The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 10, 1864, Image 4
R. A. O. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., Agent for Blur & Huntingdon Counties.* npBESE MACHINES ARE aDMIT- I >ttf W Ih. Mas wrcr: offend *o the pabtie, »u<l their by the feet that in ihoU**Wbt>mn, OVER 1,400 MORE at tbm Hi*Mi — hare been hU than of an; other man ■feetand, awl mow medal* bare bean awarded the pro prietor* In different liin and Inatltntaa than to »nyotb at, BreJlachiaae are warranted to do all that la claimed for than. They are now. In nee in aeveral femiiie* in Al toon*, »iwl lo rrery caae they giro entire aatiafaction. \ SheAeatrefer*thoae.deeMng infenaation asthean pwforicyof the Macbinee, to 001. John L. Piper, Bar. A. B. Clark, Oeorge Bawkeeworth, BenJ. F. Boee, and E. H. XarnerrEaqra. The trhtnra can be aeen and examined at theatoreof the Agent, At Price of No. 1 ailrer plated, glaae foot and new ■tyie Hauaer—s66. h'o. 2, ornaeiental bronae, glaae foot and new etyle Hammer—s 66. No. & plain, with oldatyle Hammer—s 46. [March 21,1881-tf. BUT ONE PRICE. ARP THAT A CASH PRICE FOE ALL OUK GOODS! AS STATED AT THE OPENING «r«ha Union St re, the otfiect of thepoaspany U not to aatoieU ofter •tore' keepers to* few articles and nuke it op oo others, bat •laplr to *eU mij article at a certain percentage above dost, Lsi thstperosnUge bring the price above or below that of other stores. By selling FOR CASH ONLY, w* ere e—Wwd to place opr percentage at the vary lowest figm*, lure me wo have no loss to make op. Wo shall at all times keep the beet quality of all ancles offered for mi*. Oar present stock consists aof choice se lactio&af SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, BYBUPB, SPICES and everything In the grocery line The beet brands of Fleur from the Phoenix, Mount Onion aud other Mills. SUGARS. : i Pnlv rixedlB ctsy White 17 cte., Yellow and due. . * Impels! mod BtadkTeas from 85 cts., to lAO per lb. COFFEE. OllWißiHh, kUMklla Hill* Bio, Koop&rell Bio Beelellon, Baatonce, Browned Bye. dpini if an kinds. Chocolxta sad Coco.. ifoj i« -i*e, Ground AUom and Dairy Balt. Maw B spun, Flannder, Congress, Maconl leaf andgo laca Cnawlag Tobacco, alao a good selection of Smoking fabaeoa^aaßOaua;-' Franklin and Layering's Sugar Honae «■*< other Eyrnpa, Bnnch Balaona 30 eta. Seedleaa Baiaona 25 eta., per lb. Corn Stank. Carbon Oil 85 eta. per gallon. Candlea. SOAPS. Boain, Carman, french CaatUe, American Caatile, Saw er*a and other Toilet Soapa. CRACKERS. Cream, Wine, Sugar, Batter, Soda and Water Cracker*, farina Blacoit. ’ WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Broome t Hand, Dost, Scrub and Shoe Brushes. W* would call special attention to oar Boots and Shoes as oar stock is fresh and selected with great care as to 4oaiity. Managers. Dee. SB, 1868. EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! f'irgmia St., Altoona, Pa. D..W. A BEDFORD, Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE “ EMPORIUM OF.PA3HKIM" would reapeetfolly announce to the public that he has received a large invoice of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and a genbrai aaeortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &c., &e., &c., exactly anlted to tkia locality and intended for the I SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. The proprietor of the. Emjxrintn inritee an examina tion of bia stock, foaling confident that hla ehelree present a .greater rariefy of plain and foncy goods than can be foond alaawhere in the country. An examination will coorlnde any one of this Jkct. JHeJiae alao received the LATEST FASHION, and being a perfect “ Gutter,” he has do hesitancy In say* hig that b* can make up clothing in the fashion, and in * manner that can not fail to prove satlsfrctory. It has passed Into a proverb that Belfort! 1 * the very man that can make, Clothes in'the fashion, strong and cheap; -AH that have ever tried him yet. Say that he really cant be beat. Remember the Mace, Virginia street, first doer above Jagganfs Halt, Altoona, Fa. .[April 17, *62. CITY HOTEL, TYRONE, BLAIR COUNTY, PENN’A. LEWIS OIEBLE, Proprietor. IiATING purchased the above well- XJt lowira BoM uxt reDimUbed the nma with new am sow prepared to accommodate all who &- ▼or a» with their patronage* Jroe Omnibus to carry pas sengvrv to and from the Depot. April 20,’64. —ly. JOHN D. SPEIL&tAN, JUSTICE OF THE , PEACE, Altoona, Blair county, Pa. A OFFICE on Main street, front of bis ibup, owe door S*«t of the National Betel. WM. SI BITTNER Dental Burgeon. OFFICE IN MASONIC UKPLE, next doir to the Poet (>««. rr nPEASI TEAS! TEAS’—FRITCHEY a leaellliiff T«u .npertor to my ever offered in Al tffll They »re tree of ednltermtien, coloring, or mix tan of any kind. OOSTGN CRACKERS—A LARGE M# nfilf of tbrno dslicions cracksrs jut received fmCBXT A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF /gkj 4 -Ccct** Model Improved SHIRTS Oa—lmere ud ■■■wflbiHs flsi snil f lismr irhltr and colored at . . LAUOHMAITfI. ODHB AND LARD OILS, CAM -9 jfcwie. Rnrnlng Fluid, Carbon Oil, at j KESSLER'S. If XTRA FAMILY FLOOR, FROM Jultbe Cove, always on hand and for sal© as low iiltth lowqrt by yRITCHEY ■\TKW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES x* 1 far Man and Bora, Lad tea and Misses, just rac'd at - - ' LACGHMAV TTMBRELLAS and PARASOLS, it ewdleae variety, at LADGHMAN’S. TTARDWARK of all descrip *3b*4fnerjest received and for sale by ToSt U-tf) ‘ ■ ‘ J.B.HILSMAM. A BARRELS pure white lard -jciwet reeetrad and tor»al« m PRITCHEY’S U. S. 7-30 LOAE The Secretary efithe Tnasaty ftrea notice amtanbertp tiaoa wgtbereriwU for Conpon Tieaeury Note*, payable three year* from Aug. 16th, 1884, with eemPannual inter eat at the rate of aeaen and three teethe cent, 'per annum,—principle' and internet both to he paldia lawful money.' | Thme netm will Ibe oonrertfldo, at the option of the bold er at wnriai^.hiiaxUper cent,(old be*ita« bond*,pay able not leea than Bee nor mote than twenty year*" from their date, aa thaiaoeerament may efee*. They wU[ be leaned in deaominattaa of $BO, «U»> *6®°. *!.«», ands 6, 000, amlWßanbeeriptlnne mnatbe My dtdlareer aoroo multiple ofStty dollar*. The note* wUI he treaamltted to the owner* free of tranaportation charge* aa aooo after, the receipt of -the origtaaiCerttAcalee of Sepcaft a* they cube pteyoiwd. king depoaite aehaeqoteo that date areet pay the inter eat accrued from the date of note to date ofdepoalt. Partial depodUns twenty-fin thoneend dollara and'np warda for tbaae note* at any time will be allowed a com mlaaioo of ooeqoarter of one per cent., which will be paid by.the Treaaary Department npuo the receipt ofa bUI for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the de posit waa made. No deduction* for commiaaiona mnat oe made from the depoait. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS JLOANw It is a National Bavinos Bank, ottering a higher rate of interest than any other, and the best security. Any Sav ing ifAitk which pays Its deposits in U. 8. Notes, considers that it Is paying in the best circulating medium of the conn try,'and it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are’ either; in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can always 6e sold ,for within a fraction of their free and oqpo&mUted interest, and; are the best security with as collaterals for discounts. CairatiWe iito > Six per cat. 5-N 6«U In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the currant rate for $-20 Bonds is not less than ntne per cent, premium, and before the war the premium on six per cent U. 8. Stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on [this loan, at the present market rata, Is hot less than’ten per cent, per annum. in smraoi froi siak or iciicipal iaiatios. But aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, 1 : \ a special Act of Congress exempts aU bonds and Treasury notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about tjwo per cent, per annum, according to the rate of taxation In various parts of the country. It is believed 1 that no secnrities offer so great induce- ments to lenders as those issued by the government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the frith or ability of. pri vate parties, or stock companies, or aepemte communities only, is pledgedfbr payment, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obli gations of the Ifnited States. While the government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, li believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty add patriotism of the people. Duplicate certificates'will be issued for alt deposits.— The party depositing must endorse upon the original cer tificate the denomination of notes required, and whether they ore to be issued In blank or payable to order. When so endorsed it moat be left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department. Subscriptiok&vWlU. BZUCZiYKn bj the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Trea surers and designated BejKMitaries, and by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALTOONA, and by all National Banks which are depositaries of public money, and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give farther information and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRI BEBS. . aug. 10,-3mo FIRST MTIOML STORE OF ALTOONA, nr thje aocor pobjocslt occrras bt j. b, hilxxaji. Ja W. CURRY,- WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that he has' purchased J. B. HILBMAN’S stock of Dry Goods, .Groceries, Ac., and will continue the business at the old stand. . To the stockj purchased from Mr. H. I ; bare Jnst added a large and select assortment of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, NOTIONS, - BOOTS AND SHOES, har|dwaee, qubeeswarb, WOOD AND willow wake, GROCERIES, FINE VARIETIES OF TOBACCO I Ami In fact everything jusuaUy kept in a first class coun try store, which was bought low tor cash and will be sold at corresponding low prices for cash or country produce, auJ request public to gfre me a call before purcaasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied I can offer'superior induce ments to cash buyers. Altoona, April 27,-tf TIME AND BEAUTY! CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. HHHE undersigned respectfully announ- A cea to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he has opened a : ; •'! CLOCK, WATCH and JEVKLKY establishment In the room formerly occupied Jby Dr. Cab derwood, on Virginia street, between Julia and Caroline, where be will hasp «n hand a fine assortment and silver watdbes,lcideks of all styles, and a handsome atesort . meet ofjeweliy, gold pebs and pencils, spectacles, Ac. Particular attention given to repairing clocks, watches and Jewelry. ! By selling for cash only, at the smallest advance on first cost. be feels sure-that be can please all in price as well as quality. ! SAMUEL SMITH. ap9-tf HICKEY & CHERRY. CABINET-MAKERS ■ XJJSTDEBTAKEBS TIE ABOVE FIRM HAVE OPENED a new Cabinet Shop and FURNITURE WARE ROOM, on * ] : JULIA STREW, OPPOSITE EPISCOPAL CHURCB, East Altoona, where they will be happy to fill all orders in their line. They hare on band a good supply of FUR NITURE Jos t from Philadelphia, which they offer at the lowest prices far cash. - They keep a HEARSE, and are prepared at all times to attend promptly to orders In Undertaking. They will always keep on hand a good assortment of METALLIC COFFINS. Altoona, Junto 15, A body; of timber land is Of fered for sale or property in Altoona; the land is situated! in Ckxnbrhr county, fear mOes North of Oallitzlo Station, on the f- R. R.; there it erected on said premises, one of the very beet Raw and Lath cutting MRU, all in good together with Smith Shop and good Sta ble, also two squared log: dwellings, suitable UWfoino date lambertm-a, all of which wRI be told as above abated, by the sabeerfter, living in Altoona. * April», *64. |f JOSHUA HAINES. AMERICAN Life Insurance and Trust Co. COMPANY’S BUILDING Southeast Oornsr of Walnut and Fourth Street*, Philad'a. Authorized Capital, ~ $500,000 Paid up Capital, 250,000 Assets, 1,897,746 Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of Pennsyl- Tama. Imum Utm during the KfttnnMlfeor for short fe-rms, gnats annuftka sad endowments, and makes contracts of all kinds depending on the issues of life. Policies of life Insurance issued at - the usual mutual rates of other good companies—with profits to the mured —last Bonus January, ISO, being 43 per cent, of all pre miums received on mutual poUcka—at Joint Stock rates, 20 per cent less than the above, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, leas than Mutual price.' Also, a NON FORFEITURE PLAN, By which a person pays for 8,7, or IjO yean only, when the policy is paid up for Lifx, and nodßtig more to pay ; and should be be unable, or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a Paid up Poucr, in proportion to the amount of. premium paid, as follows: \ On , a Policy of $l,OOO, b Year 2 7 Year 10 Year after payment oi rates. rates. rates./ X Annual Premium, ibr $2OO 00 $142 S 3 $lOO 00 3 44 *4 i. 400 00 286 70 200 00 i “ « “ 800 00 671 40 400 00 6 - • « « 867 10 ,800 00 8 “ . « *• .. / $OO 00 ALEXANDER WHILLDIN', President. SAMUEL WORK, Tice President. Josh 8. Wilson, Secretary. BOARD or TtCSTBS. Alexander Whilldin, J. Kdsar Thomson, Hon. Jss. Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison. Albert C. Roberts, Jonaspowman, Samuel T. Bod in e, H. H. Eldridge, George Nugent, John Alkm&n. William J. Howard, Gharb a F. Heaalitt, Samuel Work. Any further information can be had by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorized agent for Blair County. July 31,1862-ly K. A. 0. KERR. SAVE THE PER CENTAGE BY BUYING YOUK CLOTHING FROM FIRST HANDS. ETTINGER & TUCK, Manufacturers of And Wholesale and Retail dealers in Ready-made Clothing, would respectfully invito tbo attention vf the public to the following frets in reference to their st.'ck. Ist. We manufacture our own goods. They are made op In our own Store, in Philadelphia, under our immediate /Supervision, and we know they are well made aud can be warranted EQUAL TO THE BEST, and superior to the largest quantity of Ready-made cloth ing in the market. . \ 2nd, We boy our Cloths directly from the Importer* and Manufacturers, consequently we save the per ceutage put on by middle men. 3rd. We sell our Clothing at a reasonable percentage over the cast of our Cloths, thereby saving the purchasers of Clothing the percentage which must be added by those who buy from second hands to sell again. We retail our Clothing at the same price which other merchants pay for theirs at wholesale, consequently those who buy from us get their goods at the same price which other Clothiers pay for theirs in the city, thereby saving said Clothiers’ per ceutage. We have branch Stores in ALTOONA AND JOHNSTOWN, where goods may be bad at the fame figures at which we sell them here in the city. If any person has been told, or imagines, that Tuck’s Store, in Altoona, is ** played out,’* such person drop Into hl» establishment, on Main Street, and examine hU goods aud prices. \ Wholesale House, No. To 2 Market Street, Philadelphia. Dec. 2,1863.—tf. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Sera of One Hundred Fite per Month I would respectfully forth my clahn to path attention, as a Fashionabi Tailor, as folio <rs: Because I keep an excel lent assortment of Clot T CastsTmeres, Vestings i Trimmings, which, wl examlned,aiways please. Because my work made np in a manner tlu takes down the count and gives all my customs a city appearance. Because 1 am not inferior as a Cutter to the best ' be found anywhere. Because long ezperit in toy business gives entire control overlt.i I am not dependant uj any one tolift me oat the suds. Because I am still on the sonny side of forty, and there fore xoy taste as a Cotter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the “Brant House.” Give mo a trial and you will go away pleaat-d. Altoona, May 26-6 m J A COB SN YDER. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty*\ Simplicity Safety or Economy, Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est portable light within their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. Tttat they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or leu light. 6th. That they born entirely free from smoke. 6th.. That the light is at least 60 per cent, cheaper than any othex light now in common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old aide, banging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all rases. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. Exchange hotel.—the sub- SCRIBER would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre- j pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable'manner, and will spare no pains in mating'it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and bis Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. HU charges arc as reasonable as those-of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who favor Mm with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and folly intending to deserve jt, he throws open his boose to the public and invites a trhU. 1 hare Just received a stock of No. 1 French Brandy, Cor medicinal purposes. Also alarge stock of excellentlWines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the heat old Kye Whiskey to be found inAbe country. Altoona, Kay 27,1869.-ly] SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber' has just returned from the east where he has purchased a rcry large and fine stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, BROGANS, GAITEKS, &C., which he is prepared to offer to the citizens of Altoona and ricinity at very low prices. Haring purchased direct from the manufacturers for cash, he is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that ho asks Is that the people will call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. BOOTS and SHO.ES made to order on the most res* souable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. ' Dop*t forget the place. fwo doors below Post Office. Jan. 8,1861. M. THOMPSON, Agent. ivtational police gazette.— ,*L s This Great Journal of Grime and Criminalfis In Its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Oases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together with information on Criminal Matters, pot to be found in any other newspaper. Subscriptions $2 per annum; gl for six months, to be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their nmm and the town, county and Sbste where they reside plainly.) To G. W. MATSELL k CO-,. Editor k Prop’r. of New York Polios Gazette, ' 15-tf] JVsne York CHy. Great western insurance AMD TRUST COMPANY,—lnsurance on Real or personal property will be effected on the most reasonable term by their agents in Altoona at bis office in Anna St. March 17,18 W. JOHN SHOEMAKER. Agent. LEVFS PREPARATION FOR EX (terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and bugs without danger In its use under any citcnmstan cea fcr sale at the Drag Store of O. W. KESSLER. Jan.S«,^6-tf] HB. MILLER, al I • dentist. jmSKK Office os Caroline street, between Virginia and Emma streets, Altoona.[Jan. 20 —2m* \ LL KINDS OF PRINTING x i. , neatly and expedltouely executed at the “ALTOONA TRIBUNE” OFPJC DYSPEPSIA! A CURE WARRANTED. : Dptpeptkx ha* th*/Morning Sj/mptom*: J 1 Ist. A constant pain or uasnslness at tbs pit lb# i stomach. / ■ I I 2d. Flatulence and Atkttty. 3<L Costiveueas sod Loss os Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. .6th. Diarrhoea, with griping. 6th* Rain in ajl parts ox the System. . j 7th. Consumptive Symtoms and Palpitation of the Heart. / Bth. Cough, with Phlegm In the Throat. 9th. Nervooso Affection, and want of sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite andTomiting. llth. Dumneas, Dimness of Vision and Loss of Sight. ; 12th. Headache and Staggering In walking, with great Weakness. i pat of the th««asand of cases of Dyspepsia that hare amd Dr. Wubart’s Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one bf them hu failed of a perfect care. We warrant a core in every case no matter if of twenty years standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. WiiharVs Offlice, Nq. 10, X. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ail eaaminatioQS and consultations free of charge. Send for q circuhu.-r* Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. ( DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA^ I, Elizabeth Bzaxsoh, of Brandywine, DeL, formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify thiu, for one year and a half I suffered everything but death from that awful disease cal led Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility : I could notdigest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of mod, it would return just as I swallowed it; 1 became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than four and often eight days; under this immense suf fering, my mind seemed entirely to 1 had dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought every body hated me and 1 hated everybody; 1 could not bear my husband nor my own children, everything appeared be horror stricken to me; I had no ambition to do any thing; 1 lost all my love of l&mily and home; 1 wotfld ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that 1 was doomed to hell, and that tht*re was no heaven for me, and was often tempted to comffut suicide, so near was my whole nervous system destroyed, and also my mind, from that awful complaint. Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in j)r. Kirkbride’s Hospital, West Philadelphia ; 1 remained ibtre nine weeks, and though 1 was a little better, bqt in a lew days my dieadful complaint was raging as bad as ever.— Hearing of the wonderful cured performed by Dr. Wishart’s Great American Dyspepsia Pills ahd his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr, WLshart and stated iuy ease to him. He said he had no doubt be could cure sue. iso in three days alter 1 called and placed myself un der the Doctor’s treatment, and iu two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body snu mind, and I most sincerely return my thanks to a mek-ci fu] God and Dr. Wishart, and to his Great American Dye- P ills anti Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved -me from an insane Asylum, a premature grave. All perspus suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on nfo or write, its I am willing to do all the good I can for suffer ing humanity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county. Pa. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! I, Mo3££ Tows, of Cheltenham, Montgomery couply, Pa., have suffered for more than one year, everythingbut death itself from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. 1 employed in that time live of the most eminent physicians iu Philadelphia. They did all they could for me with med icine* and cupping, but still I was no better. I then went to the Pennsylvania University, in order to place myself iu reach of the talents iu the country,!but their medicines failed to do mo any good, and oftentimes 1 wished for death to re lieve me of my sufferings, but'see ing Dr. Wishart's advertisement in the Philadelphia Bul letin, I determined to try once more, but with little laith. 1 culled on Dr. Wishaet, and told him If 1 could Lave Uied I would not liave troubled him, and then related my;suf ferings to him. The Doc tor assured me if he failed to cure me of Dyspepsia it would be the first case iu two yvarp, so I put myself under his treatment.aud although formojiths vomiting nearly all I ate, my stomach swelled wjlh wind, and filled with pain beyond description, I bought a box of his Dyspepsia Pills. 1 used them as directed, and in' ten days 1 could eat as heaity a meal as any person in’ she Slate of Peunsy Ivania, and in thirty Jays wasa well man. I invite any person auflei iug as 1 was to call and see; me, and I will relate my suffering and the great cure I receiv ed. I would say to als J y-pe-ptics. everywhere, that Dr. VTiabart is, 1 Lelieve th<-only pt-rsou on the earth !that n ip cure Dyspepsia with ny degree of certainty. Dr. Wishart’s Offlct*, No. 10 North Second street. Office hours from OA. M. I-,' SP. M. All examinations and : con sultations free. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. UEA2 WHAT KB. JOHN U. BADCOCK SATS, so. 10JS Ouvs SnmET, I Philadelphia, January 22d, 1863.| Dr. Wishabt —Sir :—lt is with much pleasure thai l am now able to inform you tliat, by the yae of your fates t American Dyspepsia Pills, I have teen entirely cored of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia., 1 had been grievously afflicted for :hc la>t twenty-eight years, *nd for ten years of that time have not been free from its pain one week at a time. I have had it in its worst ferxq and have dragged on a most miserable existence —in pain day and night. Every kind of ft* d that I ate filled me;with wind and pain, it mattered not how tight, or how small the quantity.’ A,continued betchiug was sure to follow. — I had no appetite for any kinds of meats whalereif, and my distress was so great for several mouther before 1 beard of your Pills, that 1 frequently wished lor death. It Lad taken evepnhing that I had heard of for Dyspepsia, With out receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recom mended to me by one who had been cured by them, { con-, eluded to givu them a trial, although 1 had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I found myseli getting better before I had taken one quarter of a box, lam now q w*U man. and can eat anything I wish, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a uay, without inconvenience from'anything I cat or drink, li you think proper you are at liberty to make this public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all desired informatiru to nuy one who may call On uje. Yours, respectfully. Jo|is H. Babcock. For sale at Dr. Wishart’s Medical Depot No. 10 Jiorth Second street, Philadelphia. Pa. Price one dollar pef box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! 1, Samuel 1). Haven, hivh been a great sufferer;with Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflamation of the Kidneys for three years. I had employed three or four of the 'most eminent physician of Philadelphia, also of Burlington cu,. N. J. They did all for me they could bat all to no purpose. I was constantly filled with awful pafn and and with constant belching of wind and sour acid. My tongue was covered with a white coating of mneosj and: was dreadfully* sore! Ob! I oftentimes wished for death to relieve me of my sufferings for 1 bad lost all hope offerer ' being well again. X made it a subject of prayer toj God that ho would direct to some physician or medicine that would cure me. I was told to read an advertisement of Dr. Wishort’s in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great care made upon Mr. John Badeock, of 102 S Olive street, rtiiladelphia. by the great American Dyspepsia PilEe. I went to the Doctor’s Office, and placed myself under his treatment, and told him if he failed to cure me it would be the last effort I would make. It has been sis weeks since 1 commenced the use of his medicine, and 1 am now a well man, free from ail pain and distress, and can eat three nearty meals a day with comfort, and fevl perfectly well. Dr. Wishart, I want you to publish my case, as 1 Want every poor dyspeptic aufferiogas I was, to call on me* and I will tell them of the great cure I havo received from ; your invaluable medicine. JOHN BOWMAN Samust D. Uavlx. Corner Venango and Lambert streets, near fikbwond, street, formerly from Wrightatown, Burlington co., N. J. The above area few among the thousand* which) this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. | We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial saying that they hare, never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. r PREPARED ONLY BY THE PROPRIETOR, DR. L. Q. C. WISHARfT, No 10 North Second Street, Sold by Druggists everywhere at Wholesale by all Phil delphia and New York wholesale Druggists. t For sale by A. RODSH, Drr ■ , Altoooa. Pa. April, 1 1864.—1 y. : AUCTIONEER’S NOTICE. I 7“ uodersigoed desires to Inform the cltlseos of Altoona and vlclnlty that he has taken out a Lieenak as Auctioneer for the Uth District of Penn's. A Ang 3, JACOB BOTTENBERD. Mo*es Tobin, cYclienhani, Monly/Uiery co., r». Q 0 o PHILADELPHIA, PA. FRIES & WILLIAMS. Good News for the Unfortunate! Hardware, <fec. Thesubscribers having taken charge of the Hardware Store and Stove and Tin Shop recently under th# charge of Samuel I. Fries, on Virginia street, opposite Kesslers Drug Store, and baring added largely to their stock are now prepared to supply anything In the Hardware *ndOnuery line, such as Handsaws, Axes, Augers, Adzes, Chisels, Squares, Buies, Hammers, Planes, Hinges, tacks, tafebes. Files, Knives snd Forks* Spoons, Ac-, all of which they offers on the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing anything In the Hardware line are requested to call and examine their stoex. j They have also added Oils, Paints, Cartoon Oil, «tCn to their stock, and will dispose of all these articles at a small ad ranee on first cost. The will also continue the STOVE BUSINESS, and will keep on assortment from which fay person will be able to select an article to prism their fancy. In the line ot _ TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDAR and WILLOW-WARE they will always have a large anythingtfaat may be called for. job work in this line promptly attended to. ROOFING AND SPOUTING pnt up on short notice in the best style. April 27,1864.-t£ NEW GOODS. THE undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Altoona and surrounding coun try, that he has just returned from the East, where be has been selecting his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which, fur style, quality and price, cannot be surpassed in this neck of country. Hie stock is much larger than heretofore, and as it is quite an object, in these exciting war times, for every one to purchase where they can get The Best Goods and at the Lowest Prices, be would say that he can and will sell as low, if not a little lower than any other house in this place. Be wishes all to call and see bis stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident be can offer inducements which will defy competition. His stock consists of LADIES' DKESS GOODS of erery description, MBS AND BOYS’ WINTER WEAK, LADIES AND MISSES* DRESS SHOES, MEN AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES, HEN’S HALF HOSE WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ WOOL HOSE, HATS AND CAPS, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, GINGHAMS AND HKAJTT DRILLINGS. He will sell Ladies Sewed, Heeled Boofees at sl£o@l.7S Kip Pegged 1.37@1.60 Meu's Boots, 2.76@3,50 BALMOKAL SKIUTS, very low. White and Brown Sugar, Bio Coffeee, Sjmpa, Tea*, Ac. 1 and everything that Is usually kept in a pry and as cheap as the cheapest. J. A. SPBANKLE. Altoona, Oct. 7« 1863. FAMILY DYE COLORS Hal exited October 13th, 1863. Black, Black for Silk, Dark Blae. \ Ligh\ Blue. 1 ■ French Blue ' Claret Brcnm. Dark\Brown, Light Broxcn, Snuff Drown. Cherry, <yim*on. Dark Drab. Light Drab . Jliuoj Drab, Light Fav?n drab , For dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. SAVING OF 80 PER CENT.-®* For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would oth erwise coat five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple and any one «tn nse the dye with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German. Intide of eack package. For farther information in Dveing, and giving a perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dve over oth ers. (with many valuable receipes,) purchase Howe’A Ste vens Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of price—lo cents. Manufactured by HOWB k STEVENS, *260 Broadway, Bostos. for sole by druggists and dealers generally. Nor. 18.1863,—1y. STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. The undersigned would re spuarcuT oounce to the citizem Altoona and vicinity tl he has taken the st( and shop recently occi pied by Fries A Wintr on Annie street. East toon*, where be has band a large supply t STOVES of all Patterns, such as Cook. P a r 1 o - Office and Shop Stow which! he will sell at the most reasonable prices, a large supply will always bs kept on hand. TUT AJfD &S££T-ISOy WASK, in greet variety, hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING; pnt up on *hort notice. He has also attached a copper-smithing room to hie establishment and will keep on hand an assortment of cop per and brass kettles, fce. All kinds of Job work promptly attended to. AprU2lst.lBe3.-tf STEPHEN WINTERS. Stpves, Tin arid Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING, &C. SRWG WOULD RESPECT • fully nforxn the citikens of Altoona and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hknd I large assortment orCboctty, ifcrior, Css ce Shop Slmes, of alt styles and sizes, to suit the wants of all, which he wU! sell at low prices, an reason able terms. lie also keeps on hand a large stock Of Itn and Sheet-' Iron mare, consisting of all article* for rnllnSTi I we ' Cnal ScutUn, Store Oc. pun«w- He has also purchased the right of sale in Blair counts of R. V. JONES’ : " IP ROVED SAUSAGE BTUFFEB, an invention which needs only to be teen to be appreda, and should be possessed by every farmer, botcher or those! requiring such a machine. i BS- Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTIJiQ either in town or country. Spouting painted and put ud on the moot reasonable terms. faprfl 14,18»-Iy- Howard association, , , PHILADELPHIA. PA. Diseases of the Nervotu, Seminal Vrlnaryud Sexual ”««>>* treatment—in Reports of the U JWARD ASSOCIATION—sent by mail iniSSS^ nnfroHwriw*n 0f SV*®- Addn *e. Dr, J. SKILLIN S S’* A “ ocUticm > No - 2 r Bonth Ninth St. Philadelpma, Pa. [Jan. 30 >M-ly. TF YOU WANT GOOD COFFEE JL ppre Teas, the beet of Chocolate, Syrups and Sugars ! PRITCHEYni: (IREAM CRACKERS! A fresh sup v/ Ply of these delicious crackers just received and for ‘ ■ , FRITCHEY’S r i SUPERIOR CREAM CHEESE AT !. ! FRITCIIKY’S. A^m S F LES CAKFETING AND ± wmothii can he found a LAUGHMUP®. Fitchews new store, comer of Caroline and Yirglnia Ste. • /S.REAT PILES 0 j PANTALOONS VA for Hen and Boys, at LAUQKHAN'S. GROCERIES. . Orterty Green , into,- *S«T iroon, ange, nicy (rjke. il Puiyie, 'erinOf m UMO SOOOBT VOX AT LAST /cofttsV^ v - ; MiV^tTn i -bom iTHstsi CHEROKEE REMEDY —AND— CHEROKEE INJECTION Compounded from Bub, Boom A Utr«. CHKKOKH UUII, th, cm* Indian enreaalldiareaaaalthareriDnacrßHHt aachae Ineooti.,, ewe, at the Brine. InfawalkmodtWßUdSw, Inflaimfe,, OttheKidßeye.Btooe la tha Madder, Stricter., Gr,.„ gloat, Siaomaa, aad it imtUlrNmunM luttu. «aaeaofftaor A«m*(oc Whltaaia amain) where .u th. did naaaaaai aaedieiaea ham tailed. ; It la prepared tat a highly cooceatreted fcrm, th, 4^ dalyhatagft^oimtotwataagnnntalatlireatimeaiiwde. i It ladinretie aad altacaattr. in tta action; pnrihii' and claaaalag th, blood canning it to Sow In all of it, or? urel pmHj ud rigor; thu, re»o,iaa from the caaaes which baa, Induced dtaren. ■ CHXKOKUISJBCTIOX la iataadad aa an all, or u ,taunt tn the Cherokee Kaaaady.aad ahoaU Übml i, conjunction with that medicine la all caaaa of QaaoiW Sleet, Roar Albnacr Whiten. Iteafcet are healing ,*,1,, ing aad damalrent: remortogall acaldiag, heat, clwh, and pain, inatead of the horning aad nlatoat nnendnribl. natal that ia experienced with nearly all tha cbw|> quad Injection*. I By we ol the Cherukee Eemedy mod Cbenkae lnj«ctim —the two medicine* at tha aaaie lime—all improper du Chargee are remaned, and tha weakaaad organa an apwdi 1, remind to fall rigor aad »treo«th i far (all particalmn get oar perepetat horn an, dra. More in the country, or write to aa aad wo will man tm to any addnaa, a fall treattae. ! Price. Cherakea Bcaaady, $2 per bottlo, or thna tot jtlciforSS. : Priced Cherokee Iniectioa, $2 per bottle or three botu M farfd. f Sent by Kapnee to any addnaa oa receipt of prin. Sold by dniggiata ararywhere. DK.W. K. UKBWIS *CO , Sole Proprietor, So. SO Liberty Street, New York THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE COMPOUNDED F»OM I 1 ll | CHEROKEE CURE! An onfotting cure for We* knn. Nocturnal Emissions, and *ll deeeases caused -by self-pol lotion; roch u, Lom ofMemory, Universal Lassitude, Piiu* In the Back, Dimness or Ttaioo, Premature Old Age, Weak Nerves, Difficulty in Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness Eruptions on the Race, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Con sumption, and all the Direfhl Complaints canned bj de parting from the path of nature. This medicine fra simple vegetable extract, and one on which all can relj, as it baa been need in our practice for many years, and with thousand treated, it has not foiled it> a single instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. To those who bare trifled with their constitution until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical aid. -w* would say, Despair not I the C&EBOKEE CUBE will re store yon to health and rigor, and alter all quack doctors have foiled-! For full particulars, get a Circular from any Drug Store in the country, or write the Proprfrtora. who will mail free to any one desiring the same, a fall treatise Id pamphlet form. Pikes. $2 per bottle, or three bottles for gs.and forwar ded by Express to all parts of the world. Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. D&TSTe. MEBWTN * CO., Sole Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty Street, New Ter k. nrou MXtse rax iTnavazurs Elixir. Elixir, DR. WRIGHT’S REJUVENATING EUXIR! OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE Fumw TXOM Pnaa Tnmu Sxntcn, Oanuxin sotheto Direuacx to to HOOT bxucitx. The Rejuvenating Elixir it the result of modern diicoi erie* in the vegetable kingdom being an entirely se» and an abstract method of core, irrespective of all the old; and worn-out systems. This medicine bat been tested by the meet eminent ap ical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age. ' One bottle will cure General Debility. i tw doeea enrea Hysterics in Fnhlm. One bottle cures Palpitation cf the heart. A few doses restores the organs of rsfsnsiatloa. From one to three bottlee restores the minUnsm and full vigor of youth. A few doses restores the appetite. Threebottk* cure the iwitctsw of Impotency. A few desee cures the low atoirited. One bottle restores mental pbwdr. A few doses taring the rose to the rbsek. medicine restore* to maply vigor and robust healib the poor debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee el sensual pleasure. The Ustleas enervated yonth,the over-tasked mas •>! business, the victim of nervous depression, the todividul suffering from general debility, drfrom weakness of s do gle organ, will all tnd immediate and oermlnent relief the w of thfe Elixir or Pmi nr n of Itk. Price 42 par bottle, or three bottles for $4, and forwar ded by Erprwnp, on receipt of money, to any address Sold by all druggists everywhere. Dr. W. R. HE&WTH A Co., Bela Proprietors, No. 50 Überty Street, New York. CHEROKEE PILLS! SUGAR COATED FEMALE Health CERTAIN JFbr (Ac JtoUNl of Obstruction*, assi Ou Insurants •/ Sesulariti ts (Ac Recurrence of Ott MmtUf Antis. They cure or obviate those name roue iflcme thti eprthg- Arum Irregularity, by removing* the irregularity Itself. They cure Suppressed, Kxcssstre sad Painful Uenitn tian. They care Green Sickness (Chlorosis.) They cure Nervous and Spins] Affections, pains ‘ in tv back and lover parts of the body, HasTincss, Patl*uf on Might exertion, Palpi ratios of the Heart, Lowness of Spin ita, Hysteria. Sick Headache,-Giddiness, etc.,etc. Is* word, by removing the Irregularity, they remove the raw and with it au the streets that spring oum lb Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they cootsio nothing deleterious to any eoasritbOw, however del tea t. their Auction being to substitute strength Ibr waeknoa which, when property used, they neverWl to do. They may be safely used at any age and .at any period except during tAcjtntfArsruimtAi, during which tbs as tailing natnrs of their action would Ishhebly peered prwpmncy. \ , ' AU lettsrs seeking informatfen or advice vOlbepnanp*' lyvfeeWy and discreetly snow anil. Pnß directions aooeaspmy each box. Prioe, |I per box, or six boxes fee $&. 58.W.8. town too. feds prspsistevs, Ko. $# Übsrty Atrsat, Nswtssk. April IVIiS-ly ■ THI PEDEBAL PBISONEBS AKDEBSONVILLE. - - ||B *Fearful Hardships and Sufferings all Sworn Statement by exchanged . Wm oners. REGULATOR Preserver AND SAFE I •, MoCßO#* * DERN, VOL. 9. -the ALTOONA TRIBUN U 0 Zj *•* ASP »»ni»o». P«W lor or junntmtxwjro: 1 insertion ido. . •Mr •» ( * S * '• One SWfS J* “““T 100 ISO r*o . “ 1 " !»' aOO T o^ r *«••«**• £» it * taD ““*• 2 paj- *ln*r» fbe <*»** ln *** Smontli* 6 months. . ■ ...» ISO »"3 00 Six llnaa or leaa a 80 4. 00 OOaaqnara - ' ' 4po 600 . Ttr° “■ ■ 500 800 Tbraa “ r -e'oo 10 00 Poor 10 00 14 OO Half a column 14 00 35 00 8 ,taM Hth T*l^ r irto.l: tV,mmnDKatlo.» or a t|) |ha Bb 3, c rat £Sfi« Unc forarary ln«r 007< l u“no^®xc“dlc g P I. n lincilftycanta. THE MABKEBS. BY. ,T. T. TBOWBBUKIK Yesternight, as late I strayed Through the orchard’s mottled shade Coming to the moonlit alleys. Where the sweet soijith wind, that dallh ; All day with the Queen of. Buses, All night on her breast reposes— , Drinking from the dewy blooms. Silences, and scented glooms Of the warm-breathed summer night, Dong, deep draughts of pure delight Quick the shaken foliage, parted. And from out its shadows darted Dwarf-like forma, with hideous faces, Cries, contortions, and grimaces. ' Still 1 stood beneath thy lonely. Sighing lilacs, saying only — “Little friends, you can’t alann,me ! Well I know you would not harm me 1 Straightway dropped each painted musk Sword of lath, and paper casque. Ami a troop df rosy girls Ban and kissed me’through their curl-. Caught within their net of grace*, I looked round on shining faces. Sweetly through the moon lit alleys Rang their laughter’s silfer sallies. Then along 'the pathway, light With the white bloom of the night, I went peaceful, facing slow, Captive held in arms of stiow. Happy maid's! of you I learn Heavenly maskers to discern! So, when seeming griefs and harms Fill life’s garden with alarms, Through its inner walks enchanted 1 will ever more undaunted. Love hath-messengers that borrow Tragic masks of fear and sorrow, When they borne to do n|? kindness— And but for our tears and blindness. We should, see, through each disguise, Cbeinb cheeks and angel eyes. Jrlert |||is«Ua«: ' The Sanitary Commission Bu contains the following exceed! interesting statement regardin ; condition and treatment of our oiiers confined at Anderson Ga. It will he observed that verified under oath by three or soldiers, who wejre exchanged . 16, and were appointed hy comrades as a ! deputation to upon President Lincoln and i representations regarding their ditiou and sufferings. Origu six commissioners were appo .by the prisoners, but two of were returned with the twelve \failed to secure an exchange at rioyal, and of the four who through', one—E. W. Boats, Sj —is confined to hia b New York, unable to aecort the commissioners to \Vasbin A strange delay in forwarding papers granting these meii a lough has prevented them going to Washington as proi as they desired ; but their s some parts of which are too r ing for publication, has by this been laid before the Preaidt The statement in the JBulU mainly as-follows : I am a: private in the 82d York regiment of volunteers G; was captvtxed with jahom Federal troops in /front of P burgy on |he 2ld of .1 une, 18ft were kept at Petersburg tyro at tUcbmpnd,. on Belle Isle, ;, tbeu conveyed by. r £j&<&burg.;. marcbed tftini t by rail b>_^