The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 03, 1864, Image 1
•BRis . S'"* jt ■£*-" Vn-i j.i "■-•It W:-\ IST* raiNQ, <fec. K;cn clmt'Kt* of tlji- Haro watt iimJrr tlit cliatgt Is etm-t. Kcuter’g' Idotl Inreely H> tliHr slockw* »<>*. itue in iUp Hanlwart »u 4 Cstku . £''A£w, .Angara, Ailawv Olilatt*, », PUuas. llinees. Isx:|i«, . SjHJons, <tc./ Jfcc., ftll .which BMoaftblv tennrf. ■ \ - :J- v ahjß-iutlie mlit* their *to /*. ■■• U. fcuinta, Carbon Oil.ftc.*Krthaijn tall liicse articles]at a. OUIU ■the BUSINESS, re from which fsj sctßDHrtich* to pelßhe their Uaqj, BET Svirta.pW-WA^E rc<? supply.tuxl will uala^toroiti* mW/ . ... attended to. N’t) SPOUTING htt best style. Goods. jd would respectfullyip- Altot.Tiu and surrounding7Cotllt irned I rum the East, bftfaat: ii VINTER GOODS, Ui<i price,cannot be sorpantcd in. «i* stock is much larger than iuit« ft,n object. in toead exciting to pnrchuse whore they cut get iid at the Lowest Prices, n »»d will soil a-* low, if uotji r honin'in iKi* place- He nishCa rk In* Core pnrchueiug elsewhere, ut offer imlnceiuenU which will :ock conbUts of - - r A KJI)S of every description, VINTER WEAR. •ÜBSKS' DRESS SUOKS, m>Y.V BOOTS AND SHOES. MEN’S UvLP UOSB MISSES’ WOOL lIOSB, UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, MS AND HEAVY DUILLINQ.S. rui. lloebd Bootees At $t,51>@1.75 1.37 @1.50 2.75@3.*0.75@3.*0 . ty l-'W. iii. Rio Cotftoe, S.vrupa, Tens, &c.‘ fjjMllv kept in a Dry .Good* Store, J. A. SPRANKLU. " JYE COLORS b tuber tiiih, 1803. o\ Dark Green, nPX Light Green, a \o\ Mapeuta^ 0 HMArf**' Tv W*d. (“/ Maroon, f Si; \s\ Orange* f ,£Jtk wN™-* . I Jp J’urptf. C Popal Purple, &tivtnn. t&SZm StJ/ermo. Violet, s fcjS3t£jljgff’ Islloic, IHU'J SilßWlAtSCWftf K‘V«*u. Hnisiu-ts, JUts, Feathers, liMreuV CUdbyiir, aud all >s. ; WViiring OF h\) TEU CENT.-^gp c«iMr as many goods as would <?th~ siai sum. VariuGß shades can be e <\} t*. The process is simple and. • wuli perfect haccess. Directions ii German. hr Mm of puck package, on in D elng. and giving a Jjerlbct are best adapted to dye over oth e n-cehw-s,) purclm*? Uowt* A Ste* ;• npd Coloring. Sent In moil «»n US- Manufactured by . •• . aiJWK&frTfcVISNS,' 2>D Be-'adwat, Borrow, rind dealers generally. )VES, KfcT-IIIQXAVAIiK. - •KJNKI) WOUUJ RE- A large supply jrJII ilwajrs b« Oy WAE£, in greet variety. & SPOUTING- .1 <vipp**rrMnltlhnp r<vMn to .fatf *< pen hand au assortment of pojK r ij -mhtlv at iStftifHi to. SfrK t > i! KXJmTEM. d Sheet Iron Ware. PING, &c. wl> RESPECT- ' citizens'.of Altoona f '-nnsjantly rm band i-ifj, OjJtct >9HPH| and sizes, to suit Use rr ’ y nil sell at low price*, ott wajhifr a barge stock of 7Vn Sheet* ill articles for culioarrparposßS 1 ■ 4~i: : the rgbt pf sale in county & ITSAO£ SXUFFBRr . •Ady to be seen to be appr«cl*» >j *rery farmer, butcher or thbee m |*ald to putting np SPOITtIKO . Spooling -painted and pm up rms. fapfil i4* t 2Ss9-ljr< [SOGUTIQN, - paH® 1 •. Semipitl. Ciinary.iuid SMj|| >le trrtftibettt—ln iXHttut by mail fit '%*•. A'iUres*, Dr/ J. '.y ; pieMCfettOO, IOWftT»» -nos. i, 2, new, und c«ch pttiOff "J «tnl for sale low b j - 1T ! ' ’ ; ■ r . : .., ■ jtb T GOOD CQWflSftf"*"" f S/rop» «ttd [ FBitcnEnT . >. ■ i i i, *■ JliElir; I 1 A ibgtrft jpg”- crack**™ Just iIEAMj CllKE^^ffl McCBtJM & DERN, VOL. 9 THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. ... B. C. DERN, g. iND /_,.,ble inrariaMr in adrance,) $1 BO AU paper”'dkcontiutted at tbe expiration of the time paid tor. TK&VS OF 4DVXETIBISQ S • - 1 Insertion ' 2 do. 8 do. • , „ t 25 i 37U < % 50 ■Poor line* or * 60 76 1 00 Ouo Square, ( 8 i 00 1 60 2 00 Two “ (“ „ r" ,: 1 60 2 00 2 60 T o r «rrtr« *e e U .naVe;."a»B tkm month., 86 cent, per for «ch inMrtion. 8 month.. 1 your, .... 1 60 * 3 00 $ 5 00 Six line, or lem » 2 60 * 00 7 00 On# »qu»re ••••• 4 00 6 00 10 00 • I? s- Two Tbre* “ Four iiaii»column u oo io oo with liberty to chsuKe— g Hues Professional or Business Curds, notelcwa, “ K 6 00 with paper, per y oa J'""‘'n»ic»”cha«u:teT or indirldoal - Communications of a interact, will be charged a * number of insor ,,,^dfflu n tr^ntd forbid and charged .rcording to the stare f ore Tcry Insertion, lines. (Ifty cents a square Up fromthe South at hjeak of day, Bringing to Winchester fresh dismay. The affrighted air with a shudder bore, Like a herald in haste to the chieftain’s door, The terrible grumble and rumble and roar, Telling the battle was on once more, And Sheridan twenty miles away. And wider still those billows of war Thundered along the horizon’s bar. And louder yet in Winchester rolled The roar of that red sea uncontrolled, Making the blood of the listener cold As ho thought of the stake in that fiery Iray, Ami Sheridan twenty miles away. But there is a road from Winchester town, A good, broad highway leading down ; And there, through the flush of the morning light, A siced, as black as the steeds of night, Was seen to pass as with eagle flight— As if he kne’fothe terrible need lie stretched away with his utmost speed ; Hill rosu'aiid fell—but his heart was gay. With Sheridan fifteen miles away. Still sprang from those swift hools, thunder’g south, The dust, like the smoke from the cannon’s month. Or the trail of a comet sweeping faster and faster, Foreboding to traitors the doom of disaster; 'J lie heart of the steed and the heart of the,master Were beating like prisoners assaulting their walls, Impatient to be where the battle-field calls ; Every nerve of the charger wasstrainedto full play, With Sheridan only ten miles away. Under his spurning feet, the road Like an arrowy Alpine river flowed, And the landscape sped away behind Like an ocean flying before the wind ; ■ And the steed, like a bark fed with furnace ire, Swept on, with his wild eyes full of fire. But lobe is nearing his heart’s desire— lie is snuffing the smoke of the roaring fray, With Sheridan only five miles away. The first that the General saw were the groups Of stragglers, and then the retreating troops ; What was done—what to do—a glance told him Then strike his spurs with a terrible oplh, ; Ik dashed down the line ’mid a storm of huzzas, And the wave of retreat checked its course there because ■ i The sight of the master compelled it to pause, With foam and with dust the black charger was gray; | By the flash of his eye, and his red nostrils’ play, He seemed to the whole great army to shy ’■ “ 1 have brought you Sheridan all the way Frou Winchester down to ijave the day.”j Hurrah, hurrah, for Sheridan ! 1 Hurrah, hurrah, for horse and man 1 •• ' | And when their statues are placed on high Under the dome of the Union sky, i The American soldiers’ Temple of Fame, There with the glorious General’s name ! Be it said in letters both bold and bright; “ Here is the steed that saved the day i By carrying Sheridan into the fight, From Winchester—twenty miles away 1” . . “ Ticket, sir, if you please!” , Between dusk and daylight—the warm gold of the sunset sky just fading into crimson, and the Express train thundering over the iron track like some ferocious de mon. Carl Silver became dimly conscious of these things as he started from v a brief, restless slumber, wherein his knapsack had served as a pillow and stared vaguely into the sharp Yankee lace of the obdurate conductor. “Ticket! X suppose I have such a thing about me,” he muttered drowsily, search ing first one pocket and .then another. Oh, here it is.- I say conductor, are we near New York V* ■** < “ Twenty minutes or so will bring us into Jersey City, sir—we are making pretty good time.” And the sharp faced official passed on to bunas the next unfortunate man who 6 00 S 00 12 00 6 00 10 00 14 00 10 00 14 00 20 00 SHEBIDAITS BIDE. both, SURPRISED. had neglected to ppt his ticket in his hat band ; while Captain Silver dragged him self into a sitting position, putting his two bands back of his head with a portentious yawn, and smiled to remember the fantas tic dreams that had chased one another through his brain during that half hour of cramped, uneasy slumber, from which the conductor’s challenge had roused him—- dreams in which bloody battle-fields and lonely night-marches had blended oddly with sweet home -voices, and the sulphu rous breath of artillery had mingled with violet scents from the twilight woods around, and gusts' of sweetness trom the tossing clouds of peach blossoms, through which the Express train shot remorse lessly. And then Carl Silver began to think of other things. “Conductor!” whispered the fat old lady opposite, jj6 the bombazine bonnet and stiti' colored shawl. “Yes’m,” Said the man of tickets stop ping abruptly in his transit through the cars, and inclining his ear. “ That young man in military=l-ap, con ductor —I hope he ain’t an escaped lunatic dressed up,in soldier clothes, I’ve heard of such things. ■ And I don’t like a bit the way he keeps a grinnin’ to himself and rubbln’ bis two ; hands ‘ogether. lie’s acted queerly alb day, and I’m travelin’ alone!” 26 00 40 00 J. 176 The conductor laughed and passed on The old lady bridled in offended dignity. Bless her anxious heart!—how was she to know that Captain Silver was only re joicing in the thoughts of the glorious “surprise” he had in store for his mother and dimple taced lister that night? Was it not a year—twelve long, long months— since he had looked upon their faces last ? And now— i On, speed oh your way, Express train, through quiet villages where daffodils sprinkle all the gardens with gold. Speed over the sloping; hills where springing grass sends up a taint, delicious smell, and brooks babble under swinging-willows —past lonely church-yards, where the white hands of innumerable gravestones beckon through tlie twilight and are gone : for every throb of your iron pulse brings one true heart nearer Eomc ! Shot and shells had spared him for this hour; fever and pestilence and foul malaria have passed him by ; and now — Suppose there should be an accident! He has heard of such things on these lightning-routes. ; Suppose he should be carried home a dead, mangled corpse; the words of greeting frozen into eternal si lence on his lips, the glad sight sealed for ever under the heavy eyelids! Strange that such morbid fancies should never have assailed him in ; the tire and smoke of Gettysburg, yet come to him now, like gusts that would hot be driven away, when he was within twenty miles of home! Would it break <his mother’s heart, or would she live off'? And Kate Meriam— Kate Meriam, the blue-eyed, sby little fairy, who would never look at him save through her long,brown lashes, and whose coy mouth always made him, think of scarlet cherries and roses dashed in dew. . “To think!” .ejaculated Carl Silver, bringing down his bronzed list on the window ledge with a force that made the glass rattle ominously and struck a chill to the heart of the old lady in the bomba zine bonnet: “ to think that I, who would knock down the man who ventured to tell me I was a coward, should be alraid to say frankly to a Tittle, slender girl that I love her ! To think that the. very touch of her glove, the sound of her footstep, the rustle of her ribbons, can frighten my self-possession away and make a staring, silent idiot of. me! After-all, what. is a courage worth ? ' There’s no use in think ing of it. I shall die art old bachelor, for I’ll never marry any woman but Kate Meriam, and I Shall never dare to plead my\ cause with - Kate. I wish I hadn’t such an absurd streak of cowardice through me.” Yet Captain ;Silver’s men had told a different tale when he led them over the bridge in that dreadful charge at Antie tam Cowardice! there are several dif ferent interpretations to that word. “Carriage! carriage! No, I won't have a carriage. Get away from iffe you fellows! You are .worse than the lo custs of Egyyt and ten times as noisy,” cried Captain Silver energetically elbowing Ins way through the swarms of eager hack men, who were' making night hideous, at the foot of Coqrllandt street. “Do you suppose I am going to spoil my precious surprise by a carriage ?” 1 Broadway by gaslight! II ow strange, yet how familiar it seemed to the return ing exile, with its stately facades of free stone and marble, seeming literally to rest on foundations of quivering fire, and its throngs of people, coining and going in everlasting succession, like the tides of a never-resting £ea. Carl Silver’s heart leaped up in his breast with a quick, joy ous throb at the old accustomed sights and sounds. It was good to hear his footsteps on Manhattanesc^ground. No light in IJie house ! His heart stood still a moment. This was strange—om dlqus, But then he remembered that Iris . ALTOONA, PA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1864. mother was fond of sitting in the twilight, and dismissed the lingering doubt from his mind. How lucky, the door was on the latch, and swung noiselessly open. Hush ! not a creaking stair or clanking spur must betray him, through the old fa miliar hall he passed, and into his mother’s room, lighted only by the ruddy glimmer of a bright coal fire. “ Where the mischief are they all ?” ejaculated Captain Silver under his breath. “No matter —they’ll be along soon; mean time I’ll wheel this big chair up. and take a bask, for the air is chill, if it is the first of May. Won’t they be astonished, though, when ihey come in t Upon my word, things couldn’t have happened nicer! Faugh! what a smell of paint —white- wash, too, as I’m a living sinner. Con-, found it, I’ve kicked over a pail of the stuff! If the women folks ain’t house cfeaning!” The Captain gave an indignant con temptuous sniff as he surveyed the desolate scene. “ What comfort a female can find in turning things upside down, and deluging the house with soap and water twice a year, I can’t imagine. Carpets all up floors damp —curtains torn down —-not one familiar object to greet a fellow’s eyes af ter a twelve, month’s absence from home. Heigh ho ’ I think I’ll light a cigar.” Which he did, and began to smoke and meditate. There was a rustle and tripping foot-tall on the stairs. The Captain took out his cigar and listened. ' “ That’s Minny,” he said to himself. “ Mamma doesn't dance up stairs like that.” He arose, and leaned against the door casing as the dancing feet came nearer and nearer. How his heart beat as the fire- light shone upon a merino dress and a little white apron on the threshold. And the next moment he had caught the slight form in his arms and was showering kisses on cheek, and brow, and lips and hair. “ Caught for once, Miss Minny ?” he exclaimed. That to pay you for presu ming to clean house without my permis sion 1 No, your’re not going to escape.” Such a piercing scream as she rewarded his fraternal demonstration with! Carl Silver let go her waist and retreated against the wall with a faint idea- of breaking through the lath and plaster, and hiding himself in the general ruin. For, as truly as he stood there quaking in his regimentals, the voice was not that of his sister Minny, but Kate Meriam!” “ How dure you 1” she ejaculated, with crimson cheeks and quivering lips. “ I’ll ring the bell and call the servants if you don’t leave the house this instant!” “ Upon my word, I’m not a burglar or assassin 1” pleaded Carl, recovering his self-possession in a measure, as; he saW Kate’s breathless terror! “It was so dark I could’nt see your face, “and I thought it was my sister Minny. Don’t you know me, Miss Meriam —Captain Silver “ You are an imposter,” said Kate, with spirit, “ Captain Silver is with the Army of the Potomac.” “ No, lie is not, he’s here,” urged Carl. “ How shall I prove that lam myself ? Kate I ‘Miss Meriam * For she had sunk on the floor and be gun to cry. He knelt beside her with a. rough attempt at comfort. • “ No,” she gobbed, “ only —only I was so frightened x The little trembling blue-eyed thing! Carl Silver had never seen her in tears before. No shy assumption of dignity no w—no royal airs—only brown; dis hevelled hair. Ho was the braye one now—how natural it seemed to clasp the tiny palms in his own strong hand ! ; “ Kate, dearest, I love you! With my whole heart, Kate. Nay, do not be so frightened—l would die to save you a moment’s terror! Only tell me that; your heart is mine' And when the tears were dried, leaving the eyes like drenched violets, and the cheeks flushed brightly, Carl Silver had leaW and license to keep one fluttering little hand in his and he knew he was an accepted lover. “ But where are my mother and sister’” he asked at length. “ And what is the solution of this strange riddle !” | “ Don’t you know,” > laughed Kate, “ they do not live here aiiy more 1” “ Not live here . “ Have you Jbrgotten that yesterday was the first of May? We occupy the house now, papa and aunt Millicent, and I.” Ohoquoth Captain Silver, “so they have moved, and ! never to hear of it. Upon my, word they treat me pretty coolly.” ■■ \ ■ “ Ah, but you would have heard of it,” said Katej “ if you had staid quietly in ! camp to get your letters, instead of roving over the country without a word of warn- j ing to your friends.” > “Give me one more kiss, and I’m off j to seer, them. One more, my betrothed wife. Does it not seem like a dream 1” ' “ And you are my soldier now,’” whis pered Kate, playing with the gold buttons of his coat with tremulous tigers. “ Mine [independent in i to send out into the battle-field, to dream i of and pray for Carl, I have always re joined that 1 had no gift for my country, i now I can give my best and dearest to aid i her cause.” “ Spoken like a soldier’s wife, Kate,” said Silver, with kindling eyes, “If you but knew how much better we rough men fight for knowing that woman’s love and woman’s prayers enshrine us wi*h a golden, unseen army —nonsense 1 I’m getting sen timental. Good night.” So there was three surprises that May evening—one for Kate Meriam, (wouldn’t you have heen surprised, Mademoiselle, to be caught and kissed in thei dark, and never know who the kisser was ?),one for Captain Silver (a very agreeable one though), find the old’original surprise, if we may term it, for bis mother and sister. And Carl has not left off congratulating himself that his “ leave of absence ” hap pened to fall in the migratory month of May. For if he hadn’t blundered into Miss Merfam’s house and kissed her by mistake, thereby bringing matters pre cipitately to a focus,: probably to this day he never would have| mustered courage to tell her of his love. ; And when the gulden armadaS ’of the autumn leaves float down the. forest brooks, arid the blue; mist of Jndian Sum uner warps the hills in dreamy light, Carl Silver is coming back to seal Kate Mcriain’s destiny with a wedding ring. Next to being a ! bride herself, every good-looking young woman likes to be a bride’s maid. Wedlock is thought by a large proportion of the blooming sex to be contagious, and much to the credit of their courage, fair spinsters are not all afraid; of catching it. Perhaps the theory that the affection is' communicated by contact is correct. Certainly we have known one marriage to lead to another, and sometimes to such a series of “ happy events” as to favor the belief that matrimony, as John Van Buren might say, “Tuns like the cholera.” Is there any book entitled “Rules for Bridesmaids,.” in secret circulation among young ladles ? It seems as if there must be, for all the pretty bench-women act pre cisely alike. So far as official conduct is con cerned, when you haye seen one bridesmaid you'have Seen the whole fascinating tribe. Their leading duty seems to be to treat the bride as “ a victim led with garlands -to the sacrifice.” They consider it necessary to exhort her to “ cheer up and stand by.” It is assumed by a poetic fiction, that she goes in a state of fearful trepidation to the altar, and upon the whole would rather not. Her fair aids provide themselves with pungent essences, lest she should faint at ihe’“ trying moment,” which.—between you and us, reader, jshe has no more idea of doing than she hjis of flying. It is true she sometimes tells them that she “ feels if she should sink into the earth,” and thus they respond “ poor dear soul,” and apply the smelling bottle ; but she goes through her nuptial martyrdom with great fortitude, nevertheless. x In nine cases out ■of ten the bridegroom is more “ flustered” than the fragile and lovely creature at his side; but nobody thinks of pitying him, poor fellow ! All sympathy, compassion, interest, is concentrated upon the bride, and if one of the groomsmen does recom mend him to take a glass .of wine before the ceremony, to steady Ills nerves, the advjce is given superciliously—as who should say “ what a spoony you are, old fellow.” ; I to.] BRIDESMAIDS. Bridesmaids may be considered as brides in what the lawyers call the “ inchoate ” or incipient state. [ They are looking for- Ward to that day bf triumphant weakness when it shall be their turn to bo “ poor, dear, creatured,” and Preston salted, and otherwise sustained! and supported as the law of nuptial pretenses directs.. Let us hope they may not be disappointed. A Dime for a jKiss.—A traveller near the close of a weary day’s drive over a lonely and a mud<jy road, came to a little log cabin in the!forest, and asked for h drink. A young i woman supplied his wants,' and afterwards, as she was the first woman he had seen for several days, he offered her a dime for a kiss. It was duly taken and paid for, and the young lady, who had never seen a dime before, looked at it with some curiosity, then asked what she should do with it. Ho replied, what she j chose,-as it was hers. “If that’s the case,” said she, “ you may take it back and give me another kiss!” Yankee Scientifies. —Mr. Eliphalet Stabbs, a real live! Yankee from Connecti cut in exhibiting his Patent Back action Spanker, thus scientifically describes it: “ On being, attached to a baby of any' age, it (the spanker,) watches oyer .it like a mother, makes it to desist from swaller ing thimbles, marbles and three cent pieces, pins, or any other food unsuited to its stomach; compels it to go deep whoa it doesn’t want to j and if somewhat older, it sees that it keeps its. band off the sugar bowl and jam pots; besides making it keep its face dean —and all by the power ' of its back action.’’ ,? j v.i, : SOCIETY. Society is a horrible fellow. He is composed partly of pretty good fellows, but take him altogether he is bad. Mod ern social philosophers are of this opinion, and of course they know. The only way to mend ihe rascal, some of them tell us, is to pull him to pieces, and put him together again, on an entirely new plan, the scamp you see, is wrongly constituted, and always has been, although wo have only recently found it opt. If you look at him you will remark that lie is made up of a lot of selfish sub-organizations called households, each of; which loves itself better than all the World and his wife besides. This is a fearful evil—-it prevents “ fusion,” “ oneness of purpose,” and all that sort of thing, j How can you expect a concern to work well that is made up of independent fragments'? segre gation is ruin of us. Here are millions of separate domestic bundles knotted up with such ridiculous ligatures as matrimo nial, filial and fraternal ties! Open them and mix the contents indiscriminately ■ to gether. That’s the way to remodel So ciety ! At present he is a Wretch that it would be gross flattery to pall a criminal of any one particular class, inasmuch as he is a conglomerate of all criminals and responsible for: all crimes. He ought to be hung —no' not hung, reconstructed. To be sure.the Bibl© recognizes the laws by which he is governed, and the patri archs, prophets and evangelists, only wished to reform his faults, not to dcmol- ish him, and set up a Godless experiment in his stead—but then the Bible is a very old book and the personages referred to had old fashioned notions, and this you know, is the age of Progress. Josh Billings on Shanghais.—The shanghi reuster is a gentile and speaks in a forrin tung- He iz hilt on piles like a Sandy Hillcrane. If he had bin bill with 4 legs, he wud resembul the Peruvian lama. He iz not a game animal, but quite often comes off sekund best in a ruff and tumble file; like the injuns kant stand civilization, and are fast disappearing. Tha roost on the ground similar tew the mud turkle. Tha often go tew sleep standing, and smri time* tha pitch over, and when tha deW, tha enter the \ ground like a pickaxe. There food cohsis ov corn in the ear. Tha crow: like 1 a Jackass troubled with broonskeesucks. i Tha will eat as much tew onst as a district skule master, and ginerally sit down rite oph tew keep frum tipping over, \ Tha are dredful unhandy tew cook, yu karit git them awl into a potash kittle to orist. The female reuster lays an egg as big az a kokernut, and iz sick for a week afterwards, and when she hatches out a litter ov young shanghis she has tew brood them standing, and then kant kiver up 3 ov them, the rest stand around on the outside, like boys around a drkus tent, gittin a peep under the kan vass whenever tha can. The man who fust brought the breed into this country ought few own them all and be obliged tew feed them on grasshopper, caught bi hand. I never owned but one and he got choked tu deth bi a kink in a clothes line, but not until he had swallowed 18 feet ov ;Not any shanghi for me if you please ; I ivonld rather board a traveling kolpor ter, and as for eating one, give me a biled owl rare dun, or a turkee buzzard, toasted hole, arid stuffed with a pair ov injin rub ber boots but not any shanghi for me not any shanghi! Travelling in the Desert. —The mode of travelling in the Desert has so often been described, that 1 need do no more than add my tribute to its charms. There Is no life to be compared to it; the air you breathe is an elixir, i In the De sert we learn for the first time! what hunger really is, and what depths of repose its fatigues can open to ps. The Arabian heaven is indeed “poured upon our nights,” and although the Arabian sun during the day may be a little too hot, yet the deli cious coolness of the eveningatones for the previous frizzle. Every incident, however trivial, is an excitement.! A strange Arab, on his swift dromedary* is seen in the horizon, perhaps a spy from a hostile tribe —faint hopes of a skirmish, and a careful looking to pistols and fire-arms ; a group of stunted shrubs indicating tlie presence of some “diamond of the Desert the comfortable encampment in the eve ning, so home-like that one leaves the very chicken bones the next morping with re gret. AH is delightful, strange, new, and exhilarating ; and I sit down again-by my fire with a deep feeling of thank fulness that I have experienced the delights of Eastern travel. j Don’t Know, Much. —A; certain green customer, who was a stranger to mirrors, and who Stepped into the cabin of one of our ocean steamers, stopping in front of a large: pier glass Which he took for a door, he said: “ I say, mister, when does this boat start?” Incensed at pie still, silent figure, he broke out: “Go to thunder! you darned shock-headed bull calf, ypd don’t look is though yqd knilwed yeiy muck, j”, , .W' EDITORS A&Dri A Pakis Incident. —A young boy 1 of sixteen years of age was brought before the police court, Paris, charged with steal ing and begging in the public streets.. He was a bright,' fine looking boy but wry poorly clad, and when brought before the judge, he fell upon his knees and begged him not to put him in prison;. that his mother was : very sick and starving, and that alone had driven him to steal: that he could not dud, work, and it he.was im prisoned, the disgrace would kill his poor mother. .The judge seemed somewhat moved at the boy’s story, but he neverthe less, after hearing the evidence, condemned him to six week's imprisonment. As the boy was being led away, a poor ’woman, pale, covered with rags, and her hair in disorder, forced her way through the crowd, and tottering up to the boy", passed one arm around him, and then turning to the judge, pushed back her long black hair, and exclaimed, “ Do you not recognize me i Thirteen years have passed since you deserted me, leaving me with my child and shame ; but 1 have not forgotten you, and this boy whom you have just condemned is your son.” You may imagine the effect this an nouncement produced on the bystanders. The judge in a loud voice, ordered the woman to be carried from the court, and then left himself, but joined the poor creature in the street, and carried her and her boy otf'in a carriage.— Ex. g The renowned Josh Billings, whose opinions on financial sis well as moral apd political matters are worthy of “awl con siderashun,” has prepared the “follerin ex planashuns from original resipes” concern ing the question of revenue : A—“ Spirits of just men made perfect” don’t cum within the whisky bill. B—“ Spirits of the damned” tire con-—- structed the same as damnable spirits, and must pay the highest whiskey rates. C —Tax oh “undressed poultry” doubled —the morals Of the country seem to re quire it. N D—Bologna' sassage, in part dorg and part red flannel, must pay the duty on flannels also. E—Awl tabakker (unles the manufac turer diskriminates what is new and what is old chaws), is elevated 50 per cent. F—Ministers of the gospel, who don’t dew oyer §1,500 worth of business a year are exempt. A gentleman’ lately overheard the following conversation between a .man and a woman who appeared as though they had just returned from a pleasure trip to. some of the out of town resorts: , Woman—“ Blow me, Bill, how tired I feel! lam as miserable, too, as a starved cat. What a miserable world this is! I wish I’d never been born, I wish myself dead again! Man —“Why, Bet, whafs the riraUpr with you now I What are yon grumbling about ?” Woman. “Why,, don’t I tell ypr I’jn as miserable as a rat.”— Man —“Miserable, indeed ! Why, what on earth would yer have? You was drunk on Monday, and you was drunk again on< Wednesday, and I’m blest jif that isn’t pretty near enough pleasure for yer, I e don’t know what is. I s’pose you wants , to be a downright hangel here upon the earth!” SQuA humorous old gentleman once fell in with an ignorant and rather imper tinent minister, who proceeded to inform the former, in very positive terms, that he never would reach Heaven unless ne was born again, adding—“l have experieirced that happy change, and npw feel no anx- icty.” “And have you really been born again?” said the old man, musingly. “Yes, I have” was the reply. “Well,” said the'old man, eyeing him attentively, “it all right, but—l don’t think it would hurt you to be born once more l” Anpunso to Pbowjce “ Change.”— Thip medicine,” said Dr. Squills, “after having been taken a few days, will pro duce the change desired.” “ What ?” exclaimed the thunderstruck patient, “ you don't say so, doctor ?” “ It’s a fact sir,” said the doctor, “ The science of medicine has now reached r” “ Well,” said the patient, interrupting . him, “it is wonderful! If you’d said ‘ postage stamps, doctor, I wouldn’t have ; slid anything; butlhe ‘ desired change,’ ■ ‘doctor, it seems oapossible!” The doctor bod to take, the patient, in hand. ’ i ■ i;< - • ®* Pat was employed at 'a furn*C(4 He was ordered to take the two-wheeled cart with the oxen, and draw Some iron to , a particular spot and dump it He brought, r the load to the place designed, and ; after > gesticulating wilifly to his meek* ; claiiried f “ Rare up! rare up! ye hasten and throw the load overboard,” Cr The coal fields ofPennsylvmiia have yielded ,<>n an S honsof |hehllf*ttT*t«»ptl*.wr NO. 36