The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 10, 1864, Image 1
: - ; : | f'ASP*! p4aro iaoi EE REMEDY* -AND— ■•■‘r E INJECTION Barks, Roots & Leaves. **DY. the great Indian mrnritfc Ito satic us organs, such as Incoatian •Rkmatipn of the Bladder, Inflatnation B ,ln the Bladder, Stricture, Grata) M it eWccially recommended in thrJl (otWhites in himalet) where all the pifthaTe tailed, i a highly concentrated form, the doae >two teaspooufuls three times per das aitarbativein its action; purlfrhia »d causing it to flow in all of iu one ;: .ttna T«jnn»iDj( from the ayatam dl lah ham induced disease. WriON is intended as an ally or. as k»e Remedy, and should be need in dmedicine in all cases of Oonortuea, ‘ Whites. Itseflefct are healing aooth* tnaosing.all scajding, heat," chordae the burning, and almost uuemlqrihle eed with nearly all the cheap quack skee Remedy and Cherokee Injection at the same time—all improper dis r and. the weakened organs are speedi »w*nd strength. ; , onr pampelst from any drug mr writ* to ns and we will mail foe Ltfcatfo. - , . ■ |2per bottlo, or three hot- $2 per bottle or three bottles ’ ;. • * \ a«y addroas on receipt of pric*. mybrfSere. »fi. W. R. MERWIN * «fc, . , s Sele Propri'eton - No. 59 Liberty tifraet, New Turk, GREAT MEDICINE OCNDED FROM h. I y V' , ◄ § KEE CURE! r Weaknen “f "Ildeweeee cuoed byeelfpol- Mempry.UnlTenelteeeilnde, Peine '1 vUlon, Premature Old Age, Week metklu, Trembling, Wakefalueee, Pale Countenance, Inaanity. Ora- Wrefnl Complaints caused by do or nature. iimde vegetable extract, and one on It bee been used in our practice for .bonwnil treated, Übae not felled in curaßye powere have been sufficient d most stubborn case. tiHed with their constitution until beyond tbe reach of medical aid, wo the CHEROKEE CURE will re- I vigar. and-alter all quack doctors s get a Circular from any brag ur wrtte the Proprietors, Who will salting the same, a frill treatise In or-tbree bdttUs for $6, and fbrwar Waoftbe world, la druggists everywhere. ’ fiK/W/R. MKRWIN 4 00., . ■-*, I Role Proprietors, Ho. 4# Liberty Street, New Ycrk. ■ ansa rucrao m 1 Elixir. ’RIGHT’S 'INO ELIXIR! SCE OF LIFE. H 'Xiatmuc Eitkactb, Cbnaianra ots tothx nan Dtucin. lip. Is the remit of modem dlscor iiugdoa being so entirely new »f core, irrespective of sll toe old; n tasted by the mast eminent med bv them pronounced to be one of overie* of the nge. moral Debility. Series |ii Females, tathm cf the heart. » organs of regeneration.. tie* tor tores the manliness sod full is appetite. - i worst bases of Impotency. low spirited. oh|l power. s rose to the cheek. i to manly vigor sod robust health m-dawn and despairing derotae ef L yobth, the over-tasked man of rerwos depression, the indivldaai sblHty, or from weakness of a sin nmedlats and oermlnent relief by Essence of Idle. ; time bottles for gi, and forwar ptaf money,'toanyaddress, rarjjwlMßjfc', • : oe> W. JL MERTON * Co, I. fit) Liberty Street, Nejr York. PILLS! COATED REGULATOB, x Preserver f AND SAFE- rodtMM, M Ae huuremee if rnkct qf Ou JfoatUjf Paitit. thaarjioowroo* dlaeuir' IljU , ter nporisgAbe imgol^dty «ut Palofiil JlmMs to* (Chloro«t».) Spiaat Affeotlon*, pain* ia tha r« Mj, OwrlneM, fatim «b b ofth« Se«rt, LonieMfflasv* ch«, Oiddintn, ate., etc. In * agilUlity, tbaj remora ibatMM* ‘thataprtng from It - > le-tabk Hints, they ' eoMtttbtlon, however ibltwti MtHete strength fcr vMUUiMi. ,tSs»;n«T»r*ui to«o. ", * i«t ur am an i at anrpirfad : awMb, dnrtng WUdk.mPWi Uioo *onW tnWlablj'jnjrjjU' aradrioa wOlba jwamp'- S*bo*. kjSraelapt <gj McORtJM &j BERN, VOL 9. SAVE THE PEE CENTAGE BY BUYING YORK Ul-OTHHid FROM FIRST HANDS. •JTTINGER & TUCK, Manufacturers Pi Whomsle and Betoil d«ler« in RSwtymaulx cSwoi woald respect folly tortte Uw nttontiouof the to referwce totUeir.took, Tr We manufacture our own good., Th«y .n ih-onr own Store, in Philadelphia, under our immediate ,niU'rvUkmTand we fcnow they are well nmd. mni «n be wArnDtAi ■ ■ 'i X)UAL to the best, .mlißßriir to too iargert quantity of Beady-made clotU "SnS Cloths directly from the Importer, and d»,%farturer., connqnenUy we save the per outage put Clothing at a roaaonahle percentage over the CO.t of onr Cloths, thetehy earing the pnrcbMera of Clothing the percentage which muat be added byfhoee who bur from second hand, to sell again. We »ota)lour Clothing at the eame price which other merchautaPay brSat wholemK consequently tbo.e who bayfrom a. get their good, at the name price which other Clothier, pay (hr their, lathe city, thereby Baring .aid Clothier. p*r pillage. W? hare branch Store* in . ALTOONA AND JOHNSTOWN, where goods msy be bed at the same flgnros at which we sell them hero In the city. -u . aa..k>. If any person has been told, or imagines, that »f“ts Store; in Altoona, is “played out,’’let such I»r»on Irop into his establishment, on Main Street, and examine bis * Wholesale House. .So. 7t)2 Market Street. Philadelphia. Dec. 2,1863.—tf. new goods. THE undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Altoona and surrounding conn irj, that he has just relumed from th<* East, where he has. Own selecting bis stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which, for style; quality and price, cannot be surpassed in thiii neck of country.• Ilie stock, is much larger than, heretofore, and as it is quite aa object, iu these exciting war times, for every om* to purchese where they can get The Best Goods and at the Lowest Prices, ho would say that lie can aud will sell as low, if pot a little lower than any other house iu this place, lie wishes *ll to call and see bis stock before purchasing elsewhere, *• he feels confident he can offer inducements which will defy competition, ilis stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS of even- description, MKN AND BOYS’ WINTER WEAR, ■ LADIES AND MISSES’ DRESS SHOES, J MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN’S lULE HOSE WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ WOOL HOSE, tuts AND CAPS, , BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN ; GINGHAMS AND HEAVY DRILLINGS. He will sell Ladies Sewed, Heeled Bootees at $1.50@1.76 Kip Pegged 1.37@1.50 Mcu’ii Boots, 2»76@3,50 BALMORAL SKIRTS, very low. f GROCERIES. i White and Brown Sugar, Rio Coffeee, Syrups, Teas, Ac.‘ »mi “Ver.vthing that is usually kypt in a Dry Goods Store, *n<l a* cheap as the cheapest. J. A. BFRANKLE. AUoooa, Oct. 7.1863. : CITY DRUG- STORE;. OK. E. H. RBI6ART would resppet .fully announce to the,citizens of Altoona and! sur rounding country, that lie Las recently purchased tbo Drug store of Berlin k Co., on Virginia Street, opposite frie*’Hardware Store. His Drugs are Fresh aud Pure, ! and hi> hopes by strict attention to buslne&a, to morit a share of public patronage. I j and examine bis stock. Ue has eonstantly on band, Drugs, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, Pise, TOILS! SOAPS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, MASS, POTTY, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHEfS, CARBON OIL, AND LAMPS. NOTIONS, CIGARS, ; umt retry article tlyuUly kept in a Piret-dau Drug Star e ; PURE WINES AND LIQUORS .lor medicinal nse. : miMESTIC GRAPE WINE^PCRE-WARRANTSD. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS accurately .compounded, at all hbors of the day or night. Altoona, Sept. SO, 1863. 1864. SPRING 1864. CIRCULAR. 1 take pleasure in issuing this iny Sprint through whlchl would inform my friends fhf fl 0 ® 1 '*"? tba ‘ I have Jn»t returned from me Bait where I have purchased a freeh Stock of hats and caps «S2'.|i dflsses. 10 qMllty ’ COlor “" ,1 r,rice CBn - I have.also bought an immense stock of „ BOOTS and shoes, the of Which are city make and will be guaran iSfniJ 1 * fi**?*?? 1 !? * f LAdie *' **id Childrens' ShbU is now offering at^nt^ b ilf-| , !j 1 1 i I, *5 r “ t,Jr , beoefited h * Kivlng this their 4«t i^e^." 3 e ” m ' ne my rtOCk ’ a ' ™ “”<>■ JAMBS S. MANN, Main street, Altoona, Pa. »p9-tf KL 1 Charles j mannJ T IN FOREIGN AND DO - HARDWARE, WOODEN WARS, BROOMS, WINDOW SHADES, DOOR MATS, UFIIOtSTKRING GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS, COFFIN TRIMMINGS, TOOLS, ■ BIRD CAQJSg AND WIRE GOODS, I WINDOW GLASS, PDTTSV WHITE LEAD, AC, AC nhSS d .“ c^ ption of Go>lB in W« line will be fur u toiH.* 1 •*''*“ notice, and at low rates for caiih. - HU*emainlttK (dock of DRY GOODS on hand will be PtlCWU ° rder *•'"“*** i^ r^ n », n h :;; T e f Kri,,h ?odder j \TUSIC!—INSTRUCTIONS GIYEN JJgL OI » the Piano-Forte and Melodeun. by Him M. BHMMAKKK. Slain, $lO per quarter.. No charge for the na* of the lottrnment. Residence on Catherine Street, Weat Altoona.,lB6t,-tf. JUST Lot of Prime OOARS-at 1 Jan, 13, ’«.] REIOARTB Srng Store. ITELMBOIiD’S GENUINE BUCHU * * <ImI Drake’s Plantation Bitten, at ~ | JnjlV’fii] REIGAHT’S Brag Store. , EN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every XTji »tylo mkJ color, of good quality, »t LAUOHMAN’S. I wm AND IMPROVED STALES AjV of trnnke; Tqliaea and Carpal-Eaga. at _: iICOIUUN’S. ►UBE '/HITE LEAD AND 2INC gpi THE ALTOONA' TRIBUNE. £. B. McCRUM, - - - - R. C. Z>£JWV, XPI TORS ART) PROPRIETORS. Per aqnun, (payable invariably in advance,)....,- $1 50 All papers discontinued at the expiration of the time paid lor. 1 insertion - 2 dq. 3 do. Four lines or leas, $ 26 $ $ 60 One Squaib, (8 lines). . 60 76 100 Two “ (16 « .100 150 200 Three “ . (24 u 1 60 200 2 60 Over three weeks and teas than three mouths, 25 per square for each insertion. Smooths. 6 month*. 1 yeaV. Slrlincß or 1ean........*,..... $1 8V $8 00 $5OO Onesquare 2 60 4- uo - T 00 Two i “ 400 600 - 1,0 00 Tliret* “ 5 00 8 00 12 00 Four : 6-00 10 00 14 00 Haifa column.. l r . 10 00 14 00 20 00 One column.. i 14 00 25 00 40 00 Admluiatraton and Executors Notices l 75 Merchants advertising by the year, three squares, with liberty to change.,'. 10 00 Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines with paper, per year....,, 6 00 Ooraroonications of a pplitical character or individual interest, will be charged according to-the above rates. Advertisements not marked with tno number of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged According to the above | Business notices five cents per line forevery Insertion. Obituary notices exceeding ten lineup fifty contt s square In summer a little heap of flowers, In winter a Httle drift of snow. And this is ail, through all the hoars. Of the promises perished long ago. So every heart has one dear grave, Close hidden under its joys and care. Till o’er it gusts of memory wave. And leave the little headstone bare. Jetact Minrttksg. “So much gone | I might have known how it would be !”-said Mr. Stirling, look ing iip from the morning paper, with a most unpleasant expression oh his face. “What is gone? asked his wife. “My money is gone,” answered Mr. Sterling fretfully. ■ “ What money ?” “ That money I was foolish though to lend Mr. Granger.” “ Why do you say that?” “He’s dead,” replied Mr. Sterling, coldly. Dead!” The wife’s voice was full of surprise and pain. ; Sorrow overshadowed her face. “Yes, gone, andmy money with him. Here’s a notice of his death' ■ 1 was sure when I saw him go away that he’d never come back except iu his coffin. Why will doctors send their patients away to die ?” “ Poor Mrs. Granger! Poor little or phans !” sighed Mrs. Sterling. “ What will they do »” “As well without him as with him, was the unfeeling answer of her husband, who was only thinking of the three hun dred dollars -he bad been over-persuaded to loan the sick clergyman, in order that he might go'South during the winter.— “He’sbeen more t»f a burden than a sup port to them 1 ' these atwo years.’.’ “Oh! Harvey!;'How can, you speak so?” remonstrated' Mrs. Sterling. “A kinder man in his family was never seen. Poor Mrs. Granger ! She will be heart broken.” 't “Kindness ianheap and easily dispensed,’ coldly replied Mr. Sterling. “He would have been of more .use to. his family if he had clothed and fed them better. reckon they can do without him. If I had my three hundred dollars, I wouldn’t—” But he checked fofsham—not for any better feeling—the almost brutal words hisbeart sent up to; bis tongue. Not mgny. hundred yards from Mr. Sterling’s handsome residence stood a small, plain Cottage, with a garden in front neatly laid Out in box-bordered walk, and filled with shrubbefyr A honey suckle, twined with a running rosebush, covered the latticed portico, and looked in at the chamber windows ; giving living beauty and sweetness. The band ;of taste was seen every where—'hot lavish, but discrim inate taste. Two years before there was not a happier home than this in all the pleasant town of G-— Now the shadow of death was upon it. * Poor Mrs; Granger! Poor little or phans! Well might Mrs. Sterling pity, them. While her mercenary husband was sighing over the loss of lliree hundred, dol lars,She young»widow lay senseless with her two little ones; weeping over in chil dish terror. Themews of death found her unprepared; Only a week before she had ■received a letter from Mr. Granger, in i which he talked hopefully of his recovery. |“I am stronger,’’ he said. “ I left home.” l Three days after writing this letter there ; came a sudden change of temperature; he ilook cold, which was followed by• conges tion of the lungs'; and no medical skill | was sufficient tor the case. His body was ' not sent home forinterment. When the husband and fathett went away, two or three months before, his loved ones looked upon h» face for the hst time in this world. TERMS OP ADVERTISING §Wm §trttg-.' THE BABY'S OEATH. Fold down its little;.baby hands— This was a hope yon had of old ; Fillet the brow with rosy bands, And kiss its locks of shining gold, | Somewhere within the reach of years Another hope mqy came like this; 'But this poor baoe -te gone, in tears, With thin white'|ipa, cold to thy kiss. FOB FATHER’S HONOR UY T. 8. ARTHUR. ALTOONA, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1864. Love and honor make the hear* strong. Mrs. Granger was a gentle, retiring wo man. She had leaned upon her husband very heavily; she had clung to him as a vine. Those who knew her best felt most anxious about her. “ She has no mental stamina,” they said. “ She can not stand alone.” But they were mistaken. As we have just said, love and honor make the heart strong. Only a week after Mr. Sterling read the news of the young minister’s death he received a note from the widow. “My husband.” she said, “was.abte to go South in hope of regaining his health through your kindness. If he had lived, the money you loaned him would have been faithfully returned, for he was a man of honor. Dying, he left that honor in my keeping, and I. will sue that the debts is paid. But you will have to he a little patient with me.” “All very fine,” muttered Mr. titer ling, with a slightly curling lip. “I’ve heard ot such things before. They sound well. People will say of Mrs. Granger, “ What a noble woman ! What fine sense of honor she has!” But I _shall never see the three hundred dollars I was fool ish enough to lend her husband.” \ Very much to Sterling’s surprise and not £i little to his pleasure, he discovered three months afterward, he was mistaken' in his estimate of Mrs. Granger. The pale, sad, fragile, little woman brought him the sum of twenty-five dollars. lie did not see the tears in her eyes as he displayed her husband’s note with his dear familiar writing and made thereon with considerable formality, an endorsement of the sum paid. She would have given many drops of her heart’s blood to have been able to clutch that document from Mr. Sterling’s hands. It seemed like a blot on the dear lost one’s memory. “ Katie Granger is the queerest little girl I ever knew,” said Flora Temple to her mother, on the evenitjg of the very day on which this first payment was made. Mr. Sterling heard the remark, and let ting his ttyes drop from the newspaper he was reading, -turned his ears to listen. “ I ufiiik her, a very nice littje girl,” replied her mother. “So she is nice,” returned the child “ but then she is so queer.” “ What do you mean by queer ?” il Oh she isn’t like the rest of us girls. She said the oddest thing to day. 1 al most laughed out, but I’m glad I didn’t. Three of us, Katie, Lillie Bomfield, and 1, were walking round the square at re cess time, when Uncle Hisam came along and taking out three bright ten cent pieces, he said, ‘‘Here’s a dime for each of you girls, to buy sugar plums.” Lillie and I screamed out, and starting away for the candy shops in an instant but Katie still with her share of the money in her hand. “Come along” I criedf She didn’t move, but looked strange and serious. “ Arn’t you going to buy candy with it?” I asked. Then she shook her head gravely and put the dime in her pocket, saying (I don’t think she meant me to hear the words) —“ It’s for father’s honor,” and leaving us, went to the back school-room. What did she mean by that, mothei? Oh she is so strange?” ‘‘ Her mother is very poor, you know,” replied Mrs, Sterling, laying up Katie’s singular remark to be pondered over. “ Shq must be” said Flora, “for Katie’s the same frock to school every day for three months,” Mr. Sterling, who didn’t let a single word of the. conversation escape him, was far from being as comfortable under the prospect of getting back the money he had loaned Mr. Granger, as he bad felt an hour before. He understood the mean ing of Katie’s remark. “It’sfor father’s honor,” the truth dashing at once through bis mind. There was another period of three months and then Mrs. Granger called again on Mr. Sterling, and gave him twenty five dollars more. The pale, thin face made a stronger impression on him. It troubled him to lift the money her small fingers, in which the blue veins shone through the transparent skin, had counted out. He wished that she had sent the money instead of calling. It was on Iris' lips to remark, “Do not trouble or pinch youreelf to pay faster than is convenient, Mrs. Granger,” but cupidity- whispered that she might take advantage of,his con siderate kindness, so he4tept silent. “No dear, it’s for father’s honor; I can’t spend it.” , ' MrJ Sterling was passing a fruit shop where two children were looking at the window, when this sentence struck his ears. " “An apple won’t cost but a penny, Katie ; and I want one _so badly,” an swered the younger of the two children, a little girl five years of age. “ Come away, Maggie,” said the other, drawing her sister away from the window. “.Don’t look at them any more—don’t think about them.” “But I can’t help thinking, about them, sister Katie,’’ pleaded the child. ft was more than Mr. Sterling could stand. Every want of his own children was supplied. He bought fruit by the [independent in everything.] barrel. And heTe was a little child plea ding for an apple, which cost only a cent I; but the apple was denied, because the penny must be saved to make good the dead father’s honor. Who held that honor in pledge? Who. took the sum total of those pennies, saved in the self denial of little children and added ■to his already brimming coffers? A feeling of shame burned the cheeks of Mr. Sterling. “Here, little ones!” he called, as the two children went slowly away from the fruit shop window. He was touched.with the sober look on the sweet young faces as they turned at his invitation. “ Come in, and I’ll get you some ap ples,” he said. ! . Katie held back, but Maggie drew out her hand, eager to accept the offer, for she was longing for the fruit. “Come!” repeated Mi'- Sterling,speak ing very kindly. * THtchildren then followed him into the shop, and he filled tfihir aprons with ap ples and oranges. Their thankful eyes aud happy faces were in his memory all day. This was his reward, and it was %weet. * Three months more, and again Mr! Sterling had a visit from the pale young widow. This time she had only twenty dollars, It was alt she had been able 16 save, sjie said; but she made no excuse, and uttered no complaint., Mr Sterling took the money and counted it over in a hesitating way. The touch thereof was pleasan f for he loved money. But the vision of sober childfaces was before his eyes, and the sound df pleading child voices in his ears. Through overtaxing toil, and the de nial of herself and little ones, the poor widow had gathered this small sum, and was now paying it into his hands to make good the honorable contract of her dead husband. He hesitated, ruffling in a half absent way the edge;? of a little pile of bills that lay under his fingers. One thing was clear to him ; He would never take anything more from > the widow.—- The balance of. the debt must be forgiven.. People would get tp understand the widow’s case ; they would hear of her children in order to |pay the husband’s and father’s debt, in Order to keep pure his honor ; and they ask naturally, who was the exacting creditor ? This thougut affected him unpleasantly. Slowly, as one in ■ whose mind debate still went on, Mr. Sterling took from his desk a large pocket wok, and selected from one of the compartments a note on Which Mrs. Grangei; had now, made three payments. For'Some moments he held it in hia hands, looking at the face thereof. He saw written down in clear figures the sum of $3OO. Seventy of this had been paid. If he gave up or destroyed the slip of paper, he would lose two hun dred and thirty dollars. It; was something of a trial for one who loved money so well, to come up squarely to this issue.—• Something fell in between his eyes and the note of hand. He did not see the writing and figures of th« obligation but a sad pleading little face, and with the vision of this face came to his ears the sentence ; ‘No, dear, it’s for father’s honor.’ ! The debate in Mr. Stirling’s mind was over. Taking up a- p<jn he wrote across the face of Mr. Granger’s note the .word “Cancelled,” and bandSHt to the widow. “What does this mean ?” she asked, looking bewildered. “It means,’ said Mil. Sterling, “that I hold no obligations against your husband.” Some moments went by ere. Mrs. Granger’s thoughts became clear enough to comprehend it all. ; Then she replied as she reached back the note. “I thank you for your generous kind ness, but he left his honor in my keeping and I must maintain if spotless.” “That you have already. done,”' an swered Mr. Sterling, | speaking through emotions that were new to him. “If is as white as snow.” | x Then he thrust back upon her ■ the twenty dollars she just paid him. “No, Mr. Sterling,” 1 , t£e widow said. “It shall be as I wijll ?” was the re r sponsc. “I would ratjber touch fire than your money. Every dollar would burn upon my conscience lllfe living coals.” “But keep the last payment,” urged the widow. “I shall tael better.” “No, Madame ! Would you throw fire upon my conscience 1 Your husband’s honor never had a stain. All men knew him to be pure and upright. When jGod took him, He assumed his earthly debts, and did not leave upon you the heavy burden of their payment. But he left upon you another anji most sacred obli gation, which you have overlooked in part.” ; “What ?” asked the widow, in an al most startled voice. '/To minister to tjho wants of your children ; whom you! have pinched; arid denied in their tender years—giving their meat to cancel an obligation which death had paid. And you I have made me a party in the wrong to them. “Ah, Madam !” Mr. Stealing’s voice softened very much, “if we.oquld all see right at the right time, an 6 dio right at the right time, how much of wrong and suffering j might be saved ! I honor your, true , hearted self-devotion : but I shall be no | party to .its- continuance. As ft is, lam i your debtor ip the sum of fifty dollars, and j will repay it in .my own way add time.” Under Providence, ' this circumstance • was the means of breaking through the 1 hard crust of selfishness and/ cupidity ! which bad formed around his heart. He was not only generous to the widow in after years, ‘hut a doer of many deeds of kindness and humanity’ to which he had been in other times a stranger. A IlAprv Device —The editor of the Cleveland-Herald, formed one of a party of four travelling oyer the Pennsylvania Spilroad. At Altoona, in order to avoid the tobacco spitting nuisance ofthe train, the party endeavored to enter the ladies’ car, but were politely informed that they could not be admitted unless ip company with ladies. We will let the writer tell his own story.- • • “We, yielding to the ruling ap correct ; just then a gentleman bearing a band-box mounted the platform, and the ' key was turned in the lock without a question.— Through the window we saw the happy result, of the innocent fraud, as the lucky passenger handed over the bandbox to a lady, with laughing thanks at the complete success of this happy expedient. Upon that hint one of the number spoke'through the window, and out was handed the potent bandbox. Its second appearance at the door worked a like result, an«l>the same experiment with the box three times successfully, gained entrance, unques tioned. The fourth man, and the one who had at first been repulsed, now, with a faint hope of success, bore the magic box to the car door, but the Cercbus of, the chi - remembered faces, and for a moment hesitated, but as the bandbox was raised to bis vision, stepped, aside, and with, beg your pardon, sir, I did not scc t your bandbox, opened the car, and the triumph was complete. That bandbox power won over at least four friends to that abused article, who hereafter will not be found among its scoffers.” The Drcjsskakij’s Son.— ‘‘Mother, this bread |s very hard. Why dont we have cake ajnd nice things, as we used to when we lived in the great house ? Oh, that was such a great house, mamma, antf I did love to live there so. You made sweet music there, marnnjia, with your fingers when Pa would sing. Pa used to laugh then and "take me on his knee, and say I was his own dear boy. What makes Pa sick, Ma ? I wish he wasn’t sick—for it makes me afraid when he stamps on the floor, and says so loud, “George go pff to bed!” say, when will he get welland take me on his knee and love me as he used to ? But Ma, there is a tear 8i your eye —let me wipe it. There another comes ; oh —another ! Did I make you* cry these tears, mamma 1” “Hush, little in nocent,- you can not stop yoiir mother’s tears ; for they are the overflowings of a fountain,- filled . with blighted hppes, anguish and misery, she cannot tell yon when your father will love, for alas, he is a drunkard.” I heard a beautiful boy, scarcely four years old, lisping this to his mother ; «nd I pitied him to my inmost soul. His father was once rich and happy, and nearly idolized his little son ; but in an evil hour he began to sip the intoxicating cup —the habit had grown upon him until the peace of his family was destroyed, and he a tyrant. The beautiful house in which they had lived, was now exchanged for a miserable cottage in the suburbs of tbe city ; and little George doomed to be the companion of the idle and vicious. Legal Gift.- —lf a man would, according to law, give to another an orange, instead of saying, “ I give you that orange,” which one would think ought to be in legal phraseology, “an absolute convey once of ■all right arid title therein,” the phrase would run thus: “I give you, allandsingular, my estate and interest, right, title and claim, and the advantage, ot, in and to, that orange, with all its appurtenances, its rind, skin, juice, pulp, and pits, arid all my right and advantages therein, with full power to cut,- bite, taste, suck, squeeze, peal, and eat the same, the same as though I had never had •any interest whatever m said orange, its rind, skin, pulp or seeds or juice aforesaid, aiid to give the - same away, as fully and effectually as-1, -the said John Jones, am now do, and do convey to the said Silas Supth the aforesaid rights and privileges as I , have heretofore enjoyed them, with ori without its rind, skin, juice pulp or pits, of anything heretofore or hereinafter or which may be mentioned in ariy other deed or deeds, or instruments, of ; what nature or kind soever tbi the contrary jin anywise nbtwifstanding witli much more of the same sort of stuff. Such is tbe language of lawyers, and it is gravely held: % the most learned men' airiorig them, that by the omission of any of these words, jthe right to the said orange would not pass: to the personfor whose type the same was intended- Ahem. EDITORS AMD ! NO. 21. BLUCHEB AND HIS P|iPß Here is an incident of 1815 which the English journals are relating; ; On the morning of the memorablebattte of \Vaterloo,Henneman had just handed his master (Blucher) a lighted pipe, when a cannon ball struck the ground close by scattering earth and gravel in all directions and causing the white charger on ! which Blucher was mounted to spring aside—a manoeuvre that broke the pipe into a thou sand pieces before the owner had time even to lift it to his lips. “ Just keep a lighted pipe rehdyior me, 1 shall be* back in a few moments, after X have driven away the rascally French charts.” * With these words Blocher gave the com mand, “Forward, boy!’’ and off he gal loped with his cavalry. Instead, however of a chase of a few minutes, it was a rapid march of nearly a whole hot summer 'day as we all know from history.; After the battle was over, Blucher rode'back with Wellington to the place where hefiist got a glimpse of thAcombatting armies, and nearing the spot where Blucher had halted in the morning, they saw to their surprise a solitary man, his head tied with a hand kerchief,, one arm iu a sling, aind calmly smoking a pipe! “ Donner and Blitz!” cried Blucher, why, that is ray HenUemao.. How you look, boy; what are you doing alone 1 ” , “Waiting for your speedy return;” was the grumbling answer. “ You have come at last! I have, waited for you here, pipe in mouth, for the whole long day. Thiate the last pipe in the box. The cursed Fretfsh have shot away every pipe from my mouth, have ripped the flesh from ray head; and shattered my arm with their deuced bullets. It is well there is an end to. the battle, or you would have been too late even for the last pipe.” - Saying which, be handed to Blucher (he pipe, to enjoy the remaining fumes of the \y eed. Wellington, who had listened , at tentively to the conversation, here re marked to Blucher, “You have just, ad mired the unflinching bravery of my High landers, what shall I say to this true and devoted soul ?” “ But your Highlanders Lad no. pipe to regale themselves with.” Worth of a Soul.— ln the • town of D , lived two farmers, named Jones and Atwood. Their farms join j and, as is often the case, a quarrel arose about a certain side-hill line fence. The quarrel resulted in a law-suit, in which neighbor Jones, having (as Atwood claims) sworn the most tremendous lies on trial, gained the case. A short time after notice was given out that there would be preaching on a certain evening at the school house. On the appointed evening the neighbors assembled. The preacher, having finished his discourse, from the text, “What ahull a man give in exchange for his soul T”— invited any one of those present, who wish ed, to make a few remarks on Ae text.— Brother Jones arose and commenced his remarks by saying: “ What shall a man give for i his- soul How much is it worth! Can any man here tell me how much a soul is worth V’ . Before he could proceed further, neigh bor Atwood jumped .up, and with finger pointing to Brother Jones, said, iua shrill piping voice, which pdhetrated every Con ner of the room, “ t know what one man’s soul is worth. It’s worth just one rod of hill side P' Dodging a Patrol— The Washington Star tells about a soldier, who, in dodging away from a patrol, hid himself in a res taurant by jumping into a large box used for steaming oysters. The lid closed with a spring lock, and the disappointed patrol went on his way. baffled. In a little while the colored man attending the ap paratus turned on a full head of steam in order to prepare a mess for some! custo mers. The soldier begin to grow uncom fortably warm and kicked and yelled lus tily for liberation until the frightened negro ran aWay shouting that the debil . was in the steamer.- Other employees gathered round, and released the perspte ring soldier, who bounded out with the speed of a machine whose motive power is steam. .An Iscariot.— We, see it stated that the carpenter of the Alabama, when be saw the battle was lost; with the Keajqnige drew his revolver and shot himself : "He seems to have been a Yankee Copperhead —as mean a specimen of the slimy reptile as- ran be found anywhere. He was a native of Massachusetts, and committed suicide, as Iscariot did, as a partial atonement for his treachery.—W«t». . The assistant whom Blondin watt wont to carry on his back acress the JSfi agara was a Milanese, who, brrakihgddtni in his afiairs, resolved to commit ' Blondid got him to bo his assistant in his perilous feat by the following logic : f‘Jf we go down, very good ; yonaredcownedt according to your ihtention ; if yon attire, safe on the other side, the fortune of both of us is made.” The terrible, feat was accomplished, and the twofneoda since been inseparable companions. ijsr- .Vl'v,*