i : etileeted through Having re . PI #♦■;#■•«• of the Stats jlwww# weresnflerjng gnaXj fcMfotfofond own oompellad to M pfo#fo» meinly ta kind fo, |#«»we pleasure ?to taytta ifo cheerfully responded to, M faMDui atxwal* tb the iihte tp eytuuot the Übetalhyw' Sbwhen the well being i in question. In my spscial mil wit, I stated the dream, pthe adranoe by banka and.nthsr Ms for the payment of the mi uMB> Inconsequence the;£e». I UCtof 4th May, IB64,*«tbor foo ..purpose of refunding, aHOs nt ihus advanced. in ease Cfo, b tpahe tbe neeessaty apprppri- Urmnt session. I regtotto ssy towned without making jfeptfonco in the Treasury beta fswfonbnrm thefmtdaaoatlM^. to^vcrtiseAfor oaa, and recommend the. u*. jettngihe payment to be mads ijnMTieatiiiy. •, kofCongrewi to act os this sob* gptscedented disregard of Km Natkmol authorities, I reeom pslatare take measures for pn>. Khtton .at tbe next session of B pawed at the last session ta dfetive in several points, .and I .and immediate revision of.lt. passed at! the last session ‘-Is to and unjust in nuqy of its n the manner in which it is > m parts of tha State, oppswriw lerefore recommend a careful tenon has: been called for the ttten of vital public importance to your earnest and rxdiaiya A. G. CUBOTH. I’d Bessons lor bnyfww States Securities. ' re heard a rich neighbor say he Uroed stocks than the if. 8- aid higher, interest. Just then tefo and said that he just bought n> three years notes, paying the tents per cent, interest. My bed, “ Yon ! I thought you M kith,” ;*• Yes,” said Richard, “ I Lyou know it is well to hare kgaiast a wetdav, and I hare laanduga by me." Now, Poor w> all the conntiy round to he a I industrious, and, withal, wise Iseverlearned auythingbe didn't i nee of, and his wisdom and me a proverb. So, when he. took U bought the notes, more than Isnd.it wiu no wonder .rich Ur. I Sa Poor Richard, in a very hfar he never assumed anything, pS Ifor. Smith, you know agreat po what to do widi money, and ' I never bad much, and all I , Itatd for. _ But. I have Ipukcd [ “Pfo toy neigbon. and seen k their .money and I will tell you land what 1 thought of it. Onti h always dealing in money, and MteSl, bqt was never sarisfied loit mpst of his thwht were very aqd he often tmd how me day foe people he font to legot bwfo about ten cents on my. I ktfow another old Jyax lofoe bank stock, and be "went pt ten per bent, dividend. \a%e kybody said it was the best stock md ten -p er cent. Bht what did It *eU his stock tlie next t cverybody. Because, it pays I ' Ana in six months the hank Row, ikat I know to be a foot, poo say railroad rtocks are'best, wgh -dividends? Can yon tell (pay them ? I like railroads, be, and Igo in for useful things. kt.l biom about thorn. . One- d« dont’ pay ORjUiTidend, and pe of tbeqk a racked npi too,) if* rGorehnnent atodu. No»- Fpnfer them, I take" it yoo ito, lhatin the long hm the taulihonld hare theae qnill> h* perfectly eeeure •ocondlr, * be uniform nnd permanent ad down die next; and thirdly, rkttabU, so when yoor wit went jroqr money, yon can innk tnese qualities worth more ofpenpuu property yon can luve been looking into .that ihoOewnn Statistic. I uei orthmacb; bat begun m, Ifitand oat • good many hr roe to know. I found out, lok niri AelMtonesuilihip jl i*Ct moan the Rebel Stum) and minions of dollars a Tear Boyomseethet (since the tfahifthat) we ape growing rich M John 801 l and the croakers tl 3%eh the'debt will I e'pold. | hosir long the war U. Besides, W 4 Government that broke Id ? Lbok Into your big U*- knd yoo wilr fiiud tbe people kemmentr. Well, then, I call w«t ifi. ] K rant the income uniform and I want-yon to take op a list of pines in-ounce companies— I'-and tail mo (honor bright, I h[i mi/orm income for ten or one hi a hand red, Mr. Smith, is Government will pay tab ttle. Now I like something come every year, m something which Is.wflv ie year. Now. if too will mt, he will mil yon that Chv e aniy kinao/property that cute thry will fell anpvhsrt thU I* why I pot my Jittln ent mocks. I confina/too, that dear old oouhtir.wWch jontgr." cMkkrm t thought of all this. l in fhatyop *ay f and! fill aor .throe thousand dollars »• It cairdor no bmp.” ' 1 going towards thetumk, miiutliome, with tbucnltn wKcated die serenity of W* mui. - * _ v itT- -■■ -■ V"™ . has slain jfc &g** Sspstde yjetißsJ^^M than in thaa in ti»-i»mi«r Dwisntmrr, July 86,1884. To the People of the United States. Kv an act ofCoogre**, approved June 80, 1864, , of the Treasorv is authorised :to issue ln°anjoo^not exceeding wo hundred millions of a ",f' in Treasntynotes, bearing interest at a ? a ° & uoi three-tenths per ra ',“ redeemable: after three years from date, C nd to exchange the same for Uwfulmoney. The S^retanU^«r>he r authorised to convert themme STtaSs, bearing interest at a ratenot exceeding ,z!zSitnm payable, in com. In pursuance authority tto conferred, I now oflbr to the the United States Treasury Notes as de- dated Julv 25 1364. dr”m“"ce? under which this loan ,s , . i. w and vour aid invoked, though differing S&A' existing state of aflhirs three years »n kro such as to afford equal encouragement and ag0 ’S? Time, while proving that the struggle «Anal unitv was to exceed in duration and onrwoS anticipations, has tested the seventy , > developed the national re an extent alike unexpected and re-, markable, exciting equal astonishment at horns and abroii. Three years ot war have burdened vmi with a debt which, but Unrw pm sim*, would CeJeemed beyond your ability to. meet. Yet thf accumulated wealth and energies *“ , „7r,nn have proved to be so vast that it has with comparative ease, and a peaceful for national existence, and the preservation institutions, it does not deserve a moment’s r Tht?w°the war has been supportodand parried on aTit only coukl have been, by a people re solvS, at whatever cost of blood and treasure, to '“Z;, ntiiniutt'rixl, to posterity, the system of free government bequeathed to them by the great m?n who framed it. This deliberateand patriotic rewdve lias developed a power surprising even to [temaelves. It has shown that m less than a century a uatkn has arisen, unsurpassed m vigor, and exhaustless in resources, able to conduct, through a series of years, war on its most gigantic icab- and finding itself, when near its close, almos unimpaired in all the material elements of power. It has Tat the present moment, great armies in the field, facing an enemy apparently approaching at neriod of utter exhaustion, but still struggling with Tforce the greater and more desperate as it secs, and because it sees, the near approach ot a final and fatal consummation, feuch, tu my deliberate iudament, is the present condition of the great oonic.-t for civil libeft* in which you are now en- to the present moment you have readily and cheerfully afforded the means necessary to support vour government in this protracted struggle. It is sour war. You proclaimed it, and you have sustained it aminat traitors evoty where, with a patriotic devotion unsurpassed in the world's hiatorv. ' , , , ~ The securities offered are such as should rommaml your ready confidence. Much effbrt : bns been made to shake public faith in our national credit, both at hope and abroad. As yet.wc have asked no foreign aid Calm and self-reliant, our own means have thus far proved adequate to our waritsJ They arc yet ample to meet those of the present and tue future. It still repiains for a pat riotic people to furnish the needful supply. Hie brave men who are lighting our battles by land and sea must be fed and clothed, munitions of win of all kinds must be furnished, or the war must end in defeat and disgrace. This is not the lime for any lover of his country to inquire as to the state of the money market, or ask whether lie can so invest his surplus capital as tp yield him a larger return. No return, and no profit, can be desirable, p followed by national dissolution, or national disgrace. Present profit, thus acquired, is Imr the precursor of future and speedy destruc tion. No investment can be so surely profitable as that which tends to insure the national existence. 1 am encouraged in the belief that by the recent legislation of Congress our finances may soon be placed upon a sounder and more stable footing.— The present deranged condition of the currency is imputable, in u great degree, to disturbances arising from tho withdrawal of necessary checks, often inevitable in time of war, when expenditures ma Drags and Medicines. Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines Perfumery and Notions; Drugs and Medicines. Together with a splendid stock of Trusses and Supporters and all goods found in a first class Drug Store. For sale cheap for cash at the Drug Store of . , A. Roush, . Second door from thei corner of Virginia and Annie Streets, Altoona. •MTARPirKn On the Sth.iost. by tbe R*». W. E. Mills, Mr. PRANK LIN RUSSELL, of CoataTjlla, Cheater c«., to Eiss ELIZ ABETH MOORE, of Tyrone City, Blair co., Pa., On the Sth, inat., at Johnstown, Pa. by the Her. A. 11, Sembower, Rev. THOS. EVANS, paator of tbo Baptist Church, at Jotmatowo, and Miaa KATE BYRON, of the same pluue. i ' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The Undersigned, Executor of Daniel Spriest-, lute of Milford tuwnahip, Juniata county, ileceuaud. otters at PRI VATE SALE, all that certain TRACT OP LAND, situate in county and .townahip aforesaid, containing ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY-THREE ACRES, more or less, with the usualallowance of six por cent, for roods, having thereon erected a , .NEW GRIST AND MERCHANT MILL with two run of Burs, together with all the new and im pmred machinery lor doing.GRIST AND MERCHANT WORK, with uever-lailiug water power. Also,, a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE AND FRAME BARN. ALSO—A LOG TENANT HOUSE, with other necessary out-bnildings. !A-largo portion of the purchase money may remain secured m the property, on which five years’time wi|l*l»c given for payment. The above property itf situated al'Outi two miles from the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, and the same distance from Mlfflintown and Patterson. Any person wishing to putchasoor view the property can call on • ; JAMKB B. SPIESE, (raiding on the promises. Or *. a. POTTY. Mlfflintown, J. P. RO’IRER,* McVtfytowu. Or HENRY SPXESE, Executor. No. 447 North Third atre.it, Pbila. August 13th-tf. (CONDEMNED HORSES—The sale V/ of condemned horses, advertised to take place on the 4th of August. will be postponed until tbe2sth of August, by order of the Chief Quarter-Master of the Cavalry Bureau. Capt.H. A.DUPUY, A. Q. M. August 3d, 1864-3 t. A UTIONEER’S NOTICE. Im. The undersigned desires to inform the citizens of AU-onaand vicinity that he has taken out a License as Auctioneer for the 17th District of Penn’a. Ang 3, ’M.-3ip. : JACOB BOTTENBERG. Yaluable property for sale.— The ■undersigned offers for sale the house in which he n w resides and two lots of ground, eitnate on Harriet street. East Altoona. The house is well finished and the lots are In excellent condition. Terms easy. Apply on the premises or at the store of the undersigned, near theJLu thcran Church. C. C. SHANNON? Aug. 4,1364.-tf. •'T'O TEACHERS.—An Examination of A eight Teachers lor Altoona District, will bo held by the County Bnpt., on Saturday the 13 ih day of Aug. , 1864, in School Boom No; 2, West Ward. Written applications' will tje received by the. Secretary, until the evening pre vious. Term. 9 months. No private examinations will be granted. By order of the Board, r JOHN A. BAER, Aug. 3, *64.-2t Secretary. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE —Let -tjL ters of administration having been granted to the undersigned, administrator of all goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Ellen Hickey, late of Altoona, in the county of Blair, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to pay the same, and all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent are requested to make known the quote to the undersigned without delay. NICHOLAS HICKEY, s Administrator o/ Ellen Hickey, deceased. Altoona, July, 20,1864. » ■ TfcIVIDEND NOTICE. Office or ihe Autooxa o*s A Water Co, > _. June 20th, lS6t. / The hoard of Managers -hive this day declared a SCmi Annual dividend of KOCR PKII CENT, on the Capital a ft IT* j ul^ i | n ■ ’ c * ear °f Shu® tax. payable on and Jane KWH. ' ' ! n - F ' » OSF ’ iWeni - , x jVjOTICE.—The following regulations effect *"* Water Compiuiy Wfll «° int<> wit| ll^cha?^d P |r,«ra i^ o'm:<'r 0 'm :< ' r ° oU ' eyed t 0 their room * ss,tsst RAGS! RAGS!! RAGS !!! CASH paid for- RAGS, at, EAST’S 4^^ STO^TirB^8t -’ - ] OR RENT—The roo>n ov«*t r Fs , room over my Store, htefr occupied by H. Hopkin*, u u furniture nor*. Po—wrion giren at once. July 20, JAS. LOWXHItE. MANY CITIZENS, C. S. 7-30 loan; D YSPEPSI A! j i The Secretary of the Treasury eirernottce that subcrip lions wDI be redded for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three years from, Aug. 16th, 1564, with inter- est at the rata of and three-tenths per cent, per annum, —principle a*d interest both to bo paid in lairful money. These notes will be convertible, at the option of the hold- erat maturity, inio six per cent, gold bearing bonds, pay- able not I eta than five nor mqre than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will bo; issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, ami $5. 000, and all subscriptioui must be fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollar". The notes will be transmitted to the owners fret* of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of D<*)kmU as. they can l»e prepared As the notes draw interest from August 16, persons ma- king deposits subsequent tp that date must pay the inter est accrued from the date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and up- wards for these notes at any time will be allowed a com mission of one-quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department «p»n the receipt of d bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the do posit woe made No deduction* for commissions, imin' ne made front the deposit. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. . It is A National Savings Bark, ofler ing a higbei rate of interest than any,other, uud the best security. Any sav ings bank which pays its deposits in D. S. Notes, considers that It is paying in the best circulating, medium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything butter, for iU oWn assets aro cither in government securitiesv»r in notes or bonds payable in govurmnent paper. It i« equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can always be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are tho best security with banks as collaterals fur discounts. Convertible into » Sis per cent. 5-20 -Gold Bond In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for throe years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the currant rate for o-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent, premium, and before the war the premium on six per cont.U. S. Stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the presenr market rate, is not loss than ten per cent, per annum. ITS EXEMPTION FROM TATE OR MUNICIPAL TAXATION Cut aside from alllbe advantages wc have enumerated, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury notes from local taxation. On the average, thU exemption U worth about two per c ent, pur annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country It is believed that no securities offer so great induce- ments to lenders as those issued by the government. In all other forma of indebtedness, the. faith or ability of pri- vate parties, companies, or seperate communities only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country Is held to secure the discharge of all the obii* gitions of the Cnlted’State*. While the government offers the most I'leral terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of (he people. Duplicate certificates will be issued for ail deposits.— The party depositing must endorse upon the original cer tificate the denomination of notes required, and whether they aro to be Issued in blank or payable to order. When so endorsed it must be left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department. Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of the United Staten, at Washington. the several Assistant Trea- surers and designated Depositaries, and by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALTOONA. and by all National Banks which are public money, audall RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further information and AFFORD every facility to subscri bers. aug. K>,-3mo SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery and Fancy'Goods! MRS. REBECCA McCLELLAN, Would respectfully inform her old patrons that she has Just received a large and elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER MILLENEY and FANCY GOODS, comprising the very last styles of CLOAKS, MAN I'LES & MANTILLAS, LAPIES’ MISSES’ AND CHILDRENS’ BONNETS and HATS, Jn great variety, FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, of all kinds. .White Goods and Dress Goods, for Ladies and Children, Embroideries, Dre*s Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Cor sets,Gloves, Hosiery, Head Dresses, Laces, Ac., Ac. Ac. Ac. Ac. AJgl of which she will sell at the lowest cash prices. She .respectfully invites the Ladies to give her a call, as she 'is confident that she can moke it an object to those .purchasing to examine her stock and prices. latest Fashion* received as soon as issued.— Particular attention paid to trimming of bonnets. Altoona, April 27,. 1804 -tf TIME AND BEAUTY! CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE undersigned respectfully announ ces to the citizen* of Altoona and vicinity that he CLOCK, WATCH and JEWELRY establishment in the room formerly occupied by Dr. Cal derwood, 6n Virginia street, between Julia and Caroline, where he will keep- on hand a tine assortment of gold and silver watches; clocks of all styles, and ahnndsome assort ment of Jewelry, gold pen* and pencils, spectacles, Ac. Particular attention given to repairing clocks, watches and jewelry. ’ , Rv selling for cash only, at the smallest advance on first cost, be feels sure that bo can please all iu price ns well aS quality. SAMUEL SMJTU. ap9-tf* SPORTSMEN’S DEPOT. JUST RECEIVED, A new stock of Fishing Tacklo for Spring sales, consisting of Rods, Keels, Linen. Baskets. Snoods. Floats, Nets, Kites, Artificial Balt, Kigged Lines, Out. Oram and Hooks. to which the attention of Dealers Is.particularly requests. !. Orders, wholesale cr retail, punctually filled and satis* faction warranted. JOHN KRIDER. maS-Om 2d and Walnut, Philadelphia. A BODY OF TIMBER LAND IS OF fered for sale or trade for property in Altoona; the land is situated in Chmbrla couuty, four miles North ol Qallitxin Station, ou- the P. K. R.; there is erected on eaid premises, one of the very, best Saw and Lath cntiiug M ills, all in good order, together with Smith Shop and good Sta ble, also two squared lug dwellings, suitable to accouimo date Juml>ernli‘i], all of which will be sold as above stated, by the subscriber, living iu Altoona. April 20, *64. tf JOSHUA HAINES. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE —No aJL tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration jPD thfi estate of James Seiders, late of Altoona, Blair co„ have been granted to the undersignediresidlng as .kfori|Md. All persons knowing themselves indebted to •aidaitate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will persent the same duly authenti cated for settlement. CATHARINE E. SEIDERS, July 22,1864.-6 t. Administratrix. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving- P.lnt, Suh and Vamtall Bnuliee at KBSBLEB’ A CURE WARRANTED. Dyspeptic, has the feikneing Sympton w .* Ist. A constant v palo or ufteasiueea at the pit of . the siomach. . s: , . ' '2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. CoKtiveiieos and Losso« Appetite:/; 4th. Gloom and Depression oi Spirits 6th. Diarrlucf', with griping. - 6th* Pain in all parts uf life System', • 7th. Consumptive Symtoms and Palpitation of the Heart. 1 Sth. Cough, with Phlegm £u the Throat, ■*th. Nervouse Affection, and want ofsleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite andYomitiog. ll tb. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision and Loss of Sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering iu walking,* with great Weakness. ; <>ut of the th' usand of casta of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. WUhart’s Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of u perfect core. We warrant a cure In every case no matter if of twenty years standing. Sold by oil druggists everywhere, am! at Dr. Wishart’s Offlice. Ho. 10. N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa, All examinations and consultations free of charge. Seed for a circular.— Price $1 j*r box. Sent by mail,free of charge, ou receipt of money. Q DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, 1, Elizabeth Branson, of Brandy wine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that. for one year ana a half 1 suffered everything but death from that awful disease cal led Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated' with weakne?saud nervous debility; 1 could not digest my food; if late even a cracker or the smallest amount of food; it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that 1 would not have a passage in less thaif four and often eight days; under this immense suf fering. my mind seemed entirely to give way. I bad dreadful horror and evil forebodings. 1 thought, every body hated me uud I hated ; I could not boar my husband nor my own children, everything appeared to be horror stricken to ;;I had uo ambition to do any thing; I lost all my luvelnf family and hoipe ; 1 would ramble and wuuder from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that 1 was jdoomed to hell, and that there was uo heaven for me, and Was often tempted to commit suicide, so neat* was my whole nervous system destroyed, and also my mind, from tbta awful complaint. Dyspepsia, that my friends thought bust to* have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride’s Hospital, West Philadelphia ; 1 remained there nine weeks, ami though I was a little better, but in a few days my dieadful complaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wish art’s Great American-Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment fur Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr, Wislmrt and stated my case to him. Ue said he had no doubt he could euro me. iu three days aft r 1 called and placed myself un der the Doctors treatment, and iu two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was hist giving way, and 1 continued to recover for übont three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health ofbody nnu tniuil. ami 1 must sincerely return my thanks to a merci ful God and Dr. Wisharl, and to bis Great American Dys-. p« p.-ia, P ills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an insane Asylum, a preimUme grave. All persona suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty loculi on me or write, it* I siul willing to do all the good I can for suffer ing humanity. Kuz-auetu Branson. Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester. Delaware county, Pa. 6 DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! 1. Moses Tobix, of Cheltenham, Montgomery county, Pa., have suffered for more than one year, everything but death itself from that awful disease culled Dyspepsia. I employed In that time five of the most eminent physicians in Philadelphia.* They did all they could lot me with med icines and ©upping, but still I was no better. I then weut to the Pennsylvania University, in order to place myself in reach of the beet medical; talents in the country, but their medicines failed to do toe any good, and oftentimes 1 wished for death to relievo me of my sufferings, but see ing Dr. Wishart’s advertisement in the Philadelphia Bul letin, I determined to-try once more, but with little faith. 1 called on Dr. Wishaet, and told him if I could hare died I would not have troubled him, and then related my suf ferings to him. The Doctor assured me if he failed to cure me of Dyspepsia it would be tho first case in two years, so I put myself under histroati&ect.aud although formontbs vomiting nearly all late, my stomach swelled with wind, and filled with pain beyond description, I bought a box of his Dyspepsia.tills. I used them as directed, and in ten days! could eat fca.hearty a meal as any person in the State of Pennsylvania, aiid in thirty Jays wits a well mao. I invite any person suffering as 1 was to call and see me, aodl will relate my suffering aml tho great cure 1 receiv ed. I would say to alt Dyspeptics, everywhere, that Dr. Wishart ft, I lelievo the only person ou the earth that can cure Dyspepsia with any degree of certainty. Moses Tobin, Cheltenham, Montgomery coi, Pa. Dr. Wishart’s Ofllce, No. 10 North Second street. Office hours from 9A.M.t05 P. M. All examinations and con sultations free. 0 A POSITIVE CUBE FOR DYSPEPSIA, ' HEAR WHAT MB. JOHN U. BADCOCk SAYS, No. 1028 Olive Street, \ \ Philadelphia, January 22d, 1863.-/ Dr. Wish art —Sir*:—lt is with much pleasnre'thail am now able to inform' yon that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, 1 have beep entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. 1 bad been grievously afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have not been free (Vote its pain one week at a time. I have had it iu its worst fern and have drugged on a most miserable existence—ln pain day and uigbt. Every kind of food th'at'l ato filled me with wind and pain, It mattered not bow light, or how small the quantity. A continued belching was sure to follow.— 1 had no appetite for any kinds of meats wfaaterer, and my distress was so great for several mouther before I heard of your Pills, that I frequently wished for deith. I had taken everything that I bad heard of for Dyspepsia, with out receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recom mended to me by one who had been cured by them, I con cluded.to give them atrial, although 1 had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before I had taken one quarter of a box, I am now a toeU man, and can wanything I aud enjoy a hearty meal three times a uay, without inconvenience from anything 1 eat or driiik. If you think proper you arc at liberty to moke this public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all desired Informatiru to auy one who may call on me. i -- Yburs, respectfully, John U. Babcock. For sale at Dr. Wishart’ft 1 Medical Depot No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price one dollar per box. Sent by mall, free of charge, on receipt o i pftce. o DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! I, Samuel I>. Haven, have been a great sufferer with Chronic Dyspepsia and Influmation of the Kidneys for threojetra. 1 bad employed three oirfourof the most eminent physician of Philadelphia, also of Burlington co,. N. J. They did all forme they could but all to no purpose. 1 was constantly filled with] awful pain and distress, and with constant belching oi wind and sour acid. My tongpe was covered with a white coating of mucus, and was dreadfully sore! Oh! I oftentimes wished for death to relieve mo of my Bufferings for i had lost all hope of ever being well again. 1 made it a subject of prnyor to tied that he would direct ui«* to some physician or medicine that would cure me. I was told to read an advertisement of Dr. Wishuit’a in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cure made upon Mr. John Dadeock. of Olive street, Philadelphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went to fuo Doctor’s office, and plixed 1 myself under Mia treatment, and told him if headed to cure me it would bo the last effort I would make. It has been six weeks since I commenced tire use of his medicine, and I am now q well man, free from nil pain and distress, and can eat three nearly meals a day with comfort, and foul perfectly well. Dr. Miahart, I want you to publish no case, ;w 1 want every jroor dyspeptic suffering us 1 was, to call on me. and I will tell them of the great cure I have received frotn your invaluable medicine Corner Venango and Lambert streets, near Richmond, street, formerly from Wrightstowu, Burlington co« N. J, The'above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved front an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters irom physicians hud drug gists who have prcßcribed add sold tile Tur Cordial saying that they have never used of sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. ! PREPARED ONLY BfY THE PROPRIETOR, DR L. Q. 0. WISH ART, No 10 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Bold by Druggists everywhere; at Wholesale by all Phil-, delphia and>ew York Wholesale !>■ c/giste. For sale by A. KOUSU. Altoona, Pa. April,' 1 IS6L—ly. WATER NOTICE.—AII persons hav log Uydrantsand using water forUardons, whether by Hose or otherwise will be aharged $3 extra. ! B, F. BOSE, Secrtiaiy, Altoona, June 22-tf. • i - READ CAREFULLY! Something loteresiijig to the Public. BUY THE BEST, IT is 'cheapest in the end. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY CAL ing at once at G. C. SMITH’S One Price Store, Corner of Jolla, «nd lUniet Strnfs, £ut Altoona, where you can nnrchaie the heet of all kinds of goods in hie line, for tho I.OWhST CASH tBICK. He baa jut returned from Philadelphia with another Nxw Stock « Hoods.: ills stock cosiets of DRY GOODS, _ STAPLE asptFANCY DRESS GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HATS. CAPS, &C„ &C. He would eolkit particular attention to the new and ‘"boots SHOES AND GAITEItS, all the fluta styles of Ladies 1 Shoes, also Children’s Shoes, .of every stylo, ■> - < . AS FOR NOTlONa>e*aeeo mneUj tiou. in Dumber sad quality. They consist of the best stock of Notlo:» offered, such aa Ladies’ and Qetts* com mon, fancy and kid Gloves and Hosiery, Boys’ Hose, Mis-, sob 1 Gloves and Hoes, Belts, Ladies* and Geuta’ linen Cel lars, Ladies’ worked fmachine] and Gents’ paper Collars, Cuffs, Bodies, Trimmings, Velvet Ribbon, fiklrt Braid > Braiding Braid, Spool Cotton, Wallets, Pocket Books, La di< s Bags, Girdles, Headnet*, Combs,Cloth and hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Buttons, Perfumery, Hair Oils, Fan cy Soaps, Hoop Carpet bags, bun and Weather UmbrelHs,and all kinds Looking Glasses The above will be sold at the lowest flgurofor cash oriu exchange tor rags or’coantiyproduce. Ho would just say, in conclusion, that all he take of the people of Ajtaoua who wish to get bargains either Itropm mou or the most fitccy of shoes, notions, drygoods, queens wore, Ac„'4c., to fiivor him with a call. Altoona, Aug. 3,1864.-tf. AV'anted. I 8 000 AGENTS TO SEbL THE Great Natural Weather Indicator, (with a beautiful Thermometer attalched.) Although just introduced, hundreds attest to their ac curacy iu foretejliug changes in the weather from wet to dry umTrrca versa. The acting moving principle is the plstule of a flower found in Syria, and is so highly sensi tive that it is acted upon by every change of the atmos phere. No Barometer heretofore manufactured will tell with accuracy the approaching rain, but this Natural U*-ro*cope, the work «l Nature’s own hand, fills up the void which man could not accomplish, and points its un erring finger to all changes of the weather. One of the instruments sent to any address upon receipt of $l.OO. Semi postage stump hr a circular. Address * FHIbBEB. COOK A CO. August Sd, lBCi. Union Mills, ErU Co., Pa. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! Where to buy the cheapest clothing in the inferior of the State. UNEXAMPLED DISPLAY OF GENTLEMEN’S DRESS GOODS GODFREY CHEAP STOKE, Corner of- Caroline and .Main Streets.* Tie subscriber takes plea euro in offering to the inspection of the gentlemen of AltoomrandMcinity, the^* LARGEST, BEST SELECTED AND CHEAPEST A880RT ; i SCENT OP SPRING, SUMMER AND PALL CLOTHING, ever brought to this market. Qia goods have been selected, by from tables of the most fashionable merchant tuilura of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and It is with feelings of satisfaction tbathe can offer thelieprodnc (ions to tM class of customers who stand In. need of fash ionable clothing, and at prices that cannot be disputed. HU stuck comprises all the most important,as well as trifling articles ofa gentleman’s ward robe, 1 via: Fine Cloth and Cassimere Coats, all qualities and prices. “ Satiuelt .... » « « Linen Dusters w “ ' - u ~ Doeskin Cassimere Pants, “ “ . “ “ “ Fancy Cassimere and Satinett Pants, all styles. “ Jean and Lineu u a « . Vesta all qualities and prices. The best assortment of plain and fancy woolen shirts ever brought to this market. A complete assortment of gentlemenV furbishing goods, consisting* in part of fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Neck-ties, Suspenders aod Hbalery.also the best and cheapest assort ment of Hats lathis place, and a large supply of Trunks, of all qualities and prices. The public arS respectfully invited to'call before pm chasing elsewhere, as he feels satisfied that he ‘can please them in every particular. Altoona, July 20lh 18W.-tt CONDITION of the “First National J Bank at Altoona,” of the State of Pennsylvania, on the morning of the first Monday of July, 1864 : , • CH. Capital Stock paid in. $150,000 00 Circulating notes received from Comptroller... 100,000 00 Individual deposits 137,987 68 United States deposits 1........ OO Profit aod loss 2,059 82 Notes and bills discounted. Expenses...... ........j Remittances and other cash items-. Rue from National Banks. Dae from other banks. - 59 U.S. Bonds deposited with D. S. Treasurer to : secure circulating n0te5...—.....,... 112,000 00 U. S. Bonds deposited with U. S. Treasurer to secure dep05it5........... 00,000 00 U. 8. Bonds on hand 10,100 00 Cash on band in circulating notesuf thls bank.. 5.100 00 •'' »* ; « ; “ State banks 583 00 Specie and Legal Tender Jtotes...: ............. 9,923.-11 . 6O 1, D. T. Caldwell, Cashier of First National Bank at Al toona, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the bestef my knowledge and belief. D. T. CALDWELL, Cashier. State of Pennsylvania, County wf Blair. Sworn to and subscribed before me this fourth day of July, IB&i. JOSEPH G. ADLUSJ, Notary Pubdc. jy.lWt. • ' ' READ CAREFULLY! SOMETHING INTERESTING TO THE PUBLIC. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUK SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. * THE largest stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods ever brought to town has just be4n opened at the ‘-Green Corner,” East Altoona, and will be sold for CASH at prices that defyicompetitlou. tVaarodetermlned that, our side of town shall take tlte lead* and that the “Green Corner” shall be foremost in the van,; Oar stock of Drew Good* consist* of Plain and Fahey Dress Silks, Merino*!, Palmetto Cloths, 1 Cobdrgs, Fancy Alpacas, All-Wool Plaids, Plain and Figured Delaines, Fancy Prints, and a great variety of other goods, of differ ent style*and textures; 110 fket there is nathlngthe ladies can desire for wear that wo cannot furnish them with.— ;We have also a large assortment of S.uiUEr D. Uavknv Ladies’ Goats, Shawls, Balmorals, Hoop Skirts, Shoes, Gaiters &p. :£3 , *Yes,*nd'we wereahnost forgetting to'mention our ■large stock of 1 Oaerits, Groceries, Qceensware, etc., etc; . ErerylKxJy should knpw that money can be saved by • bnylng Qootf. For rent.—a house and lot, situated about two mile* from Altooua, with privil ege of (re wood and a portion of -16 e fruit on the lot, is offered Ibr rent to a «nailfem|ij tbat cornea well : recoasnyaded. Foaseotioe given immediately. Apply U this Wltor. tM»y, 18,18 M. 5 1 • ■ ■ AT ■ 1 WOLF’S HOSTBTTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. A para aod corrtotira and altmtlT%»( wonderful efficacy iu di»aae of the STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. Cure* Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, Oenerel Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Bpirta, Coeett alien, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramp* Spasms, and all Complaint* of either Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness, whether inherent iu the system or prodooed by special causes. Morano that ia not wholesome* genial and reetonrha in iu nature enters into the composition of HOSTRTKS’S STOMACH BITTKEB. - This popular preparation contain* no mineral of any kind; no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant; bat it Is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and mild est of all diffusive stimulants. It is well to be forearmed against'diieaae, and, so for aa the human system can ho protected by bnmaq means against maladies' engendered by an unwholesome atmo sphere, impure water and other external tvium, HOSTHT TEH’S 6XOMAOU BITTKKB may be relied on as a safe guard. Iu districts infected with Ibnr and Ague, It hasEesu ound infallible as a preventive aad irresistible as a reme dy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of an attack, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect to aval! themselves of its protective qualities in advance, are cured by a very brief Cum se of this marvelous medi cine. Fever, and Ague patients, after being plied with quiutue for mouths iu vain, until fairly saturated with that dangerous alkaloid, are uot'unfrequentiy restored to liu-lEK llbm * uW 1140 UV^TKTTIkH’S Thu weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appe tite restored by this agreeable Tonic, and hence it works wonders iu cases of Dgspipsia and in less confirmed forms of Imdjuxstiu.n. Acting as i. gentle and painless apperieut, as well us upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the Cu*stt?ATiox superinduced by irregular action of the dfc geative and ■ecieiiv.o organs. - Persons of feeblu i abit, liable to Aenwiu Attack*, Lownt * of Spirit* and Fit* cf Languor, find prompt apd perma neat relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both sexes. The agony of IhLuoua Couc is immediately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resort mg to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented As a Genera) Tduic, UOSTETTEU’S IUTTEHB produce effects which must be experienced or witnessed before they cun be lull/ appreciated. Iu cases of Ortutttottoriai Wcuktit**, Vecag and Debility and DecrepK tude arisHtgTrom old Agb, it exercises the electric Influ ence. Ip the convalescent stages of all it oper ates as a delightful invigorant. When the powers of na ture are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-estab lish it. Last, but not least, it is Thtovlg Safe Stimulant, being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and ehtirely free from-tho acid elements present more or less in all the drdinsry todies and stomachics of the day. No family medicine has been so universally, and, it may be truly added, deAerxtcUy popular with the intelligent portion of the community, as UOSTETTEE’B BXTXKEB. prepared by UOSTETTEE A SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Storekeepers every where. . Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, a PosltlT, and Speed Remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Orarel and Dropsical Swellings. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and eft cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Culceipous depositions, and all Unnatural en largements are reduced, as well as Pain and laflammatfou. * HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. For Weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Disaipa' tion, Eeariy Indiscretion of Abase, attended with the fol lowing symptoms: • Indisposition to Exertion, Lose of Power, Loss of Memory, Difflcnlty of Breathing, Weak Nerves,- Trembling, Uorror of Disease, Wakefninsas, Dimneee of Vision, Pain in the Bade, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Uot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions bn. tbs Pace, Pallid Countenance,' . These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi cine invariably removes, soon follows ~ 5O ■ Impotency, tbtuity, EfOeftie Jits; In one of which the Patient may expire. Who can' say that they are uot frequently followed hi those H Direfu DiMHet,’’ ,% 20,862 00 1,688 73 47,816 63 48,685 44 “ INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many are aware of the canse of their ■offering, \ BtlT JlO2T* WILL CONWBB TBX BICOEDB OF TBI 4SYUWS And Melancholy Death* by Consumption bear ampla nit* ness to the Truth of the assertion. ~ The CbmUtution met affected %ciih Organic , Weaknto requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate the System, ' i chick Hxlmbold’s EXTRACT BUCHU invariably dot, A Trial wfll Oonrlnce the most skeptical. N FEMALES—FE ALES—FEMALE 3. In many Affections peculiar to Pemales the Rznuet Bucau is unequaied by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, PalniUlness, or Suppression oi Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state o. the Uterus Lenchorrhoea or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident toi the eex, whether arising from In discretion. Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OP U^R. . lUienomore Baltam, Mercury, or unlearnt MsHebss for Unpleasant and dangerous diseases. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHO AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH CURBS SECRET DISEASES In all their Stages, ] At little Expeass. Little or no ebaoge injDiet. No inconvenience. And no Exposure. ’ ti lt causes a frequent deblse and gives strength to Uri nate, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing end Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflam mation, so frequent ini the class of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous, diseased and vomoui Matter. Ihocsabm nro.v Thousabss wbo have bsxb tub Yio- TIBS or Quacks. and wbo hare paid heavy fees to ha cured in a.short time, have found they were deceived, and that the*- POISON” has, by the use of ** PowrnruLAaTAißOtSTS,” been dried np in the system, to breakout in an aggra rated foils, nnd perhaps q/ler Marriage, ■ Uso IlEUfuoLß’a Kxtkact Bccnufbr all affection* and diaeaae«of the UK IN ARY OKQANS, whethtr elbilinc io -MALE or PKMALK, from whatever caoaa originating and oo matter of UO W LONG STANDING. ■ Dlaeasea of three Organa require* tlie aid of a DIBBET IC. HELMBOLII’B tXTKACT BUCUD 18 TUKGEBAT DlUKEXlC,audia certain to have the dealred effect fatal. Dieppe* fur which it it Recommended. f Evidence of the moat reliable and reeponrible character will accomiaiiy the medicine. , PRICE f I PER BOTTLE, OR SIX FOB $5. Delivered to any Address, securely packed from obaarra* tioo. * Dttcribt Symptom* in all Cbmmuntcattou, Curbs Guaranteed! Advice Gratis!! Address letters for 'information to. H. B. HELMBOLD, Chemist. ’ 104 South Tenth-st..'bel. Cheetnnt. phtla HELM BOLD'S Medical Depot, HEI.MBOLD S ifrugond Chemical Wfarehoio*, ■ SIH BUOAWAY, SEW YORK. BEWAIiiI OF COUNTEBSEITS AND DNPKXHCI - DHALEKS who endeavor to dispone *•' qf their men* and u other” article* on the reputation aitainedbf ' Holmlwld'* Genuine Preparation*. \ ‘ ” Extract Boohn. “ “ Sarsaparilla. “ Improved Boae/Wtah. ontwafLSSS” "“^SSiTO.! Cut onttboAdTbrtlsemont and send for it ' A : Ain)iyon> AHP^moiwa: CELEBRATED lIELMBOLD’S SOU) at