Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 12, 1855, Image 2

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    @5103 (@m'aicltuum:
mm Mum, ‘ f 3“"°"“~
'nWonwm. rm“
A ,~.‘ . W’w—‘w— '
wlnnumnqi. pncmmmn 19, um
'7 ar‘ ~ _ _
To W.u& entrapment.
v ' I. . N—~— 1' .
“ xuhggknlgygz-gurzfn‘cnds in Pcnu'}. Vallcy
farm; as mull n sun‘m qfllrr ”man. I‘m
m: 9nd Blair Railrnmll We will opm onir
mlim¢ f 0 ‘ any (Mnlmnrmlion (ultimatum
MG curly~ completion of (Inn and all other
VWMc-mfzta .in central I'c,m:ylmnm.—
-» fire [you {an 1m ‘pcraon to we us‘in‘ rcla
flanjto'llmc great works. It in our desire.
'lo‘kacgua‘intaflu‘m all tire routes pmpo
“ ad or. man/6d, am! not bung: ngucll ac
quaintcdqn't‘h (he can“ geographical locu
tum nfuicsc roulrs, we mutnscuganl gig;
,micl u on mar fricnds 'and "cnrrqpon'gtnu
fur infirmulion. ~ ‘
Ex-Mrrmw‘f 15 M: p iblislrrr (JIM: “Wich
mnn an [interim byth'rfla i" “The Inner
aflbe Watchmen baa bu! a word (0 write in
n (y to Ute infinnzvlmy (3/ an (madam.
I]; r/lfl'ahlm i: boll: ungml (man/”ill im
lmdml. The publisher of Mr Wn ‘hmnn
mt: lmrn, ream! «ml «Iv/calf] m Inncastrr
‘ 81y, irlure lac has Iwiiu: n lumcsl, dcmo
rruhc fuller, who r: rrxpcctcd and airman!
‘by Ill? (1(an:- u-lm luww hum. (‘un an “ar
nmor‘ malt Ilu' same boas! I
01'! manuals/hauls. hilt millu': rum! other
(aunties. mi 1 llmmn miml that it is utterly
Impomlblcfm: us in rupaml a! oncclo all
IIICII' figural! and In'llH'H‘J- The labor of
filling u a new nflica u bolll‘ Mycum-c m
hm: null'mnm‘y, art/Ii! 1.! mnly [host who
hurt hodjhr Ay-cru-nce of Marl-m! an an
lt‘rpruc snrh u the Wutohmnu, can appre
(mlc our present agtuntmn.
STUDBNT— “'2 ml! In: Imp)" la Item-from yin
nflm. Our cal/mm: well/m’cmv/i be Open to
carefully vrnllcn ,cammummhnns an all
slllij’rcfs. Your ln-aduclton will appear m
n fulurn gmmficr. ' ’ l
S. W. l‘.~—U"you will ml! at (In: aft-c, III: 1
null not only my you a Insnn m l u; rulp
, ufgmmmcr as [cpl dawn lly Lmlllry Afur- ‘
my; but we will mam! you mm a lmf
from Chesterfield. ‘
ALI. Cnnilmnjcflhnru n nil .lsznwmmd
IMA flu ml name of the author. dummy
mmu yroduclvous null be mmnalgly a.» ‘
cludetl. . . ‘
'l' ha Dr'mocralic, Watchman is‘éstlhlislu-d
upon such I firm foundaiion‘nt Imt in our
finn b'olicf) thnt there is cverj' prolnbility of
its living to a. good‘old age, to the gr“! de
light of its {injector-41nd we my udd—to
the «mum. of its numerous rénglcrsfmd
to tho ton?! of the munics of Dcmocmc'y.
It in :‘(rno thing thut our capiul is not very
111-go Indygt we have not been fed nor «ex
pm labia [ad my selfish cliques, or SDI“
bcor politician—and we no not. indebted for
our present position to locus, domtionn, or
forced contributions, tron} pmica, fictions or
indh'idtub, bu} on thn other hgnd, we 1319
something batter to 1:0"sz than such dis
'gnccful minutiae. We are blessed with I
romrkshlomhuc of industry : and neither
too proud nor :5» lay in work—hot merely
menu] labor—but. timt‘ kind of work which
ogmpcll I nun to take 0!! his coat Il'ld roll
up hictlegvggin good «mast.
This is indeed In experiment in newspn
_pcrcntcrpriae : butitia an experiment which
:5“ been often tried, and us 'fréqucntly met
permsnent success. It is the only Independ
ent mode of conducting a pw, for which
you 'cnn‘apcuk and write, without being com
pelled to consult the selfish wishes of one
01!!! of—sclkh “ buckets,” or the poullesa
vicwu‘otjhothcr chs3. *lt iav still further
chmlcrilod by independence, Manse;- ‘wo
‘ have the pkuing coxmolnlion of knowing that
on! paper will continue to cxilt'so long as we
tpp'ly ourselves to our businessywhclhc: we
cm hoist of two undrcd subsctibcm or two
thounmd. ' N‘ '
Mthbugh the prawn! is but lh‘c second
ime of‘the Demon-um “We/tummyt have
nbundum cgusé (0 respond in proud and
WIN gems {hr the liberal cncoylgcmcnt
I'vllloh '0: hue Hitched from I Centre County
‘publlc. Our subsqription list is ’u' Inge—if
nO9, large—Lulu: muffin! my '0! cg: older
conic-twp; ‘fl'Spl‘ln‘ Inn! 1. m. vw
but... Laugh“! 5"“! p.) Ills nulflcrlbm,
in Bellcfonte, lilcsburg, Millhcim, Pine
am‘e, mum: Glp, oam um, om ton,
Howard, I'hillipsburg, Walker, and a. worn
of other towns, lnrgc Ind increasing lists.
“:hilq oui' sulfic’fiiilion llbl. is steadily and
rgpidiy increasing, n gluten all our Adver
tiring column»: will show that we lnvc n:-
MIMAAQIK'N wd substgqtjllju l
port [l9);] our lmnincu mun. W 4: allude to
then conccnm, purely of a private lufiurc,
to show in what muggy) ”3‘l to wlmt exam,
the people of ilfirl counfy 51:0 d'mp‘lm A
to suxtain ‘ good, honest, open and
Democnl'gc paper, \\ hich rccommcndn i m-lf
(0.711;;- jupport of the winch community,
apart from im pnrliuu chnmch-r, by “19
local interest. which WI: slum Munyn ('n
dearth} (o impart (0 its chtln:x|€«“\\'lUl nll
i‘mF‘Lumblc, MIDI-dying moans of AllMcnmlcc
lu'd Elfiwrt, we are bound to KIICCCd. "
"“1110 lhhwcrauc H’utflumm will be fur
nislufd to subscribers At Ihr low price ofonc
‘ dollar and 'fll'ty mint», if paid in u rcpsonn
hle time filler unbucrihing, or two doHars at
'thlS 'expirnticn o'f-uk; your. “ '
Circuluo the truth: ' v
“‘8 AIR AGAIX n-lucn'‘ compelled to
oflivr m nyologjr to 0g)- n-mlcrs, for the up-
W‘of the socoud‘uumlwr of tho “faith
mm... The paper is not .0! the qmlity which
we drdcmd. and 'ngd for; and wo‘prbmiso
our pun-'6‘“. tint u soon is we can perfu‘t
'om' Irrwfihnentfl, we Will not. oply give they:
Ml intbmsting, but I lwlytiful shout. Harc—
an", 100, MIL-1w": sciid'tht'mnnry to l Phil
niflgyphifi-pgpé: mgchint, wc'mnym oxpchi
goof] W we wish thoqq‘ivith whom
we deg! I?» érfllfihdflnt our r‘caffcm urn
judge; of 3653 paper, Ind we I willing [to
puy in udva'uco for g sppcriqr iu-t Qlc.
Wz 12M [rum h'r amnion to a com
nupsu n in wow column, opdhc ab
kmngnqucnfiouof nilmdn . It wag writ:
u by a gymflqmn fully: conversant with
ma inflfi'ecl; And will be runaway a series
If letters, advocating the only commence-
Inenfi npd mlcfion of the infpmrnmentn
‘Wed by thg’qifizena “Congo county.-
4’. ’<
A ”I
f}. I'élgu-rlvnlill and hmocrucy.
‘lt who anolcon. «(tor liming, been tou
greyed null (lesimjfll—«pfldfiliilt‘ minimum-r.
sng Insclitudclupon‘thd‘lmmn rock of
. Henna. who made the remarkable awar
tinn tllnt, “iny (ISIIPS will yd aruuw (In; unu
gws 0f a nation." "And his niih'és- {Million
the iircdiclion. \Ylimi piliey tariéhod the
shores oi‘l’mnce, nl‘ter having moulderpd on
n son-girl isle, the people were nrouricd, nnd
the lmhvc n inch “11;: Rlem'ed lo Uni living
hero, was freely beulowed upon the dead
mohwrch‘. . And thus, to use a uiiiiilurifi it
with an embodiment of ne'mbmtic princi
ples in I’ennsylvnninL (innit nt first. (and
destined to he grcn Ir hammer) the Do
} moemy have sum-red reverses almostsniii
‘ cient to crush out the lost spark of n llama
l which once illuminated the whole Union.
Butlrb’w as)”: of Democracy Moo around the
energies of a nation; Ind todnyjn every
Stole, the young Democracy in stronger,
more Anion-fad, Ind hotter organised, than
fmm this time monomers»! the creed n- i
ccivod their haplinml nt tho {cumin of tho 1
Constitution. The recent viomnum'gim‘
rlotuly achieved, arc proof of this docinn- ‘
tinnL-nnd the triumphs which ziwoit gain
die fixture—tho blessings of honest lcgisliii'
(ion, combined with the benefits on: business
prosperity. will go for to oonrincrcvcry
thinking men that n notion ore ottoman
only advance, while under the benign influ-'
ence of Mmocmtlcfrinciples. It is obviouo
to nllwit in chi-rot the dullost ooi'nprolmn
sion, that, had it not been for the policy of
Democrucy, Pennsylvania wouid not new 90*
wry her pm'scnt prominent position. She
would not ho hailed as tho Keyrioncmf-tho
ArchlA-ahe Would not stand among her sister
sum a. proud rival in the Min, sciences tunl
inninfncturcn of the age. Pennhylvnnlr in
eminent y grenr. Nntri‘ro" hm hie-axed her
with inexhaustible ml bountoouk giflsil llcr
towering mountains and ,hcr I.lmm vol
leys-41H teeming fields and verdant mains
—nre the great gifts 0( (lad, imfirorcd by
men, under the ’protecting inlluoncc of De.-
mocmtio Imiicy. It was a. Democratic logis
lnturo which devised imd pooped n billle
probrinting money for the limb milieu] we
ever had in the Slate—.9o also with our ca
nola—4.o also, indeed, with 9""! improve
ment which hon opened’ the riehtrtmrcn of
the State, and blessed the people with pm?
periiy. Thut umndnnce and prosperity‘we
now enjoywond we will continue to reap it»
bent-fin, 'linlt‘ns tho.powcr tbnl reigm, by
bliml'policy, throws some ohstoclo in Itho
any of ‘our advancement. ~ -
, —~And in the (we of I“ these Idv-ntngeo
Afor 11l those blessing. the people of Penn
sylvlnin Arc invited to nhndon their meient
piipciplcl, to espouse" 00m doctrine. Tho
leaders of this new NU: minim nothing
bu; anarchy, riot and blow—they hope
to achieve civil wnr, whore they cannot oc
coinplwh intellectual triumphs - they no
sworn to destroy tho hith, the religion; the
ofl‘ections, Ind‘ the? loci-idiom; of every
man: who, according go their political sun
danl, does not opprowh their minimum of
perfection. How well doe. tho llmontaed
Moon:- describe such fun-sues: ’
“ Bh.“ ‘II ukljhn brave soldier, who fight: by My
Ii 6, _, ‘ ,
In the cause «If mankind, if our «room dhfiwo :
Bhnll I give u the [new] wbnh mluod md t ed
Hummus be {torn 1:01 It an blun- witvh mo.—
.er perish the 11mm! and the hand: (hnlwnuld try,
Trulh, 'ngnr snd lave, n 9 [llmdnnl like this ”
A [arty without prinéiplos~m organisa
tion without a rcspccublc hemlmn mmlnnn
tion etc-very I'm, from the wild Abolitiamiat
of Massachusetts to thu [law—defying " hul
nnppcr" of Ohio, confn tinny im‘itcs thq
honest, open-headed Dome; M‘Pcnnsyl
mum in join m that trcnsnnnhlc dcslgns.
They ask you, Democrats, tn dgaw geogra
phxrnl lhio}: -thoy \uut you to cast an ixyn
band around U 1: Union, and {drhid the dc
sccndnnts orthnse who Med on Bunker Hill
nnd‘hgd at New ()rle-ls, frumlznjnying the
Hastings of that freedom “hich thcfr blood
cqnsucmtod. ThZ-y seek to dmcriminntc ho
twcon the faith of one man and the birth of
mower—and I“ this irgdono under lhc‘im
pious disgiiisc and nnmcof ”Aluminium."
numerals of Penniylrnnin, and you Do-
”4.40“. W w“ 7" r—u
such proceedings to blur and blot the flit
have which you hue no long alloyed. Cw
trc countywia Democndc-dad ‘wlum the
proper time comes sho will gain wheel into
llw nnlu, a proud rumble ‘0 her sister
counties, tlmt'fl‘c‘fi‘dl‘ Waittcdumler min
lpprclmmkmfl» boat retrieved and mama]
by dealing £llo.3qu [scrpcmtcd the decep
tion a death blow. ‘ -
Tun 10ch "m: immen an editorial conven
tion seems to plum ("gm editors of the State
Bully—but after a In I rFflponne, we would
" obliged to my brothcr editor winform us
I what “'1“ be done. ' Of course {ln} ladder:
are not nnxinns for nfitorioty—nor are kc to
expect that, by the grave dulibcmlions of
such a body, tho-poor publilhcm of (he
“ rum! districts’fwill ho grl'nlly hum-fitted.
"OWERTI'T—wd un‘hn favor of the. éonfimlinn
4p'ro'vmmlum it is decide. (hat u sham»
cmw'eiiod in Bulk-finite: A conunfiou oi:
(-dimrs', nxmnhling in this town, \muld In:
well {ml (and thvym-cd It.) we" {rt-am] (um!
(My would he plum-(1,) rind/they worm be
Alum plcnsod with the hospitality of QM: peo
ple, uic grandeur of tho colfillry, nml mu
beauty of the girls. Mcfonlg must be the
finitnwn to commemorate un organization
nmong‘the cdiwrs and publiahvm of Penn
ercur. Lmimlnnox.~—Wc lmvc übsonyl
by.our éxclmngcn, that in attic“ {vol
ch‘ixnly in [the SW, in which oomphinhi
luyc been made Iminst‘flm liquor men, a.»
‘thé grand Juries hue unanimously ignbrcd
the hills~nml “floutinvuin‘hly mulctcd the
nhruwr «gm the cosh}. The mod. is aiguill
' hatkmid ll: it proves nothing more, it is jn
‘ djoadvo affine fueling of flu: people on this
all plwérling question. [Halon ‘ ”Imps.
1 “dial And resqluto dctcnninntibn ’T'o resist
y invasion oLJight—ana should be re-
Kcmlwml by those who‘ve elgcecd (9 make
luym to pleasr, not opprcu, fllppnoplcgfiw
IIgAL-mt Bmxox.——Thu Domocmts pf
Springfield. Mass” Inn/o "Hacked A'nlu’l
Phelps, Jr., Mnyor of that city oycr the pros
«lt Know-Nothing induunlmnt,’ by over two
hundred plurality. ' ’', 1’ .-
a‘he undo-ml Aulmlnl-unlfléhx
' We have observed. long lit-{ore n‘e MN I
‘ 35.15 mm, weal-ht enterprise; "a :lispogitlon
filnong nmny of the opposition‘p‘perfl to do
trnot M ythe merits of the mlminlat'mtinn
of anrzlin Pierce, an?! ‘nt the snh'lo tlme
tlh‘bn‘ every olvstlu'le’in the \my of its ml:
vnnerment. .his well known that Frll'nklin
l‘ierco come into power nntler peenlin cir
cun‘tgtnnccs. ' Ho_"\ms nonlinutul by, the
nfibntnneous voice of n grcnt phr‘fy; and
elected by ”majority of tho votes of a free
people. As l’reuidont helm: heencnrefill to
Ivoid‘nll connexionvwith 'rrilher clignes or
sections, een-ying opt to the very lettqr, the
grant sentiment that he Would know no
South, no North, no West "or East. nothing
but the (‘onntttution—fllnl it is by amino
tion tlut he has provoked tho inhignntlon of
thoao individuals who implore pmno nt fnult
finding than in the muttoflof‘good deeds. ‘
‘Thuofiflur the administration of Mums»
Pierce has been "mt than greet. Through
out the stormy dobntes of the lust (W,
there win no number so hold no to impelch
his may; and in the present complexion ‘
of our bretgn relation». he has numged,‘ 4
{with the assistance of on ululemobinet, to 1
fiteer softly through All the ditlioultienjvhich
necessarily must mu'round‘o granhcommer
cinl nofinn.-llur9pe— in u '4;me
timl—lmd yet' tlitn‘nntiou la entirely untrain
.mcll'cd-aurhwhlle Europe continue? to I’d.
gonvnlsed tvith domestic hmils and qxteriul
warhre, the United Sum, under.t%o_.»a-iue
policy of n lh-mocmtiu mlmir‘fistmtio , aton
tlily .ulvnnces in oonimercinl prosperity, nml
map all the benefits nrislhgfrom the me
clnmicnl arts md ogrirnlturnl Mmlunw. ' ‘
We'lnvo yet to :00, in the’ whole citric
nnd'cmer of Franklin l’iérooouo single‘ lis
tnkoa—or om featflro thntéhmd he questioned
fur patriotism and honesty. llis cuhifiet,
collectively Ind individually; in abort lin
powlnnent. From the Department of State.
down to the lowest hurelh, order reigns—
gm) in tlnt, most importmt of all the
maxim of the government. No for as the
people are coneerned~tho Post Office, to
our recollection, their never n M moref‘dcr
unl more safety in tho tnnction of its ...Illi
min. This in but Amino; allusion to; men.
fact—a {Act which is rimmed of itselfiin the
biota-y of tho daily trenchetiym. of tltohgov
emment~—-wd it in the duty of the people,
as well an the press, to sustain In adminis
tntion oonreiml in pntriou'mn, and founded
upon the identical principlm which support
, the Conltitution. , . A
Tun U. S. Comn or omin, which has
now gpt flirly ntmork, wilircliavc (bug—ms
than much trouble. Formerly, disputed M;—
counts with government. were [Fought hct'm
(ingress, and return-d to committees. when
the lobby-men mtdp‘? ticmcntloun outside
[art-win} on the committeg. mud 1 great. d‘cnl
of film Wl3 waited and money thrown away.
Now these matters are taken into the Court
0|: (.19ij pm] tin-re argued and settled. But.
tin-re willrln‘. enough for WA! to do for
mink: individunls in {Hatters amnoctct} with
tho_l‘ntcnt (mice. Tho extension of Colt]
Instant. And that. or Woodwmth’h plain: mn
clnnc, hum monopolies worth millions ofdul
lirs, “iii-mo you: (‘ungnma taint, and
everything that nwncy nmt lobbying can do
to get than through {will lmkduuc.
' A Hun Ema—lb) rho Course of ciph
h-m days, the Marine Bank or Chicago has
paid checks of Mr. E. H. Huddnnk m lhu
mnonnt‘ of $1,200,000, all of which have
IK‘CH givvfi for the pumhlsc of whan.-—~
Among those- chuckfl Wu; one to I chl~ ‘
known grain. and (‘onuqi‘inn house of ('hi
engo for $02,000, and out: to Another nxtrm
sivc business house for $OB,OOO. ~Mr. Hed
duck is Mill in the market, as no oghcr par
ties also, and we. prcuumc“will co'utmuc
t 9 mix-chm m; long“ shipment an be mmlo
by like. Last. yonr the total grain lnde of
.(fhlcngo full abort of 15‘,1e1,030 Illlflhl‘lfl.
This year It will exceed 20,.NKL000 bushels.
Pound: m n Puma nr'SrAxthL-Thc
Pout Oflico Department notifies the pllgljg‘
a... than we In; any UrJum-ry M“, .1]
letters (not in.) nun be repaid by lumps,
md postal-urn unrequited h) hue lumps
on hand, to that All who desire nuy ohuin
them. The endmm of prepayment of posH
age will then be the sump only. and when
9t n’fllxed by the pnrtics sending letter-n, the
postmfltors m'mt mt (Mm om
an WORK at FAKE! Fun". ~Mason Bro
- . *hfln'publ‘mhuf ram, wb‘rf‘by this
pdpulnr And talented suthorena, entitled Bose
Clark. Thix‘h, in Iqu: opinion, a. mom on
ter-mining Ind-truthful work thug llutll “All.
Any of our reader» fishing to pan; I prom
nlnlc dud agreeable llour should procure Unix
intellectual tron. Meson Ilmtheg; will 305317
by mail; poslpxu'd, a copyiol" fills \VBl'k on 11:-
cept of $1.25.
Tmr. Hons: orTh-logatos of Virgin n. have
appoint“! n committee to prrpidc for (Im
mloplion of "mm effectual mmsmvs to pro
,ont the cucnpu of slaves, nnzf’bhque in(o
(he cxpcdicnc’y or retaliatory measurqs
against the North‘ém Sum. .
v Wm
A 3‘0): or Coima'l‘he lamina-eight ot n
m of cod haflmn dacidod by Judge (hint,
o‘fthis‘stflo, to be 2.2401h5., and that no
sate hw‘cnn be cmclnd to ultor it.’ Coal
dealing in l’cnqsylmnin, who give but 2,000
m tho can, cw ho Il'n‘blcd and comictod for
'swi‘gdlink. _..' ‘ .
1 . ‘ W“
Buy Bmmkn.~'l‘hc largo bunk Imm,
ow, (‘f‘ by Geo. Crane, 133141., of Jém-y Shore,
w‘ifildcslmycd by fire list week; with the en
,flrc crop of the Reason, besides threshing mm
’chinceL furmin’g utensils, 5:0. Loss qvcr 31;-
000. ‘ Supposed to be set 0 . ' 9,,
4m: CAM in in good heulth u present.
no is worth {our millions ofydolhn, which’is
(”lite a comforMblwg-mflb}. mny d‘y.
" [l7"l'hrcc hundred Hamil; of 0:5, the
pmpcrti‘of 60L Hayflmwcrodéutrqud by
fire in the vicinity o Sunbury, 9n the lat
lmrk linvg: luv-I Tr onoyllnilrond.
This gmxt 'imphkctnoll, Mojnmormglt In
\w mmmfnmhrifimmiagigflwml intvn-MH
o - 'nlre. county, ignowp'gnnk-J M nfixcd
filr‘tyh the spirit mfilfcsltdity tho' lniui- ‘
“as won (1 cnpilulfiilfi‘bf this region in n‘
lilmml Hulmm' lion lo' lhc flock of the
mud, proves 'th. " imiwrmnco is npbrocin
h-gl, and llmt wé Hhfll «(lily lmvo fillk‘ll an
out!“ R>r(d}?€isllwlco min! Pemmyl:
vnuin, nH \\ lgivofus éu'r pm. , posilinu'jn
Hie great mgrkots 3f the Rm. 0 flu: mm
ofOctobor, at a mvt‘liug‘ held in this [Kiwi],
$50,000 in stock‘mm tqkf‘n by rysitlc’nt c H
zons, and $200,000 by 0, ‘VJ. F‘nnun~ m
mger wiu’. the condition um smmxm be
taken in this county,,Blo6,oo() in ClinLun
bounty, and 3807000 ilrmnir county, within
three months. Th't-uqhslflqurimiong, we are
confidently B%qul, fmll'lw mctfimul i 0: is
ouncu'fly expected hut ifntlw mimmt m—
quircd horn mum-9mm“ not'nlroady
mbscrilmd, it will [be in the cmi'ruc of n fc€v
«l-ya.‘ ' ‘ ‘ _ '
A week sincerit WM proposed loy an imli- i
vun'l interested in the completion of this mnll, ‘
that twenty persons nhonld lwcomc mayon- ‘
311110 for sixtecnfimmlrl-d sham-3', amounting
in thu‘y‘tggrt-gnto- to SBO,O(XL Sixteen {c
aponsilrlv zitizonuht'onoe agreed to this pri)\
Imsitinnrnnd‘hm actually mlsod the nnmunt'
by, snhacriptiouu ohmincd‘ fmm 'fnnncgs,
surchnntn, nml" 'ec min in the neighbor,»
hood. 'jt will be soon By ho ohm-g state.
mvnt, thnt the people of Crntro County are
moving in earnest for .010 early commence
ment and complotion of this gn-nt improve
ment. Isolnlml as we turn, mid “flitting
mnnnunlMtion with an'r aistcr countivn, thv
vast trcnsun-s which .lie buried union}: pnr
mountains Inn! in our million, will only ‘K‘
properly 'npprcdntctl Mid vulnul wln-n
bmnghtinto a maria-t, lhmugh the "special
nid of n rhilrmull. Ulinirm mnl lllnir counticn
t on (-qiinlly inkmntmh with Centre,‘in tho
‘ cmnplction oi" this maulhnnl rvu expect to
“not: the business men of those region‘s taking
“W?“ measures M‘will dixShMgo the nhlign
“on; to which they Htxnnl lllulkod. l‘chtrl-
County bu: gawrouuly nml nohly dunv‘ her
duty, nnd th'cxfiiectsw he unstained hx the
m—opwntion 6f 'tlmsi: i'quully‘ interrstul in
this improvement. , ‘ .
The Wtim‘h dij.i(lc~BBo.mi in Week
was dinpoaixi of by the folloyvinlg mnflcm‘cn
~anllwo plum their names in type. so am
the Noonh'hen'am'r, will nhéw who Inn-o
bkou an active pm. in‘ {ht- hlrthornnco of
(his groin improvnnont:
Dr. William I'ndvrwood.
[HIM Hicklcu. »
William ’l‘hompgon.
ilultm Thompmmi
to her! Cum who! ,
c. Invk‘mnf,“ ’ l 0“ “"‘“'
Ilnn. James “11' mdv, _ ,
u. N. McAunsc%,._.; 1"“ “"1"”
“on. James 'l‘. Halo.
“'illinm A. TTmmns.
Ell“ nrd C. llmucs. , ‘
Jnsrph (firm-n. ’ ‘
Thomas M. Hall. . '
Hun. Amln-w (i. Cumin.
lwlmuk Unrlin. ' -
(‘Ol. l‘. “c or Wilsull, ‘
“'illiam 1311.11,,(1‘ ‘ ”“9 “""5‘
l‘nluiuhd Ulnnvhani, v
JIM. Liuglc, .A J‘Entfi‘rrT-m
John Irwin. - .
Hvrul'wr, we Hull refer to this huljcct at
enplh. Ind earnestly Ask the ro-npcrntim ~
Hoar 'lntcrostnd hr‘lhe devalupemmt of
wkourms affine rounty in mnnshing Mich
mid to tho lh'rcclma is uill hjwmmfltnflll‘l‘
the early Comlv‘lotiun of lhv “an.
'l‘nu WILD Huw mu (lnwu ~’l‘h(~ old
idea of Mingolliw has him: rcvcrsvd nincc
Know-Nouringimn . npnmg. like I. Pnllnx‘,
armed and nndclllud'fmm the inspired brain
of llnntlino. The nfilvo now nooks lhc‘mnnn
A slmngo upocimrn in premarital at lliix tiny
'n the Home of Ilqwesrnlntivm of the I'nitul
Sufi-53 “ Mfr?“ grail many nilicm are Ml't'k
ing it grunt many Incl. Mr. (‘umplx'll mus
purnm-dvlr‘y the upmiux with lnntnli/Jng j"-
dcr. The mon- he 1:09!de CrnnLil, (he more
rcnéhllcly it. followed'lhim. Bomot‘lnwa it
tame within a rude d him. and then left
him ; but just as be but mated cram his cf
‘ nut-on get. any [um die persuading honor,
it stat-trap spin in Int. huh. Col. Mu
shall. who did ml. run in Mexico, has found
excellent use for lniri'Vfi-i'ca~ Mince the speaker
ship got scent (if-him; but we no linppy lo
‘My ho was fur nlrcul A}, la! Accounts. Mr.
Pcnningfion is ullll more lucky tlun .Mr.
Marshal“. for, liyldirt of mural-it‘d indus
try, lio lm Inn-gm! to distance Um name
Mmzr; _ 24. - ngamiuwmvzcly mum».
humor: 119 is not oblu to run owny; and
one would think he WIS molly desirous of
being; caught by Ms pursucr. Mr. Fuller
keep» up n nu-ictly Pl-nnxylvnnin gal} and
liiubcsl {Honda fi‘ar M "my be overtaken.
But the ml Mercury of glue chino is Mr.
Wheat—E- Wfifilefl 01c Npfllkt‘rfillip fmrly
out of Right, showirgr gin-an inch to it, and
is by no means lingual. by the exercise.
Such is ihc scene within Amt.” : but out
uido what t spectacle in outed to
animators ! ’l‘lw clurkslnp in pursuing
dozens nf—inufl'onnivq gentlemen; the door
kneperslifi) has at icllfi’. «hundred Victims for
ibr'gmtiflcntion; wlnlu Mill lnrgt'r mrmbl‘rn
are Imuntrd by the ulcoplcns nppnritionfl of
all aorta and classes of unliordinlw positions.
Tho idol of making the ulllcc scek‘thc man,
and nouns man the olllco| wan tliu cunning
invention of Homo enemy of film KnOW-No
thing ordqr; for if the mneyution' goes on.
9m will soon not lie a living Know-Nothing
who will not be haunted by we eager ghost,
of In glllcial alation, rcnolvcdl‘vlnmpirc-likc,
to hive his Mood. ‘"
Tnir. l’msgflxfium Con'llnsls .53.—-
Philulcljrhin Lcdg‘rr Rams from he an
I ' , cm] réglonn that the con] lmincu in bo
ginning to nufl'cr in n pcéuniniy point of viow
~J£lmt it has Mcn’ overdone, and HIM. Specu
lnlion and other “use! have involwd the o)»,
‘ moors and othcum-mhiaq linlfililicauto
an immmcxfid‘imt. “Some (cw persons have
Inulcrlargcly in’ the coll [Am]: Ind the coal
luminous, and MW: of others followed,
blindly ovorlooking‘lhedm‘emmo 9! location,
limo and circumstmcg.. Thml (rule it!
pccullufin one important purtilxlulnrzit cm‘
not-be pressed Myond I gift-"1mm? without
destroying mm. _ .‘ ~ . « "
nuddhed by Gov.
'lk, the llindoog
l-‘ngml .I‘IIII1*,DE!.I'll-l.\. ‘ .
' o _ , ~M‘Mslllllll 18, 1855. in
The tlrpfliu‘fi‘lgfflflw Ilonm‘prthWuh'h-f ‘
man cmiléll'quiw m'aciixntlon runong your
old‘pmfvsnimml friends in this city“ They
were ph-im'd will ltmnuchnnionl nppcnranoc‘
nnd not at All diumuufintcd with tho high!
tom-d lh-Inoorntio spiritmjith which you have
oaiiin'i'énccdytmr lnlmni in Oontre county.
of all othcracctiona In the State of Prnnsyl
vanin, tho ground upon which yulffini'rlo
colt-d, most needs In radical democratic 'pn
(ur, nml I assure you that the good wishes
of the Ut'lllncrncy of tho whohi State will ful
w you immy g-tl‘urt-lo rucluim, good 3‘ Old
(M from Know-Nothing minntlo and
um nmjcisms. Tm ymrq’hgo, Comm
County “‘O3 one of the atmiigost. [K'IEWEEQ
counties in tho Union, and I can well ru
mcmhgr with what mooring Igloo we Vronld
niche thwmva of her wndoro'ua inqioritlca.
That regiOnJms contributed to? Democracy
some til/timber". men in tlm‘nnka—dnd
mom Démmmts than mic rogrct Hit she
should now miller from tho and oll‘oct: of n
row-rue which‘lmn cast a similar gloom over
other mum. lluwcw-r, battle on, and
mny you mn-oocd in every. run] nll emsrts to
w‘ulcmocmtino nod reclaim 01:“th county.
In tho wisy of low] new» little in stirring,
nnd l' Inni- littlu to send you. At this’suuson,
iunl pnrticul‘m-ly nt pm-mut, we are, all ob
sorlmlin pn-pnringfivrlhu holidays. . Ghost—
mLt street presents n Unrnivnl of 'l‘iileVhik
tho ‘3 tinny-slum" glnru um! glittpr with all
tho punphhmlin of nuimcmont. If many
of tho‘ who tln'ls sock to pm the many
timyzfpmnching, would devote (i thought to
tlié poor of'tho Huliurlm, it would bring with
it morv mmolntitln than all the flouting
Minimum of frivolous dissipation. Thofifib’r
“those \fho are out of cnnpluyincnt-‘lirv
in u find condition)! and it would 11])an like
vxnggn-mtiom were I to state it Billgll" moo
of nullrriug. My_lnmim-Hs aims m 0 nmplg
opportunity to note the u-nnti: of the labor—
ing olzchs, and} never hwo olmclu ml the.
mmo‘ {mount of unlluring among the poor" or
this city: . o
Among the lunnl mmplninlk, it will NCM‘Cl‘ly
bu hill-muting“ yourrqulfis fur muflea'mcn: ‘
lion Jhi‘ gricvmlndwundei' wlsiclrwauflL-r at
the lmmln ul: 1; Know-Nothing kofirmu‘uufi ‘
Mnyoi-‘CKLiiim’nccms I}!:J,El'l‘nllll‘ll to plunge ‘
tho rity into ovary possible oitnvn‘gini‘o;
and he is hk‘uly‘mmmrocd', if-n ncklcsil po
lice. and cormpl. rounyilmcn, will; he nny 1
niol. The city now 'is ltlmrl'm: under M! ‘
émmhouu Ill'ht, th: in‘lcrcu of which cam“!
be mot, while tlwfam'ront gxpcnscn Ire dhily
mcumulnting. tlurcltcdngjo. swell the ng
gn'gntc lx-ymul [limpuwcr ol' liquidnlitm.-
And thin in the result of In éxpcrimmt in
politiq-xs Vl\i.s one of tho bunting bf Know-
Nolln “£qu to ham 1: bankrupt lronuury,‘
fjlilu‘ll credit, mmrmoux dcht,,n lurk-M pm
lien, and a reckless chiuf m‘ngistmlc. Do
you no! envy ux'l , ‘ "
()ccaslonally mrychtnnge sri-ncs 3mm in
n lnrgv rily, nncl the acquyl of {nuny'pf the
strangest mullrrcntcs introduce the fair sex.
0110 that mmo mull-r Inyhibscn'ulirm n fu'w
ulnyu ninco is worth‘ nwmianinp It seems
that a young "2“" was nllncln-d to n :lnuglr ‘
mor . widofi‘ 'hdy, lh lug a: bvwh ma, ‘
imil win a}; Um hihit of visi‘fing tlir‘lmmwi
A (in N‘cningn'sinm' he want them, it}? sl
lcyiml, Ilnllor (hr inllucncv (if nnlcnt’ spirits, ‘
as well an ardent nfl'cctiun. The imanVOC
the house Miro ml. willing-M admit the
yadng acntlvwan Imtlcll» “12 pilgqglngnmcn.
The llph‘lllll of tho matter WM, thut the rc
jmu-il lov‘cr threw filliiilryhric‘k hilta'thmugh
lho Second illnry findnws of 010 house» ‘
dasge the windww-fluy-Jrightcnal the ‘
fl ily- brought thn police to the Rpm-41m! ‘
hintsclfnmrchul to the; alntiqp-hnuao, and ‘
thence/lo an Alalwmnu‘s, .wlu-re he was lu-ld
10/r'lmil. Such is the «film 0| love, unfl such
in the result of thsl. lnllupncu when excilxd
by (he “ ardent.”
Our lulu-It. advices from Wmhington, M
the firiquggipg jp'prmi ‘nrc or no imimt
56cc. A cg‘ucua he‘d by the Anfi-Nclmkn
mcmlx-ra of the House, glided mthng of
important-o. The“ calculation was, “in
Bunk)! for upcnkcr, wouUJéalinc u lago vote
~but npiniom no divided M to his ultimate
‘ Francis 1". mm, 11- mm of Martin v...
Burr", hm; written a h-ltcr to the Black Re
! public-Ln Association of Wuhington, in' N:-
‘ npmmc to an invitation to preside over that
'(n‘gmiimlmn, inking strong; ground ngninsi:
thuvflvnpwn nf Han-r), and urging them
in, wits f 3“! 3.2. W£&&&MB&
«lam 01' Kansas. , '
It is Hmd that Mr. Wheelcr'n mmnhnn
of the Walks'r government in Nicangnn hm
been dixmpprovud by thu Administration. ~
‘Much hpcculntiml is still indulged in ruin:
(ion to out; dullleully with England. ‘ But
there [N n?) TEEwiriTEnlTHE—finiwr fimy not
lie satiwfivtorily nn‘niifgcd, the qncélicmm
stillapul. Tho {Mi M. the proper tilnc Will ‘
doulrllvm ho «'nlnmunivalml to Congress. ‘
the ID "l‘he l’mnmylvnnia, ifllmivlplnu, Wil
mington and Baltimore, the Reading the
oan ins}: and Elmira, the (Inludeu nud Am
hoy ruilmml emupunicn have'ngreed to pugs
the dyfcnnlerl of thu‘country, in the war of
“£l2, to their national convention at \th
iugtoubity, nu the Bth ofiimuu-y next, upon
the mine (onus nu they yer» carried to Wash
ington on the‘ inniversnry of the battle 0! Ne w
()rlomm in January hut. , ‘ j ‘
[FIFTho Clliéngo Dcnmrral (if the 4th inst.
any: that n mum-n ur'rived in thisc’ place a:
few days previous with thawicfiJnl’vfher
uslmud, which she wu_tnking cast for bu
rinl. 0n the mute she fell int-with A young
I'hc man, and, on the nrrianof the cars at Chi
chhoy wentmfl' ‘mgethm lcnving the
u-a- deal boilyol' the husband in them-pot, where
it'hts remained sing; ~ .- A ,
‘ mug Renaulfifayl My» timtthreo Weeks
”since 83mm“: evening last. n seafaring map
named Field wu nutmeg] tom young hyly at
‘South Boston, and innncdinbcly left fivr um.
On Monday the younf bride wnts bin-ind! she
hnving been attackct with typhnid fever uh
Friday, of which she diet} in A few hours.
(1(7- The Underground Railroad is mid to
1:710ng n lurgc‘busincgm. Eleyen [maneu
i {you were conveyed by it on:Sa.tunhy hut,
ifrom ltiehmoud, ‘3‘" to 3mm unknown.
_ Q's-dint (Imam-"I Km“. ,‘,
‘ 111:5”qu (ff-fins. —'llhc~ fpllowing ‘cit‘ws,
which hnGuHMhhuukr the ruin of Km)“-
wNo thirigisi-u'mé'réduccd to the twist ("WI
Tu} hiukqxplcy, We would («Mao thur am:
zens of [his locnmy to look out; or lhbi’mfiy ‘
he in the same [fighti'«-~_:._.« " ‘
f‘Sn'ii‘lfi-nncisoo is Burdened with u debt she ‘
mnuot‘lmy, but! her trcuaur} is cmpty. ‘
New‘Orlmnn lms diupqued of the (mo of ‘
lu-r public wharvcu for the torn] qf lhlrgto
ycnmmo as to mine Immuy Iliumcivnt (o [my
the ignlnr'mu of her school teachers. ' ~ '
l‘hilndc‘lphin has not n “€11” iuJu-r tremir
Myriam. (hi) lmchoh, In other ofllcinlir
mliél'stnrvo or sell their 'wumuls (9 heart:-
Juss brokers at a shmnl'ful disco\xnt.~ 3'»
Chicago is in «may llnaqunl condition;
lyvr lrvnsury is vplircly empty, mid those '
the employ of the city go begging fora e
wagmulue um. ‘ l _ A f
‘ " EVofy (mo of “lanolin In index-£llO 1d"
miniatnlion 9f KnovV-Nothingn. ,
(10v, Joint Bmmm, or 0A1.1r0nm.4.-Wa
lcm-n from a prlvnlo letter, Hm; nlthqugl:
(Inv. Julm Uiglcr, at u. ccht electrdn‘iu
California, “'delnrcd wave been lx‘nwn,
he actually filled ugh: Mahmud morunks
than'my lgcxnocrnt had nvcrlvcl‘um rcéuivxxl.
'l‘hqrc is not a doubt as In his _uloction :gult
fmud accomplished tllc‘purpogca ol'ztho wot
lodges. Every intelligent man in‘ Qulifon/ljn
is shlinlled of "infant, and the hoxmna‘lbw-
Nolhixigs do not hvsiuxte to make thin .N‘r
mission}. ' Thy count-(moneo lips bccngthal
tho (loycmcr’ql‘rgudulcnt‘ defeat, him grew y
incrchli-inpldnrity with‘lho Democrnby
and I“ right-minded inun. Ho corllltlly
«lmcn'os llnis'high mailion in tho confldmlco
of the [woplq n'f Ullil'ornin. ‘ ‘
I)». KANH'B Exrnnnmn.——The charts of“
the late Arctic expedition in search of Sir ‘
John Franklin show :1 larger range of dia
mvn‘y ihnu had been anticipated from the
'p'rvlimimiry report. Many imie been exhibi
ted, in lhv Reel-Mary of the .Ngrfiand, sub.
jock-d to me Nntionnl Observuiiry'ififl Coast
‘Slll’Yoy. Dr. evidently mnlorinlin
reserve. The «firm of the open sea, h; n‘cnrc
(u! n-viuion or the mirk, hm; been fiumd to
fixéped fimr‘ ihoumnd mile-'24, or more ‘thnn
one llmiisxind in excess of the m-igiunl eulia.
mate. This large limly “m "absolutely and
tuUn-ly free from ieo. ‘
The grim-(Hie mater-fins 0f the expedition
.311“ be pulvlinhed under the direct chlrgo or
Dr. Knno,mlm* has been detailed for lhnt
duly bribe Nnvy Department. The’ Smith
soninn Institution and" Co'lfzt‘SurvL-y 111 ch
both volunteered their aid in furthqmnco of
Unix object. . . ...
Dn'onrns m Rndnn ISLAND. —— Tho sii~
prqrpo court of Rhodovhhnd, during the pro.
Rent term, has grunt/HI wiry-Nix petitionsfur
divorce. One of the cues presented Immuno
vol features. A lady was nurricd when about
sixteen yclrs of age to a man who soon after
lufl‘hcr. Some eight yours nth-r, as neither
she noi- hiq llhflhcrs had heard fanhim, they
suppoml him dead, nnd she married anin.
About I you; nftm‘inl her first huslmnd ap
peared. And the court now granted her a di
’von‘c {mm him, legalizing hcr'ymnrringc with
the second. , '
Nan Stun Coxi'kx'nok—Thq Style Cun
lrnl (Yummiltcc have fixed ‘hpon the 4th of
March next for holding tho next Rule ocn.
vcntjfin. Upon the dplcgntoa will dyvolvc (he
duty‘bf ndniiunling cmdiddbi [di- ‘Auditm
(Icncrtl. Surveyor “moral and Cunt! Com
missioner They will; nhm, have 6 appoint
xlvlcgnlcs to the National (‘onvcnlionm u-
Rcmblu at Ciucjnm'ui, about the middld of the
canning ”virgin tHc purpose of mmfimting
cmnlnlak-s for l‘rcuitlunt and Vice President.
[l7' The last ltwisburg Chramrlr Incu
iiunx the mné of n. child having hem loath:
u )lll‘c nn‘fi‘hhy evening the lat Sum...
almxndrcdk .o!Hy]n]muniningpermnlvolun-
Mun-1| to search 111'! it, particularly in tho
Cnx-kéil‘ufllwcr nclr lhclbou yard. nnd ml»
soqucnuy it was fduml‘ih I pit full 01‘ water
in' me collar of m on homehinto which it
had fllhm, pmbubty belbro M,
WWO notice I. mrflncr “with mo-
Mme! the map of Union Illd‘NflftfimM
lnnd counties. Home cotylpirgtori in New
Berlin, it in Mid, hue for'mi‘d I plan‘h} Inko
Snyder Conny :nd the western pr: '0!
Union, and 3}th them In 'Neiv Bel-1111.4
The romaindcr’of Unionflmd the Norman:
pm hrflNorummlmrls'nd, are to be Annexed
l [l7' The Shprifl‘of Snyder county bus is
‘ uual his proclamation (a: the first Court in
that county, to crfmmcncc on the 241110!
)y Cl’lll‘ mu Middloburg. (100 c Mona,
W marim'mn Kigfiimuvo
‘ been appointed the Committee «a superin
‘ wml the building of Hi?) Y‘nurt House. ‘
{l’j‘ The Democracy ofWMhinglnn county
hrld n largo nml‘ (-nlhuainstic uh fling on
lmjlijliuclglny cvcnjng 333919 nhlch reso-
)uuona “ i-re' [risked cnaBEHTHETI4Jx). Jfihos
Bdchymh fur the l’r'wédoncy. Ind Willing
Montgomery of that county, Jot United
Slaw} Senatér. _ V '
B 7 A com onlinn of Um School Din-clam
of DLuphiu county, wga Mid recently a}
Illrriuburg, with ‘Uw übjgct‘ofi Hiking tho
ulnry of the Suiwrjntcndcnt from $3OO to
$5OO, but. the movement In dcfvilnd. .
RTTho Eric Ofierrcr ii out Subhfly in
favor .of Mr; Buchlnm for the. Pmiglmy.
This paper‘fiu append to Mr. B. inJBM.
Alba prommt céumuaMn-d the unity of Jodi.
inunt that is now running througlg tho Shh.
'[l7' "on. Thom J. llulkg~of,'l‘e;u, bu
boon firemen-d 1011:011'Sj6umloub “,th
ugmumormusuu. afiiw‘fla
DcmocMmdee‘mm. ' (5..
(r 7 '- I" my Put, are ynu asleep?" ‘ ‘
“Ifevil the sleep.” ,W. . . 4, ~
“ Then ho after lundin" me u quarter.”
“1 nm nloop‘ be J‘lpcrg,”
nfj‘Tcmpim no numomul in the Bm
quiflmnfinbolow hamburg-r Seven! gon
tlcmcn (rougthkl 10w: weraput lately; find
gnught a number of the “ Vlminu.”
[K7S cava Mommidenbie nizo his ro
cont! y been diwovom’l nnd explorcdmm the
hem] of Ghent rival-in Virgin“. ' "
Wham; Bostwick,ot [line-burg, Vt" ‘
Ilia vole n every election fol-63 yen-i; back,-
withon}. missing ‘1 single time. \’ - -
‘ (£7.11); yang—l:ll:so “:jumpc'd 31!. m:
0%.” WM her angle- . ,
Oki/litiOnd. and their Metros*.
leuflhn um:
i There newli- lmu lwon’ n firojcct profioficd
~10 mi; Ehlzmgrflefim wintry}! ,so much '
impémmfi’g thoucgnstmctit‘in oi' the Lock
llnvenlufil-Tymno Railroad. ‘ Thohlumeroi‘m w
turnpike» which have bcon'oonstruEk-d-in
thoeounty; from time to'time', were neocl
unry and coilld not be dispensed with.- @llO ,‘
llnlll‘Fmglo and Billing Greek Nuigulon you
a gn-ntAiy’lpromuo-nt: but it“ w“ lmfilqgollw ‘
subli- to tho luanufuctnrlng'ond lat-imiturll .
interests of tho wliulo coupty, gird :heneo its
Wlnlotiml was néccnsnry..‘ m tolls never
Inever paid this interest on tho-oookpf {to
conptmctiod; but, the count: u'ns benclltt'c‘dw
t 6 the urnount .ol' InnnybfiLnos‘ its cont. It
gave lifu lo ogory'intcrclt, and every body
Wis mode richer by. it. hlitillfit novor loot;~
tho anti 6! .039 bounty, uuf novi eVuran
tlreyt mflem‘tgoulobly [or the volt of
Wsfid m“ WWI!!! ruined?“
m the «pit-l inmml‘ ‘cin ziihnuni'omfigg
of iron lies buried in dad stock from twi-li'o
to eighteen months; und conaeqnontly I!
Inger amount of copilnl is em‘ploycd thm,
should ho, mu! hutch of itio in ouposition'to
ho destroyed ordcprecinted in “lilo. . Ithnu
been computed tlut every ton of“ pig mclnl
mnuul‘notured in this county 005th"; from theuo
l‘nvta, four dolloru per'ton moro “unit should
mummifromdho sumo muses Qo_&fl_ncr
loses manly oenta on my}? bushel of wheat:
sent {out of 'the county to murkot. Tho tim
ber of the county'li; 'out into any logs, thrown
into crazy streams, and thousnudu offiollnrs ‘
worth curried all in ice-floods, or piled in
behind molwlnd lshndo by tho freshcts that .
no froqucntly occur. ”The lumber hnuincrm
of the county is“in a. crippled condition,
whilst tho coal bunncs iglconductcd for tho
most limited local u‘sca, ondstho other to
oour'cci of wudth of tho “lines he undiu
lnrbcd in their pritlitivo position“ ~ Tho iron
ores of , Miespuri, 'ukcs' Superior and (Jimm
plnin come into vompctition by tho superb-X"
railroad, facilities, and the wheat stored it"
Chicago nud Delriot Ire octully more nccos-H
uihlo thin thatol' Bellofunte. 'Egcry other
llllHllK‘Rfl of the county occupies tho homo po—
sitions) enterprise, copiuil, energy'wd lifu
'ure , moan away, for thmyo who seek to
inwflt money in safe and Active opcr'ntions,
would rather ulmko n'ith'tho ngue half of ‘
the jar, or risk a stack of yollmr town.
or oholorn, thnu to rctiyo'to tho healthy val
leyiz of Centre. a doy'a travel from my rail- ‘
road. Such in the will feeling of modern
cntorpriuo. ‘ .
If a barn is n ncccnury improvement on a
fertile nnd productive {Arm in order to secure
the crops and protect the stock; or” I henna
is preferable to the rude but of .n Indim;
or Kimmie ni'e indisponubla to 5 mnufnc
luring and ngridiltunl district; or if the
Bnld Eagle _Spring Creek Nlfipfion wen. at.
the time of its constmftion, at 11l neceulry,
I'Vrry argument for these improvements 3])-
ply with double force to nilroui ilmmgh'thc
cquxlty. Ihdée‘d: the luminous of the county
cannot keep pace with its neighboring eohn
fies, without a rnilm'td. \
ThL-‘chinsylmflil Btilmgd is cgmplclwl,
atkerling n cqnununicltiou with Unlwlirc
“may of mywwt Thu Mll and
Erin Rnilmd w’u’ll be mil-plated to Lock
llnvcn within I yew. This mud grommets
with the Willi-mind um! Elmin. Railmul,
‘ 'whioh opera-up the entire Normand North
out. The Ontawim Rnilmad Opens up thv
1 Eu! by thaNorthßrtmh and flulehm R.“-
‘ road, the Little Schuylkill Ind “Whig Rail
mug], nnd the Suuquclunm M'ul Nordlcm
1 Prnnsylvauia Railroad open up‘tbo South.
The Lock Haven and Tyrone lhilroul will
munmt then}: great improw mon'lu. in}! afl’urd
I‘ grymd through route lx-nggn the EM! and
the West. , '
The route in the most nuiuriil one in the
State; and perhaps the claim“ built, with
only two amtll bridgu. 11. will stand on
mlul groundfwhicli will determine iu‘pcr
mnenby and dunliility, and m connexion»
will ensure its inde nul' Wei. [u no“
very nearly equally divide: the 0011 M): in ter
m‘my; 1m in chief locil mac will Wm“
on mmmum'mwwm
ylé'ld the food for £ vut mniifuéturing omn
munity ,uut will settle oi the lino of the
told; whilul. the lumber, cod. Ind clay re
gion. of film mounhim will pour by lutcnl
mull their inoxhquuiiblo wulth into the ul~
Icy of the Btld Eagle—7lh: imn aim! of Ni..-
lany, And the cool» of Plnllipsburg, Snow
shoe nml Shunokin will come mgothor. and
cm long the sound of mlling mills, machine
tute‘of (-vcry dcnc‘ription of useful Ind orna
monul implement, from a. M‘leu to In m
clinr, will give employment to“ producing
populnh’ou. ~For so nanny ulnnuges are
not concentntcd in any one district in this
canning. ..- _,A , _ M.
Dom-Ash?!» 9M4 vote («Gammon
is published by conglulioml districts in Uni)
Louiuim'u Cnuricr. stand: is followi:
Wickliifu. Dumper-at, - £2,402
Dcrbigny, Know-Nothing.~ 10,418
. , . ‘ 2,98ng
The New York ’Ed'prjafl go WWW"
11min Louisiana's: 6320 o'! film's 995m1:
Staten. ' . '
,erg Nedreek
. KlALih‘l dulvol Ind ennui-I (drly mm mm
v tr tho woi‘htof new Ind~siaurgoodh Not a
week but ha I- adding munching now lo 115- mu
and not I day but In in couulbuflnp (p u nu.“ " ,
val-on!» pnbuon [tumuljgl% n “‘L/\ ‘
hm: look A 2 bio rkh ”manage! .hpwd 1 ,
Unity“ nf lull Minimum. At Ml . [Mulmumt
far a mu" Mn 0! mum: un’ new” yum-m
cm: my mfg oz 0!?on uflolo you In 9* run '
«1117‘ ' - -
On: nun Pmmun known the an on P 131“ njn
n. olmulsungmodinm, ad 1... my hull-Amy“!
Ml ndvorflumolguhfino the public. m- v-Ml“ A"
well worth an nxmluflon by‘un sauna-w, And
lo will win-ant that an alert Ill! be nun): 0“
“4 put 10ng, the Wtflmlki mail A
good And nah mm. mm. um. Ind-mm..- .ma
gaunt!" to m- !nulneu, ho donned Inc M '
A! ml Conn or mn' Qulqmm and] . n. u .
street, ouronwrprlllog friend 0. Dprryl a,l
Hc hu 3 large «toqk of modl lhuyl (m hint of tho
Jigs-144mm: Ind lowa-é who. ’1! [howl-ago or
bullnou, lumbar filth 01mg updjydumy-onmlu
”mm to Iguana, hu‘lhcfllld'ml be form. A'
can 911 Mn '1“ lat In 199‘ jinn.