iSE'LAST VICTORY! HIGH ■ PEICES DEFEATED 1 q4©p«ey WOLF An ¥A n wr all iCOMPEimos: .. a.. Aa* ■■■ ' CHEAPEST CLOTHING. STORE IN 'MUiCOUNTY, IgONTHE COBNEB QF CA&OLZNE& MAIN ALTOONA. fTOCE’IINDERSIGNED WOULD IN ■ Imm fths imtillr that ha has just rpcairedAis stock of Ml affft Wl*ft#rGood*,«mbr»cinyev«7thiDgiutfa* Uneof GENTLEMEN’S .WEAR, . «Ji qnattttMaed Aft prffces which defy competition, .The fcßiilH iiiftrinn i few of the many articles OfwewK fnm to s*o,ool Vests, JO fo s*.oo anesOeaU," |6.00 M s2s.oo{Pants, $2.00 “ SIOAB ;Hi*mdahave bw»wl«et«d, the most Tsstiinasblfi UlirrhnnT Tailors of Now York, phfl«W|jAlft •adSmSort, and It is with feeling of aatisfectiontbat bo csQ sflwibNr productions to that class of ensftoftners who stsod.lfl need of Fashionable and at prices important, as well as frtfUac articles ofa gentleman’* ward robe, via: Me Cloth and Cassimere Coats, ail qualities and prices. " Saline tt <4 “ “ u Doeskin Cassimere Pants, •** “ “ “ •* Fancy Cassimere and Satinett Pants,.all styles. JeanandLiuen Yeats all qualities and prices. The best assortment of plain andfeacy woolen shirts ever brought to this market. A emhplate assortment of gentlemen’s furnishing goods, demisting, in part of fipqLinen Hh ijts, Co liars, Neck-ties, BnspQttdets and Hosiery, also the best meat of Hats in th is place, and a large supply of Trunks, of alf qualities and prices. . The; public are respectfully to call before pur chasing elsewhere, as he feels satisfied that he can please them in every particular. Altoona, Nov. 12th 186Lr*f. . FIRST ARRIVAL OF HATS AND CAPS, FOR THE FALL AND WINTER-SEASON. ITAKTR PLEASURE in informing jay -L ■ r-rrafcf-,vn^ CHARTER PERPETUAL, ... JSl£ R. A. O. KERR; PSL, Agent ior & Huntingdon Counties. These machines ake admit to be the. baft'ever offered to the public, their superiority !* eatfaSottwll) established by the fact that in the last eight years* OVER; 1,400 MORE of these have been sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals have been awarded the pro prietors by different fairs and Institutes than oth ers. The Machines are .warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are uow in use in several families in Al toona, and in every:case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refeif those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper, Rot. A. B. Clark, George. Hawkeswortb, Benj. i\ Rose, and £. H. Turner, Ksqr*. The macmnes can. be seen and examined at the store of the Ageut, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new style Hemmer—s 66. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot and new style Hemxner —$55- No. 3, plain, with old style Hemmer—■s£>. [March. 21,1861-tf. BUT ONE PRICE. AND THAT A CASH PRICE FOR ALL OUR GOODS! AS STATED AT THE. OPENING of the Union Store, , .the oblecl of the odmpaay is not to undersell other More* keepers in a few articles and make it up on others, but sell every article at a certain percentage above ,cosfc, let that percentage bring the price above or below khat of other store*. By selling FOR CASK CINLI, we are enabled to nlaa-sHir percentage at the very lowest figure, because no loss to make up. We shat* ail times keep the best quality of all artcles uCu'oa'ior sale.. Our present stock consists aof choice se lection ef SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, SYRUPS, SPICES ami everything iu the grocery line Tim best brand* of Flour from the Phoenix, Mount Union and other SUGARS. Pnlv riied 16 cts, White 17 cts., Yellow and Brown very lino. Impel ial and Black Teas from 85 cts., to 1.50 per lb. COFFEE. tVdliHmsport Rio, Franklin Mills Kio, Nonpareil Rio Ex< elder, Dandelion, Essence, Browned Rye: Sj ivi if all kinds, Chocolate and Cocoa, use, G round A Hum and Dairy' Salt. Navy B spun, Flounder, Congress, Natural leaf and So lace Chewing Tobago, also a good selection of Smoking Tobacco, and Cigar?. Franklin and Layering's Sugar House and other Syrup*, Bunch Raisons 3b cts. Seedless Raisons 26 cts., per lb. Corn .Starch. ■ Carbon Oil 65 eta. per gallon. Candles. N SOAPS. Rosin, German, French Castile, American Castile, Saw er’e and other Toilet Soaps. CRACKERS. Cream, Wine, Sugar, Butter, Soda and Water .Grackers- Perina Biscuit. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Brooms, Hand, {hist, Scrub and Shoe Brushes. We would call special attention to our Boots and Shoes as our stock is fresh and selected with great cure as to quality. : MANAGERS. ' Dec. 23,1863. EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! ■ Virginia St., Altoona, Pa. D. W, A.; BEDFORD, Proprietor. The proprietor of the “emporium OF FASHION” would reapectfnlly announce to the public that he har tpcelTed a Urge invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. VESTINGS, and a general asaortment.of GENIS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, -Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Ac., &c., Ac., exactly suited'to this locality and intended for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. The proprietor of the Emporium invites an examina tion of bisstodk. feeling confident that his shelves present a greater variety of plain and (kney goods than can be found elsewhere in the country. An examination will convince any one j&f this fact. Re has also received the LATEST FASHION, and being a perfect “ Cutter,” he has no hesitancy in say- Ingr’that be can make up clothing In the fashion, and in a manner that can not fail to prove satisfactory. It baa passed into a proverb that Belfcrd’s the very man that can make, Glotihes 1b the fashion, strong and cheap All that have ever tried him yet, Say. that he really cant be beat. Remember the place, V irginia street, first door above laggard’s Hall, Altoona, Pa. [April 17, *62.* Manhood: how Lost, how Restored. yiTehx Just publ!«hed,apew edition of DR. CU JSMfmgm VJERWELL’B CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical, curs (without mekicine) of MlHHiw .E*fcßUAinxß(KA, or seminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal Losses, Ikpotenct, Mental and Physi cal Incapacity. Impedimenta to Marriage, etc.; also, Coif sCKPnoN, Kfxixpsy, and Fits, indtoced by self Indulgence or sexual extravagance. : 49> Price, in a>! sealed erelope, only 6 cents. The eelebrated'authut in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, froib a thirty years successful practice, that ttie alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cared without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of; the knife—pointing ont a mnde of cure, at once simple, certain and effectnal, by means of which every suffefetv nor-matter what hif condition may be, may cure hlmurif cheaply, privately, and radically. ' JSp* This Lecture should be in the bands of every youth mid every taan in eke land. Sent undkr seal, in a plain envelope to any address, p6si paid , on receipt of six cents or two ,post stamps.— Addres (bo'publishers, S - CHAS. J. C. ELISE <| CO.. 127 -Bowery, New YorkJPost office boy 4686 July 13,1684*.;' ' MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS GI^EN bn the Plaao>Fort« and Udodeon r by Mim M. SHOEMAKER. Txaw, $lO per quarter. No charge for theAure of the Instrument. Residence on Catharine Street, West Altoona. fjan.16,1862,-tf. WM. s: BITTNER Dental Surgeon. fVFFICE IN MASONIC ggsS^l \ f TEMPLE, next door to the Poet Office. f T 1 f rpEAS! TEAS! TEAS!—FRTTCHEY I is telling Teas superior to .any ever offered in Al toona. They are- free of adulteration, coloring, or mtz lore of any kind.; BOSTON CRACKERS—A LARGE napply of tibeee delicious cracker* just ncelted and for sale by r , FRITCHET A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT QF Gent’s Model Improred SHlRTS—Casaimere and Hnslin Shirts—fine and coarse—white and colored—at LAUQHMAN’B. T>INE AND LARD OILS, CAM phene. Burning Fluid, Carbon Oil, Ac* at < Jaa. 3. ’56-tfl : KESSLERS. Extra Family flour, from the Core, always on hand and lot |ow as the lowest by ; F&IfOSIT good News for the Unfortunate! SEWING CHEROKEE REMEDY -AND— CHEROKEE INJECTION ■ CHEROKEE REMEDY, the great Indian Dirnretic eons all diseases of the rai k>u»of such ss Incon t loa eace of the Bribe, Inflamation of the Bladder, Jnflamation of the Kidney*. Stone in the Bladder, Strict are. Grave*; (fleet, Onnorrbm, and ia espqcfolly recommended in thoee caaee Of Fluor Albas (or White* in tomalee) where all the old nauseous medicine* bate failed. * It If prepared In a highly concentrated form, tha do»- anlEWdngfmm ODC UtWO tCMpOODfuls thW tUttfif PM MJ* • Ilia ■ diuretic and alternative in its action; purifying end elaenaing the blood causing it to flow in all of ita ong ioel purity and rigor; thus remoring from the system ell (HToMuoh cause* which hare induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION 1* intended as au ally or as sistant to the Cherokee Remedy, and should be nsed in con junction with that medicine in all case* of Conor hie*. QlSt, Floor Albue or White*. Intellect ate heahngsooth ing and domulceut: removing all scalding, heat, chortee and pain. Instead of the burning and almost unendnribl* pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injections. UvHyiterU, Sick Headache, Giddiness, etc., etc. In a word, by restoring tha Irregularity, they remora tha cause mod with it ILL the affects that spring from it. Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they contain nothing deleterious to any conetitbtion, however delicate, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, which, When properly used, they never fail to do. They may be safely used at any age and at any period taeepi during the lint three months , during which the nn WHng nature of their action would in&liably prevent pregnancy. ill letters seeking Informatlf n or advice will be prompt Jiftfreeteand discreetly answered. Pull mreetkma each box. Price. $L per box, or six boxes for $6. Rent by mall, free of postage, on reclept of price. Sold by ail respectable Druggirt*. DR. W. R. MLB WIN k CO.. Sole proprietors, No. 69 Liberty Street, New York. . April 1,1164—1 y I LL KINDS OF PRINTING IS. aeatiy aod expedltouely execute at the . “Altoona tribune” oftice. NEW STOCK OF EpOTS A SHOES tOT ittm-Vft BojfeLatlie* end rac'd at Life Insurance and Trust Go. COMPANY’S; BUILDING Southeast Cortier of Walnut and Fourth Streets, Philad’a. Authorized Capital, s^oo, 000 Paid up Capital,. i SS’SS Assets, 1 1 >897,746 Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of Pennsyl- vania. Insures Lives during the Natural life or for short terms, grant* annuities and endowment*, audmakea contract* of nil kind®depending onllhe issues of Uw. • . . . Policies of Mfe Insurance issued at nsuaf mutual rates of other good comp*nle*-with pnofits —last BOKUS January, 1861, being 43 per cent. mi urns received on mntual policies—at JoiDtStock rateii 20 per cent lees than the above, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, lea* than Mutual price. -Also, a NON-FORFEITURE PLAN, By which a person pay* fo» 6,7, or* 10 year* only,when the policy ia paid np for Lira, and nothing more to pay. and should hebe unable, or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a Pam VP PoUCT, in proportion to the amount of premium paid, *• follows: ■On a Policy of $l,OOO, 6 Year 7 Year 10 Year 1 ter »**2 86 »W 0 00 i „ u « . 800 00 571 40 400 00 J „ ■ o 867 10 600 00 ® „ .. 800 00 ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vico President. - Job * 8. Wiuoa, Secretary. BOARD -or nusnßS. Alexander Whllldin, J- Edgar Thomson, Hon. Jaa. Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberts, ?"* m , an ’ SamuelT. Bodine, **■**■ hldndge, George Nugent, John Aikman, William J. Howard, Chart* s F* Hearlitt, * S&mnel Work. dyspepsia, DYSPEP 4 ’ I, Euuana Baxksoa, of j Old Chester, Del., do certif' suffered everything but tlrty years, and led Dyspepsfc. Myi for all complaints vo&kQWMti <*AB they arc Invaluable, if 1 ate evesjicoj regularity. They are would rr haye used them at different in my bounify, having the sanction of foor.uani in i America . - I U, stating when they not be usedy JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, *“7 J The Hero of One Hundred forth'“my IHINGS 4 giLLVEK, Proprietors, attention, as a Fashion*) I 81 Cedar St., New York. nnwisuM Tailor, as follows: burg by J.R. Patton. Sold in Tyrone .mit Because I keep an ei in Uuntingdou by John Bead. Bold in j , 'destroyed, lent assortment of Ch {gists. Nov. 12, 1864—1 y . , . t naiut, Dyspepsia, Cassitoeres, Testings ~Tuht "UeSTtu have roe placed la Dr. Trimmings, which. \ INGTIX TO TllE .Si, West Philadelphia; X remained there examined always plesj iTiOTthough 1 was a litllobottor, but in a few Because my worl uays my diekdful complaint was raging as bad as ever.— made up in a maiw"’ Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wishart’s takes do*-- " .uoi Ureat American DyspcpsUt Pills and his treatment for and gives all my custon Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr, Wishart and stated a city appearance. my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could core Because lam not info: nI J g u j n three days alter I called and placed myself un ms a Cutter to the header the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks! began to be found anywhere. digest my fyspeptics, everywhere, that Dr. Wishart is, 1 lelievt the only person on the earth that can core Dyspepsia with > ny degree Of certainty. Mosxs Tobin, Cheltenham, Montgomery co., Pa. Dr. Wish art’s Office, No. 10 North Second street. Office hours from 0A.M.t06 P. M. All examinations and con sultations free. A POSITIVE CUBE FOR DYSPEPSIA. HEAR WHAT MR. JOHN H. BAOCOCX BATS, Dr. WisßAßt —Sir: —lt is with much pleasure that 1 am now able to inform you that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. I had been grievously afflicted for tost twenty-eighty years, and for ten years of that time have Got been free from its pain one week at a time. I have had it in its worst term and have dragged on a most miserable existent**—in pain day and night. Every klndof (bud that I ate filled me with. wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity. A continued bclchiug was sure to follow.— 1 ( had no appetite for any.kinds of meats whatever, and my distress was so great forseverai mouther before I beard of your Pills, that! frequently wished lor death. I had token everything that Iliad heard of for Dyspepsia, with out receiving any benefit; but on your Pills beiu^ : recom mended to me by one who bud been cured by them* I con cluded to give them a trial, although 1 hud no faith in them. To my astonishment,! found myselt getting better before I had taken one quarter of a box, 1 am now a well man, and can eat anything I wish , and enjoy a beam* meal three times a day, without inconvenience from auytniug 1 eat or drink. If you think proper yon are at liberty to make this public aud refer to me. I will cheerfully give all desired informutiru to aruy one who may cull on me. SAMUEL SMITH. Yburs, respectfully, John H. Babcock. For sale at Dr. W Unart’s Medical Depot No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia,. Pa. : Price one dollar per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! I, Samuel D. r *Xaven,')iave been a great sufferer with Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflamalion of the Kidneys for three jtar*. r had employed three or four of the most eminent physician of Philadelphia, also of Burlington co,. N. J, They did all for me they could but all to no purpose. I was constantly filled with awful pain and distress aud with constant botching of wind and sour acid. My tougue was covered with a white coating of mucus, aud was dreadfully sore! Ob! 1 oftentimes wished for death to relieve me,of my sufferings for I had Install hope of ever being well again. 1 made it a subject of prayer to God that he would direct me to some physician or medicine that would cure me. I was told-to read an adveitisement of Dr. Wisharfsin the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cure made upon Mr. John Batfcock. of 1028 Olive street, Philadelphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went; to the Doctor’s Office, and placed myself under hit treatment, and told him if he failed to cure meitwould be the last effort I would make. Itbas been six weeks since I commenced the use of his medicine, and*l am now a well man, free from all pain aud distress, aud can eat three nearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly welL Dr. Wishart, 1 want you to publish my case, as* I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, to call on me, and 1 will tell them of th© great cure I have received from your Invaluable medicine. , Corner Venango and Lambert streets, near Richmond, street, formerly from Wrights town, Burlington eo., If. 3, .The above area few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thonsands of letters from physicians and drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction.' DR. L. Q. G WISHART, No 10 North. Second Street, Sold by Druggista everywhere at Wholesale by ail Phil delphla amt New York Wholesale ogiftsta. Por sale by A. ROUSH, Drr . Altoona, Pa, April) 1 1864.—1 y. F RITCHEY’S NEW STOKE, corner of Caroline and Virginia fits. PILES OF PANTALOONS vJ W Mil and Beys, at LA^GHMAITf. O No. 1028 Ouvi Strut, ) Philadelphia, January 22d, 1863. j O —— PREPARED ONLY BY THE PROPRIETOR, PHILADELPHIA, PA, lipSft. WILLI Ap and women The subscribers W certify, that 1 Stofj» and Store and^ tism for eighteen of Samuel I. Fries, , W > not able lo gv« l)niK Store, that \ coo la prepare*! to supply 1804. M». A. Jonsao*:— Dair Sir: My wife was taken bad | with luflammatary Rheumatism in March last. aha. was t sery much swollen and the pain she suffered wai severe; * j she was confined to her bed. I was advised to tty your I Rheumatic Compound and Blood Purifier, so I got a bottle I of it, and before the half of, it was used she was entirely g well. The cure is a perfect one; I never saw such medi cine She had only taken three doses of it till theswclling and pain began to abate. All your wants is to , t ) b ° •» -*-«*■.. /' »«BideDce U Ky' *T.**** /_ x NEW rpHE undersigned Would respectfully iu l 'M, ‘form the cltfecnsof Altoona and surrounding cu“a| try, that ho hasjntt returned from the East, whore he been selection bia stock of , I FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which, for style, quality anil prictf, cannot bo -I tint neck of country. Hie stock Is much larger thui heretofore and as it U quite an object, tu liic-sc | war times, fort very one to porches# where tiiey can ?■. I The Best Goods and at the Lowest Price, 3 he would say that he can and will sell a-) ii.w, ir i. u| little lower thanany other house in this place. IK- 3 all to call aud see hia atock before purchasing I -as he feels confident be can offer inducements winch «ii:| defy- competition. Uie stock consists ol N I LADIES’ DRESS GOODS of every deseriKwu.l 11 KM AND BOYS' WINTER WEAK, j LADIES AND MISSES’ DRESS SHOES, j MEN AND BOY’S’ BOOTS AND ,>110F,5, | \ MEN’S IlaLf Hotlj WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ WOOL UOsE. HATS AND CAPS, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. j QINOHAMS AND HEAVY DUILLIvd He will teirLadiee Sewed, Heeled Bootees at ii-3". ; Kip Pegged 1.31 i!ii Mob’s Boots,. BALMORAL SKIRTS, eery low. GROCERIES. White and Brown Sugar, Rio Coffeee, Syrups, Teas, 1- and everything that is usually kept in a Dry Goods Si n. and as cheap as the cheapest. J. A. SPUANKLL Altoona, Oet. 7,1863. FIRST iVATIOML’STORE m tbb nock roaxmi occupied ji j, b. I J. w. ciJkry, I WOULD MOST .RESPECTFriiIii inform the public, that he has purclißM ] J.i3 IHLEMAN’S stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., aud continue the business at the old stand. 3 To the stock purchased from Mr. U. 1 bare just a large and select 'a pay GOODS, DBESS GOODS,! SILKS, NOTIONS, I BOOTS AND SHOES,! HARDWARE, QUEEESWARE, i WOOD AND WILLOW WARE,I GROCERIES, I . FINE VARIETIES OF TOBACCO! I And in fact everything usually kept In a first clus ecu try store, which was bought low for cash and will be«o.-! at correspond log low prices for cash or country ami request the public to give, me a call before purcj&*::,* elsewhere, filing satisfied I can offer superior bilsr* meats to cash buyers. I Altoona, April 27 ; -tf TIIiANDi.SHEBT-IKON W AKE % THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RU : * SPKCTFtJLLT' nounce to the citizens Altoona and vicinity the. ha has taken the store and shop recently, occr pied by Fries* wintc oninni; strut, East * fopna, where he has*o hand a large supply o, STOVES of all Patterns, such as Cook, Parlor Office and Shop Stor which.he will sell at moat reasonable price*. A large supply will always ■'l* kept on hand. u TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE* in great tar;*j always on hand. \ ROOFING- & SPOUTINtj put op on short notice. • ■ \ He has also attached a room U : 4 establishment as 4 will keep on band an assortment of' | per and brass kettles, Ac. | All kinds of job work promptly attended to. < f April 21st, 1863.-tf STEPHEN WINTEE-J Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron TW *: SPOUTING, &C. S 11106 WOULD RESPECT-5a w fully : Bfbnn the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he keeps constantly on band a|B > large assortment or Choking* /hrtor. Office and H3o| \ £ Shop. Stove*, of alk styles and sizes, tosmt the n ~ ' wants of all, which, he will sell at low prices, en «ik* ".-'JR able terms. ’ -a He also keeps on hand a large stock-of Tin and Iron Wan, consisting of all articles for culinary purp«i*- M Coal ScuttUt, Sto re Pipe, 4c. : M He has also purchased the right of sale in Blair of R.V. JONES’ ” ; ■ M I PROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an intention which needs only to be seen to tic apyrtf* and should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or ds* requiring such a machine, _ Eat Particular attentionipaid to putting np SPOrTI’ 1 ; either in town or chantry, . Spouting painted and pet on the most reasonable terms. fapril 14, ISSH T _ Saxusr 0- Havxtc. Howard association. PHILADELPHIA, PA Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Systems—nnwamj reliable treatment—in Reports w'* 1 H JWAUD ASSOCIATION—sent by mail in sealed Wf envelope*, fro© of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILL 1 - HOUGHTON, Howard Association* No. ‘i South Math?- Philadelphia, Pa. / fJhd..2o LEVI’S preparation fob kh terminating RiTS, MICE, ROACHES, A.VT3.£ -S Bed-bugs withoat danger in its use under any circumrn- J ces for sale at the Drug Store of 0, W.KESSU 11 « Jan, 24, ,56-tt] | RAGS! RAGS IJ RAGS!!' riASH paid 'for RAGS, al EABV! V 7 MILLINERY STOKE, Virginia St., Altoona June, tt.tSU-lj. - ■ —- Mackerel-nos. i, 2, as»J; in all sited packages, new, and each P*- warranted,Just received and fbr sale low IF YOU WANT GOOD COFg pure Toad, the beat of Chocolate, nBEAM CRAOTRS! Af«*J pi, oftbM»d«Uclo«u crtelWH JM« OF ALTOONA, STOVES, MoCRUM a deft VOL. 9. THK AL'KK) w a. - ■ , ■ *DItO»» AS? p»ui. lor. Tsmiis oti four lino* or 1«m On. *1W«. if* 1in0.).,...... * . ■ (**' t * T, o?»r throe »«k» »»j per iqn*r* for each ln»rtio Six Ujneao* te«-vr One iiquare Two. Three “ Four Half a column.. One column ■■■■ Administrators and Eaocul Merchant! advertWbß by with liberty to change-. Professional or Bualneaa Ca . with paper, per year....... Communications of a pot Internet, will bo charged ac. advertisements not marl tiont desired, will Uecontt according to the above terml Btuinasa uotjcea five '-■puts Obituary notices eaceedln SONG OF A TBt nr henry Lift up your eyes dt Fling to the wind He who unfurled yt Says it >.ImU scut' A thousand ye Tis the glad Tis the glad m Washington What'if the clouds Hide the blue sky When- the bright su Rises to shine a A thousni Tell the great work Yes, and be sure Tell the oppressed c Jubilee lasts a th A tbousai Envious foes beyon . Little we heed y( Little will they -rot When you are gt A thonsai Rebels at home 1 go Weep foryotycr You could not bind Though you aho. A thousii Back to your dens, Down to your ov Ere the first blaze Shortens your li\ A thousa Haste thee along, Oh for the eyes Oh, for,the faith of Each of his day A thousi THE left-ha; A DETECT I was called d to Ipswich on an one of my prof< the inn where I low detective, \ both time and p ing to ferret out der. But it app those singular cat detection, and \ abandoned by i [ discover the cul ! vine vengeance. | I met Mr. Crc [signed in my fav |a glass of rum j Iturped to the cit ifor my journqy. [ I vv dl now stall I Some three and | Ipswich stood a I property of Ch ; retired 'harriatei ; profession, owi : qneathed to him I by an only broth [ sing a large fo [ took it into his h I was his' sole he I had practised h I his health had i [ bust, and soon I his legacy he pu I alluded to, and r I seeking'thh quh i station so great! I He married \ I made a;great m I partner for life. I ty, the snare tli I wholly; devoid I ate and low in h I the bane of his I She had ahi R ally visited" the