The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 24, 1864, Image 3

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    MmuMtmd before
jf want and of woe,
£, ; MM>ngh if eripplta
bnndance of bereered
indoepbanod children
IpEna not increase the
«goMe«fal and pro*-
IPlbder * fearful ac
*9"i*ed, robbed and
w no poniahmeotsafi
ny bare, and hell will
aihe them hereafter."
*aß proportion of the
i lying declarations of
ad occasion to learn,)
■hn of our arm*, but
(terminating war may
' ■by oar complete ana
had too much of de*-
triumph promised
ialbarn gentlemen do.
of their ultimate in
is -not ihaced by the
I the first in not bac-
(r ganeral expectation
r distention would at- 1
tohance feraains, and
tuition for J’raidaU.
MrLincOln, they pro
ftderacy. Tbqy ho
sted, In Mr Lincoln’*
iagatkw, annihilation,
inne. Ad continuance
m excellent rale never
•a—U it not equally
lit that 'the only re
bel in Mr Lincoln'* '
a potilician to know
Woerat can result a*
satieipates. The with
f their belief. But, I
.Ant belief, that the
•d as the tfonth—that
teted on a peace plat-
Ot.wbowonld iiuiugß
i neace od the basis it
w be promptly hung,
it 'tamp posts id front
we ate but true to oor
result. What ire now
(pit .substitutes or him
-1 naotlvc but the coon
little beyound depre
then, —such as realty
aaat of being freemen
f these fail to support
loorof peril, they are
ami, and should blosb
lid, let it be in South
gold; and armies of
umpire to evefi the rule
sea*' to win the broad
m the State. \
who has fought
campaigns on almost
die question constantly
why we do not orer-
i app lost because bur .
isprqportionaably less.
not,-where we might
« cost w ns in blood
mhaitUy be foreseen
f such an effort as the
ig m the struggle is
preponderance as we
campaigns. If Sher- •
men near, (ho South
od would be anntnlla
l in the Spring with
006 men, Lee would
id.’ Even at this mo-i
000 to 90,000 rightly
ri blows to the Con-’ ■
1 never rise.
gte on in this way,
fire times the force
iss to think we cam-
hind the James only
seen,- while here men
d*y« of quiet, 1 Met
ten* crowd the street*
otuuSent with safety
#wake to a sense nf
uld a few months of
Son, of such effort as]
Won will crumble be»”
>tly and willingly.
Ufew spaarethoqs-
M»e call, and Thie
e upon a regenen-
i ot i&ce* Of all
scOrn* those who da
«b to employ then*;
perform their
rill be tweet indeedi
Wo subjugation, hut
r The Pacific, the
iwtSild at once fall
1 be dominant, and
I,deserve to be drive*
to hoe corn and cot
tt-sighted policy cam'
f the Almighty, who
ton between the At
s—between the .great
•-Gat rigid*r;aa«
ted; and anted* eni
and its advocacy-pi
d holiest, interest of
it renewed hope and
rigor and tope are
and you bare mr.
lease; and Lam,
T; SrfnionK,
Gen. Uv S. Vob.
New York,
t» at ChaKEKSTOX,
7 of Union officer*
wen token there to
Gent. Seymopr,
Biclunan. Colonels,
t. Harrison, J. H. -
Bid. White
i-DtotjE. FardeU.
McMahin, W. C.
J>. Uayben, G.F.
and A.IW..
Seen granted iotbf
t*7, ofAUoewLfe
( eWn* or daaiiwt;:
deni an mnMM w
: *
employed as hostler at Col. Eater’s, n't Allegheny
Furnace, iScently enlisted in Cnpt. Gwinner’s
company of one year men, and was taken to eamp,
at Harrisburg. On Tuesday night last he wan
dered out of camp and lay down on the grass
which had overgrown one of the railroad sidings,
at the stock yard, and fell asleep. While in that
position, a train of caAi was - backed in on the
siding, and he was run over and had both legs cut
off. He was picked np and taken to the passen
ger depot, but died in less than half an hour.—
His remains were brought up ;on , the Fast Line,
on Wednesday evening. He leaves . wife and
several children. Like a-provident man, he gave
all his bounty money back to the Tventurer of the
Bounty Fund, to be handed to his wife.
Oitß Quota —We did qot intend to iftimate,
m mij- article of last week, on the quota of Al
looml that there was anything wrong in the Pro
, Marshal’s Office, and our remarks will not
0 f guc h construction The Board had the
names before it. and could not dp otherwise than
give its a fair share with bur neighbors ; bnf we
, ini Id not understand why there .should be such a’
,I,similarity between Altoona and Holliduysburg,
ahd other places, as compared with the number of
voters; and the reply of the Register to an ex
tract from our former article, falls short pf a golu-i
tion. True, we have a great many young men,!
1,,,! we liave also a fait proportion of old men, and;
rully as many crippled and physically disabled'
r^s as any other section of the countjv Raß
rua.: jrawns always have a fair share of crippled
uieiij The Register gives as a reason for our
large! quota, "That Altoona has filled her former
ijuoiift in good part from other districts. ” Sop- ;
JKKC she has; that would no: lessen the number
tu be dratted from the districts from which Al
toona has drawn. According to the law as
now* inierpelcd, the man who goes oat of the
district in which he is enrolled and takes the
bounty Offered by another, is credited to the dis
trict laying the boimty, but his name cannot be
-iriefcen from the list of the district in which he is,
enrol ed. We base our opinion on the supposition
■ Imt i. man is required to render service to the
Uistritt in wliieli he is enrolled, and should he
give tis credit outside of his district, became it
jiays po bonnty and another does, it is the fault.
,it the district in which he'is enrolled, and he
eiiiiuijit be credited to it or stricken from its list,
a-» this would give two credits to the same person,
flie i|i«trict which pays a bounty receives credit
ti,[ all men to-, whom it pays bounty, no matter
a hero they coriie from, and the district which re
fuses jto give a .'bounty must make up for those who
g„ out of it to;take bounties elsewhere. This ap
pj-irsi reasonable Were it not so. there would tie
lin inducement to offer bounties. The quoin of
Altoona being now fid!, onr people will not
tniubjle them-elves further ahont the mutter, and
we wiill “ let it slide."
.VtipueiiAnoK Of Tkoocs. —Within the past
two qeeks, several regiments have passed through
this place. Several of them were from Ohio,
hundred day inen) on their way home, and others
were | hundred day men front I‘unnsylvauia anti
Musjpchuselts, ion their, way to the- West to take
ehargje of prisohers. We arc'sorry to say that the
uiilv ijnen who;behaved at all unsoldicrly were a
lev connected 'with Col. W. B. Thomas' licgi
ineui.; from Philadelphia. There appears to have
been a few had - characters in litis regiment, wlto
bfoug|it disgrace upon the whole. While the
tram jstopped here; a few of them collected in
front Of Minehart’s watch establishment, in Brant's
Bow, ,and, while the proprietor was absent, prized
up ihe window! and abstracted several watches,
ahogetlier valued at $lOO. Another went into J.
M. Cherry’s watch and jewelry store, where Airs
Chen|y was in: attendance. He asked for some
thmg|to eat, aqd while Sirs. C. went back in the
house to get him a piece, he pocketed a couple of
waletes. Ho was observed “lifting" the articles
and was caught by one of onr citizens, who made
him ‘ fork over" the time-keepers ere he let him
go. [f the officers of regiments would pay a
little attention; to their men, our people would be
saved mnch trouble, the soldiers be in .better credit,
and respectable men not be disgraced by a few
Seoesh is Tbolulk.—The Huntingdon Jour
7. Mill a- America* gives an amusing account of the
tribui itions of a. female Secesh, on her way from
Bedford Springs, who stopped at one of the Hun
tingdon hotels; to wait for the Eastward train. —
I " bile: at the hotel she used very treasonable lan
f guage and behaved in a manner that indicated
! Iter proclivities. The girls employed about the
[ bouse .were incensed at her, and retaliated bv
| treating her to a concert of Union songs—among
[ others singing; in full chorus, “We ll hang Jeff
I Jjayiji on a soar apple tree," &c. This caused
Secesji to rare, whereupon the girls struck up
“ Kally round the Flag.” Secesh was rampant
and c eclured she would rather die than walk under
that I lag. To test her, the girls procured a large
U»S, flag, locked the door which opened on the
a street, and when the train was coming, hung the
flag c v6r the main entrance, by which Secesh was
comp tiled to make her exit. She soon made her
appearance, saw the flag, and passed out under'it,
to the infinite merriment of the girls, who waved
it over her .head as she departed, accompanying
the action with the chorus “Down with the trai
tors and up with the stars 17
Stj.sip os Receipts.—We stated last week
that nil receipts given, when the amount is $2O
and upwards, require a two cent stamp. Wc have
been asked who is required to affix the stamp
the one who pnya the money or the one who re
ceivp'i it ? The Comniissioner has decided that
the pjerson whb pays the money must furnish the
proper stamp. He says if the perm needs a re
, ceipt “it is necessary for him to furnish the stamp,
or tr stamp the receipt, if required, before it is
signed.. The person who receives the money is
not opli ed to give a receipt unless the other par
ty fui tushes the proper stamp. If a person gives
a receipt without requiring that the party to whom
It is given shall furnish the stamp the' maker of
. the receipt must himself stamp the paper before he
delivers it. If he dobs not, he is liable to the
penal ; y, but the other party may stamp it- imme
diately upon its being received. - ’
Tue Countt and the Dbapt.—Woodberry,
Catherine, Taylor and Freedom townships have
filled their quotas by volunteers. Two compa
nies < f one year men, we understand, have been
raised in those townships and others in the South
hen putt of the county.:
Tyrone borough, Tyrone twp., Antis twp. and
Altoq la have-abont filled their quotas. Captain
Gwim icr’s company is full, and Captain Morrow
and I ieut. El way are now fi|ling up a second com
pany, with fair prospects of success.
Ma rtinsburg, Snyder, Frankstown, N. Wood
beny, Huston, Greenfield, Gaysport and Holli
daysb arg, c all making efforts to fill their quotas
. by volunteering, and one of two of them are per
baps tiled by this time. There will be but five
or si] sub-districts to be drafted in this county.
For the iAUoona 'J'ribune,
Messes. Kditoes ;—Can you or any of vour
readers inform the public why the gate of Fair
view Cemetery is kept locked on Sunday ? hat
iS a day when our citizens generally are free from
business cures, and many incline to visit the sacred
spot where rests the remains of sainted loved ones.
Wh' should they be denied the privilege ? They
have paid for the ground, and have the
right to visit it.. Messrs. Directors, let ns have
the gate unlocked on Sunday afternoons, at least,
so that we and our families may gain admittance
to the Cemetery without being, obliged to adopt
the inconvenient (not to say indecent) mode, of
climbing over the fence.
Yours, Respectfully, 1 LOT OWNER,
At Home.—Company M. 6:|d Regiment. P. V.,
returned from the war on Wednesday of hist week.
This regiment passed through hard service, and
won imperishable honors, a fair share of which
belong to company M. Out of -82 men who
formed the company when it entered tin- service,
only 25 have returned with it; A number were
killed in battle and others were previously dis
charged on account of physicat disability caused
bv wounds.
OisAWOJNTED.-s-Qnite a number of dealers in
condemned horses were, disappointed yesterday
(Thursday) in consequence ofthe postponement
'of the Governmen t horse sale. ' We do mil know
why it was postponed. It is now announced to
come off on Thursday,-September loth. -
The muster rolls of the Provost Marshal
of this district show that during last week 127
men were put into the army—U)o as volunteers.
I!) as substitutes and 3 as drafted men.
lietter from Chambersburg
CuAIIBERSBCRO; Aug. lit, l»t)4
-Messrs. Editors; —lt is just after dress pa
rade and we are privileged to do as we please. 1
have pleased to retire from the throng, and seated
myself in a quiet, spot to enjoy a few moments
alone. My mind, of course, wanders hark to the
friends- ip Altoona, mid I have thought a few lines
from me would not be unacceptable to them.
Our camp is about one mile West of Cham
bersburg, on the County Fair, Grounds, on the
Mercqrsburg Pike, It is not as.pleasant a location
as we could desire, being on The top of a hill,
where the rays of the sun fall upon us with.all
their gloiy and heat, and we have no cool shade
to which we can heat a retreat, except by running
or breaking guard, and you know that would be
unsoldier-like: consequently we must “ grin and
bear it.” lam sorry that we have to complain of
our camp in another particular, viz : scarcity of
water. The boys have had to travel a mile, and
sometimes a mile and a half, to get enough water
to make their cup of coffee, t This fact will re
main as an everlasting stigma upon the character
of the citizens who live in the vicinity of the camp,
as nearly alt of them have kept their pumps and
wells locked with chain and keyj and ut times have
refused to give enongh of water to quench our
But enough on the subject of camp. We shall
now try, in few words, to descrilie the “hard
times” we have had since leaving our homes
among you. On leaving Camp Curtin we pro
ceeded direct to Hagerstown—six companies
strong—under command of *Capt. Hall, of Pitts
burgh. We arrived at onr (destination at 10
o’clock on the morning of the*29th of July; and
at once marched to camp, where wo hoped to
enjoy a few boors rest; bnt such a treat was not
in store for us. Scarcely had* we reached camp
ere the order came to secure kU tlje rations we
conld and appear in light marching order imme
diately, as the “Rebs” had crossed the river and
were marching on Hagerstown in heavy force.—
Of course, we expected to seei a fight instanter;
but in this we were disappointed. We were faced
with our backs to the enemy rand commenced a
hasty retreat, which some of its construed into a
grand strategic movement. As wo were in light
marching order, of course otir knapsacks were
left behind; and, to keep them from falling into
the hands of the enemy, they,: together with all
our new clothes and many little keepsakes we had
brought from home, were collected and—burned!
That day we retreated lo Green castle. Here our
company was ordered to picket the Williamsport
bike, thereby preventing us from getting any rest.
Wc fuliyrexpectcd to he attacked during the night,
and had to be on .the alert. Bat the “Rebs” not
making their apjiearance, at sunrise the next
morning we again took up our line of, retreat, and
marched, footsore and weary, ti> a point two and a
half miles south of Chambersburg Here we first
observed huge volumes of smoke rising from the
once beautiful but now desolate;I town of Cham
borshurg. Thp* feelings of' the,] men of our bat
talion were to advance and (drive • the ruthless
idvaders from the soil, qf the Keystone State, but
such a move was deemed unwise by our command
;mg officer, and wc : were marched through fields
jand woods to Fayetteville, making a distance of
fibont eighteen miles. A feW of tire boys gave
out, hut they were found in their places, at roll
call, at terwe had entered camp. ~
At this place our battalion; was organized by
the election of Charles Stewart, Lieut.-Colonel,
End Jacob Szink, Major.' These are the only
officers to which vre are entitled, there being only
six companies. We were marcbecPiuto Cham
borsburg the same day and' went into camp. As
soon as possible I availed myself of an opportu
nity to visit the ruins of the town. Without see
ing for yourselves yon can have no idea of the
desolation. If any man call look upon these
roinsandthep sympathize with the men who caused
them and are trying to crush the Government,
he is unworthy the name of an American citizen,
and should be sent South tp enjoy the society of
McCausland and his batjd. It is impossible'for
me to describe the scene I witnessed, and I shall,
not attempt it.- The loyal citizens of the town
deserve and should receive the sympathy, and aid
of all our people. We are glad to observe that
many of the citizens are again resuming business
and have commenced re-building their rained
properties. The town will prese-ve its name, but
we despair of seeing it (for some years at least.)
as beautiful as it once was.
Our boys are generally in good health, the only
indisposition being diarrhoea, caused by the mis
erable water we are compelled to drink.
[Our correspondent sends us a roll of the com
pany to which the boys from this place are at
tached, but as many of them are from other
places, and we cannot decipher the names cor
rectly, we have omitted it. The following are the
officers of the company :
Captain —Tellieo Johnson.
lst Lieut. —Josiah D. Hicks.
2d Lieut. —lsaac Mitchell.
Orderly Serjeant —Jacob Beatty.]
Unu >r n ,. L . lLl .. lir , , . posit wu made No deductions for commlnion# must oe
rii>B. Iribunk: —We desire to announce to the
people in your paper, that Mr. Martin Bechtel, of CUidt ‘ * rom tbe deposit.
Hollidayshurg, will he a candidate for Sheriff ofiSPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF
Blair County at the coming election. Mr. Bechtel !* THIS LOAN*
is en honest, intelligent man, and would make a lT „ A NilloSil BavikoB bank, oflering a higher rate
very competent othcer. Besides, he has claims
upon ths voters of this County Which should not be
lightly passed over. In the Fall of 1861 he volun
teered to fight the battles of his country, and re
trained in the service until'after the battle of Get
tysburg, where be lost an arm, and became thereby
incapacitated for further active duty. He is now
at home, crippled fur life, and is unable to secure a
livelihood by labor. • Every principle of gratitude,
honor and patriotism demands that we should take
care to reward our crippled heroes for their sacri
fices and bravery. To save our State from invasion,
and onr homes/rom desecration, he periled bis lite,
and lost a limb, and we very much mistake the
patriotism of the people of Blair county if they per
mit his noble services to go unrewarded, now that
they have an oppon unity of testifying their grat
itude. We also ask you to publish the following
card of Mr. Bechtel, containing his written consent
to become a candidate
At the noiicitation of numerous citizens, without
distinction of Party, t hereby consent to become
a candidate lor Shcritf of Blair countv, at the
coming election, and if elected I will perforin the
duties of the olfiee to the he<r of mv ability.
llolluiayjhunj . J)m< 1
Tobacco and Figars,
Tobacco and (’igais,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Tobacco and Cigar*
Tobacco and Cigars
Tobacco and Cigars
Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines.
Perfumery and Notions,. Drug* and Medicines
Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines.
Together with a splendid slock of Trusses and
Supporters and all goods found in a first class
Drug Store. For sale cheap for cash at the Drag
Store of A. Roush,
Second door from the corner of Virginia and
Annie Streets, Altoona.
Fire ! Fire ! I —Do not risk your property an y
longer to the mercy of the flames, but go to Kerr
and have him insure ypu against loss by fire.—
He is agent for thirteen different companies
among which are some of the best in the United
Altoona, July 21 .-tf.
Baltimore Express West arrive* 7.15 A. leaves 7.36 A.M.
Philadul'a “ •• “ 8.00 “ 8.20 “
Fast Line , •* “ 8.20 P.M. “ 8.35 P.M.
Mail Train , *• •* 7.00 “ “ 7.15 ••
Express Train East “ 9.20 P. M., leaves 9.40 P. M
Fast Line “ »• 1.15 A M., “ 1.20 A.M
Mail Train *• •• 7.50 “ “ 8.10 “
Through Accom. “ • 11:25 “ “ 1140 “
Trains oh Hollidaysburg Branch run to connect with
Express Trains West. Mail Train East and Woat and Thro’
Accommodation Train East.
Trains on Tyrone. 4 Clearfield Branch and Bald Eagle
Valley R. R. run to connect with Express Train West and
Mail Train East and West.
Altoona, May IBth, 1864.
Washington, Baltimore A Harrisburg arrive at 7:20, A.M
Philadelphia arrives at. .... B*os, **
Pittsburgh, (through.) .... 7.55* «
Hollidaysburgh, . 6:40, A.M. A &50, P.M
Western Way, ..... 11:25, A.M
Eastern Way, * . • - 7:05, PJI
Eastern Way and through, . . . . 7,40, A.M.
Western Why and throngh, • - “. -7:50* M
Hollidaysburgh, - • - . . 7:60, 4<
Western, through, . . . . 6:40, p.M.
HolHdaysbUrgh, - . 6:40, “
Eastern, through, 7:20, “
Office hours from 6;45, A.M., to 7;45,P.M.; on Sun
day from 7:45 to 8:45, A*M.
' of cotidemued horses, advertised to take place on the
4th of August, postponed until the 25th of August, will be
postponed again until Thursday, the 16th September,
by order of the Chief Qnarter-Maater of the Cavalry
Bureau. Capt. H. A.BUPUV, A. Q. M.
August 24th, 1864-nit.
For bale—a building lot
situated on Branch Street, Altoona. Price $425.
Aug. 17, jlfiM-tf. W. S. BITTNER.
Hat & Cap Store.
The undersigned would in
form the public that helms, taken charge of this es
tablishment, heretofore owned by Jesse Smith, where he
has now ou hand a large and varied assortment of
His stool! has been selected with great care and embra
ced every color, shap** and quality, for the accommodation
of grave oii gay, old or young, rich or poor.
AH he aqks is an examinatiou of bis stock, feeling sure
that he can please the most fastidious.
Aug. 17,j1564-tf. D. W. ALE.
undersigned offers for halo the house In which be
n w resides sod two lots of ground, situate on Harriet
street, East Altoona. The boose is well finished and the
lot* are in excellent condition. Terms easy. Apply on tho 1
premises <3r at the store of tWe undersigned, near the La*
theron Church. C. C. SHANNON.
Aug. 4, 1i304..|f.
JUST RECEIVED, A new stock of
Fishing ’tackle for Spring sales, consisting of Rods,
Keels, Linen, Baskets. Snoods, Floats, Nets,Flies, Artificial
Bait, Riggod Lines, Gut, Grass and Htoka; tb wliicb the
attention of Dealers is particularly requested.
Orders, wholesale or retail, punctually filled and satis*
faction warranted.
ma2-6m i 2d and Walnut, Philadelphia.
“IX/AITER NOTICE.—AIL persons hav
▼ ▼ ing Hydrantsaiid uslog water for Gardens, whether
by Hom or utuerwiae will be charged |8 extra.
B. F.ROfiB, Secretary.
Altoona, June 22-tf. ;
J. D. H.
The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subcrip-
Uons will be recfarved for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable
three yean from Aug. 16th, 1864, with semi-annual inter-
eat at the rate cf seven and three-tenths per cent, per
annum,*—principle and interest both to be paid in lawful
These notes will be convertible, at the option of the hold*
er at maturity. injo six per cent, gold bearing bonis, pay*
able not less than five nor more than twenty yean from
their date, as the- Government may elect. They will be
issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, and $5,
000, and all subscriptions must bei fifty dollars or some
multiple of fifty dollars.
The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of
transportation chargee as soon after the receipt of the
original Certificates of Deposit as they can be prepared.
As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons ma-
king deposits subsequent to that date molt pay the inter*
est accrued from the date of note to date of depdsit.
Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and up-
wards for these notes at any time will be allowed a com-
mission of one-quarter of one per ceqt., which will be paid
by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for
the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the de
of interest than aQ? other, and the best security. Any sav-
logs Lank which pays its deposits in U. S. Notes, considers
that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the
country, and it mnnyt pay in anything better, for its own
assets are either iu government securities or in notes or
bonds parable in government paper*
It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent
investment. The note? can always !be sold for whhin s
fraction of their foce and accumulated interest, and ate
the best security with banks as collaterals for discounts.
Coaiertible iito a 8u per rat. 5-20 Gold Boat
In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for
three years, this privilege of Atrversion is now worth about
three per cent, per annum, for (tie currant rate for 5-20
Bond* is not lex* than nine per cent.premium, stud before
the war the premium on six per cent. U. 8. Stocks was over
twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on
this loan, at the present market rate, is not ies9 than ten
per cent, per annum.
But aside from ail the advantage* we have enumerated,
a special Act of Congress exempts all ImiuU and Treasury
notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemption
is worth about two per cent, per annum, according to the
rate of taxation in various parts of the country
It is believed that no securities offer so great induce-
ments to lenders us those issued by the government. In
all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of pri
vate parties, or stock companies, or seperatc communities
only, is pledged for payments while the whole property of
the country is held to seenre the discharge of all the obli-
gations of the United States,
While the government offers the most liberal terms fur
its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be
to the loyalty and patriotism of the people.
Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits.—
Tfce party desalting must endorse upon the original cer
tificate the denomination of notes required, and whether
they are to bo issued in blank or payable to order. When
so endorsed it must bo left with the officer receiving the
deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department.
SuBSCBiPTioNS will B£ K£C£ivu> by the Treasurer of the
United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Trea-
surers and designated Depositaries, and by the
and by all National Banks which are depositaries of public
money, and all
throughout the country will give farther information and
BERS. aug. 10,-3mo
inform the public, that he Las purchased J. B.
11l LEMAN’S stock ofDry Goods, Groceries, Ac., and will
continue the businass at the old stand.
To the stock purchased from Mr. H. 1 have Just added
a large and select assortment of
And in tact everything usually kept in a first class coun
try store, which was bopgbt low lor cash and will be sold
at corresponding low prices for cash or country produce,
and request the public to give me a call before purcaasitfg
elsewhere, feeling satisfied I can offer superior induce
ments to cash buyers.
Altoona, April 27,-tf
THE undersigned respectfully announ
ces to the citizens of Altoona apd vicinity that he
establishment in the toooi formerly occupied by Dr. Cal
derwood, on Virginia street, between Julia and Caroline,
where be will keep on hand a fine assortment of gold and
silver watches, clocks of all styles, a handsome assort
ment of jewelry, gold pens and pencil*, spectacles, Ac.
Particular attention given to repairing clocks, watches
and jewelry. '
By selling for cash only, at the smallest advance on first
cost, he feels sure that he can please all In price ns well ns
quality, 3AMUKL SMITH.
ap9-tf , * i i
The above firm have opened
a new Cabinet Shop and FURNITURE WARE
ROOM, on
East Altoona, where they will behapjyto fill all orders
in their line. They have on band a good supply of FUR*
NITURE Just from Philadelphia, whic h they• offer at the
lowest prices for cash. . '
They keep a HEARSE, and are prepared at all times
to attend promptly toorders in Undertaking.
They will always keep on hand a (rood assortment of
• Altoona, Jtine 15,18W-3m. • '
fered for sale or trade for propertJHn Altoona; the
land ia situated in Chmbria county, four miles North of
Oallitzin Station, on the P. E. B.; there Is erected on said
premises, one of the very host Saw and Lath catting If ills,
all in gaod order, together with Smith IShop and good Sta
ble, a 1m two squared log <1 wellltire, sellable to accommo
date lumbermen, all of which will be Mid as above stated,
by the subscriber, living in Altoona. I
I? ? f
Something Interesting to Urn Italic.
lug at once at .
On© Price Store,
donier of Julia, and Harriet Streets, Bast Altoona, where
you can purchase the best of all kinds of goods in his line,
for the LOWEST CASH PRICE. He has just returned
from Philadelphia with another New stock or Goods.
His stock coalsta of ' •
HATS, GAPS, &C., &C.
U© would solicit particular attention to the new and
large lot of
ail the fioeet styles of Ladles* Shoes, also Children’s Shoes,
of every style.
AS FOR NOTIONS, be defies c mpeti
tiou. iu number and quality. They consist of the best
stock of Notio is offered, such as Ladies 1 and Gents’ com*
mon, fancy and kid Gloves and Hosiery, Boys* Hose, Mis
ses’ Gloves and Hoes, Belts, Ladles* and Gents’ linen Cel
jars. Ladies’ worked [machine] and Gents’ paper
Cuffs, Bodies, Trimmings, Velvet Ribbon, Skirt Braid,
Braiding Braid, Spool Cotton, Wallets; Pocket Books, La
dles Bags, Girdles, Headneu, Combs,Cloth and hair Broshes,
Tooth Brushes, Fancy Buttons, Perfumery, Uali’Dito, Fan
cy Soaps, Hoop Skirts, Carpet bass, Sun and Weather
Umbreljns, and all kinds Looking Glasses.
The above will be sold at the lowest figure for cash or in
exchange for rags or countiy produce.
lie would just say/in conclusion, that all he asks of the
people of Altoona who wish to g%t bargains either iu com
mon or the moat fancy of shoes, notions, dry good*, queens
ware, Ac., to favor him with a call.
Altoona, Aug. 3, l»<U.-tf,
Where to buy the cheapest clothing in th?
interior of the State.
CHEAP STORE, Corner of Caroline and Main Streets.
A sure in offering to the inspection of the gentlohren of
Altoona uud vicinity, the
i-vi brought tbi- market. 11 is goods have been selected,
by luins.df, from tables of the mo-it fashionable merchant
tailm.- id New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and it is
will* tWlings of satisfaction that ho cuaaafl'er their produc
tions to that cla»s of customers who stand in need of fash
ionable clothing, and ut prices that cannot bo disputed.
His stock comprises all the most important, as well as
trifling articles of a gentleman’s ward robe, viz:
Fine Cloth and Cassimere Coats, all qualities and prices.
“ Satinelt ** “ ‘ “ “
“ Linen Dusters ‘ ** **
“ Doeskin Cassimere Pants. u “ « «
Fancy Cassimere and Satinett Pants, all styles.
“ Jr«n and Linen *• “ “
Vests all qualities and prices. The best assortment of
plain and fancy woolen shirts ever brought to this market.
A complete assortment of gentlemen’s furnishing goods,
consisting, in part, of fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Neck-ties,
SuHpuudeis and Hosiery, also the best and cheapest assort
ment of Hats in this place, and a large supply of Trunks,
ofall qualities and prices.
The public aro respectfully invited to call before pur
chasing elsewhere, us he feels satisfied that he can please
thorn in every particular.
Altoona, July 20th 13C4.-tf.
THE largest stock of Ladies’ Dress
Goods ever brought to town has just been opened at
the‘‘Green Corner,” East, Altoona, and will be sold , for
CASH at prices that defy competition. We are determined
that our side of town, 'shall take tbe lend, and that the
‘ ti»en Corner” shall be foremost in the van. Our stock
of Dress Goods consists ol
Plaiu and Fancy Dress Silks, Mcrinoes, Palmetto Cloths,
Coburgs, Fancy Alpacas, All-Wool Plaids,
Plain and Figured Delaines,
Fancy Prints, and a great variety of other goods, of differ
ent stylos and textures. In fact there is nothing the ladies
can desire for wear that wo cannot furnish them with.—
We have also a largo assortment of
Ladies’Coats, Shawls. Balmorals,
Hoop Skirts, Shoes, Gaiters obo.
and we were almost forgetting to mention oar
large stock of
Carpus, Groceries, Qdrenswarx, ctc., etc.
Everybody should know that money can be saved by
haying Goods from us. For instance, we are selling good
Calicoes as low os Id cts per yard. Muslins as low as 18 cts.,
Brown Sugar for 11 cts. per lb., and good Teas for 9Q cts.
Altoona, April 8, ’64. tf. JOHN J. MURPHY A CO.
The Undersigned, Executor of Daniel Spriese, late of
Milford township, Juniata county, deceased, offers at PRI
VATE SALE, all that certain TRACT OF LAND, situate
in county and township aforesaid, containing
more or less, with the nsua! allowance of six pur cent, for
roads, having thereon erected a
with two run of Burs, together with all the new and* im
proved machinery for doing QBIST AND MERCHANT
WORK, witli never-failing water power, f
Alsoi:a fcood ' 1
with other necessary out-bnildings.> A large portion of
the purchase money may remain secqred m the property,
on which five years’ time will be given for payment.*v
The above property is situated about two miles from the
Pennsylvania railroad and canal, and the same distance
from Mifflintown and Patterson.
Any person wishing to pm chase or View the pisjsrty
can call on ,
JAMES B. SPIESE, residing on the premises.
Or -E. S. DOTTY Mifflintown,
r J. F. ROHRKR, McVeytown.
Or HENRY SPIESg, Executor.
No. 447 North Third street, PhUa.
August 13th-tf. • “ .
Manhood: how Lost, how Restored.
Just published, a new edition of DR. CUL
fiiam vekwell’s celebrated essay fa
4539 H the radical curs (wftbbnt tnokicino) of
wlailMr Spkrmatoeucea, or seminal Weakness in
voluntary Seminal Losses, Ikpotknct, Mental and Physi- ’
cal incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also. Con
sumption, Epxlepsy. and Firs, induced by self indulgence
or sexual extravagance.
A®* Price, in a sealed eyelope, only, 6 cents.
The celebrated author ih this admirable essay clearly
demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that
the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically
cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or
the application of the knife—pointing out a mnde of Cure,
at once simple, certain and effectual, by mtwns of which
every sufferer, no matter whht Lis condition may be, may
euro pimself cheaply, privately, and radically,
Lecture should be 'in the hands of every
youth and every man in the land. !
Sent under seal* in a plain envelope to any address,
post jaid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps.*-
Addret the publishers.
327 Bowery. New York, Post olßce bovUSBO
July 13, ISM. . .
W. M. LLOYD & CO.,
; {Late 4 * Bell, jokntUm, Jack $ Co.*’) j
Drafts ox the:principal
Cities, and Silver and Gold for ■ale. Collectloua
model. Moneys received on deposited payable on demand,
without interest, ot upon time, with Interest atfiur rated
Feb. 3d, 1859. 1
/TASK paid for RAGS, at EASY'S
Virginia BL, Altoona.;
A pur© and powerful Tonic, corrective and alterative, ut|
wonderful efficacy in disease of the
Cure* Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Heartache, General
Debility, Nervousness, Depreaeion of Spirit*, Cniatt
. ation, Colic, Intermittent Fever*, Crampe and
Spasms, and all Complaint* of! either Sen,
arising from Bodily Weakneefc whether
inherent in the system or produced
by special cause*.
Motbxno that is not wholesome, genial and restorative
in iu nature eaten into thecompoaition of HOBTETTEB’fi
STOMACH BIXTKRB. This popular preparation contain*
no mineral of any kind; no'doadly botanical element; no
fiery excitant; but It is a combination ofthe extracts Of
rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest*and mild
est ol all diflkuivo stimulants.
It is well to be forearmed against -IftTssr, and, so for as
the human system can be protected by .human
against'maladies engendered by an uhwholesome atm O'
sphere, impure water and other external causes, HOBIET
TEH’S STOMACH BITTERS maybe relied onas a safe
Id districts infected with /beer and Ague, it has beta
ouud infallible as a preventive and irresistible as a reme
dy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of
on attack, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect
to avail themselves of its protective qualities In advance,
are cured by a very.oriof coarse of this marvelous medi
clue. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with
quinine foc.mouths Iu vaiu, until fairly saturated with
that daugerous alkaloid, are not unfrequently restored to
health within a.few days by the use of HOSTETTER’S
ihu weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appe
tite restored by this agreeable Tonic, and hence it work*
wonders in cases of Dhpepsu and in less confirmed forms
of Indigestion. Acting as n gentle and painless apperient,
us well as upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the
Constipation superinduced by irregular action of the di
gowiivo and secretive organs.
Persona of feeble habit, liable to Acrtous Attack*. Ltnotu*
oj Spirit* and Fits of languor, and prompt ana pferma
neut relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point
is[most conclusive, and from both sexes.
Tlie agony of Biluocs Couc is immediately assuaged by
a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resort
ing to it, ibo return of the complaiutTnay be prevented
’ Aa a General Tonic, UDSXETTER’S BITTERS produce
effects which must bo experienced or. witnessed' before
they cun be fully appreciated. In cases Of Cbru&utfonai
Weakness, Premature Decay and Debility and Decrepi
tude arising from Old Age, it exercises :th» electric influ
ence. In the convalescent stages of oil* diseases it oper
ates as a delightfdl invigorant. .When thepowers ofna
turo are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-estab
lish it. i ■ ■ ■
Last, but not least, it is Tht only Soft Stimulant, being
manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and
entirely free from the acid elements present more or less
in all the ordinaiy tonics and stomdchica of the day.
No family medicine has been so universally, and, It may
be truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent
portion ofthe community, os UOSTETTER'B BITTERS
Prepared by HOSTETTRfc A SMITH, XMttabhrgh, Pa.
Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Storekeepers every
where. ■ ‘ :
Genuine Preparations.
and Speed Remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys,
Gravel and Dropsical Swellings.
Ibis Medicine increases of Digestion, and ex
cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the
Watery or Calcercous depositions, -and all Unnatural'En
largements ace reduced, as well as Pain andlaflammatiOß.
For Wcakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa
tion, Eearly Indiscretion of Abuse, attended wlththd fol
lowing symptoms
Indisposition to Exertion, Doss of Power,
less or Memory, - , Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembltog,
Horror of Disease, Wakefulness,
Dimness of Vision, Pain In the Back,
Universal Lassitude of the Uoaculur Sjjtezne
Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body,
Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions otk tha.Paca,-:
Pallid Countenance, , ’l’
, These symptoms, if siluwed to go oh,'which thistnedl
cine invariably removes, soon follows
I ImpoUrtcy, Fatuity, Epileptic Fit*;
In one of which the Patient may expire.
Who can say that they arc nut frequently followed by
those "Direful Diseases,’’
Many are aware of the cause of their suffering.
but nous will cootisb rax ucoana or Tax utaan xstloms
And Melancholy Death* by Consumption bear snarls Tit
ness to tho Troth of the assertion. .
The Constitution tmee affected with Organic Wkalaua
requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Inrlgorats'
the System,
which Hxlmbold's EXTRACT BUCHU invariably dess.
A Trial will convince the most skeptical.
In many Affection* peculiar to Female* the Sxzaxcf
Bucap ts unequaled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis
or Retention, Irregularity, Palnfulness, or Suppression ot
Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated orScjrsliona statoo.
the Uterus Doncborrhoea or Whites, Sterility, and for all
complaints, incident to the sex, whether artangfinaln
discretion, Habits of Dissipation. ur in the
■ 2hke no more Balaam, Mercury, or tmpisasawc Medktme*
for unpleasant and dangerous diaeata.
la all their Stages,
Little or no change la Diet
And no Exposure.
It Cannes a frequent decue and gives strength to Uri
nate, thereby Kemoring Obstructions, Preventing and
Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and laflata
motion,, so frequent in the clasaof diseases, and expelling
M Poisonous, Diseased and viornotd Matter.
Thoosawds otojc Tbodsahm who hati niHißi Vic
tims or Queensland who hare paid heavy feet to be enVed
in a short time, hare found they were deceived, and that
the “ POISON ” has, by thense of “ Krwltartn. iswisexHT*
been dried up in the system, to break dab tn an anra-
TOtcd fuim.andjjerAqps after Marriage,
Vbo Bzuibold'b Extract Bdcho fcr all (Action* and
diaeuseaof theURINARF ORGANS, whether exWinrlo
MALE or FEMALE, from whatever canaa orteinathur aaA
no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. ' f, <’
Disease* of these Organs reqnlres the aid of a DICROT
DIURETIC, and is certain to hare the desired effect In at
fo' vdsoi far Khick it it Btamnunded. ;
Evidence of the most reliable and respoostble character
dl ompany the medicine.
I'UJOK fi PER bottle, or Sixfoil is.
beUrarcd to anyAddreaa, securely packed ftom obaarra
none , . 1 •
/'erntie Symptoms in aU Cbmatuntcofueu, ; '
Guru Guaranteed! - Advice Gratis !!
Ad-ireaa letters for informatloil to. ■ *
H. B. HELMBOLD. Chemist! '
1M Sonth Tonth-st.. bet. Chestnut, Phila
HELM BOLD’S Hoiicai Dtpot,
lIELMBOLD'S Dreg mui Chtniical WhrrAosoe.^
PWiD OKAL&KS who endeavor to dispdM u 6f ps& nM**
end * other? articUt on Vu'rcpuUxtitm affftfwrt n -
Helmbold’sGenuinePreparations. i
' “ “ Extract Bnchiu ■
“ “ « SaraaparUU.
' ' ■ “ Improved: fetoMb* {
■ *%. - ■■■ &•
SOLD Bt . k - :. ,
Out ont theAdvertlaeinent andaendlortt *“ p-i
At little Nzpeoee.
No InconTeoilence,