‘. “ “W. I ‘ ( $1.5." Itthomnfiém t [h , ‘ doc ”Wu. 0113 "plum-n prfrm"yen?.’°fi" ot‘ .. @131!» mmmmfi ,vfiifl'méuu w, ‘NOTRUIIIER am. 4mm .‘_’ro lie,flehoc|;gey eigengre mm '' ' Commu‘wl‘ngthqpnhli im‘; ofn Dcmocuv ' tic pups: in it“? mitktrtnkucucssmi‘lg , 'n-lying upon firm ' nill lml’ exicoumgcmcnt ivy-31g ,lmcccsa of llleugptcrpriaoiyitj‘s in“. “ yer glut )1110 KlEmlk-rslgnul Hfionw'fly [WWW and figlicy w " ulmll 41A . , . ’. ‘ (gt! in the columns ‘uf 1110 “ {m mt‘tlwé'l‘filmxxx." ' J , 11.11. paper wjll M 751” mul unflin’cluingly ‘ Itlvoc’alo (ho mo «ml inunsun-M ol'llw Dog]. ' ()ch pll'ly.,ll {5 oppéuc K“(HY-{Nollllngléyl l v Abblltlonism/llml every other mu so mph“- ry 00 film gmnlhd and spirit ul‘om‘ mpubliuun infltltutionn. It will I‘Cllllt r n. Mgly and 'VTEomus summfl tn the 1m mntNutllinnl .ltl ulniutullon. In n wonl .thu ‘§.D}!.\ll)(‘lt‘\Tll' Wflt‘mus" will be stricllfnqd pun-ly -n democr'ulig sheet, Mull wrfi'ilHonvo nplhim: 3}!me make it I. lrullll'ul nllvx ul‘pnlnlic * ' Why“! Ind dékt-rving llnc mnflnlunw of the Democracy of (‘mlro {‘mmty, ‘ - m. The oilitnr wlll nrlln‘rc 10, and mlm . ea“, fl 11l tllnM n'nd inlcr nu cintumstnncts I Mfiqt mllirn'nce R) Hie regular nhminnllmw n «oF tlmwldnorrntic pt‘fly'n‘n'dl give Mich m 1» purl. to (3 nominees 1m ls conhistentl‘wilh Thin We fonts In": demoryflj’c‘punmlésl, although [modding u conv'cnlioxlf. he claim}: the privilrm- of mlvomling gho claims of tho mmlhlatcs for-public th‘vor whom in hie nplll ion“: most vigil-y. But v'hcn Mnuninu “on ht onco In’mle by the voice of tho‘ 111 mn mum-mm nll party or pvrsonul lm'f ' entice: will be mm nfilllc to make mun; .(‘nr 4. MB6 mwlm~“}.'rtry Ming filr lin- -= ‘mfllltnpwcrof um mm m,- ' L M time, ri'ryhmch “my firm: 4- " - .‘ - cmigncd bcmgnnximm bw‘himstflin one OLM rurnl distric‘ls, be in M Ivlré flint/{ll6l‘ is n plat-o in his "the am, in WW“) (nhminlv. more tongu nl-l tohiu wow and (1'0“:ka than "mu:- rqx-rl, yhich ho—hopcs to make his 'ruhu-v Xianhrutmnion will Mm Ire lam m / tblwrary Ind new» dcpnrllncntr: 91’ the pa ‘pfl, Inf“): “Tort will thfmfllyhc directed ' h linking ft tn nun-pubic family journal. With thin hrii-f cxfmilhm‘nf l-rinvipk-lx ' my! inttmiomn we ,lhm ourmlf upon the .' public In! 1|:le endeavor to “writ I liln-m] mint thc’linnlln of mi innmgun ”P": ‘ ' 870 v: Pun-r chun.—-’\\'c inuv our um Iggmhcr under great dismlviuagq. . Nul hvlnk sufficient (line 107 gal “.Hp [H “v [guild like, and no olxl‘lmfgé papcn lo mluct hall's, sad-tho mufistnnceln the nfiplmnirnl denrhncnt bclng‘ yrry. limitml,‘ we mm oblipd to roll up 0311' sleeves and go lo \s ork ' u «liar, compositor, pressman andfilwil: hmimm of our young fn'cmLMr. 11‘ n juuinlL “3“ch haw accouwlishul gelling g out—flu.- [mp'cr in cightth‘ys. .\_\'c hnvo imml : this pup"- !9 let the Dunoml'F-f'of ("hlr‘o 'mnly.k.mw flu they .rill have fink”: ‘ slum-f in which ”Ag-y can llml their qln-nslu-tl ‘ prlmlples «km-«tell faithfully and npuply. 1 In order to fit up tm‘l‘nmnfio our Qfl'm- pm- ‘ pallyml'o will not is-éuo our lll‘x( numlx-r nnlilthe 1211.0! Dmmlx-r.’wlu-n we shall be tuned cap-07"}, nml rciuly lo HINT un litta to Mile in defence of {ht-glorious l)c~ pantie principles :N luid llan by Jxllir; lon ImNnckmn, ... . , -~W #——— ~ ‘ t 4 1m: CQt'l'r/‘of'Qunru-r Sessjuns-mf ‘ny j-Pcwo,’ Hon. Jamds Ilunmidn pn siding. omn lnencod on Monday last. 'l'lwro lamp}. much ‘ figfinw bcl'on; aw (mm. Thu‘ronbwin; cues were dis-posed of yestmlny. , Commonwealth v. 3. Jame: (‘rnh-y. ,\.:—‘ nu]! uh] Butt-r 32 l’lmvl not guilty, ARC} 'lh 'lrvklcncefln part of llu- (foyunmnp'cnlth, plank guilty, C‘tnlvnvml l'q :l lint," of 3.“). the coat. of prqyc'l'll'iun, nml mull-Ego an im- 1 Will of five tlny< ill ll!" munly jail. i ‘ 'Cflnnionwmlth \‘<.4 l'nlrivk ltllziffi'l um! 31pm Clin. Assault nnrlfllmfllry. llill _.w ' u n u _ WW, 'xmflmfilxnw: Slnl'.~—.\h-. Dixon, ”I m of)lr. Clny in the l'uitm m Snub. Mind; A Whig, has ow pmui “a dotermhuflnn to act hummer \\'ilh Ibo Mummy- Dxu’ing (he [re mn nu in Kentucky he mldrmzml .«ércml Know Nothh'ig assemblages, since “'l-ivh lune he bl hfldhmn in disglintj‘.’ . ‘Km‘nmncy of, ()lngnhuu-c coming {am ‘ll great unrest in 'sl’l[l[X)l't of our mlorprhc.l‘hiu Rh?“'fl that (In, ' nr'o dc. thincd‘jtw'lrivo the munigflqnal mid! ‘. -ll"'9~(o‘“lh null, and limit} milk) (Excmlinl‘d 3” \\ iJ-C ‘3‘}t (h’u fun!“ Whilelphh dentist, who‘wns convi‘ctul- of mm, M ft“, and re'miucd the nnmimhr at” .1 M. We of imprisonment, Twhich was » (our years nod six months, beginning on.th_c mu: of NevimbcrhlßM. ' ,~ 3 Efiomt V'fl'xmucll In figphligcd to _ fiig‘fi‘mbtr On paporuf flu?" quali ¢!;Wfl h (holiest in animal! the W time flawed in gelling it up. a” fiwrcfnro bog NeMlgmco of our réi’fiig’nd pledge imhfiefit 1:“ mm: ismxm.‘ z; _- . ' mo'mimm.N\Vu intend mam-ow n ' portion/org»: piper to «Manual inumb ' madam! We tom“ comprise tho moot nu- I mm bMM-ofinmtm -stme £03.: make “5 .jqumnl ind pcwuhly to“ my}; fired-hp,” . . M”? ' . Win ”6.5;: («warm to Mr George Wamk Ii» uhuhle service: in fine ' of-u’nf Mac“; Ilsa.“ omingufioua arm, ur. spa-mama: mm for MA. ;‘ “mm or rim-m; ‘ ' _ 4 / It in” nxunl fat“ the Nutim‘ml Whlxa'for'lf 133 k M. 41‘th is‘no 191mg}: on c 3?».th lo kcqfit “9' in" diaflhctrbi-gfindo 1.»- . ‘ ‘ . ‘ l ' ‘Mwoufibut chviinglgn‘d the nxhgxt'umhonc: ifllo m'u‘e «moment:fixg'mumphm Whig '1 ‘pnrlfy hive united h’itflfihombolifionw mul’ ‘Kn‘gyfifiolfingsfmid in) (1)1“ch to'ln'hc ‘fur their lL'htluu : Tllcflkli J‘atltor, :Wl'llllllll Phillim and others of thu mm}: slump, in ANS lid“; 0[ DMM Wc'bsté; upd‘lfidw \_ rl'lvrrctl, Ind other nnlinnnl mull. llnuoaflrr sL-clipns of‘ihe country Whiggcry has gen crnlly muirul into Know Nollfxngimn. nml moi-(0 who once clnimul to haul: all 1110 de ‘Urucy nml intrlligqxce uoh‘ wdtc thtmselnfl ; lllmf'n' 33‘ Lmnrmg hulking. “'0 do unified 1 disppscd to dispute wllh’lqrman who‘nmy {mouse to on“ himself uupiah‘nml lo mfow lumskyd HIM llc Looms nothing. :Thnnk htnv’cn! this is yet n free country, nod we my, In mjd 'bjLJZaul ‘1 if'nny 11.1: r moon}; )ou ht- ignmunt, let him vlm.n'n ignorant," l nnt uCll’postt-il on the ohjuvt uf'thc \llkt‘llt‘g . ' Wu m."kiwifimvm'fv—ifmn‘u-i. I“), Ifhu [WEB-1:3 it. ' lint then “clock In’mn this i but he lithuul 11, l 0 Lt- tho ronmlt :anon ”,r- ”Wk" thti lihritlity (if mn- politivnl “l’l"" n 3 sht‘l‘l‘ nflutl33ts|on¢¥lfiitxc know 3‘ollelsny l the ligftjlllmtx' to plot-nin- ll‘Ll’ttl'l‘ll)‘ t‘tjllll'l't“ m ”t: who fume“ tho lil‘t‘jtlilit‘c of [arty j“ in- J'luct. know full \‘vrll/ that (“L ll [lllfi‘xllllull «it the Llilkrl‘ljl‘JEHtX'll'Htlllt' ll:nhu:ul._tw fi-iuull'v “mm of securing! the mm}; pmt'lnilning’tho O‘lb‘flllti‘bhfiolril‘ doctrines Hi." flit-ml, Jllllgt‘ llurnsilll', hun’u‘lr“ “n: wiiiit'shilti:*ill‘]‘ffltoffl(‘Olllllllllnny in n‘hinl'li of thtir party they inufifillnayai bu in ,rn lonhuml nml he would ‘lllllutllltft' him to flu: in: lixyfio“fllultutl nur MU. ThuJollowin‘Kl limitless minority. They know, too, thnt. ifiundfioncu to stt tl‘ie‘olfivctof thc meeting in. kind notiéc “,0 I.“ With “‘o‘“ ha}. whit-hi ’hy 90““ new "i‘lclfi’m’ thcycnndcstm? “‘0 its l’rol3f'Tll§‘;‘:_; ,V, " l [in (‘tlitml with north-lumi'iy (lig‘u‘ity by Mini unity of tho Dcmocmtih pnrty in"? “my: _ ‘l‘i;£-‘ "on. sas.mm.uidc ‘Hmm-kul that Joh“ I‘. Jnhnqonn ‘ - “ with MW “0W bonlition"whifiwmy 1’“ the Inn-ting was cullw'ljto adopt Incnxunqs u) 'l‘lu: I)},hmim,,: V'nlr/mu "$411.“ 3,; th-c‘ fanned, [NW ‘\ chance T 0? n Him” or “ ”“3 'cnsuru an early completion of this iinpor‘dinl title of n 11va [.flpt‘r “L““i ‘stmvting: in thiqi spoilm" W 0 lufl‘c tun-ions objections to on huh-lapping», 11L: ‘fun-ilnly nr'gcd “1'0“ the lmmngly l'he typu‘nml‘flxtni'ta lxnw nl: urgnylitntiongtlufi Pmclj‘i‘l‘s “‘m‘ “BM“M- “‘l‘ mating the nvroxsity .of‘prmnpt nn\_l onw- TI‘E‘JJ'K‘F; ' lhi‘lél‘lntl'ti. MIT-l: “flit":fl'i‘li’ it: i Constitution, ““1 i‘"6“:"i"lt-“ ”:"l‘i‘y ‘0 “" gctio notionwn unityofntntinnnt in this (Jill-111:3"! lmlfifilwd 3,3": li"l"‘;"“’¥“‘i '"l'u'mt‘lo‘rlléms m“! I'V‘V‘llß‘V ““50 "“i‘ lll.\Hfr. ”cpl‘tfuu‘tl the 13mm I'lngltfylfil‘livhlntu of l’hilndvlphin, nho will, no don “.1 kill and danger"!!! Mimi \WJSIH‘“ “Miss b'm 'xS'L-it-n'ns tho nmstnmtmul and most t‘nlltm’or to furnish thq Ilvmncmsy 0f tllilj more ut-lu‘ngth litrt-iftct, lint mmscnt our, cflfiilllQ-‘b-l'thr vnlmlntul lo mommdaifo‘ ”91‘1"" mth . muiutcycttiug “”‘t , "kWh-1"” 1 object in to tul'rcs'tihc attention of those with qfl’- intirmts - and main" Um lust/Imin" pnpor: ‘ Lt Ming politlmout of- the qncntmn . ‘. /‘ . ' ' - ‘ .‘ 1 Dwe \\'IH.I our nuv brothd-uuccus. ~ .- 1 may be misled by the l-cht‘lollfi in'utumous mute. - _‘ k »‘3 M...“ l of ultra tlmcnrrmmn, untlfbvfl‘t/Lilltoafl' - 1113,“. N. Mt'Allislcr n:sn'-mfi’l‘cxtllttl up- ‘(rfigLnntAxn Sui TWLW'L- notiéc frupunll;.' Msoflul ullinnw‘ mtg. 1 c ”innit-s of the on, tilthinc-il h‘putltillg nt thnt time and in llu: Suntlm‘n papers, :illnsiongio the (inn-i Constitution. Ton“ such we “’Olllti ““23 luv gull have to introduce WW'VJ'Zhltx‘, lib-(1., 'l'.\' Norm. “'0 l-C‘mli' ”W- "V‘ SWI“ i” s““'| romunlx-r/ the'olxl [Waverly—A nts'n Jr‘muni t 14 “-iqm’m‘, Mr. I-lelor rcmmkctl (hm ny enough in all coufi'éiifincrlut it. is full of (mnl his'chnmcttrtlL-tg'nninctl) {w Tm: mn- hi» individual fut-lingl “mm in favor of n luonluituvsflwd bilg‘l “ml“ig'éclf,’ We enter 'l' .1' In: Emma. If you are found u‘ot‘Ling mt ntnrou lionigfhut he was It. milmfil I. our Hul'lulli"ll‘tflcfliullgflllhitlv‘llyiug "tinny .~ mm, W Inna... ”WWW” '. ‘ twinning you Fillinotflhotnke‘n foi‘dnnnocmts. Iflyalj county vbjuld lmyoJu-nilmml. At pmnmilllulubriglltcr plum min .0- glorious 70111 are found amid} with thosb who would pm- Btllcfonto was 3“"; (a... of!" ur’éflrgfggjfin‘dmmtm in State of Penn inifini- “do scrim-flick Wmflwflfllfi that hunblh'l't‘si s‘npull'erud award): from lfur t will 3’“) “till HUM” “il‘t‘filllhq‘lmt‘l‘ “""l‘V future in rtligiaus opinions, or because of isolated pmitiun. 'llu mln-rtul to tin. fii:t tnins,hrxhiunvmnilingnml firtih- lhldsl 14!» ‘n diflcnjucv: in‘the plus: of their birth-if tlmfi fill the (‘npilul invmtcil in'thc county, ‘ 111““ MIN“ Mfr rugged 11““; t-liV-lwd “fill ”on are enrolled with such an nrtin‘iizntion “11:1an in ngricnltuwormanufncionis ", “5H litll nnil sinful) pine, the Lufly ninl \\ idc arm“ M thiw'tllo judgment nf the country will llm'umnt fipiu six to clghtt-ul'mimthq , tlmt'di": Wk: 3“" ”ll“ “Wily “full u'. “"V‘ll‘f pmnunwo youillihu‘nl n'vl higutul, null fnll- tho gmin nonh’l not he got to nmrlu-‘l in. u“- North intlcul ! \l'v hnvu n‘llll‘wlllont”llL‘rt‘i ing fnr lx-low the ulnnl ofn tn}? rcfmhli- rulL “mt mmuluumy on". ”mum in m} fur cwrysmwn anJiu yor, mu] Mlllul fur, nan, whom fumlnunntn in 'illlG‘is. 0,4111! decline of [him inuidont‘io thv hunvy “'L'Vlj- “ll- “'ll“th ”'l' Smith IUIUV Or‘ltl'n'h li'lti‘.‘ ‘ rig/uni“ «,lan pnnquufur multrL’ry u'n r’cm-ipls in tho .xln'inp. It nquirml limp iitling pnrtils. nml othu- "it awn." ihnuw nllzcn. How proudly tIIK'H tlli.~. no 3 and days ['o inn-kc n'lri‘jrm the l'cnnnlvnnin bfthc NWU‘W‘I(“3‘3S“ m'")“"“‘““"""“‘ Christin" prinviplc contrast “ii“ the Mt' t‘vntl‘nlltailrnaxh'mul thin-Api-im- nulotln'r 5““1 “‘0 L’lU ”Hi“ ft!“ it ’ifllitn'“ “li’ “Y with» of those. who‘bmd tht-nuch-ts tog‘cthu ’ ‘ .« Brill-fume, and l'njnyhl mu: of lhu nulrlt- dim to drprivoolhqi'spftheprivileges.“hichtllc)’ Ht'l‘fi prqmrcd hy our friunl; L'npt. ('nm-y‘ [monks to value so highly! . Ininga of the I‘qu“) lvnnisl lIIIL‘LLI or Mnjur ”"'W “W ‘ .‘anfion oi'tlic~ 931m1] li'nusc. ‘ i ‘ ()rwlmu‘nnWrc‘ loam-d in Um: kt rholl"s Row, whim \vc cquct ti; soc crmwls of llcnmvrals, tngdlnr with a. fair sprinkling of Whips, and M mgny Know Nolhings It? may think prop“: to drop in. ”in office IKISfiCQs‘IS mnny tidvnnlngcs. It in 'lmh'puhlic mu] priv‘am : pullir, lie-came it is in the most ccnlml part of the (own, and privMo‘, lmnnsc it is on flu: third storyfiwith nothifig but the roof hclwcon IN and lu-dwn. i “'1: can here cxpntinlcion the bandit-R nl' “(mom-3 ~y, ohm x’ rm- nmr-m Hm“- Nu. ‘ Illings unnlvr the “ML rib, in an equally :w— ‘ f rnro flfill'llt'llglflrlll maixpt r. Om: ofllrc llnfi i 1 FUN” \\ nlk, “'llil‘ll “'6 pmpdsc‘(lllllwlllklll'ftg,' rl'y {muting on tlicir white surface, A HlK‘Cl ‘ men copy of such lmntlliilla and plumnlx as I we "my hon nfturvxccnto in the most linisin (l ‘bxtslc of tyivigmphiiml L-xn'clluncc. Wv are [about pvt-(ting nil (xvi-murm :lnas JL’ll‘L'l'Mln, “lm’h we \V‘llrfilfiioml di- ‘ i really- g}:gg_3uir__sl(_'!k. nml \vliix-h will 1?:th the (IR-clot in‘pll'ing as with glorious rv collections of flu: pawl. mu‘l helm! gill. ”miningdfino, in life lr‘l'lc llcmocmtii pnlll. lf wémhnnlvl vvcr' be at n. 103: [mil snlijg‘t, one look at. 2110 glorliius author of ’3)": )oclnmlion ol': liillL-puflgnrc, fill HO warm our imagination. that it will .lic im i pnwililc fur onr’rm. imprudent» m 1 hum-,- ltrious as we on, to keep paw \vith'our glow ing thoughts. i Don‘t forget the [tire null [rot inlo the wrong slmnlec. 017 m Brokt'rlmfl's Row, opposite the well-known) Vellckwtz and i well-pntmnisod Conrad House, n‘lliéh is p‘rc iaidcil ovér with so much dignity by {ylr 'aminlile friend, Maj. Morrison. ” N. 131 [\«lmitl‘lmv'o in the ofllco, frcc. Ilnxln' Hus 7 Lin “—— lthlislum-ut ——whi ability for some “Vim—quid “8-1 r taken Clmfgc of :\ holds am 01110: I uué Umumnd do" mugciws it Lug-gum lohcy, 1d thus 80 \v+' mm mute-him “flighc nuniqs of vh‘amt‘ m mhuncc, that the rhll' j ”unoémcy, is \g‘rittul3.§gl_l :rs m) ‘lO l c mimmft blood; fund Lll 1; 1 null) rymo will leaDonmcmjfistmcv, minly 4 Lhr; ( 9‘l; {(lL‘CliUll nrrivcn, an (lint . h“ (‘.ll lrz'qm 17:“ rclirc gran-fully. The 1 I‘nlnm hulfimll‘lc lllzlr‘l‘ flag of Alinlilinninln, l byrwl ch, in nlli.‘lnt'u win] Kuhn“ Nothing : 37mg )1 how's to gglrnniw the rult’mci‘fims . of thc lulu Atlnuuislmliunp It. will» be «J min of rt, ~s\'c hnzfigln‘ml—x He‘é‘n t‘hfi haml- ‘ Mug upou'thc “all, all?! no union of the invcndiMy Abollfimfist all}! [he luxu‘imlaML-i bigot Knolw.Xollliug call avert “5710011), a I . . . f _ u..." , * - t Accumuxu to n talnlv- published by one of "f tl ”“mllll‘t‘lj‘ 111““ “ml “\IUILNM‘ ””0"": l orugu "‘_ :,.-<_A_‘.;._.--._'---.- ' 1 our eontunpm-ayicfl, the next Legislaturu 91 Embracing .QIGjUOO art-up ol' lnml clamp-'l5P}, Mn. llmtmn..«W\t-h.ul reason to L 4; 1.11“”? {3;} Stutt- \villlshuul: Senate, 17 mee!!!", :FLH'JJ fwrllhly, 0" the, sun“! "r ”‘0 hm" “’6 If”! 0.“ Mll‘f'h-V' Km'm'h” Ntvi'nlf‘cutll, “t‘ 1-} Km“l Nothing», 1 Almllfimdflt, Mld"l nnnwmc fill‘UHlfi'UfJllllc on tho north, Inuit-flam- o’clock m the lam-mm)“, tn the year of \Vllig. In the Iluus’q there will be (15 Dem \\'lHl‘l| “'U'c lll'cllfl‘xllfllls’lilwu I‘th'nffilfi} fillt'lmil, om- thmmmul right lmntlml and . 4.. n - .\- Ll' 9 \holiti 1' b, ' ' 12 MC“ of I‘lnw, Wilm- in ‘Em Jive. “'0 lla’l hm "vit'l-d h 'tl 'l‘; 343”“?! ”1" mm“ 7—o .m.‘°” ‘ 0M .’ the Tumult»? ll” i : . 1 . . y , . ‘"l 3'o(m a Ellitnllblli, and no \\ hlgs. Tlm Dplnocmtxc ‘lm‘hU' ‘0 ”19"”!I‘MXI‘H‘PW‘Y“Ju'c ““‘N‘ "0 ”0“"13‘ thxbmm, in «line with HEN) :11 nrljuril '6" 'oiilt-lmllu} i‘l‘thir ”61x0 ' " ‘ whichyicld the purest glint, and tho incx- g)“. l'elnmlraniamtcl. ntnl 6‘ ”mg INII‘UCH“ ~ ' '{ w_ ' ‘” -. hflufilllllcqlcdfl of iron Ore. which yield “I“: Tar tlmfi, we had just tlnixliétlfilisoéfiging one OW S‘T‘W“mx ‘4’“ “l"l’usm Imylhing wry ln-sl iron l'nnmkl‘actux‘ell “J. the L'nilul‘ on“he";(“nymthntflcrruu (0'11“. 10““: that we have ever heard of ill this to» States. He gomparétllhp ('hnmctcrof tlw‘ fin epicure to pfirlnko oh‘anllmonm‘qlwnlly, l, lncncomcnt of a new journal. 'We have imnobmlncd from tho plpc m'vsnnud Umliwuinmmc hem-what stau- or mind and "W“ivcd‘ “’o'“ mm" 905‘ “me” 0"" 0M _ obtained (mm the orcs of the higher fotu‘m- lmlly7l.\d|ic'|"ofcry decent phmum. enjoys ‘ humlrul suhrcrlhcrs, and when we get our ~‘_l Ora minim" um.» and onergotic friend; tlon, and asserted that car axles, car \l'llct'lh' inmohmtrxmmlz' Thcmcnth‘ and poutnyf'mxt mnnbcr out\ we shall hive -to print UV: oditopot‘ t o Ilcric/Ilcr, will plo‘asc arc- and railroad and engine machinery \vnlllgh “New" ml'jlgatnémcatx mul poulh-yhlmnlfl (lawn hundred copi'ca. We hm still room ccpt our gincdrcithnnks for'thc kind notlcc principally'bc mannfitctnrcd from hon niadc' be con)“; ; the «3“me hO't and pool; the ' for more. , _ , a he has lieutttfirt-d'on our enterprise hnfl Our- fibm the pine on». 'Ho computcd the cost pig”, putldihg“; ha. «lolivioltx‘: fill“ the water, [ NATl‘F‘\TJ;\;m 1760, two self. Ila-hm ddne great. service to the was; a! translmtmg- (xwl onfluu road at 2 09:1,“ ‘ pure, cold and sparkling- ’ ‘ years n’orc required before mtumthlOn ,in of equal rights and firirllogm, (titdllliflf . ‘ls??me mllaf that. this‘wonjgl. .!!‘,'“~"*‘_"'°lj 16W mfg‘irfnfifignm Emma "‘l 1795' itivasraiscd 10 “91'3“”; : and hi 1169, outs!“ to bcrfirmd "y thy ”mule of rm! «:8! onmnsrorhru_:3wml rum: 111$ PM!“ rial”..m».»sr m oat riff Sfi‘almfi, Paul. a [ilu‘fifiiwmudmimsmuondfitncc‘wa‘rildnmh, unnlyvtliat has the good fin-tnnc to nnrlor- to.Bcllcfonlc about 7-..!)lwrtyn. ““m‘h‘V/fiafi‘a, tho finnlou banker}, charged \l'ith "l 9 fourteen. In 1862. nmlt'r Thomas Jeff"; guild thavfwnnan language. It' the anh- I [turn of flnl \‘vouhl enable:thq mm~ gmnu-j llm‘tillg way Mill-Jim securities ‘Pf theirlx'm. it {“8 brought batty) zflvn, and from; mnptlon lmt wan commensurate to its Interns > t‘wwturcm 'oLj‘gnh-c county to succwgl‘ur’lly ‘ custouluru, comm-u] last month. “Hm day to this it h (LYN finall'mtho smug. ... the ”WM” would he "”7“”! (‘flcm‘wo'f “me” "1“" mlmpns orus, ““d thereby "m": vial m 3 days aml' lcnninntcul in a V 975! H :14'W ” W"m cirvlllalcd tit-man paper in Pennsylvania. - llint’o‘ualo some of the l-Il‘gcnt await-”3r iron “guilty. , 'l'lll’l)’ “.0” BCIIICIIWdItO “5.; ”"3““ I"'-“[’.‘3"Th“ city of P‘coria if om_ non-n it: the tummy. Ilu. l'cvlc“ ml 11w: pm'lntion hir fourtut'n car» the h’cuvltwtvlmfl the xcqoml city in the Sflnkunmnlmrjng h 1,926 adjfilflgm or rillma-ln in promoting ‘l‘ho‘ (“Mien ‘ a y ' , “.- )v‘ citizens. The value- 01",]er mamilt'llcturopkii . , ~z , _ . ‘ vat‘ldul m the statute. -Ph('y mll , , ~ -a - _ . ~ 31-9er and [ii-datauty of towns ant! muss. ‘ be dominod-irrl'outlomhh mum time until fictflomtnl 3111-0144}? “WWW" 3294-8441 New Xarlc land"? lllatlelphin, he ‘ said. Hi such informhu'on ‘ ' Qtllhl'y luvs a population of 11,754. Va'luo. . - i . a _ slmllulnwo been procured ~ , _ Ixl7 coal: mnmtpcdupopulnoon orl2o,{mo: mm n. m “h “ms-m! for “mu - u or mnnufitctares sll2B} ,9005 :Int}; m in “30, five year» utter tho’commcngampnl their Makhapwafixta 'l‘ M iheyfirill mg | )1; @llBsan 2_ :1 .A : or thd‘Enh CanKlJNcw Yong coulalned‘a’ shipped to "up, i”, 3‘ WW ”,6 my. Tm} Dfigucnac‘ lam; cl}. gallantry Lou p‘rpulatio’n offitlfloo more than Philadelphia,” llaly‘cplxviéggnga pt ’llan atgtion. “- ; 'lll'mtrhyf Moat gm‘mlvd 31:33“; /‘ \ ' l’T'i'w—i“ .‘ ' ‘-~-' -'~’ ' ‘ ‘ , "'. ' "1‘3." . ‘ t 1": IN= lm‘k 111 m \ kfnlc, thy Tm: (‘mex Drugarrul :lnys'that the next 'ulglc cry of the uppoaitiou will no doubt be, “Aboliéibnikts to rule A'incricn." ‘f [in none but nigzcrs on guard lqmigfiL" , [wank—The Gil 53¢ o‘f’llanustcr wnnty hum ignored 9]! t‘ho‘billq‘uglinbt ()10. ‘ I. ' ' .‘ V ’ VlOl'n‘ton» 0! he 3:151 kw ' «FM .nndin 18501110113 i V ' "V' ' port, he mm ' 1 11121100393. Williams of 151? . ‘ ,mA 800 coulni Inpopulntion ”m o ,’m IbQJ, 2,500, n'm Ling ‘th’c 1113'. m‘ I‘llll‘l‘ MI A. mm 1-1. («1:35; M!!! A ‘' ‘1 . nI I ‘ A?“ :0 an“ MN Al“?! the new! Ron'- _\‘uul r 'h 5, '0 i: ” fl” ' ‘ fi‘wygnrk .nul‘afi: l}??$£:‘"’" \ _:__,__ 3 .1110 plmvcrly “if “(mm of: ‘b- ofidl‘wm ‘ffi‘ lurgw mu] enthusimtic. Inn-ting of MG slur“.q llm‘h‘h‘ 5;""0 “N'” “'"EI'THM-‘l'm’d {Hart—3:3” 0? we kick Huvcm )nml Tymurkuil- L “fun“ c““"'.V'v~‘““‘l ”(1.0: ”l 0 “"“3’ 1"“- ‘m i. q “as hdd {W‘flw publié Echo 1 h joyed ‘hvh‘mm‘mf‘hom t ‘ up. immwm' ,I, o cusrnamtmr named ' ‘Txfuumumumy “ ‘/. w” . . mwml ii; " " ¥to {11:33:00-‘JW- lullrubxdp Cullcd'lho inc-cling} n“;‘l’9o]luhtfimfi" v )fiijfiubp‘m’ ‘,\\|cuhcf' .-,, 5. him: ~ _., ~b :‘Qwsm .to conduct 113°“ “‘s' Omccr-s \Hl‘t‘ ’ .‘llist(‘l“ 12?]‘58‘U‘ f-‘ilowa'o' “\ N. M‘h‘ ‘nm‘. On”F 'I ~ 4%.“!qung rmmmt,‘ \ '. |., nc.n.Jnmcn Ir in and Mlnw. 1.~ - ; usrm. Mme bl. .1 .- 4‘ “W“ “1"” “PM“ mh't‘p ' ‘ «.Wx. anmzwou J' ' k “1‘ “(5‘1)“ “‘O.” ' ‘ l 1 "ANN“ ‘l'” LBW“- cl I J» ‘O5. BAH-tn, $ll.. Dr. 11.41.) 961.3313”,qu the cm“; wlcouditionuf [“81 Llll‘;'i[“llxlummrnJml'x"us‘nll‘ml‘fi ; \whim“rmvmm‘lmn-ch a- 'l' "“Hi‘Fw ~..1 _ I as": ML'lC\\;\~\~ q I '. v 1 cmmniuw “m m " ' nh’ I . ;('.(uI.'JOu~;UILR ‘, A,l .7. gum-input: ;. . . “104 nm! N whmt H”). | , . whhmx‘ 'l‘ Imh‘w'ow [‘ ’‘ ' “"1“!an 1. and a HHHlthan‘cd (I ~r" ; " ‘l...\'. , 5 > ‘ ""t . I M]. luflflWflnßiug LIN d} ‘H _ ‘1 lexmul n|l(l_‘l‘l‘N"l".“‘l(b'fiahv h N In: “ I ”(1.. m ..uul 110 “as ATU'W I 'v“ ’ ' l)L .‘ \ ll Ilhlei'flmgLuljnumulf'“ I)?“ Rumm- wx/l‘zvllgfl‘ll;;|gt tux figum—nnw \ . \ \ k ' g . Wigwam magnum. ‘ ’hfimnifiixm Eamom‘x ~l I Ifhi‘iinw'fiv ffigghimamnau; Lingo 111110111331? 83321: Subscribed. ~ mérfimfiémrmbfi us: ch ho has conducted with “Ich the L'tumlwrufiurg moved to Harrisburg, tml [unpu- flu-re. The Colonel thlgxu‘im'wmllock, worth Ird pu- yt‘un, and ho how gummy ”“0 his .own lumen. but 2 NAHUM“. 110 mg 011 llu'nnsnx'r \Tl\'EQ.—v The Ncw York ”Mr"!!! anii-«lim a lust of the .' " “~me 7”"! prmnpz‘ , ’ .méiiflus of the mat Sui-"ml “mine of Ru "“""""A"l”"‘”°"1 “”1 the “Clinwln"'glilw ‘ [mwGitAfiucm and claqifii-s than politicnlly, “PW” by milmnd :II‘HYIl)’: he re. MJulloivH: IMnm-mmtil:Southern Whigs, cmnuvumlétl nlilwml Huhsm'ip‘tion lo LhL‘pOlh 9; ““0“ Know.- Shillings, 60: Abolition‘ h-Inplnu-Il mad niul :\ lll'lil-nllllfltloll to cum- 5 Km" Mll‘fifi‘l‘"; Ndrthcm 'Whii-ifl (Aha: PM" ”'0 (Hy-rprm'. A :lilion Ikpuhlicnnuil‘fiB; \‘m‘nni'icsrl. A M“ J' 5" MuMinn, 0f “Eli“E'L‘l'm‘: “'3‘" full House cohfiiulfi'of 234 mcmlum, um] th-n calluilyn to mhlrcss' lhu {um-ting. 11v ‘ ”“5“"? .1h i‘li‘ll 35101105“: Nonlu-i'usmlvs. .N‘id ”W loyal naivwlugys '9"! “‘3l“ ”Wily ‘Wullwm Sum 3590. "Hum are seven} {cruel "I. bu! (he 1:111”?qu holicll’zf 5:211”: fmeoguii,m W! mad rouid 317:: he nmmxiwuxfi-LJhcy i only cafuuhh lho lrmwnetion of’l’erritm-inli in re (-njip‘cd. fora milmml (-r‘nlux, to n ur- llfllflincwn , i ‘ ln‘hfl‘xtmfl, ll!" ‘11:) l'W‘lll‘V‘.‘ "P 0" “llii'l‘ ii] " llxorgwlifln: the llpiis'l. if All‘ Um n'Km thrives 11L\\"snilrct'sof \\ L-nllh nml imliiiiry \ hu-a lum- iii-cum“. llßTutm will be required “:9” “1’9““1 “P and “ "CW CO‘l‘lil-rm‘br‘ toth-E-t; so that, unlcm. thew uhuultl he uni things inn introduced oflhu must ndi'nnlaq W ulmOht perfect union of the 11inth q'ppm‘ gmufi chunk-lg. 111- then rvl'crv'l to “@Wious, [lure inmy‘jw some irouhlc nuiom or this mm}: mu] that lemim‘ I‘d-4‘3“ Lytlng a swim-mulch rk. 'J'hc Dum \':u|l:lgL-~i ofiu hauling-mulch l‘hilzulclullifl; ocrats woultlruluin nu {\"L'C‘olull (if thirty hu 521qu would then hc 217 miles frunflfiellc- . M in“ (0 may 13,,» L; umhlc mom (0 suc route: Nov Yoxki’T'J: l’iuu'mxg 1‘33; Clé\'u;"T-t~‘l'i§\\)liclris.mop than we san rl-fLsulmlily TA‘W‘I 3"2 : Cinchmulrlm'uml 3L LPN-1"" 77" ‘h‘ope Luffiflm llflul. In to“ what I‘L'sull milvs. He (miliiii'ml lhuzic hauling mutual the jnrling of the ilillcrcnt olefin-Ms may with ‘Ollifl's: “"1 ”KY?“ thnt “'2 100 k "“13" Inmlucc. The \\ hulc iiMimL will look ilpon I and ’l‘)')nnu'llaili'oltl'i.\\'m n glmul conuccling u“. ('Ullitht,“ iih 4‘ll, interval. ‘ I link between (he limit and the West. mud in s - -_ r*-‘-<«“g—r—o—>—— . } distanc'o m'ull characur it had no cgmpcmur. _ 'B'fms ”f “ lwmnnan ""‘"'K-?'"“W"m-“‘ He stated that lhc‘rvsixmncu {o inolidfmn 5L in” folhiwm'g ”hint {mm "3° E‘TI"""" the ’wcll hum railroad “M's; n 75??? ton ; a“ m: ‘llxnhw k'ollnng organ at Ll'lurL-lnhd. (min; lhrc 2” {art P" mile was the, Imm of “HM which rejoxgx-s uvm- zhr mutation mmlcml l mnqugucully for may 20 fret of 'L-ld'nlion 1 by the 11.03“?” to, thc'xlnrlronlcr m the kl" ilk-r mile an amount of pomr {quivulmt to elect)?" m lel "'1: ‘ ' 'thc (rmlsporfiilimiuf thanx weight o‘}; onc fu;‘l,lhltle{:il:1:1".lup mile (If level 13 npcmlid. A t‘un'c of 500 day. In His p fu't m'lhls he snidduuh c the nuistmcr, but HMWll' 11l lllillgi COllNl'lL‘l‘C‘l, cnry ('ii‘clc.ol “'OO R'T'i‘l'llfl'il‘ " feet 11"!le wnsfguimhnt to one x_u',lc an n N“ “ " WWWWWW.%§R ~, cqu‘nlcd (“mm“) ofthugnnt through route» ”'0 15"“195 “r ‘ “ . .um '\ run. award and came here with tlmt would lead on} this run] wus wflhuut‘ ilu'n‘hng t 0 uur shores. ’ ‘ fr." :uul lhlfiiiihling‘, cult-Ming to have my plrulld and II“ months it mix coniplclcd 11ml, “1“ fl'N‘ "("m‘fl of “bin is." min-h lwlur" ”in: an. rm!“ our to (-M', lwflm- l rcnrlml the routes caiahlinhcd it would hccbmc the than the nli<-u-lmnn~iti7m} 'l'hig j»; “.‘hno- the huu‘l in ”w city at anvnwvrlh; hut m great lint-91' @VL-l‘lfdfh‘éélil‘lhc East and the l rif‘Ml pliwln‘iiu" in-(‘luwlunrl Tl. gnu» own [Mill-"“l'v' 139m1: l;9""’“"‘l' l luvo lm“m‘l”d West»- ~ .rum-Lammc-Nmumm KW -3" ‘ M4“N£:; 3“"?“ll“:‘jmillllW'N-‘i Home Of llt'lifisdiln- ‘le‘il-r rulfinns'of Kniwhih'l . wen, \\ iivx HN mam-d a bill nswrting the L , “'c’hnvv no IlmTht (lull. he v id. Mlcilioi‘ N/n'lhiy of Iwirro chilikvn‘w 1h".- chihlnn: to his own lnwliwm. ' jH‘ l I _ Hggnjd n milmml sliififmlu nys bu gut ilpqp dhcvu‘y M'zsggronud gum-fully mgidiug every inch of .uunccfiww' dis‘uw-v, ‘ dud Every . . , Minute ofunincuswfry can mini", "“ "‘“k‘i .. .. . MI of poor white 1n mom; yhblhcr nutivc or' IKE 2171,5 ch \.' , We take the following txtmut t‘mm the ‘ Nqie'Yox-kq‘riil‘mw in ~relnt‘n‘m‘ to t)w"dim bethlimmt U!lm§(ollfla*&gk upon. the -. miicsgm llhtlipfllnirp) by. the: Know 4 hings»: ' , ,J Li}: A ,i ' 4 :f.‘ 'l'h‘ finmnt‘u‘lhfiia‘s at Bath. Rhine, Mo t 1 mitt”? sl.llth to )M' tlio‘curnci' I‘Ofit‘ oi. N new ehni‘l‘h ol‘ l lt‘il' denomination, but. new preventml “3' n run uly nmh, who puiielthlqnjil \lniremss. msullul lhun by (trulflnngungn, belated n tlng, Mn, and nttunptctl to displace itheir corner stone: but thia‘ “‘“R prevented ‘hymficmef Lkwpluc.’ _fl£g(:“nttitilicxxlL'\‘JG no rex-«iatnnce. returned nu taunt, Bfii'fi‘mtb" fllmlldoucd the ground “hen they found that {heinrcligiulw exenfises wank] not he njlmvctl‘ t 0 ltmceett with pm ‘tv nml decorum. 11ml thy); returned nith niusketzt mnl Mint n (10% ii qn ut' the! cmt’nntty mmnns My»! in their ‘ trim-Im. the¥ ”on“ have (tyne mi unwise hut. iert‘eetty_{u\tiflnhie‘ (Mi. The skulking my ii‘uru Mm lil'tlHt thfifi‘hh‘ntity tn nrnht the nntinge nt my point “here they Hume tn (tn m,-tmL nho matte nut n shag}- g‘xk-stwhnnhl t tune A huge fmrtiun ut‘ the (fisgm‘t‘e \vhix‘h \ this tifiundvtion lmq til vit‘nl‘tl upun‘ Ruhr.- t Null 0 1y Leer humt ul‘ : nl-h nn nntx‘age' upnn t the righh amt h'tli'm; ul’ any S‘hyiflinn per : sumitm :unnng n'x' punr In the tievt‘infit‘lllt'nt ‘ql‘ petition] Nutivi~m : no llmn would have Prat!“ ofthistll the Know Nothing" (Il'tlt!l'\ ”lbu'ljilt’t't‘l institutett.‘ It is n mun! n 1 pro : duet: ot‘ the a) .».u m nhieh sets men to t nar- Min}: nhnnt. i-ivnl events at the path. Huh {‘o' cdpth of fi-jeets (-nndidntes for ntlh‘e neeordi‘ 'iug to fiber thmi‘gienl predilwtitmui. ’l‘hé WWW amt—l...“ {lgem ut‘ tthtnow Kath; nu gum: mayni: up mwe of mfi-l exempjilh [cations of thtil‘plinannlitio “mt ‘Fltit'ititul hut lilt)’ ell Knnahly expect. to tlnelmin the tiger and use him as n xhecp itlug. -Thu lt‘hn‘tjll‘i they inegatc “m he hi rkt‘n In)" many in dun m i]; I ‘rnt’néstz mul ‘ tlw-nill ptansihli my llmt'it‘ I'tmnanism is w mtly n rm» to unr’litwrties muanmtk. it mughl‘imt to by permitted tn ditt'tme‘its \irn il-nee union: n'x The bnhngo'fn Mnint‘i». the .Unrinthiun t‘upitnl ut' the K 110“; Nothing tnutnpim in New ank tutti/)ifl‘hflgh\t;ctts." ‘ , L _ v V’ A Pnnrrur'mz: {‘umxr m lIJJSIHS.~A mrrvsponfient of 31w: 3!: Louis Rrpubliwn my! that “”0116“! outnkiria of the city of Springfield} in llliifdh, {here in n Portuguese village (Momnfin'ec hundred nlldfifly per: 50M. 'l'h'e'y arrived- (hero. ‘from Mmleirq 'fidutm )‘ms Imm 50mm: tnqmm Keen flCh, nml were exiled fmm‘Mndfim‘bi‘x niconnt of their Opinions; All \voré'flfcn Img.» 'l'hey here sustained for tilfic by (he ehm-iticx of their felluw‘tdwrzmen. hut nt {onglh lonmefl to suppgrt lhen‘aelvekfi They were very judfltrimw, very prudent; ‘nm'l nn'cr nfusecl hmwrnM’c Ind In‘xn‘ioun enmlnynu-nnu Nnnc were ever brought up to (he police. They-were unohlnlsivc in tk'i'dllzmuei's, ,CQl‘tt‘Ct-ill Hie'irrhnhils, strict in thdi‘ Mlemlnng'e at ehurch, npd‘haanL-vcr iim‘rforenlrin the: pnliiicj 6f the culxx\tl'3".-—- They hun- flight—n ehun‘h, nml occxmiunnlly, sunl remifl' nn'Nto (heir friend-t yet {cumin in'j upon 1h?- iuhnd-nl' Mmlcirn. Moat loc families m‘n’t helm and [mu]. Mnny of “it; ‘ olderones xu-u mill unable to speak the English lungxmgc. ‘ The ncit generation, Jnmvever,‘ l \\ ill prolmhlyvbc nbsorbml il’Ahe elnrlicw Impuinfion. r V I Tmrm \rm,'erkm~tr.tr.~ln his; address 'm the New York' sumo Fair, (lov..Wright. of Indiana, nmle the following excellent ing «Kß-$110,115., They compriue :1 volume" in a nut nhn": . , “ We must cullivnlc the root, not the tops. “1- mm! nmko [he fmm/y gnrt'rumml. [how «rhnol, the fium, the church, lhu shop, the 4 :WI A;-- A. In|m~dwfih (ummnhu-nk, .Wc 11ml «llgrngorour sum to he I‘nfimrrn. nrliuns, architects, engineer», molagislx, bumuislu, (-hcmiuu—in a word. plucliml mun. Thvir eye-4 [muse be turned from Wmhinglim to their Sum-u, counties, lnvumh'm. (him-i"... honwu. Thin is true pn trlulium. and lhc’ only patfinlihlu that will pcrppthUy brmnu lhc nation." Pin-xv Manhunt—lt is (Minimal lhnt‘ thirty lhnigsnnd mmh-is have reunmlutcd in (he Huh-Ht ()fllro, nii'w icnthH of which MC. or such!» nature thin iii’awings can {unify rcprc-zcnt them. illhtt ml of the more costly xnodr'h' thgt are now u-qnired. The hitter omtnn an average ‘3O (‘!\"h ; and if. is pm; pluicd that @2O, dollars be Snvcd to [he in ventor, mid instead of“ 1110(ch lei. him (10'- [unit >lO with thc'Dflivc to he r‘ciunwtl’in, mum of n-juflinn. Thix \i-dnhl inn-cg“: dull: manual x'cmnrr'cx (If the (Mm-c hy 320,000, at the [in-sent“ rate of imuw, and this Hum would vomtilutu a, fm'ui n’mply paying: for prqmring nuporinr Mimi J‘iiglc engravings mum: mum) nmnoomx. 11cm Lineman UlO Unilcd Sinics Smm-_ (or Mm Imxiiifvmi, in replying in nn 1” . . ~ “a“? he W 959!" 111 Ammo ‘ 9° to ' '1 in ‘Buifihifim. thul «now» up filafintjancypf Know Nothingimn :. 3% ~‘.‘" " “ Look lit Mua‘m-mm-[m : (hogs abolition lnm, ruligiOnH porst-z'niion.‘ and} 0 nor! gab ling ”sh-1n oi anifll (Hpioungc n'miv capob ‘mnp Under ihc‘ mil-i) of (clnpcrnncv, g 0 htnd in lmndi‘kvb‘mm (Tm willpim. inglcn‘ qf the muck n'ml persuasive toiicsof. Chfig’inn 1111i:- tormjntnicniing fin: pure and unprcicm ing Inorniiiv of (he (insprb, pvnco «m (m'ih mnl gnaw-{lt ngmm 1111:1911: q dqflluit and angry dK'ant‘iflilmm or xvii, 11m umgué» and oxcilvil partisans. May (10d 10:»; nvgrt lhe'ilnv who" the wondrous combinn 'onol'. the politician and primt, whether l‘rotc. an}; m- Lnihoiicfl shall find favor with the 1’! ‘ ‘2l of the American people! There (heal 3‘60 m - ‘ li-chmsk'n. pu-nuhcrq vthnmkrf‘l’urlh Meir unnlinnma ngninst, (ho mlmxninniiom of (110 land women of linhyion, (ho (”ft of tho Srorlct Proaliiuiv of Rome, lhn wlmi Hay their niliiliuicd lodgcs in Louisiana, n Imm ['iiliolil'n form so inrgv. n cunsfihgvnny Tw 'l‘in-y ‘ roni' you :in gcmiy M sin-king dnvces.’ 'l’horc, fln‘smxlin, oppowilion .(o Cnthulm’imn is no I'an of the know nothin'g crccd. 'J'hqy assu't boldly. and nltunpt ioprovo, that I‘ol liginllily'ilfl'ripiiflil it; not one of (he M’flit'il" wonis o ilmir‘érdi‘r. 'l‘ln‘ ‘ “mud to lhuir ticket, um] point. cmnplnccliiiy unlit-ir ('nlh oiic‘clunlidntcs for governor, iioulmimit‘gnv ornqr, and treasurer M ('o“('i_\|si\'o rcfuiillion hi: iiiqlmsolcss Hi'andur.” _ _ « ,< ' -x . .——A “~44 ,—.\ 11m; in} MILI‘. .\l.l\’:~.\ cyfi‘cspondcut ol' the Ethiiii-kI-§'-leutc{ymn gh-ca'nu old citi :/'.i‘n livingju [inlel County, nmnul Elijah )Fl'iney, \uho‘ia, prl‘lmpfl, thu‘oldi-‘st. man in lxzrntuckjrf He was one hundred; and ciglilét‘n years n? n'gé on thu lOlh of Septem hcflnst, nnd is M (wtjvc M nmny mm at fiwty'. llq 'uorkfl daily upon P. huh), and lhrnughmltrilw whole of his life has bt‘t‘ll a‘u (m-ly rider. He ~inl'nnncnl the writ-05, um ho had nevi?!" '(lfiil’ikiiimt 'One cup of mild» and that “193 in the YET!" 1813:"ch {my} cd seven yrnrsin the war of the. Revolution, and ' was wounded at the “('3O of Outlaw; \vns nlso'nt tho Hit-go of Savannah, and in the listlh! of 12(1an Springs. Ho mm also [HTS huh-L“. Jud-Aloud (Mush-n. Wloun (Sin and Monk‘s Comma. litigant} under Colomlx‘ ilprry'md Mum vq an eye witnesu ot‘ the Hulk-rings and death of- Col. lsm-llayno, of '3oqu k‘fizvling.m_ggflx vic tim of the Revolution. He is wrighlly mid active. Mid would be taken al'nny time-lobe a mun ol‘ middlu ago. He in n strict. int-in her of the Baptist. Chill-ch. Mid - riddu six miles m cvcryn-gulnr met-ting of his chum-h. He hns'four sons nnd l‘n’e (hummer-s, nll liv- t hug; the oldest is now '1 his 78th year nnd 11m youngest mu llfty-di‘ Such lsjn'lnivf ukctch of this aged soldier and republican, who is, perhaps, lhc only surviving Alldicr'qf l‘miiqis .‘luriun. Sumter and Harry. ' ~ me man Agnmgg: i all \\ ill be rmwxnheml‘flgnf jmmgdiatdy ‘ after the onnclu'lcnt~ 95,1139 bhxxlxwlffly's which characterized (he Inuisviflc Cll'(‘li(m, \ . . 20‘0“” ‘ ‘ the Know Sothmg l’nln'rs‘TVory “110 ch '3l" ‘ tempted to fasten the responsibility of‘thcso ‘ mpguinm-y outrages upon the Dcuvwmliv 'fiquy tun] its fricmla‘l; l'iom editors labored 1 ‘ nnlt-any to convfni‘c thginihlic that Know ‘ Nothing“!!! washot (o 141“"?me Urge mun; gcs—lhnt (he MIIW'UIM )mlfifln-re Beyond censure ——Uml DL-mncrncy, mu! Dc ”MWBO’ \[ns tp'sh‘nuhlv the a“ [M rut spam: ul y. Unfiéiuiis or ‘ hirimffn-r, flu organs of thc' Dc:nm’ml})§lrty I‘V‘llminwl calm, and quilly mvui xl'l‘m: limo to Mar the retard. Thu A'v/Knul Infill/1;: nrrr, n pnpcr “hiuh bluntly ‘nufcxsully M the lirhd of tho nmmuitiox? Dcmm‘m‘y in thgl'niun. llms‘spc‘flcs ou/ his subject. “'clnsk all parties to rcml: ‘ " ' ‘ ,“ Met a careful cxmnimliun of dl let ‘Wb have noon bearing an thu'wint, Imm: nn Wprtjmlicedmtndy of Hm mfirk‘u that have appeared on thm subject in the lnuiavillc joumnhi, we lwhevb 11ml. (he blood ml the skin in on tho lmmls 01‘. Know Nothing»— Thc “morn;an many, nlfi'com'incing.” . > W‘n— - MARKS Rn“ srAl'xus.—\\'u lrmn from the Wmhingwu Star tlmt it lugs hu-n derided ‘hy the Poe“ (mire Dgpnrhm-ut that. :1 INCH“ )n‘yk film» or nronn-l am nth yrlibunwnl. ox" [ulhcr article m a'nuwnmprr, dams not. MN»- l sch the mm upupcr lo lettu- posmgu; (IN by such mark no mlditionul infurumliun is eith m- lulu-(l for or Lvlqtlnugimh-d, Thirty “OW nlmfild he!!!» mudemluml u allmvjng win/c to be used by which inlbrmnlion :tl for 6r givofi: Any (luvivn—u letter "’o‘ fur illslnngu— l 0 imlicalc the “rind mvtiptiou lung (-xylimd. or in nhom m‘ EVEWJHWWW A, pnpn- to letter (mango by weight! and ‘ if that is mlrpditl‘, the l’otlhnnalcr of lhu Ilf- ‘ lice of (lglh'ery is ruguiml‘to n-lnru ch" [in-'1 per to (he mailing olllco fur prosecutmu.‘ The J [gully is live dollars. I ‘ NIKE-flung. F’i'lire are four Tonilm‘izfii umvmmmm s‘le ‘H‘fl‘mhlyr within a qu‘ entitle them (0 mlniisqiun m Slim-s. -» The ratio a! Congmsfiionnll ammrtionmmt in now one rcpvlesenmtivo to every 93,121bhh lmlviluls. Ilul it has been cmlrmmry hen» :Qt‘me to mlmit Territorirs’n's :‘llnfc'; with a Hingle Remxenl fix; wl’icn their pnpufiffion nmmmlcd to (main. ‘Lllnllcléoifl, it appear», in} the recent census, luu n popu'lntkm 9! over 55,000 and la rtplllly growlng. ,Oregon, [Mt year hm; 48,000. afiil pmhly'l'mw‘ eqiinln‘Mfimesom. ' New Mekico hm}. at the 1 time of the mnnnlion of her Tcrrihi’finfl (Hiv ernment,‘ (in 1350) 91,56?) illhfi‘l)itnntH-~ ‘ Knnlns falls lwliilfll either of lhoéé other» in ‘po'pulntion but the fncilllios ore-migration nml nonlcmcnl. thcfiy are so much greater that it will soon overtake them. . i omm; Dllmn.-’l‘hc \vorkiugmcn ,in the Eastei‘n cipius are omnuizingwompnnics for the purpose of buying :fiour in the 'cht, where 'l9 can be plucbuéd fur chcnppr, and opcpizgg a More at “which this necessary of lifu out} he procurgd at something like a, ray Bonnhto pricg. Ibuproposityinn is that each | Av'orkmdn who a pertain munbor 01,51”ng at ’ stochjfi‘whm snvq ”LUHHCINUH from thé ru iqqhfi pricgg (lomndgd fur [lbur hy spccu a .Qplzfl "fl'fl‘hé pluilju a Tundlnlc ohc, And should ‘ M‘Put‘iqto opcthtjon whorvvur thb’z’ohrc in ; (U‘vulunln enough t 6 enter into} joint flinch ‘ campan with n capital or flvu or nix thong. iivd mfg}; “‘ Duo-abundant mpu Mind past n are pmof unit thbx‘u i» no ivmil of .9 and the 131-0801;“):in am u‘crclgxp, ) menus junnflu‘flu. jlirczuj 9‘13 It_.lo hp h vatnfnh’pjico‘,‘L ~ ddress at the Democram‘fitandtn Co». A‘ ' a; mitten of Bork; (entity-Em ---.. . ‘ “'9 call t o nttciition‘b: tho Deiiiocrmy of (itiiitfivéimty-to thew foiloifing AJlrosn of ‘ the ”gamm-Mtc StundingComiiiittuc of BorkiiV 1 t'onhty'z‘ mixing upon tho pnidy tho ncco‘mmy nt‘ uii'iihuréd'lhto inul thorough organization. 'l‘ho', uoxt‘cninfmign _will he one of me grout-I‘, (‘Ht imfiortnii«-. 'l'hi' olil Whig warty mul'l llULlllxu' hut that part}, with till lts (‘l'hus "ft-v dii-iu-v mnl OLnirnn'llrt‘H. wnu u lintriutii' Imin Lin-Hy: your Pli‘h'flll with innit nro iii-itln lu' lllli', IMF the iithtr. liy illlln i‘nlvululioii, 'lls'il’l'Jll "iil‘fl nub'oiity y... 1:456. of 115 m». , r Elle fin. to ilolt. it i “11l not he ll'l‘t\ll\(‘ n cmmor, hut homing liiht‘ lltM'h not HI” to «lo " 'l‘o nilu:t ii I pr"‘llll1.:llil)lf." the Count ' him. A in u 193 i”; n-mialhksmnaißl it‘mmiuilm- 01‘ your t‘niliit)‘ hni‘i‘ “Ni iprnlmr in mhlrrvi to on this cirimlnr. ‘ ' he atll‘ll“’-ll"f‘ i:l'v".i4l to tho ('oiiii'nthin‘of lvhfi, XIE‘L' fit ll '0 :ipliiiintul n Coininitlie for (will ‘nl‘ _lhi‘ii in‘nuughx \Htl'li ninl Iti\\l|r{l|lll" t'l'hi'y :trv rl';“l""hd l»; “W i'mnmlttri‘. helm-'5O I’lln y'hiivv hwu "hum-ii Ivy you lull-)lmlr ro]!- I‘L'ht'lllfllll'L'H Tor thi- (girn-ntryi'ar. 'l'ht‘ ilii tim' l't‘.‘|M'i'llY\'ly nnu “lot, to give public uutii'qtil flll thv [ii'ol-lv- lil' thi- ll')\\'|l‘illl]\ to ‘ “with!” L' :i', n tinii‘ nuil plni't- (tltv-innwt min livi-uio‘nt) tu «minim n livinormtic 'l‘mi‘mhip ‘il'lllli for 11!;- l'rrsulrntinl utmtionol‘ MW), Iwiii"h Ml i'ili'm‘ils nh'mlil l»: inwtxil to nt'f' Itdnil “ind ."l'll‘l‘xnt' of your principle»; but i“”l' Kw.“ Xuflmgs :inil Almiitionist'i 'ou [min ll:l\t"ili) fulluu‘hilllh {ll% n l'rodiih‘nt n d Seen-tin o'ml jpgint ()oingijtlci-i gig in“ llil. oflevery voter iii lyour townhhiz, to ‘ ,ilttoiiil lii umpwmrnts, «‘91., Ind we"; ' u I'll“ turn ulll'or the \uli-H on tho day of the [t'll't'll‘llhh 'l‘hi4 v-luh «hull hiuc nif‘m charge Int" (hr~ din-“menu, Herman nnil English, for itllhll’lhllhofl during tlr- 'tJJllHl‘i'H, nnvl also the holt' lmnrr to t'i.\ thc llmt‘H niul [iliicm lLu' imam; iii-dim in .Ut'JL.‘ opt-cum an; {rich for \ihivli thin rnniinitlm- “-m (,- .(d (iirfiiifg'ififldic uwuku-i Mint ”in 3 i , cnnvm may» ‘Wit‘dlnk'?’ nttgr the ammunition on ya" chili. fmmri l i‘chrt by mail, a, mu t‘hiiirinnn ul' thi~< ('fllllllllilt-v, (it-urge W. llrllt‘lxlnhll at Rowling, )liuy out-m and‘ your lhmt Hill u»: N . : inuihliligui to Lhr iilwi'ui‘gnnimt'ou‘ 'n') ‘ “filth" 94" "mung/ii- i'luli orgnnimil “who "'9" it” *‘l’Vimmln‘iirflt of which with”! l” l‘l‘i"‘ilri' fl'fillllnlilt‘ rhih man} in tlii' cit , “Wm!” H“ \rho mm to cull, M‘iiibv'tl' Hpthulflh’ null ilm-iunonh, i 0 ' I othqri'lulm out nl'flm m ' 7 0., @s‘ (NH? (O'Oflictihigi iii" when, the “‘IIN): “WM“ City- .Bmintymrc ruvnmrm nth-in} ii Lighliu rating“ tit Mxidr Elincrfs “wish on tu ny, “ct. 27,1“ 7 o'clock mu. “’3'.“ il‘ serve that in thin address we. hire Nani, t little nhout tho LlQ‘rnn min; Ihr n-nw for it ix, that the pro ilc of l’cn‘ii— xyh'inn xii-o nou- twine settled that hiic’utioii lit the [lot box: and nlthoiigh mo'tlrut was iittrily ltil’tngnl‘slt‘ll by n, Know-Nothing 1"}:- Ihltlill tho NOWHNI will he fitiUil‘nll ohsst‘r \:cil h Duinncmtih anrmhly'. '¥ilt‘ odi- Him lmv‘ iiill lio rcpt-sled, and in HA {“162 uniul nnd rlgorour Licmiw laviwill )0 “(it , coining u)tot in re ulret icnts of the ti nnil Cliltzlllllllt'd to [iii-volt: Mid ‘6 puum he .iiii'sivn mg of till the!" it, li'rlhnl '(vncmui:lnn‘«ut ‘upon (ho, Gunfight“;- tm Ml ' ht of th: citizen, to roguWhiu OWJLL'B _ miil ilrinkin min himpwu my. Afic- nr (iignniznt‘hm We rill nililrcsn \‘tl'l'flgfii ‘ mimic to time; Ind therein datum:~ 1i! your pmaeuliuits ho public) i)‘o|l.luiiro HO rut, no wuqcnluwnts [mm “if; Lv‘kop'lcfl ’l‘o c 'Dc "carat, incur nolilo'olg V. county we now - i iii. Your nmmtr ail/.1. J ilict or ry' man " I his (hit '4 hit-’01:! lit-rim iii-up snchn ,- i in ratio, “will M n h‘ im: term to. fl‘ui'ai uncut ot‘ patritian ' , H w, lipii n. :11, 'our Cm tr .‘ ‘ i ' “‘3' I drawn: “7’: ll’i’dvmugtli"mt¢mfihfi,u m l‘lou Vin r I .-