k- IfY ALE. expose itheprswiiM.oa ■ ■' llth, 1865, iftasa&ns k™ Mu*. v : Bg#ss«isss jVdtt 30i acres of the •* qoslilT. Thera i, mprorsments are ■ Boarded House, Mttao* WttSwt.' B AIN 4t sUuntter ohs of tbs iBOy. This lanntssraU o Ba«i op for tbatpar mfulsbes a rra-Sj market Ms prose fsrorsile tbs >Thaj. O, will be told, 3 Math, I ffcfch have 1 EttlL «■, 2 Plows, 1 Patent Hsj wt» 1 tfttßmith Took, 1 M of different kta£g,to mennis to mention. in Parnitur* cooslittnr -sda. Staves, Tub*, Hb*l A-Jt- when utcnducs i. B. SINK. chouse. Philadelphia. I* PKINTINO, iWB* do. NILJUA PAPER, IDWABB do. i VJOOPB do. DOJUSD do. SBJtES' BOARD. ' iCN-K. j do. AW dp. Ac. ufela order. C. SKKVKR A;80N. E FIELD. SIOR p Store, £t> WOULD IN- * takeb chaise of this m> >' Jm» Sotith, where hs ted of STYLES OF CAPS, ‘BEX’S FLATS, h care apd erabrs r; fbr the accommodation ii nr pour. *fa Furs of all atjlesal’ df. his stock, feeling sura fcoaw*. I>. W. ALK OS JU-MENTS I SD RESP3S£T •ad Mf fcinilj- iorers of n ih« manufacture™, tin 4A805 A HUOUfo -A at! ART, MEBk • • IDEOSS, to persons wishing in* Philadelphia sod I7«w licatlon with uj ad- , led for rrri Tuu. M GREENE, Huntingdon, Pa. GUIDE. ’IiYSIOLOGIO ii» Own-Doctor—Being n none ortfaose about to ' 1 everything concerning/ lav canal extern, ■no i kSefiring, including ail f given in the Anglia i T**M le really awalife ‘ written lit plain lan h Wust rated with np- : ». AH young married .rnage, and baying At MaUd read this book, i skonld.be acgaUntod be locked up, and not »t to any one on ttiera- M DE. WM. YOOSO, |, Philadelphia. UPPING OFFICE. EXCHANGE SCOTLAND, ’ fRCSSIA, WDKTJEUBKKO, SAJCOST, ', S WITXEBLAHD,' VTSANOE. SCOTLAND, CALIFORNIA, AUSTRALIA. K. A- 0. KERR. NOTICE. No-,. i of AJminUtntfoa oaf v il»oon», BUircoontj, - reritUnr** Indebted to' mediate p»jment.*nd i warewftboaljtoUy,: A HORXINO, jUte. B»Bgi«S.*c, Ac., 3XAX QROCERT. |v i OUK, CHEAP (oxALOHotaar. for s&le AttC{ie I* POStUWAtX. ■ ' V -i SRASB3!OS'S sawag-; fcaattlS . A3P;‘. i’HHE WAsei iff: SfAJD s f j ie ' 41, i ii %itOOM iitbMJit, LOCAL ITEMS. (I [ioßOOOfa EutctioN.r—The following is the re of tbe election held in this place on Friday i" 1 Scarcely two-thirds of the voters attended u noils notwithstanding there was considerable ‘, boniest for the office of Borough Constable.— 1 , the case of Cbas. J. Mann and B. P. Johnston Total. M d C o f U - 67 5 69 ln> SMS#: * « |» Moses Cyphers, U. » 3b 34 John Iresh, D- _ 238 flcsscr, D. 118 3o »«BSa » • » *• JJajliel Laoghnian.-U. W 8 - ■ “ l 3 9i , 78 240 SS r' »> « » ,«• ,'lSri.a in 55 •” |“ K. H. .MCormick, U. 38 bo 66 21.» jLts&toT. ~ Lawrence XC Work, U. 64 “ ‘ Andrew Kii-l-le, I - A.£tt“’) “h 36 * 2 237 , Auditor). ’ Gcuigt F. Huff. I'- f C. K. Collins, U- ‘‘® , Judyr of Election) (,1 allies Kearney. D, 113 Maj Kart Ward, j >£ e rvmc, U. 55 J 3 (G. W. Stewart, U. S 3 North “ \ fiousli. 1). 33 .51 i Thomas M’Bride. D. 79 West “ jB. K. Rose, U. 59 2C Inspector) of Eleeiiun. Ea«a Ward—John Hickey, D , >• I*- M’Crnm. U North t‘ -J. liutienbcrg. U., J. Alexander, D Wesi “ —TMcKcman, D.,J.G.Oounsmap,L. 1- i, not often that spring elections receive more than a massing notice, from the tact that hut little importance is attached to them, and in many cases dial little, importance is not political. Our inten tion. in referring to the result, as given above, is not to find fault, or show how other results might have been secured, but to cal! attention to some- thin:: which, to us. seems very much like incon- siatenev. All wijl remember that at our last general elec nun there was an Independent Democratic candi date for Sheriff, for whom the svmpathies and ,otes of the people were solicited oh the ground that he had been a soldier and fought and suffered for liis country. His claim was recognized, and ;,‘,e Republicans, dropping their own candidate (a woriliv man-r-but he had not‘been a soldier), voted fur the soldier candidate and elected him by a handsome majority, while the majority against ‘us partT was from 400 to6oo. Perfectly right.— Those who peril their lives in defence of their ruuntrv are entitled to, and should receive, the uthev-s for which they are qualified. A: uur late spring election Capt. John M. Clark, n veteran/ who served his country faithfully for thru years and three months, most of the time fightrv: with the Penna. Reserves, as an Inde pendent Republican candidate asked the office of Borough Constable, a position equal, so. far as the emoluments of the office are concerned, to County ■sheriff’. Did he get it ? Look above find you will discover that the Democratic candidate has the majority. Those who urged Republicans to vote fof the independent candidate for Sheriff last fall, because he was a soldier, could have elected Cap:. Clark, who was also a veteran soldier. Did thev do it ? Not quite. A number of Democrats did vote for Capt. Clark, thus making good their professions, but a number of those who, last, fall, wen- loudest in their professions of attachment to soldier candidates, and were most earnest in per suading others to help the soldier, did not vote for the soldier for Constable. Are we not right in stj ling such nets inconsistent ? We mac be told that there were Republicans, who have made, and still make, :the loudest pro fessions of attachment to the soldier, who worked agios’ Capt. Clark, and voted against him. We believe this to be true. We know that Enough,of them voted against him to defeat him. If they can reconcile their actions with their professions, it will be more than any Democrat or Republican we have vet met has been able to do. The Anniversary.— The Anniversary of the M. K. Sunday School Missionary Society, held on Sabbath'‘hist, was a decided success. Ucv. W. W. Hicks, of Bellefonte Station, late Missionary to India, was present and preached morning and evening, and addressed the Society 1 at the meeting in the afternoon. Considerable interest was man ifested in the collections of the classes rtf the Sab bath School, and when all hud paid in, it was J‘*und that they had collected the sum of $196 •luring the past month. According to an arrange ment of the Society one-half the collections go in to the Missionary treasury, and the other half is applied to the purchase of books, &c., for the Th e collections of the Society for the Ve: ‘- r * ami the collection taken up in the church on >ab'-ath morning, foots up about $350 for mis n irv purposes and $215 for Sunday School pnr- us the contribution of the station for-the pre-i-m year. The seimons of Rev. Hicks, ipom '"r anil evening, and his address before tlie Soicic in the afternoon, were highly creditable, elici- :,n R : ui;*f!.ba!ory remarks/font all who heard him The church wasdenselv ciowdediju each occasion Sißiont Accident. —OnFriday afternoon, the i’hiiadelphia Express West, which was some seven tuurs behind time, met with an accident about 'me mile West of Lilly's station, caused by .a broken rail, which precipitated three cars over a embankment. Notwithstanding ,the cars were completely demolished, only two passengers, named bright and Kohn, ot Philadelphia, were killed, and four persons slightly injured. Those "ho were injured were/brought to the Logan Moose, in this, place, and‘will, by Monday next; be &!, ie to proceed to their homes; The above report will appear quite in contrast with the reports in circulation, yesterday evening and this morning. We have bur report from those who know all the particulars, j. The previous re ports in circulation only go to show how fast a =tnall report may grow while passing hurriedly from lip to car. Iscgeasiso—The popularity and patronage of Ivms & Postlewait’s National Grocery, on Virginia street. This is owing partly to the merits of the iLstuutioni end partly to the use oi printers’ ink. Americas Life Imijbascb aid Tncst Com pact.—This is dtecidedly the mutt healthy insti tntion of the kind in this country—we mean financially, of course. The poliiie* issued during the past year far exceed those;of any previous year, evidencing increased confidence in the relia bility of the institution. To give an idea of the business the Company baa been doing, during the post year, we take the following from the repons of the Company for the; years 1863 and 1864. The receipt* of the Company for the year 1803,: from all source,-, pre- iiiium, rents, interest, etc., were Disbursements for same period, Leaving a balance, Ist Jan., ’64, o£ 50,798 90 The receipts from tbe same sources •for the year 1864, were Disbursements for same period, Leaving a balance, Ist Jan., ’65, of 177,878 95 From which deduct balance Jan. Ist, . 1864, Leaves the increase for the yejr .1864 over that ol 1863, From the above it will be seen -that while the receipts of the Company increased $154,400 33 doting the year 1801, the expenses for tlip same period,increased only $37,379 26—leaving, as we have figured out,above, a clear surplus of $127,- 080 05. On the Ist of January the Company had $966,- 461 79 invested in bonds and stocks of reliable and dividend-paying institutions. This amount far exceeds the liabilities of the Company, and has enabled it to declare a dividend of 50 per cent, on the income of the past year. This, per nemage pays the one-half of the premiums services, and that Providence had fail ed him to go. he went to Philadelphia and enlisted in the Navy, August 4th, 1&64. He fr- went on board the U- S. steamer Princeton, whore In- re mained until August 22d, when he was transferred to the Ironsides ; and in the recent attack on Fort Fisher. ifPwliicli that vessel bore a conspicuous pan, he was placed in command of Gun No. 1, and remained at his post, witfi heroic courage, during the whole of that tremendous struggle.— When, at length, the bombardment hud ceas*-d, hji was obliged logo below ami take to his li il, bn; had the satisfaction soon after of hearing that the flag he loved so well was waving in triumph over the devoted Fort. His condition, however, nmv became gradually worse, until, ■ n the morn ing of the 20th ultimo, he expired, in the twenty fourth year of his age. His remains were tempo rarily interred, with military honors, in the Ceme tery near Fortress Monroe But trom thence they were subsequently brought home and deposited in the fan|ily burying ground, near his father’s resi dence, fill lowed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors! He was a member of the PreshyteriatriChurch, having early given his heart to God, and made a public profession of religion. He died as he had lived, in the hope of acceptance and salvation, through the atoning merits of a crucified Savior. And we hare reason to think he is now with that Savior in the Heavenly World, enjoying the full fruition of a blessed immortality. ‘‘And 1 heard a voice from heaven saying unto me ; Write—Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth t Yea, saltlf the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.” —Her. xtv., 16. Uespect ;to ah Eskmt.—While one of the trains which conveyed the: rebel prisoners East, during the present week, stopped at thi ■ place, one of their number, who had died in the cara’aftcr leaving Pittsburgh, was carried out and laid down on the track. The cpq>se was taken in charge by some of our humane citizens, a coffin procured, and the remains of the poor unfortunate was, by those, whom he, in life, supposed his enetnit s. de cently interred. What a contrast between the ac tions of the jienple North and South. Would the : people of any Southern town have paid the same respect to tlnJ remains of a Union soldier left with them ? We have yet to hear of such a case, and the history-of their actionsand treatment of Union soldiers, dead or alive, forbids the supposition that they would have given them any attention. Our people did no more than their duty, and it is not so much to commend them, asfo put the item on record for future reference, that wo make a note of it. I'ktkoi.fxm, Mining and Kah aoat> Journal. —This is the title of a new paper just started in Philadelphia. As its name indicates, it is devoted to oil, mining, and railroad interests, and promises to be a valuable journal in tips respect. One of the editors, W. E. Roberts, is Jhe State Geologist, and much information must undoubtedly bo de rived from" the reading. Of Iris ■ contributions. As these are the days of “oil on the brain," the infor mation given on the oil subject will be valuable, a« it is proposed to furnish weekly a correct report of all speculations and companies in t|i« business. The subscription price of the’paper is $5,00 per annum, or ten cents per copy; It can be had at Fettingcr’s News Agency, every Wednesday morn ing. Those interested in the; oil business should by all means have thiuj carnal. Elegant Stock ot J«welrt. — Chose who in tend making purchases in Jewelry, will be inter ested Messrs. Forsyth & Go’s advertisement in another column. They offer a superb stock from which to select, and we are informed, by a friend who has made a personal supervision of their goods, that they are just as they are represented to be in their advertisement. The jewelry is all new and of the latest styles. All articles received, which are not satisfactory to the customer, can be returned, and the money refunded. Bead the list in another column, and see if there, is nut some thing you want. A. M. L. &B. R. A.—The regular meeting of ( Fire ; Fire I!—Do not riskyoor property any the Board of Director of the Altoona Meehan- ' I 0 "*** to the mercyof the flames, bnt go to Kerr j n » . « and have him insure yon against loss by fire.- ,cs’Library and Reading Room Association was He & agem for th J irteen >diflferent held February T3th. The following named mem- amo ng which are some of the best in the United bers were present: Messrs. Hose, Stratton, Call- . Slates. well, Ue Charms, Irving, 'Worrell and Hicks. Altoona, July 21,-tf. The Committee on Bills and Accounts reported the bill of Messrs. McCrum & Dern, fur printing, correct. The Committee on Date tending Dues reported a considerable amount of money yet due the Asso ciation by some of its members. The Secretaly was instructed to prepares list of the members still owing the Association and of those who refuse to pay, at which tune action will be taken in the .matter and as the Aaisoeution is a chartered institu tion they can call on the strong arm of the law to vindicate their rights. An application for use of the room of the Asso ciation, was read, from Dr. W. B. Findley, Chair man of Committee of Arrangements of the State 'Medical Association, for their annual meeting, which will be held in Altoona in J uno next. The matter was referred to a emmittee, consisting of Messrs. Hicks, Bose and Stratton, with power to grant use of room, if terms and time were satis factory. *203,366 61 142,566 71 357,825 94 179,945 519 50,798 90 127,080 05 The Committee on Books and Publications were instructed to .procure two or more first class Illus trated newspapers for the use of the association. The Committee on Library and Heading Boom was instructed to procure a clock to be pul in the Library Boom. On motion, all persons who were in the arm; during last rear were excused from paying dues f#r the time tliey were absent in such service. - 'Tire following named persons were elected active riiembers of the association :, Mias Ella Humes, Jesse 'S. Walton, Dr. E. H. Beigurt, Will A. Patton, Alex, Bindley, O. M. Irving, T. A. Van Allen, O. W. Mason, W. N. McConnell and W. S. Fisher. On’motion adjourned. Branching Oct.—We are always pleased to note the prosperity of enterprising business men, and it therefore gives us satisfaction to note that J. H. Moore, of Hollidaysburg, first known as the match man, now known as the proprietor of sever al notion wagons, lias entered into partnership, in Philadelphia, with B. K. Jameson, dealer in fancy goods, hosieiy, notions, trimmings, 4c., which gives him the advantage of getting his goods at lower rates. He intends to keep all his wagons running as usual, and may add to their number. Moore is an enterprising and good business man, and in thus obtaining an interest,in a Philadelphia house, lie will be able to sell his notions at lower prices than heretofore. The business place of the ■new firm is No. 40;'. Market street, 3d door from Fourth street, north side. He solicits a visit from the merchants in this section. Orsnas. —Bivalves, this season, hare reached a figure slighth-in advance of those not blessed with plethoric purses. When the figures are so high of course you want a good article, and this von can always find at Jake Weis’ saloon. We have indulged in the luxury frequently, in “days lang syne,’’ and profess to be judges of the quality of the article, and we pronounce those set before us hv Jake, a few evenings since, to be the best in the market. Go to Jake's if you want good oys ters, confectioneries, etc;, and yon will find all in abundance and perfection. Horses Stolen and Recovered.— On Friday night last same person or persons stole two horses from the stable of Oliver Haggerty, residing a short distance below town. At first he thought that they had been stolen by regular horse thieves, but on finding them, on Saturday evening, in the vi cinity of Tipton, it was supposed that some persons from that locality had been either in this place or Hollidaysburg, and, starting to walk home, got tired, and took the horses to ride part of the way, and then turned them loose. To Editors of Altoona Tribune: Sir* .' Owing to a want of familiarity with the location of the different Wards, a mistake .occur red in the reporPof our Society for Belief. The North Ward should have been credited, with $63 and LoudonsviUe with slo. ! ?s r Will you please do inserting this in vour next issue, and oblige Mua Enoch Lewis, President Society for Relief. Feb. 20, 1865. Red Men's Ball. —The Red Hen's Ball, given in their Hall, on the evening of the 22d inst.,w»s well attended, and passed off very agreeably.— Music, dancing and mirth ruled the night from 8 o’clock, P. M. to 6 o'clock, A. M. Everything was arranged satisfactorily by the committee, and nothing occurred to mar the harmony of those present. “JohnnT Re6s.” —Within the past week quite a number of rebel prisoners, confined at different points iit.the West, have passed East to be ex changed. Although rough looking in dress, thev are all looking well physically—more than can he said foe the Union prisoners for whotn they are to bo exchanged. Eighth Annual Session of the East Baltimore Conference will open in Danville on Wednesday next, March Ist. On Sabbath next, Rev. W. K, Mills, who has filled the appointment to this station, with mtich acceptance, for two years past, will preach his farewell sermon. Notice.— The regular quarterly meeting of (ho Altoona Mechanics’ Library and Beading Boom Association will be held on Thursday evening next, March 2d, at half past seven o’clock, at which time the following amendment to the By- Laws of the Association, will be proposed,, and acted upon, viz: That Article 4th, Section 9th be stricken out and the following inserted : No unbound periodicals shall be taken from the Library Boom, and all such periodicals and works shall he bound as soon as practicle. J. D. HICKS, Stey. Tobacco and Cigars, 1 Tobacco and Cigars. ; Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. Spectacles, Spectacles, Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines. Together with a splendid stock of Trasses and Supporters and all goods found in a first class Drug Store. For sale cheap far cash at the Drug Store of i A. -Roush, Second door front the corner of Virginia and Annie Streets, Altoona. J. D. HICKS, Seey. DTBPKPBlA.—Wheteverpbodp taps must be line. We bars beard lonic spoken of ao frequently bp tboee who bare been beneflttad bp it. that at last va. are compelled to make it knowu to the public that «a really believe it effects a core in every case; therefore, we sap to those who are I offering with Dyspepsia or Nervous Debility, to go to their Druggist and get a bottle of Dr. Stiicfcland’e.Tonic. DR. TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT. A CERTAIN CURE FOR PAINS AND AC LIES, and warranted tupefior to an y other. Croup it positively cures ; relief ia absolutely sure imme diately it is oaed. Mothers remember this, and arm your selves with a bottle without delay. Croup ia a disease which gives no notice, frequently attacking the child in the dead hour of night: before a physician can be sum moned it maybe too late. Remember, the Venetian Lini ment never fails. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Sold by si) Druggists. Office, 60 Cortlandt Street, New-Tork* A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and almple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness. Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary end Seminal Organa, and the whole train of dia orders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers*have been already cured by this noble remedy.— Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted sod unfortu nate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed qnveiops, to any one who needs it. Frtt of Charge. , Please inclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself Address, * Oct. 29,1864—1 y THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARK’S Celebrated Female Pills, Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clark, M D. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine in unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous* diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It modoratssall excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy euro may be relied on. TO HARRIEI) LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring oq the monthly period frith regularity. Each buttle, price One Dollar; bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. That Pills should (not 6c taken by Females during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy , as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they ate safe. In all Cases ofNervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertlion, Palpita tion of the Heart. Hysterics, and Waites, these Pills will effect a cure when all oilier means have failed; nd al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each, package, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS . Ssle Ageut for the United States and Canada. JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandt St., New York. jV. B. —$1.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorised Agent, will insure a bottls, containing 60 Pills by rsturn mail. Nov. Ift. ’M.-ly. RAIL EOAD AND HAIL SCH£DDL£< WESTWARD Pittsburg A BrioExpress arrives 6.30 A. M., leaves 6.60 A.M. Baltimore “ 7.55 “ 4 * 5.15 Philadel’a “ *-60 ’* “ 44 Mail Train 4 ‘ 7.40 P. M. .■v 7.53P.M. East Line 44 8-60 “ 4 - ft-10 44 Emigrant Train 44 3.40 •* 44 3.40 44 EASTWARD. Past Mall Train arrives7.so A. M., A.M. Harrisb’g Accommodation 13.15 P.M., 44 13.30P.M. Pittsburgh A Erie Express ** 6.00 * 4 44 JL2O *■ Philadelphia 44 “ 9-20 44 4 \ -11.40. “ Past Line 41 2.35-A. M-, 44 2.40 A.M. Trains oa Hollidaysburg Branch run to connect with Baltimore Express, Philadelphia Express aud Mail Train Westward, and Fast Mail, Harrisburg Accommodation and Pittsburgh k Erie Espresv Train Eastward. Trains on Tyrone A Clearfield Branch run to connect with Mail Train West and Pittsburgh A Erie Express Train East, aud connect from Pittsburgh A Erie Express Train West aud Fast Mail East. Trains on Bald Eagle Valley K. K. ran to connect with Fast Mail and Pittsburgh A Erie Express Train East and MaiLTraiQjWest. aud connect from Fast Mail train East, Mail Train West and Pittsburgh A Erie Express Train* East and West. 'rnici on £l>6Dibarg A Cresson l(nocb ran to connect trtlb Faitfc Mail and Harrisburg Accommodation Trains East. Mail Train West and Pittsburgh k Erie Express. Train East and West. Trains on Indiana Branch nip to connect with Harris burg Accommodation Train East and Pittsburgh k Erie KxpressTrain West. 1 Altoo.va, Nov. 12lh, 1864. MAILS ARRIVE. Washington, Baltimore k Harrisburg arrive at 7:55,A.M. Philadelphia arrives at .... 8:55, •** Pittsburgh, (through,) - 7:50, UoUidaysburgh, - • 7:35, AJI. A 5:50, P.M, Western Way, • - • 12:15, A.M, Eastern Way, - ' IZ- MAILS CLOSE. .Eastern Way and through, - 7,40, A.M. Western Way and through, • • • “ Uollidaysburgfa, - T:3O A. M, k 7:40, P. M. Western, through, ...... 7:30 •* Eastern, through, - * - • * &30, “ ggp» Office hours from 6:45, A JI., t#7:45, P.M.; on Sun day from 7:45 to 8:45, A.M. Q.W. PATTON, P.M. DOCTOR WM. R. FINDLEY, OFFICE ON VIRGINIA STREET. Nearly opposite Jaggarde Stare. OFFICE HOURS. 1% E.ijl °'°T* t: U: From 7 to &/i F. M. Altoona., Feb. 4th, 1365-tf. MABHIED. JAMISON—SPARKS. —In this place, on the 18tb Inst., by Rev. J. Wellesley Jones, St. Luke’s Memorial (Prok. Bp.) Church, Mr. SAMUEL 8. JAMISON, of Oil City; Pa., to Hiss JULIA E. SPARKS, eldest daughter of Mr. i\eo. W. Sparks, of this borough. DIED. At Alexandria, Ta., of.poenmooia, CHARLES B.,infkUt eon of B. P. and Irene Lamason, aged seven weeks. POUDRETTE. [Fifteen Year* Fair Trial.] A. PEYSSON, PHILADELPHIA. POL’DRETTE, $2O 00 per ton, taken from the Factory loose, or 50 cents per bushel, and $26 00 per ton in bag*,—d**Uvbred at Steals boat and Bail' Koad Depots in Philadelphia. Manufactory, Gray’s Ferry KoaUl, above the Arsenal, Philadelphia. Depot, PEYSSON’B Fun, Gloucester, N, J., Woodbury road. ' Office, Library street. No. 420, back of the new Post Of fice, Phila. Dealers, FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO., feb.26.4iu* 4th and Callowhill Streets. PhiUd’a., CLOSING OUT AT. COST I THE undersigned will commence on TUESDAY, FEB. 21 et, 18SS, and cloaa out hi. entire .took of GOODS AT COST, aa hei* about to suspend bus iness for a Mine on account of the “Oil Fever,” he offer* rare inducatoenU to buyer* who wlah to eave money; or merchante'cao get a bargetn in taking bit good*, as most of them were bought before the hut advance. The etoek consists ef DET GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, BATS, HOODS, SHAWLS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, SHIRTS, DRAW ERS, QUEENBW ARE, WOOD and WILLOW WARE, Ac. Notionaof ail kinds In great variety. Prints eold at 40 and 42 cte. will now tell for 36 and 37 etA Wool Detainee, U 0 “ “ J “ sassr-- -' pA. ■; :■ a. r | : . £ BST if : :: » Roots 6.00 w*7s Qneeneware, »-00 “ ’’ W Bv the above flgnras persons will eee the advantage of coming eoou,a. the stock .01 he rushed off,without de tay. Comment fonaeUas,but coma and **ftbdSi.’fl6, Corner Julia and Harriot tie, B. Altoona. JOSEPH T. INMAN, .Station D, Bible House, Nsw York City. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. By uthority of tb* Secretary «f th« Tteeenljl, d« reigned tuui lainl the Smn| BnheeriptlanhgiHgr fcr the enie of United Stnten «n-«b «b end three tenth* per cent, Intern*. per nnnnee, known me the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN l|«w Note* are iwwd oadtr date of Aaiwt Uth, UM, mod are payable three jean from that tima, hi cononcj, tv are convertible at option of the bolder Into i V. 8. 3-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS Theta Bonds are now worth a premium of nioe per cent including gold ifiteroot from Not, which make* the actnal profit an the 7-30 loan, fit currant nM, Inclnding interest. •boat ten per cent, per annum, baaidaa it* coemption/rom ' Stale and municipal taxation, wkxcA addi/nm om to thru per,cent, more, according to the rate lerjed apon other property, the internet ie payable aambannoally by con poo* attached to each note, which may be ent off and eold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts to One bent, per day on a 950 note. Two cents " “ “ «XOO “ Ten “ “ “ “ #5OO “ SO “ “ “ “ #iOOO “ $i “ “ “ «sooo “ Notes of all denominations named will be promptly for* Dished Upon receipt of subscriptions. this is THfe ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and it is confidently ex- peeled that its superior advantages will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE^. Lees than $200,000,000 remain will proh- ably be disposed of within 6O or 90 days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a promriaa, as'has uniformly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of evsry town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers through- out the country have generally agreed to receive subscrip tions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they bare confidence, and who only are to be res- ponsible for the delivery of the notes for which they re- ceive orders. SuascsiPTion Aexsr, Philadelphia. , Subscriptions wol b* bxcbotb by the First National Bank of Altoona. feb.25,’65. KNOX FRUIT FARM & NURSERIES. STRAWBERRIES. GREAT AGRICULTURIST J IT is claimed for this new Seedling that it is of unequalled size an unsarpaesed, if equalled, anywhere, and include; , j HORNET, tin, largest of .11. and of groat excellence. PILATE, very early ud valuable. IMPERIAL, very prodactlre and fine. SODCHETTE, very besatifol and good. JOCET, very beautiltal and good. . BIUNCKLE’B ORANGE, flneet flavor. PRANCONIA.one of the very beet. IMPROVED BLACK CAP, hardy and very profitable. PHILADELPHIA, ALLEN’S HARDY, Ac. BLACKBERRIES NEW ROCHELLE, DORCHESTER and NEWMAN. In any j, (quantity. CURRANTS. We bare taken special pains to collect ,tbe beet varieties of Currants, ami have a very Urge enpply of— CHERRY, largest and beet lor Jelly. WHITE GRAPE, best white; very fine. VICTORIA, productive and UtesL SHORT BUNCH RED, productive and very good. VERSAILLAIBE, very Urge and beat quality. GOOSEBERRIES, ASPARAGUS, UNNASDS RHUBARB, Ac. bxto roa caiaiosca, inclosing friar, a* oca SEED stobk, uokticdltob.al and aqjuctlto BAL UOVSkT A'o. » rifthStred. All article* belonging to such an establishment can be bad, of the belt quality, and op the moat fliToiable terms. No. 29 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. A NEW OIL WELL DISCOVERED I Many are the Stories told of great diatoveries of Oil. Of fortunes made in a day—Of flowing well, and wells pump ed by .team. Bnttbe well dlecovered by Loudon A Smith le nut an oil well exdiusively. Neither floes it flow Spou ttnonaly, nor yet pumped by ete tm. If yon don’t believe it. Just call at tbeit Store oh Virginia Street and examine their'new Stock of goods, conflating of Ladies dress goods, such aa Alpaca’s, Merino’*, Detains, Silks, Balmo ral Skirts, Ac- Ac. Of Gent* woarf Qtothe, Gaasimerso, Sattinetta, Ac, besides a great vanety of Roots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hoods, Nubia*. ,Comforts, Glove*, Spied* of all kind*, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Syrup*, Soap, Candle* and Queen*ware, Ac, with a little of nearly everything uenal ly kept in a variety Store. Call and eee ns, as we are determined to Sell aa cheap as the cheapest. Don’t forget the place, at tbeold stand for mally occupied by John Loudon, on Virginta Street.. r Altoona, Dec, at. ffl. LOPION A SMITH. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. ' ■ PHILADELPHIA, PA. Diseases nervous, SEMINAL, URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEM— new and reliable treatment—fit report* 'of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—SCiit by mall in sealed letter envelope*, free of chaig*. Addree*, Dr. J. BKILLON HOUGHTON. Howard Association, No. 3 South Ninth Street, TUUM-. phta,Pa. [Jmn.«,lW6-tf] MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GIVES? ON THEi Pi»uo>Fort« tod HriodMß) by Min MARIA BHOX MAKBR. > TERMS 810 PER QUARTER. 5 Residence on Emm* street, three dhorglniow'AßAto et- Ho allowance will be made for the ttagfatt dftaeepna to the loseefthe teacher, azeeptiucasesfeickpfea. . Jan. dU -fr„ni . • • m. Great Bargains Jewelry. \MT FORSYTE * CO., 42 and 44 ST * ' • Muni) elreet, New fork, (adjoining the Peat OSH,)oßrkraUMMki*ta|lU|B^tUi(of WATCHER CHAINS, JEWELEY, dkc- Taiaed at *500,060. KMJH ABTICLJI ONK. DOU*B, oad paid foraatityM koto* afoatyok' 150 OoU and Silver Watckwf&am—.*l6 to lAfifiauk. ■M) Ladies’ Odd Watebee -434 DO each., 400 IjIW end Seats’ Silver Wetchoe—..*ls 00 nek.* 3,400 Yu) nl Mack Chain..... *5 00 to*lOs. Certificate money to be enctoaed with the order. Correspondence promptly answered. We wisli it distinctly nndetatuod that oar bnainme la no Lottery. The objeC. of Uiie manher of eel Ling is to give purchaser! the opportunity of buying Jewelry at the wholesale price*, with the chance of getting a Wank or aorno other valuable arti.de; and all goods out, pot Mils foolery, can be returned and the money will be refunded. AOBMTB wanted In every town and regiment. Sepd for Circular. Address, af W. POBSxl'Hk CO* feb.25,'65, 42 and 44 Neseao St* Mew York. ''• v ■ ■ R. A. 0. KERB, ALTOONA, PA., Agent for Bkir& Huntingdon Counties. These machines are to he the beat aver offend to the public, a,.d their •uper writ, is Satie&ctorlly established by the fact that la the last eight years, : OVER 1,4=00 MOKE of these Machines un bees eold th»n of »ny other man ufactured, snd : mors medals bate bees awarded ths pro prietors by different Fsiresnd Institutes then to ehy oth ers. The Machines ere warranted to do all that la claimed for them. They are ho* is use in several families in, Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as ths su periority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper, ttev. A. B. Clark, George Hawkesworth, BenJ, F. Hose, and 10 H- Turner, Esqrn. The machines can be seen and examined at ths store of the Agent, at Altoona. , Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and beer style llemuier—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot and new style No. 3, plain, with old style Hemmer—s4s. [Match 21,1861-tt. JAY COOKS, CONFECTIONERY AND ICE qREAM SALOON. ritHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN- I FORM the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that his CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STORE,Is always uppliod with ths very bestkrticlet to be had, and in great variety* .4 15 .7 25 .. 125 .; 200 FRESH OYSTERS of tbs very beat znality, always to be bad. F&ESB-BAKED BREAD, CAKES, & PIEj, always on band, at reasonable rates. He is at all times prepared to supply cakes, candies, *c, or pic-ntcs and other parties. He invites a public patronage, believing that be can render/fiill satisfaction* o all. Remember, bU store and saloon is on Virginiastreet,two door e below Patton’s Hall» ‘ OTTO Diarrhoea tod Dysentery/ It li a combination of Astrto* gents, Absorbents, fithnnlenU and Carminatives, and to warranted to effect score after all other meanehaTe failed. Altoona. April 8,1863-tf. iCOUGH MORE.'i I _ TRY -'C‘ - -. . | | STRICKLAND\S I N*\V V.V.\\ VV VSV S | £&£/£//SMSJM\ Dr. Strfetland’a Melliflocm* Cough Balsam la warrant** >Congfaf| Colds, Hoaraoocaa, Asthma, Whooping voritw „ - v -- watraated to core. *'‘ * *; * DYSPEPSIA. SEEVODBNBBS iXB DEBItITT. DR. STRICKLAND'S TONIC.—Wo can recommend thoae (offering with loea of Appetite, Xndigeetion, or Dyepepaia, Nerronaneaa and Nerrona Debility, to m Strfefcland't Tonic. Uia a vegetable preparation, (bee from alcoholic II qaon; it etrenghtena.tlrc whole nerrona ayatem; it create# good appetiW, and ia (warranted to cure Dyapepfia and Nerrona Debility. . I All the above medicinea for (ale by Dr. £.. Beige rt, DrngglH. Altoona. ' - SAY AMAH TAKEN 1 New Fini in an old Stand. WOLF & PETERSON Beg leave to inform the ciUaena ofAltoona and Ttcinlty that they baa* takM charge oftbe GROCERY & PROVISION STORE lately occupied by Bickabangb A Patteraon, and fcnnwly occupied by Joe. Borkoiwitz, where they win keep eon* etantty on hand a large atock offlroceriea, Pro»lalona,and “Dri^BMtTfaSoralami^Herringby the Barrel,Half Bari el and Quarter Barrel. COPFBE-810 AND JSABT INDIA. Sagata—Crnehed, Granulated. New Orleant, and Port*' Bico, c Honey awAfloUbn Syrnpe, New Orteaaa awl »a|l« Sonae Holaaaaa. Black, Young Hyaon, and : lmpeiM| I 'sperm. Adamantine. Star, and Mould OamHe*. Pale, Borti and fancy Shape. Nary. Span'Roll, Honfcy Dam and Cat and Dry Tobacco Cigari. Ain, a good aaeocfe mentof ErStne, Swflfeta, Bed Corde,aßdQaort*wa**.''i.| fEBD AND PROVISIONS. a Corn—SheQedUu] Is the Ser. o*t», Corn: nnd OnU, and Wheat atop. Ship Stiff,- Corn S»«el, Silted MuJ Al»o,Cl'iVeVeurtVleiSeW. • " • ' £t ArrtKE; KQOB AND LAKD, i at kHn »n 4««« *x expenses* ir *-r& t -'*TOp **OT*y>*. ?■ HQ^fEX— Btrained andin the Combi-* fbrnto'it tb* MATIQNAL UOCKRT, TMpte T' l«*w gira