The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 25, 1864, Image 1

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    rfer.the Unfortunate*-?
. ;
■gas**?* ' . T‘, I
|l£l/ffnn ‘Darks, Hoots & Leaves.
|l JBXKOV,tI|e grew Indlkli Ilirnrrtic
H&ftf Ihe mtiftuS organs. «tch jin Jncontinn
KiMvlHfiaiuaUQu of the tiladflrr, liiflsurisijmi
Smlai* la th* Bladder. Stricture, Qnre)
Kttd i»’e»|>ccUlly recommendodih thn«e
■fiMfcr Whit** in females) wbemaiLth*
Mirras highly concentrated (oriu r
frflupponfuls thtvo times petduy.
!•* it** action: purlfvluJ
frtoflow iii«llof il|!|»r.f.
Mps« from the syatoin *ji
ig|jjirhtth hafeinduced disease. j'
is io tended a#i an aijyor *«
w*»»«djr, and vhuold bo used hi
MRbljmfidfpiw in all caaea pf. Qoiieeiien
HfeKSMjWfl-. It* effect are healiocaodtii
burning andalauml un«in) U Hl»l*
witli nearly all the cheap
ami Chw*kee litfaotkm
«**at the .aanie time—all Imnroue?
>Tiwl* and the weakened orgau*^}^^?
lyi&r awl strength... ********f
ohr }tampelet from aa» Ann,
tifjf. or to us and we
Hemwly.j»er boltlu. »p -three ihnt-
ilijwlioD, per Umle or Uire^bottle*
«*f iu any aAlre«* on receipt of price,;
igieverywbgie. ~ \
Pit W, H. MEHWIN Jfc 00,;
jf- Sole Proprietors
r< No. N«t York.
£(*rmatorrhea,Seminal Weakness
?n*.and Ml dwiiw» caused by *elf-p<jL
*** of Memory. Universal
w» O Vision. PrematureOM Age, Weak
to injthlw, Tremblia* W*k«fulnf«.
Ppbe, Pale Countenance, Insanity,' don*
th* Direful Complaint* canaedljy d*~
of nature. ' \
im simple Vegetable extract, andone on
-.** It has been used In our pnctlcvjfor
‘ith tliotisaud treats?. ilbaenotSlM in
Its curative lowershavelj**n*afß<3i«nt
r the most ktubboro caee.
petriAod with Ibelr constitution until
yes beyond,the reach of medical aid.wt
rmtf£the will re.-
urn! alter sIT (jaack rfoctbm
►far*.; yei a Circular .from "blur .Drug
*y, or write the Proprietor*/wh« will
iK' dcslrbg the same, a full treatJee’iQ
Mttle. i»r three little** ft»r $6, and fiirwur
aXlpa rt- of tin* world; ' r, .
ertam** drnggUhi everywhere.
Pit W. R. MKRWIN k 00,
Sole Proprietors,
No. s‘» Liberty Street New Ycrfc.
»FTF.R xjuum lU<
W Vkutarle Extract*, Coatßinm
rumors t<>. thk most dkucatc, }
I Wixir i* the result of ‘modern discolr
•k 'kingdom being ‘an entirely new
W of im-spoctire of allU»e ojd;
[kptt teetefd by the most mnintotasd'
pfcctby Utto proiKfoncwi th be one of
&fcbrerfe» of the age.
e General Debility.
UyeteHcs In Females.
llpiMtibb cf the heart. 1
•» the organs of rcgeaenuwio. - • J
Wrat ft« BajlsuM mil fail
i.WontisaaHaf Impotencr. 1
in«« fiachuk.
■ toapbaly rigor and rbtxut huttl>
»*■#>*» and daypalring derates of
ud ***,«*» orar-Uaked mu of
MWWm depnadon, the iodltidual
frum ndmtgf a un
}<teatoi&tto aad oc eminent r»UW by
ofUfr. ' -
artfira bottJr* for $3, and fcr»«r
Mlpt of antonO;, to anr addnaa. .
• ancrywlMre* ■. \ L
Br.W, *. kURWIN X o *?
Da S liberty Btr«t, New Tock.,
:, i I
nfimoHmt, a*d the Mnranrr «/
witmm Of the Monthly JPrrtait. 1
M' ' 4iMu<r '
thoee nnmerotw . that
>y,hfr TMBOTing the lrr«*nlartty
end Painful Uemtty : ,
meat (ChlOroab.) : " -r
M Spbtd Affection*. paira In the
[i tt* IW^r,MemrUieea, Patlpw USiij
townee* of Splr-'
tjaAe. fllddlßen. rtr„ etc. ,:»'•!?,•
pWMfi they remove the can**)!?-
from It. ■ ''rijiv
ftcffntaU* extract*.. they coqiqtetc
ItefgwMtbtfeio, howerer 4elii?M v .
Matftiile Mrengifa (hr ireaXaew,;
wA toy n«»»r fail to do. * ’
It’d Rf aaj aac and at any peHaH i■,
•t*** o ****, (taring ; which .aMaWihv
“f*o» WWJlfl lD^lialily
nr advice ,ir||lbe
Wi ho*. '' •
w»ibr,sS. -- :
: »fcW;ji.ici{Wiii * oa_ .
ETfQiGEK & TUCK, Manufacturers
of »od Wb«*M*lo anil Retail dealers li*. Reurty-mitde
Clothing, awaW -reepectfoUT invite the ettentio.i of the
public to tlie following tacts In leferenco to their stock.
Ist. We manufacture our own icooK They are mode
up in our own Store, in Philadelphia, under pnr immediate
•uperrUiun. and wo know they ai - well nuule and can he
' « utra'iited •
aa<l to the largest quantity of Ready-made cloth
tie in the market.
Sod. We bar out* Cloths directly from the Importers and
vUnntactorers, consequently we save the per centago put
uu irtf middle men.
3rd We sell our Clothing at a reasonable percentage
v.vt the cost of our Cloths, thereby saving the purchasers
oi Clothing the percentage which mm trim added by those
who huv from second hands to sell again. jWo retail our
Clothing at tin* miqo price which othei merchants pay
M- their* at whrilesale. consequently those who buy from
us t.*i their g'.Mwia at the same price which other Clothiers
p.*y f**r thelm in lh« city, thereby saving said Clothiers’
We have branch Stores in
where goods may be bad at the wmi- figures at which we
•ei! them herein the city.
If any person has been told, or imagines, that Tucks
Store, in Albania, is - played out,” let such person drop
into hi* establishment, on slain Street, and examine his
solids aud price®. . ,
SVholewile House. No. 702 Market Street, Philadelphia.
|W. 2, 1863. —cf
•*),|cb, for style, quality and price, cannot be,surpassed in
this neck M ’country. ‘ Hie stock is much larger than
hstatoforeoind iirt it is quite an object, in these exciting
wet- times, forgery one to purchase where they can get
<5 ;
fc; ;
<• !'
BLEACHED MUSLINS from 23 to 45 cents oor rani
YELLOW - • - 24 o3T* - I -
CALICO lb to 25 ••
DELAINES •* 30 to. 55 ••
am<{ *ll other article* in proportion.
i hare also a foil assortment of GLOVES, HOSIERY,
COLLARS, and NOTIONS generally. {
My stock of SUlUnery Goode embrace* everything in
(hat line usually kept in the country. j
I.hare marked ray goods down to the lowest figure FOR
CASK. Believing that my goods and prices will prov*-
satUCictory, 1 invite a call from the public, !
rrrkopa McClelland.
of-th* Latest Style*, and as to quality, color and price can
not fail to please ail classes.
- I hare also bought an immense stock of
the nutforlty of .which are city make and will be ira&ran
twd. My assortment of Ladi«e» and Childrens’ Shoes is
complete, allof whkh. I am now offering it a email ad
vance on wholesale price#. T
benefited by girlng this their
attention and call and examine my rtock, as I feel confi
dent I can pleaae all.
nx&Lza is
Tobacco, Cigars, Staff, Pipes, &c., &c.,
A»*ie ttmtyJUoona, ik.
Agknjsbal a s s o b if mint
of Goods in hu line coDOUntlron hand at the loweet
caah price*. fKeb. 7,1865
iMM. on tk« Piano-Forte nod Melodson, jby Miss M.
Tmkh. |lO per quarter. ,Ko charge for
th«ma of th» Instnrnicnt. ReMdcneo on Catharine Strest,
Wmt Altoona. rj»n.^6.1862.-tf.^
Oent’« Model Improved SHIKTB—CMimere wd
huUd Shirt#—line Rod coerce—white Mid colored—tt
Boston ceackebs—a laege
>«pplf of thM# delleiOo* ereelnn jut received
•• pemaat
McGmiM <Sk BERN,
ffUIE uiiiiersipncd would respectfully in-
X form this citizen, of Altouua and surrounding conn
try, that he has Just returned from the East, where he baa
selecting his stock of
The Best Goods and at the Lowest Prices,
hs would khv that lie can Bnd will sell a* low. if imt n
little lower than any other house in this place. He wishes
all 'to cal! and seeUtfe stock before purchasing elsewhere,
as he feels confident he can offer inducements which will
J**fy competition. Ilia stock consists of
LADIES’ DRESS GOODS of every description,
He will sell Ladies Sewed, Heeled Bootees at $1.d0(j41.75
Eip Pegged 1.37@1-60
Men’s Boots 2.706i3.50
BALMORAL SKIRTS, very low. f
White aud Brown Sugut, Rio Coffeee, Syrups, Teas, Ac.‘
an-l verything that is usually kept in a Dry Goods Store,
aud as cheap as the cheapest. J. A. SPRANKLE.
Altoona, Oct. 7,1863.
Dt’i. E. H. R.EI6ART would respect
fully announce to the citizens of Altoona aud sur
rounding country, that he baa recently purchased the
Dm; Store of Berlin k Co., on Virginia Street, opr.ndte
Fries’ Hardware Store. •**
His Drags are Fresh and Pure.
ah>l he bo|K* by strict attention to busmertH, to merit a
•intro of public patronage. '
Pall and examine bis stock. lie has constantly on hand.
rfn / every article usually kept in a First-class Dnuj Store
for giedicinal nee.
Accurately compounded, at all hoars of the dav or night.
Altoona, Sept. 30,1863.
X’ SPBCTFDiXY ANNOUNCE to tte public that mlia
Un* added tc her stock of
IVc. 23d, 186S-ly.
1864. SPRING 1864.
Itake pleasure in issuing this my Spring
-uiirertlwmMt, through Which! would inform my friends
•nd the public generally that I hare just returned from
,th* Ka«t where I bare pbrfehased a fresh Stock of
‘HATH and caps
MHBS g. MANN, Main etreet,
Altoona, p*.
E. H. M-.nKUM.
IV r iinnnni, (payable invariably in advance.) *1 60
All papers (iUcontinued at the expiration of the time
pilM tor
, ' 1 insertion 2 do. S do.
Four Hoes or $ 26 $ •**£•> ♦ 60
One SqttAro. (8 lines)... 60 76 1 00
Two •• (16 ” ) 100 160 200
Three - (24 * ), 160 200 250
Ov*r three weeks and less Uuui three months. 25 cents
per square for each insertion.
S month* 6 month-*. 1 year.
Six lined or 1ee5...}...., 1 SO fc i’ l *' $ 5 00
One iniuaro 2 50 -1 On • 00
\Xwo - 4 o<> <*• 10 00
Three - i 4 & 00 S Of 13 00
j p ou , fi 00 In Oo U 00
1 Half a column.. W 00 14 20 00
j Ooct column 14 00 25 00 40 00
j Administrators ami Jfiaecotors Notices 1 78
Merchants advertising by .the year, three squares, ;
with liberty tochapge -
Professional or Business Cards, notexceeding * line®
with paper, per year •• ®
Communication* of a political character or individual
interest, will be charged according to the above rates.
Advertisement* not marked with the number of inser
tion* desired, will bo continued till forbid- sw charged
according to the above terms.
Business notices five cents per line for every insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square
Dedicated to Cbionel Stater's IMth Regiment P. V.
The army is moving on labd and on sea.
To crush the fool traitors—the foes of liberty.
Htover is unr leader, he’s gallant and tree,
We’re marching for the Union and the red white and bine.
We are marching along, we are marching along.
Stover is our leader,and wo are marching along.
The Union foievej—let this be our song
For Union ami Liberty we are marching along.
Whilst the tear* of a Nation in sorrow are shed
O’er the graves of its children —the loved and honored dead
Millions unborn will yet curse the hand
Thai struck at the flag of our bright happy.lunu.
Our fathers hare perished in conflicts long ago.
For the Union that trsptors would overthrow,
But with hearts true and loyhl and arms|brav** :tnd strong,
We’ll bear it—dear flAg-tin glory along.
We’ve parted from our friends, and our wive- and chil-
d i endear.
Speak to them kindly, aud dry away each t*ar,
For the laud of. our Washington, *! ever must be
The laud of the brave ahd Uie home of the free.
Our hearts will oft wander afar to our homes.
To loved ones in sorrow weeping alone.
To dear wives and sweethearts, whose kindness we know
Hath cheered our Mid soula in days long ago.
When the conflict is ended, and the cruel war is o’er,
And the cannon's wild thunder is heard again no mon4.
Millions of hearts throughout the loyal North,
Will welcome back the brave boys of the Hundred aud
2'heir Deplorable Condition Cruel Treat
ment —Terrible Suffering and Starvation.
A correspondent of the Philadelphia
Inquirer, recently visited the U. S. Hospi
tal, in Baltimore, where the prisoners late
ly released front Richmond were taken.
Me says: I had indeed entertained doubts
that all the tales told of the horrible treat
ment to which pur gallant Union soldiers
when taken captive, and imprisoned in
Libby, Castle Thunder, on Belle Island,
and elsewhere in the ‘‘cbivalric South,”
might be exaggerations. I was anxious
to see and know, and feel, by direct per
sonal observation, that there l might be
some mistake in their heart-rending rep
I had hoped there could be some miti
gating circumstances discovered, of which
the world was not yet informed, that would
form an excuse,- though a poor one, for
our enemies in the South, for thair disre
garding, as had Been repeatedly represented,
the laws of civilization, of humanity, and
of Christianity,; in the treatment of de
fenceless prisoners captured by the rebel
And what 1 Saw, I confess it pains me
to admit that all these hopes were fallacious.
Enough, far more than enough, came with
in actual range of observation, to force
pie to the irresistible conclusion that these
poor creatures hive been neglected, starved
and ill-treated ;pn purpose, and with de
liberate inattention.
Out of aboutthrae hundred whom I saw,
there was not a single man or boy whose
woe-begone countenance, emaciated frame,
depleted limbs, sunken eyes, parched lips,
shattered memory, haggard contour and
filthy did not show, plain as the
light of heaven, wanton, intentional ne
glect and starvation.
But few of them hod been really sick,
except where that sickness had been su
perinduced by absolute exposure. Great
stalwart men, of massive frames, who, pre
vious to capture, were full of vigor, and
free from every kind of disease, were re
duced to mere skeletons, exhibiting noth
ing but skin anti bone. In some instances,
from the gnawing of vermin, festering sores
had supervened! and their bones wnresnet
ually protruding through the skin. Young
boys, too, once possessed of ruddy cheeks,
and full of Hte, were wasted away to perfect
When i asked these' patients if they had
been sick or wounded, “ No!” was the rev
ply, “but we liave been starved; exposed
and neglected, until Nature gave away.”
This response, tpo, came from feeble, al
most inarticulate voices, through fevered
Ups, void of blood, and estranged to mois
a. a dehs.
There was a languor, a'pallor and dead
ness, or want of expression, save that of
woe, in their glaring eyes. The very life
spring of life itself seemed to have been
dried up for'waht of nourishment. Even
memory, in nearly every instance, had ei
ther forsaken its throne, or ceased to per
form the natural functions. There was a
tardiness of recollection and vacancy of
thought, which verged upon denientatiou.
One man, indeed, had fallen into abso
lute insanity, and died whilst I was visit
ing the hospital. I saw him laid out a
corpse, with another weakened, starved
and sickened fellow soldier by his side at
the same time, who yielded up the spirit
only a few moments before. He too, had
just come from Belle Island to die.
It Was no uncommon tiling to see pen
of powerful athletic frames, who, when ta
ken prisoners, weighed one hundred and
eighty to two hundred pounds, reduced to
less than a hundred pounds, nor had they
ever been sick One tall corporal, about
six feet five inches in height, looked like a
walking skeleton, or a ghost upon stilts.
I think it would be safe to say, admitting
not of an isolated exception, that out of
the three hundred recently returned Union
prisoners' now in this hospital, they have
lost each a third of their former physical
and mental status.
Looking upon them forces the idea that
they were purposely brought to the very
verge of starvation and misery, that they
might be sent home to die, or be useless
forever afterward. Had they been thus
reduced by wouiids, sickness or disease in
cident to the course of nature, or acts of
Providence, the beholder would not feel
surprised. But such was not the ease, nor
did it appear looking upon them.
Three-fourths or more of the whole num
ber complained of nothing but cruel treat
ment, neglect and starvation. It has been
said, and often repeated, which to me was
certainly a mitigating circumstance, that,
the Confederate authorities gave our men,
whom they captured and imprisoned, as
good food and accommodations as they
were able to give their own people.
We arc, howeier, confronted with an
overwhelming argument against this asser
tion. It is this: It' they feed and clothe,
and treat their own soldiers no better
than these poor, starved, depled, weakened
prisoners, sent home to us, one legiiueut
of stalwart Unit u troops, such as ours are,
would desticy the entire Southern army.
It is ocularly demonstrated that men,
cared for only as these poor creatures have
been, can scarcely rise trom their beds, or
when up, hardly draw one leg after the
other. There is not a man among them
who could carry a musket and march a mile,
and if inclined to do it, their minds and
memories are so that they could
neither act nor tight intelligibly-
Without argument, I leave the reader to
draw his own rational inference. Do the
rebels treat the prisoners they take from us
as humanity, civilization and Christianity
require? Will the civilized nations of the
earth render their verdict yea or nay"!
I had numerous special interviews with
many, of the prisoners, all of whom gave
evidence of being fairly educated. One'
venerable old gentleman from East Tenn
essee, fifty-seven years of age, had been in
carcerated for. alleged political offence; or
in other words, because he was a Union
man and loved his country.
Not content with depriving him of all
his property, and driving his wife and chil
dren from a comfortable home, they al
most sapped the foundation of his life by
cruel incarceration. He appeared to be a
truthful, honest farmer, and declared he
saw a Union prisoner deliberately shot dead
by a heartless guard, while quietly eating
his scanty ration 'at the prison window.
Another one told me that in General
Hospital No. £4, in Richmond, while there
were five hundred and eighty prisoners
brought in during a single month, live hun
dred and fifty-five were taken out dead in
the same time. The steward of this hos
pital, who belongs to our army, informed
me that from the Ist January to the Ist
of March, out oi thirty-seven hundred sick
fourteen hundred died, the greater portion
of whom could have been saved with pro
per cave.
On “ Belle Island” the suffering was
unparalleled. 1 saw many-—a dozen or
more—who had their feet, fingers, hands
and toes'frozen off, whilst exposed to the
severe weather in this desolate abode. To
keep from freezing entire they were often
compelled to bundle together by dozens,
and change positions as those in the Inside
got warm, while the outside ones began to
Death, the dead and tlie dying, grew
familiar to all, and manyprayed for a
hastening of the hour of disolution. It
was ho uncommon thing to see twenty,
thirty,, forty and fifty dead bodies carried
out in a day, or to gee them strewn around
like carcasses of dumb animals.
Dugs and rats were caught when oppor-'
tunity affonled, and eaten by prisoners on
this island as choice morsels, and an old
bone discovered here was gnawed as a "del
icacy. What became of the. many gifts
of provisions sent from home,
confined here, with extreme exceptions,
could not tell, save where they saw them
[independent in everything.]
at times eagerly devoured by the rebels.
I heard manyj very many tales of hor
ror, in which there was a universal con
currence of sentiment from these prisoners,
all ot which, together with their haggard
looks and forlorn condition, could not fail
in bringing conviction that they have been
inhumanly treated. I speak from seeing
and knowing what Tassert.
Let public sentiment throughout the civ
ilized world frowh indignantly on shell lay
barity, until the burning blush of shame
melts the obdurate heart that thus coldly
"countenances such cruelty.
There are some of .this same lot of pris
oners at the West Hospital and Newton
University whose condition is still worse
than those already noticed. It is lament
able to hear them recite tales of woe and
horror, such as eating dogs, rats and other
loathsome things,
Since tiiey have become rid of vermin,
and thoroughly cleansed, received new
clothing, obtained rest and suitable nour
ishment, breathed pure air, and enabled
to realize once more that they are human
beings in a civilized country, a most hope
ful change appears in them. Not a few
begin to threaten retaliation, should an op
portunity be afforded.
They are particularly struck with the
contrast between rebel prisoners returned
from Union prisons,—fat. hearty .and in
good spirits,—with that ot our brave boys
who are sent back from “ Libby,” “ Belle'
Island,” and other treasonable pest-houses
ragged, lousCy, sick, starved, half dement
ed, wholly unmanned and ready to die.
“ Mercy on us! What has happened
to your father ? Run out quick, Charlie,
and open the gatA What is the matter,
John ? You are as white as a sheet.”
“Kitty Tm drafted!”
In place of falling to crying and moan
ing, as is the fashion of some of our women,
Kitty Bragg laid her hand heavily on her
husband's shoulder. .
“John I’m ashamed of you ! If you
were a child ! I would give you a good
shaking. Compose yourself before Charlie
comes in—l would not have him think
his father was a coward !”
“That is a hat'd word, Kitty.”
“ I know it, John, but the case de
maiitls it. I would not have you lowered
in yqur boy's sight. Now, John Bragg
let you and me talk sense ; let ns reason
the matter together. You are a good
man, John—a good husband and a good
father. You are a brave man, too, des
pite your trembling nerves. Who plunged
into the river, just above the rapids, alter
poor Crane’s only son 7 Who flung him
self before old Mr. Morris’ mad horses,
and saved the old; man's life 1 Why just
John Bragg. I know what ails you, John.
You are physically nervous at the report
of firearms or the sight of- blood. You
have spent your life poring over books,
and never tried to overcome the weakness.
But you can overcome it and'you must.”
This “ must” was said smilingly.
“ I must indeed, for the die is cast, and
there is no escape. Ido not think it want
of courage and I atn sure my heart
glows with love for my country. You
know Kitty, I have given freely of nay
poor means, but whenever.l think of going
to battle this strange tremor assails me,
and I am reduced to the weakness of a
child. I shall be disgraced, I know,—
Don’t you wish you had a brave husband,
Kitty? 1 wouldn’t blame you.”
But Kitty did not hear. She: sat by :
the kitchen' hearth, leaning her brown
head on the jamb of the huge old-fash
ioned chimney. Her thoughts :at last
formed themselves into words —
“ I verily believe, John, it is a thing
you can’t help—ijt is your misfortune, not
your fault. ps sell the place. , Joe.
Martin will give five hundred dollars for
it, and then you can get a substitute.—
We can rent the little red house on the
Murry farm, and then—”
• “ Never, Kitty! Talk no more; 1
would indeed, be a coward then. What I
deprive ray loved: ones of a home fo save
myself from hardships ? Never, never !
It is not my life j am afraid of; it is just
the din of battle and ■ the dreadful car
nage. I will go, my dear wife, and you
must help me to be brave and do, my
duty.” * |
The morning came at last that the
drafted men were to join their regiment.
There was many; a tear shed by wives,
mothers and sisters, but Kitty Bragg shed
none —she. had ocher work to dp. She
stood talking with John at ihe end of the
platform. / ;
“ My little Bible is in your knapsack, j
John. Read it often. Whenever ;yoti
feel that trembling coming over you, John,
pray to God, and he will strenglhing you,
I know be will.” : ;i *
“O! Kitty, How can I ever leqpe with*
out you?”
This almost : upset the brave little
'woman; but she:stilled the quivering lip,
and smiled through her tears. When: the
order to fall in was given, John laid his
hand on her head, and said, tenderly—
“ God bless you, Kitty ; you; are; the
beat wife ever a poor man had.”
She lifted up£er month for a kiss ; hut
the- White lips were mute —dor the life of
her site could not have spoken.
The train moved off, and ,Kitty went
home. She shuddered as she crossed the
doorstep. The cWflt ticked more lon el/
than she had ever heard it, arid all seemed
like desolation. Kitty sat down in her
little sewing chair and wept’ like a , child.
Charlie came in, his face alt Kglow and
his eyes dashing.
“ What! mother crying? Why, I
think it is a glorious thing to raise one’s
ami tor one’s country—a thing to die for,”
lie said dreamily.
“ Yes, my dear son, it is glorious : but
it is sad too. I would not call him back ;
but 1 will be yery lonely.”
After that one burst of tears, Kitty was:
her own calm self again. Time passed on,
and save that Kilty prayed oftener, and
was more grave than her wont, one could
see little change in her.
Charlie went off to school in the morn
ing, and she was left alone all day. Bro
ken ejaculations often escaped her lips—
prayers for the safety and “strengthing” of
her husband, until at last it became a habit.
• On Saturday, as she was baking and
churning, as usual, her heart dull of prayer
for her husband.
“O, £rod ! strengthen poor John, and
let him not flinch in the day of battle.—
Charlie bring me some more chips: for
this fire won’t burn.”-
A neighbor, who was standing on the
doorstep, smiled at the mingling of prayer
and business.
“Have you heard the news, Kitty?”
The fear that John had deserted br
done something cowardly took Jill her
strength away, and she sank down faintly
on a chair. '
“ What is it Mary?”
“ Why they had a riof in camp. Some
of the men deserted and some mutinied,
and John —bless me, Kitty, your milk is
all boiling over.’”
“ What about John, Mary 7”
“ Why, John was the only one in his
company that stood firm all through. He
was as brave aS a lion, though some of the
half-crazy fellows threatened to shoot him
if he did not join them. He influenced
our boys to be quiet andjdo their duty. He
told them it would only be for a little
while ; that after while they would have
a better camp and better rations. My
Joseph said he shouldn’t wonder if John
came home with gold straps on his shoul
ders. His being so brave, and having so
much influence over his men, pleased the
colonel very much. Ain’t yon glad,
Kitty was crying for joy—that the lirst
news of John should be good.
“ Jacob said in his letter that he said to
John, after the fuss—
“‘John, how could you be so brave and
firm when there was so mugh confusion,
and these fellows had their bayonets point
ed at you V
“ Your John replied —
“ ‘ Jacob, I came here to do my duty, and
lam determined to do it; and, besides,
how could a man go back from the right
path with such a woman as my Kitty at
home praying for me ?’ ”
This made Kitty’s tears flow the faster;
but they were joyful tears.
All young men who fear the draft, go
find a wife like Kitty Bragg.
xo the Pig. —Our old friend
Josh Billings, in bis practice philosophical,
treats us to a treatise in the Harding way,
relative to the pig.
Az: the white rose wakens into buty, so
duz the white pig cum to gladden uz. His
cars aro tike tbe lilac leaf, played upon by
the young zephurs at eventide, Ins si lid ness
is the woof ov buty, and hiz Agger iz u the
outlines ov loveliness. His food iz white
nectar, drawn from the full fountain ov
affeeshun. He' waxes fatter and more slick
evera day, and bangs from the buzzum ov
hiz muther like an image of alabaster. He
iaffeth at forms and curleth hiz tail still
cluser, as his feast goeth on, when he riseth
with gladness, and wandretb with his kin
dred beside the still waters. Hiz brothers
and sisters are az mbch like him as flakes
of snow, and oil day long among the red
klover and beneath the white thorn, he
maketh hiz joy, and leadeth a life arcorian.
Hiz words are low music; and biz language
the untutored freshness ov natur. Hiz
paattime iz the history ov innersense, and
hiz lazzure is elegance! He walketh where
gras leadeth, and grumbles - tew the
dalliance of dewy fragrance. He galhereth
straws in his month, and bastetii awn oh ;
errants ov gladness. :He listeneth tew the ;
reproof of his parent; hiz ackshuns are the
: laws qv politeness, and his dogic iz the !
1 power ov instinkt. Hizdatime jis • pease, ■
and his even iz gentle forgitfulness.
Az he taketh on years he loveth cool;
plaaes, and delveth in liquids, and dtirretli
■up the arth to a fatness, and painteth himr
self in dark cullers, a refuge from flies anil
.the torments of life. He fbrgetteth his
parent and becumeth his own master, and 1
iarneth the mystery of food, 'and groweth
hugely. Men gaze at his porkyness, and
kounteth hiz value in pounds, and layetfi
in wajte for him, and sacrifice him, and
give biz flesh salt for its safety—
* ——This i* pig life; ;
lu the East Tennessee Convention at
Knoxville, on the 14 th ultimo, Parson
Hrownlow delivered one of bischaracteris
tic speeches, of which ’he following were
the principal, points:
“I say that for more than eighty year*
slavery has ruled this Governmentand that
lor more than three years, because it could
no longcr rule, it has bought with fire and
sword 1 , and the assassin's knife andtbedua
geon, and the rack and the stake, jand eye
•y device that bell could suggest to ruin
this Government. Since the foundation of
this government there have been nineteen
Presidents Of these the south have had
thirteen. The North had, in all, but six,
and of these six we kidnapped three and
with them ploughed our cotton fields, as we
plough with bulb and heifers. We have
hud most of the foreign appointments, and
the hind teats of the federal kine at bother
and these things we had when we were not
able to pay our postal expense to the, gen
eral govorment. And why'? We did not
solicit these things—we demanded them.
In the name of our superior manhood, or
peculiar institution, our hightened chival
ry. we demanded them.
‘ ‘Whence this arrogance? We got it from
the negro. * • • ■ And now I
am asked to let him alone as property. 1
fought Andrew Jackson all his life ; hut it
my prayers could bring him from his grave
1 would have had him at the White Ufouse >
when the negro sent the Southren chivalry
to hold a club over the head of that mean,
musty, miserable mockery of a man, Old
Public Functionary. J ackson would have
raised ten feet iu his boots, and kicked the
wretched Pennsylyanjan through South
Carolina into the Atlantic. Ocean. And it
he were here to-day, he would kick these
copperhead resolutions into the ground and
grind them to powder under his feet.
■‘Yes. gentlemen, we of the South Are
responsible for this war. Before Gpd,. 1
tell you 'hat we made it necessary, wheth
er or no ; that we forced it upon the coun
try, and this without the shadowof ah ex
cuse. I have been a pro-slavery man* the
best pro-slavery man in the house. But 1
am a Union man. * So 1 told the Alabama
Legislature in a speech five years ago.-
They were then preparing for war, and
had made an appropriation of two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars for arming! the
State. And further back than that, when
Henry A. Wise was Governor of Virginia,
he wyote letters to the Governors of the
Southern States, declaring that in the event
of the election of Fremont to the Presi
dency of the United States, he would head
an army, march into Washington;'ant! iu
the name of the Sonth, seize and possess
the Government.
•• We of the South have iutended this re
bellion for more than thirty years. South
Carolina aqd two or more cotton States
have never been republican, and never had
a republican government. South Carolina
would have seceded in Jackson’s time, but
the old hero took Calhoun by the throat
and choked him down. And this choking
is a remedy that ought to have been resort
ed to in the Congress of the United States
when traitors like that walking liquor-shop
Wigfall, who had sworn to support the
Constitution of the United States* were in
secret caucus every night plotting this re
bellion. * * And still you ding to slavery.
Well so be it. You will have a good time
clinging to the negro; joy be with you. As
for me, I shall cling to the Union and let
the nigger go. He used to be a local insti
tution among us, but now he is what we
Methodists call an intinerant. * *j *
You used to cry out separation, anti you
got it; and you have it to-day to your
heart’s content. You are separated jfrom
your sons, some of you, and from your
farms and houses, your fence-rails, your
mules and homes. You used to ! out
representation, and you got it. Toq are
represented in every rqbel army in the
South—in every prison and bastile ini the
North, and you have more representatives,
in hell than any other set of men between
heaven and hell.
Liquor in the Abky.—General How
ard made the following sensible remarks
as to liquors in the army, in a late speech:
I did not dijnk at college, 1 did not drink
at West Point ;• but when I got; into the
army I found it was all the fashion. If
you went into an officer's the first
thing was to offer you something ito drink.
U was thought you did hot treat him with
proper respect if you did not- I fell into
jbe habit. 1 drank whiskey arid offered
it to others. When I was at
Florida, I once offered whiskey to an offi
cer and he declined. I urged him to drink
and he drank. A short time after I' at
tended him in tne horrors of delirium tre
| mens, and I made up my mind that it liras
wicked, and that 1 never would do it again:
and have not. Ido not keep it hi iny
quarters or my tent. I know it: is ahanl
stand to take especially for a youhg officer:
but I can "say from ray own experience
that it will pay. ’ *■ ■ ! 1
f»"Troe religiori is a holy life, unfolded
within, hot 'something forced on!n». from
abroad. ' ;
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