Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 19, 1855, Image 2

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    *‘ @ll9 ‘Lfifilzttflmmgy ll
f; " W;;;~;.,;;:;;,;T.;.;CT.§..1....
1 Hum? nus
I_. {Fawn-'o' Ll {final/45‘. J
wufifiw, nmmnnnn g», 1335
“eh“ .fi-_ . i/~-~
-. n 'lO W Ind Gomadnponny. .
11‘ MMLM'UC‘IIAIRHy Imrlrraln‘wl ("I I «ha ‘
fur-authuq‘f‘mllq‘l qmnmuu‘ahwu - 11:1! (111
nmlri ulimu {mar I of Jug/fa 111-uriplum‘
I}: will amw‘y Ilfiu/Mfirgfummmm In’aur ml
- drrs. All olhrr Prrsmml smm": 3» ' nrr
' MW mwmmb. ‘SF-vrrd! thuu/Im'ratinnx
whuhnrt hare rormrfll, mud lrlurln-vrc Imrt
burgh-3H6": 10ft: clmrunMg (do NIIIPN‘U-
I.l'¢ ‘lu niprlnfln our "”1“"796': In nutum
"hurl! rdaln lo inllu‘uluals', .n ‘ (my lIIM‘HS
‘ .n’am nf jrmrlplfi, Ilu' Elli'ur' "f (Inf
“'Mdlmnn drum and will umumun an’ I!"-
. "minded antral of- limit columns.
Plug. \Wrrw—war rmmmmirah'on ‘ I'm!"
» mama: lon lutrflvr publu’uhmr Ihil’a‘tfl,
(ml “£15“! fiuII auteur/y msrrfmn in our
'mhmmt. The subirrl qf U'Illl'}! you (rail.
is (mr qfxrt'nl ”din-‘l. mu! mmmffml (u
rmmmmlflur alien/um 131' gm rcmlrn.
Ilum»uu.,w;;:(m a» wm‘gf'wnbrr. 1492.
’ ('ur‘lri Imulrll nu I/u" shorax 13f Mmacu.~
, llrlmrl mlh lum I/uu- lmnzhnl men—um!
1n”: Ilml’nn‘ugw- vauJurr/dr‘l/ 1119' (ry
‘niui‘v/ nf I].r‘_t:lrrv. "urprr." I’lzlguzfm
for Drrrmhrr trill :{H‘l’ )(lm In” Mr (ltmul
mfui MIN/nu.
Human -—(‘lmrlrv ‘lhckrhs mu find If yr
qnl/I'l'ffl Ilgr [mm/rm pram . In Ill.‘ rurlo/
thup‘ IH‘ 1m: ”I'I""‘I”:N.I In (I llllli't'l‘ "ml
~ - mifm'. >lmrim trmtmn'gmmmaii rm him
Io llu- grfnl surcru trlm‘la 7m mniv Mint/a: -
DH'I-INVD-l-nl- [3.—" L'nl'n In (In; Sun," and
“ Err/rm; Rrflnhuuu” Tin/I: (hr rm."-
flrflhon ”ml Julian url'full trf l‘llnr". mu]
Mrfr )mbNMlinu "‘ulllll with" (lunch! mlr
rnm’rn or!“ mallmr.‘ 1". v a
l?\‘qnnn.—~You Iriuflml Ilml he, mlvnlmng.
wmr Im'mms Pill I‘IISUI/ mtrt‘nsr. and ”I!
mmuy‘l/ms l'J‘ muléd ml! f/II'[(I {III mlrrmt
, 19:3qu luoy-ru/v'u/ulmn 1ft"; «em nnllrv‘rm»A
Barf—~01: In srlmn’fur I!}.qu y:-um(::ln 1/1/om’
frdhtr ”In, "Inf/H r , aan 1‘1: Im, 33/0» m” [H
lAN- Ia nrrirr 0! ”Ir bright ’nfyfmr mu!”-
Maude Count. Convention. ' "
M The qu-mrv'mln of tzr .mn rrnl linzyM
mafia Mud Tmm‘nlpa will "If". a! [lull Rimlun
"MIN "I Mob (lblriv! nn s'er lav L"; b hf .1 mm!)
VIC-I'. lmrl HR! flvlrg‘flu 00 mm" \n (‘vmnlyan vu
llvn on Twlny u ruin; 21m. of Jammy ((‘ulll’l
via-k) tn: the purpnw nf pit-Min; n Duh-,1 Hu‘hu Illc
4th 0’ Mahh finnn‘mmn 5 Mn Fl'nflmrhll InkgMu
'u I"; Qtlwuflhw Scuulnrml dhhh‘ lo n y
rum hnfilflnl Dell]: llr M « Ai-l ('IIII‘PIIH‘I'I I
My 90“" «(he llolnm ra‘i- l‘mn'y (‘nnnmflw
\ John H. Mummm‘, L‘lwum m,
A True Irompliment
Amdm toil luv] confusiun, mu] tho \\ illl
ounmmn't oflgtg‘ghmmiflnl mn-,_in h
truly rhccring t 6 hafi- n kind mm! of mm
plimnnt mm one who hmrs a high flmmr‘tcr
both for hil rare inloiiigrnm- {H A man: gm!
rit'h' virhvm n'HH ‘hriutizm. - Sui-h in mm 34
lhn Ml‘Kinm-y, the MM" editor M ”11- Pum-
In/lm-n [lrmntr am! .441: OEIIII‘, puMHhul nt
l'jtlsburgh. “’r had n lullfiincs».(lmmoctiun
uith the Doctor 13 he Matcx~ and almxgs
.431 e ‘ Hmflu’ mum funk cruth-mm—thc
mm—hmr‘od friendramd the zcnlous' philan-
Ghmp‘rs'. He Fume 01' Unm- \\ ho puah for
“ nnl tho prill¢‘:ph-s of Uw‘T‘EMc. h) [wrun
mnn and not by pcrncfllhtm. llcii a nun
whom w" honor-nun! an advocate of I mo
nlny which wrtlrhg’m to think M, and hope
now-rlO fungi-t. “'9 cheerfully rrmlnnu-ml
(hr: Hanna and Mmrulr‘ M ononf tho mum!-
ult nlhgiouu papers of the ['nimat
Tun llllovifinc W.nrnvn —-'Hlin I 1 a mu pm
lull-ml filler, cn‘uhlillml if: lh-llnl'unm. Penn. and
Mnlpwl to rapport the mum it hum W”): mo
[4l"] [limit—l unlo'u IN Hm. and in- [nflv d
l:- men" In have mmghl ln dn “'n nix-111ml:
I- fiml R ‘1" true him! 0' )1 .mM mommy. mul
"nu umploof bnlh in mlll‘cM and main]
“(0. ml 111-I Ihv 3MI- lnl nmumpnnniumg uh".
uh Turn-non Nl'nnr M: "Mr! "up,
w-.e it": furA‘limr :1 Oh" pnnfing «Mia-0f the
Jluuu In ’' m u. when! W" fun 1 Min nv
fill“- nx, rlrk-lly nth-mirt- hi hi: burnout. nwl
«Hun-an] In "a mum jun right Such qnhllflu
'MI mvl‘ml! 0701 mm WMIHy (marl hwu of var
#ols.qu whom wwkmw yon-mull,
w h IMO (a DWI“? '
(Imm I‘Anxu Srwruluklm --\\'r :m- men-l)
mentioning a“ fn't, and not lmmlmg “hell
I? Mute that we hum the but pofing list
n! sxxlnwnlu-rs in Coulrnl l‘mnmyhnnh’.
The frt I! nigml‘flcnnt, and pun-ex ”mt lhv
lfnrdy ymminry'bf Q-Ign- mnnly are both
nlyle and willing to nun-mun n bin-ct ’mm-(lh/
tit-total to (111- cause of lh-nmcrmy. Wt
mention this fart, lwmu-«o our fricml of ”10
flyc/nniwfflurm i! in u-flnrirn uitlu a sub-
M‘ri‘wr \rho‘puid a ‘-ll‘l‘-4‘r||llionfir flw 3mm
yLAILI—LIIIC‘C. Tlmlklngn‘s nmm- ll('\ll’\t's a
film‘ nm'mg lilgil;t(:il3gt~v\¢~t~ n? the in oi)lr:~
but we hive a Qatmnvm muvh ‘h-N wpcrinr
u I penis 00 - pit-Linn T?“- «Inywr Lmrd
our first number ll!‘.\\'n« m {vlrnxul both
\rh’nyovr (hm m“! ”w H'uh/un/m‘cnplx’nr
\MlX'J““sl he Mm rlrryrzx’ Yv'uls [Y An«
"AMT?! “11l “1:! pnthnngu; but "(001er0
7 our kind {fiend—mm“ m»! men“ (In- nflm
v lion ~and‘wo nurlhl‘lhl'his tnlhuniMfir‘ nu
ymmm mummrt of (him-llhw-priso, M'nmch
to (“Iron pund-{mlu IN In, his d‘lfilnilt'fl’l‘
i I
m our tlctcmlinninn to hamo mnnfully I!
“(-me in the cauuc‘ of Ik'uvu‘mr‘y. Imp:
ml? M I‘ve to (-njny the luxury M m
“Magma. ‘ -
Tm§xs.-—Uw- lm-llmn uf the [um-u mll
phase waft-pt out “Janka for the llnlu-ring‘
mega,- ”Nah (boy hue gn'm‘lhc M’ulr/u- ‘
yum. “:0 shall cudcnvnr‘ m mcril. their
{2001! upiniqnn—nml .3150 (n n-tain the gnu-r
-om; ihpwrt J! the lfimcnt DcflluCylCfl o!
, (‘n “(til Pew-min. ‘
, “'1; I" also under dbligaliun 10 our Down 1
ole mntcnqmuriuu for the pmmpmcm ‘
with which tiny Inn": given {ln an VAUIIIIIKC
‘ “'0 MINE“ have tlw‘hp‘m'mm of our hwthn-u
nf the pros“, an Quit \\ 1 can Kiw lz'rdlcx lu
Ilw Dvuummy'uf g'mm‘flmmuly.|
/ . 'A‘v-A “Mo --
L < A (man Cannon“. —\\4: lmu- 'ncgu n
qm'gtyo‘l by a fr‘luul Iu thlu ~tlu- Lug-,1. lhut
(,‘ol. W. 'l', Alukfuuhpflu' nMu Miinr of the
V, ('lurum l)mwn;ul. In}; hut-ll rautrllllj" xu‘ur
liolml Is a candidate fljAr ,Sul‘w) vr firm-ml.
The (‘ulmu-l )1 5 Men uhbféflmg ahlny, n
muml “smocru. mpd ,if nomigmml and
,leclgL‘lw Mfifiuhflxgc (In: Quins 4:! Ll,}:
olllcclmjil‘lgtmflit ts! huugglf quIM-Iwm 90
1110 SW“;- r r] ,~- I} i. ..
I Glam! mlm'mf Zr Mxrnnxfi
Noemi ntfiohxi’ cumr‘t‘Mim'ifi m “mm
'1 h‘l’h‘m‘fliifl, on [l]? 2‘.“ of‘ll'c'vfi‘hry, (o,
‘ g" tlmmgfi llw fnrébpr nominalinpafidi-v
uln‘cn fur l'u-sidcut hxgd Vice l’ncauluut ‘0!
the L'nitcd s‘ntcm’ ’ ‘ , ’
'l‘lu' Nullnlinl Ih‘prrxnnlnlflflm Pnuor:
‘ - f '\ 3‘. “7'9 “,x . £5” 'Jv
" 'lfi attitudo'? 'Mmfimflv 1.3- l‘limm‘s‘ndg
“WI ‘Mr the Nutionn't ’lollé‘mol't‘gprvstfio ,
tuliw'rn. mpncgvbf-thoso 'olmfii‘mfifi'whlvutg"
.\\ 113g}: htfi: H 0 mvh‘mnbéllis'hhl the histgq '
of tho party, and to which rvcry two-hearted !
hcmurmt-onn n-l‘cr with pridu. 0n tht-‘or-
Ennigouon 0f the Ilonso, there W 27“? [hot
unanimity \vhivh hespt-nks n nnitcllfi-opcr
anion bj'"mlr Minds, thnt is lmlh nninnk
linkngfl olu'oumging to (hose. “ho tluttul
It!» Wfiluzir high position. In tho “Mao-l
‘0 no (3an Mann reports rocivcd thmngh
yn'vntv mnnfii, we learn thnt tho utmost
good fvdl‘ng pix-voila}: out} in proof‘of Rho
oorructnen of our oomémmlonu,‘uwo m
for with pride to tho that. thnton the bullets
for lenkor, varyDenmcni was in his not,
and stL-mlilyimt‘od‘mr tho onuuun nominoo.
In no one lnstunoo digl nNntlmml Democrat
swerve mm; hiiduty—nml we record the
hot with n doubly men-using M-llng-ol'
gm‘tillcxtion, bo’cnnso heretofore the Down
cmfirty his been compellcQ‘ to buuo
with both intestiny'fi'u um outside rilnld
dol‘amcn. . _
i Emmnn.
Beyond the significance of tho gmftrnth
that the :letion'ot' tlu; House of Represent l
tntivéu. (which our comspondunt mfvrs to) I
ttnrc in unotlwr thpught miggcstcd whichi
must. strike Mel-y onrol'ul observer of the.
pmgnsa nf politivxtl (TENN in this country. ‘
With a nation cénvnls’cd by tho division of -
every faction, and nlnumLuu-rymnrty “‘lnrh
heretofinw ncutipicd the most limited ancu
in pnlitivs, it i 1 maulilinw null an inipfcmiw
xig’t to neon nlngle imlitical organization
boldly cmnlmttiag the \\ ild fanatics oft-very
trvnsunahlc crud, nnd ninnfnlty sustaining:
it: )K)lltit)!} lwt‘un‘ palatial] an the vu-y verge
of ln-truynl. In the chambers of lcgislltimi,
try n fnlsc Hpt‘fil‘s of dum-ptign, we now
law-n society of the mo‘t drm‘pt-rnto dunn
gognuu. intent nllku on personalgrntilivrntium ‘
mutwummmtal.eum‘lu- . lint» 1‘ 9 “IN ‘
mason t 4) ronprntnlntu "lll”n'ndvrs. that ulh i
dvr nll «in-nnhtanm, and in cwry t'llll'l‘gcl);
(-y, thcrv is A hand of National Danim‘ratain
tin-"own: of llepmwntntivcn And I major
ity of lhxnot‘nts In the Senate of the United
Stutrx. “ho are pledged mist dtmtul to it”.
i l'ninn,k its pt'nt‘t' and prnvwrity. ‘
ttnd‘Wldews this spectacle tgm‘lfl' It t‘
imparts u mlvnm lt-Mun, nliir‘h no' true
‘ Amt-nun; should 1m» orvr'wlth nrgligcncv, ‘
Imcnnsc the n-xnlt oftln- dulilx-nttiuns which 1
xnr tn rtnkv plaicc in the lircwnt.t‘ungrcm,
nill'liifi‘i- n tinting intl‘nf-i‘iE‘FTfffin “term?
lines oftln‘i great llcpnlrlic. While one sec
tion, umh-r the wild guidance ufnnsulumlul
‘Oplll‘itfi, mo “Milling tin: 1T) nf dlsnniun,
another not nfugttntnm nrl- assaihng llu- faith
11f tlmw nho n'm‘nhip Hm] nr-vnrdmg to tho
divtntc)‘ (if tin I; nnn ('unwixnvv. 'l‘llv)
uuuld tin: clown the Minn), mound \\ lux l) n
thpnrnnd )LBIM tlmm their Clawn' nnnukns.
Tiny ,nuuld immli- tln- lunar) of tin-du-
Inc-\tli’ t'lrt‘ll','lllrl|lltg sun frpni father—7 and
luv l 1 tin: lN nuly, tln- \lrtuo, and the ”inlet
” 1??" oftlnn frl\‘l£§jl_l_itlltl tlnit‘nnly' tllhsc
n H) can lion“ of u gv-ngmfflfival Tiirl'h, mid
nut a patriotic m- luuth linmgo, nru muth)
nf hung rvgardod as Amrrirnn vitimnnu
But thank God‘tht'fi‘is n pawn-mightier mu!
innrr- invimlHo tlmn thoqnwlm tltlh’ um-k
tn pun-the. writ-w of Novtkmal dismal amt
mttnmd vnnflnlion. 'l‘hxt pom-r in vmtnl
in tho Dvm‘y'ntic party. and dottpéd hy
tlmw lh man-rats nho nri‘ nnd whu’hnw to
nohly dvmo their duty in (‘nngnnm llrro,
in nn hnmhlv. though pmslwnms and Sllll
stantinl Villftfzt‘ ut' the good Old‘Koyutonc
Sula. \nu hniNhom an Inn Amrrlcrms
uuwn \\ orthy or: pinned in the records whinh
will liw M lung u w‘i- continue to oxint u n
nntiim. ' W " "
[lmg Indore we thought of whlhhtng : ! engine. but brfun- the/{Emu muhllx‘ “upped.
poin'r‘iu Refit-{mic we M 60941 Um labculity I the engine strurk thl: plgnk Ind was thrown
with “hivh llw cnuntry {lrma [mhlhdlcd tho ' “fl tho track. and run about (no mh into (he
Inge pmxpertuus of tho mum-ml] (-hy,‘ WOMN, flu; Lagmgr follnwing: hut in doing
yu-klfiu-and we \\ m- astonished to observe ‘ w, the mum-ding links of line first pun-u
-thlb’ men wad“ no fur (mm. "wit owntin'i 'gor Mr nvu’wny, causing the king bolt or its
"ruin. n; to km!) the cin‘uhllon or‘ymr- '_ forward truvku to ‘Tpmk, nlnl tho fmnl end
nah which neither ultimo (ho protpcficy 0|" of Ihr (11' to swing nfl llu- Irnrk in In appo—
llu- country, or (lcvulc Uu' (mum ofthc pm— ' sle dirurtitm, and fall to ”w gmuml. Thiq
plu. Then: an: utmxpnpcm in our I|rng‘ uuu‘d a punk! angfill flu- [museum-n, one
cnmnwn‘wl villus. cmntml to (h- lmmmhu of whom wnn Mr. ('oopvr, “ho nuihcd m the
men of tho wunlry : but that Alum nf pub— ' front door amljumlwd from the platform, but
licnlhnm w u lm'h “u allude, Irv (how u lush in doing so I‘ll umlvr the car and was ucri
mu lfllllll dump, and Iluutul tn llu- nmigd ‘ Ounly lndm-d, in conm-qm-nr'n of whicli he
11wa flwluudmg and Lin.- l’wl_.dn.; died, [sumac wife and sight gllilxlruh. ,
limk M‘lmol. Such )ullrrxils nrc pull’ul 13’)“ W \ i—HW‘Z‘V; ll ' Fl'
vur cnuulry um ullmrmicx, and ln‘)’ such ml~ lC “IL. ml" ‘2?" ”13>". 'l‘: ‘l fill-"TV - '
\(rhm munl they fiml Lln Ir “a; (n n patmn- . mus’n, "A" Itor ()l' the I lulxu k' [7 V". film"
ngu “luvh \\ 1: blmnlll (up); “1- prnulv:,l"l"s/ Ulf’h'v 1'1““ “5 “ml" “bl'finl'm‘s: l'yl
mzluml (hi 2. H) ham, and lunpc our lrrcthruu ”all-“my”? 1" ””3 “n“‘L' I'll” “IV" “r 1“" W"
0! the “ wuntry prun.‘ {\ill jinn us in 110- pfl'. “'5 rnm-mlru' "70 “’0’“: While “ml?"
nuunung Ihr: hunk-n ul- lllL‘l ur‘y vampires. in h“ “M“ “l“wr?wnt' “tune 0f the heal. min-l
the shape I)! ('3!) “ct-Hits, \Vllldl are sucking rlhwk'til‘fl‘fl" 1" "l“ l~qqlml,«nd “'0 “WIN:
' ' .. tmo cs mxrvmrm‘. to rvfrrsh min merm
uur \u’ llfu lrluml. > ' ' . ‘
“'0 lun c lm-l some altlmrlunily to M‘quim l Rwl;f‘:m(flh::";zo:":::;" “IIII'II "IV (-01‘.‘‘t;(f ’3: lllllllllllrum' Whit: 3:: While rcl'crling to the Culontl ,wo blymltl
:‘lzrnrc :: mluu lot In! thvlllulffi“ ll 0 iu‘ "MAC '0 know “lly he is not among them “ho;
"m “h“, llu- _ nn- :0“ to u'“ 31"“; l urc raping the lpcmllts of the present suc- ‘
J y ‘ l I) Hl - lg| ‘M “Tl“ 'rémi‘ol'lhc Democrlv‘yul l’lulmlclplnia. Furl
omm." the) “(nu K 11ml; toumluuu. u thinly iqun'l)‘ and induuulablu (k-votion‘
l”"‘“‘““' A“ ”"3““ “'“l‘lk'” “r“ "WI“ “For to the Ipriuuipleq‘of our Polllil'll Nth no
what 1‘ 9'“!!le “.tnrnsl'crntl mnllvrf’. m“ 1"" . lrm-r luau breathes in l‘onnsyluub '4n’d no
type urml Iu mulling ll‘w lump (Lulu-H vguul fnrld! we "0 pcrwmll); runner-nod “to nomi
hu-«rc Uw {75% of mm being vhmp- Thor 10m Im}. m; L mam-lo r 4: Clerk of my
(-unlnin no umfixl lnl‘lvrumllon. ln-y/md Hlnlc Sui” ”ms; of Ktpruuruuliveu If he lml
. ‘ ~ ll I ' - - , .
noun-4, “Hy "ml.“m'“: nrwloggvnl lursus~- lrccr‘ifl'tl hln llwwrln; he would have been
and yd they dam! to take prom-:lcm-camong Slit-rill'uf Philadelphia county yous Binde
the l-rnl n‘ndurs of (he munlr) prehs. Thu ' I . J a ‘l
Pulpkli" llnc‘r‘ounu’y “m M ("we 6“; the} (loan ADV‘lom—qw‘kchanflw Inner well
[rum-wily of malnining tlu-ir own paper». “ , ..’. ‘ - . .
\chmlc on "11- lunl mus Ml} give Jon luhm‘rus,” I'}: wr‘l‘kmorrulc "lend“ “0
‘ 3l , ~ 1 ' . mumlcljuy, prt‘uruc your 013144120119", [up
a "mm “00.0 lml, nun-fully mrlw'ml ”"7” 11/mu‘ 1'01“”le tomhacluuulyam‘ "In mm the
“ulx. :uul marl) lllt‘rnry lat'lm'lmnx an") ulll .fof- we I'm ”lollwrilnlmrllul battle m
m-Illu r «luguhl you, or mrmpl llm Lulu; l'rl-ligllllncd 3M!” and lul. “fl not “any.” “I“
. . ‘ . . l . I. I ll " ‘ .
"’Pr_‘_h'l'h:”". sf" I'.“ m’ (In Urn-y‘all“ .our mly and nmulnmm ndwrmrlcs “ill per
” rill/Imm: li. val-tuned, \ch mll publlhl‘Lll') HUI“- it m 50 by (INN! "They may uugu‘
4 .- 4‘ ‘ ‘. . ‘ . , .
prosPtLluu, NWO fin" ruck Journal» :1 are lcml' the poinmnsmotrm which tllcylnvc
really of mu: (n Ulc.[)t‘oplt‘, Ind (lt'ficfvc mm- 1 w'llm’cnll mule-{lurid to cum “0““ the
live in our columns: and’ we lmpe to [m l L [{ho _ k 'l‘ r -t‘ l t
l'linrrl' in the ltnnw rl'm-Infion by n nmjnrily l tlnron '8: In [lull]: (.di “my PM] fr: ”I; l)
‘ x . ' ~ - ‘uuum : co |' r y 3 [mum l 0 \vucn
of flu whims of Hm lnwrlnr u! llnc lulu l lmll‘ llct‘llfll'ulfllt'd ILNIIG xW-raofiflm Stalin
nut let us IWAk-cvivldj”: v
’hm C'LN'I'GN‘ ‘nmlmhlul, plfluiixhqttfil [lurk
Hamil, wlfl ('lgpngt‘ Immhvdn gin: lat (Ir‘Jnfi
«nryy'éx . Juan‘s w. M'nwcp, (mums
«mm; w?" nsgzlifim Mohan- (dill-rial? Mr.
31m. in n bdnrlmrpr the right slnmfi and
.t‘ \mrthy )nul'm Imin. 'l'lu; Dunkratx‘of
Hinton \.ill extend Ii) hill) the cucuurngc
linen! and support he dtsvrvm. I
~ r“
7fie City Weds Use.
Th Abolition lir'néé'uw pémocrnue
7 . ,1. V . AFIIIIN'I“ ‘ ~., ' ‘
’ 'Ke Iliupgsitmn of govt-{wot tho Almitinn'
[irfig‘gen inr’the North ind West. to blue!) the
“enigma llueugxw, in n fnls‘o‘ position,
613:0!“ ixupp'ort elf" tilc‘fltlimnu‘i‘Gytup‘nyiimo; ‘
is meeting-n proper rebuke mini the proper ‘
nouréc. ~ The Washington Union reminds I
these nsnniluntx. thnt, in'lB-17. when the ug
itntion of tho sluwi'j; (Mition mu refi'ivcd,
“pan the prophuitinito Ittuclr the Wihnnt
pm’vlso to our Mexican acquisitions, Mr.
Buchanan took a proniiuent position'jn coni
lmttingfiluwmm, am} in urging V per-1
petuaiion of the Miuuouri Comprom . line
by i“ oxtonsiouto the i’pdflm ‘llu Nlth‘cifl l
«I A. mm, on the suhjtht w a Committee in 1
Berk: county, which was puhliahed mu! rend
with ‘ approval lly National Democrats '
thrnllghhnt the whole country. In that let— ‘
3 ter he mlvoeatul «amenity the “tendon of
the Missouri line to tho Pacino. and hi: pm
waitiun met the nppmvul nt‘ 9'” [union
of the Southern, {MI-en u, the Northern,
‘ people. That the Nashville (Jonrcnttoumhtch
met before the Compromise Manure of 1860 ‘
wu.‘]msso(l, recommended I“) Coupe-a to‘
adhere to the Missouri lino extended to'thc l
l-Pnciilc as u hisis of settlement, and tiny-{‘o
- position was made ngnin and nguilnin ‘ ioth
illiouses of Cowman, sustuinul warmly l»)-
,Soqurn members) and M warmly rt‘histed
‘ by Non-them numbers. nnd unit'uriuly ro
.ject‘&l’ by Nprthgn votes. it was after it
became mmiifest that the North hml repudi
ntegl um Xfiuwnri line M a final and permu
uent mljuatmept. of the duration that the.
pumpnynike Mtaiure of 1850, involving the
great prinéiple. of non intewenticn‘,"\rere.
pissed. The Minaouri Compromise had been
originally acquiesced in reluctantly by the
Smith : but, lwcaunc it. but been thus Acqui
emu-d in for thirty yenrsmtht- Southern peo
ple, and many, too. at. the Nurth, were-wil
ling htill to (V‘quiesw and reaillrln it ni‘n
thin] pm] pernmntnt rule of mljustxnenL-fi
The men of the North who then injected ill;
propou'nion; and furcul the resort tn the prin
iplu u! nou-iutcn‘cnlion, now turn a short
corner, became zealous mlvocnus fur the
rmionflion of the Missouri line. and lrccausu
Mr. Buvhllmn and UN Helmet-nit: pally
Rfuscd to nlundon the principle of non-in-
! len‘culion, nlrsunlly and fnlacb' clmxfgo them
with nifilming “th uholiliunists 3 The
‘soursc pursued hy these prcsm-s Id clmrm‘tcr-
ruin of the course of flu» oppouans of Dem
ucmtiu nil-n and lllCflMll‘CH lhmuglmut the
“‘holclminu : nut! m: new] not go far lu'yupd
the [units of our mm dim-n 1 for m) IHUH
trntlon of this _f.u'£. \\'hvrc_ nlmln}. uhusv
fiuls, a pencpiuu of fact in renorgud to, llul
Cowman sense noon txpuscb flu; nulcrency of
Du: formvr, “hilv luster) ,m-Hr [nilx‘ tn um
quixh llm Jm\\‘;,‘of the: butler. In u ur)
combat “Mn: :1 great prinmplc “us “nul
wd, the Dunnvrm'y hnw ul“ .1); Iwmffii:
uclurs rm think [Ms mule»; ullu-r fur lhc
Almlllmn m: KmM-Sutlnng 1m «ms of (In:
or an) uthcx 25(qu to attempt n misn'prvmn
union of ‘ ill‘u-r the pastor prom-n 1 cum-ac of
any mikmnmmmwnumy. rm: W
nva-r (nil: 11l his yuylimtiqu. ~-
Mm (' X 1113!!! V): (‘nm-uu lmn room vrul Qs,
’10“ from tho (Hun :uul l‘cnnghnniz‘ HM]-
Imtd for the luv;nllwrlmulnml, George (‘OO
- n pmxmilh‘ by trade. It nppcarod il‘l‘
'minlpnl'cothat; in Fcbnmry WM, on his way
to ”no of the \Vx-stwrn Rum, he hnd I“er
elm-wt! a mi”. and cntrrrd the train of can;
(upon the Ohio and l'unmylvanin Railroad)
whirh loft Afloghnnycity It 3 o’clock, P. M.,
Iml‘whvn nrtr the town of Pnnklin. in the
State of Ohio, (H mill-s from l’ittnhurg, the
engineer when npprnnhhing n owning at. the
rut!- 0f33 milosnnlmur, observed, It a few rods
(“Minuthvcmlufn plankmlthvmll "1-!de
the \vhintlFflW tht‘hralgggman and reverM-(Ytho
‘ "ALL'fi J‘mfixu. 0v "H.\L'l"L:~Tlgifl~lfi one
bribe Imm usléful M ”)0 numvmm‘ puMira
(Spun «rum day. ' '_l'l\m'noulmts art; of My): -
Min" that. cnhtlcur ‘it'ta M, 'mmi‘d in «mgk
hinil y when-I’lo lumfi‘nf lu-nllh is [fixedl—
Edilul by W. W. Hall; 112 lining pluco NL- '
York. Isnucd monthly It *1 l’t‘x’ .mhnm.
(din. Pin-n- nml um “‘iulu‘lngtqn l’ltlon'l'
We xwtiuu n iliqrouiljm‘hnmngm fquf
tho Know-.mlhing find fikflifiofifln'gfiscs‘o‘
the North ‘Q/lnlmlll'vficm the' position 0 i
l’roaidc'nt ”glue—ind l 0 lm‘l‘ Him in gm nt-I‘
lil'mlu foreign lo like 00er “7'“thth haul
lx‘cn puffiuing xiuéflio NS had cbutml nl‘lhv i
nnlion. Among (illlvr Hilly stories indus
trioimly circulated“ ‘ly‘n‘lé LlilLthiljnll pram
ix the nlmml rflmnr llmt-tlm l'rcsldonl‘flh
i using the Wuhinglun Umou fur fife pllrpose
ol‘ ginning n roumninntimi. Those \\ ho km')\\’
the editors and pniprictqn‘ of the Un’ion, will
| at once be convinced, {lint such an cfl‘url. or
[mature “imld ho [mptly sinfméd: um]
any mam “ho in the leaf ncqnninted with
iFrMiklin Picrco, is Mm 'tlint while he
.nccka (he nation‘s approlmliun for his .4]-
.minislnlion, ho‘ will n 6: remrt to myun
‘wm‘thy moans lo secure a mnomlnuldn‘
The. qbnnl'ry, undl-r (he wiuo policy which
hm (llsllngnlsliod his mi i , has been stmu'llly
ndvnnclng in pmnpcrlly Tin) grvalnonswanll
M. no phat perigxl in our hlalony, were all the
departmcnls of govommont no Ihlthl‘ully
conducted or so mmomlmllly mnnngbd. If
the W'Mhlnglou "arm, 'lO the organ 01" th
nntlonnl DcmMfloy. plfi‘nplly Mkuou ledges
(hone lrutlua, ihlinohnrgou In nlllignliun due
to the pnrty and (he munlry—«md “'0 mm
1 me no jua'i reason to charge its editors with
ln'nh seeking to mlvocuc the rulinminalmn
of President Pier-co. i.
“'hile on thls nuhjeot, we will add u wonl
in relation to ”10‘“!an and it! editor-u.
Never, since the organization of tho aninnnl
Democratic party. [mic we hut such, tin
.(u‘ngLMio luko, expect-f pride in ac
knowledging its gfigfiifiul superior nhilily—
its tolerant. course mul \\ iw nth ucncy of the
grmul principles of our faith. Without. the
I Won, the party would Immall its energy
and half of ilsiuvim'ilrihly. {'mlcr its'firc
acnt couduclgm, we mgnnl itum thc‘grcnt
oxppgglttyfifintionul l)t-iii«)crncy7l’niul must.
smile «$0 {he Hilly slnric-t clmming 4134;14‘
{icing the personal udfocnlcmf nnyamdi‘t. ‘ ‘ J
I'Nrnzn Suns anm‘nn‘. The German
tmul Tflt'grflllll, ulwuf tln- lxcxt (‘mulm'tml
and useful ml]lllx4;u“hllfl‘ll(rn published in
Lhiq or nny ollm- Stale, Min-n 1“ in llu- l‘ullnw-
In; lrrlus of Fix-(luv. lligl 'r
‘ A new lupl powerful (unulnln‘w luv: Inkcn
(ht‘ Hell], with mrry prmpm‘l ul' MINI-w 43
(mul'ulnto tlmtmnnot ln-lp but «mm 1: large
mnjfinly of Llu‘ Dunlmrnlm m: mln'm of tho
Mglslalurl- in lun Kllplt uL. n tlu 3 “mum n
‘oku! n-gaul (ox fuilhlul, muulumudl’cnn. ‘
mhnnm Int-n and l’cmuyhxmm plinviplvs.
'l‘lml mmlnlnh' in l'R-Hnwmnr \Villiml‘l‘mg
lPr, “ho ought (a he (lu- nulxnlnnvutmtlu
cu-ry l'vnmylvuni: Dunn‘wM. ul llw time
lmnorul. lrwd.mnl [mm ‘1 .M nlnm'nH ul~ lhc‘
pnrty. (luv. llile-r, it 1‘ Il~xl<‘\\ for lIR l 0
prmt, mud-sacs that «hymli: ll ln-nriu-g' mul
thou- lvglslntiw Iltllllll'h mul xlurlxn': “uulr
time that ln-mdmrly 11l lulu luv (11“.; (11-\‘flll'll
nlul rcn mnsiblv pml: uml \\« llth‘. llun’ (lu
vll'nrls 41' ”it; I'm-“ Ila In at v mv In our 91310 n
Sennlor m nr'roplnblv l 0 lllw- IN uplr in vrm'y
rennet. mnl no lunmralvlc (o llw gum! Ernst:
and (llM'rnnumhuu of lln- Iggmluturc, will
he rmnplcfcly urn-55m1."
Thu (ivrmnnltmn. 'l‘c/rgmlnll is strictly n
m’m rat pnpvr nnn Mn n 3 3 meat: :mmrr-mri
nml thugs we tlu- othlgn deems Um" \Youll)‘,
\\ ltlwut fi nr or fnwr.
‘K‘gmu Nurmuml 1\ Am. nms -We
copy the fullm‘ ingfrum Uu‘ Littk‘ Ruck ’l'rue
Drmarral nfthc 27H: ultimo '
“ In the norlhrrn pnrt nflho h‘mn- know- ‘
Kntluingigm Inn but huh) hnpo. All 1110
munch Dcnwmlu, such In Mr. Sclvcy, who
were decent-(l Into Un- (-unnrn, nrv rapidly
\\ IIIIdI‘ABHIK. The Hun. \V. K. I’nllnsun,
ufJnck-un munty, whom Hwy o‘ucc chimed,
In out nmkmg wot-rho: and damn noble Mf
vioe m the muse of Demon”). ann every
one who comes down from tho nhrlh we be“
ofhin nun-Ming Ind unnrinp rxvrtinnx. "o
in 5 deme Ind molt fdn'ihlo upuker, and
In] chmhu we tolling luwng llw Know-
Noduuglm in the north." .
The man paper Lontains am u A! motives of
widxdmunln {mm KHUW-NUUIIHK lwlgcs.—
One. Mgnul hy acuml gmflr‘mcn, Concludes
n fulluus :
Thou- ofus who \\ cri- bcrLlnfur‘u Ih-mocmtb
return With joy hmurflri low. Those “ho
were Whigs Ire still no. but, thrir organiza
tion being bmkcn up, cl-im for the hlturom
ptrty, but noun"). ll‘d L-xpect w co—opcnle
uldx'tlmt party wlmsu orglmutiun m nation
nl, “how lim m ”it!" munlr 'a pros )crity,
ulrl whose war cry I: nppmuta’m (n rcingfinus
proovrfipuan and Icon-t palltK-Al noon-tics.
Kxor-Nm'umzs M Jx'm>ux.w’l‘bc NI'H
Yurk cunenpuudmw of lhv l’lulndrlylu'n
Lulger, under dulv of hum-mm r lmh, KB)».
‘ Tont‘mhg the volupcluw‘y of“ Know Nuth- ‘
ings, nr numlx In of lln- Urn]: r of ‘ mtw) A-
Incrirnm, (I) sit on n jury, an nN'mH of his
1"» an In rofcronro In ttu- lriah Am! llrnnan
(Tullmhm. Jung“ Morris, In the Slum-Ir."
Court lfiiw'flrmwn, d« lnuml 1m opium“ M-
Hnningkh Lzm ”w founthlugu of Ann-nun
juriuprmlalcc in [hr nyht In by him! by an
mtjnM—mrym In proper to neurknu
‘ \vlu-Hmr thymus IH' mauvhms of that or
‘lL'r-ut not, In unlu lu dvunnuw how mu‘.h
he might be \vnr’wl by tho ’ninviplcn oHlut
“orgauiuliun. 'Hlv rl'l'u‘nlnfn K. N. juror
lo unmycr Hn- Iluuhuu nlu-tlwr l’n' WM!
mmnbér ’of the IJI‘Ill'P, m u Ira-1r tried nonu
‘ lime since, “an the u'x-axlun ul‘ Llux npluion
{mm Judgv M.
Wun run- nun up Hm A'r mum-Thu
Dclmvrsoy of Um» mnuty, Tcxu, hold A
meeting on the 24th Iflt., And apluulnlell-dclo
gums to the Sum- Unnventian. 'N‘c follow
mg rcsnluliou uas mluptu‘l: ,
Rrimlrrrl. That (kn. .‘hm llmmlnn. in his
cumcity as l'. S. Home" has Viollltd the 1
confident-u ITIMSUI In him by luscowlilucnlu,
and ”mt in View of ”1p gluwst lymnimous
wishes of the llncnplv. I'm 01 gm ‘0 h-Hign’hh
sent. an that ( u-y lnighhg’lul I mun who
would lmcrmurdhu l-xponont of their prilmi-I
plea and the dufcmlcr oftbclr righu.
AV "ox-mn- Amn‘rum. —'l‘lw cdiln‘rur the
[’hilmh-lpMa Drnly Nmrx mnkon tho lbllmv
ing: unrnrt'uwwtum in hiu pnpt'r "f {M ICU:
ultimo: ‘ ‘ ‘ ’
“ The truth of 'tlm Imm" in; m we have 1
npulgotll mortal, Know-Nothinglbm in in
extreme ltd odor; it allukn in Lhu nostrils
of all who do not Mlong tn the order, and of
a m” umnln-r “ho am".
‘ ’ —H—~~ML—Lu~i«l‘ ’
, \mern. ”harmful—Jim. Math“:- 'kupm
MerJblmflawn, Cuigbri; fjmunty, 19.“ (“JV
; cnvorctl an nlkali‘, 'for whicfi'lw hfiu “haunt
‘ lelu'rs pitunt, whiuh in Lccrlmu 'dqstmyv‘r
‘ of tho Wcuvll, the fly, :ml all other insects
‘sn gmln. i: la um to“ inrnuiw In M o'r.
‘ rum, Illd iu‘wullwor yof uw‘wttcnlmu nf
fllrmén. ) , 7 ‘ V . ~
[l7‘ llnighnm Young hm; flint-t" wivcsmnfi
ctwecu three and four hundred, chilllcm.
I’Rfll'l I’ Illl:Al)l\1l.l’lll/h
V .a
9 ;-~~‘V- ”"M.. l
:. '1: ‘ 4'? , 'lmWJw; 1,835.4‘
' l'l‘hc‘”\'plvfluulw 'm‘isfinfifllollidéfl,
uilh llgir moufi’nuyiné l“ r 1595. give .10
ummidtn' (rfllelger Qankéi- (my, quilt In
nuinmting 'a'i'lpNhauvc} and you, who have
passed so many gay hours in this “village,”
Imm recur to that pu‘ll. which yielded you
no 'fuuflf‘fi'njny’umnt, with [ilfidmht rdbullcd
liens. Then in muncthing parljcu‘lnrlyJ-k'aa
in; iii the manner with which lho. nollntc'
Quaker commemorates the biflll-llay ofllim
who made Calvary sublime-1y clusic, and
shed his .purc blood for tho rudempliuu of a
world; At this mason tho Quake; lml-l n
mluul and“ an exchange ofjoyouu greetlngs;
arcuewnlof old fficmlahips, and a hearty
assurance that glow ones shall lagt, while
honor couliulu-u (n he a \irtue, and hpuééily
_is regarded an a unduly trait. After all, these
Clll‘iflhlmfi times are Welcome lo the weary
‘lrnveller over life’s (lrenry waste. They cn
liven the huhiues‘fi‘ pioneer, and rcfrculi tho
while-haired pilgrim, as he pauses to look
hack mar the piqf whieh he has lx‘dewed
with learn, or. garnished with the Mum/K0!
hunorahlq imllmtr‘y. ' “'hcu Chrislm/Mfidncs
emue, accept my u‘iphes that it may/he happy,
{or 3:0" null yours. / -' I
,Thu unly gossip Along 9m strwtsvamt
why it should he 30851911 leave for yon tn
(livino’viu the fact tlmir here hhould ho ach
tartlinm in the ogafimtion of the national
House of Repnyéntntivcs. I think there is
nothing atmngé in the fact, because when
the peoplufif rm; target their own duty, its to
clwt a Infiprity ofpoliticnl ddwnturt‘rs, they ‘
llluh‘lifi‘xpuct to he disappointed not only in
thy'n-hnlts pf Congressional (lt‘llltcl‘flllt>lli—-:
hilt they must he prepared to ru‘civo thc‘
unmitllndiuruns Imm as rphulcsonw pmmctw
tn Filo than or lhvir infntuntlmm. Thu:
DL‘lllUlZlflllC numbers in the lluusodcscrvc‘
‘ thv tlmnln of thumnntry.’ for the Hl'cmlyx‘ntc ,
‘ “hirh they lmvo given the L-mmmwmfimn
(if thu pnrty‘fni‘ {xpfxilu-r4m(l the honest:
‘Ymvn nt‘ nll linrlTCE‘Fpplnml their chliégiatx‘nry:l
Eton “llhu'k lit-pulnlicnnixin” in im‘prehSL-d
with tho lmlxlnrn «If that hrroic lmntllnnil}
mnny «if the inttlllgcnt mlhorcnln of lhm‘
l clique. “link-ort- furincrly Th-uiiovfnts, lilush
l to think that they 111-sorted llwirnncicnt prinl
niplvh fol-smufiu n (‘mm' “hivh him nlrvmly
Ilrp‘tll so mnl'uking: to tho lvgiulntivo lililiifi
nosuxflhumuntry” “lllm'h Bt-pulnlicnniqn"
i 4 \\ nning that 7 at)“ l nnlit'ipntc that 133" the
tiny: llnir mnvontiml, '(1 battle 9. candidate
frir l‘ll‘Sllll’llL minds in this ('ily, I will have
lhr plmmnc ul‘ nriting I; lmlitil‘al ’ohitnnry,
mnl the sh-nuwmvy nT'glnrimn-x nld Contru
I(nullity, mnjnin in tln' rvqllilns at “Sam‘s"
.‘lnninlx ll “ill hr a burial in its beauty, lic
‘ you'll gill pmwr nf (ll'V'l’lllllOH-
“'0 hml another fur-er ~onc uf those (lin
;;rneeful uluhitions mm which we axe Curs
ml in the shape 01' zm Abolition Convention.
William Loy] (it-plain» nnd Lucretia Mutt
implied thenmlvea urn load of \ttupernu'ec
until, the effect of which only excited the dc
rim‘c Jeers «I the lnnrerx, and the pleasant
xxx-urn u! mum- ulm rum «in; rl‘plvfln of the
proceedings ofthe Cuzwcntinn. You remem
ber Misltehs Mott. or at least, )ou "Aye seen
her. She is: won-an of “no Alulitieq, hut
mistaken idem. Belonging to n riu'h family,
she has ('minentmtml her lmvumg in aid of
the nrgrn, forgetting In the meannhile, that
the white-man buffer. in tail ~aml that there
an: mun 'plutm ofxlnvery than thnt. which
nip-ta heluw Muon and lnxun‘b lute. It ix
usdcm for me lo tleWrilm (inrnwu. He in
hnnnn to the a;untry~ol_txl n lKJl‘lUr or a
better fanntic docs ndt. am Anywhere-
Loyl i~i well read in the late «if pagnuilmw
and pmlillr‘ in words of denunciation when
referring eithur to tho Conutitution or thu
gnmheur of his country. He is lilrmleas,
however, and tho only fault I hue to find
with hnn in, that hoi- as much opposctl to
a clean ithirt Ml__¢:lc|n conscience. Garriv
son is A: man of talent—hut his wuniljutorg,
such men in ”1“", and others, are of a char
ncterltm small fut notice, but sufficiently
verlmo to tire ailly men nml fanatic-ally in
flated Ulll "with, A, '
Juulgc Kano, My) hn b’écomc so We“
know: for his dct‘ibiun in the Paismurc
Williamson use, is yet Aljvu, lnd when lanw
him this morning. he looked bile and
hearty. The fiwt is, that the manner in
nhu h the Juulgv dcfincdand unionndod the
law »thv sternum» “Ith \1 hirh he Hmjntaincd
the infléxibiiity of the mustitution. has dis- '
nmycd tho nhuhtionifln »-.und tnught them a
lumun Much thcy “'1“ not noon forget. Pm
mom “'illimnson. pcmumlly, is All imman
mvc ritucn, but we ufthosc “11d hums,
“ho Ilrc (xi-i- raid) for a {my in which no
hlood Hto he nhul. Ilu wns the 1 ii of llii"
my}; (Sm, and now scrim 3 mania! ofnov
tuncl)‘. h) hunglng SLIM. agzuuntJu éti’ufllfl
The prnlilu nrc'rmhvnl on thn. nhulitidh ques
tion. We are \ulluig tn alhm’ a fur fanatics
the inllulgcncc 'uf. tlnir lem-n r~hut “th
thvy nttL-lupt n “mint/inn of the law. “1: have
to snmmrt the dignity uf the L'onntitutmn.
I “18} Ind ~till yuur frwmh erc, pleased
with tho mil-yond number of the Wan-Imm".
You have tho well “ibhca of n host of sten
lly—Dmnucntaiu thin mgiuu, for Muucws~
and you an freely Icccpt the pr.) or» of
‘ , ‘ Yours,
7 mw" '
imbunu m was. ! . 77”? ""' ,' ~ .
The nt‘lvn fi‘mn “’rmmnglnn, nH lndlmlcd‘ ] um) GOOD “JV-1.5.71 “muorcfi mm".
1,. tho (‘l' '6 h I ’ “me In) )anni-e son. wlmnllowvdlumscll‘to be uh'ulu tlwdupo
T3l“ 30! ll:- "73. '2 ‘Fry. l) all: IX 1;“; nfdvmgning Inglitiviann, by laying in prison
““1; I; l .“ :lnnlh I: “it; I “Illrkvlfml «f three months. for the purpom of Intluwlcing
um ~ mu I'. x ‘ ,r _ ' . I .
l’cuu.‘zylvnnirfi~ ‘qfirn‘d 'n' mslylhlrou 10-day ““1 luln'tlqun- 4mg, “M mllllll‘kfi“ 1“ ll“
whirl: lmcml'l (-slhlflislu-ll the ll3]"r-ll‘ily'"§|ll;u,::§m" “mum; hno,(¢;0100ll(l)l(\)lllflgfli 0:5.“
.’ V x "v . ‘ per mon \, or ~ n woe of
rule. It gnvo rm: to mn-mlorah‘lc dubntu. ‘Jdfi '. . , .‘ . '
ME. Lefchcr pmpuxmllm n mflmlltuterHlM)...lrm:Ellkljglqfifllxgn:npfiztrnzlglzlpxi ”l:
llfi: Clerk be? cult-red tn P‘rcparv n lottor,| ._ ' “3:; I w 8‘ ‘
whirl: cm-h lnmnlwr Would Kigft, rmigningl 00“"!th APPAm.—On Sflurday 1“,.
M 4 mnl, nml referring tlwwholv Imttcrlmuk ' “a“ the New filrk jéunml 7f CUIIWZ'TCC)
l“ ”‘L‘. Impl:u Th“ Pmlzlgltiu“ "‘2'?“ "'"Cl' ‘ thrug lillllcfl, moths‘r {l‘ur‘l (lollghlcrsfpmcne
mt'rn'mvnt-7 twnn'wit rrm'n’ com any dcdlotWllhJ-lo { . ' ' -'l
.' ‘ , 4 . . ‘l ‘ _.- ll a€ohngmnn m aft}-
99101,)?” (#311433in i'tllu'. Tl: 111-csolutlon I gltc strvutfinnd éficllmu tl severe \\l|lppir!g
‘3‘" u‘ on. 10. . 3. ' o :1 one \ver'flfllllpowlndcs, “"lllcll tlnoyl)roil'ghl 910 m; f 9!"
1 1:1: takenfiun u mall Mr. Banks: 3 vuR! WM 1 tho oxprras purpose. The cmllw nppcm to“
10v .r. lvhnrdsm 'l '7l n«I Mr. HEM. I ' ' I." -’ ‘
Fuller's 10 The llthlhl‘ tllcl'n Ed?“ -I he that tho m" elmuhlg Iwurmusv reporls l
' J ,- A J "7““ Ingrognrvl Loone of the young ladies, whey
The l'rcxitlcnt'fi Mesnngc of co‘umé'lms not » having no other“ mgnhq of ‘rgdrcns; resolved‘
yet been delivered, and it is lookvtl {qr with ‘ lawn the shove courxe lnyobiain satisfacrlmr
much anxiclx'hy the wholmyfi .—lml she got it. I 'l,
’t 01‘ ‘ " “nulnl ls‘lu-Ilon of [NW-Thu
'~ 3 l , wouprrll’ht In; {l‘ll-nu. ' ‘ ,
A" If 1164: " '3O occursflin po 0 71mm
:men't ufi tkoamen'cnn fic‘gfio, flxgkntcd
11w re 1:! of tho Stntoigllccgons field i
r‘ )5, 9h? nc'xt Presidcmcf o l ujtcd Slate
\‘ 11-an-tdhly ho a Dcmpmt. Durfii‘f the
as! lmnmvflmd full, Um following . tntcn
Have gono Denim-ram: h docfdcd mnjoritios
on tho/impulnr vote. 0:0 give them m'thcir
onlcr,’with the numlwr‘of P‘rosiqunlihl clou
(orfi l which theymm emitlcd 1- ‘
, ” liltctorqulcs. Mnjoritica.
Yirgi win, ‘ 15 10,000.
Illilu 3, ll . 29,000.
North Cumin, ‘f 10 8,000.
Tcnnl'sflm, ' ‘ ll ’l’ ‘2,000,
I, 1‘"
slnlmnm,v J - ' /9/' | 191,0004
cw , ~' 4, . 7,009
Maine), 7 / 8 t... r—-'" ’
d‘gzgxocmic {leggkfun 131‘] Go§orhor.)\
. ~ _‘ 11,000.
,Rammi _ / h 20.0%"
.L/ a 'l3 - mm“
1 Mississipfii, "‘ " .1' $383
qu”°¥v '7 V “‘l‘"
£3; oer-tug Logiallturo by bihdsomo vote.)
_ sconsiq, ,t. 5 ' ‘ 1,000.' ‘
Antone» hundred Ind {orgysniuo electors
will choos'c a Pralident, th’q Liter that hno
drendy ono Democratic, 1“: but five of
that nnniiwr. .We chsuiho no sane man
will question the uh: it of the hembvmcy to
curry, in addition, the following States:—
~ ‘ . ‘ Electoral Votes.
. Arkumtns. _ ‘ ' 4
South Carolina, .. 8‘
Miksouri, r, 9
Floridl. . 3
Here we hnro enough nnd nineteen clan
torn] foamy? apart. to any nothing of our
chunrun (which are better Lhanvthose‘of filly
other mung!) for carrying New' Hampshire
‘ lown nnd‘ iohignn, with 15 cfrctoml vote-‘3
' in“ together. In New York at the late cloc
; tion. the Demorntic vote, him! and loft, ex
ccodt‘d that of any other organization, con
: ohniiwiy'pruving that our friends hlvo the
‘ nhiiity torcnrry that State with its thirty-Hm
elcrtornl votM. But, granting that Stuto to
,thc enemy. the Know Nothing! have only
carried with it tho {Allowing States 2 -
‘Kenfim-ky, fi-—- . 12 ‘.
I .
California, . 4
1 Maryland, 8 ‘
1 New York, ' 35 1
Muawhunotu. ', ‘ r: i
4 ‘ 1'"
TON, ', - . 72
The Mack Ilapuflimna have sumodod in
;()hio skm! Vennonw muting twenty-eight
elector“ mhvfl. We inn. than-flare, beaten
_ both fitting: «on iftthey hm] bum united,
‘bnml-smuely‘, m (bu sum: election» of 1355»
‘nud how, nllnguther, the best ('hancc for
WM. Tn lhclnst six "141" th (he Doma'orals
June uhononnu 108% than eight, and probably
Ininoflhm-rnom of States : “'mo m Virgin“:
Andruw Johnamu in Tennessee: Ponau In
"l‘vxnx, anlnu in Alabama; Wells' in Mninc:
‘H. V. Juhhqlnfi h; chrgin : Mrllnc in Mia'-
I aim? mi : Wirkfinl- in lnmsirmn, mu] pmlm
‘My Luann“! in Wmsomin That-homo also
many Sinks Damomallc exncntm-H lnditlfl‘kfl
{hm the Union “‘llMhmsc one 01' the “HMO
‘ pulilim m 1856 ~( 'mcmmm lu'ua/mrcr.
' .—~ vvw 'O“»> V‘ ‘
3 (”Na n? 1m; Hm» “max. If the many
{mus now mmplnt through (mt the country
were put to the test of an aunlysm it would l
v be found tlut they 11:0 ofvummon ongiu, Or ‘
ummgm utnanft c. 3s ' l t".
:n nncmnt m gcr emu-hymn llyh‘l‘l’lxt'f till?-
' when kllléd and prt-purod fur cooklup; funl‘l l-
OH llw cook \\ irh Iv, [)ufliuu of fish. flesh, Ind
fusrl from IL; bmly: that we) ham always
dunhlml: hut n‘. tn the multifarious political
HUN nfthv pruu-nl any lxing cut from or
lmvmg thwr‘ drmlu in the uld mllcn rnn'u of
l)laCl(-(.'I)"k.l1('fL‘dtrflthul, *c hum not the
[LIIAI «luuht. TM (”“sth skull oftln- [mink-r
may rnu‘u‘ the pmv Ilmu‘ urn. human 10 n‘som
hlc nnk or mnhngnuy hul examine rlnsrly
and you will (Ind tlmt “in door In nexthur
increased in weight nor mnderell lhu-r m
quality by the process, it u but Irrmc door
1 mil. So it in with (he, pulilivnh‘ams of tho
1 day. They mny rnll Lbrnmtlvcn Know Nu~
things, Know Something», Republicans, Freo
nnilors, and Put-Jove", if you please, but
after ‘ll their new nuucu don't all-use
thuirongin or nature; llu-y fire the lmcal
,dcsccninnta nflhe torius of the molution,
and of he nmefl‘lnns‘ In those who burnt
‘ blue light: 3nd fijmcod nt the success of our
Bnu'hh opmnc ha, wlnlc than rues won
nscuwl 1:: hearing “(Sm Auu'ricnn “awry,
durlng the warp! 1812: And nlmont to n mnn.
they are Uw illcntiml Individuals, who,tluring
the Ir with-Moum,rlcnwucwlt u‘-unoall-
Mfr, and unholy," and who cndumd Cor
!wi l paln'uhr msh, that our “ml; while in
Mrrivo, mightmcet with “ Moody Ind: Ind
hmpluhlo graves." And bythe wly, let it be
observed, thlt than “me dououucenmf the
Mexican w", hu'c now the brazen Afrruntcry
to mine thmr ,vpicos in (lit‘lstorml tones.
directinghow: part of the wry ltrrxtm'y gniu‘
ed bf the mint)? of our Imm, in and war,
alul bu dimmed of. "
3 Wu.- have nethvr lune nor space nowto puz
llycuw lula'ecguul faint outfit-the pow“-
C "flies of! one legit mate son: of tory sin-s.
.nuflca it In Qty that they Am dutinctivu in
mmo only, Inning one mnmon ungh) Ind
[manning one inherit-nan in common. MI“
LIAM. iuhvnhmcc, Itcruulhatml (u Dchumrahc
,mnciylrs. At the Mom of the wnr 0! undo
lwndmco, Hm Hrilish tonos did not 311 fly to
‘ [nhf'nx for mfngo - a. ruxnmnmu MI, and
, ‘thqa Inonurhy preach ed a. seed to nerve 1t
(km in f‘tho Mud of the {ETC nnlUhv home
of the have." But let them be stripped of
their dilguisus and tho alaunuh, patriotic,
dcmourutil: hurts of the [llls-HUS, will risc up
I In Lhcy‘cvcr have dunu nud drive them from
every place of, and m-unuu to, pOWcr. This
mtnnlic Mark hm: boon wing on during the
Lot xiv months at least. Wu bL-hcvu (In!
‘ the hm has been duippcd of tho lldn'n skin,
, thc‘Juckdnw has been divcslc'd of the Pet'-
_ ‘ cock 3 :lumugo, nnd soon will the glonoul
work nl’tlriving than Mica) impostcru back
to chair nppropduw gm”. be acmxnplish'cd
1 by the ”biotic mules, Ind domocncy be
Im. to preside you; and direct. the dentinica
lol'u govcrnmcul which, undot providence,
" tho? mvu thus ("brought hits present ml
- )llc lmltion among the union of the
on! I» -
VI otnt
"in!" 01? GIiNIZBAI; any?»
W'Jl‘mktfl telegraph clerk at _Bcf"n.,
P Kin, accused of unlnwmllg revealing tol- ‘
omphiuptcllificncc‘ for stoc Jobbing {mix
poles, wffiet nnd convictc on tho 237.
of Note Mr. “0 wmgcondcmncd to thtco
yum' imprisonlmng. with tho‘loss of social
Jiglltfl‘flfl u ci‘fizm for the yarn.
07(zm».1\1ixior.or Conn” has issued his
pmlnmlion unnonnginf thitthrlmfllfit
mcnllotho Constitution ate] adOpted'apeci
no» lhnty‘fqu' a must be IKE“) told and
write, and (In: it is anM of the orgmio
law of the State. . ,
[l7‘ smm: Douglaa’ disease is add tad»
Immmorrogo of the film-t. media-y
41mnc‘hhlnfl'cbtion of (wing ycafl’m ‘ ng.
mi Mend: donnider his recovery-fit Went
(littering. ‘ - ‘ , , ‘.
[l27‘ The Into cannus ntumn mike thq en
tire wgulntion o! the State of 1;!" York 3,‘
403.20 8.10. Th; pgpnla‘fioul) of! No; Yort‘lcity
ls . rm to uutqlo 8109 JD,
:04,225-.'” M 3,"
[l:7 The hum of Henry hubort, in Riel,-
hnd township. Clmlnria county. WM d.-
stmyod h fire on Friday night last. Four
vslnnblo Korma were hard“, aid 3 [ago
amount of grain.
[l7' Limt. Mensa, oommlndm‘. 2‘; the Uni
\tod amen surveying schooner _ _ 3. 30m.
inning: mjcido whi o hboring undcn tor
nmm y. " . ‘ ~21" ,
10 iV 00
[IT A bonnet hctnry in how hiring put up
in the lmrhxgh of Bridgeport, ojammto Nor
ristown, (hut wm rcquii‘b‘smo to hunt!!!“
girls as o‘pcmfivcs. ‘""
[L7 The Tymne Amenran Era Manhood
the mum of Mllljgnl Fillmore, of New York,
at lg: head ofits columns as a candida!» {of
the residuwy in 1856.
[l7' A cormnlmndcnt of the Ohio Slqlcmmn,
brings: forward the name of Jndgo Black, of
Pennsylvania, as A candidate (In the I’m-pi;
dcncy. - ,’ “l ‘
[l7’ Clubs rm: forming in New Ym-k, kph
voror lluntvr, or Vir ‘niu, for I‘mnidontpdnd
Augustus Schcll. of New York, {or Vice
President. ‘J ’ ‘
flj'Tn Buslon, rcrcntly. an 9M mm m 1
seventy-one. was married for tho‘fflh limo—
tlu- but bride lping Btu twenty ur yum of
«go. ' m.
{l7‘ Mrs. Janine, widow of Majdr John
I’nuldiug. one of the‘ m rtnrs of Andre, died
in l’u-kaill, on the Rh}: 11"., aged seventy
onc ycnm. \ _
Elocwrll Votes»
fr? One of the persons killed I» ' the Pl
cinu mflmnd ncvidmt; num-d Muilen. was
found mm n homo Imus wmcn no 'ngd vu,
tlmm to lho hill in his body. ‘
WGcncrntU-mn Inns purchased the pro
mnnn pair of ho'rnon cxhébi‘ed- M. the :Iqu
qur qr Michigan, for 11 thousand (lollnrs.
[I F‘ A spinvllu-shnnkul dandy in pilpnhl‘y'
n \erfint, inasmuch M ” he has no vmb o
menus of support."
'TL/"Jnn Snirks smm ovuythingm "Rea
his “art Inn 11 ha] hem], and he straps his
rain!" on it.
[:‘z‘ Whntovvr j'nu dialikn in another tnko
can- you correct m yourself. Thus you (“I
nmkt- 30m (-xgmph- a srd one.
[I ,v = Don’t mrry n w nun under twmty
uuo. Shu hasn‘t come k 5 her wickedness h
lm-o then. , I ‘
n/‘Hllll’m‘ulur, which “as ten cents A
pnulul in m-u ank on the opening of the
“or, luul mlvmwcd to mety can“.
{l7"Fnshmn is the mac of the rich (63”
away [mm Ihr poor, who follow u, Mt‘ In
they can. . , A. .
~ “llama uh} 113.10fi‘un0 WM
£37m mummy"! it mnrc to their mtc ‘ Oo
.M-n wi-m than to disobey them. ‘ '
[fr Thrm is p printing oflce in Pnrin' c:-
p-Hiv of printing the Lord's prnyur in three
hundmldllferunt hngungcl.
[I / .\n uchano pupa, dunn 'mg its nub
scnhm, says :" ‘ Suflcr limo sums to come
unto um for such is our income.”
[3,1 ' .Ivhn Snrgcunl WM elected Mlyorof
('unnnrulgv, Mum 79-370 mnjority our 311'.
Raymond, the Know Rowing mndighk.
n'? The editors along the “rent Brunch Ito
ulkmg seriously of adopting the cash syn
tun. ungut. gp ulwu‘l.
5' [v ' 'l‘wo {bung men in Lyooming 00.63
lmxkcd HO ushela of corn «chm: an
{IJ' Ten Democrats und two Know No
thlngs have been elected Rhiannon in Enn
luh, Georgi; ,;
{l'} Tho generality ol'mm bxpmdm
part of their ling! in mntributiufl £0 rm
lho I;th put miserable. .
Bf)" In Pectin, Illinoui, the Dew
rnnrhdnw {OO M 1 or. and u mujoriu ol
Ahll‘l’nltl] were Pfcctcvl.
07’ The Juice of exocnenpo is bluff“,
time that o Immomlity.
57* Mnflrlo which rivtls the that Imb
um in manuhctund by t dun-mind prong.
nooppumdm hm bun m
In the Honda! humm heir“ ‘
3'7 The notion of Nitric wd Sulrlnm'cacid
isqnoro dostruckivc all“ gunpovw er.
[1?“1‘0 repent What lqu have hch h
mmpnny.thq. ~ “ ..’- J: ‘
[l’7"l‘o nppeu so doesnot pm QM thing
rcllly to haw.
[fr-It in only thekum Intel's tun-1m
hmvm in their lam-nu. .. 1‘ .1
[[7 No man hm u better smite that M
who urns what he end by his qwq rho; ,
3951‘?) lying to be lanTJDur-Vw
amt y’éur Mum». . . .
07‘ ch things Ayn: impossihlo;b Mus
try Ind skill. I
[l'73 Fix-President F‘illrm,‘ it ‘3 ”id, “1
upcnd llw winter in Italy. ' '* f
{l’7‘ Sued, even when dropped byohmcop
ipl’lllgfi up a flower. , - '
KnowNomma D-xomm—Jl‘ludn' no
doubtless, guys the North CW 3114“?
ard, aim some D-nocruts who llxufigrjn ,tbo
Know Namrnhknflnd lhoso emoc'rula‘
who, in In unguuded hour, were in'ddcod b
connect them-elven with the other, lady who
régret it, and would he slid to be once more
in full communion will their former. pm
min‘fl. To an such we say, brcnk‘
bondat At my upon you and com back In
the old mecrahc party. Whtt can you
promise yourselves, and wlut can you do {or
§our country, by remaining wh ‘ you no?
- on perch-vi: an we all do, mama Know
Nothing organization w‘ns not. medal—that.
it has filled in tho Southum Mt‘it
i 8 luv-lowly {used and abnlflionizod in tho
{loo hL'iltm—vaml that no In nulw mgnni -
tlon, it no longer cxistq. The omm: x 0
party ls after all (he onl true notiondlgt:
n‘con party. ‘Tho mooni'ofnll ohm h
wry proves thin. Md the film in «up.
for the count through the nuns old {at w“
Comeback, 31m, those of you w o {Are
honestly gout: utmy, and tbe'Do y
will rocclvo you withopcn nuts. The' at
coutwt of 1860 willpoon communes; o
yourselvep {it oncouudcn thflkmoqufim .
nor. and Milan]; your oh} ftlomfiundai nu
lu‘nchicvlvligll vmloi'y m; the untiln on,
AhoflJnlon,“ n'ud' tho flklrfll offlxo ‘Btflw,
fl'l‘nrry 091- in nllllho plfin,".tmtomm now
to tho inountgin of Danna-my, and all will
,be well. no this [and in November, 185“
.muwomm sfhfll ham been {DWI
won], each of-iyowcln any, -“ l Col) 1
in uchim’ing this grcat'vicwry, by which lho
lights of every muggy: hpfu been uhicldcd
mnl tho l'nion ol‘tllLSc Brutus preserved."