{alts I. 3.1.: HT.» .a ‘.rm'va 3: C; '4 I"]."Ju: x 'l'“ 331““)? I 1 v'uuT’fr’z'fhl ()1!) film flu: ‘;"X\'l‘E:l~ [" ' [VII H 1: Kw” 3??!21 an" no)“: “mu. Inn: 3.): MM! flfixgzqguhlw \ ’ ‘s “ , 4 lfli‘um 1. . 01m?! (“M .v u w .. .‘ .:{\ vii 1‘: :w' \‘r'. ‘ r .4 1,“ Ln! Imm! am!‘ __ than!» rdqufm‘flubul "1.3: w ( 77 ‘ ’ Wm ' ’ (mm {H ‘u ‘ 11‘.“ 1'! "' r‘x'“ 'H ._._....- __w.--_uu ‘ . I!" un'r 1 1v ‘s'” ”fly v- “ 3 a mg 1 ch '.' 3tn ,1, "4i. ”Pagkir Ilué , ”Eggs" [3"er ' I.‘ . . *5 r 11 .runu 113;: ’w Lifi'g“駧4‘pl ‘ v *1 HF ’ ' ‘ .y . y , l - #751? r ‘. ‘. .rr—‘l ”91.4”: ‘%#Wlsf.3dl“)idvaréo, s‘”! lpnhl'lydlh‘m llx . monllxg. 52 00 will be uhnrgod nn n“ mbscrlp: ”- “I nufinfldflhmd‘onhc yrir. ‘ "‘ID’ViITJWI’NTfl did 'Bhalnpn Nodal: {nur'h 1m {ld mu me. Md vvvryflcapripthpw nation manning-131m aw EXECUTED In (ha nontenwrimnor, nthlhonluwén ,5, u’ , ' in ._ 'h ’ ‘ m 5 5%!” ”131%. of?“ KM nm‘ulullfi ;' g x , 'llfl “We" ufodr mend! ; '1 . . qr in} 2"!" V 5 7% \.vl,t::t; 09.1 w. Lawn-:2 " THE FORBAmr ‘ fiv-Ififniflm'm‘ono? wguld con-o, '- Jp. ‘ {1 ou‘ HI I M null put, ' % ‘thy b ull‘mfi'rumdl 1m 0 m 1:31,]: bml&(oxrulrnln floym ”Ty imarl. No—vnfnll wide with all m alarms, . .. . \llltwoeu uI tolls Um dinuu. non. _ 3 ‘ "Thu-5h In” A milo Llividu our farm. , , gnu boul $1M!!!» (“"5“ mo 1 When um glld daylight 31m" min, ' . . '~ . tutu-1w €llon thy troubled brcnat; l _, Or thou Ihlu nfln [he llughin eye. "1‘ It lulu mlnmourcd n or tEy ru‘.; '4 (Whi! [ninth :Idnlght blua 11-d deep, “irked-ml mooln'Elonfu: o'er lmnl and Ma. . g ” , x M wlux I n " w r ruahhl" lwou) . L ” glut], bring (he: buck (bu lhufight (It’nm ' 1 , . All that Ihdt Ilulqlk heron mynjma, « And nigh an hour tlO lnyl (lung; ( ,AndAupnAhn lipk lhnl due to h‘lnmo ”2”" I" vah (by owfi reproach” wrung .' “ Prams in UlllTßdl‘fl' 1:: lrybapnll .' athHylpttnv d ; ' And aLndbil ‘n my hnmu "ind/«I311 1 '0! lgoyctfo; chu- put. away ; . Yon-rah lim; yum—than n‘ow H}. by. , ‘ Am flu} thee Impl“, yu'lau. ntfil; ‘ ' And form. more fair I lull chum thine cyc, _Dm )mvo my pow orfim 11mm \n fill Bum vhil. they plodgo lbeo-plumn‘n um. , The Budd-n pm“ (Int non- mny 100, Shlll darken on llnno nmml hmw— Thou'l! inner them—bu! think nfme J‘. "WE“ Inn uh] AIL-known numlm anch llmb Fuuty [gull bf“)? my ruling 'mld And "our, eyua, u h wulchlng Mm, ' Tq Vil'fl fihy {um-ken 11rd. - Go. mvc Ulquh every c‘ima on e mh. And drenfl flny h‘aflmori um: me {we Info}, (”Id Bin, 111 ion, or mhlh, ~ run blur! blunt. thy mommy Z 5 fiiistorital {Slutty .. ;Amm*zt~r’=z-u‘:m SIEGE QF FORT BOONIEBOROUGH. - When Boqnc had. escaped. it took the In mlul three Koch to macro? flo’m u‘l'lr sur priu. Thby had to re Imngo Mid re modd iii: gampnign. They . had believed that ' m-kfloond, Wei"; I pH: olli. . ‘ . l . war, or being in command of the fort, a bum und despexnlc leader, \vls quilo n dif fmnt “rm. Impressed with [he bolicl‘ that the Indians would mlko lholr boldest en— ginvo; upon Boonenhorongh, ho had 51 iifnlf tn express to the neuhmcnu (a: (he onslcrn hnbllnligng hy‘gr‘o designated) for wantanco. Tlfi'kqildst w“ addressed to (‘Ol Arthur Cn'xnpbell—whose name prochimx him of th Ilighflllndcr settlers—and it Lemma :1 very impéu‘unl future in km movements to gain time, so 011‘. the gallant Campbell could rel :li ‘y’ Mac sn'ys thntkvhcn the summdnn was _ Lyn), “A! in}; 9 ggillcnl pningyibh us. We if”, 1 may.“ Win-1,311 tho g‘nrrisonmn powerful army befuru om- “an. uhmu |p< pmchimed unevjknhlo (1‘ Mb ~fcnr £ll); painted, Sin] marking their fontsmpa with desolation." To Boom, who’ know, “M the tcrior of tho-1 Indian lt‘Al‘y um, die hflgungc “u but‘cold truth. Ho dc ,{ugnicd two d’nysr'm which he Inxgbt comi acrt o pmpésu] to surrender. It wu cury- I'm fathom to gain that: two dlyl‘ In 4km. Dul- Usupbvu or his men mught nuke 03* Appcmmll. m’dlthmenamy find the Woods I: much the in the (ML "~ : "‘lrsccgig‘s‘omewfi‘t Inrprising that Olpt. “Du Quenao tnd Bluekpxh agreed to the two dui, cspccinlly us in mum thumrruwn Kmd‘nuna to collect Lhcu— caulu And hams. And bring them through the pochrni into vib-fith Certainly. if courlrmnliih wurc in {uhlon Among the Shannon. Blnckfluh <1 Notified gun: at if time wu grintod by .Clpt'."bu Quéfisp, his gencnlship dcschs Who am review. What, could hm induced A bib! {0 "filmy the glrrison to pmvision‘thl m lelws is mysterious, for every day's pro‘ Ltiliopltbey dunked was a. {Lsrful loss to‘the bucigcra. ' . But nym do npt not thua'm‘mout a reason. Du Qucunc prohlhlx lboqghflhnt there WI! w‘ry hudr fightingw he done bcfurc thu l'urL could be conquered, und 1'! he could win it by-fiegotiltion, it would Rpm-c his furfit‘ a. ,2, nevprc loss. Elan-.110 colifii,uut have allowed Aha provisions and water to be brought m. fur oil» {males were ncfivoly unplnycd in the cm dhya in bripging water from the spring. Bowmaq says, thll {he invmh-rs. u soon A: ‘hey htd rained their flag, callud f 0- Captain Boone. They knew that ho was lhv shongth ‘of the garrison, and thought i; when to neck. to ipvcigiu or‘norsuado him hrst. They .Bulcd the o.oth of pace on which they would Igmo to a capilulathm. As the In , alm- bud nogmhuid with (Jon. Clark at tho filinois, there “"218 one rannn to believe that the same sincerity might be observed ham '4“. is doubtful whether Boone, who knew all their plum, for n moment boliovod in their ginoerlty, but lime was every thing, llndi «pry héurlggincd warm grc'it gain. .12, seems}. however, that. (luring [lime hm dull. the truce mil fsithmlly in ()1'; else 111. utm'oould nofij'mv‘e been brought in riu “Hint”. Indeed. Boone‘s lnhgungu juslificn thin belief. Du Qucsuo. fox-his own muons, wu sblo to restrain tho Indians: whih ’ quno’novoc so hr placed liimm-ll‘ in their pdwer but. that he could seek anon“ the 4 I pol-count! of the walls. ”the two days ex vit‘ a f >. F u. ~ 1‘ . V... Y . ' ' I ' .. "r . .. , 4 - ‘s. 3 . . | A u / . ‘ > x . ‘ .4 “I ‘5." , , _.. 4 u . J W'- . ,~~.,‘-- m . , ..9... « www.mqw. ~v-»-.‘|m~ ..‘-~77”... “mm...“ .. ._ ' A“. .vv-+r. mm“. - A ‘ ‘ . . ~ ..' '2. - w. ;__;_‘;; n.. .2. . , . ““3... 1‘ "IR ‘k mi ‘ ‘ «m: a: 'ml 4 ; , ‘..- n 2 '1 m; u, uvu~ '1 ‘ ';. ..', 51¢“;nt Irm : ».. ”I. h w . ’ V”... .‘7 H~‘ _f'i ‘_ ‘l‘,“ . . “11.1.:9u': uxld ! 1 ; Qt. - ,-_’ HH. ”I - . ‘ a.‘ ‘ ‘ . ¥ ' ‘ ’ . 1.“ ,5 . ..Z I} u > '_ ): {whim g l ; » (I, v"y 1"" I . , . 1 ~ ‘ __ ‘ ‘ ”A. ‘ - \ ‘ v 2‘4 3'7 {Sq ‘ k .' “if ‘ I“ nl”r ‘1 : m ""1” ~~ "N " "I V, N ‘ . A ' ‘ nf; “2‘ 1'1", M 6: mm, ‘1", ; ‘. "X 5 1' 'tn ‘ "'-' ga, p I _ “ ‘ ‘.5 I ,4" ,‘a;.‘, ~ 4J, U... 1: f ‘ ‘7 ‘. x'g ‘ ‘,bv .t r“ ‘j . . »4 L A. /y. . ~ m, .‘ H gr" .; ~ r I. Mr») r: ”"i In. w.I v.l" , .5, ; 1, X , , .. “ af- , ‘l. "”1 j , ‘ . > / n ' inf} ,‘ ,;. ‘4’". l‘ .D Ir .‘V ‘.' ‘. ll 24., .1 i .7? / _v,' i w." .. . A ,r I . '5, , " ‘ V - | I ' ‘_. ' . . ‘ .. :1'4.7""."',.":“}”’ :T f f w» ‘- 4 I.“ ”7““? . u ‘ ..L‘ \' H -’.- ..‘ . , ‘5. A, . ' $ " ' ‘1 " H 7. ‘ ~ .. c. ‘ w a...” "v... .~‘~~w.——-H~..‘«.m.u~.w—u~m-—~w-"".“—‘- ‘ «- ‘ -, ~-—~-—M~‘»w~———— -< —.-~77————..-—~' - J. 4“.) (In v’i , ‘ " ‘ t ‘ v ‘ , 4‘ (FR ' ' V ‘ ‘. f} ‘ h, , BELLEFONTE, BA, WE I 3 ESDAY,ADECLMBL 19, 18.35. “ ’...L ’.~ 1. fl... V I _ ..L _..,. A ‘ -_.' ’AW'fi“'—.mmm‘r;tgtrf ~- e’mimi. Int jg Gmellneyliad'fipbgmqfipfio‘ “ ,\, , " rmwnh tnch othe;,nnd Boonh (3th * a ' L I ,1 n . .- ‘ min? or lhoaofyrih whom he hld feim‘m -1u; my; amp? olff'Cpilli?ojllg‘ ’ .. , 'Q'“ A my‘ _ "m .1...‘r A ‘‘- -- “Excqything like u enm' slwuklggc gm -_ . The confunanquwu of desperate mom Ho states thltdo‘uh W‘s pmfcnibio to ciptifit‘yl for he Wnghavy‘trgt ‘ D‘u Qu {3.0.9 #lll "9., 1‘ ~ B" 61‘ a rr'y'ni gag-Mfg: floalgfifiéuim m;- to ‘ flkht’—fllhough-'againsf'n h (Erfible oddé— nud‘Bomio, whd Know that ho hnd thug (Idop- I out stake in the ttnnmflon. for ho [mi Myst 1 displeased Mae “vise. wbdrpmnbly Iberfifit Emmi uppfl' holding (my tom“ to (he ‘ t. 4, :~ Sanding: on one 'of the Bastions, he re tnFned‘the final enswcrof the garrison tn the Captain. why'translfitéd it to (biddiunl. Ile skid, "‘ When 3(3chan to “ma our fort *Te‘l‘ninn i 9 living.” Du Qunsne, with It lomlrluy ofhis lincdgb. Mood in m.- tenn've auditory of who! Boone w'n flying. Boone we}: also courteous, and tnlkcd like a brave man. "We laugh at all your formid 'nble propnrelions, but thank fou for giving its notice in time In provide for our defence. Your efforts will not prevail, for our gates shall forever deny you admittance." This was 3} longer speech than usual Willi tile picneer. Tile. gruilude expressed to: the timohndmppormnlty‘lo provision lhe fort, my hue immcsch Du Qucsno an irpnicnl It me'y he nskcd here. why. if Boone took overly precaution, this provisioning mus not lx-i'ox’o Mdomplishcd ?- The"é§pcdllion to Paint Creek mny have been the solution. since it. was his bold policy lo stn'ko a blow, while the Indian oquy thought him’fircpnring to reeeive'bne.’ ' .‘Ih‘AHIS -"‘- J" fimno attentions whether hi: itngungo did not (Edi (he com-Isa of the inuder’s. It may have hilly Mound them to the itics 61' what folly had been thcimfln allowing the garrison this time. Boone thought they 1 would iinmodin‘ely begin the liege but Cant. ~Dn Quelnq hm! not quitu cxhu’nqtod his-di plomacy. Jt is quite likriy thnt Boono’u ‘ vigor in gctiiii'é ready had taught him what ‘ a formidable trek wu before him. The next ‘ mow mdc by I)uqucr.ne w“ to communil-ii‘e the instrutc'ioru: of Gov. Hamilton who WM in mmnmn'i of Detroit, Whli‘i), h" said, were to take the garrison captive, but not to destroy it, and he requested that tho garri um would send out nine of their chosen mon to makr- n treaty. which. if done. tho forces would bummémlmly mmunwn from under the trails. lnd the Indians and .Guudihns ‘wouhl return home pmcrnhiy. Boone says. " this souridutl grntt-ful to our tlra Ind wé ngrvcd to tht‘ pmpmnl." Why did Boone accede to thin propose” He had any reason to believe in the cruel ' and desperate charpc‘cr of the me“. He had ’ insulted end mortified them by his escape, i and he could not but no thnt every thing in ‘ the one looked very 11"]an more or Ini agreement. The solution of All thin meyl have been that in the use of Gov. llannliou’a ' name, Du Qucsnc «much I chord which vi i but ed Boone knew the kindly feelings ofl the mvemcrtownrd-i him It hnd‘hliown itselfm Detroit in i 1 wny in which there wk; i no trr‘nzhery or dwit, and if linuxiiton‘hul g been Allowed to follow the dic‘llien of hia‘ mm mm; Boone «sum not hm; Men wait tn.Chilhvothe. hilt would have been honou bi" duelmrécd from captivity. Boone eonsultwl his friends. Gov. l'hmll ton’s naine went far with him, and, at last. the selected nine went out. These were. among others, (and of course Boone wu It tht-ir had) his brother, Flanders, Cnllnwny, Brephm and Wm. Ilanroek. To withdraw i from the interior of the fort. those [mm of i mark. cerulnly noun to hue bun unwise. but it seems to be considered that Boone kncw'jnqtlulhot hil men could do, nnd he knew we“ ~accuitomcti en'he {uh t'out'he‘lu dmn~thot the chances were zrutly in fnvor of I stfu retnot to the fort in any event..- Thom who lived who had mingh-d in this of Mr. declared tht‘. they knew their strength. and felt confident of success. Thcy know how‘etrong and active they‘were nud from what Du Quonw hall already lost by follyr they had no very Krcnt four of him. ' They met in front of the fort, nbouf. oan hundred and twenty feet from the walls—— uppc enough for a perky to cut thvm off, but. this had not been forgotten, The sun: rtflc‘ men of Boone’s force were in such position as to give them nt'hnw the power to pour in such a tire no should prevent a, nurprise. The taxqu of this conference was lpread u the Lick ‘9O Bowman unys— md tho nego ‘tintirm begun, ntchcd by rifle uid by tom. hawk, in every minute'bf its progress. Boouu’o languabc is peculiar. “W t‘ hold the trenty within sixty yurda of the gnrri won, on purpose to divert them fluxnn breach of honor. ns 'ch colihl not avoid suspicion of the savages." They were to be diyerted by n sufficiency of good rifles within fair dis tance. , ~ . He does not suspect the Clnldiln, ‘bécnune Tue kimw bow differently honor was estimated by savage un‘d by soldier. The cnptnin of- t'crcd his ttrmsfi sud they were very hlwrll, yet they contlnin‘cd the citrnordinnty prhpo eition that the oath of Ifloginnco should' be uken to George TIL. AM a submmion mndn to: (ho Caumlinn authorities. Dliring this they won: m‘bo‘ illoxvcd‘ to go with penfcct frcudom and tnku‘ all thqir property. “fill this w‘xih too much, and Boone hndérstood it. Io knew that four hundred stud fifty snvugcfi, who had boon prup‘arihg for weeks {and months for" this expedition, “slid not come in ‘ all the panoply of mm 30 end lg a signature ‘ of the paper which they did not comprohcpdv ‘gnjd concquug :v'vach my} did notyuxjé. prpingJea us .thlinnir‘ fong’ffin'élc—Qhe l igg‘tmuwui W3~ givkfi’g,g¥d'th& (£32l3ch o! o_:l*c.“p‘t'M i '-- -fi£fi!&&% fid'hu’knew ill ‘1: s. "‘36 nego’tiflodL gnu signed; n'nd di ’pfdjfltidemto ’gfiug'fiihio. Cox. .Cgmiabolfi ‘ trp‘ops mgflmg .sy mum mug tHgir‘tw; ' 'eny‘knqe.’ air the express sent had been“ talk ‘ fifié éxlrémfly of lhé dau'ghfi. 'Boono ififl M's Yellow pamt‘nbsionl'c‘rn from tho fibrrls'Qn‘; ‘3‘];qu {He pmpohrd tr‘oblz, cur'o‘us to kfio‘w what was to coipo néx’t, ‘But‘ if‘Bo'ono hml ‘ngt ha}! cause it) suspect the whole thing" (rind. and n decoy, his mt infiigning the Empty Him! hnvc been considvred a (It-spor- Me}! ~ rendered under 1110. posaossiomol‘ n féficcneficeeding by many flmm his ox'vn. But mp first gsphn uqn bitumen-m. Ho _k av'hin Mfiiqghé‘n' Kflvrfhe treaty wrlv. 'flryflhcd, hilrhthcr‘by adaption- old Black flsh’nrdst; and comm-need M'sprcch: he know [he play had nnn'flw!‘ IcL 800116. lmd relied on the presence of his \gcpd rifles, as the whole mm was in cover offlu-ir flrn, They wrrc such shots M upon lhcm he ‘éould roiy. The Indlnnq nmv siepprd to the frfiht. As Du Quoting fm'i hum (Ho paper and poi) negotiator, their part WM to come, and thy noon nvouclxcd it. A: hccnmr. those it ho \rt‘rt'. cngnpgt‘d in th‘v formu'to‘n‘ot'Tz treaty, neither hml M’l‘nl. It. being an nflair of peacr, the outmtrtt appmr. ances were consulted. Tho‘ludEttuF in titr‘ir figurative language, dccinrui that this. was a}, nogotihtion between ‘two great. nuuics. and there should he cvivh‘ucc bf entire. frivnd ship. It \rua customary timnng thunl thcyl said, on aucit occxisions. {Ur two ludidrt’s to shlku hands with every white mnu. Now this Was a. scheme no tranqpnrnut that it must have been at our'o porcvivrd. in'nil its intention. hy'Boonc and tn: Rudy man at his side. They conscntod nnrl'the grl'ip was given—the cowardly snrnqu hating calcu- Intcd that it' each “ hite mnn rould he brought into contact with two Indiana, tho nurpriso would nurcccd. They mis'ook thtir men. Thtuxc stalwart pionrm nuvi hunters were not onciiy captured. They were on their guard, and kncw what cnch one could do. or course, tho rxigcnr‘y was one of despnn tion, and civiiirrd mon cont‘cntrutc their on. (‘tgit‘tl trr mondrmqu in auch ram Bowman rtintcn that Btnckflsh. nt‘tr hi 9 long SDN‘l‘i). lerl3ll signal the word "Cu,“ And that t n sigmfl gun um tin-d. It‘hc iq right in this, the lyre-concert ot' the whole In'nir it: men at i once—" the indtnus, fn‘tonrrl on thrru. were to like thvm oth" The white men hogan to dispute the matttr, though unnrmut, and broke loose from than, though tht-ro were two or three IntFlnl to one white man. It .wryz the signal for a general firing a Roouc'n party ondqnvnring to pmtrrt tiy'm ‘Mm the. snvngrs. whole the Indium: pourvd in to n:- sist their piot. Cum. hy huurirr-dfi, were flrrd, hut they nll amped into tho fort and 61mm! nud harricnvhd the heavy gram hv hiud thr-m. nil safe but .‘tqniro Boone, thnt brave brotlm, “ho was wounded Ntvt‘r riid nine 'meu (scape tron; huchcr‘isis or prril The treaty WM t'urgnttr‘n or run to in‘n ‘ \rndtiiug. Thu hesitgcr; had lint 6315 1:19» Ifind time; 'Boouc nan his company had Eshownthc snvagcw. at the fr-giuuiug. of what i lion hr‘nrto'ti couragt‘ thry wvrc rimrtv up This display was of thr‘ very kind to intimi~ da‘c the Indiitn. Any Ruth vxvrcixc ot grt‘ut peraoml strength told upon the savage with I; force beyond uuy othvr s'pcc‘tcs of reason mg. ‘ Du Quesne and Blackflsh now began tliv siege ,in earnest. They had A t‘urcc that could pour into the fort A power of ninmnni tlon, that. if n white man presented himself within range must‘b’e fatal. Th‘nfegc' lwted nine days and nights, for the invader was in number sulllclmt ~to take the nchmhte wgtchu It is tray for u} to give these do tnili to the page, m- to put-qui- (hr-m, but the reality of that fight never could be effaced from the memory of these who partlt‘ipnlcd in it. It WM one of‘ ”16th hernit: of llnt. series of struggle! \iliich gave to Kentucky such bloody ndmixsion into the {MM} of n» tlnns. A lcwgnllnnt men, tninul in a forest Kennel. were shut up in n‘feehle rnrt‘, which. if the ener’hy hnd pomnxscxl artillery or scnl ing ladders, mlght have been knocked to pieecq or covered with mi-n. They had nmnntl them those wlmsulil‘u was ilearcr than their ou-‘n. The halls Ml like min, and there WM nn hunr fur rest. It needed fillt‘ll I arena to illimtmto the energy of the great Pioneer'a character. llmvnnduet on this 06,-” cation shown him entitled to flunk Among the bravest warriors of our country. Indeed, Boom pcrsounlly enacted ml heroism im‘ measurably superior to that i)! mnny to whom history nssigns the lmnel. Alone or at the head of his‘ific‘n’fiho ever was the brave man. Cohfclnf th’cfii hlfirdbty under evcry form or crreumitnnce of "peril. ' The mount the fort flu-ed “hell they could hit, while the savage; 309mm] qufirc “my, :8 conscious of a full treasury of powder lull lead on which the}! could rqu. Boone My“: “After they were gene we pl‘cked up one hundred and twenty five pound: of bullets, besides what struck i 9 the logs ofpur fort ‘7 which ccrlnlnly is a grant proof of,ll\uir in dustry l" l‘tyun a great proof of the fuel" that the Indian knew, by futnl experience. that“ he. nlxomad himlu-ll' within range he was destined to knbw le pcéurmy of a Klfii~ l tucklm's aim. The piclurc of the old furl. l so accurately given in “ Colin's Kentucky,” from n «sketch by gel}, Henderson, shows ‘nenr it n belclof woods. These probably sheltered the senses who blazed sway im “jenny, only all rm inlpfvals doing Iny in try. The defenders lost two men, wd, lflmcvm It.“ IdecL 0f tllia'lou, one forum. king’s“: of llm wounded was in vuwwq mian from the fort, or swim Him rifle. and dumb!!! been “Milo ' eution with it, as was the education“. those in tho furl. ‘ 11(- ‘5O! infill 4m Ving 11 good nim’, “113‘ 'tbou 013921! the .tlolxsal‘nl offal assail- ‘ “a. ‘ M» tlnil‘out. WA ‘lled him, i had whoufinonawu head. mzcd. L'l‘ho man 3 was found nftcr nulnwn ball in his lK‘ld 1 Huh shagbcilng ‘MM she ‘glislnnco pr one ‘ hunAnd'AndLsew-flvo ynrdnw'fivo hnn- l dud nnd twenty w feat. In all his best day. MWiw mg”!- Surpalfied ‘1 this. MI W {all Donne iucvnrybuur of thosiego. ' v_.«" 5" One of Boom ‘a daughter; rtmnlinul ml (3 ‘ fort. Why sh‘e dit‘lor Bucompunv lu-r’ mo (her in her return (6 North C‘mfolina, is- nbl 'f‘rom llio record» apparent: but an it 'wnq j with her, when married (0 Mr. Gallon-31y, ’thnt he in his old'igt resided, it may he that ‘ her nflnchmonl to her father was an grew. th, nhc prefo‘hed flu pcrlls of the fort rather thm to bl scpurltcd from him. She was I noble girl-- . “Of lu:h Astra; dortrnvlanllntr " ~ Shdlaborgi hi the 'déYunce m zealously nl; her strength pcnnitt§ min! was one of thosu who snpphu] the mnnition. She wnn woundgduqd when} a Immdn of the heroin wnmrn of America ' mittbn‘ hm- nnnlc (Iv- Acmsmnqpicndnsfie. The Indians tried thnt by which the)" filoflon won hortihlv marge tu the Alnjtmng of’thc Mxilu 'm'tn 'l'hk-fy tlncw fire on thé fart anti it. tonic {>— nnd fur :\ tirnc it m'tfitd 95 ft' tho F‘Jtod hour for Ilmmwhorough has! come. There man no time fnr thought 4'. a“ rid; the fire nmhi ba cxliligltislltd, nilti‘lw the bohlnmq and biavrry of one young than, \\ ho rinkt-d and third .1)! thmrmvorhm. the impending danger was averted. All those thingq dis hclrtonfd’mmiuq.,for they had no rc sdurce Beyond the innmdintc act,'nnd when m the conflict of 'fihycicll stmngth thvy wer‘G overcome, they timid see ’no rérnnrsc hut flight; for, notwithstanding all that is mid of their braveryxlw Indian wu quite ready to recognise that them is a timq to run. Ron-mm says the fire was krp! up (luring nine (111le and nights, i tht: hattio had not sometimvfl wm‘t‘xad wkficd. the 'nhyui mi cndm‘nncn of tho garri mint have {ruled Boone rehlrs one of (he beat tactics of the lu‘siegr‘rd . “The encniy Legun {5 under mine our fun. (Mn-ll shn m 1 Mir “rd ~. from the Kentucky rinr. z’kfhey hegnn tit! the writer mnrk. and pmrrdlul in (he bank ‘ some lili‘iflllf‘u, which wemuleinimulh)’ their making the inter muddy niLh their clay: and we immedmhly proceeded to thIIPOJDL Ihvir denign by cutting a trench avro 4§ their subterrancnn pnsngc. The ennny dirov crliiguidr eonntt‘rmin". by the day we threw out of the fort, deéisted from that strate grm'u. ' . “ This device was too good to have been sug goqted by the Indium. It wn a mint in civilized warfare rind mu ffebnhly counselled hy Du Qucsne ; but fun forget Llui. the rim“: hnd not. been mi inattentive observer of “hm.- ever or wnr an its incidents ho hld wit 11l saui at. Dptk‘l The digging wns M 0 haul work for the Indian. and‘ so far n 1 he } [mrllciynii‘li in it, he n 1: dnuhllcw quite willing to «lisc'onlinuc the labor. Experience, Boone says. fullv convinrm‘l them lhu neither power nnr policy could of. feet their‘purpnse.‘ On (Jan ‘2th day of A 9 gust (hey nisul the siege sud file-parted. This tun great u‘iege. It is one of lhe mastmemm’nble pages in our mili'nry hi - !ory. . While other And minor nfliiim hzwc “(Staged their chief Miors highjn fame. the siege of Booncsbnmgh. mn‘nincvl for nine days ~fuur hundred men against fifty —in a wild country— against a M'lecicd bend of In 11'um warriors—Ms been comparatively for gotten. It resembles the ’de‘ipernte valui ofthe bntlles of the Old \led. And had it occurxgcd in Europe, no honors or rewnnl would have been too greet {or the bold de— fcndori Boone was not the man to make eonspicuoufi his own achievements. ‘ ~Boono (sud others“ who survxved. in their old ‘de3‘ spoke with gratitude of their pru scrvn‘inn. He was the mm to remember. n 5 brave mendo. who bud been the dufcudor 0f the oppressed. In lhis repulse of the anleO, Boone felt {he nhsem‘e of one of his boldest and hrnvest men vone “hose comma and hkl" would have nude thtmwlvcs visible lo the (Humm llturouf (he enemy. Simon Konum WM) not. a mm to be willingly may from nuoh n scum. Hll absence was owmg to the fol uwfng circunylmcon : “ Kenton “54153390“ shout. to undertake an expeditinn lglinst I smali (own on Paint .Crcckl r‘gadily jéinod‘ him. lnnciion was inkqomo (01110 hardy sohthcrnqr in such nYir ring times : Besides he had nomn nu lnnchuly reflections um he can“ anly escape from iii tho' exdteinbnt of dangdr and adve‘nlurc.——. The party, cqnsiming pf nineteen men, nmi 00131113311011 by 1500110, Arrived in the neigh borhood-of (ho Indlnn village. Kenton, \\ ho Was an usun} in advance, was startled by hearing loud pan: of hpghfcr {mm a cane brakojust before him. "a scarcely had Lime to tree before two Indium. mounted on n .umn‘l’l pony_. (Inn facing thanniixiril's tail and the olhor“'his4lfisd, totally imsuspicious of dlngor, und in cxnellcnt spirits, made thvii; lpponinncm . He pullsxl trigger umhbnui In dium [cl], Ono killed. Ind‘tsw .other severely manned. He bummed up to mlp his ul voruricn, and was immediately surrounded by about forty Imliancfijfiia “caution, dodg ing from tree to (:90..ku unmfm-uhle nough, until Boone nndhia party coming up, fwfocioualy attacked-Ind defeat“! the unva igon. :Boonc ‘irymodia'cly returned to the lanccor of His fort, having ascertained (hut n "ltrgn'm'pn‘fly‘lm gvno :13:in ""KCHt 'ton find Mdmgmpery, howvvor, rcsolvud lo procg-tt‘ ‘to tho village to got 1‘ n shot," and itcnl hom q. Tht-y lny within good rifle drummer mo village fqr two day»; and n' 1 night, wilhuut arcing h 'uingh- wufl-ior {an lho accowl'fiight (hey cmh mounted a fine horse, mu] p’ut ofl‘ lo antucky, nnd thb (11y Miter the Indians raisrd the ridge uf Bo'oncs borbugh, ‘huyeanlored mm (ID for! on their 1 Rtulonpmpm ty‘. —i(,‘oflm.¢‘ Kentucky." ,1 ‘ This'stigo mihnhmtu‘f Hm‘m?fitn"r}’ history of Boonrx‘mmugh.” H WM the lust nlinck i 1 slutnhivd, “ml Tl “M Nil-1:2" mfliflml (o thr (MI: "'1" tho, Imprrgvmhlv. I‘mmr-slmrough mm In .1 xmnll “Hagan and yo! It \uH ulna} .. r‘ main in thvv history of Kentucky run! of the :‘ountry. n (-lnwicnl loc'nhty. tn lMLrJdu‘ys. the Fir" of I‘anucnrr‘ hn‘q ,mnflc the scrum of ”10‘ HnnN‘r run! the \Vnrribr lin again. 501.:L20r‘Murvhrnd, dinlmguiJmi .ful' his in tchct in n hnd whom qunh aim :14 (Way and Crittcndcn am] Brockpmdgo lived, duhnrwl, in 191') an address by comnwmnmtmn of (he hiaior‘lcnl incidchtx of the Place, which ix of the moat vnlunhle (‘mllrihnhmm uf'oHr mmila. Kentucky own; to itself to build. at th" silo ofthu old fort, a mmummt, worthy in its mgnilnde of tho place where 1:??u'c monla’n’l the rumor stone on winch the grul cdiflcovf the State hm Mon m nnrccmfuily ro‘nHRI 'Afwr tho, filtrgu was over, the fndittn': dis prt‘kml. “The! Mt. the deepest chagrin ttfitt thr-y could not hn‘vc sE-P'Ltr'cd Hanna. no “114 thr‘ nohlmtpriuncr thry Ind ovr-r taken, and twin! hr: hn'l sw‘r‘cmfully (waved. [{l- had drnszcd tint and Hln-tlmpwmdtmfl hungcr' nhq her}; pxiv‘nlinnmflhd .‘tt‘wr such a march as “out! hm‘c done lmnnr to thvir hm war rtnr, had dinppointul all ”It?” hnprs of taking Hf" i'ortrcn. Thq had Imt the lan dcr and mt gained the gnrxison. Boom henceforth wné n mrmmnbh‘ word in Indinp tradiuon. Their fire from ”H“ fitrtmTtillh-d thirty ‘tvrcn, nnrl mmmh d n gt?! ‘numbér. Whon th‘r'y left, tho} wrnt in flitlhron! par t'm to the ' sew n 1 forts and \mylzxid thé hunters. It is quitn probable that, had they been suc'wnfut at Boo‘ms‘mrough. the Armr icnn cause would have mill-rut rrcntly, for it \muH haw hem romptctc (ncnurngcmont '0 111': 1H ish to w stain the thdneo with the Indmns at any cost, . ('uxlotl‘shu—(‘ufrfiixdy ft'“‘\vouYnl bl‘ c’vgr'xt'flm mam—gnu ..‘, .L—“L tan/.mua sL’lnf‘LS —-lhc hmor Hurt fink awaited {him} lnm-v no! h‘ r. “ha val .prvlucu'd hnnstlfl “uh a film \erhy lhé plautlil of a nation. I wit; a 419'th Mann}. “’l' hm‘ hm) [HUM‘ trauom in our Own thy 9f hvmiam and con- i bumxmu- nulluyry hkl“, rcct‘iving Hm snmc ' rcwnrd., F 13“? chm‘grm wrro mndv signified i Inn} r—lhu‘ fir»? cough nm‘; th'e captbr'c of [llOl Salt mnkmrg at Him I‘ll‘ks ; lhv str'ond, a wry umgnlnr one —“ HlJHirL'a'ng fiicndlyi fulmg tomaulu the ludmns Mule}. prisoncxfl nqd offering to sumudcr 13001115120: '2!th, I hn {Um pwplv n mun-d to Detroit, and live 3 uutlLr Britm‘u pmlccliun and jVll‘;hdl—'.'\O§’l”—‘ Nun; all}; pruny ofmcu from lloombbordugk m kin wwlumn Lo 8 into, n u! thus “mak— cmng lhc ghmkou. “hen he had reamn Lo ! bellow thu Indians u src about Lo iuvndc ithc qurtv-nnd nt the siege of 15mm ,borough, be sixg “111 mg to take the mnmrs (a 111: Indian camp. and thus cn'hugy r the gnrriaon. ' t It must be Hut {hm mur}. was called by ‘hm friends, to gn'mhlm an oppanu-uLy [o‘ lahow lo the me tho r'onsumnmm akin uhich his land conducive! lumsdl' m (he moat li‘ntcnuly‘prmmnma position. 01‘ Lhe mos: 4 bouumblu ram“ 01’ (Im tmtl. mention bu bo¢ If'or'e beomm‘ndc. Mr. Peck saws: “Afuqr n full 'mvoalign 30:). he w“ a :quuud honora- J My. and (he oonfiduncv of the people m his I patriotwm and nngncnty copfirmcd and mfl greased.“ l‘hu‘xuadu who; bu CML-(ully LnnN-d the cmxrlur‘! «(the I’lonrtr, ml] realin lhmvjmly hc (It-Germ"! Hm gratitude of hit; lcountry for hiq wiqdum and bm'n'ry in All wheat: niluationu ~nnerl‘s Lil?» "f Danni; flaunt. 5 gbnrirc mm atrium, THE AVABICIOUS MERCHANL .‘ , - A Thrrc “as once a mowhnnt nnmr-d‘ Filnr giroionr- ofthc mm! nvnrii-imn Chfl'fléh‘rs in the world: for though he had rmlm-d n hand sonmpmpmry, all his thmghls went, bunt upon winning nmmmnd more, 11% nvnricu still iuvrouing with the incn‘ns‘u of his wraith. Iv. happened that on nun-ninmnp duy {rum n sale of sums of his goods, wilh'n purse of {ourhnndml gum crowns, while on gagéil in tmnsnciing nihcr hn‘iuvsal he mm unlucky enough to lose the whole sum: nor was he Iwar'c on)!” loss until ho ruched homo, Afr'ning them, )W’qwncd an. im mcnw Chlhl containing ‘ m'my thousand 'vmu m, 1'"! on nwpnn‘ng to add the four hundred to (ho numb'cr, hu wn , Htrllbk dumh With astonishment in lhuhlhat they‘wcru gcno. Ho uttered an cxclmmtion afihnrmr «very time h’E put hie hnml inky curl! of his pooh-II», ‘till‘COln'lllCHl in hut that his loss was but‘lr'uv, he ran 01!" in great vnnstinm uon nio‘ng aggpaih he hml cow; inquiiring’of the nary dogs onrlho “My whe‘thcr thoy had seen 0!: sciicd’ up‘dn 4iig'Mniiro. Ho was quite confonuilml whonhe reached “"5 plnco whvrcdio hadrflrsb melted the money, with: ont obtaining the least tidingfl ofit. ‘ Almost ovu-whclhed \th despair. he sud denly Leghmxthiim, M n lust rcsourcy to apply to the magistrate. ontféirurng thy}. {a publlqcricr might. be instantly seq! thrill, and cabling thqgum otxforLy crowns for tho recovrry of higtmasgrc“ ‘Vith great 061 m (My the magislmm ”cult-d a» the request: ”pruning hidmlf at: tho sumo thno 9m:- cérucd to witnesmhc bxmnuim ntflluliunlun (it? mum “Wm ‘fiélmcl‘ffi‘mf Tfil‘ rcwnnl was acmrdingly proclaimed. Bud flu: gold soon aftt'ru'nrd made its npm-nrpm‘e it! ”no hands of un oh] lady, who found it on her \vayhumo from chukh. F: nrful [oat hm" mmcicnno should he 10min] wiln‘ well I_ weight or gold, 'flm'ughxxlrundy poor. "she ' wpuld have been very greatly pcpk-xcd in Mint “my in «6!. had {hc‘nnt‘ ludaly heard 1 the" cricr announcing (bu. row-Id of forty croum, “Inch :‘hv hoped .~h~~"‘imghl recuru . will! Imfc 'cdns'eiqmit. ‘r " 5 '“ mmn‘ing her dutiiutc nppvnrnncc, 1h!- jndw~ wry'hnmgnoly inqulrvl] whuthtr PM hm! any momm Mpg-gaining hm" suhlulstmfl". i and whvthL-r Hm hn l ‘1)!» offo In MAM, Her. 5 ”I have nollnmz.‘2 s‘n- n-pliul, “ hut \i-hM l . can gain by the Work of my hamln M'iu'l th'o; hvlp nf one dnngthr :wrc \w-mc amt Epin, ‘ Signor, (n linm m murh :11 WP ivnhé, livingz‘ in the fear oflhn Lord in lhu hut “my. “"1 are able. My danghlor. to be Mmu Ivshmfld I wish to are mnn-ird btrforc- I tho, hunt hfl'r' ‘ . . thmg to gin “or for R porfion." 'l'hv- i judge, on hI-nmg UH‘ poor womm's nécmm‘l‘ of herself, hl3hly primed her mlcgflty it) Hm: n‘ntoring what she might no dMly hM'c mama] for bout 1: Ind for n momma por tiOn for her daughtu': observing limit ran an action of which ho round (Inf va othirfi, umlor the same ‘cmptnlionfirnuld hwobecn cnpn'nlt. Ho mm mmxidnncd the mumhum, (Mm-ruins him ‘thst the lost Ircmuru “an Mud, Mid mqunting him m the samc‘t‘nno to put into the woman's hnudn (hemmed re mm]. . . I The rapluxc‘; o‘l: ‘(hc mm r {Vt-rd. (ruly amusing “hon he bdhcld and xvi/4d upqn the gold : but on hearing the demand of the sliml lnird sum, hiabununanccngiin MI. nndln. begun to ”(ink how he could wsquly with hold the promised rcn'nrd. liming num bcrnl the yxuccs once or luico exactly nnr. lhougfi he foun«l_(huu puft-ctly corrufl, hr lnrnul lowurtl (In; 01'} ’“FHJL'I, 21131131,; ~ ” 1:1le are four-aud-Ihiny due-Is 2.119;! of: tfic Hun which I put‘inlq [l'3l bag." The old lady nppund extremely confqud u' this accusatidu. ”claiming in n disgsgwd‘ tone to the txinng-Ktn, "Uh, fir, chn 11ml 1» i) msilflu? Is it IlktlLl shJifld inir «0-! lon thirtylfnfr dumls, whm I had it Hi In} pom! to power-w mygxdl'ofthb whok Z No ; lx‘fin‘e me] I sugar, 35,1 \‘glu'e ‘uhupcslpf u... . a..,—‘m-'n.;r{\~a:v>rcw mu rumum mm *1 found on my return from (‘hlll‘t‘hi not a “ingk- farming ha\'- I I.lkm out " I BuL \hv fuzscxly ol'f n‘rcKch coutmumg [o‘ Amrm most boltumly (hut the d'ucats “ crc In ‘ the same bug \uLh the crowns, and that ‘hc ‘ must l'ozlxldu‘ than u summm‘ Icmfiutra- ‘ Lion. the Izmir sec ‘ucd lo pvrplcx the uprihy‘: JudgL not I hula. Yet ii hen he rtflLchd that the chi“ nun-r had only mimiumd (he fuur hundnd (MAUI: 111 the tint Instanccme began to suspect his design of Impoamg up on she poor \mman, in ordnyto saw the pal try sum ofllrcd Is a to“ Ird, llu «felt thfl unpat imhguation at the discover} of ”"5 “00¢“, hLllcving no punithunt to be too 50- vvrc fur (hm dupimHebr-mchnf fmlh. Bu! checking the rising ringer! for I Ii" um‘nt.’ he ‘n‘flccted thgt [he most rmctunl rhuflsu mam ho could bestow upon the miner-59 u.» Lk‘mpt lo impmc upon the inagistnz) would i be to make tum full into the very smug he had laid for Another. Wlllt this new hclhm ‘A 'ad lrwml Uu- mrrchaut “ And why dad you no: mention the Amount of your 106: before proci-iixiing lhdrvwnrd Z.” - ‘ luv-'kahv flit; I quite fnrgvt n," u M the nply. ‘ " 7?"! it scum somewhat stnugu that jyou. who agape” so piflwular nlmnt ln'flw. should have recollcc'M flu- circumzlnnm of tho ducats. And M Tar M I (‘1‘!) nfidcrfiand. you wish (u rrmwr “1:31. in not your own. I menu to Fay thnc‘mk hafy of gram timid urw‘r have belonged to you at n”, sinvr H!" mm yon flr-tt mrnfivmcv} it nm 00 be fnn'nd' xn it" The iur‘lpn (hr-n turned Muunl Ihr" (M woman.lfimrving. “ Sinvv il 2:; char Hm! ‘ (Ho #lan h nonr of his; ar'vd yuu have h_:d 2' the good Inuk to Hull it. my keep n ; thvl fihnla H your own, shonltfdn owncr appcn’r' [Fifi ("an prnvo his right 10 th- properly :f lhcrefmo, pmng It as :\ “aiding gill to your dulglnor. If it ulfonld happen (hut 3m: I meet Inothcr purse, containing the ducats as l we" M the are“ m, lwlunmng to ”us With“ um, I beg you will return it to him wuh‘out demanding my rmrfl ” : I The “rctchod merchant finding that the jyflgc had trul) Powhatan}, hiylnulivcs. and that more “in; not a chiucc of succeeding in his nofurimm’design, he dcdxred thnl‘hc was now quite “illing to pay the rcWK'r‘nl ht: hlld promised, if sho rehlorcd the remaining money, uhich was indisputflfly his uyn.- But it \yns now too late ; the juagc tin-hing Lowmd him with an angry air. U’uu‘tcncd to punich him for such u diagfreml gmmju to defraud nnoLhcr of‘ao Inigo g éulit‘. s’an From his own rcount if coulfi not. mum; ho llli : “ Goon: orinypwhclgee, andvhowhru how y'nu ou‘sptratc Inc further! If this 3013:] woman Should bc l‘orlumgl‘c ‘l‘!)thth mL.wiLl\4‘lß"[)llr.~le, with lhu crawl umouhl yoh nu-hlidn; the has pffilfl‘lht‘d to restore if to 3m: u'u_wnchcd. That is enough." . WlLbout venturing (q gnswcr a single word, 1 the unhappy Filargiro W}. compelled {l.O I leave the plnce. unaccompanied byhin ugwly t recovered treasul‘bunfi filled with vexntion ‘u having refnpedM fulfill the conditions be Ind mam, The poor‘ 0k! woman, on the miller hand. went may qvcrjbycd with hot uqkmfiood fqunnc ; find it nocdhnfl} 6 as! , tno clgipnmtkr wo‘bstmpu-Ly i mu- app'cm'ed; "er ‘ daughter, Iftcrvhg‘ving ZEN '.l .‘l‘f 4’ ‘ -.i-,«§“c\ 1"x ‘.n r, ‘s’: 1:15'EIHI‘? if; ‘l' =MS v,~ H . K 0 '3" o ' o I , I *- ix-’.s.'-..uL-..~ ‘ lung hxlnlgwl in n "in qmmhtmnl. lull! at length ‘mc ploiiui‘fid! mix} unitedin gn‘o‘uh. jrct of he; dfiflcc, it the dupéngg; (if “ml..- ’2l" ::~ minus merchant! “I" ~ "ur‘ ‘ ‘ . y flo‘uflg‘s {Téjln'rfn'u'nt DEastinNo VT/17A Kitly Lincoln had lnonvr‘un-ing mud nhnp ’fing in the garden ulna-gum Inc-fifth] Mimi crx. an we [mud sum; Hum“ Mush—mu. Uud film”. .I 5356!, r .ifll‘uf 171- 611i} him his gill); in} L!" 1')" 1.3151 th knit-ark, {m her Mir: \wH full "I luv, (mi hu' char c_\'vx.rr‘\'(ah»tl it. w, ul‘courxu psoplv “qul! IMP IMing ht r. ~ - ‘ ‘ ' . Lmh' rhiMron \{imluvc (vrrj (mc‘nr}-‘u\. ‘umwgrufly bcluv tl. \ Bud ‘xou mun: not. snppwv my smgl Hlvw “as “Mum! anxn'. ' Mn“, in "vii wnrhl of imrof'fv-vt think, surh :\ 4- yo! to Ll‘ found. “A“ .801le (lure «n. 2, ID 11nd}. In ”quip h. tho whin- w'nqr-d "ms Ihow, mu “41"?! Hwy nn- lu mrry “ith nu b’m i Huh s:2lam}. and MM) \w 501- lhrm pausing Mm tn, 'l' u c are not surprisul or mocked, fur flu ; m m to he ckh'flcd like dew how u.» hour ( n! flowrrd, null ‘l‘ only glance R {award '7'! the huh- grarn “horn repmu flul lawn-. 1 that, for “'9 know our trum'np' is not ”urn, and lha' in IR nvr'n Hnrr 'l. one any 1‘ mm . Unr Kmy “a; 1101 one of “1050. th'nn her charma, nr'xd all ht!" winning “ thy-n, 1M". ’“nu plenty uf (mthlim-w ALB?“ lm )u‘niff nn‘urc’ and smnctmws, flmng): not ofun,