Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 19, 1855, Image 3

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    f“""" Windulftfij’fiilli MAT”: II‘lIT"
i». nm‘nu 'arm ornate
“““Mfiii Barnum“). Y
La In aubjeébotmil-ronda it; now to a great
mwntmgltntmg the minds of the cum mp!
Centre county, it may not be amiss tobmttoh
this :suhjectju the columns of the public
jaunt-all” ~ ()oqu county “is one of the most.
1 tconntiea in tho State—both in 1»
Mind“ cnmmerehd point of viow.-
et, strange m; it nmy nppcnr, within her
harden; there is no public inipruvernt-nt‘of
nny vital account, by which tho industry of
our honest; and hard-[later] veomnnry rub
wives tm titquuote cmnpensntiéh; ant , tu
ken-ln this light, we are ulxnlt thirty years
behind “lie majority Yof our sister conFLn-H.
Tho-rot: u” e 0 ) ical waition, 0 our
ooun y, as NH mm largia amount of pm
dn nil“ 'witth it, requires an efiicicnt
out?!” to tho‘AtlanLic a'ntl Weak—on? by
Ohloh tho oomlmlfiitz‘nt largo will be bone
tlttotl, and by whio A the induutary otvour
fame", mechanics. «to, will be greeted with
a' mom], remunvméivo contpenaation, then
heretoforé. For t 0 beauty of its scenery,
ita finouand inductive vnlhos, end it): num
eroul ioptrklrng eta-Mina, which nii‘urd so
many sites for mills, factories, (to, old Cen
tro ls pr‘chrliitl:
The mountains of Centre county are prog
mmt 'th iron and real—«tho must lcvera ot‘
Penngxanla’a greatness mid wonlth—«ond
{at for tho mt of proper outlets those vn‘xt
min of iron tul'coul remnln' dormnnt within
the WOl3 oftho mirth 5 rFhe surplus pro<
«lubot'thiscountymro innnunso, and for
“the went of a speedy and convenient. outlet
our producers do not got u nvcvmmry canuJ
[out for the proceeds pftlwirlnlmrs ; our for
eltH gmtm hinder the ginger abundance ofllne
timber with which a bountiful nature has
nupplied then“ they cry for an outlet to our
custom mnfltotn.
What is to hcdone? Shall thingn remain
in their promo: state 'l‘ ‘Hhall we nlwnye re
ign tliunllocke‘tl out, from the rest ohnnw
(I? It remains for tho (‘itizena offild
(lantrqr—mlaiwoinll those of Penn’s-and
Brulh thleya to droid; this innttcr'. r'l‘h'm’
the enterprise of some nt‘onr ritizmn the first
stops have been taken to (‘Vlrit‘llit' us from
u; praeut isolated position. The Lewis-
Ymrg. ntm.&. 81mm: (lm-k llnilroml hm:
not only been mi N! nfuvbnt It hurt alrt-ndy
,hoonau (I—4l charter him been granted
b'yom'LcEalntm-e, nnd over $300,000 have
boon subscribed—but this is. not sulllcient ;
flu people ohm: (Amour must take it limiter
interoat in the matter, nt-nrly #2007001) of
amok remain to ho inkcn, hefnrv, rm “-0 are
told, the work can he cunnnoncod. $200:
000 la a small matter for the wealthy fern»
m ofUnion, Centre and lluntiugdon (-oun-
Lllm, Ill“! tin mun nip-..'“: in LANA.» 1:111:
nubscribt'd in order to mmmnntuthicimport
nntpmject. (litlzonw, look to your interests !
'h rail-marl through our valleys in absolutely
neceaaarv; nnd that the imwtlm'nt in the
pmrmseilfkmd Wlll be a pmtitnblo ono to All
(‘lnssea o the mnnnunit), luvs bun dvmmi—
htmtvd so often heretofore that it I'4 uwloxq
for me to rmlt'w. nt huge, the ltt‘llt tilts tlUHV
nhlo frdm o miivn‘ml through our vnlle) R.
Then: intuit nn ividividunl who Ml." polht
out any section ni'country. in Vt lnoh mil—mink
have been built in nhivh Um (oinrnunit'y at
largo have “"1. been bt-ntflttul Thvn uhy
would not It rfiil-rund through our \ nllvyn
which. for thnr prmluetivent Ms Illtl fertility,
unnotho nurpwed In tlu- l‘ninn 7 iK‘ bent--
tirivnt to net? lmt not (mo lu-sitnto; h-t not
one be backward 11l Aiding this hnportnnt vn
u-rpritm. Budd the Spruce (‘rvvk R.-ltoml '
let this be the motto of all along the line of
tho Room—«to it let tin-m Mill tlnir liln'rnl
sutmcriptionsi for bllml‘h in the Road. if our
mnncrs desire to have both r prim n‘ for 'tln
rnrylns “reduction ofithur forum, the) lllll‘tt
In" (I Ulc Sfrm’c ('rrrL Rail—7llml, Lam}.
holders. if you desire your lmnla to bet-nine
largely enhanced in vulne, Hill in building
the L. U. ii 8. U. limi-rnnd' ('uimnn. if
you desire them: valllm to hlqunm and
doom with the roar of pmupoiity, Inn/r1 Mr
Spy-nu Creek Hall—mm! .'
Awlko to your lntt'rt‘ktfl. (‘nmo flirwnrd,
put your ahunldun tn tho wheel, and soon
the snorting? the iron-home Will bn-nk the
monotony t reigns in our vallios. Build
this contemplated llnnd, nml you will hnvo
grim-mod an not which nlll nut {nil to recur
' you the grateful Hunks or Barr genera
tions. ~
Amwamrm, P 4. F.
Am 07 G". JAUKBO?. ‘
At the south: I”,,th people dvlig It M
Olin pm of-GxJnchan: of his during,
1000! Mac, «ad the [’lrmnpt my of Id.
W “ ”It article, ‘ whnn he found n
my. I in on the Mlsuiuippi 1381
l , whm’hcnrd the fblluwing story.
which, Myer having new In punk! mmd you
for the benefit of tho nmlers of the Kym! 0f
(A: Tuna.
Tho Gcncnl, ‘lhcu Judgu Javksuu. was
holding court -long time ago >le a shank":
at. little village In Tumuunngmd dwpcnl
ing Mica in larva mil Mun“ dumn, as
seemed m him to to required in the mac
hmpght beforu him. One «lay. during court,
Agra-t [Hiking know; Qua! with plswls
Ind howinikuifp, took it upon I|)"va taps
yo H the open dam of thaShnntco
(mm. Howu- uni cunnrthc judge, jury Ind
I“ there ads‘mbled, in mod net u'rnm.
"WK," sung out Jim judge in nu awful
(one, “ ”'th that man for contvmpt of court
Andoonflno him-r" 7
33‘” Uwgherill‘. but noon ruLurnotl with
W to the judge that hc Iw] found it im~
ponihle to bake the oiflndvr. \
“Summon n 7mm; then," said the judgv,
" and bring hhu bofun‘ mu "’
The aim"! at nut «min, but the usk
wu Loo mfifiufi; he could not. Quhrcd not
’Ber Mm 4611 the man, nor dad any of the
ram like Illegal: any lwm'r than he Hid, am
the follow minnow-d h nbooi tho fimt'
“skunk" thin. camv Mlhin tcn foot of him.
.At this, the judge waxed \vrnthy. to have
his Author} y put M. tlcnnucu Mfuru all tho
KOOd people of the vicmlty. so be uriod out
from the/Imm, (8,, Wm literally IL bench.)‘
“ Mr. Sheriff, nincu you cnn’lkpbcy Iqj'ordcrs,
summon me, 51:, I'o3, m'mmmn mu‘! \
'{ You, Judge! ’ uxclnimcd we Shari“, ‘
nmuod. » '
“ Yea, me, summon me! By the 16(07me 3
I'll sou what 1’ can do !"
“Well. Judge, if on why , though I
don’t like $9 do it, bufifyrm Wmuy, why‘l
Suppose I must. summon you.” _- «
“Very well.” said kamm, riuiug‘ and
walking to the door, “I Adjourn this court
ten minutes." ‘ ‘
The rump: xumtflndlng a short (“Mame
{raid the “make, in Lhu‘cuntro of a. crowd of
my“). Nasslhcming at n tur 'blo rate And
flourishing Ihr wenlkmul vowag dunth and
cstr‘uction to all an“ amgulnr who should
amtompt-to molest him. ’
“ Nowh” amid the jl‘tlgo‘ looking him
“might-in the eye. “ surrender, you mfurnnl
Hllinn, thiummnl or by tho Etl rnztl, I’ll
blow you than II l”
Them 9 c 5 tho 5 maker fo,r_ A moment,
‘yvithout a aging, um} then lot fnll‘hls wen
ponl. fifth woods: “ 'l‘huro, Judge. it’s
no "lag give in," 3nd mill-red himsulflo be
ITEM y the Sheriff without cumulon—
l 0 Wu completely cowed.
‘ A 70w 13an after the occurrence, the In?!“
, “38‘ out: of his comm. w) u
EM: (0 onu mnn, wlw’ lie baht--
Mlll'ul to Allow hilmelF‘tfi‘iio takon lay
l whole mummy ; run] his rep]? ‘lllOlVfd the
“HMO“ in which the darling and dctqnnh'
Md ~llth of Jackson WM thd thmuglwut
the my». ~ u
“ y. ’ said he, “ when he cnmo up. I
looked him in tlm bye, and by +4—4— I um
lhoof. and thdmyasn’t Iho'ob in nnfydhor
°Y° m the crowd. ' - ' . ..-
», .. ..‘.v 1' , W-.. .. .. 7w. ~ .. -~ «w ‘
_‘ ~ 3m! @l4llng . a ‘
jaw—a—Mm «Aw
A Sm unharlm yifiifink WWdrgfnnbL mu
m be struck mm man); hlturnl’bmirfpm ”Inna
cages ‘whiuh “0.310;!le ()y the lnhnbhanu of tho
borough. Thom 90ch to be n "nut of energy—m
I.qu n! cnmrpruo' In Inky hold of the vast irouuro!
which an abundantly surmnhd'mc plucur'mvry
nmunlliln' llibnflly groans with rlohcA—nnd yet they
mo Iwglnutnd, to tho injury of tho Inhnbimma; run!
the hcncnc of Zn dlnumt hufju. Our oat mm: 0
con] are not known beyond the "min 0! the county
wand aomoly nppminlod hero, when their great
nnt banumu lhouhl bu full udeotolupod. Iron om—
thnt cuntmllfng scoplp of tho “with of Punuaylvn:
nln—ll to be lbund in abnndufio In Gent" county,
bayond the possibility of estimation, ya: 10. “oi my
gloatod In M mfilvq [IOM whore It Ihonld be
and {in tho dowlopmoutpo? tho Indl‘u'trhl powers
of a sturdy populnloh, It. I: m to flu In lb printing
condition. both unclean to than who gosh-m 15 and
n burdén who mountains In whm'boaoml ll mu.
All this II owing to A luck or onhrpflm. ind m
from 1: mm! of would: or indmtry, hr we haw hu!
11mph) manna of observing that tho pooplo a! dam
trnl Pounnylvtunlu no ohnrnoloriullo for the abund
ant pom-aim of their: um grant binning: : Ind wq
agrnl lit mun. that may no morn than nogllgnnt
in unfit um. ‘ I
What we want. In more «many and onwrprlao.
We want to lzcnp cnplml at hhmn, Instead of loud-
Ing it. nhrnh’d In enrich; the spoonlnwn of cvoty
conunnmlnl mo’mpnllu.’ With a. “\Wpopulullon,
a lac-[thy climate, and an ngdunlmml obnudmoa,
n“ this mm M (:MHj noonmplllhcd, if our capitalist!
would Xm’iln (1m “unlun of lrugor muulhcturlng
Mwm to (aim lmld of'llm vast. soun'ml of improve.
111 an by which we are Hurmundud—nnd we hope
yet [have LllO (My "hon llvllufuuw will become, what
ungum and "t (luulgmxl Elm should bu, flu: Quun
Hmong/t 0/ Comm! I’rlmqlc-Aflffl;
EDW‘ATInNAt. -—A mcnling of the alumna M
)hllufoutoovull Inchlvin Um public school how, on
Mum»; rvqnfing. ‘Dxmcrul-ox )1. tot Rm purpose at
making nrmnKrmcuM,‘ prnpnrntury (u lhu meeting
of the Centre Cuunty Tumhor’a Initifuto.
On motion, (hm. Living-ton mu ohoocn I’rmidnnt,
and Jun. 1L ”mum, Recrolnry.
Tho I'm-« Mum, on mklnmkhn uhxxh', “Mod um bu
Imul lnluly morivul u latter from Um County Super
intendent, Rm. Wm. A. (“IL-um, lnformhw him that
(1m in“ mmvflng n! um Counly Insulate hm] boon
talk-1! lo mmt in Hm Borough of Bellvfon to, on
\lenvu-lny Hm 3.1 day or Jnmmry nod, sun! that
this myoflng hm] [won cnllml fut ”In purpose of
making nrrvuugvmunlu fur Um onturminmonl of web
tum-hon ml might lw in uMcndnnoo.
l)" moliun 'of Joly. Mvmtmrmny, the following
gonllvmcn worn nmnintud n Commitwo of Armn‘o‘
mum, vi: ‘ John qummrry, um, 1!. Wauvnr, W.
If flumu‘ In C, Mitchell, M. l’. Cnmthludto and
John Toner \ .
(1n mutmn, tho following prenmlilo nnd rololullonl
were unnnlmnully ulnpled '
"’lirrta v, The ulwt'of the Contra Coulllly Tomb
urs‘ Institute in 'lnwlnblu fllltl hifhly prmacwoflhy.
lwingtot-luvnto thn prnfmluno Tanking. Hill on
bulk“? tlm cuntlltlnn uf our Ifublio School: And.
ll'lll‘luly, 11l meeting“ uu intnmu'nfi lnatnmtlnu
null profilth', nwnkcninz a mom livn y inu-rnu lu
tlw mly'i cl. hf “yak" mlnvmiuu in lhmomnmunillm
11l whirl] Hwy :u‘n ln'cn Infill
’l‘lmyfyu, ”what, That we lull wilh plenum
thi- nmwunmuwnl flml Um lmxt. Inocllng will b 9
hi‘itl in 11-ia Hun-ugh; nml we will gladly wuloomo
lhv 'l‘uwht-ru u! the munty lo uur umlu, Mid aboar
fully extend tn tlwln tho hnapllalitiou of tho lawn
lumhwl, Thu, 12... pmcnodlng-I of IM- meeting
he Jlll‘lllNhl‘ll In UM: nuunly pupa",
Tcmhurfl thriving in town um roqumlod In ropott
thvmu-lvua tn the (‘mmmittov o! Arrangnmcnl
0n nmtlun, Wtiurnod '
Dulucunlc Manna «A meeting of tho Dov
mm'nv'y hf I’orglurn llmnkhip um! held at Eh.
“(him “All Ichool home. on 1;. mo. 1.4., Imp»
Rnydu mu cnllod to an: (in-iv, and Henry Kuhn
and “311 mm [marinara worn nppoinu‘d Becntmloa
'l‘hu “Hurt of Um muollng Imlng mum] in n {cw
lurirf nml t-Imluunt mumrh, the {allowing rcaulu
timm won (rm-rod and un-uimnualy 1011 an x
ltrmlru/ 'l‘bM we ”not At the whim Hull lolmol
huuno, rm 'l'lmrfidny, fircvmbor 21, ”55, fur strictly
pnru Lump-urn
RNA/«WI, ’l‘th nhrr lmlng :lrprlvt‘d n! In Enz
liuh nrgnn to whom“: the rent. principles of Dv
mlx‘mv.‘ we lmll Um Mubfinhmonc u! Um lh-mo
rmru anlrlnmm M nn usurnnoo of the future
uunwn rvf the smfly.
jinn/uni, 'l' ml. we will do all In our power in an—
hrgv the elwulnion hf um Wurrlnman, and W
“Malayan" an nur Dunner-tic Maxis In Md on M
rxwmllng llu nay-fulm-M us the organ M the Can!!!
County Dommunay
Tn: "In now a my camqnmo mud
Helle'unto 'md m“, last. week. It mmomd
falling on Wodnadly and cont-land unflLlrH-y
when It ohmgod to I hour) min, which lubd an!”
Hahn-div. Anhutimu «mung m. WM
tho (haw in {at removing an mow, And Um pro
poet- of good neighlng m fut dh-ppclrlng. How.
Hex-. 010 winter human] mom)" to run Minn all
hope of having the many mudc of um gay Ilolgh-
Lcll can be (“uppnlcd
W: umnzxmnnm nrg‘lwtod to nodco Int
mwk mu ru‘uplinn of a ohniw cm 0! TumMoul
kindly forwarded to II by our Mend Wyn-m: All!»
mm, or Jmkmnvlllo. m, were nncloood In I self
nmmng cu], fur whim]: Mr. Allhun bu tho right to
mwufwuuo In Contra county, and um mommand
the mum” h: Vb‘nh thi- dufloimn vogohblo is ”pm
fitnml, In our friends Thu] will mnko A luxury
I'm the tabla of Ibo mm! {Mlidiom epicure. .
Tn: Lac: mu: Am: Truman 11mm”; I 4
mouhn'g 'nllh Umz oncaungmuont thh In: import
swmv Ilcumntlfl Thu ciliwm 9! Blair and Cli‘nwn
h-vu nobly lownclod tho oflum mado 17, tho [mph
nf (‘unlrr‘ cunnty, and, from who! wo can learn, the
full amount at flock mqulrud Who than by tho gm
fnmmr count!“ I!" be Ipecnlll'y-übnurllnd farm";-1
cunning Moody comment-mun nnd compmion
of llun great improvement.
0x I. ynmvu Pmmxu hum tho new of n paper”
:- oimulutlng mod-mm, And has very m-nnlhly lpnmd
Ml mlwrfiamnun'llmfilrn [he public. In: goods are
null word: Inauguration by m inwmllod. And
\m mil wunnt um no name. will be "mung 'ou
hill put. wgmlujlho Luann! thou who wish 5
good and {no}: Il'Uoll An Mu flu I‘lfl “mound
attentive to M: bulinm, he (lacuna mam,
Tum FKK whirl: Hum {mm our pon whllu willnf
Ihin pnmgrnph', in {mm the clam o! W. I. Kodlh,
Mn] is mnnufmutumd in London by tho culobmhd
Armfld It imhu Inn-l. fluid we hmo u‘vcr used
and W 0 mommond our fricnghto give Konhhdrudl,
and when they do, they 111 l find n6O. unly‘ riling
fluid, but a wok of good: “flown to sunny over:
mm, ' ’
Tu: cmzusn or Mumngmn'o should bear in
mlnd that in their humuuh may hlvo the mom 0!
Hupplylug their "Ink! {n dry goods, smearing, Mm,
Alum-a, lumbor, shln‘lcu, M», an fin on wonomiunl
yxnnnor. All they buy) (a do‘ in to on“ 01; ML
Wonvor, and b- will bu. happy to ‘luppiy- than M. ‘
snob :- prion that they will bu plan-ad ‘ln'oafl ugutn
Arrow 'rnn Auxuvufiz In. tho Conrad Homo, wo
haw hm! dun plouauro at web; tho following PUP
welpmm' June: I. Oonnd, a. w. Mu
dmll, EM]: 001. Wu. J, Emlfi, In! Ctpt. Wm. H.
Smith The, um All manhunt: or high Ibndlngln
(ho Qunkor metropolis, and just mob man to Elke
friends uniting the boapllablo yomxmnry o! Conn:
county. _,.- r ' '
Wn‘ unimu'n nu:- tho demo an the ‘nEfi Colut
house In Mid. ulxnroacthg oumpluugm, It pm‘pnla
9ka. n beuuuful npponmnoo, with I“ glhwrlng
oovyrlnz, And [Owning aplm Whoa finished, 1161101
{onto will be Able layout of ono of um 11an public
building in “to saw. '
{nun} or uzwnuclm that our frioudvsour
bank had Burma al‘mlghz “no [0 Ifiawiflow'u, wo
inuvlvnrtontly mnde It Williunuparl. Ills popu-
=l2le or Janis any: fa Juan M, m 1
0 nun— ,
Bdl!foulf—Jo‘lfl Guilt-A I
Boggo—Julur linked, Danid Batu "
Fzrbmaau—Wll. Inn . v
Gwl‘flu guru, 10. 8. Gil-a.
Hurray—John . um 06‘“: K“, i. Qt»
llwal'l‘hg; ”Tb-lain} Irn‘n. Geo. J * v
' Wu (label. ~__
x fifaflan—Wm. mm. . '
Ifililu—Sl-uel Funk!" ,
Polar—DlM Guilt D. Kill-on.
Penn—William ML, Parr Kean, 13-: Keg.
Rude—ll. 0. Donna. Jinqfif-BL
S 'wg—D. I. WW, . ‘
fling-Wm? PM ,
TlAvgln- -' , "
Hem—Jud: ELEM h In. 8&-
mon Kuhn.
Ball‘fth-«W. 0. WC“. T. *—
Ragga—Wm m And-v- Yihu. In L‘s.
x?!» ‘ M '' L ’
n . '
G .1 Ont. J‘- m.
nglmh- Ada-..'; .
Hark—John 8. Bad. Jun-oh J.
I! H (-99". _ .
11:15:.“me Snows. Jud. mu. dd:-
"1- ' x .
Half Moon-Joh- L any. .
Hyman—John 11. URI.
Inkrty—aunm smug. _
Miludoh Moulds. our, Km
fi""‘"w"l£g'::‘ " "’
annn— .
I'mn~—llcnry ruin, John mun-x. Wliah L.
”‘1'?“ William run In?! In.)
Hw~ I c. on the!
par... William smug. Jun. Jaba '. 11d.
RutL—J‘. ll Folk-r.
Snornlwa—‘flumu Nay: .
Syring—anflhu: W. Jth WMJhHI
Uumn—Andtvf Thou-lion. WI. Eda-val.
Wank—min Turn-r.
Imjruuu—M "Mon. M ”of, 11:...”
8 .
flunk 39h; Edam.
-.._ --wiirw . Mid“;
counsel‘s» mu) ukwsw ZVKIY tm.
V. . . _ ._ ‘ ._-_._ I .
(3%.: .u Buhulkol u... m maul...
oonnhrfciu at ulnar! Mad ruin-u mh‘
(jaw! In olmulalion '
[The nomad-n Damn-Nahum}:
quot-Hm and nMn-m “lash. [—l u! "jade-l
by duy broken at Madman ,
[E‘N-mcafl [mud-kn: M u MI am they
(hm. hue Karo out «ft-xip'rnte: i}!- oflilhl
Bunk of Cannon. l-lo‘aloymoming - - pr
Baukof 54M Am. - - - - - pt
Bank of Northern ”bunks! - - - - pr
Bunk d Pmmi‘lnnifi' - - . - - - - P"
Bunk of Penn "rush“. . . , . - p;
Bunk ol the United Sula, . - - - ~ - an!
Ocomerelal Baal' di Pew,•
nk ,
City Bunk, - - . 3‘, - . - - - - P’
Flnm'rs‘ Ind "mi-3' I)". - - _ - Fl
Glrud Blah! . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . fill
Kan-input: Bunk... . . - - _ . _ . F’
Mun-hound 1:: Mocha-inf mo . :
l-choula‘ Bu - - - - _. - .
lo manning Hun):J In. nuke-nets... Fr
vufimms-wmc . . - . . . . - 9.,
Hohuylhll lhnk,‘ - - - < - . - . . F’
Bnuumuk Hank. - ‘ 1.. . - ~ . - F.»
Tndumnm' lhni,’ - - -‘ _- ‘u . F
Wash": ”uh. ‘-.7. . n . - _’ - “F
Allentown Bill
Bunk orbs-n . - -
Bunk: r 3.
( ,
Mof Wm - -
Funk 0‘ Ola-cur Cu O -
mu. «than-u. Co. .
Bunk «(Gar-natal". .
aft of magma -
It 0! Haul Oo
Bunk of Newmg. -
B'k uf Nuernbc-flufl.
()ulilln Do In“ BUR -
Columbia llml' - . ~
Wall Chalet,
M, .
No- Cattle.
AW] City
Con-ovum of mum“;
Cn'u)! Allcfihcny‘ - -
(loan? at A kxhwny. .
Darn!" Do wait Bank!
Do, New" but! . _
Kuhn Bull. - . » »
Brit. ‘
Kuhn-go Bank. . . .
Km: ami.4 . . . .
Brio 0., “Int - - -
lu-on' l lc'cs Wk -
Fumrn' B'k offlohuyl
“110mm! 0- » -
Foen' O {m'mo
Franklin Bulk - . .
'3 ,
Mammoth-2 Go
Emu-v. 3.
a“. ‘ - - ‘ .
lumen Bk a! 810-1‘
HUM”; Bank. -
Boa-Odo In“ -
blunder Bani. - -
I“: 00nd, M
[AB-m fink. - » -
beak Hlnn Bulk . -
Loci Hana.
lunch Chg-l,
i'iflhug, '
Ila-:1: Ola-k Bast . -
Inhaler Bank -‘ - -
look-hf A lan- M
llncn’ Bk 0! Maine
lomngnheln Bunk of
Frotnu’mo. - . .
Worm: PM Ivnni:
. Do L
Do do
Do do
Wmn Counmmk
WM numb k -
Wyoming Bank. -
York “wk. - - -
Yuri Invlngi’ Blink -
York County Bank -
Relief 59%;,“ch - - - . . . .
Do do - ‘ : . .' . .. .
Townndl Brim-u m nah: u Phlhdollfiu.
Trmlag Banking: Company. ”tuna, N. J.
m mm‘mfim, 185’s imVi
bukut In her m "
Ctr-Ira! Bunk. Frubn'd', Ml. ‘ s': "no!”
Vignulm, Venue, shield. to. ‘
Mcrwnnlc Bank. Hartford. Conn. 3': I’m
(inns. Vi‘ncuc, Reaper I‘M.
Maéhanlc’: Hank, "’nllmnubwg. N. Y. 10'!
'dwr‘fi (mu: ['3 Vigneflc, Ballot sharing I
Ihlp. 1 ’ ~ -~
Judson Bunktygvlnuburg, N. Y. 5", 10",
wl m't'uu‘é‘rba hm 2‘. Vlguouc, . boy («4.
“*6 i bar-ox
Rodbalor 01:, nm. Rodmm', 'N.'h 20':
“I! 54'! “and {mm s'l, anofln. I (talk Ic-
_‘ dining.
:1 River Bank, Hudson, N. Y._ s"}
long): , urinal, mod ‘lp. Burning uh.
'o'an ‘ , _._ ‘ '
Iy‘ailnn Rank, Easter; Pa. 1': wicu.—~
Vlguulm, Lrnuanvo Ind Quin d can. 01: rig“
and t rchpor ulctzp, uni on In“ . Maui-ml
, with ivy. ”MM! Bcpu‘mbcr ”Lb, [555.
2‘l spurious. Wanna. in India holding I bola,
' and looking at no wpmuzhing Inn: 0! m 0.
rtghtond Advor, Ind an haul-undo Win; A
mun m m :le hm Dung: s. as»
b'u npunoux. \lgmue, n mm plum“ with n
yoku ofoxon 0n right end, hold of Wuhing'on:
!.pd ou'lon, domlnmun. baud. Bopunlx-r,
Boudn But, Baum, Mm s’: Mum
Vignoua, no ugh with wing- and“. 0-
right end In quh'n kinda. and on left, dammi
auiun: M July 3951., 1355.
City Bank, Hartford} 0170-1 3': :plm'm.
v‘ngnmgoans, ‘01; it)“ can, {EmflS'Mln‘
v all nude, \ ‘ ‘
I'hmwxf’liail qf Kmucly. Frankfort, Ky.
10’5, lunar A, Vnrluuul’ Iliad up. Input“-
R)wny and duh. " -
ocham‘a‘ Bank, Phlmldphia, Penna, s’s,
lulu: uan o, Maul, and up. The bum
app-um good, W (In {am [that
pale. The modllllom on either side of the vig—
Mtulatqtvom “125»; 7m: m»
limb!- 'o’ “06 I}?! ‘lfl ”m 0 nm‘ “hurdle;
.mm, but. in ms WWW“ that m ammunz"
The would “Tlxé‘lluul “Bank, in “10/Hm, from
til-Writ: whidh may at ‘l’tdcfl, Ippur (u
‘ bebl-md. swam; pmrvf , V .
In”: "dill“, lrdnhm, Olp'zflf 1.051. It’Hrr I},
' varioé‘l'y filled up in mm band firillng. fl‘lxc un
gmhg at “1° cm or mo ngfimn um “guano,
Hum-L ‘ , ‘ , . '
lan... or an oo—mmutmlormh-
Swan” ofllld chei
mfmm Is! I’m] 0/
‘3o]; day of Not"
digit-c. '
lan-l. = - - - ~ ‘
Audion Commission, - ‘ \
Ando- Duties. - - v - -» 1
in- M Dig-gill.” - _: - ‘
a II toe , - .
TI: on m Puma-l Esme, ‘
I’m m - - . -
wI” O c Q -
3215” "“""°“ ‘ " '
'I Linn-q ~, -, ~ . -
Hahn'- Lion-2', - ‘ #
Mn. Chou wrung-rude do
Distillery and um", ' {comm
Billiard Room, Bowling Saloon.
ml ‘l‘nvpnn Alloy “unwell. -
“iv; “was. that flow and
4M: "I”. Llama». - v
Patna! acdxcthhmnm, : ~ -
Pun )IIIH inn", .1 I/’ - -
"mill: Tl- , . x -, -
Nillon' Tax“, 9o- -/ - . .
Fun-ign Insurance Aquid. -
1"! on “Tim‘ \V illl. Dun-(ll, an,
Tu on Ccruun Oflcus, ‘ -
(mama [nit-titan» Tux, -
canal ‘ml Mk 0!!! Tolll, . «-
Gaul! 'hm‘s,‘ " -r_ ~ m , .
Tu on Hum ment‘ at Lawn, .
l'nuflnma on Chm-Mn, - -
'l‘u on Imam, - g . - -
Inn-HM! on I.4mm, '~ A . .
Rale- nl’ l‘quc I‘mpcrty, , . -
FIX on Town 1, .‘. r 1 - -
um Slut tunntmllufl IRA! um
‘ Ilcr Act 01"”: May, “£5, 4
Elthcua, - . . - - -
Accrual Ink-n d. - . -
('ulnnial “Pcnnl :md Penn-Jim
ni- .\n‘hiu~|, - ‘ - ~ -
’ Hrfnnllnl Catch. - - - . -
Annuity {ur righl ofw , 'l‘. W
Van II at th- public 0&1“, -
)l'vrellnm-ug (including val-glut
fund.) - - : 4 - -
nalamiu the Twury‘ Drool!) ‘
be! I 1831, Ir‘lhhlo. - -
Mutt-ltd (um!- in (h lmnlur
, nmrnil-blc, - - -. -
l $6,672,434 8:;
Sc“ at (In: pnym all at Me Stall: Trrn
wfrg); ”It 1:! fitbclnfierrlX-S-l. (a flu
day of AVWIVMLCI‘, 1855, fiolh l‘lHjl m-
r. ,
hblh Imqmwmeuls, . -
H; u! Umcnunm, ' - -
l‘h Elwyn-n. . L .
Penmylranlh Yunnan! In the
late 73.: IM! rxieo, -‘ ‘
mm and n minim-f, ! -
Charitable lmthullnnx, - ‘
Pv-nnn. (bloniuliun Bwicly, -
Pmnqluni- Hum Agricullum!
Sandy. I ~ - - -
Cum-u Edith. . :1. .
Malone" of tho Sinking
Yin-l, . . . - -
lama. - , - -
him on Loam. - z -
Gnnndel Ink-rust, ~ ' - <
Don-euk- ('m'l'itm‘l,H - rk- -
Dun mu! 0 m 30"» n, .
WfimmfiJ-mn, . -
We LHIIJI’V. - - - -
muse “nil-fin” Ind amt-1., x
Home a! Rcfngn. - I -
l'rmlrntinrifi, - u 1 . -
Bunyan, - - - 9" I
M. (I’ll—Ml Ind" lb. AW
M1791150'J, lc, - - ~
Col-mini Recon-ch Ind l‘onmflrn-
m 2 An‘hig n, > - . .
Aurndmrnra to (In Onwtltntkm,
Alana-0M 0! mm- Tux. - -
[lr-tuning Relief Not", . -
Mcnmliln Appfliiorfl, . .
Conn-cl he! cull roman dam, .
lawman-ow. - - - .
nal-nen |n the 49cm Tum-cry,
Non m. nus pvnilnble, - ‘ -
Ileprcci-lrcl fund) I" (he (re-Inf]
Int-labia. - - - -
Al llm‘fll}flolluflv.-5 Spy‘ rd lava
it; stolen [born from an Indian, the by.”
Whit “the ofincc by I vcry infie
ion: Ilka. E “finned b ‘ Judge, “1;”
H WW3“! the hora, brought
. . hhi. Tho prisoner uwore flmt hv Ilul
shay» 1.11 it, Io “It filo Judge did not find
him" in I pd“ In oom’il't. llu WIN
cvcn shunt to {cm the born to him, “130"
lhr hull-n aid:
" If you? wil Alloy me, I will ’rm'o llml
thc mini-I W tow." ‘
[pmcdhlcly be pulled olhis blanket, and
oonr'ugthe horse's he‘d, ukmfthu Sluinianl
of 17m eye it \ns blind? The rubber ‘M
much cmhns‘wd at the qm-a-lion, hui um x-r.
“helm, pot. to duhy the court, In! n-pliul M.
n hannl "11.- it was the right eye. ’l‘lh- In<
dim. mm‘nrwulhdxwl, nullified; . . ‘. .
. “ The horse is not blind cith/r of the nght
Pyc'or lcfl. "
Tll9 Judge imlnmlitlcly dccxdcd Um. (lu
nnimal bchungml to the Indmn.
‘ Pm or menJlnmnm' (‘lark 0‘
New York, has pardoned Kinunc, who was
0011 ch ofmrgury on the Bthan Bank
some limo since. He in pardoned tlnL hm
(mfimony may he used in name (rials mu
mtcd With the Martha thingum cue,
mil to come ole wnw thho wéfitcm Stntqn.
Among thouu who petitioned for his pudun
won: the governors of Ohio and Indium.
[173 non. Jame; M. Muop wis mic-«ted
injoint Convention in the Legislature of Vin
git-in: to the Uniml Sta‘u‘ 'tbmtu by ; mm
jority at {qty—five. ". . ‘
[[T'rhcrc i; s \vomnfi in ‘Bgsw u forty
years old, who is living with her sixth him
hand. She was first nunicd at Ufiflcmj, apt]
at {mu-(con “'ns I. wibow. ’ ' j 1 V
[l’7" Quirk says hwycrs would nuke spicu
did drago‘na ~—L{u-y' guy so nwfql on». clmrgv.
In Columbia, on tho 16H) ultimo, Tum" Hun",
pm of Hudsbn Inn! Mury A Henry, Aged qua war
nod MIL-on ll"! ' ‘ A
Bu loyoiy and yet so mu tom nwuymm pa
nu mm. A "not bull, man: an: childhh
belquhlfimgplnnlcd to n culcstinl Kat-ion, Illcré I:
win bloom Ami-l lho grnjnl pun "Ln hpqz-P‘nlly Imm.
Map. '5» may in “so mm I.IM, magnum.“-
ginc ms up. Max the mulling u! (he Film chanted
l 6 Ilia lav-lune and mg of mo churnhln."l'o
hon; it M 3“ in bur «mud me uan mm,
qho behooh‘cd ”ml ll 1h! uhfldmu 311031)!) be "Hand
M M ”Him; In"! 113;! happy (he weeping [pa
mull should be In m Way hum contributed ;
n bright. “SAME «own In! “a [x 1
writ" of then lino! Kympnlhln'no will: her frim’éf ‘
immune wow” Imbo thin] .«I | . W 91?“ ;
And aroma, A bright and In 111-ugh”, E ' 1
, ‘ Muu’
L , 3 1.
i v
t I
" ..‘
.- er, 'l‘
«r " ‘
"drum 1.
of he Slate Trea
‘Jflruqnhr. 18!“. In ilu‘
er, 18M; bblln (lays in‘
mum w 1
2mm 75
51.926 56
815.188 09 ‘
mu: m
1',721.114 79
91.2 w '
211,006 9:.
, am no
. 1.49: m
. 8.008 40
mm no
8,309 35
mom :u.
um 57
304 4.}
19.021 7-.»
6,2.“ m
‘ M 65 6!
mun 2::
20.83» on
1|7,u10 20
mum 71
55,300,171 11
81.240 018 72
$1,%m,7m 13
mm: 22
1,570 55
260 MA on
:ms 510 no
2.077 mm 9|
¥ moor-19
1,000 on
10 1M 1:
10.393 m
1,126,097 3
mfiwss ”firm
WWW WWW“ . ‘ ', ‘ a
Rrpm [(11fo (/10 "'(lh'flmai lry 11'. J. Kai/sh.
Baum-mu... Deflhuhr wrmm
Tho’mnikit during “10’ pnn'floél prcnmlad" lm
Hale obi-ugh,- find we npuhmh mu- -lnn‘meh row
pun-t. with only in filtemtixm, 01‘ fine flan-vi. 'l4- ”It"
went in tho uniulei. h. In?" In! men that. umhnw
uddul w} MAIL 11mm, which our main-m Rm final (I).
llulngloruiiug. ‘ , ‘ I ,
Winn—While ma may at sl,l;m.§§l. We
hoard of u prhuo M [wing puld M 8! W per lyuulu-L
Rln~<Tlm nupplyln n‘orn’ in Vn'rj'lh'niledmlul
prim rungo (mm a? ‘to Stun to qnnllt‘y: '
‘ DQCXthnv-A'l‘ba auwly :1! Chin nn‘dlb I! very
“inked, and plied: “Huge ul'fimhnfl {rm-s, We
hem of mice and"; tho J’we 'm 75 cu, pot Inshpl‘
lunar—« Tull 1.4 an mini. ml: much In «la;
mud. mu Wv‘uh“ h dololoulv—mbou range m
62f|r87i an to quality .
Coax—“Hm umrago of Com la llpnt, withing
mug ofl’crlng. Fauna" EN fim at {-0 cu. pol Im
uhol. I
()A‘rnrvkamo and the I.omm med. (10ml quidh
ty “lurruxullly bring 3‘ 1.914! 'l'” bulhé!‘ “'l'
Mike Um ”want: (If [Md your? growth it mum
Hun thunHlyilglnL .. . ..m N“
Cmvtn Rm ly—"Cry Hmc nfl’vrlng. and no with
"a“ I'M lan-11 in lvriuu " '
" Iluw—‘Go cl! per huulml puumln 31.“ n .
l'ut "um—Very miter. Influx-u) t_lw‘ mf.’ nt‘
\th'mh m our human complain: Thu woven! prim:
for tho unllnnry lmmloo is steady at 50 cents per
DI hum—lx In un-nt demand and mi lupply In
lim‘lcd. It. \muhl He” at but!” wig-s!“ {3250 cam
mu, (nkrn in}!!! pmpnrmiun. "WWI"! Illuuld 1w
lmflldulnr (n huyv flit-Ir Inulml'puhnlv :nlu [mum]
lumlu, or r-mnhm' than Un‘ylxtuul m‘Hgl Thu [my
on! prh-vl mn‘go from 20¢” ch! per pound.
Hung—JAN scum", mu. rcmlily bring [mm In”
15 ct:- portltfiyn
40 no
“flak; on
10 00
143.4(14 .13
L. III) 29
9,125 01)
16!,125 2.6
Pl)"K-l)(‘luflflll oxrrmh Hm mlv'ply, dwin'g to Iht‘
\‘mdmvm whirl: wvrn m-nl (2m during Hm [mat
summer. I‘liccn an: slit-mly at 7:179 par Ibl We
xcc'munt‘ml lo tlu- {nrmcm of Centre county mom
mwnuun in thl‘ mining uthmk. nun] mum “NHL-u:
lull) In mph broods nu \muhl npchlly “Hire 1“.
mnux‘ny -._.... ~"—;-‘ g
mm 02
L 093 70
1,495 07
38 (:0
16.7143 H'l
I'm LTuY—Tulkiva 13(Iu$|.1’:, according 19 «he.
Chitin-nu. 11,415 Chi.
4411 71
u. 653 5:1
‘ Cull, —Bilulninunu Sumflfum in idling [if “.75
per turn :leon- nlmuhl'lvo 3mm cvrlmn wuy M 11-.
ccrL’lining Hu- “vlghf of a “loud," and mi \runH
summit (hat édch hm! lm wrthml )Hnm dimmed
of. Th" Huprrluc Court 111.1 decided th.11'2,2W lbt.
make A lull >
4| ,03.‘ 00
1‘49“" Its-11!!! mmd) IA Hmltulmn-l lho dun-ml
mom [lulu \ml‘nmry We lure Imanl’f mull vale
ul ”041312 W,“qul::|lkl for {Mb boardd
fllllquu—Bumllly bung, for law 551090.50,
unljnint at no to 15.50 [wt thousand,
lexr mu Inqilirv‘vl rm- “ an no, but lmhlm Mk
WWI I‘Lffl to 89 min drmnmlml (qr firm, m- to
hum“ flit-m werv mum when lhnn buy" A! Chen
ruler (Yum Meal uml Ryv Plum run-in Um tame.
I‘houth um! and «lunar-l Illuimlz um mi. nr'
“1751“ s: r." our ”mm s; m{o 3m with w
unull null! (‘nrn maul), nl 7310 YH In H] mm m
aim-r ,‘ old Cam i 1 “mun c 1: mu an: In damn“
nt 4| :15 fur é'uuthvnu, 11ml Illtk umnug Ihr, :Il
M 23
.11! 50
1.1410 H
7* 71‘! 19
MD [)0
um no
"1,51: 05
24,517 .50
ӣ29 HS
29m1!) M
251 so
l-‘UII'R, hr —Yluur Imulu-I n all-do finm i. AMI‘F
7000 blah- nt. Sglfibw‘lu) fur cumulun smm, nl-l
(B‘llluu‘fur ugfiml'Ll-[ley nxul luv and“: ufulm
“Nam-nu ‘
1509 03
“LU“ ‘l7
33,000 00
28,103 on
1,039 0:.
HIKNIN7~Wl|lu|| firm Inn] tulile lxrhnb “Mu:
Knlthfrlnl $2lO. Ilyc ”land; 5 HI 0““ Huh sold
at 'H’Wlflw- (‘urn Int-my, In!” 6100!] hwhdn
11l MnM’r. for Inhwl
1 Iv. isot
3.111 50
:wln x 1
I'RHYIHIUNS— Pork hvnryx MIN mn lubb' M
$10.73 ‘2O, BIN-19m. Prime nmfulllll uhd droop
ing; mes no lib!» Cu! Mm“! Inuhlnng Loud finn,
131 B! 300 bbll 1”"le ”Imm Huh! Ohiu [Bu
23c. Hum 214%. ‘ ermi'imllc.
lhm’mrmr, Du 17,1335
Flt-"rum! Wheat. an: firm at {urml‘r ulxmldtlum
Cmn h“ finlkn mm crnl pcr bu-ln-I low-r
H. 030
rr T‘Centxe Countx Toachcn' 'lnmtutc.
The Inna-n! mouth: a! 1 m ()mnofloxm'g’fdndlm'
[lulllulmvmll In) fwhl In th-fnuocwommnmmg
on Wr‘llm-«ulw, (he 2‘! ulu of January 1850, M [II
u‘rlml‘. A M
»'Eh~’l‘ow~lunlufflit-(“ml“). and other: ink-rushed
(n the c.lul~' nl' ('ullumlinn. an: L nun-fly n'vlumlml
In "(lend M tho only ox mum In In- im‘nrrrul. will
In [hate nee-or, no going to. uni ramming {mm
(ho plum “Javelin“, um ohm-mu «I Bollol’unlu
living luncrnhqu h-udvrwl llu-ir limpimliliys u)
the“ m "Nu-thun- upml Iho lnmm'r hI- Ilm
luv-13ml um Din-u mn rnmmugn LL. nut-Munro
ofvcxhcn‘ hy rum; ”ll'ln Ilm L'uuu dull “IL-uh
nllhuu! wuhtrnfl ug it from ”w" w‘lgr“
“'1! J nnmuw, (manly M .‘I.
In I-olnllur In ”J! HlAH‘l,l’nnldum 0} Gun":
(‘umlly Illllllulv qlw‘lffil
U / ‘lAVisburgflcnm: and 812 mm Cmek
“‘3”le filming M A SHUNMHH H \m anlny.
21th ”vermin-r, IN.) .\ Lu 9" rm: Ile MIN” nlun;
"I" lint" {mm l'niun; l'vntn- nu-l H-lnlhvmlnn. I:
expeol4 I-
ff I’Attention! Centre Dragoonsl—Thc
“Mum llrn'mm ln‘ n'qma’ml In mwl 11l Pull unl
nmu, fur “fin and Inna“, iu the Town of nuuum
Inn ‘nu TUEn‘I’M Y, the Ist day uf Jnmmry. 13313,
M. lfilu'olm-k A M
[V'A (lr‘uul Mllilmv “an.“ mll bu K‘VI‘I In lhv
l‘flfd'luhylh infififlclflr‘mlf uhl d I", A lull 4114‘!“
m-n «Pmrmhr h h‘qnmrrr‘ ‘ 7““
My UNIT 0! "In (3 up'mn.
lIL‘JI'J \Nl'lll‘).\‘\' (“ULVIXH IL N
'l'lu- I’nhliihm nf 'l'nr lh-wm u \Tlv “'n': w
um hnx m anv'nun mlh )m N: n'lmxmr Elm“
liuhuu uI, Lho lIIM‘ I \lm‘slvv Mid :nmplt‘m
.INH l‘iHN I'INU HI-‘l—‘H'H,
Tu bo found in Cunhnl l'vnlhyh mia. cunumml m-
Luruly of
. . ”‘1“ MATERIALS, n
All-l lhv Ihchnml nun-l lb‘lilllmlflu liylo hf I‘Ynln
mnl Punt-y ’l‘3po‘ Md in Ivrrpnnnl to 01mm“ nll
kunhtuf . ' ‘
In 1h- \'m_v m-nImL 5’31“, and M the Khmlml nullcx‘
«HI-ch M ‘ ,
ll 1N)! HILLfl, CHH‘UhAIW.
I-(Lwrlzlm, . mm. ”Hum
mum "Imm. ‘“ mu Timmy,
Arc/rum mum: mums.
I-Amuma'rs, magma
hooks. mm film.
snow mrm, lILANKB.
Pr oth) MJ-zs: kc” ‘h- . to
r ‘nnrm. simian mm mqum PRINTING
\rcutml in Hm h mdmmr-«t nmnnmn
{if PRINTINH I‘l' PULURS, in the mo)! bonu
dful and flnhthod Kyla «P the Irf.‘ . v
5| ‘iafiwlion gunnum‘cnl in n“; ml IQ chynou vx
o‘mmnén lunl punvhudity in Hm hllfllmun of I]
onlurfi. . . ‘ " '
WEI-5'11“”; IN llI£U(11{I£1§JI()D‘J‘”N now.
Tlmm I’m-m. llu‘umrmu. IN, ..
-‘ ‘ 't Av:- ['l‘ L. .. .
smw AND (main-2 "mNrrxxcu'lrmm
. NO. [35 and “‘11“. Fourth Nrco‘, ’ I
- . » {fililulolphluu ‘
"l‘lm qun-rilwr my [mm (o umwulivo In In"
(“Huh uurl lllu pill-h:- ”I." 1m hnu ('nllu'fi‘fil lIH
Munnlmvlnn', s» m In mnhlo film In hnu' ruwlanlly
nu haul.“ Law) and; nf null mammal -
‘ .. s 0 ,\ l' S. ~
“'hh-h b “I" \V‘uerlll In b 6 {l‘th fir-m full (71!, find
1m ovml Uhmniml “I‘m 3?an lethlutn and
l’ufifl flow, I llnl, Ilur (or. n e um] ”my”! {4011",
K‘AMAJW' cannula, ‘
of mprrinr qnnlilywqupjgflxivh Luill sell at ”In
lownnj [*lth Fri ‘0 ' ‘
~ lEn¢llsh fill {Lain coxwlnntly Hr mus. . '7
Tallow tun] Eul’lnughh luruth. 11019-2"!
«new 00mm) on WALTON,
‘ . 3* "mu-rum,- wnumumu ”mums”
*- *Quw n.uu) m a
-. ’llll’ll-1 ', 0,
3-13 11.“:qu "15541412,; ' '
docl2~ly ~ l'mdnuwnu,
J, I‘LEIIHHH . ( " ’ r :W'!. J. 8:1"!
M J. D. BORVER & Cg“ '...'
“'ImIJ‘fiALE )mmm Ix
'No 6 NbMlWl‘Tj!!Bh¢usnb~ifo Murkifitg‘qt,
. duulvly ‘ , ‘ ' l'lll‘l..\l!flh|‘i‘.l{\'.
I‘ltlhwrlmlln. IMC. H. ”5;
If” Lynx. I’m lilh 18.55
G Min - v -
n )ul.Asu.~“- « ' n-.
- . s. '4 , n "‘1 - .
Hl\\:‘."g‘,)ll'ffgf,j\‘,qgfr 1-99.15 Egg“ 3] _ ~
‘ ‘ '.n\iu, c~ .3. . ...
.a" *" . ““gpzxfu‘gfim mm) mwm‘ ,figfififi
'n ‘ a . n - . ~' . x
_ 4 sl!!ka 5"?" my“; J;&M"“‘s?slNf)l3m."“W""lfifinww‘fmmh‘ n alum
’ ""m'mm n PTION, ‘ :fifi'fiz‘fm“ ""h‘ I,p~::i$nial”?"“*"1tlu Imm“
v , .(- .. ‘ .. ' Inna
'l'“ ””"""’““n‘:sn'§§:¥‘¥‘zncn. (I annnu n; 1x31)“: urn nn" 611:3;-
- , ¥ ‘ Alwv Arch ‘1 mm“ 1 m "‘1“ "uh-. 1 I.” .‘ "Wm u ' “"""x hi
_,_ . .A‘ W ‘7‘( vll‘lnnuh' "
iV. , Jimmie ' \l: 14...] ,I:lnw.Mr(V . I t; pun...”
muffin” m"lull on." ("rm ‘3’hll...(el|q,l;‘ 2”“! but 13:51:51? "”I‘." Q'A-uyr'.}t."l,:lll"‘{‘fv "1 SCSI,"
«nan-5...” W"! .nn» any c...” 2.321;” n m ’z‘dtxrr "2‘- nrnnnn Jll""::;:1."nn «n? «‘w‘fnfma'
'‘~-« u” .‘ ""K‘H .n'"" no I] § "H‘ "pm -'‘ .'
. .. '"..'c m," IHm or. ‘ . mu... "ya,”-
Nmoun Hommi‘ “ _ ~ « ‘2'.“ n'nnnin'nwiéataru‘ "I'nnnn‘n‘n-‘flh‘nsx'h-nnn«um
'l' -'n.' ‘ ‘ , "' “I" D'-"‘ '. " "6'! h . ”'"""r”lb\l!’._
lllulfifmTf’flnflbcr lIM “x":ngxd'rdy. i 7 0 ll run-”"5 “(,jtlnlrlr‘ “"h- I:ng "r“l‘i'k'" "3'“! M‘
h". madtydcglll: Inm‘hu‘hlldltnrll)?‘ :le, ““mhurb‘ ’ 1?. 11w... ""‘hn-dtfa’nfimru ‘ "Wr‘hé-‘m ”Tom“.
:- .. “live ' 'fl vn ‘ ' "nu .. “fly I-\; ‘; M Mr.
HM” Hgnll 1.3:”
n fl "Ing "'"VvDiuln ‘rml? ur l“ T“ Ru: 1 “a" 0" \hVil do H “mm-"..'. In In l'ho‘ '."J
hm.” 'l. ha: 'ln tom KI! "930111.425. g. 5 N 0... “55"“. I- r all rum"... “ mu”-
omum PIN html f}. i Will § ' "Men” ' U‘llgl Muv "
th‘v‘lh” "I" Hi}: “y "(In “t! ' “nmr‘gmfu'r “1 ‘l‘ .‘Yh::"“f«-lu WmiTL’n
,_""‘"w m- if? M' “1”“ 53m» m”, 1 4 :nwm.-.. Q 35 "1’: “J‘wflmg‘ v‘ 'I"
""-—.A‘ A , _ ' I“Q ‘ ,
omm” *- M'n 'n’"‘~“‘-?.':nz;n~-n‘nnifi‘flrym: “334%.:
, ,1 . t , erm
1 ..yvmnnx p”, ,a-’ ‘ ,fgfilllwmnfiflmf‘m time-W"; ‘
"1' all t HAT "GSA- ''— t M ”um"! "’ch 0"." ‘3 1-; cent 'r ‘
"we:.l9....c’nrnnom :£:;~.“n'nnnndz 0-, "aw-n'n-u-Luum. 5'13.
0a“ :H" p. "I ~ ’ . ‘WM fl' 4 "mm, Ie .u
_.-~__» MO3l 5313,13?" HE’F d" """n A‘ “'7'” m ""1 Nu; aofliflmrur 'hJ
. f~r_..‘, ' . m. ~A. ' -
W 1°“ Mu. .- ~~ "°“°'“‘ firm" n‘ nvlm‘rfic‘nnn m 35H.
, -“ ' . n s- .\I. ~m. .um. ‘ '
\A ‘ v , y "5" fI . "h h, -
n‘iia WNW“ “mlannzn.f..(n.w"§4“'mt. NM 1 -"".' 'ff‘m‘mn xv.m,'.,‘.',':,’n J'n'fiw-nk‘uj udflm‘
'MJXl‘duf.‘.).F “““limeNu “YE“N'immf; " ofi"‘~»-~-;..-- ' defiant”
""r'r min 2:51" '" ‘JW ml. 1”“- u. »n..;..,:;’ ull Monrfi'“”“ "~~
by Jan». 3',‘ 30;"? N n}... Jlf '3}: gellcmmnjn,“ mar," .1 [dimly-"y 30“.“ 1h“ yang“, a,
:‘ "nun“ ‘Offnle "“0"" n' ”M 'l7-": so", mm k°|ll ‘ “mmfll o; \H “' 1‘ ”via a} \fnqfi-mr ""143
rf‘wn Mn N .411m‘manvirtnbrle qumfimw“ 11mm. 1, r‘""‘" nzpn‘urfil'mu J 11”. “'t‘mflo b )“H’ "‘ ‘g‘;
‘ '[l'h‘l‘lil If?! any (I, "anyf‘f'im’flnry m,“ {{""_'“ll|lul n l)“ \' ”It.” :1” ’"lnu" Uf' ln‘ I“? ”OHIO-an”!
.0 .. ”5.”, >. -\u y g x, . T
Innm.’ {£4l}? fillulll'o fur “"l’te:3|Jll[:"u' H‘llh‘ m$ w. “It“ LR] F 3 ‘ .. ,
lA ' '"r Inn-,rh-nnm .\,,}‘"§}'l,‘-;l\nnnt lllelri I .Fll'l-fnfi;:{\v (IHS ‘ '
. ' -AH ‘ In '. - -v . u
l nlucmE-il“ "" ”‘° Inn-in or \Mx'S";"‘-V"S- “'lv 1133'" "“ "“1! “ 'nmuz "““"“'mr .q
I” '— :~ , ‘ AK “' .Vw” 'lt‘c'd- ’ ”-C- "Wart?!” "' "' l'" “"1“" ”"m (h. “II; 2‘
‘ mm~- , L -7 M 7 Lem-(WM ‘ l(' ll‘il‘lllq Y ”N filth mu :1 M {my "llmrl4’g. in
'L Y LABOB;;"‘ ‘-v—-~. iL. m .115": an Mimi. 33:34.3“ Jn-r=«.rm.,;.."
”Inn-um. M ‘ TI.» “ml . 1”" .... mg, y‘mw. Al ~....,u","‘. "nu-s. Tang}
"MUD". x ' ”I." “'l‘n'c F 4 ”hum." i“ 1‘11"” .[ Hm. I‘ Ilu'- q Ii'“""-’~"Ldm 4 "mum”: ‘h‘ ‘ Ac.
fraud-r 11:?" naugfin'lllgl‘ Exffi" “H and 2&1, ""1." lllul (“3; u up?!" ”"JILI'IEI‘x; IP';';'*"- VMil):
’4 I 111": “‘ Wham"; "3""? LIX-flu!"- {qlnw u" ‘ ""' 4“,": It: C" ' “My. Ir
”mfs‘wck :3]! “'l'3L‘llnlka.l|foltrk I “M" “THE"; "w'mn"! [lulu-”Hug!"H * (r.,“R:‘B.h'"'lln‘3‘.“ min
ll" 0M “II I 'INt
I Elfnn- i‘l'fi‘nnHlln "ml “n. 3,“. “Wu hum-My < ”t' Flu-n ulm mu m; rfix‘rhty R'l'“ In thigh-in. Aw ;
. ‘B‘ . ..‘ ' ‘ . ,‘ ' n m-n . ’ ryva
"M“? mm" hum" "‘l'li‘lvd um; - '‘““i 1' \\lll“t.3u,f\|i"h”m .{Wn‘wwu IW I
’7'. A” rulmnu ’ ‘ “in” M hulll '“hl "n‘Vllui'u- I". "'~}l‘|l' "mm. A ’
\. mu.“ ..‘ ‘ "ml. ..'-”1 p" L n ,n, nil" ' .
llE.sCA¢W§§9L"Ul3ffil'3Al§'ws“"flnlnunm. {k I' win"... ‘ m 3" *"‘='r.;nna’fit.‘..'.,mf’i::
_i€?'fj’.vr nnn mm. au;.t,:nm{;.;y;nw,w «nun-2, "k" ““h‘l‘ncrhm . ,
S 'l' .R A V‘ J: vII ‘ITH‘B 00‘: " \.~ I" “FLAVEIL "
‘ -Is a ~-m~.~ rum”. “Hun“ ....
.."1, . .' Art-”n“ huHm‘ I'WI'I'L h 0" _
‘ full"?! ”‘1 . (annuluu‘. : 'l‘l‘ .1 “ UTHuflq ‘ Jl‘w‘vl‘l‘Mm . 7 ‘
“KR—l%“; l‘lwncllipnflmmh "I" Hum 'ylnl‘umfl‘ 'rl' Hm I ‘fd‘wlfi'b H‘n .un 'K N‘j‘mgf‘ “1""
‘l n ’ w "H ”H,” ‘:" Hulk. - - u n-cq . '.'.
’lho (111 ml: '11"??? "N" n [hid l:';‘“""‘i"){ “(Anal-”I1”??? (“..'"J‘ :Ilwaflflflnl "Lg" "3:1 hilly-‘5.“ I ‘ A
""lUt'lmd In :u‘l: hrh““"~ With infirm?” ’l'nllwlv "Huh-w ‘lmnmw bk‘l'luivl.(¥lh "W": Jr” i‘fin‘h“! F; "I".
r . , Iw . <' ‘ . . '1 .’ ‘ .‘.
lflr‘::]—‘,,“!"'L|ll bu .l}.'[:,::l 'l’rhlnllnnny nml ml: :m‘l‘x’ " 0V L‘Q'ESPLW: In' In M FH'H'K' “‘ l;
‘_ --, ' .-,-. .' ~ ~ - "s. ' ' ..‘. '- " A
} LKm‘ 2; r - (l\1“)’;1|!lg1’ll‘~:li‘l\?l” . 1 |l|t‘~‘l‘l‘| I” "firm“! l)»‘m’l:;ll( ' M "E" 23 ‘ix‘fi
.E NI'TTQ“ &JAMES No ' n . ;}l)F.i ;, i: "-w‘n‘niflgrtllijw'm'y "m 'lirn'ajgng h. “hmhur
' Frunklin ”an???“ |nlu my Tt‘llrd . El 3 9m- 3 fiKTMKTFMI nl‘l :[:.!",;:'~l '31:“ infiEfli‘éUEZirYß‘wl‘
"gm“ ,l. " "Mk-”, 1.“ '' ‘ JIII n-r u“. n . IN- -.-. .» ""“0 [1.5 Ti lln
I m”"""" "l' I - ‘ ""‘ '4“- | ' ‘ “0" Lu "UN“? ‘x‘l 51h » I O'M n.- -
. mnnuhr’nn l - ICI‘T’¥IIIHIM\IR?”LuIIuiu ‘ n 1”,.“ MM "mréilg‘llfl'lruffrfim Lngl“z:l§‘l: ‘SEIWL’J‘KQI
w.. “ " “Hue .‘ ‘ . .lln-znlq. ‘ mnnh‘ ' "h“:
4::(3‘2Hl [)0 at.” "nw‘zurft-flxni pm. “I." 'P‘I" . l , .- twig"?Win-“:1“ 1"... “"‘i‘ufiw? «#4:;‘l
z-- Tirxntgnnn 2.... a; : "mm 2.2;” 'n W .rxrazn nnmu.
"“llffih, nun-2.2m” "f (H “I” cu;l|u::m-;- ("Hm-.9 ‘lu Im mm" fi‘.r"’fl£‘lllly "Nb W|'J'::. (u can.
i ‘ ' _ ——. J“ , """ruhy Imihdtuifs 11'1“"! Hill: ‘ m: 'l‘mnmm' mu! I‘}; '11:,“ ‘mm'uullflvl‘fim
l "2‘ ~,, ‘ . ,L' I“!!! ' (”NW-u H‘ n- I‘M" d I lpn ”..‘
11%,:g. mans m n " "“t‘k m...
,‘pcvlrmi, “"k'lxutlulA "'llm mull-"hm “BONE “A Luznfnn‘ix“mm." l-f d"‘in I”; f ‘ ‘ “MM".
. \., ‘ ~ ¢'" w , n
I Irnlilnlfiynui'JW‘ "1:123:113'“. ”MI-I lhn‘l' 1'3," n-- ‘lwl: ‘ l ”"1 "11l ”grudlaxvolll-ln-‘n'r'kon "5W
”1:“? .xn. Mrwrnn w 6-.ls2’::r':nnnn'?n= * mm ,- “m firm!”
' "W’l‘ m"‘ '4' I: l. ’"' "”4 t'—n C .. H ' ""‘
tram. “flu-'2' ,r, J $1443“ nMr x‘|,......dc,,.gng~ Wflomh:
Hg}, my ”an In” n, lanky "him” and Ffihrl, mV- \l {run-ml. my} 'mmhl ”Harm."
1 "‘l'l' """‘Kdu\m -"‘ ""4 flam'l "" l”kn-n“ "" mun, ~ , ‘ 9mm
- "homo ' Hhu,‘ “Mn .1] " "km‘b
"- - I: h ”13?"? an {1:1 ‘ 1'" M (1... “f” "I" °""‘“&Jhu‘ flav'mid! In.
-_ » ~.., ‘0 1- »,. \ly _ ~
'g? DEN T I ‘ n“? ‘ ‘y'm‘ffi‘ p. 33“ "“"flhu‘l-clu‘fl?’ 'l‘““'\ 11cm.
'(ml (0‘ P H “0’11”“qu S T R Y . Hm”! 'n; ""1“ .u “u‘fd|.“l.:‘r;:‘.ml cm.—
‘mnl ”HI: I "'HL culrnm-l h. 1 {s2lng Mn M “1;; ‘nl lh.‘ s, ‘h‘ ,"V'l'h‘l" l 1"... |< first“ “1)..
‘‘ "L "n"! .. ''7tu _ U," ““"n ..A till
, :fo {'l Iln n » "mum," ’)n (“I'th lllwv “up”: I‘I“|’l‘l’“‘1 h-rwmh “u(";'lml i 1 in {min}!
I 0}“le “Mr.“‘nq' ,1... T" g! ”-"“LT!!|N In Ih- \. r‘ 1,. 1“ munm '1!" him ‘l'Vt‘hhn-m 1h...
1 mfg“ I! I» l "yummy "it”; . ‘ fwd If " 'f' ""Idtrh .32.::}:"‘;l‘|l"w IXITI).:I,I?“:‘LP? V
M N ‘w u . "L‘ h' l' ' 4‘l!qu » y "I' r u w " I‘l} m.
A 7 «-13inth {.3113 .x ‘ 7“" 9133311“ I"ni'nn'"“.cnmnlun N“ ““40 to ma.
' , "w'w 14‘...‘ "F’" ""ra Qua “WWW” ‘4‘" In »
r “1V [Winn . ":“m‘ n' “Ilh lxlc‘lcfil‘éfitlrsz
__ Hy min woman" 2;. M 4 dulk“. hm: ctpcflrnm'.
M 33535? lfififlffisflfim 13.77. Imm may"??? m r hr. u {"1 by Mr” .
“wit“. 1;: ll“~ [vrm’illcg hf xucxluiu- Ur. J. N All?» a :"m‘ ;:'|(‘ll:::il:l "ll" ‘ U mull I: “w "a CHI;
‘ ll: .!.,tlu"\ 1» ur hrh Inn," would I" \iul ito l w ” u l ‘ _
0..."... .., MW 4...! mm a...” ! flfi°.$:r:‘:.:r':!3::‘:l“:::s‘:.":“:::::::::m.
".II"V. lhe unit-mnfing nuonflunpf Mum" 'm gin-n ‘ g ‘1 4 H "W l' ‘9 ' l ' ,- 1
Mduml nnldilhllul ohnrgr _ {ll 4“. ~ p.u ‘ Jqfl‘ fl MORRISH¥ l
;'.,’ hr. Ahwmn'u r-rsa-Icnov at “rtflu'lnuirln ‘f‘ I‘. ‘ ‘ I?" “3.:
mm mm- _ .I.“er - ..._.‘..;:. ... WW“. 4 M... “Ahmfifln
” . “ ' ‘ " w ‘ F YOU WAN TO BUY GOOD'HD
WILLIAH H- BLAIR. ‘ E 1 ' (-m: \I"1m m; ..m ..‘n ,‘
‘ AT'I‘HMNK‘. A'r I. \\\' ~ I n mun'h’l—ZlUWPP ‘
lll~2l.l.!-I|‘HNTH. I'IINV \\ h» ‘u' I n." \vl tum Nil 1- o MAIMI‘
um)“ mm H-n Jum-n 'l'. ”AIL-u mum 1‘ up? 1.7’,..n.’;n in. 21L: “.1 .an-I)‘ IJlll'hfl} (hr mm:
‘ ~ * 1 1.41 m.“ xl.l.- J)“ . mm]; 1." 1, ..hv \n-| Homlu-nu-rr.‘
JAMIE B" RANKIN: I <|r h :u Errmh MdfidM. “rug-bzy’uumuamfil .
Al“mnxm’A'rl.,\\v, [ reuiu. UJu'h, new.” I). 11:" mm y 19-”er
MELLYWVXTII, m‘ ulwctiplhm' Mn Hahn. (hfllm. {Vow
UM rrnmml his OMcmw [M mum fonm'rly um'u- mey Can-unfit Yummy. Mm ll lune: lvtgl :W‘
lyiml by Clinkan \\ rlu-b, 1-an .uppmllc flu: lluglu'pr", Mn'lllxinw. null-nm‘ nihlwnn. Hlm'l-f .‘filll. Voi-
Ufl‘mv nmrfl i Iru Ind Unfit-n "aviary ulul l vlficly “TAX“?
"“ '_ " "A_' ' " —* mum» Im mum-mm In m- uh-m ,
SNQW SHOE STEAK SAW MILL. " “ Fhmu-lu-l u“ had: Mund- Iflcarhcrl Ind 'l‘u
‘ ' he rthribttr harm); t-rwlml n lnrzc Hlu-nm luv-I hml Mudim. Tixlilrgd r‘hW'kl Uinghnuu, .‘r
‘5O- Mill, h limp-rm] mM! In anlu bill: of any; .YIQII. Qnmfir‘uf-ILMMM "S'IMCW- ‘
«lrrripuun [lf (he :hurh-n' nolhv, . m]! Show, lLur-Imorv and In": Qw‘flwflg. 3‘
ROBERT I‘H’Tfis, I a“ 'Pnld, "aha. Innl I" gawk p4ully of. iii
nm E l “Nahum, l’. ; ‘ NM" “ole I 1'“ , .
‘ m—A - » - w»- - - . . mm ..
M, Tm STONE» AUCTIONERR.: All kind: "#l4!"qu 517 Ml: 1‘ I"M
1 Illlullcml luthvrrymgnf flu] Fame Huh“. Wig.- ~/‘ ~ “ ~.A- -- y
‘ I‘njlk \'umluu4l Ac ”min; hm] mun-idouhle luv ‘ lldlrfmm‘. Dev 'l. It ‘ : , ~, ,
[lt me )n Hw hut-hum hr' lama: Mutual! lhu he I --—~B -.‘”“W
AM! in ‘uv “Human" n.“ ‘17." ‘ CONRAD HOUSE m‘m'..
' ' ' , j ‘ luzLHm'nsT ‘ - '
NOTWITHBTAKDIHG “13. an (mum!) w mm; "wtwqmu mm.- m
{no '" It‘ml‘ "‘4'”. -“. A UIHOUN Inlloql ‘..|.1 hluwln nml a'rzuw-n \i‘uin,‘ "91m“- ml“
lulu: <to mull lnuuhwliul Ilthu - 'nlih ul hu- lwnu h” hH ~ ..‘. -“‘-4I ..nnl "Bud llh All I u and. umlur
lifu' flvmhul Muhh- (mound: nll mrl: “I (min NW mm,” ”U"... ‘lth: h; lull-3K“ fi¢°lm .11
«mt, A. up» imvn mun-muluilml n: ”I" P. m“- ‘ (71.5%.“ ”W,” . ‘
‘3 {'"l‘.[ “a" , . , V _- u 4":[247 1 nu.“ ma. nrrnnxrucnh m hard-l Nun-w
[ um- mvh (_' \\ UKF'I‘FILS uu-ry IL AM he." "
KEEP IT BEFORE THE: PEOPLE ' ni-II kvann )m‘vd A Imih nlpp‘y (vrgilxlfl’: (7Y2!
“that gh‘h’f'muugul Mmlvlul“ ark, ulnnlfiso "YEW ' ‘ "' Jr ' ‘1“- "
rum '3' F . “Nth ,u! [uh-k hum: tln'whc . I "A -, g. ' in!“
lnth: Irvmimu mwnr-lml a! ohr (Murv Hmn'y ‘ I"};ng nrhr‘ I" ru'm' ‘ ““15“" JN‘“ ”'0 . ,
""" ‘ .. "f”"f' ‘ $1.53“. mmamy‘xmmu an 91mm!
E 2630032]??? . T (r g . Minn: 'u»..n...‘,.u;V A. , ‘l, .7 “wig-,1; .’
‘ .qrl .u M 1‘: m- . 11,;:\r,, ‘ , .
l‘hu'w. H .lnw-4_ fiv‘ Ilia“! fund? Un’u 357°\ n]\::l|lvl|}'>l\lL¥[ Lfiffififi’ m
Mm] uml xur .4.l]L‘ In) JAB ‘l‘ \\ l.,\\ In". . ’L‘II‘ “I'm “0, .‘fllll‘n’:‘*' ~ 131!" U! TIA-MW")
VIMHA Mal-Flume . . _;| w,“ ' . .. . ."...‘L E" - ”WU,“
"‘1 7’ ,1 '. ..v. ;. n a ‘r: . .1'... . -
. 3ooTsAN D s K o r. 5,7 . .33.; 5:. v Kn ’unfil‘:l3"}."...'..‘.‘H’Y :fi'fii‘fl
A hm“ “Mummy", "1‘ \u-H-mmlv 11mm nul mnl lnfgly Juan»; fur citlr'r r‘q I nr dad: I.
. d 19:; of! Jud nxvuwl ulul lur Hing; 5 mm": an Hm (I! 11m [q'lltl‘lsrxgHll‘l’f‘lll’L‘Y Ikfim‘!
ft .’ . - W7' *wgfitfl shrk Pf "'er ‘ H m t
_ . ‘fi - '"‘ - ' - {Ling-I “lulu, KuAlunvflx £11411; “412.;- ‘3‘
BAR WARE- ’ ; Cnr'lul alriu r- nlrnuhv'l \IY‘I‘II :11 -lrl-d ‘ i.
A [“7“ “'59”. [..' 5.110 ..‘ I { p '.\II “In. “31!: In dnw hum (an Null,
'lf‘clo ' 'K EALRH'R.’ N Ind n (u lln "ml nml \Hufilltnhfr“ ‘t‘hldgfl cnu bu
,-_ H . . ”.7 7- 7. 7. 7 7 . ’ .r‘uuum» Ilrvl I' N {U} ,IL'H'Z
SUGAR, 0013 mm m. momssns, «on.» ’ mm; .
(‘hnyulnllu spm: 3ul :l“ klmh, Sm. (his, Full. V“ ' ' ‘ ’~ " ‘ ‘
Vim ”Ir. Amuh-I. .t.-, A gm] .Iml {rl-Ih uh :r'nmul ‘ lEN ‘ TH E
lnr 'n" by [um'27] PM“ \HR ‘ STfifKfiR Igfihggl nu!" EBRHNMH
‘ . 7 7 ~ ‘ I" 1.. ~ 34:. . r" ' -
1" Eu wno awn uu' wmuG: §‘3yi:.\"«3 {93.1%i7§'-'n.2‘sl.“l{:‘Kéziiiflh‘QlLJ
{l u; (la we mlum HIP") In lrv REAL-“HE lldtrrr. “i h n Inr :1- lull n Nuvo 'l mu “Ll llwu
.umuolrm-mp. Hans and INII. ‘l).~u-.xnmu sum”Ii;l|ll-nn|m;IdI~oh( ..‘..4 «..’-Mn ne'mrn
nqulAl. the (hung fur uphwl New? Jlljfi‘Cl? ‘ukuu': :linlthrilrUréflfllll Emu-{gull \I'hll) :jl'nl‘ylifit out
i l ‘l . II DA "‘ l‘l ‘I l l‘
Toficgo. E? lama? h«murmur ¢ "th"le 3mm m'...l7ui.v..‘«i;hmkamnfi’ir
II II" :nur - u mm'u, w liu wu- mpm "In lII| \l 'ubou . «.1 M l d,”
tuba“ Una uhuwmbu-L mulcr; Unll lmmmlix’uvly '\\'.ll2'vr?‘ I) . (ix-Irv 3min? #i.§¥pmm« I. “
“pd 3“) me yuunulf, u ~ KHAIISH S l declifl'. \ ”It‘ll" H‘n’.
.7777.77 7 ~ 7 m - ,7 ,_, 77. --A¢,~. -—-—-g~——~
calling-$1! WLEfii’VABHITM EsTRA Y 3, 7. - " - -
w nmm I: «In rpm In um Mr lum”w c 10.1,» . g I] .I ,
m, nlwnyd lln ham! and fur ”16111: 1 ‘ nuhi mm In Trngucm titling!“ II «fixmgugfifigrv’
mm x .y» unvxfin, 1' aux-Immurmwn m: wor KIWI mums:
.7 77 . _ 7 , , - hm! :n-u Om. enlanhlflhws. hi: h” I
ADIES WANG MOHAIR AED ’ qugrkakmm I:2th cur. "‘1; “I". cut-:8 41’?“
L Hulk Milluumllilnlcs, ”main ’, 4!.” will rulel i“ Nl‘ ° ‘ “'M'. “M I“ In
on" on? “mine mu writ-{y nt ,) .I“ ['"ht‘r "W m .I'Mr'iux‘. "Hum lm»slss. 1;;
hIIIZ KHUMH’I‘X .Ir’l'r I! whim “IMF? 'fflu nwnfir ‘fi‘fii’éfil LN
”g. _._ . ~. 1 I “.7 . I mum (a mum Burundi II ' w _~ '
JfimmeD LIB; “HIGHS, _0? I h II;:-‘~ nml Ink» ”11-m final-H n‘l‘llvl’lLi’lerm‘) m‘l’
hand mad flu/”h: chm," II [1.1; pfhrl‘J-I lh'r‘su 7 "In' «In v‘uvw‘ll uII Mznmull‘! {1- lwu
I wilwx .xs 1‘ wuiu I’R, ~ 43%;! .mnux Him-:11:
lf‘V"':‘ . .\ IlMlv‘lr: " fl '. ' P’,-.* «5, * ’ r .7- 1-
mm Mme-mum. am
0;: hand and In: ulu by
, l . ‘ J.\,*, I", WEAVER“
doom _ 0 , Mika’mr‘g,
film‘xulfly on lumvl «ml (Wish I»;
, .ms. x-' WEAVER, - ‘
"3‘": , . ‘ Milcdmm
‘0 . tin hunt! and fur “In by '
JAS. l" “WEAVER. ‘
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Cow: mum a: mum?
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won -—»«~ . ' Mum-m:
_‘ NT " Bf) ~WSO. ' “76 TM”,
W«t [llcsl'll $3.3m:
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Mm ..t u ' rd 1' I n Mitre-«r
h'nuuslmr “mutanfim fixing}, 1'43. vll bong,
fiumu-d M “5‘ IM‘%, 5!! a‘h‘mniun
l y‘lnh-luw hulolplmldo "M 1-5“ nghh‘
lugmvm, mul Uu-w huu‘ \z‘uum‘til prey?!“ llwln
pmp' nly :Illlll‘flll‘l‘ uiwl Fir I '(llenwut, I‘r' ‘
. . Mmumnur snuwku.
pm L’Txcl ‘ Adlfluklflrkfl g
Bum ‘m an; *Mv 'sfi:
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u ‘ l )5 Lluuiflnu e. I,
H flu) fmfl‘" M 'l},anva l‘fr’ck, «“5. )mm ‘
3‘ Id nu w l MIAMI J.,, Huh. “I " 1‘1“;-
.‘ ' anew 11‘ mm:
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Tun-2P mm 4 rumma
sax m 1 EXT nzf 'wl m. and MIW‘
"”ka Tlumul,(nm‘l’rlnln an? ”In hwy "m 3! '\
nml mlzgr. wnrmu‘pfl (lull Inul ex‘mflnn "Midi. I
on! huluuu, n: lnurZTl A “MEIR!!!