RINfiER. vk LISTING WRINGER. i» .imaMj **' e|b W'B TO GB T eVT O RD* » ftfcWilEfiCT CW-fUIU. ■■' pBST PKEMIUM at fifty- Km|h'|j Fatrsln 1883, uidls, wstfcwt iJliiill paitv «f tba UKM. fia.r.s»JO. Ho. JLSUO. wS WbolMaA mat ntelL by . eßawhiwH^Bi KSOW3,*!*,.- tmapmtutnut; ■rtvbetter thin » oompthajed sm ; Jk-.IS rel/'-wfoufaitf, dMrviU, gma BdAaUutVtcailMddaFuidAiMtfa ptiMwtler; ■ .■•-{•*■ a hot water wtU m U, tHrimk amd !th> shaft to ran in wtg I»MT out; s i*«r, with or withcftt oufcwhtels tftwe sot weotiu; j lyerhu aU the a&dn* iC*ajftbavt» named; | m) ii ue M-Wrtl|v nrf.ui Jkd-Qmdwnaovr alssb- i paper with testimonials, but in iiUoe the ak«pticai,if aacbtbenba; Potuam’s Wrings. Tost U THOB obd ALL others, and if pot futirtly wring CO ts /torn practical txptrieou Oat iron # will not oxidtx or nut tmt par Wmgor it at near per/td tupotiMt, iii«mil it to U lhebttUnntt. Cleveland; OWb. iapn in the galvanizing Imtinesa. en tju above etatesueut in all particmart . STFSHTd, No. 100 Beelunaa.Stroet. .ry, 1564. ntnaci’l Clothes Wringer by practical that it will tie Uis cheap: it i« eim rubai, whether St worker at net; a : it docs its duty thoroughly; it saves or and tear. /Vo earnestly advise alt übing to do, with-all intelligent per to bay this Wringer. It wilt pay for Boa, JIORACK ORSZUZ. ■ it, Kxpcess paid, on receipt of price. AND SCOTLAND, BY'THK tNE OF STEAMSHIPS, do do t Line of sailing Vessels, h German Lloyd IJoe of sailing between N. York Bremen, Southampton, and : London. * | (hi., fur Oue Euund Mid upward* on ' Bnmrbt**. |«ayabie iu all the Qtiw m COFFIN TRXHMIBGS. !AGBBAMD WIMOWM. ■ 1 yp ft£ ■- -}T. m in hi* Une wUi bolhjr r 'ft6d ict low rftteft oftui. • cofDKT GOODS-on bud will to My low (rim, In ordw to nllnqnlnn “Tdtgraph Fodder Cette.” ETTINGEKS " Mews Igenpy, No. 7, MAIN STREET >OKS, BLANK BOOKS, f, CONFECTIONARIES S & TOBACCO. tors in,great variety •akim m hand. V AJVLUItf, . ey-Babfe MJUJtLAXB 00.* pa. t towwl 4rt 9f J. B. BO**?- L—NOS. I, 2, ANl>*. ,»ew t Aud M»- MAfJfl* L Of * W*w*~ gjjjgjgfcgp •ortmest of iMMy*«il» .tgjgHp , colognes, neom H*^e*«^^agga»p P V -A! X^', r irxltmc. local, ivzb&ls. Oo» Common Schools.—As rtmjaeuson for the opening of the Common School*,fhij almost oven partofourCommOTWeahh/fc nt teid, perhaps a few tho ughts concerning! than and * few hints to parent* and guardians may not be atoiss. We are aware that just now the public mitri is agitated by news from the battle field, as well as by that cx citemeut that ever accompanies a great political couf-si. But while we are considering these mat ters—matters, indeed of momentous importance, | id us not forget tiie foundation work ot all true! national greatness—popular education. Our Com mon School system originated in the councils of abme of the best men the nation over produced,: and it has been productive of results the most happy and beneficial. Through its instrumen tality thousands of youth have laid ibc lor future usefulness, or h&vc already become or naments to society and a blessing to their race. The improvements that have beep made in the .ysicin in the last few years, are such thar; if tho provisions tf the luw are fully carried out, the re mits must necessarily l>e greater in the future than in the past. The County Superintendency is pet iiap< the greatest lever ever yet applied to raise the system to its true dignity, bate in Uds office a man, who is supposed to be. and ought to be capable of teaching any school we may have in ihc counts in anjAranch introduced into that nch-Kii, If becomeshia duty first to examine every teacher in every Ifianch he is to leach, and, if his examination be satisfactory, to give him a ceitifi catc in the same. And the Jaw specially declares that no teacher shall teach agy branch not con tained in the said certificate. This guards against that greatest of ali evils—arising from men s teach ing what they know nothing about themselves— learning amiss. The school law lifts also wisely provided that the diploma from any college or seminary cannot be received as evidence ol capa bility to leach —but tho applicant must be examined bv the County Superintendent. As an evidence that this is a wise provision we need only say that we received a letlci; from a young man who intend ed to engage in teaching, and wiio held a diploma from a college in our slate, who directed his letter « e to us in the following manner: AUonv The individual |«thaps knew better. but a (>erson so careless or illiterate, as the case may be. i> unfit for a teacher of the lowest grade of public school. Uui again it is the duty of the Superintendent tu visit all the schools of the county, and he, be ing a practical and highly qnallified teachei, is ex pected to correct anything irregular or erroneous in the course of the teacher, or if the case be too flagrant, to annul bii certificate. These guaran tee** tor the sUcceess of our Public Schools with the attentive oversight of go«>d duectors, cannot hut result in the best of consequences, if j*arents mud guardians do their duty. ; And wc believe we are safe in saying that failure, wherever there is failure, results in most instances from their inat tention. It is the duty of the parent to see that scholars prepare at least some of their lessons at home. How many do? Not one in ten Uis the duty of the parent to send the scholar to school regularly, but very many are dreadfully irregular. Wo have been shown a roll by a teacher on which four scholars for the past month have only each been in attendance one day in the week, while others were not there half the time. No teacher, whatever his capacity, can succeed in advancing scholars who are thus irregular. They, as far as concerns themselves, had better be at home. And »o far a> the school is concerned"it would be very beneficial not to have the recitations interrupted by their blunders. Perhaps some friend may say that we are treading upon grounds where we have no right, hut as a public chronicler we holtl it as our right and duly to speak for the public good.— We ■ i'.-ii urge upon you, parents and guardians, to do your duty, and In doing that dnty do not forget that it is a part of your duty to visit the schools and see that the niaehcr does his ; and if he is in the performance of duty to cheer with kind words and gentle smiles. bowk Thet Come. —Gold is tumbling ; and the necessaries of life, which have for some time been commanding such high figures, arc' now be ginning to come down within the reach of all.— Fritchy has just returned from the East, where he purchased a very heavy stock -of groceries, at re duced prices. Like every sensible man should, he has adopted thd cash system, jind can therefore afford to sell bis goods much cheaper than they who sell on credit. He can also afford to soil cheaper than they who bought their stock before the fall in prices.' We know of no store in this town where sugars, syrups, coffee; etc., are being offered os low as they are at Fritchy’s Family Gro i-cry, corner of Caroline and Virgiols streets-, Go and «er ; but don't neglect to take the «-v»*r I tils. iTo.-t- 2-, aiiii . v fro;- a i.-tth*. S.M liy Ist Brigade, complete,... dth Ueg’t. - Companies. iltli " . Another brakeinun named Risley was killed the day previous, by being run dver white sitting on; the track, a slmn distance east of Conemangh. f He had gone back m flag an approaching train* and silting down mi the track, had fallen asleep, and was thus killed bv the next train. Tbeideceasod had worked mit lus notice to quit, aiid was breaking bis last trip when the accident occurred.— SlamUirJ. Democratic Mas* Meeting.—Although no public announcement by \d made of the fjc’-jt. we learn that it in.emion of the Democracy to hold a Ma>s Meeting at Hol lidayshurg, on Saturday aficrnoon iu*\e Oct. .*rtb. and in this place on l!ic evening uf tin* .stint* *1 iy. Great efforts are bung made to rend- r tie nnvt- pensilvany ings a eoinpletti micccs.-, and we base ii" doabt they will be immense gatherings. Cha* N\ . C ir 'Kigali, Esq., of Dili lad a. Col. Lansing, in' X. dei>e . and other distinguished speakers, are exj).‘- ted to be present Important Mketlng.—An importan; mecihig of McClellan Club No. 2 will be held a- 'her Uaii in Pattons building, Virginia street, this Satur day) evening, Oct. Is.. It i** bojjcd da: ,-v i.oge gathering of DyiruK’ilais will !«■ in a:ud'.i i-e, a< the final anangcincnts in regard to the a: jmaeh- iug Mass Meeting, importance is to be transacted. Good >]»i*akers ate also expected to be present. Eds. Triiutnk ;—Wc de-ire to announce t" the people-in.your paper,! that Mr. Marlin lieriu, !, of Holliduyshurg, will bp a candidate fur S.i.-iiii of Blair Connty at the coiping electron. Mr. 1! cht -I is an honest, intelligent man. ami a very competent othcOr. Besides. he has Haims upon lli> voteis of this (’oimty which should no* he lightly passed o.vcr. in the Fall of 1 > hi- v.dun teered to fight the bailies of I mained in the service umil af tysburg, where he hist an arm, and In ( ame thereby incapacitated fyr further active, duty. He i- now at home, crippled for life, ami is unable to .-ccurc a livelihood by labor. ' Every principle of gratitude, honor and patriotism demands that we should fake care to reward our crippled heroes for their sacri tieesand hraverv. To save our State from invasion* and our home.,4 > fmin desecration, he periled Ids lile. and lost a limit, and we very much mistake the patriotism of the ]>eople of Blair county if they per mit his noble services to go unrewarded, now that they have an opportunity of testifying their grat itude. We also askjyou to publish the following card of Mr. B&htel. Containing his written consent to.heenme a candidate. •«i s .vy -< ».n li.Ui'l. iit rii al • Ilf |> ul all MMi- s pr-'pa-n-d t«* '«U*I'L V oftko*, mm)left-. ir.. At the solicitation [of numerous citizon«,*w;ihout • * . l u.< f.MMu.->Mn.!oih-i th-Vv ir<- n ».t puMk distinction of I‘artyJl hereby consent u» become / u J s r - h : / r! I,rlt u,, ‘ <'=•:•** o or - i*iioTin* tut !>e cm rvi.ai-r full s.iiuiucthn.: o for Sheriff of lilrtir iM>unrv uf lip,' Ihe 1* itsf. ( *l All >onn. i N eim ;j. i *ll . v a tanuiuate tor ontfm ui omu, t * .* I Ki'memlxT. hiB-*t>»r‘-and saloon is on \ irirmmxfrcM-t.* wo coming election, and it*elected I will me hu« !>*•*•*» •nn.•>—». a< in t?.- -no. ..t • iI f^Ul . u ,. s j* ;l iu.ir- n.ii. * oxro Jtos&i. duties of the dfHc-e tci the host of mv ability. *“»•» (b-**w.l ; au.-mh. Apnl S. . M. L. BECrifEL JJoUiddyaburg. J\unt 27, 180-t. Tobacco and Cigairs, Tobacco ami Cigar l '. lobaccbanU Cigairs, Tobacco ami Cigars. , —; — robacob Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. i 4 DiIINISTHATOE’S NOTICE— } miiE U N ]>K [ls UiN E D WILL SELL i>JKJCtaclcS. :u jL N"tic»' hfffhy uivcn tb-if -L-mvi-s >T X {t t Public bain. tin* F»fr h day ft/XM \S J. AUT* I.l* 'IIT l\ latn i.f j n , t ,„. j,- t . VOf Mi f UITIT TKhifS. now urmvln" nrn.Ti aim] MmPrriOfi 1 b’&un t.»%vn-liip. tux |jffa|tfK rv -Oh ui .Nov. tuber ami (••mfinim until Together vmh stock ol ana . lU^tu J . jn , ailt i l( . llUn ,i..i. r-.r l uU u. 11. ta vl-uc, Snp|iortew all 1 goods found in a lust class ; cakoU.ni-: McP.kumitt. | u>. I*ol -Jai. JV’((/*>vryfn<"j; Store. I ;For sale cheap for Drug j s-pf. 17—i t. MmtoUmtnx. Second door from tlic corner of Virginia and . A NISI li A t Oi>S XOll- iv i'—■ Annie Streep Altoona.' • ! A '•>»«• f T»yi or oiaj.guw. inn- ..ri„ w ,n t« P ., I ' litair «lvc *l. ; -h 1 ** * * ~ —’ \iy hi-n-l'V iriven that b‘*t*T» of Aihnii i i *trali- \ 'Fifitei! Fisb !!—IDb not risk your property any h iv ,. horn grai.tfii t* the nn lei mi sai»l All j .longer, to thf mercy of the flame.-, but go to Keir ; 7,’,” ." t . .t't ■' ii! '■ in.! and have him insult'vou against loss toy fire.— i hat-ins .-'aims apiiiwt tl.y -nine mn»l fnwnl >’.u!y TT * ~ 1 iujtht*nli'Mt*‘il luv Kuttlimi'.-ut. Ue is agent for tlnrtecn different companies among which.are spmc of die best in the United States.' ! : . j | Altoona, itnly 2f ,-tf. BAILED/ i-VTOTICK TO TUAC II CilS—An cx- ! umiDitfu n t>f t»*ac)i.*r><, fir tin* 11 School* in Lo" ui _ JZZ : township, win Ik* 1f M in Loii.louhvillc. Sept. 2lih, IMU, j ■fl) AND MAIL SCHEDULE. ; arc .-xii.-fti-d r-v 1- in attendance. fi? [Z i. ' Jsy «*rcl- r <»f the lliuml. TWAINS AIIKIVB AND DEPART J i ’ DAVID UOBES'JN, Secretary. Baltimore Exiles W(j«tarrive 7.15 A.M. leaves 7.U5 A.M. j Altoona, ?-‘P r - D>. Philadet’a •* ** “ *• #-20 “ ! KSSS, ."I : v;v CHANGED HANDS, i & T 1 ** exoelsioii Mall Train y- x "f “ 7AO •• ** »•>« * J__ • _ , . . 0 . ‘Throngh “I; * 11.2* “ 11 . • HT—i 0+ AV < : OP-t-v Trains on iitollidnjlfeburg Branch run to connect with ; J_ Xcl v ,vc,L |_V ►w * laVyA. 1 Kxt*** , Tn«iiJr W«li Mail Traiu ttatainl Went-ami Thru’ ' ~ ~T , IV ; AcCiimmiM'latliiu Traiji Kant. , , !, mJI E LXI >KI SI (I .N L 1 > IN j Train* on 'fynme jfc Clearfield Br m<*li anil Haiti Lassie [ fu ni the puMP* ihat he h s lak‘*n eh Tree *»f th■* »*.<• : Valley R. K. rijn to connect with Express Train West and i hendmore »>v n- <1 hv Smith, where he j Mail Tthld Boat ami jWtat.- : »m.< n-.w m. iinnd a larjr -md vari’•{! ae—rtm«*nt of ; Altoona, May U’Ui. I£G4. \ If AS 111 ON AHD i'j bIYLi-LS OF ' • MAILS AUKIVE. j crßV^t Washington. Dallirndre i llarrUbtug arrive at 7:20. A.M. t _ pifeftfJ y-v, . t^v Philadelphiaiarrive»Ut *:PS, - ITT A fl'M A IjU Pitwhnrxh. (through,) - 7:55. *• > I—| /\ I gH-ll I IA , I lioiiidaytfbiirpb, C:4O. A..M. & P.M. j I I K_/» M'wteni IVayi • ! - ... 11:25, A.M.' 7 1 En«t'*ro Way, • - 7.05, I*.M« | [MAILS 01,08 k Eastern Wa£ hud tllrongh. Western n«»HldayBburgli, - * WeJ»t**rn,:thti«/ngb. • - IlDUldajsbuPgti. •_ Baeterp. tbrwngb, r • . M ’°‘ ,San I A HARKEI-S PUKE WHITE. .LAUD O.W. PATTON, P.M. |4t Just rcetlvcd Hurt for wU st FKITCUKY’S Lincoln. ..724 'McClellan. . 84 20(1 .100 . (IN * ' .1228 100 128 | „7;i i .212 . 02 SBEBIFF ;’ict t MAKV CITIZKXtf nil , ~u om* pl.-tU*.} w.U lit- r,> any u svivipt as th:«e-cvat hl»sa|»p to pav posing. Aiiuross Lhil IT ■I*?!NATVIMf,. LEAR M£KVVIN * C).. *1 1.1 >f**r,y «m-t. ” H A,IW N;{ Vy'' o', V.A ■,i SIK mmmmmm AND *'la*UM)£l! On the -7til of Septet.. i.-r. tit Col Woo. I, - lintel, hr T. t*V. SM:C)KIN(r TOBACCO, 'V.,u. Mills. Cst|»(. J Af’K.'ON MuKK. <>l tic AlaUmm «!••;» it* YtT. ic V 1 ip.J 1M A. K.\ KTN hi. and JA'Nt- ll* to Miss J KSjiiJ 'ri illij i.N.0l Neff YwU. iil »L\i. f; w.lli a tuioni *»l‘ m aM m agmm wtm lOnumi I’uicu’co. Cut ainl Ju v -by tin* pmnE. All kimls Ilf A-NT !•: D—■Tlnve Blacksmiths to ' Xi* « ..r0,.. » * loam Axe Mak uiml ‘MX (UK Mu.;M ,\1 KN as ' FINEST PIPES. IMjar*, .an* w.iutfl u.ii-i. iiim.-lv itr’Mami’.i ,l,U‘ Kucturv. ~ . . i ... iif»r LcwmiuM ii. 131‘tck -in kh> c.t u re*i«« imiiO J.-u to himr. an. I lihlw ,I!nW»er, Double s.i, and lielpoi * iiuju &to $..00. Urtl ImW ! i übo l*ipw». an-i 1 j.,1.A V ... S l w ‘ l •*> !-•»■». .M.utt uml ere. >11.11.8 Oct. --il, uioi CuUUUUO*! tie.- usu.il p«j,C*|. as iieivCol*>i e . lU 1,1 "' ,r Oct. I, Ih'ii. .\iAUi’ E. Mr.UAi.T* . Come mill t*«e* y<-U!>* lv« s. Wo are- Ci» Roll at — _ _ ! luv» j.iK - •>. > i the n.i'.u tievt wt* I ussoi.ii i lON Of pa kI n itsiiip.; J&...S —Nt./jt-e i> lu-t I'LA I \ el! I .’.ii -f lie I .1. t irdi ip u. • e ’ f ImtuMjl i :: the I. .x\ n . lUi 1‘ stol e is lilt* 1« I Uost of tbe I l-.O Lft'l \V :•»» lli'tV.,V A CAl.il.fl 1 kiu.i fWI ..••.••.tell ill thv lo.‘ «». * >1 kojf* nu'l L'ii'h if. keiW.ii.i. A.i-n.iia. o.f' .h.s ti.n l - iissulvftM ■ A* 1- ■■•kiiov I 5 U. .. ,r l*v mufUii OMt-i-ul. .» U }Ni-> mu« . lI'I, Sj-I. 17. I‘l>{ — Tin. tlmm'f.V'-n iml lui ij ty hiii-i fiim wilt call ami | • * pottli-iaaindiauit J *ilN. 1) ICI\ i.V. ' ” AM.UKU CU...USS, ! CITY DIU.TO STORK. D . il. ij. !! Ki(i.VlM' would rospcut , fully .uditviini' f• ► tilt* citi/.fiis ot /Vltonit.i ami i*ur . . , . , , , . 1 r * ■ i;: ■lv 11 im Ins I .-. ciit I v i>.avha>.-d t!m A a limi»;rsciit!.l fi i Ljnj» t.lki U nil «■! A-iail; , . . • .• • * ... , . . , . S . ,r , ... 1 Mu.; v "f H*-r in a (_•>. ..it \iij, r nm Mc.-i, 11 ii. I di ’’li ill,- r i- »t.- ~t Oil. j-.li.tM t \\ ,>yi, •. 1.i: ..1 ,1 • .ti.t, . ( (j , , v ’ * in ihf tummy id b. nr. ami Mate of Ivauia. deed. , 1 tt* ' iV' 1 * '* *• . ,v all i>ti > -u.' iiiii'-Mi-W u< ►.ail i-'t-iii- ai t- n..nil J t>» La 11 ur,. ai.il ail p, r».*ns claims j ~,( j m.p<-s m- *({•[, 5 ulleul i>.m lc» t• > amitt a llm eMatu "I fianl tpriih'-nl are m.-f.il -»l iu iitai.i- ( uliur,- ~j' j>ijMi has c.iUitai, tly tm hand, Ia>LJS rl.U•! 0-i re liana a t tie. d. rM. , MUUuo, Allooiia. On. l. iMu.mc ; MKDiriNlvS nml (’IIKMIC ALS, —- FIXE TO 11. FT SO A I -S’, I‘Ei: FFMKfi V. It it Vs TIES. AlOmiu. St-lii. 2*e iSol.-C.t.* t i i i-: . i rrnv. rM.\rs. \ju..x n A 1 tonmr A fadm v : IXlv'U w AJ.CX J- -X v/ CA Vi. \j i-l-A I , f j t ,i fxtry article usually hr pi in a First rloss Ih'nj Store WILL UK Oi’LNKU o.N Monday, October 10. 180-1, | UUMKST^^, “i™" ASTED ; -u cui*:itc!v i).itiiMt-.1, -it all noun ul*tln l day ur uiirht. KOli THK TKIiM OF I Ajtt. .i,:.,; , T ! . >. . v:;;. fi v MJOXTHS. SPRING 1804/ All l!n* hrafic!;-.*s i}sn:illy taught i;i >acil f -j" rt t a . r tnstiui'-hms .vil! ti:‘ in this. ' -I_V > — S i -t * KKV. M. C. WILSON, Principal. I 3 take* jdoaKiin; in i'Sinn«r (his mV Spring Cl.o. \V. 1-AI-1...V M'V ! Or w1.f.l W..U .I j I :li ■ , u 1 i H ii i . ; . I li.il I l.;i. - ■ J usl .I ’l Ui avd Ij uni * Oct. l-i. w: S. M. 1-. .1. Omkmink WDUDKOK & ! I '"v’-'- . , : HOOTS AND SHOES, AUor.n-./s „t I. n, ;(• jd'ht-irj A'jad.i , rillj ..... , lmra „. VIT mi.mw! 1.1 tn/'W : . -.;i l -.l I. .-..ifii-T-l I i-'- l- M i -i l-'-i.'- : in-l cii !■.i ■ M..n i. ■\\ I-. Ili-ir . ... . i iin.l i *’>• • "■ > ■ H >'»,£ ,| i. -m..!! .«l- I'. ' 1I I H'- , . 1 ■' '• 1 -■ ; **!' '•* : : “- K'll ity < iH- -iri \ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUIVATI’ SATE'.. (JITtAATKii :N ship, Cambri i r-niHy No. 1. .1* a Ti.MT --I-' L.\\f* • - t l.)n IVn-hwL and tin- u«. m! ail m.i d f*.rniaTr rt. iy„,.! m-w t'imk M -n tit i ’!•• d.ior T» i- A*n < * i''..!:-! .liul t V tin; Ui. !i ,i.i , w.. ;: ic -. i- . . 1 i! ;.l . N i LC IS.mui< as ■I-' .. . . ... , , oit.VNCK-.- I.KMONS. i'INIv.UTI.ES. N". - I- a 1 1 At 1 < r . AND Jl am! . . r ,s- - x . , ...... ~ ~ . l-.-i. h - i.tl.ii «!j „„(ns .Nft. I Tr.„-(. 1 HO-. 1 i.l NK', 1..\1-1..>, M ■ I S. &< .. *.< ~ Nc.-’i. 1- a 1M UT !.;• I.A \1) c-u! iinmy 177 A- I-*- ant J iiua \ s on ii.i n*l Iu I h u [•‘•-p<-c; iVe ms. 5 cakes baked to order, nt -H' no- I’um- ..ii.i C.;: •-.•••. 1. t v u.g i E.-i ■-< •>, --ii-i ‘ parji-ular **ce.is.' in. on -!i*-rt omOom aaj til the miat t■. i on*' Pi * uk. ll*r ' t ; ,,j . Tb** b'U-i i- in, a g.» S|c ing of Wa t r .SIJ ii 11J iO U WOl Li) 1N- Itjh-r , „ i, r lr;!:r. -/ t <:un;i>r>/. - ' £ 1-V,:: M till- .-in/.-r.i Allmmlt »»J vlf’lnlM lll.lt lii- WiMMA.t.iN, -I C-*AKE«Tn>>.\i;l!Y. ALT mi.i KIIUIT STaUK. i-hlwuv | VST - II KIIK A S . «iiisliiciory notiiv lias I “i , i ,l J" l »■•••> v «o h ‘- 1 i|lll - 1, ' ;l o i I lj«; O-MUpUoIItT of til- Cur- I ‘ ‘ . _ - __ _ i r..„.- T> rii.tth-n.,.;,;.!5...k,.f I XOE CRE-A. I “-Hu; Kirf’ Altoonn/' IVnu a, ! ,it tiu* niw.-iyt t>> tu.> hud ! h;i. h.-.t, itirin :h ■ mhu nf 1-jffv ThomtH'l Pillar'*, ! myj . j:i A-..| ij.uu-f wi’ii tin* ( t, it- Art u h'- >ii A-so'niti-’ij. iiii-J font tin- wJi ilr amount •>)’ kis< h in c-4 «■*<' lias li'Tij j>ai'i o». .'ini that lh<* pai t-up Cana i ij: tk • >aiil pm.. u< w min ur- to Ouv limna-i ij an- Fury Th'iusjifjil Dollar* Jlna.*-*”) r lui' p;»i s-ai'l Ikiitk }>ut u! ‘h‘ j ! Op.lal tlu-KMif: ami U"* *aM inn ■•;(*<■ i-f Ol]'i 1 tul t" n;*|»n*rt »! l»v ill.* ft tlr»* rurr-iirv, i in ujilh+s* wh'r'of. j In-rt u-ifu •»111x mv «*1 !i Mil y , tii’M. il Mo'JL'LL (hutpthiller. | Sypt. 17 —■ U>{rin twp., Sop 3’ 01-Ot. MISSES AND CUIEDUEN'S-FLATS. 7.40. A.M. ! Hit* »=«- '•'■' i* ►*•!.•*•(*•.! -villi fr,-M <•-*■< ■■nil*™- TiW* *• • st r.ulMiotis, - 7:20. “ :1 An-'- IT. r. <’.,i t Uo.ll su.-t, \i-n V.ai. MARRIED, ii • iiKl Hi' i |ii. .:>i' ynj t.i . •■ i a ! ■ til .1 !t mI pt v -hr- . n*m I in* 1‘ S. , *B n; 1 e.m , ■ it. ii. t Lr.AliriEh i OvVX ■■ >u u :t> tlf C■ B N.-vx P] .;R. * Ui 1 A 'Ve.I -1 \\ at.-! a Young uicitaiil .tiui \ , ;{ peter empkieed. J'lmhn'rfrut'ir. D. \V. AM READ! READ! READ! nnii:' surpcribkrs would re £ -• vifu'ly mi im ic.fy, •:*« -d Altorn:* m i vicinity ID ;t »h y halt* .quin- d u Ihix** »m«i r I.cl TOtiACCi) STORE, in do* rm-m {•» mi ily t*r;-n;ii»-d h\ .t<•!*tt 11. Ihihtuts u* a t h«»« Mhif. nn «.i, im :i.‘ *1 *<*i to Kessler* Drug i-t -i •, \» «:--n Jin ' ID’V- *-n -i lar.cc supply iMlk* finest o! crp. rD d him! ill iiiftn; O I Or >V R S . They have also |he .aid variety of TOBACCO, KI.NK i : TT tin* -if •Tlit* wry add finest mir.NNLU a co. I’CltK WINKS AND LUiUOitS f.a 111-■'!:< iK .1 nsf 11 AT S AND CAPS <>l tT'»* La: --t Si \ ♦n 1 :»s b> -pi .lity. 0.1,, r aint |'i ;o- can- JACoI) WEIS. BAKED AX!) U).\EECTIoNEU, ViwaM v .A KKI’S C> (XnTAMI.Y ON HAND tA KKI'.AD, CAKE.*. CANDIES IC3 am. -’.v ,. i .j- '-i\ r.- Laii. rvui iw an 1 pt to a- I ■ he a- .Ml' J hi. -JT. is*;:. Fi:LSU-ltA KKU BRE A D, C A KES, & PIE j, FRUIT TiiEEiS.I hik I ' ;V| usic!—insti;i-i;th)Xs<}iven | on tl»t* i’i n<» K«>rl- and Melodeou. by Mis* M. SUttKM A K KHJ Jli' No charge for tip* me of the Instrument. Resilience on (’atlianne Street, AltoonW. fJan. 10, lBßh~tf. NOTICE to GAS consumers.— On juhl :*fo r .V, p'-'ttibf.r I’.l'i. ISCI, tin* pricn <»f 0 ih wGi in* io;»o cui.k- r-. t. Ga* »h«toir if hiijHtuv u»l pai«l >%itltiii .*i r, for which thp pum of $OOO will ho paitl. in mhlition to the Oowriimciit OuUiGV. A-ith**** Box 01S, Pittsburgh Glflco 3. IfCi.—::t VTKW AND IMPROVED STYLES of Valin'* nuG Oft'pvM'tair*. nt LALHIIBIAN'S i>ui;e white dead and J JLiiat. nlfMf Chruntu.iim-n. Vvllow, I’uris Iry anG ,'rouml oil »it K KSirtKlilJ’?. SALE A DEI I. DING LOT iL Utaiidi Street. Altoona. IVlcf £V2-'». A»t;-IT. :W. S. WTCjifcß. J'l'ST UMCKiVEI)—A' Lot>Mfriu.c <'H» \ ItSi-nt ; J.m. >w|j H.iuijj'jurs Buquq i'» l l*l;mt;Ui*m ftl 1 lAm 13.-(H| ! Tint? RAGS! RAGS!! RAGS I!! MKN AND BUYS’ COATSj>f evciy /•'ASH niiid for 3JAJ3S, at t BABY'S la kud color, of good aiiaUly, ftt ' . - • MILLt>rHRY BTORlK’VfrgluU S(., Altooiu. ,1, ttIUOBWiAIi'S. 1 a - . ANN, y. ■ -1 fr-.-t A IIC-Mlia. I’-l. NT 1A .1. Ai. •. n . jar... W.U-h 1.. ( ■ *t*m 1.* n tvd! liml If pn-tbadej el.-; a Bu. %jgp ■0 ~ ■ Drug READ CAREFULLY! Someihin" Interesting to the Public. BUY THE BEST, IT IS CHEAPEST tX THE END. YOU (• AX SAVE MONEY BY C\L iUA ill olitV »l ‘ : . - • G. C. SMITH'S One Rrice Stone, Corner of Julia, atVI Harriet Street*, £a*t Al.toona. where yo . can uur. inH- tin* last of all kind* of s«K»fs In. His hue. lof the L fWKsT CASU WUCB. He lists jw>t returned Ho:i» I'Dsliul'-iflin.ttitii another New Mock ov UOuds. his hlm-k of • DKV UUOUS, S I'AIM.E AM. FANCY DRESS GOODS, GROCERIES, P queensware, MATS, CAES, iC., &C. do n'»u <1 solicit {...rtiautar attention to the new and larpt lot ul' LOOTS SHOES AND GAITERS, all tiia liiu-sl styles of Ladiaa’ t>Uoe», «lsoChUdreu’a Shoea, ol ev. ry style. AS T’t )K NOTIONS, hedefleac n.|»ti. linn. m number iii.ti quality. They coiwst of the heal rtt,ck ul Noti> * oir-ru.i. such oh'Lsu’iV Of tits’com iiin.i, t uic v »u«l kitl 01--vt» add liimiery, lluy-V Uoee, Uts „.*h‘ OimiA and Hells. iAdhk’ and Genu’ Uueu C*l l.u - Lhill s‘ worked j machine] und Vqlutrn full's, Bodies. Tiimmings \eivei hlhhou. f'kht Uf.tid. {■.raiding Braid. J»p»»ul ColUin. Wtillyts I’dcket - Books. La dis-Bags Girdles. Ileadmls OnuhsCloih and hair Uuwhps, "Tqotb finishes, t’i'iicy Hull ms l*oi limiery. llairoils. Fan pv adutp*, lh**p Skirts. Cat pet hogs, fcon and Weather 0 lulu ell -s. (iiul ull ku*h Looking Uhvaww i ho uUivi* wi I he tu.lt! -i| tin- UweVl figure for cash or in »‘X> im ugt* f u f ig-' or cuimtty produce. ilf wt uM just say. itt (.'-mcmiou, thufall In* ;isbs of the .a ah ouii a li» aisii to Ret bargutt.H either in cum* ,ui.ii ~ the u» •■'t fancy i»l‘f.h'*es. dry goods, queciia it .. Ac . to I'.t’vur iiita with a call. All.m}. I, Aug. h, I'lvl -if. j WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! ’» ■ Where to buy the cheapest clothing in the interior of tlie Statu. CXEXA.MPLEI) DISPLAY OF GENTLEMEN’S DRESS GOODS GODFREY WOLF’S t il LAP sI!)UK. CofM-r of Carollm? and M:uu Street riliili sUHSOKI BEU TAKES PLEA JL bum* in oif-ring to fhe inspection.of tbo gentlemen o: A.ioon.iaud vicinity. the LAUOLST. REST MatCTKO AND CHEAPEST ASSORT MENT. OF SLUING. SUMMER AND FALL CLOTHING. fw-i Drought t.. thi- m.u ket. His goods have bet n ►elected t>\ In.*,-•••;. ituin :.ddes nf the iuuiil fashionable im-rchani ;■ , :->i . w Vv.i k. Philadelphia nml IVdtunore, t»iiil it i u ul. Kuhny-ont ►ati.-tactimi llmlbc c»o lifter lln-ir pmdnc tt.ni class of customer* who *bunl in need of fu.-L - and a| priced that caiinot bo disputed. lit- .-.y < I; coinjlri-e* all ibe mo*t important. us well ns U iil. i. in luTc-s of a gentleman's ward rube, vi/ : Ime n. 1 1: a lift Ciir.iuueje LVats, ailtpmlit iea ami price.*.. S It •• i.iii -n Du>ieitj '• D.n - km L ti'oiiuere Pautb. f .uiL'i i'—'im-re and Satinott Pauls, all style*. .B .m .iml Linen *' ** V '-A .1 1 .j ill! ii 1 ' and prices. Tip* b***t a-r-ntinent u' ni.iiu ;u t f ti.ci *-..>• J.-n shirrs ever brought to this market A e- iup.ey a-.-..;tim tii of gentlemen’ •> furnishing u%od.- < on-.-io*.:. m | a t of flu,.* Linen Shirts, foliar*. Neck-lb . -1; ~e’i -,,a 1 11 .-I, Iy. I lie best and ch-ap.-l a-- rt u, •.! .f 11 ta In ibi- place, and A large supply of Trunks. ■ i a 1 'jii.Mi!. s and priyvs. i'n- , t.l. an t -i. .-ti'nlly ihvit <1 (-■ call before pur ci •_ • lit If. 1- if ice Is satis tied that be ran pba- Itu I n • \ , fy |*.n ft. u l.il . • ai vi, .1 nij .ii,h T-i'i.-tf. READ CAREFULLY! so'lr.TlllM’i IVf 1.U1..-rIMJ loTllU l*Uttl.U’. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUK SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. npilE largest slock of Laities’ Dres ffl- (,i- ,-ve.i 1.1 otigiii to town bas jn-t b'-c-n op'-ir U a '. if • i»r-en Cpi inT.” Altoona, ami will be fm CASH at pi ice-* tH:«t 'l*fy omipetiti -u. Wcnreilelt nnim • iih! • c -il* k of town .-lijill take tiie leaG. amt lint* tit uc .: i*.-t *' shall be foremost in the van. Oar t-hai. .j .- -1.. -1- c n.-i- i s ..t ,’l.mi ,n,.i I uh-v Die—-cjiiks >lerinof«. Palmetto Cloths .;uai. All-Wool IM.mi-, Plain ami Fi.nre'l lielaines. E itic.v Pi n.:-, ami a gn at vnra-ry of oliier goo*N. . f iliHei .\i • .c.i t-xiinys,* In fact then* is nothing tlu lailie •m. .i*’ R b«* for wear that wn cannot luruisSi'tbe.J with.— U r haV-- a;-.I a I.if." a.-.-ortment of Ladios' Co:ils, Shawls, Ealmornls. 1 Shoes, Oailern Arc-. we were almost forgetting to mention <-ni t ,lL- -1 • C A .f t vEPtrs. GnoCERIES, QDEKXdWARE- ETC., ETC. Kverjb.-tly -h-MiUl know that money can be saved b' bn\ i*.g in.-'ii.« IV*.hi us. For instance, we are s.-Uing goo- Citi'icoes :j- [..u'-tis Diets per rani. Muslins a*low as lSct» Grown Sugar for U cl*. (»er lb., ami good Tens f.T 90 elt* Alto Mini‘ •April S. '(U. if. JUUS J. MUKPUY & 00. \ r A;.U.\IiLK iIKAL ESTATE A’i T PRIVATE SALE. The FpcecntT of Daniel Spriese, late «v sM t..\\ n.ihip, J niimta county. deceased- olTci» at PUi V A I K SAhR.uH that certain TRACT <>F hAND, aitjut in cmuitv ami tow nahip ufareauid, containing ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY-THREE ACRES, m..re or l< -s. with the usual allowauceof six p.rro*l. fm nuns, having th.-ieon ended a NEW GIIIST AM) MERCHANT MILL with two run of I! nr*, together with all tho new ami in» proved marhiuery lor doing OlllST AND MKlU.il ANT ,MiUa. with m-ver-fuliug water {tower. Also, A £OO.l i'KAMIi DWELLING HOUSE AND FRAME BARN; ALSO— A LOG TENANT HOUSE, with oth'-r uect>*ary out-buildings. A large portion of the purchase ijmtiey may rduuin dccimM in the property on which live years' time will for payment. Tiie above property i*, slm ite 1 atoiif two miles from tin Pennsylvania railnmd-u id canal, amt the same UiHtai.Vi from Milllmtowii ami T’utter*oi). Any p thou wis.ing f/ puiclutse or! view thV propert} can cull on JAMKS H. SPIESB. residing on the premises. Or K. S. DdTTY. Mifflinrown. J. F. BO lUKR. McYevtown. • or HENRY SPtESC, Executor. No. 417 North Third «lre„t,‘Phlla. . Amrust 13th-tf. - - Manhood: how Lost, how Restored. Just pubrUbed.anew edition of DR.CUL '/isiM'h l • YfcliWKU/S CKimiUATKD ESSAY on «the ranr (without mekicine) <>|: . Spepmatorikea.. or seminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal Ltwaen, lMPOTnxct..MeD!«l and Physi cal IncapHcl y. Impediments to Man tape, eitf; also. CjoN sumption. Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by sell indulgence or K'-xna* extravagance. Pf ice. In a sealed evelope, only 6 cents. Tim- c«* cbiMtiHl author iu thb admirable essay. clearly from K- thirty years successful practice; fhai tin* alarming cbn-« qn»-nee* of i*df abase may b» t'ftdicalh cui-fd wiih *ut the use of internal medicine «n the of the kmfe~|>tii>finguiit a made ol cure, »t (mix* simple, certain- ami effectual, by theahs of which every sufferer, no matter wbqtbis condition may be, tuny cnfii liim'vlf cheaply, and radically. ijjr'ihiH Lecture should lie in the l hands of every youth andj every man In .tbe land. Sent under »<*al. in » plain envelope; to any address. p>ifi p-.nd. on receipt of six cants or two post stamp*.— Addres Use publishers. CII VS. .1. c. KLTXR A C(U 527 Bowery, New York, Bust office bor 4.W July l.‘>. I*o4. W. M. LLOYD «fc CO>., ALIUOXA. J'A.. JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., BANKERS, I {Life *• lie'll, Johnston, Jack Co.”) D I! A LTS ON TUT i’UINOU'AL Cities, and Silver and Gobi for.sale.' Collections : made Money* received oii:deposUn,}uyaMe on demand. : wJhoiii interest, or upon time, with interest at fa r rates ;■ frvb'dd. i*b*. | . - A par* an, impure water mid other UOfiThT tUlt'b bXO.UACiI UIXTKKS may be retrod on as a safe* guard. 1 iu districts infected with £kccr and Ague, it has been •>umi infallible us u preventive a.id irresistible as a rears* ly, nhU thousands who resort to it under apprehension ot Kti attack,, enupe tlio and thousands who neglect avail themselves uf u» protective qualities Li advance, ■ut emed by'a very buel Com Ho uf this marvelous nmUi me. Fev.-r and Ague pal tula, alter being plied iumilie fur months in vuiii, uutil burly saturated with Uiut daugeiousalkuli/ul, are not lestoredt aealth within a lew days by the use ot UUflTk'i'Tk.H* ulliLUn. Xiit- weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and thoappo* ui<- lectured by this agreeable Tonic, and hence it works iwn.iGK in coses uf bVti'tcMAumi iu less confirmed forma .i Acting us i geutk* and paiu.es* appeilobt, ia well «» upi»u the liver, it also iuvaiutbly relieves the JoNaiip.viiuN superindud by irregular action ol the di -s<-»Uve nud ••ccu’tlro otgaus. Bottom* of feeble iabit. liable to JWrrpm Attacks, Latent $ ■’J Spirit* umi Fits of find prompt and perma nent relief truiu the bitters. The testimony on this point ,s most cnnciu'iui*. and bum both sexes. noi.LWAYsnrnG. pa HOSTBTTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. Tin- agon,) o! UiLLiois Couc i:* immediately by * single dust* ut tiie stimulant. and by occasionally resort* ■ng to .1. tlm return ut the complaint may be prevented A* a U.-m-tul TouiO. ltiTT£Ufl producs 11. cts w htrh must bti experienced. or witnessed before h<-> c.in lolly appreciated. In cases of CbfUtftntfeiial ri a-./r os. J rt tualurt Urcuy and Debility bud Decrepi .udo ai .-mg ii'i.in uli> Aon, it exert iaes tho electric influ* .m e. lb tin* convalescent stages of all diseases it oper* .I** as a*Ui icntful mvjgorant. Wheii the powers ol uu :>n<' iii' 1 relaxed, it operate!* to resenfoice and re-ettab* 1. .*tl but not least, it Is The only'Safe Stimulant* being i i.ii.mVu.ed from sound und c innocuous materials, and fetiu-iytio limn the acid’ element?* present more or leas in .ill tin* m ummy tunics and iiC'diiacbifcs uflheday. V* latnily andicim- ban beeii so universally, and, it may ><* duly added, d< s- rvrtUy popular with the intelligent ..ortnm ot the community DITTKttti l*i••pared by li.bVi ». l i UK 4 aMfXli, Bitl-buigb, Bfti aotd by ail Druggist*, Ui'ucers uud Storekeepers eveiy* where. lIELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparations. COMI'»)U\D FLUID L.VIKACT BUCIID, * Poflitlve .ml Sj*e< d ilemedy f*>r diseases wf the Kidneys, irawl and Droppicut Swellings. \ This Medicine incivayes the power pf Digestion, and sx ites the Ab-(V«kn.-*s ai i-mg from Excesses, of Dietl))* [ion, Kt-arlv ludi-uviun ofAbui«e, attended witbthefch .owing symptom* i tHlihpuMtimi t a Exertion, Loss of Power, /«»>« <i Uimju*©, Wmlti ftltilllM. .Mim-iw ol Vision, Pain iu the Back, universal habitude of the Muscular System, i lot Hands, , J flushing of the Body, Ovi ness ot the Skin, EVnpt.ous on the Face, * Pallid Countenance, These symptoms, if allotted to go on, which thit modi -ino invariably removes, soon follows lnp<*tncy. Fatuity, Epileptic Fite; • . * In one of which the Patient may expire. \\ ltd can my that, they are Lot trequeutly followed by iliose *• Direful Diseases,” "INiAMTF AND CONSUMPTION.” .Many are aware of the cause ofthHr suffering. •IUTMOXE WILL CONFESS TUB KLCO&DB OF TBS INfIAXi ASTUOIa And MeUmdnAy Deaths by ampto-wit jess to Ihe Truth ot the assertion, ‘ /Vie OnnUtutwn once ajjtcted Organic Hbihien eqiftns the uul ui Medicine to btreiigtheu and Invigumts he tfy.-teiii, ’ „ : ' icluch 11 elm bold's LXTKACT BCCiIU inrartabty does. A Trial will convince the aioel skeptical. FEMALE *— Va AEIiS-iFEMALE i In many AJftrtions peculiar (n female* the SniiCft Ucouu is tificquii.Vit by any -other remedy, as in Chlorosis •r Retention, irregularity. Pajumiujesa, or Suppression ot Justotimiy Kvarjiait one, Ulcerated !of tfeinbuos Mateo* he Uterus Lcucliof rhOKH orWhiteSi Sterility, and for all omjdaint* incident in the’ MX, Whether arising froftt lx iUcreiiou, Habits ot DUmpatior. or }n the • DSCUNK Oil CUANUid Of UK* TULc no more Bcifam; Mercury , or Hupluuatu Medicine for unpleasant anerdanyfrous i/iauir. UKLMIiuLD’S EXTRACT BUCHD AJTD IMPROVE 0 UOit WASH CUKE* , SECRET DISEASES In all their Stages, At little Expense. Little or no change in Diet. . No iuconrenknce. And no Exposure. It canKes a frequent decide and gives strength to Uri nate, thereby Removing Oh«i unions. Preventing and Curing Strictures ufihe Urethra, allaying Pam and Inflam mation so frequent in tlggclAMdbf 4ii«H»es, r aUd«xpelUng all fdgauous, Diseased and vjomout Mutter, ■ THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS tWDO BATS BXZS THX TIC TIMB or Quacks, and who bare paid Aeory fete to W cured in h short time, have found they were deceived, and that the 4 * POISON” has, by the uss of “powerful ASTUltonts.” been dried tip in the system, to break out ln an aggra vated fo» in, and perhaps after Marriage.' •'< i v llEuiooLD’a Extract Bcchc for all affection* and ilUcsuanfof. the UUINAKY OUGANS, whether exiting in MALE or KK MALE, from whatever causa origioatiDzand uu mutter vf IU>W LONG STANDING. \ DUetts** pf tliKse Orpins require* tbe aid of a DIURET IC. UKLMBOLD’.S fcXTUACX IIt'CUU IS TUEGKEAT DIUKKTiII. WuU idcert.iu to hart the desired effect hr al o for which t'( U tiecomucrHUd. Kv;*lf? t>»r of tb« most M'hhlAotul responsible character nudiciue. • v \ l“iU< 'K H FEU BOTTLE, OU SIX FOB *5. ./<-Jivjrr.* Ui any Address, securely packed from obaenrs tii.i* • • ii rihf, Fymptrtrai n aU Cbmmunitatiom, C,rxK Guaranteed! i Advice Gratis! 1 Art'-Irtfcrf for information tp. ' H. B. HELMSdLI), Chemist. 104 SouthTmlh-stJliel:Chestnut, PbUa lIKLMDO.jD’S Mrdicul 2jrp<4,\ HKLMCOi.D'S ‘Deux and uhfmic(A THmAome, ' 5!) I BUOAWAY, YORK. IBKWAK’'. OK COUM’LRKKm PLKD DEALERS who foilmvor tu dteikw w ami "OihfT” articles "n the rejmtaUfm dAßifwdl|K UolmboU'H tfcuuiue .pit-partitions’.'‘'^7s' v ' ? ** Extract Bncbn;-" - •" ■ \ »"U1 at I . r AIX DRUGGISTS' KTIOTTOWW. / ", v ASK FOB HKLMBOLb’S. .i i~ S TAg gvrwvriy.. .