3 ii*©, recently enUer the «ta«m bin ttrret. oppo*btn K«nlcr' ( iUtselj to tlieir ntacknrn now in the Hnrdwnre sad Cutlery iin. AnKvni, Adu>, ChiMb, Unw, Uintcb, Locke.LntnJbe*. ban*, Ac., Ac., nil af vklcb «nld« , ; in tiir Hnfdwnr* lin* art r lltrir ato-*; ’nintn, CnrUib Oil, etc., to Unit then article* ut null nd- USINESS, ■ M*ortm«at from which ii« a article toi^laaclbchr^Q, ■TT IKOJCWARE, ' ILLOW-WARE sBi*>l) juid will make to ord«r tIV attended to. ii spqutino tcrtstyle.- OOD«. »oald respectfully in ik>iu aud surrounding cotta* ifrom the &ut, ViunUlMi NTER GOODS, {it ice, cannot l*e surpassed in ttock is much larger than an object, in these netting r.rdicse where thejr can get tt the Lowest Prices, d will sell as low, if oot a ti*e lu this place. Hewiahee efore purchasing elsewhere, iW inducements.which, will consists of US of every description, ran weak. ES’ DKEBS saOES, >’ BOOTS AN t) SHOES, MEN’S UaU BOM >KS’ WOOL BOSK, [LEAGUED MUSLIN, iND HEAVY DKILLINOB. Ueled Bootees at SIJOSUt U7#LM • 2.7 6®3.6« HIES. S n> Coffee, Syrnpa, Tew. Ac/ ■ kept in e Dry Goode Store, J. A. SPKANKUE. EWSI , EDUCEDI [GAIN#. TO BE HAD, AT is mm, ,) on Virginia St. the Ka-l aiih h fine assort* !K. FUIOtVN AND BLGB. JIIAIK, BARATHEA, DELAINES, Dlaiils, &c., &c. Cu«kiijp Cloth. Cuchser*, BlcAcht>d aod .Us* (u.cttft. Dt auin«, Gingham*. *ia»t Capca.. IHaakete and xtmeot of L*die«* Winter kKt n*lnc*d price*. Ateb t r*‘* n, 114 c; and Fine Whiter our etock, If yon wteb to :* t J. B Hilemia’a Old JEFULLY! ISU TO TUB FCBLIC. L TO BOY YOUB MMjEK GOODS. ‘ of' Ladies’ Dree* rn ha. Just twn opened at oom. and will be sold for stition. : Wear* determined ike ibe lead, and that tbs »t in the ran. Our Mock 1. rlnoca. Palmetto Clothe, 1 All-Wool Plalda, d Oelainea, }• of other goods, of dlffer- K there ia nothing the Udtaa mot furnish theta with.— w la* Balnikoralfi «, uraitors «c. Tgcttiog to (Motion oar E3TBWAM, *TC, ETC. money can be saved by tanee, we are sellinc good • Muslins as low aa 18 and. good Teaa for 90 eta. UO« J.UCKPUT4CO. eet Iron Ware. Or, &C. *> lESPKCT- A ns* of ntly on handa^^^^H r/or, OJtCf Ires. to salt the "» : at low price*, on reason- 'lock of Tim and ShttU >-• fur culinary purposes it of sate in Blair coanty rJ£ STUFFEB, i he teen to be appreda, former, butcher or those >• potting up BPOUTIKO ling pointed and put up fspril 14,1869-ly GEIVS s Agency, MAIN STREET USK BOOKS, KCTIONAitJES )BACCO, GKEATVAWKTY I UghP. mON, teas. Dr. 'J. uujTf.tM idN FOB EX* RAGS!)! iiait? 6 ** McCKUM&DERN, VOL. 9. rHE ALTOONA TBIBUNE. . H. C.DXRS, * *■ McCl i%fio*t ARB r«op»i«t*»». InTMUblrln »dT«nce,) »1 W *■■ * b * ° f ,h * “»• ptid tor 1 insertion Ado. ft do. , . i 25 $ 8 1\i $6O f..or UnO«r V******* 60 76 100 o a.str»tor« « squares, Merchants adterllnog “J lne ~ ’ __ ... ID DO •ith liberty to Slines Professions! or Business Cards, not .500 ,i(hp.per.perye«r. > .p- ;;^| -^ cter 1 Catherine?” in terrupted the old woman ; “nothing against the man you Jove, surely. He is from all that I have seen and heard, kindhearted, industrious and every way well be&ave