The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 08, 1864, Image 2

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    Iptoona iitbimt.
o--' 1 - . -
Amendment to the Constitution.
Among themany exciting scenes which
the present campaigns, of out armies, are
twinging* before the minds of the 'people,
there seem to. be but few, who are aware
that in leas than two months, or on tiie
font Tuesday in August, the citizens of
cur commonwealth will be caHed upon at
the ballot-box, to decide as to whether
. cur State Constitution shall be anunended
by the insertion of three additional sec
tions. .
The first of these sections, which will,
if adopted, be - the fourth' section of the
third article provides for the gtanting of
our Soldiers in the field, the same privel
ege of vbting which they would enjoy at
their’ homes.;
Phis privilege they have hertofore,
.and we how, by the Constitution denied.
Certainly noncitizens are more'entitled to
a voice in the choice pf the officers of our
Government,; than they who are day by
day, periling their lives to maintain dial
Government. We hope to see this
amendment pass by ; a unanimous vote,
and then when election day comes around
> again, the brave boysteeling that they are
not forgotten, will step up to the,polls and
take an active part in the determining
whozhall exercise the power of making
and executing the laws under which they
live and battle, and for the maintainance
of which they are willing to die.
The other two sections, which willbe,
Af adopted, the Bth and 9th of the eleventh
Article, have in view, first, the prevent
ting th* passage of certain bills which are
in tbpmselves objectionable, but being
linked with others of limportance are thus
pressed through .both houses. Section Bth
provides that no' bill shall *jpass the Legisla
ture, containing mote than one subject,
which shall beclearly expressed in the title,
except appropriation bills. Those who hove
been careful observers of Legislative pro
ceedings, Will at once recognize the ira-
pdrtance pf this amendment,; as a safe
guard against the pressing through of un-
important, and even ruinous measures,
most generally under the superinten-
dence of lobby members.
Section 9th provides that the Legisla
ture shall grant no powers, or privileges,
where the authority to grant such powers
and privileges has been, or may hereaf
ter be, conferred upon the courts of the
Commonwealth, thus confining the grant
ing of certain local powers and privileges
to where they justly; belong, the courts
of their own districts and locality.
These important amendments are now
before the people, and as public jour
nalist* we press upon our readers the ob
ligations resting upon them ah citizens of
the noble Keystone State, to examine and
duly consider this matter, so that when
the first Tuesday in August chmes round
they may be able to vote intelligently upon
these amendments. >
Sometimes we hear pur neighbors say,
well 1 dfln’t care which way the election
goes, It won’t materially alter my con
dition. yon should remember you have
a duty to perform to others as well as
yourself ; and if you feel that a -certain
measure will tend to the pubtfc good you
are in duty bound to vote for it, or if the
contrary, to vibte against it. Let one and
all do their duty.
Odb CaiOßic.—After sundry delays in
procuring the necessary fixtures to make
the attachment between our new caloric
engine and power press, the work has at
last been completed, and all things are now
working to our pieaunent, and much to the
satisfaction of the “boys,’’ who have here
tofore performed by the caloric. This
number of oui*paper is printed on the “pi
oneer .power {ness,” driven by the pioneer
caloric engine of the Juniata Valley.—
Quite a crowd of persons have called to
see the engine work. • This is .a mechani
cal place, and almost every man is either
£ builder of, or knows considerable about
engines, yet our caloric is something new
and has attracted much attention from ma-
Where light power is required,
calorie appears to*be taking the lead, for
the reason that they consume so little fuel,
require no water, never freeze up and can
not explode. /The latter is an important
consideration where the engine must often
b* entrusted to the care of inexperinced
persons. We now coraider ourselves pre
pared to Undertake job and book work to
The Draft.
Holudaysbukg, June 2, 1864.
Messrs. Editors herewith send a list
of those draftedjiin this county. The draft -
took, place to-diay (Thursday), and passed;
off very quietly..' The'following are the,
names of those persons who were so fbrtu- i
nate, or unfortunate, as you may please to
term it, as to drawn prize in Uncle Abe’s
Grand Lottery ; w.
Allegheny Township.
1 Martin Johnston
2 Samuel Black
3 Daniel B Hicks
4 William Smijth
5 Pat McCullough
6 Benj Thomas
7 John Norris!
8 Jas M Stinsell
9 Felix McHugh
10 Joseph Wilkes
11 Henry L Irvin
12 Wm Price
13 Hugh Brawley
14 Jno Jenkins
15 Wm Myers;
16 Edward Jones
17 John Pride.
18 Kobt Dufar
19 Jno Gulligan
20 Peter R. Stiffler
21 Jas S Ross
22 Josiah Jones
23 Anthony. McCoy
1 Geo M Smith
2 Joseph Boylen
3 Alex McClure
, 1 Wm Leckrone
2 Thos Donnally
North Woodberry Township.
1 Jog Soyater 4 William Loos
2 Jos Myers 5 Daniel Deihl
3 Jacob B Burget
Huston Township.
1 Jno Murritz
Blair Township.
1 Isaac Mapcs
2 Thos Hammell
3 David Yon :
5 H S Galloway
C Jno H Laise
7 Jas Lang
8 W Lather (col’d)
9 Jno Campbell
10 J W Lloyd
11 Abm Miller
12 Peter Burk
13 Jas Irvin
14 Richard Dope
1 Sam’l Cinagar
2 Henry Hay
3 And Nisewonger
4 Henry J Walter
5 Jeremiah Long
C Thos W Wertz |
7 Adam Walter
8 David Feather
9 Wm Still
10 Paul Hanks: I
1 Andrew Kyler
2 Jas Green ■
3 John Rhine
24 Jno M Garrett
25 Wm Bruce
26 Galvin Swangler
27 Henry Fickes'
28 Jas H Huff
29 And Shingler
j3O J A Yingling
31 Calvin B Myers
32 Sami Hartzel
33 Wm B Beals
34 Jno Watkins
35 J England
:36 Wm Louden
[27- Joseph Green
38 Obman Marietta
39 Jno Riling
40 Jas Burns
41 Hen McMullin
42 Wm Quigley
43 Isaac Maurer
44 Richard McCall
45 J 'lcMonigal
46 Geo Maurer
Antis Township.
4 Hugh Holland
5 Stephen Aikins
6 Wm Scriber
7 Jno W Robison
8 W McClelland
9 Michoel Rider
10 Jacob R Beals
11 Isaac Rhodes
12 Isaac Tingling
13 Daniel Smith
14 Levi Mock
15 Sami Sellers
16 Oliver Nelson
17 Peter Crouse •
18 Jno C Robison
19 G W Anderson
20 Wm Kelly
21 Wm Black
22 Jos Espenlaub
23 Wm. Cox
1 A D Smith
2 Geo. Burfis
3 D A Madam
IWm A Mintzer
5 J B Dougherty
6 John Kilgore „
7 Alfred Miller
8 George Hunter
9 A Irvin
10 David Phillips
11 ffm Settlemyer
12 Sami-Wilsori'
13 J G Hagerty
14 J M Weight
15 Jas Davis
16 David Manley
27JnoNeigle I
I/ollidagsburg Borough.
1 John G Keed •
Juniata Toumship.
1 H Gablraith 13 Jas Stevens
2 Mieheal Moyer 14 Geo Burger
3 Jos Gradual - 15 M Mclntosh
4Wm £shelm*n 16 H M Wilt
5 Christ Hite’ 17 Jno Barde
6 Abra Smith 18 David Bichard
7 Frank McCoiy 19 Jas Galcy
8 Geo Diehl 20 Fred Wilt
9 Able Davis j- 21 Abm Kerns
10 Simon Eltchqy (22 J K Mclntosh
11 Jos Findley ' |23 Jno Winkle
12 Jos Befner !24 A Mclntosh, jr.
Freeiom Township.
me Township.
I Danl Musslen lan
iSny ler {Township.
1 Samuel Closs n
1 Wm Davis
24 S M Sacket
25 George Smith
26 William Moore
27 Thomas Thomas
28 F McGarger
29 Benj Jones
30 W H Garrahan
31 David Weaver
32 George Higgins
S 3 Jas Riley
34 David Andrews
35 Thomas Dalen
36 John Morgan
37 W Montgomery
38 Cor Briston
39 J McCullough
40 Joseph Davis
41 Thomas Reese
42 Alex, W Wilt
43 Jno McMullin
44 Thus Walters
45 David Clossin
4 John Tippery
5 Bernard Clark
6 H Carr (Colored)
S Geo Hilliard
T 5 Wm Grom
16 G Koon, Justice
17 Geo W Gates
18 Geo Koon
19 Henry Pervin
20 Wm Brannon
21 J E Galloway
22 Albert Baird
23 Jas Vaughn*
24 D E McCaben
25 Peter Zik
26 Jas Conrod
27 D Sped man
28 Wm Gates.
11 D C McGath
12 Sim Musselman
13 Patrick Dunn
14 DanT Walter
15 Jacob Dodson
16 Chris Ailebaugh
17 J G Black
18 Morgan Dively
19 Michl Dively
18 James Smith
19 Thos Lowther
20 John Dunn
21 Sami Cherry
22 H Brumbaugh
23 John Miller
24 And Gardner
125 Henry G Tyler
j 26 Wm Gardner
, ! 27 J M Bush
28 C Sbuchman
20 James Nelson
30 D A Crowell
31 Lewis Boyer
132 John Wertz
33 John Quinn
Health.—Of all things in the world
most to be desired by persons, health ranks
first, and it is an undisputable fact that
most of the fearful epidemics that have at
times broken out in inland towns,
sweeping off hundreds of old and; young,
; were directly traceable to a disregard of
iproper sanitary precautions. Weeks ago,
;before the warm weather set in, we earn
estly, but respectfully called the attention ■
of our Chief Burgess and Town Council j
to the filthy condition of our town—to thfe I
fact that most of the gutters along the
streets were filled up with mud and filth,
and thrown there during the win--:
: ter, and to the peculiarly bad condition of
.many of the alleys, stables and hog pens ijn j
the most thickly settled part of the towifsi-
We had hoped that, without anything
;furtber, the citizens in the neighborhood
of these nuisances would have abated
them and taken such steps as would have
aided their own health and comfort. In
this, it seems, we were mistaken, and we
were glad to see the Borough Authorities
meet and pass an Ordinance to meet the
cases. All that is wanting now is for them
to enforce it, and we call on them to do so.
We call on them to make good their proc
lamation. No making fish of me and flesh
of another. No lopping off of small branch
es and allowing the trunk and root to re
main. We have been requested by many
persons to call their attention to the sta
bles of the Logan House, on Virginia
street. (We don’t know why it should re
quire us to mention particular places iu
public print, in order to attract the atten
tion of our councilman, but at the request
of injured and suffering citizens we do so
for once.) The odor from this stable is so
offensive that it is almost impossible, we
are in formed, for residents of houses con-
tiguous to keep their front windows or
doors open. This being the Case, it is a
nuisance which should be abated without
delay. The authorities can scarcely ex
pect other parts of the town to be put in
proper condition while this central and
most complained of nuisance remains un
abated, Let the Council enforce their
Ordnance against all, and all will recog
nize their prudence and wisdom. Will
they do it?
Attempted Bukglabt.—On the night
of 27th, ult., just after the Fast Line East
had passed, Mr. Mclntire, night clerk of
the Logan House, went up stairs; and dis
covered that the gass in the hall which
extends through the length qf the build
ing was turned down lower than usual.—
Suspecting someting wrong, he advanced
to the middle of the hall, and raised the
.light suddenly, when at the farther end of
the hall hd heard the exclamation, “ogh!”
and looking in that direction, discovered
| an individual, who evidently had been at
tempting to effect an entrance into an ad
joining room. This individual disappear
ed in a short hall turning to the left. Mr.
Mclntire, fearing lest the thief might
escape, unless he had help, called Mr. Mil
ler, whose room was near by, who imme
diately came to his assistance. Mr Meln
tire then discovered that Mr. D. Caldwell’s
door was standing wide open, and asked
Mr. C. “what he was doing with his door
open at that time of night.’’ Mr. C. ar
oused and said: “Is it open? My coat
js gohe with thirty-live hundred dollars!”
The theif was traced to the water closet,
where the coat and money with a pair of
nippers for opening doors, having a key in
the lock from the inside, were found, but
the burgler had evidently escaped to some
bed room, as he could not have left the
house without being Mr. Mc
t Intire’s suspicions fell upon a man who
j the previous evening had registered his
; name, “John Cline,” and going to his room
' found it unlocked but the gentleman in bed.
| He affected to have no knowledge of the
case, but was, nevertheless arrested and
committed,and now awaits 4 trial. All honor
is due to the management of the house,
find to Mr. Mclntire’s vigilcnce. For not
only was Mr. C.’s money restored to him,
but an assurance is given to those who
may visit the Logan House, that notwith
; standing thieves may come in the garb of
! honest men, yet a close watch will be kept
that uo ultimate harm may befall the vis
itors at this excellent hotel.
Company F, 76th P. V.—Capt. Jos. E.
i Findley-sends to his father the following
Ust of killed and wounded, in his company,
: in the fight on June Ist :
Killed —Private John M. Knox.
; Wouhded —Color Sergt., James A. Gwin,
privates Thomas Reed, William Ball, Geo.
W. Gibbony, Joseph Shultz, Sanford
Smith, Samuel Dell, Harry K. Ruttbn.
; Our readers will remember that during
last winter we publisheda letter fromJno.
If. Knox, noted above as killed, detailing
his experience while a prisoner in the hands
of the Rebels, he having been captured at
.the timeof Gilmore’s decent upon the Rebel
Works on Morris Island, S. C. It may be
tfuly said of him lie “suffered, tiled and
died for his country.”
Pic-Nic of Public Schools.—Satur
day the 28th ult., was truly a gala-day to
the children of Aloona. The day pre
vious had been fixed upon as the time fur
the Aunual Pic-Nic of the public schools,
but alas! the morn came with a clouded
sky, threatening rain, and many little
hearts grew sad, for hltle children feel the
pangs of disappointment as well as those
of larger growth. The Pic-Nic was post
poned until the day following, when, like
the sky, the faces of five hundred children
had thrown off the clouds they wore the
previous day, and' like the sun-light fal
ling upon the green earth, their little eyes
sent forth the sparkling light of joy.
About ten o’clock the schools from the
,East and west Wards fell into procession,
and moved from either direction to the
corner of Annie and Virginia streets,
where they met and united in one.—
Moving from, thence they proceeded to
Miller's woods, where preperations had
been made for them, to enjoy themselves
in various ways. And they did enjoy
themselves, romping and singing—swing
ing and talking—eating and drinking (we
hope nothing stronger than water) until
the sun begun to move down rapidly to
ward its western bed, and many little
limbs grew tired—when all returned' to
their home pleased with tlieir days enjoy
ment. All honor to those who aided in
scattering these bright flowers along the
cbildred’s pathway.
Anothek. —The Pic-Nic of the public
schools was followed, on Tuesday, the
31st ult., by the 1 May festival of the
Catholic Church in this place. The pro
cession after forming, marched through
some of the principal streets of town, the
May Queen, with her attendants forming
quite an attraction. The procession was
large, and at intervals banners bearing
patriotic and religious mottoes were borne,
and not the least among then all the
“ Stars and Stripes,” the flag of the free,
was seen.
They too, wound their way to Miller’s
woods where they spent the day in their
usual happy manner. We were not pres
ent but we hear but one opinion expressed,
and that is, that it was hard to beat.—
They too, like those of Saturday, were
favored with a beautiful day, an almost
cloudless sky, and balmy breezes.
These scenes almost lead us to moralize
a little, and contrast the happy condition
of our own land, even now, when it is
shaken by cruel war, with the condition
of many lands where 'the gospel is not
heard, and where children enjoy no such
happy privileges. Little readers, you
ought to feel thankful for this, and not
only enjoy but improve these golden
opportunities as they pass.
Sad Accident. —On the night of the
Ist inst., when a Locomotive No. 249,
was approaching Newton Hamilton, an
explosion occurred by which the upper
portion of the Locomotive was carried
away, resulting in the instant death of the
Engineer, Air. Samuel Saylor, of Alex
andria, Huntingdon county, who was
blown to some distance from the engine,
and frightfully mangled. He leaves a wife
with several children, we understand.
Charles Hileman, a young man about
twenty years of age, son of Mr. Samuel
Hileman, of this place, was fireman, and
though not carried away by the explosion,
nor bruised, so far as we can learn by the
fragments, was nevertheless exposed to
the escaping steam, which not only
scalded his face and body, but being in
haled, was the cause of his death. He
clung to the engine until it reached New
ton Hamilton, where, after lingering
about five hours, his spirit took its fight.
We have hot been able to learn, with any
degree of certainty, to what cause the ex
plosion is to be attributed.
Dead. —Lieut. Robt. Clark, F, 2d
Pa. Reserves, and brother of Capt. John
Clark, of same company, died at the resi
dence of the latter, in this place, on .the 3d
inst. Lieut. Clark was wounded in the
leg, while charging a rifle pit during the
nine days battle, near Spottsylvania. While
making the charge, his brother, Captain
Clark, fell from exhaustion and the Lieu
tenant took charge of the company and led
it on. When within about forty yards of
the rebel works, a rifle ball struch him in
the leg, below the knee, shattering the bone.
He was carried off the field and, as soon as
he recovered sufficiently to travel, he came
to Altoona. The wound, however, proved
to be a fatal onefond from the effact of it
he died. His corpse was escorted to the
o»rs, on Sunday evening, by a large con
course of citizens, proceeded by martial
Bali. Club Meeting. —The regular
Quarterly Meeting of the Mountain Base
Ball Club, will be held at the office of B-
F. Rose, on Thursday, June 16th, at
Sp Letter Prom The Wavy.
had 24 men in her, all the officers ■ hung
I! U.,S. Steamer Somerset, \ '***** th 7/ un
Bay, May 16th, 1854.; ‘Z men* ewa » ,ed froni
i Messrs. Editors: Thinking that my .The beat we captured had five men in
friends at Altoona, would like to know her, they were left to be picked up by our',
what is going on tu the East Gulf Squad- * >oa,s ' tecaose the other Rebel boat had
iU ; I take the liberty of writing a tew “ *** m P h « «™ ld «*"T
ftL' , i-r i A “ e “I® ll we look prisoners, said, that
Ijihes to jou, and if you can hnd spare all the men that were in the boat that
rijiom in your paper, and think that it is swamped on the night of the 11th. were
♦forth your time and labor to publish saved, bu* they lost all of their arms.-
them, you can do so. 1 there are three of them (prisoners) that
We have a camp on a small island ' t ® *!* * rm ?> tVo “ Fort u Co “>-
, c . ... . 1 ort Cobb is situated on the Appata
culled St. Vincent. The camp goes by the chicola river , about 18 mileB
name of Camp Somerset, and it is com- lachicola, and is armed with 8 guns and
posed of part of a company of the 110th 450 men. The Rebels are about building
N. Y. Vols., and Refugees with their 1 anolhor iron veasel called the Muscogee.
families, numbering 192- persons, men, “ *"*B®* > e rwill
j ru , ’ two then, at Columbus but they can not get
women and children. The men have en- them down the Hver until they move
listed into the Federal army, and are thus the obstruction at Fort Cobb. Among
enabled to maintain their families, who the things that I have picked up at Appa
havo not anything but the clothes that is a proclamation. 1 give you
they have on their backs, being driven a,co Py follows.
away from their homes into the swamps I proclamation.
by the Rebels. There are about 70 men ’ . 8“* \
, , . Lakh City, March 16tu, 1864. f
capable ot bearing arms, and beings anx- „ ,/ J
, , . 6 ' Citizens of East Florida : Your sec
lOUB to go up the bay to the town of Ap- tion of tlie StHt(i has been order ed by the
palachicola, to get lumber for the purpose I Confederate government to be abandon, and
pf building huts and to obtain plunder so ; the enemy has been allowed to take quiet
as to make thejr families comfortable, | P OBB6B5 * 00 °f V o ™ homes, without the
an expedition was planed by Lieut. Hun- : ? r V« ° f , a gu "\ thin « tha ‘y ou
. ... Iln ., It v ir f , i hold most sacred 18 at their mercy. Fain
ter of the 110th N. 1. Vols., and Capt. ; ilies are scattered, and for the most part
Budd of the U. S. S. Somerset, and was i destitute ; and many of your wives,
to be put into execution on the 9th, but ! m °thers, sisters and children, are this day,
the weather being very stormy it was de- i w ‘ t *‘ out a home.
layed for a few days. i,, ( Men of \ y° u * ke their
. J detence and that of yourhomea into your
On the evening of the 12th, about 8, own hands, and that must be done quickly.
P. M. five boats containing 46 men, left i Let the recent disgrace be speedily wiped
St. Vincent Island under command of Where is now your boasted Southron
Lieut. Hunter, and Ensign Smith of the chivalr y • . jour answer be in your
TT a, U a. a rrri i_ a i j > ! prompt action.. There is no time for worth.:
U. S. S. Somerset. The boats landed at . acti on is required. East Florida is disgraced
Green loint on the main land. The j forever, unless you redeem her by your
men then took ah inland route, above the j own promtitude and valor. I feel assured
town, to a road which came from the ■ *hat you will do so, and at once. Begin
town, marching down this road so as to for * wi ! h “ f ? m Guerrilla Companies
. ~ , , , , , numbering 30 or more, mounted or not, for
prevent any Rebels who happened to be in | a yeiir - s * rvicc , Bring your trusty rifles
the town, from leaving. i a nd double barrels with you. Ammuni-
. The. U. S. S. Somerset, under steam, I tion will be furnished you. Make your
anchored off the town before daylight, ■ ren<lezvous at Lake City, Sanderson and
and sent two boats with about 30 men, ; ® a Wwin, and os fast as organized let oAl
and al2 pound howitzer, into the town : cers re P° r f *° ■ n t® f° r service,
so as to aid the land force in case of ne- order of
The boats landed at the warf, and a j
crowd of Rebels was there to meet them, i"■ ' Simmons,
but two shells from our howitzer soon I Asst. Adjt. Gen’l & Chief of Stall
scattered them. Our land force hearing j Here is another document which- I
the firing came into the town on a double i :
quick, and in time to let the rebels escape ; ■ l e wou kl remark that for prudential
our men coming down on one street and i mot ' ves > the stock of cotton appearing in
the Kebs going up another. As our men i a V ove , s * a^men *’ kas keen removed to
were entering the town they met an ! c . interior, where It will be secured
Irishman leaving the town as fast as his a S a * ns t the Vandalism of the Lincolnites.”
legs could carry him, he was stopped and There was no signature,
asked where he was going in such a remain yours,
hurry, when he said “ that a lot of d —n G. AY. G., Jr. ,
Yankees was landing with a howitzer,” East Gulf Squadron,
and pointing in the direction told our . *,“ 7. „ « *'.' 7 T~T
men to hurry up and meet them, thinking i. A ‘ M ‘ L ' & R R ' A ~ A B P eCial mee ‘-
all the time that our men were Kebs.— in £ Directors held May 27tb.
The Doctor of the 110th Vols., told him 1864. Dr. J. M. Gemmill in the chair,
to come along, and show them where the i Members present, Messrs. Gemmill, Reilly
Yankees were. When the Irishman Adlum, Bishop, j s ila Neff Rnd
found that he was caught he - tried very ;f, „ „
hard to get out of the trap, but it was no j / ult '
go. We then went up along the wharf Minutes of last meeting read and. ap
and found %0 large boats with muffled ; proved.
oars, which we took possession of, and Written communications being in order,
took down to our boats. Part of our force .. ■ .. c „ _ , ,
, i . . , . , .a communication from Max Rubenack was
that was sent out to make a reconnoi- ' . ~ . .
sance came back with one prisoner, a sai- i reaa ’ tendering hia resignation of the office
lor from the Rebel Ram Chattahoochee, and i °* Recording Secretary, which, on motion
from him, we learned that an expedition, ! of Mr. Bishop, was accepted,
to take our vessel and the Steamer Adela, ; Nominations for the office of Recording
Was m operation and almost succeeded. . ■ ■ , „ TT . . °
Captain Gift, of the Rebel Ram Chat- ; T" - “ ’ . Hlck *’
tahooebee, which lies up the Appalachicola I auid Hutchinson were nopiinated.
river at Columbus, with three of his En- First ballot was then taken, resulting
signs, two Engineers, and 180 men, came .in no choice. A second ballot was then
4own tl,e river in a small Steamer to Fort j proceeded to, in which Mr. Hicks received
Cobb, and from the Fort to Appalachicola „ • •. f ,, . 4 ,
in boats. There being an obstruction in I “ ajorUy of the votes cast an< l was, de
the way, the Steamer not get down : c^ elected.
any farther. The town of Appalachicola : Mr. Neff offered the following preamble
was then made the place of fitting out the j and resolutions, which were unanimously;
boats for the expidition ; the oars were , adopted:
muffled, and paddles made for propelling w „ .. ~ ~ , , .
the boats along, when they.came close to WhEEEAS ’ Max »«•*“«* ha *
the U. S. Steamers, grappling irons with * ke °® ce of Recording Secretary of the
chains, so that they could not be cut, .Altoona Mechanics Library and Beading
when thrown on the deck, and every | Room Association, and as chairman of the
Si f ! tte f u" Ut M n |rV llE * the y I committee on outstanding dues, and where
could not help taking the U. S. Steamer .. „ . * ’ . ,
if they had come close enough They even as ’ h,s efficienc y as aa officer and his gen
had a flag made, which was for the tlemanlyand obliging deportment demands
Steamer Somerset, it is said, by the priso- some recognition at the hands of the asso
ners that were taken. We captuTed 1500 i ciation therefore
rounds of cartriges, a number of rifles and i ... . ! . ,
swords; a great many of them being taken T ‘> at » h > s association deeply
by the sailors, an accurate account could ZZr V! ' 7 ? Com .Pf lB . hlm l °
not be made sever his official connection with it, and
Three attempts were made to board the 1 «! e thaaks <*.*•
Steamer Adela, but they did not succeed j ."“l and “‘“*“*o7
in getting close enough to her; thefirst I J Uch he h “ dl9char S ed
attempt was made on the 9 inst., and : , ... n
they were within one-fourtli of a mile of:, n , Th ‘ n g Secre
her, but there was so much phosphorus • K Ik **
in the water, and the boats made so much aC ‘A° n ***"*■ m k * B hehM
light, that they had to turn back, being ! °“ moU F kn „ p
afraid that they would be seen by the men : ' ‘HU*
• °y
On board of the Steamer. The 2nd and ■
Uiird attempts were made on the two , *r “Pap” Allison, as lie is familiarly
succeeding nights, but it was windy and a[* m * * , . , , -
heavy sea running that they dared not at- ' reqUCBtB “ to that h « has, a t
tempt to fake the boats far from land, but! ®tere, on corner of Allegheny and
they did on the night of the 11th inst.J Branch streets, at the Greensburg railroad
and lost one of their boats, and it was crossing, a full stock of provisions, such as
ss&t ! rr **** ews “■ t-
When we captured the part of the boat i . tea Bu B^ r v^ a “> and everything in that
fleet that was saved from the gale. j *‘ ne - -^J BO tobacco, segars, pens, pencils,
We sent out three boats to see if they ! note and letter paper, ink and the finest
cpuld pick up any of the men that ; were i stock of envelopes to be found in the town
to the Rebel boat that was swamped, and IWe know his envelopes are good and he
o f . the morning of the 14th two; boats j sells them at low pricL
were seen, and, giving chase, we soon | anything in this line, call on Mr AUisson,
captured one of them in a sinking t»ndi- , and he will seU to yon at the most reason
tion ; the other landed at the town, and able figured
Brig. Gen’l FLOYD,
Going. Fla. Troops.
Secretary pro tern.
SowntaTioss »o» Putsihawt.-—Now that'
the timefbr another election of Chief Magistrate
in drawing near, politicians me busily at iwork
preparing for tlte Contest, which promisee to be a
spirited one wlioiVer closets contested tor not. A
few days ag > a meeting was held in Cleveland
Ohio, composed of delegates from all,, or pearl;
all of the loyal ; Snips,' who organised a party
which wo suppose from the tone, of the speeches
them delivered, may be known aa the Radical
Democracy. ‘
With great unanimity of feeling they nomina
ted Gen. John Cj Fremont of Row Vork, for the
Presidency, and: Gen. .John Cochrane of the
Mine State,' fqr Vice Presidency. As both these
Military Chieftains arc now in the field, having
signified their acceptance of the we
may suppose they are ready for the. fight and de
sire the patronage and assistance of the Ameri
can public. /& to ourselves, we wiah both the
candidates an easy life, and as playing President
seems to be sumewalu laborious, wo have thought
to cast our vote for them to remain in their pres
ent i) met jsjsitious. On Tuesday <k the present
week, the Republican Convention met in the Qlty
of Baltimore, and effected first a temporary or
ganization, by placing Rev. Dr. BreckonrJdge of
Kentucky, in tlte chair. After which a perma
iiant organization was entered into, with Gov.
Dennison, of Ohio, for chairman.
' -tsjj
'['he first day, was ipcoupied in organization and
speech making. On Wednesday, President Ipn
coln, was re-nominated by acclamation, and An
drew Johnson, of Tennessee, was made (he unan
imous choice for the Vice Presidency. Thus the
Republican party have thrown their banner to the
breeze iuscriiied, “ Lincoln and Johnson.” We
hare not yet seen the platform, aud cannot say
what additional flanks, if any, have been placed
ihcreon. The regular Democratic Convention
will, meet in Chicago soon, when the triangle
will be completed, and the ball be fully opened.
HuzzaVok. Biumwoham.— Three Indiesof Bir
mingham and vicinity, viz :—Miss Marry Christ,
Miss Mary Thompson and Mrs. Stephens, formed
themselves into a committee, ami volunteered to
collect funds ChristiaeCommission. Their
plan is to go house to bouse, stop those they
meet on the wav,, make known their business,
s|ieak in behalf of the wounded and dying soldiers,
and solicit contributions. Within a few days they
have raised over one hundred dollars, which has
been forwarded. They hope to be able to make;
another remittance within a week or two. They
purpose continuing in this work of Love and Hu
manity during the war. Any person forwarding
contributions to either of the above named ladies,
at' Birmingham,: Huntingdon county, may rest as
sured the sum will be faithfully foi warded. A
record is kept of the names of contributors, with
the sum annexed. Whocould refuse to contribute
when thus appealed to? May heaven reward the
ladies for their devotion to their country’s service.
■ \%k
Cool. —lt may not be generally known that
our friend Tom. Vickroy has opened up an, “ Ice
Cream Sal*m,”:m the bnilding. once"occupied by
Jesse Smith, as a hat store, opposite the Lutheran 1
Church, on Virginia street. Whether yon were
aware 'of it or 1 not, it W nevertheless true.—
Ami to satisfy yourself of the fact, you need only
walk up some of.these Warm evenings, or' if you
porter it in the heat of the day, and have yonr
outer man made more comfortable by the deli
cious cooling process Tom has put in opperatiou,
at a dime a trip. We have only to say, and that
from experience, that his cream is qnite a num
ber of degrees cooler than the air in out press
room, where the little caloric is in opperatiou.
More pleasing by far to the sight than dons, and
more pleasant to the taste than—Whew ! bold
your hat, and Tom. pass us around, another plate
—wa'l I take “Lemon’’this time.
fill. I lOrit Rkgt. F. V.—Lieut. Frank Stewart fur
[Mm n “h«S» the following partial list of causualties in
jfll the above regiment daring the nine days battle:
'l|i| KMed —Lient»Jno. W. Manning, co. H ; Jno.
Ik "bite, co. A; J. B. Musser and Dice Ramsey,
®9- i Thos. Greenland, Albert Andrews and J.
33 “ er!2el . CO. C Anthonv Donghertv, co E;
Cowen, co H ; H. Woodruff and Jos! Lavis, co I.
i-M ~, lyvMuUd —Col. Isaac Rodgers, mortally; Adj’t
11 m * -Ctmningbam, sabreent right wrist; Lieut.
"IB : Vm ; Shelow, cp. A, wounded in leg; Segt. Jos.
JB "• ,oss > W. I sett and Richard Kewman, co A :
13 " Livingston, John Stewart and Miles Mc
"M Cartney,.co. B ; Alex. Hays, co. C ; Segls. Hoi
m Ihihl and Bentley, co. E ; Ist Sergt. Jacob Beck-
Si “art, 2d ;Sergt. Solomon Beyer, 3d Sergt. Thomas
» Boamer, Corp. Jacob Bossert, John Wallace, Pa
|S v *d and Thomas Montgomery, co. H.
'W AII ‘be Sergeants but one, in co. H, were
■Jr wounded. " .
lux Draft.—lt is estimated that the draft
which will take place in the several Slates that Save
not yet filled Ureir quotas will add one hand red
thousand! men to the army. It, ia also
that the amount of groceries and’ provisions kept
on hand fit Fritehey’s is sufficient to supply every'
body and| all ihe.r friends, Hcbas Just-added to
his stock !200 bushels of prime, river, seed potatoes.
Farmers land should make a note of that.
t_ J'otjc*.—Certain persons have insinuated and
, c ' rcu 'atcd the report that I am showing canipto
S tureB ,lla f * did not execute. There, are no Ipicj-
H tines in my cases or frames did not execute,
;i't4 ar ‘ d *® P re pared to do the same if not better i rork
■' any timtj that persons call on me. Gallery on
Virginia street, opposite Kessler’s Drug store.
A- A. vkns. Photographer,
v| Srnvasa » Qoxhap. Prop's .
The I GfiE AT Secrbi'.—One fact 4as
*0 he P rett y universally recognized,
'lit‘f : ,hRt fo,,tuneBar « not made in trade
|sjy ithout some forms of advertising. There
*re more fortnneAestablished in a judicious
advprtisingthan in any thing else,
Jg" d knowing exactly how to get trade.—
PuWic have become accustomed to hav-
J9u>g the claims of all trading establishments
gKpregentiid to them in'some form of adver-
Each man has his own way of
jg-expreMng himself, and each trhdehas its-
special wants. There is the feet, of
|H course, . that the absolute necessaries of life,
bo bought somewhere, and people
bny where they can cheapest
jß«nd best. This accounts for Fritohey’s
SBgreat “run ol Custom.” His prices are rea
□gftsonable, and his stock unsurpassed in the
county. " ,