The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 07, 1865, Image 3

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    topiU receive equal
bey cantaketibeir
»into the army, or
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and it seems to 'ua
■ # settling the af
make no effort to
not deserve to;be
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berelly than is de
ar* liable. They
mrpoae of avoiding
nd it would not be
Should go to bendlt
o give anything te
nd of the matter is, ..
themselves will be 1
ft, most stand out
e got it into theie.
load Company will
of a draft. It is a
we know not, and
id the i better it will
now ; risking their
re’s office and put
re, and receive the
-The Legislature of
day last and organ-
J. Turrell, of Sus
iker, and Geo. W.
. the Senate; and !
Ber, Speaker, and
of the House.—
■ • •
irnor’s Message
entire to-day.
Swing Is a list of Grand
Ar January Term of
n the fourth Monday
Tyrone Bororffeh
port Bor.
'ood berry
-iiaar .week,
.1! I '
,) Wbodßeny
IV s
1 >
iune, fx ;.
Wsm l
|ltfloua r lltifciui*.
— —p— ! —
Tm : Masonic Fkstivai..— The
,i u . Mvstic' Tie," of MountaiaLodg a few
, lhe ir brethren from contiguous Lodges, accom
" „ied bv their wives, daughters and lady friends,
celebrated Sh John’s Day (Dec. 27th) by parta
of a grand repast served up, at the Logan
House at 4 o’clock P. M„ after which they retired
ll]e j r Hall and spent the evening most agreeably.,
lU (If the Supper we scarce know how to speak, Tt
o grand The “ bill of fare’’ enumerated
everything we ever heard of, and many
we never beard of. There was mock turtle
‘d boiled rock fish, turkey with oysters, turkey
wllh cranberries, roast duck and duck braised with;
o..ions, goose, prairie grouse, venison, quail and
partridge, mutton, beef, beef tongue and ham ;
Zl there was, potatoes-sweet and Insh-baked
M d roast, hominy, beans and turnips; and then
followed —well, there was such a list of pies and
uuffs, and jellies and jams, and cukes and creams,
tt „d nuts and fruits, and pretty and good things
ceue rally, that we cannot enumerate them. Iho
mble literally groaned beneath its load. Thq
M >rs Miller never do thiags'by halves, and tkeir
please on this occasion were successful
and duly appreciated
On retiring to the Hall, after the repast, the en
ure patty seemed disposed to make the evening
c „e of pleasure to all. With music, song, blind
man s buff, charades, etc., the moments sped by
as on eagles wings-. Old and young alike joined
in the merry making. Old age forgot its gray
hairs and rheumatic limbs and spoke and acted
Ihe youth of sixteen, while those who played the
nan of spectators, with noth hands pressed their
acheing sides which laughter'eansed. It was a
grand old time, long to be remembered, and the
return of the day which shall convene a similar
party is anxiously awaited.
Iq)-We copy the following item from "The
Ihwlnn,’'a paper published in the camp* of the
llfih l'n. Cavalry,.at Harpers Ferry, Va., remark
ill(! only that we think there is a mistake as-to
the time Sergt. Stiffler was wounded at McCon-'
nellshnrg. It should be June instead of July,
as we know there was a skirmish with the
Rebels at that place, previous to the battle of Get
tysburg, but not afterwards, if we remtmber
ngl i It. Some of our citizens wete near at hand, at
that time :
Scrgt. William J. Stiffler, Co. G. 12th Pa.
Cavalry, Blair county, Penn'a captured near
Hunker Hill, Va., Jan. 1, 18G4, died in the Rebel
Prison at Andersonville, Ga.. May 8, .1864. —
News uf the same was communicated to the com
pany commander on the 26th inst.; through the
kindness of ft Ist Scrgt. oth lowa Cav.
Scrgt. Stiffler was one of the first to‘answer to
the call of the President for men to suppress the
rebellion.' He was a member of Co. H, 16th Pa.
Infantry, three months service. He again entered
the service on the 7th Dec. 18(11, by joining the
lath Pa. Cav. He served faithfully and bravely
with his company until July 24, lf>6B, when in a
skirmish at McConnellsburg Pa., lie was wounded
in the left shoulder, three months elapsed ere he
was again fit for duty, at which time he again
joined his Regiment, and remained with it until
Jan. 1. 1864, when in a hand to hand encounter
with th'e enemy near Bunlter Hill, Va., he was
overpowered, wounded and captured. Suffering
for four months and eight days under the cruel
anil haroarous treatment of Southern chivalry,
death alone released him from his misery. In
him the country has lost as brave a soldier as ever
met the enemy on the field of battle. He was
beloved by all who knew him. His bereaved pa
rents and'friends have our deepest sympathies. —
lie has gone from among tls. Peace he to his
A Qceeb Case.—The substance of the sub- !
joined item came to our ears some weeks since, j
and has been noticed in a few of our exchanges, |
but being unable to obtain satisfaction as to the |
reality of the case, we refrained from publishing j
anything in relation to it. Uaving recently, how- j
ever, received a history of the case, witli the names j
ortho parties, from a reliable source, we give it a
place. It appears that with one of the companies
organized in this place, (for the nine months ser
vice, i in the summer of 18(3—, went a man who
left a wife and small family. On the bloody held
of Amietatn he fell, was buried, and ids wife af
terward* had his body disinterred, brought home,
and re-interred in the soldiers’lot in the Cemetery.
A year afterwards she married again, and in due
time a child was born, the fruit of the second mar
riage. When the call for 500,000 troops was"ba—
ing filled up. last fall, the second husband enlisted
and is now in the army. A short time since, the
first husband returned, alive and well, having been
taken prisoner at Antietam instead of being killed,
lie had been held by the Rebels until the late ex
change at Savannah. Of course the parties are
in a queer fix: but all will agree that the soldier
, who was once killed; twice hurried, starved two.
I ycai> in Rebel prisons; and yet came home alive,
is certainly‘entitled to his wife. “ Truth is stran
! gcr than fiction.' 1 The query is, “ who was hur
j tied in the Cemetery ?"
lin t> -most ius Injuries. —We copy the fol- j
biwmg from the Pittsburgh Commercial of Friday i
lasi: —David Djtsch, who was employed at the
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad, was
severely injured on Thursday of last week, by be
ing caught between two cars which he. was engag
ed in coupling. He lingered until yesterday when
death put an end to his sufferings.! The deceased
was about twenty years of age, and was fo.merly
a resident of Altoona, where his parents still re
side. Coroner Clawson held an inquest 6n the
body, when the jury entirely Exonerated the com
pany and the employees from blame, and rendered
a verdict of “accidental death.” i
Look out fob Particulars. —John H. Fritch
cy. requests as to give notice to all those who are
indebted to him, and have retused or failed to call
and settle their accounts, that in two weeks from
this time he will publish their names together with
the amounts due, as a warning to all Other mer
chants; and. to the public in general, that those
who are persistently dishonest may be known here
aher. A; few such examples of dishonest persons
would undoubtedly be beneficial, in this place.
Wolv & Paterson.—We hajd occasion, a day
or two since, todrop into the Store of the above
named firm, and found it well filled with every
thing m the grocery and provision line, and the
proprietors ngreeable and accommodating. We
can recommend the house to thope in need oT gro
ceries, as we believe they sell at prices as reason
able as the i; irkets will admit, i ’ ■
For the AttoafUi Tribune.
Extravagancevs. 'BefteVolonoe.
Mkssrs. Emxoits:—You are, no doubt, aware
of ilie very commendable fact tiutt we have in our
midst a: Benevolent Society, organized for the re- i
lief of any poor persons dr families among us, who
may be; suffering for the necessaries of life, and
who aie unable to provide fer themselves during
the inclemency pf the winter season. The major
ity of our citizens, perhaps, “have contributed— j
liberally, 1 hope—to the Society, for the accom
plishment of. this great end. Many of us who
have thus contributed are not in J affluent circum
stances, but are obliged to live; economically, in ;
order to “make both ends meet,’’ For instance, j
when She clothes have advanccd in price beyond \
our reach, we must be content with a coarser and ;
more durable article—though not so nice ; when |
coffee is selling at 60@t>0 pound, we are I
obliged to regale ourselves with rye, orsome other
cheap substitute; when butter is 50 cti. a pound,
we have to spread our bread with something else ;
and if any-of our more wealthy* neighbors, in a
friendly mood, see fit to present us with a mess of
“worst” or “pon boss,” wo take it and say
“Thank you,” without growling and complaining
that the gift was not a hank of sausage or a round
steak! What shall we say, then, or what shall!
we think, when informed by the Belief Committee, j
that some of the would-be aristocratic poor make j
demand# —yes, demands—for -'good eoftee, and
none :df your browned rye or cheap truck ?” What
shall we say when we know that some of them
complain and find fault because they are not fur
nished with money , (instead,of Clothing and pro
visions,) that they might hay gaiters instead of
“stogies”—delaines or coburg instead of calico—
or sweetmeats and luxuries instead of snhstantials?
These herring aristocrats should remember that
there nire many objects of charity in our midst, and
that our excellent Relief Committee desire to hus
band their funds, in order that they may go as far
ns possible towards accomplishing the object of
■ their organization. .A few of these very particular
people jure quite able to do something towards sup
porting themselves, too, but having got into their
heads . the idea that “the world owes them a liv
ing,” they very complacently sit 1 down and wait
for the aforesaid “heavy” debtor to provide for
them fine raiment and sumptuous living every
day! : ,
All contributions to the Society, I
trust are made froelJs but allow me to a*k_these
particular folks—Who wants to contribute towards
buying Jtnery and luxuries for others, when he
can’t afford them*for himself?; We arc willing to
give yon the necessaries of life : take them and be
thankful; stop your growling, >ind he satisfied.
Now, if these few hints are properly acted upon
by those for whom they arc intended, they will
hear no more from
Yours truly,
Soldiers pN hie One evening
last week, while a train filled with soldtets was
standing at the depots a few oftheni indulged rath
er beelv m “ tangle-leg.” and; finally kicked up a
row at Adam Beanj.’s drinking Saloon, on Main
street, and wound up by battering in the windows
and making things rip miscellaneously. One big
follow undertook, to thwah all creation, and knock
ed down every one, soldier and' citjizen, who came
within his reach. He was finally secured by a
guard sent after the raiders.
Resignation and Appointment. —J. G. Ad
lum. Esq., has resigned the office of Notary Public,
and- John Shoemaker, Esq., has been appointed to
fill the vacancy. Mr. Shoemaker is perfectly
acquainted with the duties of j. the office, having
filled it previous to the appointment of Mr. Adlum.
jSgpOnr readers will find a number of new
advertisements in this* issneiwhich may interest
them. Renters are wanted, houses are for sale,
etc. Look over the list and you may find some
thing to please you.
List of Letters remaining uncalled ior in Altoo
na 1’: 0., Jim. Ist, 1865
Arnold, Thomas
Aimer, Miss P A
Akerman, Miss M A
Aheron, Bridget
Backla, Miss Lizzie
Boyd, Geo
Barbrick, F J
Bradley, S C
Boiles, Louisa 2
Brolhprton, Jos
Ueyers, Kachael
Black, M.
"Bums. Win
Burk, John S
Boyers, Miss Mary 2
Benham, A VV .
Bailev, James E
Coroerford, ,W G |
Curtis, L A 2 |
Coryele, J W j
Conrad, Mr L
-Conrad, E
Crum,. Matilda
Callan, Thpmas
Corkren, James A
Canan, Edward
Zetland, Lieut C S
Dasher, Miss Susan
Deilrick, Mrs Mary
Doyle, Geo W
Deibin, Thomas
Elder, W A
Enles, Miss Mary
Erbst; Jacob y
Finney, Christ
Ferry, §arah •'
Feehter, Zacharias
Fleck, A lt
Funk, Harrison
Fresh* John
Finlong, Mr P
Gwin, Charles
Gordon, Margaret
Gardner, JSam’l
Hoffmann, Martha
Hoffman, John
Holicker, John
Henry, Miss Mary
Handeriek, Wra
Hamilton, Mr J
Hanford, Mr H B
Harris, John
Irwin, Private J A
Isenburg, Mrs M C
Johnson, Wm
Kelley, Kev J A
Kelley, Samuel
Kenney, John
Kenney, Miss M J
t Lee, Miss Annie
(Lyon, James G
(Lingafelter, Miss E J
Louden, Geo W
Long, A B
Mnfoney, John
Mahugh, Miss Belle
Morgan, Miss Mollie
Miljer, Miss Ellen
Miles, A Judson
Marlin, Miss Mary
Madura. James
Martin, RL
Milter, Amos !
Metier, Miss Jane
Mnnshower, J X
Mef’nlia, Michael
i McKceg, Miss M
| McCalla, Mias Maggia
McClure, Mrs M E
McNnight, Miss M E
Mcßowell & Stewart
McLevy, Bobt
McCullough, Frank
McFadden, Chas
(Ifeidich, Chas
(Niglitwinc, Fred
| Nicholson, VVm
lOcbnnell, Wm 2
; Peirce, Mrs E
IPerivillc, Ellen
(Port- Miss Martha
Ptossyk, John
j Putt,'Henry • -
ROfJrke, Wm
Etiligle, Mr
Bice, Chas A
Honey, James ]Foreigt|]
Scott, Winfield •
(Sleek, M E
iSandsgProf H
(Stevans, W V B
(Stolilei, Josiah
Stewart, Miss Jannie
Shultz', Albert,
Stackhonse, Thomas
Schull, Geo
Tliomas, Andy
Trayer, Jacob v
Teirnr, James
Taylor, Olive
Tlisonias, Geo
Tdnle, PMllip
Wolfort, W A
IWprmly, B C >
; Wpzer,-J T
i Williams, Sarah L
Woodall, Stephan
dbo? letters.
Diiyer, Wm
Harton, Thos
If the above Letters are.twt called for within one
month they will he sent to the Dead Lgtter Office.
Persons "calling for them will please say adver
tised. v; | 1.
One cent due on each letter. -
ANDACHKS,And warranted uuperfor to any oilwr. >
Croup it positively coirs ;reliefto absolutely ante takm*> •
d lately it to wed. Mothers remember this, and arm your
selves with a bottle without delay. Croup tB a disease 'J
which gives no notice, frequently attacking*the child to :
the dead hour of .night: before a physician can be stun* ;
mooed it may be too late. ’ Remember, (he Venetian Llnl* j
ment never fails. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Sold by j
all Druggists. Office, 66 Gortlandt Street, New-Tork- j*
A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a
missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the
Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the
Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of die
orders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Orest
numbers hove been already cured by this noble remedy.—
Prompted by a desire to benefit (he afflicted and unfortu
nute, 1 will send theWrecipe for preparing and wing this
medicine, in a sealed envelope,-to any one who needs it.
Free of Charge.
Please inclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself
Oct. 29,1864—1 y
Celebrated Female Pills, %
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clark, M. D,
Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine to unfailing in the cure of all
those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female
constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes
all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on.
it to peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
'the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits..
That PSlsihotdd not be taken by Females during the
FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they are
sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at ony other time they are
In all Cases ofNervous and Spinal Affections, Palos in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertiion, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Hysterics, afid Whites, these Pills will
effect a cure when all other means have failed j nd al
though* powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions In the pamphlet around each package,
which should be carefully preserved. .
S«le Agent for the United States and Canada.
Jofi MOSES, 27 Cortlandt St., Now York.
jy. 8. —51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills,
by return mail.
' Nov. 10. ’(U.-ly.
Pittsburg A Eriefixpresa arrives6.3o A. M., leaves 6.50 A.M.
Baltimore “ ** . ”*55 “ “ 5.15
phiiadel'a *’ “ 5-50 “ “ 915 ‘‘
Mail train * 4 7.40 P.M. «.A3P. M.
East Line “ 8.50 “ “ 9-10 *
Emigrant Train u 3.40 •* “ 3.40
X. Y. 7.
Fast Mail Train A. M., leavesB.lo A.M.
JltirrUbV Accommodation i( 12.15 P.M., “ 12.30 PAI.
Pittsburgh A Erie Express “ 6.00 “ 6.-0
Philadelphia w 9.20 “ “ 9.40 •
Fast Line « - “ 2.35A.M., 2.40A.M.
Trains o« Holliday si* urg Branch run to connect with
Baltimore Express, Philadelphia Express and Mail Train
Westward, and Fast Mail, Harrisburg Accommodation and
Pittsburgh A Erie Express Train Eastward.
Trains on Tyrone A-Clearfield-Branch run to connect
with Mail Train West and Pittsburgh A Erie Express Train
East, and connect from Pittsburgh A Erie Express Train
West and Fast Mail E»<*t. ‘
Trains on Bald Eagle Valley R. R. run to connect with
Fast Mail and Pittsburgh A Erie Express TAdn East and
Mail Train West, and connect from Fast Mail Train East,
Mail Train Wed and Pittsburgh A Erie Express Trains
llaht and West*
Trains on Ebensburg A Branch run to connect
with Fast Mail and Harrisburg Accommodation Trains
East. Mail Train West aqd Pittsburgh A Erie Express
Train East and West.
Trains'ou Indiana Branch run to connect with Harris
burg Accommodation Train East and Pittsburgh A Erie
Express Train West.
Washington; Baltimore k Harrisburg arrive at 7:65, A.M.
Philadelphia arrives at ■ 8:55, M
Pittsburgh, (through,) • • _ • w 7;??',*^
llQllidaysburgh, - - - i ;36, A.M. A o:50, P.M.
Western Way, - a
Eastern Way, • * • - * • 2.M.
Eastern Way and through, • - • • 7,40. A.M..
Western Way ami through, • 6:30, . 44
HolUdayaburgh, - • ■ 7:30 A. M» « *:4O, P* M.
Western, through, “
Eastern, through, * - •
yg- Qffipe hours from 6:4a, A.M., to 7:45, P.M.; .on Sun
day from 7:45 to 8:45, A.M
1 Kearns, M
■ jinfeay, Pat
Station D, Bible House ,
New York City.
Altoona, Nov. 12th, 1864.
On the 31st oh., bv"Rey. S. A: Holman, Mr. JOHN B.
C. WARE, of Altoona, to Miss MAGGIE BURKHOLDER,
of Antis township.
On the 29th ult H at the residence ofthe bride’s father,, by
Rev. Samuel Yinglinp. Mr. WM. H. RUTHERFORD, of
Altoona, to Miss MARTHA F. SUOAFF, v of Perrysrllle,
Juniata county.
""And William’s gone and done It. Welcome, William to 1
the ranks of the happy, benedictinea. Though long you j
steeled your heart and si-t yoor face the persna-
Bions and charms of yet the ri*ht one
caught you atlast. Go to ««rMay your journey through
life be hand In hand, am! lioai* beating responsive to heart,.
mutual sharers of each other* burdens, welcome comfort
erers lucach others woes, and together rejoicing in pros
perity. Thank, you, for your kind remembrance ofthe
printers, whose best wishes for your prosperity, happiness
and v longj life go with yon and yours.
On the 28th alt,. at the residence of tb© bride’s ikther,
br Rev. R. M Wallace. Mr. ANDREW J. JAMISON, of
Williamsport, IV. to Miss MAGGIE R. ANDERSON, of
Logan township, Blair County.
On this occasion, the printers came in for a full share of
the festivities and good tilings provided, for which tp«
twain have our thanks. The primersrwtfh, a sure fore
runnef of fortune, goet.wlth them in their new relation,
Invoking upon'them atl*he joys, happiness and prosperity
that can fall to the lot of rportata. Muy their morn mg be
i filled with pleasures,ibeir noon day abound in prosperity,
and their evening of Ilf*', far in the distance, be calm and
serene, filled with pleasant recollections and happy anti
cipations of future rewards in a brighter world beyondthe
shores of time.
but perhaps it would be as safe to invest part of jour
surplus funds in Winter Dress Goods, Cloaks. Shawls,
Woolen Goods, 4c., which ore being closed out during the
present month at greatly rcdhced prices at
Jan. 7, *6s;—fit. LOVTJERS.
T SALE.—The undersigned, intending to remote from
the town, offers, at private sale, his house ana lot, situate
on slain street, AltoOna, a f«w dobra above Catharine
street, and adjoining the -'McClellan House. ’ The house
is a well built two*tdry frame, containing three rooms
and a ball and a store or office room, on first floor and flva
rooms on second floor: Tbo lot Is well enclosed and has
on it a stable and other conveniences; Possession given
April first.
Jan. T. 1866-tf.
Real Estate For Sale.
sole on reasonable terms two tratts ofWhite P|p e
aod Hemlock Timber land situate in Clearfield township,
Cambria county, about seven miles from AlUwna,,con
taining i
The improvements are, one Duvall’s twenty-three hurts ;
newer Enrfno and Saw Mill, one twfenty-flve noise power ■
Stationary Engine and Saw Mill, Three Dwelling Houses,
£f u £,ur^Th ra ru'.r^“! T ADIES CLOTH CLOAKS AND
underleyiug thin property. Tbo abore will be .old oepar-, . Pec. I°, IWt 3• -. .
etelv or cosether aecordiug to the wishes of purchasers. Af ■" ! ■ 1 ■ l . ■ ,■ ■ ■. -
bargsln mfy be h»d by early »ppU-stion to __ , ■ SNOfi! SALE —A Valuable lot, SltMtS I*
' ■ .■ sSSSSmIr :
Altoona, Jan. T, 18M.—!»•
M. of the estate of Samuel HcDowoU» deed, jahrs for i ■ » m » t\ta ■»» vi
The Wrm contains about 130 acres of cleared land. ;
Aitpona, J .n.;th.t»66. JOUN.WE3I.EW |
XjLtice to hereby riven that tot fort of AdntetoUatton mi Deafhesa Has been removed by
tlie estate of John Homing, late of Altoona, Blair omutoy, nas beeu greatly improved by its nee.'
aforesaid. All pmoea knowing themselves ItKtobtoSf “ GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF.
It 1
Ij'Oß SALE.—The undersigned offers at
. prirate sale, a Houae and Lot, aitoate in Mvtb Ward,
i Altoona. Iho Uonseiea two story frame, with two largo
! roomii and a hall on first fitter, with a Urge and convenient
j kitchen and a well of water at the kitchen door, there ia
I aleo a houae, tollable for a small lamilj which roots
' for $6O per year. Iho largo houae rants far $l3O per year.
, The lot ih well fenced and baa a stable and other ouL
| buildingsthereon. Penooa wishing to keep.boardor* would
1 flmj it a suitable building for that pnrpoaa, as It ia in a da
j airable part of the town. .
For further information inquire at the office ot John W.
I Hornet, opposite Superintendent's office, who ia agent for
I ihe property. Jan, 7th, tMt
■ V^TIONAL Bauk of Altoona, of the State of Pennrylfa
nia, on tba morning of the first Monday of January, 1806:
Capital Stock paid in. ■——-^JJ’SSS’S
Circulating notes received from Comptroller.... 136,000.00
Surplus fond
I odiTldual Ilepoeiati - 1*0^61,36
United States Depoite -
Doe, National Banos ?*Jlq *2
Profit and Loss.... 1,909.94
Note* and bills discounted
Expenses . ~
J)u« from National Banks.
“ “ other Banks r
U. 8. Bonds deposited with Treasurer to secure
Circulating Notes 161,000.00
D. 8. Bonds deposited with Treasurer to sedan
Cash on band National Bank Notes 2.WS.OU
o >. *1 sgtato “ “ X,two DO
*• “ “ Special * Legal Tender Notes 67,704.45
I D. T. Caldwell, Cashier of “ First National Bank of
Altoona,” Pa., do Solemnly swear that the above statement
la true to the beet of my knowledge and MUef.
D. T. CALDWELL, Chxuhxtr.
State of Pennsylvania, County of Blair,
Sworn to and subecribed before me this 21 day ol J an nary,
1865 JOS. G. ABLUM,
Jan 7,1906. Notary PutMc.
New Firm in an old Stand.
Beg leave to inform the
citizen, of Altoona and vicinity that they hate taken
charge of the
lately occupied by Bickabaugh A Pattenon, and formerly
occupied by Joe. Berkowitx, where they will keep con
stantly on hand a large stock of Groceries, Pro.Ulone, and
Feed, comprising Superfine, Eitre.andEitra Family
Flour. Bacon—Hama Plain and, Sugar Cured. Bibbed
and Plain Sldee, Shoulder*, Ac, v _
Dried Beef, Mackerel and Herring by the Barrel, Half
Bari el and Quarter Barrel.
Sugars— Ciiuhed, Granulated, New Orleans, and Porto
Bico, Honey and Golden Syrnpe, Now Orleans and Sugar
House Molasses. Black, Young Hyson, and Imperial
T *Sperm. Adamantine, Star, and Mould Candles. Pale,
Bosin and Fancy Soaps. Nary, Spun BoD, Honey Dew,
and Cut and Dry Tobacco, Cigars. Also, a good assort*
ment of grooms, Buckets, Bed Cords, and Qneeneware.
Corn—Shelled and in the Ear, Oats, Com and Oats, and
Wheat Chop, Ship Stuff, Corn Meal, Sifted and Unsifted.
Also, Clover and Flax Seed.
Please give ns acall and save “pen"*-•
Dec. 17,1661—tf WOLF A PITEESON.
Washington Line of sailing Vessels,
And the North German Lloyd Jaa®
Steamships sailing between N. York
Havre, Bremen, Southampton,
and London. - .
Bnifls at 'sight, for One Pound and upwarda,-on
National Bank and Branches, payable in all the Cities
! and Towns In England, Ireland, Scotland and Walea, free
of discount. B A o. KERB, s
June9,1964-tf. ’ ALTOONA, PA.;
Will be Mid at Public Sale onlths, on Saturday
the 4th day of February, A. D. 1885, at 11 o’clock A. Jf. of
Mid day, that Valuable farm property owned by the Beit*
of Graham McCamant, dec’d, located In Pleaaant Valley,
one mile South East of Altoona Borough, Blair Conn>y.
The Mid farmuontolna 247 acre* of good Limestone land,
in a good StdWof Cnltivatlon and under good fence, with
alarge Bank Barn and large two Story frame dwelling
house—aim a good Apple Orchard and good water and 1 a
small bat never failing stream of running water passing
does by the Barn and Uonse. This farm Is generally con
sidered one ofthe moet desirable in Blair County on account
of th« good quality of the land and Its close proximity to
a good market. Term, of tale %In hand and the balance
In two equal Annual payment, with approved Security.
Posaesison given April Ist.
For farther information concerning the property address
Samuel McCamant, Sabbath Beat, Fa. or Thos. McCamant
Esq, Holllday.burgh, Pa.
Many are the Storia. told of great Aiicoverlee of 00.: Of
fortunes made in a day—Of flowing well, and Weill pump
ed by steam. But the well discovered by London A Smith
is not an oil well exclusively. Neither doe. !t ?ow Spon
; tsnontly, nor yet pumped by .term. If you don’t believe
it. Just call at their Store oo Virginia Street and examine
their’new Stock of goods, consisting of Ladles dress
goods, inch ss Alpaca’s, Merino’s, Detains, Silks, Balmo
ral Skirts, Ac., Ac. Of Gents wear, Cloths, Casthneree,
Sattlpetts, Ac, besides a greet variety of Boots, Shoes,
Gaiters, Hoods, Nubiss, Comforts, Glove., Spice, of all
kind.. Sugar, Coffee. Tea, Syrups, Seep, Candles and
Queen, ware, Ac, with a little of nearly everything Usual
ly kept la a variety Store.
Call and see us, as we are determined to sell as cheap as
the cheapest. Don’t forget the place, at the old stand for
merly occupied by John Loudon, on Virginia Street. I
Altoona, Dec. 24. ’M. LOUDON A SMITH. ; ,
tice is* hereby girsn that Letteisof Administration
on the'estate of Ellas Baker, late of Allegheny Pnrnaco,
Blair County, dec’d., bare been granted to the under
signed, residing as aforesaid. AH persons knowing them
soiree indebted to said estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those baring claims will present the
same duly authenticated for settlement.
B. 0- BAKER,;;
Dec. 2X 1864—€ t» Administrator.
! December 10th, 1864. |) ;
None* to Bxociaouma.
An Election for fire DlrectorsJbr the Hank, to
aerre during the ensuing year, will be held at the offlee of
the Pirst National Bank, on Tuesday, January 10th, I*B6,
between the hours of 10 A, U. and Q P.M. of said day.
I \ a Ctuhier.
Orrics or tkb Asjooka Oai m WAtnt
December, 20. 1804. /
Dividend notice.—The Board of
Manager* bare tbt* daj declared ft Semi-Annual dl-
I yldcnd of four (4) per cent on the Oftpltftl Stock of the 00.
1 dear of State lu pftjable on and after January 3d, IMi.
e. t. boss, \
Valuable Real Estate.
ofoia ud use of Dp. Marshall's Catarrh
and Headaobe Snuff. haa p»md iu inti
value fttt ellducolumon dleeaace of the heed, end el this
moment it iludi higher then ever before.
it ie recumineaOeil by meny of the beet phytic tern end
M need with greet eacceee end eetielectioa everywhere.
Bead the Certificates of Wllolesaie
Dreggisfr in 1864.
Xhe nadereigned, beTing for meny jeer* been acquaint
ed with Dr.; Marshall's Catarrh and
Headache tinxllt', end told it in onr w holeeeie
trade, cheetlnlly etate, that we believe it to be equal, in
’every toewct, to the recommendation* given df it for the
core of Calerthnl Affections, end that It ie decidedly the
beet article we have ever known Corell onanki dieeeeee
of the Heed.
Burr A Parry, Boston. Bernee 4 Perk, hew York
Bepd, Austin A 00, ■' A. B. AD- Saudi,! “
Brown, Lamson A|Co., “ . Stephen Pen! A Ch, “
Eoed, Cutler A 00., “ lefeel Minor A CO, “
Beth W. Pottle, - McKesson A Bobrina, “;
Wilson, Feirbank ACo.,“ A. L. Boovill A 00.. «
Henahaw, Jidmubd A Co, “ |H. Ward, Cloae A 00., “
U.H. Hay, Portland, He., | hash A Uell,
Por Sale by allOrnggiata, Try It.
Mot. 19. ’O4-ly.
~..$ 40.04444
.... 2,08040
.... 42,63047
f biol Hue, .
m „ oa ;
I ' LIFE rejuvenatob.
*--*» ■ i O . ■ V
This prsparatiou is unequsUad ss a Bejuvsuator and
•nH M Jtorar of wasted or inert functions.
*Th« e »ired should bo certain to make the Bio krone a
hoosehoW god, inaamnch an it wUi render them youthtui
in feeling and in etrongth, and enable them to live over
ihTdeve Of their pristine]oy. It not only exhilarates
ls really « inS&hi. blessing,
Moeciallv to those who have been reduced to a condition.of
eeHabuee, mUfbrtuue,or ordinary eleknws. No.
what? the cause ol tbs impoteucy of any human
organ, this superb preparation will remove the effect at
.ncmtdfi,rev„. biokeene
Cure* Impotancy, General Debility, Necvouk Incapacity,
Indolence, Emscl»Uon, Knnui, It hae a moat deligbtfu.,
desirable and novel effect upon the nervous tyetem j and
aU who are in any way prostrated by nervous disabilities
are earnestly advised to seek s euro in this most excellent
and unequalled preparation.
Persons who. by imprudence, have lest their Natural
Vigor, will find a speedy and permanent cure in tin
The Feeble, the Languid, the Disposing, Che Old should
give this valuable discovery atrial; it will be found totally
different from all other article* for the tame purpose.
TO PEMALKS.—Tbi* preparation i* invaluable in ner
von* weaknesses of aU kinds, a* it will restore the waited
strength with Wonderful permanence.
It Is also a grand tonic, and will give relief in Dyspepsia
with the first dose. A brief persistence in. it* use. will
renovate the stomach to a degree .ef perfect health, and
Pyepepsia forever. i
One Dollar per Bottle, or six Bottles for $5. Bold I
by Druggist* generally. ... #
Sent by express anywhere by addressing : M '•
81 Cedar Street, New York.,
Bold in Hollidaysbnrg by 3. B. Patton. Sold i£ Tyi€ne
by 8. Berlin. Bold in Huntingdon by John Bead. Boldin
Altoona by all Druggists.
Not. 12,1864—1 y
important™ females
The combination of Ingredients in then Fills lithe re
sult of a long and extensive practice. - They are mild in
their operation, and cannot do harm to the most delicate;
certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstrua
tions, removing nil obstruct lone, whether from cold or
otherwise, headache, pain In the side, palpitation of the
heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysteria, fatigue,
pain in the hack and limbs, Ac, disturbed sleep, which
arise from interruption of nature.
was the commencement of a new era in the treatment of
irregularities and obstruction, which have consigned so
many to a msiruu <uuvx. No female can enjoy good
health unless bhe is regular, and whenever an obstruction
takes place the general health begin, to decline. Those
Pills form (As jSnsrt preparation ever put forward with
BE Take this advertisement to yonr
Druggist, and tell him that yon wait Me BEST and amt
which la comprised in these Pills.
have been a Standard Remedy for over thirty yean, and
are the most effectual one ever known for all complaints
peculiar to Amulet. To all classes they are Invaluable,
inducing, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are
known to thousands, who have need them at different
periods, throughout the country, having Jfae sanction of
the most eminent Phytieiam in America.
HepUeit direction*, dating when they tkouid net he used,
with each Box—the Price One Dei tar per Box, or 8 Bores
for |S, containing from 60 to 80 Pills.
Pills sent bp moil, promptly, secure from observation, by
remitting to the Proprietors. SOLD ST DSOOOISTS
V 81 Cedar St, New Tork.
Sold in Botlidaysbnrg by J.B. Patton. Boldin Tyrone
by S. Berlin. Sold in Huntingdon by John Read. Sold in
Altoona by sll Druggists. Nov. 12,1884 —ly
terect of Mr. Cherry in the late firm of Bkkuy *
Cherry, I would respectfully inform the public I intend to
eohtlnite the bnatheoe, in the hew Cabinet Shop and Fur
niture Ware room, on
£*ak Altoona, where I will be happy to All all orders In
my line. I hare on hand a good supply of furniture just
from Philadelphia, which X offer at the lowest price* tur
J keep a hearse, and am prepared at all times teteatend
promptly, to orders in Undertaking. i '
1 wflf always keep 'on hand a good assortment of
. Altoona, Not. 6th 1864—3m* ~ . •
Tobacce, Cigars, Sauff, Pipes, Ac.* Ac.,
itrtei, Altoona, Pa. , -
of Go6d» In bUUn* ♦omUntljon nt tin low«t
mbpriaw; j' (f0b.7.1868
Boots and shoes plain and
(me, »t
' l 0. A SMITH.
X IK A Ac. nt ■
suaaisnt . m
dltoonn, Mbr. 11. *64. «. A miß.
■ KY .“ V A SMITH.
XI P«nt, »M» rtd Tnmlrt B~*N
o. a smith:
. a. o. SMITH
Valuable Real Estate
Tie subscribes offers, at a
hit real eatata, aitoate übHm>r '
A Turn ia Logan towneUk Bltir count,; adjoining
land* of BUt Baker, Janea Hntotalaon, Join Write .and
nthm. tluint ini nnl i half mil n'ri iei iUlnina «Wlhn|
137 ACBES,
110 acre* of which an cleared, under good fence aod la a
high state of cultivation, and the balance well timbered
with while oak aad Hickory. About 10 acre* of the
clewred laud la meadow of the beet quality. Then It air
orchard of excellent fruit. The improvements are ~
with Kitchen,,Wash-how, Wood-houae, gmoke-hoaasfaal
Pump-house all under one roof, and Tory convenient.
tok&O foet, with wsgon-shed, corn-crib, Icehouse end ell
oUkr necmsery outbuildings, making it£ei together one of
fitted up bnu in the country. It is well calow*
lated for a dairy and has been, fitted up for the purpoes..
This form wUhreadily rent at a bring
ten per cent, on the Investment.
N 0.3.
■ A home and one-tourth of an acre of ground attnala la
LoodontvlUe, adjoining Altoona., The Bonn la double
plaok, containing aaeea rooma. On tha lot are a Slaugh
ter-houae, Hlda-houee, Stable, Wagoo-ehed, and ail tha
bnOdinga and imorovamanta r«qn i»,a . muenery.
A Two-ctor, Brick Bonae aad half lot of ground, altnata
on Virginia atreet, Altoona. The Bonaa containt three
rooma aad kail, on tint Saar, and four rooma on, eecond
floor. It ia in a deelrable part of the town.
N 0.4.
▲ Home end helf acre of ground, aifcnete In Loudon*-
Tilla, neer White Hell Hotel. The Home la e
freast. The lot la well eet with choke fruit treat.
NO. 5.
A Home end half lot of ©round, iltnete on Behecoe
atreet, Beat Altoona. The Home it two-ttory fremt With
two roomt pa first floor end three on second floor.
All the above properties now rent at a price which
bring* ten per cent, on my Talaation.
Bargain* may be had in all of those properties, a* exten
ded time will be given in which to make payments. My
object in disposing of all my property in this vicinity it to *
remove to the West, and I do not wish the trouble of look- &
ing after aflaici so ibr from home, or to have ■ property “
where I cannot see to its cat*. Bor these reasons i will'
give bargains in the above.
Altoona Oct. 29th—tt
R. A. 0. KERR,
Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Counties.
These machines abb. admit
to be the beet ever offered to the public, aud their
superiority la satiafcctorily established by the fart that In
the last eight yfearsi
of these Machines hare been sold than of any other man
ufactured, and more medals hare been awarded the pro
prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth
ers.; The Machines are warranted to do all that Is claimed
for them. They are now-in use in several families in Al
toona, and in ,every case they give entire satisfaction.
The Agent refers those desiring Information as the su
. periority of the Machines, to Col, John L. Piper, Rev. A.
B. Clark, Qeorge Hawkeswortb, Benj. F. Bose, and £. H.
Turner. Esqr*.
The machines can be seen and examined at the store of
the Agent, at Altoona. »
Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new
style Hemiper—s6s. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot
and new style Hemmer—sss. No. 3, plain, with old style
Ilemmer—s4s. [March 31,1861-tf.
-1 FORM the citizens of Altoona" and vicinity that bit
applied with tbs very best articles to be bad, and in great
ot tb« very best xuality, always to be bad.
always on hand, at reasonable rates.
He it at all tildes prepared to supply cakes, candies, Ac.,
lot pic-nlcs and other parties.' He invites a share of publlo x
patronage, believing that be can render fall satis foe tiont o
Remember, bis store and saloon is onVirglniastreet.two
doors below Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROSSI.
Altoona. April B,lBBBdt
Dr. Strlotland’s kfellifloous Cough Balaam is warranted
to care Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping
Cough, Sore Throat, Consumption, and all affections of tba
Throat and Lungs. -
All the Medical men and the Press recommend Dr. Strick
land's AntK&olera Mixture as the only certain remedy tor
Diarrhoea and Dysentery. It is ft combination of Aatritt*
gents Absorbents, Stimulents and Carminatives, and ift
warranted to effect a cure after all other moans bare mixed.
• —- — 1
Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy has cnred.tbousandsof tba
wont eases of Blind and Bleeding Piles. It gives immediate
relief and effect* a permanent cure. Try Itdlrectly, It to
warranted to cure.
DR. STRICKLAND'S TONIC. —We can recommend those
suffering with I<*» °f Appetite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia,
Nervousness and Nervon* Debility, to use Strickland's
Tonic.' It isa vegetable preparation, free from alcoholie H*
quota; whole nervous system; it creates
a good appmte, and is to cure and
Nervous Debility. N
All the above medicines for sale by Dr. R.. Bdgart,
Druggist, Altoona. ‘ ■
Dec.10.1804-ly. ■ k- ■
Hair , oil, colognes, pom
ades, Sharing Cream, ToUet Scape 4c,, tor ml. hj
i.ff . G. W. KBSBfcKE.
. ’I of Trank., VeHee. sad Carpet-Baga, at
i>miE White cead and zinc
1 v Paint, also Chrome, Green, Yellow, Paris Gteeo, dry
pod gronnd oil at : , KBBBHSB*B.
•Itnated on Branch Bireet, Altoona, Price 1433. "
Ang.lT, IWMAf. V.B.BITTSIjt.
aoABSVat ' - n • t • ■ j
' Jan. W. *34.] BKIOAgrB Drag Bjpfa.
0. B. SINK.
\ ;