4 Estate T SALE. SR OFFERS, AT L l.i Butch J v>bn wyae iuu *Ua* 6tmxAl(ooo^evutaUlag JCRES, U under good fence and in a the balance well timbered f. 4 boo) 20 acre* of thd ► beat quality. There la ha he improvement* are B-BOABDJSP HOUSE, Wuadhome. gmnkfrboOM «o 4 root; ud verjr cooveniwit. BARN, i, eoro-cr(tvlcwhou» ud til ft, making ft tltogeUwi «a» of lbscountry. It fi well catet* tea 6it*d oj> for tbe purpuw. ot at a pric. which will brief 3.3. r an *cre of ground titaata la Itmma. Tb« Route ’» 4ouUe* >m«. On the I t are a BUu*h~ »!«, WAgoD-ahed, oDtl til the • required about • butchery. 3.3. aod half lot of ground, situate u The Route contain*-tbraa tc.aud four room* ou Meoad ajt ol the town. 3.4. f ground' situate in London** tel. The House is * tvo-sfcwy with choice fruit tree*. .5. ;{ ground. ejtnate on Rebsces is ttfo-slory frame with i three oil wound floor, s now rent at a price which valuation. ail ut a>.-se properties, aaexten ahich to make |taynienta My v property in this vicinity is to iio not wish the tniubletof look* m borne, «>r to h*v« property arc. For these reasons I wIU C. R. SINK i. of X. America, DELPHI A. 1. CIIAUTKK I*KRHKTOAXr. ~- SETS OVER $1,600,000. lADE OX BUlLD roitbre ami Personal Property ■. for short jcr long |*erioda. <• Dwelling and Contents, and .Slone Dwellings taken .'Hus to the insured. •1 ami prußiptly paid. KCTORS Bi'Welth,' Francis R. Cope, it £'. Brown, Kdward 11. Trotter N. Diwkson, Edward S. Clarke, is Waiu, '\ ill’m Cummings, iason, T. Chariton Henry. L. Harrison. HOR G. COFFIN, President. Votral Agent .for Pennsylvania. lt.x>na. Agent far Blair Cohuty. ilidaysburg. [Oct. 15. *64*ly. OTOGrRAPH^ ES FROM tOTVPES. CARD OAGUERBEOTrPES. ail kinds of Weather. ES OF GASES IGBAFHS IN ALL THE f ;nt styles AT VINE'S CLABACGITS BVJLDISQ. WARE I WAR S J. MANN. 'OREIGN AND DQ- WARK, BROOMS, WINDOW SHADWL DOOR MAIS, INSING 8, COFFIN TRIMMING*, AND WIRE GOODS, WINDOW GLASS, iC„ *O. f Go'kU in hit line wIU low for ca*h. DRV GOODS on band will bt >v price®, in. order to rtUaqttMk ie graph Fodder Cutter.** HE Academy OPENED ON Oct. 12,1864, TERM OF ONTHS. ics usnally unght in Sadi it in this. C. WILSON, Principal. cy Trustees. OK'S NOTICE.—Ths ukeo oat Letter* of Admlfcl*’ lAliana Wayne, late of AlWoo** B state of Peoo»lvsbfit,'d«« i rni T W Hull was chosen Prest been erected. Col. L. H i dent of the meeting, assisted by vtce » L each of the townships. After the o.gamza liu„ of the meeting i: was announced that Franks ‘own hod won the prise flag, by having the largest delegation of voters in the procession. Thts an nouncement was received with loud cheers. The flag was then presented by Dr. Wm K. Findlej.in a neat si,Bo, which he at once paid, lie then to beeven, i turned to the Presidqiit ofiCouncil and made him bring suit against the-Democrat who had posted the Chief Burgess notice over the i>ostor for the Union mass meeting; therely ; defacing it. The Squire having decided 1 the first case a defacing of the circular, was compclle i 10 decide the latter a defacing of the posteriknd the Democrat was mulct- ed in a like sum of $3,00; fine and costs, amount ing to $6,80. As Cadi ;of the jmrties fined will receive from the Council the sum of $5 00, as re ward for detecting the other, they are each out of pocket only $l,BO and the Squire and Constable are into pocket $3,60. “ Its an ill wind that t.lows nobody good.” Dead.— William ISottenberg, a member of Co. D. 13th Pa. Cavalry, died at the hospital at An napolis, Md„ on the 2d inst. He was taken prisoner, some and, while confined and starved in the loathsome prisons of Uichmond, was attacked witlf; chronic diarrhrea, from the effects of which he tiled ih a few days after being paroled. The following lines have been handed us with the announcement of his death : “ Dearest husband, thou bast left us, Can we sec Thee here no more ; Thou hast. leftliihU world of sorrow,' For that hriyhr'and shining shore. ■•Gone, and now Oar bond is broken ; Gone, but now he lives on high; We will meet you there, our loved one, Meet you th-bre, to part no more.’’ Another.— We learn that the wife of George Dougherty, of this: place, has received information that he died, a short time since, in one of the rebel prisons, at Ulelijnond. The information was brought by a prisoner who was with him and who has since been exchanged, or'paroled. His disease was chronic diarfhh'ft, superinduced by starvation and exposure. Howusof a dedicate constitution, and of course not able to stand Abe inhuman treat ment received in the slaughter-pens about Rich mond. He leaves.,a wife and two children. Riot in Tyrone. —We, leam that a riot, sup j posed to have grown out of polities, occurred at | Tyrone, on Tuesday evening last. We have not | the particulars farther than that several persons | were badly Seatenand some two Or three shot, one : n the arm and another in the heel. Family Courtesies .— ln the family the law of pleasing ought to extern! from the highest to the lowest. Von are Imnml to please your children ; ami your children nre bound to please each other; and you are bound to please your servants, if you expect them to please you. Some men are pleas ant in the household. and nowhere else. I have known soch men. They were g;«d fathers and kind husbands. If you had seen them in their own house vou would have though: that they \aere an gels, almost ; but if you had seen them in the street, or in the store, or anywhere vise outside of the house, you would have them almost demoniac. But the opijosite it, opt to be the ease. When we are among our neighbors or among strangers, we hold ourselves with self-respect, and endeavour to act with propriety ; but when wc get home we say to ; ourselves, " I have played a part long enough, and am now going to be natural." So we si; down, and me ugly, and snappish, and blunt, 1 and disa greeable.. We lav aside those thousand little courtesies that make the roughest boor smooth, i that make the hardest things like velvet, and that make life pleasant. We expend all onr 1 politeness in places were it will lie profitable—where it will bring silver and gold. The Eikotion. —The election passed off ex- ceedingly quietly in this place, on Tuesday last, j There appeared to he fewer drunks and less noise ; during the day than usual on such occasions. i the returns show, the Democrats gained some 40 ; votes in the North and West W ards. Over this i they became a little jubilant. The centre of i attraction, after seven o'clock, was the telegraph ! office, and the centre of poise, in the “wav of j cheering, was the club room of the Union jnirty, to which place all despatches received woo. immo dmtelv carried. The news being ra'-her-one-sided, the Union party had all die noise to themselves. As usual, the members of the successful party re joice unanimously, and those ot the deteated pattv take it cooly and humorously, or look sour and speak crossly, just as their dispositions incline them. It is best, always, for the successful party to exercise magnanimity, and the friends ot the defeated candidate to act philosophical!' . >euiousey- Injure!'.-- Frank Coli. an engiheer on ttie Penn'a U. K., .between this place ami Pitts burgh, was seriously hurt, on Monday last, hy jumping from his engine, in the neighborhood of Johnstown. .It appears that he was following a liain and, on rounding a short curve in the road, the flagman of the forward train gave him signal to stop, lie saw that tin-, train »», hut a short distance al-.ead, and fearing that he would run into it he reversed his engine and jumped off, but nn- fortunately rolled hack on the track, where lie was run over* by a car and one of his legs cut off. He was brought to his home, in this place, where he - fieceived medical attention and is now tioiug its \vnll as could Unexpected, ISTEKIOTtNG TO the Ladies. — K. A. O. Kerr has just returned from New York with a large and beautiful assortment of h.dies dres goods, of the latest styles/ embracing every color and quality. Kerr cannot he outdone in his selections for the ladies and they flock in upon him for their fine goods. Call early and view his stock. List OF Lettkus remaining uncalled for in the Altoona Post office, Nov. 4th, 1864 : Bateman. T Livingston, J W Booze, Daniel Minmece. Con. 1 Burkhimcr, Charles Moore, A J Bukstresser, L Moore, 1 Brown, Henry ' Moore, A A Bcigle, Miss Jane Miies, James Boyles, Mollie 2 Mdler, John Brooks, Margaret ; Meitru, 1 hos » Baver. Crist Maddoek. W m Brown, Charles Martin, U N Bender, Geo. Mdes, J"*®" * Bell Harriet Moyer, Her George Badger, Dan G Moyer, Barbara Burke.-Ed H 1 Mooi, J t Cat L-v, Mrs C ! Miles, Martha Coleman, E F '■ McCuUsy-Maggie Crowin, Timothy . McCormick, -) ■ Carroll, Maggie , MeMikels, Mrs John Campbell, Mrs M A j Meidech, Molite M Christy, Henry | Nagiev, CL Cochran, Wm ; Ncidiek, Ghiis I Carpenter, 8 8 , Nightwjnc, Lizzie Curomus, S M. ; Bierce, Frtmk Dougherty, James ; Paul, Jos J Divan, J B j Richardson, Jos Dollahon, Mrs S ; liliineliart, b G Dick, Thompson [ Khnle, Robert Drieshoeh, James ; Smith, Mr Frai'h, John I Storm, Mary A . Fleck, A L 2 : Lawrence, George Fleck. Mahlon ; Smith, Rev A Fitzgerald, Morris j Shuglcr, Carl Gray, Znne L 2 | Smith, Rev A B Goiirgan, Thos C 3 Slocum, N J Gorlov, SA Stull. Mary A Goodfellow, David ( Stevens, « Haves, Joseph | Stewart. J « lluhti. Henry 2 , bmilov, Mrs L L Hoffman, Mrs M ! Snowden, Miss or Mrs Hook, Miss F E 1 Strugcr, Lizzie Hihhs, Jos 2 i Smiley, Hamc Hewitt, Robert ) Stanton, Dana Hnmlir, Mrs S j Smith, H-> rlorl Hatch. Harvey V. 1 Smiley. Mis* Cal Hall, Maggie’ s j Stcwiirt, John L Hunter, Wm ' l Swan, Mary Hoffman, Thos j Tilton, Amos Hannan, John Thornburg, Maty G Hoffman, David Tiler, 11 G > Huntley, Carra E Temp e, W m Hite. Chrisiianna lenipleton, Lstner Igo, Janies | Taylor, Win 2 Kensuger, Niven ! Vaniant. Carrie H Kenscly, Charles j \Vo«’. the mn* intporUnt. m well « .Drug Store. i?or sale cheap tor cash at tut tr jfl, llK articles of* pnHlcmft.j’s ward robe;*!*.: \ Store of A. UoUSH, i-ioe 01“ th and Cue>slmef« Coat*, ail qualities and price*. Second door from the corner of’Virginia and -1 "‘, Cttssinl , ro Pan ;. - Annie Streets, Altoona. .j.- ancv oMiwm and Satinctt Pants, all stylos. ,, , J •• Jiml Lim*u ' “ “ ’* Fire: Firk ! J-Lonot rid. your, pretty rev p longer to the mercy of the flame*, but go to Ke.r A and have him insure you against loss nr fire. 1 an*iiendeiaand Hosiery, also the best and cheapest assort- He is agent for thirteen different companies me* of among width arc some of the best in the Umted State*. . I them In erery I’^u'ar Altofina, July 21.-* 1 Altoona, Hot. UthiB64.-tt A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while raMte lo South America *•• missionary, discovered aaailivaud simple remedy for tbo Cure ol Nervous VVcskoem, K»rly Decay, Disease* of the T.'rin'uy uud Seminal Orgiiu*, and the whole train of die orders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Oreat numbers have been already cured by tins noble remedy.— Piompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortu nate, I w ill send the recipe for preparing and uaieg Ibla medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it. AVer “J Charye. n inclose a post-pud envelope, addressed to youraelf Address. Oct. 29. ISdJ —l v TOBIAS’ x DU. VENETIAN LINIMENT. A CURTAIN CUKE FOR PAINS ijL AN i> ACM RS, and warranted superior to any other. CToup it positively cuv**s ; relief is absolutely stiro lmnu w dintely it is q-w>l. Mothers remembnr this, ami arm your -Belv«M with al’Ottl* without delay. Croup is a disease which give* no notice. frequently attacking the child In the dead b.«ur w! night: before h physician can I* ►uni moued it may be too late. Remember, the enetian Lini ment-never lulls. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Sold by all l>i uggitas. Offjce. 66 Ortlnnut Street, New-Tork- Presidential Candidates! —A splendid colored Engra ving of Gtoiuik; U. McClellan and Abraua* Lincoln, (on one plate,; will Ik* sent to any address, ou receipt of two threv-ceut Bt&iups to pay postage. Address Dr. W. B. MERWIN A CO., «>3 Liberty Street, ‘Ncw-York. HAIL ROAD AND MAH SCHEDULE. WESTWARD. Pittsburg & ErieExprena arrives 0.30 A. M..,leaves 6.50 A.M. ILulinutiu *• “ <-5o “ w 5 Phiutdt-lV *’ •* 5.50 •• “ 9.1 a “ Mail Train 7.40P.M. '* 7.53 P.M. Kni-t Line " 5.50 ** 9-I'* Emigrant Train “ 3-W ** 0.40 ‘ eastward. Fust Mail Tivuj ‘ arrive7.&U A. M.. leaveaS.lo A.M, Harris* 1 Accuamioilutiou * 4 I* M., ** Pittsburgh & Kr»«Kxpicsi*t»o<> rh.Kuldi.UuL •• .Liu •• iK-iO • Fust Urn* ’’ Trains ob (lolUduyoburg Branch ruu to connect with RiUtiiimru Ex reus, Philadelphia Express and Mail Tram Westward. and Fast Mail, llarrisbuig Accomm-datiou and Pittsburgh k Erie Espree* Train Eastward. Trains on Tyrone £ Clearlkdd Branch run to connect with Mail Train West ami Pittsburgh £ trio Express Train Ka-»t. and connect from Pittsburgh £ Erie Express Train West and Fast Mai* East. Trains on Bald Eagle Valley K. R. run to connect with East Mail and Pittsburgh £ E.ie Express Train Hast and Mail Train West, Hudo«*nne> t Iron* Fast Mail Train East. Mail Train We; and Pittsburgh £ Erie Express' Trains East ond West. Trains on Ehensbnrg k Cresson Branch run to connect with Fast Mini and Harrisburg Accommodation Trains r.ast. Mail Train West and Pittsburgh £ Erie Express Traiii East and West. Trui js on Indiana Branch run to connect with lUrri» burg Acc aumodat ion Truitt East aud Pittsburgh £ Erie Express Train West. AltooNa, Nov. 13th, 1861, MAILS AItIUVE. Washington. Baltimore £ Harrisburg arrive at 7;55. A.M. Philadelphia arrives at ... - 8:00, *• Pittsburgh, {through,) * •' * * ~ Uoilidaysbnrgh. - 1 :3o, A.M. * o:o0, P.. 1. Went* ru Way, - - - . . A..-1 Eastern Waj. i:TO, P.jd, M AILS CLOSE. K:»stfrn Way uml through, ..... 7.^) t A.M. \S't*-t‘*rii Way »iul through, * ‘ noiiiiinyftbiirpl). - * - ( ;30 A. M, t t|4n. I. M- Western, through, ti through, • • * * * * AkW* Office hours from fi:4s, A.M., .to t :46, P.M.; on Sui.» from 7:45 to 8:45, A.M. DIED. At Washington. D. C.. Mr. LEMUEL M. BEALE, of the I3tli IM. Cavalry, aged IS yeirs, 5 mouths and 22 days. ,I IIe nlwps lx hihtslecpi JU- Imk his last battle, No buoml t?hull aw.ine Lim to glory again.* 4 DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—No tic is hereby given Unit letters of Administration on the e lute of Anna Love, late of la gan township, Blab county, deed., have been gran ed to the undersigned residing in Altoona. All persons knowing themselves in dehted to said estate are requested to make Immediate n'vment. and those having claims will present the Mine without delay, duly authenticated fur srttleroenl. JACOB lllN.Rs Nor.lilStU—Cl* Administrator. iDM INISTK ATOR’S NOTIC K.—No iVilco.ii hereby given that letters of administration on tlie estate of Isabella Glasgow, lute of Wan Townshtp. u\ , ir county, de. 'cl., have Wn granted to the undersigned, re-idinsurt aforesaid. All perron* knowing themselves in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay iiicnt and those having claims will present the same with* out aa.gr, duly ■>Jov. 12th. 1801—6t.l j FIRST ARRIVAL OF HATS AND CAPS, FOR THE FALL ANp WINTER SEASON. I TAKE PLE ASURE in informing my 1 frieuiis ....I the public f ‘hat I h«ve returarf from the Eh*t where I purchased a >L\V AND kASIIIOM I ABLE stock of I HATS AND CAPS, which I relucted With cure. It,embrace "cry' color, shape and quality, with th« view of accommodating all I have also pnrehas d a largo stock oi ' BOOTS Sc SHOES. I | , - My assortment of .Ladies' and 1 children's shoes are mostly of city male- and can be guar stuck of Men's and Boy’s B*»ot n I« large and varied. I have also a fine assortment «>f LADIES’ AND MISSES’ FURS, - cmhraciiift all styles, sizes and qualities, all of which J_ 'offer at a small advauc- on wholesale prices. Thankful to the puMic (nr ihe paironnge heretofore heetowou, 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the same JAMES S. MANN. . November 12,1804.—tf THE LAST VICTORY! HIGH PRICES DEFEATED 1 ! GODFREY WOLF AHEAD Of ALL COMPETITION! THE I CHEAPEST CLOTHING STORE IN THE COUNTY, IS ON THE CORNER OF Caroline-* Main Sts., altoona. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Atofiott Z). Bif/U Uouh* New York City- A. M. G.W. PATTON, P.M. HAPORTANTtoFEHALES IMPORTANT TO FEMALES- DR. CHEESEMAX’S PILLS. The combination of ingredients Id thew Pills is the re sult of a long and extensive practice. They «ro mild in their operation, and cannot do harm to the rnost.d-licato; certain in correcting nil irregularities, Paininl Menstrua lions, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, fMiln in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics, fktigue, pain in the back and limbs. Ac., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. pH, CHEKSEMANS pills was the commei cement of a hew era in tho treatment of irregularities and obsu actions which have consigned so manv to a pamtaVta* aaavi. No female can eiyoy health uulf.'.H sh« i» regular, and whenever an obstruction Ukes place the general health begin* to decline. The** IMI- form the Jineit preparation ewr wun IMMEDIATE and PERSISTENT SUWDB«SS>-«i-DON 1 BE DECEIVED-Mr Take till* te jnnr Druggist, and t-lllum that you mint (Ac R ELI MILE FEMALE MEDICINE JA THE WORLD, which i* comprised in three Pilta. DR. CIIEESEMAN-S FILLS have been a Standard Remedy for over thirty year*, and are the most effectual otio ever known for all complaints peculiar to Female*. TO, all ch.».e* they are iuv-luable, induciny. with (erlainty,~{iertodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who have used them at different period*! throughout the country, haring the sanction of the miwt smraent*n . Ffplicit directions. stating when they should not fr usta, with each Box— the Price One JJdlarper Box , or 6 Boxes for $5, containing from 50 to 60 Bills. \ Pill- <*><( by matt, promptly, aecure from .f^rrOfS TS' remitting .to the Broprietois. AO/*i> DRVGvJ&Ta G/iAiil ' l,lZ llijTCUlSG3 * HILLYER. Proprietors, SlCwlarSt., New Yolk. Sold in Ilollidaysburg by i. U Patton. Sold In Tyrone by S. Berlin. Sold in Huntingdon by Jofin Read. hold in Altoona by all Druggists. Nov. 12.1861—1 y STRENUTU TO TUB WKAIiJ yoUTU TO TUB AGED ! I / . bkTkiTene, f OR f LIFE REJU VENATpR. This-preparation is unequalled as a ReJUTonator and and Restorer of wiurted or iuert fmictioo#. ; The aged should be certain to make the bmkrene a househoU gmi. iimanmch as it will reuder them yoiithlul ill feeling and in strength, ami enable them I (o>« yver again the days of tlieir pri“tme joy. It not only exhilarates hut strength ns. and is really “ H J especially to those w ho have been reduced loa Condition o. -ervllltyf self abuse, misfortune, or ordinary ”” matter what the cause ol the impotence of any hums organ. Ibis superb preparation will remove the effect at onct* uud Pnvver. BIOKRENE Cure* Ini potency, General Debility. &TofMwi <>t Oe'ueratimf. til who lire in mi r way prostrat-d by nervous. disebilltle areearmuitly wlvhxnl to «et* a cure in this meet excelleu. and unequalled preparation- . . Natura l Persons who. by impendence, hare lost their narurai Vigor, will find a speedy and permanent cute in the BIOKRENE. ■ : , The Feeble, the Languid, the Dispairing. the Old shim d give thin valuable discovery a trial; it will hc Miul Uitallj uifferent from all oth.r articles for the same punmse. f relief in W* with the first dose. A brief persistence m‘“ u " renovate the sto.nach to a degree ef perfeC I uenUu, *u Dyspepsia forever. tan) One Dollar per Dottle, or six Bottles for $?- Sold I by Druggists generally. / Sent by express anywhere by iinures-ing , m UUTOUI-NUB k lIILLTLH. M proprietor** SI Cedar Street. New Yoiki Sold in noUidaysburgby-I. R. Patton. Sidd in Tyrone liy S. Berlin. Sold in Huntingdon by John Read. Sold m Altoona by all Druggists. Nov 12. 1864—1 y CITY DRUG STORE: DK. E. H. REIGART would respect fully announce to the citizens of Altoona and sur rounding country, that he lias recently purchased the Drugstore of Berlin * Co., on Viiglma Street, opposite Fries’ Hardware Store. . _ His Drugs are Fresh and Pure, ind ho hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. .. J ■ _ ' . Call and examine bis stock. Ho has constantly on hand. DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, FJtfE TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMER I”, BRUSHES GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, NOTIONS CIGARS, - and every article utually kept in a First elate Drag Star « PUKE WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal domestic grape wine— pcr&— warranted. PHYSICIANS' PHESORU'TSONS accurately compounded, a all hottrtot the day or night. Altoona, Sept. 30,1863. JOHN HICKEY. CABINET-MAKER UNDEBTAKEB. HAVING PURCHASED THE IN -11 terestof Mr. Cherry in the late ;Srtn,if Hickey 4 Cherry, 1 wnnld respectfully inlorm the public I Intend In continue the business, in the new Cabinet Shop and Fur citur® Ware room, on JULIA STREET, OPPOSITE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. East Altoona, where I will be happy to till all orders in mv line." I have cm hand a good eupply of Furniture Just from Philadelphia, which I offer at the lowest prices for Ca ntecp a hearse, and am prefaced at all time* ia attend uronruly to orders In Undertaking. i ■ f p I will always .keep on hand a good assortment of METALLIC COFFINS. Altoona. Not. 6th 1861—3ra* . • S M. Woodkok. E. J. Osborne. WOODKOK & OSBORNE, Attorneys at Law $ Military Agents, TTTILL attend promptly to all legal boalnea® entrusted W t» their care, in Blair* Cambria and Uuntiugdon “collections for firms in the Eastern; cities will receire speci.l attention, anif remittances be prrnnptly msde. . Bounty. Pensions and asrearn of pay duo from the t. o. will be collected in the shortest powjhle tim*. - Office in Alhxuuu 2 ih>ors Suntb of Port Office. Office in IMUdayeburg, 1 door Wert of Court float*. Sept. 24.18e4.-tr . ! ANDKEW ECKEL, \ DEALER IN Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c., &c., -iunu tirftt. AUoond. .. 4 G ENERAL ASSORTMENT A. of Hoods in his 11ns constantly on hsnd at the lowest cash price*. [Feb. 1,1*68 HOSTETTEE’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pnra and powarfal Tonic, corwctiTa and altmtlTa,** wouderftil efficacy la dlaaaw of tin STOMACH. LITER AND BOWELS. Cured Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, General Debility, Nerrousnesa, Dept'e*ek»n of Spirits, CooetL .atlmi. Colic, Intermittent Fever*, Cramp* and Spasms, and all Complaint* of either Sex, arising from Bvdily Weakness, whether inherent in the »y*tem or produced by special caosee. Noraiaa that is not wholesome, genUl and r<*ldf»thi In lu» nature enters Into the composition of IIOSTKXTBiI*® STOMACH BITTKRS. Th* popular preparation contatu no mineral of any kind; no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant; but it is a combination of the extract* of rare balsamic herb* and plants with the purest and mild* eat ol all diffusive stimulants. It is well to be forearmed against disease, and, so fer.s* the human system can be protected by human mean* against maladies engendered by an uuwholeimihs aim?* sphere, impure water and other external causes, HO6XKT* £¥AV& STOMACH BlXXiiUfi may be relied on M a.safe guard. iu districts infected with Ftver and Ague, it has been ouud Infallible as a preventive a vd irresistible as a reme dy, and thousands who resort tv it under apprehension of au attack, escape the scourge; and thousands aim neglect to avail themselves of its protective qualifies U advance, are cured, by a very brief coiuse of this marvelous meui cine. Fever and Ague put cuts, alter being plu-d with quinine for months m vain, until tniiiy satuialed with Chat dangerous alkaloid, ale Udl nufuquenUy yeslnieUlo ueitfth within a tew days by the use ol Jlvjfcli.lXA.Kfi UlilKUfc. , , ' Ihu weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appe tite restored by tins agreeable lomc, and hence tt w-ukt Woiidei'o: iu cades'of ilYsHuralA ttliu in less conlnmed follu* of JMUOtsTioN. Acting as . gentle ami puiu.es* upper in t, as Weil us upon the liver, it also iumuably relieves ths poNSiiVAiioX huperiudueed by irregular action ol Ihe Ul-. gestive and neoetive oi guns. _ L’ersonsuf feeble i-abil. liable IoA.akiu&s, /•'rtmuturc JMcuy and bebility and becrepi tude arising from ULn Aux, U exen ises the electric influ ence. Iu the convalescent stages ol all disease* It ojorf ales as a debghllul luvigoiaul. When the j-oWers ol na ture are relaxed, it operates to re-«ufoice and re-eatao* ash it. ' . „ , a , Last, but not least, it is The only Safe Sttnttlani. win* manufactured from sound and innocuous matei ials, ana entirely free from the acid element" present more or lets in all the ordiuory tonics and Bhonachics of the day. - No family medicine ha* been so universally, and, it nay bo truly added, tiwrvtdiy popular a lib the InteUlgeUA oortioti ol the community. as HofcTKlTKl»’fi> iHXXKItIi. Prepared by UUfiXr/XTUK A &MIXU, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by all IfruggUts, iirucers and fitoiekceper* «T»ry where. IIELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND FLUID tXXUACT BUCIIU, ft PoriU« nod Spevd Uemedy for discmKßof the BhuklM, ItidUftyVi Gravel and Dropsical Swellings. This Medicine Increases the power of *X* cite# the Akwprheuta into healihy action, by which Ui» Watery or Calcereous depositions, and HlUUrmilural Eft* largetueuts are reduced, as " ell as Pain and Inflammation. HEIJUBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. For Weakness arising from Excesses. Habits of Disslp* tion, Kearly IndHcre.ion of Abuse, attended ftlth thttfol* lowing symptoms*-» ‘ ' Indisposition tj Kxertion, Lons of rt»wer, Loss ol Memory, Difficulty ol Breathluc, Weak N«i ves, ‘ Trembling, Horror «t Disease, . akHntneM, Uixuness ot Vision, Palii tu Ilia Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, a _ Hot Hands, - Flushing of the Body, _ Dryueu ot tho Skin, Eruption* on the fM, 1 ' v Pallid Countenance, These symptoms, if allowed t« go cn, which thte ftrtw* clue invariably removes, soon follows v " Impoltncy* Fiituity, Epileptic Fils; In one of wliicb the Patient may expire. - , Who can say that they are not trequently tollow^fthy those ** Direful Diseases,” “INSANITY * Many are aware of the cause sufieiing. BCTNONB WILL CONFESS TUK RECORDS OF TAB INSAXX AIUOII And Melancholy Doxih* by C6n*umpfum,hear ample wit ness to the Tiuth of the assertion; • ‘ -■ The (.'institution once ajftcttd vith Organic IfeafweM requires the aid of Medicine to StreiiglhvU and Inviolate EXTRACT BCCIIC inranaW, dots. ' A Trial will Convince the most s!i..plic»l. FEMALES—EEALES —FEMALES. : In many Affections peculiar to female* the Eznaef Bocuu hi unequaied by any other renudv. as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Paiuinlneas, 01buppreaeiou ot Customary Evacuat one, Ulcerated orScinbous state o. the Uterus LeuchorrhcEa or Whites, bterllily. aifd for all complaints Inchleut to the sc*, whether arising truth IK Oiscreiiou, Uabits ol Dissipation or In the DECLINE OR CUANUE DC LiEK: i Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleaiatu Meitfim ■ for unpleasant and danyerous diseases. .. trf UELUUuLD’S EXTRACT BUCUO AND IMPROVED RUSE H ASU CURES SECRET DISEASES i In all thflr Stages, At little Expense. Little or no change In Biet. Ro inconvenience. And no Exposure. It causes a frequent decise autl gives sUjstigth U) Ur(- : nato, thereby Removing übmrurih-na, p]eventing end Caring Strictures ot the Urethra,iillaylng Pam aim lußain matlou so frequent in the class of diseases, ami expelling all BiAsonuus, Diseased and vornoul Matter. Thousands won Thousands who «av* piXN IB* TfC tiks or Quacks. and who have isjid heavy fees In bezels red in a sliort time, have found the, were deceived, and that tbe u POISON" has,by the major- »oWrcntA«Tal.\B«iTa,t? been dried up In the system, to break out lu an aggia rated tui m, aud perhaps after Marriage. \ ‘ , Use llKUmou>*B Extract Bccho for all,affect k>n« ac 4 ... di*ea*e*or Hie UUIN AltY OKGA2GS, ml»flh*r exMiw* MAtK or FEMALE, from whatever cause onglbatibg tuf .. uu matter of UuW LUNG STANDING* Diseases of tlbseUntans requires the aid of a IJIURLT* IC. UELMBOLD’S LXTHACT BUCtIU 18 TIIKG«IiAT DIUKETU-\audiscert*iu tohavt the desired effect lo al tt-stfm* for which it i* Htcrn**ent relmbieauti responsible character . Vill ciopauy the medicine. ■ ■ m PRICE *1 PER BOTTLE, OR SIX FOB f«. _ Delivered to any Addraa, aecorely packed from ti °" i>r*rihe Symptom* » ail anaiaimteiittimai , Cnw' CtOAßAsteed! , Addreet lettera for information to. ' i H. B. HELMBOLD, Chetni«. \ 104 Soatli Ti-ntlint.. be I. Cbotttut, fUU UF.LVBOI.D’S UrdicalDtput. UELllßdl.D’:' Drvgavrt Chrmiml tTar-AouM. 51U BUOAWAY, NEW YORK. beware of counterfeits and unprinci pled DEALERS «!»<■ endeavor to ilMpoae “ ; '/■ “ _ “ “• 9nr»*p*i ilia. , * . “ Improved Roi*"With - »nIBBT : ALL DRUOOIFTS MTKaYWnifltK. i ■. j , ASK FOR HJ6LM BOLD’S. Cot oat tIM Advertisement and wiiMnr It ,a and avoid imposition and kXtcIAK V