuu. grin-l llll‘ "V 7"
~ FOR ”REE”: A ' ' ' *1“ Mi nld {flank nyrl lbw! pnhlit mrrul'y. 0"“ hr “unpuflnm. 'nmrnm um lllly m cullglull'illng‘ I‘ll."
"l v \lxl' ”H |' HIV” 1,“. \TI‘ ‘ llllm. '“k‘”. ”If l‘i‘l‘ifl‘ 1"": ('IHIIVIIIIIHIHIIIH 111 \\ 15' lllll‘ \vmlxl "II '.\lnunn|n~m, ..'llld in IIIHIIIEIII; in lub..‘r 'l‘p-
I . . AI .I'.l 1 . I‘: uIl-u'. nmlr 1m Jumum .‘. 11-g ri-ny s r-‘l‘l. lull!» \ ull n Illa. mhlu‘ ti uliuil‘ d . ' lil ' u
I A .."rh': nml “immml'l‘l” 1“) l‘illN “.m M‘“ 11-mlv l'.| Tllill building hu inn-n l'l|“i"'l tVW‘W an übouu :ulmu 1m: 'Ilu:1u"l‘filp“l y“I:u "7 l;‘
mullJ)! 01' (”UNA“) KIHIHN g [vb]; , t. . ‘l5 Iwn “A“
m ll'ul i ' VI ‘ '"‘ u i M "'1 H I.V {”7 ”l" W" WW” ""‘I “""'“"“"K “' ”N‘ I'M" "' ”W II! lIIa-lv {hnfil "I'llrllfl' [II-"Mu " l
1111‘ 111 lUIIIV ”(s":an lIUN‘I lv ruuzh nl' lfi‘lll'fi‘n'“ rur‘ ,mmt ulcg'mt qul up unul hu'vh in. NW NWNI‘I‘ Ha" \lm Ilnlmn I‘le 'l‘mnin-ripl --v‘ . .V
hull‘ “V “”1"“! ".V A“J"rJ ll Minn-mil, ""W lWI" ‘ lIIL of ”w SLIII‘ hv Fl'l'l‘ t‘Ulllill’ It! ”I I' ll 1‘ lnlll'll “fly." in 11. Jun,” Mm‘k‘p ngullllulfl i“ Inn
.y ‘ "m" I ’ omnun, 'H ”In l"“‘l“"’fl"w HmNI. ' lil-Hl‘l‘l'nlv-:llxlhql fur cmui‘url un‘l I'MlH'llli‘ll't' limp ' ‘ II“ 4' In ‘l' . .1." “ .
IHlchrwl fur «111 on “I I II “I ll I 1 H I . . , ‘ln I”: 1 lil «lludl ion-110. unulr Llln l\
‘ ‘ “ml“ ”l" l“ "" any dllmr In “In I:mtul.u.,,Jlulwldauluwlnhyil I. v , .. . ‘ '
lu'fnrr Hm "t 'LV “r l’l‘hrlmrv ""il- 11, mll "9 in the lei-“l" sl‘mulmix II unn' nl'illn-r nillu lxui ‘ ”H "g llw M p" I". I 1 0" [mph-U "Mumm' h”
I'l‘llu‘ll To! mm or imm- jaunt. hlhjt'" T" Ml" q“: la n: {ll-x it u vZ-r‘xihl! nmlLu-Irmmlml- in qu... I ”"3 “Lhflwm'uu' Iccord “L “ J‘f‘muhu’ enum
[l;lh m w I chum-u ("Irvuplmnw l'l lll\|"‘L Im II [M H" l‘luu will; llmr Cll‘l‘m‘: , : J. (T 111-IllllV. Pulnlmlmr HO MIMI" OL. N- '
Illunvy ["qu {IIrQIII-r p'llyixIlIlllli; {ll'lll.llrl\'l"r‘? Til; gl'l‘ \llliiiul (umII-MII-Il Irhull 11111-I IHIIIIIIIIIIII- l And ‘O, ”I“ h, Boukwllcu ..nd I‘H‘MR ,Evuiy.
. I .1. Iu A . .. . "Wm H ur‘ufilll culnvull'll ,\v mu- ‘u c r. I’ when‘. .
I lIAIfIIint fur lhc hulrunf IA \\ “Mar.” I- «u 'l. , rinmulmuch I I . ~. ‘I I ‘ Riuulc copies sun! by mlil. pmlpn‘rd, on "Calla
«on .t. I II" “ lly ilrlul .Ilhnlum In lnl lllllll1.lln||( «worn Inn "Hm" I .
--—— "*4 .7.» '~* ..V r ~---~~ >-- V" W ‘ um! u duh-Illllllllllolullll in In) vxrul I'll luv Mlyll'llw' ~ ' ‘ : ’ y~
MY LABOR. ‘ , lin lhiu uxlmu, he lwpos to qunflhc Luur lulll cus- “:11"lirl'lgzymmhu a‘II) “a Jb'u‘
L 'J‘lm qull-rlignm] ‘u pn'y lrml tom of lhc public _. .__.l :.
lo fu'rninh, M a nhmt nnlivr liwnvwmnll luul ow-I v l'usona Ibniug lh‘lh-f'vm'v‘nn)m:tin|:«Hull'-mum
.«lllel-t-l. Mluh My Svmmnu. Urnnuunr lm-mn-i ‘mll nml tho “Conrad llnm"l Mount and uLur-
S .cliclu-I, I'm-Hm nkflllllliun' l'ur l‘uhln' Ml'l‘lilut l'ul'nlupping pluce.
”Lllflnl’lt‘l. and wrlllc-n flnm‘uinilium liiwulllormy ‘ JOHN ll .‘l'llllllf‘n'fl'.
Ihvulogmul luul poliliuul filthl'cll _ l dl‘u‘2 ,5 l'mpuc‘or.
Tormt main-Ila, .. ‘l‘ ' ~ I - . .
_lvfiw'uq; “mm “mm «in. mm H! mm" ’ YOU WAfiT TO BUY GOOD AND
prim}, HI .l‘Al' H n I ‘ Ilecuuu’ lil)’)l!>‘¢cnlIl un‘
'33; I-nnlnnlnlm mm riL! u-uni cu n l )[r Illl'll'li illllfll'l’.
I‘li)‘ AII\IrI-«.‘Jlr LES .‘IAN IV. Jr . I’PMIN‘IWIH‘I “’l." h. 2 jua‘ Avrcivml {rum l'hil ll'll-lpllin u lnrgl'
Halt/mm” Ullloc, chllcfunm, Uuuho ugumy, l'u. I uml lwnulil‘ul glad: (I! ”nah. (”lulallllz‘lvf llli- must
\lutl‘ll).l . I‘Mlliulmhlu1):“..‘lIHI-Imlnlu‘n; luJiCfiunl {III'IIIIIIIt-JIIIII'?
—---- _.,., ...._, ~~ <~ , ~ —'~-‘ q“..‘. “a [fin-nu. A .-| nn-l A rfll"l". “um" .I .I. .
A Y s "I _,_ . l l‘uxinn l‘lulh‘, IlclAilll's, l): mg“. Silk' l'l ”I?! at ml
‘E sT B ' Cilmc in tlw [nominal-r iln- d""'l""’" - "1‘“, 5 ““1.” y"‘““""‘ H H." "'"l
‘uulw‘xl‘u'r. liiing “II ”111 Huhl l".u;:lu l‘nnk. in P "’"'.".,v Inqnlule \ 1 “HIM". nlmln Lug. lull ul lfn .4
Iliugx lunluhip. nlmul lllOl‘PKllllllllu n! llvcl'mhtr" 'l‘nnmnnb. "‘ILI"||"IIl|llllMIll. (ilm‘ln MINI: IllIIIuIIlI:
1“” i'\l.\ ”mum. “II lII\ lullllllt‘wl‘ l'“ I qulm. ll'll .qul( nil-m lluql P}, thl :L \ ||l -l_l, vl _.
llu: Mllrr :x light lrrinnllv. “I”. hurl» ' l'llu MUN rl‘ ll”I’I‘-‘“”‘1'{”""".’"'""m'mm" -l l l
rl‘Vllld‘ '10" In mll,.prnvo ‘pm'n-Itv qul [my «hurgwl J l llllu'l‘ ul xlll LIII I*. MUHI!‘ Ul"~“I‘I" "l "“‘II I“:
Fr ”In \\ 11l ln‘ tluxuwwl ul‘ urmnlmy In I.» lqrw luul .‘lmhm. 'l I 1 lunw (ln ulel “1‘ mm . I
“Poi-L1”. PH“) ll\lJl'll\ll'\'l' ; \[.U'(;np~ll|vll.rllll LlnllllJluu mul‘ullud Illmllls
- ' ' I I .. N ‘ . ' l. run. In: mine, {ln
, - . ml 11w..!!1:r1nri5...w.:.. wall a I. ,-,‘ l
’ Prnnkliu llmm'.) l’liilxlilx-lpllil lmiu Imw im‘lmml It All -
I ngoml :umlnm m (If nvw lIIUI Ilel-mmlo ' ‘W.
lnllllllrJl'lllh'il will: with frnm Luwli ucll "lengl-Il
‘ which will be sold low fur ell-h. mnl llm good! \mr‘
muted mum! and sin-mg, nr the mum-y mmnml
' —. '1'h""“‘"'“‘“r‘llllll‘l'lllllllvu \lrillll: l’hilu
llfifi‘fl’llfl, nrc INpI-Ml'ully lm 11l 1] log“ n Iln'lu n c l”
;:. 4x STAGES FOR Timon,
”'k'tl) \ll.\' »;-'l‘lu~ uwh-Tvfimll-Il wuuH ru
~4|u Mlullv mlnrui tln' Irmrllmg puhhu lh Ih lm nnlv
rum in I|.nl} 1m" «I'9ng 11. 'l'!|"“" TII “I . klv
lny \IIIIV nt Hvurmflmm llnll ll Illl'll’lll lllk url lii
_lryrkly aw lllllvl lhr'lu' .l‘l mk l‘m‘ul
l":lu||'l')l"plA'llH.‘ri>v\Vl|Y,\\'wll|'llh) ll I'lwv.
l’mm llt‘lll‘l'HJl‘ "n TI: "I ll'. 'l'lnly‘uln Iv'l .“. . 1
day, uI.l llm l Illtmlng Il'lyn-111 (he Nun“ HI rnhl
{lt-'11! ‘ ll 11. L‘l":l.\ '3
H 11. ltp'l‘llhm‘h’. “1.321.- l'. mu m
tl-ml in all ll'nlk entru'flml to him l‘h pII-xuphh F 5
and cm- ,
l'v'l’nu'a Imulu-mlc ~10 in.” nu. “In Iwnn'l
uh! work mu‘mulmL Tunas Cub M
omm M. R l). (‘lummnga' lluivl, llullrfimim'l’l
"will? H II lill‘l'llllilt'ln. UI'IIll"
' ' ’ ' ' ' ' """“*.'f‘
The {llwupeat Magazine in [lad World.
[1314.005 00”.“; noxTuLY.
ul)f.u,';llfd‘_[m {my vrhnqrcgu 5105?}, .‘f-
IRXCUUKALS I?) 1.6,»! hu ”DWI .pg‘nu-d
:Inwm \nlh w ,u h lIIIV pow!“ 1.1 lllll’ [l‘m
11111 «111-guru! Hlr lupin-I, ma. dhu-H !‘ VI" IM-yi-Tu.
'ml u- chlLlupn. my: "W who. leglqd m
1.1.1\\ ' II sun pmn- lofllly or I II: pJIIuIIagI- ql IhII
publhz 'TIIII 11111 :IIVIIIIuhII: nflvlh'd' ‘ ‘ ”7'
* A 3"“ {I'LE 0'" CHE'JI'NI'IRSJ ’ ‘
ll lIIIInIIIrd h) f" I; "or. cnulllllmlgul II Nuts. 0\ I
IIII\III:I l) I «2‘ fl I-l lutdm‘ "mm" m 11.11 h Hl-111111 y,
111-m1 mu‘u- Ihvlllflhyl)r|hl'*:‘"llfflfl~ \nnd TIMI.-
.In; Inn \ulunu II a 3n.” "I nu lmmhcu rum-0... h.
or H»; H "O lIIWIIpMI luugl I. u! Had)“; "’lle I In
1111111111, I'nr ‘ , .I' ‘
(WP MM 47?! . ‘ L '- '
, " " I)?!“ uponfiino “may”: gpgul Lug-wigg- MIN."
7 , lIWUWH In ly unan‘l-d snd 'IIIFIIIgI-d h!’ Um I t ."F 1'!!!
It A" Muir?“ IZIIIIILI'I: r‘n‘h‘fll: 11. Are unnhll- mlm-rund prnprmlnt. "Md”. hm L”~"‘.y.jrt
. . . r puhlu .uI uquLLIId vlllllJlloflolwll in," [9l .~ .‘
’ Walsh-[lmm “u: I? (I _ ' loellyuu. llap-gnl.unl.lin , .
- , 3,gm 3- ~———— ~7 .I__ unws, Tums, POEVH, \ThMl’! nri‘f’nu Am,
2 PRANCLSVCQNWAY, . . ' pgnrurv, Mgsvs;l.utu‘,',}mmugw, 7
593 v .1? l) (‘Aaligshyfil \i\III,IL"TI um, . ”mun-mu, M.» m; "WW“ ~
, ‘ " ' "Eh“ "I' l[l "‘M ' 's'“ "1 ‘ p‘mm ||lc ht.“ .lIII] IIIIIII‘EgpulII.gIIII‘}; 0| Ilw (mun
i The “llhl 'IHII'I' l)I“'i~l:I1‘:LIl'I“rI 1|“;llllll 11-s (II h"~~ N. I! ”I" ‘9“ 0’ “’"h 3 “"3"“ "’2": “~14“...
L 0% IplA 1111 l MI lIIIIIIII'. Hm! he lII‘ 4 l‘ll‘llr‘;':‘l ““1"“: VI|;;;I~:HII'I'_::mbL:: 75:74:34 Y:’;."I":rl‘;.:'l:::'
l _lluluulfizlurtv, its”: {l'l‘Y'Ftlcq'lnn} Eu hjvl‘u Wllalmmy" plmrcfifihuf: .In lgrrl-IlIl}: Ennfp' XII-111 l‘urn lllhqu
A $3,) "" “"n ‘ *‘o' \ 3'; s’" “ML ‘ I momcnlbor Nullywhifllcrl bomx- m lhtuud mI/I
‘'. ‘. _ ‘ . . . vnumber (Ina u: cl: «II II 11, ‘
L “I" 'h\ I l";Illl“\"'1“lilli"{',l'll\‘“"§{“I“?{Twin}? I 122: m 7: 4 Nu Eefluhan mums It): bmivléd’mm iri'yvfgm:
3 Infir‘flfn _ 'l‘nllotl Huh“, [0...]:- "III! “10"“! an :‘H 77!?!1' Jrl' cum-ugh Lunlmvcmnl WlNlr‘Jll‘W‘! It” I:
‘ ‘ ' 1' ’l' \LLI,“ C'ANDLIJV‘ I ”‘1 lllmmlul In up punk." mum LquucV J'IIIJ uqu I:
..{A "M“; I (‘ll Ili'y .111 at lIILIJII ml 3.11 3‘. {Lu} mundld l'" '
lam-Iv cmh priw'. I
‘ El'r'hrll >.Il MALI wanlahtl) I?“ .1 110,
'J'III‘IIII llll‘l FILE bunghl fur Cdrlv ll‘ I v
‘ , I A ~..~..-. —»—.__.—7 -.«u’ p. 74 I .
I llliLLlfl-‘UX'X'II
filmm”: \\' l‘lK‘K' rINpuJI‘IIHI iIIfiIIIIH Mn
4 um ffik‘ndl' lIIKIY 'fl'H'l-I‘N- Hv'llNg “diorama, ”ml
‘ i hL- hm re-ufnmwl .1111 l rcizlwd 11111 05.1 rLqul. qul -I
,__._,_,__,, , A“. u ‘ UKMCIHI‘HII “0|“1‘.“ll(l0 llu inland” Dumping .ilf
MEDICAL PART“EESHIP."DR. I .Hu h.m'll;.;.lu :lIXIHI \‘IIICIIL'I to furnish llh'clil‘hr
‘ HHO L PUTTER, [mung usun-mlml 11-v’h 1111-I I “Ilh (‘ \.\' HYH'FEILS cu-ry II |\ and 111- Illh
111111 In ”I“ [mu liw uf mmh. lIIIu ”I’3 H MIT- ‘ lllw km-puu lulu! ulruh FIIIIpIyJA SHELL “YS-l
“HELL, ”on ofl'vr [huh pmh-uiulmb‘hiuei lufilu» ‘'l Eli" ‘ l y
I‘lllll-ll‘ (If lh-Ilnl‘xmlu 1111-l \llmih \IIcII 111-« I- [5” l’nrtiu’ur Lunnl'i sn‘lr‘ulhnl 111 Un- dqu 5‘
“right" lum milling um'nnunot hulh “111 In gncn , nuuru ‘ ‘
III! ”11. wIIIIIIIIIInI I'IIIIIgII . 1 ‘l‘ ”u rcslnoxllfully hnitm III: “111 I'lit‘mh In!
{FF'UK' Mlluhcll‘q rlndclm" 111 MN )“ffufl'l'b. ghuhfmnvnll ‘ <lI-ul2-Ir J
“L“G'IIIIIM‘ ‘ - IluJL'JI‘ ‘ _-_, fivi‘lvifi‘Y fiA‘Bi‘E‘ -A,_ -- ‘1
-~ <~ vr- - —" »- I (A- .
‘ ATTORNEY AT LAW I. I .‘ 'Nuxmhk-I’ibn!iIvaIIIIIII "I" clll‘nlH M Mrllcronlr
BELIJVI‘UN’I‘I'I', PENN I lllhl \lhllu‘y. 1111 l Um Imwlhllg pllbllv chlvllllry.
(Mao willl "all James 'l‘ "III! lIIII‘M ”I.“ lhc‘y can 111 lII] limrs In“ furIIIsIIIII llllh gum] 1
>~—- -~: 0 "'~'w-—" ~ -,_.~.A___' ml «nut? harm for nthWr rrdmznrdflfing, hy’
JAKE H. RANKIN, , F" ' ; “"Iqu MI lllm ILthr' I'cIIII‘IyII'nnIrI ”~ch Mn hm,
‘TT'WX'HYIJT LAW, " . ; n 1104!! almh llf Hum" .H IIH! .u Buzw 4. ('lr~
» *‘ ‘ ’ - “"‘m-lIJHCFUNTE.‘ rx-g "11m. Huck! fimknm. szrlhw, "amt-", 1?“
'l.|_<|llllll\lll 111~ Imm- In ”w \m I" “mum” m. u, [XIII-:III lllllclfiurlllrhul “9“ II Ilv Inul ‘
“ml hyChthrL‘Vl‘luh,Lwl .umwm ”w “VAN" f“. ( Zr" ‘\II Mm M~h In uhlw HI" run! run lqu :
,Mmy “my ‘ .llll‘ “111' 111 lII'.I¢ and cnlllhlrlu‘lll‘ \.~hlc|w~ lHll In
' ’ " "A“ “0“ ~477~ -- - ‘4 W llm 'IIIIIII HI Ih’l H D ('1 M)“ 'HI'I“ u
snow_ SHOE STEAM SAW MILL; .1.-.~12 _ lII‘IIIIUW.
'l‘hlruubm‘rihcr hmmg 6199]."! ll 1.1r,:r Rlcam " “I" "j ’ I“ “ ' 2 , ' 1
{SUV hhl'l, IN pn-pfml lo aaw 111 onlcr III”: of any 1 ST“ YEDA 08. STOLEN it“ THE ‘
Wlpuunflihtllwrk‘dt mum-I V, -"T' ‘ maxim. iv-irhu; unv ,nilv luul If .llu Lum
n . mumm' “HON, ‘ villa. nhouHhr‘ human July lusl Sl‘snflthnl
_ llnrJ ‘ _ ‘ Maloubum, I’-I ; ,MH'F‘” ((‘Vl‘lfdi (lIIIu nthlrthlcrgl-‘lrn ohl, nuu
‘ ‘ —‘ ' {oi or. \\ 111 II lIIgII M! (In, {him Imus ulvlplwu?
MARTIN STONE, AUCTIONEEB.‘ Sli-vrn Mulltceuumnthn ohl. and In» Amull “vim-Ia ,
’ wlnum‘ml lIItIInI-Iylnguf llval IMIIIII Hull-u, nlmur om: 31-nr UH. {lll ,lIIIIIIfwj lulll rho [Mlll’r cut
Public Vanduw, tul Ibuingluul uuanlJl-mhlu n. ull ”I" In} vur‘ huh! I: rim n I 111 min “T Ilu- lrlv my
poril-ncc inihe businchx III) flnllurn hlmwll Ilml ho .\ liln-ml Imnlql WI“ homnqu I-Ir Inf-Irmm'm uf‘
ablu lo Kil'c gnllnfimlinn Inn 3741‘ § HIIII “lu‘LfiLbUll‘i. 1111111. «II! In lhl- «um-uh -r 111 .
- '--~ ‘-*~ *'* "fl“ ~—' , 4 _ »l‘ “'IIIkI'I: P U ,Culln- rnIIIHy, I‘II,MIIIII>IIIW]I o. _
fire in Luck "awn, H‘ A (HHFHV ulilluuu ’ . i. ‘
linllu lb Ilellll lllllllltulsufdnll nwurth ul'llillhl-1111 ! E s T R A Y s.' ~
timl flllinllod Mlirlllo llllbugthl fan. 0! (‘cnwh oh I‘ ( """' “1’ ”W I‘I|""'-“';’l;;"‘ "5::";.;
00 D ' A . Ii n . ' . x, _ ‘l (’l‘III“(‘l;:|I""ll Uh|~<l|l U“ 10'. In .-.
can}; “hp“ "f“ '“" ”Mm“ ‘“ ffifififi” I tubl'r'hul. mm JHIIIIIHI lllv' harm Guns. 1
___ ww‘~*-——‘.~—‘—~d~&~- (—— ~- “ him l-H'll‘l'r‘.“" MILO! S‘l'lls,o|)‘ .'| “bill: luimllu‘
I; REP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE. , .umjhvxl rm ”I“ lid“ our, 11111 [up It“ 'IIR‘ nml a ham
that ”w bountiful ”HM” \‘nrk,IIIIIIquIIc-1m”; Um ollwr lIIIIIu and MI without mark. (he.
'nrfllhy f." A GIBSON. (I'm. I‘mh. drew ”N. . olhm (no my 31‘ IIlIIIg:,uIIn .I dark brmIII Slum ”11l .
lllKllcst IIrmuIIIIII Invanlud at ml: Ccnlm UIIIIIIU ”"11”“ “I'll" “' m?" Thu ml‘m‘lr “r "WW" “r"
[3,“, .‘ ”WI-i_n- \‘Hl'cnmul In lam)?! :lonmul, pron); 'I.IIIILI'\. P'V
‘ *‘~ , A "‘— A, »- .- ”r » , 41' lllrgvs, 1111 II o 10111 “my, 111 101“”: [ln “.11
.i: F? GROOEBIM-A- ' ‘ a ‘2 »Im dlq'uw‘d llfl' lmclmJlllg to laII ’: '
4{a . V .N'uqh..n"-.1, l‘zvfl'g. Sugar, umzm .I Icon xmmuu. l
f. ': (,hctfic, Mohwm,M-_ (.umlllrlhh-r 0n , . " ‘ ‘ ‘ . \‘
[lnnd’ln‘l ‘o' Bill” by J L 9. I" W HAVHB 4" STATE OF GEO. MEALIJHM PM. ‘
dun” Milcuhu‘u \ \VIII‘IL'M, Loflcm (*"A-\lJ.]huskntiuu m, “I"
‘ _" V‘ ‘7 ’ '’ ” ’ ‘ ‘ "‘ Icmmor GEORGE NHL 11'1“",Ilfln‘w'cl , no, .f
An o O.T s Ax D sHO E 8 " ‘ Snowshoe lIIwIIIIIip. CéIIIm nouMy I’m him ')'l‘l:||
lax-NI lumrhlll-111. "Lurll-Inulu Roots and . , ‘ ' ' .
N_ n L _ A I: l h [slfllllui [o.llm lllllltrnlm-Il_‘.ull pun-um LIHHVIe
l 'lO '}|”C“l s‘“ WWIW‘ ’“M “r “KOFXLSH IN'III'I‘H (-3 Huh MO4l 1p Ffll'l I-1111111 will plnmu- flIIIku
“’L 4 w ' 4 ‘ _ ' pay-Inn}, '01! IhNo‘llllvo ddhmllll llmlenl [hem
' _‘m‘w a 1.2:»: A H . V ‘ ‘ l)l’upt.‘|_ly llul Nutty-MINI fur Imllll-uwnl. ll"
H \l.u~ 51m I, rm};- "I I 27 , MARGAIIM sIIIMI-LIIRFi
‘ ' A ,g: I' '| u I 5 -.‘ o It ~
"mm ‘l’ KEAIAII'F' Yn v , AIIIIIInIIIrM I!
x » _7 .I . :-
.(‘llm-ulnlo, Hlbil't‘i nl‘ lIIIHIIII‘I, ‘SMQ, 0111. FIAII,
\'IIIc llr. Applm, Ike. A gun! and I'm-111 nsmrlmuut
fur‘mfib—hy . [l‘m/Z“ I‘ILUN HR
to 110 wn ‘lvh’lno (Fem 'll h! KHALSII’S
Imporiur S'l‘EElgßJiNH'nnd INK. l‘how “rm-Ice
lijnM, tho thing [or thIMII hmuhum _ Ilvcl‘l
of ”In favorite ’l‘obmmn, whlih was .10 Inulllelr
«munglhn uthv'orN lust mulch L'all lIIIIuNIIIIuIy
‘mul wpply younn'lf. 111. KHAIISII’S
M...“ ~. ..w u---.._.‘ .. I mq-- , A . ,
[cwnmm ENDLESS VAlllmljl‘Y,
‘ w (“and find mm", ehmpcr than mm I: up
qu, “may. ontnud and I'6: tall) by
now” '.,'_'_ I’ ‘ -‘ I’ILIIXIZE
‘o - "3.x ~ -
. . . ,
’ we I‘U'UIITI'JINA \\ Hum” \le Hummus I!
3;, \emv. umunnum, .
. ~en’rM2nY, kc,
225 any“ sflmu’r. ' ,
‘lvcl 2~ly
J. l). ‘mvuu u v , Wu J. Sum:
SE; J. nvmam. ..;
‘ “unmanim Immin 1x
Nu 6 North 1"] 11"“! Hlnucl, nbmo Ml‘lkd Fltuet,
«mm ly " ‘ :p‘mmruh '
a,“ u, q»; ""11““, ~—L~»~.—J— A... 0.“. <
BOARDS FOB. M —m in»
MR mm hurnbn‘uc whom) rm or Rammed
nPINE Iméabfi. at [all mill; uurflmAhm flame
i}: Um Lima ushxuumq Crods.whiuh Mr. A Jack
aoh H'Auflnodzfid to ac" w‘“
mas-m - . um“ npmumfsg
x", ‘\"’l'!‘a‘:"w
v ‘ ' ”‘7; '7
77m mama; W“ " “ A
vifimriu ‘I‘GITIH. 531"": w‘éfl: nun? I‘i erra' In Ihn
bnm 1-." h nun-(h Wuh v hanr. Mpnhr kill ”4' lu
unM tll m3.wM mend: any ralhl'r‘blulhrrur lm-ml
‘ would Mn Bln l‘uc hmullnl' :. Inmdy flnlo h .
: In a“ 11l 111-gunmen“. lruh um] nun-aimed. » h u
u puruuru lo be. Ihc Llnc'nlu u muglzl'no in M"
.wnou. _,,, 7A7 '7 ~r~ ~ ‘-—-»--
Any jaw-on malaria-Imm rlulinrm Iherrlc-Ig;
u below,“qu N’cquc the Mmlmt' In! our '\f'wr
lur-nrn-l‘fi‘rfi-mej‘hml 'rrmv'a- aM) . gum.
M M. H \LIIUU. l'aMu/au‘addfir «Hr.
Comer ur'l'rvmnul .md Uvumficld - .. Eon-Mu.
Demmhcr 5. mil—ly
' . mmu-zu‘u'nmn ..
'J'hc Elm “albumin“ \' hurl: of Ungnnflu'umlp
Us :flnu mmumncrx my flap {7!}: duuf 50qu: D 0?
’Wvu “ I.“ icnhfm‘lnume" is All .Illmlllll‘d I'v
yimhgnl, dvmiql Infill _n Um :rqmul at I," a! in
fi'lnnatlnn rvlllln} (‘n’ 1’!" ‘mn’nua‘ Mfch’mdu um!
Mnnnl': Aria. Indudlnul Munufntnnu. Arbnmmu
Pnlrnfin. lnvmum», Kofiuwrmgdmlwnk. I.“
”Neda-«- which ”no Push! n! "Inf”.d Sch-1m“? ml
u” uml m mlmm‘v 4 -v . . 'J.
-- Nmfln M MMHB S4M l‘u‘ovkmvw-Jym
,uth'il-nl (wry work including 0991 v 1! mfir’ 14‘!
l'.|'<nll'!.mm (0,9 Ilu-r \rilln m-IH um] IMl’l’u‘n‘r .l
upon lip-mm [4 0| ulhm ml»; .41 . “
, Th‘ wnmhulun la llu' ddullllu innr‘uan u“:
muuu; Hm must l‘lllil‘l‘ll' wivuqu nwl ”lulu II
mruol‘llw 11mm 'l'lu- Edllmml: pullmnl‘i' ll|||_
runny nukmnchdml w Inwwm
.nlyiliu. ind m bu diminiullw‘ Inn’ynmful‘ ll c v\-
crlhvnby and trulhmlm‘ “lI‘Y h" xll!‘u ha. gal fur
the funk-MIN mth '“IHI crhm': want In I‘. uxul
lulu Ihelbrltl‘vllfl.‘ uxrlulvfl. . L - ‘
MI-almniu [mm "P. Elwin: (‘Y‘Tlmfi 1-, Mn.-
nl'ncfiurnm Amthfllfltfl. dhéd‘mnltr h'hmy
rmfwsinan luvmvm Inn-l dis 6‘ ' ul'iflgfimenivan
nhe uf'gn-uHumé 'UK‘I‘I n Mbvt‘wcflnhui. Ila
uuunoul: Ind nub“ mun: unll mrr lhrm llQfipH-lluu‘
tlrllluls unnunlh‘, hon lx 1 “Hard" ”my: :u'nnlumwl
women of klmw‘mlm- Hm My” Lfff.‘ ofuhich’h Im
you) ’wnnulr} Immut- 1; rpm". ' ‘
’l‘ln' Nuvnfilh \nnul'mn I vlll'll lml nucé‘mka.
mcry qunM-r wnmhnn‘g (~6th quirpngr-I. for":-
iug u‘muull) n WHH‘A‘E‘O-‘él‘l AIIL‘ILIIIIL \olumn illlm.
mm mm 7-vrruL "Lug“? ‘anviml Enngilm
"gflfimhivu «mid ‘vnt grads. ‘ '
'L'HMh' Sin I. guhmu flinrn 5'15“ q," or 3“]
fur ah Illnndh, Kw dnyirg'tmri mbnlfis sf, fur u.
310th!“ ~"_z A A ‘ ‘
lor furlllrr (‘ln‘y rule! and f l‘nltmqul of II l)
{mu Iron huge Ulmh l’nnrs am my] by (he pulfllsth,
m u (“mulling Amrdaln ' ‘1 ~
- “uuLern, “'tw‘t'm nwl (311134 a and 1'
min .“2 nn H lan u' par for rulifii‘umu
Long“ Juuuld be than“. [infirmitfo
MK N. 0. K'J.
nm 21.3 w" m Fallon Slick, New} mm
Lush—A NIIW BUNK (:‘".\l[N”~—-wl' luuu’
llu- plea-mm nf nun-naming that we haw 111 "Ml,
II“ "It“ plMlih mourn“: 11l nf‘lKtL-mfiur, u now
walk at flutiun, ollllllovl - . ' ‘ ‘
Rom; CLARK.’ " "
Thqufl work. my] firlt wljlpuuua lulu ol'luM
Haul. null fugjflplnna‘ Within“, ‘f‘fllmflhih”
rum m'mrwmr'a‘WWW?”
out. In A o 0 ~ mum l',
“qu ninh 'm‘fm} .ckmsgufilgquy Hhiv‘l
has lino-z i all: n: I. uuiqrm‘ I,._s‘|lr‘j ”
Bu! “r (a onan ' m' Akin“ (9 film 515‘!“ or
“ Ruth "BIL" fly" ngfm “In It! (minim;
"thaw tthn'wb 41M OHM Wl4" Um
Unilod Sun 1-; has mud N. A: n-qwtn tE‘ImFWQ
lmvb'fl-mdn'kvrdfi. Mu: quilt, Mam any my
‘um k 0 “gun! M nu, in Iwry Algnmu‘r.
butler murk; and an: u'uhdppfitw WY "KI;
mim‘bul urou Immnw 92: re vflwwgzhnllm
unixhud uuthprm w , r . ukiu
“ Now Clark." nil) nrkb "XI“ 1. ”was thug
it} ‘fiszllwfil‘ -1 ». M 1 . "« A
' twil mguw o. , a mu
Kg». mm 212M531 8r Warm
luul. by mufl‘ Fulw£o ““13
- ' .; ' 2 ‘1- 1' s I
M4l. ' ’\ ’, " ’g’a‘l‘y’gufifplk:
--_', : luix' .“ "ninmhbfl it"
lhuumlmm \