The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 03, 1864, Image 1

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AT I4.ST >
r to^
Btißnrk*, Roots & Leaves. .
»P, •tb« groat Install DlmrrUc
iTitfau.-orfOUw. anchaa Inrout inn
HMitiM of |b» Bladder, liifUmatton
totb» Bladder, Stricture, OriirtL
fceapecinlljf recommended fiTtlutP*
hWhlte* In wUereal“th,
b*W billed. ; i
tigWy concentrated *uim, tlip 4a*
aolnaapnlmfiilatli resume* per day
lletsativ- in fX .actloii; |.urifvW
KaMalug »toB«w in all of its SS?
Uni* rrqMTimt from tUe festemidi
khave Induced dl*ea«s.
lOS 1* Intended lu. ak, ally or a*.
Iteßiedy, and abonhl be mad In
wdiclue in all owe* <tf Onuotluw, ’
bite*. Itaeflsct artrbcallnic bomUi-,
Hiring all scalding, beat, clturdea
burning and nliuoat unenrurUde
•with nearly all ilte cheap quack
ee Remedy and Clier jkeo Injection
: lijr same time—all improper di«.
od the wrukem-d organa are speedi
«iM alrrngtli.
ohrtsunprWt from . any 4xm*
■lsrrifcp to us Hud-wewiU mail FTJ
fj. iM boUlo, or thm bot-
iUm.&pcr bottlo or tlnoe hotu,.
#y*iWr»ytt price. ‘
. S*fle Proprietors
in* 69 Liberty Street, XewTork.
~.. T, ? \ '
.f^H'rhiarorrhes,Seminal Weakness
tnl *1! descaiirti, cuused hy mdf-pol-
Mvnnny, Universal LnsAirude.l’aiiw
I’muaturo Old Age, Weik
eathlmt, TrcinMlng. Wakefulness,
’Pale Countenance, insanity, Cmi*
ODwftd.CompUiufci caused by de*
>f nature.
u<ple. vegetable extract, and one ob
* ha* b£rn n*f*i In bur practice for
boitriUtd' tivated. it has not felled l&
■urativje j>owvra have been sufficient
■meet <bW)qrn Cive.
ffiotlwithtlivlr cnmtitutkm until
reach of innlical aid. we
/ the CnEUOKKBCCHK will ro*
[ vj^^ (r iuid iiitcr uU quack doctors
jpnt a" Circular «from any Onw
>r wriU tlie Proprletora, who’ wit!
?»lfirgjW same, a full treatise So
orthrechottlf* for $5, and ftrwat*
k&VoT the world.
» druggist* everywhere.
7 Bit W. It. MKUWIN A CCK,
ShMe -
Io.AS liberty Ycrk.
,aM** irtaoria
‘ Elixir.
Cw»ta»ix Extracts, Costaml»»
sir <« (he remit of modern dtecov.
Ingrtuln bring nn entirely new
»f cure* Ufieinttlrc of $1 the old;
«| tented by the mpst etnlnentmed-
I l*y them jinnmnnced to be One of
g»ier!«|< uftlir ago
enrr»l|Deblllty. (Vtunlee.
JulimtJCf tint Inert. ,
m organa »f regeneration.
tie* reetora tbe manlinessand (fell
3- npt«lt«;
> igorstMaes of Impotency.
lln* epjrlied.
n.Wl'«o*e|-, .
r.«e to lb, cheek. ,
ita mntUyvlgor and robpsthsßlUr
riedown ufid dost*! ring dt rote* of
I oA the orer-lasVod man of
•(•rcffiss rlefoessliii,’ the individual
ieliUHy. «r wraknen of akin
nimrdJtite nnt) nemilnent relief by
t Emitter (Jf Life. ” (
i three: bet the fur $6. and forwar*
i|it of money, to nay mldreav.
Dn * b*..
p. SO Liberty Street, New fork. <
tthKfiiorti, and the Innravtt nj
ttrtmit&toe MottOl) Pcrtait- *
r rinmrnHM. diwntra ' that
j, r.rooiingAh« Irregulww
jiiXCBMITe ami Painful Uenatra
S gfiiwl. Affection*, paina ifltha
km ofthe llwrt, Lown«a of SpUS
lMl«v: jQldtllircaa, etc,, etc. ■*
rrejrßUrltv. llwy rewovetjie MU*
ts fluU »|irlng ftuiu It. ' '
> g<!tat)lc extracts, the, taOUj*
cy ctmstithtiun, howerer dalfeaA
mtiatltute atrritgtli tbrj
r<l, the, ne*tr fail to do. "
•rd ftl .nn, age and at any PWfejf
Her. ahlA-lat.-||
tictfen wiuld Jnflm»Wy tiJ|j(js
rmsUfjL.or adtfcs' vityba
& ijERN,
VOL. 9. I
save tfis per centage
. by iurpcfi- YOUR i
EttiVGER & TUCK, Manufacturers
1 , a Wholesale atid Retail dealer* in Bearty-made
of aud Whole f - invite the attention of the
Clothing, „ " ia p lfacts in reference «o their •tnek.
public to the “ ur own good*. They ere nude
Ist, We manutac Pl Jijdeiphin, under our immediate
ere wett —»d «h.
Tetri at TO THE BEST,
i4«t .luantityef fteady-madecloth
mg in the mat bet. J . . ectlv from the Importers end
over tho;c.»t “fnnr Cto . “ - muat bl . ai )j e d by; thoee
of Clothing the le-rt-ij ‘t again. We retail our
who haV from second |b* wUich * the , merchant, pay
Clothing at the .amp P , nHeaue ntly those who buy from
(nr theirs at wholesaW. L '’““ , “ e i "'-' thic h other Clotbiera
said Clothier.'
... r (
Wi have branch httires ui
where goods may be had at the same figures at which we
,XhHe«Shmo«"o.f Main Stfeei. and examine hi.
gotnis and prici-M. j
WbolfeA’tle llourit*, N
D.c. t 1863.—if- i
7u2 Market Street, Philadelphia.
riUi-E undersigned would respectfully in-
I- f,; rm the Citiunl Of Altoona and .urronadiu* couih
Jt ihitTie has just front the W, whom he has
been HeieCtiUK hl» «tnik of .
«hicl,.*ir rtyle, quality and price, cannot be surpassed in
tbia n«t of country! Hit- stock is much larger than
heretofore, aad as it Ss quite an object, m these exciting
war tiiSes. for every .joe to purchese where they can get
The Best Goodsj and at tbe Lowest Prices,
he w .ivLUav that h? ran and will sell af low. if not a
liillr L'wer than anv other house in this place. He wishes
nil to dill Hudson Mistook‘before purchasing elsewhere,
u „ he fed* confident can offer Inducements which will
defy competition. Ills stock consists of
LADIES’ DUESiji GOODS of even- description,
LADIES AND MISSES’ dress shoes,
He will »ell LadiesjSewed. Heeled Bootees at $1.5(1(3*1.75
Kip Pegged I 1.37@1.50
ilcu's Buuts, i 2.*6@3,50
Wlnie and Brown £ ugar, Rio Coffee*.*, Syrups, Teas, Ac.*
• u«l - verythiug that iH usually kept in a Dry Qoods;Storo,
Hiiti ;i-i;Vheap HS; the clicapest. J. A. SPRANKLE.
Alt-ama, Oct. 7,18t3. *
Dit’. E. H. EEIGAET would respect
fully announce to the citizens of Altoona and sur>
rounding country, tl at he Ikes recently purchased the
Drug SJore of Berlin 4 Co., on Virginia Street, opposite
Fries’hardware Store.
H}s Drugs jure Fresh aud Pure,
AUi) tu* - hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a
share oSf public patronage,
tail and examine hie stock. He has constantly on hand,
■ ; DRUGS,
class, petty, paints, oils, tarnishes.
and ttery article usually kept in cl First-class Drug Store
‘ for medicinal use.
accurately compoundi&d', at all hours of the dav or night.
Altoona, Sept. 30,1863.
18®. SPRING 1864.
I take pleasure in issuing this my Spring
through whichl would inform myifriends
•“jJ.V l ' generally that I have just t-eturneii from
V* e where I havjo purchased a fresh Stock of
o! the Latest Style*, and as to quality, color and price can
not mil to please ail glasses. i
! ha»n also boughtjan immense stock of
tbu lumorny of which are city make add will be .gnaran-
J " M J rtl H L* of badies’and Childrens’ Shoes in
e raijllste, all of which, I am now offering at a small ad
vance on wholeeale plricea.
The public will be greatly benefited bv giving tide their
*”r'” nrr, “ iA - clt
I JAMES S. MANN. Main street,
! Altoona, Pa.
JL> JIRSTIC hardware.
moulders' too 4 COFFIN trimmings,
; ’ birdcages AND WIRE GOODS, ‘ ‘
PL’T-ni WHITE LEAD, AC* 4c. WINDOff glass,
« P^ion °1 oovla in line will be fur-
Ul „™? short notice and at low rates for cash.
clo'ed OnT« n raL‘r t^M° f , I)RT . QOODS on hand, will be
•hrtbSMsr^ ln order to reUn,,ui,b
A&AM™' i »ftl 1 “8l! eSr ‘ Ph FOdder CUt,fr " l i
hn the PianjvForte aud'Melodeou, by Miss M.
MAKER. Tlans, $lO per quarter. No charge for
the use of the Instrument. Residence on Catharine Street,
west Altoona. J ’ ’ f Jan. 16, 1862.-tf.
CIGARS— at !
Jnn. >3, '&!.]
irfiLMBOLO’s Genuine buchu
Drake’s Plsatotlon Bitters,
Jn* l|S, *64] j 1 RKIGART’S Drug Store.
A/TBN AND; BOYS’ COATS, of every
JJJL Wjle and colir, of good qnalfty, »t :
it Trunks, Valises anil Carpet-Bags. at i
ffalnt, also Chtame, Green, Yellow, Parii Green, dry
*B4 gWUri oil at £l-*t] KBSSIiBB’B.
E. B. Me CRUM, - - - ' . * a. a DERJS\
Per annum, (payable invariably iu advance,) >l6O
All papers discontinued lit the expiration of the time
paid lor.
Four lines or less..
One Square, (8 lines)..
Two . “ (16 “ )...
Three •* (24 11 J...
Over three weeks wd leas than three months. 25 cents
per square tor each insert ion.
Six lines or 1 ess.
One square
Two “
Three u
Half a column"
One column
Administrators and Executors Notices
Merchants advertising by the year, three^quares,
Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines
with paper, per year. 6 00
Communications .of a political character or individual
Interest, charged according to the above rates.
Advertisements not marked with the number of laser*
tion* desired, will be continued till forbid and charged
according to the above terms.
Business notices,flve cents per line forevery insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square
, UFB IK CABTLE thusdeb.
The writer of the following narrative,
as appears by rebel-papers and passports
which he has, left Richmond and the rebel
army about the Bth; of May. He informs
ua that he is a printer by trade, and was
actor in the South vwhen the war broke
out. He tells his story in his own way:
I was born in Mobile and raised in the
South, and of course was imbued with
.Southern principles. When this war broke
out I was led to believe that the North
intended to confiscate all lands and free
the negroes, ravish our wives and sisters,
bum our houses and make serfs of us all.
With those outrages -staring me in the
face, I at once volunteered in the regular
army, and was appointed first lieutenant
of the Baltimore battery, where I remained
until the seven days’ fight before Rich
mond, suffering all the necessary priva
tions, not having ; even a tent to lie
under, after day nothing to eat.
On Wednesday’s fight we were at Crew’s
farm. I was then acting as Major, hav
ing command of both the Baltimore bat
tery and the Purcell battery. We cap
tured some fourteen' prisoners. The first
sergant of the Purcell, battery, and some
nine or ten of the men, wished to shoot
the prisoners, and' I placed them under
arrest to prevent. them from so doing.
The rest of the men of the Purcell battery
became incensed at having their comrades
under arrest, and swore they would kill
the prisoners gt the first opportunity. I
took the prisoners, and determined to pro
tect them even with my life. though
they were my, enemies, they were then
helpless and prisoners pf war, and I was
1 isolved they should be ' treated as such.
I placed them under a tree and slept in
their midst myself. About midnight I
was waked by one of the prisoners, who
told me that he heard the; corporal of the
guard toll the sentinel that he was coming
back with four of the battery to cut the
damn Yankee’s throats, and would cut jbat
damn lieutenant’s throat too if he attempted
to prevent them. I lofiked at my piatolsand
found they were all right. In a few mo
ments the corporal With four men all armed
with short swords,; came up. I arose gne
asked what was wanted. He replied that
one of the prisoners had an overcoat,lie
wanted, and that He intended to have i| - 1
KEIGARTS Drug Store.
X insertion 2 do. 3 do.
.... $ 26 $ $ 60
v .. 60 76 c 1 00
.... 1 00 160 200
.... 1 60 200 260
'3 months. 6 months. 1 year.
$ 160 $ 3 00 $6OO
, 2 60 4 00 7 00
.x.. 4-00 ' 6 60 10 00
.... 10 00 14 00 20 00
.... 14 00 25 00 40 00
with, liberty to change.
€iWm feettg.
Am—“ The Oirl flcft Behind Me"
I'm lonesome since he left my side
To brave disease atni danger;
To cross o’er hill and rolling tide,
r And quarter with the stranger.
’Tie just one year ago- this night
He took his leave in sadness
But in a week fails missive read
We’llmeet again in'gladness.
1 long upon those ruby lips
To print the welcome token, ,
Assuring him my sacred vow,
No, never can be broken ;
For I will ever constant be.
Though life is dark and stormy,
To him who is so gallant, brave, 1
My beau that’s in the army.
When the hours so sweetly here,
Till Rebeldom revolted;
So kind and winning In bis way,
That be could notbe faulted.
But at the Harm of tbs drum *
lie did both grieve Bud charm me,
By flying to the nation, said,
My baau that’s in the army.
The gent who sits at home in case.
And dreams of lamb and glory,
While soldier’s groan* float on the breeze,
'Must bear a different story.
Yes, I despise the coward drone,
There’s naught in him can,chorm me;
But give me he who’d die for home.
My beau that’s in the acpiy.
Now if there’s one within our land
Whose sympathy is callous,
I do not think it woald be just
To stretch bio on the gallows;
But let me warn yoh.ifyon doubt,
Perhaps ’tis better,for me,
To tell yon plain yon can’t cut out
My beau that’s in the army.
JJtlwf U|is«W»ni».
ordered him to go to his post; he refused,
and made a cut at one of the prisoners, :
while one of the men tried to get .between ;
me and the corporal. I took him by the
shoulder and threw him one side, and a
gain ordered them to their post. Finding
words useless, I drew my pistols and fired, i
killing the corporal and wounding one of
the mutineers; the remaining three retur- ;
ned .to their post. The next day I received ;
a summons to attend a court martial,
charged with unlawfully shooting two of 1
my men. I proved that they had diso
beyed my commands, and was discharged
with the reprimand and instructions that
I would not be held justifiable again in
shooting my men to protect Yankee pris
oners. Shortly after, from what occurred
at a council of war, I found 1 wasjnisiaken.
That I was not fighting for the defense of
our homes and friends, but that the war
was prosecuted for the sake of a few bro
ken down politicians. The truth was like
a thunderbolt, and 1 determined then.and
there to fight no longer in the rebel army.
I at once sat down and wrote my resigna
tion, stating that I had been deceived, and
would fight no longer for a party who was
fighting only for power. My resignation
was at last accepted and I returned to my
profession. Shortly after my resignation
I wrote a play which I called the “ Chiet
tan’s Doom,” in which T introduced the
America flag. The [tart of the piece which
they took offence at was the first scene,
which is the deck of' a vessel called the
Lightfoot. At her masthead floated the
star spangled banner. A portion of t|ie
crew are seated on the rails, when one of
them proposes to raise the pirate’s flag
aud pull down the stars and stripes.
Why should we.” said he, “toil day
after day for a mere pittance while we
could be kings of the seas; let us pull
down the stars and stripes and raise the
skull and cross bones”—and at this their
captain enters —“ What would ye. do ?
Know ye not he who would stain or soil
that flag is a traitor, and deserves the
death of a dog ?” This piece was pro
duced in the Richmond theatre, and was
received with much enthusiasm. The next
day I was standing in the door of the
theatre, when a detective came up to me
and said, “ Is your name J. W. Atwater?”
I replied that it was. He said that Geri.
Winder wished to see me. I went with
him to Gen. Winder’s office, and there 1
found he bad by some means, unknown to
me, my manuscript. He asked
me in a very abrupt manner, if I was the
author of that piece. I fold him I was.
He said that was enough, and told the de
tective td take me to Castle Thunder. I
asked him' what for. He said for treason.
I protested against ray arrest and deman
ded a trial, but he refused togrant me one.
I was conveyed to Castle Thunder hand
cuffed. When I reached the prison, they
put me in irons, with an iron collar around
my neck, bracelets on my hands, and shac
kles ommy ankles, and placed in a dungeon
eight feet square, where I could not see
my hand-before In this place I was
kept for six months, with nothing to eat
but a small piece of bread daily, and a
pail of water, with nothing to lie on but
the bare stones, as they would not allow
me a blanket to cover me with, and,
what is worse, daring my whole imprison
ment they would not let me see any of my
friends’ or send a note to them The com
mandant of the post would sometimes
come to my cell and try and make me
humble myself to- him, but, thank God,
I had the spirit to spurn him. He would
call me a traitor and heap every insult
upon me that he could. He sometimes
threatened to shoot or hang me, but I al
ways defied him. At the end of six
months I was taken out of irpns and
placed with other prisoners away up in
the top of the building,-toom No. 10. H er e.
I fared better. They would give us two
cups of : cow peas and a piece of com
bread to last us us all day. Sometimes
they would change it, and give us what
they called turnip soup. They would get
frozen turnips and boil them up without
washing or pealing them, and when we
would get through drinking our soup we
would fijid in the bottom of the cup a
couple of table spoonsful of dirt. There
is an old adage, that we all have to eat a
peck of dirt before we die, but I think the
prisoners in Castle Thunder drank a
bushel. If we ventured to look out of,
the windows the -sentinels would yell,
“take your head in, dog,” and fire at us.
They killed several of the prisoners ini
this way,; They seemed to take a great!
delight ip firing at unarmed and helpless
prisoners. The chaplain of the post used
to coine up in our room and pray for the
confederate arms in repelling the North-,
ern vandals and Hessians, as he used to
term them. A* last I grew tired of this,
as it Was an insult to us all, and I ven
turietl to tell him that his time could be
better employed down stairs with the rebel
For this act alone I laid' in
iron for three weeks. They used to smoke
us for eight hours during the day until
we would almost bacome stifled. If we
would complain of'it they would tell qs
that it was too good for us. The small
pox broke out among us aud men died on
the floor all around me without being cay
8 00 12 00
5 00
6 00 10 00 14 00
1 76
10 00
ried to a hospital. This disease raged
among us for eight or ten weeks when it
abated, leaving only a few of us to relate
the tale.
When Kilpatrick made the raid upon
Richmond, he could have taken it very
as there were ho troops in Rich- j
mond at the time, and we were all buo
yant in spirits hoping that he would come
and release us. The authorities were,
frightened and the commandant of Castle
Thunder told us h~e had all the prisons
undermined with powder,, and that if Kil
patrick did capture the city he intended
to blow us all to the devil. But we were
doomed to disappointment. Kilpatrick
retreated from a place which he could
easily have captured and released every
prisoner in the city. * jThen we would have
wrecked vengeance upon those who had
wantonly treated us sb brutally.( Shortly
after the retreat of Kilpatrick they car
ried the body of young Dahlgren through
the streets of Richmond in a dirt cart,‘ with
his head and arms dragging the ground,
his cork leg thrown across his breast, with
the rabble shouting hang the Hessian,"
“ burn the vandal and horse thief,” with
many other such exclamations. They re
fused the body even |a Christian burial,
and buried it in a place called horse heav
en, where they used tp throw all the dead
dogs, cows and other la nimals. There his
body remains now, though they told a
falsehood to the father of the young man,
Admiral Dahlgreen, saying that it could
not be'found. After this they treated us
worse than before, giving us no food some
times for a whole day, * The post warden’s
assistant is a contemptible scoundrel, who
had his head shaved| for cowardice and
was drummed out of |he rebel service, and
who was entirely destitute of honor, would
come up of mornings find call the roll and
would order the men in lines as if they
were dogs. j
He spoke one morning rather insulting
to me, and I could pot brook an insult
from one whom I considered so far beneath
the human race, and I knocked him down
as I would a cur. . For this act I was tied
up by the thumbs for three . hours. For
the slightest offence they would punish us
severely. One of ihd prisoners threw a
cup of water out of one of the windows,
for this he was buckejd and gagged for half
a day. / In Ibis prison there weie old men
whose hair was white as snow, who had
been dragged from their homes and in
carcerated in this foul place, merely be
cause they were suspected of being loyal
to the star spangled banner, all appeals for
a trial refused them. Then there were
children, some not exceeding thirteen years
of age, charged with I guiding the enemy
through tne country ,| all lay there victims
to the tyrant’s fury. ! They would threaten
these young lads with the scaffold if they
would not divulge allj they knew, or con
sent to go into their! army. All shared
alike. If a Union spldier is seen by a
rebel who says that he knew him to be in
the rebel army, it is enough; they will
take him out into the yard and shoot him
without even a trial. " Many a man has
been shot as a deserter who never-saw the
rebel army until they marched forth.under
the stars and stripes to meet them.
They would often propose to-release me
if 1 would consent to join their army again.
I refused them.' On the first day last
March they again made the proposition,
vowing thatNif I refused they would keep
me until the war was over. I defied them.
With this they threw me into irons and
placed me once more lin the cell where I
was first incarcerated. Seeing that they
were bent to kill me if possible t and think
ing if I could get into a cavalry company
there might be some chance for me to make
my escape, lat once sent for the com
mandant of the post and told him I would
join their army, providing they would al
low me to join the Ist Maryland cavalry.
He refused and said he would put me in
infantry. I told him that 1 would stay
and rot first, knowing that itr would be
impossible for me to get away, and returned
to my dungeon. 4 o’clock in the
afternoon a guard came to my cell and
took me to the office where a portion
of my irons were takjen off. I asked the
sergant who was in pharge of me what
they were going to dp. He told me that
they were going to pjit me in a cavalry
conpany. I was satisfied. As I passM
out of the door .1 m et the commandant
and he said “ Oh, I have brought you;
down to it at last have I?” I replied,:
“Not so well as you think ” When I
reached the street and the fresh air struck 5
me it,chilled me, although it was a warm
day,-and I had a very severe ague. I was
carried to Hanover Junction and assigned
; to Co. F, Ist Maryland cavalry, where I
' remained until the 4th of last Soy
But to return to the treatment of pris-;
oners. There are five prisons in Rich
mond, Castle Thunder, Libby, Isle, Crews,
and Main street in which all fare
alike. During last (winter on Bello Isle,
they allowed only one stick of wood to a
tent of twenty men a day to keep them
warm. Many a popr wounded soldier has
i i died in those prisons from starvation and
| the want of fire or plothihg to keep them
! from freezing. The women seem worse
| than the men. Thpse who should imitate
the angels, I havelseen refuse to give the
poor even a glass of water, and
when they would for anything, repel
them with insult. ■-
Prom the Ist of'March I performed my
duty as a soldier and won the confidence
of my officers. May sth my furlough was
given to me to go to Hardee county for
twenty days to procure ahorse, otin plain
words, to Steal ope. 1 left the city of
Richmond, otf the Bth of May, taking the
Central Railroad for Staunton, Virginia,
at which place 1 arrived at. six in the
evening, lat once proceeded,to the Pro
vost Marshal’s office and obtained a pass
port for New Market, and walked from
Staunton to Woodstock, Gen. Imboden’s
headquarters. 1 immediately went to see
Gen. Imboden and asked him for' a pass
to go over into Hardee county. He re
fused, saying that|“ there were too many
damn Yankees, add 1 would be captured.”
X was resolved noil to return to the rebel
army. 1 found that there was a chain
picket reaching from mountain to moun
tain and came within twenty feet of the
picket. lat once gut on my bands and
kpees and crawlecl under the brush until
1 succeeded in getting past him. Even
then I did nut venture to take the road as
there were a number of scouts on all the
roads I still kept the mountains till X
reached Cedar Creek. Being pretty welt
exhausted I went; in to an old lady’s house
and asked if I could not stop there for
the night; she said “ yes,” but asketfif I
was not a Southern soldier. I told her
I was as I had; on my rebel uniform.
Knowing there was some Union citizens
living in the valley, I at once resolved to
try and find out if this old lady was not
one of them, and jin conversation I told
her that there was a good many* deserting
the rebel cause ; she replied “ I wish they
would all desert.”; I then
trust her, and tol4 her of my long imprison
ment and that it was my intention to go
to Martinsburg;; she seemed to sympa
thize with me and told me to make- my
self comforable. ; After supper, I noticed
she sent a little girl off somewhere, and it
aroused my supicions. In a few moments
a rebel officer and four men entered the
room with arms.; lat once saw the trap,
and discovering a window I 'made one
bound and cleared, conveying sash and
'glass with me. On reaching the outside
of the house I at;once laid down in the
grass. There was a large barn up in the
yard, and the officer said “damn him, he
has gone to that barn, but I will have him.”
He at once surrounded the bam, and I
; made my escape and went up two miles
further and slept in a haystack the rest
of the night. ’ The next morning I pro
ceeded on; my jouimey, altd the next after
noon I reached Winchester, expecting to
find the Union forces, but they had ; all
moved in the direction of ’ Strasburg. On
going up the Main street a woman called
out to two young men who were standing
on the opposite comer, “ there goes a rebel
deserter!, why doi’t you stop him?” On
hearing this, I halted and and gave the
young men a defiant look. If they had
moved one Step X certainly would have
killed them. Seeing they were hot very
anxious for an encounter I proceeded bn
my way until I beached Bunker Hill, af
ter walking oveb one hundred miles. I
found ftie Union; army and gave myself
pp to them, and had the best dinner I bad
for three years. ;
’ Richmond* very strongly ;i fortified,
having sixty miles of breastworks five
miles outside the city, and quite a number
of smaller batteries inside of ’ the other
breastworks, all mounted with heavy seige
guns. The people seem determined* to de
fend Richmond to the last. The soldiers’
rations are only one pint of meal and a
quarter, of a pound of bacon a day. The
poor people are starving. I kpohr many
families who wsre before the war in good
circumstances, who now Jiye on com meal
and wheat seeing ho meat for weeks
at a time. • Flour is worth from $3OO to
$350 per barrel.? Com meal ST3 a bushel,
sugar $l6 per; pound, bacon $l2 per
pound, beef slo‘and scarce at: that, and
all other-things fn proportion. A labor
ing: mail only gets for his labor $5 to $8
: per day*—two days’ hibor tp buy a pound
of meat. Very Respectfully,
Reappearance of the feet-— --We are
very glad to see t|iat the ladies have adopted
a mode of gathering their garigehts in fes
toons, by an elastic coni, which relieves
them not only from dragging their skirts
oyer the dirty pavements, but restores to
mankind the civilizing influences of their
feet. The American ladies have the hand
somest feet of any ladies in the world;
and'having deprived us of then), through
an absurb fashion, at least five years, we
naturally; welcome the return with joy.
We therefore declare permanently for
festoons insteadjof trails.
There is now a case in the United
States Supreme- Court involving the title
to the site of the city of Keokuk, lowa.
It .has been in Court twenty, years, and
involves ' land valued at $16,000,000.
The parties are| Charles Mason ys. Mes
senger & May v I . ‘ '
Anecdote of a Sheep. —Anecdotes of
animals are always amusing; and more
over, if observed accurately and told with
out embellishment, may some dpy serve to
solve a great problem in philosophy—the
distinction namely, between the spirit of
the man that goeth upwards and thespiri*
of the beast that goeth downward to the
earth—a problem that the great Bishop
Butler could not solve, and left a blemish
in his argument, but a monument to his
candor. The subject of the one lam go
ing to tell happened many years ago, When
I was an urchin of eight or ten ; but I re
member it well. '
L. W. Atwatek.
One fine summer morning it was my
province to aid in driving a flock Ot sheep
to the brook to Jbe washed, preparatory to
shearing. Thefhanwho had charge of
them led the procession with the salt dishj
in his hand, iq which he ostentatiously
rattled some lumps of Salt, and from time
to time made pretence of throwing hand*
fid on the ground, to draw the flock on
ward from place, while I followed todrive
up the literers.
The old patriarch of the troop, a fine
old buck led the van pf the quadrupeds,
and carefully l examined every spot where
the false motion of throwing salt was made!,
till lie was fully satisfied in his owin mind
that no salt was deposited. He then
paused, shook his simple horns, and wai
ting till the shepherd was about a rod in
advance, charged upon him from the rear
with his whole momentum fairly raising
him oif his feet. 1 saw, and from the first
comprehended the manoeuvre, but there
was so much fun in it, it was im
possible to give the alarm; and when the
man turned to “ blow qie up,” for my tacit
complacency, 1 was rolling on the green
sward in a convulsion of laughter so con
tageous he was forced to join in it, and
let me off without rebuke.
Will it do to attribute to so ample an
animal >as a sheep, so high a moral senti
ment as indignation at deceit T Perhaps
not, but we may at least mpke the “ prac
tical inference,” that those Ihaving charge
of flocks cannot securely lead them long
with mere occasional handfuls of—wind.
—Church Journal. ,
A Bough Bedfellow. —There .is a
story going the rounds of the papers, told
of a man in Arkansas, who had been
drinking till a late hour at night, mad
then started home in a state of sweet ob
liviousness. Upon reaching his own prem
ises, he was too far gone to discover any
door to the domicil he was about to in
habit, and therefore laid himself down in
a shed which was a favorite rendezevpiu
for the hogs. They happened to be out
when the new comer arrived, but soon re-,
turned to their bed. The water being
rather cold, they, in their utmost kindness,
and with the trust hospitality, gave their
biped companion the middle pf the bed,
some lying on either side of him, and
others {acting the part of a quilt. Their
warmth prevented him from being injured
by exposure. Towards morning he awoke.
Finding himself comfortable, in blissful
ignorance of his whereabouts, he supposed
enjoying the accommodation of a tavern in
company with another gentleman. He
reached out his hand-catching hold of the
stiff bristles of a hog, exclaimed:
“ Hallo, my good friend, you’ve got a
—of a beard! When did you shave lastV’
Keeping the Pledge. l — An Irishman
made a sudden dash into a druggist’s shop in
Glasgow. Drawing from his pocket a soda
water bottle filled to the brim with spine
pure liquid, he handed it across the counter
and exclaimed, “ There, doclher smitf that
would yez ?” ,
The doctor did as he was directed and
pronounced the liquid to be genuine whis
ky. “ Thank ye, d ©ether,” said the Irish
man, hand me it back again.”
- The doctor again’ did as directed, and
asked him what he meant t
“Och, then,” said Pat, “if you will have
it, the praste told me not to drink any of
this unless I got it from the bands of the
docther. So here’s your health, and the
praste’s health, and the health of Moees.”
A colored preacher within our lines,
recently felt constrained to preach against
the extortion of the cutlers, from ~Vhich
his flock had suffered. After much delib
eration, he announced bis text as follows:
—“Now de serpent was more suffer dan
. any. Beast ob de field, which' de Lord God
has, made.” ,
O* A Dead mjile, belonging to a Mem
phis citizen, was being hauled out of the
lines the otherday, when a bayonet thrust
revealed the fact that the carcass contained
6&Q00 percussion caps, a quantity of am
munition, and other contraband articles
which some rebel sympathiser Bad taken
this means of smuggling.
One train of deep emotion cannot
fill up the heart, it radiates like a star
God-ward and earth-ward. i
tg' We erect lifeless temples toG£i,but
are ourselves the living tempJee He has
erected to Himself. ! ! ’
NO. 20.