Okphaks.—Arrangements cted and schools selected for n and maintenance of the ose brave men who have faU aaMitry'a service, and it is the il Directors to see.that appli. dniission into one of these nmediately made for every i in their respective districts, performing this pleasing duty, irs lasting favor upon, the rent or friends of these chil dly too timid to make the -upof\ the contrary, by assist evation of those who, if u n . nay grow up ignorant and izena. us should be correctly made by the President and Secre board, and forwarded to the he proper County Committee, danks for this purpose can be treat care should be -taken lates, &c., are correctly given, man of the Committee should add his certificate to these f correct, and forward them is H. Burrowes, Superinten ms, Lancaster, Pa. He need her the Committee lor this le certificate of the School u live in'the same township leant, is the best evidence as iry facts in the case he can jer of the Committee, as well ilic-spirited citizen, should i promptly aid in securing to to it the benefits of this just i measure. itbrmation can be obtained isi/tvania School Journal. ruertcan 'Agriculturist is the pest agricultural paper pub :or any other country. It eu pages of the most valuable sr that any farmer can secure, irs are men of large expen ike agriculture a study and hence. Under the influence of publication, we are pleased tie prejudice against “book if has been termed, is fast down,.and, as a natural con- worn out farms are rejuven at was once considered waste en deserts, are being made to uit and 1 blossom as the rose, me the editor announces that a] the goal for which he star hundred thousand subscri i sufficient evidence of the iublication. Price 51.50 per copies for $5 ; 10 copies for ipies for §2O. Orange Judd, . New York. i’s Lady's Book, for Janiatry, icefore us. The first en tled ‘‘May and December,” mile to the countenance of o looks upon it. Old De ira to be in earnest, while i evidently playing the co y’s is the book, as we have , to please the ladies, and no ti make bis dearest cousin a le present than to send her a year. Terms §3,50 per Godey, Philadelphia ’s Magazine for January, c us, and come, fully up to ;ted of it at the opening of I - promises to be more en )sible, during the coming is been in the past. The gs are beautiful and the ashion plates and patterns tiie fair sex. As ever, we j know how Peterson can L for the low price of §2,00. pood cheap magazine, send . J. Peterson, Philadelphia. vv editor of the Ebensburg ui/iel is somewhat severe on rom the Democratic party, ire Gen. Dis, Gen. Butler, lan, Judge Shannon, Hon. . C. McDowell and others, ■ry unseemly comparison • >nduct and that of Judas. f ay at the moon, but the :cted by it. met on Monday last, and «t in his message on Tues- ic found entire in our col- It has the merit of brevity, f being comprehensible.— nents possess more than 't at this time, it will be mrgh Daily Commercial i* :r, and we can most hear- ; r.o all who want a good smoky city. Especially ie i all .Republicans, as it & faith. See advertisement » Sltoia ixitaf. ■ XjOC-A-L ITE3VIS. • O -phe enrollmant throughout this district pre ratolv to a draft,' to fill up the the State Guard cJled out by Gov; Curtin last summer, has been completed, and unless the number, 5,000 men, are gpecdilv forthcoming, the wheel will bo set in mo . „ "T, is now ckarlv understood, says the tion. *• „ Harrisburg Telegraph, that ail volunteers tor the first five regiments of the State Gnard will, if em braced in any of the future drafts, be furloughed br the War Department for the time they actually remain in the State service. And when this time is jerved out, it wiH be regarded as the expiration of this furlough, the man thereafter to be ordered into the United States array, there to complete the time for which he was drafted. All such volun teer* will also be credited on any future droits which the War Department may make for their full term of service to the State, thus ; If a volun teer in the State Gur-d serves one year, and he should after the expiration of his time be drafted by the United States, for.two or more years, he will receive a credit on such a draft of the year devoted to the State. These are important facts, and will no doubt induce the speedy filling up of the first five regiments of the State Gnard. ' -Immediately after the election, the publi-, cation of the Johnstown Democrat was attended and the office offered for sale. This week it again made its appearance, with the announcement that after ths Ist of January the terms would be ¥3.00 per annum, in advance, or ¥3,50 if not paid till the expiration of the year.* It is still published h\ jas, F. Campbell, who, we hope, will lake it as kindly as we give it, when we say that wc think his anathemas against the administration should he better tempered, now that the election is over and the majority against his side loots up to mfar naif a million. ’ Take the joke good naturedly, friend Campbell, hopeing that it may be your turn to rejoice in ’G3. There is a bright as well ns a dark side to the picture at which you are looking. Take Weis has got himself into trouble among the. children, lie took a notion, a short time since, that he would add, to his already laige stock of toys, juvenile tea table sets, consisting of tea pots, sugar bowls, plates, knives and forks, cups and all the paraphernalia coming. before and fol lowing after tea entertainments, and the conse quence is that the children all crowd in there. He has also a choice selection of confectioneries for the holidays, among which are many highly ornamented hearts. By the way, ladies, you who have bashful lovers, they would be capital affairs to present to your ‘•fellers.” Not having the heart to sav the word, one of these candy nxins might help them to out with it. Try them. Free Lecture. —Dr. Crane ot New York city, the celebrated physician for consumption, catarrh, deafness, discharges from the ear, noises in the head, and all chronic diseases, will give a free lecture in the United Brethren chu.ch, this I (Saturday) evening. The Doctor has been trav | elling and lecturing, and treating chronic diseases, I; for over thirty years, during which time he lias | been over agood portion of Europe and practised I in the European hospitals. lie has thus acquired | much information and a thorough knowledge of E the disaeses he treats. His lectures are accotn- I panied by demonstrations which will astonish the i audience. Go and hear him. A wedding transpired in Pittsburgh, on Sunday evening week, and the bride ran away with another man in two days after —Standard. ■ A slight mistake, Mr. Standard, as to locality. The fellow that was married two days was hitched up by Esquire Spellman, of this place. After being “sacked" by his companion he came back to the Squire to get his harness taken off.” but the Squire could not find a statute in Purdon, on any other code of laws, which provided for the case, and the unhappily hitched individual must wear the har ness until Judge Taylor, or our soloms at Harris burg. unbuckle the haanes. The deer have had to suffer lately.— Gre»''numbers of them have bgen brought into itiSs place, and they are being shipped East daily from the different stations between this place and Huntingdon. Three of the limiters from this place returned on Monday last, bringing in seven deer and a very large bear. The latter they sold readily for $75. It weighed in the neighborhood of 40U pounds. The hunters were Messrs. R. B. Taylor, Shannon Taylor igul A. Roush. They are now out on another hunt. We have received the following, with the request to insert, and we cheerfully comply : CapxuaaD—on the 19th day of August, near Charleatown, Virginia, Simon Rufus Cameron, a member of Co. B. 12th Pa Cav. Persons wish ing any further information concerning him cun get it by addressing Wm. H. McCray, Harper’s Ferry, Va., in care of Capt. Dann, U S. C. S. We presume the “ C.JS.,’’after Capt, Dann’s name, means “cavalry service.” Pittsburg 4 EHeExpTcs. | with Mail Train West and Pittsburgh A Krie Kxitoss Tram while reading suppose you read on j p u , t> and connect from'Pittsburgh &. Krie .Express irain until you come to D. W. Ate advertizement, and j R. u. run t« connect with then you needn’t read it uiilcb> you want to, but bv j y^ t Mai! am! Pittaimigh * Eue Express Train Kast ami H J ’ . . , Mail Train West, and connect from Ka-T Mail it am bast, an means, if you want anything m the line Ot Muil Truiu vwst- and Pittsburgh 4; trie? Express Tram** hats, caps, bonnets, furs, etc., etc., don t lad to A Oregon Branch run to cunm-ct call at his store, in Jesse Smith’s old stand, Otl with Fast Mail ami Harrisburg Accommodation Trains xr . . ■' , , . r v;, I M,-t Mai! Train West ami Pittsburgh A Erie Express v irgmia stree, and make an examination of hn» Triiili Kaat and \\\n. Stock. A fine supply of everything in hii line ! braids on Indiana Branch run to conned with Harris just received. ! burg Acc uutnodatiyn Train Fast ami Pittsburgh & Kriw ______ j Express Train West. tST They are going off, those furs at Laugh tnan'«, The ladies wantsomething nice and warm, and they are both. Next to a coat sleave, with a man's arm in it, they are the nicest, most comfortable things a iady can throw around her shoulders when she “goes out a slaying.” Hurry off too Laughmau's and ex.uni ue and select from his stock before all tbe lovely sets are gone,, as whea all the lovely ones are gone they will be all gone. f Y. M. C. A.— The Young Men’s Christian As- | - Altoona, Not. i*tb, iso-i sociation of Altoona, meets every Friday evening | WMhinpon .Bai.ii^u.Sg^rrive at 7:55. A.M. in ihe second story of the Muon icTetaplc. The ■ Philadelphia -arrives at • • - • 8:55, *• subject to be discussed on Friday evening next, is ; Sio^dayaburgln 0118 - - - 7:35, A.M. A 5:50’, P.M contined in the following resolution. j Western Way, D , , • . ... Eastern Way, <:«, PM it (solv'd —That permanent success in business ; MAILS CLOSE cannot be obtained without the aid of mural'precept ' Eastern Way and through, «ud upright conduct. j { Western. through, WfCol. Elius Baker, the proprietor of Alle- i Eastern, through,: & n r thispU£e - dsed athiB oaSu «enc« on Monday ,Iml . Q.w.PATTON, P.M. Will They Hear of this at Home?” THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY By Maloen Valentine. Written after the fight at lierrvvilie, Va„ where the I fit It Pa. Cavalry .lost their color bearer, and had their Colonel severely wounded, in o daring charge on the enemy.. Smoke shrouded was the shell plowed field. Charge followed charge through fire and flame. Once more our stubborn line of steel Stoou.as the dark squares onward came. Our Coronel, faint mid smitten sore, Spurred down through gusts of leaded rain •‘Close up, dear boys, our flag liefore lias never called on us in vain.” His voice dosed up our much thinned ranks, Twin cheers aiid'vdlieys rent the vale Our standard bearer, pressing on Foil in the answering hail; A stripling caught hi* dear bequest. As to I lieir midst lie hewed his way, Flung out our banner-'o'er their crest. And held a score at bav. Loud rang our tribute to his deed. Fast in jiis steps our siibres pressed And reached him, staining with his gore The standard on his breast. As soft we .raised him—for the day Was won—his white lips flecked .with foam. Faint mannered, as he strove to pray, “ O, will they hear of this at home/' Coi’.iiscxtox. —M G made a blunder, or a mistake in a figure, in the closing sentence of our nonce of the Philharmonic entertainment, in*our last issue. Wo should have said that the concert .for the bene fit of the Soldier's Monument Fund, will be given on Monday evening, December 2(ith. The concert will be worth the money and the object worthy of double the admittur.ee fee. We will be able to give particulars in our next issue. Sajy*We learn from the Ehensburg Alleahcnum. that a few days since, while two soldiers were riding on horseback, in the vicinity of Hoppcls Mill, in Cambria County, they were tired upon by some per-on in umlmsh, and one of them wounded in the ankle by a bullet. The woods of Cumbria do not appear to he a healthy place for Union soldiers. We do nut envy the county the reputation of it is acquiring. Notice. —A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Altoona Mechanics Library and Heading Room Association, will bo held on Monday even ing, next, December 12th. A full attendance is requested, as business of importance is to be con sidered. J. D. HICKS, Secretary. |g* A protracted meeting is now in progress in the M. E. Church. A number of seekers have presented themselves at the altar, and the interest manifested.by the large congregations nightly in attendance gives evidence of a good work. Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco ami Cigars. Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. .Spectacles, Spectacles, Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines Perfumery and Notipns, Drugs and Medicines, Together with a splendid stock of Trusses and Supporters and all goods found in a tirst class Drug Store. For sale cheap for cash at the Drug Store of A. Rot’su, Second door from the corner of Virginia and Annie Streets, Altoona. Fire I Fire ■ I —Do not risk your property any longer to the mercy of the flames, but go to Kerr and have him insure you against loss by fire. — lie is agent for thirteen different companies among which are some of the best in the United States. Altoona, July 21-,-tf. DR. TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT. A CERTAIN CURE FOR PAINS AND ACHKtf, and warranted anterior to any other. Croup it positively cu'rcH ; relief in absolutely euro imme diately it is used. Mothers remember this, and arm your selves with a bottle without delay. Croup is a disease which gives no notice.frequently attacking the child in the dead hour of night: before a physician can be sum moned it maybe too late, llememter, the Venetian Lini ment ueTer fails. Price and oO cents a bottle. Sold by all Druggist*. onice,o6 Cortlandt Street. N>w-Tork- THE LUNGS.— The cold and changeable weather tell 8 terribly on those who have weak and diseased lung-. Many are suffering at this time with alfoclion* of the llihuat and lungs. Brouchitf»jMti«romiMK a very common afflicrimi. Those who an* prt|§' peseii to CobL, Cough-*. Bronchitis Ac,, (.hiMild jin-, uiglit nir. Tin-re are many prepara tions recommended for tin-tie diseases, but tlmn* is not a doubt but that Dr. Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Htt-» im is the best rem-niy. We have known it to effect cures u the cases of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, and primary cases ul Consumption. A CARD TO INVALIDS A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cured Nervous Weakness. Early D*-eay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Urgans, ami the whole train of di» orders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy.— Prompted by a deahe to benelit the t Illicled and unfortu nate, 1 will -end the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who ueeda it. I'rer <-,f Chaj-gt. Please inclose a envelope, addressed to yourself Address. Oct. 2W, ISW ly RAIL EOAD AND MAIL SCHEDULE. WESTWARD. • SIR JAMES CLARK'S Celebrated Female Pills, Preparetl front a prescription nfSir J. Cmrl:,-M. D. Physician Extraordinary to i/m. Qaevn. Till* invaluable mediduv is unfailing in the cure of all lluwe painful anti dangeruu* diseases tu which the female Coustitnlion i* subject. It moderates all ejce.sß ami removes all übaiructious, and a speedy euro may bo relied on. TO MARRIED LiUICS it peculiarly suited. 1: will, in u fcbort time, bring oo the monthly period with regularity. Each buttle, price Ouo Dollar, bears the Government Stump of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeit? • These Pith should not he taken hHK'dy, do nut contain iron, calomel, antimony.or anything-hurtful to the constitution. a Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. < N. 8. —51.00 ami t> postage rtamps cnclused to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing i»0 Pill*, by return mail. Not. ly. ’04,-ly MARRIED. At tht* Exchange Hotel 111 thiri place, on tht* (3th by Rev. A. 11. Semin.wer. A. E. UILLIiOt'SEN to Minn CAR OLINE 0 LaSSGO A . both of Anils township. Our young n*L*nd had JuU nceiv*d an honorable. dis charge atf-r thr* a year? of e-er\ice with Sherman, and ha» dow gum* and went and rnlNted Ibr life. On the Sth inM, bv Re\ Saa’l A. Hohnan, Mr. ISAAC RICHARDSON ul' Huntington Co., Ba., to Mies NANCY JANE BARKER of Blair Co.. Ba. ANOTHER IMPORTANT ARRIVAL. the undersigned has just received anoth er large Sleek of Hood-, suitable for the season which wilt tic sold at a small advance Tor cash. JAS. LOWTHER. Dec. 10. lSt‘4-:;r. The model store still in the field and deUrhiimd tint to be undersold. Wo ill- Till- all in want of goods to call and be convinced. Dec. Ul. iMM-hr. Balmoral skirts. New styles plaid, strips! ami all deMrubU kind* cheap at Dec. 10. IhtU-ot. THE MODEL. lADIES CLOTH CLOAKS AND Ac rcular Shawls, also childrens and Misses Shawls in great variety. Dec. 10. lbtU-3t. CHILDREN AND MISSES BALMO UAL Skirls beautiful and cheap at Dec. 10, 18(U-dt. LOWTHER’S, CiAKPETS. Another large assortment A)f Carpets. Oil Cloths. Ac., handsomer and Cheaper than «ver. Just received at L JVVf HEU’S. Dec. In, lSt£-Ct. FIRST NA'f ZONAL BANK, ALTOONA, PA,I December lOih, 18tM. ) : Noiick to SrocKnoLDtrN. An Election fir five Directors for the Bank, to serve during the ensuing year, will be hold at Hip office of the Fir«t National Bank, on Tu-sday. January 10th. 1865, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 0 B. M. of said day. D. T. CALDWELL. Ciihi'r. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Aiatio/i D. Hil’lr //"US', Now Vork City. * 7.40, A.M 0:30, “ 7:30 A.M. A 7:40, P. M 7:30 “ 0:30, *• CAUTION. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Agent for the United Stated and Canada. JOB MOSES, 27 Coitlamit St., New York, I £ot/£fr M/S/!M\ v; tvy V Dr. StrictliiiuiV M.-U ; flu.un Ouidi Bu!-:ira is warranted to curt Cousin. CoWa, IDtir-ntss. Asthma, Whooping Sort Throat, Cull.-umptiun, aud all uf the Threat and Lungs. Dicarbcm All tin* Medical men and th*‘Pr‘-» recommend Dr. Strick land s Anti Cholera Mixtnp- ns the only certain r-medy tor Di:i- rhr»?a and Dysentery. It U a cmnhin«tion of Astrin gents Ah.-orbenN. Stiinuh-nts and Carminatives, and h warranted to * fleet a cur** >ift-r =«U other ni.-ans have failed. Dr. Strickland's l*de K-nn-dy h • cured thousands of the wor-t Cii-i'i *>f Blind and Lie.'ding It gives immediate relief and effect-* .1 permanent cup*. Try it directly, It is wilt ranted to cur--. DYSPEPSIA. NERVOUSNESS'asp DEBILITY Dl’. STRICKLAND'S TON IC*—Wecan recommend those Buffering with h-s* *d A|*potit**. Indige«ar Sir: I wish to vay a worn or two in favor of your Rheumatic Compound and Blood Purifitjr I have been afflicted w ith Uheumatiiftn, more or less, for over twenty years. A great pail of that time! waa very bad. I tried a great many rheumatic medicines but received very little benefit from them. On lb© first of last January, I was so bad that 1 waa entirely helpless. I could not writ© my own name; 1 could only lio on oue aide. While reading iu the United Presbyterian paper I aaw a notice of your Rheumatic Compound and Blood Purifier. 1 was atraid at first that it might to like other remedies that I have tried, but as it waa iua religious pa per 1 concluded to give it a trial. So I got a bottle, used it and found myself a little better. I u?ed three bottles more, and I am happy to say that I have neither pain or nche. lam sixty-eight years of age, 1 can lie on either aide, travel for half a day at a timo and notbo fatigued. 1 believe your Rheumatic Compound and Blood Purifier to be the best medicins over offered to the Public for the euro of rheumatism. If you think this note, with my name to it, will be of any use to you or a Buffering public; you are at liberty to use them. __ Yours with respect, JOIIN I. LOCK li ART.H JAS. LOWTUEK Mr. Johnson '.—Dear Sir: My wife bad been afflicted with neuralgia for a long time. It commenced on her in 1859 She was bo bad with it that she waa obliged to lie in bed about;four days in the week. She tried everything that we heard of that was recommended for that dbease' but she got no relief; then we tried medical advice but it done no good. At last I thought she must die, as 1 thought there was no cure. But in »he spring of 1863,1 believe in March, a daughter of Mr. Dickey’s, who lives in the Court with me, eaid, “Why dont you get Johnson’s Rheumatic Compound and Blood Purifier. It cured juy father of the rheimmtisip when ho was a cripple, and the doctor could.do nothing for him.” So 1 got a bottle of your medicine, and before my wife had the hall of it used, „j K . was cured. It is now more than a year since, and she has not been troubled with it sinew. This 1 can tostify to, on oath. Yours, Prepared by R. E. Sellers A Co., Solo Proprietor*, cor ner of Wood and Second streets, Pittsburgh, P»., to whom all orders must be addroraed. B. W. Kessler, Pole Agent for Altuonu. THE PITTSBURGH COMMERCIAL, J 2 ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED PAPERS IN THE STATE. gives the earliest and fullest On assuming control of .the Commercial, at the com mencement of the year, the present conductors announced their determination to infuso ft near life and vigor Into its column* which should render the paper more than ever acceptable to the reader. The rapid increase iu circulation, flattering notices of our cotvmpnraries, and congratulatory letters from every quarter, asauio us that our efforts have not been unsuc cessful. The Commercial has grown daily in public favor until it now tanks among the leading journals in the country. In order to keep pace with tho demands of the reading public, and at the same time meet the increasing pressure ua our advertising columns, wo spm* months sine# In rreasrtl the dimensions of the paper to the extent of fonr columns. Among the leading features are full and reliable from all the leading points of interest. It devote* spacial attention to including the iron, oil, cattle, lumber, tobacco, and the Pittsburgh general markets. Our RIVER NEWS, receives particular attention, and in thia Department tha Commercial has no rival. The FINANCIAL AND STOCK REPORTS, of the Commercial are prepared with care and will be found to bo unusually full and reliable. Also, the Report* of the r. a: o. keur, ALTOONA. PA, AND BLOOD PURIFIER! CifoSSUVJEOH, WABHISMOII Co., I Ayrii lb64. f ' LEWIS UILEE, Piitsdueqh, April 11th. ISC-i. Rjan** Court. I-CBUSIIfcD DAILY DT The Pittsburgh Newspaper and Printing Company. INTELLIGENCE, PROSPECTUS FOR TUB NEW YEAR. TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS; MARKET REPORTS, LEADING MARKETS OP THE COU.VTRt, embracing reports of the Dry Good, and Wholesale mar kets, and Special Reports of oil', stock finance and trade, from titty to-day. , Whilo special attention will be given to those seTeral Departments, the Commercial lays claim to rant among the leading journals of the country as a medium of GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. Its aim is to giro none Lnt healthy reading suited to the Family Circle, and to bo a vrolcome visitor to tha dis criminating public- THE PULPIT forms a peculiar feature of the Commercial. By giving every Saturday an Original Sermon, prepared expressly by a Minister of the Gospel, in Pittsburgh or vicinity, (which, also, goes into the weekly,) fifty-two discourses are given in the year, by not lens than twenty or thirty different Ministers, without regard to denominational dis tinction. This Department of the Commercial has attrac ted much attention; and arrangement!* are being made to increase its recognised importance and value. As a fea ture at once novel and instructive, it constitutes not the least of the mauy claim# of the Commercial to patronage, j I u politics the Commercial will bo an undeviating sup- j porter of the Union, and earnestly loyal to the Govern ment, and aa far as consistent with this aim, free from partisanship. The Commercial la a large folio sheet, and is published iu two editions every morning, Sunday excepted. Terms of Daily :by mail, $lO per annum; City subscri bers, served by carriers, $l3 por annum, in advance, or 25 cents per week, payable to the carrier. Single copies 5 cents. A discount made to Agents. The Saturday Commercial —A largo sheet, containing all the Current News, Miscellaneous, Literary and Scien tific lir ‘Uigeuce, and Valuable Reading for the family, it publisheu at $1,50, (52 issues,) per year. In clubs of Twenty, $l. The moTuyfor Weekly and Daily must oiwoyj accom pany the order and in no instance can these tern m 6e devi ated from. postmasters are requested to act as agents for tha Commercial. Office, 76 fifth street, opposite the Postofflce. C. D. BRIGHAM R. D. THOMPSON... Address THE LARGEST HOUSE, ON CHESNUTstreet L DRYgSoDS a lS£ZmcmmS, | F^ELSHIKrSUNDERCLOTH. ■ BOOTS, SHOES, QUEENSWARE, 4c., , ■ : ' * all of which will bo sold u cheap for cuhucal* bought fftRIINKS AND C ARP EXT—SACK f 1 at any house In town. IB Please call and examine our atock and are will warrant M. at satisfaction. Corner ChMtnut »n<3 illtfbrej BlreeU, Altoon*. j IT)IiAIN & FANCY VKBTS, of CT6TJ Dk. ' || tiMiiiatrltit LAUOHIMJI’S* READI READ! READ! The subsckibers would be spectfully inform the citixens of Altoona and vicinity that they bare opened a largo wholesale aad retail TOBACCO STORE, Is the room formerly occupied by John B. Robot is as a Shoe Store, oo Virginia street, next door to Kessler*! Drug store, where they have on hand a large supply ol the finest brands of inported and domestic They have also the largest and choicest variety ef such as LIGHT PRESSED NATURAL LEAF, HARD PRESSED NATURAL LEAF, NAVY, CAVENDISH, CONGRESS AND FLOUNDER. FINS CUT by the Paper or Pound. The very best aud finest SMOKING TOBACCO, such M TURKISH, VIRGINIA, K.VKTN 10, and LYNCH BURG. Fine fancy payers, with a large assortment of German Tobacco, Cut and Dry by the pound. All kinds of SNUFF. Also • large assortment of the Meerschaum, Sweet Briar, and India Rubber, Doable Tube Pipes, and Qermsn China. Also, all kinds of such as Pocket Books. Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases, s Cigar Holders, Snuff Bozo#, and everything in their line. Come and see for yourselves. We are able to sell at low prices, for the reason that we bought our Tobaccd before the groat rise In the price of that article in'the cities. We are determined to sell cheaper than any other tobacconist in the town. Our store is the largest of the kind ever opened In the town. GEORGS BRUNNER A CO. Mfoona, Sept. 17,1864—3 m. strength to THE WEAK ! YOtfTUTOTUB AQKDII f BIOKRENE, f LIFE REJUVENATOR This prcpsratir.n U unequalled as a Rejuvonator ml, and Restorer of of their lives in bed. one twentieth Paf the table, ene-sixth in recreation. Enstitutiona of tlxeir time is wasted fit mis- HL/Uuch of what they succeed Geo. W. Patton, - is swept away by fire Board of .'.; U g pall' of the year 1 rvest iu five Oct. lit, 13M. CONFECTION Ex a fraction AND ICE CREAM of rHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD *i tbe FORM tbe citizens of Altoona and vicinity that LITO IONFECTIONEBY, NUT and FRUIT STORE, is always. a , applied with the very best articlea to be bad, and in great '.ariety. FRESH OYSTERS •it the very best xuality, always to bo bad. FSESE-BAKED BREAD, CAKES, & PIEi, t)vrays on band, at reasonable rates. -lie is at all times prepared to supply cakes,candies. Ac., tor plc-nics and other parties. He *nvites a share of public patronage, believing that he can render full satisfaction o ill. Remember, bis store and saloon is on Virginiastreet,two Joorsbelow Patton’s HMI, OTTO UOSSI. Altoona, April 8,1865-tf. CABINET-MAKER XJISTIDIEIR'XVAIKiZBIR,.. Having purchased the in terust of Mr. Cherry in the late firm of Hickey A Cherry, 1 would respectfully inform the public 1 intend to continue tbe business, in tbe new Cabinet Shop and Fur niture Ware room, on JULIA STREET, OPPOSITE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, East Altoona, where I will be happy to fill all orders in my line. 1 have on hand a good supply of Furniture Just from Philadelphia, which I offer at tho lowest prices fur cosh. 1 keep a hearse, and am prepared at all times to attend promptly to orders in Undertaking, I will always keep on hand a good assortment oi METALLIC COFFIN'S. Altoona, Nov. &th 1864-^-3m # General News Agency, OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES CIftARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN CHEAT VARIETY CONSTANTLY ON HAND. October 24,1861. . \f EN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every ;T I style and color, of good quality, at LACQUMAN'S. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jewelry, Hair and Clothes Bni«he«, Combs, Pocket-knives, Ac., at LAUOIIXIAN’S Hair oil, colognes, pom ades. Sharing Cream,Toilet Soaps Aci, for sale by l_tr.i Q. W. HKSbLKR. VTEW AND IMPROVED STYLES . \ of Trunks, Valises and Carpet-Bags, at bACGUMAN’S. Q. C. SMITH. G. C. SMITH. PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC I Paint, also Chroma. Greta. Yellow, Paris Green, 3r| nd ground oil at [l-tf.l KKSSLKK’S. 0. C. SMITH. For sale—-a building lot situated on Branch Street, Altoona. Price $425. Aug. 17, W. S. BITTNKR. 0. 0. SMITH. JUST RECEIVED—A Lot of Prim* CIGARS—»t J»o. 13, JM.] 0. 0. SMITH. HAIB, HAT, TOOTH, SHAViXG hIsI, lull ul TmM tmth« at 1 {(uun. NO. 2. NO. 3. NO .4=. NO. 5. C. D. SINK BONINES u cLAßAuaurs BVJtujixQ the JOHN HICKEY. H. FETTINGER’S RKIGART* Dm* 8t"r».