Good News for the Unfortunate! nat uma bocoht worn DISCOVERED AT LAST vmt fmmi f GHEfcOKEE REMEDY —ANI>— CHEROKEE INJECTION firom Barks, Boots & Leaves. JQHBROBBR JUSMfDY.tbe gnat Indian Dirnretlc I «f the various organ*, inches Inoootinn Inflamatkm of the Bledrtsr, Inflation aftbe Kidneys. Btoue In the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, ni_t.OiiiwrHiaa. andi> eaaecially recommended in those aunof floovAlbhs (or Whltawin Contain) whan all the lian UM. ft i.'prepared in a highly concentrated form, the doae cue to two teas poPnfuU three times per day. 'lt b' Snrttie and alternative In its action; purifying gad cleansing tb« blood causing It to flow in alt ofita ang inal parity,.and>l®*; thus removing from the system all pernictoos causes whieh have induced disease CUBKOKKKINJECTION is intended as au ally or as alataatto the Cherokee Remedy, and should be used in coal unction with that medicine in-ell cases of Oonorhsea, Gleekllnor Albus or Whites. Its effect ere heeling sooth ibSaed demnlcent: removing all scalding, heat, churdee ■S pain, instead of the burning and almost unemmrible pain that ia experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injections. By nan of the Cherokee Remedy and Cherokee Injection r-tha two medic lues at the same time—all improper dis charges are removed, and the weakened organa are speedi ly restored to fall vigor and strength. forfait particulars get onr pampelst from any drug store in the country, or write to ns and wo will mall free to any add rasa, a foil treatise. Cbsrokw &oiaedf t $2 per bottle, or three bot- UeebftS. Price, Cherokee Injection, $2 per bottle or three bottle* for $B. Beat by Kxpreet to any addree* on receipt of price. Md by dn«foU ."rywhere. r ± Sole Proprietor! No. 59 Liberty Street, New York. THE GREAT I %■ CHERv An tuitailiug curfl fu( Weakness Hxturnal Emissions, and ill deseases caused ny self-pol lution ; each a*. LussofMemory, Universal Lassitade.Palns in the Back. Dimness o Vision, Premature Old Age, Weak MerTM, Difficulty in Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness. BrUPCkms on the Face, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Con aumptlon, and all the DireftU Complaints caused by de parting from the path of nature. This medicine ts a simide vegetable extract, and one on which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for *any years, and with thousand treated, it has not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. ?0 tboic who bav« trifled with their constitution until Duty think themselves heyoud the reach of medical aid, we, say, Ditpuir not / the CUBROKKB CCKlfi will re- Stove you to health and vigor, and alter all quack doctors have fkiled I For fall particulars, get a Circular from any Drug Store in tbe country, or write Uie Proprietors, who will aiaQ Aee to any one desiring the tame, a full treadle in pamphlet form* fi per bottle, or three bottle* for (5, and forwar ded by Xxpm* to Ul part, of the world. Ud by all reapectable drnggUU errrywhere. - _ Dlt WE. mkrwin * CO., * Sole Proprietor*, Ho. M Lfberty Btre*t, New York. 40DOM XASSX4I fO . ***** TASUO TUI Elixir. Elixir. I>R. WRIGHT’S REJUVENATING ELIXIR 1 OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. . Finns rsox Pcu Vto > tablx Extracts. Cokiumm ITOTRCfa INJURIOUS TO THE MUSI OXUCATI. ' Tbs EvJuvßnMln* Elixir is the result of modern OUcov eties tu the wgetnhle kingdom being an entirely new ftsi'... abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old; sad wonurtrt systems Tills medicine has been tested by the most eminent med ical men of the day, and by them pronounced to baone ol tbegreatest medical discoveries of tbs age. One buttle will cure General Debility. fiW doeee corse Hysterics in Fein lies. One bottle corea Palpitation of the heart. f «wdoses reatoras the organs of regeneration. Trom one to three bottles reatores the manliness and foil vigor of youth. A fcw doses restores the apmfite. Three bottles cure thmbormxftae* of Impotancy. A fear doses cures the »w spirited. One bottle restores mental power. A fcw doses bring the rose to the cheek. This medicine restores to manly rigor and robnat health tbs poor debilitated, worn-down and despairing dsrotaa ol mm) plwnß. The Ustlaaa euerrated youth, the over-t*iked man ol bastnesa, the rietiu of nerrons depreasiou, tlie individual aafferiog from general debility, or from weakness of a sin gle organ; wlltalt find immediate and nermlnent relief by the use of this Elixir or Ets-nce of Lift. Price£2 per bottle.or three bottles for |£. and forwar ded by Express, on receipt of money, to any address. gold by all droggista everywhere. Dr. W. E. MEBWIS * Co„ F Proprietors, No. 69 Liberty Street, New York. CHEROKEE PILLS! SUGAR Health CERTAIN Jlf tht Tr— ~ ,t V and th* Jmuranet of ’ " itonlarity <« ft* Becurrma of the JfontW, /Vnair. . ; thn can or obrUtf thorn uamerbue dloeurt that Kriu from irrefulariiy, by remorlnf the irregularity they rare Sopptmeed, Jtioeml.e and Painful Menetra *%qrnn Green Sicknew (Chloroeie.) 7 SbeyenreMerroae and Spinal Affection*, paine In the - Mrni bwtf pMH of the body, H6»dn«i, Fatigue on aWaM exertion, Pahdtatkm of the Heert, Lownwe of Splr- Ueftdacbe, Olddlnee*. etc., «tc. In ft W9iS%f Emoting the IrrtgntorHy. they remove the came •»d irtthHiii the effect* that Bprlngfrota It. i bfrflftflde ! vegetable extract*, they contain any conetitbtioo, however delica e. ‘ttUr Ihactkmbidtiwto enbetltnte eHength for weak new, vUch,wbenprSpCTly twed, they new tail to do. need ariany «e and J?,*?*P? o * ammM define (IW friif three months, dnrimr which the no Slnif nature oftheir action woqld JtnWiaWy P r * Teot jSrSSir»»»»Mgg Infonhatlen oradrlco will be prompt ly, freely and dlaereetly answered, mil urreticm* tceomp .ny each box. CHnl (1 per bo*, or alx boxee for $6. 7. ■Mtlqr *aU, free of portage, on reaept of price. ■eUbr alt raapectabla Drnggiete. DR. W. R. ME#»* CO.. Bole•mprlaton. Ho, M Liberty Street, Newjork. AprO 1 ,XM*—ly . NBW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES ft» Men and Bon, Lad l '* » Bd ,I tSjOHMAN ,d ** /\N BAND AT McOOBMICK’S Store XW—A&miU of ALTOONA, PA„ Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Counties. These machines auk Admit to be the • eat over offered to the public, u.J their superiority is aatieStetorily established by the fact that in the lest eight years, OVER. 1,400 MORE of these Machine# have been sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals hate been awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machine# are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now in use in several families'm Al toona, and in every case they give entire sq^faction. The Agent refers those desiring infonnatron as the su periority of the Machines, to .Col.. John L. Hiper. Kev. A. B, Clark, George Hawkeswortb, Benj. F. Rose, and £. H. Turner, £sqr*. {The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, glass foot an. J new style Uetmuer—No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot and new »;yle Uemmer—ss6. fto- 3, plain. w *th old style Hemmer-~545. [March 21,1861-lf. FOR ALL OCR GOODSI AS STATED AT: THE OPENING of the Union Store, the obiect of the company U not to undersell other store keepers iu a few articles and (nake it up on others, but simply to sell every article at a certaiu percentage above cost, let that jierceutage bringthe price above or below that of other stores. By selling FOR CASH ONLY, we are enabled to place our percentage at the very lowest figure, because we have no lose to make up. H*e shall at all times keep tfie beat quality of all artcles offered for sale. Our preaenl stock consists aof choice se lection «f ’ .SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, SYRUPS, SPICES s and everything in the grnca y-lino The best brands of i'kmr Horn the Phoenix, Mount Union and other Mills. SUGARS. PnU-tiied 18 cU. Whit* 17 it*., Y*Uow«nd rery fine. : Imperial and Black Teas from 85 ct»., to 1.50 per lb. , CURE! *Villi*tmsport Rio, Franklin 'Mills Uio, Nonpareil Eio Excel not, Handelion, Essence, Browned Kye. Sjho*i >f all kluci, Chocolate and:Cocoa. Scj i h -wo, Ground AUum and. Dairy Salt. Na>y I) spun, Flounder, Congress, Natural leaf and So* lace Chewing also a 'good selection of Smoking Tobacco, and Cigars. Franklin ami Lovering’s Sugar House and other Syrups, Bunch Raisons 30 cts. Seedless Raisons cts., per lb. Corn Starvh. Carbon Oil 65 cts. per gallon. Candles. SOAPS Rosin, Gorman, French Castile, American Castile. Saw er’s and other Toilet Soaps. : Cream, Wiqp, Sugar, Butter, Soda and Water Crackers. Ferina Biscuit. , - , WOODEN AND WILLOW WAJRE. Broom*, Hand, Bust, and Shoe Brushes. We would call special attention to our Bools and Shoes as our stock U fresh and selected with great care as to duality. MANAGERS. Dec. 23, 1863. EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Virginia Si., \Altoona, Pa. D. W. A. BEDFORD, Proprietor. The proprietor of the “emporium OF FASHION” would respectfully announce to the public that he has received a: large invoice of . CLOTHS, * CASSIMERES, ; VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &c., &c., &c., exactly .oited to thi» locality ud intended foj- the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. The proprietor of the £mp«PP'y of theee delicioa. jnet received and foreale by PRITCUEY A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Oent’e Model Improved SHlRTS—Oaeeiinere and Martin Shim-fineind ccarte-whlto and PINE AND lARD OILS, CAM- J ., p « < S£.°° rnlng "f 1 C&rb °° OU ’ fa icBSSi,KR-a. Extra family flour, from the Core, alwaya on hand and f»r*ale ae low aa the towert by JRITCUB* E. A. 0. KERR, BUT ONE 3?RICE. AND THAI A CASH PRICE cofEee. CRACKERS. WM. S. BITTNER S. u. The Secretary of the Treasury tfree notice that snbcrip- i tiooi will be redeved for Coupon Treasury Note*, payable three yssrs from Aug. 16th, 1861, with sembsnnnal intor- ••t at the rmte of ht«d and threKenlhfl per cent, par amram,—principle knd interest both to he paid In lawful money. Xhese notet will be convertible, at the option of the hold- er at maturity, into six per cent, gold bearing bond*, pay able not leee than fire nor more than twenty yeate from their date, ae the Oarerament may elect .•They will be iaanad in denomination! of *5O, $100,*500, *l,OOO, and $5, 000, and all subscriptions moat be fifty dollars or acme mnltiple of fifty dollars. The notes will bo to the owners free of transportation chargee as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of Deposit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons ma- king deposits subsequent to that date most pay, the inter est accrued from the date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and up wards for these notes at any time will be allowed a com- mission of one-quarter of one per cent., which will bo paid by the Treasury Department up *n the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the de- posit wss made. No deductions for commissioni, must ue made from the deposit. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF It M A National- Savings Bakr. oflering a higher rat© of interest than any other, aud the best security. Any sav- ings bank which pays if* deposits inU. 8. Notes,considers that it U paying in tho best circulating medium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permaalut investment. The notes can always be sold for within a fraction of their (ace and accumulated interest, and are the best security with banks as collaterals for discounts. CearertiHe into a Six per cent 5-20 Gold Bond In*addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege oftonversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the currant rate for 6*20 Bonds is not Icii than nine per cent, premium , aud before the war the premium on six per cent. XJ. 8. Stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that tho actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent, per annum. ITS KIEIPTIOS FROM tTATE OK MUNICIPAL TAXATION. Bat aside from aUtbe advantages we have enumerated, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury* notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent, per annum, according to the rate of taxatiou in various parts of the country It is believed that no securities offer so great induce- ments to lenders as those issued by the government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the f iith or ability of pri- vate parties, or stork, companies or operate communities only, is pledged for payment, while the whole proper!} - of the country la held to secure the discharge of all the obli- g ttions of the United States. While the government offers the most Tberal terms for its loans, It believeSHhat the very strongesf appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. Duplicate certificates will be issued fur all deposits.— The party depositing must endorse upon the original cor- ificate the denomination of notes required, whether they are to be issued in blank or payable to order. When so endorsed it must bo left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department. cnscurnoKS wiu. be received by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Trea, surcra and designated Depositaries, and by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALTOONA. and by all National Banka which are depositaries of public money, and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further information and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRI BERS. aug. 10,-3010 FIRST NATIONAL STORE OP ALTOONA, I3T THX ROOM FORMER 1.7 OCCUPIED BT J. B. HILIMAS. J, W. CURRY, WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY’ inform the public, that he has purchased J. B. 121 LEMAN’S stock ol Dry Gtanls. Groceries, and will continue the busirmss at the old stand. To the stock purchased from Mr. U. 1 hare just added a Urge and select assortment of , DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEEESWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, GROCERIES, FINE VARIETIES OF TOBACCO! And In feet everything usually kept in a first class coun try store, which was bought low for cash and will be sold at corresponding low orices for cash or country produce, and request the public to give me a call Before pure lasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied I can offer superior induce* mentsUo cash buyers, Altoona, April 27,-tf CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE undersigned respectfully announ ces to the citizens of Altoona apd vlclnitv that he CLOCK, WATCH and JEWEUtY establishment in the room formerly ngruiiird by Dr. CM derwood, on Virgi»la*strevt, between Julia and Caroline, where be will k»*ep on hand h tine assortment of gold and sliver watches, clocks of all styles, and a handsomeassort* ment of jewelry, gold pens and pencils, spectacles, 4c. > Particular attontion given to repairing clucks, watches and Jewelry. Be selling for cash only, at the smallest advance on first cost he feels sure that he can please ill in price as well as quality. SAMUKL SMITH. ap9»tf W. M.LLOYD & CO, ALTOONA, PA., JOHNSTON. JACK & CO., • UOT.LIDATSBCIia, FA., BANKEES, (Late "Bell, Johneton, Jack ft Co.”) Drafts on the principal ClUesi and Silver and Gold for kale; Collections made. Moneys received on deposits payable on demand, •Without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates . Feb. 3d, 1850. JOHN D. SPEILMAN, JUSTICE OF THIJ PEACE, Altoona, Blair county, Ptv OFFICE on Main street, front of his chair tliop, one door East of the National Hotel. ap»tf RAGS! RAGS I! RAGS!!! ! /'"I ASH paid for RAGS, at BABY’S! \J MILLINER Y STORE, Virginia St., Altoona. . i Ytm#, . 7-30 LOAN. THIS LOAN TIME AND BEAUTY! ■AiMMiCA*- DYSPEPSIA! Life Insurance and Trust to. COMPANY’S BUILDING Southeast Corner of Walnut and Fourth Street*, fbilad'a. • TTT AD D A WTll'B Authorized Capital,.., $soo,ooo; A CURE WARRANTED. Paid up Capital, 250,000 Assets, 1,897, <46 Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of Pennsyl # vania. Insures Lives daring the Natural life or for grants annuities and tiidowinenta, and makes cootracU 01 ail kinds depending on the Issues of life. • m . Policies of Life Insurance issued at the usual mutual rates of other good companies—with profits ihe assured —last Boxes January, 1861, being 43 per cent, of all imi urns received on mutual policies—at .Imut. Stock ratra, I 20 per cehl less than the above, or Total Abstinence rates 146 per cent, less thau Mutual price. Also, a I NON-FORFEITURE PLAN, I- By which a person pave for 5,7, or 10 years only, when the policy is paid up for Lire, and nothin* more to pay ; I and should lie be unable, or wiah to discontinue s.Kjocr, | tbe Company will isaoe a P*U> CP Pouct, in proportion to 1 tbe amount of premium paid, «a followi: iOn a Policy of $l,OOO, s . 5 Year T Year ,10 Year after uavment ot rates. rates. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for ‘ $»»•«> •«* » $ 7 u « 800 00 671 40 400 00 7 „ u u 867 10 600 00 g „ u t. 800 00 ALEXANDER WHILLDTN. Preaideiit BAMU KL WORK, Vice Preaident. John S. Wilson, Secretary BOARD or TRUSTEES. Alexander Whtlldin, J. Thomson, Hun. Jaa. Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Huberts, Jonas Bowman, Samuel T. Budiue, U. H. Kldndge, George Nugent, John Aikman* William J.Howard, Chart* s F. Ueazlitt, Samuel Work. Any farther information can be had by applying to the undersigned, the authorized agent for Blair County. July 31.1862 ly K- A. 0. KfcUR. CHANGED HANDS. | EXCELSIOR j Hat & Cap Store. rjIHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- A form the public that he fins taken charge of till* es tablifthment, heretofore owned by Jesse Smith, where he has now on hand a large and varied assortment of FASHIONABLE STYLES OF HATS, i CAPS, MISSES AND CHILDREN’S FLATS. II is stock has been selected with great care and embra ces every color, shape and quality, for the accommodation of gr.»»e or guy, old or young, rich or poor. AH he asks is an examination of his stock, feeling sure that be am please tho most fastidious. Aag. 17, 1864rtf. D. W. ALE. GTTY HOTEL, TYRONE, BLAIR BOUNTY, PENN’A. , , LEWIS GIEBLE, Proprietor. HAVING purchased the above well known Hotel and refurnished the same with new furniture, 1 am now prepared to accommodate all who fa vor me with their patronage. Free Omnibus to.carry |»as senger* to ami fr“iuthe Depot. April 20. ’64.—ly. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of,One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfully so forth luy claim t«> puhli attention, us a Fashiunabl Tailor, as folio .vs: Because 1 keep an excel lent assortment of Cloths Cassimeres, Vestings an Trimmings, which, whei examined.always please. Because my work made up in a manner tin. takes down the cmmtr; and give# all my customer a city appearance. Because I am not inferic as a Cutter to the best 1 be found anywhere. ' Because long expericm in my business gives m entire control over i I am not dependant npr any One tolifl mo out the suds. - Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the Brant House.” Give me a trial and you will go away pleased, i Alto..on. May 20—6 m JACOB SNYDER. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS I - Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. v person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap cst Ratable light within their reach, should call at the store Jftho undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. ; That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to givo more or, less light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. ,6tb. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any othei light now in t' .union use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics. Seamstresses, Factories, Hallo, Churches, Stoics, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family-use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging snd table fluid and oil lumps, at a small exi*nse, and will answer every purjvoa- of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all rases. 1 Aug. 19. 1858-tf.j Q. W. KESSLER. I EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB SCUIBER would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re fitted the above Hotel, nod is now pre pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable msmner,and will spare no pains in making U an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, ami hi* Bar filled with liquors of choice bmnds. His charges are as reasonable as those of anv other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who. favor him with their custom. Exacting to receive a share! of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, .he throws open his bouse to the public and invites a trial. I have just received a stock cf No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a Urge stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur-' poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye WhUkey to be found in the couutry. Altoona. May 27,1859.-ly] SOMETHING NEW. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST returned from: the east where he has purchased a very large and fine stock of - BOOTS AND SHOES, • BROGANS, GAITERS, &C., which be is prepared to offer to thecitizens of Altoona and vicinity at very low prices. Having purchased direct from the manufacturers fur cash, he is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he asks is that life people will call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. tStm BOOTS and SHOES made to order on the most-rea sonable terms. AUo, repairing promptly attended to. Don't forget the place, two doors below Pnst Office. Jan. 3.TH61. M. THOMPSON. Agent "VTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.— X 1 Tliis Great Journal of Crime and Criminals Uin its Twelfth Vear, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Crimina' Cases, and appropriate Editorials ou the some, together with; Information on Criminal Matters, not to be found m any other newspaper. SulMcriptiuns $2 per annum; $1 for six months, to be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their name* and the town, county and State where they reside plainly.): To G. W. MATSELLACO., •Editor A Prop'r. of New York Police Gazette, ■ 15-tf| ' JVeto i*ork City. Great western insurance AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Realor personal property will be effected on the most reasonable terms by their agents in Altoona at his office in Anna 9t. March 17.1869. JOHN SHOEMAKER. Agent. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR Ex terminating RATS,' MICE, ROACHES. ANTS, and Bed-bogs without danger in its use under any circumstan . ces for sale at the Drugstore of G.-W. KESSLER. Jan. 24, t B6-tl] N Hii. miller, • DENTIST. (MHIL A®. Office on Caroline street. between X T-P . Virginia and Emma streets. Altoona. £Jan.2o—-2m* ALL KINDS OF PRINTING neatly and expeditctmly executed at the . “ALTOONA TRIBUNE” OYIICE. Dyspepsia has the JbUowng Symptoms: . , Ist. A Cunstant pain or uneaaiuses at the pit ot I stomach. ' ■ ' • 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. Bd. CoetiveaeftS and Loss os Appetite. -1 4th Gloom and Depression at Spirits. 6th. Diarrhoea, with griping. 6tlr Pain in all parts of the Svrtem. . Tib. Consumptive Symtoms and Palpitation « In* Heart. Sih. Cough, with Phlegm in th. Throat. 9lh. Ni-rvuuw Affection. »ud wkut of imp »t nignt. 10th. Low of Appoliie and Voniiling. . lltb Dissiuesa, Dimness of Vis tun and Loss of Fight, lithl Ucndnch. nml Suggvtlug in wtJkiug, with groat "outuToie th. unand of cases of Dy.pep.i. that ha.e need I Dr. WUharf. Great American U>tpei»iaPills, not one of I them has failed of a perfect cur*. Wo warrant a cure ii( 1 over, case uo matter if of twenty jears standing. Sold b, all droggista everywhere, and «t l»r. Wlshart’t.yfllice. No. 10. N. BWM'ud street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and consu.tatloua free of charge. Send fcr a circular,-. Price $1 per box. Sent b, mail,free ot charge, on receipt of money. dyspepsia, dyspepsia, dyspepsia. I, Kuuarra Bxaxxox, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of , Old Chester, Bel., do certify thet, for oue year and a half I suffered everytliitig but death from ghat awful diseaae cal led Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weaknessaud uenrous debility; 1 conld not digest my lood; if fate even* cracker or thq smallest amount of mod, it would return-ju-4 as 1 swallowed it; 1 became*Ct*MV© in in v bowels that 1 would mil bavo a passage in less than four ami oft-u eight days; under this humous© sul fering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. 1 had drcauful horror and evil forenotlitigs. i thought every body bated me and 1 hated everybody; I could not bear myjiuaband nor my owu chiWreu, every thing appeared to be iiorr*.r stricken to me; 1 bad no ambitum to do auy~ thing- 1 lusi all my love of’tamily aud bom©; I Woufo ramble and wauder from place to place, but could not lie couteuled; X felt that 1 was doomed to hull, and that there wax no heaven tor me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole uervou, syaiem destroyed, and also my mind, from that awlul complaint. Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride’a Hospital, West Philadelphia; 1 remained ihere nine weeko. and though I was a little better, but in a few days niy dieadloi complaint was raging as bad ue ever.— Hearing of the wonderful cures pel formed by Dr. Wisbarts Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment lor Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr, Wishart and stated uiy case to him. He said he bad uo doubt be could cure me. So in three days alt r I called aud placed myeelf un der the Doctor's treatment, aud in two weeks 1 began to digest my lood. aud.lelt that my disuse was that giving way,and 1 continued tu recover fur about three mouths, anil at the present time Xen|oy perfect health uf body aUu mind, aud 1 most Biucerely return my thanks to a merci ful God and Dr. Wishart, and lo lii» oreut American Dys pepsia Pills and Pine Tree 'fur Cordial that saved uie troiii an insane Asylum, a premaluie grave. All persona suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as Iwuu willing til do all the good 1 can fur suffer ing humanity. Klixisxth lixaXßOii, Brandy wine, Dele formerly of Old Chester, Dolawate county,Pa. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! 1, Musrs Tobin, of Cheltenham, Montgomery county, pa . have Buffered for mure than one year, everything but dentil itself from tlu»\ awful disease called Dyspepsia. X employed iu that lime live of the must eminent physicians iu Philadelphia. They didail they could foi me with tned- Icines and cupping, but still X was uo better. I tbeu went to'the Peuiisyivauta University, in order to place mysell in reach of the best meuical talents iu the cuuutry, but their medicines tailed to do me any good, and oftentimes I wished fur death to r-Uey* me of my sufferings, but see ing Dr. Wishiii t's advertisement iu the PuiUdelphia Boh letiu, I determined to try ujhco more, but with little faith. 1 called on Dr. VVUhaet, and told him if X could have died I would not have troubled, him, aud my suf ferings to him. The Doctor assured me if he failed locnre me of Dyspepsia it would be the first ca»e in two years, so 1 put myself under lib tieatment,aud although for mouths vomiting uearly all late, my stomach swelled With wind, and filled with pain b**y» mi description, I bought a bo» ol his Dyspepsia Pills. 1 u«MI them as directed, tind iu ten days 1 could eat ao uc.uty a meal as any person in the State of I’eimsy Ivauiu. and in tidily days a as a well man. I invite any person suffm iug as 1 was to call amf see me, and I will relate my *nffemig and the great cure 1 receiv ed. I would say td ail 1 yspeptlcs, everywhere, that Du Wishart is. i I elievi the only person on the earth.that cun cure Dyspeosiavrith > fay degree of certainty.' . • Moses Tobin, Cheltenham, to., Jit. Dr. Wishart’s Office, Nu. 10 Worth Second street* Office hours from $ P. &1. Alt examinations and con* suliatious free. A POSITIVE CUEE FOR DYSPEPSIA. HXAR WSAT HR, JOHN 8. BADCOCK BATS, no. 1028 Ouvs Strut, > Philadelphia, January IfiM, X 863.) Or. 'Wisbart —Sir >rli '* With much pleasure lUai I am now able to inform joy that, by the ush of your great American D>apepsia Pdfs, i have teen entirely cured ot that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. 1 nad been grievously afflicted lor .4n. ia»t twenty-eight year* and fur ten years oi that time luivc lot been tree tiotn itSpaiu cue week at n time. 1 have had U ii. its worst firm and iiave drugged on a meet miserable existence—in pain day aud night, Kvery kind of lot d that 1 ate hiled me 'with wind and pain, it mattered not how tight, or how amail tiic quantity. A continued bcUhiog was sure to lolio I had no appetite fur any kl «U of meats whaterer, and my distress was so great Jbr several mouther before I heard of your Fills, that X frequently wished tor death. I had taken everything that 1 had heard of for Dys|*psia, With out receiving any benefit ; but on your PUia bajug recom mended to me by one who bud been cured by tntiu, 1 con eluded Co give them a trial, although I bad no faith In them. To my astonishment. 1 found mysett getting better before I bud taken one quarter of a box, X am uoio a wU man, and can tat anything I and enjoy a beany meal three times a uay, without inconvenience Irom anything l eat or drink, liyou think proper you axe at liberty to make this public and refer to me. 1 will cheerfully give all desired mlorm.airu to any ouo wlio may C ili on me. Yours, respedttuiiy, John H. Babcock. For sale at Dr. Wlsbart’e Medical Depot'Mu. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price ohe dollar per bix. Sent mail, free; uf charge, on receipt ot price. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA I, Samuel I>. Xluveu, bar© been a great sufferer with Chronic Dyspepsia and lnflamatlon of the. Kidneys tor three years. X had employed three or four of the most eminent physician of Philadelphia, also dUurlingtun co,. N. J. They did all fur me they could no purpose. 1 was constantly filled with awtul pain aud distress, and* with constant belching dt wind and sour acid. My tongue Vwaa covered with a white coating *ot mucus, and was dreadfully sore! Uhl X oftentimes wished for death Co relieve tue of my sufferings for 1 bad lost all hope of ever being well again. 1 made it a subject of prayer to Uod that he would direct iqe to some physician or medicine that would cure me. 2 was told to read an advertisement of Dr. Wishurt’sin the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cure made upon Mr. John Haddock, of Xu2S Olive .street. Philadelphia, by the gfeat American Dyspepsia Pills. 1 went to tQe Doctor’s Office, aud placed myself under his treatment, and tuldhimifhe tailed to cute me itwouM be tiie last effort X would make. It has been six weeks since 1 commenced tiie use of his medicine, and I am now a well man. free from ail pain and distress, and can eat three iu arty meals k day with comfort, and feat perfectly well. Dr. Wlahurt, 1 want you to publish m> case, as 1 want every pour dyspeptic suffering as i was. to call on me, and I will tell them ot the great cure 1 have received from your iuvaluabie medicine. JOHN BOWMAN, Corner Venango and Lambert streets, near Richmond, street, formerly from Wrightetown, Darlington eo., N. J i| ■ * The abovs are a few among the thonaanda which thia great remedy hu saved from ah untimely grate. W e have thousands «f letter. I rum phyakiana and drug gists who have prescribed and soM the Tar Cordial aaylug that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave inch universal satisfaction. DR. L. Q. C. WJSHAET, .No 10 North Second Stre^, m * * ■“Bhu ■SSTrirVl'^T?' 1 . Altoona, Pa. PRIT/JHEY’S NEW STORE, comer . <*fyaroline and ytrglnla Su, Great piles of pantaloons for Hen gad Bojp, at ' LAUfaHHUTS. PREPARED ONLY BY THE PROPRIETOR, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Hardware, i&c. Thetubecrlbera haring Uk«D «h«ve of *he Hardware Store and Store and Tlo Shop recently under the charge of Samuel I. Price, on Virginia street, opposite Keeeler’e Drug Store, and haring added largely to tjielc itock are «,* prepared toanpply anything in the llartwara and CntUrj line, ench ae Uandaawd, Axca, Angora, A dree, Chiatia Banina, Mea, Uammon, Planet, Uingee. hooka, hatchet, Piles. KnlWrand Fork a, Spoons, Ac, Ao, all of which they offere on the moat reaaonabla terms. I Persona withing anything In the Hardware line am redneated to call and examine Uielr ilet . ... *n,ey have aleo added Oils. Paintt, Carbon Oil. etc, to their atock,and will ditpoae of all three articlea at a aaaall ad vanceon first "ott. The w iUslto continue the STOVE BUSINESS, end will keep on bend kn which tny N person will be able to select an article to prUse their fcnej. 'tiNAND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDAR and WILLOW-WARE theywill always hare a large eupply .and,will otde anything that may be called for. Job work in thia line promptly attended to. ROOFING AND SPOUTING put upon abort notice in the beat style. April 2r,18M.-tf. THE undersigned would respectfully in forn> the cit ileus of Altoona end ,urrounding com try, that he ha, Juet returned from the East, where ha hu been affecting bis thick of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which, for style, quality end price, cennot bo aurpeaaed in this neck of country. Hie stock it much larger than heretofore, end es it it quite en object, in them exciting war times, for oaery one to purchase; where they can git The Best Goods and at the Lowest Prices, he would aey that ho can end .will tell ea low, if not a little lower then any other house in this place. Ha wiahie all to call and see hit stock before purchasing elsewhart, as he feela confident he can offer inducements which will defy competition. Ilia stock consists ol LADIES’. DRESS GOODS of every description, MEN AND BOYS’ WINTER WEAR, x ' LADIES AND MISSES’ DRESS SHOES, MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN’S lit LI UOSI WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ WOOL HOSE, HATS AND CAPS, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, OINOHAMS AND HEAVY’DRILLINGS. He will sell Ladies Sewed, Heeled Booteee at )I Ao@l.« Kip Pegged .’ Men’s Biota, «*«*.»• BALMORAL SKIRTS, very low. GROCERIES. White and. Brown Sugar, Rio Coffeee, Syrups, Teat, Ac.’ and everything that in usually kept in a Dry Oooda Store, and as cheap as the cheapest. J. A. SPRANKLE. Altoona, Oct. 7,1803, FAMILY DYE COLORS Black, Black for SiVc, I kirk Blaty Light Blue, French Blue * Claret Bmvm\ Dark , Browf, Light Brown, Snuff Brown, Cherry, ■ Crimean, Dark Drab, Light Drab, £bift» Drab, Light I\xwn di For dyeing Silk, Woolen und Mixed Good,, Shawl,, Scar*, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves. Bonnet,, lUU, Feathers, Kid Glove*, Children’, Clothing,.»nd *ll kind, of Wearing Apparel. larA SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. -©« For 25 cent* yon c*n color a* many good* a* would oth erwise coat five time, that sum. Various shad** can b, I reduced from the same dye. The process 1* simple and any one n, use the dye with perfect success. Direction, in English. French and German, int Ide of rack package For farther intormation in D.eing, and giving a perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dve over oth ers, (with many valuable recelpe*,) purchase Howe A Ste. ,en« Treatise oU Dyeing' snd Coloring. Seut by mail OS receipt of prica—lu cent,. Manufactured by HOWE A STEVENS, 260 Bxoipwat, Bonos. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. Nov. 18,1863.— ty. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. The undersigned would re SPKCTFULLT - nonnce to the citizens Altoona and Ticin ity V he has taken the sto and shop recently occi pied by Fries A Winter on .dnnt* street, East . toon*, where be has hand snpply l STOV E» of all Patterns, such as Cook, Parl» Office and Shop Sto*- .which be will sell at the roost reasonable prices. A large supply will a* kept on hand. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, in great variety, always on hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING put up on short notice. He has also attached: a copper-smithing room to bis ** establishment and trill keep on hand an assortment of cop- | per and brass kettles, Ac. i| All kinds of Job work promptly attended to. ii April 21st, 18«3.-tf STEPHEN WINTERS. J Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING, &C. SRIvJG WOtfLD RESPECT • folly ofbrm the cititena of Altoona and vicinity that he keeps constantly on band a large assortment 01 Cbokinff, ikrtor, Office and Shop Stow; of alt stylet and sixes, to eolt the wants of all, yhich he will tell at low prices, •& reason* able terms. tie also keeps on hand a large stock of fin and Sheet- Iron Were. consisting of all articles for culinary purpose*-*- Cbol -Stuffier, Stove Pipe* / ply of these delicious crackers Just received sod for ala at ' PKITCIIKT’S SUPERIOR CREAM CHEESE AT IO .1 PKircHEra. ALL' STYLES CAKPETING AND Oil-Cloth* ciui b« toturt ft UTOHMW*' NEW GOODS. Patented October 13th, 1863. STOVES, u this altoo StWP*' : ISI TOKI 431 puid w * Oran, Green. fcriM, $ lw»yi :3,l'aJ4; rt '5 i! vr/■ v ,: p & Dl VfOL. 9. twti Poor Haw or 1»«« Oiio square, (S Hue,)—.— Yao - T, yJer Jhrta wwirt ait JJ> «qU!ira for each tia«u< !*it viaw»» io»- ¥ — •>>• eqaare Two ** Tiir** ' k Vftfa (I*)f h colwwi. One column ........ Administrators and Execu Merchants sdrertl-lng by with liberty to chan**.. Prof.-aaional or Business L« i lib letper, per year I’sr.iTnnnicatV'.ns of a p> rest, will t-e charged af t>! v>• rt i vnr ■ 11 1 * not turn tlous deiired- ffi’d be cent ■ooordlug to the above tore * Bqatneae notices five oen ‘•v-ilunry notice- exceeds fekrt A NIGHT’S LO The following ta lor of these tines, > persoif to. whom tht li’d occurred. Tb, committed the slot Lord —— neve horror at the poss versalion turning remind hitu of the life which fortus th< live, he was nafnr matter should be, a Jined-to the circle o As he ik now dea near relatives, ihert causing distress to s tion of his story. ' course, suppressed, far as possible, in words. In 18—, before in Oxford, ttnd 1 death. I had succee niTangemonls to »j long vacation abroj de-irous of a soli I glad fo learn that worsen Hie same i at Brasenose, and embty intimate, v conltMOatallour. for starting togetl summer term, and { determined not t my mother befbrt travel as quickly O’ihten had as liti We slept a niglr night in' the port leaving Oxford we Dessin. Neither < lantl before, and w spirit of enjoyment, tlie new cookery, t huf 1 won’t trot , road-book. Ido I crude ideas on the aspedsiof the built history of one nigh tliat cify, still fug* night of our jour we were not very 4 iotis. It whs my some tawny old tut .white cap; I coul church'; and have ' folio full of cojbt nuyib marked bt. Amiens, and otln O’Brien grtew terr lie said the See thought all the ch out of repair, an his arrival in the in Paris we we ever. , In "additio our /tastes, po'itiea us apart. We bo i introductions to t I society. The fri [ pleased with O’ 1 O’Brien was nu • birth entitled tu ■ as any ofthe blu th« Kapbourg St. duccd to give the regarded the Imi V the citifcen king mother’s, married - who fook me und assured me that i loyal hearts who hope for tte (tea: the white flag, to had degraded the position of an m it jwould be ephei | cared very little } younger branch | invitations for tb I and I had smal i would be recalle I Madame de - I consequence, for I anccs from tltos- I ' We had been in ! I and thpugh we w I hotel, I bad not I