The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 12, 1864, Image 2

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    ! Capture of Florida. , _ —,., ~,„ 4th . hns A correspondent of the London Morning fo*t
1 intlM ’ll all IT» I iTjmt I■' Bn«TOS Nor B.—THb- Um»d States steamer The Bichrooncl Enquirer of the • \n* tas snvs ,|,., t the I Mvettjiort manilestation "ot tying
■ Kear „ whU . h I<rr - IV ed hue'last .-night, has as two conmittmcHttonr. m H-gao >•; „ n J nn.yingds an old? tuck am-# .he Imlians of
———— - ii, K ,«irtigcrs W. W. Williams, AtMstnm Puviiimskt Haves. One witter, who t- . the northw 8t coast of AnicrkyT- He was travel
‘if «l.c-'Uttifod : Buit-s summer y&chttell, hearer of ilmt the sentiments ol _ the army ar. f ll ‘J. ;; * linK . in Oregohtu 1814 and met «-«rwin lh«mm«
iidesltnu-hnodcMUing the '-ciunifc-tatices attending vor of negro eon.-enptua, to ,I ' l ’ . MeKav, who had h.-en in flic Hudson Boy C<mi-
S V rapture of the pim.e Florida, jo the ,a« of ensnitm .S,.rmg cnnqmgn. He £ puny-/ service. This McKay -0 .ho
, B-.hi-. Bnz’l She nl-o bringsAas prisoners of war von-ohdn.ioii ol - -I store of an adventure of ins some years b--fo,c .
&^etsrf“iin^U' W a,enU bf the the ...Been. «. left ’-There was k earn,, of the Xisqually Indians
l and the tmrgeon ond sixteci. men of the Florida. the H-firotroops. I nl.Haat- ' near ours, and among them was a tamous tmslt-
T The Kearsage left St. -Thomas on the evening hsm Imitelr unutr I ‘ , ‘ . cine mao, or nmjnnir, as you would call -him.
of the 31st ulr. Toe M'uclivx.U was in »-rt wait- oMreedum taring itmucred them lor ih -. T , mt c , wllU u .)l everythin,; that ■> as Being to
in" for coal and the Florida ' oimidu She iHe says that he writes from a sic. . happen Tor a hundred years to come, 1 believe ;so
i alSt h-fr here the ship Vui/ovt Chcsiou. and die «mia the most pixeqierous. aud tout llirenretn 1 determined l<> consult liim. W ell. we
ilrnit wLc .AU. The former 131 days tanner* Irving mljamt. O'vmng more than wen y f<j hU whW| „„ s ni!ule the same
! (Voni llan-OHin pm into the lain m distress, with tbonsand nteres ot. land a-tween them, and from nw ,| e theirs, with (sties covered over
:|rcmw n with* the iffw. >he w„, aiso this hroa.l area m« - • whh buffalo skins. His, as well as the ..the.,
snm.lied with nineteen men loan the. Kiartage, to the army. W tlus,. nun an. illm K , ya, „J,~m Hie sha|te of a sngar-loat. ahont
iK-jrr. two r..r New- York. ; of "nan '<> vomnhute thvtr so on anJ , K , , ve high, ami at the
T-e tollowni" is a brief acetmnt of the eirernn- ot negroes to the sen tee, anti ote humlrrd i >uld , had got a (tareel of hells hung. There
stanees of theemtutre of l the (4rate Florida. She : he raise.l ... th.s „tuned,ate m-tglibor tood w.rhout w|u . n we wcM in< ollly
anived at Bahia ilav. oti San Salvador, on the. material detriment U the laiimag mterests of rite ulttins , iM , Ik . „,iadle of it. and a bundle of
meinof 'he 7th ulr coontry. _ , . ... ' imtfald robes Iving against the wall of the lodge,
'captain Collins having held n consultation with The law of the Confederacy which exempt? T , r Ufteil up, and were quite sure
ohi!t “ dlsml rl to sink the Florida 1n ' owners ot hf.een negroes urn, upward, keeps a m , u|)d , r „ WIII . Mr. Ogden
' port. Aeeo.dinglv, about three o'clock the cables great number T,.'“ told him we had cane to consult him as a great
I were .-lipped, ami 'the ««cAw»ef< «teerr>(l for the the held, , s rv-hoidms «>«Hvine man about something that we wanted to
Florida, JiiMing her un the qumter viiihont 4oing ; Hnci» ocu.i a i $ * ti ] ‘ ii 0 know. He wa* almost nakfd, havm« tiotlnng on
Uiv ’t ininn-; - wU(I iaVy uo mHe u.m>. He lml an oM , inrt - 110 rooe over liU and a
I Ca|itmiiCollinsmiw called can to those on hoard i knew hm .ncn ho says that they would pre- tlt(|h abmlt hi< loin ,.
’the pirate to snrremhr. or he would sink her. ;hr thar. Congress stmold eo mu p, tutol:Mn , tie- j Afler Mr- t ,«dcn ■ had spoken ho went
' Tins demand was -replied to by the Kiist Lien- | groes ralltet than .evoke he p.esej' l ‘^”l' ' | through a lot of manoeuvres and antics, which
i teiiunl. under the. ciicnnistonvcs, I siirremler : 1 he. are wt mg ia o s soil . : ( le called •making midie’.m-ami then, although
! A hunger was now made fast, the cable slipp.d, i pcmlenee aii.l slavery, hit. leUietmit to sene litem- jlCrtW ., „ 0! a breath of wind moving,
1 juul the J\onda lowed 'to *?n. ■ h» the niulec . 1,1 the l«xke conimetircil r»M-kinj» violently fiom mUc
M vcml >ljots u lr* t|i\d,.and accidentally two : nc ui tei wnter, \v 10 i?* a p-m cr * a u 4 s (l( s ide. at times almost hinjr piusirale, as it U was ,
f guns fuan the Wachusi tt. • : '"** , °of I blow,, down hv a gale of wind, and then rising up ;
b Captain Morris nnd halt the Florida's crew were j very silongly aguttist tnc employment g I niul going down on the other side, and all this
nshuto on 1 berrv. No lives weic lost. The ;He asks: time the bells were danism and clnshinjtrtml ni:Kj
Florida was taken comnlctelv, hv mu prise, sc.wmy ; lin u l)C ,h - a ‘ 11 hollt l lc . rn or kil rrt , em hle rmv; then allot' a Midden cverythmffd
ot her men, it was known, being on si,me.. The ; «-f » ->outl.c-.n jmtr.ial-iveagnizmg he right of m( Mil ,, al „i ~e told cs to go on.sid?
others having just come on hna.d, were asleep and i "> slaves, admut",g then ti e mn.y t a. whl „ was on the top of til" lodge. U l*n
intoxicated. •' '-i ■" w f- lle ul hi,m « •!!“' ; ,ls " " L " !d 'T n 1 we went outside we louk-n imnudiately f.r sonte
The blow given the .Florida by the Warhusrtt j «<*u d recommend tic passage of a law whuh at , i|ri t1 ,.. r0 was not a soul, and
carried awav the mtzz ti •mast and yatd, whieti fell ; °’ u " V"". ‘ V’ J 11 .' 's" 111 "’-''- ■ i" 1 15 lu mas ; a ( ()au roll |j | u( ve lieen hid. for it was on quint a
on the awning, preventing unv of her crew from S u r 1,1 il "" 11 l '! 11:1 ,‘V‘ 1 'I' 1 "' ’ ll '' 110 i hare prairie, and not a hush near it. We looked
getting up from below. ’’ . ; «.<> t o rrn-e qni., ttv tL, wnue- rmtn I |m ~'e ti , c lodge as he had told us, and
So unconscious was the officer of the (leek of the 1 ,' u '! i'' Je ■, L 1 1 - i there was a while crow, which certainly had not
intention of the H>cW«V Captant, .ha, he sane ! ' 1 * j U vn tbero when we wen, inn. ,t.
out, “ Ton will run into ns if von don’t take cate,” j dependent e, IO V'J-t > *•-• »> ' ,in Ull ‘ =•. ,l 1,1 1 ■. s„ we teinnieJ to bint and told him what we
at the sAme time calling for d'iigbt. • | « tm»m.« « W*‘vk treemen, ta.n.ha, w ,1, | . thcn he , ai( ,_ . NIW , io nlc C | (WC
Twelve t llk-LM-s mid (liii »i‘ the Florida's \ 11116 ‘ IIK , l 11 *’ . ' ai * ail \ '. 1 jas vmi can, so that 1 cannot }ict away, and take
crew were raptured. Tile if ac/iaveri and /Vora/a niilnaty exju-.ieme . as u tel i xpvi u 10 , own ropes, 1 for we thought it was a bit ot
were to leave St. Thomas on the 2d innt.utt, tor i ngtntu "h 1 legal o ice m.. o ioe. a ica . , j )l|m | |HS ,_ „,,,( W e were goiu" to use ills old ropes,
New Volk. r ' -j Itecn torgotten ; ■ . ~ r , e so we got our own good lassoes and lariats (burse
Tile ha ipte Mondamon. from iiio, was ea|itiitod • 1,11 '.‘ ls '■ III ” J - ! ’ ie .'"f ° . i hair ropes), nnd took Ids h.atfalo roiie ott him and
hv the Florida off I‘, a1.m.1 Scptcadmr i jettons ot the old L a,on >\\ hat has ' ~ we , u . d ~i s , 1!111(U btthi.-d bis
28 h. and was hn,net. TliWwas the onlv Amen- j 11 ' V ? "'e Imal separatum / W l,a. t, t ■ ( !2 was squatted on Ins hands and heels.
'■ eat, vcs-cl etp’nre.l hv the froridu s.nci her de- I ! w ' i, . au n ' in : m; ' lllK r ll,e "'-- ■' 1 | and we t.ed his legs together, and his hands to his
, part.ire from the Tenedtf.t. ' m„ slavey t was slavery .ha, cansed hem o , ,i lell wt . tied a rope around his body, mid
Wasuixoton, Nov. g.J-Tlie following q,. 1 denounce us tufenors ; u was slavey that made. | - all of a , u< as it wm% ttnJ knotted-the
spa.cites were to-dav reetjiveu by the Xavv! 'be ddterence Lep, -s. t.u .s ; a , ivvr} . M , , Ullt one would think i,
i)cpm’in»enr, annumicing Ho capuitc of the < r "‘ us ! . IJt lua “ K * ' 1 '■ lc j • i wc.ulJ take amm at lean half an hour 10 turn
For,do:- 1 .1 OU c.l tvro him adri.L Well, ,hen. somelin-ly proposed that
Boston, Nov. 7, IS(U.—Hon. Gim-xix Wei,le«, j C:1 1,L ‘ ’ u !' o * !we should lie him in the net: this was a seine net
SctTcrar of iJto Naw—Sir—l have (he lumor to I* °l’ caa '' u L * - ‘ 4 • | [, a j llt ,] le r;ttll p ;S o we rolled him up in
report liu? arrival of the tJuiicd Stares sreamer P"‘*P L * can ; * ,n ’ 1 *‘ v s " J'. • ! ir, knotted the cuds ami also secured
JCeiirsaifi- M ( tf N'ciina'e. fronrithe lioeo-. We left -language to 111,1 e. .ot i ' l | ) u-,.,,1.j._ i them again with ro|ie. He asked ns to J.itl his
the line/iuitid ami Florida At Bt, Thomas. The oppo.-ue as 1 1- - tenet tan ,1 1 n 1 knife near him ; tit.s we did. laying it down about
Florida was captured at the harbor of Bihiahv '"’I" - .... . , , •.‘,1,,,,,, ia vurd from him, as he was lying looking like a
the on < tetoher j. We bring sixteen Editors it }'<>» had n, c, )«- , baft (if IR , t _ , lu „, w to s „ ou , 0 f the l.Kige,
: prisoners and one ofli-er (mm the Florida. ‘'.tea body ot the Co,dc-, .navy oa s « s t . iu umi , W 2 bca rd the bell
1 , ,v , . 1, winch u aim and stnkc one mow nuiu ii siiimuu at s . &
(b.gnvil) dI.UN A. Comma r u ,„ t , mlM lml |,ave found i
bx. 1 tio-vivs, W. I ..Oct. 21. Via Los ON Nov. v „ a| „ r p, v , ' Mnll . k wnn mine deadly
1 . lion. Cim-ON W txutf ."sirl haie the , lia|y ~| a„ V(i ' IIaVL . hv the advocacy of
honor ,0 report tin- amtal V .-re ol to - sin,,, , I, muJ; atm, if there is anv men,her of
the Behid sieamt-r Fiondu ,n eo npany . Ihe . |usl 1o his sense of the duty
J’iortdo, with tit-v-t!i}*hr mt‘ii and twelve oiiiccrs, , ° .. ... i ,i... <\ M .
’ it*-, wine 1 lie nwes lu couuu\ aiul Ucj Lim^iitutiun
wa< *-:ihturcd nh-mf three uch»ck in the* miMiuu: ... , , T» . i ;r »i
.'V *. -,•»!» t . .. , 1 r, which he has swum to dvlciiu; u thcie one
I. October Tih, mt ic Bav ot ban Nilv.ulur. lira- . . f . . „
.. , ... , t'.*i .1 • , , wui is not tired or the h 1 l ana i urn
zi .hv Mu* officers and nil' wulamt . , . , . . i , i i. , i
, , • ..... .1 n; , - i »■ and devasintion which have stam.-d and de.-ol.itcd
Jn>s ot lit**. 1* i\e or the. < ill' <i>, mi I ui ,ll uj£ lu.r . . . . . . » . ~i 1W :,. 1h!
. . . > ■ many nuraoii-'v ot our helmed laud, hat wt cumus
coiuinander atid ihe remainder ot iici cir-w, were ♦ 1 . . ~ ,• , , ri.f»
, , tu >ce more and vet a ihmwaud foM moiLMit the
on jdiorc. ihe J'lornlu mid her ami ... . • . . ,
I .* , ii .i \ 1 . > 1 Ntnte, and woe, and mi>erv hej;oUeii hv the-r;;\ u
imuuvard earned awav and hi. r hulwai k> cut dou a. . , , r ; .... tu . ..
... .* • . / ' v i , -i i luUuiu let inn iieisuade to pas« Mien a
'Pit s vom- sustained m» mpuv. A detail-d rc- . 1 v . ?om 4lllt i
■ ... , , , , »i» law and attempt to earn out su*-u a >\stoin, auu
jsn-: wdl be lunden to yen by 1 aytnaste, W L ,(, |, ;IVL . u. ell wi u (u . nothing the
W Ilhams. \ c.y respty yogi st , al| b ,_ t , K . revolt.,ion and war born
' , T - « , j,, and uartured ami in our mi«l>t shall he
Commander I--. S* stcam-sloon 1} ouiuf-fII, ■ , , • «
r» v i> i , i ;•< •; when cumpaivil to that in ulueh
80-ros, Nov.
tlte bond, o ,hy>s „P Nmn'/nvh J„ U ..U and nllu-t fu( ......pared to the mild summer wlnd-a
ve-sels overhauled by her. with sever.l , y , he ttll . vs> when lashed
lets, money andHUijwriuntjiapers were se,y..-d. [(j tUu tnu ., |h surlUcc uf the
muuii aiu lake.
There is tmieh more of this sort of stuff and the
writer tinally concludes that he bouth will he
utterlv destroyed hy »>‘iniuu ;i*»d freeing die slaves,
lie says Unit lhe>e tVcediueu ** will-he men who
know-the value of power of combination, the} will
he well disciplined, trained to the use ot arms, with
the power and ability of command ; at tin* same
time thev wnl he gro>-ly nnd iniseiahly
without any iixe-. principle of life or the ability of
acquiring one.” He prefers to rest the salvation ot
the ftoutii upon 4 * tin* stout arms and brave hearts”
ol its white men. amt not depend numi a. scheme
which he rejift’*ds, ami wita iruih, us “only abo
litionism in disguise.*’
SAtllltDAY. NOVEMBER 12,1864
The Election.
We preiome no one outgo about a long desscrfa
tion on the re»t)lt of Tuesday last. All they de
tire m the |Sgores. Below we give tl»e'latest-re
ceived op to yesterday (Friday) moiiiing. They
Indioata Ibo rc-clection of Abraham Lincoln by
the laigest popoUr majority ever given a Presi
“dential candidate. We give the estimated ma
jorities in the several Sates heard from, together
with the number of electors and the candidate for
whom they will east tlfeir votes:—
' Union Lincoln McClellan
States. f Maj. Electors. Electors.
Maine '-to 7
NewilUmpshire— ...._o,"to o
Massachusetts ~..75,000 1-
Rhode Islaftd O.Ot O , 4
Verm0nt......... ■••}.••• l.*0«O 5
Cun&epiicat 5,000 ,C
New Vork. .10.MKJ jC 33
Pennsvlvunia 2’,000
Maryland...... 5,000 7
West Virginia 5,000 5
Ohio 45,000 -I
Indiana 18 , ;
Michigan ...10.000 8
Minnesota. 8.000 4
10wa..,. 20,5'0 8
Missouri 5,001) 11
Illinois.,- .25.000 10 •••
Kmiurky (Dent.) 120,000 ... 11
Delaware (Dew.) 450 ... 5
New Jersey,CDem.).— 5,5 Ch) ... ‘
Lincoln's majority...--- ......175
Allowing the Union mporflies as set down
abore to fajtl 0ft.25.000, Lipeoln will still have a
majority of 250,000 on the home vote, surely
to satisfy his roost ardent .friends, and
more than' enough to prevent anything like a
charge of fraud, or corruption.
The following Stans, viz—Kansas, Nevada,
Oregon and California are yet to hear front.
Three oT them, if not all four, will undoubtedly
aid tnthe Union majority.
Returns received from the army indicate that
Lincoln will receive at least two-thirds of the
The War
SParing the past week, but little of startling in
••cst has: transpired in any department of the
[niv. The relicls made a night attack on a
bn ion of Gen. Grant's lines, on Sunday night
lust, and were most disastrously repulsed.
It is reported that the rebels inland to flank
iheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. They may
ind their match in this game. Ewell is said to
tave superseded Early in command of the rebels
a that department.
[ We have a report that Gen. Sherman has burned
[Atlanta and is row marching on Charleston. It
iis verv probable that he will do something of the
I kind, although we have no positive information
1 that be has done so.
Rebel Price has been completely whipped and
driven out of Missouri, losing neatly all his guns
| aiyt , wagons and a considerable portion of his
I Ertered West Point,
Ueatett*m Commanding James Parker, Jr.,
of the Unitfd Sates gunboat Maumee, received,
when V-hidj, the appointment of a cadet at " c»t
Point, from the member of Congress from iris di
strict in Ohio. Parker was ion
in-emef lhe Aemmr, and his father, dcsir
ous itiaf letne one in Iris town should have the
benefit of (lie appointment, cast alarm for a boy
worthy of it. In a dry-goods store'was a lad, die
son ef Irish Jsirent*, wlto, by Iris salary as cleric,
supported a widowed mother and sister. The place
was offered to ifim, hut was at first refused, as he
disliked to give up the ejerkslrip. Upon being
urged further tile boy conk-ifed,.- and entered the
tpilitanr academy. To-dijk itecis in the Valley of
the Shenandoah, amthis name is Philip Sheridan.
Death oftbk “Bio Yankee.’’—lt will he rc
mcmber«l, says the Alexandria, V irgima, A/a/f
Journal, that'Mosby has had in his service for .a
long time a deserter from our anny—sth New
York cavairv—known as die “Big ankeo.
Mosbv has always regarded him as the most
valuable man in his command. He figured quite
Virgelv in the capture of Gen. Stoughton iithuir
jajf Court tt'miwt over a year ago— indetul. it was
through his agency tliat this dash of Moshy suc
ceedS. Well, the “Big Yankee has at Ins
come to grirf. A f«w days ago Moshy had
some important messages to send to a distant
point, ami the errand was considered a very dnn
iorous one. The “ Big Yankee ” prc.pwed to un
dertake the W>, and Moshy, him very
valuable, and not desiring to lose him, endeavored
to pLuade him not to go. .But he l*->i-l«' m
ffjing and Mo-br finally consented. He started,
but never ret un.erl. On his way he en.suu.tered a
small souad of Union cavalry, who halted him mid
demanded his surrender. He relused, saving
“ there was .no surrender for him, and at the
tame time he commenced tiring into the squad,
which bad halted him- The act result.* in his
death as he was immediately shot dead by our
men. ’ So ended tiro career of a most noiotious
and lawks* man.
Fsox Giukt’B Away—The JltrMt artnv of
the F«K«iMe special says:—Kamo:' ■* ,as •* ,"! rtt
Major <i*n<!rut Bwler is wbe relieved. an<l Major-
General Hancock appointed to; his command,
•The eomtnaml of the 21st corps will then- it is
•aid. devolve upon .Genet at Humphreys, General
feeble's Chief of Staff. Whether the army is
•Wqt to go into winter quartets or not is cxtremolv
doubtful. If the weather continues had it will
jiardlvbe practicable to continue operations but
witti the return of good weather, 1 am amished
another effort will be made against the enemy,
Oiihcr here or elsewhere. - ■
0- Great talkers generally say the least if their
ironU arc weighed instead Of being reckoned, 110
wbu hvbora under an icconlineicool speech seldom
ms the better of his complaint, for he must pre
i Krib.*' for himself, and is sure to have a fool for his
An Affecting Sckse.—A c-arre-iioiu’ent of the
Bangor Whiff, in a letter dined fiym the I'rovost
Marshal's office at Honltyn, tints describes nit
afl cling scene which occurred in that - flice :
We have sent forward about sixty noble sons of
Aroostook, (for they hare fuiitc noble siKH-incits
of manhood in this region.)' One. o! these men i
deserving ofanore titan a passing notice. One ot
jlte noblest nets of this oh any dintt occurred in
' tills -.{lice yesterday. - .
A vonng man with a small family and u young
and devilled wife, .re.-|ioiided to ihe call ot the
Government. vvies examined mid accepted, ami
.while his pajiers were being prepared- a younger
In-other ap]K-ared, and lumping that ids brother
was accepted pressed id- vviiy into die examining
room, "'as examined mid; accepted, and insisted
on going as a suhs'imie for Ids brother. Quite a
-eeoe rnsned The drafted man said lie warn'd
go, and ill’-red his limber .thirty dollars |ier month
to sine at home and take pare i-f hi* himily and
five is 'mill Ids return, hat: the brother would not
li>tco to it. hut go he would, and lie.- two brothers
stood in tears, each insist (jig upon can wing his
point. T’ne nolilc Imjv nt. length prevailed, and
was - dulv . enlisted as hrs hio.lmi's substitute,
making tire third son of ,jhe family now in die
United States service; —nyo being in tbe First
Maine Cavalry, and having already a noble record
in ibeir eomnry’.s ht-tiny. I shall waiea with
inter st tire name of Frederick M. Haines, ul
Fott Fairlield. J \ .
How Strikes are with in France.—
The Correctional 'Tiibiniul of Valenciennes.
France, has just tried intenty-nine pitmen, cm
j,loved in coal mines m-uftlhat town, on a charge
of eoalitimi for obtaining ari advance of wages, and
of having used violence to compel other men to
join them in a strike. Attcording to the evidence
given, U appears dial sonic of die men persuaded
dieir eonipiornins to enierdn’o a eoididon t-a" die e*f oiraining iFnnil' pay (if tlnve hanks
a day for all the pilmen.; vviluint-jregiird to dieir
capatnlitics. Instead ot making known tln-ii de
mands to the managers, the nun accused went to
the jut on the nights of die 20ih and 21st ultimo,
and compelled all the min to eeaso working, at
die same time ex-.inguisliipg the fires of dm en
gines. Ordei was restored on die 22 Iby aimeil
force, and the offenders were arrested. Tim
charges iiaving been folly established, the riihn
nal coiuhemm-ti seven of'die prisoners to he im
prisoned for six weeks, fifteen t »r a month, live
fur n foriniglit, two for a week, and all conjointly
to pay die costs. -
Tat; Chops op Ithll.—fClie momhly reports for
Seplemlicr ami Ociobcr of the Department of
Apiieohlire..being the filial jsvC for the year,
furnishes an interesting exhibit bl the crops, fa
-1801. The wheat crop rfimiimts u> IGO.G9'. 823
Inislicls, against 1711,40 l.bbO basin Is in 186 a. ami
181.188,l iW bushels in 1862. The product of rye
is 19,872,975 bushels, al«um 900,000 bushels lie
low' that of last y, ar, while the prodm-noi. of m s
is mar!v ihree millions in excess of last veins
vield. Oilier products were as billows; li.tiicy,
j 0,716,328 liiihcls; hay; IS, HG,B‘.J tons; corn,
630,681,+01 bushels, nga-osi 4.'>1,96i,9 <9 bushels
last vein ; tolmceo. 197 ; 4G8.-‘29 pounds: Illicit
went’ 18,700..'i+‘> bushels, an inereas ot three
million bushels over 18Gff': ami po-aloes. 9G 2".G,-
887 bushels, a decren.-e of (bar millions. It will
Ik> seen from these Cgn-Cf, that, taking the yca-ly
aggiegate priHiaciion, ihebthmee isjii fau r ol.Gl.
lon£i!%' to himself hiitl f.uiml iN way into one of McMullen whu will attend t» *>• yittb-m'-nt of the bin
hw i«K.rkeis. fuming swiltly luok'nl the ; U co. IRf.l, Khizi'iik n^>icMULhKN.
___ 4 • | ,J, JlU rtiil/.nt tli**f Gen m'iizblM»t', who hail taken so unusual n lib -Tty, ’ tik* business will be r.>«unm-d by me at the .«ui »tan<
«T A ? ri-licl arnty «>rrvsp.n dc t s - oc" . ..xelaimed, wi.l. cnee..- corner ... vinrinta »ml Julia =tn,-v.».
Lc kc,,s a flunk og.c. at Jus i tu ti«n«.i«n I. " Von bud your hand in „,y
e,X-«cmT;X'l...;M •"'» '•*!"'»''« P*** ’> \ 1 da' i of TTMBUIiLLAS AND PA RASULS.
I *\}'£ U He - rL ‘ ?i'Y : n O'*'***'*’* ;‘j ; iron SALE—A valuable lot. situate iu
sable iiis lnslili iK-int: so.U'lkate dial i natily soroU that one is glad m put ones hand § K*»t Alt.-ma, forfuttUnr inforumiloa ioqninorf
be can eat little else besides milk and bread. anywhere. Jutt * J . w - •
Arming the Slaves
LlGllTKll USK.H Of SI'KKCII. TlltfC IS ITlllcll
stsri-h whu-a otlii-c is u> ntro-li the sense'of
f.’llowsliijt. It Will not make n gn nl hauling afti
<-lc, Inn the leading at tit le which sulwrves equal
is nnt to heennleiniteJ. Suiniicli ate.inen ein-
I>mvevvil hy each oilier.‘ tlint any e.uvle>s, kindiy
chat llml gives them tile sett-c nf vnfilial nearness,
gives also wamnh iuul invigmaihm. Biterthan
ni‘>>( aii.hi'htas i> ilie light. liappv,
I>a I>l > 1 i<ier milk, whirl] means at the Imtiom simply
ihi': *• IVe are at Inane together; we helieve in
eaeh other." \Von!s are good fl they only le-toon
love aiul lias;. Words aie good, if they merely
sia.w ns that worthy natures do no! saspeet ns, do
not loek iheii elosels when we are in the house, do
lint put their soul- 1 in divss ni'liiuu 1 '<>
hat h ave their thoughts and hearts naked in fair
pre>ei;ee. and are not ashamed. Be it mi"e some
times to si with my friend when onr mere
nearness and unity of rpirit tire felt hv tis both
to he so utterly eh«ptenr that without siienee we
foihear to set’ tip any rivalry to them hy grave and
meditated s|«reeh —observing, it may In’, a tailing
leaf loved with hy the w ind, and speaking words
ihiu drop front tlie lips him tailing leaves, and
float down a /. -phyr, that kno vs not wltieh way to
blow, home of the sweetest and most fruitful
; hoars of life' are tho-e in which we sjieak half
! arth-iilaie nothings merely airing the sense of
\ fellowship, and so replete with tins sepse. of vital
i imimaev that we have roam tor nothing mote, —
! 1). J.. '(IWoa, in -4.7 ta'ic'Monthly.
Forgot tub Hoi.k. —That is a goad story of the
Yankee shopkeeper who cml.l, not niir, ami so 1
kept his liAoks in hieroglyphics. One tlay :i ens- ;
tonu-r of his called on him for tin- purpose of set- ;
his account, the hook was handed down. ami
om; merehaiil commenced witn " Sunil a limeyon
had a gallon of ruin, and such a time a pound of
tl such a time a gallon of (Molasses, and such a
time a cheese." " Slop there," fays the customer,
‘•| never had a cheese final yon nor any other
person—l make my own cheese." . ‘Ton certain
ly, most have had it,” said tint: merchant,- "it is
down on mv hook.” /I lie other denied ever inly
ing an attie'le of that kind. After a suffice m tunn
h.-r of pros and cons, n]ion recollection, he intorm
eil him that lie believed he had pmehased a grind
stone idioal tiial time. "It is the vety tiling, sain
he merchant, " and I must have forgotten to put
'ir; hole in the middle.”
(\)oi, t —The snl)lnm*st hit 01. iinpuilem**' f*f the
c ntun is rnl:ire.i 11s lituing ooeitmil lati-Iy nt ' Altoona, Not. -'l. IS*-.-
Vu|.;u. A g.M. l. m ~. was camo.npia ino the T| ISSOLUTION.-Noliat is herehv jliv
K* ,ir ' , ‘ xl, .l"‘ L * l W ‘": <m "• 1 “ tIM, tin. .-K-.V
chid mv-tu illcis ol 5 lu. cIM, will n he-JJUU u,,. tin(lLTdi;!ii<‘4i. h Ih«-u i 1»N by uniting
became conscious ut the (net that a lui il U'»r he- consent. The situ) ncc*i'*nt*< :uhih ih** IjJtud" of s?u«*:ii
The Davenports Outdone. |
When we got out, we looked on the top of the
lodge tor the white crow, nnd had hardly noticed
that it was gnne Ik hue we heard IHo hell. Wc
rushed in, and there was the old beggar seated in
ihe middle of the Ihdgn as we laid seen him at first,
with his batfdo sob * 011. and looking se il nothing
had lta]i}K*ned to him. and on his shoulder was the
white''crow. He then told us logo our again, and
this line wc were out perhaps live minutes —but
when we w« nt into the lodge again. there he was
tied up looking just the same hall of net as we had
left him the first time.* Hat the white crow was
mu to be seen. He told us then to untie him,
whi'di wc did, and a precious lone time it took us
to do it, for he \v:i> so lirmly tied and knotted up.
After he was five, he sat for a short time, appa
rently to recover : .his strength, and then began
making medicine again : uherenj>on, as U-furc,
the lodge waved, the hells rang, the white crow
came in ami tiew in. rapid flight, circling around
the old man’s head, and when all became still
again, pcrelwd itself upon his shoulder. dhen
t said he, ‘Now von may a.-k me what you want to
know;’ so Mr. Ogden* said. * We wi.di to know
when Mr. MT^visit and bis party will be here/
The answer *On the third day from this, at half
an hour Indore sunset, yon will see him and his
party coming «own the lull,* The next question
was’ 4 Where is he now ?’ The answer, * They
are camped upon a certain ere"k,’ naming it. He
i' \yjis then asked, ' What has delayed them so long?
• add he an>wend that they had been detained in
i the mountains four days by snow. Well, sir, on
I the third day ftotu that, just about halt an hour
before sunset, sure enough there we saw the (tarty
coming down the hill, and when they got into
1 tamp the told us that lluee days liefoie they hail
j been ramjjed upon the creek that was named by
the old man. and that they had been delayed in
ihc mountains four days by snow.”
' Bay A prof ssor of legerdemain exhibiting in
Cornwall, England, borrowed a pettnv train H
miner and turned it sjieedily into a sovereign.
“ And is that my penny asked the miner, *• let
me see it.” lie took the sovereign and patting it
in his jaieket said, - IM keep it in this shape; I
don't want to have it turned hark again ”
There is at St. Ktlettne, in France a young
ladv eighteen vents to age, alb eted with a rare,
though not tmparalletl, infirmity. Site is unable
to see while the sun is above the horizon, hat sees
perfectly well at night and in complete (littleness.
| General News Agency,
October 24. ISGT.
\ J[ # DKUOOIST. resiMctfuliy announces /y
P* the citi/eus of Altoona ami Oie public
emlly, that Imstill eoutimies the Drug bu-dneHß.^aggMgy
on Virginia •‘freet, where he keep>« constantly
on hand, for sale. Wholesale and Retail. DK U<»S,
strict attention to and a desire to rentier «>
iMactiou to all as regards price and quality, be hopes t
merit and receive a share of public patronage.
Physicians ami ineivhantf* supplied on reasonable terms
and all orders from a di-dance promptly attended to.
Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. (1-tf.
Dissolution of partnership
Th»* jiurtm*r-in|) li- n-t • lon* l>t>t\v<*on the
nu Inis I mm* n ili'S.ilv-il. ■ A. I’vjilU'is ;uml
Samuel J V h ivir.' ->..M out 1" Lout* Pluck. uml nil
j** r-ou-» wll j»t.*u-i* tnk>* nolici*. that hy th* J t'* ins of th<*
nil «lur ami mvjjin l H iii| firm art* «■*-
bl'ium! r« Lot:: 9 Pi.\ck ami Hunt hi* j»aii| t» the
Lusim***, hciiccl'urtli will l;u oti hy Pluck.'M PoAOK, \
M »M-:s
j Something Interesting to the Public.
il,- at oUCe Ht i ■
One IP rice Store,
Curn. r uf Julia, mi<l Uiim.t Suet*. East Altouna. wher*
vu I can mir.-luw tin 1 all ItiinU ul ({msls In his line,
wr lilt- LiWM CASH I*KICJ£. Us bin Just n-lurosd
from with another Skw SMucK o* UOuM
(Sin rt'H'k C*>»l!*t»of
UUY GOODS, ’ . . -
. HATS, CAPS, &C..&C. .
lie Won-d solicit particular atUitilion to the new and
all the finest Styles uf Ladies’ Shoes, also Children a Shoes,
AS EO 11 NOTIONS. lie c n.p.ti
tioh. in numiKi iu.H «ji..tiiiy- Alu> consist ot the best
,tuck «.f .Vull.i i. ..If-nM. -u. h ibi Uull.i. uli.l Units cum
in,hi. Innrj- mill knl Ub v.-s mill ll.suery. tin}'. Il»*. Mis-
U linns mi l 111*-, i 1.11,.. Lmlics* auJOniils liulu Ust-
Urs Ladies’ worked | machine] un&ifent*’ imper Collars
Cutfs, UtM.lir.H. Tv iiunihig*, V eiv» t Ttibbon. skill Braid,
braiding Ur«id. sjs-*l Colton, Wallets, Vncket Boot \ La*
jJi, s il.igs, ciirdies.. lieadmT*,C'oinb'A.CloUi uud hair Bffc
Tooth Hnifhes. Fancy l(uU-au<s Permiuery, UairuiU.
o> . skirt?, Cainet ha#*, suu and Waalher
LJmhrelt s, m«dall kind* Gin-sea
’j he above wi I be bold *1 the lowest figure for cash h
exchan«e for r.igborcountiy |a-.sui<-c.
Ue »«>uMjnsi >ay. in c«»nc»n-ion. Inal all he asks of the
people ul .Hi onauh » Wl*U to get bargains either 111 ColU
anni or the m»n»t limey of di t-s, aou«m«s dry goods, queens*
w-»re. Ac. Ac . to f.iv.n- him with a c.iU.
Altoona, Aug. o, LGi.-tl.
1 njifctfuily ml’>rmtlie citiz mm of AlnMumauii vicinity th f have op«*n*il u large wholesale »ml retail
in the io»*m io meily by »lobn 44. UolanyM M •
Sou e, on Virginia »u vet, next «Wor to Keasier a Drug
where they haw uti hand * largo supply ot Uiefluc«t
brands of lliportid uml liullit'sUC
They Luvu ulsj the lul seot ailU cliolcMt of
sm:h a, I
light prksskd natural leaf,
and FLgUaDER
FINK CUT Ly tliu Paper or Found.
The Very best ami finest
such asTOKKlfctl, VlitulNJA. KNIXMU. aud LYNCH*
tiLKu. Kine I ujc.v jmpers. w IUI a large assoitmenl oi
German Tobacco. Cut u«.d Dry by iho pouud. All kifid»
Also a large assortment of the
Finest pipes.
Meerschaum, Swwt Uriar, and India Uubber.; Double
Tube Pip'-ii. and German rhiua. .4ls<*. all kinds Of
Such as I’lK kul IWks Tobacco Pouches. Cigar
’ Cig.ll iiuldcis, Mill If and evetj thing
in their line. \
Come and sector yourselves. We are able tp sell at
low price*. mr the rea*«iri that wc bought our-Tobacco
iieforo ihegr nt ri H « 111 the price o| that article iu the
Cirie-. Wc are d.-teimiind to m-U cheaper than any olh'ei
l *bnconist in the town, our store is the largest of the
kind ever opened in the town.
Altoona, &-pt. 17. 1801—!im. .
atjAii-i’iiiMi 1 Nii.BfjMlNu lO 'lilb PUULiC.
THE largest stock of Ladies’ Dress
G.kjOs ever brought to town has just been opened at
tin- *Ureen Corner,’' hn>t Allooim. and will be sold for
CASH at prices Mint defy competition. Weuredet-nmueU
that our taGe of town shall lake the lead. and- that tbr
‘‘oreen Corner" shall be foremost iu the van. Owf Stock
Ol* iM’esi* Goods Consists lit
Plain ami Fancy Dre*-* bilks, Merinoes. Palmetto Cloths,
Cohurgs. Fancy Alpacas, All-Wool Plaids,
Plain and Fumed Delaines,
Fancy Prints, und a great variety ol other goods, of differ*
ent styles and textual. In fact then* is nothing the ladies
can de.-he f.»r wear that w» camiot luruish llnw with.—
We have also a large assortment of
Ijadies’ C'oats, fehawls«» Balmorals,
Jhloop Skirtss, tthoes, Gaiters dec.
wu were almost forgetting to uieutiuii our
largo otoL A of
Everj body should know llmt money can be Rated by
buying Goods from ns. For iu*tHiice, wo art* selling good
Calicoes an low as Diets per yard. Muslins hr low an 18 ct*..
brown Sugar for 11 ct*. per lb., and good Tea* fc*r 90 eta April 8, ’Ol. tf. JOHN J. MURPUY &CO.
-4 FORM theciti/.ens of Altoona ami vicinity that hb
npplied with the very best articles to be hud, and in groat
ol the vc*o best xiuiily, always to be had.
fuesu-hakkd : r
il ways on haml. at reasonable rates,
lie*is at all times prepared to supply cakoß, Candies. Ac.
, lot pic-uics and oilier parties. lltprfvilen a share of publii
patronage, uelioviug rtial lie can'ifender full satisfactiont o
.11 , K
Remember, his store and salooVis on Virginia street, twe
Patton's ilall. OTTK) ROSSI.
Altoona. April 8. IoCC-tf. • t '
VinniNU Street. Altoona, Pa..
AND S>VEfcTMEATS. of his own manufacture, which h
is prepan a c > wh desalt* or rebtil. at the most reason
ibk pripea. \lso, hjUKIoN FRUITS, such as
ilways on lian<! in their respective *ertrt*mfl.
of the h’.-Ht (Quality during the season.
tor particular occasions, on short notice and in the oeat~
e»t and best htyle of the art.
Call, examine and price my stock and yon will fine
it as good and cheap cuu be purchased elsuwhere.
lan. 27.
J. G. AI^IsUM,
Notary PuToiMc,
Can at all bu tonutl at the store of J.B. Ilileman
tuln-f 1. Wi7.
term ul tin* M kuoicial ?ch«K)L- adjoining the Eph
oopil Olm-Th. Ka-t Altooii:* will open on MONDAY nexi
Oct. od, and iMiiliitued tli« usUiil |HMtod. an lifretolore.
Oct. I. 1 MAIIY K. 8f hWAUTi
V\T A.NI'KD.—-Throe thteksmiiha (<
T T learn Ax- Makinir, anil SIX till MOltK MKN a
Helper*, -re wauled immediately at Matnl'a Axo Kncton
near le wi-imra. 11l toksiuiths can -rfulixa tram SJ.SU t.
fl. and Ihlpei » loan <g to $.'.50. , t)ct. 1,18 W.
■.. Lind DrnkuN IMuntaUou Bitters, at
J»m 13„’04| ItKIO AKT’3 pro* Store.
— r jil-t received and f.imale at KRITCIIKY'S
COATS cau bt» fuaail aft LAUGQUAN’S
Valuable Real Estate
Tie subscriber offers, at
I'rr.ate Stale, »ll hia reel astats, ritnata u follow.
NO. 1.
A Farm in Who township. Blair county, adfotoln*
lamli of KKac Hwr;Jam** llntcbtoon. J**bn wyks and
others, about out *nd a half alto from Altoona* contalalof
137 ACRES.
120 acre, of which are cleared, under pood fence and in a
high state of cultivation, and the balance weli timbered
with while oak and Hickory. About 20 aceea of the
cleered land ia meadow of the beat quality. Theta ia an
orchard of fruit. The improvements are
with Kitchen. Waah-honao, Wood house. Bm>ke-bonae and
Pump-hsuae a I under one roof, ami eery convenient.
30*50 feet, with wagon-abed, eorieerlb, Ice-hoOaa and all
..thee oeceaeary outbuildings, making it altogathei one of
the best fltt«l Op farms in the country. Jt is well calc*"
Uted for a OaiflT ami baa beer fitted op for the purpose.
This farm will readily rent at a price which will brltg
ten per cent, on the investment.
NO. 9.
A houae and one-fourth of an acre of ground ritual* in
Londonavllle, a,Uoiufng Altoona. The House . double
otaiik. containing seven rcnua. On the! tare a fllaugh.
ter-bouae, Hi,le-h„n«e. Stable. Wagon-shed. and all tha
buildings und improvements required about a butchery.
NO. 3.
A Twoatory Brick Houae and half lot of ground, aituata
on Virginia street, Altoctu. The Houae contain, three
room, and ball, on first fioor. and font rooms on second
floor. Uiain a deairahle part ol the town.
NO. 4.
A Houae and half acre of ground, situate in Londoua
rlllo.uear White Hall Hotel. The House ta a two-.tory
fm so. Tha lot ia well eet with choice fruit treat.
NO. 5.
A House and half lot of ground, situate on Rebecca
street, hast Altoona. The House is two-story frame with
two rooms on hut floor and three on second floor.
All the above properlt-s now rent at a price which
brings ten per cent, on my valuation.
Bargains msy l« had in all ol these properties, as exten
ded time will be given in which to make payments My
object in disposing of all my property In this vicinity is to
remove to the West, and 1 do not wish the tmublehf balk
ing alter affairs so far from home, or to property
where I esukut see to its care. For these reasons 1 will
give bargains in the above
Altoona Oct. £9th—tt,
Insurance (Jo. of A T . America,
-1 ings, Merchandise, Furnitnre and Personal Property
generally, on liberal terms, for short or long is-rksis.
E'Pecial attention paid to Dwellings and Contents, and
Farm Property. Brick or Stone Dwellings taken perpet
ually on very reasonable terras to the insured.
Los-es equitably adjusted and promptly paid.
Arthur C. Coffin, William Welsh, Francis R.Cope,
-amuel W. Jones, William E. Brown.‘ Edward 11. Trotter
■lohii A. Brown, Janies X. Di.kson, Edward S. Clarke,
Charles Taylor, 8. Morris Wain, U ill'm Cummings,
Ambrose While, John Mason. T.Charlton Ueury.
Richard D. Wood, George L. Harrison.
ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pretidtnt.
Charles Plati. .Secretary.
WILLIAM BUEULER, Central Agent for Penney!ranla.
S. M. WOODKOK, of Altoona. Agent for Blair County.
Offices in Altoona and Hollidaysburg. [Oct. 15. ’«4-ly.
Pictures and daguerreotypes.
Pictures taken in all kinds of Weather.
Every description of Govde in his lino will be fur
nished at short notice, and at low rales for caah.
UlB|remaiufn{i -took of DRY GOODS on hand will be
elnsedjont at remarkably low pricea-ln order to relinqulrk
that branch of the hoainei-e.
Alien! for Willson's “Telegraph Fodder Cotter.”
Altoona. May 29th. 1862.
Altoona Academy
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1864,
asr All the branches usually taught in such
institutions will be taught in this.
REV. M. C. WILSON, Principal.
Geo. W. Patton, Scc’y
Board of Trustee*.
Oct. Ist. 1864.
undersigned having taken out Letters of Admitis
iration on the e-»cate of ChitHtiima Wayne, late of Alt«»»n«,
m the county of Blair, nod state of Pennsylvania; deedi
til persons indebted to said estate are notified to cflj
puy their indebtedness, aud all persons bavin* claim*
i gainst the estate of said decedent are notified to mas*
kuowu the same to the undersigned withmt delay.
Administrator of Christiana Wayne, dsc d.
Altoona. Oct. 1. law. «t • i
A T EN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every
Jl etyle ahd color, of good lu,lity-^DGnMAN.s1 u,Iity -^ DGnMAN . s
A Jewelry, Hair and Clothe, tonbe,
I’ocket-knivee, Ac., at ■ LAUGHS!AO -
X L ade*. Shaving Cream,Toilet
of Trnnkt, Valise. and G»rpet-»* tlMA N - S
L Paint, Also Cbroxne. Own. Yellow,
ad ground Ml at : fl-tf.i KKSaLK
For sale —a building lot
. „! i y l ir, f Br>nc " strett - Al,oo w:
JUST RECEIVED —A Lot of Prliuo
4*n. in. •«.]
•ti« and sifts ** LATJOHIUJrt.
HKIQARffI Pmr Etwrfc
local I 1
. .his utoce, SfituAy nA
consequently decli
. short referent* to e«- h -
The Union meewn». on »•*«
eyqjjiiHf, withoatdorf*,
ererwttne-ed «*
S ev«n on Saturfuy mo™.
which hud the effect of deter
Notwithstanding these dm
Frunkstoan. dclegotioo come
about one o-c Jock. thecaraka.
and six hone teams »Ud tme t
«ith wagons trimmed with w
iwWtTo.em.mtd a good,
horseback, under charge of on
geth K. McCone, as chief n
town and were arranged to t
line. Shortly after, the Lo(
i don, in bmr and *uj home v
up in style with wreaths, fli
complement of smiling Wme
Y. Anderson, as chtef marsh.
The Altoona Brass Band led
lowed, and the wagons bfoni
| which passed oyer iheprincil
I - in the reservoir lot, where tb
| been erected. Col. LW. II
dent of the meeting, assisted
from each of the township*,
tion of the meeting i: was an
town had won the prise flag,
delegation of voters in the
noanccment was received wi
gag was then presented by D
a neat Speech, and received,
gallon, by Hon. S. Calvin, t
ply. On taking the chair
eloquent remarks, after whit
Edward McPherson, whoen
for an hour or two.
The greater part of ilia <
hither to hear George Fran
evening the streets were w<
The torchlight procession
peered, or what it should I
the number In town. One
anxiety of the people to get t
Train was to speak, and It
opening, the streets in the
with women and men, an
opened, a grand rush was n
ses, bonnets, huts, etc., hcca
up. Train was on bana, ant
for over two hours, with a i
can make. It was worth a
crowding and sweating to I
trie, original character, am
a prowd, • Or. \V ro, E. hi
idem of the evening roeeti
There were quite a nn
some of which were quit
particularise, as our notice
grown longer than wo intt
The Democratic tneelit
was the cap to the climax
of that party. Extensive
made, and but for the u
the horrible condition of t
betju one of the most ex
affairs of the kind the to
half-past seven o’clock thi
the room of McClellan
the Altoona Brass Band,
and /Chinese lanterns in g
by the enthusiastic friem
number of the transput
someiy got up, while i>
humorous devices. The
along the route over whit
was heantifnl. But we i
the thing up handsome
mention any names, alth
deserving of special noth
drizzling rain, it was dec
out the chariot and ladi
have a band in the det
cordingly repaired to tb
Gott. in East Ward, v
the procession made it
came ont on the porcl
while the procession r
frequently and loudly cl
It was hard for the I
-youth and beauty witbo
eyes upon the sight, and
straggled somewhat, ca
trouble to keep it closed
A stand was erected
which the addresses w
this point the procession
was chosen President c
were made by A. S. L i
burg, J. C. Pershing
Phil. S. Noon, Esq., •
was a little too juicy
consequently we did iu
the speeches. The me
past ten o’clock.
It affords ns more tl
able to say that there
or breach of the peace
siuns. Our people are
how to behave themsel
are but few other plac
where gatherings, sue)
Monday, would not iJ
centres, growing out <
Both portiea were s
*trations, are were cati
bettor of having give
now our people will i
and trades, content tc
186 d gives them anotl
politically, at the mull
r Lswmtqwm Items
Dmoeral we leant t
an infant child of Chai
to death, iq cooscqoei
ering of the cradle,
was absent.
ptt Wednesday nit
WktedWiniof Wm
KWHeiMasil iW a