The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 11, 1865, Image 3
1, property S ALE ras witi. Kxt(«L. J®Tr «• «v pnpnUm. on Web 11th, 1865, h towmhip, BWreanatv . >hseV).. Juaa Hotchiiii*T 1 io p»awl * b*tt afl«r WEBS. ■ gmoke-b<^» IK |> -convenient. . “ p * on « K bark SJhTinikfife*".’. rtie Country. *M» .Jfihn u lmU«o fitted nnW tlutrtl loon* fura tehee a/ren-i,,^^; u t„‘:ir y ptowt ‘ torw ' i «^ p®» BTjll be sqld, 2 Mere, , rw fit which hare estreat 1 Ball ultivator. 2 Plows, 1 Patent a y Loaders. 1 set Smith Toni, f i, Chains of different -kinds, Li : too numerous to xnehtioQ, I. so. J Kiichen f urnitun emuhtfo, k Bedsteads. St u r«,Tota,Jfa2t i o’clock, A. 11., when attendant, lawloby. c. B. SINK.. rehouse. Philadelphia ’VINE PHISTINO, SEWS do. MANILLA PAPER, HAKI>WARK to. ENVELOPE tfo. BINDERS' BOARIP.^’ [TRUNK do. KSTRAW do. Ao. iuu made to order. C. C. SERVER A SON HE FIELD: ■LSIOR Tap Store. iG-NED WOULD IN rhe hK» taken charge of this e§- ! by SmiUk, where he j ?i I varied A-isottment of ! iLE STYLES OF CAPS, HILDREN’S FLATS. with great care and eimbrv for the accommodation mg, Tkh or po«r. ad Juts of ali styles*!- ition of hw Block, feeling but* ,ftatidiou». V. W. ALK. ) TO fob LD, ls> w DfiUG STOEE I Notions . v • U Cigars and Domestic Wine*. PNS OF ALTOOKA CDOgrataUtiom *odbcst with* Kthanki for the liberal patron- ft AGENT FOR lied Herb Bitter’s.” F'istomert Orders m directed I- <wfist market rat«»in«J goar* i**". aatls/actory in &rtiy par* CJM.-28, T «6-tf. - ST O S iD mtUMENTS ! WNED KfeslPECT ihlio, and e*f eelally <orwr» o( ► from the roaostectaref?. the OS, UASOX A HAMLIN? «> CAJUCART, XECD iMECODEONg. bttments to persons wishing ih'la, Philadelphia and New m application with any ad noted for mp-xzans. a M GREENE, IfimtS&gdoo, Pa. E GUIDE, r PHYSIOLOGIC- e'kto own * fttpotO or thoM About to lb every thiojttJiKftrning of sexftjd *jbu 9. »Bd of offspring, ioclocflMtl! ‘given in the Jtegfjtb ' • I*. This is raafir * ralu- J* « written in jHaln 1»d -i*nd U H (unrated with up *ipg«. All young married u marriage, and haring the. i -fr. siiould read thfo hook- y on? tbonl# be ecquafoted unit be locked. qft«od w* •• Mat to «&T'ODO os tbe re* Mrww DR. WM, TOOKG. r-urcb. Phiiadeljtaje. ECKEL. \ -'.R IS ff, Pipas, SSOETMJ#? imtljoß haadit-tlwloi***? ! 'W GinfsAJi &aleiU 1 If. A. CAWpCLgS- WMB, KRCBU*B.*e- *=■> WAtIOMAt tttDOST' FLOUR, , . s ■- '■» i" ■' ' P£ xuamAf.* INT for «**»>«» less* itWr sanojM* SUtomia ititoute. LOOAXi xteimis. T bobbbwm.—L«*t *«* we alluded to ,he : hie discovery of the persons who, for some | . rm , rt st. have been engaged in abstracting goods ;!.m. freight cars white at this station. The officer charge of the Transportation Department of the ‘ K j{. has been much annoyed, within the past ' (,v these depredations, ,but was unable to de- Ject the gnlliv parties. That those engaged in the robberies were employees of the Company and , 3rri cd car kevs. With which they opened and , iw ! tl.c cars, there could be no douot, but all . ( .tiiedients resorted to, in order to detect them, w , rt . unavailing, “Murder will out,” and so will mher crimes. It appears that two <ff the women wb „ were concerned in the robberies, had a disa greement, and during a dispute implicated each „,her in the hearing of other persons. This for ni -bed . clue, an officer was put on the track, and Bi.bop Cozzeiis and wife, and .Xorval Hawk and wife were arrested. A search of their premises was matte and some of the racing goods found.- Aiter the arrest, Cozzens implicated-the family of Jolm J Burkholder, residing at Blair Furnace.— We may state here that -Mrs. Cozxens and Mrs. Hawk are daughters of Mr. Burkholder. A pre liminary search of Burkholder's premises was made, and sufficient evidence of-his complicity with the robberies discovered to warrant.die arrest of tile entire famiivt consisting of husband, wife, daughter** two sons. A further search of the .remises wai then made which resulted m the re-, covt-ry of some $3.0,00 worth, of goods of ' every , Option, which were secreted.: about the house and barn. The parties were brought before Impure Humes and held to bail in the sum of j47.r,(.10t0 appear at. next term of court.* Whether ail wlio have been placed ; under-bail .were really concerned in the transactions remains to be sub stantiated before the court, and we forbear com nient thereon for the present. Ynrsv Dkau. —The dead body of a young c010r,,, or,,, i woman named Elizabeth Snowden, familiarly known as Lizzie Irons, was found on the hill north town, on last Thursday night. She had left her mother's residence in the evening to attend school, and not returning in due time, search, was made and she was found in the manner stated above. A Coroner’s inquisition was held the next morning, and a post mortem examination made by Dr-, G W. Sniith and W.-C. Ostcrloh, which showed very clearly she died of hypertrophy of the heart The verdict of the jury was in accordance therewith. The d-ceased was ah"!!! thirty-seven ■v.arsof age. followed tlie 'ueenpaiion of a seam stress. and Was esteemed, by iier triends and the ladies of 1 this place for her many excellent qualities .—Uoltidayalurg Standard. Child Bcknld.— A little child, at the Nation al Hotel, was seriously burned by its clothes taking fire, one day last week. It was standing in front of the stove lighting a piece of pine, and by this means communicated the flames to its clothing, burning the front part of its body and face in a frightful manner. At first its life was despaired of. bn: it is now improving, and hopes are enter tained of its recovery. Axothkb.—We learn that a little child of Mr. Schaffer, of this borough, was severely, tho’ nut dangerously, scalded, on Friday last, by pull ing a kettle of boiling water off the stove. It is, we understand, recovering rapidly. —Huntingdon Journal. Oil Company. —An oil company, under .the ti tle of the “Oil Creek and Pit Hole Oil Company,” i, about' to be organized in this place, and in the course of a week or two the stock will be in mar ket. The Company owns twenty acres of land in fee simple, on Pit Hole Creek; and have two lea ses iif one acre each on said creek, and two leases of one acre each on the M'Clintock farm, on Oil Creek. The stock of the Company is already in demand, and'Trout the representations made by tho-e acquainted with the business, we are inclined to think it will prove a good investment. Kt TfitsYi).—lt gives us pleasure to note that the change] made in the discipline of the M, E. Church, at the last General Conference-, allowing p-cai-hers in charge of circuits or stations to be re turned the thiiil year, lias been applied in the case of Kev. W. R. Mills, at this station, and we ahe to have hi services for another year. Although' the memiH rship of his charge did not specially ask a change from the two year to the three year rule, they will, nevertheless rejoice over its, application in tlte present instance. 5 British Rule is India. —Kev. W. W. Hicks, late missionary to India, will lecture on the above* subject in the Methodist Church, in this place, bn Evening next. Having resided in India ior some three or four years,and witnessed the workings pf British rule, he can give a fair account of it. From our knowledge of tiic lecturer, we can' promise opr readers an entertainment such as is not often presented. Price of tickets of admission of) cents. New Company.—Daniel Shock, Esq., one of ' 1 ounty Commissioners, has resigned his place ,a Board and gone into the military service as ■he 1 aptain of a hew company, which lie has ru vruin-d within the past few days. CapL S. is a bty rate man, and will no doubt make a first rate oilti -r. jVe also understand that Robt. Waring, b-q., .mother of our Commissioners, goes as a I.’.cuUMuht in Capt. Shocks company,— Stand- Fi nst, — The man who smoked in bod on his wedding night was sarcastically informed by his bride. dlal ‘''no gentleman ever lighted his cigar dle tur| th of Hymen." “My dear Madam," said he, 11 excuse me; I buy my cigars at the National Grocery, and; they are so good I can’t help it; -- Of coarse she excused him, and it was at once agreed that Buss &, Posllewait should ■-encefoTth supply the new family with groceries, conclusion. : New Goods.—Our friend Harry Campbell, of Hast Altoona, notwithstanding the ‘ ‘ selling off ” 'ever which prevails so extensively amongst his •cilow merchants, has had the courage to lay in a heavy stock of Boots, Shoes, 4c.', for ladies, gents Md children, and a choice lot of Groceries for -atmly use, which the pledges his word to sell as as the cheapest. Go and see. :i 'I \ Appoixtmesi. —Jos. Irvin,: Esq., of this place, been appointed County .Commissioner to ;fill •he unexpired term, of C,apt. Shock, An excellent selection.— Standard. W^ 0K ® ily - —A building lot, oft Clandia street, Ajtoon*. Terms moderate. For particu - I*ninqnm; th* “Green Canter." Appointmenteof East Baltimore An- Kanbans — G. w. Dnniap. ■ < nual Conference for 1835. - . phiiipsburg —M. K.' Foster, J. P. BALTIMORE DISTRICT. CurwinsvilleHmi Clearfield—D.S. J. M’Kesdrik Rkh-et, P. E. New Washington—H. M.; Ash, one North Baltimore Station—Samnel Barnes, James Glen Hope—R. Linn. R. Cadden, J. W. Ctftium, sop. r * Lycoming—W. C. Hesser. Exeter Street—Leonard M. Gardner.? , William Earnshaw, Chaplain U 'S. Harford Avenue—Joseph France, B. G. W. Reid, jW. - H. Stevens, Chaplain'U. S, A. E. Baltimore —James Corns, James H. McCord'. James T. Wilson, Chaplain D. S. Broadway—Alex. E. Gibson. Caroline Street—John n. Hedges, .1 a,. Gamble, * sup.*' High Street—Samuel A. Wilson. - Jefferson Street—Richard Norris. ' Strawbridge^—Richard Hinkle, E. E. Allen, 'sup. Emorj-—Asbury R. Reiley Wliaicoat—Chas. B. Tippett, Philip B. Reese, sup. Huntingdon Avenue—Win. M. Frysinger. 1 Mount Vernon—David H. Carroll. North Baltimore Circuit—John 8. Deale, Francis E. Church. Great Falls—E. Welty. - Long Green—L. D. Hemra. East Harford—F. Macartney, one to be supplied; G Hildt, sup. Havre do Grace—G. W. Hevde. oWest Harford—E. Kinsey, one to be supplied. Hereford—T, B. Sargent, D- Shoaff. Bangor Welsh'Mission—To be -supplied. Castle Fin—F. E Crcvcr, one to be supplied. Seamen's Union Bethel—H. Slicer, member of ; High Street Quarterly Conference. ' R. S. Maclay, Missionary to Cbmaaf. R. S. Vinton, Chaplain to U. S, Army, mem ber of Sfrawbridgo Quarterly Conference. W H- Keith. Chaplain li. S. A., memlier of , Exeter Street Quarterly Conference. A, A. Reese, Chaplain U. S. A., member of Broadway: Quarterly Conference. ■> FREDERICK DISTRICT. WJX.CI AJt HARDEN, p. E. Frederick City—William W. Hicks. Frederick Circuit—Martin L. Smyser. Liberty— A. M. Kestcr, Richard Malalicu. Westminster —W. M. Meminger, J. B. Vanmeter. West Falls—J. Duey Moore. Hampstead—J. Edwin Amos, ode to be supplied. Emmittsburg—Resin C. Haslup. one to besupplied. Middletown—H. C. Pardoe.-'Joseph P. Moore. Antitam—J. W. Budklcy, C. D. Smith. Hagerstown—J. F. Qckermar.. Waynesboro’—C<F. Thomas John Lloyd, sup. ’Quincy—>l. H. S. Cliirko. Mercerslmrg—J. Benson Akers, one to be supplied. Hancock—J. B. Cuddy. C. 0; Cook. Cumberland—Samuel W. Seats. Frostburg—N. S. Buckingham. Frostburg Circuit —C. H. Savidge. T.*T. S. Kic.h- ards. ■ Westernport—Daniel Sheffer, J. H. Marsh, J. Montgomery, sup. - . Allegany-W. A. M.-Keef L. S. Crone, John A. Munroe. Principal Male Academic and Female Collegiate Institute, member of Westmin ister Quarterly Conference- B. H. Crevcr, Chaplain U. S. Army, member of Frederick City Quarterly Conference. CARLISLE DISTRICT. J. S., I’, y.. Sherlock. , Emory—S. Li Bowman- Carlisle Circuit—C. Graham, one to l« supplied. Mechanisburg—J. Stine, O. Ege, sup. Mount Holly Springs—G- T. Gray, bhipptnsburg—H. S Mendenhall. Shippensbnrg Circuit—J. G. Moore, T. M. West. Charobersbnrg—S. 11. C. Smith. York Springs—W. G. Fergtioi;, E, F. Pitcher. Hanover —I. G. Stephens. Gettysburg—S. L. Conser. York—J. H. C. Dosh. York Chapel —W. W. Evans. Wtightsville—El Burhman. Slirewsbnry—G. Warren, J.; Maxwell Lantz. Dunoannon —.Tames Brads. Newport—J. W, Cleaver, J, Donahue. New Bloomfield—F. B. Kiddle, W, 11. Maxwell. Mifflin—E. W. Kirby. Mifflin Circuit—G. W. Boose, one to be supplied. Concord—J. B. King, W. R, Whitney. J. A. Gere, Chaplain U. S. Hospital, member of York Quarterly Conference. , J. A. Ross, Chaplain C. S. Army, Member of Carlisle Quarterly Conference. i G. D. Chenoweth, Agent of Dickinson College, and member of Emory Quarterly Conference. 1 E, Butler, Tract Agent, and member of Carlisle Quarterly Conference. I JUNIATA DISTRICT T. Barkhaet, P. B. Hoilidayshurg—T. Daugherty Altoona —W. K. Mills. Woodberry—Jamies M. Clark, A. VV. Decker. Schellsburg—James H. McGarrah. Bedford —W. M. Sliowaltef. ", Bloody Run—J. B.i Polsgrove, one to be supplied. Rainsburg—J. W. Eeckie. - ~ MeConnellslurg—A. E. Taylor. T. Greenly. Shirleysbnrg—D. A. Isenberg, D. B. McClosky. Cassville—J. Guss, J. A. McKindless. McVevtown —Wm. Gwyn. : Lewistown Station —Wilford Downs. Lewistown Circuit —M. X.. Smith. Mtlroy—J. F. Brown, one to t>e supplied'. Manor Hill—J. Anderson, Oliver M, Stewart. Petersburg—A. W. Gibson. Williamsburg—J. A. Dixon. Birmingham—J. Moerhead, M. C. Brittain. - Huntingdon—Job A. Price, Saxton —James C. Clarke, ,S. A. Creveling. , W. A. Houck, C. S. Chdplain and a member of the IloUidpysburg Quarterly Meeting Conference. A. R. Milter, U. S. Chaplain and a mcmlier of tbe McVoy town Quarterly Conference. NORTHUMBERLAND DISTRICT. Joux Gltek. P. E. Williamsport, Pine Street—S. W. Price. A Mulberry Stpcet—E. J. Gray. Moutoursvillc —A. M. Creighton. Muncv—D. Casiletnun, W; Case. Milton—Geo, W. Cooper. Minion Cir't —J. W. Uaughawout, E. Shoemaker, Lewishtirp—W. L. Spottswood. Mifflinburg—N. W. Colburn. Northumberland- —H. G. Dill. Shatnokin —3, F■ Porter. , Snnbury—B. P. King, W.; H. Norcross. Calawissa —F. Gearhart, one to be supplied. Ashland—B. F. Stevens. : Danville—A. M. Barnitz. Bloomsbutg-rR. E. Wilson, one. to be supplied. Espy and Right Street—T. M. Reese. Jersevtown—-A. Hartman. •Teansville—J. Forrest, J. C. Heagey. Beaver Mcaddw —E. T. Swartz. White ;Haren —S. Slianmm. Berwick—Mi P. Crosthwaite, S. C. Swallow. Bloomingdale-—Ci Cleaver, one to bo supplied. Orangeville—G. 11. Day, Elial M Chilcoat. Lajxnte—J. M. Akers Mount, Carmtfl—James Mnllin. T. Mitchell, President, W. H. Dill, Professor, Williamsport Dickinson Seminary, members of Mulberry Street Quarterly Conference. / I. H. Torrence, Sccretaiy Pennsylvania Bible Society, member of Danville Quarterly Conference. BELLEFONTE DISTRICT. B."B. Uamus, P. E. Bellefonte—J. P. Swanger. Milesburg—U. Wilson. 1 ■ , Howard—J. Hunter. ! Port Matilda—S. M. Uarteock. i Worrier's itark—M. L. Drum, j Half Moon—J. A DeMoyer, J. W. Olewine. I Penn's Valley—T. F. McClure. ! Lock Haven—S. Creighton, i Salona—D. Hartman. | Clinton—J.-B, Mann, i Great Island—#c teidy, one to be supplied. ■' Jersey Shore—B. W. Black. ■ Liberty Valley—R. E. Kelly, B. B. Pott, P. B. i . Kuch. Slip. - ! Newberry—J. A. Melick, one to be supplied. 1 West Port—J, t.- Chandler. Sinncmahonimre-J. V • Rothrock. Emporium—G.AVrC.Vanfossen. iupplidd. Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. Spectacles, ' Spectacles, Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines Perfumery and Notions, Drags and Medicines. Together with a splendid stock of Trasses and Supporters and all goods found in a first class Drug Store. For sale cheap for cash at the Drug Store of A. Roush, Second door from the corner of i Virginia and Annie Streets, Altoona. Fibe 1 Fikk! !—Do not risk your property any longer to the mercy of the tiames, bat go to Kerr and have him insure yon against loss by fire.— He is agent for thirteen different companies among which arc some of the best in the United States. ' • Altoona. July 21,-tf. DTSPEPSIA.~What every body says must betake. W« have beard Dr. Strickland's Tonic spoken of by those who have been benefitted by it, that at last we are compelled, to make it known to the public that we toally believe it effects a cure in every case; therefore, we Say, to those who are suffering with Dyspepsia or Nervous Debility, to go to their Druggist and get a bottle of Dr. Strickland’s Tonic. DR. TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT. A CERTAIN CURE FOR PAINS AND ACHES, and warranted superior to any other. Ciyup it positively cures ; relief is absolutelyg>ue imme diately it la used. Mothers remember this, and arm your* selves with a bottle without delay. Croup la a disease which gives no Notice..frequently attacking the child in dead hour of night: before a physician cau be -urn mooed it maybe too late. Remember, the Venetian Lini ment never hula. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Sold by. all Druggists. 66 CortUndt Street, New-York- A CARD TO INVALIDS A Cbwgyman, while residing in South America as a discovered a oafe and simple, remedy.for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay. Diseases «>f the 4Jrin*ry and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of die order* brought cm by baneful and vicious habits. Groat numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy.— Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortu nate,. X will send the recipe for preparing and using this Medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who need* It* Free of Charge. \ phrase inclose a post-pvid envelope, addressed to yourself Address, Oct. 29, 1864-rly THE GREAT ENGLISH. REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARK'S Celebrated Female Fills, Prepared from, a prescription tfSir J. (Mark. M. J>. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the fcmaeJ constitution ib subject. It-moderates all excess and remov * all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES i. is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period,with regularity*. Each bottle, price One Dolla*, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. These Pills should not he taken by Female* during th pjp ST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, at they ar sure to bring on Miscarriage , but at any other time they ar safe. o In all Cases ofNervous and Spin** Affections, Pams in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight oxerUum, Palpita tion of the Heart, Uyslerb s. and these Pills Will effect a cure when all other means ; nd al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD BY AJ.L DRUGGISTS. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada: JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandt St., New York, X. jß.—sl.oo and 6 postage stomps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills by morn mall • Nov, 19. *64.-ly. RAILROAD AND HAIL SCHEDULE. WESTWARD. Pittsburg A ErieExpres** arrives 6.50 A. M., leaves 6.60 A.M. Baltimore 144 " ~bb •“ * 4 &.15 ** Phtladel'a \“ ** 8.. r >o ** “ 9.15 * Mill Train ' “ 7.40!P.M. “7.53P.M. East Line ' “ < 8-50- “ 9.10 “ Emigrant Train u : 3-40 “ 3-40 4 EASTWARD. Fast Mail Train arrives 7.50 A. M., leaves 830 A.M. Hurrisb’g Accommodation ~ 12.15 P. 31., M 12JJ0P.M. Pittsburgh t JErioExprvus “ 6.00 •• “ 6.20 *• Philadelphia “ “ 920 44 9-40 ‘‘ Fast Lice *' 2.00 A. ** -.40 A^M. Trains Oj. Uollidajsburg Branch runto connect with Baltimore Express, Philadelphia Express and Mail Train Westward, and Faat Mail, Harrisburg Accommodation and Pittsburgh 4 Erie Eariresa Train Eastward. Trains on Tyrone 4 Clearfield Branch run to connect with Mail Train Weatand Pittsburgh 4 Erie Express Train East, and connect from Pittsburgh 4 Erie Express Train West and Past Mail East! Trains on-Raid Eagfe Valley R. R. run to connect with Past Mail and Pittsburgh A Erie Express Train East and Mail Train West, ami connect from Past Mail Train East, Mail Traill West and Pittsburgh 4 Erie Express Trains East and West. Trains on Ebenshnrg 4 Cressou Branch rnn to connect with Fast Mail and Harrisburg Accommodation Trains East, Mail Train West and Pittsburgh 4 Erie Express Train East and West. ; , T 1 Trains on Indiana Branch run to connects with Harris burg Acc immodalion Train East and Pittsburgh 4 Krle Express Train West. Altoona, Nov. l-th. 1864. MAILS ARRIVE. Washington, Baltimore 4 Harrisburg arrive at 7:66, A.M. Philadelphia arrives at .... 8:65, “ Pittsburgh, (through,) - - ■,,, I™ n ,, Uotlidaysbnrgb, - - - 1 A.M. 4 0.00, P.M. Western Way, - - • A« Eastern Way, - • - • i.4d, P.M. MAILS CLOSE. Eastern Way and through, - - - - 7,44). AJI. Western Way and through, „ UoUidayslmrgh, - - * i:3O A. M, 4 ,HO,P.^M- Western, through, - " e.Sn Eastern, through, - - , - " • v : ' 6:50 ’ J 9" Oflice hours from 0:45, A.M-. to 7:45, P.M.; on Snh day from 7:45 to 8:46. A.M. i . ~ O. IF. PAXTON, P.M. DOCTOR WM. R- FINDLEY, OFFICE" ON VIRGINIA STREET. N iVedr/y opposite Jaggard's Store. OFFICE /HOURS. Prom. to ol£ o'clock A-. rom 154 to “ E. M rom 7 to 8H P- M- Altoona, Feb. 4th, lfi6s-lf. 1 MAEEIED. On the 33fl nIL, by Rev. Samuel A. Holman, Mr, JOHN HAMILTON, of-Logan township, to Mhw MART ELLES BALL, of Altoona. .' . DRIED Peaches and Currants at mr.U. 11, A. CAMPDELL’S. ’VTEW styles Women’s and Misses’ Gai ten at [mr.ll.l 11, A■ CAMI’III.LI. S. i GENERAL .issortment of Family /m Groceries just received at li. A. CAMPBELL'S. 4 DMINISTEATOR’S NOTICE. — Es- J\_ laU of Capl. Thomas L. McGlathery, late of Logan •Ltmsktp, decerned. —Notice Is hereby giren that Bettersof Admin Satiation have been issued to the undersigned by the Reciater of Blair County, on the Estate of Capt.ThomM L. McGlathery. late of Logan township, Blair county,idoc d. All Demons kn wing themselves Indebted to the eatattaof aald deceased are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment. and thdae having claims agalnat the same must pre sent them dtfly authenticated , ! . ; 1 AXiKN M’GLATHKET, Jdnuputevtor Altoona, MarCh 11, 1885.-et. ’ t * 8. SITTSO. Craig, t. H Monroe, to be supplied. JOSEPH X. INMAX, Station D, Bible Bouse. , New York City. BITTNER & ISENBERG, Dental Surgeons. / OFFICE IN MASONIC \ * TEMPLK, next door to tbe Poet Office. PUBLIC SALE Of Valuable Real Estate. WILL be exposed to sale on the premi ▼ ▼ ses. oc SATURDAY, MARCH 18th, 1865, AT 4 O’CLOCK, P. M. TWO HOUSES AND A LOT OF GROUND, situate oif Kirnna street, opposite the Arced*; Hotel, Al ioona. One of the Houses ten good-«*ed rooms, and the other ftra rooms. Uoth houses are frame—well built. The psop»urty is valuable and sale positive. Terms made known on day of sale. J£SSS SMITH. Altoona, March 11.1865.-lt. EDWARD L. BUSS 1 B.C. POSTLEW AIT. RUSS & POSTLEVAIT, DEALERS IS GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, CONFECTIONERIES. IOILET ARTICLES, NOTIONS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE, COUNTRY PRODUCE, &C. general assortment of the above named articles may always be fonnd at oar • NATIONAL GROCERY, Virginia st., altoona, pa March 11.1805. . ' ' L. BROWN & CO.. (Late btimes, Brown k C 0..) Bankers and Collectors OF MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIMS 13 t?avk Place, New York. Corresponding House in Washington, D. C., J. W. FISHEK j A C'% 47 S 14th Street. Tl AVINCx had three years experience in jn the Collection of Claims and tbo geuerabtransactiou of business in all Departments of Government we cam as sure our Clients and Correspondents that all business en trusted to us will be vigorously and promptly attended to. We are prepared to make advance upon, and negotiate the mile of Claims, and purchase Quartermaster’s bills and checks, as well os collect the following classes: Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers and Orphan Children. Uomititta for Soldiers, discharged for wounds received m battle, - those who have served two years, and the heirs of deceased; also, State Bounty to such a* are entitled. Arrears of Pay for Officers and Soldiers, and the heirs of deceased. Navy Pi ize Money for all captures. Navy Pension and balance of Pay. Accounts of discharged Officers settled. Ordnance 'and Clothing returns properly made out aud corrected, -and clearances obtained from Ordnance and Quartermasters Departments. U, g. Revenue Stamps for sale at a discount of£*.£ to 4% per cent. March 11, 1565.-3 m. LIST OF LETTERS remaining uncall ed fur iti Urn Altoona Post Office, March l»t, 1865 : Arthur Win ■ Learner Mias E J Anderson AquilU" Armstrong Alien (Lewis Joanna Alexander JTdin . I Moore Mr John Alien Wm 0 IMulloy Miss Kate Allison Mr A .Mettlen W P Armilrong Sarah ' iMeurer Joa Bitirer Mias Martha ,Muller P. ter Brown Miss Mary - iMorih MU« Annie Bean .Mr J jM Clane TV W i Bangt-JJ 'M’Closkey salho Bartlett Nathan jM’Bride Miss Annie Bell George M Cormick Eliza J Bell Thomas , Morton J B Bose Conrad j Nagle John N - Carry Miss M A iCßtien U E Cassiday Mrs M iOrner Martin Clabaugh Benjamin , Porter Miss Lottie Ca-ssiday James [Price John Carahen Miss Mollis | Price thzibeth Caster Poart Peck Elizabeth Collins tieorge Pennonton Maggie Conner M II Pertha Miss Many CraigeUugh , ; lUchard le.niia 3 Dull D M * Co •RctderN icholaa Dick Mia, Minnie Ritz Mary Ani> Direr. Philip : Rutherford Mary Dnnmyer Jacob Held George B Dill John n Ewart* Co ißitchte Susannah Eberly Alexander j Shanofelt Newton Entyles Mrs Ann Swab Wm , Farrell John 2 ! howder John ! Funk Charles smiley Mias Kate FardiceSP Stone Harr, , t FickJohn ' atewartMadison Gibbooev Geo W Shank Nicholas Gay Edward StevisonLidm Good Mise Lizzie I? 1 , 1 ? 1 *l™ . . Garrett JohnS Bridget Hite Christiana Stone Bebecia Hoover J W £, le ff i“ aI ? V Hgmea T B 2 Todd Frank Harris Capt J T Turner Geo 2 nprrlncr C W [Thompson Mrs Susan H<sk Eliza Thomas Mrs Jane Hoover Wm Treaee Mr Irwin Wm Topper Misa Jane Irwin Samuel Wright Miss Mary Johnston J W Walker Miss Eliza Jones U M Wearer F E Kern, Jacobs * Co WilmoreWm Koblenschlag Frank Wise Wm H Kuhn John P Wise Wm U J Hoffman Martha Williams barah Kettle B W'ylle Robert Knecht Henry G Yingllng Dncle Jessie Learner Mrs Biddie 1 Young Wm , If the above Letters are not called foi in one month they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. One cent due on oM-hi G.W. PATTON, P.M: New Firm and New Goods. THE undersigned would respectfully in form the public Uafct they-have taken tlie weU-known stand on the corner of Annie and Harriet streets. East Al toona, lately occupied by the “Union Store Company-;” where they have just opened a largo and varied stock GROCERIES, NOTIONS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, 4c., 4c., to which they invite the attention of all wanting anything in their line. Syrups, from $1 per gallon upwards; New Crop Yellow Orleans Molasses, a splendid article; Kio Coffee, (best Quality.) 50cent* par lb.; Tof all kinds; Sugar® from 2U lb- upwards; Raisins, Prunes, Dried Appldsand Peaclnwr; Beans, Hominy. Canned Fruits, Chocolate, Spi ces of all kinds ; Jersey Boms; Jerney Leaf Lard; Freeh No. 1 Mackerel, by the barrel, halfbairel, or kit; Herring bv the dozen ; Toilet and Washing Soaps; Concentrated, Lye; Combs, Brushes, Perfumery. Thread, Needle®, *c.; Navy, Natural Lea t, Spun 801 l and Flounder Tobacco; Carbon Oil, Carbon Oil Lamps and Chimneys; Wash Tubs, flour Buckets, Spice Boxes, Knife Trays, Market Baskets, Corn Brooms, Washing Rubbers, Rolling Pins, Ac*; Sta tionery, such as Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, Envel opes, pons, Pencils, Ink, Ac. / LOST CREEK AND BELLEFONTE FLOUR alWay? on hands, together with all articles of couitfiy pro duce, when they can be had. '43-As we sell lor cash only* we can sell at prices arf any house in the place. We do übt profess to undersell par neighbors, but we intend to sell our goods at . the very smallest profit on first cost, and/Wlll endeavor to give every customer the worth of hhumoney, treat him kindly, and send him away satisfied- respectfully in vite an examination of ouf goods and prices. / Potter a cow ah/ ir;<^.ilai'ch'4ilij 3S6L-ly. „/ / POUDKETTE. [Fiiteon>Year# Fair - •A. PEYSSOK, PHILADELPHIA POUDRETI'E, $2O 00 per ton, taken from the Factory loos®, or SO cents per bushel, and *26 00 per ton in bags,—delivered at Steamboat and Rail Ro*d Depots in Philadelphia. Manufactory, Gray’s Ferry Road, above the Arsenal, Philadelphia. Depot, PETSSON’S Farm, Gloucester, N. J., Woodbury Office, Library street. No. 420, back of the ne» Post Of fice, Phila. Dealers, „ . FRENCH, RICHARDS 4 CO., 4th and Callovhill Streets, Phiiad’a. feb.2o.-lm. REAL ESTATE FOE SALE.—The undersigned offers, at Private Kale, a 110 USE and ■ TWO LOTS OF GROUND, situate In East Altoona, near C Jaggard’e property. The Lots are well set with Fruit Trees The House Is a twoftory Plank Frame, with two rooms on each floor. There :i-i a stable «nd an excelknt well of water on the property. The Lots will he sold tor getheror separately, to suit pmxhasere Apply oj tho premises. ' JOBS BURLEY. Match 4, IBtiS.Hf. • . Fine toilet soaps, fob la dles’and Gentlemen at the 1 ' fet>4j - NATIONAL QBOCUST. U. S. 7-30 LOAN Jon w, iiiiniw. . By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the un dersigned has assumed the General Subscription Agency for the sale of United fthriee en and three tenths per cent, interest, per annum, known as Hie SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are toned under date of Angnst 15th, 1864, and are payable three years from that time, in chrtency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS The.e Bond* an now worth a premium of nine per coot, including gold internet from Not, which make, the actual profit aa the "-30 loan, at current ratea, Including intereat, about ten per cent, per annum, beaidea ita exemption from Stale and mumiifal taxation, which adde from one to Urea per t anl. more, aeconling to the rate lerled upon other property, the intereat ie pa) able aamtapnnally by con pona attached to each note, which may be cut off and told to any bank or banker. The interest nmonnta to 1 . One cent, per day on a JSO note. Two cents “ “ “ #IGO “ Tea “ “ “ “ #5OO “ SO “ “ " #lOOO “ #1 “ “ “ #5OOO “ I Notes of all dentpminarioDs named will be promptly fur nished upon receipt of subscriptions. This Is THE ONLY WAS IN MARKET dow offered by the Government, and it Is confidently el- pocted that its superior advantages will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF TIJE PEOPLE. Less than $300,000,000 remain unsold, whlch.-Will prob ably be disposed of within the next 60 or 90 days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscription* to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of country may be afforded facilitiesfor taking the loan, the National Banks, State Bonks, and Private Bankers through out the country have generally agreed to receive subscript tiona at par. Subscriber! will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be rear ponsibla for the delivery of the notes for which they re- ceive orders. JAY. COOKS, SuMdirigoirAfiiKt, Philadelphia. ScbsouptioKs m bk bjecjovzd by the First National Bank of A'toona. feb.2s/66. This preparation Is unequalled as s Rejnvenatorand and Restorer of wasted or inert functions. The aged should be certain to make the Biokr.Be* household god, inasmuch as it will render them youthful in feeling and in strength, and enable them to live over again the days of their pristine joy. Itnol only exhilarates but strengthens, and is'teally an invaluable blessing especially to those who have been reduced to a condition o servility, .elf abuse, misfortune, or ordinary sickness. No matter what the cause ol the impotency of any human organ, this superb preparation will remove the effect at once and forever. : BIOKRENE Cures Iznpotencv, General. Debility, Nervous Incapacity* Dyspepsia, Depression, Loss of Appetite, Low fpirto* Weakness of ibe Organs of Generation, Imbecility, Mental Indolence, Emaciation, Ennui. It has a most delightful, desirable and novel effect upon the nervous system; and all who are In any way prostrated by nervous disabilities are earnestly advised to seek a core in this most excellent and unequalled preparation. ~ I Parsons who, fay imprudence, have, lost their-. Natural Vigor, will find a speedy and permanent cur. in th. The Feeble, the Languid, the Diap&iring, the Old should give this valuable discovery a trial; it will be found totally different from all oth«r articles for the same purpose. TO FEMALES.—This preparation is? invaluable in ner vous weaknesses of all kinds, as it will restore the wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is also a grand tonic, and will give relief in Dyspepsia with the first dose. A brief persistence in its tws will renovate the stomach to a 4egree ef perfect health, and Dyspepsia forever. I One Dollar per Bottle, or six Bottles for $5. Sold I by Druggists generally. . 9 W Sent by express anywhere by addressing J HUTCHINQB I HILLYKB, W Proprietors, Jp- SI Cedar Street, New York. Sold In Uollldayebarg by J. E. Patton. Sold in Tyrone by S. Berlin. Sold In Huntingdon by John Bead. Sold to Altoona by all Druggists. Nqv. 12,1864 —ly FOREIGN SHIPPING EXCHANGE OFFICE. I AM NOW SELLING EXCHANGE (at New York Rate.,) on ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, WALES,- GERMANY, PRUSSIA, AUSTRIA, BAVARIA, WUBTEMJ9KBO, BADEN, - HESSEN, SAXONY. HANOVER. BELGIUM, - SWITZERLAND, HOLLAND, NORWAY and FRANCE. And Tickets to and from any Pori in . ENGLAND. IRELAND, SCOTLAND, 6, GERMANY. FRANCE, CALIJMtIIt*, NEW SOUTH WALES or AUSTRALIA. Feb, 4,-tf I. A'. 0. KKBR. A NEW OIL WELL DISCOVERED ! Many are the Stories told'ofgrnst discoveries of Oil. Of fortunes made in a day—ol flowing wells and wells pump ed by eteam. But the well discovered by London 4 Smith is not an oil well exclusively. Neither does it flow Spon tanonsly. nor yrt pumped by ste im. If yon don*C believe it, Jnst call at t heir Store oa Virginia Street and exmnine their new Slock pf goods, consisting of Ladies dress goods, such as Alpaca’s, Merino’s, Detains, Silks, Balmo ral Skirts, 4c.. 4c. Of Gents wear, Cloths, Casshneres, Sattihetts, 4c. besides a great variety of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hoods,' Nnbias, Comforts, Gloves, Spices of all .hinds, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Syrups, Soap,’ Candle* and ftaeinaware, Ac. with a little of nearly everything Usual ly kept in a variety Store. , Call and see ns, aa we are determined to sell as cheap as the cheapeyi. Don’t ferget the place, at the old stand for mer! v occupied by John Loudon, on Virginia Btrcst, AltoonayDec. 24. ’64. LjJCDON t SMITH. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. / PHILADELPHIA, PA. : Diseases of - the nervous, SEMINAL, DEIN ART AND SEXUAL SYSTEM— new and reliable treatment—in report# of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Sent bymail in sealed Utter envelope#, free of charge, i Address, Dr. J. BKILLOK IIOUQHTON, Howard Asaociation, No. 2 Sonth Ninth Street, Philadel phia, Pa. [Jan. 21, W6M*} MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN ON THE JLplauo-Forte and Melodeon, by MUs MARIA BfiOfr MAKER. . si TERMS £lO PER QUARTER. Reaidenco on Emma street, three doom below Annie It. No allowance will be made lor the neglect of Jefsona to the loss of the teacher, except In ca»e of tkknets. Jan. 21, 18W-ly. WHISKERS ! WHISKERS ! I Do yon want WhUken or Monrtachs.l Onr Compound will tore* them to grow on the «m<»tbeetaco or chin, w tuir on Wifcwii, it wla. Frioegi.Od. Bent by moil anywhere, cloeely aealed, on receipt of pi let. ’ Addrem, WARNER * CO,, Uoi 138, Brooklyn, S. T. Feb, 18, , 66-1 - .... ■ ■ ■ SPACES— all * national groorrt. Best syrupmolassb^, / fcb,S4. NATIONAL OIOCINT/ STRENGTH TO THE WEAK I YODTH TO THE AGED I I BIOKBENE, life kejuvenatoe.' BIOKRESTE. Great Bargains m WFOKSYTH * CO., 42 and 44 mx wi K«w T«k. (attaining ton (wt Ot»J«nrlbr aula tin fcllowlag IbiailauuH of WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWKLRY, Ac Talued tt «MWK». UiS AIXKLX OM 9QUUB, and ndfeto be pa*th*«n(# yon know what ynn ISOQoWhndSllTar Wa*ehaa,6om.—US to COO each. DO LedW CtaU WttnliM ' fin 00 wh. .600 UdW anttSuaW SOne Wa*ckM s «.~|u w «*.. Taet and Keek Cheifie—..s» DO ts $lO 00each. 6,000 Gold Bud Bracelets,—__—.3 00 tolo 00 sac*. BfiK)o Caman,.Maaaic A Jaaßroachaa t *oto 4 00 aaeh. JSS 4,000 Lava * Plorentiwj Bar Drop*—4 00 to 0 OOaaeh. 4,000 Coral Bar Drops— 4 00 to I 00 aach. 6,000 Masonic and deßta 1 Pin*.- ~2 60 to lOMaaeh. 3,000 Watch Keys-..—... .3 00 to **!*“*■ SAUO i’ob authHlbboa SUdsa,,——-2 SOW 400 sack. 3JOO aetu of Bosom Studs...———2 SO to 0 00 each. SAOO Sleeve Battona. . 2 SO to «00 hack. 6,oooPlain and ChaMd Kings.—.—2 SO to S 00 aach. 6,000 Masonic andJStona Set Kings—. 2 SO to 10 00 each. 6,000 Lockets. -2 50 to 6 00 aach. 5,000 Caiitor’a Blam'd Ptna 4 Kinga._3 OOto 6 00aach. 3,000 Luu lea'Gold Pencils. 3 00 to S 00aach, 2,000 Ladies’ Large Balt Bncklaa— 200 to 4 00 aach. 10,000 aetu Ladita* Jewelry. -S OO to 10 00 aach. 10,000 Gold Pena, silver mt’d holders—4 00 to SOO aach. • 10,000 Gold Pane, silver ext’n Caaaa and Pencils. 4 OOto 6 00each. The articlea in thia a lock erf Jewelry are of the aaataat , and moat fashionable nyica. Certificates of aH thevarious articlea are pot in a<>aled envelopeaand mixed, thnagtviUg all a lair chance, and Sent by mud fct 25 cent* each; and on the receipt of-the certificote, it is at joar option to aend USB UOLLAK and take the article named in it, or not,— Pive certificates, 41; eleven, $2; thirty, SS; sixty-five, $10; one hundred, sts. Certificate money to be encloaad With the order. Correspondence promptly answered. ’ We with it diatinctly ondantood that oar hiidiaei ieao lottery. The object of thh wanner of selling ta. to pee purchasers the opportunity of buying Jewelry attke wholesale prices, with the chance of getting a Wa ch ar some other valuable article; and all gooda sent, not setts* Uctory, cun be returned and the money will be refunded. AQKNT3 wanted in every town and regiment. Sand fur Circular. Address, • W. POKfiilH A 00v fab2S,’6i, 42 and 44 Siman Sk, Kew Tork. R. A. 0. KERR, ALTOONA, PA.. Agestiof Btair & Huntingdon Counties. SI MACHINES. ARE aDMET • beet ever offered to the public, audflhsir satisfactorily atabMtd by the £ectlhi|t im OVER 1,400 MORE of these Machlnes/have been sold than o i an/'other man* u factored, and more medals hare been awarded the pro* prietors by different Pairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do ali that is claimed for them. They are now in use in several families in Al toona. and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. John U Piper, Eev. A. B. Clark, George Uawkeswortb, Benj. 1. Bose, and X. H. Turner, Xsqrs. A . . _ The machines can be seen and Inmiyd at the store of the Agsnt, at Altoona. * ■ Price of No. I Machine, silyer plated, glass foot and new style No. and new style I&emmer--*s6fc' BRA, plain, with * Uenuner—(ls. [Match 21,1861*tf« CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON. rpHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN- I'. POEM the citizen, of A Rood* aodvkinity that Ut CONFKCTIONEEY, tfCt and lEUTE SXOEK,i» *iw*ye applied with th» xery best articles to be had, and In gnat variety. ■■ . exusbizz o^srSTEits ot the very best xnality, always to be bad. F&SSB-&JJ&D BREAD, CAKES, & PIE 3, always on hand, at reasonable rates. \ • ■ He is at all times prepared to snpply cakes, caddies, or pionics and other parties. He irrites a share of pnblie patronage, beUerlng that he can render fnll satisfacttont o all. Remember, hU store and saloon la onVlrgiaiastxeet-two dodrab4lo« Patty’s HaU. . OtTOROMT. Altoona. April 8,1863-tl N V iCOUGH n-MO REN ... • try ■; : STRICKLAND'S NVHWW W Vi VS Dr. Strtetland't Melliflnous Cough Batam U warrantod - "' - - Arth" - VJiotaia' ''a of' Ji&rrho»and Dysentery- It 1» ; gent*, Absorbents, StimnlenU and Csrm insures, and » warranted to effects core altar all other mean* hare tailed- gfpiCKUND% IPI Dr. Strickland 1 * Pit* Remedy ha* eared tbooaand* of th* worst case* of Blind and Bleeding Pile*. It gin* Immediate relief and effects a permanent cure. Try It dlreotly, Iti* warranted to care. ! ' -7 DYSPEPSIA. NEBTOCSNKSS AJO> DEBUJTT: DB. STKICKI.AaD’S recommerfthoa* suffering with loss of Appetite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Nerronsness andlSerrons Debility, to me Strickland's Tonic. It i» a vegetable preparation, free from alcoholic Ur quota; it strenghtens,the whole nerrons intern; .It create* a good appetite, and 1* (warranted to' ear* BMW* and Nervous Debility. . . All the abor*-medicine* for sale by Dr. Ee-B«g*rt, DrnggM,'Altoona. V 1 7 Dec. 1», 18ftt-ly. \ / SAYMMH TAKJN! New Finn in an oW Stand, WOLF & PETERSON Beg leave to inform the citizens of Altoon* and vicinity that they have taka* charge of the GROCERY & PROVISION STORE* lately occupied by Blckebeugh A Pattereon, and formerly occupied by. Joe. BerkqwiU, where they will keep eon •tently on bend a large etoek of Groceries ProTieione.aod Peed, Coinpricing Superfine, Kxtra, “d Kxtra nan pionr.. Becon—Heme Plain end flower Co ted- Ktttil end Plain BWea, Bhooldere, *O, _ , _ Dried Beet Mackerel and Herring by the Barrel, Half Ban el and Quarter Barrel. r COfIM—RXO-AN»^Aotnn>U. Sagara—Cniebed, Granulated, New Orleans, and Porto Rico, Honey and Golden Byrope, N*w Orfcan* airi Bp»af KoUim. ; Black, toniHpHyeoa, and Teas. - *■’ %, Bperau Adamantine* Star, and Mould Gandies. Boaln andFaney Soapa. -Nary, Span BoD. Hooey. Ota* •ad Cot and Dry Tobtixo, Clgara. fflap.a food aaaqe*. ment of Brooma, Bwieta, Bed Oorda, aßdQaaanawara. ■ . TEBD AHD PBOYISiqNS. Corn—Shelled and In the Bar, Oata, Con and Oata,aad Wheat Chop, Ship Staff, Corn Meal, gifted andHaamadi. fflao,Cto»a?«Sd Flfcrßeed. f 1 rH I MOB AJ» Xeißß. » c n» a call and aajre expenaaa c WffIUiTKTBBSOS. . Plmlml Dec.l7, ON^Y—Strainedandln tie .to eiKK^T^ #