ON ’ S COMPOUND IF IE R! UKAL REMEDY ed to the public. For the oat, Neuralgia. i)y*pepBi* no cquul.Tur ali diseases he blood. such as Scrofula tier. King Worm, Venial? n the face or body, The nos .which formerly have were merely temporary in fue, hut 3 COMPOUND e, and cflcctuolly banishes its immediate action ou alt to give it a trial, and power, jiouials of men aml women ’bis is to certify, that I : Rheumatism for eighteen lime I was not able to g<» iitic remedies that I coul i :il 1 tried your Rheumatic i used three-fourths of & uami an at LOWTUER'S. IS. New styles lie kind* cheap at TOE MODEL. XTSIvTS^ \u. —Orders have been rihal General’s Office, correction of the cn ,w to having' them ready ■- Tt~ especi- McCKUM & Di on ' ,! !he rolls of ! <;rcd here now, VOL. 9 ■ i ii i in not those fUE A IjT O O Nyjio u re liable ; a. UcCRVi!. muons • IVr i»num. (p^y, >!;!.■ Invariin those wllO - All paper, diicun.ium-i ». thecMethig “ ' Itsus 0? Y’i,;o the draft : i ofjjthe list. | f\,ur lines or le.«s •••■ I i s T "° , , s -i in 2 oo I T o"* r tl,rre‘Cek.- an.Viv7 ? Unu three monti |t p?r »iiuarw,for ?; r Ivss... 2 50 4 Ul ,.. 4 uO i; Ul .. ft VO 8 01 T :i:es " 0 00 30 0! , . 10 Oil 14 01 Halfncohll.nl 25 0 f (■)n* .. ' Horc-haut* :wvvr(i-i!j, «■> • ••- - u 1 „,.i, w-rty tn ci. .oiu.'Vu ‘ Pr..f.’f»wOu:»l ur WI » vJ*5 00 rith paju'i. pi’i yt m .••••••••• | riv( ,., !t , r cr indi'-iiiual Communication* «'* * f ' luK .*" X ] v . rat -,r will u- have sen-. 1 ... K ’ umh(?r of inser- LL’v two years during «- and charged Lni war ' discharged. It 1 - [ .he in .crest of all of each sub-district to have Lea from the rolls all names improperly enroll- Leeausc an excess of names increases the quo \ Ld. also, the names of all liable to draft, who L moved here since the enrollment, or who hare ently come of age, be placed on the list. We 1 on our enterprising citizens to see to these things, iwe app eal t 0 all interested to attend to it each himself. Think not that because wc escaped I last draft that wc will escape the next, should Lbo ordered, as we think there will. Should Lher draft be made, it will probably he under amended law, or order, that will require each uiw rf'juarc- district to furnish their quota from mm living [,(. It can readily he seen how difficult this will to accomplish. Our population is not decreas h an d the vert- fact that the two last drafts were tided here by the prompt action of our Burgess jd council, and liberality and energy of our [ding citizens, will necessarily make the nest One Eke us the harder. See to it at once, therefore, that the rolls are iperly corrected, as the Provost Marshal Gene calls on you to do, or grumbling in the future II do vou no good. (P. S. Since the above was written, we learn It the Provost Marchal will visit this place at | early day, for'the purpose of hearing claims for [eruption, when all who are improperly enrolled bst attend and receive exemption, or be held for bice if drafted afterwards. Timely notice will given of the day, Oil Compant.— We call the attention of onr taders, who wish to invest money in the oil Mon, to the advertisement of the Imperial Oil jompanv, which will be found in another column, [he names of the Directors of the company, ser ial of whom are personally known to most of our faden, are a sufficient guarantee that the eom hnv is a good one and that it will pay. Those [ho have given the oil business any attention are bare that the lands of this company are located I the very best oil producing section of the coun jr. i e, on Oil Creek. The accounts from that kgion announce the discovery bf the best wells let struck, on lands adjoining those of the Impe lal Company. The amount and locality of the find in possession of this company insures its sttc fcst, and the fact that it expects to declare monthly EviJcnds from January forward, makes it at once ■munerativc. From all we can ascertain, we Kink this company as good, if not better than any fenw forming. As the Directors expect to have ■I the stock taken by the first of January, those ■tn> wish to secure shares therein should apply at ■nor. We will attend to securing certificates at jm lime, and for any amnun: ; Hoesi; Thief Caught. —Several weeks ago a pan named Wm. H. Lacy, was arrested, for some bisdeaicanor committed at the National Hotel, at ids place, and after a hearing, was committed to all at Hollidayshurg. Some time last week he bok a “jfiench leave’' of that institution. Ho |ade his way to Canoe Valiev, where he visited p pasture field of some farmer, and then started |r the Allegheny Mountains, via Tyrone. A-few piles below Birmingham he discovered that he had lot made a very good selection, so lie stopped at a pm, and after exchanging critters, wrote a very loii'.e note, in which he stated that he was emplor |d 'y the government, in arresting deserters, and Ste las horse had given out, he had made a trade ■Dnctudiag that a “ fair exchange was no robbery.’’ P c 3 £ 3!n stopped at the National, -where he Inilied a theft, and was the same day at rested by Constable Eakens, and returned into the hands of Sheriff Bechtel, who will no doubt secure him fcgainst all efforts of escape.— Tyrone Herald. ; Hrr in Substitutes. —Those who intend to t ,ai in substitutes, in order to aToid future drafts, fn case there be any, should attend to it at once, f hey can now be obtained at a lower figure than af- ; |er a draft is ordered. Besides filling tip the army, |t will-relieve the person putting in the substitute from all uneasiness on the subject ; and should all r no are liable to draft, and who are able to put in P substitute, do so at once, our town might escape ne xt draft. There is nothing like taking time r. v forelock in this matter. If you can't go, or Bou’t want to go, get some one else to go in your place as soon as possible, else you mav be compell ed to go. '" j Good Appointment.— We learn that Capt. paa. il. Bell, of the 13th Penn'a Cavalry, has been [appointed Quartermaster at City Point, on the Names Liver. This is an appointment “eminently |fit to us made.” Capt, B. will make a careful, luontst aud competent officer. Itjis a merited cora- Ipument to an efficient officer How are vou, Cap- Itam. I Losipoxed; — We learn that the concert to be p'-en by the Philharmonic Society, for the benefit Sold . iers ’ Monument Fund,' has been poat -111141 be evenin * of ‘ha 12th of January 1 A. M. L. &R. R. A.—At a special meeting of | the Board of Directors of the Altoona Mechanics’ : Library and Reading Room Association, held Dec. j 12, 1864, Vice President, J. Reilly, in the Chair, i a communication was received from Mr. R, U. Letnhorn, resigning his position as Predeem of’ the Association, which was accepted, ami, on mo tion, Dr. J. M. Gemmil! Was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy. The following-persons were elected active mem bers of the Association, viz: W. H. Green, Sam uel Black, J. G. MeCamant, Henry Wilson and George Isenberg, of Altoona, ;and Jolm M. Al bright of Tyrone. The Treasurer's Report being called for, there was reported the sum of $6O in the Treasure.— On motion, $25 was appropriated for the purchase of new books. The Secretary was instructed to call a meeting of the Association on Thursday evening, Dec. 22d, for the purpose of placing in nomination can didates for the different offices to be tilled by elec tion at the regular meeting of the Association on first Thursday of January, 1865. Committee on outstanding dues reported pro gress. Committee on Lectures reported the pro ceeds of “ Lecture on Chemistry” $5. The following preamble and resolution was of " .unanimously adopted.; i -Mr. R. H. Laraborn has found it ne- I f ' lt,L ' his official connection with this COUld ItOt he has served the As- S'humoud.-;. its presiding offi sh Bite replieu ,_ and d . and lie lovebore nccessi dyke hinuself. for the oviitlcmau never spoke d ll i any business. All that ecu letirued was .that he I'esided ii don, made periodical visits t W * ’on and remained there t tions, « three days, then left airtiur. w pital Lite, ii'i one could tell, or those who England (2 vols,- Writings, Jean Xngolow’s Poems, , English Literature (2 vols,) Kaloold, u .ds retire of the Bible, Reports of the Department oi Agn cuiture (2 vols), Book of Days .(2 vols.) Messages and Documents of the Department of the Inte rior, Commercial Relations of the Department of the Interior for 1862, Robinson Crusoe, Tuussaint L. Overture ofHuytt, The Schowherg Cotta Fam ily, The Cripple of Antioch. Twice Told Tales; (2 vols,) Private Miles O’liilov, Poems by H. Peter son,-Diary from November 1862 to October 1866. Soldiers’ National Cemetery at Gettysburg. Very- Hard Cash, The Modern British Essayist, Round about Papers, Enoch Arden, Love Me Little Love Me Lung, Trumps, Peg Wellington, Nile Notes by Curtis, Leaves from the Diary oi an Army Surgeon, Corinne, or Italy, Days of Shoddy, and Kirk's Charles the Bold On motion, adjourned m, it would be ively, who are ' making the c matter, al- .ve done more 113. 25 cents ths. lye if. n* > 5 00 10 ' 7 00 m lu'oo iO 12 00 H> 1-4 00 JO 20 00 l 0 40 00 1 70 mouth*. K nioxTtl ..J 1 SO $ o O' 10 00 Christmas Disxek tor this Soldiers. —The Ladies of the Subsistance Committee, in connec tion with those of the Christian Commission, will give a Dinner on Christmas Day, to all the Sol diers in the Camps, Hospitals and Barracks iu and around Pittsburgh. Thev are also forwarding articles to Nashville, They send this circular to you, asking you to in tetest the members of your Aid Society, or Church, for contributions of such articles as are needed ; or what would be still better, if you could make amongst your Society, a collection of Cash. As many articles have to be purchased in Nashville, which it would be impossible to ship from here, contributions for Nashville should, be forwarded at once. Articles needed Cor Dinners at Nashville Ap ples, Fruits in Cans, Apple Butter, Vegetables of all Kinds, Pickles, Butter and Eggs. Articles needed for Dinner to those in our City : Uncooked Meats, Fowls of all Kinds, Fruits and Vegetables, Fruits in Cans, Oysters, Cakes, But ter, Eggs. Contributions for the Dinner to the Soldiers in and around our City, can bo sent to City Hall on Friday and Saturday, December tho23ii#tnd 24th, from 8 A. M., to 4 P. M. Contributions from the Country for the Dinners, can be sent to W. P. Weytnan, or Jos. Albrco, Pittsburgh.—Persons in or around Altoona, wish ing to contribute cash or stores to the Chritmns Dinner, can leave them with T. B. Patton, a; the Post Office, in Altoona, who: will forward them to Pittsburgh. NV, P. BEYMAN. Roll Is, Gusts.— Dan -Baughman has just received a supply of the “ green plad” vests for gents, the prettiest, warmest and cheapest things yet brought out. When they first appeared in the city market they created a perfect furore, and the consequence is they are now sported by almost every fashionable gentleman. Dan has a good supply, cheap as the cheapest. Roll in and see them. They are regular dduble-hreastcrs, just the style, and put you right urrp run fashion. Also, another supply of those superior homemade boots, just the articles to keep the feet dry and warm. Igj-The oil fever appears to be. raging all aVonnd us, but as yet we hear of no companies being form ed to bore in this county. Might there no: bo oil away down in the bowels of the earth under Blair county soil. When oil was first discovered on Oil Creek we remember having heard it stated that there were indications of oil in some localities in this county. Who will get up an excitement by discovering “indications” An some of the ravines of the Alleghenies ? Has -no one a worn out farm, or a useless piece of mountain land that ho wishes to turn into a gold mine, or greenback manufacto ry ? Scratch around and see. Suspended. —With the issue of last week, the publisher of the Tyrone Herald announces that the publication of that, paper has been suspended for the time being, and closes his article tberon by stating that when the wards over, and paper be comes cheap, and the citizens of that place give him proper encouragement; he may resume its pub lication. In the mean tinje he will employ him self in publishing a religious paper, entitled the Christian Family Companion “ devoted to the in terests of Pure Religion, the defence of. scriptural doctrine, and the welfare V "friends and patrons" for past 1 from I we may never relax our oliorts to ;* ♦ 1 .or their wants ;u»d needs. And now friends. do call early if vou v - u-.l 1 'to U.a * "Pick and Choice," for we do anticipate a great n..„. • H.'FETi'INGER, Pn -}>rittor. ■'hither could. j;. B, \Ve would advise ail the Ladies to call RAILROAD AND MAIL SUH.iiD'OXiE in the day time, whenever they ih'.n make it suit to do so, as our place is very much crowded in the evening, mid it verv inconvenient tor Ladies to examine our stuck- and bv properly waited upon I'.MGMAS.—Some of our Juvenile friends have concluded that they will puzzle the Uezde oi their companions, by giving them a lew enigmas, ■to solve, these long winter evenings. According ly thev have handed'in the following, to which thev desire answers. Tins derailment is open to ,t. D. HICKS, Secretary. all our young friends for the insertion ot enigmas, charades, puzzles, riddles, etc., and we nope they will feel at liberty to contribute, hut we must he the judges as to merit Our I am Composed of 43 Letters. Mv 10, 23, 15, 12, is a river in Texas. “ 24, 30, 17, 10, 32, IS a river in Mississippi, « 25, 8, 40, 5, 13, is a river in Germany. “ 0, 28, 20, is a river in Russia. “ 41, 2, 38, 42, 10, is a town in Ohio. “ 14 7,4, 29, 22, is a mountain in Georgia. «< l 33’, 34, 20, 0, is a town in North Caroline, “ 35, 21, 3, 43, is one of the Hebrides Islands, “ 31, IS, 30, is a town in England. “ 39, 23, 22, is a river in Scotland. <• 17. 37, 31, 9, is a river in England. “ 27, 17. 10, 7, is a river in Kentucky. “ e . n ’ 41 > 33> ?> 1S t 0"? I ,' l I1 | ‘i n ?, lS- 1 c, On the Ctu inst.. by the Krv. K. JSridenhangli. at tho re “ 15, 8, 20, 34, is a river in the United States. , sil!l , nce of bride',- father. Lieut. O. SANFORD 1M; Mv whole is *!>e title of a very interesting book : band, onb,lliJny.,burs- f .tn Ml-. SACK C. EMUICK, «t lately published. ' X. 15.I 5 . M. ■ fn,ukiin C..„ Pa. Will Patton, at the Post Office, is just re- . yiJSSOIAJTIOX.—ITIK PARTNER CCiving a largo assortment of school books and ; P 9 v,hip h.-rftouvo esi*«ting lotw-vn the xinilt 1 1 i, „i) innK „n,l f i’irv tov trading un-’-r tlu n.v.u* of ’'.ViUifliii -v <>.. has this d.iy stationery, photograpa albums. *.t.d Luk\ ic, K .,. n tJ j., vhVll by rnlU ual ov.u-*nt. Tie* Lo-fcs and ac bents for Christmas presents, and tovs ot all kinds counts ar-- in tie- hand-* "f inu-im i Urn.. p* vvli-.un all DCOks tor vilMMUi— > r - ]• , Vpnwii'- th-us.-Kv* in*!-^-r.- 1 t-- the hit* linn will flora a needle to an engine. Al.-o Umi ijmtiu Si*! t-> wl, -m all claim* will I- j-rv.-wnt.-a and a groat variety o{ notions, it me caenuu f (ir *-ttk-im-nr. The business will* be continued by the and smoking tobacco and segars. All will be sold new firm as u-uul cheap. Call and see the great, variety FANCY TOYS, We ere composed of 21) Letters. 4, IG, 5, is a county in lowa. 7. 0, 11, 21, is a county in Missouri. 29, 12, 25, 15. is a countv in Pennsylvania 1-1 25, 17, 17. is a county in Texas. 2G, 15, is a verb. 1, 13, 10, 24, is a county in Texas. 8. 9,9, is a county in Texas. 23, 2, o, is a vessel. 10, 22, 18, is what some people like. . 28, 20, is a word you often hear. 4. 19, 23, is applied to a drunkard. 1, 27, 9. is a girls nickname. Our whole is what every person should do. W. M. i W. C. Nonet;. —A Special. meeting of the Altoona Mechanics'Library and Heading Ilooiu Associa tion, will be held at the rooms of the Association on Thursday evening, December L’lhul, at j s o’clock, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the different offices to be tilled at the regular meeting of the association on the hrst Thursday of January next. A full attendance is requested. Bv order of the Board of Directors, ; J, D. HICKS, Secy. ]{., has jiirst returned from tiio U.u-t with a line assort- Tobacco and Cigars, lobaccoand Cigars. : mcatcr duy UOuDS.rnchas Cobaccoand Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. , FRESCU meiuno, 1!1..«CK. BROWS AND BLUE. Cobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. ! LyoxESE CLOTH. MOHAIR,' BARATHEA, Seles, j all wool delaises, Perfumery and Notions, Drugs ana McdicineXj colors, Lilli (Is, Ac., Ac. Wsi.'.:3 -be;;:: Supporters and all goods fyund m a hrst class t W( . ! , c u < .,).c.m.™ n r ,„ Store For sale chedP for cash at the Drug , imiuu.ral Skirts, .Nul.itts, Br«W..n Car*. Blankt-M ana un-t oioie. r-vuloiN M-.. .1 tin-.- anortnwDt ot-Lnih--- Winter Store Of / liV- ’I - Sl.r“-V, (teats' !mots n,u! Shoes. at re-lucl prices. Also. Second door from the comer ot Vllgmia ana ; nic „ sugar. Socs Bwf Brown, 21c; ami Hue TUxte, Annie Streets, Altoona. ! :ao. I’U use dill mul examine our nock, if you wUb to ■ i i buvfbefore purchasing el-e\vliere. , , . i ■%’ 11 IKm’’ forirot tis* lihio'D, J. B Ilijomau 3 0;u Fibe ! Fihe ! I—Do not risk your property any | street longer to the mercy of the liames, but go , p.-, pun, Imp and have him insure you against loss by lire. , He is agent for thirteen different companies ' among which are some of the best in the Lnited , States. Altoona, July tll.’-tf. Two Bad Cases of Piles Cured. WOLF & PETERSON By Dr. Strickland’s pile Itemed}-. Mr. Claw of Janes- ■ Vv .» -trip TO INFORM THE PTiscoosiu, writ*ssfor the with the paw, that 1..- has been troubled lor eight v.al., ; " u>i . with' an aggravated case ol Piles, and his brother was ■!>*-; p „ , pnAvieiAV t*TOI?F charged from the army .umncurable, [he being quite para- ■ GKOCEK\ Oc IEUVIoLUA ei-Ul L iTZcd with the Pile.-,.* Both these distmuDS cases were . w ..j~ wcn-d-l bv Rirtsaban;* & lMtfr«..o, awl formerly cured with one bottle of Dr, Strickland's Pile Remedy.- j oc( . u -„ic,l bv Joe". Berjtowitx, where they will keep coy- The recommendation of these gentlemen, beside the daily 1 *£ .he B-.r.1, Half sold by Druggists ■ COFFEE—WO AND EAST INDIA. • T-v i > rn A r>T Ae’ Sir'ii's —Cni-hed. Or.iuulat.-d, Sew Orleans, ami Porto Dti. lOoiAb Pie-. Hon.'V and Holden Syrups. Sew Orleans ami sugar VENETIAN LINIMENT.; suck. T«m* ny—. ««i imperial A CERTAIN CURE FOR I’AlNtf : T A .,star. .ud>i..«id Camu.,-*. pm--, i>.n *OIIES,aua warranted superior to any other. K ,. sin :l m! Fancy Soaps- Navy. Spun J.ull, Homj Viv,. Croup it positively cures; relief U absolutely sure iimu.- «.-! Cut and Dry dlately it is used. Mothers remember this, anJ arm your-.; rEEU ixD PROVISIONS, selves with a bottle without delay. Croup Is a diseas- . „ llf ., Mul h , thl . K ur. Oats, Corn and Oats, and i which Rives no notice, frequently attacking the clnlu in IVh< at c!H , Jn yipj, Stull, Corn Meal, Sifted and Unsifted. ! the dead hour of night: 'before a physician can be sum- Also, Clover and Fhn Sec! 1 rnonedit maybe too late. Remember, the Venetian him- HOTTER, ECUS AND LARD. W»“ ,Una^ e » PETBR3OSI. A (’lvrcry’.u*,n, tvhde 'ro?idi:u in ?out); Aiueidrii a? & •■.viva .1 «nfo :ui i himta.* remedy for thy Caro of Nervous Karlv I>*.-ca\ , a"..-? of tho Urinary and Seminal Organs, and th- uhoi>- tram of dia iio to beiieiir the :»nd nnfbrtu- i-iiiU-, I will tc-ud the recipe fjr preparing arid vi.-dng this medicine, in lx teuied envelope. to any cue who need* it. t'rf< r.x a i.>rp.:-rrip‘i'>u o/Xir J. Char!:, M. D. J ! !,y.-h\a:i Exirdo-rditmrj‘ io the (^uw>. This invaluable d-_* is unfailing it. tin; euro of all ,00 to $-»0.00 each, 1.25 - 4.'M C.oo •• 10 00 thus.- painlul anil dangerous dheases to which the female CikJistitUti'Ml l> subject. It. moderates all eXCesS aud rein-.jVvS all obstructions, and u speedy rare may )»• relied on. TO HAKIiIUD LADIES it is peculiarly suited. 1 1 will, iu a short time, bring oq the monthly period v. ith regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Oovcrnmeut 1.25 •• 10.00 “ ' TO “ 4.00 CO •• 4.00 2.00 •• 5.00 “ 25 ** 4.CjO “ 25 “ 2.50 ttuiiijj of Ureal Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. 20 »* o.UO 2.0 U “ 0.00 O.uu ■' 8.00 o.o'. 4.00 a .00 “ 0.00 “ liters Pills chuuld La. by F< vij.Us duriny the FliiST TUUEK MOXTILS *f Prcyi. mre to briny on Jliscarria>j: f but at a in all Cas-i ufNervous and Spinal Au'ection?, Pains in the Rack and Limbs. Fatigue on slight exviTlioii. Palpita tion of the He art. Hysterics, am! Whites, these PUL ■ will eilVct a cure win nail other means have-. failed, ml al- though a powerful remedy, do nut eotiLiiii iron, calomel, antimony, r.r anything hurtful to the constitution. Full di:x-','tii.uir in iho pamylik-t urjimd racli package, wlikdi j-livuM kv carvt'uliy prc?>.TVod. tin Li) BY ALL Jilt CC, GIATS. X. JJ. —£l.' l d and 0 pur-tage tramp* cndu-'i-d to any au< thari/. 1 d Agviit. will iiitiuv a LnttK-, containing •’' u I‘illA by iMluru Nov WESTWARD. i’ict Lri'.'Kxpri-s-) uirivo OAU A. M., l-cuvs 0.00 A.M i’luKuMA Midi K:i-t I. Tim Mail Train llarri-'i.-V AcruaiUiwlatiui £ J'.ii.; r:xp i'hiladdidiia I'iisL Till" Train.-\-t ami I’itl-fbuivTi »■- Brb. Lxprv?.-* Train-* Bail and V*Vd. Train-- on Bduidutr.-r A' Civ-.-oii Brandi run to connect withFa.it Mail and Uam-.burc; Aoci-niiiK.datioii Thai in-* Ead. Mail Trdn \\V,J and Bitid-nrah w Bin Bxpro.-..-, Train Bad and Mod. Trains on Indiana Brandi run to Conned with Hum* burh Acc umnudatiun Train Bad an 1 Bitt'burjh a. Brio Kxprri.s Xraiu W*. d. v “ AMvoNa, Not. 12tb. ISG4 MAILS AKKIVi:. \V:i.«shiD."tou, Baltimore & Harris.i;:- arrive at PhilaJ'-ljihi.i arrives at I'ittsbur^U,«iliroiijtli.) Western Way K.iiteni Way, Extern 'Wiiy aiiJ \W--U*rn Way and Holliday-duir^h, Wc't.-rn. Through, through. Office huura from 0:5 m A.M., to 7:53, P.M.; ou J-UD' day Iroui ~:io to A.M On thf isth in•= t-, at th* r«suLni:- of the brid-Va father, ,l)Y the Kvv. Dr. T. Luujhei ty, WILLIAM 0. I)LCKLU. of Huntington county, ami ML-s L.vIMA M. LYTLE, of Uolliday^burc:. A CAED TO INVALIDS, AJdrci*. JOSEPH T. INMAN. AfuLd.-j i>. Jill'.- , New Vo.k City ‘2'.K IsGi—iy A-a :;C iw ihv Fnitt.-J MaO.s and Canad; JOB ’ll Coiihuidt iSt-.. New York. I'J. r.-i'j p. m K A ST WARD. ,u ri\<:-< 7A. -M.. k’;ivt s >.!o A.M 12.1 f. 0.00 “ " *-‘-0 4 MAILS CLOSi: MARRIED 1 1 >, • c.. i>, ISC GOOD NEWS ! PRICES REDUCED 1 GOODS CHEAP. AND BARGAINS TO BE HAD, AT J. ¥. CURRY S (Hileman’s old stand,) on Virginia .St SAVANNAH TAKEN ! Xew Firm in an old Stand. THE PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY. Vjrtcc l\i'X South Fifth Street, Philadelphia* CAPITAL $1,000,000. UOO.OOO Shaves at 5?C> each. ’ Koservecl Oapital S^i3o,ooo. PRESIDENT. ALEXANDER K. McCLURE. bIKECTOUS. A. it. McCLCUL, J.C. Rj.MßfcdU.fEH, E. W, DAVIS, 1 A. av. i. J. M. POMUioV. i\ b.small. D. It. JACKMAN. Secretary, Jamw M. shtLia.k>. Treasurer, Euaiu 1' Davis, Tlii:} Company has I-d acres ei land, in fee, ou uy rru-r, iiuuiedaifeiy opposite ud Lily, umi adjoining : Layluuia, Willi ilu rods hunt ou the uver, and To rod* livut uii Lay's auu. Uuii. C. P. iUiusdeil, editor of the un L uv JAo.nor uud agent lor this umd, assures Uio Com- ■ pain that it ’.ull seli m kls lor $100,00(1, reserving the.oil • winch is,worth SIOO,WO addiliouaL immediate re- j c.-auf u-cd i“ uemea juriuo .toujmiy /rem the »<.ue >J these | h,h>; and too Lmnpany have tvw good engines with com- j j let.- iixtuies to operate immediately lor mi. Tlu* tern- j Lay in this miu»eaiuie locality has never failed to pro- • duee piuiiiai'iy. I A iso, on*.- Hundred acres, iu feo simple, iu the celebrated j Ctu n v Uuu insitict, immediately adjoining Cherry Uuu*i iVH.Aum CumpUuv, wLuftt* stuck i» uuw worth wvur sdo pel- ,-ijaio. ill'- LoinpuUy IiOVV have oilers, which Will bo I aecepiiu, lor sinking Wells-uU lease, without any Cost to the coipoiatiow uua uue Uaif the proceeds to go to the Company. The Cuitm and M. Nicholas Companies are m tins .maiodiate locality, and their slock is now comman ding a laige premium, iu addition, Uio Company how TO acies, iu lee biuipie, on i.hetry .Tree iiuu, which empties miouji creek, nmi iu the best producing secuou of thouil Territory. iiiiii iiO acres, m iiv simple, on \Valuut Lend, live mues above Uie muuih oi Oil creek, ana not over two miles in.M.i the celebrated Heed well, now pioduciug over «oo baneis per day. , , Ai.-u, iho lease ui turco tracts of laud, two ou Uu.Uo-L each preuianng over leu bai reis per day, auii oua oh Alle gheny niver, producing ten barrels per day oi heavy oil,- weitu per barrel. The Company now receives three louitusol Uie'pioci-cds ol the last named well, uud one hall of tile Other two. Each of these tracts will be develop ed by the Company by sinking additional wells, and the 1 engines ana hitufe? are* m-w oh hand to doit. due vilicers oi the Ccmpuny mean to.prosecute the de velopment oi these lauds most energetically, and thay bavo entile ccnhuelice lliat they will yield very Iftlge dl'.idfcflda Oil the Capital stoeii. fciiuscMjiiioiJs must ne laadi? promptly, as mure than oiie-iialt ot tiro block is already engaged, tjubjciiptioiis will bo u ceiVe-d at Uus Ulrica. , i»-'C. i* tn, it^or-gt. •y. cs—tirty are j r time tJJry are ENVEiNTOKS, MECHANICS AGRICULTURISTS, PiAOiSEJACTUS Ul'the cheapest cuiU. berst MECHANIC A A- J ° u HNAIj ui th.e %V OlA,^ The Illustrated Scientific African, A New \ulum** of which commences January I. !'>>"■ Th;;, valu.il.h- journal has been pnblUUed nineteen wr., and during ill tUi* time it ban been ihc lum -na Lade advocate Sr the interests o. the A b?oi Manufacturer, iiu.l Partner. and the mitUlul cuiouicKr t!.c i.r.«rc ; .Md AKT, SCIENCE. and I.N AimuCA.N u the reliable. and most wbely circulated journal- ol he kind n-.iv publfc-Ued in the United State,. Ums tuit ms d - beginning and gro th of marly ” 1 ■‘‘i.'irivo been ilhis tind di.covcn i-.. of th. day, moot w which h-.io b-oi lu= trated and dercribed in its column*. ‘‘Ar'li'iS” a tl-I \Vc:.l:.v ornciiL List of all the CacoN. Claim-, tui’.: of great Value to all Imvntoc. and latenteos $ F X T hi MU. cumerv ivill bo giren. Alo. practical articles, upon ho •ino.iC Toots n-cd in Wokssuom and r at!Hll «T,cri.aenlo and practical re Milt- attained "'ill bo fully recorded. , . , WOOLEN. COTTON, and o her « sii Wilt Vessels. 11.111-IVAY Maciunyht, !Ju i.im- Tools. Etccmc. Chemical, and Maiuuuticae its, 1V0,.:., and I.t-'inn'. Machines, lltpp.acuc.-, 1. m?_. WvTVß.uniu.a. vet.; llocsehjl:. and I- arm ini'; this latter department being very lull Sriof \iSr Cain- to farmers and Gardners; Articles ombraei.r.:: every department of Popular bcumee, which rvis cAmioA* "ill- ns lieietolcre, form a prominent lea tine* Owing to the very large experience of tbo publisbet s, M.-ters Minn & Co., as Solicitous of Patents, .his de partment of the paper will possess great interest to Pa- T£NTLL> and I.fVEMOi'.S. , The year's nmnbeis contain several hundred supeiben <’r:ivi:i^s, also reliable practical recipes, useful in every -nop and household. Two volumes each year,4l6 pag**— tcdal. ''dd jiaues. Ti.UM.S.—sd per yc.tr; $l.OO for six months. Specimen Copies f.ent m-e. 7.5:5 P. M 0 lu 2.40 A .M. A. M. 7:55, A.M 7::-o, A.M. £ 5:50, P.M, 12:15, A.M. ■7:40, P.M 7.40, A.M C:-y). " ; : ;;o A. M, i 7:40. p. M 0:^0, C. W. PATTON, P.M. GEO. A. WILHELM, LEON A I’D WILHELM, ADAM ODES WELDER. STORE Aim biiii-cii-U io »ui- AJire: munn & co., Publisher*, 27 Turk Row, Xow-York City. Doc. 17, ISGJ. ( \ W. KESSLER PRACTICAL V.X« DRUGGIST, respectfully announces ft tollu- citizens of Altoona ami the public cr.illy. that ho still continues the Drug busings, >SSSsr on \lvginia stre-k. where he keeps constantly wH&Jf onhand.fer sale. Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS, BM MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. OILS, VARNISH- MA ES and DYE-STUFFS. m '" w Ev strict attention to business, and a desire toreador sat [■.faction to all as regards price and quality, ha Impest ••‘rit and receive a .-.hare of public patronage. hysicians and merchants supplied on reasonable icnn» all orders from a distance promptly attended to. •ysicians prescriptions carefully cumpoumled. [l-tf. i’h and; Pi: S. M. Woodkoic WOODROK & OSBORNE, Aiioriici/s at Law 4. rice U hereby von that letters of Administration on the O'titce of Anna.'Love, late of Lcgan township. Blair county. dec'd., have heeu Granted to the undersigned, residing in 'Altoona. All persons knowing themselves in* dehred to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and having claims will present the same without dclav, dulv authenticated fur settlement. JACOB KINK, Administrator. Nov. 111. ISo4—ot* ON HAND AT McCOEMICIv’S .Store —A splendid assortment of Ready-Made clothing Call Arid sod. '* Not. Helmbold’s genuine buchu and Brake's Plantation Bitters, at jiia 13, ? C4l UEIGART’S Prng Store. VJUBIAS OPERA-CAPS & IIOSIE XT uv it QUEENS WADE AT Boots and shoes plain and f Aucy al I FLANNEL SHIRTS UNDER CLOTH . INO ic. »t rpiJNKS AND CARPET-SACKS PLAIN & FANCY VKSTS, of every tIM *ii rttU »l LATTollltA* ,^- Valuable Real Estate A.T PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers, at Vpvatw Sale, all his real estate, situate as follow*: MO. 1. A i'orui tu Logan township Bhur county, adjoint** lauasut Liias Baker, James HutcUaoa, John Wy&e and others, about one aada hail mile* trow Altoona,containing VZv acres 01 which are cleared, under good fence and lit a high slaw of cultivation, iuul the balance well Umbered with white oak ami Hickory. About -0 acre* of &.U* cleared laud u uict-.dow ol the boat quality. Then* i* an orchard ol excellent fruit. The improvements aro LUG-FitASlfc WLATIUuII-iJOAitUKD UOUSK, with Kitchen, \V ush-houac, \\ tAnl-house, Smuke*hotnt« and i'ump-hyiise a-i under one tool, and very convenient. A BANK BARN, aoxnO loci, w ith wagon-shed, corn-crib, Icc-house and all oihiv* neccsMiry outouiidiugs, waking u altogether ouu ot the beat lilted up taruia in the country, it la well calcu lated h>r a uaiiy and has been lilted up for the purpoac. Inis larm wui readily rent at a price which will bnug ten per cent, on the luveatuieiiL A house and oue-tuuilh ol an acre of ground tituata m LtouuuhsvUle, aojo..umg Altoona. The House :» double plauK, containing seven rooms. Oh the lot are a Slaugh ter-house, iliue-hvUot*, stable, VVagou-ahed, and all Ui« buildings unu improvements required about a butchery. MO. 8. A i wo-siury Brick Uou»c uwd hah lot of ground, «atu*U ou Miwt, AUuckfc. 'l'be House couuiun tbrw room* and ball, ou lu>t Uoor, umi lour room# ou «ecolid floor. It wiu u acMioliie part 01 the lowa. IS 0.4. A House and hall acre ul ground, situate in Loadons viUe.near White Hall Hotel. 'ilia House is a two-*tur» nauio. ihe lot is well set with choice Unit trees. 5. A House aud half lot of ground, situate on Rebecca at i-wi, r.usl Altoona. Ihu House i» two-story iramo with two luoius cu hut -lour ami three ou second lloor. All the above properties uovv. rout ut a price which briars u-u per cout_ou my valuation. liargams may bo Imd in all 01 these properties, as exten ded time v*ul bo giveu,m viiuch to makw payments. Mj ol>jov.i iu disposing ol all my property iu tUU vicinity is to remove to I lie West, uud 1 do nut wish the trouble 01 look* iag au-r aliairs so Jar truiu homo, or to have property where 1 cannot sou To iu care. Fur these reason* I wili give bargains iu lb',* above Altoona Oct. -.“JtU—H. LAKwu PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN fßOjk , SMALL AMIiROTYPES. CARi» PICTURES AM) DAGUERREOTYPES. A Pictures taken in all kinds of Weather. NEW STYLES OF CASES PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN IN ALL THE DIFFERENT STYLES CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON. 'TMIE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN | FORM the citizens of Altoona and Ticiuitythat hii CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STORE, is alway* upplied with tho very best articles to be had, and in great' variety. FRESH OYSTERS ot Ui* tcry best xnality, always to be had. BREAD, CAKES, & PIE j, Always on hand, at reasonable rates. lie is at all times prepared to supply cakes, candies. 4c., tor pie-nics ami other parties. He invites a share of public patronage, believing that he can render full satfefactioato ill. Remember. his store and saloon is on Yirginiastreet,two doors below Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROSBI. Altoona, April S, 1863-tf. JOHN HICKEY. CABINET-MAKER XJ3STIDER,T-A-K:33R.. Haying purchased the in tcrest of Mr. Cherry in the lato firm of Hickey A Cht-rry, I would respectfully inform the public I intend to continue the business, in the new Cabinet Shop and Fur niture Ware room, on JULIA STREET, OPPOSITE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, East Altoona, where I will be happy to fill all orders in my line. I iuivo on hand a good supply of Furniture iuit from Philadelphia, which I offer at the lowest prices for cash. 1 keep a hearse, and am prepared at all times to attend promptly to orders iu Undertaking. I will always keep on hand a good assortment of METALLIC COFFINS. E. J. OSBOUNK Altoona, Nov. cth ISG4—3m* General News Agency, OAK IIALL, No. 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES CIGARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY CONSTANTLY ON HAND. OctOber‘24, IStil. BUSINESS on ALLEGHENY ST., The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a full and complete stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, &c., S. % P- BUREHART, S. E., Corner Chestnut and Allegheny Sts., Altoona, Dec. 3, 18G4.-tf. € CARPETS. Another large assortment /ofCiirpeta,Oil Cloths, £c.. handsomer and Cheaper than ever. Just received at LOWTHKR’S. Dec. 10, lbCi~3l. MEN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every stylo and color, of good quality, at * LACQHMAN’B. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jewelry, liuir and Clothes Brushes, Combs, Pocket-knives, itc., at Hair oil, colognes, pom ados, Shavink Cream, Toilet Soaps kt n for sal* by l-if.? O. W. KESSLER. VTEW AND IMPROVED STYLES i vj of Trunks, Valises aud Carpot-Bags, at LAUQUMAK’fi. G. C. SMITH. I JURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC X Paint, alK> Cbrom*. Green, Yellow, Boris Green, krf and ground nil at KESSLEfi’S. O.'C. SMITH. For sale—a building lot situated on Branch Street, AUoona. Price s42s,- " Aug. IT. ISfld-tf. W. S. BITtKEIt. G. C. JL ST HKCLIVED—A Lot of Prime OlliAUS—it j»:i. iu, •«.] 0. C. SMITH I rAlii, HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING- I I Paint, Huh and VaraiaU Braahaa at CUIUIK'S. O. C. SMITH 4 FINE ASSORTMENT OP OVERf jCjLco ATS ran b. Coax* at ‘ : 137 ACRES, MO. 3. C. B. SINK. X AX BONINE'S cL.iiiAuairs BviLDiyg. FRESH-BAKED H. FETTINGER’S REIOAET’S Drag Stora, \ LACGHMAN’S