Eil .~, V and 2-» h J: "I EL EDI ~VOLQ‘L "’ (”Egg @cumtutit mlztitmmm, TH ONLY amusnvmioaMTm EWS mm. In CENTRE 001 mm, ‘ atrium ~umgWfi : , HVEIIY WEDNESDAY MORNING, ’ BY HENRY HAYS; TERMS—“.SO In Mvnnno '0: K phill \xllen six months. 32.00 wlll he olmrgad on all subscrip lfigfii fiififiik‘tb’lhe and or tuneup . . ‘ ' ADVERTISEMENTS and Bulinau Nouc‘dn inn-rt od .0. Illa uanll ulna, and uvury desonfilan of 3013 PRINTING-v" EXECUTED In the mutant winner. H Um Imm: rice», and with the ulmoal dcapnluh. Having Eumlmmd n largo oollocllun of Use, ms um [um . pared lu mil-(y tho order! of our lrndn @figitml fingtrp. - "rm“,‘flr (hr Wall-Imm" “was To A DAUGHTER. '3 '- ' BY JULES JANKH, JIl And mm It be. that far awn], —~ ‘Amld tho Itrmger'l mama loom-r Whom all/vho' lava Ind I" who pray, rjm’tha MP'IJWW and, I‘oan ~ YCI; lo—fycl you, 3mm. child, ‘ " Inc "M in my pnye‘rhric night—- Aud and um yo?» We mild, 'ln gnom’r} green my you] Mr. ‘ l' on! how I‘m sighed liuco hm we mm, d - And longed Ind wished your lip‘a to Imm; ‘ Kai In my dru‘ml‘l'vo omm vr m, 4 ‘ ~ While thinklng onhu juyoul put -w~‘_’lhuhwvuzeW' .tlléfiszlww w, b'ilill'» 7. May God in [two return in you. 1 To guild and 1“le!!) puru delight” Your son cunning yum unite :sle Alannmngfimr "f m, hunt- For “M a “the! one; pmyu, . Thou {mm MI soul may no‘ur tlnpm, Tho mud low‘ho lumrl fur (lino, Thy tux-(lol- yum—thy 3mm "Sind— ML M 1 or!) prtutoun In M: thoughts, Though!- which em only bu dunuod By hope: ufmmrojuya fur both. And ll»; will ammo—Land u lheyphlno, Tvgclhcr we will [not dwir blin— TogudA-r mark m. change- limo Nl‘Llan lllé'a “(3-ij pllgr’nnngu (lml ynu will luul, guard and bless My lander daughter's gonna alcpnw-x ' I‘nwn'n 1m- llmmgln this wilnlerncds, And gqldu 1151' I've! lu vhlnc‘s pulh, Bluuonn. Dooombcr. IR5}. MEMORY BY 11)!!! A ITAIIVHLLHR Ball at (In up of lunflqht stalling 0n tho dying a.“ Hm! I: china 0! gm bcHl poulin‘ —‘ WI'YY'“? #19094» . BM an Kinds n 9. ngght 3:33 mnnn;~’_ TLhmuih “10‘ bomb, 0’" 377711;; igfil,‘ 00"" (Mush!!! of days now gone, 01: nimbuod'u memory. A. the numb-mu from the Hun]: “Ho at avg mu): llghl ; ’ A: tho bails when {mien tho evcn PM] not on the night, A, I!» nightmlndl caue to fish Winn flu :- mi- from my I‘ky. Pu! tho thou ll of “a" gun- by iron Ago'a memoryr~~...._w _. Yet Ib.: «with! In the morning ‘ Pun}: again uhnn brunt“. And tho boll: gm I'CB\~WIIAd \umln; To the world to wake Soon the Mull! Illnll‘ffl‘cl] brotlhe o’er the mountain'u purple heath; But Um I'm-t. Ls lull in Death—l He'hulh no ‘lhemory Eiistoricul. _ m rum: nzxrox‘a “Tntfi-rnnmns’ vuw.” On Friday, the 30m dn'y of Jnnulry, the President, with some mcmhcru of hip übinct. nttcndcd the. flumml con-monies of Warren n. mm, Esq, in tho hall or the House of‘ Represnntltivefl--of‘,,whim body Mr. Dam but been a member {mm‘fllc Stntc‘nf flouthi ("ennui Themroceanion had moved out with thethly. and its front hld rclchedlhc {not of the broad stop! of tho matcrn portico, when tho President, with Mr. Wooahfiry. Secwtnry of the Trclsury, nmlr. Mnlilon Dickerson, Secretary of the y, were ia- ‘ Wing {comm door or Lhasa-calamari: l which apomr upon the portioo. At that in- 1 ‘stnnt i p‘cison stopped from the crowd into the litth open up oin front of mo President, levelled :‘. pistolttmim, at the distance of ' pbout eightfeet. cud attempted to flro. It won : pacuuion look. It“! the cup exploded without firing the powder In tho burrcL- The explosion of the cap wsg so loud that: mny persons thought the pistol hm] fired I hem! it at the foot or the stops, fur {mm tho plum and x great cmwd between. In atmfly the person dropped the pinto! which ind missed fire, took another which“ hohl ”My ”Wk9%’”‘bis h‘ft hand, Concealed by a cloak, love cd it, find pinned the <trigger. It wax also a pcrcusaion‘imm, and the cup ex- ‘ plOdcd without fltiiflio powder in the bar ‘rel. ,Tho President instantly rushed upon him With‘hh! upiiftod can», and tho man shrunk buok‘iMr. Woodbury Aimed a blow hat‘himi Lieutenantflodmyjot‘ tho nn'vy, ' [mocha him'down Mic was securcfl by the bystanders; who dclivcrcd him to the officers ofjuatice {or judicial oxamumlion. Tho oxluiihntion took place before the Ohio! Justioo of the Diutrict, Mr. Crunch, by whomvhe wuoommittedhin default of bail. His mm mm “(sodium-d to Scimithud haw tenoolun Engiishmm by birth and huuse ”winter by crude, M: 9:35:61“ out of chiplay meat, {nellnchuiy um! . irruciblc. The pix tots Were examined and found to ho well hinted : und‘fiml. afterwards, without Jail, «am-yin; their bullets true, anddrking them chi-5931: moh bonds u thirty feet dimnzz; .l)1‘, r . , , . . ,r . , a . _ , a x > ‘ ‘ ' a . .q 44 . ..r ' _,. \. "T‘ M ‘ " V 1 .. , ~ ‘ ,“l ‘ , ' fl - ‘ ' ~ . Y .. ~ “a , l . 1 . \é .‘J < q. ‘ N H ‘ ‘\ j l .~ \ ‘v-h ’ -.‘ . _‘ I » "..‘... '_ ~ a.” ~'a n. - 3 '~ ~ ,' ,‘ . L I sr‘ n - .. " ' I . ”14" l‘4 , “ mp.» 7:1“ ' a . .- * 1H . H! -' .11 I _‘ ,1 ’ ‘ ~ .. ‘ l H I ’«I H ‘ ‘ k ‘ l V\ k ' ‘ ‘ 'r _‘ v .. ‘ i K .. ‘ ¥ " W .. 1‘ ' ‘ , ‘ ‘ _ , ' ‘1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ’w 4 . ' ' t nor oeuld any“ reason bu" found (or the two mflurcs at the I:9lan On his examination when“ seemed to b 6 t his 1 :o nsif i ircrusibz to cross-examine mg witnesset-g' who wmificd nguin‘st him, or to gMy¢3- ‘ planntion of his conductr The idea of amm sound mi'ml stronglj {mprqaaing itso‘f‘upon “3° public opiifion, the mnrshnl of. Hm Dis trict infi'ited two of tho mmf‘mp'wtnbh physiciuns of tbe'cily (DI-:Cnussin um "Dr: Thomn's vae“) to visit him 'xmd cpmmina into his montnl condition. They dkl so, rind die‘follofi'mg if; the report made upon. the case: . u - . - . l U The codex-sighed, hit-ins been requested by tho'mu'shal of the Distrldt of Columbia l to visit'lliehlu'd Lawrence. now eontlned _in I the jail of the county at: Washington for‘ ' ‘ attempt to osmosimtorthe President of tho ‘ United States, with a view‘ to uncertain. as ‘ far as practicable, the» present Rendition of ‘ hie bodily health and state of mind. n‘ntl be ‘ lic'ving thst mdotnil o‘fl‘the exuminatlon will ‘ be more sfllhctory than an abstract opinion ‘ on tho. suhjcet, we therefore. give the follow ing suteiuent: On entering his‘room wo ‘ engaged in a. free. eonvutuatiou with liinn’in ‘ which he pnrtieipoted, apparently.‘in the most QM“!!! mid unreserved manner. The heat ititerrogn'tory Eeopeunded mm as to his ; use, W‘lllt‘h quoatiou alone he‘spertivelymdol elinu‘l honoring. "We then inquired into m‘E‘maitien‘ orliis‘health for several years plat, to which he replied that it had been uniformly good, and that he hsd never hr ‘ bored under any mental derangement ; nor (lid he admit the existence of tray of thole ‘ nympwms of pllyßlL'l’ll derangement which ‘ uaullly attended mentll alienation. "o ‘ said he was bum in England and came to 1 this country when twelve or thirteen years I of ago, and that hisfl'thcr died hi this Dis- 1 (riot uMnt’sixvorrdglo. me'H since : that his 1 hither Wki n Protestant (lull. hig-xugthflLQ l Methodist, and that he has not it professor l of my religion, but «omfltimm rend thoßihle, 1 mid occasiouly attended church. He stated that he what a painter by trade and had (ol lowed that’hccnpation tn the present time; but, oflnte, could not tlnd ntemly employ ment, whielylml caused much pecuniary. eni humane: with him; that .ho hm] been 1 generally tc wrote in his habits, using or (lth api dorttely‘whexi at. wgrk Lbul'.,‘ for the hurt hrcc or four weeks; had not ta— ‘ ken my ; that he luul never gflmhlcd. ind, ‘ in other reimgg, hnd .led _a ‘r‘egulgr aml §°‘ 1 “Wming interrogated as to the cir cumdunces connected with \he nt‘empwd amusinntion, ho fllid that he had been do .libornting on it for some time put, and that be haul culled at the I’rciidcm'a house about tweak yrevioul to the attempt, Ind being conducted to flu: President‘s npartmmt by the pom-r, found him in oouvcmn'zion with n \ member of Congress, whom he believed to be Mr. Bnthcrlnnd, of Ponmyhanit; that i he stated to the President tint ho wanted money to take him to'Englaml, Ind gm he must. give him u check on the bank, and the X’Midcnl remarked um he was mu much vngngwl to Idend lo him-Flue must call Ino th'vr time, for My. Dibble was in wnifing for An interview. , ‘ 'Wheil ankle-d about the pistols he had used . he'slhled that his father left Wm not being alike, about four yearn since he ex changed um: fur another, which u‘xwll] mtd‘md the beat of the pair : those were both flint locks. which he had recently had altered to pcrcmuion locks by a Mr. Botelcr: that he had been frequently in the hnltit of lending and firing those pistnlq nt marks, and that he had never known them to fail going oil" on any other occasion, that ct the distance at Um ynrdn' the hall nlwnyn [loosed through an inch plank. He also tit-ted tint he luul loaded those pistols three or four thy: pre vioué will: ordinary wire, for the purpo‘ie nt teiiipmrrm‘nm Tie tiscnt‘iimn’mmm of I. entered, and tlmt during that period, they wore at all times carried in hit! pocket : and wllcrenkml "why they failed to explode he replied he knew no mane. When Asked why he went to the‘ Ca‘pitnl’ on that dsy. ~ he replied he expected that tbs President would be there. He also ata ted, that he was in the rotunda when the President. arrived : and on being asked why he did not than nttemtho sheet him, he replied that he did not wish to in terfere with the lit-ml ceremony, and there~ {are waited till it run over.. He also obser ved that he did not enter thean but looked ‘ through a window from n lobby, and new the President. nested with meinln-rb of (fungi-us and he then returned to the rotunda and waited until‘the President ngnin entered it, and then paused through and thok his posi tion in the eastpdrtico, about two ward» from the dour, drew his [listen from his inside cont—pock‘et, cooked “them and held one ln each hand, concealed by his coat, lest he ahofild itinnn tho spectators-and states, um. 18 soon as the one in the rjght hand missed lire, he linincdiately dropped or ex ebnngod it, and “tempted “We second before he wuxvlzerd ;. he further stated am he limi‘nimed each pistol at the Predident’n heart, nnd intended, if the first pistol had gonqmll', and the -Prcaldent lmd fallen, to \ hive defended himself with the sfloniitda. > lance was necessary. Onlbeing asked it he laid not expect to have been killed on tb spot if he had killed the President. 110.12: [died he did not ; ma thnt he ha: no doubt but‘thut he would hsvo. been protoctedfby tho spectators. He was h-equcntly‘ decay tioncdyhethor lie lied my t‘ricndx p'resent front whom he expected p motion. To this lab replied than. he never. d «mentioned his Nil "7 'fl BELLEFONT intentidn to any one, and that ha ticullu‘ know his denim: ; but lh .- v .x wwkww "I I h ‘e. firesidenfl 0M 0 Hb'furthei‘ ttnted, thut \xlien' the }‘rcsldeut arrived at the door, node which he 'atood, Bulfiltédiihl supported on the left by Mr. \Voodhury, and observing many per-SONS in his rear, and being himaulf rather to the right. of the President, in order to nynid l wounding Mr. Woodbury and “wise in the ‘ ream; he ‘stopped it little'tohis own right, so ‘ ‘ that khoultl the ball [miss thmugh the bpcly of l ‘ the Pmaidcnt. it would be. received by the 1 door (tame or stonewall. On being Mked it" ‘ he felt no tl‘éiiidntioli'ilurin’g‘v, the attempt; he“ ‘ replied notlthe slightest, until he fpund. the 1 second pistol had missed fire. ‘ Then uhscrvv ‘ 'ng that the Pmidcixt Wis advancing upon Mm with an u'iiliftod cunu, he..l'eured that it contained a sz-nl,‘ which might have been thrust through him Before he could have been protected byvtho crowd. “hummer! ill - na to the motive which induced himto, uttempt‘the'nssnsuinutiou of the l’resis dent; he replied that'he had been wld that thal’i'osldcnt had Caused his lens of oacup’n: tion, Mul‘thc eohsequent loss of money, and hellnflievcd that to hut him out of the way {so's the only remedy for this evil ; Shut to the interrogatory, Who told you this 1 he rouhh not ideiitil'y any—one, But he? ffiihfirk'o'd that his bmther-iu-fifw, Mr. Redfern, told him that he would hive no “mire business, ‘bc. cause he wgs-oppoeed-to the President, and he believed Mr. Bedfetii to be in league with thn‘ _l'residen‘t against. him. I'Aggxin being quobfléned whether he had often uttondpd the debates in Congress during the present ses sion. Ind whether they had influenced him in making this attack on the person of the President, he replied that he dud n-cquontly atteiided the diagilnsion in both bunches of Congress. but that they had, in no degree, flqcncul his action. ' . _ , “Upon being asked if he expected to he. come the President of the United States, if General Jacksen had fallen, he replied no. “When asked whom he wished to be the President, his answer win, there were many persons in the Houseot'nepreacntutivcs. On , being asked if there were no persons in tho , Senate, Yea, nervenl ; and jtwos the Scmte to which i alluded. lVlio, in your opinion, of the Semto, would make ugood l’usidenti fie answered. Mr. Clay; Mr. \Vobstcr, Mt. Ollhoun. What do you think of Col: Ben -9,3132% _Vga‘BurL-nhguwe \Vhitedgr‘ ‘ On being (talked if he knew nuy'hiember ofi either lloufie o_t' Congifins, he rcpliedihuj he ,1 did notv—ntul‘hever‘umke to one in his hfe, I or they to him. _ On being naked what. hene- i {it he expected himself from the death otthc i President. he answered hmmd not rise “11- 1 less the President fell, Ind that he (vxpeetwl i thereby to mover his liberty; end that the i mechanics would ell be beuétlwd : that the mach-nice Would hove plenty of work, and thnt money would be more plenty. 0n be ing naked why it would be more plenty, he replied, it would be more easily, obtained from the built. 011 heing'nskcd what hank, he replied the Bank of the United Slntex. On being nsked if he knew the President, di rectors or any ot'_thc officers of the hanlt’, or hid ever held uny intercourse with them, or 719719: 110 w he could 21"} money out_ot' the, book. he replied no, that be slightly knew Mr. Smith only. - ”‘““‘ “On being naked with respect to the flpCCL'll' as which he had heml in Congress, and whether ho'waa particularly pleased nith thoue bf Messrs: Calhoun, Clay hiid\\'el)uter, he replied til-t he was, because hey Were on hip} side. He was then asked ifhie was wall pleura with the Apctulloa of Colonel Benton and Judge White? no said he WM, and thought Colonel Benton highly talented. ‘ "When salted lfho was friendly to Gene‘- rnl Jackson, he replied, no. Why not '9 He rmxweredrbecause he mn‘tyr'nnt: 11' told you he wen u tyrant “t lie mmwcml, it was a common talk with the petiole, unit that he hudruzul ll in All the, prim-pi. lie was :15de if he could .umno'nny one uhdltad tnhl hirn so? He refilled, no. He has asked if heater threntencd to shoot’Mr. ’Clnx or Web star, or Mr. Calhoun, or whether he would shoot‘lhcl‘n if he had n'n' opportunity. He replied, no. ‘Vhen naked if he would shoot Mr. Van Bumu‘l He replied, no, that he once met with Mr. Vim Burcn in the rotunda, mul told him he wits in want of money, Mid. must have it, and it' he did not get it, he (Mr. Van Buncn) or General Jockdpn, inust gill. lie was asked if any personwas pres ent during the couversetion? He replied, ‘ that there were several present, and when i asked if in; l'ccolleoted .0!” of them, he ra- ‘ plied; out he did no't.' When naked snnyi one advised him to shoot General Jacknon, ol‘Hflyt til-t it ought :3 be done i he replied, [do not like to say. On being pressed on I on» point, he said no one in [funicular had advised him. _. “He further stated that, believing thoPrcn ideut m be the source of all the difficulties, be m: {till flxod in his purpo‘o to kill him, and if ludsuccohaé} purnucd the same coune, tn put him out. of the Way ulSO—‘M‘ld dedlmk tlutna'éowér in tlmz country pould punish him for lmvingflo’ne so. hectuxio it would be resisted by the powers 0! Eump‘o as well an of Wacoun't’ry. Ho USO nutudjhut Huluul been lqng ln cormspondonce with {[l:l36wcn of Efimpo, Ind/flifit his family hurl boon mmfully deprived of the crown of England, mmlhe should ywliva to rogfin‘Tt; and h'lomiaemd the Maiden} «the Uni ted States homing more than his clérk. ‘ “We 'now' mm; promr Jo uchlut thq ‘ young Huh uppeargd pértoctly tranquil and ; ..‘: ’L:"§"\?;5T§"lW .‘ L: ‘ M ‘ . W) .. I . . n ‘ ' ' ‘«' a“ I ‘1 ‘ " ‘ . . A .. ;' ’ ft” EM . J >‘, 3* - ‘ .. -. . . W ._ . , ' MT? a," ‘ ' ‘ ' - '_ > _ , , ' 1' ”‘ 3...: V .1 ‘4 1 .. l.>~ ~ I H" . . y . ’ . . A ”.-'. g, ..’: 3,, ‘ . _ u, . _ 1 .. . ‘ ~. ‘ ' 3“L .; ‘5» , 'r‘ a" ' i' m»: x 3‘4 .. ' ~ , ~ ~ _ ;;. ‘ %_ '5) V_ Vg’ My ‘J V 'v ' , ,1 ’ :9!” , .a‘ « ; , .~ :1 . ”.‘p‘ , ‘~ ‘ . l . , _ ’ 2&s:ng ' L'. 4“ ,w,‘ ‘ . '. - ~ ’ ‘ .W" XiTgfiafifinfii' “Ki?" -_,__ ' ._}X;|,jx ~ ’‘ _ 4 Ji .1 '2 q 18'304 ' W "T‘s-" ~ ' , ‘ .-. W“, Imr- u oncemcs {SRO XIWfi“ I H, 111ng Scum '.. ' v‘“. ..‘ ‘ .‘ 31"“ ‘ ‘ff' “2: am . ,‘”“.,“ least mo hours. The qncateons were {re quontlj' ropt‘atul-jpt difl‘vxcnt singer; of ”w cmminutiomnnd nit-scum] injurious formg. " Ilia clearly tu,be seen from this 11100 an nxnmixgation 91‘ Flu mun, that this al‘tcmpled manssumlion ofiyho President was one of thong: caavs 01' {thin-h hiuwry presumes many Instances—u. diéomcdwniml ndcd upon by n éencml MIMI-y ngninst n puhlic' mam. Law. ronr‘o finn‘in the )urliculhr gmdiLiOxl Lo hr 'mrtmt‘flpon by what he heard muiustG‘cnu-rl Jnckgon: rwurlunan out. of eminloylncnt, ncédy, idle ; mentally mor d, and with “W hon enough to argue rug _v fmxnfnlsc prn- ‘ mines. Ha hoard tho Pr ‘drnl urn-mm] o)‘ breaking up the hflmr uf ht- country}. and 1 M-l’lcwd it—Of making 1 hey mun-c! nud bt-licvcd lt-mf produch m-litmrcsa! n’nd bolicvcd'it—Of heing‘fi‘h’: m‘fimd believed iMl‘lmfx’fé Kn obstacle to hclipf S and )w -licvcd it“. And coming ‘0 Mtguhr mnvln-I| xion from all §hcsc lam-{HIE afiemplcd 171‘ do what he—bflicvcd , the V'sutt of’things rv quiml him to devtlko th'hk: of, the man ‘ whom he oénnidcred the catcol'ldz’idih and 1 the gcneml-vnlumily~nn@ . c solq'obslm-lu ‘ to his 019 nm! mm: “M -luchminn of Il)§n(l.\\'ns cfidcx‘t: and the ‘ \vrcwhud victim ofu dx‘mdful dulus'mn wax. nfwrwurda, (rented a» inmuc, snd non-r brought to mul. But the circummnfi'o xii uh a deep impression upon (he mlxhlo I'm-ling. nndirrm'ml'lmy cnl'rit-d nmn' rmmha «Him belief in a superintending I'rlviwnrc, mmivl { funtcddu the extraordinary chic «f (“0 ;\is- 1 this in aubcvm'xofiT-mxpll Indus so «(I’6“ 1 lmndch, nnd'yhich, nflcnrnrds Brod “ix: such rcmlinuss, force and precihiouv—misuin ‘ fire, one}: in its turn, when lovt‘ncdglght fuel at the l’msidcnt‘fi; heart! .—~— ‘ , y:~:~::N:~~:~ ,Tmrly in the spring ($l7BO, Mr. Alexnn‘ der Metkmnell, of Lexington, K 33, went into the wands (talent. t 6 hunt dn-r. Ila noon hillcd' a 'lnr‘g}: buck. Ihtl 'retuml huifie for 1 horse in order to bring it. During his ab _Bcnce n [nifty of five Indians, in one of their l nkulking eqmditionn, accidentally stumbled 1 on the body of the deer, and in retiiing that l it had been nvently killed, tiny nntundly supposed that'tho hunter wonhi wen retum‘ 33,195.”; fiafl‘fltu Three imffihfihflc' of the (leer, while the othortiré followed the trail of the hunter, Ind wuyltid the pnth by \ihich he was expected to return. ~ MrCunncli thinking not of dunger, rode carelemly along the path, which the scouts were uatching. until he had come within view of the deer. when he wu fired on by the whole party, andliiq hor>FleleiL While laboring tn exlrirale hilnm'lf from the dying animal. he wu seized by h» enemies, over powered ;nd home oil‘ a primner. Ilia cap tora, howev‘ir, seemed mny, good natured ‘ port of fellow“, and pertnlttul him to hermit ‘pnny them ulllWlllltl—‘Qtld ultat mm rather extrnordinnry, nllom tl him (a refill" hixgun lnntl hunting nt'i'uutiements. lle m-rnmpn l med them with great Wilt chi-vri‘nlnens {through the day, and (lisplgyul his dexteri ty h) shooting (ht-xii): the use of the mm fmny, tintil tht-y‘lieuyuii to regnrd hiin Willi great liai'iialily. Hm’inglnwtllcd “Ith lx'im in'thH runner for sun-rd day 5, they at length rmvhul the bank of the Ohm rlwr. Urretut‘qre the Indiana had when the pre vention to Fund him kt night: although mft very sequel” but on 01M evening he runon atrntmt with them on the auhject and com plnlned no strongly of the pain which the cord gun him, that they merely \\ upped the Bull's!» mgatmutlus wriitnleml harms tied‘ it. in In ehsy knot. and then hunched the ex. Lremittesr ot' the mpe LBJ-hut; bodies. in order MW «moving‘wiw awakening them, they 11:7," composed” went to SlLL‘p, leaving the primm-r to ('oon their enuwle or. not in he pleased. ' “ Mct‘unndl dcyunnilie'd tolcfl'm‘t hiv (“wipe that night If poisihlo, as w \h'c fuliowing morning m“)',E9‘_‘l£‘,_°l’9§s 3L9 river. which would render it more difficult; He theryfqm i-y q'nhfly until midnighth iuu'xunsiy rumi nating on the best mmnsiof nii‘ucting hm cw CAPE-t Accident-My uniting hi's eyes in; the .lirucliou'of his feel, they lull on tho glitlar ing hlndu of I knifw, which had finpcd frnnr m sht'nth and was now lying 2:41: the I'ch of one of the Indians. \ To reach it vim bjs huntighmllioutdis turbing ihc two‘Jndi-nl to whom he mm fas wncd, ma impel-nib“. and it use my haz nrdoua'tb Attempt to dnw itupwilhhisfeet. This. hmvcver. he “tempted? With niuoh difficulty he graapcé the blade between his toes, Ipd .fter repented hid long continued oflorts, succeeded "ingl‘inziug it wilhin rvMii ofhis hands. To cut the “1 WM but the work of B momenta nndéndunlly and silent iy'éftfiimnng' him»)! he walked to the fire and sat down ms Mt am his wéi‘k wan but half don‘e. That if he should sttempt to return home without deutmyinghis enemies, he wouldrbe- pursued and'pro'bably overlfi: ken, when his {Mo would be Curtain. On the other hnud if‘fiemod Almost imlvosaiblo fur a Hhiglo individu’l to "bnlcecd in I eon flict\vith flvo Indimiia, cvohihough unnrmcd a'ud Mien-p. Ho cauld 1311:111an to (ii-AL u blow with n knife so silently and {ltfliiy4E‘ ’to destroy each of his cndhiu i'n iu'rn, with out awakening the rest. ’Thcil" glumbyru were provorbially light ugh tedtim—-md if. he failed with 1 single out, he must be over; powered by‘ tfi6"mrviqu‘l. The knife ms iherél’ora out amine ducgfiénfi‘jzlfier union'- reflex-tin I for a Ihr munwnw he l'umu-(I his‘ ,pimi: I‘l g H mm. A . I’s 21%: or [he Infilhl} {vow “(flit-nap the {inn ‘ Their knives mu; tomnhznvks \Vcn‘ sheathed hy tht-Jr aidvu. ’l'hchillorhc dared not touch for fear of arousing their owncn}, . but the former ho (inrclyliy removed, with ‘ the cxccpfidn or two, and hid them in the‘ woods, where he kifow thalqdiuns were slili sleeping, perfectly ignorant of the fate prij paring for than} and inking onciu each hsfid nnd resting the muzzle on n log, within 'hi’t‘, met 01‘ hiu victim“, and having lnkun dclihor- . 0:4; mm at. LllO haul of 6m and tho heart of Hill/”ILT, he‘pnih'd both triggers at. Una-Same monwnt. Both shots wcrc'fiiinlr At the report yr the guns tin-others sprang to their fw.glnncins wildly nhout them. BIL-Council, who h:td"'run to Uno-‘épol. where the other I‘lflUfi were hid. hastily Boiled one at them and firm] at two of his enemigs who hnppg-p ‘II to be standing in a line with each nther. The Ig'mrcst {ell (It'llt‘, being shot thmugthhc vpntrc of the hotly; the second l't-il alsorbcllowing loudly, hut noon iocnvcr ing. limped oil M rust ns p mihlq. The fifth, the only am; that remained Unhurt. darted oii'likc A door, with I yell that nn~ nounu-d equal turmr'nnd astonishment. Mc (‘6nnoll, “qt wiahing- to fight any more such mum, (nulgctcd‘hip my title than; um stock, and made the best orhin uny to Lexington, where he arrived in ‘two dnys. A short lime uncrivnnln Mm. Dunhp, of Fuyeuc, wholhnd been sgvcrnlmanllm n pris~ oner among the Indians on Mad River, mndo “LT esmpe, andfielumed lo Lexinwton. She n-jiorted that l. e sun-fiver Uflg‘filfiin’DOMfl hmcmnhlu lnlc. He stated that duty had taken n fine young hunter near lA‘x'lngiml, and brought him ILI far-"as (he Ohm: that hile engaged on the bnnk‘of the xiver, l party of white men had fallen upon them in {the night luul lulled his compgtuions, mgcghcr ‘ with the poor dcfenceless prisoner who lly ‘ bound hand and (Bot, unlhle either to escape ‘| or resist. * 521 m: 3mm}. FORGET HOT THE AGED. Forge! no! the nzu)‘ Young maiden. I pmy' Though lh'mo eye 15 now apnrklihg Thy hurt bliihe And guy. ‘ Yet limo ncrcr turriaa, ' N “All“?! forum! may be ‘ ’A mummie- tme‘ r“ ‘ Forget not the ngwi, Young mun. In my fififlir“_~"‘ For the min of thy mglhnr, - Thy shut, thy bride; ' (“to hood (0 (hot: sorrow”, Lest thy lu‘mfl oqu ho lan ‘ Amid Minx"! Antl‘lxlfil, or am: baron, Jorge! Vlot. the Aged ‘ When sin-hum: and no. O’mhndow my dwnlling, Thy lplri! mu know, .Tlml. our Falls” iu~memy Hlmgolt qgtuhem 0“" Thu" Mum), who fume! not > ' The pick unl (be poor. E’wmmm of fig: ilost-Cffitt. TEN YEARS AMONG THE MAIL BAGS: ()I.’ M » 'I'IIN 111:0 M '1‘!) I; 01.412 1' on A FL’!)‘("IA I. A!) ENT 0 1-“ Tlll5 rosT 01“. “I'7th DBPAH TM}; NT. EX 3 HOLHROHK Mr. Ilnlhrook (who has» been an energetic i «pt-vial agent of the Post (mice Depart , Incnt for the lust (on years) has produced ‘l a hook illustrative of hit: clrccr M a spgcinl 3 Agent, ruplntc with amusing incidgnts, which 115 w fir" the most part come under hi: per- Ronni ohrermiioii, and contliping much \‘Mu -31:11. infuruutinn furihnhcnult of Uwifl‘m i write and receivu letters. Mnhy‘of his unr rnu'vos of the detection of mml robberies, \VhL‘thl‘l“ committed by ppst ufllcc clerkvt 0r ‘ old—huhlonod footpads, are or exceeding in. tor-cut, ,whichriv by no mmns [emu-med by the (but thntthcynru subsunhdly true, (the nu mor‘n mgiriffor fhi: feelings“ relatiomor Enemies a! datectud letter thcivcu having frc~ quynuy imlllth him to suppress or ‘nltcrl twin-3,) nml are told with l mtivo humor ll nndn skill of construction which mark the uuutor us a man of no mimn htcucy pmtcrh 1 51min. “’0 auhjoiun-fcw cxlncts. The fol~ ‘ lowing possess s dramatic iqmbtf I CHIUJHNG Tllll CLIEGYflAN WGINIOUS TRICK Our collection of ‘.‘ outside” dulinqucnclcl; would be incomplete who we lo omit thgfulh lowing cue, which was investigated hi the author not long ago. nmlvinwhlchm 1: little Eggxlnlty u! the humor sot}. Wu displaye‘i— It will servo m . apecimcuof I {humorous class of «nos, chugfilulfid‘d by xttcmpts to defraud some corrcqumdcnt, and to fusion the blamu of the fraud upon some one can nccmd with tho po‘at olllcc. We find give many lushucoa of a similar kin did. our limits permit. ‘ A A person of good minding in tho ooinmli nity, whb inid'nlnim not only to «moral, but u ruligious chamcter, WM visiting a Inge town on tho Hudson rivu, shout midxuy lic tween New YgrkhimdAlbmy. This pérsou owed a clergyhm, livixig in an linen, Connecticut. the sum of cm: mated donuts : And one day ho called ntjtho liouaeo! answer clergymm of his icqmlhunoo‘in the town‘ first mentioned and rcthfitcd to be nllmi'cd the privilege of writing 3. latter than mm cloricul creditor, in wliiehvthnmu duo that gonllcmnn was to be ujlosed. Writing m tcrinll veto fimibhqd. And 50 préfiired _tho , ‘ flutter in the study uf'luS übligiugifricnd. and ‘iu his rcsmcc- '7 , . ~.. »m¥s,enmmmlmma l gho clergyman, “ Nowms the miils ,nrc not infwnys snfi‘, I wish to be able w prove that f I have (wtunlit' sent theamgncy. ._‘l shall ; i therefors éonuidcr it, a great favor "you will , nccmnpany'mc to the bank, when I wnh to [ übtqin a huudmd doll‘mmote for some ‘snmll trash that “11:90, and bcnm'itncsriil‘nfif "If cnglosc the money and deposit l'hc: lgtlu‘in the post office.” .‘1 ' The rcvcrmxdgcntlcmqn rcmlfly nucmlqd ‘0 his request, dud went withhim to (M Im“.- where A bill of the requin-d donuminuliqn was obfliinéd and placed in the letter, which \hus‘ lhcnxvnlcd will: a wnfuv, the clcrgyumn nl} Ul6 while logking un.’ ~ _ ' 4 ‘ l'l‘hey than fiént to'trhe post umte‘finfiirh wan directly oppo.~vitc the bank.) and after cutting “intention of his ronumnion to the latter and [its migrant, the writer‘ uteri-of dxza‘ppcd it into the Bfterfbor, and the two. pcrsmm'wont thu'lr AcvurTsTwuyl. _ The letter qrrircd at. New Haven by due course ofmaiLdelit so lmppcncd am the clcrgymun to whom it was addt‘vsscd was at Lht‘porll oflh-c, waiting for’ thy .nssorting of the mails. 11:- saw the letter' thrown into My! box, and canal for it as soon if?! the dc liYC‘y w'thduw.ww~l opt-net}: , "13pm bfc'n‘mhgthc mi mm renarng‘mc letter ht;_fuund hilxmlf requested :4: “ l‘ltnac liud onc'humlml (lullmzxfif &«:., with which request. he \vould (‘lwcrfully have cumptiud, Uurru'r'one sum ctmmnmwcrmmcly, the absence 9f the banknote ! , ‘ 4' W—«Wr _.. ..',A. .up . .... . . .. ' - prosicript, written in”: heavy, rndc hand, unlirte'diflL'rcnt fmm (honor the body of the lam; ~and rc’mling as follows; . “P. S.-I have taken the libcrt to bor row 'this money, but I send the fink-r, so that you needn't hhme the man what wrote It. (Signed) Post BOY.” The rifled document was immod’utely shown (a the Pontmaltcrflnd in his opinion, no Well‘ns thtt of tho clergyman, a Mug 1 robbery ha! been committed. Tho‘ht } gentleman was advised by the Pentax-star to Wed at once In New York, Ind confer with the Ipecill agent. ind st the saute time to hly ull the fwta‘ before 1h: Postmosber Genenl. - He did so, Ind ”n. was not long be rfore the mm huLeomme'ncod the invextigd' fion of the suppom] rubbery. In addition lathe poshscr'rpt nppcmhl, \he letter bore other imhoofibns of hoving been hm rod with, which n. firstlmght would -~ , ~. ' " Qumramunh‘pmm. upon I the envelop. hrnxwo wags, differing in color. mpudy M 9193 tho other, no if they bod been [not on hyvdnfi-rent persons. A! different limos. ‘ Notwithstanding these npppwccsrchm wen; circumjuupcs atrngly conflir‘ling w'th £55 ‘ pnfims’itifi that the latter had bgcn sogbcd. The [mstm‘ript mus un‘unnalurnl Imi'r, fof‘ho one guilty of 01)?ng a latte:- fur the purpose of appropriating its conmnts, would stop to write an expluuibry pont noript, especially M such A cDursu would in ? crew the chances of his 06m detection. And ; ‘l';th imam instance 01mm} been no dduy of the letter to allow of such an m 1 MEE ’Bynrlsicm‘thc ofllcc where the ME" Wu nuulcd. the agent asgcrmincd that. n. WNW inmadmmflcuumglm deposited, and tho‘mlmncod ago and L‘XN‘l' 1...; uh". a..- nr n... y...:........., .4... _4- upth mail an that bcculon, cnflmli cut all yusplciou in that quarter. An interview was (hen htld \\ ith the rlcr— gym‘nix “no ,u‘ltncssed mo Jnuilirlg‘uf tl’l. latter, and from him \\ we obtained the fuels Already scaled; ('onccnuug tho wn‘tingbf lln‘ document, and 11:4 deposit in the letter box m n pcrfcct dtatc, alter the money had ‘ Vbcen emlusud. heiwu ready gm! willing to | make (mm. and had II‘L beau callcd_upon lnu ‘ .qulrl‘hgrc duncum In all 2.3310311 e filflfi‘fm i cur” ‘f" * ‘ ' _-'~-~ In reply to an inquiry whélfiur ho 115 ml mun: than om: son of letter paper, hc 111- {onned me he had had but one kind m his study fur sm’crllfinonths, wd at my request immedintcly brought in ecu-ml shoots of it. A comlm‘ison of this «jg: (In; about upon fillich tho rifled episllujxn'd llQch‘ wrfite'n, Khan-rd the the latter was a totally dllft‘rvnl article from the first. The almpe And do~ ~sigfi of the mmptmhimvflhe sheet, MN] the shade of ilw paper, were all uulnkc.—~ f Moreen-r (ho ü max-d st the bpnk where ‘ 1 the hundrvd dollar min was ollLihlggm ‘the letler'kogtniuing it, scllud. Qvurc wry digaimihr 00 either of Umso which, appeared 1 upon um u post boy" letter. . " _ mum thy considemfiou a...“ mimic mm, K WIS satisfied that A gross and cgnlcmmi ble fraud hm been pox-pumfoq by Um writer or the lultpr, I‘lTd‘foat up time in proceeding to the village wherpyho pcrsouggc lived. \I called upon the Postmaster, and mule some inqui ries relative lo the character _nnd pccuniairy circumstances of the person in quostion.——~ From the replies made, It appeared, as l have Alrcnly noted, that his reputation in dw‘vcommmgitylwu good. . ..‘llh [alikmi ht ossiblo that in so “£31113 finch 1' cguldbzscri-flsin ‘wlicthcr he had 133 w 15385 t a hqugqud dollair note, as he‘wouhl lmve‘bccn‘ lik‘ivly to have done, if it was true lb!“ 110 hag! got 390 W it iu'_ the Nov} linen letter. 5 , , " I ' Calling a: the stow which reoc‘id most of ' his custom, I introduced web)?» the ply-l printer, made a confident of his; to some ex: mm, and. ltflgithpt the very next dly 813 1 let thnwu w‘ific tho wreak} letter was ‘ mined, it; ‘nuthor Mi-cd‘mm‘ in payimnt for I. bum! qf flour 3 hu‘xidred dolhr note on ‘ the bunk 9°meth the um 01' . likwdo-l , . . ~< ’ . .wvm y A , fl. _ ‘ .~ V .g’ ,x. - 4 Huh.) 2432"} ’ 4» “’9‘ .E’.‘ tt *ft; ,k 3‘ z .A V’ ‘a fi 9‘ 7. . ‘r r V‘- I; “’l‘ 7 ‘ ‘ , " A6l" , I ,4- m-q-m—v ‘l " - ’ ~r numimtion had been obtained, 35 ,bt-fuw \e " 1%: (at; 'fomfllQfiEQ" 7 fificrfigwu 11031235: (Shifty: fl.‘ ‘ but 331“ mu flour, and changed 3 bill which! be supposed to be the 511 mg. 5 . few days a!- wrwards. ' 'Armcd with these incaistnblé rants. [ln-m cvcdéd want on the Adventurous décoiwr m: the clbrgy. who [ml Itiempled to mnko one member pf thggbody s'ccond In! inbou hon to chat another. “ Hutu-(e umber! Could not one suffice ?”~ “ A ' “ Mr. T-——," said I. mar soul‘ewpr luninnry oomcmfiqn, " it’s n‘f‘m hm: w mince malwrs. The flat ii. you~dul hqt send thé many} in that New Iliv'en lunch—«v ‘ You oflurvd it the day Incl-yon mended to mail it, M‘Mr.’ (L’s store: You see I‘m {nun'd cut all übout it,‘po I-‘hopo yvu will not, deny the truth or the mutter." . ltllen gave him his 410 m, lo 'sycnrl‘ the hundred dollars prompllj'tb ills Raw lint-ca Enrrcspondcul, or allow me to pm". in :i public manner, the fucks in my mutton. Doing thus hard pressed. sud finding him ml!J cornered, llc Coul'csged that he had [my pun-d the letter which was rewind at Nu-w lluvcn ——po.\;lscfipt, double “'lch and All before he 1011. home, And that while erbsaing thutre‘cl rmmxmbank \o the post office. 1 he mbnlilulu] this for the (mo he WNW m l the elcrgylmn‘s 'Etmfyl ”a pivmlsén -10 ‘ send lleuoury. and pretended ‘ to law: au‘f l fvml Bn'cnjly in his, fueling; on acmnul of ‘ this dishonest wt. , .. fl‘here is no Ulhtifl“3‘l«hh‘§ ’1'”? pfilwiding {or thunlnishuggnt of web an ofl'un'co, but nicqr «ljslinctbuu thin 0N kw um 30 mud oflcn lfictc Out u wan deserved pemlgy In those who clude the _l9BB sub‘tlc ministers of justice. ‘ ‘ In the present inflame. the foregoing story was mdu public by direction of the Post mum Gwen! ; and the anchor of the (Mk. unable to main the indignation And» con tempt of the commumTty id which He ’IiI-cd. ‘ms compelled to nuke I huty retreat than 4? " that port of the country. ‘ 0n the whim of maul} mmphinu wuss: tho cnrclcqnm or outpobilicy’of post oflice cloth. the following illultntion will he found of interest : ’ •as STTICA- Ittt. It Indy of very genteel und reapechble c}.- pesrnuce called one day on A prominent New Enghudnponnnstcr, with u lettar in h~.r “find, which she insisted hurl been bpkeu "..‘-1p...“ in» w ‘3O. Wt to the Wenyrbo examined it, 3nd Ip peunnces cerhinly seeped to justify her as sertioxL She further dccinrcd thlt' i‘he mil hint which clerk in the five ludbtohn 1: 1 opeh, and that he had previously served sn ml 01' her lqttcra in the same 17:}. Upon honing thin, th- POOWI‘ mquestedher Eu walk inside the office, and point out the per ‘ non whom shcfiuspcoted. ‘7 ‘ ~ ' J Such In unusual phenomena: as the up» par-nee or a lady inside the oflce, pmduafi. u may be suppoacd, I decided swuh'm mung the elurkn there Isscmblcd. Nor 1: ,- mrmtm—rfinfinishfiin intensity win“. chpoqtnmeL-r informed thum that the [LIL was there for the purpose of identifyiug'ilu imam who had lmwguiléyofhféilingppt , he: [utters ! I -W.‘Lmaxdm 114; ‘ [mum feeling of curiosity and solicitude m r mt: tuna wm'm mum“ each an. m dim indulged m 00an is to who thlt ib'hlebody 21.:- might be; whom‘the accusing angel (3) mm _wmtupm‘u I‘culpfitg‘ -‘ -' All their oanjeotw full wide ortho mark. Anu- looking shout {oi} mow 1b: hdr pointed out the last man whom any one in the office Would {mm suspected of :uch‘ mi otfimco—«me 61‘ the oldest Ind most ruli‘blu of their number. ' __“Thnt film person," W 4 she, indictting _' = grass!» m 4 at wmm pcfims‘ in making wfiwwidr my laugh, I will certainly ,hnynfiim Arrested. Why my letter! should alwtys be selected for his WW. 1 cannot. imgine; h_ut if 1311 more of then: m touchedfhe will hm» W IcL (fight “one." ‘ . ms MW (11ch u greater summation mung Halfdlow clerks thug i_n the mindmfithlojcnqmun in cused. ngfmg for I muluch} utter she luul afioken, be broke the 1:11:11]de silence that followéll 'hdr ‘words,,~ by .nying ulmly . “Mrs. 4—, .1 helie'n I” ' g* ‘ “Tint is my “me, sir...” - , “:hve- you concluded nut. th'lrb, Inn-J. (In 3: - ‘ .fl ‘ "I have air, hr tlio present." : . . ”a... ’l}!hen.mm.l will aka tummy to__ inform yvu untyour husband in thé’ Emmi onyvhqm you ought to yxpend your indignuv tion. He bu It difimfl dim-1 than never ll 6! your letters from 01pr wd rend them, and utter ro-scdinWod theln mfim Mm box, huing made cgrluih dis-x comics in lhgso letters to wffich 119, forccd pm to liqtcu, u furnishing auflfoimit groimd fur his e'qufgo, qnqjustifymg'immr m’spici (ms! lit) «mostly mqnestéd mo' hover to disclosc‘who had opened the letters,de should [Eve c'ontixiued to obabxto Search by} not your munfion fancim to this «immune in mm 11 you IV“)! to hue my sttwlchg 'oolobonted, Iv-think I pm pfodnce i reliim “final." ; . >ng My djdgot ”my: this man. but imdo t Win Tiomm mo , clerk mum; of sh. field. aid mm" :1" 'u‘ a m“mmwfl?: ,' " In: an ‘ v” ’ ‘- Nat figflut sl.?qu - lwmwm um; El iiniffill M.— ..f. V .v- x :"T‘ x “2...! , . \ i: ' N.0.•44
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers