Good Newfor the Unfortunate ! THE 1050 SOUGHT FOB DISCOVERED AT LAST CHE R 0 K EE .REMEDY —AND— CHEROKEE INJECTION Compounded from Barks, Boots & Leaves. OHKBOEBB KKHKDY, the gnat Indian Dirnretic earn all rUsnr~r of the various organs, auchas Incootiou epos of the Urine* InflamaHon of the Bladder, I nflaination oftheKklneyt. Stone In the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, (fleet, doßcatlun, and is especially neonmeaded in Iboee oaeee of floor Albas (or White* in Ibmalee) where all the •Id nanaeone asdldaw hare tailed. It la prepared in a highly concentrated form - , the doee only being from one to two teaspoonfola three times per day. It hi' diuretic and alternative in its action; purifying aad cleansing the blood causing it to flow Inall of its orig inal purity and vigor; thus removing from the system all pernicious causes which have induced disease. CHBBOKSE INJECTION is intended as au ally or as* aistant to the Cherokee Remedy, and should be nsed in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorhma, Gleet, Fluor Albas or Whites. Its effect are healing sooth ing and demulcent: removing all scalding, heat, cbordee and pain, instead of the burning and almost unendurible pain that is experienced with nearly ail the cheap quack injections. By use ol the Cherokee Remedy and Cherokee Injection —the two medicines at the same time—all improper dis charges are removed, and the weakened organs are speedi ly restored to fall vigor and strength. For foil particulars get ourpampelet from any drug •tore in the country* or write to os and we will mail free to any address, a full treatise. Price, Cherokee Remedy, $2 per bottlo, or three bot tles for $5. Price, Cherokee Injection, $2 per bottle or three bottles tor $6. Beat by Express to any address on receipt of price. Bold by druggists everywhere. ' DR. W. R. MERWIN A CO.. Sole Proprietors No. 69 Liberty Street, New York^, THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE COMPOUNDED PROM i j|i l CHEROKEE CURB! As unfailing core for Spermatorrhea,Seminal Weakness Nocturnal Emissions, and all descasca caused by self-pol lution ; such as, Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pa ins in the Dimness oi Vision, Premature Old Age, weak Nerves, Difficulty In Breathing, Trembling. Wakefulness, Eruptions on tho Face, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Con sumption, and all the Direful Complaints caused by de parting from the path of nature. This medicine la a simple vegetable extract, and one on which-all «**,* rely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, and , with thousand treated, it has not failed in a single instance! Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory oyer the most stubborn case. r . To those who have trifled with their constitution' until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical, aid, we would say, DtspcUt not! tho CHEROKEE CURE will re store you to health and vigor, and alter all quack, doctors have fiuled 1 3 For full particulars, get a Circular from any Drug Store in the country, or write the Proprietors, who will mail free to any one desiring the same, a full treatise in pamphlet form. , Pr ices, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwar ded by Express to all parts of the ‘world. Bold by all respectable druggist* everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN A CO., Sole Proprietors, No. 69 Liberty Street, New Ycrk. unu liii-.o mi KlLtir. ' Elixir. DR. WRIGHT’S REJUVENATING ELIXIR! OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. pjQAUD VBOX PCU VXGETABLB EXTRACTS, CoNTAISCtO noTßixo raxcMovs to thx most muoati. The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern diacov eriee in the vegetable kingdom being an entirely new and an abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old; and worn-out systems. This medicine has been tested by the most eminent med ical men of the day, and by them prononnced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age. One bottle will cnre General Debility. few doses cores Hysterics in Females. One bottle cures Palpitation cf the heart. fsw doses restores the organs of regeneration. From one to three bottles (restores the manliness and full rigor of youth. A few doses restores the appetite. Three bottles cure the worst cases of Xmpotency. A few doses cures the low spirited. One bottle restores mental power. A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. This medicine restores to manly vigor and robust health the poor debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee ol sensual pleasure, . ' , The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked man of bnafnees, the victim of nervous depression, the individual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a sin gle organ, will all find immediate and nenninent relief by the nee of this Elixir or Essence of Life. Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for g 5, and forwar ded by Express, on receipt of money, to any address. Bold by all druggists everywhere. Dr. W. R. MERWIS * Co., y ii oorietors, No. 59 Liberty Street, New York. CHEROKEE PILLS! SUGAK FEMALE Health CEETATf? Jbr-O* Removal of and lhc haunmet of Regularity in tht Recurrence of the Monthly Frriodt. TfaSv enr* or obvtot* those numerous diseases that spring from Irregularity, by removing the Irregularity Soppressed, Excessive and Painful Menltra tlODa - , , « Tfi«7 cure Qreea Sick new (Chtorooi.) They cure Nervons and Spinal Affections,pains in the Wk Ud lower parts of the body. Heaviness, Fatigue on diieht exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, townees of Spir- UsL Hrsterta. Sick Headache, Giddiness, etc, etc. In a vMdTln removing the Irregularity, they remove the cause and with ft ait the effects that spring from it. ‘ Composed of staple vegetable extracts, they contain ■atbi'Hl deleterious to anv constitbtion, however delicate, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, Which, when properly used, they never fail to do. They may be safely need at any age'and at any period tmceot dmrima tlukrtt thru month, dnring which the un fUllng their action would infaliably prevent seeking information or advice wilibs prompt* Jy, freed/and discreetly answered. r„ll jirertinps aecoaipvnv each box. Ptfee.fl per box, or Six boxes for SS. Ssnt by mail, free yf postage, on reciept of pries, gold by all rsspec table Druggists. DR. W. B. MB WIN * CO., Sole proprietors, No. S# Liberty Street, New Tork. April I.lSftt—ly ' New stock of boots & shoes for Xu and Boys, ludiea and *!•«•; in.lrtc’d at i " LAUQBMAri HAND AT McCORMICK’S Store V/j-AyW»IH assortment of ALTOONA, PA., Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Counties. These machines ake admit to be the best ever offered to the public, ;*:.d their superiority is satisfactorily established by the fact that in the last eight years. OVER 1.400 MORE, of these Machines have been *ojd than.of any other man ufactured, and more medals hare been awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now in use in several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to €pl. John L. Piper, Rev. A. B. Clark, George Hawkesworth, Benj. F. Hose, and £. 11. Turner, Esqrs. . The machines seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass fool and new style Uemmer—sos, No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot and new style Hemmer—sss. No. 3, plain, with old stvle Hemfijer—s4s. [March 21,1861-tf. FOR ALL OUR GOODS! AS STATED AT THE OPENING of the Union Store, the obiect of the company is not to undersell other store keepers in a few articles and make it up .on other*, but simply to sell every article at a certain percentage above cost, let that percentage bring the price above or below that of other stores. By selling r - FOR CASH ONLY, we aro enabled to place our percentage ut the very lowest ‘figure, because we have no loss to make up. We shall at all limes keep the best quality of all artcles oflered for sale. Our present stock consists a oif choice se lection ef SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, STROPS, SPICES and everything in the grocery line The best brands of FloUr fiom the Phoenix, Mount Union and other Mills. •" SUGARS. Pulverised 18 eta., White 17 cts., Yellow and Brown very fine. Impel ial and Black Teas from 85 cts., to 1.50 per lb. coffee. Williamsport Rio, Franklin Mill" Rio. Nonpareil Rio Excelsior, Dandelion, Essence,"Browned Kyo. Sphvs of all kind?, Chocolate and Cocoa. Scj i a use. Ground Allum and Dairy Salt. Navy B spun. Flounder, Congress, Natural leaf and So lace Chewing Tobacco, also a good # selection oif Smoking Tobacco,'and Cigars. Franklin and Lovering’s Sugar House and other Syrups, Bauch Raisons 30 eta 1 - Seedless Raisons 25 cts., per lb. Corn Starch. ’ Carbon Oil 65 cts. per gallon. Candles. SOAPS Rosin, German, French Castile, American Castile, Saw er’s and other Toilet Soaps. . Cream, Wine, Sugar,'Butterj Soda and Water Crackers. Ferioa Biscuit. ? WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. '• Brooms, Hand, Dust, Scrub and Shoe Brushes. We would call special attention to our Boots; and Shoes aa our stock is fresh and selected with great care as to quality. : . . MANAGERS. Dec. 23,1863. EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Virginia St., Altoona, Pa. D: W. A. BEDFORD, Proprietor. The proprietor of the “ emporium OF FASHION” would respectfully announce to the public that be has received a large invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Res, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. ; , &c., exactly suited to this locality and intended for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. The proprietor of Che Emporium invites ah examina tion of his stock, feeling confident that his shelves present a greater variety of plain tfiad fancy goods; than can be found elsewhere in the country. An examination will convince any one of this fact. He has also received the LATEST FASHION, and being a perfect Cutter,”- he has no hesitancy in say-' ing that he can make up, clothing in the fashion, and in a manner that can not fail to prove satisfactory.. It has passed into a proverb that I Belford's the very man that can make, Clothes in the fashion, strong and cheap All that have ever tried him yet, i Say that he really cap£ be beat. Rememlver the place. Virginia street, first door above Jaggard’s Hall, Altooua,Pa. 1 (April 17, ’62. Arm TAXING TUI Manhood: how Lost, how Restored. Jnst published, a new edition Of DR. C U jffmiMm l VERWELL’S CEREBRATED on the radical curs (without mekicine) of vEttv Sfe&hatobq&jl or seminal Weakness. In voluntary Seminal Leases, Impoienct, Mental ami Physi cal incapacity. Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also. Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Pits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. Price, in a sealed erelong, only 6 cents. Tue celebrated author-in this tfdmirablo esfeay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal tnediaineor the application of .the knife-pointing out a mnde of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hamlaof every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope to any address t post paid* on receipt oi six cents or two posit stamps.— Addrea the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE k CO.. 127 Bowery, Now York, Post office bov 4580 July 13,1804. COATED REGULATOR, Preserver MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS jGI^EN on the Piano-Forte'and Melodcoo. by Miss M. SHOEMAKER. Tz&vs, $lO per quarter. No charge for the use of the Instrument. Residence on Catharine Street, West Altoona., 1562.-tf. AND SAFE, Dental Surgeon. OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE, next door to the Post Office. UIJaxI T IT TEAS! TEAS! TEAS!—FEITCHEY is selling Teas anperioir to any eve* offered in Al toona* They are free of a4 uit€rfttioD j coloring, or mix ture of any kind. Boston crackers—a large smpply of these delicious crackers ja«t received snd for isle by FEITCHET A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Gent’s Model Improved SHIRTS—-Cassimcre and HnaUnsShirts—fine and coarse—white and colored—at r.ADGjHMAJi’B. PINE AND' LARD OILS; CAM phene, Burning JTluhL Carbon Oil, Ac., at | ' K^gBLER*B. Extra family flour! from tbeCoya, always on hand and for sale as low asthsfowestby ntITCHBY 0 ife Hi RPHbB tell ItHiS R. A. 0. KERR, BUT ONE PRICE. AND THAT A CASH PRICE CRACKERS. WM. S. BITTNER 7OA T OA\" ' AMERICAN t -ou xjUiVlx . | j^j£ e jn SUr ance and Trust Co. The Secretary of the Treasury sires hotice that snbcrip- j / COMPANY’S, BUILDING Southeast tions will be reciored for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable ; Corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets, Philad*a. three yean from Aug. 15th, 1564, with semi-annual inter- i Authorized Capital, . - sooo,ooo eat at the rate of seren and three-tenths per cent, per { Paid up Capital,. . . . 250,000 annum, —principle and Interest both to bo paid-in lawful i AfiSOtS, *••-••••' 1,897,<46 | Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of Pennsyl vania. s. u. money. These note* will be convertible, at the option of the hold-. •rat maturity, inio six per cent, gold bearing bond*.pay able not less than five nor more than twenty years from their" date, as the Government may elect. They will be issodd in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, and $5, 000, and all subscriptions must be fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. * The notea will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of Deposit as they can be prepared. » As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons ma- king deposits subsequent to that date mutt pay the inter est accrued from the date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and up- wards for these notes at any tine will be allowed a com- mission of one-quarter of one per cent., which will bo paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt ofa bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom tho de- posit was made. >*o deductions for commissions must oe made from the deposit. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. It is ▲ National Ratings JJakk. offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and the best security. Any *av- ings bank which par* its deposits in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, audit cannot pay in anything better, for it* own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally convenient a* a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can always be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the best security with banks as .collaterals for diacoants. ConfrtiMt into i Su per teat., 5-20 Gold Bond In addition to the very libera! interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the currant rate for 6-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent, premium, and before the war the premium on six per cent. U. S. Stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent, per annum. US EXEMPTION FBOI iIAK OB MCRICLPAL TAXATION. Bat aside frourall the we have.enumerated, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per font, per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great induce- ments to lenders as those issued by the government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of pri- vate parties, or stock companies, or separate communities only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all-the obli- gations of the United States. While the government offers the most liberal terms Xor its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to tne loyalty and patriotism of the people. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits.— The party depositing must endorse upon the original cer tificate the denomination of notes required, and whether they are to be issued in blank or payable to order. When so endorsed It must bo jeft with th© officer receiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department. SttßSC&ifTioxs will bz EECEIVXD by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Trea- Burera and designated Depositaries, ami by the TIEST NATIONAL BANK OF ALTOONA. and by all National Banka which are depositaries of public money, and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country -will give further information and afford "every facility to subscri bers. aug. 10,-3mo FIRST NATIONAL STORE OF ALTOONA, IX TUB ROOM FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY J. B. HILEMAX. J. W.' CURRY, WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY inform the puUic, that he has purchased J, B. ill LEM AN S 3 stock of my Goods, Groceries, Ac., and will continue the businass at the old stand. • To the stock purchased from Mr. U.I have just added a large and select assortment of ‘ DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEEESWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, GROCERIES, FINE VARIETIES OF TOBACCO! And In (act everything usually kept in a first class conn try store, which was bought low for cash and will be sold at corresponding low prices for cash or country produce, and request the public to give me a call before purcaasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied I cau offer' superior induce* meuta to cash buyers. Altoona, April 27,-tf TIME AND BEAUTY! CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE undersigned respectfully announ cm to tL6 citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he CLOCK, ISTATCU and JEWELRY establishment jn the room formerly occupied by Dr. Cal derwood, oh Virginia street, between Julia and Caroline, where he Will keep on hand a fine assortment of gold and silver watches, clocks of all styles, and a handsome assort ment of jewelry, gold pens and pencils, spectacles, Ac. Particular attention given to repairing clocks, waUbee and jewelry. ~ By selling for cash only, at the smallest advance on first coat, he feels sure that he can please all in price as well as quality. ' SAMUEL SMITH. apO-'tf W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTO OS A, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., x nOI.LWA TSBUItG, PA., BAJSTKERS, {Lyle £ Co.”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Sliver and Gold for tale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposits, payable on demaud, without idjterost, or upon time, with interest at fair rates Feb.3d,iBsB. JOHN D. SPEILMAN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Altoona, Blair county. Pa. OFFICE on Main street, front of his chair shop, one door East of the National Hotel. ap9-tf RAGS! RAGS!! RAGS!!! CASH paid for RAGS,' at EABY’S MIItINERY STOSS, Virginia St., Altoona. Van*, tV,SSM-ly. Insures Lives during tho Natural life or for short terms, grants annuities and endowments, and makes contracts of all kinds depending on the issues of life. Policies of Life Insurance issued at the usual mutual rates of other good companies—-with profits to the assured —last Boxes January, 1861, being 43 per cent, of all pre miums received on mutual policies—at Joint Stock rates, 20 per cent less than tho above, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, leas than Mutual price. Also, a NON-FORFEITUKE PLAN, By which a person pays for 5,7, or 10 years only, when the policy i» paid up for Lire, land nothing more to pay ; and should he be unable, or wish t»> discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a Paid up Pouct, in proportion to the amount of premium paid, as follows: On a Policy of $l,OOO, 6 Year 7 Year 10 Year after ottymect of rates. rates. rales. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 85 $lOO 00 2 *• “ 400 00 285 70 200 00 800 00 671 40 400 00 857 10 600 00 BOO 00 6 “ 8 “ ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. John S. Wltsox, Secretary. BOABJ) or TECSTZZB. Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, Hon. Ju. Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison, ' Albert 0. Koberu, Jonss Bowman, Samuel T. BoUine, H. H. Eldridgh, George Nugent, John Aikman, William J. Howard, Charb s P. Ueaalitt, Samuel Work. Any further information can be bad by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorized agent for Blair County. July 31,1863-Iy H. A. 0. KERR. CHANGED HANDS. EKCEBSIOR Hat & Cap Store. The undersigned Would in f.rm the public that he bias taken charge of this es tablishment, heretofore owned; by Jess© Smith, where he has now on hand a large and varied assortment of FASHIONABLE STYLES OF HATS, J| CAPS, MISSES AND CHILDREN S FLATS. His stock has been selected with great care and embra ces every color, shape and quality, for the accommodation of grave or gay, old or young, rich or poor.. All he ask* 1* an examination of hi* stock, feeling sure that he can please the moat fastidious. Aug. 17, 1864-if. D. W. ALE. JACOB SNYDER’, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfully forth my claim to pub) attention, as a Fosblo&al Tailor, as follows: Because I keep an exc< lent assortment of Clotl Cassimeres, Testings ai Trimmings, which, wht examined,alwajs please. Because my work made up in a manner thi takes down the count? and gives all my custom* a city appearance. Because I am not infer! as a Cutter to the best be found anywhere. Because long oxperiei iu my business give* i entire control over it.av I am not dependant npoi any one tolift me out the suds. Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me. In the corner room of the ‘‘Brant Ilouse” Giro mo a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May 26-5 m JACOB SNTDER. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON oil lamps; Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person'desiring to obtain the very besjand cheap est portable light within their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2th That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any othei light now in common use. Those lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories. Halls. Churches, Stuies, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table finid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new I&np. \Vo guarantee perlwt satisfaction in all rases. Aug. 19, l&S-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. Exchange hotel.—the sub- SCRIBER would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re- ' fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His. charges ore as reasonable as'those of any’othSer Hotel in the place, and be. feels satisfied they cau not bo complained of by those who favor him with their custom.: Expectingto receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he throws open, his house to-tbe public and invites a trial. I have just received a stock of No. 1 French Brandy, for mediciual purposes. Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to ■be found in the country. Altoona, May 27, 1859.-ly] i JOHN BOWMAN. SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber has just returned from the east where be has purchased a very large and fine stock of i BOOTS AND SHOES, . BROGANS, GAITERS, &G., which he is prepared to offer to thecitUens of Altoona and vicinity at very low prices. Having purchased direct from the manufacturers for cash, he is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that be asks: is that the people will call and examine; his stock before purchasing elsewhere. 4B- BOOTS SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also; repairing promptly attended to. Don’t forget the place, two doors below Post Office. Jan.&lfctfl. M. THOMPSON, Agent "VTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.— 1 x This Great Journal of Criiue and Criminals is in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Ca*es, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together with information ou Criminal Matters, not to be found in any Other newspaper. Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six months, to be remitted-by subscribers, (who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly.) To G. W. MATSELL 4 CO., Editor A'Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette, 15-lf] JVew Tork t&ly. CITY HOTEL, TYRONE, BLAIRi COUNTY, PESN’A. LEWIS GIEBLE, Proprietor. HAVING purchased the above well known Hotel and refurnished the same with new furniture, I am now prepared to accommodate all who fk vor me with their patronage. Fred Omnibus to carry pas wugera to and from the Depot. April 20.’64.—1y. GIIIEAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. —Insurance on Real or personal property will be effected on the most reasonable terms bv their agents in Altoona at his office in-Anna St. Mnreb 17.1559. J<>n\ SHOEMAKER. Ag?nt. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR Ex terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, AMS, and Bed-bugs without danger in its use under tiny clrcumatan cet for sale at the Drug Store of G. W. KESSLER. ’ Jan. 24, ,56-tf] | Hb. miller; ; • DENTIST. IfmBKL tIS-Office on Caroline street, between Virginia and Emma streets, Altoona. [Jan.2o—2m* I ALL kinds of printing . i il naatly and axbedlUmaly axeentad at the 1 ' “AITOONA TRIBUNE” OFJIC*. DYSPEPSIA! A CURE WARRANTED. , Dytpepsia has the following Symptoms: Ist. A constant pain or ‘uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Cosureties* and Los* os AppetiW. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirit*. 6th. Diarrhoea, with griping. 6th* Pain in ail part* of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symtoms and Palpitation of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. dth. Nervouse Affection,'ami want of sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision and Lo*s of Sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great Weakness. : ’ . Out of the thousand of cases of Dyspepsia that hate used Dr. WisharUs Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect-cure. We warrant a cure in every case no matter if of twenty years standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at I)r. Wi-lmrt'aOfflieo.No. 10, N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and consultations free of charge. Seed for a circular.— Price $1 per box.. Sent bv mail, free of Charge, on receipt of money. s O • DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, I, Elizabeth of Brandywine, Del., formerly Old Cheater, Del., do certify that, for one year and a half 1 Suffered everything but death from that awful disuse cal led Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility ; I could not digest niy food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just os I swallowed it; 1 became so -costive in my bowels that I would nut have a passage in leiss than four and often eight days; under this immense suh ieriug, my mind seem SI entirely to give way.; I had dreadful horror and evil forebodings. X thought; every body hated me and I hated everybody; I could upt bear my husband nor my own children, everything upptiared to bo horror stricken to me ; X had no uiubitiuu to do any thing; 1 lost all my love of family and homo : I; would -ramble and wander from place to place, but could; not be contented ; I felt that 1 was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me, and was often tempted to Summit suicide, so near was my whole nervuu* system destroyed, and also my mind, from that awful complaint. Dyspepsia, that my friend* thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride’s Hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained There nine weeks, ami though I was a little better, but in a low* days my dreadful complaint was raging as bad astaver.— Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. WUhart's Great American 'Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment lot* Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr, Wishurt and aiated my case to him. He said he had no doubt ho could*cuie me. So in three days utter I called and placed myself un der* the Doctor* treatment, apd in two weeks 1 Logan . digest my food, and felt that my disease was hist giving way, and I continued to recover for about three mouths, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body am. mind, and I most sincerely return my thunks to u merci ful God and Dr\Wi*hart, and to his Greut American Dys pepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an insane Asylum, a premature grave. All persons 'suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, us I am willing to do all the good I can for suffer ing humanity’. Elizabeth Reansun, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pau , " —O DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! 1. Muses Tobix, of Cheltenham, Montgomery county, pa.. have buffered for more than one year, everything but death itself from that awful disease culled Dyspepsia. .1 employed in that time five of the most eminent physicians, iu Philadelphia. They did all they could foi me with med icines and cupping, bu: still I was no better. I then went to the Pennsylvania University, in order to place luyscl! in reach of the best medical talents in the country, but their medicines failed fu do me any good, and utteatUucs I wished for death to relieve me of iny sufferings. but see ing Dr. Wishart’s advertisement iu the Bul letin, I determined to try once more, but witu little faith. 1 called on Dr. Wiahaet, jtud told him if 1 could have died I would not have troubled him, and theu related my Buf ferings tofcim. The Doctor assured me if he failed torure me of Dyspepsiait would he the first case in two yearn, so I put myself under hw treatment, and although for months vomiting nearly all I ate, my stomach swelled with wind, and filled with pain beyond description, I bought a box of his Dyspepsia Pills 1 used them as directed, and In ten days 1 could eat as hearty a meal as any person iu thd State of Pennsylvania, and in thirty days wasa well man. I invite auy person suffering as 1 to caH and see mej and I will relate my suffering aud the groat cure I receiv ed. I would say to all I ’yspeptics, everywhere, that Dr. Wiab&rt is, 1 lelievt the only person on the earth that can euro Dyspepsia with ; uy degree of certainty. ' Moses Tobct, j Cheltenham, Montgomery co., Pa. \ Dr. Wishart’s Office, No.’lo North Second street. Office hours from 0A.H.t05 P. M. All examinations aud con sultations free. O A POSITIVE CUBE FOR DYSPEPSIA. UiLLBWUAT MR. JOHN Q. BADCOCK SAY*. No, 102 S Olivb Street, ) Philadelphia, January £M, IS&i.J Dr. WiSHASt —Sir :r-It is with much pleasure th;u I am now able to inform you chat, by of your great American Dyipepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of that most complaint, Dyspepsia. 1 had been grievously lor chchvit twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have -iot been free from its pain one week at a time. I have had it in its worn form and have dragged on a moat miserable exbteiua—in pain day and night. Every kind of totd that X ate (died me with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity. A continued belching was sure to lollow.— 1 had no appetite for any kinds of meats whaterer, and my distress was so great for several mouther before 1 heard of your Pills, that 1 frequently wished lor death. I had taken everything that I had heard of for Dyspepsia, with out receiving any benefit; but ou your Pjlis being recom mended to me by one who had been cured by them, I con cluded to gjve them a trial, although 1 had no faith in them. To my astonishment. I found myselt getting better before I had taken one quarter of a box, I cm now a well man y aiuf can eat anything I wUK, and enjoy a beary meal three times a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. If you think proper yon are at liberty to make this public and refer to me. 1 will cheerfully give all desired informatiru to any one who may call on me. Yours, respectfully, John 11. Babcock. For sale nt Dr. WlsharTa Medical Depot No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa‘. Price one dollar per box; Sent by mail, free of charge, ou receipt ol price. O DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! I, Samuel ]>. Haven, have been a great sufferer with Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflatmitioh of the Kidneys for three year*. 1 bad employed three or four of the moa eminent physician of Philadelphia, also of Burlington co.. N. J. They did all for me they could but all to do purpose. I waa constantly filled with awful pain and distress, and with constant belching ol wind and sour acid. My tongue waa covered with a white coating of mucus, and was dreadfully* sore! Oh! I oftentimes wished for death to relieve me of my sufferings for I had lost a! 1 hope of ever being well again. 1 made it a subject of prayer to God that he would direct me to some physician or medicine that would cure me. 1 was told to read an advertisement of Dr. VVisluirt’s In the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cure made upon Mr. John Badcock, of 1023‘Olive street, Philadelphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went to the Doctor 5 * Ufficej and placed myself under h:s treatment, and told him if he tailed to cure me it would be the last effort I would make. It has been six weeks since 1 commenced the use of his medicine, and I am now a well man., free from all pain and distress, and can eat three uearty meals a da.t with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wishart, I, want you to publish my case, as 1 wan: every poor dyspeptic sufferingas I was. to call on me, and 1 will tell them of the great cure 1 have received from your invaluable medicine. 1 Sakuet D. UaYBX. Comer \ehatigoand Lambert streets, near Richmond, street, formerly from Wrightstovm, Burlington col, N. J. o The above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy baa saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial saying that they have never used or sold a medicine vMiich gave sucluunitersal satisfaction. * PREPARED ONLY BY THE PROPRIETOR, DR. L. Q. C. WISH ART, No 10 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. “ Sold by Drasgists sverywher? at Wholesale br all Phil delphia and Now York Wholesale Ibusretets;; For sale by A. ROUSH, Dr , Altoona. Pa. Vpril, F RITCHEY’S NEW STORE, corner of Carolina and Virginia 8t«. BEAT -PILES OF PANTALOONS U tor M,B lid , IAWJHJffH'B. , fries & williams. Hardware, <fec. The subscriber* having taken charge of the Hardware Store ami Stove and Tin Shop recently under the charge of Samuel 1. Frio*, ou. \ street, opposite Seuler'i Drug Store, and having added largely to their stock art* non prepare*! to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such as Umdsaws, Axes, Augera, Adses, ChiteU. Squares. Rules, Hammers, Planes, Hinges, Locks, Latches, Files. Knives and Forks, Ac, Ac., all of which they offers ou tho nmst reasonable terms. Versons wishing anythin? in the Hardware lias ar« requested to call and examine their stocc. They We also added Gils, Paints, Carbon Oil,-etc., to their stock, anil will dispose of all these article* at a small *4- vanceon first rv«s. The will also oaotinue tho STOVE BUSINESS, and will keep on hand an assortment from which ray person will be able to select an article to pelase their fis.icy. In the line ot •* , TIN AND SHEET v IKONWAEE, CEDAR arul WIIiLOW-WARE they will always tiavo a larpa anpply,aud> ill auik^ioorti* anything that mav be called for,' job work in this Una promptly attended to. ROOFING AND SPOUTING put up on i#hurt notice in the best stylo. April 27,1^6+.-tf. S FAY GOODS. THE undersi<;ned would respectfully in form the citizens of Alto*>na and nurronuding coo* trv,. that’ be has just returned from the Eaat, where ho hu been selecting his stock of FALL AND WINDER GOODS, which, fur style, quality ami price; cannot be surpassed in this neck of'country. * ilie block is much larger than heretofore. it is quite an object, iu these exciting war times, for every one to porches** where they can get The Best "Goods and at the Lowest Prices, he would say that he can and will sell .as low, if uot a Uulo lower than any other this place. Ue wisbea > all to call and his stock before pnrclUring elsewhere, as he ftt*U cunfident he can offer inducements which will defy competition. Ilia stock consist* of LAjIJES’ DRESS GOODS of every*3ascription, MEN AND BOYS' WINTER WEAR, LADIES AND MISSES’ DRESS SHOES, MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES. MEN’S HaLF HOSE WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ WOOL HOSE. HATS AND CAPS, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSUN, GINGHAMS AND HEAVY DRILLINGS, lie will sell Ladies Sewed, Ueeled Bootees at SI.SO(SI.TA Kip Posted 1.37<1fc1.50 Men’s 800t5,.... X .i 2.75^3.50 BALMORAL SKIRTS, very Iqw. GHOCERIES. White and Brown Sugar, Kio Co flee e, Syrdpa, Teas, 4r.* and everything that is usually kept in a Pry Goods Store, and as cheap ,w the cheapest. J. A. SPRANKLE. Altoona, Oct. 7.1863. FAMILY DYE COLORS Patented October 13th, 1863. Slack, Black for Silk . Dark Sky;. Light Sift, French Blue. Claret Bnncn. DarK\Brnien y Light Broicn. SnufT Br\non. Oicrrv, Crimson. Dark Drab. Light Drab , 2hw« Drab, Light Jfywn drab, For dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods. Shawls, Scarft, Dresses, Ribbons. Gloves. Bonnets, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children’s Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. A SAYING OF 80 PER CENT. For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would oth erwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can I* produced from the same dye. The process is simple and any one s.m «se the dye with perfect success. Direction In' French and German, in: ide of eack package. For further information in Dveing. au<3 giving a perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dve over oth ers, (with many valuable receipes.) purchase Howe k Ste veu* Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail &b receipt of price—lo cents. slanufactured by IXOWE & STEVENS, 200 Beoadwat. Bostor For sale by druggists and dealers generally. - Nov. 19,1803.—1 y, - STOVES, TIN A Nil SHEET-IRON WAKE. The undersigned would re SPKCTFULLY an nonnce to the citizens 01 Altoona and vicinity thal he has taken the ston and shop recently occu pied by Fries & Winters on stretf. East *tJ toortm, where . he has 01 hand a large supply o STOVES of all Pattern* such' as Cook. P a r 1 o i Office and Shop Sloven which he will* tho most reasonable prices.- A large supply will always l>* kept on hand. ' i Tiy AXZI SHEET-lEOX WASE, in gw«t varietr, always on hand. g ROOFING & SPOUTING I put up on short notice. * He has also attached & copper-smithing room to his d establishment and will keepon hand an assortment of con- § per and brass kettles. Ac. 9 All kinds of job work promptly attended to. I j April 21st, STEPHEN VINTERS. | Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron, Ware, SPOUTING, &CL 1 Q RIGG WOULD RESPECT- 1 fuller nform tbo.-citizens of and vicinity that r hc keeps constantly on bond * large assortment m-COoking, Parlor, Ofitt amiySVQ Shop Stoves, of all styles and sizes, to stilt the ** T wants <>f all. which he will sell at low price*, on reason- >' aide terms. ~ lie also keeps nh hand a large stock of Tin and Shff •- .a Irtin Vforf . consisting of all article* for culittarypnrpo*^* - '% Coal Scutll*s, Strn y? Pipe, <fo. M tie has also purchased the r : ght of sale in Blair coaciy M of JONES’ . S| I P ROVED SAUSAGE SIUFFER, JK& Invention winch needs only to be wen to be apprecis* aud should l>e possessed by every former, butcher ortho** requiring such A machine.* -^ Particular attention-Mid to potting up SPOUTINQ either in town or coon^f'Spouting painted and pot on the most reasonable terms. fapri! 14> 1859*1 ▼ Howard association, PHILIDEtPniA, PA. Diseases of the Nervous. Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Svstcms—new and reliable treatment—-in Reports of th* Howard A3SOCIATION—«ent by mall in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J- SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No.3.£outh Ninth SU Philadelphia. Pa. ' ’64-ly* Mackerel— nos. if 2, and 3. in all sized packages, new, and each package warranted, just received and for sale low by FRITCHKA. IF YOU WANT GOOD COFFEE, pure Teas, the best of Chocolate, Syrups azid goto FRITCHEY /'I REAM CRACKERS! Afresh sup \J ply of these delicious crackers just received «n4k' r alTut i • FRITCRKTS QUPERIOR CREAM CHEESE AT FRITCtIEr’S- ALL STYLES QAIIPETING ANT Oil-Cloths can be found ft LAUQUIC^y§i -I*-' j h** * i. '~- t< * j f ; A BERN, VOL. 0 I a lto osa. ' v a v ■ invr^ni» u ° w *'’ r >*“■ * -t w* " “ • i’TUr»» “ b, »ho..Vf. >i&tt'SX3SS& mtw-rt. «>H u ‘ - •S'iKflSr 1 ! ObltwuT not ice- exccfnmß W| ’ ' “BBMBMBEI Go where glory wait* Ar.d \yheu KiWeSel-wc* Oh, then remember r a Other arms in%- yw«** ' Dearer friends may c« All the joys ih;tt hk»» ' Sweeter, far (hay be Dark Green, Light Green , i Magenta, | Maize, Maroon , Orange, Pink , Purple, Royal Ptirple, Salmon^ Scarlet, Slate, Solferino, Viold , -J- - ■ i ■■ ■ I- ,i„y v V r V to*?* rr"' Bitk when joy< are near \ Ami when fiends are Oh ! then remember When nt even thou rm By thVsthr thou lov- K ' : Oh '. then re mouther Awl when hone ret ur Bright you view h inn Oh! then rememhe; Ann when shmtnor e!c And.thine eye rc|’.w. s ' ’ 'Oh the lingering rose-e ’ i : Once so lov’d by tin 'Think of her, who mo Uey who made lire* '' . . Ahl. then remembo When around v Autumn leaves aid lyi Qh,! then reinemb.- ' ’ When at night thmi'it pn llleghy heart hlaa Oh I then rememni Then, shbbld music *6 o*ir soul of .lWlii tliim* heart Drop one i»*ar for 10 Then should mein’ry Strain? I used .; 'Oh thcn^rcniemh 1 15ID SHE FLI ‘ILiUoe, Frank! < exclaimed a* tall, wi gentleman, appareni 1 y-livuj toa young 1 cecdingly haudson# hurrying past Uim v speed. * : ‘Why, irt the nuu wonderful, what bru; e xte n d'l a g/i ii shan d r or, whose name wa; ‘I just arrive 1 ho replied. ‘As t! tired of seeing mo bade tfiein adien ; ; ho, straightening hi greatest height, and grave, ‘here 1 am. dint why did you coming here persi son, w no was One t impulsive, and at rh quisitivo persons, w a reason for everyth ‘Well, F rank, tin father says it is ab settling down in says that’s what X i til I get a wife. fh to pack up, and ga introduction to his Bright, who has, 1 markab ly pretty «. Minnie, who will, love with me at tirs *Ha! ha!’ laugh he top spre, of tna Mlpme Blight hu by tjcores, a ; looking r than you. m |lMe that She is little flirt aaAeWoeeduigly am ToattUOt ho liero conic on, hut am , to-xuprtpw morijiu fejss y-s i F \ iie j x jctt*ith»w4u time
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers