THE LAST VICTORY ! HIGH l-IiICKS HEFKATKI)! ■GODFREY WOLF AHEAD OF AI.L CO.MI'EXITIOS 1 THE CHEAPEST CLOTHING STORE IN THE COUNTY, IS ON THE CORNER OF CAROLINE & MAIN Sts., ALTOONA. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN SPfbrm ibe public that he has just rcc -ived hi* stork of faJI nDd Winter Good*. embracing everything in thu line of GENTLBMENS WEAK, of ail qualities and at prices which tile best and cheapest assort* aietit nf ilat*in this place, and a largo supply of Trunk*, of ail qwUith'M and prices. r Tlie public are respectfully invited t< call before pur chiming elsewhere, as he fi-eb satisfied that he cau please theni in every particular. ■ Alumna. N'«v. VJtUTSbd.-tf. FIRST ARRIVAL OF HATS AND CAPS, - FOR TUE FALL AND WINTER SEASON. I- TAKE PLEASURE in informing tm frjctoUa and the'puhlic generally that I have n*turn**i. from th« Ka*t where I purchased a NKW AND FASIHON AHLHjrtockof ; HATS AND CAPS. tthicjh I -«t*lc-ct**d with care. It embraces etery color shape aud quality, with the view of accommodating al. classes. I have also pnrehas d a large stock of , BOOTS Sc SHOES. jtm, $ My assortment of Ladies’ ami tojßß children's shoes arc ui**»tly uf 3gß city mak* ami can Ih* guar' autvod. My -sKck of M.unc JAMES S. MANX. November. 12. ISo4.—if CITY DRUG STOKE. ■ AIL E. IE REIGART would respect ‘ fully unuoiii.cvti. tlu- ~f AUuon:i urn] -ur “wig country, that he has recently purchased th aQu 0 f periin \t Co., on Viiginla Street, opposiu Store. wards the Co.-s are Fresh aud Pure, The propot rict att niiiyu to merit r America and jwcf- r ~, . . Straits and Asiatic Russia/*'nrh lcf>st»ntly otr li.-tnA by Congress at the last session,!,., taken under very favorable circumsLS, association of American citizens, with VCSITE!' goodwill and support as well of this Gouts', as those of Great Britain and Russia. Assurances have been received from most c South American Slates of their appreciation, the enterprise and. their readiness to co-op'" constructing lines tributary to that wo*’ cling communicating. 1 learn witlj.j. anted. faction .that the noble design of n r ; 0 '_ v>s munication between the easte ol tht. day or night and Great Britain has bee -ctati "if its accom- peCIAtIOD 01 IUCO. A.RE! . CHAiILESJ. MANN. /EAEKU IN FOREIGN AND DO \ 7 MKSTIC HARDWARE. : - WOODEN WARE. BROOMS. WINDOW SHADE? DOOR MAT? SHOE FINDINGS. MOULDERS’ TOOLS, BIRD CAGES ANT) WIRE GOODS. WINDOW GLASS purer, wum: lead. &c~ ic. : Every il-vscripti-.u of Go nls in his liite will bs fur iu-du*d :it shoi t notice. and at low rates for cash. Ilia remaining sl a’k of DRV GOODS on Land will !>• clo*vii imt ut n-nturknbli. low pliers. in order to rrlihquiil that branch of the bu-im-s. Sjxeut for Will.-on’* •• Telegraph Fodder Cutter.” Altoona, Mny 'dblh. IS 02. Insurance Co. of N. Americu FHII. A DEI .PHI A.- I.NCOIU'OHATEI) I.N 17»t. CIfARTKU I'KUFKTfA! CAPiTAL AND ASSETS OVER Sl,(ilKM'oi‘ tNSrUANOK MADE ON lil’UJ iog*.;MercliamitM*. Furniture and P-r*otml rroj -ri; HfinTally. oil literal terms. for rlmrt nr dong period* »peclai attention paid-to Dwellings and Contents. un . Farm Property. Brick or Dwellings taken pen-* -tmlly on very reasonable terms to the injured. Los-es equitably adjusts! and proaiptly paid. DIRECTORS: Arthur G. William Welsh, . Fraud" R. C<-pe Smiuicl W. Jones. William E. Brown. Edward U.T' -tt John A. Bro*n, James N. I)i.k*on. Edward S; C:ark t’harU-s Taylor. S. Morris Wain, Will’m Ojmii.iio Anihr*** White, John Mason, -,-T. Cburltou Ilenr; Richard D. Wood. George L. Harrison, ARTHUR G. COFFIN. iV«wh f CfUELES..PIatt, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLER, Central Agent forl»<‘rm«iylfa:jir ?. M. WOODKOK. of AU(K»na. Agent Tor Blair C ■•». Offic** in Altoona and Holl;d&y*hurg. [Oct. IS/TG-’y JACOB WEIS, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. Virginia Street, Altoona, Pa. Infers constantly on hand IV BREAD. CAKES, CANDIES A&VbVVIiEXMKATS. of Ms own mamihicturf, wEkU In r*»rr«»rv3 i*\ Jltslf, wh'le«Hlf or n-rnil, at the raoßt aid.. priced. Uso*. FOKEIUX-FHCITS, *uch as I ORANGES. LEMONS. PINE-APPLES. : TIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS, NUTS, &C.. iC., always on haud fn thdr respective lens-ms. OYSTERS, of the best quality the season. CAKES BAKED TO ORDER,i Tu# fititicolftr occasions, vu short notice and ia tU- Mt-a»ll*l j ' to be the est ever o!je re. iJyVu*pnln is . ■ ’-V -.upomnty i- satbfactuiilv viai-li-m., '•> in? •<< ‘ i the Imt eight years. OVER 1,100 M ORE if ti.'-se Mammies haw b.*(*uthan oi any "lie r man .tinctured, ami more medals have b-.-Ui awarded tie- p;e orator-, i*\ dili-TOit fmisinjii Insl'Uoe*. than to an> <•■]! *rs.’ The M.eliiue- Uie sv at rfinr.-' 1 t«< w> ■ ail I hat is ebume. ;'or Mom. They ;>r.- awe .jajlHe U' --cvcf.u t;n.uiu-' in A' photos. and in ev-ry ra-e th ;i givi. I'liUa 1 ~i!M a lea - Tih? Agent re;.-!1b"..-.- dminng iuOnmUim : icriority of tin: Machim e. tv* E--1. I»«bii L. P;|"-r ii. Clark. Or.a ge l[aw keswdrtb, Rcuj. id I’ LV.rno. hvji's- Tile liiiwlilii'-,- can be Agent. at AUi-aia prio oj No. I Machine, Ml ver pial.’d, g.a** urn ;u. new ilyk- UeinnuT— N... g. <'Miaiuenia 1 10-.m/e. gde*s :-o>; slid new *.yl<* Ucmnmi—>N'». No. ii,'plain. with .-id styU ileliim. r—jla. arch, g». lscd-tl. FOR ALL OUR iOOODS! AS STATED AT THE OPENING uf the > 'Union Store, the oljlecl t»f the r<>inpuny Is nut iu u. id- ;.•••!'• •- ;n- i ;{repel s in a few Art Kl-s ilii'i n.aU‘- *t up • n ■ i;.er-. '-U. dtuply t" tU i-ViTV article at :t c»Tt.rM p**i , c ,, ul jgt’ ab.oi :u lo>' to p.ppic up. We *»ball at all limes keep the be.s* quality ()f all nrtcks ‘Hert-il lor sale. Our present stock consist* acl choice te ieetiuu g.f SUGAR. COFFER. TLA. SVitUl's, VI’I CITS uid cvorvthiug hi tb*; gr-co-y line : The bl-st luatuis of Fi-U.' t!< !n ibe I’lurm.x. Mount Union aud ether Miii-c -up, • ized In cl.'.. Whim IT ct'-.. V#flT>w!ii:d Brown v I in* •ial and Black IV as frostr*.. Ft*.. *o 2,..0 per In. COFFEE. id.'tUir'pori Kp>. Franklin MOW Ur*. Nonpareil Kie iX'iihim, Dandelion, h>T!ice. 'uuvsjiV-E Uy. >; i'.-- jJ'all Chocnlat- and C 1 t S.- . i o fifuUnd Ailuj.i and Uiil-y saU. Na>y U .-pun,* I Unite at. .U.- ..r-V.g i>' i ,!v.i; .diu ;lCe fhewinu 'l-d'.i.'-c, .i V ■•'Cle-'» .^aß.'Sti;^. Ctibacco. Ain! Olgat ’t. > Franklin auh*>e Hin-de M'e would Adi special aUtnU-.-u tu "in linii- and vh ,! “ tfed.nj !re->h UDu stded ted Wi:L ‘yf-iU care as^t aiality EMPORIUM OF FAbillON ! puorimiTOK i»r i'lir. ' kmjouicm OF FASHION” would anm.imee to tin ■ uhlic t)i it ho inis lec-iv< d a large duv.-ice^/f ULOTHS, nad ft general assortment of GKNTS' GOOi»S ? oiinrs, * \Neck-'1 ion, ■ liosierv • .1 laiulkercl/u Jy. • exactly rui.ted to thts locaiiiy and ini'-ruled for im 1 SPUING AND.MM}!EIi TEA] E fin-proprietor of-the Kmp* nu|n mv;fe-. nn ex.'.non. ...51 "l hi- -ti-ek. feeling nt ine.i hi- -10-l'.- - pi* gt. it. r .Tari.-ty (!• in ami m-c- ■ k.-.n e : , ■ ./muml eUev.h'MV :il=«j rreeiSeH file ' - dtATKST FAvSII lON, Aid lifjng a y* i fecr - Cull'.T.'’ h ‘.ha- no in sa -.(jr (hat tie ran make Up clol.nin.ig in the ja-.1ii,..u. -mu J tnatftrer that ran i.i.'i 'o prove lt in . ».ussed into a proverb that COFFIN TRIM>UNGS Remember the prace. Virginia /na t, !'h -s agjjftid's, Hall. Altoona. I’a. ;Ap«.l i 7. Vlaninjud; hoff Losi, iunv ilesiured oiuritary lmpoten-'T. M-.ut.W mid id:y.-i -at infapitCj'V. Inipediinejit- to Mai 5 la.;e, ■ A, ; P’ >• M'MPTio.v. r.PiIXPsY. and Fits, induced U\ —i; induiyence C Sexual extr-tViiguiiCi'. Q't>- I’rice. in u Malt'd evelop.Munly O. c-ni-, Th“ ceichratei! author iiWi'hit' udmiraid-- e-a ■> clcaily lemon-teat' -. iVotu ;« thirty —ful j,i .A’ te;e. that, ■jj-* con-eipi'diee-ot .se’< uhu-e may hy tadicah) ured without the dftDg'-ro.ns of :nternui rDediein" or he jipplicalion of the knilo— !•' inting out a o» cur.-. ■ t once simjde. certain aud • hy hiea-,- oi which •very sufferer, no juuU : t what hs? coridivon niay be. iiiay :ur** himself cheaply, -privnicty. -and Lectitfe sliouid be -in the irau;- of ev.-iy .outh and every man in t)o- laud. 2>«'o£ Hiuivr (iv-al. in a plain e.:v«*lopc to uuy n d< l s~ . )Hf-t paid, un receipt ol &ix emu? or two post oUiiups. — idUrit the publi;iu*r# M V I on ilu* Piano* For?** ".»inl: M> , i‘ > «U' ■•:). M. j *Ti;i;st.s. £l«Mw-'r 4ju:trr»-i-. No cnaru'* for i theuse of tb r * Jltrs'Ul<-i:c:; "u ('.itliarim-Mn-et, ; WVst Altoona. Jan.K>. 1 j Dental Surgeon. j iFFiCK IN ■ f TKMI'I.K, next door to Wio Post 'jPEAS! TEASI TEAS!—FiIIi’CUEY J_ in Till* nu|»Tit>r t'j any M-r n Al ■„unll. Tli-y arc free ■■{. a.iultiirati.m, eul.-rii v % ur mil tm-r <>f tiny kfml. Boston crackers—a caroe sHmily of tliusl* iwliciou* jn-t tv..vivvil 10J for bv ' . ' L ivildihi 5- nil n'ruy »m- U lr six M'Xt-. ,—, ; ; s-r:r i.\ m*il. 1 1 iV) reciept ofprice. i COMi’LIiTK. OF 1 «* »i« • irjt XTUAr t'AMILX j IVtEW STQC-K 01-' BOOTS & SUOES "•■3lCom, Witlyt 'on' w|d' tit ff>r ! «W«- isSom ! 1 fur Min uid Boyi.’XadiM and Miw«, jnH t«M U , w ■ latjghman* R. A. 0. KERR ALTOONA, PA., li-ana exattillieu at tucslor HPT uXE PuKT. \M)THAT A CASH VlliCK SUGrAIiS. lVe Virginia -SO, Altooua. 1 : a, D. W. A. RELEORi), i-fopritdor [elf.-nl’s ilu* v.'iy man thaCran nr Cl-Glie- HI 'he tasfiioij. -ninny and \!l clou liave ever tried'hiiQ \ et Say that he ft any oaDt bG hent CIIA?. J. C. KLTS'K k CO.. ■ 3«7 Bowltt. New Vurk. i\.at L-13k*e lK>v 4dSC ■ July l.'iTt ’ . 1 —pctt? — e t *.— * —^»—| ,£L * J -----!' -^-- r ! WM. S. BITTNER niNE J -jgffi OIL>, f •phen*. Rtmiihg fluid, Oil- 4t.. «t * Irm. 1». 'fii’wif ; Good News for the Unfortunate ! | AMERICAN Life Insurance and Trust Co. / H).MPAN V"S BUILDING Southeast Corner uf Walnut and Fourth Strrtta, rhihu; a. Authorized Capital, goOU.OOO Paid up Capital, 2.50,000 Assets,..- 1,507,,40 TirK LONG SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST nn-PDAF TT 17 PTTATI? TT T i Insures tiros durinßtJw Natural lift- or fur abort toini*. 0 11, ill KU iv jii Jj XI JiMJil/ 1 : gram, annuirio* ami oixioa-nioiiu. ami niakos coutiaits >•! wn I iJI kind- dmimulmir on the issm-s of lilo. , nrrTTnV iodides < f Ufc Insurance ii-u.-.l at the usual mupii CIIh11() lv li ]j I!NJ E C T:I 0 I ru t,. s „f ~tiler coral cortiaiuies— with l«n>n«.i to ili.assni'O . , i,,,„ 1 — BOM-S January, ISOI. hoinit W I*-r will. •>! Hll pie ( niiipmitrlcii truin Ij nks. iruuts & Lmaic.. 1 fv et-ivt-d mi mutual jv-dides—ut Joitit dork i.,tes. . . I -SI ~.r cent loss than tl.o afore, or Tm.,l Ah-tinem* rate* r!ii;i:"KK" KKMKIiY. lb- Croat To'liatl Xlirurotic | t n-r rent. less Ilian Mutual price. Also, a ■: -m- 0! ih- rati, i-,-or—surf as Inrontmu ( - V |W «'<»!• IJVTIT It P j., J. I | i.t . 1 J.fl.liJ. it: •!! < 1 Pi<- ttlH'MlT. 1 IlUvxmatMlJ 1 • -r Uu i rjl ,t |1... Urln-... «..«»• Ptrirtuio. liravsl. j ßv wil , c i, a ~arson liar* for 5, 7. or JO y.m« only. when . 11... ..mi i- ~ in! i v r.-c. -m m<-i 1.1-< i ii.lli-.otr ; , , , lic , j., |l;l ,,l up for Life, ami uotliioc imo.-lo pay ; ' " ..., All «-’..r J'luf- in «oma.o»i a Imre all tin . i,'. l„. until,le. or wi.-li In .li-coattiiuo »mm.T, i- O'- ihVlnr* 1 av- I.nivi- . ■,)„ will issue a I’AIK tp I’oUCV. ill |iru|nirbuii In ~ 11. .) biddy 1’ fmm. I 1“ dose i tim anmillit of premium paiii, as lall.-ws: ".'.'■m “Im'" ’:i j Ou a Policy of *l.l*o. ”" r ...-u-.m. i: - c.o.'in- o: • mall -nmor •- i t Lrmuiuni. for oO |MS 1-5 •»* 's* ,1,1,1 ~,,I I, ~1... I.a i : li,i> i iio.Viftf mini the system all , » , 4-l.- Ol al, IMM-.of i-UUI lltl'U. 1 ALEXANDER WIIILIiDIN. ErrsWout. t; -if .UiiiiAiiir hili-.-f J:-'Ni-‘t an j WuilK, Vice I’iveiJctxt. ? J o ß! ,s.w. l soi )! i.-cro,« y . • ; -e... 11, v. ill, m ill iv all Oic ch'-iui oiiark | iioasd or rapTEM. . ' ■ I AU-wiul.T Whill.liu. J. laliiarTl.onisnn, ~ , . ~,, , r ... . , i 11,01. Ja«. Eiillm-k. ' Hull. Jow|,ll' All■>«»• ,:..’ !...i:i ~v aiul (Ji. rm ■ I',u I• II . 11-it Ilolla-rts, Jmias llowimui. ■ ' I Witliau, J.'lloWard. liuirl bi. H.-AZ-litt. Samuel Work. >l-: o.* 1 r. i 0 v. .‘ am: L. J > ’ll T I. M.avl. .11 • ■ i,;l! vijior uV,i> « »;r j atuiu-1. t from ony . < i »*. nit* iu i;> olid \vv will mail free ;i ;*,i : . -t luii ;v- . ■'< ; -iuii, v i Anv further information c;u> Ik; h;ul by ftpl'lyiiiir to the ;un loi-itriu-*!. who the authi-iU»*dug«.-i.Hor UiAirt’oim'.y. Vm-k-. < Uviiu-oy. $J j.ov boitLo, or rui.'f bot- | j u i v in. 1y . K. A. u. K KuK. tit- ; Clii*r> Jiiv Itij.-ctiui.- $2 I>.T 1-ntlo nr Ihn* UitlM | -j bN YDKK, TAILOjU, , i(J The Hero of One Hundred fiO per Month ■j T uuul‘l respectfully set £ j forth my claim to public - '* --• flffl ri i aU-utioii. as a FnshhnuM •t 1 Tailor, as follows: • ' j l>. cau«e I keep an excel 1 lent assortment o{ Cloth; . j Ca-suneres, Vestings an ; Trimmings. which. whe 1 ex.onilu-'l-aUvaN r* plea-*;. 1 Pecans n.y w* rk ': maiic up in a manner tin I i* takes »lown the countr ; ami all my rustome j a city appearance. 1 IP cause lam nut iufcrh > ; as a Cutter to the best 1 r j be found anywhere. .. f t ■ ih-cause lon* experienc *' i in my business trivei fu < i Mjjtie.- control over it.a' i I am not dependant ap< “ \ any om* tdlift iuo out " ; the smls. I am still on the sunny r.tnt Homo*. Gin* me a trial and you will «o away phased, AUo.uih. May -d-nm J AC I )B >N"\ PMC rvi.'l I.'y Kxpre** if’ «my uii-.ire>s uu receipt *»f pn^e. by *;vt iy\\ ii . ve. ’ . _ Dli. W.U. MEKWIN & CO.. S.,li* l*r"j*rii‘toi ? N<>. ob Liberty ctm-t, New York INDIAN MEDICINE ' OMEUCNUEI) l-'UU.M , >N CH Eli OK EE CURE! ! K^OSEXE 0A lulo - s . !:l t., ■,■.■ minalWeakiu-ee j Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Eeanottty. ‘ "-.i-. < rav,<** xhut NO ACCIDENT car occur by explosion. ! £d, That they emit no otleiisiv*- odor while burning. ,-ahh* extract, and one on | ?A. That they itn- v-ry easily trimmed, i-n, ns it i*u iu oui practice Jbr \ 4th. That they are easily r-njulaled tv;givo inure or leas i•! w:ti! tii 'ii ui'i iJcnt' 1 ,!. jflias H"t laikal in • light. ’•••' -i> h.iw Livii suOicieiit i oth. That they hum entirely frc.- from smoko. ' • That the'lu'bt is at h-:i>t-’0 per c-mt. cheaper than • .. , hntil 1 ,mv othei light now in f .union n-e. iv ..ei, ot’me.licai aid. we 1 These lamp's are admirably adapted for the me of Stu >m : J•. liC "K CC F will re- i dents, Mechanics. Seamstress,•*, ba.-PTies. llnU-.ClmtTln-s. “ V • v ‘. allure i Stoics.. Hotels, and are highly recommemied for family u*e. M ‘ iU ' Kl * dw ' Kr * I Th- burner .'f the Car K-n Oil Lamp, can be attach*! b> , old *id«, hanging and table lluid ami oil lamps, aj a -mall i-: :cnl .r-. m-' a Cnruhir funn any l>rtiK * eX nerfbe. and will answer every purpo-* of a mw lanp. v.i'iv, or w nfo Use S’fprietur.v who will ; \Ve guarantee perfect Bati-hu ti<»u in all cis-. V urn- tiv:-;rh g the .same, a full treatise in.. Al|J £ ltf> IbaS-tf.] (Jr W. KEj^U'.K. * / < ■ c, ■ XX-ia. I'StU-U ;"t- i ":i K.i' ' ■ l' ; - : :i " i .Cl ii.• i»iu- -u: < t i T m \!ty y ; r ! t- • :»ii. y. ' IANAOLRV. 1 | IyxOHANUK HOT ML.—THE SfB ,W !•; KSH.;-' ! i J SCIUBKK would respectfully 111-. „ k ' “ ,u Jji- ',v, u. MKKWIN i CO., i form the public that he has recently re-; A y i£iLr'\ s’.'e Proprietor*, 1 titled the above Hotel. and is iimv prc- flf .No i.'j Rib-itv Street. fc \ew Vcrk.. I par.-d M accommodate hip fri?u.N j patrons In a comfortable manner, and he . 1 will *pare no pains in making it an agreeable home f>v all ‘ f | g..journers. Ilia Table wiU alway* In* luxuriously >upphVd . J*\ •: from the market* of the country and nitß*. and hi.* bar /. i ; tilled with liquors of choice brands. Hi- charts are as i reitsonablo aa those of anv other Hotel in the place, and he Vris&itbj i feels satisfied they can not be complained o| by th-»e who ! favor him Wiib'their custom. Expecting to reeeiye a .share -i - lof public patronage. and Sully iutemliii- to d«-ner\e it. he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. ] hav-just received a stock . f No. 1 French llramly. AfTEE TAPIN'* TUI f,, r medicinal purposes. .. . . i.’lixii* Ahn a large >b*ck of excellent Wines. for medicinal pur -IJ.. i .\ 11'. s, ' /t i t r P , ’*< pose*., together with a lot of the be-t old live \\ hUk-y r -Ifi v. v* ,U till 1 o be found in the count* v. CEJ E VEXATIXG ELIXIR!; m» t is. i«& n 'y *!;" i\; tux * . OK. K>SKM'K of LIKlv TIME AND BEAUTY ! IYM-i-h !'-oV fI'HK Vni Extka< - OBTAINING j .s™ «-«.; clocks, watches and jewelry. ■; ':YmV 'T'iirtu. • n'HE mulorsijrned respectfully announ k ~v ' JL Cf' t.‘ til- oilizotiti of Altoona and vjoptit' Dial lr ! i, ; - r, - no- [;,■li -.*:j i! l-v tin* mo** **mhn‘n{ med- | li ;i - opened a v Jo. I„1 ;i,. 1..- tlu HI ill Ih-oue ot , aBSAKi?!. ~ :i! ,.i,.,iT-.-„,Vri- ..i 11,. I - CUKtK.-WATCU and JEWEIttY, £JsgsgggTg § tin. I • \*. i I I'tirr i o*0"i at lii-Uilij' - din' I■i! ;V nil' 1 ' I’ni!.>;• r! *Jj** _* [' ! 1 !» T;.i - r ' ,A !--*a • T i:\-s !u. c.-tor- * !■» manly vigor pd-nst health 1 "-7 ‘ ~ ' : ,l t ,. j. (1, >. i! it itt* tl. WuMi-dow U iilid despoiling litVtjtc? ot i SOMET I lING NE\V, ; T!1f ..,,, of I rj'* u k subscriber has just j ; th-‘ victim ot’ h.-r’.-’G** .{»• the imlividtud I returned from the eaat where he h:t« purchased a i %i ;; r. | •1 1V l|) ••■- . • I .11 I! ■l>ll■ { V. t iVo!.’! WmklieSS of U Sit I* | fyfV Olid filiC stock A>f ; a;’-.-";'':;uirr'"” I ''"' r '' i boots and shoes, i ' i‘i.■v-r i.'iitif. it t .n-.’ f‘T $5. ft,iii f,.rw»r. I BROGANS, GAITERS. AC., ? ! >v i:\Mr—. ...i ..{ mou-y. to any address. , : , • ' ■ j. v ‘..p t'r ._L'i-R-,.ev. vvwh’-nu I which he is prepared Co offer fo thecUm-ns-of Altoona ami ; vicinity at Very low prices. Having,purchu-eiMirect Iron’ ; the monntoclurcrs for ca-di. he is prepared to sell at price*- that will defy Competition. All that he o>ks is that Mo ! people will call aud examine his stock before purchasing 1 elsewhere. • - ' ft 3» ÜBOTS and SllOf'S mad- t» order on the mud rea sonable terms. Al«*o. r<’\»;tiHt:ir piomptiy atr.-n-h-d to. l).»n*t forgot the place, two doors hel-.w p - -d uftice. dan. :>. M. THOMPSON. OHEHOKEE PILLS! SI.'GAK > COATED ! FEMALE Health, r . OIiUTAIX Tor the Jitmoral of OhHfuttirmt* and the Ituuranu of \ in the /jVcn/Tc/jiv of, the Monthly Period*. Tbev'cnrs or obviate those numerous discuses that ; «prin,' ; t*rom irregularity. by removing the irregularity it's. if.' • T!;< yi-ntv St;pprH«'.‘d. ’’srv«ive and Painful Menetra t i • * l l ■p,nv •mr- 1 t"Jf’t'ii sl'*kn«**s i 1 '1?) i ; Thw ; urc Ni’i vims find Affections, pain* in the' j h:\‘ k .ash part* nf the h->dy, Heaviness, Katijrtio ou ; alight evrfi m. Pulpit of rim Heart, Lowlier of Spir* ■ it*.l vst'-i i:i. JliM'lTcii'*. *•?(,. etc: • liia .■ »mcl. hv )*• j*i*i v i j i th •1 n • _ r u! *rity. tiny retiiuvc the cause 5 ami with it v!.i. the *-Urcs- tint -onnp from it. ■ M.'omjn-nd of ‘•h'nph- v>-u.-MMe extract*. they contain ■ ((••{mi .1 li-Tri ii'ih to anv ivn-tithtimi. however delica e, • tlnn hm-r I ’n hi in * r,. mi!^rh'no- rinointh for weakness, wh io-i! iy U'l-'t. tiny n»*v t r tail to do. * T : v i:nv hr- •‘.ilVlv ti*. I:0 ny and at any period -hVy:/*.o : ! i )•-■' j/nnO'n. during which l‘ne nn ’ fOIOii; n •tnre Of' tln.-ir a.ti-.m would uifalhtldv prevent J _ • All y-Hi-f-* <*tefOhc h'f.u-rhatnii oradvice willbe prompt tv fi-. iy -.ii.rdi-iTn-ffy ;** i v-.y.-»vd. LB lilNl'S OF IMUNTING * matlv au-l at th* • oi.T'ona fium , NK' > or^TPl. THE GREAT V-- Vi I tit” !U-■ ■ r C!0-‘ (‘xruMfcliifmit iu the room formerly •■(•on »inl t«y in . .1- • i rwt«xi» on Virginia street. iH'tWrt-n J'uPa nnJ Ca < ! ii'-. r r»- '-m*ra{i'*n. ; u 10-re ht* w ill k* f|> mt hand h line -»f piM ml , ~ ~ : diver watch*-*, clocks of all *ivh“>.nml'a hmifr for ca*h only. »l the f-malW-t rnlrrinrc .»n fit-I (•«>•»t In- Ji't-ln sure that be cau please uli in ju ii t- a- \w!l as jfAMUbi. i ;i. ■ii,c iiyst •»•}. > r.s thf Jtpf.-lit<•- ; (l , dii •- t!;“ w o-t of 1 m^ofenrr. • • u;n« \-i- I "‘a - io iiu: riiv r Dr. W. I?, MKUWIX & CiX., :.rtars. Xq. .V» Lil'< x-ty Stiver. New York. REGULATOR, I k W i Vifl , Preserver » AND SAFE. j Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature ot PemiMl vania. < i.titty: W: M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOXA, PA JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., BANKERS, ( Late “Bell, Johnston, Jock Co,”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received ondeposite, payable ou demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates IVh. .‘id. l*r.9. RATION Al, POLICE GAZETTE - This Great Journal of Crime and-Criminals i* ;n its Twelfth Y»ar, ami id widely circulated throughout the country. It-contains all tlic Great Trials. Crimlna' Cases. am! appropriate Editorials on ihcjome.b'getherwith information on Criminal Mutters, not to be found in any other newspaper. * JEST |2 per annnnfnfl for six months, to be remitted by subscribers, (who should writ'* their name* and the town, county mid istute where tb-y rj*dde plainly.) To 0. \V. MAXWELL i OA, Editor & Prop’r. of New. York Police Gazett--, 15-tfl , ~V-ry l'o-A t’ihj. CITY HOTEL, TYRONE, BLAIR COUNTY, PENN'A LKWTS GIKBGPL Proprietoi l . HAVING purchased the above ’well known Hotel and refund-died the snm<‘ >vuh" new i .furniture, 1 am now prepared to accommodate all who fa i vor hie with their patronage. Free Omnibus to carry paa euger* to and from the Repot. April-h.’bi.—ly. i JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, , Altoona, Blair county, Pa. OFFICE on Main street, front of hia chair nhop, one door East of tbe National Hotel. - ! i ALL STYLES CAUFETING AND OiX-Clotb. c»n b« found * LAUOIIMAS’d. .Tr.irs R'HVMAV aOLLIDAYSBVKG, PA., JOHN D. SI'EILMAX, DYSPEPSIA! A CURE WARRANTED Dyepfpsia hax the. fotlovring ifymptont: Vgt. A-cuUftiaut jKiiu or uuotuiutb* at the p t %*t the ttoui.ich. iid. Hatulei.ce au-1 Acidity - i'.U. C“,slhe.tfNS and Lo»s or* Appetite. 4th Cihaflii uud l>< prosMOu ol Spirit.**.^ t.lli. tharrha-.i* with griping. tiih' I’uki in all ».i the system. Ttlj. Cou?utiij)liv«v Syujtoiu* uud I’ulpitAtioi* of vtli. CoU-h. with Phlegm in the Throat. a 'Hii. Vtu.uso Alfeeliou. and want of sleep at uigut. loth. L of Appelio uh>i i'i ih. 1> 17./, I lies', Uimiler» ol \ anti L.< ♦* Oi Sight. VJlh. IU lUrtc lie ;tnU Maggeung m walking, Willi Hivat, Wf.lKtK- S. - , , • ml ol the tie of ca-n-sof that haw# uswl i»r A i-dmi t‘s tin at Ameiivau Uj >;•< psia IMh. m>l one ol them has taiieii of a po.hvt cuie. We wall oil a euro m e\er> cast* no mailerjful twenty ;tai> S hll.v ull u\ n*'«•'» ewlo-re, amt at l»r. W hhai Ollhce. No. lu N j-ecend drcft., I’a. Ail oxttmiuuUon> and eon>u.t.iti"»a bee o', charge. Scidlora cirou.ur.- i’lice $1 per box. trout bV lUulMreoot Charge, oU leecij.l i»t money. u dyspepsia, dyspepsia, dyspepsia, I Kuiuu-Tli Hua.n»oN. of brandy wim , Del., mrnu i iy *>. OM Oj. aiv-r. Del.. do certify that. mr mjc .war ami a hail i duifi-u*l r>f-rylltiUf; hut .Kalli Uom that **«lul led My J 11 ;:'" ' u ' ,i u,ilr ; I < mild mudim *m> ‘■-•ou. if i :il>- even a ciaekei of the smallest ytimunl --'I •*•>..■•{, *• wvul'i return ju-l a" I tallowed ‘l* 1 so •-•• lu H.V K-swls mat I would not uawa >u tn*»»v four " ami mt -n uay>: under mi* mimm*., femur. my UUU'i Si.-cimu eiitlnty to Uivr Way. i ju-a-Tful honor and evil Uuel. 1 lhmi-at every- Ui-iiv hatui »U-i and i hated yl> MV ; 1 >• Olid Ir.'l l’*U‘ mu nnshand .rT u.y own chii d i >. u, »•'••• i y mi ml? r>-vi ' b<" ii-U'K.V stricken to me-; 1 hud no numr ii to u-- a:.*r thin ': 1 !■->< a.i my low of l.umly and h-----;e ; i w-ml nunM- ami ».u«ivi from !■■ imiro. i"“ 1,1 ..a numi-d; IMr that 1 win-U‘Mn:c.i lira, anil ui-.’ ‘hei> w .i- in l in.v on for imy and wai mten-.leniided '■ cmnlui 1 ,lUC.U>-. so near wa- my whole mo v-m sW'-mu k -st.‘ ,u-". u.-i iU-o u>v mind- iruiu lhat avvlul compi-un: Dy-p. pau. that mVliUrli-i- thought b-.M !u haw n.o | -are- .n Lh ii.rlaui.iv’- U—i-K.U. U i-si Hid-11 1; n ;1 :• mainet. ihni uuiu..i!'i »«otuh t was aliiii l-.-ll’-:' hUi m a l" * ii*v .: v.t-ii ul coimduiiu Was l. aunt as i : U•• u m-t <'* tii l - wuinj'-; tui e uia--» ;>■ < i-u m-' 1 '>\ , ur-, l Aii;v:u;i!i l>y ‘P‘ir l -‘ an l ,. !l1 ' 1 ! *n\ hU' -'ti i/i . \S i-lnu I m\ I i--'.-. to lie s.ihl h«-had no liouot h uia rtu in''. So in tin l*o dayri nlt-T In- «»n ■’v*l uu der'lhe Doctor’s tn-ultm-nl. u- t\u> \v.‘ t U>i iK-yati \u di r e>t my food, and Mt tba' fiy WiTv, and’l Continued to K-r nlout lnu-o and at she present time 1 i«er:.*ct he-iitd ot l-.-d.v au« uuuiU slid 1 most sincerely jreturn my 11.-tn!;-* t. - .n. jci ful Uud and Dr. Wishart. -Ud lo tus oreat AiUffin-n Dys p-pda I'ills and i‘ine A’ree Tar IVid-ul tiiiuVuul im Irnuj an insane Asylum, a prvimituie . Ail peisoa.*- .-juif-riij.i with Inspep-oa areal Itbeily i./l.iU -*:i me m \\ i tie. as 1 am wliiiuij to do ail Hie ito--d 1 c a.i I r suliei in- huiiuiuitv. .iaZU-Uii Drandywiue. Del., formerly of uid Cln sj--i D-hurare county, Ta. 0 DYSPEPSIA I DYSi. jvPSIA ! I. Musts Tuuin, < Chtd'cnh : u-! v county Pa., have sUllen-d *’ hutiv d -.eiy thine; bin death itself from t! iiWUil uise- - • . Dy?i.'< i s;.i. 1 . employed m that tiii.j I’Ve ill tm* uiost t-ni.i 'M.c pny dciau-' Di Philadelphia. They did all they !■ . jue with med iciti'-s and ouppiu*, but ptill I was i 't fi I thenweni lu the iVim*MVama University. in i'P. o in reach <>f niemcai iak-nt.7 i. '• then medicine* Jailed (o d<> me any ”>d i.-UeutiMe.- X wished lor death W r li«*'v me >d my . ai„>. hiu t-v Hr. Wish.u t*s advei d-eim-m in the Vb. oh phi.i iin Icliii. 1 m-ternmied la ti v once more, U lull- . .. i ealhd oil Df. U ishaet, and laid itj.i' it 1 • aid have he 1 would Nut have trouh.ed him. and then d.»ted my iuhim. The Doctor assuivd ini* i' hill l , i >fUr> me ui Dyspepsia it uui-li he the hi si <-a-e ui v.o 1 put my.vjll under his r. eatim-nt, nud alth n . !i lor month. , voinilinix .marly ail I ah-. my 'Miu.idi swd; t uilu wiua and Ulietl With ]>;liii h - v. nd d<- iptlon. J [>■ 1-tht a ho\ v hl> D*'pe]fsia Pills 1 ..s ihu-c:< d, a!i*d ill lei dtys’i Cwuld eat as m..i;iy a iuval ns any person in :h-. Slate id 1’ n nsy ! van la. and in thh ty days w n.-a will mail 1 lUVilr- any jnl«oU aUhi’J Ulj£ as I' vus to C• *i 1 :Uld m'; Ul' - and 1 will relate my saJWmg and tin- i;ival cure I r.-c'-n i eti. i Would say to til J ysjl.-jtlies, eVeiy mne. that Di | Wisharl is. I I ehev-. ihe uuiy per.-un uii i • •• uin that , Dyspepsia with ■ ny decree of cert v.'l fltei;h.uu. iu I)r. Wj'hnrt's Nu. lu tecv*u«l • vt. Ullu« hours Hum‘JA.M. u» a A* 'I. All lExauiiui* u--* nml suUatjous ftvt. O A POSITIVE CURE FOll DY-PERSIA, hsir vriu* mb. John a. raucous says. No. lUJS ULIVt arittiir, | .l.i U\> - 4 Dr. Wia.iAKT —Sfir:--Ji i vuiu much j.U-iiMirc 11.1. I .in imw »LiU* to inform v-uiini. l*v tin- »;.•»<.* ji v<.ui ;r. a Ammc.tll I'Jla. t JiUVf . IT" vututrl;. I'mnJ »- muni C« -lUI,. U. t, t i _iir\\iur>>y !.IHk-u-U h.r lu i-i. t i\\« i iy-iiuht v .ur*, :»h u>r u-n year* o. Umt Uav. ml i-.-e.. « ami. its p.u UIV* ttirK am llluv. 1 ha\- IU'U 1 n. iiitvt* ij >«u a mii'l '’Xi'i''' ' i aiui ni-iil. i.vciy knuiol <1 »f i <'!•• '• •W..-I.and I)iUU. ll m.ltlvivil a> I li-a t!u* ijuanmy. A \va> suif i-» .uiio i lum ia> k»r ;oiy * i i n* v»l navili wiiatvi «-t, ai. ,n v ilistn”> tt.i.i sd 1 1; ill »a tJi.'; 1 t ■ I your I'llii*. tbaC i Uvqiu-at.y w * jo-i u.i -iw.u. I lih lakiMi » wiy Inh*; Hiat I liaijiuaiM ol t-a i»\\» ill .tin jitvisiny, any b.-ui iit: t«u» «>u y ui i'ili- l'<-i i.-ct-u. ,iK ti giv«- liK-m atiial. 1 iia 1 ti.'i.uth u ilu-ni. To n.y a-£ijiu>hmi iit.i inv.-aii lii; h< tt«. la-lvivi liilil r.tkfU uU*‘t;liartrT <>! a b-»x. 1 am. note a lrt-,' ni'in. uml c m 'n ji.' . li you think proper % m an-at tv tu ■ uak** this public «i>4 refer tu lue. I wi.l onectiudy giv. ,»jl desm'utn.m m ,lh n lu any out) wh-> may e di on mi, V"Urs. ; le.S{'*, Joii.N H, Ualc>'CK.' Tor sal*- at Dr. IV chart's Mi- lical Depot No !«• ,Smth cecund street. Phihideipnia. Pa. I’ritv mm dollar ye. tiox. by mad. tree ul charge. uu receipt ut price. • o DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA 1 I. samu-d*-D. Iluvcu, have bp»:ii a great -oiff-r-T wit!. Dhrunic ami Inftaniation uf tl;e Ki im-ya fm three y.' I Rad employed tiiro*- nr I'.-urof tin* mo-t eminent of Philadelphia. al.->of llm lingtou tv.. N. J. They linl all for me they could bat all; i purpose. I wad constantly liiied with unml pain and ilDtu-* . ami with constant belching ol wind and e<>ur uc.d. >ly tmigm wus covered with a white tvafing oi iifucu*; ami was dreadfully sore! OU! 1 oftentimes wDhe-i hr death to relieve U»« i >( my sufferings f<»r ,1 had lost all,hoi.-e of ever being well again, I mftti* it a subject of prayar to Grid that tie would direct me to some physician or medicine that wonh! cure me, 1 was told to read an advertisement of Dr. WUhart'sin the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cure made ynon Mr. John Dadcock. of Olivo street, Philadelphia, bv the great American Dy.-pepsia rills. 1 went to tae office, ami pha-ed my.-elf under his treatment, and told him if he tailed to cure me it woUl I be the last effort I would make. It has bt.***u six Weeks since I Commenced tho use of hi» medicine, and I am now a well man. free from all pain and distress, and can eat three nearty. meal* a day with comfort. and - te-l perloctly wtdl. Dr. NVi-hart, I want yon tu publish my case, as 1 want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was. to call mi me. and I will tel! them of the great cure 1 have roeeivtyi from your invaluable medicine. Corner Venango and Lambert street*. near Richmond, street.formerly irom Wrightstown. iiuilingt ;u co., N'.J. The above are a few* among the thousands which this great reincdv has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters trom physicians and drug* gist* Who have prescribed and mdd the Tar Cordial tfft ?t*. OF PANTALOONS VJI for fitß Had Bot«,*« LA'CbJUUN'g. tml.ol > PurtcriEY’S ;U'. Vi : i; iOUIN. u., r.i rV , »•. Vv i 111 illl -in jMJU >la, ■ Ifu i,ile Wit in : lu-W SAWUEr D. Haven, , Albina, l'a. FRIES &-■ WILLIAMS, -1 • r s'. x. ;SV; ,, Sa^&J v *§l - Hi •-•-vSfcjs- ■• • :v •VT , •■■ . _ : -§ • ' i"■ + - ; f / “a, r i i t :• -r r Hardware. Tli-' ihri " luviii; i 1 !» 'J ,r.vimivi 1 I.- ' .11 ' • in :i*'- « 5; “ ill' - . Mich rt» 11,I 1 , .A VS, m|u 1 1 '•*. Kiii**:*.' U r<. Ks>‘- "ih'S. iinivcK ai.-l - • »?j- m..>t -!!•.. • I-h i u .uiyvi'iirj: in ’• » >.l< 4*snni>. L v i • * > V l’. • in-M.- . '1 hey *No l«‘i U.’-tn>! ‘ :li ■}: •a*ic*' *t »V ".'i; i "': • vvovk ih k i i' lint {u ’i' rttti <•' AN D, SI\.U;TiN(,. ■lilt i.p 'tl-■'■l- : 'LI- ! 'i '• ‘ ' ; ■ Apc;^:*:--■!. ' \ I" uyip,-Lir'ii Vi) WIXTEFv tU_H) > v ;ll a. ;li. 1. -fe llfl The Hest Goods ;uul ;it too Lowest 1 i'kv.', »ic* sivy '.b.U he run and will s i; ti.vr. -I ly-- J.-wvr th:m:ui.v otherhc-nv- in thU y \ u--.. b- v ill :o ?_U. ui.d <>.•.< h'S KMck l-eioro I'tucii:*.-. ’.n.u " •- is I**- it-i-ls oon>i«Ent he c:»n oiler r.riu< v v.:r.-:ii:.'> w-n'c:. -.>ii Ivt’y competition. Hi** « *f .LADIES’ DRESS .GOODS M e\vry J ‘'cnuAoi! MT.N AM> IMV> WINYIiK WKA-A {.\i.*U.S AND MLS.\M DiiUcS S;!‘»h>. MD:< AN I* IhAV iwo 16. AA r» v? A:.n m:r.'.'.'i UATS AND (-.U'i. t; asd cxr-i.KAciisu. mit'Uv (UNv-ll.VAii ANi> lll.AlV »•■ will i-.-ll I-iMiv- SvH.-jt, ! Sij> uc-r UALJOiiA! L iKIUTi, vrr.v! '.v Whii-.rtiwi Ur>wa St;?:a. UK>- at- ‘ •ui-i tiling Ut. ck hv\ «i« ••••'»• Gr • ; - ,c - Tn tin- k ! i v ;i;;u -icKc; iv-'-ortnj'.’u* DRY GOODS, DDES S' GOODb. -^yoi SliiKS, X O 'l' loS* s B OO T S AN i > S liO RS. nanwvare, qur.eesware, WOOD AND WILLOW WAUL G- ROC K H I V. 8 . FINE VARIETIES OF TOUACCO \ml in fitc-t -vc-rytliiiu tiMinlly k- i-r in a f*. o‘n.-> cv *n»ro, wli cb l>w nr cn m.l r> qn>'>r tM* pnMio t.» "i\ <■ Tin-: I^-ulx/M 1 . f'flin-r 1 "iiu n-nt* r.> cn
  • :«. April -7.-1 stoves: TIN ANI ■ Mi KF/i’-l i-( >N A Pill; I'Ni'KIISUJN! J nii.i.v "11IUA- t«« fits' I'lf t' l;iH t-ik* ii *n> :.‘,l shfp i i'i rri! Iv i- ! !«. i JIVIC" Uli'i -vtllcli h- uill .:-U Ht f!: n-n-vrrmMi? j A l:\r <<-pt on liittiii. 77. V .-iXD SHEETinoy ii. lluiiVS i'll h;isiil. UOOFINTr & SPOUTING put up <):; u-uic-. I!-* 13 a '‘-Tvl'ls’imi'nt a:u; ’.vHl keep oil hiii: T.i {M’r m»»:1 In - !'." tot-U s. AO. All Spin's tifj.'h \\ii; l< proiap:ir Prov-i. t.->. April CUt Stoves. Tin ami Sheet iron Wan' SPOTTING. (vO. SUIvIG- W OP.hl> IUviSPKOT • fully ■ofonn ine citizen* of AUoorm and vicinity be k-'f ps constantly ot; hntul a Fyff largo assortment ot Ptr ! >.r, Qn-rf.' \i >;-? Shop ,SHr-v'S* of all styles and to suit tUe '*• ■ wants of all, whicli%bc will boll at low prim?.. ~n re/.-' !•• aide terms.. Ilf also keeps i.n bund a larjr? slock of >/;• r.nd S' Iron Harr. cousintins of all articles fur rulia-iry«»::rpoo -0*7? SCUHI'S, .V/oi’w I‘ t i i-r, __ He ba» also purcba»ed thf rgh: of *al? i:» p.Udrco’K :y of K. V. JON i:s - I P ROVED SAUSAGE STLTFUU. nu invention •wiiiuii only rb v 's- -.-ri t- opm ■■ -• anti should be posrttftsvd by oVtry l,tnm ( 'r. btuobvi - or tin =* Hucb ;i Dmcbiiito Particular a'tentir.n paul t ■ putting up SP'H'TING either in town ui country. Spouthn-: pni nr> *,i an ASSOCIATION. ■ I’M i f.A I> . *'■A. R ‘ • of tli* NVrvrms. Sfirßua*. IT-iinirvl T -iinirv Ljnl ; :il ?v-*i-nh—n■■•«• r*-l t*c ft»:i• .ft—;u |{ WAIjJO AX'l.WlON-?i ur by in.i:} i.. *At *r » nvt, lopes., free of oharp*. Gbiiv-«. \}y. ,P SKIIJo-'f UoTGUTON. Ib.v.ari i oI :, No. -jV ob VrP .I'hiiad- lpbia. l’a. [■’ " ,’*~ t v> _ T-EVrs PUEPAII ATI ON 'Oil EX JL RATS. MiCK. Ri'AGU..-- ANT? 5 i U-sI-buiis in itrs use u.vivi, itny ck>-ul.* ,: a c.*s for sale at Gu* RAGS!, RAGS!! RAGS !! 1 / IASII [mill for HAGS. :;t EASY ■' MIIXINGbV STOUR. Virginia St. v Altoona. Junp, MAOKKKiiL— SuS. 1, i-,. A.Ni; in all nf«', ;ai«l i-ucli wurninb-tl. ju-t rf« civfalv h.u l\v IF* YOU WANT 01)01.)' COFFF.F, JL |>ur-? Ti'a.«. lu ■!*•••.{ nf Sy« n[•< M*: m■ ■’** i\. <'•><; . t. i'SS. Cr >< > I >S ■U . ■ U. t 01-,'O 1 -,' /t. in I■ ' ■< *i \ih n. : <>i: iLTO()X,\. at t ;u- -«a;i v ■ii Mr. ii , I I-.AV j £ ■ *; •i W> i r- v- -f - ■■'t' ■&:r< ill always-^ v :u> r r-'")n to l:i» O '.u-.-ut ot v-jo. STnVU i’N V 1 NTTI I’ 5 n.-nvii IT) in '• is- in c m$p i \ VOVf?n wa'M four linMUst 'W*— - Ona 8«0M< (8 BS. “ s•£ ££ six UnM Of leMl On* «iu*r« «•••- Tw»' thre* ** (oat *■ •••- Half ft column.— SSSatfs with liberty to chattj JjrH Professional or rilh paprr. P<" r Commahkitlona of*PrVl 'TSffil turn. .loair»