The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 17, 1864, Image 3

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beej »od cheapest aseorr
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*«»! c»U’b«fbr« p«r*
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ii-md wills be sold lot.
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XjOOA-L items.
Take tip the Bonds.
i n to nw fund* *9 ffiy boniwy to Tohm
-1 m fill the quota pf Altoona, the Borough
rS prep are<J P ro Per BonJs ' » *ecor
“‘ jiSi the Actof Assembly, approved March
- * which : they are now ready fo fill up
to an from $25 up to *lOOO. jr over,
los any iuu «w ner cent, interest and are re
1V three yearsand the
dfi-mablei »j. will be paid in legal ten
interest, sod P" £ no scnip , efi whatever as to
tir 25rit y, *f vrovny * the town being
Pi BfwJen $ areiyet required
rev volunteers to «H theqoota, andnow while
Hmr is the time to secure th*t end ;
111611 a these Bonds must be immediately
- S already done will avaS
,10 Evere man liable™q *the draft married or sin
gle property holder or not, should feel it Jut duty
at once to contribute to this fund by taking up
the Bonds, for whatever amount be can
Z SbonW he be compelled to
Sow, he loses nothing, as the bonds bear .nter-
T while. on the other hand, he saves himself
from tho consequences of a Bomb canbe
hrfbv appivmg to any member of the Town
Council; or to John “^CLELLAND,
Altoona, Aug 17th, 1864.
The above so plainly presents the doty of every
citizen liable to'draft, that it seems scarcely
ncecssaty that we' should add anythmg thereto,
,c, wo take the occasion to urge upon all an
immediate and liberal response to the call ot the
Council. Especially should the young men of the
who are enrolled, jump at such an offer to
lecurc themselves'ifrom the liability of a draft.
They have scarcely any taxes m par. and the
raking ofa fell or SlOO Bond, even though it
should never Ire paid, is the cheapest possible way
m which they can .escape the draft. They shonld
not flatter themselves that old men, not liable to
die draft, who have properly to bo taxed, will
.ulunit to, that tax and loan tltfir money on these
Bonds als >. all for the accommodation of young
man. liable to lire draft, who have no taxes to pay,
who give .themselves little concern about it. A
considerable portion of the monev raised to pay
bounty to avoid jlie last draft was contributed hy
men not liable to the draft, and if the young men
would be helped again they must evince a
willingness to help themselves.
The Quotas. —We confess our inability to give
an explanation of the,wide difference between the
Huoias of the town* of Altoona and Hollidpysburg,
and we would like to see a solution of the matter.
Below we give the sub-districts in the county, with
the number enrolled and the quota of each •.
F rnnkstown,
Tvrone boro.,
N. Woodheny.
Wood hern.
From the above ii will be seen that Altoona is
required to famish within a fraction of one-fourth
l of the entire quota of the count)’, anti that Altoona
and Logan township are called upon for over one
third of the quota of the county. Do these places
constitute over one-third of the county ? Let us
compare notes, and in doing so, call up the figures
as they appear in the election returns for Governor,
last fall. First, Blair county is to furnish 643
men ;of this ntiraber Altoona is to supply 149 and
Logan township 74 —making 223, or 11 more
than one-third of the quota. Hollidaysburg is to
furnish 45 men. There are on the Altoona
enrollment list JJ74 names, and on the Hullidays
hurg list 204. To arrive atthe difference between
the plages, we take the vote of last fall and find
that while Altoona polled 831 votes, Hollidaysburg
polled 529 —making a difference of 302 votes, and
showing Altoona to be a little over one-half
larger, in voting population, than Hollidaysburg.
This being the case, it would seem to follow that
there should be only a little over one-half more
name* on the enrollment list of the former than
there is on that of the latter ; that is to say, the
Hollidaysbnrg list numbering only 204,. the ad
dition of one-half (102) to the Altoona list, would
give the Utter 306. But instead of 306 we have
674, making Altoona over three times as large as
Hollidaysburg. Who can solve this problem ?
We find, also, that nnder the call for 800,000
volunteers, made last fall, the quota of Altoona
was 92 men, and that of Hollidaysburg and
Gayspon 66 men. Now, when the call is fur
500,000 men, we find the quota of Altoona going
up to 149 men, while that of Hollidaysbnrg and
Gaysport combined comes down to 58. Who will
Again—Altoona is called upon to furnish as
many men as the districts of Hollidaysbnrg.
Gayspojt, Tyrone township, Frankstown, Snyder
and Catharine combined. At the election, last
fall, these districts polled 1598 votes or nearly
doable the number of Altoona. How is this to he
accounted for ? We cannot do it unless it be
upon the ground that the great majority of the
voters in those districts are over military age, or
that they contain a doable portion of physically
disabled inhabitants.
The men of this place, who are over-age, or
who are physically disabled, are very much to
blame fer swelling the enrollment list, and they
are likejfy to pay for their carelessness.. Had they
attended to dye matter, when notice 1 was given,
by handbills and otherwise,'their names would
have , been stricken from thh list and our quota
theretjprredueed; but the time''for such correction
haying gone pest, they win now le compelled to
pay taxiea to raise bounties for. volunteers to fill
the quota made so large by calculating them of
proper age add edtmd men.
Hunt.—On Thursday morning last a btnkeman
named Ditch, employed on the freight train
between t-V- place and HoQidaysbntg, had, his
ankle dislocated by being thrown from the top of
one of ihe cats. While the train was rounding the
curve Below Loudonsville. \He was running over
tbe cari at the time. ‘
Narrow Escape.—We .witnessed a narrow
1 escape, on Saturday last, which, for a few
moments, (although it seemed to ns minutes)
perfectly paralized ns, and left a sickening sensa
tion which we could not for some time overcome,
notwithstanding we kneW’fiie person was safe.—
1 We were standing on the foot-bridge, spanning
the railroad tracks, watching an engine and train
of freight cara[‘ptdHng grade, over tbo
passenger train sidingta front of the Logan
House. The Engineer sounded the alarm whistle
and we looked for the cause. There, on the truck,
just in front of the engine, which Was moving at
the rate of four or live miles an hour, was an old
lady named Whissel, who sells .cak# and pies to
passengers. She was walking in the same direc
tion the train was moving and had ' not observed
it, nor did the whistle attract her attention. The
engine was almost upon I her and could not be
stopped and we felt. sure she must be crushed
beneath it. The engine passed on( just grazing
her clothing, and we found breath.: She had stepped
from the trackyWf in time. We watched to see
her exhibitions of fright when she discovered her
escape from a terrible death; but shq never.turned
about, and evidently is unaware, to this hour, of
the peril she was in. Our position iva< rendered
doubly painful, for the moment, from the fact that
we equld do nothing to save her. We hope we
may never witness another sight of' the stitna kind,
as eyen yet. the remembrance Of it produces
feelings.similar to those iwe experienced ai the
time. ' I
Important to Fruit Growers]—A correspon
dent of the Philadelphia Ledger tfriis disposes of
the theory relative to coat oil being a remedy fur
insects on fruit trees, i Ha says : Ejarly last spring.
1 saw in one of our local papers atlhirtirle in re
lation to coal oil being a remedy fqr in<-c<i-. and
having some fine apricot and plum trees, t from
which I bnd never been able to gef ■ fruit in any
quantity, owing to (he ravages of( the curcnlio.)
I concluded to try life efficacy of coal- oil, and
procured one quart, which I mixed. a- directed,
with sawdust, and placed on the ground about ten
inches out, around the trunks of three tm-.. also pul
ing some on the upper poirtof severe) of the limbs. I
made the experiment Just as' the tides wore coming
into blossom. For some time I thought then* would
be a large, portion of the f ruit mnjtare. hut, after
growing about two-thirds the size <jf jxtrfcct fruit,
they commenced falling, and 1 did; net -, r ; either
a perfect plum or apricot. About' three weeks
since J noticed thq leaves on onej of the plums
wilting, and they soon became brown as autumn.
On examining the tree I found h I entirely dead.
In the meantime the apricot commenced in the
same manner, and died in a few days. On taking
them up I peeled some of the bark near the sur
face of the ground and diisfccovercd a strung
odor of coal oil, which seemed to have almost ta
ken the place of sap. The other plum me (which
I did not dose as heavily as the other; 1 have
found within a week to be dying. The leave* do
not wilt as the others did, but turn yclhtw and
fall as from the effect of frost. ,
No. Enrolled. Quota.
64 14
204 4o
58 13
105 23
113 25-
125 27
SO 18
130 30
44 10
149 33
75 16
* 198 44
142 31
35 8
41 9
674 U 49
344 7 6
154 34
93 20
80 18
Foxsons in Daily Use. —lgnorance oiten eon
ceals.a deadly weapon in our choicest articles of
food,; but selfishness often conceals 4 greater. It
manufactures and commends poisons for others in
many temptingly disguised forms. Candies, toys
and cakes are ornamented or colored with various
poisons. (Arsenite of copper are used in powder
to ornament cake,green, or color candies.; The
blending of colors in various ways, in candies and
on cakes, makes them attractive to t tie eye, but
destructive to the health of those who use them.
Cakes ornamented with colored dust, candies col
ored in such nice style, toys so highly attractive 1,0
children, causa decayed teeth, canker, intestinal
inflammation, nauseating headache, cholic, spasms,
and often convulsions. Confectionery may be pre
pared without coloring material, so as to bo whole
some; Gay colors are made, of jidisonous materials,
that ought-never to be introduced into food or
drinks. Wall paper, ornamented with beautiful
green, pretty yellow and lively red, often diffuses,
through sleeping and sitting rooms, pn atmosphere
impregnated with a poisonous vapor that causes
headache, mcausea,dryness of the month and throat,
cough, depression of spirits, prostration of strength,
nervous affections, boils, watery swellings of the
face, cutaneous affections and inflammations of
the eyes. These occur in more serious forms in
apartments that are not constantly and thoroughly
ventilated. ;
oaction.—At0 action. — At this season of the year, it may
not; be amiss in us, by way of advice, to caution
our readers against the introduction and- too fre
quent indulgence of unripe fruit in their “families.
This is a time of year, when diseases of a billftms
and virulent nature, are most to be expected,
even when the strictest caution is observed ; and
certainly much more so, when, the individual
thoughtlessly indulges in a foolish appetite for the
unripe trash which our market is not unfrequently
glutted with. Especially in a Borough like ours,
where children are so very numeroiis, great atten
tion should be paid by parents or ■ guardians, to
prevent their children from gormandizing great
quantities of fruit which has not fairiy arrived at a
state of perfection. Provide for your families a
liberal supply of good wholesome .groceries and
provisions at Fritchey's cheap store, corner of
Caroline and Virginia streets, and you will never
have cause to regret it. Those f, wi friendly hints,
well meant, if taken into Consideration, we. are
convinced, will be conducive of good' results.
Goxe into the Navy.— Some Vqur weeks since,
Messrs. W. B. Ridenour,! of this place, and Har
ry Colclesscr and John Hutchinson, of Logan
township, left this place to enter die naval service.
IV e learn, from a private letter, that they are all
on board the Receiving .Ship, Princeton, at Phila
delphia, awaiting orders to ship ;on board some
vessel (or active service. The boys seem, by the
tope of their'letters, to enjoy theiy “ suits of blue”
and “home upon the wave” vqry much.. Our
three young friends are now in charge
“jßag Room,” and consequently have more com
fortable quarters than they otherwise would have
obtained. May they have a pleasant and prosper
ous time and come home, at the: pud of their en
listment, with their health', unimpaired and their
knowledge of the world increased;
ITbuuso Skckets.— Some witty fellow has said
“jell not your secrets in a cornfield ; it has
thousands ol ears.” There is one secret, however,
which yon may tell eagry where arid to everybody,
viz : Buy all your groceries ; and provisions at
Fritchey’s cheap store, comer ef Caroline and
Virginia streets. He kehps everything you need;
his goods are all prime, and will be sold cheap for
Killed bt Lwhtmso.—About eight o'clock,
on Tuesday evening, the boarding house of Mrs.
Shaffer, in East Ward, was struck by lightning,
and a voting man, named Clark Milliron. instam
ly killed, and Lizzie Williams, daughter of T. J.
Williams, of Loudonsville, severely injured’.—
Both persons were on the back porcli taking down
clothes from nails on the ontside of the house.—
The fluid came down the side of the bouse and
passed off to them. It passed over die entire per
son of the young man, coming out at the toes of
his bouts. The tight side and left leg of the young
lady were severely burned. It is thought by her
physician, Dr. Findley, that she will recover.—
The boardinghouse and one or two other build
ings in the vicinity were somewhat damage!.
Teachers Appointed. —The Board of School
Directors, of this place, met on Monday evening
last and made the following appointments of teach
ers for the ensuing term, commencing on the first
Monday’ in September:
West Ward.
Ist Grade—Primaiy—J. Rutherford, Principal.
Maud B. McCrnm, Asst
2d Annie Wolverton.
3d S. B- Taylor.
East Ward.
Ist Grade—J. U. Carper, Principal,
Ella .1. Humes, Assistant.
Priscilla M. McCrnm,
A. H. Scmbowcr.
2d ,‘-
dd “
Worth Remembering.—lt should be recol
lected by all those who think of enlisting that after
September oth, no bounties, either government
or local, will be paid.' All inducements in the
way of bounty stop short off at that date. The
difference between tire condition of a man subject
to draft now and after the draft is very consider
able. Now be can get for one years service $4OO
bounty, while if drafted he goes into the army
without this $4OO. There is another difference
also. As a volunteer a man can go into any reg
iment he may choose, whilst as a conscript he
must go wherever he is assigned.
Rail Road Ao i»ent.— On Wednesday night
of last week, two freight trains collided in the
neighborhood of,Johnstown. The engine and a
number of freight cars were thrown from the track
and down an embankment. The wreck caught
tiro and several,,of the cars were burned. The
engineer jumped from'the engine and saved him
self. but the fireman went over with the wieck *«id
was almost entirely burned up among the debris.
His name,- "'its Coli. Ho was a resident of this
But Voub Matoues.—On the Ist of September
the law requires that a one cent stamp be placed
on even* box or hunch of matches in the possession
of even manufacturer, or wholesale and retail
dealer, consequently the price will go up 5i,44
cents per gross. If you yvant to lay in a supply
of the article, now i* your time. You can get them
at 00 cents per gru>- to-day, while after the Ist ol
September they will cost you about $2,25 per
gross, if not more, as retailers will be likely to add
something for their double in stamping them.
Decided.—Tin War Department has decided
that the hundred day men are exempt from draft
during the jieriod «»Y their term of service. This
will exempt from the coming draft all the hun
dred daymen now in t(ie service from this State.
While they are exempt from draft, however, it
does not lesson the quota to bo furnished by each
district, as, so far as we can learn, the Provost
Marshals have non giym the districts credit there
Examination or Teachers. — On Saturday
lasi. County Sup’t Cimnsman held an examination
in the West Ward school house for teachers in the
borough of Altoona. Some twenty persons were
present for examination, the majority of whom
were females. Male teachers, like printers, are
becoming scarce these war limes. The examina
tion differed nothing, we believe, from many that
preceded it, and the qualifications of the applicants
seemed to average about ns usual.
Becoming. Important. —The “Great Southern
Train, 1 ' under of Capt. Dent, running
between this place and Hollidayshurg, is becoming
an important institution. Two passenger cars are
always required, and some times three are necessary
to accommodate the tiavelling public. He know
that Capt Dent and his train are popular, but the
sent out by Capt. Lloyd
may hafe something 10 do with tilling the train.
■Steuok iiy Lightning. —On Friday afternoon
of last week, during a thunderstorm, one of the
scaffolding poles, which had just been raised a few
days before, to aid in the erection of the German
Reform Churcli. was struck by lightening and
shivered to its base. The men, who were working
on the scaffold, severe shock, but for
tunatelv no father damage was done.
Eds. Triuunk :—We desire to announce to the
people in your paper, that Mr. Martin Bechtel, of
Hollidayshurg, will be a candidate for Sheriff of
Blair County at the coming election. Mr. Bechtel
is an honest, intelligent man, and would make a
very comjietent officer. Besides, he has claims
upon ths voters of this County which should not Ire
lightly passed over. In the Fall of 1801 he volun
teered to fight the battles of his country, and re
mained in the service until after the battle of Get
tysburg, where he lost an arm, and became thereby
incapacitated for further active duty, fie is now
at home, crippled for life, and is unable to secure a
livelihood by labor. Every principle of gratitude,
honor and patriotism demands that we should take
care to reward our crippled heroes for their sacri
fices and bravery. To save our State from invasion,
and our homes from desecration, he periled his life,
and lost a limb,; and we very much mistake the
patriotism of the people of Blair county if they per
mit his noble services to go unrewarded, now that
they have an opportunity of testifying their grat
itude. We also ask you to publis|t the following
card of Mr. Beehlel, containing his written consent
to become a candidate.
At the solicitation of numerous citizens, without
distinction of Tarty, I hereby consent to become
a candidate for ; Sheriff of Blair county, at the
coming election, and if elected I will perform the
duties of the office to the best of my ability.
Uollidayeburg, June 27, 1864.
Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars.
' I'obaccoand Cigars. Tobacco and Cigars.
Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars.
, Spectacles.
Perfumery and Notions, Drags and Medicines.
Perfumery and Notions, Drags and Medicines
Perfumery and Notions, ■ Drugs and Medicines.
Together with a splendid stock of Trasses and
Supporters and' all goods found in a first class
Drug Store. Eor sale cheap for cash at the Drag
Store of A. Bousii,
Second door from the comer of Virginia and
Annie Streets, Altoona. * ■ ■
Fire ! Fire ! '—Do ndfttiak |joperty any
longer to the mercy of the flames, but go to Kerr
and have him insnre you agaiiMt. tow .bj *■
He is agent for thirteen ‘ffiffdtfeny
among which are some of the best in , df® United
Mates. . ~ '...J'V' i
Altoona, July. 21,-tf. !
Baltimore Express West arrive* 7.15 A.M.,Ie*Tp*T.3SA.M.
Philwtsl’* •• <• S.OO “ “ 8.20 <•
Fast Lino “ 8.20fc.M. *i..i SJttPiM.
Mail Train “ . •• ‘ JJ6
Express Train East “ 9J»P. leave*SAdf. H
Fast Line " 1.14, .*■ IMS A.U
Mail Train •* - •*. -«• •• ‘t 8.10 ■
Through Acoom. .** k 1145 r . “ 1140 *
Trains on HbUldaysbarg Branch run to connect with
Kxpr»-«s Trains Wert* Mall Traih East and Wast and Thro’
Accommodation Train Jfiaat. 1
Train* on Tyrone k Clearfield. Branch and Bald Eagle
\ alley R. K. nln to connect with Express Train West and
Mail Train East and West.
Altoona, Kay 38 th, 1801.
■ Washington, Baltimore k Harrisburg arrive at A M.
; Philadelphia arrives at . 8:06, “
Pittsburgh, (through,) . • . 7-55 *♦
iiollidaysbargb, ■ n 6:40, A.M. k 6:50, P.M.
Western Way.- - - - • : . 11:25, A.M.
Eastern Way. '* 7 ; 05 p.K.
Eastern Way and through.
Western Way aud through,
liollidayslmrgh, -
Western, through.
Eastern. through,
£•*■ Office hours from 6:45, A.M., to 7:45, P.M.; on Bud
da v h om 7:45 to 8:45, A.M.
in th is place. uD the 17tb inst., by Rev. A. H. Bembower
Mr. p. If. SIS’OER. of Ebensburg. and Mhw LUCY A.
DAVIS, of Indiana Co.
•in the 14th iiiM., by Kev. W. K. Mills., Mr. ANSON
LAPORTE. am) Miss NANNIE WATSON, jhoth of Hun
tingdon county. P;t
on ih»- evening of tlie 11th* or the house of Mr. Sol. by Kev: D. Schindler. Mr. DAVID K. UAMEY. of
Uullidaysburg, to Mrs. ANNA K. BRUA, of Franstowu.
On Sabbath evening. 14th inat., at the Exchange Hotel,
by Kev. Dr. T. Daugherty. Mr. HENRY U. STBOUCI to
Miss MAGGIE A. BROOKS, of Altoona.
At McCuno's Mill. Blair County, Pa., uu August utb,
1864.QLENI 8., third sou of Seth K. and Julia A McOnne,
aged Id years. 11 months and 8 days.
In FnmksUiwu, on the loth inst., MAXWELL MOORE,
son of Martin L. and Mary A. Stchlcy, aged 14 days.
situM.d on Bruuch Strt-et, Altoona. Prico Jot2s.
Aug IT, l-'U-tf. W. g. BITTNER.
Hat & Gap Store.
The undersigned would in
form the public that bo line) taken charge of this es
taMishmeut, heretofore owned by Jesse Smith, where lie
liit' now ou hand a large and varied assortment of
His stock has bcea affected with great care and embra
ces every color, shape and quality, (or the accommodation
of grave, old oryoqng, rich or poor..
All he asks is an examination of his stock, feeling sure
that he cat) pleast-the most fastidious.
l7, lbG4-tf. D. tv. ALE.
m ▼ inform the public, that be has purchased J. B.
MILKMAN'S stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., and will
continue the busiuass at the old stand.
To the stock purchased from Mr. U. 1 have just added
a large and select assortment of
And in fact everything usually kept in a first class conn*
try store, which was bought low for cash and will be sold
at corresponding low prices for cash or country produce,
and request the public to give me a call before purcaasing
elsewhere, feeling satisfied I can offer superior induce
ments to cash buyers.
Altoona, April 27,-tf
THE undersigned respectfully announ
ces to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that ho
j AJO>
' i a new Cabinet .Shop and FURNITURE WARE
ROOM, on
establishment in the room formerly occupied by Dr. CM
derwood, on Virginia street, between Julia and Caroline,
where he will keep on hand a line assortment of gold and
silver watches, clocks of all styles, and a handsome assort
ment of jewelry, gold pens and pencils, spectacles, Ac.
Particular attention given* to repairing!clocks, watches
and jewelry.
By selling for cash only, at the smallest lad ranee on first
cost, ho feels sure that be can please all in price as well as
quality. SAMUEL SMITH.
Euet Ailoona, where tfley will be happy to fill all orders
in their line. They have on hand a good supply of FUR
NITURE just from Philadelphia, which they offer at the
lowest prices for cash. 1
They keep a HEARSE, and are prepared at all times
to attend promptly to orders in Undertaking.
They will always keep on hand a good assortment of
Altoona. June 16, 1864—'1m.
t undersigned offers fur sale the in which he
n w resides and two lots of ground, situate on Harriet
street, Last Altoona, The house is well finished apd the
lots are Id excellent condition. Tennseasy. Apply on the
premises or at the store of the undersigned, -near the Lu
theran Church. *C. SHANNON.
Aug. 4,1364.-tf.
JUST RECEIVED, A now stock uf
FiehingTackle for Spring sales, consisting of Rods
Reels, Lines, Baskets, Snoods, Floats, Nets, Flies, Artificial
Bait, Rigged Lines, Ont, Grass and Hooks, to. which the
attention of Dealers is particularly requested.
Orders, wholesale or retail, punctually filled and satis*
faction warranted.
2d and Walnut, Philadelphia.
of condemned horses, advertised to take place on the
4th of August, will be postponed until the 25th of August,
l>v order of the Chief'Quarter-Master [of the Cavalry
Bureau. Capt. Q. A. DU PUY, A. Q. M.
August 3d, 16<U-3t. • j
The undersigned desires to inforiu the citizens of
Altoona and vicinity that he hgs taken [out a License as
Auctioneer*for the 17th Distiict of Pennla."
paid for RAGS, at BABY’S,
I y MILLINERY STORK, Virginia St, Altoona.
June. 29,2864-1 >■•
1 --'"J
*» th* pit at the
■tonmcb. • T,:v' - • ; • ... • ; .a
2d. Flatulence and Acidity. ‘. } '."
3d. Costiveneea and Loaaos Appetite.
4th. doom and Depression of Spirits.
6th. Diarrhoea, with griming. X
6th* Pain in afl petti of the System.
7th. Consumptive Symtoma and Palpitation of the
Heart/ :H , />• > l
Bth. dough, with Phlegm in. the Throat,
9th. Ntrrou«e Affection, end went of akwpet night. r
loth.- Low of Appetite and Vomiting.
31th. Divainwi, Dimaww of Yhioo andLownf Bight. $ 1
12th. Headache and Staggering Ip walking, with gnjkt
Weakpeea. . :
Out of the tbobiandof ai»w of Dyipepsfe that bare wd
Dr. Wishart’s Qifeat American Dyapepiia Pills, not one of
them ha* failed of a perfect Core. ? We werfpnt a cure in
every case nb matter if of twenty years standing. ’ Sbjd by
all tiraggUU everywhere, and at Dr. Witharfa Offiiee. No*
10, li. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations
and consultations free of charie. Send for a circular.—
Price $1 per bos. Sent by mail, free of charge on receipt
of money. : , ' .. ’ ■
7,40, A.M.
7:50, “
7:50, ‘*
6:40, P.M
6:40, “
7:20, “
I, Euiabxtb Branson, of Brandywine, Bel., formerly of
Old Chester, De1.,,d0 certify that, for one year and ahalf I
suffered everything bat death feom that awfhl diseaseeal*
led : Dyspepsia, < My whole system was prostrated with,
weakness ami nervous debility ; I could Dot digest my food;!
if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it i
would return juaft as I swallowed jt; 1 became so costive;
in my bowels that I Wohld not have a passage in less than
four and often eight days; auder this Immense suf*
firing, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had
dreadful horror and evil forebodings. 1 thought every*
body bated tue and 1 hated everybody; I could not bear
my husband nor my own children, everything appeared to
be horror stricken to me; 1 had no ambition to do .any
thing; I lodtall my love of family and home? I wo&i
ramble and wander from place to place, but could not Am
contentedl felt that I was doomed to hell, And that there
was uu heavy a for g»d was ofpm tempted to commit
suicide, eo hfeariWas mywholenervous system destroyed,
and also my mind, from that awftil complaint. Dyspepsia,
that my friends thought beat to have me placed fn Dr.
kirkbride’s-Hospltal, West Philadelphia; I remained there
nine weeks; and though I was a little better, bat in a few
days my diiadlul complaint w«a raging as bad as ever.—
Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wishart’s
Great American Dyspepsia'Puls anamstreatmeut for
Dyapepaia, my husband called on Dr, WUbirt and stated
my case to him. tie saidiie had no doubt he could cure
me. So in three days alter I called and placed myself un
der the Doctor's treatment, and iu two weeks I began to
digest my food, and felt that my disease \*u*j fust-giving
way, and X continued to recover for about three mouths,
and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body ana
mind, and I must sincerely return my thadks $o » meccP
fulGod and Dr. Wishurt, and to hie Orest American Dys
pepsia 1* ills and Fine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me
hum an insane Asylum, a premature.,grave. All persons
suffering with Dyspepsia are at' liberty to call on me or
write, as I am willing to do all the good I Van for suffer
ing humanity. Elizabeth Branson,
Brandywine, Del- formerly of Old Chester,. Delaware
county. Pa.
1, Moses Tobin, of Cheltenham, Montgomery county,*
Pa., have suffered for more that* one year, everything but
death itself from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. I
employed in that time five of the most eminent physicians
iu Philadelphia. They did all they could foe me with med
icines and cupping, but still 1 was pq better. I then went
to tile Pennsylvania University, in order to place myself
iu reach of the best medical talents in the country, but
their medicines (ailed to do me any goodjjmd oftentimes
I wished for death to relieve me of my sufferings, but see
ing Dr. Wishart’s advertisement In the Philadelphia Bul
letin, 1 determined to try once more, but with little faith.
I culled on Dr. Wlshaet, and told him if I could have died
I would not have troubled him, and then related my suf
ferings to him. The Doctor assured me if he failed to cure
me of Dyspepsia it would be the first case in two years, so
1 put myself under his treatment, aud although for mouths
vomiting nearly all I ate, my stomach swelled with wind,,
and filled with paio beyond description, I bought a box of
his Dyspepsia PUls. I used them as directed, and in ten
days 1 could eat as hearty a meal as a ny| person in the
State of Petmsy lyanm, and in thirty days was a well man.
I invite any person suffering as 1 was to call and see me,
and I will relate my suffering aud the great cure I receiv
ed. 1 would say to all Dyspeptics, everywhere, that Dr.
Wishartis, I believe the only person on the earth that
cau cure Dyspepsia with of certainty.
Moses Tobin, .
Cheltenham, Montgomery co n Pa.
Dr. Wishart’s Office, No. 10 North Second! street. Office
hours from 9A.M.t05 P. M. All examinations and con
sultations free..
?co. 1028 Oiivi Strut, >
Philadelphia* January 22d, 1863. j
Dr. Wish art —Sir It is with much pleasure that I am
now able to inform you that, by the nse of your great
American Dyspepsia Pills, 1 have been entirely cured of
that most distressing complaint; Dyspepsia. I bad beer,
grievously afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and
for ten years of that time have not been free from its pain
one week at a time. I have had it in its worst form and*
have dragged on a most miserable existence—in pain day
and night; Every kind of food that I ate filled me with
wind and pain, it mattered not bow light,'or hoar small
the quantity. Awontinuedbelching was sure to follow.—
I bad no appetite for any kinds of meats whaterer, and
my distress was so great for several monthei* before I heard
of your Pills, that! frequently wished lor dAutii. I had
taken everything that I had beard of for Dyspepsia, with
out receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recom
mended to me by one who bad been cored by them, I con
cluded to give them atrial, although Iliad no faith in
them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting better
before I had taken one quarter of a Vox, I am now a well
man , and tan eat anything I with, and enjoy a heartv meal
*tbree times a day, without inconvenience from anything I
eat or drink. If you think proper you are it liberty to :
make this public and refer to me. I will Cheerfully give
all desired informatiru to any onewho may call on me.
Yours, respectfully, John H. Babcock.
For sale at Dr. Wiahart’s Medical Depot No. North
Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price one dollar per
box. Sent by mall, free of charge, on receipt of price.
J, Samuel D. Haven, have been a great sufferer with
Chronic Dyspepsia and inflamation of the Kidneys for
three years. 1 had employed three or four of tbe moat;
eminent physician of Philadelphia, also of Darlington co,.
N. J. They did all for me they eoold but all to no purpose.'
1 was constantly filled with awful pain and distress, and
with constant belching of wind and sour acid. My tongue
was covered with a white. Coating of mucus, and was
dreadfully sore! Oh! 1 oftentimes wished for death to
relieve me of my sufferings for 1 bad lost all hop* of ever
being well again. 1 made it*a subject of prayer to Hod.
that he would direct me to some physician or medicine'!
that would cure me. I was told to read an advertisement
of Dr. Wishart’s in tbe Philadelphia Ledger, of a great*
euro made upon Mr. John Badcock, of DvJs OHvo street.;
Philadelphia, by tbe great American Dyspepsia Pills. 1
went to tbe Doctor’s office,and placed myself under his.
treatment, and told him if be foiled to cure me It would be.
tbe last effort I wouldfmake. It has been she weeks since;
1 commenced the use of his medicine, and I am now a;
well man, {red from all pain and distress, and can eat three.'
nearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well.
Dr. Wiahart, I want you to publish my case, as I want
every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, to call on me, and
I will tell them of the great cure X havo : received front
your ' *
* Sahcet D. Havt*,
Corner Venango and Lambert streets; near Richmond,
street, formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington co„ N. J.
The above are a few among the thousands which this
great remedy has saved from an untimely ferave.
We hate thousands of,letters from pbyskians and drag*
gists who! have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial saying
that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave
such universal satisfaction.
No 10 North Second Street,
’"tf, )
<* ;
gold by Druggists everywhere at Wholesale by all PWh
delphia and Now York Wholesale Druggists.
For sale by A, ROUSH. Drr . Altoona, Pa.
April, 11864.—1 y. I
\*TATEB NOTICE.—AII persons hay-
TV ing Hyilranta.tKl using water for Gardena, whether
by Bom or litLarwlso will b* sbargod jntbra.
■ - • B. P.*O6K, Aerator,.; :
Altoona, JonoSZ-tf.
A pure Mid povnfbl Tonic, corrective a»* lUwnln, of
woriderftil efficacy In disease of the .
Care* Dyspepsia, LWer Complaint, Headacha, Oentmi
Debility, ChMth
;stk>a, Colic, Intermittent Isrrsrs, damps sad
Spurns, uxl all Complaint* «T either B**,
arising town Bodily Weakness, whether,
inherent in the system or produced
by special cause*.
Notaiae that la not wholesome, genial gad mtwtth*
in lu nature enters Into the composition of •
SIOMiCH BITTERS. This popular preparation wahiti
no miiHp) of any kind; no deadly botanical element; no
fiery excitant; but it ia a combination of the extracts of
rare balsamic herbs aud plants with the purest ud mild*
eat of all diffusive stimulants. ‘
It is. wall to ha foraarmed against disease, and, ao for aa
the human system can be protected by human• means
against maladies engendered by an atmo
sphere, impure water and other external caueea, HOSSJff
TRR’S STOMACH BITTERS may be relied on as a info
guard. '
. Io districts infected with Jfewr and dgm% it has beau
oUnd infollible as a preventive aud Irresistible as a reme
dy, aud thousands who resort to it under apprebshskm of
an attadc*escape the scourge; and thousands who nrwjm
to avail themselves of iu protective qualities in advance,
are cured by a very brief course of this marvelous medi
cine. Fever aud Ague patients, after being piled with
'quinine for mouths in va'in, until fairly saturated with
that dangerous alkaloid, are nut uufrequently restored to
. health within a few days by the use of HUSTSTTRR’S
The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and-the appe
tite restored by ibis agreeable Tonic, and hence it ’wofldb
wuuders iu cases of XiTSPiPsiA and In less confirmed fonns
of J ndigcsuqx. Acting as a gentle and painless apperlent,
us well as upon the lirer,- it also invariably relieves the
CojisriPATios superinduced by irregular action of the di
gestive girt
Persons of foebtb
of Spirits and Fitt of find prompt and perma
nent relief from the Bitters, The testimony on. this "pdlpg*
is most couclusive, aud from both sexes.
The agony of Billiocs Couc is Immediately assuaged by
'a single dose of the stimulant, aud byopgasion any .retort-,
ing to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented :
As a General Tonic, UQSTEVTRR’B BITTERS produce
effects which must be experienced or witnessed before
they can be fully appreciated. In cases of QmtHMiokat
B eaArneu, Premature . Decay and Debility . aud Decrepb
tode arising from Old Age, ft exercises the electric Influ
ence. lu the convalescent stages of all itnrura ; It oper
ates as a delightful intigorant. When the powers of na
ture are relaxed, It operates to re-enforce and re-estab
lish it.
l*ast, bat uot least, it is 27« e only Sctft Stimulant being
marnifactm-ed from sound and innocuous materials, and
entirely free from the acid elements present more or less
all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day;
">No family medicine has been so universally, and, It may
be truly added, dsstrvtdly popular with the intelligent
portion of the community, as UOStETTJJR*S BITTERS
Prepared by UOSTKTTRR A SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Storekeepers every
•• i
Genuine Preparations. ,
and Speed Remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys,
Gravel and Dropsical Swellings.
This Medicine increases the power of Digeation, %T>d ex
cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by whichthe'
Watery or Calcercous depositions, and all Unnatural Kfi- *
largemeofca are reduced, aa well os Pain and Inflammation.
For Weakness arising from Excesses,Habits of Dissipa
tion, JSearly Indiscretion of Abase, attended with tbs tal
lowing symptoms:— -
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of-Power,
Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling,
Horror of Disease, Wakefulness,
Dimness of Vision, Palo in the Back,
Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System,
Udt Hands, ■* Flushing of the Body,
Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Fare
Pallid Countenance, - - 1
These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi
cino invariably removes, soon follows
hnpotene y, Fatuity, Epileptic FUt;
In one of which the Patient may expire.
Who can say that they are nut frequently followed by
those “Direful Diseases,”
Many are aware of the cause of their suffering.
Jnd Melancholy Death i by Consumption bear aipple wit
ness to the Truth of the assertion.
The Constitution ones affected with Organic Bfcokwesa
requires the afd of Medicine tp Strengthen and Invigorate
the System, • .
which HsutßoLD’B EXTRACT BUCHU invariably dost*
A Trial will convince the most skeptical.
Mawlwy Affections peculiar to dies til. Imui
HoCHOiawiequa-'ed by any other rctnedj-, as in Obloroda
or BMettton, Irregularity, rrlnfnlrirnr nrflinjirnutini nl
Ciutoßutry Etactratloos, Ulcerated or geinhona at»ta<k
Hie Uterus Leuchorrhoa or White., Eternity, and for all
complaints incident to the sex, whether arising fitna In
discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the
Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant M ill! mi
for unpleasant and dang cron* diseases. i
ip all their Stages,
Little or no change in Diet.
And no Eatpoture .
It cause* a frequent dedse and gives strength to Uri
nate, thereby HemoTing Obstructions, Preventing uft
Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Patn and Inftajn
mation. so frequent iu the class of diseases, and expelling
oil Poitonoui, DUetued and vmmout Hatter. .
tins or Qcacu, and who have paid heavy feet to be cured
in a short time*, hare found they were deceived* and that
the « POISON* has,by the use of “ POWlim.iSTtnreisfs,”
been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggra*
indperhapt after Marriage*
Use UxiXBOLB’a Kitkaoi Bccno for all affections sad
diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether exfaatinn id
MALE or FEMALE, from wh&terer came orfainatlnc and
no matter of UO W LONG STANDING.
Diseases of these Organs requires thoaid of a DIURET
DIURETIC, and is certain to hare the desired effect in al'
Biteaeesfor which it it Beetmnunded.
Evidence of the moat reliable and responsible character
will accompany the medicine. .
Delivered to any Address, securely packed from' obasrra
tlOD. ■ '
Daeribe Symptovuin all Cb»m*mcation*,
Cubes Guaranteed! Advice Gratia I!
Address letters for information to,
H. B. HELMBOLD, Chemist. ;
104 South Tenths., bel. Chestnut. Phlia
HELMBOLD’S Medical Depot,
BELMBOLD’S Drug and centrical WankovM,
PLED DEALERS who endeavor to dispoee “ ef tkttr assw**'
and “oiArr” articlet on the reputation nflrrfheifbp ' - ,
, Helmbold's Genuine Preparations. ,
• “ “ Extract Bnchn/
•“ “ Sarsaparilla.
** “ Improved Boas' Waah. j
Out out the Advertisement and seodfbr It ■ j ■ ,r.
At Httl» £xpeuM
No InconTMiteoc*.