thb la’ST vicToinnl HIGH PEICES DEFEATED I : COMPOUND , - ■' =- 7 ’V ■ ■ ■ ' • c ’ AMZ> - 1 ■ A ~ - GODFREY WGLE n AHEADQF AUL CO|lPEtfm6N 4' TOE - CHEAPEST CLOTHING STORE IN THE COUNTT, IS ON THE CORNER OF CAROLINE & MAIN Si*, ALTOONA. OTIHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN jL form the public Out be has just. waived his stock of Jfal) and Winter Goods, embracing evcrfthiug in the line of -GENTLEMEN’S: WEAR, ■i tfjrtl yijHO M and At prices which defy competition. The : ifewlnfeielifirn s fair nffhr msnjr srtiiirn Owoosta, froas&oo to $40.00'! Vests, from $1.50 to $B.OO : sfilso “ $25,00 f Pants, M S2BO “ $lO.OO HM good* bave besL selected, by himself, from the most : fashions his Merchant Tailors of New York, Philadelphia sod Baltimore, and it is with feeling of satisfaction that ha can offer their .productions to that claw of customers . who stand in need of Fashionable Clothing, and at prices Oat cannot be disputed. • His stock comprises all the most important, as well as. trifling articles of a gentleman's ward robe, vis: Fife*Cloth and Caasimere Coats, a)l qualities and prices. ♦* Saitoett “ “ ‘ « “ w Doeskin Casslmere Pants, “ “ a u “ Fancy fiatinett Pants, all styles. 7 u Jeangnd Linen » .** “ ** V sets all qnaiities and prices. The best assortment of plain aod faacywoolen shirts ever brought to this Market. ; A complete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goodsj . consisting, 1 In part, of flue Linen Shirts, Collase, Neck-ties, Busp«lldeis*o4 Boai«rj>, »l«o th« best und cheapest assort aeui of Hats in this place, and a large supply of Trunks, of all qualities and _ .The public are. rwpeCtfuny invited to. call hetbre pur ebasiawebdwhere, as he feels satisfied that he can! please therein every particular. Altoona, Rdv. 12th 18W.-tf. BIBST ARRIVAL OF HATS AND CAPS, FOK THE FALL AND WINTER SEASON. I TAKE PLEASURE in informing my friends and the public generally that 1 have returned from the East where! purchased a NEW AND FASHION* ABLE Mb& of ; ' * Hats and caps, which I selected with care. It embraces every ‘ color, Shape and qualify, with the view of accommodating all classes. I have also purchased a large stock Of \ SOOTS &c SH|OES. ; My aaortmeat of LadiM* fnd children’, aboes are mo*Uy of 1 city make and can be mar- anteed. My atoek of Ueu’a . and ■ Bor's Boots fs large 'and raried. ■ ’ ' . I hara aito a fine mmrtmeat of ' j LADIES’ AND MISSES’ FURS, embracing all styles, sizes and .qualities, all of which 1 Offer atw small advance *q, were merely temporary if their effects',ntbd of tienbtfDt'tfrthe, bfit * XHE RHEUMATIC COMPOUND Beaches the source of all trouble, and effectually haniah— the disease from the systenf, by its action on the, blood. We advise one and all to give it a trial, and become satisfied of its wonderful power. ‘ N fiS- Head the following testimonials of men and women of UDqa6stiqn«b ,e c harsctor; 7 - Mb. Johnson :—Diear &>:—Tins is to certify, that I was badly or tarvuty years; part of that time XWtu not able to go i tried all the rheumatic remedies that 1 could hear oU but found no relief until 1 tried your Compound and Blood Purifier. 1 used three-fourths of a bottle of it, and It cured me sound and well. My'wife also was afflicted with* the same, disease. mud a small por tion of it cored her. lam nearly seventy years of age ; and it teoveedburyears since! was cored; modi have not been troubled with if since. JU affords me great pleasure to furnish you with this certificate, so that you can refer others who are afflttted wlth:{beumatism, to me. I . .tsfa. 1 remain yours.tcufyi ANDREW ARMSTRONG, No. 19 James Street, Allegheny City. , Allsoosnt, May 3d, 1864. | Mb. A. JobhsokDear Sir: •My wife was taken bad with Inflammatory Rheumatism in March last. She Was very much swollen and the pain she suffered was severe; she was confined to her bed. . I was advised to try your Rheumatic Compound and Blood Purifier, so 1 gotaJmttle of it, and befare the half,, at it was used she was entirely well. The cure is a perfect one; I never saw such meSU cine. She bad only fateu three doses of it till the swelling aud pain began to All? ydbr Inefflcine wants is to be kuown in order to give it success. :Tw«.as£l*Ma*fy, { JAMES A|cAHBTBK. My residence is No. : Cherry alley, where zuy wile can be seen by any persdh'doubting the truth of the above. PITTBBCXQH, April 19th, 186£ Canonsbuboh, Washington Co., ) i April 12tb; 1804. / Ma. A. Johnsonifear &r: I wish to say a word or two in favor of your Rheumatic Compound and Blood Purifier, lihave been afflicted with Rheumatism, more or less, foro\?rtwenty years. A great part of that time I. was very bad. I tried a great; many rheonlatic medicines but received very little benefit from them. On the first of last January, I wda so bad that ! was entirely helpless. 1 could not write my name; X could only lie on oue aide; While reading In the united Presbyterian paper 1 sawanotfee of your Bhmuatlo Compound and Blood- Purifier. ' Irwas afraid at firri; that it might be like -other remedies thkCl.have tried, but as'lt was in a religious pa per I concluded to give It a trial. Bo I got a bottle, used it, and found myself a little better. I used three bottles more, and 1 am happy to say that 1 have neither pain or ache, lam sixty-eight year® of age, I can He on either aide, travel for half a day at a time and not be fatigued. I believe your Rheumatic Ooinpouod and Blood Purifier to be the best medicine : ever offered to the Public for the cure of rheumatism. U ydu thluk this note, with my name to U, will be jouwr.wsufforingpublic; you are at liberty to use them, • : . Yofirs :wUh reipdetT JOHN I. LOCKHART. Ms. Johssok -Zfeor Sir rMy wife bad been afflicted with neuralgia-for a lung time. It commenced on her In 1859. She was so bad with H that she' was obliged to lie in bed about four days iu the week. She tried everything that beard' of that 'was recommended for that disease but she got no relief; thefc we-trfed medical advice bnt it' dome no good. At last I thought she must die; as l thought there was no cure. Butin* he spring of >1863,1 belitfve in March,'a daughter of Mr. Dickey’s, who lives la the Court with me, said, “Why dont you get Johnson's Rheumatic Compound and lUbod Purifier. It cured my lather of the rheumatism when be was a cripple,, and the doctor conhl do nothing.for him.” So I gut a bottle of your medicate, and before my wife bad the hall of it used, she was cared. It U now more-than a year since, and she has not been troubled #ith lifihce. Tuts I can testify to, on oath. Yours, i LEWIS 11ILKE, Pittsburgh, AprillUb, 1884. Ryan’s Court. PreparedJ>y R- K. Sellars A Co., Sole Proprietors, cor ner of wood nDd Secood sfreet* PlUBtmrgli,i > a:,-to-whom all orders must be addrhuem W: ,&*Efier, Pqle'Xgent for Altoona. . r EMPQRIU34 Of FASHION !! , sffryjjfa Aboona, Pa. D. W. A ?BPn^prietor. The p&6pbi£T£>u op TRs “emporium OF FASHION” announce to the public that he has received a large inrWce of GAs^mteßEs. VESTINGS, and a general guortdubt of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOGDS, Collars, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &0., &c., &«.,• exactly tolled to tbit locality and intended for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. Tho proprietor of the Empinriam invites an examina tion of bis stock, feeling con|ideut that his shelves present a greater of plfin ahd foncy goods than can be found elsewhere In thp country. An examination will convince any pue of thla fact.; ■ He has also received tbs LATEST FASHION, and beiug a perfect “ Cutter,”; be, has no hesitancy in say ing that hexan make op clothing in the fashion, and to a can not fall to prove satisfactory. It has passed into a proverb that Belford’s the very man that can make, Clothes In the fashion, strong and Cheap All that have ever tried bun yet, Say that he really cant be beat. Remember the place, Virginia street, first -door above Jaggard’s Hall, Aitopua,Pa. *1 / - [April 17, *62. Manhood: how Lost, how Restored. Witiaihi Jnat published, a new edition of DR. CD JlmlMm VERWELI/S:CELEBRATED ESSAY on radical tiers (without meklcins) of «■■■■■£ SPSBJU.TOftn(aA,.or seminal Weakness, In rolnntary Seminal Xosees, IxpoisKcr, Mental and Physf cal incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, eto.; also, Con sumption, JSpospgT, sad• Rrsr indcced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. 49"0Prics, in a 'sealed ereiope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly from a thirty yean successful practice, that the alarming consequences of .self-abuse may. be radically cured without tbs' dangrftos'usenf internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mndetjf cure, at once simb&'esrtplh tad mfeetftal, jbrinean| bf,which erery sufFetr** 1 ha matter' may be, may euro kimwlf cheaply, privately, and radically. JWThfa Ieiital Surgeon. /JFFJCK IN MASONIC TUPLE, next door to the Poet A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OR Oent’a ModellmtirorTsd Ud WnUn Shirt*— fine and eoarMh-wbite tod colored. f the various organs, suchas loeouttaa sues of the Urine, Infiamstioo of tar Bladder, Infiamatton of tbs Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, G ravel, Ghset, Onnorrhea, and ie especially recommended in those cases of Floor Albas (or Whites in females) where all 4h** old nauseous medicines have failed. ' It is .prepared Ip a highly concentrated form, ths doss only being from one to t wp teaspoon fills three times per day. It is diuretic and alternative in Us action; purifying and cleansing the blood causing it to flow in all of its orig inal parity and vigor; tbos removing from the system all pernicious causes which have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or as sistant to the Cherokee Remedy, and should be need in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gooorbssa, Gleet, Floor Albas or Whites. Ito effect are healing sooth ing and demulcent: removing all scalding, heat, chordee and pain, instead of the burning and almost tmendorible pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack injections. #y use of the Cherulcee Remedy and Cherokee Injection —the twomedicines at the same time—all improper dis charges are removed, and the weakened organs are speedi ly restored to full vigor and strength. For full particulars get our pampelet from any drug ■tors in the country, or write to us and we will mall free to any'address, a full treatise. Prise, Cherokee Remedy, $2 per bottlo, or three bot tles fer $5. ; Price, Cherokee Injection, $2 per bottle or three bottles 'for $5. I Sent by Express to any address on receipt of price. Sold by drnggists everywhere. ‘, DH. W. R. MERWIN AGO., Sole Proprietors No. 69 Liberty Street, New York. MtoMjAtura fn mu taxhk* xgR EllXi fjß. WRIGHT’S II^' REJUVENATING OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. PUTIXID FROM PCRI VIGiTABL* EXTRACTS, CoifTAIIOFO KOTHIKQ lirjtrwors TO THXWOBTTXLICATX. The Rejuvenating EHxir U the result of modern discov eries in the vegetable kingdom being an entirely new end an abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old; and worn-out tyttetmA This medicine hat been tested by the most eminent med ical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age.' One bottle willchrettoieral Debility, few doses cares Hysterics in Females. One bottle enres Palpitation cf the heart, few doses restores the organs cjf regeneration. v From one to three bottles restores the manliness and fail vigor of yoatb. \ " A few doses restores the appetite. Three bottles chfe the wont cases of Impotency. A few doses cores the low spirited. One bottle restores mental power. • A few d oeee bring .the'"rose to the. cheek. This medicine restores to manly , vigor and rpbftt health the poor debilitated, wormdown and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. ! The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked man of business, the victim bf nervous depression; the iodtridoal suffering from general debility, or .from weakness of a tin gle organ, will all find immediate and nermlnent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. Price $2 per bottie, or three bottles for gS, and forwar ded by Express, on receipt of money, to any address. Bold by all druggists everywhere. Dr. W. R. MERWIN A Co., f ' Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty Street, New Tbrk. CHEROKEE PILLS! SUGAj* COALED FEMALE Health CERTAIN tbr tht Removal , Hysteria, Sick Headathe, Giddiness, elSrS4itc. « Word, hr removing the Imgulerity. ttay remove ths canes tad wlthtt 1U the eifecte that spring from It, i‘ Composed of simple vegetable extracts, thby contain nothing datetsrions to any conetUbtlon, hoWsVer delicate, ■tbsir ftmctthn beihg to eohetllnte strength 1 fbr weakness, ■Which, whenproperly used, they never falTtodo, '“ ’ They maybe eaibly naed st'sny age sndatany period eacept during thajtret tfira montAi, during which the un (tiling nature of their action wotfid infaliabty prevent pregnancy. : All lettere seeking informatiro or advice wQlta prompt ly, freely and discreetly answered. . FnU directions accompany each box. ( Price. J 1 per hdx, or sixLcxee fWr $5. - Bent by mail, free of postag«,tm reefept of price. Bold by all respectable Pptggleu. r , " Vc r . D|. yr. It. mtwiN * co.. Sola proprietors. No. 69 Liberty Street, Naw Fork. I JprlU,MM=-ly- All kinds of printing ” ■Mtlj aid •ipedltonilT e*eentedat tha ' “AWOONA TKIBDNB” Omd. New stock of boots & shoes ftar iUm’amUW** U4H*t aad A MBit TV XT life Insurance and Trust Co. /COMPANY'S BUILDING Southeast Oorwr rfW«ln«t ul Imitfa Btmta, PUUd’a. Authorized Capital, ........ $500,000 Pud up Capital, 250,000 Assets, 1,897,746 locorpoottol 1850, by the Legislature of Pennsyl vania. Insures Lives daring the Natural life or for short terms, grants annuities and endowments* sndmakes contracts of all kinds depending on the issue* of life. Policies at Life Insurance issued at ths anal mutual rates of other good companies with profits to the assured —last Boros January, 1861, being 43 per cent, of aU pr* slums received on mutual policies—at Joigt Stock rates, 20 per cent less than the above, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, less than Mutual price. Also, a NON FORFEITURE PLAN, By which a person pars for 6, T, or 10 years only, when the policy Is paid up for Lzrs, and nothing more to pay ; and should he be unable, or vrish to discontinue sooner, the Company will Issue a Pam UP Pouct, in proportion to the amount of premium paid, as fellows: On a Policy of $l,OOO, 6 Year 7 Year 10 Year after payment of rates. rates. rates.! 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 85 $lOO 00 3 “ “ “ AOO 00 286 70 200 00 4 “ « “ 800 00 671 40 400 00 6 “ “ * 867 10. 600 00 $ « «u ■ 800 00 ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK. Vice President. Jogs 8. Wilson, Secretary. • board or nesnu. Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, Hon. Jas. Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison, AlMki C. Roberts, Jonas Bowman, Samuel T. Bodice, H. H. Eldridge, George Nugent, John Aikman, - William j. Howard, Chari* • F. Heaslitt, Samuel Work. Any further information can be had by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorized agent for Blair County. July 31,1862-ly R. A. O. KERR. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, - The Hero of One Hundred Fite per Month ! I would respect forth my claim t attention, as a Fas) Tailor, as follows: Because I keep lent assortment 01 Caasimerea, Vestii Trimmings, whir Examined ,ai way e Because my . made up in a xuanm takes down the < and gives all zny v CT a city appearance Because 1 am not as a Cutter to tin be found aaywher fiecaoae long e: in my btulneM entire control ore. I am not dependam any one toUft me the and*. Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there* fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. ’ Call on me, in the corner room of the **Brant House.” Give me a trial and you will g 6 away pleased. Altoona* May26-6m JACOB BNTBBB. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS I Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain the Very beet and cheap Mt portable light within their reach, should call at the •tore ofthe undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. .That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. , Oth. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any otbei light now in common use. These lamps are admirably 'adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls, Churches, Stoics, Hotels,and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new l&np. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all rases. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. Exchange hotel—the sub- SCEIBEE would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re- «*-v fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making it an agreeableLoae for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar Ailed with liquors of choice brands, llis charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who fitvor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he jthrows open bis house to the public and invites a trial. X have Just received a stock cf No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to be found in the country. Altoona, May 27,1859,-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. ELIXIR! CLOCKS,WATCHES AND JEWELR.Y. THE undersigned respectfully announ h ce *^ > citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he CLOCK, WATCH and JEWELRY establishment in the room formerly occupied by Dr. CM derwood, on Virginia street, between Julia and CaroMne, where he will keep on hand a fine assortment of gold and silver watches*, clocks of all styles, and ahandsome assort ment of Jewelry, gold pens and pencils, spectacles, Ac. Particular attention given to repairing clocks, watches and Jewelry. By selling for cash only, at the smallest advance on first coat, he feels sore that he can please all in price as well as quality. SAMUEL SMITH. ap9-tf tl W. KESSLER PRACTICAL fi a DRUGGIST, respectfully announces ' m to the citizens of Altoona and the public erully, that he still oontfeues the Drug business. WBMip on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly VHnW on hand, for sale, Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS, ■■ MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- Ml ES and DTE-STUFTS. By strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat IsSutlon to all as regards price and ijunlity, ha hopea t merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied bn reasonable terms and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physldand prescriptions carefully compounded. [I-tf. W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA „ JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., BOLLWATSSma, PA., BANKERS, (Late.“ jßeii, Johnston, Jack % Co.”) DR AF T S ON THE PRINCIPAL Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Money* Tecetved on deposit*, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates Peb.3d,1869. REGULATOR, Preserver National police gazette.— Thi» Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in Ua Twelfth Tear, and Is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trial df Criminal appropriate Editorials on the some, together with .ispntmoa on Criminal Blatters, not to be fonnd in any other newspaper. . $2 per annum; $1 for six months, to be remitted By aubscriber*f(wbo should write their nazhes and the .town, county and State where they reside plainly.) i... . ToG.W. BUTBMXAOO, ~ Editor A Prop’r. of New York Polio* Gazette, I Mn Ntvo York Cttp. AND SAFE. the bmratux vf CITY HOTEL, TYRONE, BLAIR COUNTY, PENN’A • ___ ’ LEWIS GIEBIjE, Proprietor. lIAYIJJJJ purchased the above well ~~ known Hotel and refarniiehed the same with new ftarniture, J am now prepared to accommodate all who fc ▼or me with their patronage. Free.Omnlbns to carry pas sengers to and from the Depot. April 20, ’64.—ly MEN. AND BOYS’COATS, of every style aadoolor, of good Quality, at • LAUQHMAN’B. 4 general assortment of Hair and Clothe. Brtuhea, Combe, LAcaHidAiPS^ HELMBOLD’S genuine bughu end Drako’g tlantatlon'BlUer., at Jna IS, *B*l ' ‘ ' ' RBIQARX’B Drn* S«or« A LL STYLES CARPETING AND iu« a BAUGHMAN*!. TIME AND BEAUTY! DTSPEPSIAT A CURE WARRANTED. Dytpeptia hat ifa/oOovmp tymptmu.' Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at tba pit of ths 2d. Flatulence and Acidify. 3d. Oostiveuest and Loss os Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. fith. Diarrhoea, with griping. * fith* Pain in all parts of tbs System. 7th. Ocmsumplivq Symtoms and Palpitation sf ths Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous© Affection, and want of sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. lUb. Dullness, Dimness of Vision and Loss of Sight. , 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great Weakness. Out of the thousand of cases of Dyspepsia that have need Dr. WisfaacPs Great American Dyspepsia Pills,.xiot one of them has foiled of a perfeoTcure. We warrant a cure in every case no matter if of twenty yean standing. Sold by. all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wis hart’s Offljce. No. 10, N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. AU exam {nations and consoltations free of charge. Send for a circular.— Price $1 per box. Sent bv mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, I, EuxauTH Branson, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a half 1 suffered everything but death from that awful disease cal led Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; 1 could not digest my food; if 1 ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of fyod, it would return just as 1 swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that 1 would dot have a passage in less than four and often eight days; under this immense suf fering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. 1 had dreadful horror and evil forebodings. 1 thought every body bated me and i hated everybody; 1 could not bear my husband nor my own children, everything appeared to be horror stricken to me; 1 had no ambition Co do any-' thing;, 1 lost all my love of tomily and home; 1 would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that 1 wasyioomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system destroyed, and also my mind, from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed In Dr. Kirkbride’s Hospital, West Philadelphia; 1 remained there nine weeks, and 4 though I was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful complaint was raging as bad as ever.— Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. WUhart’s Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my busbahd called on Dr, Wi&hart and stated my case to him. lie said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days alter 1 called and placed myself un .(ter the Doctor’s treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease wav fust giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time 1 enjoy perfect health of body auu mind, and I most sincerely return my thanks to a merci ful God and Dr. Wishart, and to his Great American Dys pepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that sawd me fi-om an insane Asylum, a premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good 1 can for suffer ing humanity. Elizabeth Branson, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. o DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! I, Mosxs Tobin, of Cheltenham, Montgomery county, Pa., have suffered for more than one year, everything but death itself frfim that awful disease called Dyspepsia. I employed in that time five of the most eminent physicians iu Philadelphia. They did all they could for me with med icines and cupping, but still 1 was no better. I then went to the Pennsylvania University, in order to place myself in reach of the medical talents in the country, but their medicines tailed to do me any good, and oftentimes itHsbed for death to relievo me of my sufferings, but see ing Dr. Wishart's advertisement in the Philadelphia Bul letin, 1 determined to try once more, but with tittle faith. X called on Dr. Wiahuet, and told him If 1 could have died I would not have troubled him, and then related my suf ferings to him. The Doctor assured me if lie failed tocure me of Dyspepsia it would be the first ease in two -years, so I put myself under his treatment, aud although for mouths vomiting nearly all X ate, my stomach swelled with wind, and filled with pain beyond description, thought a box of his Dyspepsia Pills 1 used them as directed, and iu ten days I could eat as hcaify a meal as any person in the State of Peunsy Ivania, and in thirty days was a well man. I invite any person suffering as I was to caU'ahd eoe mu, and I will relate my Kiifferiiig ami the great cure 1 receiv ed. I would say to ail 1 'yspeptics, everywhere, that Dr. Wishart is, I teller* the only person on the earth that can cure Dyspepsia with * ny degree of certainty. Mosxs Tobin, Cheltenham, Montgomery co., Pa. Dr. Wiahart'a Office, No. 10 North Stcoml street. Office hours from o P. 31. All examinations and con sultations free. 0 A POSITIVE CURE FOE DYSPEPSIA, HXAB WHAT ME. JOHN H. BADCOCX SATB, No. 1023 Out* Strut, ) Philadelphia, January 220,1353.) Dr. WiaßAßT—Sir ; It is with much pleasure that lam now able to inform you that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, I have Leen entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. I bad been grievously afflicted for ~hc la*t twenty-eight and for ten years of that time have not been free front its pain one week at a time. 1 have hud it in its wont ferm and have dragged on a most miserable existence—in pain dav and night. Every kind of tbod that I ate tilled mo with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity. A continued belching was sure to follow.— I had ua appetite for any kinds of meuts whulerer, and my distress was so great for several mouther before 1 heard of your Pills, that 1 frequently wished lor death. I had token everything that I had beard of for Dyspepsia, with out receiving any benefit; but on Pills -being recom mended to me by one who had been cured by them, 1 con cluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before 1 bad taken one quarter of a box, I am now a t odl man, and can eat anything / I cuh, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. If you think proper you are at liberty to make this public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all desired informatiru to auy one who may call on me. Yours, respectfully, John U. Babcock. For sale at Dr. Wfehart’a Medical Depot No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price one dollar per box. .Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. O DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! I, Samuel D.. Haven, have been a great sufferer with Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflamation of the Kidneys for three > oare. I had employed three or four of the mod eminent physician of Philadelphia, also of Burlington co,. N. J. They did all for me they conld but all to no purpose. I was constantly filled with awful pain and distress, and with constant belching ol wind and soar acid. My tongne was covered with a white coating df mucus, and was dreadfully sorel Ohl I oftentimes wished for death to relieve me of my sufferings for I had lost ail hop* of ever being well again. I made it a subject of prayer to God that he wonld direct me to some physician or ’medicine that would cure me. I was told to read an advertisement of Dr. Wishart’s in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cure mode upon Sir. John Bad cock, of 1028 Olive street, Philadelphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went to the Doctor’s Office, and placed myself under his treatment, and toldhim ifhe failed to cure me it would be th* lastflffort I would makes It has been six weeks since I commenced the use of his medicine, aud I am now a well man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat three nearly meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wis hart, I want-yon to publish mj case, as I want every poor dyspeptic snfferingas I was, to call on me, and I Will tell them of tho great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. , _ "* ' ' ' SiWtjrr D. Hatxa. Corner Venango and Lambert streets, near Richmond.; street, formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington col, N J o—— The above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy baa saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physicians and dnur g&U who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial savine that they have never nSed or sold a medteihe which «v£ such universal satisfaction. , PREPARED ONLY BY THE PRQP^K*p^p^ DR. L. Q,C. WISHART, No 10 North Second Street f PHILADELPHIA, PA, , Altoona, Pa/ OF PANTALOONS M** and. Boys, at . i^u^hm A FINE,ASSORTMENT OP OVER 1 LAtjaHMAN'i ! Tries & williams Hardware, &c. The subscribers having taken charge of the Ilardwart Store and Stove and'Tin Shop fredently nbder the ch»rg« ofSazavell. Fried, on Virginia street, opposite Kcsslt’a Drag Store, ihd having added largely , to their now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line. Inch as -Axes, Angers, Adzes, Chisels, Sqnards, Rules, Hammera,Tlanes, Hinges, Locks, Latches, Files, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ac n Ac., all of which they offers on the most reasonable terms. Persona wishing anything in the Hardware line sr* requested to call and examine their aloe*. They have also added Oils, Paints, Carbon Oil, etc., to their stock, and will dispose of all these articleeata small ad vance on first cost. The will also continue the STOVI BUSINESS, and wiiKkeep on hand an assortment from which r O , pterson will be able tOselect an article to pelase their faccj. In the line or t TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDAR and WILLOW-WARE the; will always have a Urge supply,auttywill make toor. B.—Don’t forget the place, J. B Hilemao’a Old Stand, on Virginia Street. Dec, Utb, 1804. READ CAREFULLY! SOMETHING INTERESTING TO THE PUBLIC. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE largest stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods ever brought to towh bos just been opened at the ‘‘Green Corner,” Fast Altoona, and will La sold fur CASH at prices that defy competition. W*ared*tormiu«d that our side of town shall take the lead, and that tb* “Greon.Corner” shall be foremost in thd Tap. Oar stock of Dress Goods consists of Plain and Fancy Dress Silks, Merinooa, Palmetto Cloths. Coburgs, Fancy Alpacas, All-Wool Plaitk, Plaip and Figured Delaines, Fancy Prints, and a great variety of other goods, of differ ent styles and textures. In fact there isnothlngtheladies can desire for wear that wo cannot furnish them with.— We hare also a large assortment of i'Oats, Balmorals, xloop bkirts, Shoes, Goiters &o. 49**Yes,and we were almost forgetting to mention our large stock of CAEPETSfrGEOCEKIES, QCEESSWAES, ETC., ETC. Everybody should know that money can he saved by buying Goods from us. For instance, we are selling good Calicoes as low as 16cts per yard, MuSlins as low as l&cts., BrowruEogar for 11 cts. per lb., and good Tpa# fur W ct». Altoona, April 8, ’64. tf. JOHN JJ MURPHY A CO. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. SPOUTING,. &C. SRIGG WOULD RESPECT. • fully ; uform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that be keeps constantly, on large assortment oi Choking, Parlor, Office Shop Stove*, of all. stylee and sizes, to suit wants of all, which be will sell at low prices, en reason able terms. He also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and She't- Iron Whre, consisting of ali article* forculiuarvtranxwe*— Cbal Scuttle t, Stove Pipe, «fc. JV £ \“jONES ,n:hUed r *U ******** paid mu o» *w > . I ii toar uo«» » “ fi? u Sjskss^: •lx Utt» or ***•—•" Oo« Two “ •••■• Thrw, “ rottt Half » column-. ProtMloMl «*-»- Ok*. ~3SSSs. ObUouy nolle** exceodlog^ ®hoUf A QBAHD Who shall judge * ro * Who (hall know hit • r«open m«y he fit ft* Princes fit for somei Crumpled shirt end di M.y bedotho the gc Of the deepest thought rests could do There are spring* of ci Hirer welling out ot There ere purple bods Hidden crushed and God, who counts by so Lores and prospers While he ralnes tbron But as pebbles in tb Man, upraised shore I Oft forgets bis fello 1 Masters, rulers, lords That your meanest Men by labor, men by Men by thought, at Claiming equal rights In a man’s ennobiii There Me foam-etnbn There are little wee There are feeble, inch There are cedar* o God, who count* by t Lorn and prospers For, to Him, all vain Are a* pebbles in t Toiling hands alone'i Of a nationa weak Titled laxineas is pern Fed and fatted on Bat the sweat of oth< laying only to,re> While thopoot man's Vainly lifted up it Truth and justice ar Born wijtb loTelinei Secret wrongs shall While there is a si - God, whose world-h* Boundless lore to ' Sinks oppression wit As the pebbles in .fried TBS TBUK + Norfolk, V -The great trun has so excited pu only in Norfolk United States, cai yesterday by the and sentence of t Maria Louisa L perpetrator of tl thin woman, app* years of age. S birth, and the ' clings to her lanj morning she was and after the tru an hour and thre sentenced. She plain black dress mg dark colored evidently showe mental agony tl her very soul, g of the court, hot oners’ box, but, i against a stauncl gave in her test! was filled with a guished persona allowed the spec mg in attendant phonographic re Norfolk newspaj tleman cennecte winion I am gre trausterence of ' pmay. A mg Judge, callet aha the case vai I give the test!