The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 18, 1865, Image 1

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E: :i ?
are, <fee.
sken charge of-the Unaware
iop recently under the chare*
uia street. apposite Keeeler’i
ti largely to their stock are aow
r iu the Hardware and Cotlerv
lixes, Auger*, Adzes, Gluseii
Dianes, Hinges, Locks, Latches
ioons, 4c., Ac., all of which*
ooahU terms.
g in the Hardware line art
>e their sto-’*. ■
Paints. Carbon Oil, etc., to their
1 these articles at a small ad*
assortment from which s.ay
iii'article to pelase their &4cy. •
i»tlv attended to.
beat it vie.
[would respectfully in
ruoan and auiTonodiog cou».
td from the Kuit, where h« baa *i
I price, cannot be surpassed in
Atock. is much larger than
e an object, iu these exciting
; urchese where they can get
;it the Lowest Prices,
uni will sell as low, if not a
voise in tliisi place. H« wishes
l.efore purchasing elsewhere,
oiler huiuct-muiU which will
. consists of
>I)S of every description,
Heeled Bootees at $1.50@1.73
. ; 1.37&1.M
■ low. v
Rio Cofl’t-ee, Syrups, Team, Ac.*
ilv kept in t( Drv G*xHla Store,
id.) qd Virginia St,
I: *- Ea-'t with a lint? aaeort
i. Plaids, &c., &c.
Cloaking Cloth. Casslmere,
Muslins lilrHChed JUKI CnC
atai'.'ttn. Dt-cums. Gioghami.
r*ki*M Capes. Blanket* and
»ort|aeut of Ladies’ Winter
reduced price*. Al*o,
Bro/» u, 24c; and Fine White,
slock, if you with to
l*iAce. J. B Hilemurii Old
Immek goods.
k »>f Ladies’ Dress
■•vri Kas just been opened at
Itonna. and will be sold for
fciition. We are determined
Kfrc the lend, and that the
the ran. Our atpek
• Merino*-*. palmetto Cloth*,
las. All-Wool Plaids,
ired iiobiities.
of other goods, of differ-
act there Unotbing the ladle*
[ai.uo; furnUh them with.—
tat of
wls. 13almorals,
e», Oaitercp .die.
forgetting to mention ouf
it money can b* «aTed Pj
uatance, we are selling good
ifd. Muslins as low as 18cti.*,
!>.. and good Teas for 90 ct*.
;eet Iron-Ware
G. &C.
Respect- m..
zen* of Altoona^B^^v
rantly on hand
sizes, to suit the
-11 at low price*, on reMop*
* stock of Tin and SheeU
ides f>r culinary purpoae^—-
'frbt of sale in Blair coanty
t ■> l-e seen to be apprecla,
r v farmer, butcher or tho**~
1 to putting up SPOPTtNG
and pat np
f aprll 14, 1869-lj
rs Agency,
■>.V HAND,
bid, Urinary ud Suinl
Report* at W
t by mall in sealed'letter
OJrew, Br. 3. SKIObJJ*
08, No. 2 Soatfa Sloth SL,
, ifOACHBS, ANTS, *#*
:«<• under any elfcnsurtM.
O. TV.KJt«S*f. r
r. <0 T '
(as, m m&pf
[ini* at.. Altoaa ' '
Wat Altuomi {Trilnnu.
VOL. 9
1 „„„ 7~ . ■ ■ B. C. DgRS
inwUblv io .»dr»nce,)...... ,|1 SO
i'll .»* th * expir,tkm ° f * ilo9
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, . t 35 $ 37fc * 60.
tfuur Un«» ® r *_ eI I S*'* , *V- r “* 50 75 1 00
0u« Stlttiwre, (8 “*••{ * ioo 160 3 00'
Two “ 4 ' 150 3#o 3 50.
,hr « “ CeaU
i,.r ion*™ for ««•>■ 6 month*. I jsnr.
„• 160 $3 00 SS N O#
« *6O 400 oo
4 00 6 00 10 00
■ ■ 500 8 00 12 00
One *qo»r<*
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sattwaaws ■« oo
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Cmmaßloßtfon* of» rttM.
i ntomt. «iU b *number »f in»»r
forbid .nd eb»rg*d
.--cording to the »*?* “™*L, line lor .Tor? iwrllon.
j U^^‘ «° Un»,mj» a u wquwro
gkritt foetra.
The sound of war was in thine ear,
Maryland, fair Maryland!
Thy cheek was wet with many a tear,
Maryland, fair Maryland
Thy cheek waa wet but never pale,
Thy ancient spirit shall not fail,
Whoever may or dare assail
Maryland, my Maryland!
•Jihey said thy heart was-failing thee,
Maryland, my Maryland!
They dare to speak of treachery.
Maryland, my Maryland !
The rebel, in his new born pride,
Presumed to elaim thee for his pride,
And bade the battle by his side,
Maryland, fair Maryland!
My mother State, the fair and true,
Maryland, (air Maryland!
Gird on thy gleaming sword anew,
Maryland, fair Maryland!
The ages past upon thee call,
Ami these to come, whale’er befall,
Shall find thee worthy of them all,
Maryland, my Maryland! _
One only stain thy twiners wear,
Maryland, .fair Maryland ;
Oh let it rest no longer there.
Maryland, fair Maryland!
The rebel storm in rain shall
About thy legions strong and brare,
If thou shah come without a slave,
Maryland, free Maryland!
She-hears, She comes,' the leal and- bold,
Maryland,.my Maryland.
She fights beneath the banner old,
Maryland, my Maryland!
But.see, the robe: around her cast.
Is falter far than all the past —
We bail her with full hearts at last,
Maryland, free Maryland !
Lo, at her feet the tyrant lies,
Maryland, free Maryland !
There's joy and glory in her eyes,
Maryland, free Maryland 1’
Oh bid thy sisters follow tiiee,
* 1
And teach their shout like thine to be.
For Union and for Liberty 1
Maryland, free Maryland ’
Triflea! each one hath a part
1b our pain of pleasure, '
Making ns the daily sum
Of our life’s brief measure ;
All unnoted as they pass,
Scarcely worth our heeding,
Yet a trifle it may be
God’s own work is speedings
Jessie Hale was the merriest,
prettiest, most provoking daughter
of Eve that ever least I
thought so—though' perhaps X was
not an impartial judge, as I must
confess I was deeply in love,-—and,
in fact, I don’t believe I could re
member of a time when X was not
iu love with her. It certainly was
not when a youngster of twelve I
took her under my especial care,
feeling then prouder of my curly
headed charge than I could now of
a mine, of gold; iior when a tall,
awkward boy of sixteen, I first ven
tured to ask for her company home
from .church; or still later when,
after four years absence, I returned
to my native town, and set up as a
surgeon in the house where Dr.
Moore’s uame had been since my
earliest recollection.
Oakpbke was a remarkable place,
or else the (good people feljt » little
afraid to trust their lives in the
hands of soph a young scapegrace
as they had: known me to be, for my
horse and gig found more employ
ment in carrying; Jessie Hale to ride
than in any moreprohtable business;
and it is certain more of my time
was spent in Mr. Hale’s pleasant
■parlor than in either study -or prac
tice of medicine. Some of the
neighbors slyly remarked that I
must have a very sick patient there
to occasion such frequentvisits; and
I was certain that if Ihad ho patient'
there, all the patience I ever had.
was required there at times ; for of
all the tantalizing little wretches
that ever fascinated and provoked a
poor fellow—until he could not have
told -whether he were in the body
or out of it—Jessie : Hale was the
14 00
10 00
6 00
20 00
40 00
1 76
14 00
tt 00
And there was I—William Tre- kle in her eye. “Then of course
maine—standing si* feet two in my there is no need of rtiy telling you.”
stockings, big enough to have known “No, I did not mean it Jessie,” I
betterv :that is sure,; led about by said penitently, “But do you love
that little elf, coming and going at me ? will you answer me, yes or no.
every bieck and call, as if I were a “Yes or no,” she answered de
great simpleton, as in truth I must murely. .
have been, tor after>playiug “Oh, Jessie Hale,” I exclaimed
most devotedly” for six "months, I impatiently, “you will drive me
was no nearer winning than at first, crazy.”
Open-hearted and candid she was on “A terrible misfortune, surely,
every other subject; but just let me she said with a laugh, throwing
speaJc of love or marriage, and I down her work and stepping through
might as well talk to a-stone-wall, the low window upon the lawn.—•
for all the sense I could get from “Now Will, I ivill tell you What I
her. No matter hoiv cautiQUsly I will do if you will promiseiuever to
might approach thegubject, she was plagueme again about this.”,
always ready- with some' offhand ' ‘‘l will tell you what I, will do if
answer, as far from what I wanted you will only-give me an. honest au
m the equator from the poles, until swer,” I said eageriy. v
I was almost in .despair, but more “Well then, if you catch me
eager after every failure. “Ail is before I reach the elm tree, ! will
fair in love and war:;” or at least I. give you a candid answer, upon my
thought so, and resolved- to try the honor.” ...
result of strategy on’my wilful little . I thumped my head against the
lady love. i . window-sash, and away I went over 1
One fine morning, as we were the green, award with ten times
about starting for a ride on horse- more eagerness than I ever displayed j
back, as I was assisl»hg. Miss Jessie. in- playing catch in my -boyhood
into the saddle, her horse com- days. A very dignihedproceeding,i
menced rearing arid kicking at an truly, for a staid surgeon.. All the
alarming rate; of course the jagged, gossipsin Oakplace wouldhave held
bits-of iron that I had cautiously in- up their hands in jjjtfus horror had
serted beneath the saddle had upth- they seen me then; but I did not
ing to do with it. By the time she care if half the world saw me, so m
was fairly seated he had become tent was lon catching that flying
perfectly unmanageable, throwing gipsy; and catch her I did,.before;
her violently from the saddle; of she was half way to the old elm. |
course I caught her before she “Now for the answer,” I said
reached the ground. No sooner eagerly. , ~ T
was she, in safety than, with a deep “Oh 1 but can’t you wait until i
groan, I staggered back against the get ipy breath ?” drawing itin muck,
fence, niy right arm hanging help- spasmodic jerks, like a dilapidated
lessly by my side. It took, nicely, old strain engine. “Let me se#,
for Jessie was besideme in a moment, what; was it I promised to tell ypu r
“Qh, Will,” shp-said | piteously, “Whether you love me or not,
“that terrible horse has broken your you ,provoking little wretch ?” I said,
arm; and what will you do V Poor fairly out of patience.
Wm,! poor Wilt!" “Now, look here Mr. Will; if you
How like a rascal I felt at sight don’t leaverofl' calling me names, I
of her distress ; but I was not gomg WO n’t tell you at all, though perhaps
to give up then; so answered, with that is s love talk, is it ? Will, I
another terrible groan— promised; you say?”
“It is nothing, '; dear Jessie ; I “Qf course you did ;so don’t be
would suffer a; thousand times more all day about it.”
to feel that I have saved your pre- “If you hurry me, I can’t spe&k at
cions life. all, for it will take me some timeto
“But, oh, lam so sorry I What ovet * the objects of my love to|
can be done for you?” she said in se g if y OU are among them. Bet me,
such touching accent, that I half fiee >. .beginning to count her fin
repented. . . „ T gers— “there is Chloe thats one ; and
“The end justifies the Means,” I pHuce—though he hurt your arm;
thought. The end accomplished „ ou —j B two ; and old Brindle
certainly did. My'answer was in a * n three; and* Watch is four, and—
low, faint voice, as if I was dying— j e {. me see —.yes, there is Mr. Willi
“Ouly tell me that von love me, am pfeihaine is five/’
Jessie, darling ; it'vill soothe my I don’t think I stopped to thank
pain more than anything else in the j ier f or that answer, and if my’ return
world.” „ • . . , to the parlor was not as rapid as my
And then, like the great exit, it was certainly more dignified,
ton that I was, I put that right arm j pnff .taken my hat, and was out of
around her, and never discovered the-gate before Jessie had reached
my mistake until; she sprang sud- house.
de “^ r ouidn’t a little brandy and I went home mno verv enviable,
water do as well,' Mr. Tramline?” state of mind, resolvmg tWTnever
, • j ” would go near her again. But by
Wouldn’tlhavfe sold myself for the time I had reached my study,
a six-pence? Bui there was no help ™y, ai y? er cooled considerably, and
for it; so I had to-own the trick, and I sat down in my airmchmr and be
went home wishing I had broke my | g an to of my plan, J ast *
arm, or neck, I didn’t care much • done a hundred times before howl
which. Aftel that; for a while, 11 could outwit
was rather shy of the lose subject, Have her I would, but how. That
for not fancy hearing of my | wae question. it .
last attempt; but “out of the abun- “A letter for you, sir, cried out
dance of the heart the mouth speak- j fl ooy at the door,
eth,” and my heart was so full ofj I took the letter and tore it open,
love for Jessie Hale, that I could! I was too much occupied with’ my
not force my tongue to keep silence | thoughts to care much what its eon
very long. So One morning, after tents were; but the first few lines
lounging in my study until I was fixed my attention. It was from an
tired of everything—myself in par- : uncle or mine, a surgeon in a fldur
ticular—l went over the way, resol- 1 ishing city, making pie a very ad
ved that the matter should be deei-' vantageous offer if I would come Bud
ded before I returned. Jessie was .take his place. This was just the
sitting by window, biisHjjr situation T had been. wafomng.vror'
sewing, and humming some merry
tune to herself when I entered.—
She was Looking prettier than ever,
I thought; and T found it terrible
hard to talk pn commonplace sub
jects, when my life was so full of
the one so important to me.
At last I broke’ in upon some, of
her careiesamonsenfie with—-
“Why in the world, Jessie, don’t
you say whether you love me or
not ? What is the use of keeping a
tellow insuspense forever ? I believe
you dp—in rapt, I know you do.”
Here I was again malong a sim
pleton of myself. I might have
known she never would have told
me after that, but I did not under
stand woman, kind as well then as I
have done since.
“Oh 1 you do know, then, do you ?”
she said, coolly, with a merry twin
years, and I hailed it with delight
“But Jessie,” I thought—“could
I leave her ?”
A 'moment’s reflection showed me
what was needed, for if she really
eared for me, my absence would
make her willing to acknowledge it.
It did not take long tomake my ar
rangements, and before night they
were all completed,, and the next
morning I started for the station,
calling at Mr.. Hale’s on my way to
bid-Jessie good-bye. I could see the
littlp witch did not believe one word
of the story I told her.
“Ihope, Mr. Will, you won’t break
your arms in the train; it would make
it so bad tor you,” she sa;d with a
queer smile; as I concluded.
“And you not there to cure it?”
I retorted. “But" seriously, Jessie,
l am in earnest now. It is probable
I shall not see you again for years
and if J like the place I shall remain
She still believed it some .trick* 1
for her eyes said plainly—
“ You can’t cheat me again.”
And she said good-bye as eoolly
as if it were only for a day. I went
down the walk, feeling much as I
think Adam must have felt when he
left paradise, although his Eve went
with him, and I left mine behind.
I was well pleased with the place,
and was not long, in accepting my
uncle's proposal. 1 wrote to this ef
fect to a lawyer, desiring him to dis
pose of my property at Oakplace. I
mew Jessie would hear of it, and it
would give 1 her to understand that I
! lad no intention of returning, deter
mined that if I did not succeed this
times* I would give her up forever,
though my heart gave a quick throh
of pam at the thought. ;
It was just at twilight of a pleas-*,
antfSeptember day when I reached
Oakplage, jDirect to Mr. Hale’s I
took my way, saying over to myself
as I went, “Howor never !” Straight
up to the gravel walk and across the
lawn I went, and, into the dusky
farlor, unannounced. By the light,
saw Jessie sitting- on a sofa, Tier
head resting on a pillow. She was
alone, and had not heard my' step.
Was she asleep ? A quick sob ans
wered me., That augers well formy
success. In a moment! waskneel-*
ing beside her, and raised the bowed
head. i
“Jessie, dear Jessie !” I said, ten
derly, scarcely knowing bow she
would receive it.
With a quick start and a glad cry
of surprise her pillowed on
my bosom.
“Oh I am so glad to see you Will.
They told me yqu wouldnot return,
and I have 'been sovlonely without
“And I have been lonely, too,
Jessie,! darling, ” I said., “My home
anywhere would always be lonely
without you,.' Will you not go and
share it with me ?”
The answer was very Ipw, but I
knew it was in the affirmative.
“Will you become' my wife next
week?” . '•
I was determined to make sure
work now.
There was some hesitation, a few
objections raised, but I finally gam
ed the same answer to that.
Then I hurried to the drawing
room to see the old folks. There
was considerable pleasure expressed
at my unexpected arrival, and great
surprise when my errand was made
known, and a few tears and regrets
from the mother at parting with
Jessie, and hearty congratulations
from the father, concluded by the
remark, “that Just as likely as rtot
she would change her mind while
changing her dress.”
I think I accomplished more in
that half hour than I ever did in
twice that length of time be
fore or since, for at itb expiration I
was supremely happy. And the re
sult was that in a week I got the
prettiestj best little wife in all New
England; and what is better still, I
think so now, even though she did
say, ten minutes after the ceremony.
“I never told you I loved you,
Will.” And she never has to this
ggff “She isn’t all that fancy
painted her," bitterly exclaimed a
rejected lover, “and worse than that,
ahe isn’t all that she paints herself.”
James Devlin was shot on the 3d
at Governor’s Island, for repeated
bounty'jumping. The following .
graphic description of the execution
is taken from a New York paper ;
The order for the execution was giv
en to Colonel Bowsoan, command'
ing at Governor’s Island, on Wed
nesday. Rev. Father Healy, of St.
Peter’s Church, was sent for, and
thenceforward acted as Devlin's
spiritual adviser. Devun appeared
calm and collected during the entire
time, and, until his death, listening
to the advice and prayers of Father
Healy. His wife visited him on
Thursday with one of the children.
She was agonized to find that he was
really to die, and was almost violent
in the exihition of her grief. Yes
terday morning, and until the prison
er was taken out for execution, the
scene was painful in the extreme.
He was under guard in one of the
apartments inside of Fort Columbus,
and his wife, with a female friend,
appeared 1 to have- a last interview.
While she was waiting at the door
she cried loudly, “Oh God, look down
upon my orphan children !“ A large
number of rebel officers
and privates, im the fort, gathered
on: the corridors overhead and look
ed at thesOene, but madeno remark.
A number of Union soldiers belong:
ing to'the garrison were also gath
ered around. The sound of a drum
beat at 1 o’clock paused the poor
woman to break forth ip still louder
cries, and for a time she appeared
almost frantic.
Soon after,'Father HbaLy .
ed from the cell ah 4 conducted her (
to her husband. She had an inter
view of a few minutes, and came out '
again comparatively calm. At
o’clock die officer of the day entered
with aiYescdrt, and the prisoner
marched between them, accompan
ied by his wiremione side and the
priest oil' the other,Vho helda cruci
ik before him and constantly re
peated prayers. He was dressed in
a coarse suit of citizens’clothes, and
walked firmly, exhibiting neither
emotion nor any attempt to conceal
if. The party proceeded to the open
space, between Fort Columbus and
the quarters, where some four hun
dred troops, including recruits and
federal prisonersarrestedfor various
offences, were drawn up on parade.
Col. Ludlow* Major Charles TE»b
elk Bix, and Capt. Blake, of Gen.
Fix’s staff, and one or two officers
of Gen. Hunt’s staff, were among
those present. The bier and coffin
had been placed on the ground near
by, and when the party in charge of
the prisoner had advanced nearly to
ii,- they halted. The prisoner then
kissed nis wife good-by. She placed:
a small prayer-book in bis hand, aud
was then led away by , a couple of
soldiers proceeded to the glacis South
offort Colurntpiis, the band playing
a dead march, and the prisoner, stil
accompanied" by Father Healy,
! marching with correct step close be
hind: the bier and coffin, whichwere
: borne by four soldiers. ;
Arriving at the glacis, a hollow
square was. formed, fronting the wa
ter and in double tanks, the recruits
and prisoners forming the rqar rank,
in open order. There were two fir
ing parties of ten men each, only one
of .vTiich, however, was called upon
to act in that capacity. These squads,
with the*prisoner, marched between
the open ranks, and the prisoner took
his stand near the coffin, with the
firing party ten spaces in front. The
priest still continued at fravLUt sside
repeating prayers, as. it wasyet some
fifteen minutes before 2 o’clock.
ThWofficer approached F ather Heal
ey and'spoke to'him, and the adju
tant 1 general at the post, then read
the sentence of death, the-approval,
and the order for its execution. The
prisoner listened; and stall made no
sign of emotion.
After a few moments an officer
approached again and informed the
priest it was time for him to leave,
and an orderly tied the white cloth
about the prisoner’s face. Another
word in his ear, another brief prayer,
and the priest had finished the office
i of his work for living, man. The
j prisoner knelt in front of his coffin
, i —knelt “in the temple . porch of
, j eternity/’ still calm and apparently.
1 1 as self-possessed as any dne in tw
whole throng thatlookadnponJiim.
The officer took out. his .watch to
note the moments thatyet remained.
It was three minutes of 2 o’clock,
and during those three minutes that
seemed almost an hour to the
ers-ou, he remained motionless and
firm, i Then, at least, the scenehe-* ;
came impressive. The soldiers form
ed in 1 hollow square, the spectators
tin the top of Castle William and
Fort Columbus, men, women and
children belonging to the place, and
the few officers and others whostood
on a rising knoll overlooking, the
scene, allgazedintently and listened
for the word of cqnynand, Save the,
occasional shrieking of a. stetop
whistle from boats, in the bay there
was hardly a whisper of sound.
The faint sunshine, was undisturb
ed by any shadow, and the bay, in
front of the spectators and behind
the. prisoner, gleaned white with
fragments of floating ice, but.gave
forth not even the noise of .a: ripple
on the beach. The spires of the city
rose against the sky in the dis
tance, but the music of theirbeUs at
two o’clock wouldnot reach‘buthah ,
way to the prisoners’ ear before ho
should fall. For him, excepting' a,
military command and perhaps the 1
clicking of musket locks, the. life
of sound waafelready gone, unloosin'
the noise, of that shock in which he-
should expire. One migßt almost.,
think that he wae dreaming away
from life, and had already
motionless was the kneeling foon.
One might almost imagine thatit
was a straw-stuffed coat, surmounted
by a huge white choker .and' a.hat,
that was placed in front ofthe firing
squad, and that the real man was
somewhere among the crowd of spec
tators, looking,on with no mom in
terest than they. Or perhaps that
he was one of the white sea-birds
that winged noiselessly to and fro
over the bay. Or that be was pad
dling in the tide, on a huge cake of
ice, in search; of the Stygian river.
Or that he was another man among
the officers on the knoll, who was
almost dangerously gaping at fthe
as*if he really were the
looking again, the - resemblance l did *
appear striking. Has anybody ever
advanced any theory of ante-mor
tem transmigration. —Did nobody
ever think that—
Imagination that had ran wH# in
that scene of tragical re
tired, and the words that bipWlhe
silence called back- attention, .An.,
sharp sound of musketry , and aathev
jrisoner fellprone upon tp .
jails having passed thraugh his hor.
dy, struck the water a^dpaen 1 !^^ 1
from shore and frightened up.a
of a thousand seagulls* tibiat uflewott i
noisily, flapping their r wmga -and ;
screaming. The' surgeon was <«lted
for, and approaching* with afewoffi* o
cers, pronounced the prwonerd&id. 1
The entire nine ball! had stifuckldin‘,,
producing .instant. death.: One« evir
en others, mostly through the rijht'
lung, and one through the cersocaln
vertebre, just abave thC shCfnldersi
There seemed to be only, eight tdtn
holes the hack of. the coatybatone '
of them was large and irregular,
showing that two WUa ,
through in immediate
The scene was about'over; 1 The
troops were marched past in cobble
file and away, the band playing;*
quick-step. The body was placed
in the comp, for burial ntspme other,
places* according to orders, and the
officers and reporters who had come 1
from the city returned. So occur
red and ended the execution, of a
“bounty Jumper/' in vindication of
she dignity and iionbr of a service,
the responsibilities .of which are not
to be trifled with, and the aHegiancC*
and oaths of which it isjustly ptWr
: ous to renounce. • •
Tsk PHiLosprar ©fHbai.—rnUos*
opher to sharp boy—“ What are the
properties of neat r’ ' ;
U o y_“Tbe chief property that»
expands bodies, while eold contract*
them. .■ _ _ .4: i* i.
Philosopher—“ Very good, giTO:
me an example.’ ’ 1
v Boy—“ln.summer, when itishot,
the day i& long ; in winter, when .it
is cold,' the .day is short.” ’
Exit philosopher, lost in ■ amaste-.,
ment that so familiar
should have so long eseapM hiacrro
UtetoSon. 1 '
.T.‘ -V -
NO. 46.