•,V • ■■ •' ■?- 'ln* ■■: ; i *B* WW* BKMEDI rj«€TXOK wWlbLotaa*. iSSSS? jjggg-j^pg feESETSS.’SB #**» *a •(; «r a*. [ttffiS ftMt |nl **m**S^mjSl iS5»'S5»5Si- ■ad Cbfrakae latactioß Wm» >P tiaprejMr d» '*B*k-«r On* hat- '»W*i«*rU n .k«tte *•«•«*• •**•*•. S -■ iuV ; | • i CUBE! 5»S|S£ Bag, ViinUaiß,' r. Om* by a. r StM. y«« Tack. POLLS! COAXED MGDIsATO*. Preserver Ass&ynt ■A rSkfSSIMKr JM& MMt'v * "N* jI.:CBIJM & DEKN, VOL. 9 SAVE THE PER CENTAGE THE altoona tribune. by BUYING YOCK IKB t ,'ii.THING- FKOM FIKBT HANDS. > -i : U LAJim-.'J Pdr annum,ipajablf invariably iu (1 io I'TI'INGER i TI’CK, Manufacturers ah i.six-r. duconiinoMi at the- i-xpir,ti..i. ~i ii«. time Pj < t Wholesale au-i Ketail dealers in Keadjr-madc- , *° r ' ‘’ invite the att*ntk..i of I* nuusruratWJ.: ■“ »<*«« to their rtoet. 3 do. 1 7 xtttaLui*: our u*n (roods. They are made ‘ uur ' lDS ’ OT ' e f. * g * * t5O . ; ear o«a store, m Philadelphia ahny immediate , (8 lines) ..... 40 .» tOO aW« •««» * re «f S Three •• $ - t-l™ l£ It £ £ • smot'J'i Orer three weeks And le*s than three muniba. 25 cp&u 1~017 TO THE BEST, : per square for «cli insertion. • l r* v v tt-t thf Ur*«t quantity of Beady-made cloth- ; C month* 6dmh!iv i vear. •" f Th 1 !8“ Ha«* *r l«« ---$ 150 *:i «*> **s 00 L ‘V W j Oneaqoare 250 4 too \ll t *i*auT*n. »8 »dT« the per ctnuge put Two •• f .. 40u «J ou 10 00 -,i. mtddlf 1 ~ i ** * 5 *** * ! ’ 5l 12 00 _j w# . „ ur Ciothimr at i r«sqnable percentage s Four 600 10 <*. UOO ~ trt e rus' >{ *■' Cloths. thereby saving the purchaser* j Half a column 10 Oo 14 m. do 00 '! Kthm ' in- r*--rceaU*r which must b« added by thoae , One UOO a& .*» 40 VO •V , bur ffwa -a-ii'l hxiii* »rll ticaln. We retail oar ' Administrators and Executor* Xbtices ITo ,•,■'1.1,: ti,- .Am- price which rut-rchaaupay ' Merchant* advertising by the year, thr***-*qi nrm, f ./their* at wMesak. co«*sueutlt those who buy from ! with liberty to change....: T u-i 'H iheir *’• P ric,f other C.ottuera , Frofeasional or Baeiness CartU,. aot lius-* Udi 15. r tbein ia city, thereby Clothiers } wuh j»aper. per 5OO iK*r oi*r»u s* i Coromunications of a politiba? character or indiTidoal have brsuch Stores in ; aecordinp to the abov*' raten. . r ™ /IAV t . X'T\ inu VsrrriWK . Adrertisement* not marked with the onzaber of inser- A>L> tion* desired, will be continued till forbid ho.! c'.iarged . i '• br-*.-. 2. Isoi —ff NF.W GOODS. rpHK undersigned would respectfully in 1. form tii-r c«iarn< of Al«- ha aig) iurroumliac c-un i! 'r. iffat hr Ua« Ju~" rrlunjiri froiii lii- f-.t'!. wi;rrr hr hai* i ---rii bi.-o rivtk of FALL AND WINTER GOOES, f v r v'iii {.fit-. --1.-. l: h- m liii;* neck :• > .!$:•• >t..ck ;* l; than L"ret»jfare. »n.i u*. it i* -jaitr u:> oVj'-'t- in tir.-*-- wartime*. i>T --.rrv tint V 3 putcbesr w arr»- th-y c.ui £et The Best Goods and at the Lowest Prices, ?..• wLulti *-iy s!i\l hr can an«J will 4 -i. a* F if u>t a little* fairer thin .*ny olherhou-* m thi- pUcr, H- wishes all to £all aiiJ stv his.stock Defer* rl-ewlier*. *. !.«• ft.*rls conhUt-ct he on offer iß«iuctr:iicnts which will flis stock consist.- •>{ LADIES’ DRESS GOODS ut* even dcscripiion, MEN AND IWV.'' WINTER WEAK. LADIES AND MINES' -DKKSS SHOE*, MEN AND lions' BOOTS AND .sIIOES. MEN S U».LF UOSE WOMEN'S AND MiS*ES‘ WOOL HOSE. a and cads. aLEACJIEb and unbleached muslin >,nGUAll£ AND IILATY DRILLINGS, He *iil xi: LaUir*S*wrd, HMf*i lk»ot«* at £1 .£u,'tii.73 **v l-37(§i1.50 M • Rx-ts haMORAL pKIRTS. rery 1.. w, GROCERIES, a w,.i 15; .•«!* Coff—-. Syrupy. ic.‘ '•?r.v t.’i. the w usually kept in a i)rv Gt»xls Store, jif* cheapest. J. A, SHRjfcXKLE. T. iv£. (TTY DRUG STORK. Dit. K. •H.'HEJWART would res;.«‘et ftily amuoance : > the citizen# of Altoona and -ior r wnotrr. • that he h:u* recently pnrchasrd the Ku,: Store -if Berlin k C 0.,, on Virginia Str- en opposite F-.»•»* Hardware Sfcjre. His Druses are Fresh aud Pure, *L?t:o hope* by strict attention to busiue**. of public patronage, • ii! apd examine: hi* atxk. Hr ha* constant!* on Itand. DRUGS. MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, «■« , TOILET SO ATS, PEEFUMEBT. BRUSHES, ‘liAss Furry, paixts oils ya bxishes cabmox oil axd lamps X/OTIOXS CIGARS -neiy article lih ally kept is a Pim-Gajj Lrruj Si-re PURE UTN’ES AND LIQUORS L for rnedicin.\l t is*. L*jU££TlC GRAPE WARRANTED. j PHTSICIAXS PR ESI RIPTIOXS “ camponaded. m ill hoars of the dir or uirht A-ltoohi. Sept. 30>, 1563. * 8 Istii SPRING 1864 Ct-BiG i: I.AR. I ' a^e pitasure in issuing this my Spring . oabJ?- e r 6 wou!d “Jfrfcn* fT™’ 1 * tl i* t 1 t “ T< ' j ;irt "Wd from fc ’i w “ m 1 P'orchlsod l fresh Stock of hats and CAPS •f StJl*<»nJ is to quilitv, <■ ,'ur liol 1-rUo . ~ f.*il 10 plww *l| cW*. * 1h : I Lire also bought *a immense «u*ck of BOOTS ANjr> SHOES, I* P>»tM ~tW , Lidia, !uri CtihW Shoe* is pfel“ “* a.ismsll aj. e * Ur , b< ’' iefi, ‘' i ~T Ctrlrt*; this their " lram " m - r r "- k ' «»*■ JAMES MANX, Main »tre«t. Alteon*, Pa. HARDWARE! CHARLES J. MANN i LV FOREIGN AND DO - f MEanc hardware, • WOODRS WARE, BROOMS. WINDOW SHADES, DOOR MATS, U'UOLSTKEIXG GOODS, SHOt fXXDUiOS, MoCLDiRa’ TOOLS, BIRD CAGSJVAND WIRE GOODS. Ktrrr, white lead *fc, 4C WLVD °w glass. jl/TUSIC!— INSTRUCTIONS GI V EN thi. tm. t XIKMJ). JlOperquart?r. Nocharr?for Ilatnant - Re "d«<*«' Cuthariß? Street," fJm.IMS62.-rt J^^^^t-CEIVED —A Lot of Prime Jm. iii’«r^‘ IYBLM BOLD'S GENUINE BUCHO Jflrft ' * PUnu ‘*o» BUtw. *t ■ ' JM 13, flKl , agiOART-S Drug Star.. EN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every color, of food qtHtUty, tt *' - ; ■ ! ' LAtTOHJBIAN’B. I>JEW and improved styles 4-' TdUM tad Cvp«t*Bica. It ' !•' LAUOQMAN*2. pCBL WHITE LEAD AND ZINC £ 'JJSrJjf O Ctow.Ortw, Ttyra.lteik.ontb. li7 ' £I * ttl MvaSea. :(ri VUrkrt Sir*--t. Plul-ulelphui. 2.Zb&ZJO nirrit a Comx TRIMMINGS, REIGAKT? Drag Store. £. B MeCRtTM, • EDJTOma JLJfD PtOfKIEIOEs i €hmt fporttc. THE LORD'S PRAYER ILLUSTRATED Pierre Barnad has written lew thing- nu*rr U-uulifnl than the following ; • Our Fatht'i By right of creation. By bountiful provision By gracious adoption Who art in U- av eu — The throne of thy glory. The portion of thy chi Ulren. Thr temple of thy angel*. .• Hallowed be Thy name— By the thought* af anr hearts. By tin* wunis of oar lips, . By ib-e u orts of oar hands. Thy kingdom come— Of Providence to defend as, Of grace to refine m. of glory to crown ns: Tb> w ill done on earth as it is in Ueatnt— Towards us without resistance. By us w ithout compulsion. Cmversallr witboat exception. Eternally without declension Oiw u- this* • !.*> uur daily bread; — Of k.r our Indie*, Of eternal life for our svut- Au.l forgive us oar te* — Against the commands of thy ;.«w Against the grace of thy «:e that you are So completely run out, in pros pects and in parse.” “And so am I,” said Horace. - “But you know the state of my means, my family expenses, and also, I trust, my heart, and so Ido not tear that you will reproach me for not giving you the pecu niary aid yon need, but which I am unable to furnish.” “Of course, not,” replied Horace Per kins, grasping the hand of Samuel Mor timer warmly. “We have each other from boyhood— too well to doubt each other.” ; am thinking, Horace,” proceeded Mortimer, who was fond /of eccentric speculation and a little good, humored in trigue, “what you might do lor yourself, if you have enougih, by way of proving the business abilitie| I know you to possess.” ?' “I am so desperate,” returned Horace, ‘‘that I fee} daring enough to undertake almost anything.” 'j/ “Yo>+ are not known here, and you might be able to make the, plan I have thought of succeed. And it is this : Here is the house ot Bale, Broadcast & Co., ; who have a branch of their mercantile; establishment in this city and the other in London. Now, it appears tiiat the recent jleath of Mr. Bale, the senior' partner, has' caused the other members pi the firm to send a letter ordering the business of this branch of the house tostop, and the ware house to be shut up, until the affairs of firm can be thoroughly’ rearranged, tyhich will take three months, at the end of which time one of the Junior partners ■ will come from abroad to /manage the business. I have had some conversation with the clerks here, an| the other employees, and they think it 1 rather sin gular that such an order should be sent, »nd don't like it at all—throwing them, ss it does, temporarily out of hmdnwa Whr wouldn titbe a good idea for you gerously responsible situation, when now to goover there, boldly, anffannounee tidings of the fact Were sent to Miss Julia to them before they shut up. the good Bucklewell, a handsome young heiress, an “7 Jd° U . n “ W pa T t " er * ° rphan ’ who « a Neighboring Rici.ardDaiiefl.nt, or any nameyou please, town, where, on his rambling search for just come over to countenuand the order employment, Dareflint had passed a month. in the letter, and carry the business right H e had made the acquaintance of Miss straight along ? The clerks won tbe too Bucklewell, and struck bv her beauty urgent about seeing your credentiais-an manners, and accomplishments, had fallen imposture in such a case would be so deeply in love with her, as many others unlikely—and you can Say you forgot to had done with her fortune ; and like bring them, in your haste, or lost them : many others, he had declared his’ love and they will be more likely to believe proposed marriage— and been rejected * you, from the fact that the exact state of The gloom which followed this refusal atlairs is known to few but themselves and had completed his desperation at the time me ” .... when he re Pa«red, with an aching Iheart, But suppose they detect the decep- to the city, amL assented to'the proposal tiont of Moniqfer. “Then I will boldly come forward and ii„ ..... . , ... confess that lam responsible for the joke. „ , unc oas€ious that he had They know me well, and no harm can attachment in the come of it ” “ 1 1 Bucklewell. But she had “But what good can come of it ? I had J lhat don't see. Tshould certainly be found out *l r ln l . er train °* admirers at the end of the three months.” “ ntll f he co,lld h “ ■ His sadden . ..... departure grieved her. and she had insti "But you have high business capacities, tuted inquiries as to his whereabouts until and during the three months you could she ascertained, and also became informed employ the credit of the house greatly to of the name and position he had assumed its advantage. Ihe fact that you had She was amazed, and half doubted what done so, kept their clerks together, and she had heard. Her curio-itv bei.c acted honestly with the power you had aroused, she resolved to indulge in a little assumed, backed by my intervention, and intrigue that she might not only jud-e of confession that J set you up to it, would, his sincerity regarding herself, but also of 1 think, result to your permanent benefit, his general probity as a man If he had Hoiv say you ? Do you dare to run the assumed such a strange position, she nsk I ' thought that his motives must be equally "1 do, replied Horace, firmly “1 am singular. desperate, and will meet the peril in the hr . , . ■ hope of profit." ‘ /lo accomplish her purpose, therefore, “Spoken like ,nv old schoolmate.” joy- iT.T i* conhdant > h a ™g fuily exclaimed Lb intriguing acquiin- ere ‘ l tll;lt I J e^ late sul tor—Horace Perkins, taut*. “And it you find that you can Z “ igbt gain the confidence of the clerks,' vuu can ■ .. . . , mg to Bale, Broadcast & Co., and formerly enter into a fine speculation for the house • u r.. ’ i , - forthwith." occupied by one of the members of the “And what speculation is that ?” in- , Harris (suchwa.-, the name qui>-ed Horace ot the confidant of Julia) was delighted “The papers of this morning,” said : ‘° bOUSe ’ and Mortimer, “announce the wreck of a • , c - , alK pretty, soon vessel loaded with furs, off Rocky Ledge , f ontnved to ® et tbe s ‘! uallon . ol house- You could post down there and comrive ‘ fT'f W to purchase -he damaged cargo at a Bucklewell of her sue-, bargain, in advance of anybody else. No I th “ f "> that cuno f ladv doubt you could get it on three months’ i 1“®! dis credit 'of such a bouse as Bale. Broadcast 1 ™ted SaUy &Co And furs are high now.” trom her . 0 dose . J^a ”111 go right over at once. replied n“" -f 1 least Ricbard Horace Perkins, “and make the bold ex- b r?n 5 periment ” tb h was but httle at ibe house, save Having given him some necessary in- “ th . e eveni . ng ’ and that 1,6 most of formation in regard to the previous affairs Lli “ me l wbo, V th , ere ’ 1,1 read ‘ n ?' of fhe house, etc., so that the new partner, , ! He t 0 * V =man,” said from Loudon, might not seem utferly igl ; J? 1 * ‘° 1D b f. r “But I norant. Mort,m£ directed him to the ' ?° übt otall He is odd warehouse. Perkins repaired thither, and | ° reported himself to the head clerk under : aao h f r party so daringly, he the name of Richard Dareflint. bv which i l * h . kely ,D f ber 3 ' 1 we will call him for the present. ' ™ b r VOU t 0 tr ? h ‘ m and ,et me overhear vr „ . „ . S / ‘he interview. I will atone tor the Mustering all the blandishments of meanness—if meanness it is. where I l a , “ which be was master, Richard 1 have so great an interest at stake—by ac ! Dareflint, finding all the clerks, etc., in a cepting him if he prove J different from great flurry ot anxiety on account of the ■ what I think all men are—false ” order to cease business, soon contrived to ! Sally placed Julia in a convenient place make his representations as implicitly as | for the purpose, and that evening the trial they were.gladly uebeved. 1 hey hailed ; interview was had. his coming with joy. and were in no mood : Sally entered the apartment where tor catechising one presence was a Dareflint sat reading, and opened the con guarantee that their salaries were lo con- i versation in zrtat spirits and good humor, unite The head clerk, glad to be relieved ■ while the tone of Dareflint was melan ot the responsibility of chief superin- ; choly. \ j tendence, was particularly earnest in i “Why don’t you get married. Mr giving tiie new partner an insight into the ! Dareflint ?” said Sally, and business on this side ot the water; showed taking a seat close to him. “You look «o him all the books of the concern, and ex- , gloomy, reading here alone every evening, plained all the duties which were required ; Or, excuse me, perhaps you are marriW ot the various persons employed about the already T establishment i “Noth I haven’t seen the woman Mr. Dareflint. after looking over the Je t that I could marry ” accounts, and inspecting the store through- : “Oh ! I suppose, then, that you mean out, expressed himself satisfied, much to i that you couldn’t trust a woman Well the pleasure of the head clerk, who told i perhaps you are right. I sunpose we d» the other clerks that the new partner was | a ll like variety—men and women, too I an “awful smart man, a good fellow and I can say for myself that 1 do. Don’t you”’ a perfect brick,” which opinion was cor- ; “You appear to be in unusual spirits roborated by his posting promptly to the ! this evening,” replied Dareflint smiling, wrecked vessel, in company with the -But you mistake me. I meant that it chief clerk, and effecting a purchase of the ; had not been in my power to marry any immense cargo of furs at once, and with woman : because I could not marry where a profit to the house far exceeding even ; I did not love, and I cannot marry where the most sanguine expectations of his ! J have loved.” J II > nmv 10 ou friend, Mortimer. ■ “With you at the head of our branch p-r, j J U ave T ,^ v ., ‘. A 0 doubt.— of the hoqse, said the head Clerk, exul- 'isn’t 3C ' a ,, 8 *j* e wa f with tingly, “affairs will go on more swim- .j- /, ■ an g e > she continued, niingly than ever before.” ’ *°° klng archl y his eyes, “that we can “Thank you, sir,” replied Mr. Dareflint. ]■?'» st^man 7 fancies in the course of a “I hope I shall please my partners as well .*J ac t a ” orm or a as Ido you.’- while—until a fresh one comes—and th»t . , , . one till another, and soon, and fancy that When asked, subsequently, by th ? clerks, we are in love all the time, the present one d there were any great changes likely to driving out the memory of the absent— “ade, at the end^of three months, he What a strange thing love is.”’ ' ‘ hat m,ght hci, though he « This fa not love/’ gloomilv answered should take care to give a good report of Dareffint ' ‘ ?i=f Zea f’i nd K aStry and fideUfy to the “* “As *wh love as anybody has,” said tefests of .he house. Sally, gayly. “ And so much I think no- They did all in their power to please should many, for love fa roving arid him in consequence that they might will not bo umL lam deirminedVv make their sttuatiofls the more secure the er to many, but love whoever and as often ' ' VaS / ha V :as I please. J>o you know that I could Dareflint, the new partner from London,. almost love yon’” became quite an autocrat in a very short - j m ight fed' flattered by the compli ttme T and had but little to do except to meDtj Sally, but I will not permit you to get as much mlormation as he could, deceive youredf.” ' 1 conceal bfa own ignorance by an air of -Why so ? Wouldn't yave no doubt of it,” said Broad } cast, cheerfully, j “Nor I,” as readily said Julia ! The result fulfilled the ire hopes. Their ! love and friendship were not misplaced, jibe l#Wner by proxy became a putner | in reality in time, while the heart wipityi j intrusted to Horace by Julia, tobe a j richly prolific investment. Josh Billings ox tub Dbar.—Josh Billings is out with an “official” on the draft. He says: Widder wimmin, and there only ton, is xemt, provided the widder’s husband has already served two years in the war, and is wiMxng’ to go in again; Wave the Spreme Cort has decided this forever. ' Once: Xf a man should run away .with his draft, he probably would*! ever be al lowed to >stand the draft again; this lukasevear at first, but the more you luk at it thd more you can see the wisdom into iL Once moarly: Xlinpts age those who have been drafted into the Sait prizzen fur trying to get an honest livin by sup portin 2 wives tu and unsound on the goos: also,, all nnspaper comspondints and fools in gineraL Once moarly again: No substitute will be ackcepted who is less than three or moar than ten feet high ; he must know bow to chaw tobacker and drink poop whiskee, and mus’nt be, afeerd o£ the nor the rebels. Moral character ajn’t required, as the Government furnishes that and rashuns, ’ ' Conclusively: A person can’t-be draf ted more than twice in two places with out his consent; but any man bug right to be drafted at least onct. I don’t tbfnfc even a writ of habeas corpus can deprive a man of this blessid privilege. An Affecting Incident.—Two offi cers, wounded in the battle qf the 30th ult., before Petersburg,: were going home last Friday by the Erie route. When the train neared Oswego, a well dressed lady, accompanied by a child and a gen tleman, entered the car and took a seat in front of them. As the officers talked over the recent engagement at Petersburg, informing each other of various tances who had fallen, one remarked: “There was Captain Warwick, of the 109th New York, as brave a fellow as ev er lived; he- was shot through the bead and instantly killed.” The lady referred to, imediately sprang from her seat, and throwing up her hands, exclaimed, « Oh, don’t say that; he was my husband,” and she burst into an agony of tears.— This was the first intelligence she. had received of her husband’s death. The child with her was his daughter, «r»d the gentleman his brother. There were very few dry eyes in that calf during rest of the journey to Elmira. Heboism of as Exorw^gp—The £l - (N. T.) Gazette records .the following act of sublime devotion to duty amt of heroic self-abnegation: “The engineer on thetrainconveying" prisoners to this place, when the eoQisrion - was discovered to ha unavoidable, with certun death staring him in the he- , roicafiy remained at his post and reused the engine, and was buried in tKe -%redc. When found, his back wasagainstthe boiler, and be was literally borntitb He told those who mm« tP fa aaiwunce to keep away from him'for their own safe ty, as he feared the boiler would burst. Every exertion was made to extricate Kim; bnt without avail until fife was. His name was William Ingram.” AKrrumancAL.—Bill S is ad! ex cellent accountant, but, like all men, will sometimes make mistakes, and in am of his bills figured upthat“B times 8 areSS ” The Governor was not stow in discover ing the mistake, and demanded explana tion. Bill examined the "account and law that he was down, bat did not Hke to ad mit h; so putting on a bold fees* be said: “That’s all right” “How so?” waathe inquiry. “Ifs all owing to the ihdarinn of.the currency," said Bill; “the multi eatioo table, like everything else, Ami puns up]?- . ■ ■ , Abocuentux ad Fxicdujc.—-A Scotch paper tells the stray of a dturyfurmm-.'wfao, ' after the burial of his wife; drove a hard bargain With the grave-digger, wbbi jbrihgi ing his hand down on the shovel, said; “Down wi’ anither shilling’ or up she comes!” . . J»*A gentleman walking withtWo ladies stepped on a - hogshead fiew up artd struck him in tbe fent - - ' “Mercy !” said he, “which of nw dropped that ?” ; ’ ■ ***** .J. ‘l * IV- NO. 23.