».«f v : ■'fa ggsill I4i«i •‘wie. *» m poprifr; •» Sfloß^lf jjenp. ~ TaMdcyrfu*, E&SaiSa •^^^Brt*2Si^did it the dpM ■ftcr tbarjad * wrapped H ap in ratbe well. ' - ■ Ate^lF»m>gi^|£, it' Sbeopfik) heminM MB l«nio lio jammed by the mum ■awAai the gun coaid not fcaMve heavy Broakra’ ju4Mu wmntjoum IdMMnSw^^ it nxetiuit struck her.— areehtmnend aqnrter »BSNOTICE.~:Let bM bMB granted te th* I* of PwiujlTaoia, dwsMHd. •Mm rrqn«Mad to pu .wu( cUinx or duuao •«» ,OMd fc> MtadinedaWteat datoy. WCHbLAS HICKirV \haamn»t»ntly.mlHU>d, [CAM, KBIUJO* ’ BrmfSUrt IfD UQUOBB tf »•«.-(;':■;■■■■'';;■ •OMt-WAWUWtpik. f thadAy ar Wight. wsmtA Mann. , GN AND DP- f * '• $ m***- wa 9£SS-£*. - atsbrt^ (Cute,”'. * * \ pti XjQCJA^ I items. To thk LaDI«B v nrc.— He - iV; agent- for thirteen different companies among which are some Of,the best in tin* United States. Altoona, July 21 ,-t£ ' BAIL EOAD AITS MAIL SCHEDULE. TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART Baltimore Eiprawi West arrives 7 .15 A.M. !»•»»%.•-. 7.;'.. \.M. Philadel'a •* " •» S.OO “ - •'.v-i •• Fust Liu* • •* B.i» I*. M. •• V. M. Mail Train •• <»* "jjo “ 7. Express Train East “ 9:20 P. 31.. I.- -it j* M Fast Llu« “ •• l.t&A-M.. i.*i a. M Mail Train *• 7.fto ** >.i!i •• Through Accom. - * UJE> “ jj’.j, .. Trains on Holliday sbnrg Brunch run t«> connect with Express-Trains West, Mall Train Fust amt >md Thro* Accommodation Train East. Trains on Tyrone & Clearfield >Rnnch and Rd.f Eagle Valley K. R. ran to connect with f xpro«» Train UVyt und Mall Train East and West. ALTotoNA, May l-llt. ISR4. MAILS ARRIVE. * Washington, Baltimore A Harrfobdrg arrive a: Trio. A.M. Philadelphia arrives at - i s ; tVi •* Plttsbargh, (through.) . .. HolUdaysburgh. - - i'6:40.-A.M. * f'-M, P.M. Western Way. • • .- . A.M Eastern Way, - • . V*,\L MAILS CLOSE. Eastern Way and through. . - 74,, \;>i Western Way and through, - \- 7:*; • Hollidaysburgh. - . . .. . . ** Western, through. • - - ; - • - lloHidaysburgh. - - * . . *j : p,' - Eastern, through, - . . j . \ ; ; - ( j .. Office hours from 6:4.% A.M- to 7;45.1’.M. ■ , n da.v from 7:44 lb 8:45, A.M. MARRIED JSVfi 10 s°? ******* 18 « t by Wk mint -. Mr A. 11. ICKES, of this plate, to Miss SUE LEOPOLD. ..j Oliver toraship, UlflHn county.- WANTED—A SUBSTITUTE, not ▼ ” liable to draft, for one year, for whirl, the «um of $6OO will be paid, in' addition to tie- O.iv.-rnment oonnty. Address Bo* 615, Pittsburgh Post Office Sept, 3,1564.—3 t '■ VtOTLCE TO GAS dONSUMERS.— .y*. °* * na • ft V September 15&, 1860, the pri<* o f0i« will be $3.50 per ICiOO cubic feet. Gas shut ofl* i-d hills not paid within 6 days after presented. By order of Board .of Managers. Sept.a-’64. . B. F, ROSE. #c. if Trars. A DMINISTBATOIiS NOTICE.— Es MM. tate of Richard Taylor Glasgow. late ofhogan two Blair co., dec’d. Kotice la hereby given that letters of Administration have been granted to the nudersighed on said estate All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same most present them duly authenticated for settlement. . Pf.TElt ESIPFIEI.I). Logan twp., Sep. 3’:64-6t. , JdminMrafrr. CONDEMNED HOBSES-The sale of condemned horses, advertised to take place on tiie 4th of Angust, postponed until tfa«2sth of August, will be postponed again until Thursday, the 15th September, by order of the Chief Quarter-Raster of the Cavalry Bureau. ■ Capt. H. A. DC PUT. A. Q. 51. August Mth, 1864-St. Fob sale-t-a building lot •totaled on Branch Street Altoona. Price $425. Aug. 17,18«4-tf. W. S. BITTNER. CHANGED HANDS. EXCELSIOR - Hat & Cap Store. The undersigned would in form the public that be has-taken charge of this Üblishraent, heretofore owned by Jesse Smith, where 1 he bus now on a large and varied assortment of FASHIjONABLE" STYLES OF HATS, J| CAPS, MISSES LAND CHILDREN’S FLATS. Uis stock has selected with great care and embra ces every color, shape and quality, for the accommodation of grave or gay, old or young, rich OT poor. All he asks is examination of his stock, feeling sure that he can please the most fastidious. Aug. 17, 1884-tf. j D. W. ALE. VALUABLE PBOI'ERTY: FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sa)e;the house in which ho n w resides and two- lots of ground; situate on Harriet street. East Altoona. The bonsais well finished and the lots are in, excellent condition. Terms ensy. Apply oh the premises or at the store of the undersigned, near the. Lu theran Church., • c. C. SHANXOft. Aug, 4,13&i..tf. \ SPORTSMEN’S! DEPOT. JUST RECEIVED, A new stock of Fishing Tackle for Spring sales, consisting of Rods, Reels, Lines, Baskets, Snood®,lrioat^Netfi,Flies, Artificial Balt, Rigged Lines. Qat, Ortas and Hooks, to which the attention of Dealers is particularly requested. Orders, wholesale or retail, punctually filled and satis* faction warranted. - * JOHN ERIDER, 2d andlTalnot, Philadelphia. \XT ATER NOTICE.—AU persons hav * * n 8 Hydranlsjind using water for Gardens, whether by Hose or otherwise will be changed $3 extra. ’ 11. R. ROSE, Secretary. Altoona, Jane 22-tf. New and improved styles pr Trnnke, YaUms an.! Cur ptt-Bags. at LAUOHUAM’B, PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, alio Chrome. Green,- Yellow, Paris Green, fry and fro rind oil at (1-ttJ KESSLER’S. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF OVER COATS can be found at ! LAUQRMAN’S MANY fcITIZKNS. .0. W. PATTON. P. >1 The SwrctHry of I Sit- Treasury «riv«w untie** that Mil’crijK lion* will>«■ retrieved tor Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three yww from Aug. 16th, 1854, with semi-HOimal Inter- est at the rate of «t*w» and three-tenths per cent, per annum,—principle and interest l»otb !»»!*• paid in lawful money These notes will be convertible, at the option of the bold- er at maturity, info six per cent, gold bearing bonds: pay able not lead thau five uor more than twenty yean from their date, as the Government may elect. They will h« issudd in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, and $5. 000, and all subscriptions must be fifty ibdiars or some imilfiple of fifty dollar*. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation ebarg*** as soon after the receipt oi the original Certificates of Deposit as'they can tc. prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15. persons ma- king deposits subsequent to that date must pay the Inujr ©st accrued from the date of note to date of deposit. Parties depos(tlDg r twcuty-flv« thousand dollars and up- wards for these notes at any time will l>u ai)uwe-20 Honda is not lem than nine-per, cent, premium, and before the war the premium .m six per cent. U S. Stocks was ovur twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, the presen! market rate, i* not less than ten per cent, per annum. ITS EXEIPTIM HOT TATE OR MUNICIPAL TAXATION. But aside from all tbe juivantages We have enumerated, a * pedal Act of Congress exempts all botuh- ami Trr I It** Treasury Department SuBSCiUPTioXs will (!£• received by the Treasurer of the United State*, at the several Assistant Tren- surer* and designated Dej leduirif*, and by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALTOONA. ami by all National Batik* which arc depositaries of public nionej', and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further information and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRI- BEKS, FIRST NATIONAL STORE OF ALTOONA, rx THE BOOM FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY J. B. MILKMAN. •J. \V. C U K R Y , WOULD MOST inform the pnbiic, that ho has purchased J. B. lIILEMAN’S stock ol Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., and will continue the bosinass at Clio old stand. To the stock purchased from Mr. II .1 have jnsc added a large ami select nmiortment of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS. NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEEESWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, GROCERIES , FINE; VARIETIES OF TOBACCO! And in fact everything usually in a first class coun try store, which was bought low for cash and will be Mid 'at corresponding low prices for cash or country produce, and request the public to give me a call before purcuasiqg elsewhere, feeling satisfied 1 can offer superior induce ments to cash buyers. Altoona, April 27,-tf TIME AND BEAUTY! CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE undersigned respectfully announ ces to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he CLOCK. WATCH an.: .IKWELUY establishment in llw> room formerly occupied by Dr. Cal derwood, on Virginia street, between Julia and Caioline, where ho will keep on hand a fine assortment of gold and silver watches, clocks of all styles,and a handsome assort ment of jewelry, gold pens and pencils, spectacles, Ac. Particular attention given to repairing chicks, watches andjcwelry. By selling for cash only, at the smallest attvance on first cost’he feels sure that ho can please all in price as well as quality. SAMUEL SMITH, apO-tf HICKEY & CHEMY, CABINET-MAKERS xT3stidek.t-a.b:ek.s. The above firm have opened a new Cabinet Shop and PURNITijRK WARE BOOM, on JULIA STREET, OJ'POSITE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, East Altoona, where tftey will be happy to fill all orders in their line. They have on ham] a good supply of FUR NITURE just from Philadelphia, which they offernt the lowest prices for cosh. They keep a HEARSE, ami are prepared at all times to attend promptly to orders in Undertaking. They will ntwayd keep on hand a good assortment of 3IETALLIC COFFINS. ' Altoona, June 15, IRW-nm. A BODY OF TIMBER LAND IS OF fert-d for sale or trade for property Ip Ufoona; the land la sitnated in Chotbria county, four miles North of OalHtzln Station, on tho P. R» R.: them is erected on said premisea« one of the very best Saw and Lath cutting Mills, all lu good ordcr,topf|lier with Smith Shop and good Sta 'ble, also two squared log dwellings, suitable to accommo date lumberwoii, alt of which will bo sold as above stated, by the subscriber, living in Altoona. \ April 20. ’64, tf JOSHUA HAINES. LOAM READ CAREFULLY!’ Something Interesting to the Public. IT iy CHEAPEST IN THE END. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY CAL A jug at oner at ' G. C. SMITH’S One Price Store, Corner of Julia, and Harriot Streets, East Altoona, where you can purchase the best of oil kinds of goods in his line, for the LOWEST CASH PRICE. He lms just returned from Philadelphia with another New .Stock op Goods. His stock coslsts of DRY GOODS, STABLE and FANCY DRESS GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WAKE, HATS, CAPS, &C., £O. He wunla solicit particular attention lo tho new ami iarga lot of > BOOTS SHOES AND GAITERS, all the finest styles of Ladies’ Shoes, also Children’s Shoes, of every stylo. AS FOR NOTIONS, Ledefiesc nipetl lion. in number and quality. They consist of the best vtock of Notio offered, each as Ladies’and Cents’ com mpu, fancy and kid Gloves and Hosiery, Roys* Hose, Mis ses* Gloves ami Hoes, Belt*. Ladies’ and Gents’ linen Cel lars, Ladies' worked [machine] and Gents’ paper Collars. Cuffs, bodies. Trimmings, Velvet Ribbon, Skirt Braid; ft raiding Braid, Spool Cotton, Wallets, Pocket Books, La di*-s Hags, Girdles, ileaduets, and hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Buttons, Perfumery, flair Oils, Fan cy Soaps. Hoop Skirts, Carpetbags, Sun and Weather Umbrelhs.und all kinds Looking Glasses The above w ii 1 be sold ut the lowest figure for cash or iu exchange f»jr rags or country produce. He would just say. in conclusion, that all he asks of the people of Alt miawbo wish to get bargains either in com mon i.r the mvJt fancy of shoes, notion!*, drygoods, queens wuu*. Ac.l .Vi-. to favor him with it 'Call. Alluuna, Aug. •», 1854.-tf. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY ! Where to buy the cheapest clothing in the interior of the ;State. . UNEXAMPLED DISPLAY OF GENTLEMEN’S DRESS GOODS GODFREY CIIEAP STORE, Corner of Caroline and Main Streets. The subscriber takes plea sure in offering to tbe inspection of the gentlemen of Altoona and vicinity, the LARGEST, BEST SELECTED AND CHEAPEST ASSORT- SPRING. SUMMER AND FALL CLOTHING, 4L. ever brought to this* market, ilia goods have been Rejected, by himself, from tables of the most fashionable merchant tailors of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and it is with feelings of satisfaction that ho can offer the.jr produc tion* to that class of customers who stand in need of fash ionable clothing, and at prices that cannot be disputed. His. stock comprise* all the most important, as well as trifling article.* of a gentleman’s ward robe, viz: ■ Fine Cloth and Cu-'simere Coats, all qualities and prices. - Safinett *• “ “ “ *• Linen Dusters “ •• *• ** Doeskin Cassimere Pants. •* - *• fci Fancy Cnusimeco and Batiuott Pants, all stylos. Jean and Linen •• Vests all qualities and prices. Tho best assortment of plain and fancy woolen shirts ever brought to this market. A complete assortment of gentlemen’s burnishing goods, consisting, in part, of flue Linen Shirts, Collars, Neck-ties, Buspendet s and Hosiery, also the best and cheapest assort ment of Hats in this place, and a large supply of Trunks, of all qualities and prices. . Tli© public are respectfully invited to call before pur chasing elsewhere, as he feels satisfied that he cun please them in every particular. Altoona, July 20th 1864.-tf. READ CAREFULLY! SOMETHING INTERESTING TO THE PUBLIC. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT TOUR SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. rpHE largest stock of Ladies’ Dress A Goods ever brought to town ha* just been opened at the ‘‘Green Corner,” East Altoona, aud will be sold for CASH at prices that defy competition. We are determined that our side of town shall take the lead,'and that the ‘‘Green Corner” shall be foremost in tho vaii. Our stock of Dress Goods consists ol Plain and Fancy Dress Silks, Merinoes, Palmetto Cloths, Coburgs, Fancy Alpacas, All-Wool Plaids, I’lniu and Figured Delaines, 'X Fancy Prints, and a great variety of other goods, of differ ent stylos and textures. In fact there is nothing the ladies can desire for wear that wo cannot furnish theta We have also a large assortment of Ooats, Shawls* Balmorals, Hoop SRirts, Shoes, Gaiters dec. 4S-Y esjandwo wore almost forgetting to mention our large stock of Carpets, Groceries, Queekswarb, etc., etc. nug. 10,-3mo Every body should know that money can bo saved by buying Goods from us. For instance, we are selling good Calicoes as low as 16 cm per yard, as low as IScts., Brown Sugar for 11 eta. per lb., and good Teas fur 00 cts. Altoona, April 8, ’64. tf. JOHN J. MURPHY & CO. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT T PRIVATE SALE- The Undersigned, Kxecotor of Daniel Sprlese, late of Milford township, Juniata connly, deceased, offers at PRI VATE .SALE, all that certain TRACT OF LAND, situate iu county and township aforesaid, containing ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY-THREE ACRES, more or less, with the usual allowance of six p. r cent, for roads, having thereon erected a NEW GRIST AND MERCHANT MILL with two run of Burs, together with all the new,and im proved machinery for doing ORIST AND MERCHANT WORK, with never-failing water Ipower. Also, a good I FRAME DWELLING HOUSE AND FRAME BARN. ALSO—A LOG TENANT HOUSE, with other necessary out-buildings. N A large portion of the purchase money may remain secured in Che property, on which five years’ time will be given for payment. The above property is situated a,loMt two mife« from the Pennsylvania railroad and canal,! and the same distance from Mifllintown and Patterson. | 'i person wishing Co purchase m- view the property can call on 4 JAMES B. SPIESE, residing on the premises, or E. 8. DOTTY. Mimintown, J. F. ROHRER, MdVeytowu. Or HENRY BRIESE; Executor. u No. 447 North Third street, Phila. August 13th~bf. Manhood: how Lost, how Restored. J# §/ B k . J ust published, a new edition of DR. CUL /jgJSM VERWELL’S CELEBRATED ESSAY on MjSSSSjKk the radical curt \ (without’ mokieine) of SPEEMATORHffiA, of seminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal Losses, Impotejtct, Mental and Physi cal incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; alqo, Cos scMPtiox, Epilepsy, add Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. Price, in a sealed evelope.jonly 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty yearsisnocossfnl practice, tbat the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cared without the dangerous usci of interna! medicine or thtvapplicatiou of the knife—pointing ont a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter.what hlb condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, knd radically. %9*ThU Lecture should be 'in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope to any address, post paid , on receipt of six cent* or two post stamps.— Addres the publishers. I * CHAS. J. C. KLINK * CO.. .127 Bowery, New York, Post office b0v4586 July 13,ifcft*. | W. M. ELOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA.. JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., bolltdaysbujio, pa.. BANKERS, (Late “Bell, Johntton, Jack $ Co.”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and GdM for sale.. Collections made. Moneys received on deposit*, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rate* Feb. 3d, 1869. | BAGS! RAGS!! RAGS!!! jpASH paid for RAGS, at £ABt’S \J MILLINER? STORE, Virginia St,’, Altoona. Time. 29,2*54-I}-. BUY THE BEST, MENT OF STOMACH BITTERS. A pure and powerful Tonic, corrective and alterative, of wonderfbl efficacy lu disease of tbe STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. Caros Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, General Debility, Nervous ness, Depression of Spirits, Constji jation, Colic, intermittent Fevers, Cramp* and Spasms, and all Complaints)of either Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness, whether inherent In the system Of produced by special i causes. NotaiMi that is not wholesome, genial and restorative in it* nature enters into the composition of HOSTKTTKR’S STOMACH BITTKBB, This popular preparation contains no nilueral of any kind; no deadly botanical element no. fiery excitant; but it is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and Wild est .»! all diffusive stimulants. lit? 1 well to I>© forearmed against disease, and, so far as the human system can be protected by , human means against maladies engendered by an unwholesome atpno sphere, impure water and other external causes, HOiliKT TUB’S STOMACH BITTEKS may bo relied on as a safe guard. In district* infected with liver and Ague, it baa been onud infallible as a preventive aud irresistible as a reme dy, and thousands who resort .to it under apprehension oi an attack, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its protective qualities in advance, are cured by a very brief course of this marvelous medi cine. Fever aud Ague patients, after peing piled drith quinine for months in vain, until iairly i saturated with that dangerous alkaloid, are not nnfrequdntly restored to health within u few days by tho-use of HOSTETTKE’S BITTEKS. WOLF’S Thu weak stomach is rapidly Invigorated and the appe tite restored by this agreeable Tonic, aud hence it works wonders in cases of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed forms of J npigestion . Acting as a gentle and painless apperieut, tvs well us upon the liver, it also invariably relievusthe Constipation superinduced act km of the di gestive and secretive organs. - Persons of feeble habit, liable toJSxrvous Attacks, JLoume s of Spirits and FiU qf Languor, find prompt and peiiua neot relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point Is most conclusive, aud from both sexes. Tlie agony of Bituoce Couc is immediately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resort ing to it, tbe return of the complaint may be prevented As a General Tonic, HOSTETTEU’S BITTEKS produce effects which must be experienced or witnessed beiore they can bo fully appreciated. Incases of Constitutional Weakness, Itranature Decay and Debility aud Decrepi tude arising from Ou> Age, it exercises the electric.iufiu ence. lu ths convalescent stages of all diseases it obvr ales us a delightful iuvigorant. When the powers ofna ture arc relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-estab lish it. ; Last, but uot least, it is The only Safe Stimulant, bfeitis manufactured from bound and innocuous materials, 'and entirely free from the acid elements present more oMess in all tho ordinary tonics and stomachics pf the day. No family medicine has been so universally, and, it tuay bo truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent portion of the community, as UOSTETTEft’S BITTERS. I’repared by HOSTETTKR k SMITH, tftUbnrgh, Ba, Sold by all Druggists. Grocers aud Storekeepers every where. , ; COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUGUU, a Positive and Spued Remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and Drojisical Swellings. This Medicine increases the- power of Digestion, and ex cites tbo Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural En largements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. HELMBOLITS EXTRACT BUG HU. : *For Weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa tion, Eoarly Indiscretion of Abuse, attended with the fol* lowing symptoms:— Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimnoss of Vision, pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Shin, Eruptions on the Face, _ Pallid Countenance!, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, Which tbit medi cine Invariably removes, soon follows ! In one of which the Patient may expire.; Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those “ Direful Diseases,” Many are aware of the cause of their suffering. RCTXOSR WILL CORPUS IBS RKCOEM OF TH* DTSXXX ASTLUMB And Melancholy Deaths by Consumption bear ample wit* ness to Iho Truth of the assertion. | The Qmstituiion once affected with Organic Weakness requires the aid ofM&iicinetoStreogtheaand Invigorate the System, - - . * / which UelmboLb’s EXTRACT BUCHU invariably doer. A Trial will convince the noit skeptical. In many Affection* peculiar to £Wnofe« the Extract Bucbv is uuequiifed by any other remrtly, as In Chlorosis or Retention, irregularity, PainfulneM, or SuppresskO of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated orSOinhous state o» the Uterus Leoehorrhoea or Whites, Sterility, and forall complaints incident to the sex, whether ’arising from In discretion, Habits of Dissipation or in the role no more JShisam, Jfercary, or uspUatan* Mrc.\cine for unpleosontand dangerous ditea set. ' - HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ; ROSE WASH CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their sfiges, At little. Expanse. Little or no change in Diet. No inconvenience. And no Exposure. It causes a frequent decise and gives 1 strength toi Url- Data, thereby Reftidkinff Obstructions, i Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, alUyingPain and Inflam mation,. so frequent In the class of diseases,'and expelling aU Jfritcnamt, Diseased and vx>rnout Matter. TsotmAarba cpox Thousands who bays bzxxthb Vic tims op Quacks, and who have paid heavy feet to be curyd in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that tho“ POISON? has, by the use of M POW*BJfßlASX*nrbliß^* been dried up In the system, to break out in an* aggra vated foim, and per/tapt after Marriage. f Use llmiuoLn’s Extract Bccbu for all affections and diseases of the ÜBINART ORGANS, whether existing in MALE otPKM ALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of UQW LONG STANDING. : T Disease* of these Organs requires the aid of a DIURET IC. HKLMBOLiyS EXTRACT BUCHU IS THEGBBAT DIURETIC, and is certain to have the desired offectinal rhseme* for vhtch Uis Recommended. ; i Evidenveofthe most reliable and. responsible character yol -v" oiapany the medicine. I’iiKJK *1 TEB bottle, QB BIX fob: $5. Uoliv .'i i .i In any Addraa, securely pecked from obkerrs time I' : Cork Gcabakteed J Advice Gratis *! AbHrr-ss letters for information to. H. B. HELMBOLD, Chemist. ' 104 South Tenfh-st., beli Chestnut, Pbila HELM BOLD’S Medical Depot, . HKLMBOLD’9 Drug and CAantcoJ | 094 BKOAWAY, NEW YOB3C. ( BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCI PLED DEALERS wlw endeavor “ of (heir own” ; and “ oiAer” article, on the reputation attained If . Hclmbold’e Genuine Preparation*. I “ ,*• Extract Bachn. t : Sarsaparilla. “ ; Improved R6se Waab. SOU> BT . ALL DRUOOISTB KTERYWUEEK. ASK FOR HELMBOLD*. TAKE NO 0TI?EB. Cat out tbe Advertisement and sendl'Or it .if- AND 7 AVOID IMPOSmOS AND EXPOS®**. HOSTETTEH’S CELEBRATED HELMBOLD’S Gemiiiie Preparations. Ivxpotency, Ihtuily, Epileptic jft it; “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” FEMALES—FE4LE3—FEMALES. DECLINE OB CHANGE OF LIKE Symptomsin off CbmmiaricqfionJ-. PUTN AM CLOTHES #rSs!R »is tbs oslt strum , ± SELF-ADJUSTING WRINGEb. SO WOODWORK TO BVKU. OR. SBUT. SO TUIMBSCRKWSTOGKT OBTO* ORDRK Timno) mn os witboct cos-wnm. It took the FIKST PREMIUM at fifty seven State and County Faint in 1863, and is, v&junu oa the best W ringer «rvur made. Patented in the United States, England, Canada, aad Australia. Agents wanted in.every town, and in all parts of the forld. . No. a, No. No,P,tWO. N 6. A.*».60. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail* by THB BOTSAH MANDFACTDMSO 00>, No. 13 Platt Street, New York* and Cleveland Ohio. A ll FRAMUSCCS, Agegt, Phllad’au WHAT EVERYBODY KNoW3,viv— i bat Iron well galvanised will not rust > Ibatanetp/emachlne is better than a oorapUeeted oat; ihat a Wringer should bo self-adjusting, durable, end \ffieUsU\ - '•* That ThumihScrtwi and Pbidem'aps cause delay and. trcubU - to regulate mod keep in order; That wood soaked in hot water vnU swell, shrink and vUt; That, wood bearings for the shaft to run in will wear eat * That the Pu’man Wringer, with or without oowwh»*U will net Uar IM c iotku; That cog-wheel regulator a aro not essential t That the Putnam Wringer has aU the advantages, and uoi ons of the disadvantages above named; Tiiat all who have tested it, prpnounce it the best, Wringer «reruiide; ' i* - - That it will wring a Thread a Bed-Quilt withocl aj.Tsa- ATIOK. We might fill the paper with testimonial*, but in sert only a few to convince the skeptical, If such there be; ami w© say to all, tut Putnam's Wringer. Teat it THOR OUGHLY with ANY and ALL others, and if not entirely satisfactory, return i*. Putnam Manufacturing CD: OuiTuuitH; / know from practical experience that m:o;i u>ell galtanittd with rink ujiu not oxidise or mat one par tide. The Putnam Wringer i* at near perfect at poetihlt and Icon chetrfuUy recommend it to be the bat in uu. Respectfully yours, JNO. W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. Many year’s experience In the galvanising bnainees, en ables we to indorse the above statement in particular». JNO. 0. LEPPBRTB, No. 100 Beckman Street. New York, January, 1884. - We have tested Putnam’s Clothes Wringed by practical working and know that it will do. It Is cheap; It Is slni« pie; it requires no room, whether at worker at rest; a child can operate it; it does its duty thoroughly; it time and it saves wear aud tear. We earnestly advUc all who ha*e much washing to do, with all InteUlgent per sons who have any, tobuy this Wringer. It will pay for itself in a year at most. Hon. HORACE QESSLEZ. Sample Wringer sent, Express-paid, on receipt of price June, 29, 1865-Cm. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON. 'PHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD |X -1 FORM the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that Lie confectionery, nut and fruit store, is always upplied with the very best articles to be had, and in great variety. lOE CBEAM of the very best flavors, always to be bad. FRESH-BAKED BREAD, CAKES, &; PIE J, always on hand, at reasonable rates. He is at ail times prepared to supply cakes, candies, Ac., lot plc-nics and other parties.. Heinvitee a share of public patronage, believing that be can render foil satlsfisctiont o all. Remember, his store and saloon it onVirginlastreeLtwo doonbelow Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROSSI. Altoona, April 8,1863-tt JACOB WETS, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, x TißOimA Stbut, Auooba, Pa., I T EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ■V BREAD. CAKES, CANDIES ICE CBEATT AND BW£KTHKATB, of hit own manufacture, which he m prepared to tell* wholesale or retail. at the most ret son nble prices. Also, FOREIGN FRUITS, such as ORANGES, LE ONS, PINE-APPLES, FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS, NUTS, &C., 4C, tlways on hand In their respective seasons. CAKES BAKED TO ORDER, fur particular occaalons, on abort notice and in the naat eet and but style at the art. Coll, examine and price my stock and yon will Sad it as good andf cheap as can be pnrebued elsewhere. Jan. 27,1863. r< W. KESSLER—PRACTICAL \jf • DRUGGIST, respectfully sononUces _ m to thecittoena of Altoona and the pnblio . ermlly, that he still continues the Drug on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly on hand, for sale, Wholesale and Retail, DBUOS. Bf MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH ES and DYE-STUFFS. PD By strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat Infection to all as regards price and quality, ha hopes t merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms tuid all orders from a distance promptly attended to. r Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded.' [I-tf. ANDREW ECKEL. nsAtn nr Tobacco, Cigars, Snnff, Pipes, &c., &c.. Annie itreet, Mtoona, Pa. AGKNERAL ASSORTMENT Am, of Goods in his line constantlyon hand at the lowest cash prices. fFeb.T,l«« J. Gr. AI>LUM, Notary Public, ' ALTOONA, BLAIS CO., PA. • Can at all tinea bo fomd at the store ofJ.B. HQuun. October 1.1857. r •■ - • ~ - VfACKEREL—NOS. 1,2, AND 3, *>*-■- In all slxed package*, new, and 1 each’ package warranted, just received ana for sale low by ' • i .. FRITCHKY. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jewelry, Hair and Clothei Brushes, Combo. Pocket-knives, Ac., at LAUGHMAN’S ON HAND AT McCORMICK'S St^» —Aapleudid aaeortment of Ready-Made eMMae C.ll andeee. , . Nor.a^te Hair oil, colognes, roll! adea, SliaviDß Cream,Toilet SoapaAc, foreale by x 0. W. KKBBLEB. A LARGE AND AJT complete Moortment of Groceries hare faetbeen »» calved at the etoro of - J. B, MILKMAN. PLAIN & FANCY VESTS, of ey^y «l»> and style at XAPOHMAITs/ FOR SALE—A valuable lot,aUußtein Cast Altoona. For farther inCtowmtioa jndntrbjbf Hair, HAT^TooTHrsMAfii^. Palat, Saab and Vanileb Bnxeheeat ‘ ' “ ’ ** -C; “ " - ' tMuae ,-L