|Jtona iritoute. ALTOONA, PA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1864 Th* AmMDKSim.—The following is the offi cial vote of this county, on the Amendments to the Constitution. For. Against Maj. First Amendment, 2505 223 2282. Second “ . 2505 208 2287. Third “ . 2307. In the district of Bast and Westwards, of Hol lidaysburg, Allegheny, Catharine, Freedom, Hus ton, Tyrone, Woodberry and Taylor, there were no rotes against the Amendments. 1 Tbs Declination of Hon. L. W. Hall.—We publish, in another column, the-letter from Hon. I>. W. Hall to the Congressional Conferees repre senting this county in the Conference of the Union party, which met at Tyrone, last week. It is a prod action which the politicians of thepresent day can study with benefit to themselves. Whilst we congratulate Col. Hall on the beairtifnl manner in which be declined the nomination, in order that the labor of the Conferees might be brought to an end, we know we hot express the universal regret of onr readers, when we say that we are sorry be was not the nominee of the Conference. We re gard him as stronger, by hundreds of votes, before the people, than any man named. ; As he is satis fied, however, it is not the part of his friends to complain. The Conference nominated Mr. Barker, of Cambria. His opponent has not yet been placed in the field. Stats Teachers’ Association. —By special request we reprint the proceedings of the State Teachers’ Association, for the first day and a half, with such an abstractor the remainder of the ses sion as we have been able to secure. The tegular. Annual Meeting of thia Association convened in this pla% on Tuesday, the 2d inst., at 10 o’clock A. M., in the United Brethren Church. Mr. Ingram, the President, being absent, Mr. Geist, of Lancaster, one of the Vice Presi dents, was called to the chair; Mr. Ermentrout, of Beading, acting as Secretary. The meeting opened with prayer by Bev. Dr. Gearhart, of Lancaster. Bev. C.. Core, of this place, then delivered a very pleasing and appro-, priate address of welcome, which was happily responded to by Mr. Woodrnt; Supt. of Chester conhty. On motion of Mr. Ermentrout, of Berks Co., a Committee was appointed to report on means best calculated to secure a full attendance of members at our Annual Conventions. Committee consists of Messrs. Ermentrout, Sharp and Neufer. Bemarks on this subject were made by Mr. Chubback, Mr. Coburn, State Superintendent, and others,, after which the Association adjourned until 8 o'clock'?. M. afternoon. A report written by Mr. McKee, of Westmore land Co., was read by Supt. Jack. Subject, Illus trated Science. Discussed by Messrs. Ualdeman, H.rlan, Allen,. Neufer, Woodruf, Cobum and others. The discussion occnpiedithe whole of the afternoon session. EVENING. The Association met in the M. E. Church. S. D. Ingram, the President of the Association, having arrivbd, delivered his Annual Address.—, Of this Address we need only say it was such as we might expect from the head and heart of the President of such a noble Association. Mr. Ic grsm wss followed by Bev. Dr. Gearhart, Presi dent of Franklin and Marshal} College. The Dr.’s subject was “The Education of the Moral Nature," which he handled as only a scholar and a Christian cookl handle d. We are only sorry it was not heard by more of onr citizens. WEDNESDAY MORNING. Prmyer by Rev. Ennentront. Minutes of yos- Mid«y's session read, after which Mr. Erraentrout, of Berks co., presented a report on “ The Natural Order of Mental Deveiopement. ” ; The subject of “ The Number ■of Simultaneous Studies, n was then discussed by Messrs. Slioema - ker, Dean, Sharp, Sypbers and ; others, some ad vocating only three simultaneous studies and; oth ers declaring very pertinently, we thought, that the whole matter must be governed by circum stances. The forenoon session closed with an address by Mr. Brown, of Cincinnati, on the subject of Bead ing. Mr. B. was veiy happy in bis illustrations of the various methods of reading. Some of his samples created a great deal of merriment, but one need not travel many miles from home, to be convinced that bis remarks concerning the man ner in which reading is taught, are true, and that Ms illustrations were not over-drawn. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Discussion —Subject,, “Object Lessons.” This which has engaged the attention of educa tors for some years past found, among those who sngsged in the discussion) some able advocates and some stern opposers, leaving us, as usual, to make onr own deductions. One thing we think was conclusively settled, viz . That the teacher mo every means; within his power for the advancement of bis pupils. Jf this can be accom -1 by object lessons let them be resorted to. Bat what will accomplish wonders on one mind, maj entirely fail on another, therefore the inge nuity, 'of the teacher untramelled by fixed and ar bitrary rules, must be constantly, taxed to devise the best ways and means to reach the desired end. WEDNESDAY EVENING. Lecture by Dr. Thomas Hill President of Harvard College. Subject. “ True order in Sttußte.” Sot an hour and twenty minutes the pr. drew the attention of a large and appreciative audience by his masterly, yet plain and easily to be understood reasonings. Hev. B. M. Kerr of Ahcgbuay County followed in an address the autyeot of which was the “American Student,” r /bicb was delivered in Ur. K’s astral and happy style. It is praise enough to say that the audience, even at this late boor, listened with attention. >- THCKIDAT KOKNINO Opened with Prayer by • Snpt. Cobam.— Mcadville was selected as the place, - for the next annual meeting of the Association. Mr. Brown of Cincirmatti entertained the association for half an hoar with select readings from Shakespeare.— After which Col. G. F. McFarland read • repgrt on “ The proper-method to induct Pupiit to cam at a high intellectual standard .” After some remarks on pronunciation, the Meeting adjourned until two o’clock F. M. AFTERNOON, The following committees reported, and reports acted upon, viz;—Committee on means best cal culated to secure a fall attendance at the meetings of the Association ; Committee on Besolutions ; Committee on preparation of a book ordered by the Association at .its annual .meeting, at Greens burg, in the year 1860 —Committee on this con tinned. An electron of officers was then held and resulted os follows ; President, Prof. F. A. Allen; Vice Presidents, Messrs Bates, Myers, Walthanr, and Parker ; Recording Secretaries, McFarland, and Sharp; Corresponding Secretary, Robert McDivitt ; Treasurer, Amos Rowe. Messrs. Allen, Wickergham and Kerr, were appointed a Committee to nominate an Executive Committee, for the year. The afternoon Session closed with the reading of an essay, by Miss Haley, of Lan caster, subject “ Personal habits of the Teacher. 11 — The remarks on this subject were such as wa Wonld be. pleased to have every teacher in tlte state hear, we'bope the Essay will be published. EVENING. Discussion on the Beport read, in the afternoon, by Col. McFarland. The committee to nominate an Executive Board, reported the followino names, Myers, Dean, Donthett, Banb and Elliot. Bev, C. Cort announced that an arrangement bad been made for an excursion at half price to Cresson on Friday morning, When after a very able address by Prof. Cobarn, state Superintendent, the Asso ciation adjourned. On Friday morning quite a number of those in attendance availed themselves of the opportunity offered by the B. B. Co., and visited Cresson. 17th Congressional District. ADJODBNED MEETING. Conference met at Ward House,. Tyrone, on Wednesday the 3rd day of Aug., at 10 o,clock, A. M. phrsuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the President, The roll being called, all the numbers answered to their names, except Mr. McCamont from whom a letter was read, stating his inability to bejirescnt before noon today. On motion of Mf Henderson the Conference adjourned nntil 1J o'clock this afternoon. Afternoon Session. Conference reassembled at I}, P. M. when the following ballots were had.- (376 to 392) Bar ker 6, Dorris 3, Hall 3. Mr. McCamant then presnted the following letter which was read and ordered to be made a part of the minutes: _ LETTEB FBOM MB. HALL. Altoona, August 3rd, 1864. Messrs. McCamant, Guyer and Loudon: ; Gentlemen —The Congressional Conference having balloted through three successive days without any result before ajoumment, 1 deem it ptoper to relieve yon of any embarrassment so far as I am personally concer ned. 1 need not say to you, gentlemen, my per sonal friends, and who are familliar with the his tory of the events which resalted in placing me in roy present attitude, that 1 am not now, and have not been, anxious to be the Union Candidate for Congress in this District. To the National Union party of the Comity of Blair which, in the Convention of its delegates, by a vote so decided and flattering, designated the as its candidate, and to you, gentlemen, represn ting the part wand its convention, for the zeal and earnestness with which you have aimed to carry out that preference, I return my most profound ackkrfowledgement. I would, however, be un worthy of the confidence reposed in me by my friends at home, if, with a selfishness incapable of looking beyond personal claims or aspirations, I should ask you to do more than yon have already done, to effect my nomination. I have person ally no claim or merit, which does not dwindle to nothing in view of the Cause which it is, or should be, the aim of all of ns to father, in this tiying hoar of the republic. A pertinacious adherence to local claimsor personal preferences, in times like these, would, as we roust all feel, be unpar donable. At any time the expressed preference of a County Convention, most commit something to the discretion of it delegated agents. That discretion, I am free to say, should now be exer cised by you, in yonr judgement and most devo ted patriotism. It was in this spirit and in good faith, that I absolved yon on' the second day of yonr balloting, from any obligations yon might feel to me personally; and I now say more expli citly, that I do not desire you to insist further upon my nomination, in any future ballotring by the Conference. I am, gentlemen. Faithfully yonr friend, - LOUIS W. HALL On motion the Conference proceeded to the 393rd ballot, when Mr. Barker received 9, being the votes of Cambria, Mifflin and Blair, and was therefore declared duly nominated. On motion of Mr. Henderson, seconded by Mr. McVitty, the nomination of Mr. Barker was made unanimous. On motion the Chair appointed Messrs. Me- Camant, Nniter, and McKee a committee to in form Mr, Barker of his nomination. The committee retired and and after a brief absence returned with Mr. Barker, who, after being introduced, accepted the nomination in a few appropriate remarks' On motion Messrs. McCamant and Nniter were appointed a committde to invito Messrs. Hall and Dorris to appear before the Conference. After a brief absence, the committee returned, with Messrs. Hall and Dorris, who, after being, introduced, respectively addressed the Conference. On motion adjourned tine die. A.C. MULLIN,)-. . S. MeCAMANTJ c ’ ecys ’ Grove Meeting. —We are requested to say there will be a “Grove Meeting” held near the Sanctuary. School House, in Logan township; by Bev. W. I. Leacock, commenceng on Saturday evening, the 13th, inst. Several Ministers of the de nomination, (Fijee-will Baptist) will be present to assist, and, all things proving favorable, the meet ing will be continued several evenings. A newspaper carrier has paid $5,000 for the exclusive right to sell papers at .the depot and on the cars of the New York Central Bail road GOVEBKOB’S MESSAGE. Eiicctive Cbambek, > Hahkisbcko, August 9, 1864. j To the Satiate end House of Representatives of the \ Gommoaoeafth of Petmsylaama. GmßtXiacK :—I have called you together in, advance of your adjourned session, for the purpose of taking some action for the defence of the State. From the commencement of the present rebellion, Pennsylvania has done her whole duty to the Gov ernment. Lying as her southern counties do, in the immediate vicinity of the border, and thus ; exposed to sodden invasion, a selfish policy would have led her to retain a sufficient part of her . military force for her own defence. In so doing, \ she would have failedjn her duty to the whole j country. Not only would her men have been withheld from the field of general operations, but loans and taxation which would have become necessary, would have to a large extent diminished the ability of her people to comply with the pecu niary demandsof the United Slates. She would also'have necessarily interfered with and hampered all the military action of the Government and made herself to some extent, responsible for any failures and shortcomings that may have occurred. In pursuance of the policy thus deliberately adopted, this State has steadily devoted her men to the general service. From the beginning she has always been among the first to respond to the calls of the United States, as is shown by her history from the three months’ men and the Reserve Corps to the present moment. Jhiis faithfully fulfilling all her own obligations, she has a right to be defended by the national force, as part of a common country. Any other view would be absurd and nnjnst. She of course cannot complain when she suffers by the necessary con tingencies of war. The reflections that have in too many quarters been made upon the people of her southern counties are most unfounded. They were invaded in 1862, when’a Union army much superior to any force of the rebels, (and on which they had of course a right to rely,) was lying in their immediate vicinity and north of the Potomac. They were again invaded in 1868, after the defeat df the Union forces under Mtlroy, at Winchester, and they have again suffered in 1864, after the defeat of the Union forces under Crdftt and Averill. How could an agricultural people in an open country be expected to rise suddenly and beat back hostile forces which had defeated or ganized veteran armies of the Government ? It is of course expected that the inhabitants of an invaded country will do what is in their power to resist the invaders, and the facts hereinafter stated will show, I think, that the people of these counties have not failed in this duty. If Penn sylvania, by reason of her geographical position, has required to be defended by the national force, it has only been against the common enemy.— It has never been necessary to weaken the army in the field by sending heavy detachments of vet erans to save her cities from being devastated by small bands of ruffians, composed of their own inhabitants. Nor have her people been disposed to sneer at the great masses of law-abiding citizens in any other Siate who have required such pro tection. Yet when a brutal enemy, pursuing a defeated body of Union forces crosses our border and burns a defenceless town, this horrid barbarity, instead of firing the hearts of all the people of our common country, is actually in some quarters made the occasion of mocks and gibes at the un fortunate sufferers, thousands of whom have been rendered houseless. And these heartless scoffs proceed from the very men who, when the. State authorities, foreseeing the danger, were taking precautionary measures, ridiculed the idea of there being any danger, sneered at the exertions to prepare for meeting it, and succeeded to some ex tent in thwarting their efforts to raise forces.— These men are themselves morally responsible for the calamity over which they now chuckle and rub their hands. It might have been hoped—nay, we had a right to expect —that the people of the loyal States engaged in a common. effort to preserve their Government and all that is dear, to freemen, would have forgotten, at least for the time, their wretched local jealousies, and sympathized with all their loyal fellow citizens, wherever resident within the borders of our common country. It should be.remembered that the original source of the present Rebellion was in such jealousies en couraged for wicked purposes by unscrupulous politicians. The men who for ar y purpose now continue to encourage them, ought to be held as public enemies—enemies of our union and our peace,, and should be treated as such- Common feelings—common sympathies—are the necessary foundations of a common free government. lam proud to say that the people of Pennsyl vania feel every blow at any of her sister States, a> an assault npon themselves, and give to them all that hearty good will, the expression of which is sometimes more important under the infliction of calamity than mere material aid. It is unnecessiuy to refer to the approach of the rebel army up the Shenandoah Valley on the third day of July last—to the defeat of Gen. Wallace on the Monocacy,’tlieif approach to and the threaten ing. of the Capital, or to their destruction of property and pillage of the counties of Maryland lying on the border. These events have passed into history and the responsibilities will be settled by the judgment of the people. . At that time, a call was made upon Pennsyl vania for volunteers to be mustered into the ser vice of the United States and. “to serve for one hundred days in the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland and at Washington and its vicinity.” Notwithstanding the embarrassments which com plicated the onlers Tor their organization and muster, six regiments were enlisted and organized and a battalion of six companies. The regiments were withdrawn from the State, the last leaving the 29 th day of July. I desired that at least part of this force should be confined in their service to the States of Penn sylvania and Maryland, and made such an appli cation to the War Department, as the proposition did hot meet their approbation it was rejected and the general order changed to include the States named and Washington and its vicinity. No part of the rebel army at that time hod come within the State. The people of the border counties were warned and removed their stock, and at Chambersburg and York were organized and armed for their own protection. I was not officially informed of the.raovements of the Federal armies, and of course not of the strategy of their commanders, but it was stated in the newspapers that the rebel'army was closely pursued after it had crossed the Potomac and wits retiring up the Valley of the Sheimndonh. Repeated successes of our troops were also announced and the people of this State had just cause to believe that quite sufficient Federal force had been thrown forward for its protection u)>on the line of the Potomac. On Friday, the 29th of July, the rebel brigades of Johtiston and McCausland, consisting of from 2,500 to 3,000 mounted men, with six guns, crossed the Potomac af Clear Spring Ford. They commenced crossing at 10 o'clock, a. m., and ■ m-rched directly on Merccrshurg. There were but 43 men picketed in that direction, under the command of Lieutenant ‘ McLeari; U. S- A., and as the enemy succeeded in cutting the telegraph communication, which from that point had to pass west, by way of Bedford, no information could be sent to Gen. Couch, by telegraph, who was then at Chambersburg. The head of this column reached ChambersbuVg at 3 o’clock, a. m., on Saturday, the 30th. The rebel brigades of Vaughn and Jackson, numbering about 3,000 mounted men, crossed the Potomac at about the same time, at or near Wil liamsport—part of the command advanced on Hagerstown—the main body moved on the road leading from Williamsport to Greencastle.— Another rebel column of infantry and artillery crossed the Potomac simultaneously at Shcppards town, and moved towards Leitersburg. General Averill, who commanded a force reduced to about 2,600 men, was at Hagerstown, and being threat ened in front by Vaughn and Jackson, on his right by McCausland and Johnsftm, who also threatened his rear, and on his left by the column which crossed at Sheppardstown, he therefore fell back upon Greencastle. - r4 ■ Gen. AveriH, it is understood, was under the done at once, and aa a military measure, think ;it orders of Gen. Hunter, but was kept as fully ad- will be of essential service to {the General Gorera vised by Gen. Couch as was possible, of the ene- merit, and recommend that the War Department my’s movements on his right and to his rear.— encourage the movement by authorising the loan General Conch was in Chambersborg, where his or issue of uniforms, provided the law in question entire force consisted Of 60. infantry, '45 cavalry, is enacted. ' : j. and a section of a battery of artillery-—in all, less It is believed that the new militia law of this than 150 men. The six companies of men en- State'will practically prove of no value, excepting listed for one hundred days service, remaining in that an enrollment will probably be made, i 1 the State, and two companies of cavalry, had, am sir, under orders from Washington, (as I am unoffi cially informed,) joined General Averill. The town of Chambersburg was held until day-light, by the small force under General Couch, daring which time the Government stores and train were saved. Two batteries were then planted by the enemy commanding the town, and it was invested by the whole command of Johnson and M’Cnus land. At 7 o’clock, A. M., six companies of dis • mounted men, commanded by Sweeny, entered the town, followed by mounted men under Gilmoje. The main force was in line of battle—a demand was made for 100,000 dollars in gold, or 500,000 dollars in Government funds, as ransom, and a number of citizens were arrested and held as hostages for its payment. No offer of money was made by the citizens of the town, and even if they had any intention of paying a ransom, no time was allowed, as the reoels commenced imme diately to bum and pillage the town, disregarding the appeals of women and children, the aged and infirm, and even the bodies of the dead were not protected from their brutality. It would have been vain for all tha citizens of the town, if armed, -to have attempted, in connection with Gen. Couch’s small force, to defend it. Gen. Couch withdrew his command, and did not himself leave nntil the enemy were actually iu the town. General Averill’s command being within nine miles of Chambersburg, it was hoped would arrive in time to save the town, and efforts were made daring the night to communicate with him. In the mean time, the small force of General Couch held the enemy at bay. General Averill marched on Chambersborg, but did not arrive until after the town was burned and the enemy had retired. He pursued and overtook them at McCbnnellsburg, in Fullon county, in time to save that place from pillage and destruction.' He promptly engaged and defeated them, driving them to Hancock and across the Potomac. ■ I commend the houseless and ruined people of Chambersbiirg to the liberal benevolence of the Legislature, and suggest that a suitable appropria tion be made for their relief. Similar charity has been heretofore exercised in the case of an acci dental and destructive fire at Pittsburg, and I cannot doubt the disposition of the Legislature on the present occasion. On the fifth day of this month a large rebel army was in Maryland and at various points on the Potomac as far west as New Creek, and as there was no adequate force within the State I deemed it my duty on that day to call for Thirty Thousand Volunteer Militia, for domestic protec tion. They will be armed, transported and sup plied by the United Slates, but, as no provision is made for their payment, it will be necessary, should you approve my action, to make an appropriation for that purpose. Feeling it to be the duty of the General Gov ernment to afford full protection to the people of Pennsylvania and Maryland, by the defence of the line of the Potomac, I united with Governor Bradford in the following letter to the President, dated July 21st, a. d. 1864 : State j? Maetlasd, i Executive Depaetmeet, > Aksapous, July 21,15&4. * j His Excellency, Abeabau Lixcuen, President uftlie United States— Sib : The repeated raids across the Potomac river mode by portions of the rebel army, and the extent of the dam age they have succeeded bo frequently in inflicting, have most injuriously affected the people of Marylaud and Penn sylvania. in the neighlmrliood of that river, and many of them, it is believed, as the only security against such losses in the future are seriously considering the propriety of abandoning their present homes and seeking safety at the North. It seems ft) us that sot merely in this sectional aspect of the case, bat in its national relations, tho security of this border line between the loyal and rebellious States is an object just ifying and requiring a disposition of a portion of the National force with an especial view to “its defence. The Potomac River can only be crossed in Its ordinary state of water at some five or six fords, and we propose to enlist fiom oar respective states a volunteer ibree that shall be sufficient with the aid of tho fortifications which the force itself can speedily construct, to effectually gua rd them all. We ask the Government that the recruits to raised shall be credited to the quotas of our several states on the call last made, and bo armed, equipped and supplied a a other volunteers in the tervice. We are aware that os a general rule well founded ob jections exist to the enlistment of a force, to be exclusively used for homo or local defence, but we regard inch a ser vice as’we now suggest as an exceptional case, and the complete protection of this part of our frontier as of ad mitted national importance. Soon after the outbreak of this rebellion the importance of a special dsionco of the region bordering on the Potomac was recognized by tho Government, and the lion. Francis Thomas of Maryland was authorized by it to raise three regiments with a view to the N p r <>t«clion t j le COUQ ties on either side of that river. These regiments were raised but tho subsequent exigencies of the service required their employment elsewhere, and they therefore afford at present no particular security to that region beyond .other troops in the service. • The necessity, os we think, for some such peculiar pro vision has become so obvious that we would, with ‘great respect, but most earnestly urge upon Your Excellency the expediency of acceeding to the suggestions we liave made, and we will immediately set about raising the forces required, and we have no doubt they will be .promptly, procured. We have the honor to be, s with great respect, ▼our obedient nerrants. A. W. BRADFORD, A. Q. CURTIN. The following letter from the Assistant! Adju tant General, dated August Ist, a. d. 1864, is the only reply received by me up to this time; War Department, ) Adjutant General’s Ofpice, * Washington, D. C. August Ist, 1861. ) His Excellency, the Governor of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Penn’a: Sir ;—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the joint letter from yourself and the Governor of Maryland, slated July 21st, 1864, asking au thority to raise volunteer force in your respective States, to be exclusively used for guarding the fords of the Potomac. In reply I am directed by the Secretary of War to inform you that the proposition has been fully considered, and that the authority asked for can not be granted. In this connection please sec the act of Congress, approved February 13, 1862, as promulgated in General OreersNo. 15, series of 1862, from this office. (Signed) I have the honor to remain, sir. Very respectfully, \ our obedient servant. THOMAS M. VINCENT, Assistant Adjutant General. Mem. —Similau letter sent His Excellency , the Governor of Maryland , this date. ■ How the reason given for the refusal to act on this proposition, can be made consistent with the enlistment of rnen for one hundred days, to serve in Pennsylvania; Maryland and at Washington and vicinity, it is hard to perceive. On the suggestion made by citizens of the bor der counties, the following communication dated 22d July, 1804, was made by Major Gen. Couch to the Secretary of Wap (Copy.) Headquarters, Dec't Susquehanna, Harrisburg, Pa., July 22. 18C4. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Sir :—During the recent raid into Maryland, the citizens of Charabersburg turned out with "a determination to stand .by the few sold id's present, and hold the town against any cavalry force that might assault it. 500 citizens of York, irrespec tive of party, voltmteercd, wore armed, and went down to the Northern Central railroad to guard the bridges or hold their town'. This is stated in order to show you that the ‘border citizens” are begining to realize that by united action they have the strength to protect themselves against an ordinaiy raiding party. Enclosed, I invite your attention to a letter addressed to the Governor, together with his endorsement upon the subject of forming a special corps from the six border counties most exposed. If 10,000 men can thus be organized, its existence would be a protection and give confidence. I am informed that the general sentiment of the peojde in question is in favor of something being (Signed) Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, [Signed,] D. N. COUCH. Major General Comd’g Dept. ' HEADQUARTERS, DeP’T SoSQCAHANNA, Harrisburg, Aug. 4, 1864. A true copy respectfully furnished for the in formation of His Excellency Governor A. G. Curtin. . JNO. S. SCHULTZE, Assistant Adjutant General. On the same day 1 approved in writing of the proposition, and expressed my opinion that the Legislature would pass an«ct in acordance with it at its adjourned session on the 23d of August. I am furnished with an official copy of the.follow ing reply, dated August 1, 1864, to the proposi tion of Gen. Conch. (Copy.) Wab Dbp't Adjutant Gsneral'B Office, Washington, D. C., Aug. 1, 1864. Major General D. N. Couch, . Commanding, 4c., Harrisburg, Pa. Gen. ■■—l have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22d of July, relative to the United States providing uniforms for a “ Special Corps" of militia from certain border conn ties of Pennsylvania. In reply, I am directed to inform you that the subject has been carefully considered by the Secretary of War, who cannot sanction the issue of the clothing in question. - I am, General, Very respectfully. Your obedient servant. (Signed;) THOMAS M. VINCENT, Assistant Adjutant Genera], Headqcabtbbs Department of tub - ScSQUKHANNA, Harrisburgh, August 6th, 1864. A true copy respectfully furnished for the in formation of His Excellency, Governor A. G. Curtin. JOHN S. BCHULTZE, Assistant Adjutant General. In each of the three years, 1862, 1863 and 1861, it has been found necessary to call t|>o Stale militia for the defence of the State, and this has been done with the assent and assistance of the General Government. From the want of organ ization, we hare been obliged to rely exclusively on the volunteer militia, and with few exceptions to orgenize them anew for each occasion. This has caused confusion and a loss of valuable time, and has resulted in sending to the field bodies of men in a great measure undisciplined. The mi litia bill passed at the last session is I thihk for ordinary times the best militia law we Imre ever had : hut under the extraordinary circumstances it seems to require modifications. I suggest that the assessors be directed to make an immidiate enrollment, classifying the militia as may be through! best; that the officers be appointed by the Governor, on the recommendation, approved by him, of a board of examination, composed of three Major Generals for each division, of whom the Major General of the division shall be one, the other two to be designated by the Governor,., from adjoining divisions, or in such other mode, as the Legislature may think fit; that in all cases the officers shall be selected by preference from officers and men who have been in service, and shall have been honorably discharged by tho United States, and that eficctual provision be made for drafting the militia, when required. The recommendation in regard to appointments is made to avoid the angry dissensions, and too often, political jealous ies which divide military organizations by the elec tion of officers, and to secure the services of the deserving and competent men. The election of officers in the volunteer forces in the field has been found to be injurious to the service, while promotions by seniority, end ap pointments of meritorious privates has produced harmony and stimulated to faithfulness. In the enlistment of new organizations the plan adopted of granting authority to officers to recruit com panies has been found to be the best policy. I also recommend that the Governor be authorized to form (either by the acceptance of volunteers by draft in such parts of the State as he may deem expedient) a special corps of militia to consist in due proportion of Cavalry, Artillery and Infantry, to be kept up to the full number of fifteen regi ments to be styled “ Minute Men, who shall be sworn and mastered into the service of the State for three years—who shall assemble lor drill at such times and places as he may direct, who shall be clothed, armed and equipped by the State, and paid when assembled for drill or called into service, and who shall at all times be liable to be called into immediate service for the defence of the State, independently of the remainder of the militia. As this force would be subject to sudden calls, the larger part of it should be organized in the counties Wing on our extreme border, and as the people of these counties have more personal interest in the their protection, the recommenda tion is made to authorize the Governor to desig nate the parts of the State in which it should be raised and to save the time and expense of transa porting troops from remote parts of the State ana the subsistence and pay in going to and from the border. A body of meh so organized, will, it is believed, be effective to prevent raids and incursions. The expenses of clothing, arming and equipping such s force cannot be correctly ascertained, but the Quartermaster General has been directed to make approximate estimates for your information, which will be of pay and subsistence. The State should provide at least six four-gun batteries of field artillery with all the modern im provements. , The suggestion has been frequently made by unreflecting persons that the State should raise a force and keep it permanently in the field for 'her defence. Apart from other consideatiqns, it is to be observed that the expenses .of such \ measure would be quite beyond the present ability of the State. To raise and maintain an army of fifteen reg iments would involve an. anual expenditure of more than fifteen millions of dollars, and any smaller force would he inadequate. The plan which 1 have above proposed would, I think, give to the State efficient protection, and if the Legisla ture should think fit to adopt it, the expense can be readily provided for by loan or otherwise. Having an organized force under the control of the authorities of the State, and mastered into service for domestic protection, we would not, as heretofore, lose time in arranging for transporta-, tion and supplies with the National Government, when it became necessary to call it into the field. When thoroughly organized, it should be in all its appointments an army which could be increased by draft made from our enrolled and classified citizens. The plan which I have above suggested 0 the result of reflection and expcrieifte which I have had during the last three years, and I have felt it to be my duty to submit it for your consideration. Of the purpose of providing for the ofiectnal de fence of the State, I of course cannot doubt your approval. If the Legislature should prefer the adoption of any other plan more efficient, and economical, than the one which I have'herein proposed, it will give me pleasure to co-operato heartily in carrying it into effect. In accordance with the act of May 4, 1864 I ha\c appointed for the Has tern Armies Col F Jordon as Agent at Washington, and Lieut. Col! James Gilliland as Assistant Agent at that place • and also for the South Western Annies Lieut. Col’ James Chamberlin as .Agent at Nashville, These Agents are now actively engaged In the perform ance of their duties, and it ts desirable that our people should be aware that a pert of them con sists mtho gratuitous collections of all claims bv Pennsylvania volunteers of their legal represepta tires in the State and National Governments Volunteer* haring claims on either of these rot . ernments, can bare them collected through these agenta without expense, and thus be rescued from the extortiorft to which it is feared they have sometimes heretofore been subjected. Haring re ceived information from the agent of the State that oar sick and wounded were 'suffering greatly from the want of comforts and even necessaries, I hare been recently compelled to call on the people to contribute supplies mainly in kind for their relief, and it gives me pleasure to say that this appeal has been cheerfully responded to, at hare been all my former appeals to the same end. It seems impossible to exhaust the liberality of our generous people when the well being of our brave rolnnteers is in question. In my special message of 30th April last, I stated the* circum stances attending the advance by banks and other corporations, of funds for the. payment of the mi litia called oat ia 1863. In consequence thsLeg islature posted the act of 4th May, 1864, author ising a loan for the purpose of refunding, with interest, the amount thus advanced, in case Con- gress should fell to moke the necessary appropri ation at its then enrrent session. I regret to say that Congress adjourned without making sock appropriation. The balance in the Treasury being found sufficient to rs-imborse the funds so advanc- ed, without unduly diminishing the Sinking Fund. I have deemed it advisable not to advertise far proposals for the loan, and recommend the pas sage of an act directing the payment to be made oat of the moneys in the Tressmy. As the omission of Congress to act on this sub ject involved an unprecedented disregard of the good faith of the National authorities, I recom mend that the Legislature take measures for pro curing an appropriaton at the next session of Congress. The Revenue Bill passed at the last session has been found to be defective in several points, and I recomend a careful and immediate revision of it. The Bounty Bill passed at the last session is fonnd to be defective and unjust in many of its provisions, and from the manner in which it is ■ administered in some parts of the State, oppressive on the people 1 therefore recommend a careful revision of it. At the present session has been called for the consideration of matters of vital public importance I commend them to your eaneat and exclusive attention... Poor Bich&rd’a Seasons for buying United States Securities The other day we heard a rich neighbor say he had rathei have railroad stocks than the U. 8- stocks, for they paid higher interest. Just then Poor Richard came op, and said that he just bought some of Uncle Sam’s three years notes, paying the seven and three-tenu per cent, interest. My rich friend exclaimed, “ You 1 1 thought you had no money to buy with.” “ Yes," said Richard, “ I had a little laid up, you know it is well to have something laid up against a wet day, and J hare kept a little of my earnings by me. ” Now, Poor Richard is known to all the country round to be a very prudent and industrious, and, withal, wise man ; for Richard never learned auything he didn't know how to make use o£ and his wisdom aud prudence had become a proverb. So, when he took out his savings and bought the notes, more than one was surprised, and it was no wonder rich Mr. Smith asked why. So Poor Richard, in a very quiet humble way—for he never assumed anything, replied, “I suppose, Mr. Smith, you know’a great deal better than I do what to do witlt money, and how to ivest; for I never had much, and all 1 got I had to work hard for. But I have looked . oundagood deal upon my iteigbors, and seen what they did with their money and I will tell you some things I saw and what I thought of it. One very rich man was always dealing in money, and he made a great ‘leal, but was never satisfied without high inter.st. So be lent most of his money to some people who he thought were very rich, st a very hige rate ; and he. often told how much he got, till one day the people he lent to went to smash. He got back about ten cents on a dollar of bis money. I know another old gen tleman, who had some bank slock, and he went to the bank and got ten per cent, dividend. The President and everybody said it was the best stock in the country —paid ten per cent. But what did the old man do nut sell bis stock the next day ! Why? why? said everybody. Because, it pays too much dividend. And in six months the back went to smash. Now, that I know to be a fact. Well, Mr; Smith, you say railroad stocks are best, because they pay high dividends ? Can you tell how long they will pay them? I like railroads. I helped to build one, and I go in for useful things. But I telt yon what I know about them. One third of the failroads dont’ pay anyilividend, and two thirds (and some of them aracked up, too,) don’t pay as much as Government stocks. Now that brings me to the Government securities, and I will tell you why I prefer them. 1 take it yon will admit, Mr. Smith, that in the long run the investment whiefj is best should have these quali ties .• First, it should be perfectly secure ; secondly, that the income should be uniform and permanent —not up one year and down the next; and thirdly, that it should be marketable , so when yonr wet day comes, and yon want ycur money, yon can get it back. And I think these qualities worth more than any other kind of personal property you can name. Try it. : , “First, then, I hive been looking into tfa&t great book you call the Census Statistics. I use! to think it wasn’t worth much ; bat since I began to study it, I tell yon, I fdu’nd out a good many things very useful for me to know. 1 found out, by looking at the crops, and the factories and ship ping, tc., that we (I don’t mean the Rebel States) are making a thousand millions of dollars a year more than we spend. So you see that (since* the increase of debt isn’t half that) we are. growing rich instead of poorer, as John Bull and the croakers would hare ns think. Then the debt will l e paid, anyhow, no matter how tong the war is. Besides, did you ever hear bf a Government that broke before the people did ? Look into yonr big his tories, Mr. Smith, and yon will fund the people break be ore the Governments. Well, then, I call that stock peafectly secure. “Secondly, von want the income uniform and permanent. Well, I want you to take np a list of banks, railroads, mines instance companies— anything you choose—and toll mo (honor bright, how many have paid a uniform income for ten or ■ twenty years. Not one in a hundred, Mr. Smith, and yon know it. “Now here is the Government will pay vou without varying a tittle. Now I like something that gives me my income every year. “ Thirdly, you want something which is mar ketable any day in the year. Now. if yon will ask any bank President, he will tell yon that Gov ernment stocks are the only kina of property that . is always salable, because they will sell anywhere in the world. “ Now, Mr. Smith, this is why I put my little savings in Government stocks. 1 confess, too, that I wanted to help that dear old country, which is my home and my coontry.” “ I confess,,’ said Mr. Smith, “ I hadn’t thought of all this. There is a good deal of sense in what you say, and I will go so far as to put two or three thousand dollars in United States stocks. It catrdo no batm.” We left Mr. Smith going towards the bank, and Poor Richard returning home, with that calm and placid air which indicated the serenity of hi* disposition anti the consciousness of doing right towards bis country and his fellow man. Cholera Infant dm.— War has slain its thous ands, says the Philadelphia North American—chol ora infantum carries off its little victims by tens of thousands. The total death* of this city last week were 434 which is just 43 more than in the week before, and 27 more than in the corresponding week of 1863. Two hundred and' fifty six chil dren were translated last week to a better world. Two hundred ahd fifty six little coffins were fol lowed by sorrowing parent* to the grave-yard. Two hundred and fifty six light* of home were ex bpgnuhed, mainly by cholera infantum, dysentery, diarrhea and convulsions, peculiar to children. r 1 A. G. CURTIN pwunmi, July 26,186 i. I To the People of the United States. Bt an act of Congress. approved Juno 30, 1»64, the Secretarv of the Treasury is anthonaad to nano £ exceedingtwo hundred utilUou. of in Treasury notes, bearing interest at a rate* not exceeding seven and three-temha per n “' ndecroable after three years from date, to exchange tbe same for lawful monev. The authorised to convert thc^ame ISte of the United States Treasury Notea as de in my advertisement, dated July 20, IdM. “reumstance? under which th« loan ,s your aid invoked, though d.ffenng wfiWv from the existing state of affairs three years « Lesuch as to afford equal encouragement and “«°»f?f Tiiue while proving that the struggle ( security. exceed in duration and I f ° r nft .Tour S wticipatwns, has tested the 1 seventy on developed the national re- I an Extent alike unexpectedand re markahle, exciting equal aston.shmont at horns i Three years or war have burdened | “J sritha debtwhich, but throe yearssince, would j Ce Momed Beyond your abditr to meet. \« XJcunriM wealth and productive energies of have proved lobe so vast that it has . Thorne naUontl^jxistelice, andtho preservation institutions, it does not Reserve a moments W uX°the war has been supported and carried on. as it only could have been, by a people re as ‘ {. nV(ip of blood and treasure, to solveu, at iroJ w posterity, the system of r^^ovemraenfbv'qiUathiro them by the who framed it. This dehberateaml patriotic Sve has developed a power surprising even to themselves. It has shown that m less than « century a nati-.n has arisen, unsurpassed in vigor, «d exhaustions in resources, able to conduct, through a series of years, war on us most gtgaimc seal-, and ending itself, whcu its close, unimpaired in all the material elements of jmwer. It has. at the present moment, great armies in the field, facing an enemy apparently- approaching at ueriod of utter exhaustion, but gtillstruggling with » force the greater, add more desperate as it wes, and becaure it sees, the nearapprouch of a .final and fatal consummation. Such, in my deliberate judgment, is the present condition of the great Wit" t for civil liberty in which you are now cn - to the present moment you have readily and cheerfully afforded the means necessary to support vour government in this protracted struggle. It is lout wav. You proclaimed it, and you have sustained it arainst traitors evety where, with a patriotic devotion unaurpa-sed in the worlds historv. , . , The securities ottered are such as should command your ready confidence. Much effort has beenmade toshake public faith in our national credit, both at home and abroad. As yet we have askod no foreign aid Calm and self-reliant, onr own have thus far proved adequate to cun wants. They are yet ample to meet those of the present and the future. It still remains fora pat riotic people to furnish the needful supply. I’fii; brave men who are fighting our battles by land and sea must be fed and clothed, munitions of wm of all kinds must be furnished, or the war must end in defeat and disgrace. This is not the lime for any lover of his country to inquire as to the state of the money market, or ask whether he can so invest his surplus capital as to yield him a larger return. No return, and no profit, can be desirable, if followed by national dissolution, or national di-grace. Present profit, thus acquired, is hut the precursor of future and speedy destruc tion. No investment can be so surely profitable as that which tends to insure the national existence. I am encouraged in the belief that by the recent legislation of Congress our finances may soon be placed upon a sounder an 4 more stable footing.— The present deranged condition of the currency is imputable, in a great degree, to disturbances arising from tho withdrawal of necessary checks, often inevitable in time of war, when expenditures must largely exceed any possible supply of coin.— The opportunities thus presented to acquire,sudden wealth have led to vicious speculation, a con sequent increase in prices, and a violent fluctua tion, The remedy is to be found -only in con trolling the necessity which begets the evil.— Hitherto we have felt tho need of more .extensive uud vigorous taxation. Sevet ecomment has beet: made upon what seemed to many an undue timid ity and tardiness of action, on the part of Congress, in this regard. I deem it but just to say that ver grout misapprehension -has existed, and perhap still exists, upon this point. Legislators, like al others, have ranch to learn in a new condition <>i affairs. An enlirely new system was tobe devised and that system must necessarily be the growth of j time and experience. It is not strange that first I efforts should have proved imperfect and irutde | quate. To lay heavy burdens on a great and par-1 | nolle people in such a mariner os to bo equal and | as to occasion the least amount of suffering or Jr annoyance, requires time and caution, and vast labor ; and, with all these, experience is needful •M to test the value ol the system, and correct its erro,,B - Such has been the work which Congress wa-- called upon to perform. I sin happy to say that daily results are. proving the Internal Revenue Act to exceed in efficiency the most sanguine ex pectations of its authors. In the month of June, v* 1863, it yielded about four and one-half millions •J of dollars, while the corresponding month of this ■ year returned about fifteen millions, under tbe same law. Under the net law, which went intu “• operation on the first day of the present month, tht >- Treasury not unfreqhently receives one million ir ’ a day. As time and experience enable the officei s i employed in collecting the revenue to enforce the .. stringent provisions of the new law, I trust that a -• , million per day will be found tho rule und riot tbe r , exception. Still, much space is undoubtedly left : for improvement in the law, and in its adminis tr tjon, as a greater amount of necessary informa tion is acquired. The proper sources o.‘ levcuue, ■ and the most effective modes of obtaining it, are best developed in the execution of existing law*. And I have caused measures to be initiated which ■ ■< will, it is believed, enable Congress so to improve and enlarge the system as, when taken in connec tion with the revenue from customs, and other sources, to afford an ample and secure basis' for foe national credit. Only on such a basis, and in < a steady and vigorous restraint upon currency, can g a remedy bo found for, existing evils. Such re | ; attaint can only be exercised when ihe government i is furnished with means to provide for its necessi -1 ties. But without the aid of a patriotic people I any government is powerless, for this or any other B desirable end. M The denominations of the notes proposed to be U ‘“ aed . «Dging from fifty to five thousand dollars, ■ place these securities within the reach of all who ■ are disposed to aid their country. For their re ■ demptidn tne faith and honor and property of that ■ country are solemnly pledged. A successful issue ■ to-this contest, 'now believed to be near at hand, ■ will largely enhance their value to the holder • B and peace once restored, all burdens can be lightly B ■ borne. He who selfishly withholds his aid in the ■ bope of turning his available means to greater ' • immediate profit, is speculating upon his country’s B - misfortunes, and may find that what seems to be ■ present gain leads only to future loss. I appeal, B therefore, with confidence to a loyal and patriotic ■ people, and, invoke the efforts of all who love their ■ country, and desire for it a glorious future, to aid ■ - government in sustaining its credit,, and B placing that credit upori a stable foundation. I B >- W. I>. FESSENDEN, Secretary of the Treasury. •■J t ,b' l **! Funs 1!—Do not risk your property any ; longer to the mercy of the flames, but tto to Ken - -r- and have him insure you against loss by fire.— ; He is sgem for thirteen different companies among which are some of the best in the Unitet State*.' ' Altoona, doty 21,-tt