1 r A .OPERTY ALE, priLi. expos*: Hnwbir.Blair count;, «di ol _. Cfd., James Hutchison, j olu »»4 >U( milt* from 4Uoo- EEB.^ riUwxkr good true* end In Mhe balance well timbered r. About 20 kth of.tba bsst quality. There tgfa e improvements Are » eHßoarded House, Smoke-howe* and P*mplliou»« oooveuieot. K BARN,, A. oonxxib, Icwhonse amj my kJa« it mltsnttor one ofa,,',* sentry. This tana lavsii rbeehatfed upfcr that pur um fitraiahee a read; market u> sterna pravefevontble the nuef.ha;. so . lacs will be told, 2 Harm , of which bar* eataaaJ 1 Bid! isator, 2 Plow*. 1 Patent Bn Uiddeis, 1 set Smith Toole, 1 G'luuon of different hiadr, to to numeixmii to mention. .so. .iicben Pond tore coMittw «W«»ds, Siotm, Xiilm, Hwt- iloot, A. M; when Attendance Jeliy. C. B. SJtNJK. - arehoMSe. U. y Philadelphia. jBKE RHINEmo.- iSKWS do? iLXNILLA PAPSB. lIAKIiWARE do. ■iENVELOPK iiCOEOIUSD Ajlo. BINDERS' BOARD v: TRUNK da. fTUAW doi. Ac. ►n nmde to order. C. C. SERVER * SON. THE FIELD. XSIOR ap Store. INEI) WOULD IN ban taken cbnrgfe of tbla e*- •t! bj J Smitni where be I varied a.-wortmqnt[of IE STYLES OF CAFSi ILDKENS FLATS. cl with frreat care and eafarv Uglily, for the accommodation iri rich or poori ! "• >1 !»*<■» Kura of ( *U itjjtMd). t»<‘in uf bis bturck, feeling sqrs fe»iidiou«. . D,.W.AIK[. 3STOS. 1 nI- V‘ j- '■ ■•... STEUMENTS 1 ONED RESPECT bIic. and especially loTert of I from the manufacturer*, the NOS, MASON A HAMIJN’S lNI) CARHAKT. NEED HELODEONS, Stmments to persons wishing in* In Philadelphia and New pon with any ad* warranted for FirrtUkES. C. M GREENE, Huntingdon, Pa. k E GUIDE T PHYSiOLOCrIC 'tie his own Doctor—Being a cd person* or ttaoseaboat to ». in every thing concerning r'.f ->ur sexual system, and i of offspring. Including all *Jore given in the English M. D. This it really a Talo- I: is written in plain lac i and is illustrated with op* n ipgs. All yonng married ig inamage, and haring the life, should read this book. v Gne should be acquainted must be locked up, and not be sent to any one on |he re tires* DR. WM. TOONG, DUrtb.Phtladelphia. .SEIEPIM D ! CILICE. NO EXCHANGE M». SCOTLAND. • IVY, PRUSSIA,;' -' ' UA, . WtJRTKMSW6> N, SAJCOSY, • !M, SWITZERLAND rt'Md FRANCK !' rt is Mi. t SCOTLAND, CAUFOItNMr Australia. It. A.jO.KKjtK. i’S NOTICE. No itep* of Administration ip of Altoona, Blair county, h- undendgntd themMlreO Indebted to tk* immediate ni the tame without doUj* *nt. l , ’ cisLiA oossiao. A**" BASKETS, OOUB, BRUSHES, xmosjii oKocgßy. FJLOUB, CHEAP satiosai for _paje mi it'JBSA B, xAtroifASx a?* .a CB: S'ATKHIi VATIOVt L £ik -at the IAWOJMa tmm- %\tmu i#ww- l ocal items. Kxrowitw OP IP* Awoosa Coal ast) Li m- CoMPasr.—Omi «» aers -hatr-Already hw ® th«rt«h our column* vito to* thai ; Company** recently been organized la Utleofthe “ AK I'Ll and Lum&r Company,”for theipurpose . mining and lumbering in the neighborhood of j (,f ■ Pmot. a few miles Above oar town.— ] is Iremly at work, and under the | management of gentlemen competent for the task, die enterprise promises to be a most successful 1, Beeentlv an invitation wa, ex.ended toand : 1 hv a number of merchants and business “ and what they though, of their Onp, them ,m -ions 0 f Altoona and the picturesque scenery LM found amidst the grand oid Allegheny as " „ as .heir opinions as . .lie resources of,.he Company, a *■»* ‘‘« ow *“ ce •*■*** lars for the mistakes thhrt st ranger’s hrst S.Preruns lead him into, be gathered from the folUng extracts from a letter wntmn by om; of ‘ exeurtionists to the Baltimore Am*,can and , . A rapid ride of nine hours brought ~ a t too iia, a town which owes ( its for !h" !’ an > ‘ he ‘ I’ennsvlvaUia Railroad. A few years raftUoU 1 was marked by hut, whose sin “f 0 i \Lnt wits the beginning of the present gle inlmbiia aligiited from the tram and enjorci Logan'llouse, which was built bre j l f bv the Railroad Company, at a cost hldf million of dollars. The dining saloon ) "nm LTts and from 4.000 to 5,000 meals are ' Here are the principal workshops Company, whose receipts during the pre { , ,-. ur were about thirteen millions of dollars| , / inen are st work in the machine 'I aU of whom reside in the town. * * * shop.-, al . ; e wure whirled along lk rSg Point at “he base (?) of the Alle ghenies, where the cars stopped bv special orier of fhe company, and we prepared to ascend the n contains, which in some places were qmte steep S travel. A single bumping car, drawn by f “ m of powerful horses, accommodated the ‘ who seemed almost spell-bound by the trsnd’scencs which the mountains presented, bar 1 he eve could reach it could • see nothrng but “„v,ge uioit range of these mighty hths. clothed in their Winter panoply of snow and tee; and the ,‘lrest ranges, thickly studded w.th trees of enor mous height, were also loaded with the frost-work „f tbe .ee-kmg, whilst trom their branches de pended long icicles, pure and transparent as crys ! 1 phe ride was not unattended with dangei in ■ 1,0 feelings of those who for the fust time ascend ed such steeps, jfor a mishap might have overturned •he ear and precipitated its occupants down a pre einiee three hundred feet heiow the narrow ridge 1,-nek.— The mines, of the Company are near v ‘ hue of the Bennsvlvama Central Railroad, and . the grounds measure' 1,219 acres, all of which arc in lilair county. All the seams lie«&ula.lT, and ,be drainings a.e easily effected without 4tie_ aid of machinery, and nearly all the coal may he md and brought to the surface without resorting to. inclined plaues and shaft,. The upper seam is llnrtv six inches thick; has been opened and work ed at one place. The middle seam is live teei in thickness; has been opened and is worked m two place- This seam produces a most excellent ar ticle ul coke for the smelling of the iron ores of the region, aud was resorted to years ag-‘ by tho blacksmiths in'the Juniata Valley. The lower is about three and a half feet in thickness uau 1- ea-ilv opened and These three seams, according to the estimate ofan ex]ieneneed miner, conmin not less than 20,155,000 tons. The cost of mining the coal and putting it on ears for traiispoiiatiou will not exceed $1.30 per ton at the present high rates of labor, and the cost_ of trans portation to Baltimore by rail is about $4.70, and to I'ort Richmond 55.00, which will leave a very handsome thargiu of profit for the stockholders.— Concerning the qualittlrf tfye coal, Professor Ai ken. of the University of Maryland, said that it was like that of the best English coals, end exhib ited all the characteristics of the most valued tutu miaou- coal. * * • * Now that timber is an imi-ortanl article of trade, and commands unusu ally high prices, something should be said about the forest land owned by the Company. A laige' portion of the property is heavily covered noth the ■ untouched forest, and the timber consists of hem lock. 'ic-aoh, ash, oak, chestnut, poplar, cucumber,- sugar, and other smaller trees. At several points where it was examined, the hemlock will cut 00,- DiiO to 70,000 feet per acre. With the saw-mill ai ready in the possession of the Company, in run ning order, the product of hard and soft lumber could readily be made 12,000 feet per day, which would yield a handsome revenue to the Company. • ■ s (jne of the noblest works ot art in ’lie Stairs is the Great Tunnel constructed by the Rail way Company. It is near KUtanuittg 1 oini, a water station at the top of a heavy grade At this point cite grandest view on the whole route of the t oad js presented to the sight. A vast extent ot landscape is spread out before the eye, presenting all the charms of mountain scenery which enchant the-lover of naiuie. On leaving Kittautfing Point the road soon enters the awesome darkness of the < rt at Tunnel, which is the grand engineering tri umpn of the roiid. Its total length is 3,612 feet, its width 24 feet, its height above the rails 21) feci. The depth below the summit of the mouu um is 203 feet. The tunnel was commenced October 1851, and finisluA January 1854, costing $540,000. During the.‘course of it-construction 1 three shafts were sunk to aid the tunnelling. , The eastern shaft was 150 feet deep, the middle 196 feet, and the western 135 feet. The sharpestcur vature on the road occurs at this point; the grade is 95 feet to the mile. This horseshoe bend is one of the greatest engineering works of the age. Kaileoad Accidents. —The Express train on tlie Venn's Railroad, came netp 1 being thrown over an embankment a short distance , west of Cres-ou, on Monday last, in consequence of a switch being left partially open, as it was, four cars and the engine was thrown from the track, hut fortunately no one was injured; On the day following while a freight train was approaching Lilly's station one of the trucks fell on the track, throwing off three cars, one of which caught fire and was entirely consumed. One of the em ployees had bis legs horribly crushed. Michael Gutsier, a watchman on foe Pennsyl syWauia railroad, was run over by foe cars, a fe\* days since, near Barree station, and so seriously in jured that he died the next day. Deceased had on foe road for nine years, and leaves a large family to mourn his loss. Fnovott Marshal Gen kral. —We learn by a despatch from Harrisbuig, that Major B. I- Dodge, Provost Marshal -General of Pennsylvania, has been relieved from duty by an order from and Brigadier-General E. W, Hints, lately id,command in New York, is assigned to duty in place of Major -Dodge, This appointment is understood to be favorable lb the State Admin istration.' 'lhakkb.—We are indebted to lion. Archibald 1 ’MeAttiMer, M. C. from this dUtrict, for Valuable Fob Sius.-i-A bonding lot, on Claudia »treet» | ■ _.i— „ - M _ Nl , , publie document; alsp to ifo*. G. Adium, of the W «*t Alt«*a- Tem>« rdodemie For particu- • TIMED CU.KBAN K State-LegUr.:^’for continued faVorc. • larc the “fiweo Comer." U at th. TSAXIOKA® QBOCKB*. Tub Late The fpllowfagliytcrffrotß Sujierintendcnt Western Division. I’c-nnu. R. li., in reply to a statement made by one Ci< n. Thomas Kilby Smith, which we clip from a teccm nnml>er of the Pittsburgh Chronitie, slipuidhaT.; t|ie effect of putting at reel many fahje'rumor. that have gninetl circulation in regard to the late distressing railroad accident near-Lilly's Station : PnrfißCHoH, Feb. 28, 18(55. MbssKS Editors :—Saturday’s issue contains a statement of tire recent accident at Woodcock's Siding, made by Gen. ThomasKflby Smith, whisb is incorrect in many essential particulars. 1 beg to make a few extracts ana give the facts. The gentleman says : “In order to make up lost time the train was running at a high rate of speed.” - The train was running under orders not to exceed time-table sj)ccd—which is slower than had,been for years' past—and had consumed the fall sched trie time in running from Gnllitzen to the point of ac-' cident, as is shown by the telegraph reports. The schedule time of the train in question .from the summit to the base of the mountain, a distance of, tweutv-fdur miles, is one hour and five”himutes, with no intermediatositops. “ The ties were rotten and gave way; the loco motive was first thrown from the track and ran over the ties: the parallel rod then broke," &c.—t The rod woke first, threw the engine off the track, : and caused the accident, breaking the ties and tear ing up the vails—the rails did not spread. . “ Twttitv'-dhree.persona were seriously injured.” The seriously)injured-will not exceed three in num ber ; including thosehdightiy.injured, we have no account of .mpte than thirteen persons hurt—not one of theni fatally. (Two persons killed.; “ It is also stated , that the regular conductor w;is not at-his post, and his place was supplied by a per son acting temporarily Tor him-” Mr. Philips Is a regular passenger conductor; was at ids post and performed his duty well. “As soon as the acqlderit transpired, the con ductor of the train left the’seene, and no railway employees, -who could be recognized as such, could be discovered from the time of the accident until every ond of v the wounded wqs cared lor.” Con ductor Philips was seen by J. O. Morgan, of this rrity. and others, actively engaged at the foot'of *the bank in extinguishing the flames. Afier the danger from fire was averted, and measures had been taken,Jpy him, to secure the cars from trains approaching, Mr. Phillips cameby to the nearest telegraph station, and reported the accident to me, asking that physicians and necessary assists atice should pe sent immediately. The engineer, Kich’d Allen, and .firemau, John Sweeny, were seen by several passengers standing in the . water and working screw jacks, which they had carrh d from the eugine, raising one of the cars in order to ex tricate the passengers. Walter Kirkpatrick, bag gage master, and, Robert McClelland, express mes senger, were also seen busily, employed 'Cai vying water and rendering effective aid, The two brakes-; men were necessarily absent, one east and the other west of the wreck, guarding it from approaching Crains. 1 have the written statements ot several passengers certifying to these facts. There were no other train men than those mentioned. “The bank over which the cars were thrown was sixty feet by actual measurement." The depth from the .ail to the creek is exactly one-half the distance—a point of little consequence except as showing the general character bf Gen. Smiths evidence. , “After a long delay, when the express train came along, ladies ■ abd children were driven out of the sleeping car.” The accident occurred at 5.05 P. M. The passenger train readied die j “segue at 0.35 P. M„ and .took die injured to | Andean. The Bleeping car could not be attached to being on the west bound track. It was therefoftsiiecessary to transfer the passengers. The officers of the Company aie gratified so find that their efforts in getting physicians and all requisite aid the sufferers are duty appreciated, and they deeply regret that: an un pressitai should have been made Lipdo the mind ot any that the employees of dip train "were less zeal ous in the same cause. If, upon a thorough in vestigation, the slightest reason for this impression is fohud to exist, the public may rest assuredfifiat prompt measures will be taken to rid tint rcrv.ee of those who have violated so grossly the wishys and habitual policy of the Company, which has ever required at the hands of its officers and em payees the exercise of the grestest possible care and attention in such cases. Very respectfully, ANDREW CARNEGIE. Superintendent Pittsburgh Division. Enigmas.—The following, properly arranged, have comc to hand. , We are composed of 9 Letters. Our 1,2, 3, is J of the name of an animal. “ 4,5, 6, is -1 of the name of a fish.. “ 7,8, 9, is * of the name of an article worn by flic ladies. Our whole is'thc name of a town in the United States. A. E. &W. M. I tun composed of 38 Letter#. Mv 4, 30, 37.26, 31, 34,17, is a piece of timber. 11, 12, 15, 13, is an evergreen oak. „ “ 20, 22, 6, 14 is to split, - 21, 7, 28, 23, 34, is a band. “ 29, 25, 24, is to know. “ 9, 18, 2,8, 33 is a ruler. “ l’ is’ 19, is an animitl.. “'l6. a,-a pronoun. “ 26, 10, 32, 28, 21, Is to weigh. Mv whole is a true saying. The answer to to the enigma by T. F. F., pub lished two weeks since, is “The Impending Crisis :>f the South, by Uel)icr.” W. A. C. Cacght at Last. —For months past it has been known to the Railroad authorities here that a reg ular system of robbery of goods in transit has been carried on by persons in their employ, but all ef forts to ferret out the guilty parties have to a great extent proved futile, although several have here tofore been arrested upon the charge. A day or two ago, however, two more of their employees were placed under arrest charged with opening and purloining goods at various times from tha cars of the Company, and the evidence is said to be quite direct (not only against foera but a number of oth ers still at large. As the matter has not yet un dergone a final judicial examination, we forbear giving names or. other particulars which have come to our knowledge. < Spriso .Tim*. —Wednesday last, according to-, the almanac, ushered in the first day of Spring, < 1865, and, if we may believe an old saying, the j month will announce its arrival by “roaring like a lion,” and making its exit “like a lamb.” Well, ■we have had a long dreary, and severe winter, and we strongly suspect that “end is nc>t yet.” Snow and ice -still cover mountain and valley, meadow and brook, and the shrill northern blasts continue to whistle around us. True, we have had some pleasant days, with warm and genud suns, link the streets are ,in a very bad condition, presenting a large supply of slush, mnd, ice and water. When the blue birds arrive, we will, then look out for the advent of Springs Compakixs AssiasßD.—The two military com panies recentlf organized in Uollidaysbiirg under the command of Capt; Andrews and Johnston, have been assigned to the i93th Kegt., P. V., un der Gen.(Sheridan. f : j Tike Extended;—provost Marshal Genera' ■ Jp inn and New Goods.' IT Q IftA W ! i announces that the time for raising new orgamza ... u u jU . KJ* . jli O!" / iMW-ifi+i• tionsin fhu ftitc is extended .o March Hth, but f By authority of the Secretary Of th« ***• this does not postpone or interfere Ith the draft. smooth* corn..^Ata^.ndd«J*- k»a»n«d UcmOE.—Bead Hie Poeirr on tnir first pace and ,»h<»a«hvh«vsJ»t wW«ac;k« fc e »Uof ••* profit by it V’V GROCERIES, NOTIONS, en and three teniha peTfeent.lnteriet, par uuivm, known ■ • tVIOOB AND WILIX)WWAE«, wwlAh they ! lheftttAotion o(T»U tMtog i® Uieirhao. - u ..v ■.. - T scsiSusiLftssaKSSv’KSBu'g- SEYEMHIRTI LOIN. quality,) 60 cents per lb.; Ten* of all kind,; Sugars from 4 JO cte. p*h* lb. upwards; Raisin* Prunes, Dried Appleeand Peaches; Beans, Homing Cfcnhei Pruitt, °P|~ ces of all kinds ; Jersey Hams; Jemy Deaf Lard ; Freak No. 1 Mackerel, by the barrel, half barrel, or kit; Herring by tbe doaea; Toilet and Washing Soaps; Concentrated Lye; Combe, Brushes, Perfumery. ThrAU, Needles, *c.; Navy, Natural Lent, Snap RoU and flounder Xobscoo; Carbon Oil, Carbon OR Lamp, and CblmneVa: Wash Tubs, Flour Backets, Spice Boxes, Knife Trays, Market Baskets, Corn BrOoms, Washing Rubbers, Rolling Pj® 9 , Sta tionery. suck as Foolscap. Letter and Note Paper, Bnrel opee, Pen* Pencils, Ink, sc. ' . LOST CREEK AND FLOUR 7?oht»eco and Cigare, Tobacco and Cigars, t'ohacco and CigStf®, Tobacco and Cigars, fbbacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. : Spectacles, , Spectacles; . Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines ‘Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines. ' Together ■with a splendid stock of Truafes and Supporters: and all goods found in a firsjt.rfloes Drug Store. For sale cheap for cash at the Drug Store of A. KotjßH, Second door from the' comer of Virginia and Annie Streets, Altoona. , . •; > Pibb ! Fire !!—Do not risk your properly any longer to the of the flames, but go to Kerr apd have him insure vou against loss by. Sfire.— He is agent for thirteen different i companies among which are iome of the best in the United States. ‘ Altoona, July 21 ,-tf. DYSPBIMMJ^.-—Whatevery body says mast betruc. W© have heard Dr. Strickland’* Tonic spoken of so frequently by those who have been benefitted by it, that at last we are compelled to make it known to the public that we really believe it effects euro io every case; therefore, we say to those .who are suffering with Dyspepsia or Nervous to go to their Druggist and get a bottle of Dr. Strickland's Tonic. DR. TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT. 4 CERTAIN CURE FOR PAINS Xm. AND AOU£9, and warranted superior to any other. Croup it positively curep ; .relief ia absolutely Bure imme diately it is ufied. Moitulrsremember thU, aud arm yonr- with a bottle without-delay. Croup is a disease which gives no notice, frequently attacking the child in the dead hour of night: before a physician can tie «um naoitod It may be too late* ;• itHtncmbcr, the Venetian Linl* inent never Calls. cPrice 26 and 60 cents a bottle. Sold by al| Druggist*. Office, 5* Gprtlandt Street, New-York- . A CABD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, wrhlle residing in Soatb America u a missionary, discovered & Safe and simple remedy far the Coro t.f Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the- whole train of dis orders brought dn by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy.— Prompted by-a deelro to benefit the afilicted and unfortu nate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, In a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it. Free of Charge. Please inclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself Address. Oct. 29,18£4 —Xy THEgIeAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARK'S Celebrated Female Fills, Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. dark. iV. D- Physician- Extraortlimny in the ; . This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of All those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It imHlerutusall excess and removes till obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. I, will, in <» short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. Th'jr Pills should 'not be taken by Females during th FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they ar ture to bring on Miscarriage, bul at any other time they are “{n ail Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, fatigue on slight eiertiion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills .rill effect pi cure when all other means have failed ; nd al though a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony.or anything 1 nrtful to the'constitution. Pull directions in the pamplilet around each* package, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD hy'all druggists. Sole Agent for the United states and Canada. JOB MOSKS. 27 Cortlandt St., New York, v; B ki.OOand 0 postage .tamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, wUI insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills by roturn mail. Nov. 19. ’Bd.-ly. BAIL ROAD AND HAIL SCHEDULE. WESTWARD. Pittsburg 4 BrieExpresi,arrives B.SO A. M., leases 6.80 A il. Baltimore “ \' “ <•“ “ “ o','r 'L Philadel’a “ S-J° 2 H p ~ Mail Train ‘ East Lino “/ 9.10 Emigrant Train “ 3.40 • r 1!..40 EASTWARD-! Fast Mail Train arrives 7 50 A. M„ leaves 8.10 A.M. Uiirrisb’g Accommodation 12.1.* 1.M., «*•;«. Pittsburgh 4£rie Express 6.00 •• o-'O Philadelphia “ “ *•» •“ , ®^ A „ Fast Line d.uO A. M„ _.4U A.M. Trains oa. HoUidaysburg Branch run to' connect wftir 1 Baltimore KipreM, Philadelphia Express ami Mail Train Westward; and Fast Mail, Uarrisbnrg Accommodation and Pittsburgh 4 Erie Espress Train Eastward. Trains on Tyrone 4 Clearfield Branch run to connect with Mail Train West and Pittsburgh 4 Erie Express Train j East, and connect from Pittsburgh 4 Erie Express Train West and Fast Mail East. I Trains on Bald Engle Valley K. K. rim to connect with Fast Mail and Pittsburgh 4 £i io Express Tram Last and 3lail Train West, and connect from Fuat Mall Tram East, Mail Train West and Pittsburgh 4 Erie. Express Trams East and West. . Train* on Elwnshurg ±'Cro*»on Branch run to connect with Fast Mail and Uarriaburg Accommodation Iraios East, Mail Train West and Pittsburgh 4 Erie Express Train East and West. . . __ « Trains un Indiana Brauch run to connect with Harri*- barg Acc umnodhiion Train East and Pittsburgh A Erie Express Train West. Altoona, Not. 12tb, 1864. * MAllesS ARRIVE. Washington, Baltimore & Harrisburg arrite at 7:55, A.M. Philadelphia arriTes at .... 8:55, ’ Pittsburgh, (through,) - -1 - ' Uollidaysburgh, - - 7.35, A.M. 4 a. 50, P.M. Western Way, i'S p i.' Eastern Wgy, ‘ • MAILS CLOSE. Eastern Way and through, - - - - 7 >*“; *"• Western Way and through, ' ‘ ' "V 5 "- „ nollidaysburgh, - - - 7;30 A. M, 4 ~10, t’. 11. Western, through, (1 Eastern, through, ’ Office hoar* from 6:45, A.M., to 7lie, P.M.; on cull day from 7:45 to SMS, A.M DOCTOR >#!• R- FINDLEY, ICI? ON VIRGINIA STREET. Xctirly opposite Jaygarttt Store. OFFICE HOURS. From 7!4 to SH o'clock A- 34- p rbm 1/i to ~A t. TO - ’ 1w" From V to ©Vi R • Altoona, Feb. 4tb, 1805-tf. By Rev: W. Uunt, at the Lutheran Pareonaee, In Wil liamabnrg, on the evening of Feb. 16th. ISfo.MrJAMiiS D. ALLKNUER to Miss MAT RAMEY, all of Williams-- burs* Blair county, Pa. ' ~ , OnThhAda, evening, Fob.23d, 1865. at tbe reeidenceof the bride, by Rev. Wm. J. spencer, Mr. ROBERT MAIZE to Mine BARAU ALLENDKR, both of Williamsburg, B *On the 21st of February, 1863, by Bey . Dr. T - Mr. JOS. P. METZLER, of Dnncammlle, to Mias MARX ANK KIR RE, of UniouTille, Centre county, Pa. - • On the23d‘ofFcbruary, 1866, Mr. MICHAEL MORGAN, to Mw» JANE KKPHART, .both of Blair township, Blair cotmty, P» -On the 15th alt , by Rev. Ilavid U. Clarke, D. D, Mr. Jonathan McDowell oi Biair county,toMise POLLOCK, of Mifflin connty. _____ 1) EAL fchTATE FQR SALE—-the ■ \i nhdersig&ed offern, at Private Sale, a HOUSE and fWO LOTS 0# GROUND, situate in »a«t Altoona, near C, JmtJSard’s property. The Lota or© well set with Jrruit Trees, House la a twi>»tofy Plank Frame, with two rooms on each lloer. There is a stable and an excellent well of water on th* property. The Lota, will be told to gether or separately, to Halt parchasert. premises. JOUH BUBWffx^ March 4,36»i6.-tf* ■ . JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible Bouse, NeWwYork City. G.W. PATTON, P.M MABBIED. always on hands, together with all article* of conn'll y pro duce, when they can be had. ' we tell lor cash only, we.caa sell at as reaeenable. price* as any boos© Ip the pWe. We do not profess to undersell our neighbors, but.we intend to sell our goods at the very smallest profit on. first cost, and will endeavor to give every customer the worth of bis money, treat blm kindly, and send him away satisfied. We respectfully in vite aft examination of om goods and prices. POTTKR A COWAN. March 4th, !564.-ly. PROPOSALS. —Proposals for the col lection of the accent, tax, imposed by the Borough .Councils, to make up the deficiency iu the Bounty fund, will be received by Borough Councils until March Ttb, instant. CHAB. KTv , ftr . au 8. C. PO9TUTWAIT. EDWARD I- RLfiß. " NEWJ’IEM ! NATIONAL GROCERY i I fTTHE UNDERSIGNED EESPECT -IJL FOLLY announce to the citizens of Altoona and vicin iW, that they havejust opened a splendid lot of \ FRESH groceries, \ CONFECTIONERIES, NOTIONS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, &c., &c„ in t lie new Store Boom on Virginia street, two doors from the McClellan House, where they will take pleasure In waiting upon all the Cash Customers who may favor them W It* la our hitentiim'to keep on hand a general variety of Goods W» oar lino, and wll them EXCLUSIVELY FOE CASH ! «»t Those whojtnow how to appreciate A CUP OP GOOD COFFEE OIvTEA, would especially do well to give us a calk «s onrs have already gained the reputation of BUSS APOSTLEWAII. I GO TO GOLD, reigarts drugstore Fvoeh and PureT>rugB, • 4 • • Iteacy Goods and Notions Fine Cigars and Domestic Wines. THE CITIZENS OF ALTOONA will please accept onr Congratulations and best Whit es fortlwyear U6S,and onr thanks for the liberal patron age Jon hare filtered ns with. , ——T Cl T 8 REIOAKTIB AOKKTFOR jVI'Tj .O iU 1 “Mishler’s Celebrated Herb Bitter s. jjfgxiuicriONs given on the! SSSSS3S&2 and an tee to make their Purchases TE^M g PE R QUARTER, ■tleniar. ■ ' Reel jeneit on Emmastreet, thraadoors bg)ow Angjast. T ABIES’ AND MISSES’ GUM SAN- j fdfftr? I*’ 1 *’^ fTgd nwpm* JM.aJeJWWy. ' ' Notes are. issued under date of August 15tb f aed sre payable three yean from that time, la currency* > or are convertible at the option of the holder into. U. 8. 6-21) Six per cent COLD-BEARINC BONDS Thme Bond, an now worth a premium of niaapar cent Including gold Internet from Nov, which make* Oieactuvl profit op the T-30 loan; at current rate., tnclndlng intereet, about ten per cent, per annum, beaidea ita uim/iHnn/tcm J&ait and municipal taxation, w&icA addt/rom enc to three pcr.wnf. more, according to the rate levied npftU other property The internet ia pajable aemtanauaU, b, cou pon. attached to each note, which may be out off and sold to an, bank or banker. _ Aim TO The intareat aawnnto to One oent. pern day oh a *5O note. Two cents Ten 30 «« 44 (i c< 44 fei‘‘;'#oooo ;** -Notce of eU I denomtna&>nena>h& util be promptly fn» - • TttE OULI LO.IS IS MiKIRT now offered by the Government, and It b confidently ez- pec ted that its superior advantages will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OV THE PEOPLE. Less than $300,000,000 remain unsold, which will prob ably be disposed ijf within the next 00 or 90 day», when the notes, will undoubtedly command a premium, he has uniformly beep the pus op closing.the subscriptions to other Loans. Ia : order that citiseoe of every town and eectloD of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banka, and Bankers through out the coantry have generally agreed to receive Bobserip lions at par. Subscribers will select theta own agents, in vhom they have and who only to bd zeq* ponsibie for the delivery of the notes for which they re ceive orders. JAY COOK* g uaacwFii oX& a xkt, Philadelphia. Subscriptions wxu. u asczxvxn by the First National Bank, of Altoona. ftbJs,’9s. KNOX FRUIT FARM & NURSERIES, ♦ STRAWBERRIES. GREAT AGRICULTURIST! IT is claimed for this new Seedling that it is of unequalled alia andP productiveness, single plants producing as high as 294 berries, many of them weighing over an ounce-each; of bright glossy crimson color, very'’firm, highly flavored, *nd a first clan market berry. For an account of its origin, introduction, pur chase by us, character and productiveness of the plant, size and character of the fruit, and other information, see our Circular. We 'have bought of Ur. Judd his entire stock of plants for sale, and are now prepared to famish them at the following prices: 75 1 50 plants^-.....—-. Neither does it flowSpdn tanously, nor yet pumped by steam. If yon don’t,believe it, Just call at their Store bn Virginia Street and examine their 'new Stock of goods, consisting of Ladies dress goods, such as Alpaca’s, Merino’s, Delaine, Silks, Balmo ral Skirts, Ac., Ac. Of Gents Weaf, Cloths, Cksshderes, Sattinetts, Ac* besides , a great variety, of.’Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hoods, Nubian, Comforts, ofavee,Bpices of all kinds, sugar, Oolfee, Tea, Syrups, Soap, Candles and Queensware7 Ac., with a little of nearly everything usual ly kept in a variety Store. • Call and see us, as we are determined to eell ae cheap as the cheapest. Don’t frrget theplaco, at the old stand for merly occupied by John Loudon, on Virginia Street. Altoona, Dec. *24. ’fti. LOCDON A SMITH- HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Diseases of xkE nervous, SEMINAL, DRINABT AND SEXUAL RISTEM-u -new and reliable treatment—in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Sent by mall in sealed letter envelope;, free of Address,. Dr, J. SKILLON HOUGiITON, Howard Association, So? * South Ninth phta, Pa. ■ [Jan.n.lBa6-tfH> inf \et Co,, & »a u rf'.StainStw. 'llWr Tfob, (bdjofchw toa*eat -■• Office,) ofc tar Ml* the bllowing Magnificent Id»t of WATCHES, JEWELftY, &c. Tbbwdta* S«£o00. OHCdMLLAK. ■ '(Uio&tetwfK Orajw kno« what yon ~-k 3 ry%-v•,P i * r • V i u( Ajat. ‘ 4 i * /•, ;f , / eJlWOold Band Bneeiets, ,A« taW«»«*ch. SoOOOtaieo,potato *Jet 8w0ehw,..4 86 to rOQ »ch. JSS«to *sWSch. 4.000 bv * tlcmUwta Owpi—4 08 to 880 wk. - *,OOO »«tuolßa»ntu .—Jt Wg* f JJSweb. jLOUOiUeeTe Butfboe.— ..,..e.,....8 o 0 t» w 4 80 each. . 0,000 Plain andChaaid mata.*- i.i Wtorb 08 Web. 0,000 Mwuiuc awytoioa Itot tUng!-..—8 4»toi0'88 «*cb. 3.000 uiw Bold Pencil!— —’-d 80 io 5 Op, web. 8,080 tadbrf li»p. Itatt B6 to *«» «•«**• 10,088 Htu LadiW Jewelry...... OOtoW 80 Web. 10,008GddPena, illrer mt'd bolder! .;.4 ,08te S OOWch. 10,808 tloWPeoa, lilrer ext'aCuwand 1 ~ ’ ■ Pencil*.. ,4 00 to fiOOtwcb, Xbe article* in Ibb «teck of j«w«lw ot tb* andmiWfUifonablealjlW. Cfrtlbeat*. ofTojL»bewipii» article* MO pot in eealcd ebrelopWtad Uiw l *? , “* all'a lair chance, and neat by bool for 8$ , and on the receipt of the cetUAaoto,ittout jrqw optj»“ toaend OSKIHJUAH aud take tbo arUa* named in «, or not.— Hva certificate*, $l.; ‘ eleven, |Bi; thirty, Jo i ■raty-fire, $10; one bnudred, $lB. Certincafe money to be encloaed orOer. Oorroepondetreo Promptly auwem, ■ Wewiah it ditoincUjtmderatoodtbai our bfednew to no Lottery: The object at tblq manbar oftenlha to to stre purchaser! the oppdWunlty of baying Jewelry atlh» wholesale Pricee, withthe chance ofgettoigaWacbor •dtoe other Tal no We aril-'to; and all good! toot, bqt'WtU factory. cau be returned and tbe aaouey tiU be jr^niuled. > • AOKNTB wanted in or«ry towu aodr««kßeak. Send for ■ Circular. AddrtH. W J . fO&SItH A W«s ■ 42*udM*vm* v***- “ #jLQO “ #5OO “ 9XOOO "Agent ior Copies. SI MACRINJSS. ARE AijpET a beat ever oAerod to the ppbllo, aJtjjbair ■atiifcctorUj. by tba in yearv, . ‘ OVER 1,400 MORE prietors by different Eeira and to moth er*. The Mac^«ere,wMr*nted.tos jpi^en f g v Dr. Strlckland'a Pile Remedy hai cnrdd thousand* of the wont case* of Blind and Ble*dlng Plle*. It glT*e UjnMtot* reUofmß effect* a pertoaneat ear*. Try It directly, It It warranted to core, ‘ ■’ '' DYSPEPSIA. NKETODBNBW urn DEBILITY, •' DB. BTBIOKLAND*B TONIC,—We can reoownemjtboe* suffering with'low of Appetite. Tndlgeetion,OTDjepepsle, Nerraqraeti and Herrons Debility, to nee Strkklwiff’a Tonic. It is & vegetable preparation, free ft;