Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 12, 1855, Image 3
THE FARMERS' [ll(:II‘SCIIOOIh omm) of tho Dopamfitnlo Agr'} Sonicty, Irnrrinburgnéepc. 12m,1855. } Th 9 Board of Truatgus of tho Flu-moml Iligh‘Schob} of l’ennsflvnnin met “my day Members prcsoniz Gov. games Polloqk, Jm’uéa (10mm, I’rcnidonl'of j’onnsylvinin. Stale 'Agyiuultunll 'Booioty, Andrew G. (jut-tin“; Sccm‘my of fine Oommofiwegltb, Frederick WnlfgfllfimN. MoAlliuth-fiJhmos Miles, Alfold L. Fllwyn,'A. 0. Heialcn John Strnhm. nutl llobefl. C. Walker; , The Governor, James l’ellook,'in 'tho chsir. , ‘- Fredcriok Wettl from the Committee to view eomin land: with 1 view to the loop I lion of the Former! ,High School, mode tho following"ro§ort : ~, ~ ' Since the last meetinglof the Board, the} ‘ Committee by two ol’ their member: took occasion to examine thol'fnrml of Mr. H. Eamon, of Franklin county. Two 6! them farms, wliigh lie near to the town of Lou den, on tho I’itloburg turnpike, are situated upon tho Cnnndoehcnguo creek, and each contain about two hundred some of excel lent limcslouo lend, well improved and cultivated. The improvements are of brick, undone tho dwelling: ond burns, the; ore of the boat kind. ’ljhoaq {arms are now worth sixty dollar“!!! -n°r¢'. " Up.- £1366 bi? ‘iiél’rbirtlio‘ twin of London, than! li a large nnd never failing spring of‘ water. Another form ol Mr.‘ Enaton'o which he calls the Welford Form, is nitna. l ted'nhout two and n half miles from Low ‘ den, and about the some dlutanoo from Mérceraliurg, and on the great road between ‘ thoso'plucot. This ixo‘lzoontit‘ul flrllhfof l two hundretl ond forty acres, shoot 0‘)?» third at which is slaumderhid with lime-J atone, one-third in limenonern'nd one-third ‘ of clny meadow land‘mxufllbnt quality. The dwelling is a fine brick house and tho horn in built of coHime-tono, This is :1 most doairnhlo property, and having-upon it njv‘oryiarge and never failing spring of limeston'érwntcr. erEnston does no pro pole M‘givc 11l of this Wolford Form to tho‘Ft'rm School, because he considers it from three to five thousand dollars more valuable than either of tho other two which ho docs propose to grout grntuitonsly ; but the citizens of Mercersbijrg propose to moke up nnd pay the difi'eronce in value between the forms, no that‘ihia Wolfqrd Form msy be considered as offered to the ( Trustees gntuitously. Your eommittoc nlso hog leave to report the following oom 'muuieolion mode to.thcul by Mr. Blnir : .. ~ IIUNTINGDON, Sept. Bd, 1855. To the Trailer: of lho'Stulo Agricnllu ml Cullrgo,»Gontlrmcu:~—l propose to nonvoy to the Trustee! of the‘Gollege or School aforesaid, for the purpose for which the sumo was inoprpomtcd, a form oflimc ntonclandnitualo in Dublin township-in the county of Huntingdun, containing nearly two hundred acres. This form nd-' joins the road leading to Mount Union «in tho Pennsylvania Railroad to (lhninbern hurg, within one mile of' Slindu Gap, sov outcuu “tilt-rout. of Mount. Union and thirty west of Uhnuibcrsburgl About om» hundred Ind thirty notes of it hro cleared and cultivuoti, and About twenty of it me meadow. The land in quite level. Lime» Mono qulrrica are oponod on it in several plooaa, and every port. of the. promim has abundance of spring and running water. This proporty is located in A very healthy moral and improv‘ing neighborhood. This form I propose to noun-x3O“ on candilion that. the College Il'orcsaid be located than on. DAV“) BLAIR. The follnying proposition wu patio hf Gen. Jnmu Irvin : l To the Trustee: of the Farmerl' High School of Pennsylvanin,——Gentleuen:—- Tho nhovo diagram (sec letter on lilo?l r:- proscnta one of tho tact- ofl-nd effort: 1) mo sumo time since to the l’nmrn’ 11ng School, and turbo Uommittgg nod those of the Trustees who viutcd’the ground, thot’ it would be desirable to have n lnrgcr tract rlmn two hundred some, I hove laud laid off one hundrod acres on tho west And one hundrod ncrcl on the out, making in nll four bandied wrcs This tmct in tho, noo ond one visitod by the committee, and lies on the north sidc'ol' the public road loud-_ in ma; Donlrc Furnace 't9 the l‘onnrylll vnuin Rnilrood at the mouth nf Spruce} Crook, nnd distant from there about twen— ty-oue miles. I proposo, on condition llu: Institution be locntul on the above tract, 0 convoy to the l’nrmcru’ Iligh‘School ol' Penna lvnnio in {co aim in, at any time nl'tcrtlm location “lull lino been made that tho Trustees may require, tho two hundred acres included in tho black lines. I also propoao to lease to tho Institution, lftho frustccsdcsire it, the adjoining two hundred norms for the term of tire years from the first dnytof April next, at the rstc of six hundrod dollars per year, with the right to coll upon me at any timo within amd term to convey the some to tho Insti tution in fee simple, clonr of all incumbc: rnnec, on the paymcut’of sixty dollars per more, my twelve thousand dollnria, one—half thereof on making the conveyance, and the hnlnnco in two equal nnnuul [nymonu thereafter. I will give the Trustees in:— medium possession of the whole, exqept m for us lhrtonnuta now on tho property 'msy require possession to enahlo them to gath in the present orgps. ‘ ' ours rel ott‘ull , JAKES lICVIN. The following gunnntoe was presented by l]: N. MoAllistar: '1 _ F To the ’l‘ruutoel, kc.-Gcntlcmen :—« Whereas the cilizons of Contrc'nml Hunt» ingdou counties have snbsenbod upwards "of ten thouéuml dollars to the Formers' High School of l’eunsylvnnio, on condition that Institution be located on the lands offered by Gen. James ‘lrvin, of Uéntro county, and whereas, the responsibility‘flnd _ ‘q‘lnding of‘ many of the subscribers are unknown to the Trustees, we do horoby finnMntéo [but the sum of tqu tho'umgd o]!an shall be deflected nmj paid upon and subscriptionfi'lto the Farmers {ligh Sl-llool,'ngrnoubly to tho" terms {ln coudi-‘ lions llkue‘ruofi : V‘J ~ H N MOALLISTER, ',JA,MES nwmmk “4 ‘ ~ “A. G. CU‘I TIN. Sept. 12th,’1855. , . l l ‘ Ob}. zElia}; Bohr, of Blair cqunlyfl‘lwing pmaont, ‘proposed Show Lube Ifafmora’ High Flohool, upon condition the Ishm fig}! b‘olécnlod- tLemo‘fi, two hundtog notes 3! land, mantel-about two miles dodihwost omnobnu, Mr. Imm Colflyygll being also presenhrpmposed on'bulmlf of tilt) cit- ‘ hang?! Blair county to givdlo tho Trua tooa two bandied acres of luml~ in addition ‘ Ind 131$!!ng tho said land‘of’lfiiu 35hr, ‘ and in Idoition also to piy tfie' sum of ten monitor! dollars, upon condition the Insti tutloq’Mnted upon the said land of Eliza Baker. Mr. Onldwcll then offered the following gulnntbe : ' Wu, the subscribers, horqb anntoo to tho Trunks: ofthq Farmer-'{i [£lBoth that tho numpf tan thouinnd (£o?!qu shall be mined by subboriptién 9nd pick! to the said Trusmos-‘one-third to be paid at the time of the comb anco of the title to the land of Elias Bnior, and the balance in three cqunl Innuul paymrnts. . ‘ ' (Signod,) ELIAS BAKER, DAVID CALDWELL. Frederick Watts offdtod the follqwing Micah, H ’ ‘ ~ 's?csolp«?,‘Tlrnt this adoption of tile pro position ofGen. James Irvin-for the loo» tion oftlre Farmcra’ lli lr School will best promote the interests 61$ the Institution, :ntl (hot the some in liorelty adopted. The question being ran the ndoption of the resolution, James Gowan‘ moved to strike from the resolntllm the mmo ofJoa. Irvin and insert that of Col. Elias Bnlror. Tho question being taken ,onlAho-smend ment,’ it 'wss decided in the negative. A. L: Elwyn moved to strike from the resolu tion the name of Gen. Jlmcs Irvin and insert that at ILEnston, which ‘vns 'deoi ted in the negative. Frederick ,Wltts moved that the question be postponed for the present, and that JomcsGowno, A 3 0. Heister and'Jobn StrnLrth be sppaint d I (iomniittce, whose duty it shall be to ex nmino the lands proposed 40 be éonated, and determine ”kick shell Bo adopted.— The Question was t on taken on the motion to postpone, nnrl diangreod to. Robert C. Walker moved to strike from tho resolu tion the more of Gen/James Irvin, and insert tint of ‘ George A. 'Blyll’df-‘llich motion ,vyns nlsoffléoiilod in the negative. The question: then re nrring on the origi. no] resolution, it: pngsel a ' , " Alfred‘L: Elwlu {rorrr tho ’Uommiuco appointed u the lust mac-ling to selectou rt'port upon a Principal {c' the Inatituti a,” reported that the Committee lnd/ngrcgto recommend Ohm-lo- B. Troy); Frederick “Qua morchthnc' the Com mmco beretoforn appointed an llm Inbjnnt be instructor!l toaproouro ‘tho sériricea of Charles Eyre/go as Principal of 5130 In stitution}, In. a. salary not, exceeding fifleun lnuyolrfd dollars, and HIM/in one he dola not accept; to seek Homo other person for tlxc.posilion. and which was Igrcod 'to.’ On molion, Frcdcrlck Watts, H. N. McAllistcr and Alfred L. Elwyn wcnuflf pnintml to procuro from Gen. June: Irvin lllu litlu to tho [and proposed to be dm Imm). ' 0n inntion, it Wis resolved that Freder ick Wm, H. N. Mainline. .ud June: Milcq' be nppoinwd 1: Committee to not. with the Pp‘ncipnl of the Institution in mnking propantiou (or building and {qr other purpoica, In}! that Moses Tnonippon, ochntru Furmco. be "queued to net with nigl Principal Ind Committee. Cu méliun of James Gov-n, Frgaorick Wnlu was unnnimoualy elected President ofthc Board of Truétcel. , Frcdocick W-tta presentgd the following resolution, which, on motion M Jlmoa ‘ Pollock, was agreed to: l Rook-ed, 'l‘hnt the Truck-a ofh tha Fumcn' High School of Peouuylum'l up prccisto with I high degree of {nor tho cnntributnona which have been undo to practical science, M it may ho applied to commerce and navigation, by Licut M. 14‘. Maury. of the United States Navy, nnd that his gem-mun olfur that tho influonco Qf tho (lovcrumcntbo extended to enable him to prosecute the cam-o inquiriqg for the helium of ngrinilltoxc, meets with our moat onrdinl npprobnglon. V ' ? ' ' , On motion, it was resolved, that tho' President of Um Bond [)0 dircmd‘ to pre puro n memorial to Congress representing tho wishes of this Bond on that subject The following it the memorial ngreod upon : Té (he Senate and ‘lsqu q’fl Reprmnéz tivca composing the Copyrm of (he Um’lcd States. The memorinl of the Board of Trustees of the Farmera’ High School of Pennsyl vonia relpeetfully reprerenta, that they are deeplfv impressed with the idea that the excel once of our political institutions and their permanent security depend mlinly upon the intelligence and consequent vir tue of the people, that the minisition of knowledge and the progress of loienoe and ‘ uufulnrta no entitled to tho fosteriqg care of the Govermueut, and that thn‘eu‘o should extend to the egriculturilt :- well an the merchant and mariner. We, there- l fore, look with the highest degree of inter 1 out and desire to express the liveliest feel ings of approbation of the practical and beneficial results which have been already 1 l attained for the benefit of commerce and 1 l navigation thiough the instrumentality of ‘ our oflieorn. \ We, therefore, pm your honorable bellie‘b to make such adilltionnl l appropriation of means no will enable the otfiificnt oflicer who hue the subject in ‘ 'ohar e to oxtomlhia observations t ugh- 4 out the oountryahd luviiq the 00-0 tien l of other dountries, that meteoro ogieal l T.“ 1 ' ‘ observers I'm-V' nut. in concert. lh nughoh“ the christian Kwurld, and establish a gym") for “no land auolrfl’hus “flmdy bmmdis: covered fun-11m Eon“ ' -: -~ Qn m'nlinn of John Strohm, t‘wu ro~ solved, thnulm Umuks of llniéllionrd bu tendered m u“ tlmsa'iho'lmvo #blibcrally proposed to aid in {he catnbliohfncnt of “IO Farmers High Schoo'l‘of"l’onqsylvnnin. On motion, Um Board ndjnnrnod. ' , ' “'ROBT. CTXVAJJKER, Hwy-q; lflnn‘ist‘mrg, 0530.. 20th;‘1855. Latest [’oer News. wa Your, Nov. .80.~—'|f_bo uteumaMp Atlmtio, from Iliqgrpool, with «inlet to Satan]: tho 17th inn, arrived It. her whurf (Kin evening at 9 o‘clock. ,} The latqal dearnlohea from the seat of 1 ur reg-on ofiicinly from Lord Sm'fl‘m-d Redo“ e, a victory gRiMd on thé 6th of November, by Omar Palm, over I forcoof tenthopsnnd Russian, mostly Georgian Malitin‘, at the rivar’lngouf. which Gina; Puhn, with the Tun/in, 20,000 atron on"!!! mod 1,! four difl‘ercnc points, taking 05 pris- ‘ {oncrnythrod gum, and Cnusin a loss of 400 in killed and wounded. Em Turkish loss is 300. ’ I A pvivnw dunpntcli which evidently rc rm to the some encounter, says the Turks crossed the river at tho soaportofiAusklin, sud stormed the Russian redoubla, nftvr which they pushed forward towards Kutn is, distant. sixty miles from Annklin. Therein nothin new from the 0""th 852 th armies uro'wfiixiiitfi-iwupici in but ting, prqparing for winter. ‘ A déauflory fire is kept up‘ begin-on {he north and south sidp of Scbutopol nrfil lhu fortifications of had: aides am being nug mentcd. ‘ " . ‘ Tho Intent, dates by' Holler arc to‘ Ilm 8d of November. Tbe'hnlhdl' was fine. ' Count ancrski has been appointed to raise and command a division of Cossacks and L’ules fur {ho British service. ‘ Rumor} of fienco are cxlremclyl prem {cnt but. va ue. ‘ Diplomnqv is active, as pecinlly at. gtockholm, Vienna and Brus sols. LuIu—ARRIVAL 0M1“: AMERICA llnumx, Dee. fi.——=Tho steamship A merica, from Liverpool 09 the 24th ult., arrive here today. The” oomspoudcnco fl'om the allied camp on the Tobernnyn is to the 10th afiNoverm but, find relateaaololy to the butting of the armies, the [lg-aim and tho Allie: being both the’n under cover. ‘ Letters auto that the town of Murlonh pol, on the north coast or the sea ot'lAiofl”, was bombarded by the Allies 0q,.41fc fillet of getbber. Ono hundrefi’fihelln «we thro u and the town not on fire, till Aus trian merchants hoisted the Austrian flag om the Warehouse-mlwn lb; lirillg ceased.‘ It was rumored that Gmeml‘ “'rangle meuaecd VMnlliod position at the Straits of Ye; ikalc. ’l‘lm Allies lmd, however, 30.0% man there, and expected to be re— ’mfor'ted by 15,000 ‘ Admirals Dundu and Pannud, with their fing—alnips and part. of ‘lllo flpcl, Me in the Bay of Kiel. -A steamer h'doujled to watch for an Ambricun cljfipur, supposed who in the Baltic with a cargo of l'ujul vcm ' Respecting Cnnrobert‘a mission to‘SWe ilen; We‘hne only a Parjs rumor. but the rumor is importantrnnd is as followe;Tlmt terms ofn militnny convention are agreed t 6 : that" Sweden mll furnish a contingent to Act with the Allies, nexupring, if'fu-tcc bo'not previouply restored, and that an ar. my of French, Engliah nnrl Swedes will he sent to (lourlund to form: l’ruhsla and Am trim to declare tlunnselvenfn furor of the Allica,—-nnd in return for her alliance, lhe Alliua will guarantee Finland to her. _ Sumo" of: dinposition on the part ol the Ruuinn Government to, make the firsl advancel to negotiate for pence, eonlfiauc ao preqil” I _ Mensa. Iliolnnlaon, Spence 6; Co report brl-Ddunfi'l M hvin Ilightl declined.— Wbcnt in About 2d.§owbr. Fleur 6d. and Corn 6d. The westhar bu been quite fi wonhlo.” ‘ ' ‘“"‘ ‘ ' Tho provision who! cloned utudy, prices being Itifl'er, but not quoubly high- Egcitihg Néw- From Kama s. ydpplicaliou (a (he Presultnlfln troop: ‘7 ' Sr. Lathe, Doc. 3 1855. , Advicesl i'ocaived from Kama state that Governor Shannan bud telegraphed to the PFclident in reltlion to tho illwatqning as pocc of shun, stating Rm. a flame of 1000 men Ind Irti 71 3mm town “Lawrence, and rescued/life ringicndcr in the nltnck upnn Mr. (Idicnmn, of Hickory Point, who lmd been taken prisnncr by Sheriff Doug— lua. ’l‘hu mob burncdu number of houses and other property. Governor Slmunon has requested the .Pmlidcut to orfirvtba troops from Furl lLeavenworth to aid mflho‘lgxooutiou of the awn. - 1 Dcspntobcl from-Waugh announces} the Humbug news from Atchison,lhnttha froo‘ State omccmhnd tnkon possession of im‘ porunt papers. ‘ An Attack upon Alchib’on was nmicipa— End, and a rcqucnl had boon aano Wanton ‘fur 50 armed men to aid in repelling the man". /" _ x ‘ ‘1 " Wunmar‘on, Dec. 3g Tho Nulionnl‘b'm’lltymwr confirm. the reports received from VKansna. Tho dth spate): from Gov. Shannon making a da— mand fur tmpa m received by President l’icroo yeswi'day. {lt in stated that civil war was threatened and “aqua-Md rompt mislnnw. The immediate transforofaroops from n“ the ncarost pasta ma unnamed by telegraph by the Praaidont. M ' UT'chnsiu wii‘nd on the Ambrici'm quak tipn.—N. Y. Exfrma. ’l'oxm; has bu lawfully elected elected a Dcnuwmiiv gnwrnm’f: roturncd n Ih-mm-muu qungmnuiumij dvlugation : chosen a. “cum rmt‘m h-gmlnmm. which-hm) just returned in Dumbt‘mlic (Luiu'd Status Senator. The Ex pl‘vNSifiH rightw“ Tum; is sound on the American quuntmu.”—Allmuy Argus. [l7’l‘ho «touch of the Niagara rixcy, under the bplfipcllsh’ll bridge. it is csfiumtmi to be seven hundred fuct. This in deeper lhnn any utilt‘r rapidly running ntrcnm in the world. Ufi‘i'l‘ho other- day a. Imm Wm: flmml mounted on n ladder with his lip“ pressed to the mlcgmph ,inos. Ho was kissing his wife H by telegraph.“ - ‘ BAILROA D Mi'll‘l'i'l‘tG I, iN‘ ["AVtili on Irina Nl'l'TArY’RUU'l'l‘T- v . i in, . At i 1 meeting of tlui ilituns (If Nitlnny l' " ' ' "’T ’ i 7‘ . - , ‘l. in t'nnnuxM‘nox.~—Tlm ludln oldie boron hr Vfliieyuiifiid M the M 313“? high?“ Home, R'thyfl runin to i‘oqm‘nd to every movement tcfidf near 1 al‘lbUl’g! in Hinton bounty, on in“ 1.; HlO 1,‘\.,,M..,..m‘ [mum m 1 impmdtdrmtii Th‘llml‘y ““c'lmgy‘ NP" 1855.) Ar I". of .lsollel'imtul presented nnmt-lwmfll‘ul lilllhiml 1 BEST. EN}, was nppmllwti i’rc‘sldent,‘ nlldl ting 30 tho ilu‘lll‘flil’fllifnll‘ l‘mlrrtfimmy (Emu/1y; ‘ JOHN LEIDY and BSLOMON li. Tlllmtl'rum, unilvr tho toinmnuil of Captain 1L 1) Curinnlngl. ‘ Vice “residents, rm Jag. lentpxoii, Séca.‘l‘i‘u.lirvvcntntion look [limo on tho lutfii‘at, from i “3k"!- . ‘ ~ 4» ‘ ; | Ilia lnilouny in fl‘flllitlfnle Pennsylvania lible'i, and i On motion a committee was Fppointcdiw‘" '“"_°"*°" W H Imm mml. Brfl-m "m ‘i to prepare resolutions 'nxprciiaire of [IIO I [irrm-iitulmn, thv troop. nndrr tihnrrnl Buclintnui, ‘ "mm of "m meeting. The fOliOWillg PR- 2:3l‘2‘3‘l'lm' t‘l:rli‘ir{;h tlu- llrinolphl‘ Mme“, nnil iumblo nud'reuautipns were reported 1—- I Mitn m“ I‘m“ mm film"), ”mine” ‘ . ' , 1 , . , nflrr ulncli‘thoy rm drawn .up in fn of the i “Ham“?! _.|‘th mrotlng ulidcrltandsgt i’vnmylruntngflohel. The mnovnuiliotli animating i “m" m" l "Md‘ifi‘ “‘a M'ilnlgarfl 0‘ ”‘3 nml linen-Minnow {ill long In) rcrnt'mhi'n‘tl liytlio ‘ [100" Have“ and I'm“) mum“! Oomfin- troop. Upon tho huloony- my noticed thdrfllrni 1.5. by seriously contemplaw'r survey on .30 lturmhlo,wlio wulnrmundcd iiyunnfimioium route through Nithuy-Vplie this way {Mr daughter» or llellofunto. The cenmouyofprc of Beilafonte,_(}chtm (,‘ontl , and notwith- Fouling lho‘ilng Gnu conducted liylitiv.hurinr. no. standing the very able lint] ihfiomhic re. fans delivering the gift he indulged in some very port of MI“. hfoMinn all to thu‘Btiidtltin lo] "PPl’t'l'Yiuto n-mnrkii. rerflndinz {Wery‘nolilhir pm. route, in; beliora tho Nludu‘y ionic wing)” Ft‘nlliml it in. no ordinary Intitivamillch imlnbcd found quite no favorable for constructing ii ”I” '"dh'fmi’" wa’m ',“"“'°)' “.WW' “‘3’ "mm”! ; Ind these with ow" comic,” “zero their wlvca‘ti-uid dniightcfi'. mine to honor thy: tiona will'wo hope influence the company iiiitlriiiii :"ild'" ""h'm’ "ml“ mmu’fwnm 'l'“ to decide in our in: r,’l‘licrefuro, mm” WEEKS?"”I:2S:3S 'IOII'I‘I"":""M :13? li’cxnlcml, That (iii! "mating rcapccti'ul- iiinv «rid iiiliiut to 14,2013} ’ilii'iii w]; rib“ll‘lll:"; irufgu’yphh ““3 Y'fmflel“ Mid Other 809‘ itiihllfiio [denim-of contidi‘nci- Whirh tlioyvnnhl ofl'r‘rx l omen "' authority "3 u'q matter, the pro- The Judgq inndt‘roin’c (-ioquont npponln in helm” of pricty of aorvaying the Many route err: the Ivrem~rwttinn at ”in Union; and concluded by the; determine on n fimd lmmtion. handing the cvvluri to Captain (i‘uiniiiiitzi _ i’cwlvml, 'l'lint, having in view the “9(71e ti. “wimp. Err] ,nn illt‘ )i'lrtnl the ilm; (grant advantage it would be to Niuilny, g'mnm Implied tanilgii Burnt-hip llt‘ M/flu’t‘tilibtl Sugar, ”run“ and.fcn", Vuiiey'a,'we Wiil thr'ihmon thin tithing no the undign rtjiiniiiri! in ‘nttcnd n gcncrnl mass meeting, to [,O held their lurxlmlinnz‘llirynonlilrinailtlnin ii7/i,.,,,,,nm. in Salem m. n uhlorshurg for the purpose Inlhml, rind its glory \iritnriiirhod,niiivrifullrul upon ’ “f: mm? f H ndcrstundlog the \‘iCWI and .to httlut‘ fnr freedom. or in defame (ifvliherty. their l Wishes ”(kapnny « . lrrnuliluLltng should be an inuentiru to noble iind levm’r"’l‘hfl comma or mung 1:31: mii“.§£.'l.§l"£3.l.2:l23:s3Affili‘lf’nlfii at“! Power bcmg “o°?“th ‘o' “m 3.“ ft mul- ’ he ler‘Vn,lH' thr- Bimtru Dragoon! milk-ii into aetivn m" o‘s" ‘l‘uc'l 'mflgmmd‘ey Will] i!“ over-i. ruriicé It'ut if itnhoulillw fll‘Cl‘llnl’] for tho any. towering intercqts! "0 I!“ (it). all _wo can ‘1 "nor of tho State, nr'llio l‘rm-idi-nt'of tho Unltt‘d‘ to aid the cntcrprge and hwliltnlo 118 com- strum, um." upon them" to defend "it mm, the pletion. .. § - V , hm'fth-i-tuncni raid the fll‘oflitil‘siflf cur vim, (7m Wucgl' Thu. John S.'Fursl, A_ ‘l]. written, our daughter: with“ mothers. "will ever Best and Geo. Hartman ho a committee to "”m ""M‘l'" 5" "“5159“ to MW!“ ‘0 ‘hflenllti invite the President and others to attend i "“"m ’W“"“lv 9mm """d "i" ""Mdrfln. the mugs ineoiing‘l to be held in Snlonu or l'iiin “" ‘fi‘l':/l:“,,i"dl°:f:“ 2': ”1:9 'rlfihh'n" "WW ' '"l W ever i on I!!! nnti \irtory nhnlli ‘hliiizirc‘yngli-ithd rooecdiii s of thisi-h?"°l‘”°‘°““l“"Umi "Rum m'iwnkcr m _ ’by d_p h Log ‘ lhgpp’y In his niliinlifnsfn the rcinlirhnol' Jiiilgo “urn: meeting b 0 p“ [Blm "l i a 01‘ “‘ch flda, and “Minor Mquntul him" croditnhly. “m! Beut‘rf’nw P'Peni.!m' "In“! {3301' Amrr “mot-minoiiicn Q": tmpa rem («mind in “It! rcspocttyo (Milton '1" DO'CDEIUC |0 llillc, mid inureheilto the pariulr ground. whdro our thunkg.‘ . A4l B ‘, 1),. ‘I :::t)(‘ll‘:lll;‘ti’uil‘ nl‘.\'nil’)’ drill in the pruning I“ 1 . . E 8 i, u . iy pur on of b llllllptllOllH input at the lmum (if immizm “smm WM W“ WM "w W» or Rumors hnru pass into L'll'cnilllltlll to the ""U‘K 1""?in but turn thin the many”. m. om etioct- tluit the l‘r "hint has nuthnrisril the "r s‘") (“9""5‘7 "W. W”, ’"kamt 'einploymcnt‘ mu ii of the United States in the To ' or 'of Rum; to, bid the loci—d uutluptrfi-x in the exocutjon of the hum. No ism-ii authority hurt been gin-in, ln only; to lillOW’T'ltlt‘liy ulmt hriii'liiim‘iiri-il, vw have uhtnincd permibsmn to‘pnhlis i thi-l‘nlloning do intrhm. ' “1' . 4 “:mrmn'r. (M 0.,) Dev. I’, lh’fiz'i. i nosirmuthnritf to hall on the [7- S. hirer-ii nt IA-nvriiwort i to preserve the peace or this 'l'vrritm‘y, to protect the Sliviitl' of lhiiiglnu‘i-oim‘ty. and mahio him to (mu-lite tho lvgtil inner-w in his linnds. it the hum am not cm‘utml i-ivii war is inevitable. An nnnml form-lot (me thousand nit-n, \iltli all'l the iinpli-nu-nla of \vnr,.it is said, am at Lawn-lice. 'l‘hny have rem-nod n prisoner {min ”in alioritt'. [innit ilflusgk,nilti tliicut i-iii-il the lives or citizcnnu luinn-iliiiii-ns simmer in desired. This i 8 the. only mums to save litmilslivd. Pnrtnnilnrs 1:) until. , . \ \Viuiox SHHHHLV. y, ' Wmulixnmw, “CC. 3, 185.6. J Your dysratch rm-civod. All the parser i vthrd iii tn: Hittx‘utivr “ill lictxvrtuit in prom-n}- nrdvr nod gnt'nn‘e thiglnux ()n the n-oi-ipt of your lrttcr the (ln‘illlllllfll'y iiii~:i.siirc.~: llt't‘t‘brlll‘y to be taken hut‘oii- (“all i'iignnt troop" \iill he promptly (‘\'t‘(‘lllt‘(i, and you WI“ then be fully iv‘lvist‘d. FRANKLIN l'iniuut. It is to he observed that the [in-sent i-i tliu ‘ timt ix‘riLsi'un on uhieh tlu- intcipmi ' n “M l’iusiih-iit has ifl‘t'll invnkfiil in r.-rt-l%i.‘-.- tn ‘ all) dilliuultyuixiug under the Inn t'ui this ammunition of the u-rriloriea of Ni«liiii.-.L;‘ mid Kniis'iw. In hint, their liux llt'l'il gimit Illifx'l’l]lpl‘t'ilt‘lh‘iioll iii ”in lllliiiil'lllllltl in to the Powers; of the i‘kt‘t'utii'e i 1 thin rclatinn. i‘huuc powers lI’C htriitly defined by law,- nnd Vc liiiiituh Under the uninitltution, it in trig, the I’m Sllh'nt iii to take cure that tho laws - fuithl‘ully oxeeiinl : but the au thorit ' a thin mhjcrt 'H to he eniiutnml in nuliord'in tinn to the pmvitmi of the Wm“. tut'um, which «it-clams that gums” him“ have ‘power. to pminli- f‘u' lug forth the militia to execute the l ws of the l’ninii, suppress insurrectinm, arid rcpt-l iiivuinns. Accordingly, Congress littt i'nwctcd limit Ap lplicnhle m term» to thi‘ ii-iinlmgl-noy of in iiurroction in mlfi' Suite ugainnt the gnu-ril rmint tlierml'. ‘hl' prom-in ratio is one of i ri'ninlam‘o to the llnrw of tho Trrl‘ilory. that of Ruin-s, tn which the nmu rule of Action ‘iippiit-s. hon HVt‘l', N 1 in tho case of y State. fin consulcrutiun that by the nut of Congrt'bs orgnni'uiig this TCI’I’IIUI‘), as well mi Ollir‘rd, it iii pmVMl'ti that tho i-mi‘ititiition, iinil ull iliiws M the Unitul Status Willt‘ll ll‘t‘ not 10~ ‘mlly iiinpplimlile, hllllli hurt) the same force iiiid ull'ci't Within the mud i‘cri'itniy of Knn~ NM its else-whom within the United Sillt‘fl, ‘ with me‘ptlflll of n single cliiniie of Mi Mi ‘ not mntcrinl to the tint-Alton. Amunnni: thix. i ‘ then‘, the statute pi‘ni'iii‘innn'l‘lht- “A". of 1795 ‘ ‘il, tlint iii cum ot iniiuirir'tioii in any Stutv, ‘(or Territory.) it shalt in" (In fut for tln- Pre~ ‘ ‘flitit’nt ol‘ the United States, on upplirntion‘ 'of the ltginlntum thereof, or of tho (“Ct‘llLl‘U‘ iwhi‘n tliu li‘gmlamn: Cnu'lllL lu- (’lllHl'llt'll, toI icnll forth such number of the militia of any i ‘ other State or Stiiti '4 M utny he applied for,‘ or (who may judge Mlmt‘it'nrm i‘i-pron-l such inuur'hw‘tion. lty :i iiulm‘qui-nt nfl—Jhflfof‘ 1807 ~rit is provided that In all How. of “hi surruction or obstruction to tlfliiw-i of any State or Territory Wheru it is lawful for the] President to call forth the niii'n'in, for Hint purpose of Hupprrssing such illfltl‘n‘t'tll)", oi ‘ of hunting the hgwi to l); duly executed. itl iihnll ho lawful fur him to employ {or tilci inc pur mat-x Mil‘h purtnf the liiiiil or naval F 3111) of the United States pi alinll Ill‘ 'tnlged liccefi‘tdry, liming limt observed rd‘ the pro rcquisiu‘s of tho law in that respect. Among the pfk‘i‘i‘qlliflihffl lii-re rein-mi to. it in w: it understood, in tho issno of ii. pmelmnntinn comnuinding the insurgents toilispcrsc iiml retlro pram-ably to their Napcctivu uhodt-s within it liliiited time. Tliu'pmclnmntiuu must undoubtedly [in-node tliu MW!“ me of tho military force, but not net-emaiin the mcauiircs requisite to prepare and warnnblo it in order to enforce obedience to the pm. elumntton. ' ‘ It in further to he ohservod tlutt the pre-‘ sent, in no for as tho fucti A or, is ri-sisty nncc, not to rany luw of ilwmiiitcd Slutvs, but to a law of the Territory, and the power of the President'ifi “matrix! the flinnoi'tlinit in tho hitter 0M0: for it' nlrstrnétiou tn nn‘ not offhngreau wore ini'uli'vil, thi- Innrnlml of the 'l‘vrrit‘ory might wanna" the imam cmutnlm to mil him in limintnining his iiiiu thority—«vtlmt is. the entm' nopuintioii of tho: ’l‘crriwry. But ilt‘l‘t‘. the Luv to he t‘xct‘ute-l ‘ being one of tho 'l‘cn’itnrf, Ind the minis-J tor-ml olh’ct-r the shorili' Uf-«b country "b -th'mi; regarding it (‘llll ho dono'hy the Pro- Miduut Illitii his interpoiutnm be invoked for tho emergency of iiwuirixxtion, And at the drill either: of the legislation Or the Vernor' of the Territory. in the former $350 that Pmsidclig‘lptghlrgivo direction. but in that latter ho Gannon—v— War/iingtmtvuion ' Xurafljutclligmcc. Nrmwmn anu‘. “'nnx ——Mr H A (Him-n (I! Lock llnvon, mliuilnllm pnlmmugc' of in“ pun-lulu winking to adorn the gun-l of their :lomrlrcl min. lives and friends with a suitable (antimonm hr llu-ir n-flpecl, in Hm wly ul' 0 monnmrnl or (01111» no culul in the mpfl. nrlmliu wlylu of nculplurv, nml on the heat qunfi'y of mnrl'vh- “r thstn hm- lmurhl the \ nlhnlxlc infirm-.1 01' Mr Llnnlig. ulmuc acknowl- Mi‘mal nbilhy u n wulptnr nfwupcriur talent: by ml film»! by not, ono Inn lug n (utt- I'or tho fine «flu, who.“ «harm: of his csdelinhmcnt. Mr 1) has morn-« Lin Ihmlthurgn l nmnumcnl nu‘r tllu rrumim uf “Mill Uncle. 15‘9” which munimmlv the ndmim. (ion or ou-ry nnv wlm lucbolnln it TM 1111;!“ it prlu migmu wen! “Muir-l (u h.“ (lilmtm, nl. Ru: Ccntn C-yunly Fair Wu ink ml hum-flu Iu lpmtk mum n! mug! h in n-lnliuu lo the prmlmtiqnl at (In; éamh» "iylnmout Luur ~Thc following is u “3th cusu trim! at ”no Nun-mlwr Torn: ‘ . Jump.- M lmmlnfrs “in. Smith Verdict for .1. fund-HIV, (“hem 05 , ~ ' Jnmcu mu! lliclmnl‘ Fax u Jame: Llpu, 6 AK. \'crlllct furllufcmiwu " ’ _ - Imngt'm-‘ckcr, U rlhb h CO. H. A‘. “flu-IM. cl a 1 Fuigued imam.- \'unlicl for lilnhlllfid. “'1 Hum Mtonlfon to Hm mlmflim-mrnl at Mr l‘mk. who bun Again apcuod the "Non in tho mull» and 0! Nu: Cmm‘d "omm Wu in" Icahnl his nlnllfiu m n cnkrc and know Hm" (n be cqud‘ to 11w bud ~uhile lhfi’kn‘hxuflus which he cuuz'imnlly km W on hum], um nuflivicnl to n-mpv Hn- umwmc "f lilo Innsl‘l‘qd'nliuus cp'u'nfl‘ hin' him n mll M Munch nu. Slwuu. Ibo “cnzngwl.” ur l-ngming, wlm nro unxluul lo pmcum a fulllll‘ul and vlngnn “finned, nl lho mullet! nany n! llmllr‘y, “nlllll J wall 141 on." 1):: Mr. qulmrt. in llmhrlwlr 3 Row l hound llama uh dupumtypua no [IN-ml. ‘ fly uumpctcnt judges, In b 0 cqu.“ In In] ymdmcd by Qua but upcnwn in our largo silical 1m Tumult Doconnu-v will Ihoflly’bdmmcme n neriunl' lecture: in thin bpwugh, (m the nuhjccl of Chemim‘xy ' Thu will he 5 rich (NlL—nun! vu hopc that the ”9mm Wm be fullnwcd by other It \s ccnulnly‘ufill tho‘fant «f ulenl deprive: as of a counc nl' lmlurcd on all lulg’oulr, during thu‘lol‘; wink: cvuninxb. - Tun PARKIII;I mould lunar in my»! Hm Danie) Durr in now mnmlfmlur'ulx I mm flht‘llillk w.u.lnm that. goes nhcnd a! any Ihing’ no bnvvmtcr‘finmemul in tho way nf duckling It run! (Mk-r. llxulh more our“, soul: has, and lulu longer (bun my uuchlno mr gotten up. W 2: “(Inn nu r. n lawn ulmk~and as man In the court Imam: iw flnishml, it will be plncml In Mic dunno, than in mark “.16 pal-h; W" It wm mu 8680; half of which hu b'cen ndau‘d by anhmri'» Hun, Councils having prum'lsod to Hupply Lho bg', WP. murmu- um um our friend Somb‘xk 1n- Lnndkmminpgnucmiwmkry (might Ml'l‘jmucn‘or In“. on Um hlJll lwtwm-n \h‘ll bumug): W pl Willinmqmuv m nl‘n‘fiuuclu llio cukuprix wnll meet, Mn, ‘1". urns. grout amass , Dmuxr. rulgnggfigmg an mg m illllnnjleglV'f l‘ n. \Vll'qn mu wry {lam-1y nuvcmly ind-Amhiy hung lhruwn firm hi< hora ~ llu Lucalml, hduu'lér, mm a llfuiud (not... ‘ J (Thanh: Gouno‘t, Esq , of Churfihlxl dounty mu! mlmii',ml w pmctlon u an (gum-no, in um um and (‘ ami‘ of. Centre counly. '_ ‘ ¢ R’7‘Attentlon! Centre Dmgoouabfll‘he (h-uulru Drnauium mu mquvslovl to Meet in I'll" uni. 6m“. for Dull nvnl'l‘ ”II; Town of Huhlorn- ‘ hung. on TUESDAY, the In any of {ulnar}, 1856, m. 10 u'umkA.M. _ > ‘ ‘ ~ IVA Unntl Mllilnrf‘nn." will be Kin‘l tn Um Conqmuy in an ovumnxm’ MM «lay A full Mum!- Inrn‘lvf uwnulwln i 4 mqm-slml A _ “ By unlm uf mu Unptn‘u. ,u' ‘ duol') ANTHONY (“MINI-111. 0 b" IF YOU WANT TO BUY 000!) AND CHEAP «mum, on“ ma- 7“ H BRHCKY’IHHUFP‘. "._ \Vlm 1m jun! malvul from l'Mlmlclpmu‘ah-rgo nml Impulilul glwk ul‘ ”mull! cunnifliu'f uf |ha "mat fushimmblu hm“ (hyulu‘for flame! nn Umflcmnn, such M Frmwll Marlin-u. Airman, Par-Mum- Ullflh, l‘urnmn Clo‘m, Delxllnr‘n, Du wan, Hula, l’rintnof I“ duwfipti-m, Mm» Cloths, Dnmimom Plain and Funny L‘qushwtn, leinxadnu n hugqu, of up.” 'l'riunuingfi. llnllnnl. llih ml, Ulufl‘fl, Mi"! Wllol lm "ml Comm "mu-Iy, and A variety ur I’4NUY (HIGHS 100 uumvmm tu nmulinn ( Plum...“ at an kllldi‘. 6mm”. ulvmfifd mg “11- ‘ Illumhvtl Muslim, 'l‘iclnin'w, Chl‘cki, (h I‘vlumu, M ' Abujum-urinwnf nll kin-ls, Haw Ind (‘npfl‘ noon and Nun”, “nrnlwuru mul lnm..Qlwemvfi;n'. Muck -4-H Tum, ”.wkth and u" “with lmmlly kept in n ' doJulx} nwl‘l' . ' ' (DUNN-ZR ' All kinds (7!“ Lumbar fm mlo M n n-nwnublo prlm- ~ “ BC‘lufimh», w w. u‘. I NOTWITKB'I'ANDING. THE RECENT lii'v in I. mk llxnvull.!fi. A GIBSON ntllloflfl (hum! h «up l hun (rmlauh MhtH worth of Mn hm“ fiful nuinhil Mnflglu lbmugh By. In“ "I Cvmtm o»de ”m uroélglju was ushl'ino M {fitljuulru .Cuuuty 1:211. “”' 'l2-“ - `ilsintss (gttorb'. Y 211013 me vavmou. W. Repmflfly (In? W'uyfiynmi‘by IV. J. Kmlal; « ‘ linmmrgrt, Décomhc'rfi. 1355‘ TE: murkut‘fur uvor‘y‘flcnprlpnon of pmh'wo FM mom wlfvo Int wvoek Hum [my farmer vinok. Tho mm, wad li'miteul mm amid“ ion fir!!! ,ln “le fuflmn, 1.? anh—Jfifim mm. tmp’ntg «241.73. M: heard of n “urifngloc bgiln; sold at 31.87 portal-cl. [Ln n-L'l'ilß—fimply inmutore I» veryJimltod, and p :03 [any [Mm 112' to R 7, an [n qunllty, “Ann—Thin i 4 an much; “It pnnh huh-- y‘mngl. Thefnuighli is doflciont—prifi'bl'qtmngc {mm mm" a m'qulny: _ “ V q Colin—'4l”: Image of Gym in “SM, «uh flab limo ofloyhig. film"! no nm a 50 'eh. pot bu slid?" n ."M ' OAn—Sonrcé 1111-] (he demand grant. flood {idl mwm readily brim; 3111.15 cu. perbmhor we mlico lh‘} um oats 00 um you'l mvlfi ll mom mmmd-‘nirfly fight?“ .. . ..- Cho‘ftn Snflzur—Vory limo ofl'oflng. and no vujn «on 311 pricu. ’ I ‘ 'lAi’—6fl all. por kindred [noun-h. ' ’ I'oruann—Veyy mama, “(mm 4110 :01, of which n“ nu‘rljprmerl mnpln‘m. Thu pmpem price for, Hm ordinary pawn in nemlyntaou'énu per hurllql ‘ BrrrmtT-TI. In’jmat domhnd Ind lino lump}, in limited. 11. vuuld lo“ M. honor vrica if mom mm! wnn lulu-n in its propnnflun. l'rirmora should he pmlipplnr m fmvo .tholr butler put 'np mm pound lumps, or'lmnllrr than (he mum! km. The fire-- ch! prices mpg-3 from 20422 cu. per pound. Enos—Am scum, Ind nudity bring from Illa I"; all. pct dated. ;‘ I‘l‘onxdbomnqq‘cxcooda the supply. [wing “(the we diufl'l which were me. on". dnflnd "m pal-l summer. Prion um au'mly nit 7:17] pet lb Wu recommend lo m 3 fir‘mvn of Comm county inm'm uhmllm in lhp riifihm of flgnk, And moth pnlrunu— lnvly gt). sunk limo-11‘.” «ma ”not!!! Arrive at nm uflty' . _ . o ficpl‘hfna'l'urfsiu 500%! 25, according to aim Chickens, Half: an ' - ' BALnyéuz, firm 8, m 5 .. Wing)! fill dull. ml the Wimp-chu- hlvo - cllnmlv 2n3 nbnln Cam In dn‘u M. n rimnur dcclln Flour ls Insulin st 58 8'! fur Ohio Pmi..uml§ruu. D’cc 8,1855 "Our ngn mmkm h'flnnvpricca are on the d olino. I. ‘ . I 00!: HAVEN Imus Wom_ HIGHEST l'luchl‘M AW \RDHH" rm: CENTRE CUUN’I‘x—AGIHCI' .‘l‘lilul. PAUL Tu the pcp'pln uf Centre County I: lm! mm Im- Jmne nun-Mod fun! 01M mu 5: use"! Ibo hum-u, chm veal, and very hm mmnrlvd eunbnmumun “I (ha hut] in Hm Imdrinr of Pcnniylmnin If in quid I?! Mr. H A Uilmm, nml aulmmllcmlunl hv "no cvlc mum! R-nlpmr, Mr (3 l" “min ul'N Y) Mr Liming m 1! fur Innny yvurs 15",; ngecf 11l mm ul Ihu lu-Il zs'dhhnhml-nlu in Um cny of New York wlu-n- hv Kninul nu mnin‘rlo lUIIIIIM'IUII M n lur- AJlnnir u! llu- MM unlrr" \Vr luwc unhnnll and {m :mh- IM‘IIT" fin) llulnlnvl lmmlllul tlr.|',:nluf ”I'M l) mnl r‘OU'I H'I‘UNHS, Mruul m '37!" in 4 at u.)’l‘ "I “m nrfi. hvgvflmr wivh Pruw'n (Emu-hm, (Irwin) 'l'olnlnl. Mmuuuuuu, ler- 5‘ (‘nrvml l..uu|m .u large ”file, and hmwns at M rr’ nl.--«~r|l.\inu. ull nlvriguod ha! ('lmumd 1y Mr I,imli,; ['vrlulm VI-Iluux mmmhiug rz‘n’o 111-Ii hruulnul. I» mark llm Jvaan lulu-4- of their downed fnmuh mama rim: mum, Iy nelnliu‘ 2nr|r «uh-m luv «Mu-r nf nw mun-m. wlm um [ma "er hm day wrung); an lhn [-11:54 I'm! (mum and mllu-yw in Fontnv ('limummul luv-mun: u‘numirn, nml hnvfl Hh‘lr \wlk cuwulull Ivy (lul mprgul—n‘lwwnul and junk.” wh luau-41.1”“! Lg‘Wu lune Kuhn-ml mu yrivu (mm \h'H «Luu. unl wiU lnml mmwlu-uto m-ll 1:5 tor eenl luduv the reg-1h: ulliuu prim of ’4") Mnhllmmem' in [MI-'- filnlo, Milw‘lmqg. nf'l'u'lvmlnwn. :Ilul vh-iiwr \hc work I'm”! ulmign to any plan“ ‘lvsiml ‘ . 5 A unwx. , Auvx‘n run (‘v\lv.>z ('0! Hr fim'l A simmh-r. w... Alum] jr..lnckml mnllv; Marlin “nusvr, jr , lluuu r'fl Mull. 'l‘lu mzu IlnhhAn, Bunlsburg . dvx-L‘de‘ Tam. CONSTITUTION .~- Mullahs. Ho‘rm. KEI-rf‘mm, mu ".1 (n‘mzns iNTEI\I-)H'I‘ED, Wm ‘11) mun ‘m Tmmwrs ‘ , . A nit‘éliug or all ponwn-I mun-Moll in [he mun {mturu nlnl lulu "1’ “erikmi and Funncnwd l quutu, In“ ho held In t m ~ ~mnmwnl OI“ DELLEFUN'I'H 0N HATIJUL\Y\ DECEMBER 22.1353 A. il itlmv mm! '5 Mn ll luru‘un-n lu wlmh ull the (rmlv In lLin cvumy mill ho dm-rtly inlvro-tml, u. in confidlnlly tquclcrl Hull :lulwgnlmm will l-r' [mm-m [mm “H (hr 'l‘ummlnm Tln- ’mml rw't nL umrkml ern‘nllnn Uh \lm put 01 n wv‘rvl» lum-l wt‘" kmnw u llw Uarmu In'ngm', or 'l'rmpcrum-‘u Allimw . jnxnlh 4 m In null”): ulmu I" Jmlmm op luaod (u mml‘thry law, muklll‘r-h‘vm wallowing I-Pmpflrir in and m U“: mlh l th‘lwrl, m x'uw N‘rt Mgr-l IL‘T nml mutually ugh-o upon ihr Inmmur: . kl he Mlu'n lvcn‘nfifl. mum (Mm-Hull)! In prullcl (an vorwrty. lull] ”In-urn: mll‘ qnll liburuua fnvm flu- I «‘nlrlll‘livo cuumqnnnreu and muruk at all unu Luv Donpolinm -4 LD'A nun-her 0! (llullwuluhal lpt‘nlu‘n lmva been invilml uml ulll oerlamly mlxlnw Ilwnu I'hug {ltal} ‘ _ MANY (‘I'NZHV'S ESTB.A Y 8. ~— 4 - - Cum: In [he promises (if le llulmcrilwr, lh In): on an! "Md Eagle Cym» . in llngg-x tmvni’hlp, about film lx‘ Inning ul' Dwelmwr. T“ U VALVE“: one I dark Influm-‘ur fled. ”mm (In: ulhcrfln lug-El: filtrvllfllglvl'llLlu-nz- kin uww 1'"; nr‘hvy kn“ lye \ll-llhmul ul’ n'wuxllh hm; u' ulm-IS-Sfl (HT!) 'JN’LHdMHND ELKINTON a 3mm. “330111312 NUT, Which I’M) Tnird’ (mUuuun'; the WW)“ "0"") pm““‘“l"uin, lun'u uuw uu huh! Ignod nmnmnnt "l' "on and "n mudu ’ f‘L'JTIH‘SQ, ‘ l mnymfimmroxl mlh cum [mm gwh mu ~pumgml "nth Ill) be M'i luw {urn-111, nml am goods mu rM'lCd"mnd 1.4.1 “mug, or "I“ mum-y mmrnod ‘?' The ..‘(i‘ttlu nf l'u (m onlnly‘ \ tailing; Phila -1115 ”fill, .my rcqmulfuliy‘lnvilml lugnu ”mm I: call _.-______~A_'. ~__‘,, A , A ‘ 17m IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, A «rm Hu- Mntfl‘ifill Mam.» wow mummy lurml by N A GIBSON. at bank "urn, .Iruw llw Illqln'flt pn-uuum uwunlcd n), lhu Cugl‘lrv County hir um: (I . - , « —., , .w r. H _ " ‘G‘ROCEBIBS. - x Kunh MTM (‘nfl'm Fugm Charm, Mull-lacs, .{u (imnl nmvlm ()1: hand mrl fur 5.110 by JAS F WEAVER. dun}? Milc‘lpurg WT AND W WGLEfiy—flx fnunl qul for lulu Chen , ml. lho mum»! the Nb— wrilwr JPAS F WEAVER, doom numnm. SALT, FISH AND PLASTEE , Uu hand mnl fur lulu by ' JAE P. WEAVER, doc]? I ’ Miluhurg HUIES‘ EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. mmmqu on [wild JIM for uh: I) IA3. Ir. wad rm, deem. fl... 1 . _ Milo-hnrx._ DRIED m. PEACHES. ONIONS. ‘o‘. (u but] and fur nnla by . ‘ JAB F. WEAVER. dooll ” , Murmur! Cum W sunny, M. the VIP, luwcsl riocn‘vwr “In I) , “K r. mvml’. dooll MEN WHQ'EAVE HUGH WRITING 1““ 1|» wn uhbm “mm httquHNlu‘fll'H aupcriqr H'l‘Elfl. I‘ENH and [NK hm: llrliull‘l are just this thing for :«vlnml [rm-horn , dmli CORN STABCH, CANDLE WICK, GUN (Hum, Shut Lem], l‘un Rum», mm lm pur~ vim-ml clump, ul ‘ “mm " I’RU‘NER. LANCASTER QUILTfl. ~ SPLENDID ”duly Juul. mounvod nu! [or u‘lu by , um 21 ’ -lucu.<n V. LA ; , .fin ..’ -.‘ ~§n~ .—~.\. ~_-. BEANS, Km, 3103, MS, Nul» of All kinds, just recuivud fivl rnr rule by 110727 ~ PHUNER. ummwoow mus. - it x [docl2] KEA'LSH‘S 000 or ALL mm; was Rs“¥!“fir%4fl".§¢;gvm, , Mont! nomn v-xonxm * If you mm! m a 11m warm "I vnur Ih'uu'y. on“ M 533- l‘. Wfllfstliyflfl NEW fi'l'vlil‘L m Hm ~ liunlugh uf‘Ml’l-ER “I“ When: mm ho 'cnmmnlly fuuwl n onurnl anlion‘. of ‘ me“ vummflémz {I . a ‘ ‘ 01“) {I 63; . - , um um lm 1-2, ’ h. ' ' HSRDWJUU~I M. . which will in um d mun 113 m? mun um aquxma'm ‘~ lily «(gawk c/m bu Eniflumwl nl n‘ny ulhér Navy in tho gmuulry. Ilia :- u:k Ann-UM in PR"! Uluthu, Common, Silk!» Bmin» “Kalil-ow. . um, Tum-In, kc. I'l_ni(lfl,'(‘ bu n. Al‘pncuuu. Dolnim-K, .U‘ .M: , with n" numrgxmpT nrt inghnmu..l'bumolh; Mull jinn; unnuw, Linux-u, flack Flunnch'l‘mkilm Hu flbry Ind Glove», mun Ind (lard. Shawl-l. “min and Sluwl, Hum ovnrhhocl. Clrpu :1. Unmet Chain.- ko . ipclwlhufiflm usual vnrh-ly )u-pl in nvulnlry 4mm» llu hu n «ran Mflorlim'm of ‘ ,ILEMW-MADE CLOTHINH. ’ ‘ ' Which will by mid nt very mmlrmu‘ Inlu’. PM} nndloxlfihlno his slack'. No ohm-gm! for uhywing; um I. LP‘Ttumu-flnshmEmhn i lmnvl. (10012 ' J 2? p. WEAVER. 1, u_ -,_~-‘_,A__._v, ‘__,,. ‘_ -L ‘ 2.. 5., Com nousn. METRE, The undamixnnd wnu'hl rvnlmlruilv nuuuumg‘ k 1 III: 01:! fflululn Ind the [ammo Manny. “ml In» hm when “no In 0 and mmyntdhnu now Slams ‘ House, nonr' tho Illa-16ml, Afloflwfiy Ilrum. lh-llru town, In. Tm. buihling mu ham mom ome ly flur the purl-om. and mmllng w‘Llw hm of the: Inn“ 0W" and ummwud huh-hull- ls‘w uncle“! £5" of l )0 Sure. he {coin confldcnylhnt I'. ill much utter calculuh-ul for coml'urt and conwniL-m-A (h In any nfllcr in (M 4 c-mnlrv 110 mm n‘lm fumiificd it" In Um wry but. mannur. ?-nrlng uolllmr min-o nor cm to rmufur ih-umlnrlnb «mud ngrounbhfiq than fiun‘ihm hin will. ”Il'“ m'ifihuu ': ' ' T A: hTAULINU common-d .villl lhqytmfl - mom i! large nnd muvt'nivnt, wiih Mowfilhugh {ml ring" hon-4L- ' ‘ ' . ‘ Hy Mflct .Hrminn (h M 4 dnlitw. long‘llpedlmo “ml" litllnrminuliuu “In In dwuliml hyuuy lwlmu in Huh r'm‘nnlv. In- 110‘ to mull the [MM nnxl'oun tam uf llm pululio , I'vnlmut \ Inning Hulh‘fimk‘pu hunint’wor 1:14”):va wle and flu “('nnrml lfnnmv" a plenum! mnl chum/v ful "upping {when i ' r/f JOHN H MUIHHS‘L’S. ‘ l'mpnomr deem CONRAD HOUSE MAURANT. - HELIJ’JFGN'I‘H . (134 mm; W PEUK I’Npl‘rH'll“ infnmn Inh nhl Iriplhlu mu] :tmnxvu \l-Ixmg )fijllvl’uutu, Um! ha ".1! rv-‘u wnod nml n-finul his old nmnrl, nmlu-r llm Cum-ml llouw, “hem ho lummln hoping I“ with" in nmmn - V [fl-Inn mm!" “Magnum" Or! fumilh M! mum men «in. CA! (IYS’I'HHS ovv-ry dung. and he will tillmkkm'p un hand It {nwh‘ iupply 0! HELL HY.“- ‘ E 8, ‘ . ”fpjrljm or {Amines summed “who win-It‘d mmu‘ (y ”n rfllln-clohfly im‘hos his old Mend: (u gin! hlm n unfl‘ . find Z-lf $3 hIVEBY STABLE: m r! xuw FOIL-A PLEASANT mum ' fihc nulmcrilwrinmnun the citinmu of Mlcl‘lmw n “15"inan tho mm-H'nz phhlhw gnu-null; ‘ lhnl they can nl, nlenmp bu I‘unn'uhc'l wuh‘mnfi ‘ nml hunt hnrum for ulthur "ding nr dlinn‘p by calling Hngiim m the lwkm Hotel ~va «maid Mmk or Human. "5 wall A: Buggion (‘ar “MW. Mm-ku, uwkuwavd, (“milksv flnmw, Av, [ (‘nrvful drih‘n' fllrntulml' whl‘n dcdiml : it All wnu,mm in drive «In mu! flu hon-s ‘ null mh- "Lung” and mmfimblu which-r 6:!" be ‘ Met-Inmmlzuclr N I) (‘UMMINHR .. ‘ (It-ul'l. " ' "enl'funfc STRAYED OB STOLEN FBO' THE unlm‘nlu-r, rmiulihg (mu nulc cm" of .lmfium \illt'. "Hun! llu- “I“er 01‘ July In“. SIX MK“) 0! 1’1”?!” CATTLE (In. Mum (hn‘o yuan oqu, nun llullm. “uh u [nu—g“ M“ «an, Lhwc ycuu OM. um Slrlllul.;ln(cu| lIIUMHI‘ UM. untl hm "III" "MEN! nboul mm "034m1, nll rum-3d I‘m the Mn! (tut ufl Ilu' h-fl mu. vaPpim-e cu! am of U)" Ir? 0.“ l H’Wrul rvnztfif ‘l'" 0m gin-n f-Ir ififlnnn-H m (if Ihvh‘ Win-I’l‘nlmulr mlllrl‘M ‘I In tin” mhriher ml “Hulk r l‘ U , Urnm- cuum). I'n ‘ Mum“ (up. ~m-42.:ul - KM m In"! E S T R A Y S . ‘ !‘ mw \n I‘m Ilulhlirm ul’ Hm r-nlu-mrIM-r in P'vrzmw" I-umlh‘ "u m "lb 0(1): - mm- lxul‘ Fully. “mum!“ (RAIN) (‘A'J’TLEJ lwn ”H'll'nr (m. yanfinhl film-H uuv I nhm: Inimlle. mark-« Ion the nght uar. thu hp rut. In! and - l'uilu 111 In. the nun-r while up!) (on! without all“. “In uthrr ll!) Im- yudh‘gs, mm n drank Igmwu film-flux" ‘ nlhrr A mm» mm r Tho owner or "mun nu ‘ dmrml In ulmu' funmrxl. pn-w prupvrly. I y chqrgv'l, xluvl Ink“ xlu-m nwny, "flu-ruin: Ibo, n" in ulinpnml ufl' mmlfng ml“ ‘ ~ dual‘Lfll. J MM“ Nl-‘JDIHII ESTATE OF (mo. mm. mac-'1). Winn-rm. Luther: ”f Ava‘anOivm 'm (hr IL" m- of HIT'UIQE SHEAHLKR, ll""nn"‘r-;L Inh- of finuw-‘bm- Infilzhlllp. Comm CUunly, l'| , Innu hwy grmnlwl tn Hie un Anipml, n“ [II-rum- klmmng ”n mmlvu “Rhino“ in n Ivi ”Ugh-II“ Nora- 111 Ik— ‘Vlyllll‘ll'. nwl llnmu hno chums will ”win-m ”and: l”"|" ll) Mlhunuuz‘lml for n'tLlnmum. In . .ULUARET MIHALLER. I.ole m Admini‘lmmy MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP. *DR‘ (MM 1. I'UI I'LIE. [mung nun-um! mlh hlm In ”H pruuuv vf umhujmg U! .1 I: Mu‘. “IHILL. Hum ”(F-r Vln Ir pmf'mslunul w-nu‘M In 'hu Amul‘w u \‘mHL-luulv mm may" v “(£va “’l4-.- mrv Um (Enhiflulng anL‘u-n of“ .in to mum wuduuut fl‘lrlliitll|.lll'lhsf‘u H [ :f In 31"! lu'll'! rmi‘lclru :1! Mn- mum-n, Hullvlnn'v ' dmm." fig. ~.. STAGES FOR 1730“" "~ DA] L\'.- 1111' nndvnimml Imul-l N- Epccllnlly infivmrflm (run-Ill"; pu'vhc that hr now runs ll «lxuly Inn: of Slag»: h. T'Hmnu—Tn-wmkly ".V "fly hf h‘lunlmuwu um! \V Irfinnumk. Ind M'- ww My Vin "Md Euglnw‘, me Tynan-nu "Ir-lEI alum-day ml Friday; mm Tnfilrfunlv on m Iy. Thanh-by ml an“. dl' «ml (hr qunwmg Alyuvn the HWnM .Iva 2 - u h ('( slmmm Maury: 6:?be AUCTIONEiER, W‘aw.“mm;fimh Immense m Mu- lmr‘m— Iw LMM'MML. am" (:3 (pm :- «Winn mwl’fl 22% D E N T I 8 T R Y. —- if H KHTIIRM‘K. DESTINY, M“ u u-nrl an all wurk rank-mi w hhn via pumping: lml rnn- _. g 7' I‘d"... uan’TnH- m nrn‘ my. Ylll‘—lfld I“ wnrmnmi 'lvrnu L‘luh. ()lfiLu M It U. l‘unumup' Hulvl, llt‘llrfuuk‘, I', [INT] H H RUVHHUC‘K, Doll‘ill _ ZEPHYE wonsrnn.-m um] hands-"mull. |IKIII|J "4' (Ann I-n-r ull'urul «kW-[m I'wa t 3, I‘ l’urfnmlud lfflml, l’runu Wmlulg (Jutlun. Conan Flu-u, Huh Flt-u, uld Linen Films, A! ‘ CM WILLIAM 1L BLAIR. ATTuuNLY AT LAW “MIflHHTEII‘EVN Oak-u mill Hun Jamel T. H wwjl JAKE E 2mm. ATTORNEY AT mw IJMAJw‘UNTR. I‘A . flu n‘nmvod hll OMM to the mom f-mnorly boon. ri'ml by Ulluhu \Velch, qu., uppmlto nu: llu‘lmr‘u mm“ my)? SNOW 3HO? STEAK SAW HILL. ~ 'l‘hu .aulmrnliur having ”mm! a Map 5 (mm Saw MIIL In kn -pnrml In my to onlcr Mill uf guy dernphou I [ha Illumi- notice HOUEKT LH’TUN. nm ‘LN Milvsburx, l‘a BOARDS FOR “LE. ~ TEE SUB- Hcmngu 1. m .Ilwul lounuw‘ruout sup-w] (WIN); [ln A UN nl Mu ml". Imnrlho Am. [lnna .V In (ho hum Munhumon Un‘uk, whioh'flf A Jack qu in mthnriwd to null. mama mmu' r: I'RKanH. TO THE LADImr-A SPLKNDJD fs— —u! Coll-rs. l’mloruleovo‘, L mu llulkfe . Thnmd Lawn, wk l‘rinlu of tho boat l-ko nml uuhu. wlrrauntod. Cdl‘ud uxuullw tho filler— en¢ Vnrloflul, at. [“4me KKALHH'H . .. .4. , w _ , V, ..v. .A_- A SUGAR. COFFEE, TEA. Kansans. (‘lnu-olnlu, Hl‘“ mud nll kllntln, Hull, "ill Fill). Vim-gm. Applm. iv A Km‘l'lu‘l I'm-II nnanrlmuul In. uulu by [man ‘I'IIUNKB, M "MINI l’x TQBW.~—,A- SHALL QUANTITY of III! hwvflu 'l‘uhuru, my“): mu]... "MM" u‘umu; 111-3 alwwl'nl 1.1-1. Ii Ih-r Cull immmlimldy uud Mlpply yuurl—ulf, (It KKALHH'N - . , .-‘ . . A ...-,.-—.. h--~'~u omm. ‘ AN mm VARIETY, wII-ylrule Jiml ro-lml, din-ape:z lhnh’lha chm-p -us. always on hand uni [or ”lab, . nuvfl ‘ , ‘ PRWFJ; I‘m "wanna ”1913;. I Min 843 k.“ mllfluvw, “"116",, c l ”but! «20:13 cum?) the vminly 4 ifl'Aifll'fij ‘ "’ “"?x“6"”““w""“ ""4“ WgTflW‘lfiW. REAL-VI":