PUTNAM CLOTHES WRING: tr is TBX*ft7Vtfi and HuUningt cause delay tiwibZe .to regulate mad keep In order; . ' }. That wood soaked In hot water wOl sweU, shrink and epltf 1 1 nut wood bearings for the shaft to ran in %dU war out • T^ t ,. tile *‘ a,m “ Wringer, with or without cag-wheeU wlilnot tearthe dotfiu ; ! That cog-wheel regoUto:s aro not essential; That, the P utnam Wriugcr has aU the advantages, and not one of the disadvantages above named; j That all who have tested it, pronounce It the best Wringer ever made; Thatlt will wringaTAreadaraSed-&adU wizfiotrr itaxa j Vtt might fill the paper with testimonials, but in aert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such theta be: ktf Putnam’s Wringer. Test It THOR with ANY and ALL others, and If not entirely •atisflkctory, return it j ■Putnam Mamfacturing CO: \ Gxjnxxniw; J huv from practical experience that iron •*? rink uriU not oxidiie or nut one par iiele. The Putnam Wringer is at near perfect aepoktiUe, ana Jean cheerfully neommsnd it to he the beet in nee. Respectfully yours, [ JNO. W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. *“°y year’s experience in the galvanizing business, en ables me to indorse the abate statement In all particulars. JNO. C. LEFFKIITS, No. 100 Beckman Street. New York, January, 1861. . j We have tested Putnam’s Clothes Wringer by practical know that it will do. It is cheap; it is aim- P*®». ” requires n° room, whether at worker at rest; a child can operate It; It docs its dtfty thoroughly; itaaves time and It saves wear and tear. We earnestly advise all who ha»e much washing to do, with all InteUigenTpcr eons who hare any, tobny this Wringer. It will pay for itself in ayear at most. I How. HORACE GREELEZ. BampleWrlnger sent. Express paid, on receipt of irice. Juue, 29, 1865-3 m. T CHANGED HANDS. | SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS]! J J. W. CURRY, ICtTOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY W Inform the public, that he ha* purchased J. B. .MILKMAN’S stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c., and'will tpplßna the businass at the aid stand. *athe stock purchased from Mr.H.I hare just added a large and select assortment of DRYGOODS, DRESS.GOODS, ' SILKS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOE S, HARDWARE, QUEEESWABE, I WOOD AMD WILLOW WARE, .GBOCERIES, ! FINE VARIETIES OF TOBACCO! And in fact everything usually Ttept in a first class ion try store, which was bought low ibr cash and will belsold at corresponding low prices Tor cash or country produce, and request the public to give me a call before purcaasing -elsewhere, feeling satisfied I can offer superior induce ments to cash buyers. v ! Altoona, April 27,-tf CONFECTIONERY i AND ICE CREAM SALOON *f*HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN -1 FORM the citizens of 'Altoona and vicinity that bis OONFBCTIONBBY.NDTand FBDIT BTOBB, is always applied with the very best articles to bebad, and in great variety. [ ICE CBEAM | of tbs very best flavor*, always to be bad. ; FRESB-BAKED i BREAD, CAKES, & PIEi, always on band, at reasonable rates. • I He Is at all time* prepared to supply cakes, for pto-ntcs and other parties. He invites a share of public patronage,believing that he can render full satlsfactkjnt o *U. ,1 Remember, his store and saloon is on Virginias tree t*twb Hall. OTTO ROSSI. AttOonSaAprU 8,1863-tf. [ JACOB WEIS. t BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, < VmoutiA Sraztr, Alioosi, Pa., j Keeps constantly on hand BREAD. OAKES, CANDIES ICE OmLA-IM: I AND BWMTMEATB, of bis own manufacture, which be is prepared to ssll, wboleeaie'or retail, at the meet reckon able price*. Alio, FOREIGN FRUITS, such as j .ORANGES, LE ONS, PINE-APPLESi FIGS, PEtJNES, RAISINS, NUTS, &C., AC., always ou hand in tbelr respective seasons. 1 CAKES BAKED TO ORDER, for particular occasions, on short notice and in the neat est and beet style of the art. Call, examine and price my stock and yon will find it at nod and cheap aa can .be purchased elsewhere. ; Jan.Jr.lWB. . 1 G W. KESSLER PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces I m to the cltUeni of Altoona and the public •rally, that be still continues the Drag qaVirgllila, street, where he beeps constantly on hand, for sale. Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH ESandDTR-STUm. By strict attention to business, and a desire to renders sat isftetion to all as , regards price and quality, he hopes t merit and receive a share or public patronage. [ Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms •ad all orders from a distance promptly attended to. 1 Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. p-|f. ANDREW E©KEL, DIA Upt I S ' Tobacep, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &e., &c., Annie Fa. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Good* ilhii line contutljon hind At the loi rest cub price*. fFeb. 7,1^868 J. a. AULUM, Notary I^ablic. ALTOONA, BLAIE CO., PA. 1 Owat all tlmei be found at the store of J. B. HHemin. October 1.1867. | Mackerel— nos. i, 2, ands, la AH sbead packages, new, and each package warranted,Jast received and far sale Ixnrlbr ■ PRITCHET. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF JUL. Jewelry, Hair and Clolhee Brushes, Combs, foeket-knire*, Ac., at LAUGBHAN’B ON HAND AT Store —A splendid assortment of Ready-Made clothing uauandsee. N0y.25.-tf Hair oil, colognes, pOm j _ t[ »deATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON JL OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy . Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est portable light within their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and ezamine~these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they burn entirely frbe from smoke. 6th. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper any othex light now in ccinmon use.' These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Balls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction In all rases. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. Exchange hotel.—the sub- SCRIBES would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re fitted the above Hotel, and is now pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making it an agreeable hope for all sqjoorners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Jar filled with liquors of choice brands. Bis charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who fsvor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public* patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, be throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. I have just received a stock of No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together wjth a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to* be found in the country. Altoona, May 2T, 1869.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber has just returned from the east where he has purchased a very large and Sne stock of , - BOOTS AND SHOES, BROGANS,-GAITERS, &C., which he is prejared to offer to thecltlzens of Altoona and vicinity at very low price*. Having purchased direct from J?*™*S. n J I^ arers '“ h , he it prepared to sell at price* that wiil defy competition. All that he ask a la that the elsewhere.' C *" exMn * ne hi* etock before purchasing J9u BOOTS end SHOBS made to order on the most rea *°s“““ forma. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Hon t forget the place, two doors belSw Post Office. _Jan. 3,1861. M. THOMPSON. Agent. fFATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.— * Great Journal of Crime and Criminals Is in Twelfth Year, and la widely circulated throughout ,me country. It contains an the Great Trials, Criminal Cues, and appropriate Editorials on the some, tomther with Information on Criminal Matters, not to be found to any outer newspaper, t *9-Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six months, to be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly 1 To G. W. MATSELL A C 0„ „ E'Ctor * Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette, JVew York City. Great western insurance AND TRUST COMP ANY.—lnsurance on Real or TSTP** 7 7 1 ! 1 .*• effected on the mo*t reasonable ,te *f ia t n Altoona at hi* office in Anna St. Marcft IT, 1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR EX (tomfaattog RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and tap without danger in its use under any circnmstan csetorMeattbeDragStoreof 0. w7EE3BLER.«~ Jan.2*, ,66-tf| Hb. MILLER, dentist. M. Office on. Caroline street, between Virginia and Emma street*, Altoona. [Jan. 30—'2m* ALL KINDS OF PRINTING ! neatly and ezpedltously executed at the “ALTOONA TRIBUNE” OPTIC 4 BARBELS PURE WHITE LAHTI Jast reoelred and formlt at PRITCHET’S AMERICAN NON-FORFEITURE PLAN, TRY ONE BOTTLE THE HERB BITTERS B. MISHLER, Manufacturer and Proprietor, £ancA£TKS, Pa. DR. KEYSER’S LINDSEY’S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER. A sure con for Oancer Cancerous Formations. A ran con for Scrofula wherever located. A ran cun for all Skin Disease*. A rare cure for Chronic Erysipelas. A ran cun for Boils and Pimples on the Pace. It has cured all the abon diseases. It has ‘cured BUndand Son Eyfo. It has cured Tetters of jean* duration. It has cured Ulcerated Son Legs. ' It has cured old and stubborn Ulcers. It hal-cured Cbronic Rheumatism has lasted jean. It has cured the worst forms of Dyspepsia. It is the best Tonic and Blood Purifier known. It will remove Mercury or Quinine.out of the Blood and clear it from the system. It will cure all Diseases of Debility. It will cure Fever and Ague. It will cun cases of Palsy and Dropsy. It has cured Epilepsy or Palling Sickness. It has cured Chorea or St. Titus* Dance. It will cure Piles and Kidney .Diseases. It will cunClironic Diarrhoea. It will cun Neuralgia andNenrons Weakness. If any one wants to know how one medicine will cnn so many diseases, we answer—that it does so, by thorough ly restoring the blood and all the secretions which an made from the blood, to a healthy state. No one can take this Blood Searcher and have bad blood, for it will as sure ly cast out from the blood alt bad and vitiated matter as water will put out fire. Prepared by Dr. Geo. H. Keyser. Look for the name over the cork 1 and take no other. Sold only by A. Roush, Altoona, Pa. feblO-fim SCROFULA AND~ RHEUMATISM. Case of Daniel A. Botd. Pittsburgh, December 31, 1861. Dr. Q. H. Kgrass : I take pleasure in making this vol untary statement in favor of a medicine by you, cal led ‘•Lindsey’s Blood Searcher.'* I have suffered for five years from Scrofula, which broke out in my head and foiebead,so as to disfigure me very much, and took off the hair when the disease made Us appearance; it also broke out on my arm above and below the elbow, and eat into the skin and flesh so as to expose a fearful looking son. The disease on my bead went so far that several small pieces Of bone came out. I was very weak and low and had given up all hopes of ever getting well, as I had tried several skillful physicians, and they did me no good. In September lust, 1861 I was induced to try “Lindsey's Improved Blood Searcher.*' I must confess I had &o faith in patent medicines, but' after I Lad used three bottles of Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my head and arm began to heal. I have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my head and arm are entirely well, except the scars remaining from the sores. I will also state that I had the Rheumatism very bad in my arms and legs. The Blood Searcher also cured the Rheumatism. I am now a well man, over forty years ofage, and I feel as supple and young as 1 did when I was twenty, and increased in weight twenty pounds. I would also state that when I stooped to lift anything heavy the blood runout of the sore. Dr. Keyser had a photograph taken of me by Mr. Car go, the artist, after I began to get well. It does not show my appearance as bad us it was before I commenced ta king the medicine. Ton can see the photographs, one of which is now in my possession, also at Dr. Keysets 140 Wood street. 1 wonld also state that I took the Blood Searcher which wus made before Dr.Keyser commenced making it. Although it helped me some, I did not recover until I got the kind made by Dr. Keysor himself. One bottle of this did me more good than two of the old. I be lieve it is a great deal stronger and better. I have recom mended the Blood Searcher to a great many of my friends for various diseases, and I believe it has helped the whole of them. ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATE OF DANIEL A. BOYD Dr. Ketsrr : It is twenty months since I gave you my certificate in respect to the care of my head and arm by the Blood Searcher, prepared by you. I was told by several people who have no faith in patent medicines that my head would get sore again in less than six months, and there is no appearance of its getting sore again. It is as well now as the day I gave you my certificate.' If you like to publish this you ma/io so. DANIEL A. BOYD, No. 4, Pine street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, September Ist, 18G3. Mr. Boyd"slikeness before and after he was cured can be seen at Roush's Drug Store. ANOTHER GREAT CURE BY THE BLOOD SEARCHER. Dr. George H. Keysir .—Dear Sir: Actuated by the sincorest feeling* of gratitude, I take pleasure iu adding the case of my eon to the already many testimonials in ia vor ofthe“I.MPKOVED BLOOD SEARCHER,"prepared l>j hoping that as my son was, may thereby become induced to use the BLOOD BEACHEE, and be rescued from a miserable condition. Jdy little boy of six years of; age became afflicted with sore eyes. I took him to five of the most eminent Doctors of Pittsburg; they pronounced it Scrofnla, but they could not help him. I was induced to try the BLOOD SEARCHER. I got two bottles; the first bottle I did not notice any benefit from, the second is not quite finished, and ids eyes seem to be quite well, although I intend v to use another bottle or two to make sure of ft. Yours truly, SABAH CLARK, O’Hara street. SORE EYES, Dr.Heo. H. Reiser*: My sister had putrid sore .yes, which affected her sight to almost total blindness. I was recommended to try your BLOOD SEARCHES. X bought one bottle, which she took, and she Is entirely well. I would leccmmend it toothers similarly afflicted, as I think there is not a bettermeOicineto be found. Wishing you a hearty success, I remain, Voura truly, MARY T. COUP. By her brother, HENRY D. COUP. palsyThtred. Dr. Gso. H. Keyser : I have been afflicted with par alysis of the limbs for four months, and after doctoring a long time to no purpose, Mr. Walker, of this place, got me to get one bottle of your BLOOD SEARCHER. •! did s J t and am now entirely well for which I am very thankful to you. HARRISON BRYNER, Connellsvilie, Pa, PAIN IN THE SIDE. I have been afflicted with a pain in the side for a long time, and one bottle of Improved” Blood Scorcher cured me sound and well. I had tried everything that I could think of, and had consulted the beat doctors in the county and received no benefit until I used one bottle of the-Blood Searcher, which cored me sound and well. JAMES SLIUBMAN, ' New Haven, Fayette county. SKIN DISEASE “BREAKING OUT.” Dr. Gsorok H. Kztskr ; I have had a breaking out on the skin for six months, and after using everything I could hear of, Mr. Walker advised me to use cue bottle of your Blood Searcher. I did so, and find great relief, so much ■o, that I think I am entirely well, and recommend it to others for the same disease. p, j, V, BRADY Connellsvilie, March 2d, 1863. * SGEOEHLA. Dr. Gioeoi H. Reiser; My utile girl was taken with tame way that her brother was taken, and I went to Mr. Walkerand got two botfles of Blood Searcher, and she is now well. Her brother sent his certificate last fail, and I want you to have her's. Connellsvilie, March, 1863. SHAW. piLES OF TWENTY YEARS STANDING CUBED. Bdoawill be found a certificate from' one of the most respectable citizens of Wilkins township in regard to Dr. Keysets Lindsey’s Blood Searcher. The Doctor’s certifi cates art within reach, and no one need be deceived in regard to nu preparations. * * Dr. Qto. H. Krrsral.became afflicted with the Piles about twenty years ago, and every year they were growing worse, so as to trouble me very much, so much so at times as to unfit me for work. Sometime* I was so bad that I could not do anything on account of them, they came out on me as large as a hickory nut. I had tried a great deal of medicine lor them. I used to buy and take whatever I could hear of or read of in circulars and pamphlets that fell In my way, but I could not get*,cured, sometimes they would do me some good for a little while, but afterwards they would return again as bad as ever. I also applied to two Doctors who visited me at my house and gave mo some medicine but it would not do, I ccnld not get well.— •S Ol 6°* anadTertfrement of your Lindsey's Blood Searcher, made by yourself—when you sold It to me you told me one bottle would not cure me, and that mv whole system would hare to be renewed by the medicine before I got well. I bought one bottle and took it home with me and used it according to your directions. I then called to see you again, when you said I could not expect much benefit from one bottle. I bought it on, one bottle at a time, until I had used five bottles. After this quanti ty had been used, I was entirely well of the Piles, which had tortured me fbr twenty years. In other respects my health is improved, and I am as well as could be expected lor one of my age, being sixty years past. «I have been well now for«six months, and there is no appearance of a return of the disease. I can do any kind of farming work now without the Piles coming down and hnrtingme. I can pitch bay, chop wood, lift, or do any kind of work which before used to hurt me. When 1 found ont your Blood-Searcher I kept on taking It until I got entirely .well. I consider It my duty to make my case known to the country for the benefit of others who may be suffering as I wM, and do not know the ratne of your medicine;— You may liubllsh this if yon llke-l lire in JH Veins Town ship, and willhe pleased to satisfy any one of the truth of i this certificate if they wish to call on me 1 ! _ ' ELLIOTT DAVIS. December 2tth, 1863. ”dfor the name of DB. GEORGE B. KET SEE on the enter ij the bottle and pasted over theoark ; also for his stamp on the United States stamp en the top fifth* bottUto present being imposed man by a spurioas article mhith isinths market. , TAR CORDIAL 18 THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OP THE PINE TREE; Obtained by a peculiar process In the distillation of the tar, by which its highest medical properties an retained. ° Mgh f Bart you a Sort Throat? li,re ,ymptomB of ,h “ a,al !. 1 !? d , b l w * rD * d by ,llMe symptoms gener »ljy think lightly of them until it la too late. Prom this fact, perhaps more than any other, ariaea the tad nreya lenceand fatality of diaeaae which sweep* to the glare at least one-sixth of death's victims. * Conaumptlon baa destroyed more of the hnman family than any other diaeaae, and the beat phyaiciana for many ac h re > or « remedy that -would heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred Tears the whele medical world has been impreeeed that there waa a mMterioaa pwer acd efficiency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; therefore they haye recommended the has of; Tar Water, which in many caaee bad a good effect; bat hifw to combine the medical propertiea so aa to heal the lunga, hai eyer l»en a mystery until it waa diacoyered by Dr - QbC. WISHAET, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprie tor of "Wishart’s Fine Tree Tar Cordial?’’ K 1 • Many, not only of the people, bat physicians of every school and practice, are daily asking me, “ What is the principal or cause of your success In the treatment of Pul monary CbmsumptionV' My answer is this : The invigoration of the digestive organs, the strengthening of the debilitated system, the purification and enrichment must expel from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by the powerful alter native (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Cordial, jts healing and renovating principle isalso acting upon the irritated surfaces of 'the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part relieving pain, subduing tnflamation, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction ivitb Nature's constant reenparative tendency, and the patient is saved, if he has not too long deliiyed a resort to the means of cure. DANIEL A. BOYD. I ask all to read the following certificates. They are from men and women of unquestionable worth and repu tation. Dr. Wishakt— Dtar Siri~*X had a very dreaful cough and sore throat tor one year, and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with bdt little hope of recovering. My disease baffled the power of all medicines, and in a. short time 1 most have gone to my grave, but thank God, my daughter-in law would not rest until she went to your store. No 10, N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one battle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and I coramencoil to uae it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three bottles I am perfectly well, and a wonder to all my friend*, all pronounced me pastcqre. Publishmy case if you think proper. Dr. Wishart’s Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an in falllatle cure for Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Sore Throat nod Breast, Inßamatibo of the Lungs. Mr. Ward says: Pb. Wishart— Sir -I had Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of'the Heart in their worst forms; I bad been treated by sever al |of the most eminent physiciaas in Philadelphia, but they could not stop the rapid course of my disease, apd 1 ditpared of ever being restored to health. I was truly on the verge of the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial Twas highly reccommended to me by a friend; I tried it, and am thankful to say that, after using four large and and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect hoaltli. Yon can give reference lo my house. No. 968 N. Second street, or al my office of Recover of Taxes, form 9 a. k. to 2 p. u~ corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. JOHN WARD. Read the following from Utica; / pR. Wish art— Dear Sir :—l take pleasure in informing you through this suorce that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was reccommended for my daughter by Dr. JJ H. Hfll, of this city, has cured her of a cough of more than five months standing. I had thonghtherbeyond curs, and had employed the best medical Aid without any benefit I can cheerfully recommend for those similarly afflicted as I know of many other cases besides that of my daughter that it has entirely cured oflong standing coughs. Yean respectfully, JOHN T. PARKER, Daguerreah Artist.; 120 Genessee street, Utica, N. Y. • • • ' • have used Dr. Wishart’s Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and can cordially recom mend it as a valuable and safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those predisposed to consumption. t Dr. G. A. FOSTER 162 Genessee street, Utica, Niw Yob*. The above are a few among the thousands which this great remfedy has saved from an ndtimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar frrdial saying that they have never used or sold a mediciajwhjch gave such universal satisfaction. . , The Tsr Cardial, when taken in connection with Dr. Wtsharfs Dyspepsia Pills; Is an infklllable care fhr dys pepsia. I The Pins This Tab Coastal, will cure Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Dlptberia, and is also an excellent remedy (or diaeaaes of the kidneys and female complaints. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, j The genuine baa the hams of the proprietor tad a pins tree blown in the bottle. All others are spurious imita tions. Pucx Firrr Okhts and Ont Dollar per Bottlx. Phs paijed only by the proprietor; •* VholsmJ. by all pjtfl delphia and New York WhotsMOt Draggieta. teats 001 * i M ’ DR WISHARTS I ; Good News for the Unfortunate! -PINTE THEE REBECCA HAMILTON. No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. DR. L. Q. C. WISHART. No. 10 North Becohd Street, Philadelphia,?*. the long sought fob discoyered at last to' S> v -^^DAYsy CHEROKEE REMED'y ; —AND— CHEROKEE INJECTION Compounded from Barks, Boots & Leaves CHEROKKK REMEDY, the great Indian Diruretic l^ 9 TO ious organ*, suchas Incontinu ♦“2 °Xf? e loflamatlon of the Bladder, I animation of the Kidneys, Stood in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel Uleel, Qnnorrh«a, and i» especially recommended In thoae caaee of Fluor Albus (or Whites in females) where all the old nauseous medicine* hare foiled, - It Is prepared in. « highly concentrated form, tbs do*, only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three ttmea l per day. It is diuretic and alternative in its action; putifylna and cleansing the blood causing it to flow inallof its on£ Inal purity and vigor; thus removing from the system alt pernicious causes which have induced disease. CHKROKM INJECTION is intended as an ally or as. sistant to the Cherokee Remedy; and should be 1 used in conjunction with that medicine in all eases of Oinorhsea, Gleet, Fluor Albus or Whites. Its effett are healing sooth ing and demulcent; removing all scalding, heat, chord** ana pain, instead of the burning and almost uncnduriblc pain that is experienced 'with nearly all the cheap quack Injections. ’ By use of the Cherokee Remedy and Cherokee Injection •—the two medicines at the same time—all improper dis charges aye removed, and the weakened organs tire speedi ly restored to full vigor and strength. For full get our pampelet from any drag store in the country, or write to us and we will mail foe to any address, a. fulbtreatise. Price, Cherokee Remedy, $2 per bottlo, or three bot tles for $5. Price, Cherokee Injection, $2 per bottle or three bottles for Sent by Express td apy address on receipt of price. Sold by dmggista everywhere. DK. W. R. MEKWIN A CO., Sols Proprietors No. 59 Liberty Street, New York. THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE COMPOUNDED FROM QD a , fj > cl CHEROKEE CURE! An unfailing cura tor Spermatorrhea,Seminal Weakness Nocturnal Emission!, and all defenses caused by self-pol lution; such £«, Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude,Pains in the Back, Dimness ot Vision. Premature Old Age. Weak Nerves, Difficulty in Breathing, Trembling. Wakefulness, Eruptions on the Face, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Con sumption, and all the Direful Complaints caused by de parting from the path of nature. , This medicine is a. simple vegetable extract, and one on which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, and with thousand treated, it has not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. To those who have trifled with their constitution until they think themselves ln*yjmd the reach of medical aid. wo would say, Despair not /’the CHEROKEE CUKE will re store you to health and vigor, and alter all nuack doctors have failed ! For full particulars, get a Circular from any Drag Store in the country, or write the.Proprietora, who will mail free to any one desiring the same, a full treatise in pamphlet form. Prices. $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwar ded by Express to all parts of the world. Sold by all respectable'druggists everywhere. DR W. R. MERWIN A CO., Sole Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty Street, New Tcrk. SETOSE TAKING TOE Elixir. DR. WRIGHT’S REJUVENATING ELIXIR! OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. PREPARED FROM PUSS VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, CONTAINING NOTHING IIfTURIOCSTO THE MOST DELICATE. The Rejuvenating, Elixir is the resalt of modern discov eries in the vegetable kingdom being an entirely m-w and an abstract method of care, irrespective of all the old; and worn-oat systems. This medicine has'been tested by the most eminent med ical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age. One bottle will cnreGeneral Debility. A few doses cares Hysterics in Females. ; One bottle cares Palpitation cf the heart. A few doses restores the organs of regeneration, From one to three bottles restores the manliness and full vigor of youth.; A few doses restores the appetite. Three bottles core the worst cases of Impotency. A few deses cores the low spirited. One bottle restores mental power. A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. This medicine restores to manly vigor and robust health the poor debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked roan M business, the victim of nervous depression, the individual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a sin: gle organ, will all fitid immediate and nerminetat relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles &r |5, and forwar ded by on receipt of money; to any address, s Sold by all druggists everywhere. Dr. W. R. MERWIN & Co., Sole Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty Street, New York. CHEROKEE RILLS! SUGAR FEMALE Health CERTAIN tbr the Removal qfObstruction!, and At Insurance of Rtffidariiy in the Recurrence of Vie Monthly Permit. They care or obviate those numerous diseases that spring from Irregularity, by removing the irregularity Itself. i , : , They can Suppressed, Excessive sad Painful Uenstrs tion. ' They cure Oreeg Sickness (Chlorosis.) They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir its, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, etc., etc. In a word, by rendering the Irregularity, they remove the canse and with it Aid. the effects that spring from it. Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they contain nothing deleterious to any conatitbtiou, however delica'e, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never fkii to do. They may be safely used at any age and at any period txce{i during the frit three taeafAs, during which the nn foiling nature of their action would' infaliably prevent pregnancy. All letters seeking informatien or advice will be promp'- ly, freely and discreetly answered. ' Full directions scdompjny each box. J Price, $1 per box. or six boxes for $6. Bent by mail, ihae of postage, on reciept of price. Sold by all reepectabfe brnggiets. . ( DE. W. H, MNHIN A 00a Bole proprietors. No. 59 LibsrtyStreeLNsw Turk. April 1,U«.-ly. AFTER TAEntO till Elixir. cs2^ed REGULATOR, 1, Preserver ic? AND SAFE. a BERN, VOL. 9. SAVE THE PER CEN^AC. BY BITTING YOUR CLOTHING FK£)JI FIRST HANDS. & TUCK, Manufacturer IV,* and Wboieealeand BeSali dealersHn Rwlj-muti ,|||U, respectfully in rite the attention of tit onhlteta tbe.fcUostfn* afiU In mfcrenw to their Mock. Hut/Sre manh&cthre our own good.. They are mad in t little lower than any other bouse In tbis place. He with* all to call end eeo bin stock before purchasing oteewher es he feels confident he oss offer Inducement* which wl defy con} petition. Uis stock consists ot L ADUSS' DRESS GOODS of oven- descriptiui MEN AND BOYS’ WINTBU WEAR, LADIK3 AND MISSES’ DUKSB SHOES, MSN AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES. MEN’S U iLF IMS WOMEN’S AND MISSES’WOOL HOSE. H»tS AND CAPS, HLKACHED and unbleached muslin GINGHAMS AND HEAVY DRILUNfIi Ilf will Mil LadWßewed, Heeled Bootees At slAo<§*l.7 .l Sctt’« Boot*. BAt.MORAL SHIRTS, rery low. White Kad Brown Sdgar, Rio Coffeoo, Syrup*, Tews,Ac amt - verything; that ifl uiually kept In a Dry Good* St.r •ud oi cllMp u the chcapeat. 3. A. SPRANKLK. Altiwna, wot. 7.1863. - CITY DRUG STORE. DIC. B.- R. REIGART would reaped faJlr announce to the cftUena of Altoona and #ui rounding country, that'hb haTrecently pnrehued tt Drugstore of Berlin It Co M on Virginia Street, opposi 9 rimr Hardware Store. ' . His Draffs are Fresh and Pure, *n£ ho bopea by strict attention to bus loose, to merit •hare of pahqo ; patronage. Caltand examine bis etock. Ho has constantly on bait : t)RUGS, : MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, PINE TOILET SOAPS, PEEFPMSSr, JUCU&iA GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, TARNISHES. CAfiBON OIL AND LAMPS, NOTIONS, 'CIGARS, inti tvtry article utually kept in a UrtUiatM Dnn SI" ' PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal aw. * (HtMKBTIO 6RAP£ IfINE—PCRB—WABEAIiTKI fOTSICIAJfS’ PJZESCSIPTICWS •ccuratcl/.cqiu pounded, at all boon of the da, or nigt AHooba, Sept. SO, 1803. 1864. SPRING 1864 CIRCULAR Ltake pleasure in issuing this my Sprin ilT*rtla«meiit, throngb whtehl would Inform m, (Hen B™*™!'! *bet I hare jut returned fro tbe jiut when I bare porchawd a ftreh Stock of i HATS AND CAPS * nd «» to qnjjlt,, color and pric* t, not alt to please alt duel. * 1 haroaleo bought an immense nock pf BOOTS AfcJD SHOES, the nudorttrof which are cite make and will lie nan •eed. Hj aKortmeat of Ladles' and Childrens’ ghoee *“ now -atasmalli vanCe on wholesale prtcei. Tfeft public wm be greatly benefited by giving tfab th ettonttoa u 4 can end examine my rtock, a* VM cot tent I can pleaee all mpd-tf ; 4 hardware ARLES J.vMANN, i T'.EALKR IN FOREIGN AND DO U uuno HARDWARE, WOODEN WARS. BROOMS, window shade:, door mat UPHOLSTKBIHQ GOODS. i" SHOE FINDINGS, MODLDKES’ TOOLS, DIED CAGES AHD WIEE GOODS, WINDOW OLA PETTY, WHITE UtAp; AO, AC. *7”* dMcripUon of Gold* in bl« line MU be 1 Quhed tt short notice, and at low rates for cash. jS *«* °f PRY GOODS on hand nil) ln M^,‘n5 r su"«£:r ( J|'' Sraph Fodd " € "‘" r ” MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS OJ^E! on the Piano-Forte tod )lelodoon,by lUa* • MAKSB. Tjems. $lO per quarter. No chargel thenee of thelnstrument. IwdtrawCMMMßn Vwt Altoona. fju.lotisas.-tt JUST RECEIVED—A Lot of Prin OIOABB—at , Jan. 13, ’M.] BBIOAETS Drag Stare BELMBQLD’S GENUINE BUCff and Drake’* Plantation Bitten, at ’ Ana IS, ’M] BWOABfS Dm* Store. MEN AND BOYS' COATS, of epei stile ud color, of rood quality, at LACOHMAB’S T\TJSW AND IMPROVED STYLE i* of Tmnka, Valitea ud Carpet-Baga D>UBE 7HITE LEAD AND ZIN GROCERIES, JAUES S. MANN, Uftin un*L A'!* .Ul», P». OOFFIN TRIUJUNI