Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 28, 1855, Image 4

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‘4 ;
x“ .4 .N H _J "
' "véi'n’kiim‘lfftrmavji3;:3sm»).‘
fyg - . '
.Mi‘m , ‘ ':3
, It . N,
~‘Fm' ‘an'fimoy, , ‘2
.4; .‘l :3 , £33 tripvlACMl‘y. 'l’}: 3
we an" mamam aiu ';
'I :" "l‘hflfieptoflu um, .
MAM; ' Mohaw-ymv ”.1 4'
W lam thalr worry «in C “’ '
1m Wxé
mm Vagrmmm‘m make "
ALL?" “Hill. laugh!” ml
r’ f. Bunny“ mun. , _, Kb
" mama!” mm hmk w
l .H; ’’W H ‘“ Fruit the grounds;
.Nu bower: when 111-Idem awoll J
. ’ Can win I manmnt’n may, .1.“
mm. uleldun doll; j,»
m {flaps the uyhml "n“,
fs.a? - : And . 3 ~
‘x«:1 n‘ ' , .
k. ' 30kg! than my Minion llMl‘.
Cw 114-1»: .59 nfim‘flnd ’
mm ‘
,X; ' ~
" “ .Notloflnd’
:21 Mad the ‘23:” bro-at.
5‘ um!» um fiat-m, .
~ 15 mmo “fl Wm; V
Thu ,lan 1M stops to ma,
.-'._. '1 II no more. ’
Dy rum-f 3. woodl‘lnd swims?-
- ":30 medallion uhnuld'u grieve,
, )‘erjll Dav flotilla! thing-{z
gm minim with wrung
, 1 And must leave.
..’ -——
In’ a. n.,,u1-n.3, or Izmzmmx (x. u.) .uuu
Mumbcniflcm of glue-Cream“ is mnuifcgi
ted in’ko .dlupOsing our tastes and so amp:-
ing théad to the “defies with \dlic'h we are
mlrmundcd Is to make life A scene of enjoy
ment instant of a burdm. It might Imu
been that "actuary food would have been
‘nojgwmu, “it is mmclimu,‘ to the dist-used
"tonne“. hml it not plmwtl the ('rcnmr h)
l’uwo‘ crtk n3]: it ollyrwiw. Bruml in llm
ntufl‘ol'llfo, lumluutor in gum-n to make it
sligi «lmm under and “itlf u lu-uer‘z‘linl}.~
a But'it dammit 301110"!ng nu “lm 1 km lhq
‘ ' WI I‘ll-(hr? it anrN'L'rs (hi: li|lllYlfllC-~
“gulc- i'l Jnc B‘mkt-r's house neg-119’ I‘o
MW. Inlay dark ; then In make it my:
~ we", 800.0? two ollu-r acnsm leonlsl he laid
We ‘. “jllilc “at. mule by 111.4 llrolln-r Jona
than my. be (Men in the full bluzc of ”non ;
you ‘vi'tmltt wish um! [your neck \\ :H m long
«minim-you might have (he plenalll’llhll‘
Winn ofsfifllowing pmlougal. Palm»;
u Mt'ofllw biMory locfi' better hlvcs will
exfildn thcwholc mum-r. . :41 \-
Joe's irifo Wis Sully Sly.‘ When 1 Imm“
{lle m sly ; nho would .nnt 93% wash
the milk pail. blgt n 1)" it. a“ 1y and lot t mur.
Show“ (school nnil did not kll‘ 1.:
MM. fioul‘l have her banks in
shit when reciting: lmt Rh Mug" 5%“ Nth-r
5M Immod m: to get “le m ed sha
may! npmauwell, and 2.0 “no bun. all lu-r‘
“3mg fig”. K‘suporflciul education in w- ‘
erything, Mm rouling potatoes tn plnflng
tfi'c pin-o. Poor JOO ~full Ilcupt‘flfll'b" in Mrs
manna "luvs law; no eyes :" so he
M Mr. Burr-Imm nflx-r nlu: cnlvroll on
ifimiug hL-t eycmighl fume, and he MW
1: s 5!, that l! mu “ for better or (hr wurw,"
Ind he lhuirglxt it “11-. all fur “one. Like--
true ‘philmmphfl', he convlmlwl to cmlun‘
whit h. plSulul not. Ivuid or cure, and got
dong \olrribly yell, oulyhpyj‘wn he ' came to
immmmm wastm‘l bi:
A miker. Eva-y time he saw or tastcd of Sal
ly’s butter he felt the horrm'x. ller manner
of linking butler inwuunlml as follows :~—
She (Huh it of no munluengc whether flu
m’ik pt“ is 2mm 0r wur : sth the milk m
In I“ mom Mme it' is cuior than :0 go
mtp‘tha cellnr find i! Home dirt nhuuld bluw
into the ”mi 9110 min)“ my "13qu cut
a peck Oldirll" .111th “in it All];
down (Ilicr than in butter ; th lotn' the
m m be open. and when «he chunu
(m flu: Ink!) : [thus the diam at blood
“m 9'“ “ ”£33953... “k’kJJPltfi‘L'flE £93125
it out of Eucbum ”In: pic-kifinui the bodies
of“! Mes Ind spilhrs ~11": logs and wings
m. n “In.“ flwymu be uu'nllowul: Rho
wo’rks out In" flu: huucrmilk and. um i_L
away iull \vnrlu plll‘l' fur mm. Poor Juejuiu
um so much of llw kin-l (int he dérl-n-u
hall!" don-5’ not nan-c with his” ht‘tlull, md
V"! i "tum ..J. tiwmllléJflfirifllififi—‘fifi
mfiifibftry If. And man-As that he dams
mg 35¢}! C'd‘iry and. make Mutter I‘ol- myu'kxt.
Jud-Hum mu myoungor 'bMfiér of; Joe,
M. 1m! (wcmion tn uut at his brother‘s
' w mw why he dul nut ml butter;
”(1%)“ m “T “nuhl marry with,
out. Mug w’me .lrnud would hodbul
mm! '1 , rename bent of'hizs fnxcy,
hcmflu mun _nc umtrfimmxy, and
Juli! Jump}: gym: mum him, for tlxm‘
at; “way: mod bucr on (In: table {qr m; ‘
‘r bathe ”st minnow wm'nwlc it.
0:: inquhy shut” :f‘ Ln m ! mollwr makes ‘
thovbut’ur; [W {cm on “us piau<3."~l
“ Wall," ”30 )Wmn, “I hut : wife!
um um Wm my churn. 1 man look?
MM."¢.\ A < , ‘ A
an Wu. . vi I
’ ‘ maul W ' “tempts. And,haw ‘ln punuic'
filM‘ N 'MMflMJMnm
- ‘ . “vwmmfinmmmd,
few”; “Judgemw
“s'; I“ H W N,‘ ,‘
immtiwmxgmm. «are»
a nflfefi‘amfi‘ofiswwmwv
1. Warsaw: nnd‘in. tum-um
wmw; Managua,“ lancer/exac
lxfifidflflq‘dl [fie Ingmar wu hot. the
bfifierflm' ,qfidpguwon H.W‘t'
‘ ‘ the! , old-My nbéutlknhu-p
-" h.» «m. 3'1““. "P‘WW‘
$l. M~M¢m Em w‘psfiov
mvmgm 99, gig mun ma. mm
Hmms Wilbur-ale some
'rbt'uulflmfl llvfiutickmrulngt Jcmy. IR“!
- .~ ‘5! g ‘ W ‘ .
heukl tlilt‘sli'u' wv n burly, bluclK‘icTcd laps
of abant. tn-wantl-twcnty : him never seen u ‘
figm'bi: warden a lull; but. .knew the As- l
spinhly‘s caicéh‘ism uni} could hing Old “an: ‘
area ton charm, spin flux and darn stock
ings. I'm! no: then gono'to \tow'm with but- ‘
tor. flu lingm’bn, but sho was Gehyednml’
when his px‘cuses lbr nlnylng wcl‘e éxliuustc .
n 5 started. He could nut. gél‘ the good Gut.
ttr antl of his mind, lAmi how it :hhfuk‘nfi‘ I ‘
i know .not, hp‘ soomfmnnl his way there
l again ;’Mth’o"ro§nlt of his udvontnro FM' ‘
l lav-Moiywifa‘of Jam; MnKmirm A'nti now
one lump Ufhix hnttcr is worth [nor-{Than ‘
Joe's wifmwoultl mukc in in month. There is ‘
no hombre going to mnrhvt; the kct‘pt‘rn of
genteel boarding houses in the neighboring
yilhlgox 99ml and take it {lt the highest: mur
k'ct. price. ‘ ‘ y ‘
MW. the main difibrvlnco between these
two women Irint'fl froin the manner of train<
ing, though thrmjs no difinfl‘m‘e in natural
dinponllion. Ohl Miriam Sally never looked
on to see that Sully (lid up her woivk right,
but; milbrcd hrr to shy off her work as she
chose. and. though u good housekécper her
self, was nltogethbr too indulgent, and, like
some 0010!" mulhcrn, thought more of gett'ng
SA"); {6O" mun-ind tlfi'mf nmking her fit (hr
n. wife; while old Madam McKur'n wns do
tcmiincd Jenny should he fly for my man's
wlfu, whether she got married or not. '
4.- - --ri.
Perhaps iht‘l‘t‘ is no more cortnimcritcrifln
by which to jundgo of a woman‘s. general
character for nontnosu and good housekeeping
than by the quality or her butler. Find 0n
the fnrmcr‘rs table a. good, solid, pmpcrly
salted and well-worked slice of humor, and
you need not fear to'cnt the mice A; hash;
but see A splnxh of hnlf-n'orkctl butter, sill!
in lumps, and a Hprinlding of hair Mid flirs‘
log», you may ho sum if you board there
very long dcnth will not he‘ gbligml to wait
much M Jan to finish your pool: of dirt.—
My ndvim is (0 ynnng fnnncrn, to make it n
sin? qua "an in a wife that she nick's prime
butler ; and the young ladies who wpirc to he
thrmuns' win-s. hml much better he imper
‘ fect‘in fllngroo nml music than be deficient
in that most important art of making hitter.
‘ which smooths not. only the slurp corners of
l'Tllht. and x-mckcrs, but will smooth “poli
‘ tics of the hndmnd'n temper.
“0“ Th Pansy-rm IN Myanmar—Make up
your mind to nccompllsh: Whatever you un
durmko ; decide upon some plrticukr cm
plnynont mid persevere ‘m‘ it. All diflcul
tic» beaker-(fine by diligence and‘ussidhitfiy.
Ik- i'iut afraid to work with you} own:
hands, niul diligently, too. " A cut imglovea
cnlchcs no mice." ‘
, Attqnd to your oyrn luluincsu, and new:
mint lt‘io mmthcn “ A pol. Hut belongs In
many is ill‘ stirred Ind worse boiled."
Dc kw -“ That which will not nuke I
pot, \i’ill make I pol—lid." .
Be nbulcmimu. -. Who ilnlntil‘S love uhnll
beggars prove." ‘ ‘
111.40 curly. .. The slccping fox clichwno
poultry.” . v i
i '|‘rcn,ccvcry one “ill: respect und civility. }
“ Ever, thing is guined and nothing [out by
mummy." (iood xmnncfi lnshre success.
Ncur nntivipate wullh from my other
source lhun labor. “ Hey-ho wnilu for dad
men‘s uhm-x may have to go . long lime
‘ ‘ IluvL-n lu'lp {how \flm help lhmclvos."
ll‘ you implix-itly I'ulluw" llwsu precepts, no
lhiu‘f‘will himlci- you from acculxiullting.
Ulfimto Bangui: of Dwight: end the
lode- in which they act to un
pmo had. > _
ll “guy be n consolnfion to Hume whoflnv‘c I
felt the influence of \hc‘hlc lfmg and pro
. - - thy umber. ta know HM infighbg
um one of the natural muse» to restore the
muslilncnh of amps, and u'nonu' cullin
ted wild, "l‘hc diminmiou‘of the miner-l
nutterorcnltivutcd soils takes place from
m o mum-:1 ;—~
1. Thu qunnlily otmincrll matter Carried
ofi'ilicrupsamLmt returned to the sail in
1 "fine mincnd’hmucr' curried off by nin
chr to the Son, by means of hash wucr
Tpcm (“'0 mum, alwuys in operation,
MNLSQQMEMWJ bxnmhw. would infim
render the earth n bun-en waste, in which no
‘ wrdnn- wnulvl quiukcn, find no uollhry punt
m..- mot. A mtioml syuu‘m o! agriculture
\\ 011 M ulninle lhl' first causoof Motility, by
rcslbhing t 0 the 3031. an .mquimlpnl' for that
’ which is taken 01? by the amps: but In this
} is not dune in all «we», Providuma his pm:
| AIM way of in 0:11“me
(hfillluscnkm of man by iutituging “ugh“
at. prolmr porimln, h! bring up From the deep
grafts or the earth l'oodnm which plants
might Trad \Vhdn min» should spin full--
Thc “mum? in which droughts oxetciuc their
Imimllcial Influence in I»! follow; :- 4' '
‘During (lry 'wunlhcr n musin’finl cvlpom: ‘
t'wn of Mm-r tnk'us place [mm the surf-we or
the our”), which in not dizfiifiéd by my fmni
the clouds. The mponfiou‘hom due m
than weak!!! vumuln'bm far at wuct in an»
‘ wand} Mum filled by the 4mm
1 ri-s'ing up fmgl the subsoil of the lad ; the
I wnlcrlrunl the subsoil is‘ rcplnccd Mm the
‘ nuxl struts below, and in- this Mr 11»
circulatiogx of mum in the and) ii the mom
to that whibh takes phee in flat vault.—
i'l’h‘Hl’M-0511:1113' mmuqhwiwm
mama. wigglmmmn‘ym am;
i drying up 9‘ lying, find of Hun-w!
‘s‘” wild: new hyqrhp._ 'Jt
|‘u “image, only the W what 4-}
\bmnfigtothe turban prmqm. but um
um But which tho mm was in solution.——-
mu yummnmn 0 MIL; of Him And like
pain of potdgh 33%|, Ind lndmd tint
‘ ever the aubsbil . op mm bf the card:
may 0&1an- " ' ‘
g W 1:44: ou.mac' ‘tho urn-hog g.- thy
nail in . ' . lame- behind fig
Jim; nun' ”5,. ‘hmgm ' 3
w dv’w . =W-i
‘‘' ‘ H . 'r, flfiflfi
A W a! lit-I. 6r Mb!
Mw‘of palm, Ind 8011!, with
m- .1
silicate, 0‘! polnuh, «ml Eula, and also chloride ‘
of sodium or $111M“; salt; all indispensable 1
3‘o lhcgrowlhnml pmd‘uclion of plants which ‘
arousal (‘Ol-de, Pure rain-xx-hlvr, as itfalls, 1
would dissolve hut n NU small prolwllolnm‘.
moaflheao‘ subalnucds, bu't wlmu if‘bo‘i.
mm soakéfl ink; .11“: uni-Ht, it .lhm b 2
comp}! slwngly' finbucll “‘ilh Carbonic acid
Mill tho ccomposilion of ugclnblo matter
in (he 50% and thus ncqulrus the property ul‘
readily d: solving minerals on which before it
could have very llltlu inlluencc‘l. ‘
t/wua firhfiled terthe éexisitlemtitlh 01' '“m
above subjects by finding on rc-canitnntion
of a soil which Innniyzcd three or four your
ego, n larger quentily of n particular minernl
suhatnnce than I nt first. found. As none
had been applied in the meantime, the thing
was ditllcnlt of explanation, until I remem
bemd the late long and protracted drought.
I. then also remembered that in chatectts,
and several other provinces bf South Ameri
cn, nodn was oh‘minul from the bottom of‘
pond-4, which were dried in the dry, and
again filled up in themfiny .onson. As the
above explanation depended on the principles,
of utttnrnl philosephyJ vat. anon instituted
several experiments to prove its truth.
Into a glans cylinder was placed a smell
quantity of chloride of buriniurinv \aolution; 1
1 this was! then tllled with n:dry soil, and for
a long time estcd til the dimt,rn)'s 9f the l
‘ sun on the nut-face: 'l‘he 'wil on the surfn???
1 of the cylinder \vna now treated with Hulphu- ‘
l ric neid, nnd gave a copious precipitate of
3 uulpllMe ut' harytn. .1
The experiment was \aried by substitu
ting chloridcot‘ lime, .sulphnte of nodn', nnd
carbonate or potash, fer the chloride of bari
um, nnd on the proper re agents being up‘
plied in every instance, the presence of those
\ snhstnnces nu detected in large qtinntities
I nn the surface of lhéfsoil in the cylinder.
Here, then, wng‘prool‘ positive and direct,
by plniu experiment» in chemistry and untu
ral philosophy, of the agency, the ultimate!
bencflt'iaWchcy, of droughts. 2 ~
We sw’; lhetel'nre, by (his, tlml 3”“ these
thingsmhich “look upon an evils, by l’rov~
idcncc are made blcwings in disguist', and
flat we should not murmor even when dry
senaons nflhul us, for they (on no for our
good. The early and (In: lallcr‘ hfm 'dmg‘
prmlncc M. once nluuuhm crops, but dry
weather is film a beneficial dislwnsmion
l’kalcuco in bringing to tho flu-‘mcc'flxnl
fur {mute crops, which otherwise would. be
Dm-vcr usclcsu. Ensemble Wealth" in good
for Ike present, but droughts ltncw the store
houws of plants in (M Bell, and furnish an
abundant supply of nutrimcnt for future
Mu. Emit—Thin in n ”Inhcht that
should Mo attention of sll who have
the dug“ w,” I. to understand the
trvntnwut 'lhioh will but uubu-rvc his cndx,
namely, “having the bums to look wall and
I'm-l in good Ipirita. The an of the year. i~i
of all thc’uuomflw hardest Oil-the l’iursc.
Tho weatherjd chugging from hot to cold,
And the autumn winds, which an! partiCUtaP
ly hurtful to his constitution. makes his cont
rough and his joints stiff, so thnt hv uh lung
cr xccmv the horse he wux in warm weather. I
"0 shout“ Wore during this change be
pnrticulnrb’ wéll taken care of. hy being
cleaned twice n thy, amd fed regularly three
times A day Am] in grater quantities than
through the summer. Muny do [tot cover
their horse" when left to standout, thix‘ikiug
by leaving then ule fur in that. why, 1
tlwy‘will hurdch the constitution of the nn- \
huh; under their charge. This is entirely n ‘
Iniubkcn notion, n); the (-fl'ect hi deleterious
to the sultan). They might for the flame
‘ reason expose themselves by going out immf
' tlcienlty clothed, gr by getting heated or Wet,
WW mum tmhl, nimbNumfl
they no dry. 713‘ hunt: in many respect»
in liks a humur Wm] if extremcfi‘bf
‘heat or cold “that/one, It. will certainly aflbct
the othor. So merul an unigml should “fierc
l fore be carvfullx used and wgll pmixled fur.
‘ And by judiciom rnrc in donning, watering,
do, much "my he unwed in‘ the way or
; gain and lay. '
‘ It. in said with much truth. that a homo
will look better on I imdentc feed, if Well ‘
damned. that on (me-third more i! entirety t
new-anmugmn Telegraph. ‘
As the fine in now“ hind for laying in
our winter supply or this excellent Vegetable.
allow mo through your columns to give-my
cxlnrfcnw wlth regunl to tlmirprencrmhow
See that they Are gsthemd when the weath
nunnlrwil in: dry, nml having picked them
113 W lint mmhouhlpthminul;
or any of tht‘fibrous root» rubbed off. lay
them for din-c or'fimr dnyn on u floor in
scum dm airy ”Imam. ’l‘hcn procure
some 0! r hint-lg, and if the slaves llt
very closoly, hora some inch lmlcu, say
twelve orfilhcn in etch band, that. then:
my be n free circul-tion of air.” l'ul. .gomo
very dry shavings or lanes in ‘lhq hollow,
qqd blviug wrapped tech pot‘ntoc sopcmtcly
in paper, plum them cfinlullyyin tho Inn-uh;
(inn 1)? mic, and then um them in A room of
“out” deg. w hum? hr'reln up,
but cover them wth a £O6lO bond or pcico of
urpet. The}; c, p n We hum adopt“!
now for seven] years with great mecca.—
Farm Jommfl.’ ~~
' A_ ‘ Abyllom'adlurut uys :
4‘B“ M-Hfidervifllo Wu;
WWIW thitmitx Ina
They)": MMM my uwmpu «1
Math. ”Admins mayo-uplan
wtwmonwhflnm "Its. Inor
dortodim mow-ruin) little nation, I
, \ W'IMM collee
- 'M'dejnddiod do“ W.
aWIhMMW ,mr 4"
3 ,vile ‘e‘ould he found“
Inna. try ngyww
in" Ref“
Jam's ”mums. ‘
Stun Agricultunl Chemist
4‘” inc Inn 1765-.
Sum lir /neat"
mum m gunmen
I lat bouldo her, [MPH-It”. ‘
M'y‘nrm mul hut flung, ..’...
Annl Humid (liq mvonlgl; word! '
E'cr dropped by “Torin! tongue.
Oh, sweet U. mus—end yet an new, ' _
V “or umhlen (our! nmao; ,'
She felt ulna nemlml ‘wlne excuse '
For H'llllnli‘quflo N 01090. .
‘ ‘Shfmk'bjr the mm, mm: wm mt mun-W”
She giwo n sudden nun,
l’A‘ml cried “ My hand! In, aching bond !"
11‘ edrfli‘“ My heart! Amy been !"
She laughed lo hear my plloolu Mme; ' ~
I nailed hogan. to my ‘
And premium I would “ddclor‘mw ~}- '
If she wunhl “d lur'] mo.
4.2.7110 bnrgnin closet ; “in: gentle (uuuh
_ ‘I mu m Mn; head:
The tender wordn «he gently spoke—-
1", pain nu quivkly flcd- ‘ '
' oh, mlghv. n" hem, torture naked -. _
Find xn'ldmo n! Inn, .
And a“ Cllrnl'l nngnlah-toztured heprll ' ,
' omm us “Wkly cum .
[lf/"A gnllanl. ’ms lately sl‘ting lly‘tbo
qldu of hislbvlored. and being unable to
think of nnyllling also to my, nbliod her why
she wn'a mm“ tailor? “I don’t know,”
said slxmwitlx n panting lip, “ nnlogs it is be
enuso I'nl sitiing lu-sldo n goose."
017" MW»; my»; film nnntnmiut, changes on
tircly every gale?) years. ' “Wherefore,"
snys Jont‘fl, “my tn‘ilorphould not ‘lHk me
for the bill I contracted before INS—mam}
not the sumo person—hence I owe him noth- i
3:7 The Dulclnmm who n‘fusctl to lake 0'
one dollar bill lgecnunc it might‘ be altered
from a tan, pron-rs lit-go trawling to mil
ronds. The former, he says. rides him eight.
hours for n dollar, while lhe lath-r nuly riden
him pnc. “Do beele mic shunt me l”
’ ii?“ A Lady was requested by n hnchvlor,
l somewhat mlvancmhrf ycnrs, 1,0 lnkc n! scat
upon his knw whfio in n cmwdcd‘slciéh.~—
‘ “ No, thank you," said she, “1 lm afraid
‘fl‘dcl; an old. sent would break down {vith me."
' (I? K“ (Sorrmpom'lcn! of "IE “Nixon, “'is
cousin Democrat, pnys Chicago the following
compliment z.-
“ Men are getting rich faster, and living
higher, and doing more lulsinmu, und drink
ing nun-e, qul going in, the devil generally,
by a shorter mud in Chim'gn, than any place
I have scan out West."
Anvmm.—“ All, Sum, 80 you’w been
in Qrouble, ch 1"
' “ You. Jun. j‘es."
“ Well, “ell. clxe'er up, hum; adversity
tries us, any] shows up our hem? Qualifies.”
“ All. but adversity didn't hymn; it. want
1: County Judge, and llq‘ showing my
worstqullilits." . . ‘
(I? An I'rislminn Qru‘oncc hmng‘M before
a nugiskmte. _ charged with hurrying six
“ ivca. -
The mngintmtc‘mkcd him hon-130 could be
smhirdencd a villnln. . _
” Pic-go yer honor, I WAS trying to get A
good 'un." ~ -
—-—~- 5
A Cmom \YnxnyLL-A pcrsop who {via
recently ohllud in W, for tho purpoac of
proving tho mrgectni‘ln of n lloclor's bill.
was hiked by the lawyer whether " the doc
tor did not mku mm! Vinita amn- (NS pt
tient WM (ml nf dang" 7" “ No." replied
the witness, “ I oomidoml the patient in
dangrr as long M the dock“ continued his
Vinita." , ‘
As luxonnu- Coxnccrom~Tho following
dialogue occurred belween l (‘omlncwr on
one of our inilmada Ind n pasxcnger, in few
11in befuro'lfié 1313'ch "
Puwnger~WclL Mr. Conductor. W}!!! is
the polvlnml I|th 7
Conduoter—Don't know. air, {o} I! haven't
been (a dmrd: for the last two sundnyu.
A SgA:TDoI.~A little boy of our lulu-in
tum ”coma," 3‘.me Church, and after
Hatching attenfivcly w :.';;- pnlrlc of Um
wise and 'foolish house-builders, add-$3.55
mother, on the wny Mme. “I don’t think
um nun wu so linc.‘|flor all." 1
“ And why not, my ml" '.
~ “My; mun human m. hunt on a. ‘nsai,’
vibemgould he find . my my. din-1"
Sum emugh, sonny, whore could by 3—,
that idea never struck us baton-t. -.-..-
‘ ~“_
lmn’kxn‘ .( Tumm—“Mr. Dentist. do
you no than do“) ed toothiu my an I”
“Yes, sir." ‘
W. now, put on your 5Wu ‘lf it
hurts vcry‘ bail I'tl wing mt - bold‘on,‘ ",4
you hold on, {will you 1" ‘ . .
“ Certainly. sir." ‘ ‘ “
The dentist ujmlicd his’instrumept, Ind— ‘
“TI-044] on! Thunder and lightning! you
have not out}? puflcd the tooth, but Mflof‘
my jaw-bone. 'Why the dance didn’t. you let
1;“ when I sung 6|}! l" , ' ‘ ,
“ Jlocnusc yr: told mu to ‘ hold mi and I.
did fillwqfili gly.” .
Dion‘s KNOW 11m AmmJl'o pzmons‘
bmught up in I land where all the 116 i bony
em am Iccunkely- filtered, with (lan arri
ni in the fnmfly ngiuter, m the big mu", 3:
worn-s ntrgnge tint Individuun can be found,
not only too uncertain of the any find hour of
Mir oomSng ammo mus“ or Mh‘ology,
but übauluzegy 33mm: or the' iumbev a
yet“ tin-y have “finned. Th“ “ah I]! the ‘
out, however, in forced upon. my mind evairy.
aw. mum . «so» a ‘ ’“ #3::
“mm ofEriu’,“ in rep] 3. ,go
touching her age, replied _ e want-1‘
”what,“ ‘. , ~ :‘ . ,
“ W. lhmmth,"'flhfl we. “-yon oun’cbi!
Inch that twenty." _
‘A‘ 331;," “s‘ls!”qu hum/xii. wuam
whim w}wen\j m‘fifty." , ..._;
91:0 had tbouz as clear An idea of tin» h
amid My. I'M» mm W M 1!“ 5»
unguid'f'; ‘ " - A
‘gh-‘Hnww. ma." { _.,,._i'qi.'{
"‘s‘ . y‘bhlalmlgg' \i, w ,‘3
" “ "Kodak's or six BumJ M ”11‘”,
“night-y old. must." » . -
‘A Cummzn.~—Old J‘ Bumblebee" was
the comxé‘lnmx‘of ifr, 'l‘: of thvbuxyport : M
gained tint! titlu’fivin thufnqt. of his calchtnk
a hu'mfiiebcn sch diy who was shingling‘hi
bm-ri, 11ml in cudcm’oring to decapitntn .tho
insect with the 'hMchet, cut bfl' thd cndu of
his thugn'b nugt foruiflngor, Ictting'thé‘hcc go
hnhnrxugd. btlnér mishnfifi‘happcncd to tho
qld oodénr upon thnfisnn’te barn. In one of
his ohstracttops‘ho shingtud over .his 16pm
hatchet ; and, cutting n mun]! aperture in the
building to id in n little day light, this man
«chi-“y inserted n w'oodcn 15mm, as being
WWmMLM broken! -,
“Uncle T., in one of his oblivlo'ur; (Tanks,
nuilcd_his left' mm 50' firmly between two
lionrd'i of a fqlgo hu «1“ puttiui; up, thin. he
had to call {of hcip to gut cxtriénml from his
uqlf-impfisonfilcnh‘ Hp mice put n butcon on
ghgngc inuzehd qr'thu post. But'tkb‘fM‘nst
frcnk of‘nll mm, when he run Hmong]: the
streets with hin hands nbout throb feet asun
der, hold up 1:01er him, Mg‘fging tho paw-refs
hy‘ not (0 disturb him, M be lml got Hie
measure of n (100 nm); )Vjth him ! ~
_ (I? A gentleman boarding at one of our
hotels—where n dozen low-Krona cacknoyfi.
who can find ” naming 'erc lug; [intzomcfl’
reside—watered and annoyed at the uncons
ing sheets mxa'ihfise'wf America by these
follows, took it into his head to retort in
their own style. llu hcconlingly inforqu
‘Lhom “int he had been in England man or
twice in the course of his lifo, and then he
began to abuse cvu'ryfliihg and cvoi'ybody ho ‘
had met Him-o. ‘Tho'cockncys Katmdumb
with horror. and nmnzumcnl. AL hat and
of thcmNcnlufld to inquiru, with a sneer, if
‘hfiifgaiflénmn hM seen anything in England
hotter than the United sums? “ Yes, I
have," mum-cm] tho Amerh-nn. looking imrd
tithe cucknn 'x: “ I hm'c seen bchr En
glishmen in nglaud than ever I saw .in the
United Slntch“ ” After (his “ finisher” tho
Minn) MlOO ccniicd.
Tun Fcoxumcu LANUI.ADY.-—Ullo «jay,
when butter-«was scarce and high, Mm. Wig
gins hit upon the economical plan of HWY“!!-
ing with livr own cconmnirnl hnmflt the hub
\icrnpon lhu allowance of bread she dolul
(int 10 herlmnlt‘rswmcn-ly to anu trouble .'
Mg. Jordon cww home to (on. rather IM6 on
the flrsl’cvuning of this new dodge, snt (lawn
in presence of all the other lypm-dcrs. nml N
ccivul A slice from Mrs. Wifigim, nlm hiul
gone through the rrnnmny of bum-ring it
bcl'oi’c his eyes. Mr. Jordon eyed it inqnigii
lively, and begqn to turn it from snlc to side,
and m-mtinizu it‘d-nab: .‘l‘ljo‘fiz'llhls specta
cles. - ‘ _ ~.,
" What is the mailer with your bread and
i butter 1" dcmnndcd Mrs. Wiggins".
” Nothing, no‘hing, nothing," fluid Mr-
Jordon, still turning the piece our. and per
hinting in his srnltinj'.
“I‘m pubiuvo, Mr. Jordon, thnt you (10
sec somctlnng. Now,“ Mlill Mm. Wiggins,
hcr fléqlncomingtlushcd with cgwitvmont.
“I wnnt ll‘ly bou'rdcr-u to to“ ma fight Vouf.
when their: vitth‘s doscn‘t suit! Now, Mr.
brawn-what is it 1" _ «
Mr. Jordon hlnl (lath) the slice upon his
plate, miscxl ht.~ xpcclmtlos to his forehead;
And replied, n ith great dulihcrnlion: “ Mrs.
\Viggim, th-rc i 4 nothing the mutter “ilh
the bread, hmnrc you—4lml Mrs. Wigghlsl"
“n 1 hen: Mr. Jnnlun glnnrud mjsrhicvously
dovm the viqtu of nttvntivc fm'm, “ I have
lived in this world eight uu‘ll forty )cru‘d. Ind
I find myhulfthin evening such It Himp‘lcton
um. I unu'Lch for my hl'u which side of my
bread :3 buttered !” ‘ ,_ '
How Tux (‘uflna mum man Minmnn.
——=—“ I don’t believe ‘oousin Jule (am foi- me
ha" ‘xSS'much M Bone Mnrshnll-—md if Belle
has not any money, I have enough for both
—aud I Ifon‘t cum I fig fur Julia’s money."
Thux willoquincd the elegant Tom (‘utlér I‘!
he walked ufi thc tun-ct whh his pretty cousin
4.7wlmwylmyu37mgm Mid» on
glgL-d. ~_ ‘- -
But Julia. (ler c_nre 5r him, mnl nibrmvc'r
m her hrart shc disliked Belle Mlnhnll, uni
so she kiuxcd her very tenderly every time
“my uict. ' . *
I' thf A fine girl Miss lube] Marshall
is," hum-{s6 Tum ms (ha-y uunturcd dong.
“ Wk“. ; with}! red and while she bps.—
dl owing to hqnebmk riding."
u A“: Mo‘MSlMgc ct Munc,"ssid Julin,
mlulu'woufll}? .. _ m"
.. I'll qtverbclflo tug-:32! :1“; _.- .
~“ You shall soc." said Julia, md just men
any mot the lplcnditflllns Marshall looking
umlfly as am English milk-maid. 4-
“ “cur Mum Hello, how no yon ?" Bald Ju
lin, ghiug‘hcr a bucking kind on the middle
of the check, such as babies bestow it their
“(at ‘Mtwums M doing fluxAfluctiol Lo.—
Thstkiss w” \rcr)7 wicked. The mqgu \vua
dissolved—n lily hlooméél (Mill the centre of
Bulle‘uhcuk. Tum saw it, but gnvq lio sigh.
They pawl on. . f
- “m you so," said Julil.’ “ Aro yol
conginccd ’1" ' .
“ Yes," said Tolp, cmphnticllly, and then
he mg: all this 'pu‘nx, we we» and
tear of cimwo and risk to her‘renlly fine
compquibn {or inn-4! 'll bros]: it up." and so
ho went to se‘o Belle 'lth thy—~pmposotl Ind
nl5 occcptcd. ‘ Isabel Mamba]! never were
.rougc nqcrwnrd.
, a A TOUGH .r ‘
. Prosecuting Attorney—J Mr. Ms, sale
if you please, whether you v 0 waver kn'o
tho dcrcnmmmgduowm mimic}: 1" ‘
“He’s been a :n-otguor c f “9951 h‘ e
knowu him._” ' _ /
“Wotwwl” , A-.. '
\f‘mmugiom” . ‘ " 1.“ .
“Yea ‘ddn‘tgundmuad - ,
whchocs 1.5 do w A .
“ Generally yin: Ho pleases.” ' 4
. ‘~ Tell the jury, Mr. Parka, what ‘thu do.
indium minim" .~ . ,' ,9
‘ "“‘(klfifiblfngplflnfirydfigdnknflfl
lofiéTMMfiW~ Iflwy’g’d jaw '39 )3
drink.” ' ”2;” “. ' 5 ‘2'”
, ‘f Mr. Putin. mankind of pmvmfifigéwfil
mm m tram M W W
"Witt?” ‘ém- 4» ~91“? #A -
(it"y’fl but! . t W‘W .
léliht‘olllhmp WIN». ' ; y‘-
‘ “My it please you; 25013011. this , whale
’ "erd' .
.h . shown Hummus :2me with-mm
Emmy - A w“' u . , . I __h "‘
-—.Ji?%l£o-—‘“l\lr. Parks, stun-Lit ymi knbw“
‘ anythirig “Mufit, wh‘nt tho ‘dcfondunt’u‘ocf
I eupntion' in.” r ' ’ _ ' . .
" Occupation am ho my 1” ‘ ‘
‘ “Yesyyvhqtigjlis occupation if” u‘.
‘f‘ If I nin’g‘xinistnkpn, {w gami‘W
} qomowhcro idnthh.” ' » I '
1 “ Tlxnt3s nll, Mr'. Pnrkn.”
'Umss-cxnmincd——“ Mr. Parka, I m)
stbod you {fishy that flmdefundnut is s
fcssor of religion. Docs his practice co:
. IL(lfifl!.!!i@§@fli°lfL, ”fl «
t I {f I never 1": an pf Ipny corrc'npoific]
‘ lottcm passing Dc'chcn them.” , "
. “ You suit] Homathingrnbont his,- ‘ 1
ty far drinßing: docuho drink MK 7" -
H No, I think'lw drinké nbout as ens;
{uiy man I évor smm”, " F, ‘
“ One more question, Mr. Parks. ‘
hnvc known “lodefifldnnt A' long flmo,; “,
are his habits—loose or otherwise 1” .
" “ The one he has got on mm“, I think
mud-r tight under the arms and. mo a)
waisljxl for tho fauhion.” ~.
“ ,You can take your sent, Mr. I’m-ks.
New Policme-g-jlsa
ul— nbmhed In 1821.
Déroled-h} Literature, Art and I‘Tuahiun
‘ Tho pr Volumeu. commencmg will: thajnnuil:
ry number, 1856. ml! conlmn Dun 'l‘wtm r. ”11.“
mum PM"; of tho chimes-t rcmling m.mcr,Srm:l.
Ind Woon Enuhuma-y nnd Muuu.
Ede/A *Nmnbrr
WI“ contain n splendid B(an I‘lnaravmq; n‘PMn
offlm Pm- thlunlrou Slcolmlégnnny colored :
mu: m mrfih uni: in. Ii: My mum-um! with Wood
Engrnvlnfii; Mucullanooul Prone and Four]; :m
Mum's ' ‘nblo; llcvkwl 0r New Hunkl: Mummy
Siunmnry :Hmlu nn Fall-ion, and l-'.luhinlmb|v lnwl
ltgohcc; l'ullcrnn for Noodle-work. and N 0“: Mama
The Sled Engraving:
w-ll cmhrnco finely cxocuml ponrmu or the calm
brnlcd lady-Wm": of the (Lly.lllll"ll)1('Ӣll wuh n
vnrwly ol‘olhur Illlljcr‘l! of general Inlutcll.
17w Fax/non Plum
an) engraved an Slut). ..ncr Ilm Luau I’m; Fallh
mnl. giving out uml m-donr roilumcl rm tho monlll.
They have been ronounrml lllperior l 0 tho-o pub
luhad in any MRI-S 'A‘mrncmvuwdmn].
) 77:: Wood Kngrumngs.
mll be of Iho tn hut flninh. and by our bell Xlllilll.
'l5“ Lxlerfly Muller "
m“ comm ol'lhuuvicnl. Impuphncnl and Lilzruy
Elwyn. Sketch!" of Third. qua Am. Nnvell.
Tn)", Ronmncen. cm. 'l’ho Nnvvh and Roman: n
oF“Gmlmnl" nro umveu I, n 4 knoylmlgml (o excol
m bunny and (mom! ny omm publilncd lh
Amcncl. .' J
The Edit '3 Tabla
n mmln "8 uf’llumcm‘m kmrlma um] Auccdolcl,
Foreign. (um-um: and Lu mu (kmpm‘l. ‘ -
The Monthly Summdr of Cunt”! Ere/alt,
prep-nu! by Wm. Duwmgl cs n nandonlcd .xrrounl
ol'lhe mmci'ul c‘ycuu, whim: lmvn taken [11:11.0 in
the World,dunng nu: oucerqmg Month.
, V. A Tic ”[11:91!!!ng cw lloaln
rer the pen oflho u'real cm c. P}. l'. WII-pplc.
~ 4 The [Husluon Arhrle, '
by Como C. Scull. Miami"! In current and com to
lu‘llllvu account oflhu nnw style: of Dru-m. [You
null. MDI‘Ifi’I-‘Il. Shawls. lstxmroidanu, and only
thing vclnunl e‘o‘i‘n-hinn. orinlornt (0 Inner,
, Th‘lelc-work Patterns ,
(or Co'hri. Undonk‘mn. (Tupi. Berthal. Skills.
Embrmderiu for llapdicn Inch. and,gcncul Nrc.
dlowork. are numerour and beaum‘ully deligucd.
, Mum”
'l‘hu “A?" .1: a Music ngotc'. woludqou mom than
p’ou‘ blcnpuun. ' -‘
, («PM " v- I‘ _
Onr Univ]. onq‘ym r. "(Mum-c, 83; Two ('opicl.,
‘5 3“".- Jo in, (and mm ‘0 Ann M [cl‘nl up. or
lhc Chm.) OYD: ll copies, and mu: lo Alrvnfs-zu;
for CO. onocopy WI” be trnl 'l'lum Ytnrl. Addl.
übm [n.Clubl at the lame me In Club pénl.
Spccnnnn Lupin lent palm to Ihom (hunt; (a
gal ur Clubt. ' ~ '
AI Couluilcn-mvn Mbe Muir-ed In A
ABIMIM H! 588.
No. 100‘: Chi-um! SI. l‘h'fln.
Reader, am you n blah-ml or ; {nlhcrl n "in, ur
I mother! ”Mo on the timbre wolf-m or Ilmfia
you Info A: heart? Provo your sincerity. nn-I lusc
no Lima in Immune whnl alum Illtt‘ffmo vmh their
health and human, not leu than your mm It ml)
Avoid 10 you and yoga, u it. has to mamas. mluy
n day a! pain and mxmy tulluwul by Maples: “‘35".
lnmpaoluun‘ lb. mind for 1124 ordiu-ry IVDMUUII
nod ulna-ling than mum (or umlicul aluminum,
mmfleinu and dunked nu-(ruun. “hid: ulbcrwiu
'uuld Midi: for dcdining years, "we Influuiliu of
:30 Inglthe wort cancnhon of yunr (’hlldfl".
flow mm 1} prgnn 111-L Hm wifn lmgm {mm
yam: kg nu In th-l. pilinblo commmn u not even fur
one d. u («I film haw lgml uhllnmmu; Jnlhuuco
Incuaé I; Use cnjo mom. ofhesllh, nnlh) from
ignorance! the “nude". “uni-[nut yum olfinnkh
u cannmud mm the man" mm, tho dumm
ol which ehlmu u'ucalc, “(Emu um! misery. _
“ Am] Il'u.~L 11m nunlmutfl Mun llnl b 0! 14
(hero no remedy 1 {\‘d rem-1‘ Nu hupo 1"
The rcmcdy‘h by known; the cnutu nnd "aiding
tam, uni knowln; the umodla Ind benefiting by
| In. v
Thou no pointflout in '
0M Handrail/I Edition, (BULOUO), lflmu , pp. 250‘
[ox us: um. um Inn-m, 01.00]
A laud-n! work v! "(-le Mm bun-l Ila-. 1
Full-Aldpllh gm! MIA" :7 £5 jm‘ an” t; the mind,“
~.h~;-~ In an Units! in n"! um yuan“:
000-. L ‘ ‘u-b. ‘lan
In um, um. "“‘~- _._,‘ W
' ' ' ~ ”film com:
nu mum“: in», ~ 4
but been mm, a! which than: n \r' ..' “Ird; .
on: uusunm) 'rmmsm SENT m HAIL
nth-(lug llm will «\lumflon lu Vhlch H h hr“ .11 I n
mun popular umncnx
BOOK FOR nvmn' mam AM;
“I! W luring dunk?! hll Mrlmlv Ilia-flu. _lo [M
"m':"';.",°:::y““m sm“n.;:"'“£:'s::‘u':"°‘ ‘°
I ll ' r can“ us:
And by letter, I i "no"
“on every wom’an can din-mu; b] compaw hlr own J
aympluma with {how dawn-"ml. (M tutu", chamkr,’
cmm‘u of, an.) Ihe proper mnodlau rur, her comflalnu. . ‘
flu! vita About humming I "o'owa lun ufluu awed of I
[nalruamm Inq‘ndvlu of (In ulmmt. Imporhllo. In In:
Tum" health, 12: mmol 10 which her ten-mum (or
I'M: manna... a Mlmlvmflggu. 7“.“ mm In- 1
.mcuan m m, ma «aa'mmum’m ‘
which ”warm.“ “may “"1““ «an
MZW ‘ IW'ViM-uu n '. a
any “tom Inn abuzz-m m
magma} «a lulu“, "6w, mph and-Mm, n»,
“W 5 lb" ‘qu a! which “my np'imnnt, nu! f9}
“I‘M! (huh dqlka‘q turbid. meal"; medial n‘lvleo!
My aufleah‘ (m prom-m uteri (mum: c! t womb).
or (mm M M (iéknou, «may, tux) ~(haw I}!
In cam-uni amph- Mun-Inna“); pal-041' coal”-
‘mt. Nu, boy- :39ng ll odd-um)” «“va
Ad ‘l' and ”whim. Help «boy-elm m >
mm am... um um, vfl mu :1» aa‘ ua nu. nu
ma: ”Mandala, mllpntlon nan-M.
_ tutu mm In m min dn!‘:l won-Jon.
gnu-4G mgr a]... 1:51 u'w'pt NW my“; In.l
limp): , may» we» cam-wag We!“
‘Jhoéé *lMlfi.‘e-umit $261.34 «(11,th ‘
u‘mmo by In "Win": 1». vz'um mad I
{aim ”WWI“ nil on thm i! 0114
PO ,_5& Ram “111?... "mucu- «minus, I
m Imp" u thu aglqdlly, and um" )
333:1 “new ,1; ,5“ wlLJ‘wnd Mummy,"l
WHQWM my. I???“ 5' nah.“ ““I'“u.’.
“*2. “1°- ‘a‘h W3l§§wmxfi°fiinl~v I
mar-Wl7» 323‘; ,1. “Jam-Eda: ' a“ "A I."
, u . .
WWWW ”3:2”
mmumg CM pin cl {hpl
. mm WW“:
:5, *th 2;. 1.5%., mam J
M if”
{fit f
113 W"
g 3"
CK'S !
may have n!-
v lnllJuguol
.-mplu ul lhu
> .._ a vufl)?—lalllbNflm‘wnDL
_V -_. me in Inn-n 0.7“: Myunudu
llrucl|oh orlhn BLCharku lola|,Nc Prim";
at anmyn'a Muuqum mud lhq “mm": |n Slrnw.
beyy umcl. Phtludelphhfiu 186‘“ 11l skg mom u:
cant burning or llto Lnl‘ugc lloulo nu ‘Mnlropoh.
mu lnll.’ in New. Yolk; nml now. lanlymlum
n rho pmilelhofllmnlHousmchuunqulmcg,
fink cyan. when?” in many other inulnnu-u
lllcmn; 3 Bulb! vole Um only Safa- Ihul need the
flru! . -.. ,
Letter fwm Maura. Thomas W. [1:633 Cox
Mum. hunJ‘. 'ur—Gentlorncn.—-—'Phc“HerS
ring Hm Prqul SJ ’ wh'wh mu murhn-cxl from"
you nngl'ilfid in "53! 0M IlpcmH Clmfluul Iflccl,
on ma' igm arm dcurucdon m In; great fire or
51h mu. nflc an alpoauluul‘nc lly lwcnlyluur
‘houu toimcn a hem hu Wand (gmtbnn‘yqunln.
our clpcl mm; I ll \\ an 3WI! ifl‘llm very CNN”)
‘o!’ our unit. Ind want": 1 nmcle (with hi can.
team all.“ {emullled In tnrrmeing which" not
onlm‘ly do»!roy0d-—evcvyllnng m the Safe wnl pcr
ifrrll, prancrvcll. Wu «hull mm! nnolhcrono ul
yuur Snl‘u, of hugs: lIIC. :u aoon an we butoqu;
luulcd. You", .. .
.. '> ‘ 'l‘llOS. W. EVANS a 00.
fine «have Bafo run now bu lean MM WALNUT
(El-11‘. together with one frnmiho nun Em.
winch" balongud to’ Mr. C."l'l. tun“, 3d 1110
venue in cmirnc mean u I e c or.
5" 9' ranm:l.’2f%o..
NIL 31 WA LN'l'l‘ S'l‘lUfil-I'l‘.
n‘muhfzmrcn of Ivan Safegfinnk Inch, Vnuh
Damnfi'b 6g. ~ - .4. _
N u—A Limo u-onmonu orurm Proor"Clum .
uf what make". having been Inkcll In pan [nu {on
"Hnninu‘u l’alcm." Fun mum cumr. ‘ '
OH. H Jest—Ly. '
I‘' ’ ' _
l OPERA by their powmlul influenm on tho
1 mm vlucon in punly tho hluod and nluuu
‘ lnto R l Jmnllhy'ncflnn. The! romow tho
I obltruoflo of [he nlnnmch, bowels, live; um! olhcr
‘ 0%?! 0! a bad). and, 1]) rcxmrmg {heir incgulu
n n ' ‘llln. correct, whrnvcr they mull. such
dmngc u 1:- me the firm mum of diaonnc.
An u to Hill of their virtual, by Prulnuou,
i Phy Ind I’nliunu, In“ Ile curvy all duh
I gerom I almost beyond mfg: who may no!
l subs by pcnmun 0! Inch nnl‘od poutiun
‘, md ch 1 M to furl-Id the quplcion'o! untflflh.
.Theh’ 3 £lan um publlllmd in my Amman
l Alma-mm, «bu-h thn Agmm below mmed axe
‘ plotted 10'. umiph {we to All in “firing.
Annex we ivo Dircdl'om r?" (hail “no In “no
compl-inta his: they Imm been found to onto.
E Fan Co- auuu.~'l'nko one or two Pill»v at
; Nth quum tog-m 1 mow m lxmdn. Cu:-
1 utensil h ntly IKO ”granting cause 'l7?
Plus find the 0! one complaint in tho cum
‘ or both. In ‘em 10“ mu whlla undo: n
Lou-mam“)! mttmm.ult
‘ m be. gvmptly rel
I Po: unnu, whlc mmclimu the cum:
of (Fatima, and «hay- u hbln, take mlhl
l M- from 0M 60 Nut—m b auuunrh
um! Yum into hmlthy ncfian. Th nu!
thy hon-IM, Mm, and ”Wm of‘
1 will rapidly db: pear. Whm it has gum, nn't
[flog]? cums you. ~ ‘
or I OVL Srmuc‘n, or Morbid (mum: 1M!
Banach. which gradual: «I].me n the
; Iph'lu Ind bad ulth. hfiznfmm {outta CPI Pill:
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