The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 08, 1864, Image 1

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KeSjtlxlo* in l»a»rtwn »»lC»tl«r ?
I* enrtkur iD Uu Hardware; Um an
iMexeßießdiefr etoca- ■
SidOae.*alnte,<*rtK«OU.«te, tetlatr
Ingeeaf dl tbeee artteba,ata Matt -a*.
■ tut aa eeeortiaont from wUcheay
IMaee»ec»aaeiticle to pelawthd»>^ey.
tm atoqte aiefca^eecdt
H tins promptly attended to,
ntforta thie beetetyle.
a reigned would respeotfollyin
tiaanaof Altouna and •orroondia*conn
u>tntiinn>d from the Eaat, where be baa
a stuck of,
qnlltf and price, cannot bo anrpoaaad In
intry. Hie atock la much larger tkan
It it quite an object, fn theao exciting
fory on* id purchase where they can got
Dods.aud at the Lowest Prion,
•t he can . and will Mil at low. if not a
any other; bouae in tbia place. He wiafaoa
e hit atock before porchaalng elsewhere,
lant be can offer indneamaata.wbieh.wili
. Ql< atuCk cowdita of
lESS GOODS of every deacription,
idiot Sewed, Heeled Bootee* at $1 JWBlit
...„ utiyi
[RTS, very low.
>wn Sugar, Rio Coffee*, Strap*, Teat, Ac.*
bat it oanally kept in a Dry Qooda Store,
ha cheapest. J. A. SP&ANKU^
. IMS.
tied October 13th, 18t>3.
Woden and Mixed Goode, Shawl e. Beetle,
bom, OloTrg, Bon nut a, Hate, TeathWa.
ea, Child rena Clothing, sad *U
inda of Wearing Apparel.
o'o can color aa fnanr gooda aa would oth
timea that nun. various ahadaa can > ■
he same dye. The proeeaa h limple and
the dye with perfect ncoeai. Direetma
nch and Berman. iniide of each parirmn,
tarnation in Dtalng. and giving apWMt
;«oio» are heft adapted todee ovarofh
valnable receipee,) porchaae Howe A Btw
Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail on
ewceata. Manufactured by
200 BaoAsvtT, Benton,
igglete and dealer* generally.
-T as-; ___ I
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■fflklnpaß hand u nnutaunt
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roi Ihr citixeM of
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VOL. 9
„ „ , .... H. C. DEKK.
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Merchants adtertwnc bj the J«r. . , 0 oq
4nt»r«it.-.vill tie arcon nnm i>er «f iwr
..™!':l“^u n b'. continual til. forbid and charged
•ccrding to the aboje terms. __ insertion.
Choir* fetfij.
autumn musinqs
Leaves are falling, falling,, falling.
To the ground where'er I go, ,
Even- step the seem complaining—
Of the winds that laid them low.
Rustling, rustling, oh! how sadly .
Like dead hopes in memory's ball;
Leave; of Spring and leaves of summer,
Weaving their own funeral pall.
Far away, in sunny Southland.
Are they dropping thus to-day,
O'er the graves, where lightly buried,
Sleep our dead from battle's fray !
Fitting tvpe ol their own falling.
When the leaden storm swept past.
Thus they sank, with dying murmurs.
To their rest, so drear—their |asl'.
Strew them gently, leaves of Autumn,
Leave no space 'twixt friend and foe ;
Cover up the hroken surtace
Close and .warm, ere comes the snow
And when next the leaves are falling.
May it be on peaceful ground :
Stilled forever, this wild tumult,
Healed for uy£ tliis needless -wound
A new culler ! I wonder what
she can want of me i*” said Ellen (?—,
as a solemn-faced footman brought
her a card on a salver.
“Who is it, my dear ?” said Mrs,
“ Anna Graves, a classmate of
mine. I have not seen much of her.
They are rather common, I believe.”
Mrs. C smiled a sensible lit
tle smile, for this word ‘‘ common”
was the severest sentence of con
demnation that her gentle and lady
like daughter was ever known to
pronounce 1 •
“ I am glad your friend has cal
led.” she replied. “Make her wel
come, by all means, and do not, my
dear child, limit your sympathies to
so narrow a circle. lam not in the
least afraid that you will receive in
jury from one who is receiving the
same excellent instruction with
It will readily be surmised that
Miss Ellen claimed some social dis
tinction ; but it may he so easily be
lieved that this arose from a simple
hearted ancestor who, 'only eighty
years ago, had been foremast in the
overthrow of a kingly gdtriwnment,
ami the maintenance of the rights of
man against the privileges of a class.
Yet, if Ellen had been “ithe daugh
ter of a hundred earls,” she could
not have been more proud of her
separation from the “common” herd
than she was now of her [relation to
that radical, republican old gentle
man, who risked life aind fortune
upon the assertion that: “ all men
are born freehand equal." ;•
To do Ellen justice, she bore her
honors meekly. Innate;good feel
ing and, perhaps, Christian princi
ple kept her from intentional un
kindness toward anything that
breathed. Moreover, she very just
ly held that gentle manners are the
best proof of gentle birth, and the
superiority wich needs to assert it
self- seemed to her of very doubtful
She never outshone her compan- "
ions by wearing hen brijUiant array
of jewelry; for hi these days ofehoa
dy, diamonds are “ common.” She
even insisted on the of
simple points and cambrics for school
attire, to* over-dressing is the surest
qiark- of mushroom aristocracy
$ 6 00
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as «o
which any young lady witlra revo
lutionary grandfather must of course
regard with supreme contempt. In
short, Ellen was, as I hope you will
admit, a favorable specimen of her
class; and, thovjgh our young readers
who are so ha|)py as to live in the
country may not recognize the class,
and may think this description en
tirely borrowed from fancy. I fear
that our little city friends, down to
the very youngest, will know the
picture too well, even if some donpt
chance to find their own portraits
drawn. *
Of late ft new cause for prid„e had
brought with itla great suspense and
sorrow. Elleh’s only brother was
in the fortnost ranks of Our brave
Union army, piroving his birthright
by serving the 1 good cause, “all for
love and nothing for reward.” lie
had declined all distinction ; for,
while careless of danger to himself,
he had feared the great responsibili
ty ‘of commanding others. For
months uq word had been received
from him, and suspence was deepen
ing into a-fearful certainty. Still,
under all fne chastening influence
of sorrow, habit was strong with El
len, and grief itself only added to
her exclusiveness. It will readily
be believed that Ellen’s self imposed
barriers were respected, and her vis
itors were strictly within the charm
ed circle which she defined as “ our
set:" ; ‘
Therefore, it was with some sur
prise that she received the same of
Miss Auna Graves, a daily associate
at school, but somewhat less favored
than herse|f in pedigree and position.
A slight Improvement in costume —
for Ellen felt the need of being, on
this occasion, even more impressive
than, usual—anil she descended to
the parlor.
Alter a -very few simple wonjs of
salutiou,. Anna paid, rather eagerly,
“I called:. Misg C——, because I
have good" news fbt you,- which you
might not'Otherwise receive. Your
brother”—i-she Went on, not observ
ing Ellen’s slight movement of sur
prise : “ your brother, who was a
prisoner at Richjjiond, has escaped
with several others, aud is coming
home, as fast as he can bear the
“ My brother !”—Ellen’s dignity
was melting away in the fast-flow
ing tears of joy and thankfulness —
“my“dearest, only brother ! Fray
tell me all about him. —How did
you learn ?” |
“My brother is with him,” Anna
replied: “ they were captured to
gether ; ypur brjother wounded seri
ously, though not fatally. He is im
proving, Alfred writes me, and all
the more rapidly now that he hopes
to seS home in aofew days.”
. The talk was long, but it need not
be chronicled. How ninny of us can
fill out thfe bout’s rapid interchange
of question and reply, fearful doubt
and reassurance ; and we know why,
when Ellen returned to her sitting
room, it seemed to her that weeks
had elapsed, mid a heavy cloud had
passed away since she had left it.
Two days only, and by slow and
journeys, the in valid might reach
his home. 9 Of the! joy in the house
hold, the useless preparations, the
quiet, lonely tears of mother and
sister, sweeter than all rejoicing ; I
neafrnot ;write. Each reader shall
halrthe; pleasant task of filling up
the blank from memory.
Hate we not all noticed that, when
a great joy becomes habitual, its in
spiring power is destroyed ? The
first great wave of gladness sweeps
out of sight all selfish passions, and
the emotioa is pure ; but too-often
the receding tide leaveaijg view all
the uglyi remaihs of former faults.
So it wan with Ellen. In the first
great shock of joy, she included in
her love and gratitude all who were
concerned in its cause; but as the
certainty! of her brother’s ret urn took
possession of her mind, her thoughs
centered; on him alone, with selfish
exclusiveness. She was jealous of
any one- who even named him with
strangei’ilips; still more of the faith
ful comrade who was privileged to
he with him, to- care for him, and
who had so tar a nearer place in the
sufferer’s regards than herself.
At lepgth the slow hours of the
last afternoon had worn away; the
happy evening came ; there was the
clatter of hoofs, the roll of a car
riage; a thin, trembling form sup
ported up the steps by a young sol-
diet in a much dilapidated uniform;
a pale, eager face at the door; and
then there were tearful embraces'and
half whispered words of greeting as
to one returned from the dead, and
warmest of thanks from all except
Miss Ellen to the brave and tender
convoy, who slipped away at the
earliest possible moment, to carry
happiness to another home.
Then followed long days of assidu
ous watching. Black Sambo found
his occupation gone, for no hands
but Miss Ellen’s were tine enough
to minister to the invalid, and al
most no one but herself was allowed
to approach him. At first, a few
words were spoken, for sickness and
starvation had almost completed
their fearful work, and to breathe
the blessed air of home was all the
joy that was left within the power
of the victim. It was hard to recog
nize in the sunken, lusterless eyes
the gay young spirit which had once
made tlie life of the dwelling. But,
as strength began toVevive, there
were long stories to be whispered of
capture and almost fatal wounds,
add of painful sickness in that dark
est of all earthly abodes, a traitor
prison. The picture was relieved on
ly by the generous, self-sacrifices of
thecomarue who had periled his own
chances of escape to encumber him
self with a helpless burden.
Harry never wearied of dwelling
upon the brotherly devotion of Al
fred, until once he detected an ex
pression of uneasiness on Ellen’s
mobile features.
“You are tired of my soldier’s
yarns, little sister,” said ho.
“No, Harry, dear,- I shall never
hear enough of your* adventures ;
but, really, do you know that I am
more than half jealous of your favor
ite comrade ? You forget home and
the rest of us While talking of him.”
“That reminds me,” said Harry,
absently : “I thought you were a
schoolmate of Al’s sister. Why
does she not call ? and why, I won
der, does he stay away from me so
A flush of something like shame
covered Ellen’s face, as she per
ceived it was too late to avoid an
answer, “Anna is a very nice girl,”
said she : “but we do not visit
much.” ,
“Ah ! why not ?”
“Oh, you know I have a large
number of calling acquaintances;
more, indeed, than mother thinks
best for me while* I am still at
“I am going to beg for one 'more
in your behatf, I Relieve you will
help me, little sister, in paying oft’
my debts—l mean in acknowledging
them ; for, indeed, they can never
be paid. I ow.e life itself, and tny
restoration to you, entirely to Al
fred ; and I want, at least, that opr
families should be acquainted, that
we may have opportunities of ex
pressing the.obligation.”
Ellen made no" reply.
“You will second me in this,
won’t you, Elbe ?”
“Certainly.” But Ellen’S voice
made a different answer from her
words, and her brother’s quick ear
caught the one as well as the other.
“Some school-girl rivalry, I sus
pect, he gaily. “Has Miss
Anna won a gold medal from you,
or did she precede you a week in
wearing long dresses ? I know she
has’not surpassed you at the Phil--
harmonic concerts in elegance of
attire. Bury the tomahawk, dear,
and I will give you two medals and
a new dress'besides.”
“Oh, you provoking boy !” said
Ellen. “You're as much of a tor
ment as ever. Ifhssure you, I have
not the least /rivalry with Miss
“What is it then V Reply, or we
fire.” ,
“Why, to tell the truth.” replied
Ellen, • growing a little red in the
fij.ce, “you know one cannot visit
everybody, and the G-’*B are—not
low, by any means—very excellent
people, I believe ; but—you know , ,
—just a little —common ” , . ! oitizen of Washington
The hateful word would out, but; having 60 attributed one thousand
Ellen would have given the name ; dollars as a .reward to the first man
of her grandfather to recall it. The 0 f our army who will unfurl the
raillery had vanished from Harry’s B tars and stripes in the city of Rich
face, and he turned slightly on the mo ud, the money ha®been sent to
pillow In the side view, the lines General Grant for that purpose..
of suffering * were . more sharply j —~ ~ .
defined,' and, wanting the light in ■ A fifteen pound cannon bal
the eyes, the face looked almost like was found jrecently m a bale of cot
the corpse to which rebel barbarity ton m Lowell, Mass.
had been tryijng to mine# it—from
which only the tender, heroic efforts
of his friend and comrade had been
able to reclaim it.
“Your brother is onh'a ‘common’
soldier, ’’ said he, at length ; “but
he would be a disgrace to that old
blue overcoat, if he could forget the
kindness of a comrade. Let me
tell you, little sis, I have dug in the
trenches by t te side of hard-handed
fellows from |Maine and from Min-,
nesota, from the coal mines and the
lumber forests, and there isn’t one
of them but is like a brother to me,
I see they wouldn’t ‘ fit in here very
well—not to damfisk curtain's
and velvet caijpets, and have scarcely
the"manner of society ; but they are
my comrades, for all that, and if you
don’t like the company I keep, you
must disown-your brother ?”
“Oh, Harry, Harry ! don’t talk so
wildly. YoU know I love and
honor every one that has been kind
to you. Forgive me ; indeed I
never thought of this before.”
, “No, dearie, I know you have as
yet had no reason to do so. But
think with me uc&v, from my lonely
watch on picket, or in the mud of
the trenches, or still more from that
horrid* prison, surrounded by fiends
who reviled.all that we hold sacred.
I tell you, any one who lovedjour
flag was more than a brother to me.
I forgot those fanciful distinctions
that at home we used to recognize.
But it did seem to me, Ellen, that
we had got right into the tracks of
our brave old ancestors, and were
fighting the battle which
they began. .Sul, now, in the
midst of our struggle with that hate
ful aristocracy, which mocks and
insults the very image of God, if it
chance to appear in ebony or bronze
instead of alabaster, it is strange
that these shallow distinctions should
be more regarded by us than ever.
I thought they were forgotten
among the other child’s toys that
used to amuse us before we had any
earnest work on hand. But one
thing is certain ; if ever we are
worthy of victory in this war, it will
be by living |np to our high doctrine
that all men'are equal, and that our
reverence is due to the immortal
spirit which lis born of God, not to
its outward accidents of color or
“You know, Harry, that I never
thought of that in so serious- a way
“Ho, deajr, ami I never before
made so long an oration; Won't
you congratulate me on,my maiden
speech ? A|t least, you must give
me the . satisfaction of making one
convert. We. -will be thoroughly
radical, woij’t we, in our belief in
social equ a Iffy ? ”
“Anything you please, Mr. Leve
ler. But, really, you are growing
quite alarming. Must we admit all
I sorts of people, without regard .to
I character’or culture, into the circle
of our intimjate associates ?”
“Ho, I did not say that. Make
your moral !distinctions as clear as
possible, ajid as so that
you do not! grow Pharisaical, and
exclude charity herself, But Ido
say, while tye rnake mere conven
tional badges of more account than
essential qualities of soul, we are
unworthy the name of Americans,
not to mention that of Chri-tians,
and it is a wonder the shades of our
ancestors do not rise in some of our
. gay and glittering assemblies to dis
own us,” •
What wjLt Mss. Gundy Say.—
An exchange paper is jubilant over_
the fashion Empress Eugenie has
lately set, and says her example
will commend it to the good sense
of all sensible-women. “She, upon
a recent occasion, appeared in pub
lic with skirts shortened sufficiently
to display! the handsome, richly
ornamented garters worn by her.”
A modest bachelor says the printer
has evidently made a mistake ; that
gaiter —not garters- —is the height
of thip new fashion.
Soon after the of At
lanta by Gen. Sherman, he deter
mined to rid the city of all non-com
batants, with: a view of making the
place a strong military position—
sending all who were willing to take
the oath of allegiance North, and
compelling confirmed rebels to go
South—and issued a positive order
to that effect. To facilitate the re
moval of the latter, he sent a note
to the rebel Gen. Hood, proposing
an' armistice of ten daya at a point
where the rebellious‘citizens should
be delivered 1 to their friends. Hood
accepted the offer, but took occasion
to. denounce Gen. Sherman’s order
as “ unprecedented in the dark his
tory of war for ungen
erous cruelty.” To this Gen. bher
man returned the following pointed
answer :
Headquarter's Military Division ofV
the Mississippi in the Field >-
. Atlanta, Sept, lu, ISU4.}
General T. B. Hood, Command
ing Array of the Tennessee,
federate Army : General—l have
the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of your letter of tins date at the
hands of Messrs. Ball and Crew, con
senting to the arrangements I hkd
f imposed to facilitate removal South
hose of Atlanta who prefer to go in
that direction, j I enclose you a co
py of my orders, which will, I am
satisfied, accomplish my
perfectly. You style the pleasures
proposed unprecedented, and appeal
to the dark history of war fpr a par
allel as an act of studied and ungen
erous cruelty. It is not unprece
dented, for Geh. Johnston himself
very wisely and properly removed
the families all the way from Baltou
down, and I see no reason why At
lanta should be. excepted. Nor is it
necessary to appeal to the dark his
tory of War, when recent and mod
ern examples are so handy. You
yourself burned houses along your
parapet, and 1 have seen to-day fifty
houses that you have rendered un
i uhabitable because they stood in the
way of your forts and men. You
defended Atlanta on a line so close
to the town that every cannon shot
and many musket shots from out
lines of investment that over-shot
their mark wont into the habita
tions of women and children. Gen-.
Hardee did the same at Jonesboro,
Gen. Johnson did the same last sum-,
raer at Jackson, Mias. I have not
accused you ofheartless cruelty, but
merely instance those cases of very
recent and could go; on
and enumerate hundreds of others,
and challenge any faiwnau tojudge
which of us'has the heart of pity tor
the families of a brave people. *1
say it is a kindness to those families
of Atlanta to remove them now at
once from scenes that women'and
children should not be exposed to,
and the brave people should scorn
to commit their wives and children
to the rude barbarians who thus, as
you say, violate the laws of war as
illustrated in the pages of its dark
history. In the name of common
sense, I ask you not to appeal to a
just God in suphasacreligious man
ner. You, who in the mhist of peace
and prosperity have plunged a na
tion into civil war—dark and cruel
war—who dared and badgered us to
battle ; insulted our flag, seized our
arsenals and torts that were left in j
the honorable custody of a peaceful j
ordnances sergeant, seized and made j
prisoners of war the very garrisons
sent to'patent your people against:
negroes and Indians., long before 1
any overt act was committed by the,
to you, hateful Lincoln Government,
tried to force Kentucky and Missou
ri into the rebellion in spite of
themselves, falsified the. vote of
Louisiana, turned loose your priva
teers to plunder unarmed ships, ex
pelled U nion, families by the thous
and, burned their houses, aud de
clared by act of yofir Congress the
confiscation of all debts due North
ern men for goods had and received.
Tell this to the marines, but not to
me, who have seen these things, and
who will this day make as much
sacrifice for the peace and honor of
the South as the-best born Southern
among you. If ww must be. ene
mies, let us be menfand tight it out,
as we propose to-day, and no\ deal
in such hypocritical appeals to God
and humanity. God will judge us
in due time”; He will pronounce
whether it be more Humane to fight
”• SIS. v ,T:.v--f-i
with a town full of women and the
families of , a brave people at our
back, or to remove them tn time to
places of safety among their own,
people and friends.
I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
W. T, Sherman,
Major General Commanding.
(Official Copy.)
[Signed] L. M. Dayton, A. D. C.
—The Mayor of Atlanta and oth*.
er citizens, about the same time.
waited on Gen. Sherman with a-pa
per in the form of a petition asking
him to revoke his order. But he
“ couldn’t see it,” and sent the trou-
blesome citizens to their friends
with the following unanswerable let-
ter :
UkadßCabters Militant Division or tiieV
Mississippi, in tub Fibi-P, ' V
Atlanta Oa., September 12,’ 1864. }
James M. Calhoun, Mayor, E. EJ Rawson
and S. V. Welts, Representing City Co«n
cil-of Atlanta: ,
Gentlemen : I have your letter of
the lltb, in the nature of a petition
to revoke my orders removing all
the inhabitants from Atlanta. I
have read it carefully, and give full
credit to your statements of the dis-
tress that will be occasioned by it,
and yet shall not revoke my order—,
simply because my orders are not
designed to meet the humanities qf
the case, but 'to prepare for the fu
ture strugles in which millions, yes,
hundreds of millions of good people
outside of Atlanta have a deep in- ,
terest. We must have peace, not
only at Atlanta, but in Ull America.
To secure this we must stop the war
that now desolates our oUce happy
and favored countiy. To stop war
we must defeat the rebel' armies that
aft arrayed against the laws and i
Constitution which all must respbet -
and obey. To defeat these,armies
we must prepare the way to reach
them in their recesses, provided'with
the arms and instruments which
enable us to accomplish our pur
pose. Now, I know the vindictive
nature of our enemy, and that we ,
may have many years of military
operations from this quarter, and
therefore deem it wise and prudent
to prepare in, time. The use of At
lanta for warlike purposes is incon
sistent w ith its character as a home
for families. There Avill be no
manufactures, commerce or agricul
ture here for the maintenance- of.
families, and sooner or later whut
will compel the inhabitants to go.
Why not, go now, -when all the ar
rangements are completed for the
transfer, instead of waiting till
the plunging shot of contending ar
mies wiu renew the scenes of the
past month? Of course Ido not ap-.
prebend any such thing at this mo
ment, but you do not suppose this
army here till the war is
over, I cannot discuss this subject
with you fairly, because I cannot
impart to you what I propose to do;
but I assert my military plans make
it necessary for the inhabitants to .
go away, and I cpn only renew my
otter of services to make this exodus ,
as easy and comfortable as possible. I
You cannot qualify war in harsher
terms than I will. War is cruelty;
and,you cannot refine it; and those 1
wlib brought war on oar countiy -
deserve all the curses and maladic
tions a people can pour out. I
know I had no hand ip making this •
war, and I .know I will ’make more
sacrifices to-day than any of you to
secure peace. But you rimnot have
peace and a division of our country.
If th» United States submits to a
division now, it will not stop, but
will go bn until we reap the fate of
Mexico, which is eternal war. The
United States does and must assert
its authority wherever it has power;
if it relaxes one bit to pressure it is
gone, apd I know that such is not
the National feeling. This feeling,
assumes various but always
looks back to that Union. Once
admit the Union, once more ao- -
knowledge the authority of tnejNa- -
and instead of :
devoHpg your houses, and streets,
and roads to the dread uses of war,.
I, and this army, become
your • protectors and supporters,
Shielding you from (Jangeri let It
come from what quarter it may. I
know that a few individuals cannot
resist a torrent of error and : passion,
such as has swept the South into
rebellion ; but you can, point pnt
ao that we may know those who
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NO. 30.