*‘l \ : 3&1) ‘v ‘. ' ‘ 'u _ . ”if, “I.x; ‘ ,-~ ~ U ‘ :‘V ,M V.‘ v' .4 . ,_ ‘ ‘ - (v u: . . . ‘ - u '\ 3‘5 \n , ' .yr‘ \. ‘ . T . . _M - ‘\. ‘ ‘ r . . . . - ‘i' - _ . .. 1,42,. “ ‘. "l, A. 4'. 21.4.” ~.V.._ ”Ma-H . ' ’~\-m‘ ~ .. ~ . . .‘ . . . . - ‘ - v ~W~ye~,,.,. ‘ . ,_ . J}... I; ... ' A‘, k ‘. A ‘33er '3" .. :I“** ’ - - v-‘ov ‘ n - ' ' . h, 1"“. ' ‘ “"‘4'3! ‘P‘W‘Vrv wwm mum...” ' ‘" ‘ I; - ‘ .A - ~ ' ,fi .7 , “51%?3-01'3: 03“,"an ns'flé.’ , , “3.. ~_:,;.‘ . , , i “find” . o. 9., I > , ‘ ‘_ ‘ . . ~» L.. - A 1 2 .‘r i“ ”l .. '4‘“ ‘ , |’~ x, I m; A . \ - "u”; if v w ~ A . '3 ~;~ .’_ _'» ~ . .r , ' ‘ y .. , v. «mm. .1 a ' ‘, ‘M .l . § 3 ,-1 , mu {.2- zm a . .. - \ fl , . " , . 1A ~. . 1,. , __ Was}; *- A" .- , ‘ - ’ ' ‘ U u- v , .‘4 "x V ’ .' r' ‘ ' ‘V, ‘ ..1 . -. x , - . ‘ “bk . or .. .v. . :w p v w .73....fi...‘ m,V . ‘‘.m+ f ’ ‘..,. fl.— .7 V A' ~" ' H ‘ " .:v(.“,.--.-“-,‘q _ '.‘{‘~' 7‘ r';‘ ‘ . ,n , ‘ mm . fié ~ 4 s. m. r. .4. _, 4‘ .57 ,: “‘- ""“"‘"‘,‘L"!T' P." ‘4 A? ‘ ' , I I " 'V‘ A 1‘ r P U ~ ‘ '. . ‘H '- , .L‘. __|_ A“. _..__..x.‘_4 1A,.,,,,,L , ,L . ‘ I‘; ‘ -.3..;:.,.”k ‘ .H n". \ \' ’ “ 4m . , In _ VT. ‘ ”N 711! ‘ “an ‘ ‘- aw I pretended to Hludy the paper“ lml‘urc mo, but the lights dam-ml and lulughd: and if, lvy mugl-g-llhrl J forced my (-ym ) lllsliu guifll‘h‘l’i‘m‘crmwyod hut tlufiliflllt‘fl ,uiunuipg In my whirlhfirffil‘ulnw +lmyllnifi‘ of: blood lu my hotly sV”"“‘%.j"".’l“‘l lllllk‘fl. swmlglcnuscioiwnuss. am to hm tingling? and rushing lo‘Lhc uldv next to -hL-r, whose presence wllh‘m a Nlmrl d‘mlnucu nf nn‘hxyns Um duly ‘lhing of \"llll‘ll I had 9 (llql‘inclyur cvpliou‘l I hung my llcud to llixlul'ml‘gl lit-1" my emotion. of _' which I was thoroughly nslmmcd. . ' ‘ ‘ v‘ ' . 1! may well he lmliéVL-d that I wfis in no mmlllilm tn gifimll profi-Nsiodnl oplulirri : but I got ovu’r [he (lifilcully hy lellingwa must have" limé lo study thu anc. nnrl luto'mislng in let her know lho‘n-nult." ~, ' f " You nmun‘ tin-dome fulluw,”'ahu slid, “‘illm-fiflNAWquiu 'r. ‘f l rv'xflly‘. #5:- pertcd for once lirym lily, mull'fnr-trfflvad. too,.you,mighl have ll‘lll of the law‘s du lays, Mid givb m r opinion in lmlf Mi hour: 140 far, it least, Ml la ml mu whether than: in any pmhahllity of my ‘hcing Able to (101 ml desire. "But I am are like the rent of the lmvycrs-timcl time! lime! 1 flllppow you will keep shout. it. {ill llgxu flair} 3‘ "q] “iii; fail! nllm ‘7‘ ‘ Luau-ma in mu»livi~.‘lw-~.'~>_fl—Tr Iw~ ~‘r ,l "71‘ T‘H’jmy not mm mon- um um n‘ti ‘1 hour to «Maw {l6 'ifillhh‘wlwu I. (rmrdire‘cl. ml my thoughts tor it for that space of timu," El n-pllul. and I know that tho womb; mlllcd Ilikq xhot out of my mouth. “ But would L AW. huyund um“, gum,” mud“ _ l you he an unrcn-immhlu M, to n-quirc an nrl ‘“ 'Awunuy hrightmulfuir, H fill: 1041111“! a slrmg‘ht huc “hon he was which nomlunn hulk—(lull uml the Lamb " "l' f under it 111, of dch'rium lrcnmm‘l" . A f . [ls light‘nml belimy are '1 “ You are Im;jlgcpixnprulicxlnilllu» pox-$01M" I ; she suidfmthcr coldly, “59 I Shall lqnvo you ’ l w your. legal and lfivful a dim. But if you lure going to have qn‘ntmfi of dclhlum tru ‘ lanolin, perhaps I hml'lmtlor bsud in thu duo ] mom In no Hum: clucmh bop, .. ‘tor. Shall ?" .' '-, . A 4 hhwl ill’l‘l'nllll llwy go“ . ’ “ “‘0“, 1 din“. nnliéipMc an ntlm'k this ‘W m. “we" on!” "mlmo"y.""“"- . t’llomiug." I answered with n fbfl'ul laugh : ' w , f,” wuh mplurc‘mrwl ‘l“ sn‘l will lwl give you lllc lruuhlc. 'lw \ When 1' ya: hang. 1 ozdlod them mmef irate: is, l haw boon \iult-nlly ngilnlcl) 11 short. \ _ Nuw llc-I‘uq'lfiul on” {"0 ”WY- . limo, nml my Iniudhxw not qi'fil'e rcL‘nH‘l‘ul Ml mm chilm Ivn ngnln. ‘. its }1]ullll)riullx." , .- ~ ‘30:“ 3“ “HM! 3" l “'0 talked u. re‘w mingle»; longv‘r—hhi- iiu'm l’uh-qmifigi‘licmon'ubfihlg-IW IWL‘PN‘» ling me in her light playful mmmcr——:uul I ' Th"? ll “Q,” 9“"! "7' ‘ ldvliglllcll in he no lczlznl, slundiuc stupid wing“; 130.531: W 9'7” . " and slumh, varcvly able in :m'y a word, I“ o c“ I \ ! llmugh Very n‘uxiulm to lliili<>iig"llgc delight» , ’ r ful moment» by keeping u]! the “M of bull \\ I inngu. Al. lcnglhm'cut lo'thc door, and : \w'ag algal“. l!) "Quart lwr dawn unit-n, what: 1 ”0” = wand smm- one upenking lfoléw. ‘ l “ flood God ‘.“ she 'i-xclu'rmvul, clinging‘ \vildly‘lo my arm. “that is my huslmhd’n Vuiw : lf he liml‘: mL' here, l mu ruiiml.” “Don‘t he alarmed,” l rcpliwl, «:uduuvnr iug lu rcassun' lwri “ ynn ('IUIH‘ lwrr uu lul' him», too! He m'uhl only low you the ' ! oumol he the change «hi: um: I ’ \Vilh Iluoh nn m'cu p-xn‘l . ' I mark nut wlwn Hm mink! (all ’ Upon my fading l‘ncfi‘ “‘. ’ " » \ ___H...._.Lkmur_£m old; ml at» A luau; ' ‘ It jim :u ynuixg and 3K , .Al e’pr It was heron) "lynch; ' , or brighl'hrown Wm grny .~ . , 'l knurlhese aye: ‘ulgur ayes. ‘ glook pol 50'}: uwd glad . J: Aachen a», "shin-d; mu] 30L ‘lis not 3' ‘ Bme iwnrt'u'mnm rul ~ 2.4:;‘j'm‘nr «ML-[Jul will: purqrjay ‘ ”If"; Hunting uluudn and g‘uwillg skim, -; While gliutum‘ng wars 9r rnpgurc nu ' I'lhcsu old und fadin‘g eyes. ‘ _ - Arpd win-n I murk mo chuck macro (M6O Tho bright. rose mm} m “by, ' ‘l'. grlmei no not to sun Inm'ud . Tho ullnnnd crown my bruw. ‘ ‘ l‘mlsm-n live flaniér grow out and pale, Ami \vulwml More um“ f; ‘ ’ I‘7}. 3‘35}! R law fly at or] chug}. ‘ Then dump away and div . “All! Ibo“ lvc IDDI'I it rim lug-IT“, ‘ Bright)!!! 0% honmlng ukyL A 0“,, . .’ \ AMI young and pun nod lmuurul— ’ ‘ “ V V And‘full HIM Io shlll 1 \‘ The): whit. H lam growing vld —- ,1 ‘L : innufi in. than im ~ . A m. This loving hand In nu 1 low €0.60 Hm sun 34: «jun-n, And lunggl‘lenlng uhmlovrs throw Along the ground, whilu u'cmny hum! 'l'llq.cloudl in crilm-m glow I germ to licoFlliWundnmi‘lnng _ Rcrlomyoul slnncn ling, V And my hem-Hum {n juin lhr “mung To ["l'uho thu lluavL-nly King Oh! I 1111 glad I'm [mun-g o‘- l’nrtury day I npnunlv smm brim; nu- O‘uc (lay nearer Bflxht thy that human A FATAL CON Ir u lxamm “mun: _ 4- Some yi‘srs lflcr I communal. pmv‘uuc ~ but the precise due [ ulmll, f Imam. run NONI, ‘nvoid mentioning-4 ?J n frirml n} whose house [Wins a pretty ("Maul ViiitlY-r. III: Ind 1. wife, who wy tlm mugm-t that dww me there. Silo Mi lmnuliful~but l .nlmll not nttcn’lplfl/fizrribo her. She-was more than qul+rhc was fxuc‘nnting | Mfiu‘vnling. “or prrwncc “as to me like thé' inhxictliun or opium. I was only‘inppy under its inthn-nre; hull 3th that indulgonrv in thx- rm] plvnmrc. I Hank WW6 deepest dospondum‘y. Tn uiy (mu Wlioh. I munt my 3&lan I ncwr, Jn word or look, betrayed my I'm-lungs, though I had mine reason to suspect (hnt they wrrc reciptocated: for while in my rumpmly :hc wudwayu guy. briflinut and u My, yut, in I burned fmm others, at time» line was (man rind Ind‘lnclancbo‘ly'. Powerful, mm". power ful. WI» (he tufiplntiuri tu make an unre ’ send disclosure of my how: but I: finish ed i}. That I had the “mum-art motto do, his l x _ One morning I utalonc in my dumlx-r. ’ My alt-vi wu Ibflcul. A gt-nllu knock wan v, gnu outlluo LL thb outer door. I uhuglqtl, ‘ , “Bruno in!" in no very uni-Me humor, {or ‘ ‘ l‘ \us‘indulging 'in n deliciouu ruvcric upon ClucOHuhject of the lady of Tiny heart, and the . men-1&5 of “.mdimry mortal mud hateful; A -Tbo door opened, and )llrn. -—~ till-"red? I ‘ ' I» not. know" cxwuy ’Wlml: I did, but it ‘ ‘ ‘~ scuncdlome slung Linu- bt-l'urt- l lmd thg' ‘ iwcr l 9 Tls‘.‘ and “ch-mut- lwr, while slxc’ _ , nbmlztl'wrc «am. a timid pm). am Ml ‘ Mt’llfitl} uwlu'mo foul llml it would be ; iwwflrhnf’pinmx for me 10 dic for bur. “ ] d'fl‘t wonder up} yuu arc Nurprihcd to ’ “9:11“, lit»? aha begun with“ pmlvoking‘ r little {uuglu “Kym" “Will-Aliment too: great go tllow you to' “How do you do 7"” l The spell wns broken. started up, not] ‘ “ rlook her hand: I mod it more f v.¢.lrmly,md held it longer mu almw} ' lutcly gwcossnry. ' l ” Mums youruuryrise will be ifimw' 1 rhgfigtéxmfil, “when I. inform y that l . wine on business." g... ' I 'l muttered Something‘qlmu‘flm‘fg’lng so umbithub In l'o hope that ulm won] it me from my oflvor motive. 81w took» Mlicc ) of what I said, but] pt'rcblVl't] llm cr fucc ‘ 0:11:34 deadly pale. and that _ hand ~ bled as she plgccd before mu‘ll‘upndlc ‘ .5. M New ‘ ‘11: ‘ “ You will see lly.tl\om',’: she ' ‘id. in n “To’w, llurrinl'wlco,.x.‘lbgtnomc {flatly wru lcl't to me by my “11614:;an hwy grunt]- “then and so fluidly actual (hilt mien I can ' lmwlx nothing but the lnlfl‘lst. Slut: my husband is in want of alarm: Imm or man” . ' s9th momunl. nudrl' wish you 10 examine “Wu-f]! dl'air W net: whfillgm’ by Amy “I‘6“ 3] u law, I can place any part v-my “Phil at his dupoyalw Uuinlcnlimmlly. ] have done [film a great wrong, ”ohcfidtljgd. m m .03., J‘M’lt m” war 5 . ,’,.n , _ 'yunly; guy; a 33W: 6:9”. 55",? " _ 1 My . ‘ ‘. “4%! IR!v u_ A I . _ ' EC= llllu‘k‘ for It.” ‘ N You. dont linmv nlmnl this so no“ N} l v (lu," she mid. Iliufhlerhng mmvulniicly. “ llu ‘ l is juicnd—akcwlinp'ly, of you ; and uh! I i fear not without some came. Hide mo numb. ? “hurt', fur nun-y upkc 1" , l l ' I do not know hmvit Imiipvngl, but my" Arm was nmlrml hur. and l_ half—curried ha I ; MrM-i the momfltu n largo hook ('lnscl. , J VT?“ )0" my hero?" I mm imam; ‘ “I will lvnvu the dml' ajnr for nir.” 5 . “ Nu. Hhut “9‘oth ilrlnkcgwn'v the key, ] ,lurl slmll "(if 11-11 anv. Then-iii! plunly of, air: mul'shc sprang intollwrect-ss. - For om- moment her efci met minw, nml l Lllmught llwy' hemmed with n-(‘lcup imptub lnioncd law. ' The. Inuit, I Iqu lockud the, ‘dmr upon my (TEL-Kurd. lhruwn this-yup: s, Kuhn llsd—lmiughl. into I drawer, and was It]. fluently liuuy w ith my pc'ri when my friend 3M.» lkwanmflmhh -n ‘ Way inqucution mu upon curtain pains bf luv res-pecking marriage settlements, has and aha; n.‘ tbdinuflmnmunt of circnmlucw lion, he gave mo in undggund that '3l) this regard»; it (it"ircll \rnnnfu- of wine [unlit-fly or his; wifc'fl into hill ’own hands. 'llc lmd‘ tunic ”W“ the smm: uranrl u that generous Omlum. flu luullnlso' A copy of her Mu tivcs will». andlhoxc I was culan-llud to ex :unina chm-Ly fui‘ he was dcipcrntuly purli- ‘ ‘ luiciounn‘nll‘wonld not hu put. air. .l mu 3“. lg”. .g we thought of what his your “lfc "an Lu'puflln'ug, ;.:2t.u.',\.iu that "“1199." ‘ prim"). IML umlmuia' lmvr: kicked m llumlnind out of’lllxirs fyr' keepingfhor thorn. iii. lust he nudun movc‘u if to go, I start“! ‘uppnd “cabal; to hm him out. ~ - “ So,” said he, tying up him paprra with iprovolu'ng delimitation, “nothing but. my ‘ wifu's death, you any, can put mu iii-posses slon of tlfis-nmnoy. I want iturymndi. ‘but nobody “ill suspect mo of desiring, lmr death fur the salsa of having it n littlci manor.” . . ‘ He laughed at, his own poor jest, and mxulu J} run-rt. of hymn chorus to 'it, thnt‘ ’éa‘duded» Itrnngo‘lirid hyfilu‘h'fll, oven ip my‘ own; cunt: ' He mm It inm’, hnl ifnppm‘l ngnin onfiw mail-s, nnd detained me there talkln‘g (in: full llvol'minntos longer. I fell. by sympj'ithy nll the mug}; of uuffncutiun. \fy' tin-out soc-mm] Hivqilqn- any ~l‘urohr-at} lmrntlnxf.“ (ii-cut Hod! will hp imirwhg' gone '1 Will he .‘i’t‘md here gosqirping about the wmlhvr and Lhtzg'noruilfigs of't'hu law; “ whilg‘his luvely wife, who came to mum,- [llvr individual intnrcst for his nuke, (Ich n. l’hvrnilile and lingcfing "death. I rushed (‘9' Lniy blink room. A iltcp behind mo Mal we turn round“ L! ill“! Clcr‘kffiur3f3V? him. I ground m’y tcgth ln unnvailmg fate. (would have stabbed him-'shot hirhTllyu cut his bruins-~hurlcd him liqadlong down [fitfijfi‘jfllf’i’nfviélvpcp \vopm; . -- :lami’wfifes»:hazar,*:!.»r£v.§fiétfi‘£ “£2, «9 '- W‘fi',°w- $9341); ”.4 U» . ‘H 4."; 1. ‘};fit‘\‘gfi7~.}¢mfiflw ' ”-3 7' ‘Jmiw'llu hm gum: ufi Fleet My} ,‘ 1‘ tm'ilk: ‘ run nl‘Lur him um] request him’t‘n :\\'u ”we } [)Qgfil‘fi with me. \‘Suy, l 5) hiuf [‘ Mm 1!“!th \to cxmuinc (lgvnl more ‘ut my lufiiurc. Run, wn'quiukly. mvldjulf‘ll mfl’lxjkc l‘xim !" , \V'gits'bfi 'diwppcurcd.’ I uirTde the key of ‘ an}; gut”; (loonywd upmfl’g Yt‘uwm’d‘Hw' élusut As I “Ilede it, I rgxnumlgg-x'cd the 100 k she gave my an‘ NM “mm it :'I .Woudorlsf With n. healing;hcutnwhcthur tho mum) expr‘cssipn would meet Lmy cnynplurgtl gum “‘th I opened it. Tlmremlgc stood with her eyes ennui} flxgd bn-ininc. ~ . ' “ You-fie anv,‘(lcnrcst !" l numnnrod. She did not rebuke Inc for culling her no; end emboldened by her silence, I took her hand to lend her from Ith narrow prise/u. b‘hc moved {l3m Md, and fell into my nrnm n col-pew! ' ' ‘ ' _I cannot well rcqqrd Mum Tollowcd. I unly’know ”TM. mory monus was tried for hoi‘ restumtitm lo .‘lifci hit all”! without HHCCCHN. Or one thing I \vns lh'miy mn ivlnucd~shu Ilml uni. died from mllméution. I had once Hutu the lfody of n man who Imd (lied fmm HIIIYOL‘IIIUH- I n-collwt his HWUI lon and purple fnce. And his lnx \mrm limbs: Hho mm pgllo, rigid avid. The tumult of her _om|£motiunllmmt.mi'c killuLJmnuwfup-fi imkrw “I'd" ~ - “4“ ¢.;“...;;;;. ‘m‘meiiria I ‘l‘pr iii" ’hit» ‘ a knowledge ql' “fit-ion find every 'ono ‘éli'ie. ‘ ’All that night I was trying to recowr her. ‘ Then 1 formed the project of iihiittiiig her up 1 in this closet~locking up tho chamber, iiiid going abroad fortwchfv‘yuu-a. liut'thrvidcn ‘ was rejected an won as t‘umiicd ; for it \vntild lliu hardly [VONiililL‘ that \hv lirt'Hl‘nt‘c of n Idcndrlimlyila thu houw Would not be div ‘ covert-d before that time. Next I thought of tit-Ming tlro ti) tho plncc, burning all my book» i and [mum-I, mnlu‘ng n l‘uncml pile of them, ‘ and thus raining flinch“ to prciivrvc the sc lvrct. But that thoughtJOo irais dismissed. It might cxumc luss"of life xmd property to i inhny innocent pcoiilo, and it would be a bungling proceeding nt'tn’ all, and if this lire wns discm‘crulfinfly" paling-min, flu-mm, mob, all would‘brvak in. and finding her. lmgly thrry, nlL.Amuld be luxl»l, '- ,+ , ' ’3“ ‘” '1 .I|.. .V M ‘ ."‘ ‘5 ~ 3- ~— - 2,_. .J. W, . »:.~ m» 9?“: ,1..,‘.,.fi«..1. .: 11‘ 1 q - x3' .1 ~31.- : , '- »~ Wm, WW“ ~ baa-4. \~’ r ‘ “41 \ -"';~"" “Ma, '_ .- 4‘ 9 , ~‘Z3 » . . I . fi‘ll‘rflfl“ "I: Tfi'f‘fi' ' ' ‘~W~L|\uuu_ . ~.~_.-~ ’,, V, ‘. , I.r 1‘ », ‘ M 1 :1 .. ,1 . , . ‘2“- ~ A~ 41 - ‘ .'. .A.. a 3 ~ .v- r ~ ~— . . ‘ , 'JHu , .:_1 ' Mp, . .Hl:3 ‘ ; 4'l; t 11,. ,~- ‘.." 1 1/ ~Tl;'.v; , yum?” 1.1 '~ , Krlflwy , 1 :m M'I‘LQ ,1: n 1 ‘ ’L”h I : u H {‘l‘ 9' 1" ‘lv rw'ME :1 "1' ‘. ' A. 1.“: '.. »"."~“'.M¥~ "V 47 21, 5:”. may ”,1 f? ‘ , ~ ‘ . ‘ ._‘. 1 , ' ... . “mum at, NAT“ 11’} .1" k ' .7, "1“ ‘' \ N 'l' ‘3' 1r: L-,’ 2 5 " "' ' t ’ ”""1 M v x~ 4 » .u . ~ 1.., . .1 ‘ . 'H , I 4" Mhfl ,1 I_ll ~t . . I ~IA f ‘ ,1 1 I 11"»7 7.21.3, fiw. I’l. .. _1 _' ~l‘,. . ,1. , 1.2 L's: , 5:, .'.’~‘ ~ f 93‘ v “ 2.‘_4~‘~ ‘h' 2 ' ~ ' ~ + ..,,1 {12“91 i ~fl 4‘. ~.\ ...-~~ ~ ’75 ,3 my,» :4 ~:,_ -.2 ~ h [,l . 4 ‘ 1?: ‘l‘ sf9' J {W A u ~1u:1 '4l 5' , [4. pr“, 5' I; .V_ .17“. 1 ~“V» n H . i». 1. ' f 74., fl.‘ u u... 1 , ‘ ,¢ - V , 1fl 2- 2;: -.-.-, , ; g . - *w., ‘H J,, ~ ‘ l' . '’Kv». ~ - , 1‘ "‘"‘ “' v-gu.’ vs I\;V' ' '9‘” ““‘“’...'___ ’ ' ~ ‘. . 3 - ~.. ,“ . 1M Ma) . .‘ lg . , ~ 1‘ - MW“ , u 1, g -. . 1‘ ,;~ ‘1 {.5 . . . ‘ "'l‘ * 1‘ '11“- ' ‘5l“. .1 ' -'-1. ~ . 22.4... ‘ 1'1111..1.."9L 11M. , ~1 - 1- 1 I. 4,; 1, 1:1 . . , . , ‘ . 1 1~~- 1z» ,1 11 v M 31212 éa Irr 1 . 22 .. ‘ .‘ ‘., -~ . , L '; .. u.' «.2 , , , “4., ._ .. , 890, ~., “w y“ u,. .11, ~._.2' n / , .w.‘ 1 , ‘' 1‘ 223-“. _, “L..;::::, -2 " “2. ." 4, ..Ls_-!~—-....'_.,.. -,. (1.3..N~ . ’ ‘ - I. I ‘ " > ' "V ‘ ‘ . " ‘ 7~~"v-“" " ' v ‘ i . 1|,»..,,4,-.;l.:m: . mm.” d 1110‘ flush l cu’rb llinn the m'mmiomil: rcprml‘s “'llm I‘ll)" _, v. i’ , *1 I,V 5:! n‘; ‘ ~A ’f ohulllllull'uf luriuxwi'cdllt'dfm'llt‘, Aim“; my ll‘ ,Sglilgla' ’j'_‘fl|."i‘~|"‘f‘s.'u*'3'é futgiicll,i‘.l'sratllop4 I:rv\‘ll~i!§lll'ljll_\.lno.l_l lgpjlyfflcnl . dict?“ “H of the ‘twilqcs or n t out; gnu “1% ug‘m‘m l! A , ufi'il'fi'mmr'm be growned with gowns“. Mimi: ‘A ' - " ‘ '' ‘ ‘ ' ~ " ‘ it"vixo hiwo the «trinity tq’ “ What will yin: «ll; \thbn. you are .inur my nruu, qury ‘hi‘r (Imm . ricvl 7‘ You will ”It‘ll lilivc lo ‘lnvt', h mm‘ ix of living cnmunlqu-(l IIY'I Emil ulivy.‘ ” ‘ inlmhilnuls of tho lmusu : i My loinpcr was not in the Mom-“oil \lhu courts, ahll by a way} i by (he lllll‘Hll'lll, null I replied wry (‘lll‘flllllll' \lL‘n. “ fanny, ihzil “hi-u l‘ivni lllf‘l‘l'lt‘d, it “mid bu now could I M.- suxltcll her up i‘ xtn’irH, nt. “)9 Ti. sumo uf Um nlhc lmu' hcr throng) ‘ .‘kndw, inlu mu 8‘ The riwr “'le running Nlrong mull (11-0 p !m . ln'nllnnll‘: (I Lv -‘ . . . .‘ . ugniml (he “all. l prvssml one kfis upon I irl - (lid no" :r lfl 1 10‘ In I!“ {l‘ll n H'l',‘ ‘ and lnr (old fuLht‘ll nnl ll r\\ll :- ill (ht ' lt t "101"" I 0 my “1"“ l. I should _ . ‘...‘ , ‘. lu . c 1 u 'cm cnvm- 0 nm lu Jim. Fulllhll, .'- gLn-m“. (:lmllyfiglwlly would Igo with lwr ( war-l [girl Unit I WM, to, rL'wOlVl.‘ in“! llly ‘ till dl-._v._l_ll; but, an: lmpltL-se “la-4 still uwn gown mind that I would aLizlu by so absurd a I Inc, muluvillmnt delay I lnmlunfd buck. N 0 l tlclcrxnixmliuu. lluiv liltlo lll'll nllcct how} um- emf nlclmfil ll“: benllng ram l‘lrltCCll my much mlllu‘nt'c, pride and olrsliuuucy \rQuld‘ Taryn“? n‘ 1 ,- 1 u , .d u g {exert in causing: Inn [1) Lulhcrc to tlnii cxyrés. uwmys’ ntr mm- ”’l'.” 19 papers 10 <flllm'o prrvcrlml \\ ill. ~ > , - 5.21.3. body hngl 13-?) found {by down the nvcr. } Just-pl: until won: at lcngll: married. It In? “Fame! :s‘lufntc: £33.: 12:11:35: “(Z-t i :oclr‘ml‘tu nl6 ll”? I lmd never been so lmp~ mnnm um an , I} u: 1 ‘ i)y )6 0m .' “‘u: m linssql M nlnys. Sur ‘h'c heart. and u,“ hcpficalll look pllcc I'm- l roumlwlhlry an utnlrmplwru of luyc nnd killd- l :o“va immergim 1n llxc ‘wtl'cr- So Hwy .110“, my faults wqrqnu'. called out, nmllJu. I _ ‘onjevlnrul ‘l“;th hm been “filing. by .ucph. h: hilt. hnblnkon fomlncem, llumght mg ; £ll9l rwwr,\\'ll|c:|“llu fnlnl-ntmck saint: lion.“ v. 1“: ll’is \rnnn 11'.an mu! nuhlu nature an n w w a «fin unmnzcivcgl; mu \K‘y rcw' lusire. j rctnrnctl a .venllcl of nccillcnlnl dull-3x. 11ml ham nfiu‘ lh: umnisgc, WL‘ cmumcnccd I, lpuncll"llcr In a prolly’ouunlry chumlhyare, ‘ llOll‘fFlflCplllgr in n mat, pretty lmuw, jnvt 1 mar when: they found her. A, ‘ ; cullul'ln mu' wants. IWM ambled nearly : -Tu:o win my; lwr husband 'vd -WWM§ 5233‘ “HO flrmmn—ut _ . A lat nng, um [lO 11. x ani-nnncu of mother 1 M Er! y M art-r. l ' ‘ . and skins. Ncnlnuunbml order word Irma-- ‘ l ulmlld'w'n fluclwlnr. ”I nm loan and pale. ‘ ly llC\ ulopml in my lnlhilq, nut} hr Bmm- time 3 and hmwd down And my-lmin-d, and 1111- nulhin-z col-nrn-d to martlu' lmppincw of our ; Hound of my own lnuyll in mange to me. daily lifr. ‘ THB' uhmnma "WIPE; 03, m gym-r 3 or {LL-mm. lnhg *'zll]m~.-'s:\-\I fcd'n': of imanl-nvv (0 MM lh'Turt' purl-(filing lo I! : "Miller of Im} ilhull'ir'l Ith pmvnh 14mm: in which l t":- lh'is' pupt‘r, nllnw luv. lIW youuxxnli. i 0 (-lnilnmlm Mum nt; he nutcrml the dining. 'cth'tyml (mi-35.175 lung nvflnlrivc cnrncstly ‘ "30m“ ” ”'5" MU” CUM' WI'Y'JM W"! 5 x ' . ‘um mule hvfurc l" ‘ at «if culling ans! S""‘§°'|}U!h "99".“ Mung \"1 m > n .~.h-p “’hivh hn’nh-c-hvwm figm p— cou ,h l‘ ”5'6““ M 1.1""? w” "" Pint“;~ M Wm" M (MW-3 : m 1 mm to slay I" ”"3 ““"V" w“ the mihl n'l’l3'. ‘) ‘ ‘ . n V I h'l ' I whmul hcfurc ”mu-n, you I”anin I'o ml- “Wk ““0““ ham 5"“ Ih} hath'Cv‘lt) run, M ur, lmv :nn cherish. (lurhjx ymr mjdurn in ‘ ”(MW that Joseph ”I burn”; mus! nurvrfifi a state wl Communal cuncusfinm no wn- ‘ “’3' “WW." "“ ‘-"’""'"~' “"1", “0 "Phil: Ilt'ml .m’nuyv mmhdud. My frmulu l'ricnds clerk in llw ('Rtahlh'hmcul with “ME“ I” m“ ”awash the chnévh coulpanhmd‘ your life ‘ connected, L-xpculing, i" ”I" (‘mxrsv 91‘ two or Inn l “’0 all you but], in the nrdor of your three yearn If" he (liken Into Fmrlncrship, m c on. .mimm 1m", he is all“ the Imm "“"°"‘""‘ n “T” W'mnry for 1m“ 10 'w M w] m you are hound to “law, honor mul‘ two nml'um-uhvc. . . obey," null In )‘our koohini: in n Etta! «It-U “H ”M I km“: "”l' “k" to" “““y ““ ‘5: me, i“ conuuiltedhis Poputnfion WM uwl‘ul- took lillh- intern-«t in hlminom Mlhih, nut! ncss in life, his uociuHPllem Indian-melt uh“ mm“ ""t “mm”. that h” “M “'U' "l“i’m 1031 mm. Muhhl improvcmcnt is unduubb— . ”armm'mt to "whom““mmc' cdly onunl' the and» of tho inflitution of mar- . Small matters llku these “PM" hnw I'Lfc“ ring... but any “unit; ut “anf ur rorroui. “mm fluently, "'“t {U the “MGM" ”r at”: I iifisiiiflfi‘fic "mac \.-m.‘ma.'i.:;;;armfi. Wm Wrmm WWW-“mug“ nor: ”- lhv vonhary course in ad MC"; thk‘ things to mumy Mil urllnlu me (A) that «it?! 111-aim “"34" in worse than and ”0‘ .4300, l’hhtl thn‘htovud‘tn " hmf mm" 11 nu“ { «lln'ulljklhc seeds of [mod ulr own ‘m [M lt'uf," which “1‘“ l"““‘””"“‘ “‘l." of “"3 "’1; i heart are, by harshness and 14::me ‘slind ”:‘l‘ S“ l "m' ‘lnw thing»; my mm W." I ”m“ i in the germ, and t. ‘l‘mgrs which ‘3'“. n!) “H‘hm'fr n Icwm' “L. Bun.- my re- l hid lwguntuuxpundham Mal-ltd hy the heat ; ucmu-(l cumphuntn nhtml \xl'hu’t {llppt‘flrfl to} of an uugnvcrnahlc tamper. ’ \ "£sz mu now (u have hoop mink-r; hghl M Mr, “ ilh‘i v - J ntr-svmvul t, own-ft" m 1 . . ‘ ers ngfl. when iutlw h‘cuhncss um] buuy- .2, 1‘ ”1‘ \){M "’ _. . rmr'm‘lsc“ “‘1 “My of gimml, [“M About {o‘ 1"";me «*3 called t um| ~ lmf/‘anlvyhlg \ulhn)’ A , ... the bride of him win: 'ml ~.. I :wmhus. / ‘ 4- , , ‘m a“, mu y.‘ . T" ( "w BTW" wt One «by. uftcr‘l'luul ficprqulghui hilll \H'th L ‘ t]. ' 1 'l‘}??- Igdwfll “aka", mm "a Y thinking mum of his h/‘tvincu-x than his wife, I'm an; Ql'J am 3303 mm; ykrgmg 511;)~ 'hv r 0301” H 0 m”, hut who 111‘!an I“;than npcufl :1 fu“ days With her, as. she “'l7 _- - m Inc M”) n 16011 that shullm luncxuut N, [H‘Tglgyjy 10;? me. ' _A“:°rd”"ily': ‘2)?" 'pcxlmncc (n my haglrtnniiiwl Hxiligou ml: (huge . ‘ A - ' ' .. A V , , ‘Umuol‘augcr—— ‘ _ Hldcfl. Unu du37 durmg my waft, [MEIR-(1MB l ~ Clm-u,"'anid M. ._ “'3O“ (hid it no lupi— \ tohl‘mo film had heard of my intended mar hinge, and, feeling 1: deep interest iu‘my web ‘ ‘~ -, -- ugivomeulfiuoty of her tunn‘ied life. lwlieging duh it might cum/0y n ruseful leusmf.‘ Whether she : thought shediucovem! (he mum traits in my 1 (Intruder that caused the ahigwrcck‘nf her] Inhppiueu, )1 cannot any; but. let. that pose. She-1314.011 Account of the said mcmonieaimd un‘hupiwy feelings igfivgldd nebmurilyl-nwn eh,'uhe hwl reduced lhugxnmtive‘to'w‘ ‘ . which I might peruse It lghmw. V A? an early day l nailed myaflf of hi , kindness l—her mummeript is here copied. _. f , ‘Beinw oldest‘of nix children, my 180'- runm haul WWW been ncclwtomcd to 'rely on {elm mm: 1' assistance, which, IN X been ‘ ll'uf o'nly child, they would scarcely lmv‘c dom- ‘ uiderofl mp üblc to render. My mother‘» 1 mm: mm: nln‘wal wholly oéeupied with hnnso- a hold afiifign, ué’thit nevi-Loon yours'a'of age the cum ol’ two ligtle girders and three broth- ‘ on; rfi’whmil on inu‘. mum lwl endowed me‘wilh un indomitable will, ’n. pnssiou; 9h: luvc 01’ power, \'hir_~}l rcqu dykfstronger Hm- m't'ninp Um] to mm. long! r th‘m usu al fur Jou-ph'lu‘x‘! nu- to (m, and xlzlli‘rul .1 ' ' "' . " .- blcsumc waiting for me, do no}. wait uny Ilioro,‘ but 'tuko yam; menu, and dais, nniy the ”things \i'iflifiul rL-gunl fur they.) , . " “'hcn lie hnd' gum, the ,l’cmpuruwilsich ulnn’lld hch In?“ vast iii'him 1 mo, ln‘pplplm} me la take flmn :11“!sz Accordingly, when the ‘liuw ifiilnuJ pyupurmi the evening ‘ xiii-111, aiml‘uflvrgmiling a few luo'nwuw, Isn‘t down,tnt("aioilo,"thcn Elwin-(l :uvpy the 1.19111” nnfl took-Bu my taming, In u {w money-t 8; mat-pk cméfifitfififlnmm my: eyes fpm‘my'fiavrk, I told him if; uuwficcmcd a unl‘nucn'nfl ‘mlilblc. (hut hu‘ii‘wd'not cuiiw for his (pal, I haul ('luurml it away. “V'iflluul Buying u \uml ho (unit-vi um] lull the home. i I know; my l'|:icll«lLtlint when you read ‘ this, you‘will bitlmly [gin-ouch me for un- J kinrlm‘ss‘lo one win) I.» «I me better Hmn‘ life , on", {00; fin- “j‘h‘um, M times, mefid ‘ luwg laid '(lu\\{l,|aly li-l‘u, up?!" uught (jlyc azwe ‘ ‘qu Mll. flirt $9515. at 090 (iu‘lc, uthdd ’39"? 1 broken my half-i; V d. nMumlly 'x‘mpulrsixle, “though infielxsp Iwmgr'n'flijuu cpufiolié'g in. Filliu'fificb u!“ tempurgjl hntKanfll-{iul JIM-m tut guilt the iih‘mxulcm‘y, this» duulmig fumijmr lips t'lmNmn'nf hapfitnékhfi‘ tfiowetr‘mflwtl“ in (Haiti‘s, admit-With '0: ,Itzyflm‘féncc.’ 'm': tolt‘qrgbt‘tttdt 'thor shnto gufit~m¢rgny~gztmr Ilowfifguu fll‘wwipfillifi‘t‘m‘sfin, alldxwwm arm; amt ““3“!th item‘s} ntdqu:to- I‘~ ' t Wtrt‘uu 'bmi‘ 5 fat!“ 5113?“ wtfrp entptu'yutl to u‘ttt and éhttxhi tho Inn-r. [hilly ‘ t‘tlnif u 1311.70 I'mxlwr Milt $3471 , 19 Nut to r‘cturh'. Jl'hnt night, [ ant up into; [t'nlfit‘t‘ully wait [in zk- 54W"- sifi'higtultllilél- . lntt ntj' Inth aid nut ('nmtn Ah, thought ‘ m-ll‘ in n Jun“ (one. “ Myth-r. T \ttlt‘ltt-Ittrlll l, h<- thinks to frightmamu into mfluniq inn. ht Ilyuur lust. writ]; ‘u [n-xulfifllfmfid i; ”Mb." by stnying out Into, (:1 thing he had ncvt‘r t pvnk‘enmed.’ It'stmtfgh hunt with ‘916 by; , Ipnv Inform) hut Iw‘will "mt hi 3 thiutnkc.-- Inn-u 11min; iv“! 3““ old friend." . I ‘ Finding ”If“ 110 Md tutwn "I 0 "MM-kw: 1 I'll-nutcd with this: rcrhnrk. {l}: tl_‘y'l(uu>l;cdl determined tossit up .nn Ttin‘g‘tr.‘ I rctircdr uk- 13‘1"?” the shoulder. Hp guxttd’g'und' but: roultl‘ not pilot-p. ’l‘hu mjhl'hcnms 01mm mm nbollt‘tqgmovc "umx‘ Mgrnj‘fiiu'; . q Moon runu' snt‘tly‘stonling througlkthu wilt-I “My good “I, you gufi'fiwd' and M 791: glon’, fitting-the rjlmn with {hum-Ith; Mia/db» of. wise n. shmngr in‘tho: Jay,“ ‘ ‘ 7, light and H‘lnlll‘; buzir‘ingtn my tronhlcd‘mind H “3,16%; he mmu‘wa ‘mmng 3,3" A Wt-xmuinntimlmoloizgdufei’rbd‘. As tho hum! (0 “[5. 1m"; Ito “'M him); MM t\t;3l|tf4tdcl»L-t\cql,'nntl lnyluuhaml cnmo notJ “in“; for“ nrd. ' , H " .‘A -,_ '. _ \vt-pt littvr: tuu‘H ot‘ Htlchunntion, 'nml in H You “WI no; lmrr} ML)". "0,1,,” M[l lumpnr'tinn ‘to my foam for hi» mt‘oty, did my elm-n “1. Indeed “you IN “I“, “Ruiz“: rcputtt-ncu for the past, and resolves for the willing m work,ll “n porhum 1311)) MN m. future, (IL-open and txpnml." “9‘ what you mfliru',’ I‘, ,JM, . ‘ _I kn'uw (nu Mom luul ’ulnwtl no.» hour}: f'l'lw boy. stood mute hm utuibhnwut‘ lwt‘ori‘, and {m hm] few tyimuh. im‘lcud udud and saluting .0 and; ‘m oxtuttw! tn m ‘1: Mt}: \_\lmm‘lw could he spentliivg ,thu crew the (“wugotb “in“ '{lw ‘M‘m infi. “'fiéi-c can hobo “7M thu comilnntly uut,- A ' ' . ‘ .. :rucnrrlng qm-sliuni .htstun tho 'cluck struck t. Yes Sir." , ‘ \‘ _ ‘ ‘nne lhcnrql tho click of the niglnbkcy and “I 3., ' ' L '\j ' f V 5 ,I . v H . . .‘. ' nl~»lnto;knmr;‘ f’ mega wnh all the |ln» .stqrnn the «WW: “"11 "'J “an“ “m knulncxsof‘ mmmcricouldusunn- “Win!" when rupentt-nou from my miutile hug‘t. em] or you .76. nuxic m to find work Fit [ .53, m by tlchinlc he “tucked thu mom I was PW‘ want 01.73 youth to usual my co‘w'hmln-VH . pdrml to pour n storm of-invcctivc on his , 'll’hciiwor Ind twistcd “ud tr-‘rl't-dt' 1W hcml. Jtp used qn thcrthmtlplddyldfi w. “-1 «a... w...) 4mm“ % . A - - ~‘ - W "(0‘ :15; 11350. xmum u! to utter I. kw)! ' I that [l,O was PM” ‘M‘d "KHMB‘L “‘u i“ U” answer, and ma fie would be w: “Em moonlight prcht‘ntl'd A gtmutlincm ‘1')“ I mentioned not. It won] «balm wJu‘Jldmd 33:15:61 11:; s: n-anuh tlmt l npmnb from t 10 3:;:1:C?:i:lu“il:;l(;r‘3:~l(111:3: tllul min—l?}W :2- ‘ uJUqc'ph, SET—Leland, “"Ixut i 3 lb}: mntr 'Eowitnnfifh “4mm my} xu‘3‘L “‘l' 3" 115 w confer. ~-‘ ‘W’ ‘ .1 ‘ ‘t' t " pon't In; I t'uot, ('lru‘n. (to back to Ltd, surly a n,.,;[fi7’h,}}l [‘Mml. “m. ”ii. {lt-11‘ lot. 111') alone." ' Inn-ting; nnd L‘fiurrx‘a'xli'm had (N:(‘llr(d,W I The tnlrntflfl‘fifll fipon my mind, and 1 resolvml to make some inquiricu to!" In; | nguin I [nu-«sod my pt!im"., “’ht‘l’t‘ 5 "WE” 9" wauhmw regarding the comma d." fasten the Mgm‘: on him: rather (3."!!! take ,‘1 A better boypun-rmmo Into the ham ‘ : any stun-o on mysclf. uThgvncxt (by nothing 'b‘il‘; and M'f'ur wasting anything, IJIDKS mo; 1 was gait! of the mcgmnno of 1110 -pmce