Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 12, 1855, Image 1
‘ ”W, .0 I. ~ _ V . ' .“E‘ L y ‘ ‘ ,' '74,, . , ,- .7 _ . -, H n, 7.... (A, . ‘ ‘ 1 r' ‘ . . Va. ,x/I‘. . I 1 \... - T. _ > ‘ ‘l‘. -fiiv*;}‘ofl ”.9241“ M: ‘ '7'! [\i‘ v ‘ ' “ . ‘ .. . . ‘ , 3v «y‘.v. “ "L", L‘v - ': ”‘1 _ ’ a ‘ ~?'.“' .w n r. < ) . . x 1 . "‘ V ~ —« v i I'm -—'~.‘~,-,..‘,w"u _1 I» , -, I . ‘ . 5 ‘fl; 'f~ill~Yi . .1 ( ' ‘ .' 3‘ fig: gunman Eilzmhnum, ’TII ‘ ONLY ENG§I§B DMOORATIO NEWB~ PAPER X ‘(EN’I‘BE' CDUNTY, Is {mm-mi AND vun’mnnsn m BELLRPOme. ' , 33 "IVSRY‘LWNIDAYLfiGfiNINE; ' ‘u 'BY MY HAY‘B. ‘ Wigwam» finnoo “n; ma within nix , m min? 2,90 w, balohgkod u- an subscrip. manaufifigmm mflvd‘mw. . 1 HI" \ , A »- ‘zz, "I. t 2.1" ..._ , Dan} - .F’fhl MW 0 1‘ 43¢ ‘EfinIN'rING. lIXECUTEIYIE (Infnonleal‘mnnflcrfn‘t the lowost mica, and with the utmost depuoh. 111-Mn M, purohnwd A large colloullon of Urn. Wu tun luc ‘ pnrod m uMql'tho ordum ol'uur rlcmdu « L § {gablimc’ fluent. THE HOUSE 01? CLOUDS. Mn, Bkowmn, (pmnrly Mia BAnnn-n, ll Ills. wm- the Worm flight. and bow origin; nllty which muk her‘poolry She in more milieu )inc [n he? can. of Ihaughl than any other Brkfilh poem”, Mn. llliANfl‘fporhapa. excepted , Hero is n specimen of bar po‘unflu'nn‘mlnnor and strange turn of fund]? v ‘ ' ‘ I maid build I quudy 119111.," ' ‘ _ ' For my thoughts to flu In, When for health 100 funny-luau, . And 100 low for henvon, ' I deep. and Mk my drum Aloud. I build it {alt to noo~ ' ’1» .3" J build it on tho moonlit oloufla .. - ’* _ ‘ 'l‘a thah‘Nook’d um. um, Clofid mm qf’lllo mnmlng’rgmys “Flea with nmhu‘golumn, . Crown’d with urhnlon cupoln ' From niiuél'iélfim; "_ ’ For ouemgnu, I'm-xl9lO vnlloy {Mull Mayrmlata glimmcrlng— . Will a sunbeam hid in each, And a'amoll nf upring. Ilium the advance huh and proud, ‘ Dnrkeuing and oh» brigytcnlng. 0! A than thunder cloud Veincd with (no llghmnmg. ‘ Um arm with nn Ms Main, _“ For th'o floor witlen, ‘ Turning to t toque! like min: * ' I!“ we enter In. For {no Wt hall rcuhh’d thereby, Waxing with dandy whygngs, . Tub he blue pluo |n 1h: fly?" . Wind-work'd inw brigmrmfi— “Zhenco mldnrl Ind long dcgnu Ofcloud-utglrl wlnd'nvuy— 'rm children iiahcd'fiymthheir Imou, Thoy'wj‘lked than: may pay, ~ Be my chamber 12;"! 31151 ‘ mm Ibo sham: of summer, ‘ Clm'md .mm, glnrmed Whevn Hm mnbcnnu coma Unem— ynddon hnrpen, hanging on . Every drop a nob—r ‘Drlfing colon like u tune . Mama to ma touch. ' Bring a shadow (than um) um Frau flan chcslnpt fumltr—. Hiring n purple from the hgll 'Wlunnxe [mart la wrest; 'Bmld than vgt‘fygm “II than, 9511101. nova my“ ; . And manulnn the {M 111.11de 1:: "gm mum of sound. “‘ ‘ firing I gray cloud (mm (build 4", 'W'bcrc the Ink uni “aging—- Mmuhipg of the song at [aut hm not in tho bringhgnflm f And tin-l dull bu I morning chair K Far "manual—'whon with Lhum 'firvcx'ic constraint-4110 .Mfills sir Their only, lovely rllylm, ' mm; the ml cloud from the lune- While 16. linkolh, mm I:, Bring h. rug :- couch, with one . -\ ska-long slat w wgloh it— ~ , “f .J‘iLla: ; poeL'l Quote thought, ‘ ~~ 3M. onrfuw‘ Elmo to lpnn , When “my: invhifilwu brought ‘ 'Mpro near him (Mn um mend my; mum” w». my. .zuu Aluuhc cum to film” . Cloud} ,nfl‘ 3m. .i‘ml‘u? ' ’An inn hp'ri} Reamer "all, wrridur; uni! no! uh proud )ly‘olumbor rm m 19- AL‘ met that moonlit. aloud To V‘Thlcll I look'd with link Let them '—\‘wpn such 'hioninp ' ‘lm W‘My‘i’oiifil‘; ‘ Lon ncnmvmo [mile-I. wan... . Wulmgyglfiq "15h 1m iumurw , Buns, mound idiy Jlrflfi,"}fFfv€filib‘M\il," But hem unchanged Ihnll be, "on: hi my soul-40ml mmnm cloud, To which I look (I with the 3 @gfilliiyg flaw. 3‘ WOl WEE LITE? THIRTY Many yen-a ago, mid Mr. E—-—-, I hap pened. as one of the “James in :5 one which united (nnusual interest in our courts, how the singular, nature of the claim, Illd‘ tho lhlmnge atury Whi‘ch‘it diacloaed.’ ’ ' ' l The plaintiff, whu was captain of a nicxn chant «hip which traded pffiifiifinlly '«ilhl ‘ England and Uni Welt Indiumhad married‘ quiw early in lifci«with every prospect of lmppincns. Ilia Mte’wna pd‘iil to have been ‘ extremely beautiful Ind‘ It has lovnly_;in character. v k V. , i , 3 Anéi‘ mg with may: ”in meat uninfirv * erupLL‘d hamihny for [ho years, during which ‘ ~ ““10"th dnyghtors wan: added (4) his famiiy, V.“ tic suddenly ‘rusolved igresumaiis ochfim— ion, which be had relinquish“! on his inn— ‘ tinge : am] when hit? ymingesg child wma but 341 nm: wcukafiid he sqjlefi ,oncc more for the .z'WesL Indies. .. ‘ ‘ ' - His wife, who_ was devotEdly nun-lied to \ him, BOXTOWCd deeply‘nt-uhis a}. once, and 'l‘nuud her only comfort iii‘the— Ragnar if IlOl‘ chum and thqihqpe of his rd nrnfi' ‘But tn'onth t‘fiud'nonth Kinsscd nWay. and he ycxunofno'fi, nor. did my letters, those inmlm-l clent but wgldomojsubsututcb, nrrive. to ch'oorhor soih'ude: '~ ' , ~ « Mobil»; 'thehqd iatO’ years, yet 'no tidings were ficccivcd of the nbadnt husfix‘md : 1:11:13qu Mgffib‘ping igninpt lhofm, the un hgfipy {vife mg compelled 60 believe thntho had found a gnvq beneafih tho watering ~.llcr‘ sorrowfwas deep at}! heartfelt, but thé‘ evils of, poverty were now added 30 her nmiétiOn, and the widow taunt! horholf’obfigcd lo‘rcsprt to some cinulo‘ .. xg M 34”. ,_; 'wos hen. only rcsouréé, find for‘top ycdra sho‘ luboi'cd early and Into for din/miserable pit:- (nncc which is ever grudgingly béstowed on the humble monmatrcss.‘ ‘ Amcmmjnflcwlqu, in modarltcubut prospcrjng circumstances. accidentally be came acquainted {vith her, [and plc‘scd with her gentle mnnnors no less tlmn hbr extreme nuly, cnticnvomd to improfio their Ici'luninh amp with friendslfip‘ - ‘_ ..r' " After some monthl he ofl'erod li'orhia hand. 3ng wna‘uccoyud. A: the wifepf I unoccu fulmorchnnt, she soon found herself in the enjoyment of the comfort-4114 luxuries inch as she hid nevu- hofompomnedw Ho chil dren boc'un‘o hid childmu, "“1, received from himgvery winnings thut waltb uni-flec tion could procure. ‘ Fifteen young pused “my; the daughters qrnicd. and by their atep-(uthor ,wcro fur iushed with every comfort requisite in their new nvocution as housekeepers. But they had namely quittcd the roof uhcn the mo: that war lnken ill. -. X __ [Shq 53ng A 991: I few dlyt‘ illnpgs, nnd from um tit-n 9» unitil’um ‘poriod of which I apcnk, lho widower Ind resigcd with tho youngestdnughbur. ’ ‘ .» : N Now comes the sunngcst put of the SW; Al't'cr annnhsenco of thirty years. (hiring which n 9 tidings had bcgn received of him, thofmst luisinnnnlmsn£§& ts suddonly II; he, mid sloping-led. Ho chnngcd .his ship. «10wa another name, and spent théimol‘o of that long period of time on thc’oceun, with only transient visits on shore, while hiring “in or discharging cargo, having; been csrcful nlqorncvcr krpomc ncnrcr hémc than New Orleans. ‘ " " » " Why he had noted in this unpardbngblc‘ mnnncr'howngds his family, no one ~fould €9ll, and he obstinntcly‘ refined 111 explanation: There were strange rumors of slucdruling qnd pirl'cy aflott. but they‘ve“ onlyxwhiso porn of conjecture nthcr thnn truth. . Whntcvcr might hnve begn~ his motive {qr nqch confiuct, lug wu ocrtniulj nnyuxing but indiflc rat to his family coflccrns when be m lurnfif- .V; .' 'V’ ‘ _ Ire nveq like a nwlmm when informed of big wife’s second rum-rinse and subsequent death, vowing vengeance upon his luncheon Ind terrifying his dnughlan by the meat qu ful threat in case they refused to ”knowl; edge his cluimsf l 4 . Ila hid returned wenlthy, and one of those mean reptiles of the luv, who nre (é‘mouml crawling about (he lmlls of justice. advised hitjto bring suit uglinst the second husband, assuring him lhlt he could recoverjwevy damngex. The nbs'urdity of instituting a claim for I wife, whom death had already released from (he jurisdiction one-rug lnivs. was so nmnife‘sl', {hot it was nt’lc'ngth agreed by all parting-{D lean: the matter to be ad juilgeQ by five referees. * ’ ,’ It mm on a bright and béauliful nftemoon in spring but wo first mot w heu- flw nin guhr case. The sunlight stmmcd through the dusty’ windows of the court/room. and shed‘nhnlo Around the long grey locks And Brodd for-chad of the defendant: whilu the ph‘i’miff’n MAJ-sir future: were lhmwn imp still Wérvnfld by the «mo bun! which Bonus-1f Lhaplncid countrmucc 01' hit mlvcr ury. MUIR The [ii-intilf'n kWyor made I; most Clo! qucnt appeal for his client; and had wo not ‘ bean better informed about the nutter, our‘{ hearts would hue been meltetLby his touch in; description of the return of the dual-t 1: i hnsband, and tho ngnny with .uliicli he now ‘ beheldllis household gonds “moved to c‘i‘ l ‘erbW’tstmnger's heath. 7‘ ‘ Thp cvlcbmcd Antui'i was counsel for ‘ «allow. and me unlimited [4l2mbib i n upléndidmdispluy of oratory. I had nci’er sebn him, and shall certainly never forgpt my surmise nt his nppcsnnco. . ‘“ Small in poraon‘, but remrknhly ivcll . formed, with an eye“ quick nnd bgillisnt as ‘ u; eagle‘s, and n brow furrowcd by' me ti: ‘ more than time, he normed I very difl'erent being frdii tho nrchmrand murderer f had been accustomed to consider him. His i voice wss 0nt—3791. the finest I bvei' heard, Ind l the skill with Which hwmodfil'ntcd it. the va riety of its (one. and the melody of its ca laénm who inimitable. - ‘ i But thorium“ one peculinrity about- him that remit: 611 my! affine depth ledaflmcss which lay barium that fnir surfnoo. You will'smilu w men 1 tell yuu, thnt the only thing I dlblik lwna his fltép. Ho glided in that than bulked: hiu't‘oot had that quiot, utilthy movement, which voluntudy'nmhen do think ottruchcry; snd in tho coin-so 0 mm mI hm néver ~ 't with .rmk‘mad hmblo'yun to whim uchh stop “WWW . bitunL-4 ' l .'4 ‘ Uonti‘aiiy to our 01p tntions, however, Burgmado nputempt to ‘nfutyln't; oppo, nent‘n ontmy. ‘\" g , _ . ‘lfo merely opengd n boo hint-tutu, 3nd pointing ivith hia'tfiln ii ‘to one of tho pug“, dgsired the referees ‘ audit, {whim he retired air. I moment to butt in the prin mipn’l witimas- . ‘ l '.. W 6 had scarcely finished the (ally dmidml the matter in Burr rc~cntcrcd‘wi’th a tall 31 quning on his Elfin. Sho-wiml simple white drama, with u w paves cmirclinuhci lug‘o gtnv JIELIZEEONTE,;P n Inca veil completely (mncé‘niing her coun tenancm-"Burr whifipcrcd a” {cwiwordm np pnrontly cnqouraging 1131' mlvnncc, «ind then, gritcofully niislni; hor Veil, discioséd- to\im \n 'fiwe of pram}, surpassing bunny. . Ifg’annli‘ lect, its M3l! as if it. happened yoatcrdiiy, how simultaneously {he murmiir'bf admiral (ion burnt from Up lips oT'nll present.— \, .V- rmm. . ‘ ”up“, “(LL—WV I'- ‘M_ , “I. H ‘ ‘ \.- “Do you know this huly 3'3 ' " “ '- uI do"! (‘s‘ uH" .JC’ I, ‘“ Will ydu swear to tint 3.” y '5» ‘ u I w!" ; to m I»er my‘ Wowledgé'nnd 1 belief, she is m}? fingrghtcr." $1.9: ‘ 1,351....“ ..'. 4' Can you swchr to her idcrxgm‘w 11’ {I "‘~ 1 . ’“ I cm." ‘ , ‘ ‘ “a " What in her my?” w 1 “ She was thirty ycnm’of age on the 20th ‘ «1., omm." » ~ ' - 1 ~.“ When did you hpt scohcr 1” > "25' ‘5 At her own grouse, 9 fortnight_ firncc. " , "Whtmfiié‘you‘flm her hat prcvgqhs to that. meeting 7” ‘ ‘ , The plqihtifl‘ hesitated; a long pause im mh “I°. a¥£fi§§2flwl23J§2sss34x.Efléflfifi. nigger ut‘iength wu— r‘ ‘ ‘on the 14“: of May, 17—-—" r "‘Whon she was jufif'tliré‘o weeks old," added Burr. "Gentlemen," epntix'lucd he, tor/ping to 63, “'I lave. brought this lady here’oa on important witnes‘a, ind such, I “link. she is. The nlnintilf’s [counsel has pleaded eloquently in behgll‘ of the lwrcnved husband, who escfpod tho peril.“ or the sen, 36d returned only to find—his home desolate. ‘ But who will picthre to you llllb'lOHPlx wife, ['bending over her dailywif,’ deVotlng “brew ‘ years to the dnudgery of sordid poverty, sup ported only by the hope of her.husbnnd’n return? ..th9 will point the slow progress, ‘ of mart-sickness, the “mating anguish of hope deferred. led the overvi'helming agony Lwhich come upon her when hei- last hope we! loitinguislied. and Iho wee compelled to be-, lieve herself o widow? ’Who can depint all this without awakening in your laugh! the ; wax-pest lymlltllly'for thodcserled wife, mil the hitttrest scorn. for gthe mean, pitiful wrcwh; who codld thus trample on the heart ‘ of he} whom he had sworn t 5 love and cher >lshl No need not inquire, into his motives‘ Fforficting so base a part. Whether it was love of gels, or linentiousheus. or self-ind“. ’fefihce, it mothers not: he in too vile-t thing 110 be judged by such laws 18 govern‘mcn. Let us uk tho Wituclh-aho new amid; be ifore us with the fm'nk, fearless hrow ol‘ the 1 l true-harm) woman—let usL ssh her which of i these mi he been her must, . 1 L. Turning lathe lldJ, in tto'no whose acht- \ lieu we; in strungo conlnst with the scorn l'ul new)". that hill Junk chwhwiw-Il big words, he hgwought borne-ulna bripflxflfi; recollogtionn of her early life. A Blight flu: pmed'over her proud "1d beautiful fece, Ii she replied: . ”4, “ My first recollections are of a small, ill furnishcd opnrlmcnt,» which toy/Jester end myaol! shared with my anther. She used we carry out, every‘Sutm-dey evening, the Work which had occupied her during the week, and bring luck employment for the following one. Sit-Vim; that wenrisome limit to hcr‘employer, Ind “or regular nttcndlmce It church, she never left the house. ' She oflcrrspokc of our father, find of hifi anticii pelted mm. but st length the eased to mention him, though I oyacrwd she used to weep more frequently the ‘ I then thought she wept beer '9 so poor, for it “306 m sometimes‘ lt’our only sopper was n bit of (Ir: Ml she was accustomed to‘sow by ‘ the qhipa, which she kindled ll) famiehingz :childreu, because the? Ird tu‘pu‘n— -clmse n Cumllum ithmil mi or, our morning Inan Such :erty‘ when my lnoth‘T ‘contmflcd g second marriage, and the chnngu to usan like a muldcn I‘m trring into Paradise. ,7 “'0 round I hgmgnnd. a father." / ‘ “ Would onp excite my own chili ngninst mo?”9fied tho plaintiff. .8 ho imiutiently MllVflL—hifl hmdfu: hettnlmfiilnnt. V- n V ,4 The eyes of the witness flaqliéd fire an be ‘ spokm 5 ,I ,- ' ‘ “ You are not,my father 1.” exclaimed aha, vehemcnUy. “ The law may deem you flinch, but I dischimyou ‘ultcrly. Wm! .’ call you. my {“th you.’:who baselchfl your wifo‘ $9..£°i1,..9u.5u99r, whim} hawk Never; never! Behold there my faUmtri’: poigjing to, the figitatod defendant, “ there in tho'mnn who wuched over my infancy—who was guardian of my incxperion . 0 youth. There is Ho who chins my; afli ‘jons and _uhures mmemc ; them{ is. mylyallz'er. For ‘ yonder selfish wretch, I'know. him “Tn. Tho Imm. yum of his life have £00!) upcné ih'lnw-. ‘ less (madam hum Main! gigs; let him 9ch olqewhem fm‘ the compnniqn Of his decrepi tudo‘nnor dare insult the ashes of my mother ‘ by chiming the duties of kindred 7230!!) but ‘ dctcnwd Children." '1 'A: . ‘ ' ‘Bho (ll’lS'W hcr veil 11:8!in ”quad her us she spoke, ml giving her hand no Burr, moved 38 if {0 withdraw; ‘ - x. “ Gentleman," mid Bun, " I have no more to any. The words of tho law are oxprflsscd in the same lxwk'mgfore you; the wig-A: of truflhyou have just heard from woman‘s pure lip'a :‘i‘ In for m to deem» according to the mquixitians of nature and die (loci-é. of justice." I: ' ‘ I need scarcely mid that our decision was such an; to bvcrwhchu the plnimill' with m], merited slums)“ ‘ , i ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ggction which lyinds. whenl egnnt fcnmlo “tired in a. oath ofiivy Po‘d‘nfiAnd El ..fljrA'lmly, on jbgipg ukod to jéip the oquth of TcplpcmntYe, replied flat she imflded to join due 015 the Sega iuflw course ,of the week, ' , ‘ l' . ' W l‘l v 1 311 09:13:11, - nom.‘ ‘ :1‘22: -“d ~4— *—::_:t ;::7:'- i ”' 1" or the" . mom-nut \Y‘Ftchnnu, 1 " . - T 94“ ' m; .~. M \_-r* , m! JOSH" ; - stain. :‘M 'mxm‘x ‘lmr gal whim: out: “ ‘ * , ‘ynyoqp' the 1'“ I ’ I’pfifin, . ~-’qn¢aqlum':m .. ‘ smegma». q . ‘ a ' [:l3 vocal with n nifaln, \ " ..- 'l3quanth ‘llqu to Mrth, 1‘ '~k ' ' 1 U Ynt leaves the flowers Inmodm ' i ‘r' , . JII nnl'cty’hy ill aido— . ,1, " f 4 Tlnin hopq ollngn WEN ihe'uuub. 1_ ~ Swmlrmblér thought}. of Du “th." . ‘ , Norman!” 0“} fore-it {mum— n O! whqg'wo wiw, n! which we'nrc, f.) 7'" f ‘ i,o!‘ whut we_will bvofnnm "/'/ 2 ’3'“: Km you my lmnfl ‘ll gm??? EH,” '4 anh lave ni bimfi’ér't‘fcal— . V __ vac «me (M'flfiwu known \ ~ “W 6 wwmwu. _ - , , . 1 fuel“ how. ma cvbr must n . I - /' 119 on it to my hymn—7., . . :’/' Fhr brqlhefia no’or on!) You] two Joye .‘ ’ ‘ ' That 11?! 11mm czmxlopnrl ‘ ‘ I’Or mob uh n bright «Ingerw . . 4 \ , I nuk Ithnt joy) be g-lven - " ..~...~.‘. .. :pulun'liloofflnua hon;— ' T" I all: n phoe' ll Human. ‘ mfiip‘mzzfiirz;t;—r; -- 37;: ‘ .infim or m QWSADASJ ‘ It mxyim that the domcshd life of Spam 1 is, in the .ggmggm, as nivilized and common \ place as that of—Grolt Britnih : but certain it ‘ is that incidonm therein are 12M unfrcqucnlly 79mm conga.» wish more rwmbw lions of tho Radcliffe sglyml of novelists, than ‘ tho aohcf rcalgtios of the actual world. Of this king] is the "rectal story of Unreilas do Quesudn, nlyoung Cntlhn gentleman. which {wits material party had been judicially veri- \ her? before the Spfinizih,“h;ihunnls. Gnreilus do Quoted: wan. it seems, the late surviving representntlm of a long line or finccswm, whose historic glo‘rics ruched es fur bdék'us the days of Pehtyo, mid the first. cflorts to’rcscuc $9011) from the Muglmn yoke, originating under that. renowned lender, in the Montnnns dc Antnrits. of which birth-- place of Spanish independence the fituu'dcrs of the Quesudl family were natives. Unfuru tunntoly. the heritage bequeathed the last of the mcdhy eleven hnndrc'd ' years of glory, «consislcdyl‘httle ri‘at'or’é‘than the intense fam ily pride engendered by those historic centu rigs, and on nnciept castle. near Cnrdonn, in ‘ Cntnlonimgvhich timepnd. violence had re duced to pretty much the condition of‘its 1 owner that of a gloomy, ropelh‘nt min.-‘ The nitqrnlly arrogant dinipdgitiun of the t young mm was fostered and inflnmcfi by the tuchings or his moter, who died I few 1n... ‘ MllO ‘’ ' ..‘-41mm fluid {0 tho m. «If; identified be tween them, glint unl'ébs the young Gnmilu mind fizpomsu wealth in his own rank. the superb line of the Qucsndu should end WM him, whilst yetiunminglud with and uncpn (nmirintcd hy the bommon yum of pit-helm life. This pm‘postemus arrogance gave birth, m an unmitignhlo hand of one purticulm person; chiefly, in the first instance. because’ of thugfllicling illustmlion which (hi: posi- ‘ timi 01' that person Ifl'urdcd of the wiser course pursued by his fimi‘y, tlfc Do Vclns- i dog, who, in the nu'tu-r of patricinn prclL'Hl‘C, ‘ might. hue held thcix buds as high as the 1 De Quanda- ' \ ’”‘ > i Jouc do Vclnsco, o succeeding to his in herit-n 0.4), hinting l' d himself, like many other Sinnish hidnl ,und even gnndces of n‘aodern tines, witho t the menus of support ing his hereditary r en. 'once resoldmly bn'ixhed aside the wbweh peeiudices thtt woulq lune bfl'ffid his path-m mum. inv’ the avenue of Endugund engaged with re nmtknbleyncrgy, in “10- salt'ltnnufncmrc, ux‘ii'ed 0n ill thu partof Spain. Succo'ss ro mrdod hls exertions, Ind its vilihle signs dceficncd, by contrast. the gloomy lupcct of ; decay and ruin presented by the formerly ri .3111 family or. the Qucudan. The .nqgiml \ .. mion, once in u dillpidntcd A condition ‘ niche heredithry De ansldn “ mun," wax-n ‘ {horomihly :és'ibii-J. fi'r‘nfshM'n‘itl‘dbborflti-d; tlmlieninl establishmenflwlx'mh hid dwin dled to two or three ill-mid, ill clad lerviwri, mlrbcruitcd up to a-lundsnme complement; Semi: Veluco’s cliildnnA—ho had. dropped the Don aud'tho Durante carefully Ipducn ted: «nd when his~ lon, Alonzo, returned 1 home in 1047 from din—university nL’l‘olch. i he WI! prunouhced by, general consent to be the lundnomest, beat-drained, beat-mounted. and altogether the mod genci-ous Mid ucaom [plia‘thd cahallero of the neighborhootl {or mmy miles £ll)qu. Fur thin [young "'9'“ Garcilna d 9 QM conceived from the first 1 ‘violent dislike, which the passing years bringing incrcuoll lunaliine Ind splmflol‘ V! the Veluooslmnd only' clouds and gloom'for him. unwanted. to the I&deth .lnto‘. 'lt mu .130 said, that. D: Quepoda hgd been for vtimg nhnkcn'in hirnupl‘ve or perpctml oc- MMCJ'. ('xaeyt under bhts‘befiim-named condi tions, by' «he chm-ma ,zparsonnl and pecxmiu], of Torus: Velma), and mum nttributud the ”plum that had met his condescending Id vnudcs ‘ome a memlliancc, us he deemed it, with mfnmily ii'hosc hand had degraded lb cscntclioon by. swipiuigzto the stuns of I ultvcknlwwr~to tho oppésilion of the ' t‘kdy‘u brotbm- :1 his pet 9m] pride using him, no doubt. to‘ iguox'uitho possi jliyy of Tcmeulnéup‘g decliui g the hog pr‘of his band by her nwg‘lagygioe. Sam flawless impresmi‘s reported to have been gnma use M ‘33! Mom“. relative to the matb‘ mum dignity and payorla-strickcxfi pride of hiksialicr's rejected suitor, confirmed thié inl prosalon, and led,»moroovor. to a duel with swords, in which Gamma do (2176 an was 3 Eiisfnriwl 30mm.— 33% an: {m mt Y,,,LDE"E‘EMB,ER 12;,‘11‘855. \vdrstcd, 1: id and his life to thortbrbcnsuce of his triuu-plianttudvcrssry. : ' 1 - For about thrcé ‘yenrs utter. no anther in; tcrcoursg trick fight: heth tho young men. Garcihsflsfl'zue'éuds tinting—What ficn'rid being rarely seénhut or his ,crumhlingKCastlo, whom he dwelt iniidlc seclusion. his sole nt- Cfiflfiufi‘ one Gil Holq,»who_ was born, bred. ‘ wcddgdfiafidowcd, angl'hoptd to Qic'nnd he .litvricd within tho" now much (-iréllmvfilmd precincts bf the domain. ‘Kt'length,’ iiil'thc «my putriiiflfitty/Mion in his thirtieth your, x; circumstance occh'rivell whtch’ dtvmt' him (firth once more into thv' thinly mum-rm tm-‘ ciety of the m ighlmrhood. This mm 7: firm ‘tlulent rumor of thg approaching rnun'ingu of Afinio Vclnncn with lhnlwlln Rlogus, n lady he had met with in Mmlrid,'aml to whom, as being neither diatlngnluhctl for wealth' no'r lgirth. thq older Vulunco- and his \xll‘o hqd Nmngly nh‘jcgted, till subdued into nqnics ounce by the pmionlxte solicitations of Meir son. who loved the beautiful Andalusian with h fervor remarkable oven in the lovevdlspos- ‘ ing clime of Bpm.. It.x wfi‘s, as the sequel proved, the knowledge of this that which de termined I d hutencd‘Dp Quosnda's inap luarnncc n the tiny World which circled hls soli‘tud' . He was kindly repaired by th: Vclsr s,‘ who, indeedhnever bore him sFfi‘c‘f nus 11-witl: Ind had it boonothcrxvisc. his. plunged unpumncprindicntivh not ouly‘bf ,fvchle honlth. hut. in the guy-sprinkled hxiir and steeping form ofpremstnn‘ old age, must, in gonomus minds, have oénvcrtcdx any all-l versefcrling into kindliucas.and compsslqion for one so early and untimelyprcgkcd in tho voyugn of life. Issbellxfllb'gba 11nd 'tSfi‘ivt‘d 111. Gardens, on} visit. to t mlhtivc, lwl‘urc the parental obstacle opposed to her union with Albnzo Vclnsco hkdlieun removed, nnd there it was sinco settled she should remain till the mug'ic poWor of the wedding-ceremo nial entitled her to s pawl-neat home in tho comparatively splendid uquc of the Vcln'scos. Gmilss do Quentin moths»: than traquentl - in the interim ; and nlthohg- _ u . I Ya Avail! being “ruck wi‘h h singular love ‘ ncss, he plid her, it. was :&m§nrds rcmcni lx-n-d, but scant "ntlohfi' 1 "except when Alonzo wu; present, and thbn, us it. seemed, merely by Why of complimentary admiration oNhe elichnntpd lover's chokes and mat».— Ile and Alonzo Velma soon became exceed; ingly intimnto~so much 30, ”111. Dc Quinn (la. consented to'ofilciite as the bride's Ether at the marringc. which, it “‘u ”ringed, should take place on the 12d: of Mny, 1850. The hridnhiay was _distlnt only about a weekrwhcn tir’undermll from the hrilliuni, unclbmlerl sky. The Velasco family, the Lady [rubella “logo’s. Gal-cilia do ngnndl, who hid joined than: about hair-n hour pk» - -. u». amnion Maud Otln'tl “Mg‘wcm enjoying themselves a! frnch in front ht‘thol‘nniily mansion, with song and dance, when Alonzo's horse giillfipal up. to the'guto, covered wtt'hJonm, hunting with exertion. Ind riderlm .' The glam Ind commotion wmimtlnt‘nnd intense. Alon zo, ivho had set, out onrlyjn'the mor'ning to transact some husincgg‘l'é? his fnther at a Knit-csuhlishmentvncar the Alhuter: do Ya. lencin, hid been age-eta! to return Bcvcnl hours before, md it was now, of course, urn ‘ prehcndcd that some terrible accident illll be~ fallen him. But: few minutes land ehpsed ere Sengr Vellsco. Chi-cites do Quesndn, D}. Zorilla. and several othergentlemen, réde of! ih'nnrlouanuest of the-missing horseman ; but the morning dawned upon their fruitless search. no tidings whatever hnving been ob- Ulillml of the uniortnnnte camher, except thlt he hld left the salt-works‘ln time to have reached his home at least two hourn licfiire his horse (irked there. Quenndh'n'homv or MlO was ihout 1 lenglte‘dilunt fnm the "fiance of tho Vellum: Ind not: {u- out or the tnck the scan‘hing party" had heen vainly ‘ exploring : Ind he propoqed that they should rest there nwhile befur'e resuming their hin quirios. The invitntion‘ WES ncrepted the i more readily hy the gn’efihotved Hitler and his rfiend'nr. 7mm, um neither could di vest himself of n. ,hnunting suflpicion that Alonso huhmot with Lani play LL the hunk of De Quesngn. Nothing. hottever, WM phi served in th'it gentlmnmi‘s dreary nlxule, nor in the stolid, careless import and demelnnr i of its only inhuhitnnt, (hl l’nln. to strengthen i tliat‘suspicion; De (hit‘sadn hinndl‘nppcmyl to be too much and naturally talented by the ‘diétressing mlnslmphc ; and belon- long, it Trfifihiriiry mammmn» yo’iifig‘Va" lance, though on excellent. rider, muat have been thrown from his horse, lend hurled down une'rrl‘ the nnrmwaml unfztthmmblo'fisnurea of the Sit-rm, over which ht‘wns passing; For, Iftcr nll. nrg’uul the h'elnéwfivith their umreuintimnte friends, and‘mtnhly with Dr. Zerillu, what sdequnte motive could there he to prompt a man himself apparently on the verge of the gave, tn the cbmmission of so foul ; crime? There wu no qnestiahmow i of the hand or Terese Volnsco. who hdeéu l‘ong sinrmmarriod, nm’l letdod‘in ; distant phi-t of Spain : '1). Quesule wu not in love, it was qhituclenr, with lénbollu‘fliogm: end it ‘u‘nn surely'lmrrlly credible that the slight ‘ qnmrml whieh‘hugl ocgirre'd three yeu's pre yiéuxly, could still runho with such deadly power in hiahrglat n to up him to avenge. the fnnr'cied wrong 61:th he had susuiflgd by murder! , 0» ~ ~- fl‘his reasoning wnfis scarcely setisfectbry, espoehlly tn Dr. Zorille, who thought he could road Do Qu-- : ’a mindhmd disposi ' 'un much more men ly flnntho ‘othorp. V» . weeks, . ‘.. c-wswwuy watt» ‘ nut throw _ - ' .‘ I (at light: upon the‘ mat.- tor, tillneur the mld‘dlwd. Octoberfi‘when e ; stungo freak of ‘Do ”Queudn's; viewed in connection with subkcqucnt information, re. 1 I vived,and in come degree guve form Ind 1501- l onto the strung though undefined nuaixloionai offlthc‘Veluco family—with vihom. bthe m’y, Isabella Ringo: hairsinco the inynto ‘riou‘s‘ didnppe'nrinée‘of'l htfinneed lover, eonstnntly resided. Garcilu ‘do Qllesldl, who hsd shrunk back to his former gloomy seelttslon, all otohoe stern/ed his neighbom' by issuing unmet-nun invitations too grand gala, ‘to be Mld‘lt't‘lliq“'l¢Bidcncd on the ITth of ()ctobor,.in udehrntiou of the luviter'mthir-1 tietli birthday. The Veiuseoa excused them.“ , kt‘lvts : rim the invitation- wu ”copied Bya Thbnuldumble \numhor of mesons, 3d,", yr.- qmted that the fuativnmlmd‘ been t jujhun ‘i‘pllib—AllMl gone off with rhtgohnclnt,"9nil ninth l haze cost the giver gt least a hnlf\yenr‘s row enue. This unaccountnble cxtrinvugimcc on the part of an impoverished and d ying nilm would perhaps only hove lived in the gossip of n fuw‘brit-‘t‘dnys, but; for the receipt of a letter from‘nh ocqtfnihtineo at Mulifil, env olosing n pmgnph, dated about u fortnigh ‘ before, and cut out of thoJlemlala newspa perof that cit which not hymn-met, terms, that .thgli‘or some time eontemplite mnrringo between Don Gueflu do Quentin and the bountiful Senora Isabella Ring“, wotild, it had been dooided.’bo eelebrilcd on the 17”. of October! ‘ Thelndy's eqmspond‘ ént udded; tlmtpeiéml pnrnéidphfi, toiwmn 'llhe lmd given no credence. had prcyiously appeared in the sumognpor, hinting}, not I lllobseunely. to person Icquninted with the nnrtios. at the {trohnhility of the event pt inst positively announced. ' The writer. wu do niroul of ascertaining ifirthe statement en closed-11 verrsurprlsing nurttr‘harqrq .cmeot fund it so. she ol‘ ooiirsocongntuln ted her charming friend upon thtullinnca she bod contacted, all the more eordinlly, if the; piper wu hub right in dating unit Don Garcilas hnd lately succeeded to n Inge prop crty, Ind had quite recovered his health. ' A tumult of. wild conjecture, doubt, Ind pptflnénsion nose in the minds of they to whom the letter was read: and one nigger lawman hinted by the Lady Isabella, and ounded upon the coincidence of the dny of We named by tho Ilcralda with tint of the go given by De Quentin, Itrnck them all as nt once so likely and so terrible. that Senor Veluco’s fimt fiery impulse m to let. forth immedintnly Ind procnrzjndieinl uni-t. once, to brook into end nnuck the sus p'c‘cted residence. , A few moment.- of ulnar] reflection, however, sufiiced to show him tint: the bud no tangibio ‘grounds. or It lcostlnona rhnt the law Would hold valid, for preferring ‘such on tccusntion Igningt Do Quesndn. whose shied of nobility. rusted and. worm men n it might be, still p'mentm in Spain I» ttronggdcfénec ngnin'ntvany but the weight-i -053: 3.595“ end the clenrest proofs. The family were still’ih'xiously pondering me most sdvistble course of objection, when ‘ Di. Zorilln WIS nnnouncedt Before the new comer. who Appeared Ihuch excited, could open hi 3 mouth, thaiatter wlrich‘hndfigutcd such I pmlc was tln-ust into his bond, mil his opinion thereon ugeriy requested. ' Dr. ‘ Zorrilin'a agitation visibly inorused n he rend : end he hnd n‘o scener'ooueluded hi“! hasty peruhl of the importnnt miisivehnd enclosure, than he exC‘lnimcd.’ ‘- This but confirms my nppmhcnnionn ; Ind I have to %?6m you. that whatever gtfilty'k'h'tiwiedge Ggmilu do Queand: my possess rclirtire to your son‘s death or mptivity, will in n few days In- buried with him in the gmre. He burst a bloodvvessel in the lungs on the night, I nm'told, of his grand gnln," continued the doctor, limiting in upon the clamor 07 "any prise which mite from hiu Auditors: " but I was not called in till this mornin when lat once informed him that hollun§g minor: or x miracle could pmiong’his life beyond twun‘y four hpnrs. His'pullid mums," airman: ndr mun, “flushed hoof, with 4' Hart 0! ilerro difimnyu I spoke: nnd utter a‘ few moments of dumb hewildenncnt, he said in a fnint,’ntrug-glin{r voieo": l‘l‘f that he no, I most bur my doom uh I Pent may. In the} mrnntimo, do you. doctor, send me the strengthening cordial you wake of, u quit-k‘ lxeupoflxithndfilmrflflffidffi vein! 1". the evening nu yoti con.’ 1 oboyrd him in‘ hoth'mrtieulnrs ; mud when I Agoiuimw luut, found thnt‘he wag sinking more rapidly than i I had anticipated. It seemed to me," added Dr. Zorilln, speaking with slow and humili cunt emphasis—“lt seemed to me, judging by hj}; 311‘“)ch excited manner Ind n few ineeheruit words he muttervdr‘thut ire-ind in the'brief inter-NIMMM} neeompliuhed some great purpose-perhmo if I soid gran! crime I. should be nearer the imam ~ ‘ ' ~ 7-t l u Sam. Murin 2" cxclm‘rficd Scnm‘ Yc'luco. “ what terribloweaning is uhmudcd in ypur words '4" " .I . “ 11': is now enumly alone." continued Dr. Zorilll, with Hag some gignjflcnnoc an'd_ so lemnily‘of tbpo trad manner. “ having. which is not the least: curious purl. of the nflhir, just sent ofl' Gil quo to execute A trifling commis sion at n diuhnce of 'sgpic twehty lmguoll : nndlflo has fi'qucstvd mo ‘to bring him, With ouf filmy, 13 monk‘ln priest’s orders from thd con‘yunt of Lola Apostnloi, lq 'wlxbm, under 1110' hatred and' impwetrgglo soul of mnmA‘ l sio'n“, he will douhlless reveal, for his soul‘s ‘heqlglj, what we are all so anxious to be in ‘fbflned of. I need hurdl)"go 30' fir as Log ‘ Amman." addgd‘lhe physlninn. with an? ‘ cmplintic emphn‘sis. 'fl‘or whn‘c with the'mo ’- I’de fading sight, the gloom at the Men 1 chnmbcr at this llour of the evening. Ind, my; ‘ self being the only Ithmlml.‘ the Senor Vie. 3 lnsco himself might amt-late Is -confessor withriut, fem- of detection." ’ . "‘ HoSvnn forbid!" exclaimed Senor Vo< fiasco. {Tossing himscir, and stchfly mgurdl ‘ 1 tr ./ ’l'? "if n.--«f .3” ' ”I a i'ng the tempt". w’horhninz served in (in Ergnch anny'during the war of indepenfio‘nc'e. wn gunman-lily) be something or I henna. ‘ or An «pm: for!;—,—“ lfmggn forbid flat 1 isliouldcoxiamit auch n~ nerilcgv! 13th oc curMo me that Gil Polo. wlio". I lumen. will not else hunts-an in this néiéw ‘ min. Might tobamrodz'rfr—fizjw .2. Dr. Zorilln readily np'provori of (him my gcguofi. am! mmgrked mm. ‘lt ‘mniid‘bc n "v ‘ well 16 bring ilim allow); inCo the-,pwacnc'a of his mash-r ; " for be surefienw Vdpfléfl." added the flyygioiun, " Umtiffou w: ala tnln a clue to the fam- of‘wm‘ sougyoulm‘iu ' (in so tixw night" ‘ r - ' u - '~ i ‘ The eqnfcronvi'immvrliafrlymi-ulr‘c' v t 90- ~ nm' Nausea, lulluv‘od by his u if ; néigaugir ((‘l'fl, hurrying 00’ lo‘nn‘angw fnr lhg instant purinil or (iii ”10: anlifliii Riogna mcom~*-"' )ianiéil tho pliyzit‘ign. " You, lady, I, per coiml by llm‘ flaylfiagwgr‘cy'c juut now," said Dr.’/.o_nji_l_l;.‘ in a 195 v wits: as lhéy‘puuud . along “lg, corridor. “ n not. nilhimgh a do vout (élu-intiW'mriicgc to fill-Um“ the leliPO' iod T" _ "“ fdn mil“ replied lsnlpiln Moms," " cl pooilliy no it is possible I mny dimvor du't Tum—m 1 funny due hr'utho'tho hop¢_ that lr‘cmidvs nt‘my Imm." ‘ ' *1 :rrmc you my dimmflmlimmy. ‘ nicinu. “ ifj'ou have flrmnms 6110113!) to stifle pl! emnfion that may balmy‘you till you hum heard Do Qul-snda’u contagion to the find —- that Alonzo yet lives, And how he nmybo rc< "fared to (M world ind you? Thu is 1.. qullo possibla multo—lnlnlt, I lII] mu. only, for I hue strong misgivin’g£"m, if you no ”30.111378 gixiiyaunppumimln gm lbw minutm since, you will not-shrink from Um venture." “I will not shrink," responded lube“: Riogoé; 1" 3nd Idnlphnl bfiallynol be firmer 11m: {Hill all is mauled. ‘ But pray," Ibo Iddcd quickly, “ tap into the coyrtylrd, Ind requclt Senor Vigsco go bring n’ (ma pflu‘t uh him to the culls. We shall'afllm- haw failed or Succeeded by tlm time, find D 0 Qucsndu's soul must not. flit unnhrlmd (o ju'dgment." . ' Dr. Zon’lh smilegubut perfumed her bid ding: Ind they were noon on and; my to tlw‘prcsence o! the dying man, tho physicipn 111wa determining for his mtg put to try wlul mm 3 throat‘of the garrolu, coupled with n knowledgcof who hnd $091: conten ihg his mum, might hurupon Gil Poln. But for the pdo, unccruin Isl-flight I'mh served to define the shuqows of the cumbuvnn furniture of the apntmcut in which Gucfln ‘dc Qucsadn wns breathing out big lut of tile. ‘ i Ind the whim face of thc dying mm himself, Dr. 20:31.1: and his companion would ban hnd no bthcr guy'dance Linn theéint f ‘ the sufferer to his bedside. “ w luniz," said the doctor, in t‘lummnnym ‘ roico, “ would ruin the rye: of my ”a": and your mission, reverend fuller, does not . fortumtely require one. thon you unin .my attendance, be pleased to ring the hell on the (this at your dbow." n. that In“. the mounund dmended the ’ntana mm ‘ with . sounding step, u if to qun [bi panlumt tut hey“ alone with hi: oonfu- , nor. . . The dying man did noi Imk, and die im ptt'u-nL listener repented the first word: of , the Cmfiteor, ‘8 I. suggestive invitation to confluent}. “ True—true,” [mum-ed D. Qlicsadn. “the purpose for ivhid: you In hem, reverend (fiber. admit: of no dchy. ‘Cmg/itcor Dco omnipotmfi'fl Ah, it in {mg since I rémti‘d those words. ‘Foqfitew Dra nmniflofenli, lan'—»- ' Mummy it fail- " ing‘nu‘wé‘l M Night. Do you, futhé, say 919 won)», uml I \m’ll vii-pent them Ifler yr'm " I :11.” 'WflWL, and “a mfg-gain: .‘rnQ bmulxpj- - £5 ttlatin nitii'k “in 0:0 ruticr is alrciafif nixTro‘fiffime—{dm WW ‘B‘??va 4WO VMBLM knit) (hat LIN blaming thinil‘i'm' ymgi‘ixcg , during lhv ”Inc jtnrs he had fe it to lie ‘ unnuainnblc. hm], he now frh', mu» fountain.» of Li: lift. “Mine VWMLMQ" “0 coritinued hurriedly. “ n lmti-cd that the #l‘ fxmipusing his Ruth would satisfy. [mud Io inflict ,Jm din-r vmgmncu than "aid; zm'i ifih‘uubouuded‘iove of“ this mm hr lnlln Riogon at lust Ifl'urdcd mp the mum. ‘ Ym. shirt will; horror, mcnxid hither, u "liq “emu. npd it is nothing comp-Nd wi'h whnl mnninq to tell. Yeti Christi-u «mu. \m—know, 3t übo lust momcqt. ir‘iho confer bion is unrcmwdmtlic pcnileuock-v— , All. Whit, poise 7" . _Ath_“ 7. ‘ Tlu my. quicker ozr‘h-d ctught @- muud‘ distinctly: it lumbar father-fl voico in mntcnlirm with some one—Gil Polo. [my way. IchnsL‘d all-tut, instantly; Ind De Queenda pmccodcd, but with a hurried inm hemncc which showed—ch“ pal-lid delirium ulrcml)‘ ull‘culul Illa bnin. “' lu--yra. u I (old you. I invitod Alonzo \‘cllim colon! the road, uml rust hero awhilcxhflo little unspcotcd_m ,mtpncy, n!“ the flaunt'm’m ho drink, not how. whme umka long hours nflorwnnls. it. had (mm. A man that hodum‘a—lnngcd the bridal §&h land 'dronnlcd‘nf lbr l stone dungeon-11“: iv was bound in nlfougcr fetter» glunhil'hdfl mum," ' "Cum—”7‘7",- 1 ‘;Docs}y; yet live ?" burs‘t {mm labour: lip}: «in I (on which surged .th dull car of ‘ the it, in; man. And hastrmo u? may himvll’ [in bed.‘ hut fullcd £6 do so. “Livy.- 34—1310 .'" i he muttqir'sd. {.llng banked} bagkupou the pillow’p“ yes to‘hq ‘sm-K-QE lent he did I | few hours agoncn—wfiéH-é Silva!) and I l \ Ind we done. I would‘ {all yin}, but 33?; " grfifimflé—dflmvicbld'}; The voice "ms , and mum. engefly’lnflisd' a ‘coe. dig] Dr- Zorill‘ hld‘fdrnishcll but: with; to thvips or the expiring watch. in chd w 4 [Co§fllé\-:n oi' erWhE rfwfgg‘ " MI :3“ rfiflfi": iii2E , 1 $3133.51» *‘i 7. .u \ . I' ‘ \ q, .1 ~ solioitfa*2